Jountoni5 - The Gamecock
Jountoni5 - The Gamecock
Announced -00 (Editor's note: We hope the fol lowing simulated "Black List" wil offend no one. It is merely a taki off r4fxod the on ones that are put y~ . . . Know (Lifted from Esquire the follow- ji ist because you knew them be:ng story or helpful hints are f, >re, or because they live near you. vhat they advocated for the "The IC on't cozy up to campus leaders - - ou formally by certain girls' schoolsthough there they give no reasone No one person is responsible fo r the compilation of names beloN they just happened to fall inti 11he hands of the complier who ha requested to remain anonymous.) Do You College Ti Ps For ] Freshmen Black List "Or How to y et or you may get in the wrong Student Prince" Seize Power Through an Under- g roup. Make friends with upperC lassmen who try to make friends graduate.") "The first 100 days are the most v ith you. There's bound to be crucial period of your college a wrong with them. :'areer." For the new arrivals * * * Never mind the spectacular enLIFE ACADEMIC Rule III: trance. You don't know enough like is money happy professor yet and you're bound to screw up. i the bank. Keep mysterious. Go to all your classes and do all 1. Get long-distance phone calls our assignments (for now). But from Vassar. No one will red on't be too smart right away. It member your sister goes there. make rill your professor happy to 2. Mail yourself letters return- eel they have For lounging around the house helped you. addressed J. to D. or the or for comSalinger during holidays, fort while studying, this toreador Pamela Turnure. set has the casual lines that will 3. Rent a good painting Choosing Your Role t make any hour a comfortable one. for your room.very When you have to The pullovers have a new look! send it say the artist was Link stitching creates a narrow having aback, On most American campuses, show. horizontal r i b throughout the P ower lies with: 1) The news4. Get a a (from junkyard) sweater body. On the V neck Ferrari grille and have it en- P aper-literary magazine complex. plaquet in front, and repeated on graved "October 16, 1960, Bar- 2 ) The student politics group. 3) trim the bottom and cuffs, is a bata." Put it some place everyone 'he charismatic, party-giving noncomposed of alternate hands of will The intellectual nonlink stitching and flat shaker look, like in your closet. j. )iners. 4)5) The artsy-craftsy and The ankle-length tapered stitching. groups. 6) Crackpots. slacks are a woven checkerboard Student Prince Rule II: Don't li ttle-theatre Author's note Fraternities pattern of worsted wool. (Courtesy go out JUST to go out. of Penney's.) With girls: Go out with older nd athletes are no longer power )urces by themselves, but are still women (sophomores). At freshseful when combined with - >mething - - . BLACK LIST For all girls whom it may con cern that includes every femal of the species who is anywher near normal. The following youn men are to be avoided at all cost 'unless you want to take the risl and tha nto your own arms night not be such a bad idea). lack KirkpatrickNever mind the reason. By the Congaree Hut.. the is were the Pi Kappa Phi's really Cebra Riley and John Bradley, Jane Rentz kicking it out and Raymond McKay, Bobbi Christmas and Buck Cutts. Elaine Wangel and David Taylor, Nell Brasington and Bob Baucom, Jamie Howard and Teddy Kiene, Linda Taree and Dickie Terry, Beezie Blakely and Billy Jarrett, Jeanette Moore and Jim Curran, Marie Taylor and Chance Lavender. Nida McGehee and Jarryl Stokes, Linda Maxcy and Sydney Ackerman, Mary McClore and Brooks Curran, Sandra Fel- 'Cent Andersonlers and Bill Reid, Mary Crenshaw and Billy East, Sarah You know those Law Schoo Albea and Sonny Evans, Kay Carter and Jim Dunn, Kay students. Elling and Bob Gaskins. krnie WebbFlowing Formals Dern't. And boys in tuxs at the Columbia Hotel Last He got pinned 'Cen FranoThe Delta Pi formal Jean and Willis Saturday Alpha Bartow Culp, Gerda Moore and John Williams, Elke Maror Likes to play Indian "paw. and Carl McClendon, Belle Howe and Bob St. John, Betty nee" type. Wyman and