Newsletter - alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the University of Chicago
Newsletter - alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the University of Chicago
April- M ay 2016 alpha Kappa Delta Phi UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO N ewsletter IOTA INTERSTELLAR INSTALLS The University of Chicago Associate Chapter revealed its newest class, the Iota Interstellar, on March 30th at their Installs. Introducing our New Member Educator, # 48 Angela "mUmUsonic!" Lam, and Auntie, # 60 Sherry "aZure!" Zhang, as well as our Iota Class, # 61 Sunny "SeRen.dipity" Mei, # 62 Grace "prowl" Su, # 63 Lydia "psylocke" Sum, # 64Justine "supernova" Sun, and # 65 Jennifer "Amaretto" Wang. 1 April- M ay 2016 MIDWEST SISTERHOOD CONFERENCE AT UIUC The sisters of University of Chicago took a trip down to University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign to attend the annual Midwest Sisterhood Conference. We participated in many ice-breakers and even went out for lunch and bubble tea with sisters from other schools. We made many new friends with sisters from schools all around the Midwest and made many new memories! 2 April- M ay 2016 UIOWA AKDPHI REVEAL Rebecca "LA LOBA" Sze and Kangni "SheRlock" Xiao roadtripped with UIC syands Nancy "A-$AP" Bui to the University of Iowa to attend the 52nd chapter of aKDPhi reveal. Congratulations to our National President, Janice "frodo" Lam, on her Charter Chipmunks and our Alumna, Jennie "Matador" Huang on her charter little, Vicky "kylan" Chuong. We are so proud of the accomplishments of the sisters at the University of Iowa and look forward to all the great things they will accomplish in the future! See you at Convention! LAMBDA PHI EPSILON, LOYOLA CHAPTER PROBATE A huge congratulations to the new Charter Class of Lambda Phi Epsilon at Loyola University! Sisters visited Loyola University to support the brothers of Lambda Phi Epsilon in the probate of their newest class. We all enjoyed the performance put on by the brothers and appreciate all the hard work needed to make this happen! 3 April- M ay 2016 UCHICAGO AKDPHI ON CAMPUS DERBY DAYS MIXERS Sisters participated in Sigma Chi Fraternity's annual Derby Days philanthropy event to raise money for the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Activities included dodge ball, banner making, and a scavenger hunt. In May we had a mixer with Zeta Psi fraternity. Since it was a prom theme all the sisters were asked prom-style to the mixer by Zeta Psi brothers! We also mixed with the brothers of Alpha Delta Phi this quarter. PROSPIE RSO FAIR Sisters pose for a picture at the annual University of Chicago prospective student fair. In addition to showcasing the general awesomeness of aKDPhi, sisters also demonstrate the five pillars in hope of inspiring prospective students to join the best sorority! We met girls from across the country who were very eager to learn about our organization and what it means to be a sister. We look forward to welcoming them in the fall! 4 April- M ay 2016 JAPANESE STUDENT ASSOCIATION Sisters band together to support the University of Chicago Japanese Student Association in their annual Matsuri Festival. Sisters volunteered at fun games such as Shateki and Superball Sukui. They had a blast volunteering and learning more about Japanese culture! SISTER BIRTHDAYS # 37 Effy "Merida*" Fang # 30 Jing "Hot Pocket" Chai 5 # 47 Jocelyn "Bubbles" Huang
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NEWSLETTER - alpha Kappa Delta Phi at the University of Chicago
and Sherry "aZ ure!" Z hang. A big congratulations
to their M om, their Bigs, as well as the Active
H ouse for crossing these girls. We can't wait to see
all the things you will accomplish as a sis...