it Pledge
it Pledge
CAROLYN McCLUNG, Society Editor JOANNE CARNES MYRNA RITCHEY te... Twenty-Eig it Pledge As Rush W eek Ends MARGARET BAUKNIGHT HANNAH TIMMONS wagon wheel - a spoke a week By . Spring rush week activities were IlaIlet, Summerville; Jean Matclimaxed Thursday, March 11, Orangeburg; Jackie Jones, when twenty-eight girls received St. Matthews. bids to sororities. Pledging cereDelta Zeta monies were held during the week. Barbara Rella, Colifmbia; Grace The following girls were pledged: ithews, % . JOANNE CARNES, MARGARET BAUKNIGHT HOLD THAT TIGER! Some of at Clemson. loyal Carolinians deserted us for a week Among those taking in the Clemson "Block end C" dance were MARY BETH WHEELER, ZTA, with NATHAN GRESSETT; DOLLY DENNIS, Chi Omega, with AMES WELLS; JACKIE ELLIOTT, ZTA, with REEVES GRESSETT; ESTHER LABRUCE, Chi with DICKIE McMAHON; and "MULE" BENNETT.Omega, Thompson, Reevesville. Alpha Delta Pi Zeta Tau Alpha Jo Ann Folk, Williston; KatherJune Seawright, Johnston; Barine Miller, Georgetown; Carol Iobst, Danville, Virginia; and barn Blessing, Aiken; Barbara Pauline Broas, Glenridge, New Browning, Spartanburg; Jean Rhyne, Columbia; Wilhemina LeapJersey. trot, Columbia; Caroline Kelley, Chi Omega Olanta; Jacqueline Elliott, Sumter; Harriet Bowen from Beaufort. Nancy Jean Wingard, Lexington; Delta Delta Delta and Peggy M1lattox, Chester. Lucy Ann Robinson, Winnsboro; Kappa )elta Josephine Boyle, Columbia; and Nantee Wright, Florence. Betty Rose Westburg from our ... ..... ON THE ROAD! LEGARE COKER and MARY BETH and PATSY COGBURN, Pi Phi, went to CONRAD, KD's, Winthrop College for the "Junior Follies." LAINEY SINGLETON, ADPi, and BOBBY MARTIN also went to Pi Beta Phi Melvin Campbell, Loris; Kitty Caufman, Birmingham, Alabama; Shirley Thorton, Columbia; Ann The university placed three men the Southern Sports Writers Oxner, Augusta, Georgia; Kath- All-Atlantic Coast football team erine Fickling, Columbia; Shirley last fall. They were Quarterback Winthrop over the week end. CHRISTIE SIMPSON, Tri Delt, journeyed to sunny Florida. HAZEL DUKE, DZ, visited FRANK HARRINGTON, Pi Kap Phi, at P. C. Seen at the Palmetto Trials: G. B. KENNEDY, Tri Delt, and BILL WESTON, SAE; LOU ROBINSON, Tri Delt, with FRED MANNING, SAE; ANN EDMUNDS, Tri Delt, and BO DUBOSE, SAE, LELIA MANNING, Tri Delt, with AL RAY, and JACKIE JONES, Pi Phi. MARILYN on Johnny Gramling, End nett and Center Leon Mitchell's GREEN Clyde Ben- Cunningham.t RECORDS ALL SPEEDS LATEST HITS "The Little Shop with Big value" CAMP, Pi Phi Alum, visited the here with her young daughter, Paula. JOHN SPEER, KA, went to an IFC dance at P. C. Representing the "Y" on a deputation team to College last week end were Phi Kaps BENTLEY Winthrop RIVERS, BOBBY JONES, EDDIE SHINHOLSER, BILLY HUGHES, DAVE MARTIN, and JACK TURBYFILL. I DO! Our heartiest congratulations to ANNETTE DZ, who said, "I (o" to RAY PRICE; also to GAILELLIS, ADDAMS, DZ, anId BOB PlED'1)MONT, who were married in Charleston last week. LOUISE KELLER is wearing the Sigma Chi pin of RON OBERLY. chapter Reevesville. BRADFORD 1431 MAIN RECORD SHOP 1225 Main St. Next Phone 5777 Carolina Theatre to Palmetto Sunday through Saturday "BENEATH 12-MILE REEF" in Cinemascope anld Stereophonic Sound & Color Starring Robert Wagner, Terry Moore and Gilbert Roland See If Interested In DIAMONDS JEWELRY STERLING SILVER AND IT WAS THAT THEY HAD A PARTY! Phi Eps partying at the Circus Room