KRUK Group Presentation
KRUK Group Presentation
KRUK Group KRUK Group Presentation 2014 Agenda Introduction Operating activities Market position Financial performance Strategy and summary Appendices 2 KRUK – leader on an attractive market Market leader in Central Europe • • • • Poland − market leader with 15 years of operating history Romania − debt purchase market leader with six years of operating history Czech Republic and Slovakia − successful market entry in 2011 Plans to expand business into other foreign markets Young and attractive market The young European debt purchase market has been growing at a brisk pace for the past few years. KRUK has been purchasing debt portfolios for over ten years now, and is among the most experienced players in the industry. Banks are increasingly looking to sell their non-performing consumer loans, and the market is expanding into new mortgage and corporate debt selling segments. Competitive advantage KRUK enjoys a competitive advantage, gained from its innovative amicable settlement approach, combination of debt collection and debt purchase businesses, and long-standing experience in debt portfolio valuation, purchase and collection. Good track record KRUK is a dynamically growing (net profit CAGR of 50% in 2007−2013), and highly profitable business (ROE of 24% in 2013) with a strong cash generation ability (cash EBITDA of PLN 344m in 2013*). Stable team of performance-driven staff The founding shareholder and President of the Management Board of KRUK S.A., together with a supporting team of managers, have been at the Company's helm for over a dozen years, and jointly hold almost 15% of its shares. Source: KRUK S.A. *Cash EBITDA = EBITDA + recoveries from purchased debt portfolios – revenue from collection of purchased debt 3 During its first three years as a listed company, KRUK increased its net profit by 171%, and its share price has gained 108% since the IPO 2010 2011 2012 2013 CAGR Net profit (PLNm) 36.1 66.4 81.2 97.8 39.4% EPS (PLN) 2.34 4.03 4.80 5.77 35.1% ROE 27.4% 27.9% 25.6% 23.5% - 100 90 80 KRUK S.A. share price since the IPO KRU 82.76 70 60 50 40 30 2011-05-10 2013-12-30 4 2013 was another year of dynamic growth: net profit up by 20%, cash EBITDA up by 18%, with ROE at 24% Cash from debt collection activities (PLNm) Financial performance (PLNm) 406 578 Revenue from debt collection outsourcing 484 33 Cash from purchased debt portfolios 382 41 Cash EBITDA* 146 29 126 72 117 140 2007 2008 2009 PLNm 344 212 90 ROE 64 18% 9 2012 98 104 341 2011 164 129 451 198 2010 274 538 42 83 20 36 63 44 Revenue Net profit 292 242 182 343 40 2013 2007 28% 22% 17 2008 23% 24 2009 28% 66 26% 81 2011 2012 2010 ’13/’12 CAGR ’07-’13 2007 2012 2013 Revenue 63.6 343.0 405.6 18% 36% EBIT 11.5 136.7 152.9 12% 54% Cash EBITDA* 34.2 292.3 344.3 18% 47% Net profit 8.7 81.2 97.8 20% 50% Retail debt as at the end of the year, millions of cases (debt collection outsourcing and purchased portfolios) Nominal value of debt as at the end of the year, PLNbn (debt collection outsourcing and purchased portfolios) Accumulated recoveries from purchased debt portfolios (PLNm) Source: KRUK S.A. *Cash EBITDA = EBITDA + recoveries from purchased debt portfolios – revenue from collection of purchased debt portfolios * including personnel under employment contracts and civil law contracts 24% 36 number of employees* 2013 2007 2013 change 1.1 2.8 155% 4.7 22.8 385% 157 1,943 1,138% 751 2,335 211% 5 The KRUK Management Board is the most experienced team on the market Performance-driven managers Effective incentive schemes Piotr Krupa, President and CEO Founding shareholder and President of the Management Board since 1998. Michał Zasępa, Management Board Member, Finance and Risk Member of the KRUK Supervisory Board since 2005. Joined the Management Board in 2010, responsible for finance, risk, investor relations, infrastructure and logistics. Agnieszka Kułton, Management Board Member, Purchased Portfolio Operations Joined KRUK in 2002, initially as debt trading and debt collection specialist; in 2003-2006 served as Debt Collection Director. Member of the Management Board since 2006. Management Board Members' average time with the Company: 11 years Large group of managers who are also Company shareholders Strong focus on staff training and development 15% of shares held by Members of the KRUK Management Board Piotr Krupa 13,01% Other Board Members 1,35% Urszula Okarma, Management Board Member, Portfolio Purchases and Debt Collection Outsourcing With KRUK since 2002, as Director of the Telephone Collection Department, and Director of the Financial Institutions Division. Member of the