Newsletter Spring 2015 Revised - Sisters of the Presentation of the
Newsletter Spring 2015 Revised - Sisters of the Presentation of the
News A Newsletter from the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, New Windsor, NY Spring 2015 Inside Letter from Leadership 2 In the Spotlight Care for the Earth 3 On Location New England 4 Members of the Earth Committee - from top left: Sr. Mary O’Neill, Sr. Helen Marie Raynor, Sr. Maria Lopez, Sr. Eleanor Joyce Seated from left: Sr. Frances Capich, Sr. Barbara King and Sr. Norma Carney Left: Sr. Barbara King speaks at the “People of Hope Celebrating Earth” Presentation held April 25th in New Windsor, New York. Read more about the Earth Committee on page 3. 2015 Jubilarians 9 Nano Nagle Heritage Center 13 Associate Celebrated 100th BD! 14 and more! Mount St. Joseph A LETTER FROM Leadership May, 2015 Dear Friends, May the peace and joy of our Risen Lord be with you. We are so blessed with the beautiful scriptures that we hear during our liturgical celebrations and in our daily readings during the Easter season. In hearing these words I am reminded of the invitation that our Holy Father Pope Francis has given to us in his apostolic exhortation, EVANGELII GAUDIUM. “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. Those who accept his offer of salvation are set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness. With Christ joy is constantly born anew. In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” Our “new path” is one in which we will continue the legacy of our foundress, Venerable Nano Nagle to go one step beyond to bring Christ to everyone we meet. She modeled for us a life of prayer, sacrifice and good works to bring the Word of God to all whom she met. Our ministries to God’s people have expanded from the education of children to faith formation for adults, parish ministry, care of the homeless, and immigrants, as well as care of the earth and many other areas. This “new path” is one which you share with us through your ongoing donations and prayerful support for the work of our congregation. Have a happy and relaxing summer. Be assured of the continued prayers of our Sisters and Associates. Gratefully in Christ, Sr. Mary Byrnes, PBVM Director of Mission Advancement 2 The Earth Committee had its origin in the spring of 1991 when a good number of sisters attended a talk given by Sr. Miriam MacGillis. Afterwards a small group continued to meet to explore and learn about the New Cosmology. The committee is a grassroots group motivated by a passion for Earth's well-being. Workshops are offered to the larger congregation and when asked by leadership days are organized on various Earth related topics. Speakers are invited to present for congregation days and assemblies. The members have been fairly stable. Initially, Srs. Mary O'Neill and Elena O'Neill RIP, Norma Carney, Margaret Boyle, Theresa Doran, Helen Raynor, Maria Lopez and Eleanor Joyce. Today the committee members are Srs. Mary O'Neill, Norma Carney, Helen Raynor, Fran Capich, Barbara King, and Eleanor Joyce. In the past two years we initiated last August’s congregational picnic, and the recent Earth Day “People of Hope Celebrating Earth” presentations in Massachusetts and New York which were held in April. The Earth Committee is open to anyone who would like to join. Photos from top right clockwise: Sr. Maria Lopez speaks a “People of Hope Celebrating Earth” presentation in New Windsor, Sr. Norma Perelli proudly displays her gardening skills in the Bronx, attendees at the “People of Hope Celebrating Earth” New Windsor Presentation, ROAR (Religious Organizations Along the River Meeting Dec 2014 3 On Location Both Sisters whose ministries are featured in this issue serve at St. Bernard Elementary School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, where Presentation Sisters have been a presence since the founding of the school in 1886. Much can be said about the unseen hands, eyes and mind that support the smooth operation of an organization – or a school. Sr. Pauline Le Blanc (formerly Sr. Mary Petrine) in her position as Administrative Assistant at St. Bernard’s fills that role. As she sees it, she is there to do what is needed so that the school will function smoothly, and that lies in her interaction with people. For instance, since the school has the services of a nurse for only three hours a week, Sr. Pauline is the natural -and sympathetic – substitute, which can mean dealing with anything from a sore throat to a fever, or merely a request for a band-aid. However, Sister is chiefly at the financial hub of St. Bernard’s, which means that much of her day is devoted to financial transactions like paying bills, depositing checks, picking up paychecks, keeping meticulous computer