NEWSLETTER - alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the University of Chicago
NEWSLETTER - alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the University of Chicago
JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 al pha K appa Del t a Phi UN IVERSITY OF CH ICAGO N EWSLETTER THETA TREBLEMAKERSINSTALLS X iong, Jena "X ena" Yang, Lydia "SiRius.qt" Yuan, and Sherry "aZ ure!" Z hang. A big congratulations to their M om, their Bigs, as well as the Active H ouse for crossing these girls. We can't wait to see all the things you will accomplish as a sister! The UChicago Associate Chapter revealed its newest class, the Theta Treblemakers, on January 8th at their Installs. M any Lambda brothers also came out to congratulate our N ew M ember Educator, Anne 'Verdandi" Qiu, as well as our Theta Class, M adison "dope" Lo, Yili "QUEEN YI" ARROWFEST 2016 aphla Kappa Delta Phi at UChicago participated in Pi Beta Phi's annual Arrowfest performance, where the money raised goes towards the Ph Beta Phi Foundation, a nonprofit that seeks to create a more literate and productive society. Since the theme was Throwback, the sisters danced to a mash up of "All I want for Christmas is You" by M ariah Carey and "Crank That" by Soulja Boy. 1 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 SPRING RECRUITMENT JANUARY 6TH-14TH For spring recruitment, the sisters of alpha Kappa Delta Phi at UChicago organized Rush Week themed "It's Always Sunny with aKDPhi" in the midst of a cold and windy start of the school year. Events for the week included a crepe social with Delta Kappa Epsilon, nail painting and cookie decorating, as well as a service event (see left). The sisters and potential rushees made blankets for the Franciscan Sisters of H umboldt Park. They got to make an impact in the community and experience one of alpha Kappa Delta Phi's pillars. SISTERHOOD BTSR After a restful winter break, the sisters got together for an afternoon for their Sisterhood BTSR. They spent the time catching up with each other, doing makeup, painting their nails, and relaxing before the new and busy quarter began. 2 JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2016 VIOLENCE AWARENESS MIDYEAR In honor of our fallen sister, Valerie Z avala (1983 - 2003), our chapter invited the UChicago Police Department to give us a presentation for Violence Awareness Day. The two officers gave us tips and suggestions on staying safe in and around campus as well as the resources that are available to students. At UChicago, we say N O M ORE to violence, N O M ORE to victim blaming, and N O M ORE to unsafe campuses. Thank you to Effy Fang, our president, and Lillian Sun, our Treasurer, for participating in M idyear in January! You've both put in so much effort for the chapter! JANUARY AND FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS DIAN E LEE LILLIAN SUN 3 JESSICA LEE