Management Board since 2006. Iwona Słomska, Management Board Member, Human Resources, Marketing and Public Relations With KRUK since 2004, initially as Marketing and PR Director; since 2009 also responsible for HR as Member of the Management Board. Aviva OFE 11,35% Others 54,26% ING PTE* 10,78% Generali OFE** 9,25% Source: KRUK S.A. * Jointly ING OFE and ING DFE, managed by ING PTE S.A. ** as at June 27th 2013 - the date of the General Meeting *** Jointly Amplico OFE and MetLife Amplico DFE, managed by Amplico PTE S.A. 6 KRUK – business model and milestones KRUK Group's milestones – innovation leader KRUK Group's business model banks insurers telecom operators cable TV operators other media 2000 Launch of the debt collection business 2001 Introduction of the 'success only fee' in CMS Debt portfolio market emerges – decision to raise new equity Debt collection outsourcing Debt purchase debt collection process shared debt collection platform, tools and infrastructure (IT, telco, call centre) 2003 2005 Decision to replicate business model outside of Poland 2007 Consumer KRUK the CMS market leader*** Enterprise Investors invests USD 21m (PEF IV) Purchase of first debt portfolio First securitisation process in Poland Branch opened in Wałbrzych Business Entry into the Romanian market Acquisition of Rejestr Dłużników ERIF BIG S.A. Innovative approach to debtors 2008 2010 We help people pay their debts as 76% of all debtors are willing to pay their overdue liabilities* 2011 2012 Amicable settlement solutions (voluntary settlement or litigation) introduced on a mass scale Legislative change – operation of Rejestr Dłużników ERIF TV commercials as a mass debt collection tool Prospects of a large supply of NPL IPO on the WSE Entry into the Czech market Development of the KRUK Group's business in Slovakia Source: KRUK S.A. *Długi jako wstydliwy problem (Debt as a shameful problem), CBnZE, 03/2010, ** Of total debt in collection in 2009, according to IBnGR, *** In terms of the nominal value of debt 7 Unique debt collection strategy Flexible approach to debtors and use of marketing tools offer tangible benefits LARGE-SCALE AMICABLE SETTLEMENT STRATEGY • KRUK as a friendly institution, helping with debt settlement issues; encouragement to contact KRUK • Instalment-based repayment is the Company's key operating strategy • Extensive field adviser network • Use of Rejestr Długów ERIF BIG (ERIF Debtor Register, a credit reference agency) to maintain payment discipline OBJECTIVES: Company image revamp: more lenient, ready to settle amicably Company perception: debt collection is associated with KRUK • Guides for debtors published in the press • KRUK's advertising campaign with an educational and image-building agenda, as well as the Idea Placement initiative targeted at indebted persons were both globally-unique solutions Improved efficiency Improved cost efficiency Amicable settlement improves effectiveness by 10-20% on the typical approach. Thanks to amicable settlements, the Company does not have to contact debtors as often. In 2013, the share of costs in recoveries was 29% (compared to 30% in 2011 and 27% in 2012). Stable cash flows Higher awareness of KRUK Repayments under settlements are more stable and predictable than those made on the basis of verbal declarations. In 2013, the share of repayments under settlements was 62%. KRUK has the highest brand awareness of the debt collection companies in Poland (total recognition of 54% compared with the top competitor's 11%) and Romania (35% and 16%, respectively).* 8 *Source: Report on TNS's survey on awareness of debt collection companies among Poles in December 2013. Report on TNS CSOP Romania's survey on awareness of debt collection companies in Romania in December 2013. Effective tools to ensure consistent approach to debtors ERIF Debtor Register and Raven Law Firm RAVEN – Poland’s leading debt collection law firm, with 379 employees, supports the KRUK Group and its clients and has developed a proven platform for cooperation with debt enforcement officers. ERIF collects and provides information on debtors, as well as on consumers who are timely payers. There are only three such credit reference agencies in Poland. Number of cases filed and amounts recovered • Database with over 1.7m records on debtors • Ability to use the agency as a debt collection support tool since June 14th 2010: Debtor control = ERIF entry + amicable settlement process Efficient pressure-exerting tool for time-barred debts ERIF’s improved effectiveness means higher effectiveness of the Group’s debt collection processes Building a positive credit history of people who have repaid