information up to date, and in other ways maintaining the good working order of the school. The unexpected challenge that sometimes presents itself when she answers the doorbell or telephone adds a (sometimes) welcome variation, something that adds freshness to routine. Sister maintains that over the years of her experience as an administrative assistant the interaction with parents, faculty and staffers has been a joy and support. You might say that Sr. Irene Goguen (formerly Sr. Mary Jogues) has spent her years of ministry in a garden, a place of growth and warmth. Specifically, she has been a KINDERGARTEN teacher. No longer an option for parents of fiveyear-olds, kindergarten is a must in Massachusetts, where Sister teaches in St. Bernard’s Elementary School in Fitchburg. Sr. Irene explains that Kindergarten is real school, with a full day’s attendance and regular curriculum in all subject areas: at age appropriate levels there are religion, math, reading and writing, phys ed, music, art, library and computer science in a school day. Of course, there are two other activities: Play Time and Rest Time. Sister tells an anecdote about the latter: “One day when the children were snuggled in their sleeping bags, I could hear some talking while the background music was playing, and traced the voices to two little girls. I gently asked them to stop, and paused to see if they would start up again. Thinking I had walked away, one said to the other, “Is she gone yet? Take a peek.” I surprised them by saying, “No I’m still here.” “Oh, oh,” said the first child, “we’re cooked!” That same spontaneity shows itself in their response to stories about Jesus and their asking to hear more about him. Sister Irene finds it rewarding when parents share with her stories the children have learned about him. Sister emerges from her K world on occasion as school music director. She is responsible for the music at all school liturgies, the Christmas musical which involves children in grades K to 3, and chairs the school’s annual talent show. Photos left: Sr. Pauline LeBlanc and above, Sr. Irene Goguen 4 Pope Francis has dedicated this year (Nov 30, 2014 - Feb 2, 2016) to the vocation of consecrated life in the Church. He has invited the entire Church to come to a deeper appreciation of the charisms of sainted founders/foundresses and to draw closer to Religious in their lives of prayer and ministry. In response the Sisters held open houses on Sunday afternoon, February 8, and were happy to welcome new and old friends alike. The Archdiocese of Paterson, New Jersey has interviewed a number of men and women religious in celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life. One of them was Sr. Margaret Murphy, principal of St. Andrew the Apostle School in Clifton, New Jersey. Sr. Margaret is the seventh in a line of Presentation Sisters who have administered the school since its founding in 1953. You can watch her interview from the homepage on our website: Throughout the year the Sisters will be celebrating, educating and spreading the message of their foundress Nano Nagle. Photo top: St. Andrew the Apostle, Clifton, New Jersey, Open House from left: Sr. Margaret Murphy, Sr. Margaret Mueller, Deacon Paul Carris (St. Frances of Rome ‘72), Sr. Eileen Carmody, Sr. Chris Liegey, in center, Sr. Regina Avard Photo right: Srs. Kathleen Treanor, Anne Ryan, Pauline Chirchirillo, Martha Otterstedt, Christina Dougherty,and Sr. Kathleen Harrington attend a lunch celebrating religious life. The Sisters are excited to offer the following new programs: If I Could be of Service - Year Long Service Program which begins mid August and ends in June, Young Adult/College Week 2015 from May 31st to June 6th, Serving with the Sisters – Summer Service Week 2015 from July 6th-July 10th and Family Service Saturday, October 10th, 2015. These programs offer an opportunity to "spend yourself for the poor" in the Spirit of our foundress Nano Nagle and the sisters that have followed in her footsteps for many centuries. Also offered is a weeklong service project for women age 18 and above at our collaborative Presentation Ministry in New Orleans. We welcome volunteers on an ongoing basis to join us for a long weekend, for an alternative winter or spring break, summer vacation or for one to three months of extended service or high schools and parish youth groups for one day and short-term day service and outreach experiences. For more information: See the tab “Service Programs” on our website - On Facebook -Presentation Sisters Service and Outreach Programs 5 News and Notes A Birthday Celebrated With Smiles! On May 8th, Sr. Paula Cormier (center) was proud to be one of the recipients of the Spirit of Cleghorn Award given by The United Neighbors of Fitchburg. Sr. Paula