were: IZZY Sunday through Wednesday LOURIE and EVELYN WYCHE, Tri Delt; LARRY KOENIG "RIDING SHOTGUN" CLASS RINGS inl color with and BECKY REINS; PHIL GARFINKEL, with KAY BOSOLD Randolph SOUTH BALL Morris are, le Scott, ft to row, Wayne SPONSORM top) right, Mary Donmick for Lucius Weeks, Louise WELL; 1. M. GOLDBERG and ANNETTE BERRY; STAN Townsend for Mark Buyek, lannah Camuipbell for Ja ek Meade. Middle row, Naiey Brace for Tubl) Anderson, KRUGMAN with SLOAN YATES; "SIMPLE" SIMON with Jane Douglas for Carter Martin, l1r< da Glenn for 'We batr William. Bottom Esther La Bruce for 5 DAVIDA SANBOURNE; CHARLIE GOLDBERG and John Speer. Mary Alice Ristin for V infield Sapp, and Alice Temnpletm~ i for Billrow, Shillinglaw. Sunday through Tuesday LAUREL ZALIN; DON MILLER and MITZI LEVIN; 1500 Main "FOREVER FEMALE" The of magic television has JULIAN WEINBURG with ANN COOPER; DON KATZ and with Ginger Rogers Corner of Ilanpton St. brightened n e a r 1 y 22,000,000 Paul Douglas, William Hlolden PHYLLIS LOVE; MR. and MRS. WEIL WILENSKY; JACK and Pat Crowley homes. BASS and CAROLYN McCLUNG, Chi 0. Sigma Nu's had a "lovely" time at the Syrian-Lebanon Dy IIANNAII TIMMONS Club Saturday night, following the Division Conference basketball game and banquet with their brothers from Duke, .arch winds are blowing in P. C., and the University of North Carolina. Among those Tomorrow the gentlemen of wis fashions Kappa Alpha will relive the his.. season. partying were: MELVIN BURTON and BETTY OWEN; long-gonle Bright, color'ful ker"WHISKY" BILL SMALL and ZELLA LANGLEY; PAT with their days of the old South -hiefs and new, short hair-dos are ladies. lovely young No BRANTLEY with MARION WHALEY; PAUL PRITCH- period in American history can p)icy nlecessit les to combat these ARD, Duke, with MYRNA RtITCHEY, Chi 0; TUNKY nesdays. rival of the days of the Old South \farch winds and to help usher in CAMPBELL and BERTHFA GARDNER; BENNIE HELMS in elegance, glory andl splendor. pjring. P~ony-tails, tied up with with MARY ANN TRUE; HOBBY PRUITT and SARAH Th roughou t this p)hase of A meri- ma1tel searves, arIie popular and iquarters. 195 Brad,, wYckCiy anything enn WATKINS; TOMMY GUEST and LOUISE BRADLEY, KD- (can history courtliness and social viind-iresstant--if D)AVE MONTIETHI and CIND)Y SMITH, Pi Phi; HENRY grace reigned in the mlanor-studided -esist March winds. Our whole campus-*is getting its DORN with MEL CAMPBELL, Pi Phi; JAMES EMORY and soth11land . leaning upi and( dressing up Giathering together in the city MARY KIRKPATRICK, Pi Phi; WES SANDER with ANN which first md(er way. Ilaven't you noticed rent its state's star OXNER, Pi Phi; "DEE" WALSH and MARY LIB CULLER, from the union, the members of he new trees lanftedl On the Pi Phi; AL PERRtY and AILEEN TAYLOR, Pi Phi; FRANK- Graves Province celebrate this re- [forseshoe and the LIN OWEN, NEWLAND C:OLLIER, and DANNY creation of southern grandeur. grey paint on all the benches?2 ['verything is beginning D)ONA VAN. G;raves Province, composedl of and green; even Old Sol "bearded" KA's had a "Bermuda Shorts" Party at Declta of Wofford College, Iota of ;o fresh has condlescendedl to help limself ingimpurit i sh Pa. pIa, geai, ,O1 nn Rho Jl 1, Furman, i oif Pimewood Saturday night. They were: MYRA CAIN, KD, s) Carolina, and >righten things pa ingtrough a hit by comingi onein' 10anwdem, prouducing a har containand LOUIS WRIGHT; TUNKY YARBOROUGH, Tri Delt, Beta Pii of Presbyterian, (don the )1t little hit earlier 5 parts. 