their debt under settlement Recovered amount (PLNm) 300 Number of cases ('000) 350 number of cases −credit management 300 number of cases − debt purchase 250 Recoveries (debt purchase and credit management) 250 200 200 150 150 100 100 50 50 ERIF – an effective tool 0 0 2007 Several million debtors entered in the credit reference agency's databases over the next few years Growing scale and effectiveness of ERIF's use Opening to other client types (creditors) and cases whose data may be entered in the database Higher demand for credit reference information 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Launch of e-Court and electronic simplified procedures in 2010: Lower unit cost of court proceedings Streamlined administration procedures and duration of proceedings cut by nearly one-third (48 days) Changes introduced in the electronic simplified procedures in 2013 reduced the effectiveness of Polish courts, which will increase the role of KRUK's amicable approach. 9 Source: KRUK S.A., RAVEN Law Firm Agenda Introduction Operating activities Market position Financial performance Strategy and summary Appendices 10 KRUK’s competitive advantages Amicable settlement strategy for debt collection - Indebted individuals are treated as consumers Higher recoveries, greater predictability of recoveries and enhanced cost efficiency Operating activities supported by advertising campaigns and ERIF Synergy between debt collection outsourcing and debt purchase - Both products are addressed to the same group of clients – sales synergy Common platform for both products – operational synergy Mitigation of risk related to debt portfolio purchases thanks to additional statistical information obtained from the debt collection outsourcing business - 311 debt portfolios purchased and over 1,800 debt portfolios valued since the launch of business The KRUK Group boasts unmatched know-how in debt valuation, purchase and management Experience in valuation and purchase of debts - - Economies of scale - The purchased portfolios comprise 2.7m debtors and debt with the nominal value of PLN 17.9bn Because of the scale of KRUK’s operations and its amicable settlement strategy, TV commercials and doorstep collection are effective collection tools The large scale of KRUK’s operations enables cost optimisation and extensive use of statistics to support business decisions Successful expansion on foreign markets - Leading position on the Romanian debt collection market Entry into the Czech and Slovakian markets in 2011 Availability of debt financing - Nominal value of bonds outstanding as at the end of 2013 was PLN 575m PLN 215m available for Group financing needs under bank borrowings 11 * including personnel under employment contracts and civil law contracts – as at December 31st 2012 KRUK – first-choice provider of debt collection outsourcing services for banks Debt collection oursourcing Overdue debt portfolio Auction for debt collection outsourcing services – selection of a debt collector Acceptance of cases and initiation of collection process with use of KRUK's tools Three-month debt collection process Uncollected debt cases returned to the client • KRUK has been providing debt collection outsourcing services since 1999 • KRUK has been providing these services continuously to nine out of the ten largest financial institutions in Poland since 2003* • In Poland, KRUK provides debt collection outsourcing services to 46 financial institutions** • KRUK works with seven of the ten largest banks in Romania, providing debt collection outsourcing services and purchasing debt • KRUK also works with three of the six largest banks in the Czech Republic and three of the four largest banks in Slovakia, providing debt collection outsourcing services and purchasing debt • Numerous debt portfolios outsourced for collection are subsequently auctioned by banks – debt collectors with experience in debt collection outsourcing have a competitive edge during debt auctions 12 Source: KRUK S.A.