has been involved at CNC (Cleghorn Neighborhood Center) for the past 5 years and is very dedicated to her ESL students and immigration issues - having lobbied in Boston, led and assisted with several immigration prayer services and events at St. Joseph's Parish. Sister Joan Mulcahy (formerly Sr. Mary Jean) was all smiles when as she put it "two of her favorite boys," St. Bernard’s Central Catholic High School Principal Mr. Robert Blanchard (right) and former Headmaster James Conry (left) joined Presentation Sisters in celebrating Former Headmistress Sr. Joan Mulcahy's birthday at Presentation Convent in Leominster, Massachusetts. Sr. Joan hired and instilled our Presentation Spirit and Charism in both of these fine gentlemen as she puts it "many moons ago", which by the way translates into more than 60 years of moons! St. Bernard’s Central Catholic High School was founded by the Sisters of the Presentation in 1920 as a high school for young women. Today, co-ed with a college prep curriculum, the student body of St. Bernard’s Central Catholic High School hails from two states and 32 communities. 96-98% of its graduates attend prestigious colleges across the country. There is a STBCCHS graduate living in every state in the U.S. and in ten countries around the world. The Sisters of the Presentation were honored for their selfless service to the poorest of the poor in the city of Newburgh by the Ecclesia Ministries at their first Dorothy Day Dinner on October 17, 2014. Sisters Norma Carney and Mary O'Neill (above) accepted the Dorothy Day Award on behalf of the sisters. Srs. Norma and Mary have, for many years, been God's loving presence and support for visitors to The Newburgh Ministry. 6 St, Andrew the Apostle School in Clifton, New Jersey was happy to welcome Clifton Mayor James Anzaldi (standing) for a luncheon celebrating "Catholic Schools Week." Also, seated from left, school secretary, Barbara Hayes, parish secretary, Barbara Quinlan, Rev. Richard Kilcomons, top left principal, Sr. Margaret Murphy, PBVM (formerly Sr. Mary Theresita). Above center, Sr. Yliana Hernández, 2015 Caritas Award winner, with left Msgr. John Budwick and right, Karen DeCrosta The Caritas Award is presented by Catholic Charities Community Services of Orange County each year to members of the community who exemplify the non-profit human service agency’s mission to provide help and create hope. The awards were presented at Catholic Charities’ 9th annual Celebration of Charity dinner on Thursday, March 26, 2015 at Anthony’s Pier 9 in Newburgh, New York. Rev. Steven Shadwell (center), (seated) Sr. Janet Brisky and Sr. Geraldine Corio with (standing from left) Srs. Mary Byrnes, Barbara King and Sr. Patricia Anastasio at 250th Anniversary Celebration of St . Joseph's in Milford, NJ on March 15th. Days of Prayer for Women Sr. Mary McCarthy (formerly Sr. Mary Justin) (right) was honored to receive “The Good Shepherd Award” for her work as Director of Adult Faith Formation and RCIA at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Newburgh, New York. The award was given on Sunday, November 16th by the Catechetical Office of the Archdiocese of New York. On the left is the director of the office, Sr. Joan Curtin, CND. 7 The Sisters of the Presentation regularly offer days of prayer. These days include input, quiet time, lunch and an opportunity to be with other women in prayer. If you are interested please contact Sr. Mary Catherine Redmond at 718-325-5172. The days begin at 9:30 am and end by 3:00 pm. Christmas Ministry PBVM Sisters Visit from India Srs. Patricia Anastasio, Carol Melsopp, Virginia Wilkinson, Norma Carney and Mary O'Neill preparing breakfast on Christmas day for guests in Winter Haven (shelter) in Newburgh, New York. Sr. Pauline Chirchirillo (formerly Sr. Mary Olivia) introducing two Presentation sisters, Sr. Salome and Sr. Jancy to Sr. Irene Goguen and her kindergarten students at St. Bernard’s School, Fitchburg, MA. Sr. Pauline LeBlanc accompanied the sisters around the school during their visit. The sisters are from India and are stationed in Thailand. Fiat Ministries Hosts Program Lenten Day of Prayer The PBVM New England Dream Team “Fiat Ministries” was happy to host the Spring program “Good News People.” Honor or Memorial Donations Honor a friend or family member by a making tax deductible donation in their memory. It's a meaningful way to pay tribute and show how they live on in your heart. Memorial donations will be listed in a special section in our Annual Report. On Friday March 13th, there was nothing superstitious happening at Presentation Convent as we hosted several North Worcester County Massachusetts Catholic Schools for a Lenten Day of Prayer. Faculty and Staff were treated to an excellent presentation by Fr. Jose Rodriquez, pastor in Holy Family Parish, Leominster. The day was organized by Sr. Mary T. Naccarato, Campus Minister at St. Bernards Central Catholic High School. Musical accompaniment for our Mass was provided by our very own Sr. Mary Anne Seliga. 