1n a1 bi//un fr use itn tran'istor.. an: uniforms, hoist the Note ha ingi coils on the hso -izwntal quartIz lube. and SAMMY CRAWVFORD; BETSY McCUTCHIEN and Confedjerate and Bars and sing Dixie to ng and staying a little later ati TOOTIE WILLIAMS; BILL D)OAR and MARY ANN SNOW- Stars relive the (lays oif the glorious past aight, not to mention the C'lean .3p Campaign that is i nsiring ,other elements are introduced in DEN, Tri D)elt ; (CHARLES PYLE and JOHANNA WRIGHT, when Kappa Alpha was mitities to aid in controlling the flowg. fus to (10 some sprin1g house KI); GWEN TOOTLE, KD), and LOUIS HOWELL; BOB Tfhe program for the founded. day in'ough the germianiu m. But before A new methodl of metal refining, currently in use WIMBERLY and BOSIE WESTHURY, KD; BILLY WAT- cludes a drop-in at the K. A. house :leaning! teeeeet an be introdIuced, it is n1ecessary to n)ew (eening at Pretty theL Western Lectric plant at A llentown, results dIresses, SON and SALLY JUD)Y, KD); BOOTS PLOWDEN and MAC at 2 :00( p.m.; Parade and Session satwt ei mnium of except ional of the 'very (color rainbow, in are the of prJoduction germanium tU at is better than HIALFORD, KD); HARVEY HORN and ANN LUMPKIN, ceremonie.s at :3:00; mint juleps floating aroundl at all the formals. teiprte not interfere with the elements purec the .highest degree of purity 'Fri D)elt; GEORGE THOMAS and .JACKIE FOSTER; EID and1 buffet at the Wade Hampton Flowers arie bloomting every- 99.999995% thtredier vill tely adIded. ever attaiuned in a manufactured pr oduct. HallIroom at 4:00; and the Old MULLJINS and NOV ILLE PL4OWD)EN; CHARLES NOCK! South Hall in the Jefferson where again this spri1ng, and they one L aboratories devised an enHotel 'omie im as anid SH IRIL EY HIA RIDEMAN, KI). many1~ assorited sizes and( IThe need for germanium of such e: Eceptional purityew et od( of purification. Ballroom att 8:00 p.m. came about when research by Bell Telephone Labolors as Mother' Nat'ure's original renigwhc was deCvelope.d to a kniown as zone N. Winfield Sapp is chairman of blossoms. oratories in the field of semni-condi ictors led to the hiigh-product ion newest thing in Thel Pi SIGMA KAPPA MOONLIGHT BALL the 0O(d South Hall committee. n Electric engineers. of transistors, which a re manufactured this season is (earrings; development flowers stgbyWte The Phi Sigs had their "Moonlight Ball" last Friday Other members are Mark Huyck, by Western lilectric. g a bar of german iuim is passed Hill Shillinglaw, Beta Pi, arie b)lossom ing her'e and1( Rho; geuanasnwjer ltorianufactu night; among the (dancing couples were: WALT ECKHOLM Boyd Reeves, Iota; and Tfub A so that a molten sect ion t ravThe transistor is a tiny crystal d< svice which can nder-esstelnt zone Pastel knit suits arec taking the and ANN OXNER, i Phi; GEORGE DAVID with SARA son, Delta. of the har catrryi ng the impurities amplify and oscillate, It reduces space requirewt ofi ta( eicts th~ e place of the dlark, wintry ones HART CONNELLY; KEN K(LYNN with JACKIE MARTIN, ments and power consumption to i'veriy body's been th' b esermnts 'ing behind a solidified sect ion of' weariing, Pi Phi; GARY LEE and ALICE GATES, Pi Phi. After the y the use of mLt iple healing zonqg crystals of the size ret luired in transisthey are just r'ight for this sunny Germanium i a(e,ai i,mber of molten seci ions ball, twelve Phi Sigs and their dlates headed (down to Myrtle Y tors traverse do not ocur in nature; they are arlificially weather that still has a (chilly thbr.Eh So ellni.Telepl -educes the impurity content thus Beach for a houseparty. All arrived tired but after a swell touch. grown at Western Electric. At this stage in transispouigah which contains imipurit ies in the Plans b)reakfast cooked up by BILL ANDERSON, things "looked The rfining, whd ih than five parts per Freshman Council of the billion. tip." The c'ouples Present were JOhN COLLINS and JOANNE YM-YWCA, which meets on Various Betseoth Iortusiwhich Ceta'nn, takes e/ore being Thursain ondefni mportance of the transistor in .I( in this h ot i /Uar at trangsistor,s aPe'sow Phi WHITE; BOB HL4AKELY and ANNE' BARRETT; CLAR- (lays, is dIivided into six functioning p/ top Is ani ingot elec'rmaniuma dioxide. trnc.he70 le refining process - -like so many ENCE ASHLEY and LOLIE LYNCH; AL STUART and friendship clubs me'eting at difNext is .1I)theI/a hw iera'lunlupn ingot aI/L r i/ie zon e refuning oteWeer Ioccu used byi Wte,rn Iectric. I/ej ow thes inigois are Electric developmients --has been ANN THOMAS; O'NEAL RAWL and ELEANOR MIMS; ferlent times dutring the week. All shw .1 PiII?I ('hi nIu erI .51als grownl by n, ac/hine, 6 slices cut Sigma it to al in iatel companies Ilicenised by Western (ecenly Freshmen vial are PAT BIDEAU and CAROLYN SNOW; BOBBY SHEALY invitedI to attend 'imel ne'w 1'mlmbers. TI'hey /from thew5i crl .tah/. andia .s'eral hunfdre"d 'facture the cotuncil as transistors. meetings readuy wvell as for a.ssembly,/ intol Iransistors. and D)ORIS RID)GlLL; GEORGE HICKS and MARY RUTH Kovejoy, M assachuLisett3s; ,J amRes Bufalo Hoerses N.Y. La th engthMss the clubs. join e example of creative WOODS; TOM CARR and NANCY DAWSON; BOBBY T'homaso0n, S paritanbuorg;$ terine A schedule of the club meetings ailn hadqarersIn 5iger Cpuriny. b 'tric meni. I 'ngineers ofengineering MACK and BA RBA RA GODWIN. MARY RUTH WOODS follows: all skills trical, chenmical, induist rialI, metalI lowarid, (Columbiua. \i-ken; was elected the 1954 Phi Sigma Kappa "Moonlight Girl." Jtobby Club No. 1-4:00 p.m. every on ii are needled to help us show the Obherly, New York; L,ee Koty, other Tuesday. nutal nmanufact ur ing techniques. 'olumbia; Cooper' Williamns, ('oPHI KAPS AT TEAGUE'S LAKE Clubs No. 2 and 4-7:00) p.m. Among the partying Phi Kaps at Teague's Lake last week on Tuesday nights. end were: BRUCE DODD and SANDY GROOME; DEAN Club No. 3--5:00 p.m. on Mon- Phi l'.:p recently inlit iated four' stern nenR. The ar RASHEED with RANKIN SUBER, Chi 0; JEAN WIL- (lays. I.arry koeii Club No. 5--5:00i p.m. on 'Tues- triige'Jort, Allen ConnecticuIt; LIAMS, Chi 0, and PHIL -BENEDICTSON; JIM BROWN (lays. IF THE aILL and MITTIE McNINCH, Chi 0; DICK VAN HORN with Club No. 6--4:00 p.m. on Wed- )avis, (Charleston; lon K(atz,, (Co- Manufacturing plants In Chicago, Ill. K. id. Allentown & Laureldale, Pa PAT FUNCHESS. lington, Greensboro & Winston-Salem, N. C hariks-n Bur. Carolina Syvl Points grollieri Kappa Alpha Will Relive Old Southland of and new new fadsl' coat to This germanium r fining method keeps impi irities down to less than 5 parts in a billion of look .The a every mornall purity, so that there. a ml Friendship Clubs Announce Sigma Chii, Ep~ Initiate Members are / used In Mi ke - Elecftnc SyST EM SINCE 1882 e - Distributing Centers in 2ieso ,and ,...,al. ' Lincoln, Neb. * * St. Paul & Dulul Minn.