* Banks and loan brokers; **Cooperation in debt collection outsourcing services and debt purchase KRUK – superior experience in portfolio valuation Debt purchase and management process • KRUK has been purchasing debt continuously since December 2002 Debt portfolio auction • By the end of 2013, KRUK had purchased over 311 debt portfolios with a total nominal value of PLN 17.9bn • Over a dozen or so years, KRUK has assembled a unique database of 2.7m debtors in Poland and abroad KRUK's valuation of the debt portfolio • KRUK normally purchases debt portfolios from the institutions to which it provides debt collection outsourcing services Number of cases purchased by KRUK (cumulatively, in thousands) Purchase of debt portfolio 2 363 Amicable settlement process 1 947 ERIF entry and court collection 1 339 713 2010 2011 2012 968 236 2013 94 2004 Fair value of purchased debt portfolios (PLNm) 150 263 719 873 1,054 Growth -1% 75% 173% 22% 21% Source: KRUK S.A. 862 423 Purchased debt portfolios drive up future profit 2009 2 700 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Over the ten years of its operation in the debt purchase segment, KRUK has handled 2.7m debt cases 13 Agenda Introduction Operating activities Market position Financial performance Strategy and summary Appendices 14 High volume of non-performing bank loans in Poland and Romania... Romania Poland Non-performing bank loans in Poland (PLNm) in 2006-2013* Non-performing bank loans in Romania (PLNm) in 2007-2013* 35 000 35 000 30 000 30 000 25 000 25 000 20 000 20 000 15 000 15 000 10 000 10 000 5 000 5 000 0 0 2006 2007 2008 Consumer 2009 2010 Mortgage (retail) 2011 2012 Corporate 2013 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Impaired loans (total) Poland and Romania in 2013: a high volume of NPLs to be put up for sale on the Polish and Romanian markets in the next few years. 15 Source: NBP, National Bank of Romania * As at the end of the year ...and in the Czech Republic and Slovakia Czech Republic Slovakia Non-performing bank loans in the Czech Republic (PLNm) in 2008-2013* Non-performing bank loans in Slovakia (PLNm) in 2009-2013* 14 000 14 000 12 000 12 000 10 000 10 000 8 000 8 000 6 000 6 000 4 000 4 000 2 000 2 000 0 0 2008 2009 Consumer 2010 2011 Mortgage (retail) 2012 Corporate 2013 2009 Consumer 2010 2011 Mortgage (retail) 2012 2013 Corporate The Czech Republic and Slovakia in 2013: consistently high volume of non-performing bank loans 16 Source: National Bank of Czech Republic, National Bank of Slovakia * As at the end of the year Annual capital expenditure in the Polish retail consumer debt market* remains over PLN 1bn Bank Debt Bank and Non-Bank Debt Consumer NPLs in Poland (PLNbn) 2013 2013 28.6 2012 Nominal value (PLNbn) and average prices of portfolios offered for sale (%) 2012 30.4 2011 32.0 2011 2010 33.0 2010 2009 2007 0 10 20 30 40 17% 3.5 11% 12% 2.9 15% 2.0 0 5 10 2013 1.0 2012 1.0 1.2 2011 0.4 2010 12% 2.4 2007 11.0 14% 6.9 2008 13.0 11% 7.4 2009 23.0 2008 9.4 Expenditure on debt portfolios (PLNbn) 2009 0.3 2008 0.4 2007 0.3 0 0,5 1 1,5 As at the end of 2013, the nominal value of consumer NPLs in Poland fell to PLN 28.6bn, as a result of dynamic debt sales by banks. Expenditure on consumer debt portfolios remained relatively stable on 2012. 17 Source: NBP; KRUK S.A. *consumer portfolios = unsecured retail debt + non-mortgage-backed SME debt Supply of retail consumer debt* in Romania has stabilised at over PLN 2.5bn of nominal value Bank Debt The National Bank of Romania does not disclose any information on consumer NPLs in Romania Bank and Non-Bank Debt Nominal value (PLNbn) and average prices of portfolios offered for sale (%) 2013 2.6 2012 2.5 2011 2.5 10% 2009 1.3 2008 1.2 0 8% 2011 8% 2010 3 0.2 0.2 0.1 2009 15% 2 0.2 2012 6% 1 0.3 2013 6% 2.1 2010 Expenditure on debt portfolios (PLNbn) 0.2 2008 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 In 2013, banks in Romania offered higher quality portfolios, which, next to increased market competition, had the strongest impact on auction prices. 18 Source: KRUK S.A., National Bank of Romania *Consumer portfolios = unsecured retail debt + non-mortgage-backed SME debt The value of retail consumer NPL portfolios* in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia has remained stable for the last four years Bank Debt Bank and Non-Bank Debt Consumer NPLs in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (PLNbn) 2013 6.8 2012 6.9 2011 6.7 2010 6.8 0 2 Nominal value (PLNbn) and average prices of portfolios offered for sale (%) 21% 1.5 6 8 0 1 0.3 19% 1.8 4 Expenditure on debt portfolios (PLNbn) 2 0.3 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 The Czech market is characterised by higher prices of unsecured consumer debt compared with the prices in Poland and Romania because of the higher quality of cases offered (shorter delinquency periods). 19 Source: KRUK S.A., central banks of the Czech Republic and Slovakia *Consumer portfolios = unsecured retail debt + non-mortgage-backed SME debt Stable level of corporate NPLs in Poland, with expenditure of PLN 60m Bank Debt Bank Debt 2013 32.0 2012 32.0 1.8 26.9 2010 27.2 1.1 25.6 1.2 0 10 0.11 5% 0.05 2.1 14.1 2008 4% 0.03 3% 0.03 1% 30 40 0 1 0.25 7% 2 20 0.06 4% 3.8 2011 2009 Expenditure on debt portfolios (PLNbn) Nominal value (PLNbn) and average prices of portfolios offered for sale (%) Corporate NPLs in Poland (PLNbn) 2 3 4 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 In 2013, the value of corporate NPLs remained at a historic high of PLN 32bn, with a concurrent fall in the supply of debt offered for sale and in debt portfolio prices. 