8 Celebrating Our 2015 Jubilarians Each year the Presentation Sisters celebrate and honor those among them marking a special anniversary in their journey of vowed religious life. Our prayers and best wishes are with these sisters. Sister Grace Gately (formerly Sr. Mary Vincent) 70 Years When young Grace Gately was pursuing her interest in religious life, she surprisingly entered into conversation with her gym teacher, who suggested she contact the sisters at another school she was affiliated with, the Presentation Sisters at St. Michael’s High School in Manhattan. She did, and eventually made that choice, and entered the community on February 2, 1945. Upon her reception in August of that year she was given the name Mary Vincent. She made profession of vows in August of 1947. Sister’s long career in teaching began in Our Lady of Solace in Bronx, New York and continued in other schools in New York, New Jersey and Florida. For a number of years Sr. Grace coordinated religious education programs in these areas, and was dedicated to pastoral services in St. Paul parish, Corona, New York. At present she volunteers her services in The Newburgh Ministry in that city in New York, looking back with gratitude on all these experiences as well as on the love and support of the sisters. Sister Mary McCarthy (formerly Sr. Mary Justin) 70 Years Sr. Mary Mc Carthy was received into the Sisters of the Presentation in Newburgh, New York on April 25, 1946, and was given the name Mary Justin. She had entered the congregation the previous September. She made profession of vows in 1948. Sister taught in elementary schools for several years before beginning a career in high schools: St. Michael’s in Manhattan and St. John’s (later to become John S. Burke) in Goshen, New York as a teacher of French. She later held the position of Assistant Superintendent of Schools for the Diocese of Paterson, New Jersey for some years, and later returned to John S. Burke as principal. At present Sr. Mary serves as pastoral associate for Sacred Heart Parish in Newburgh, New York, a position she has held since 1992. Sister Marie Sullivan (formerly Sr. Mary Mercita) 70 Years Sr. Marie Sullivan entered the Sisters of the Presentation in Fitchburgh, Massachusetts on September 25, 1945, and received the name Mary Mercita the following year at her reception. She made profession of vows in August, 1948. Sister taught and also served as librarian for a number of years in Dioceses of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Her work as librarian also took her to the Red Cloud Indian High School in South Dakota for a number of years. Back in Fitchburg she served as music instructor at St. Anthony School, and later volunteered her services in preparing children for the sacraments and working as a literacy instructor. At present she lives in Leominster, Massachusetts. 9 Sr. Margaret Muller PBVM Our Presentation Family - ONE in Spirit Religious Communities are not much different from any other grouping of individuals and/or families. In reality, members of a Congregation are members of a special family. When the Sisters of the Presentation first came to the United States from Ireland they had to form an alliance with one another. Few of them from among the group who came knew one another. They had to adjust and form a new family for themselves. And so they did! From 1874 through 1884, the Sisters residing at St. Michael Convent in Manhattan continued to minister to the children and the families of the parish. One concern of the Pastor, Fr. Arthur Donnelly, was the care of the destitute of his flock. These little ones were also part of the St. Michael/Sisters of the Presentation family. He had a profound desire to establish a home for these children and looked to the Sisters for advice and encouragement. Mother Joseph Hickey and Mother Magdalen Keating accompanied Fr. Donnelly to visit the "Frost Farm" on Staten Island, NY. On July 6, 1883, the Sisters, headed by Mother Mary Magdalen Keating and Mother Teresa Reynolds began their mission of establishing a new family on Staten Island at the newly named Mount St. Michael. It was on the feast of St. Michael, September 29, 1884, that the work of love, zeal and sacrifice for the orphans began. As the orphanage grew, more Presentation Sisters came to help care for the children. The community of Staten Island Sisters became an autonomous congregation in 1890 and thus another new family was begun. In 1989, a little more than one hundred years since our last separation, the