Emmet Clair, Judy Fitzgerald and Eddie Walker, 3illy GambrellClare Foster and Bill Wood, Pat Lynn and Charles Mc- Can't get football off his minc Alister, Mary Ann Sadler and Hack Kirkpatrick, Innes and tries to throw some passes. Anderson and Loy Doggett, Susan Anderson and Jack Helms, 23an ReevesLynn Bellamy and Don Ferns, Hibby Calloway and Wyatt Runs tooooo fast hard t< Theus, Patti Clark and Erick Wowra, Margaret Clarkson and catch. Charles Davis, Lin Correll and Gean Capper, Anne Digby Laney Ruffand Carl Hendricks, Mary Dixon and Woody Woodward, Di- If I can't have him, no on( ane Dowell and Allen Gregory, Cookie Epps and Shep Jordan, can!!!!! Duchess Fitch and John Aikens, Macine Folger and Doug Dee WestNash, Cloudy Hardy and John DaLisa, Mikel Hazelhurst and Carroll Pitts, Liz Humphery and Fill Faircloth, Salley Keyes Because!!! Sullivanand Likey Biles, Emilie Lengnick and Jim Harbor, Mary 'xeorge Calls Lynn and Nick Papadea, Eloise McMillan and Terry Lucan- 'ohn too late at night. sky, Zann McMillan and Bob Frank, Monnie Meeks and Jack TooGorsageWilliams, Mary Louise Mickle and Don Blair, Rosemary giantess.short for the average Moody and Carl Warren, Christy Newman and Jack Gregory, Leigh Powell and Dee West, Susan Reed and Ed Hutchinson, D3avid KellerPatty Richardson and John Seastrunk, Mary Roberts and There's that Law School again. Jim Taylor, Libby Rogers and Ed Duffy, Mary Louise C. 0. WarrenSaverborn and Pete McKenna, Terry Seay and Jerry Graves, If you don't know, I ain't 'a Antoinette Siddall and Pettigrew Hamilton, Deidre Spencer gonna tell ya. and Rusty McCredy, Laurie Trotti and Bill Brady, Josanne BEAT CLEMSON! Verdery and Jimmy White, Connie Wall and Kemper Powell, Robin Warwick and Jim Fitzpatrick, Rita West and Jimmy Barnette, Susan Youmans and Benny Seigle, Ann Young and All news for the society pages Byron Rast. must be in the "Gamecock" ofBREAKING THE UNWRITTEN CODE fice by 2:00 on Monday afterAnd getting pinned are Kae Harper to Don Childs if it is to appear in the (Phi Delta Beta), Linda Lowe and Johnny Troutman (Phi noon paper the following Friday. Delta Beta). Leave it to William (McPherson, KA)-cause Any news turned in after that BLOSSOM and now he's getting henpecked by Beth ATtime he did it too will not he used! - . ... ... . . ... . - - . . . . ... . . . . - - - - ... . . ... . Hardy (Converse). w Men's Doriiories From Clemson Phi Kap Dear Maw, Well, here I am at Clemson. It's just like bein' at home on the farm. Let me tell you what it's like. The rooster got us up this morning. It kinda made the boyst mad when he was ten minutes late, Pledge so good. The floors are made of dirt and they're pretty cold. We have a long walk following our gettin' up as there Y is no plumbing. The slogan is get ahead. 'On our way to the outhouse, we get exercise. There are a few bulls out and some upperclassmen said Neecten iswtrss wve should wear red and black cendwo bathrobes. They don't like red tehn and black bathrobes. Funniestwhc,baseoaspil(l, thing. The boy left. Said he wascnno bewuhdrclae heading south. Have you ever wtotfdn.Tecasccri gaistydinapslyrn.Th heard of a city called C'lumbia? olfanlsiti Well, after we get dressed we dr rw n ie.(oreyo went to eat. They used to call the srih building the Mess Hall and it's still Pauc'. a mess. The dish we eat mosti often is pretty good. I think they call it "slop." After breakfast, we went to our first class. It was called "Feed-i HL; ing Chickens." One boy set the record. He only got pecked at 15 times. Another boy was almost kicked out of the class. He thought the corn was for him. Biology. The first corei eonzNext wasHwt T A - Delta Sigma Pi Tells Pledges misers, palm yourself off as: a) a veteran, b) a transfer student. If your date is very goodlooking, exploit it. Meet her at Beta Gamma chapter of Delta your dorm and take her to college Sigma Pi, professional business places. If your date is not very fraternity, has pledged 11 students good-looking, tell your friends you are having an affair with a mar.or the Fall semester. ried woman, and take her to the are class of The pledges