20 Source: NBP; KRUK S.A. Stable supply on the Polish debt collection outsourcing market in 2013, with supply in Romania back to 2010-2011 levels ROMANIA POLAND PLNbn Nominal value of consumer debts* outsourced for collection in a given year 14 PLNbn 12 12 11.6 10 Nominal value of consumer debts** outsourced for collection in a given year 14 10.3 9.7 9.7 8 10 8 7.2 6 6 4 4.0 4 4.5 3.7 2 4.5 3.2 2 4.4 2.7 1.6 0 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 As in 2012, in 2013 Polish entities outsourced the collection of debt with a total nominal value of PLN 9.7bn. In the Group’s opinion, the debt collection outsourcing markets in Poland and Romania are highly competitive. In 2013, the share of sold cases in the total value of cases outsourced to debt collection agencies increased in line with the prevalent trend for selling debt rather than managing it. Source: KRUK S.A. * Consumer cases in Poland = unsecured and mortgage-backed retail debt ** Consumer cases in Romania = unsecured retail debt 21 In 2013, KRUK’s share in the regional debt purchase and debt collection outsourcing market was over 20% Nominal value of debts outsourced for collection in Poland and Romania (PLNbn) and market share (%) Purchased debt portfolios in Poland, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia (PLNm) and market share (%) 2013 367 2012 309 569 36% 194 2009 33% 44 2008 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 KRUK is the leader of the debt purchase markets in Poland and Romania. 27% 2011 4.3 2010 29% 3.7 23% 3.1 2008 19% 22% 3.3 2009 12% 104 3.1 2012 19% 2011 2010 2013 22% 26% 1.4 0 21% 1 2 3 4 5 KRUK maintained a strong market share of over 20% in the highly competitive debt collection outsourcing segment. Group's share of the debt purchase markets in individual countries by expenditure (2013) 19% 8% 49% Poland Source: KRUK S.A. Romania Czech Republic/Slovakia 22 KRUK is the leading Polish debt collection company In Poland, in 2013the KRUK Group acquired debts with a total nominal value of PLN 5.1bn, more than the aggregate value of debts managed by its three largest competitors, according to a Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet daily ranking*. In 2013, the KRUK Group purchased debt with a nominal value of PLN 2.4bn, representing 21% of the total nominal value of debt portfolios put up for sale in Poland. Structure of the Polish debt collection outsoutcing market in 2013 Other 41% EGB Investments 8% In 2013, the nominal value of debts outsourced to the Group for collection was more than PLN 2.7bn. The second largest player in Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet's ranking achieved less than 40% of that figure. 10 000 28% GK Best Kaczmarski Casus Finanse 8% e-Kancelaria 3% Inkasso 5% 7% Structure of the Polish debt market in 2013 by nominal value of debt (PLNm)* 8 000 4,013 6 000 4 000 2,358 5,082 2 000 2,753 2,500 0 KRUK Ultimo 803 321 362 744 341 764 GK Best Casus Finanse EGB Investments Debt outsourced for collection Debt purchased 822 24 Navi Group *The ranking covers entities which provided Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet with data on the nominal value of debt outsourced for collection, and debt purchased; the 'other' item is KRUK's estimate of the balance of the market share. Source: own research, based on the 'The great challenge facing the debt collection market' article (Wielki test przed branżą windykacyjną), published in Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet on February 8th 2014, and KRUK S.A.’s own estimates. Other 23 Agenda Introduction Operating activities Market position Financial performance Strategy and summary Appendices 24 Debt purchase business - dynamic growth on four markets KRUK's expenditure on debt portfolios (PLNm) 538 367 2013 303 341 569 2011 356 451 309 2012 Revenue (PLNm) and costs (as % of recoveries) Recoveries (PLNm) 230 194 198 2010 140 54 2009 118 28.5% 27.0% 30.2% 30.7% 32.7% 85 Poland 104 2008 Czech Republic and Slovakia 73 2007 0 117 Romania 200 400 600 72 63 0 41 200 400 600 0 29.6% 29.1% 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 25 Source: KRUK S.A. KRUK - Historical recovery to expenditure curve for 2005-2013 and Expected Remaining Collections (ERC**) Weighted average recovery rate for portfolios acquired in calendar