Tri-Council was formed. It was an effort to begin the process of initiating the possibility of union among the three groups. In October of 1990, Newburgh and Fitchburg voted to pursue the possibility of Unity. Staten Island chose to remain an independent entity but still connected in spirit and in truth. We, the 3, are still one family. On July 10, 1997, the new Community of the Sisters of the Presentation of New Windsor, New York, was officially proclaimed and recognized and continues to move forward heeding the words of Nano Nagle, Not Words but Deeds. Archivist, Sr. Margaret Muller, PBVM Shortly after the Sisters' arrival at Mount St. Michael, they were called upon to part with some members of their family for a foundation in St. Bernard's parish in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Mother Magdalen Keating accepted the mission. Accordingly, on July 9, 1886, she went forth to set up, and eventually establish the new family of St. Bernard on August 20, 1886. And so we remained, separate but connected through our foundress, Nano Nagle. Our family, apart but intact. Photos: Above right, St. Michael’s Home in later years, right: the union celebration in 1997 10 In Memoriam Sr. Jeanette Boudreau April 7, 1931 - November 8, 2014 Sr. Jeanette Boudreau entered the Sisters of the Presentation in Fitchburg, Massachusetts on February 2, 1950 and was given the name Sr. Mary Trinita upon her reception. She made her final vows on August 20, 1955. Sister taught for a number of years in schools in the Dioceses of Worcester, Massachusetts and Bridgeport, Connecticut, where she also served as Assistant Principal and Principal. She was later called to congregational service as General Treasurer for a number of years, followed by further service as bursar at Presentation Convent. Sister retired in 2007. Presentation Prayer Association Sr. Mary Andre Murphy and Sr. Hannah Cox (right) hold the PBVM Prayer Association Book - the book contains the names of the those the Sisters are praying for. PBVM greeting cards can be bought for any occasion with masses being said for intentions on 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday of the month. Sr. Lillian Beattie (center) and Sr. Brian Elizabeth Barnicle (bottom) manage the Prayer Association in Leominster. Cards are available for every occasion: Sympathy, Healing/Get well, Birthday, Anniversary, Thinking of You, All Occasion. A selection of the cards can be viewed on our website:, Prayer Requests tab, bottom of page. 11 It is our pleasure each newsletter to feature a donor who has been a continued and loyal friend of the Sisters. The Sisters are very grateful to the Estate of Mrs. Catharine Garrity for the bequest which allowed the Sisters to pave a road from the new Mount St. Joseph campus to the cemetery. Mrs. Garrity was Sr. Christine Liegey’s sister and an alumna of St. Michael Academy in Manhattan. Please join the Sisters in prayer for the following loyal friends who have recently passed away: The Sisters were pleased to have Dr. Donaldo Batiste and a friend stop by and visit the New Windsor convent. Dr. Batiste is a former student of Sr. Mary Gregory West and Sr. Mary Lusk. He is currently Superintendent of the Waukegan, Illinois school district and a loyal friend and supporter of the Sisters. From left, Sr. Hannah Cox, guest, Sr. Mary Gregory West, Dr. Donaldo Batiste and Sr. Mary Lusk. 12 Alcide Belliveau Doris Benoit Msgr. William Bradley Lucy Ann Caruso John DeGoes Christopher Dombrowski Rev. Jude Duffy, OFM Cap Francis Duval Michelle Farnsworth Dolores Farragher Charles T. Feudtner Jewel Fitzgibbon Loretta Forpier Deacon Bill Glover Malcolm Hunt Rosemarie Harrington Langley Muriel Hassell Edward Higgins Elizabeth Horuzy Sandy Lapoint Peg Martin Catherine McCaffrey Elizabeth McGurk Helene Minnaugh Elizabeth Moroney William Murphy Annemarie Neiman William Robert Nieman Catalina Nieve John O’Connor Gerard Perelli Barbara Ryan John Scheetz Nancy Stabach David Stampf Edward Sullivan Paul Van Heest Sr. Patricia Anastasio recently represented the Conference of Presentation Sisters at the IPA (International Presentation Association) Annual Board of Trustees Meeting in Cork, Ireland held February 14-21. Plans were finalized for the restoration of the site of community foundress Nano Nagle’s grave, cemetery, relics, archives and some buildings. The purpose is to create a permanent legacy of Nano’s vision and work for the people of Ireland, especially Cork. Sr. Patricia Anastasio far right at conference. From top right clockwise: Sr. Patricia Anastasio in Ballygriffin with Nano’s statue, Nano’s gravesite, Nano’s relics, and right Sr. Patricia at the door to Nano’s first school. Inscription Here lie waiting, ‘tis hoped, a glorious resurrection, the remains