Epsilon movies. Make sure getting .Tohnny M. Coleman, Robert W. Dif- letters from a girl atyou're home in case fle, Clyde C. Tice, and Charles none of this works. H. Mathis, all of Columbia. Emil With men: Don't make buddies P. Baur of Wallington, N. J.; George W. Fisher of Norfolk, Va.; William G. Holt of Conway; Charles N. Reach of Mt. Pleasant; David R. Smith of Lake City; Tobe H. Todd of Simpsonville; and Donald H. Wickwire of Richmond, Va. Membership in Delta Sigma Pi is based on scholarship, leadership, and character. Only students in the field of business and commerce may seek admission to the fra- ternity. - BEAT CLEMSON! - If anyone finds a Phi Delta Beta Fraternity pin, please contact Kae Harper, Box 1811 U.S.C. The pin was recently gained and lost, and it is important that it be found. Other members of the Phi n BEAT HELL OUT avers...pick the < OF CLEMSON iagazine editor to be football aptain but not for the charisiatic party giver to be a fra- !rnity man. Continued next week. BEAT CLEMSON! . bly upset emotionally. That wiring rooms is the latest ad?That the Chinese writing which v ,e read last week said: University o f South Carolina, and had the d ate Nov. 16th on it. That we saw a Hobo hat on c ampus the other day? That one individual remembers w hen students used to laugh at eejuns because they were "funny- I ioking." That we are going to BEAT I [ELL OUT OF CLEMSON! !I Old dorn rooms can bring back t !arful memories. That we hope everyone has a ]H [APPY THANKSGIVING! !! Law school gave out [ickey Mouse ears at one of their r ,cent parties? That people bringing news u p here are getting slack again? That we can start studying f finals now that mid term is 0 ver? Eighteen m on th s ago a s taff writer predicted that Khrushc hev wouldn't fight over Cuba? . . . . . . . . . . . . >r - - BEAT CLEMSON! - Enjoy a ( 0onplete Thanksgiving Dinner ROAST I rURKEY . . With All the Trimmings $2.5 0 CHILDREN'S PORTION $1. at "eadmrI for Hn.ry Amrkend Jountoni5 5 Cornwr of Stat, and Blossom Sts. CAYCE, S. C. bigetprblm -Usii Shcake Kai and Mike Walters. -- BEAT CLEMSON!- 6 OnSchiei electric sh teSu Shine on the Ga eocsa Death Valley! Ma SusieB of Service to You? ~k makes two difi ~erent mne to match you r face! rmieN Bloth new Super Speeti shavers have Schick's exclusive washa ble head, made of surgical stainless sta 'el. Snap it off and wash away dirt, stul ~ble, and germs. L )ntradictory accomplishments; i.e, .'s all right for the literary r pledge class are Tim Bassett, Bil Briggs, Ron Brown, Jimmy Car roll, Lee Cherry, Steve Counts, Bo Eldridge, Charles Hedgepath, Joh: Heurer, David Jordan, Mac Ma( Knight, Bryant Owens, Billy Rick4 born, Nowell Ridgell, Charle Salters, Joe Tillotson, Bill Vanc< Woman." That's a pretty exciting course. I've heard that some boys flunk on purpose so they can keep Newmexcitement_in_sweaters_i taking the course. The other courses are "Climbing Hills or PT 1," "Milking You asked me about whether they's integration issue here. Well, from what I could find, the integration is having the pigs, cows, and chickens in the dorms. There was a fight about it last year and the people who were for it won. It's pretty crowded but it's worth it. Every once in a while someone gets up nerve enough to kill a pig and we haveONMI Ars other, man Pledge officers of Alpha Et: chapter of Phi Kappa Sigma ar< Mike Patrick of Clayton, Ga. President; Curt Howard of Arling ton, Mass., Vice-President; Jin Bell of Hlarleyville, Secretary treasurer, and Jeff Stafford o Norfolk, Va., Athletic Chairman. A extra food. For recreation; well, there really isn't much to do. Most of the time theyre's square dancing. A n d theyre's the hard cider. But most of the time we spend running from the bulls. Yore loving son, >iners. Officers though. Getting up is not onlyMa V Do you know that we are now . etting letters to the "Do You E :now Columnist" with interesting t d bits on them? That there is now a "V" in the idewalk where the "Y" used to be. That just because some people d on't smile all the time people ti xink they are deathly ill or ter- (&CLEANERS S H For tough