years Investments made in 2005-2013 Total 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y 6Y 7Y 8Y 9Y 274% 24% 47% 39% 38% 30% 22% 25% 30% 19% 9Y+ + Weighted average recovery rate for portfolios purchased in 2005-2013 60% Recovery to expenditure ratio: 274% Discount rate*: 40% 40% 20% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Factors having a bearing on the recovery curve: •Effectiveness of the collection tools used •Effectiveness of conciliation activities, including telephone calls, doorstep collection, and media communication •Effectiveness of court collection •Effectiveness of the credit reference agency Rejestr Dłużników ERIF BIG •Debtor behaviour •Macroeconomic situation •Legal environment 9 Recoveries from purchased debt portfolios (as at the end of 2013) PLNm Recoveries Historical (to the end of 2013) 1,943 Expected (ERC**) as at Dec 31 2013 2,105 *Discount rate = annualised IRR based on half-yearly cash flow, assuming investment in portfolios in the middle of a calendar year ** ERC - estimated remaining 10-year undiscounted collections from purchased portfolios Source: KRUK S.A. 26 KRUK performs well on the competitive debt collection outsourcing market Nominal value of debt outsourced for collection (PLNbn) and commission fees (% of nominal value) 2013 2.8 2012 3.0 2011 2010 3.0 2009 0.5 1 0.3 1.0% 2011 2 3 4 1.7% 5 38% 32.9 43% 41% 44.1 43% 41.8 2008 32% 28.7 0 10 20 30 40 Gross profit on debt collection outsourcing (PLNm) 18.7 2013 12.4 2012 41.0 2009 Romania 1.2% 47% 39.9 2010 1.2% Czech Republic 1.1 0.3 0 2012 0.7 Poland 2.6 2008 1.0% 0.3 4.0 2013 1.3% 0.3 Revenue (PLNm) and gross margin on debt collection outsourcing (% of revenue) 2011 17.7 2010 18.2 2009 17.7 9.2 2008 50 0 5 10 15 20 Numerous debt portfolios outsourced for collection are subsequently auctioned by banks – KRUK's knowledge and experience as the debt collection outsourcing market leader give it a competitive edge during debt auctions. The debt collection outsourcing market is highly competitive, but KRUK performs well by leveraging its economies of scale and high operating efficiency. 27 Source: KRUK S.A. KRUK 2009-2013 – fast-growing and highly profitable with strong cash flows 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 ’13/’12 CAGR ’09-’13 -54 140 -194 198 -569 341 -309 451 -367 538 19% 19% 61% 40% 129 85 6 42 2 164 118 10 44 2 274 230 20 41 3 343 303 5 33 7 406 356 -13 40 10 18% 17% -382% 21% 40% 33% 43% Gross profit Gross margin Own debt portfolios Debt collection outsourcing Other products and services 57 44% 39 18 1 75 45% 57 18 -1 144 52% 127 18 -1 194 57% 181 12 1 223 55% 202 19 2 15% 41% 12% 51% 96% 51% 1% 16% EBITDA EBITDA margin NET PROFIT net profit margin 35 27% 24 18% 47 28% 36 22% 101 37% 66 24% 144 42% 81 24% 162 40% 98 24% 13% 47% 20% 42% ROE EPS (PLN) 23% 1.5 28% 2.3 28% 4.0 26% 4.8 24% 5.8 20% 40% CASH EBITDA* Revenue/fair value of purchased debt portfolios Revaluation/fair value of purchased debt portfolios 90 56% 4.2% 127 45% 4.0% 212 32% 2.7% 292 35% 0.5% 344 34% -1.3% 18% 40% PLNm DEBT PORTFOLIOS PURCHASED expenditure on debt portfolios recoveries PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Operating income Own debt portfolios including revaluation Debt collection outsourcing Other products and services -1% 49% 28 *Cash EBITDA = EBITDA + recoveries from purchased debt portfolios – revenue from collection of purchased debt KRUK – over five years, the fair value of acquired portfolios went up from PLN 152m to over PLN 1bn PLNm 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Non-current assets 21.0 15.3 18.8 23.8 27.5 33.9 190.6 192.6 298.7 776.6 943.9 1,128.9 152.2 150.4 263.2 718.7 873.4 1,053.9 25.1 23.8 20.8 36.2 42.7 35.3 211.7 207.9 317.6 800.5 971.4 1,162.8 76.5 100.0 130.3 238.4 317.6 415.6 48.5 71.9 106.3 132.5 213.5 311.2 135.1 107.9 187.3 562.1 653.8 747.3 90.5 46.2 25.2 118.0 169.0 112.9 16.6 16.6 96.9 359.0 427.4 574.5 211.7 207.9 317.6 800.5 971.4 1,162.8 107.1 62.8 122.1 477.0 596.4 687.5 82.0 1.1 1.2 39.0 0.4 0.4 101.4 0.8 0.8 440.8 1.8 2.1 553.7 1.7 1.9 652.2 1.6 1.9 Current assets including: Investments in debt portfolio purchases Cash Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Equity including: Retained earnings Liabilities including: Borrowings and leases Bonds Total equity and liabilities RATIOS Interest-bearing debt Net interest-bearing debt Net interest-bearing debt to equity Net interest-bearing debt to 12-month cash EBITDA* 29 Source: KRUK S.A., *Cash EBITDA = EBITDA + recoveries from purchased debt portfolios – revenue from collection of purchased debt portfolios KRUK – strong cash flows (presentation format) 