of Miss Honora Nagle, Daughter of Garret Nagle of Ballygriffin, Esq., and Venerable Foundress of this Monastery of St. Ursula and of the Institute of the Charitable Instruction whose life and fortune were always devoted to the service of God and the poor: whose piety, humility and self denial made the most salutary impressions on an admiring public and whose charity and zeal were most singularly and successfully exerted for more than thirty years in the instruction of multitudes of poor children rearing them true servants of God and useful members of society. She departed this life envied by many and regretted by all on the 26th of April 1784 aged 65 years. R.I.P. 13 One of our First Associate Ministers turned 100 Years old! When the Congregation invited women and men to become Associate Members over 30 years ago, Yvonne Person was among the FIRST, an Original, to begin her journey with the Sisters of the Presentation as a PBVM Associate! She has continued through the years to be an active member, joining the Community for morning Mass each day and helping the Sisters in any way she could. She came to the Associate monthly prayer gatherings, attended the retreats at Camp Joy and came to Congregational celebrations. Above all, she committed her daily prayer to the intentions for the Sisters and other Associates (and continues to do so). She is currently a “Prayerful” member and lives her commitment through her daily prayer for the Congregation. On December 13, 2014, Yvonne was 100 years young! When asked for the date of her birth, she always responds 12-13-14. She continues to grow in faith and age grace-fully. Yvonne currently resides in an Assisted Living Facility as she is nearly blind and continues to be in chronic pain from her Shingles experience over a year ago. These do not keep her from interacting with the other residents or welcoming visitors. Please keep her in your prayers and know that she holds you in her prayers, too. She is grateful for her many years as an Associate Minister of the Sisters of the Presentation. M. Jane Person, PBVM Associate (Yvonne’s daughter) Above from left: Mary Jane Person, Sr. Paula Cormier and Yvonne Person Chapter 2015 Chapter, that is the approximately five day meeting of elected sisters called delegates, is the highest governing body of the congregation when it is in session. It is a privileged time when the delegates review the events of the recent past and look to the Holy Spirit for guidance in dealing with plans for the future (the Chapter of Affairs). The conclusion of the Chapter is the election of new congregational leaders, President and three councilors, who will govern for the next six years (aptly called the Chapter of Elections). 14 Mission Advancement News Kindle the Flame 2015 Annual Appeal Goal $100,000 $85,000 $75,000 $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 5/10/15 $40,000 $30,000 $25,000 $10,000 Sr. Brian Elizabeth Barnicle, Sr. Pauline LeBlanc (formerly Sr. Mary Petrine) and Ms. Joan Burns enjoy the recent Thank You gathering held in the Leominster, Massachusetts convent on May 2nd. The Sisters were happy to see friends both old and new to show their appreciation for their support and friendship. Thank you to all the friends who have so generously given to our 2015 Annual Appeal, “Kindle the Flame,” which is an important source of income for the Sisters. The money donated is used to maintain two campuses, Leominster, MA and New Windsor, NY. It also supplements compensated and noncompensated ministries and helps provide for our retired Sisters. If you have not yet sent a donation, please consider sending one and helping us reach our goal of $100,000. 2015 Annual Raffle Please look for tickets in your mail during the month of June! Last year was a huge success thanks to the generosity of our donors and parishes that participated. Let’s make this year even bigger and better! Sr. Grace Gately (formerly Sr. Mary Vincent) pulls a winning ticket for the Annual “Give from the Heart” February Raffle! A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who participated in this raffle to make it a success. In the back Sr. Hannah Cox (formerly Sr. Mary Alacoque) joins in on the fun! 15 Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Office of Mission Advancement Mount St. Joseph 84 Presentation Way New Windsor, NY 12553 Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 99 Church St. Leominster, MA 01453 Presentation Sisters Northeast We, the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, inspired by our foundress, Nano Nagle, commit ourselves to the Gospel values of hope, justice, freedom, and human dignity. In union with one another, we pledge ourselves to act for and with the poor and oppressed of our world, and to care for the earth.