2010 2011 2012 2013 124.1 197.8 239.8 290.8 Recoveries from debtors - purchased debt portfolios 197.9 341.1 451.3 537.7 Operating costs - purchased debt portfolios -60.7 -103.2 -122.3 -153.4 18.2 17.5 12.4 18.7 -28.1 -41.2 -50.2 -60.4 -3.2 -16.5 -51.4 -51.8 -201.0 -578.3 -323.3 -381.9 -194.0 -568.8 -309.3 -367.2 -7.0 -9.5 -14.1 -14.7 73.9 396.0 90.0 83.6 17.2 194.9 373.7 617.4 Issue of bonds 112.0 291.0 190.0 250.0 Decrease in borrowings and lease liabilities -37.9 -103.9 -322.5 -675.2 Redemption of bonds -34.0 -30.0 -120.5 -101.5 16.6 44.1 -30.7 -7.1 -3.0 15.4 6.5 -7.5 Cash flows from operating activities: Operating margin - debt collection outsourcing Administrative expenses Other operating cash flow Cash flows from investing activities: Expenditure on debt portfolio purchases Other investing cash flow Cash flows from financing activities: Increase in borrowings and lease liabilities Other financing cash flow Net cash flows: 30 Source: KRUK S.A. Agenda Introduction Operating activities Market position Financial performance Strategy and summary Appendices 31 KRUK's development strategy: maintain the leading position on existing markets, further enhance operational efficiency, expand on foreign markets and launch new products • Higher recoveries from existing portfolio New investments on existing markets New foreign markets Growth of credit information and lending businesses • KRUK manages a debt portfolio whose total nominal value at the time of purchase was PLN 17.9bn. KRUK's objective is to become more effective in getting through to the debtors from this portfolio and thus improve its cash recovery rates, which will provide the potential for higher profits from assets already held. KRUK estimates the value of future undiscounted cash flows from purchased debt portfolios at approximately PLN 2.1bn (as at the end of 2013). KRUK plans to: • consolidate its position on the unsecured retail debt purchase market • increase purchase and collection of non-performing mortgage-backed debts • increase purchase and collection of non-performing corporate debts • develop its debt collection outsourcing business • • • • KRUK seeks to expand its presence on new markets by developing debt portfolio purchase and debt collection outsourcing businesses through organic growth or acquisitions of local firms. KRUK plans to enter a new foreign market in 2014, and further markets in the future. KRUK plans to develop RD ERIF BIG SA as an independent credit reference agency, and also as an increasingly more effective debt collection tool. KRUK plans to develop the lending business based on its debtor database. 32 At the end of 2013, KRUK held 311 debt portfolios with a nominal value of PLN 17.9bn and fair value of over PLN 1bn Potential of the KRUK Group's operational assets Debt portfolios [PLNm] 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Nominal value of purchased debt portfolios 1,712 2,164 4,469 3,585 3,791 Accumulated nominal value of purchased debt portfolios 3,909 6,072 10,542 14,126 17,917 Cash recoveries 140 198 341 451 538 Accumulated cash recoveries 415 612 954 1,405 1,943 Fair value 150 263 719 873 1,054 6 10 20 5 -13 Fair value revaluation Share of the amount of revaluation in fair value 4.2% 4.0% 2.7% 0.5% -1.3% Operational initiatives undertaken by the KRUK Group with a view to enhancing its effectiveness in debt recovery Development of the field adviser network in Poland, Romania and the Czech Republic Development of court collection in Romania Enhancement of the effectiveness of marketing measures providing access to indebted persons Increase of the operating scale and awareness of RD ERIF BIG S.A. 33 Source: KRUK S.A. International listed companies in KRUK’s peer group Net profit (PLNm) growth EPS (PLN) growth Equity (PLNm) ROE Intrum Justitia*** Net profit (PLNm) growth EPS (PLN) Growth Equity (PLNm) ROE Net profit (PLNm) growth EPS (PLN) growth Portfolio Recovery*** Equity (PLNm) ROE Arrow Global*** Net profit (PLNm) growth EPS (PLN) growth Equity (PLNm) ROE 2008 16.7 1.10 76.5 22% 208.8 2.63 1,132.5 18% 138.2 3.02 865.1 16% 2009 23.5 41% 1.48 35% 98.3 24% 208.3 0% 2.61 -1% 1,205.1 17% 135.0 -2% 2.92 -3% 1,022.4 13% 2010 36.1 54% 2.34 58% 130.3 28% 213.7 3% 2.68 3% 1,218.2 18% 225.1 67% 4.42 52% 1,494.9 15% 2011 66.4 84% 4.03 72% 238.4 28% 261.3 22% 3.27 22% 1,330.1 20% 308.3 37% 5.94 34% 1,814.9 17% 21.4 0.2 15.3 2012 81.2 22% 4.80 19% 317.6 26% 276.1 6% 3.46 6% 1,411.8 20% 384.3 25% 7.51 26% 2,159.1 18% 47.9 124% 0.4 133% 63.8 75% * Market capitalisation as at August 25th 2014 ** P/E ratio calculated on the basis of the last four reported quarters *** Data translated at the USD/PLN, SEK/PLN and GBP/PLN exchange rates quoted by the National Bank of Poland for August 26th 2014 Source: KRUK S.A., financial reports of Intrum Justitia, Portfolio Recovery and Arrow Global 2013 97.8 20% 5.77 20% 415.6 24% 42% LTM 147.2 39% 8.64 40% 529.2 Market capitalisation (PLNm)* P/E** 387.2 13% 40% 4.87 13% 41% 1,567.8 7% 25% Market capitalisation (PLNm)* P/E** 539.2 31% 40% 10.61 29% 41% 2,649.9 25% 20% Market capitalisation (PLNm)* P/E** 76.8 61% 0.5 43% 534.8 14% Market capitalisation (PLNm)* P/E** 1 610.6 10.9 408.3 CAGR (’08-’13) 5.26 1 361.9 7 686.1 18.8 549.2 10.90 3 017.3 9 171.4 16.7 95.0 0.54 612.6 2 198.9 23.2 34 Agenda Introduction Operating activities Market position Financial performance Strategy and summary Appendices 35 KRUK - 2013 awards and distinctions Second place in the European Small and Mid-Cap Awards 2013 competition, in the Most Internationally Minded Newcomer category. This competition is held on the initiative of the European Commission, leading European stock exchanges and European Issuers to encourage small and medium-sized companies to enter capital markets through IPOs. The White List - Gold Certificate A certificate awarded in recognition of the Company’s 8-year presence on the Wrocław Commercial Chamber’s White List. Dynamic Company A distinction awarded by Bisnode Polska to the most dynamic businesses on the Polish market. Business Sharks 2013 A distinction awarded by the ‘Rynek Kapitałowy’ economic magazine for leading the market and setting a strong course in the ocean of business. Mr Piotr Krupa, KRUK S.A.’s CEO, was ranked among the 25 best managers in finance. A distinction in the ranking put together by the ‘Home & Market’ economic magazine, awarded in recognition of continuous efforts to observe ethical norms, values and standards in the debt management sector. 36 Key macroeconomic data Poland 12,00% 10,00% 10,0% 8,00% 8,0% 6,00% 6,0% 4,00% 4,0% 2,00% Romania 12,0% 5.2% 4.1% 3.6% 2.2% 1.6% 0.8% 0.8% 1.2% 1.7% 2.7% 2,0% 0,0% 0,00% 0.6% -0.1% 1.0% 1.2% 1.5% -0.2% -2,0% GDP growth rate (%) Inflation (%) Czech Republic 9,0% 7,0% 5,0% 3,0% 0.8% 1,0% -1,0% -3,0% -0.3% -0.9% -1.2% -1.4% -2.3% GDP growth rate (%) Unemployment (%) -1.7% -1.2% 18,0% 16,0% 14,0% 12,0% 10,0% 8,0% 6,0% 4,0% 2,0% 0,0% Inflation (%) Unemployment (%) Slovakia 2.6% 2.1% 1.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.8% 0.9% 1.3% -5,0% GDP growth rate (%) Inflation (%) Unemployment (%) GDP growth rate (%) Inflation (%) Unemployment (%) 37 Source: OECD and TradingEconomics. Exchange rates Average RON/PLN exchange rate since 2008 1,20 1,15 1,10 1,05 1,00 0,95 0,90 0,85 0,80 Average EUR/PLN exchange rate since 2008 Average CZK/PLN exchange rate since 2008 0,20 0,19 0,18 0,17 0,16 0,15 0,14 0,13 0,12 0,11 0,10 5,00 4,80 4,60 4,40 4,20 4,00 3,80 3,60 3,40 3,20 3,00 38 Source: KRUK S.A.; NBP. KRUK – debt structure and bond redemption schedule BONDS (PLNm)* Issued Redeemed Bonds outstanding at end of period 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 190 120 427 250 102 575 130 445 41 404 154 250 135 115 115 - * Data based on nominal amounts BANK BORROWINGS (PLNm) Total bank borrowings Investment credit facilities Revolving credit facilities Credit facilities made available by banks Amount outstanding as at Dec 31 2013 215 102 5 1 210 101 39 How does KRUK recognise revenue from purchased debt portfolios? Purchased debt – division into interest and principal For each purchased debt portfolio, the discount rate (IRR for recovery) is calculated based on projected recoveries. The product of the discount rate for a given debt portfolio and the portfolio's fair value is recognised as revenue in a period. The difference between recoveries and revenue reduces the portfolio's fair value in the balance sheet (debt portfolio amortisation). Each debt portfolio is reviewed quarterly. Changes, if any, in actual or projected recoveries or costs prompt fair value revaluation at the original discount rate, and the difference is recognised in P&L as revaluation. Example calculation of recoveries and revenue from a purchased debt portfolio PERIOD 0 purchase value 1 2 3 Σ 70 70 70 110 47 - 100 planned recoveries -100 discount rate 49% valuation at beginning of period 100 recoveries: 70 70 70 210 - revenue /interest/ 49 38 23 110 - amortisation 21 32 47 100 valuation at end of period outcome of planned recoveries and purchase price 79 79 47 0 - product of value and discount rate difference between recoveries and revenue initial value reduced by amortisation 40 Source: KRUK S.A.; NBP KRUK Group KRUK S.A. POLAND ul. Legnicka 56, 54-204 Wrocław [email protected], FOR INVESTORS: