fraternidad phi eta mu


fraternidad phi eta mu
An opportunity to work with others
toward a common goal characterizes
Marshall's wide variety of social
and interest groups . . .
student government
The Marshall College Student Government is similar to that of
the United States Government in that it is composed of three
branches-the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. It represents all members of the Student Body and provides an instrument
which makes it possible for all students to have a voice in campus
Among its many worthwhile activities are the awarding of four
scholarships each year to deserving students, the sponsoring of a
leadership camp each summer for campus leaders and faculty,
contributing to Life Planning Week, and planning and sponsoring
many social activities such as Homecoming, the Junior-Senior
Prom, and a Spring social function or dance.
A typical session of the Student Senate
SENIOR SENATORS-Dolores Wickl ine, Pres ident Dave Robinso n, Fred Barkey. BACK ROW : Fred Blair, Rocky Stone, Anr>
Wilson, Hugh Fultz.
The legislati ve branch of the Student Government is the Student Senate. The members are
regula rl y elected representatives of their respective classes.
JUNIOR SENATORS-Anne Cline, Nancy Williams, Shirley
Sikora. BACK ROW: David Dunlap, Joy Houck, President
David Sarrett.
Neff, Betty lou Cornett. BACK ROW:
President Jim Cyrus, Carolyn Mitchell, Jamie Johnston.
In addition to its function as a law-enacting
body, it acts in co-ordination with the Executive branch in composing the committees which
make Student Government sponsored activities
possible. Included in these committees are the
Homecoming Commission, Student Cheerleaders Comm ission , and the Scholarship Commission .
FRESHMAN SENATORS - John Kelly , Raymond Mcintyre .
BACK ROW: Sara Boggess, President Dick Brown, Shirley
Wooten .
The Student Cabinet, charged with the responsibility of enforcing the decisions of the Student Court, acts in an advisory capacity to the
Student Senate.
The Student Court is the Judicial branch of the
Student Government and is responsible for trying any cases which may arise from interpretation and enforcement of the Constitution . The
judges are appointed by the student body president with the consent of the Student Senate.
STUDENT CABINET -President Phillip Cline, Dick Koehler,
Ted Riffe, Bill Chaddock, Betty Lou Cornett, Bob Friedley,
Dick Kelly, Rev. Lander Beal.
Charles Kiser, Carole Allen, Robert
Gough, Chief Justice; Verona Graham, James T. Woefel , Veta Lee
Smith, John Charles Barbour.
Helen Harvey, Joan Jablonski, Carla Colbert, Marian
Veta Lee Smith, Pat Adkins,
Wickl ine,
Thornburg ,
Mary Ida Bloss, Anna MacDonald, Jane A. Dingess .
Fagus, senior women's leadership honorary, selects its members during the second
semester of their junior year, and selection is based on leadership, character, and
intelligence. Activities for the group this year included selling tissue shakers at the
Homecoming game, helping with freshman orientation and attendance at convocations, and assistance with high school visitation .
The honorary was founded on Marshall's campus in 1950-51 by a group of Huntington women who belong to Mortar Board, a national senior women's honorary.
The purpose of Fagus is to assist the college administration in their activities and to
initiate new programs.
OFFICERS-Mary Thornburg,
Carla Colbert, Joan Jablonski, Pat Adkins, Delores
Wickline, Veta Lee Smith,
Carol Allen .
Russ Troutman, Bob Friedly,
President Jack Egnor, Hugh
Fultz, Tom Knight .
omicron delta kappa
Omicron Delta Kappa, men's national honorary leadership fraternity, does not believe in permitting its members to "rest on their laurels ." It demands an active participation in various projects for campus beautification, honoring of fellow students,
aiding the college administration, and others .
ODK, founded in 1914 and brought to Marshall in 1947, endeavors to serve Marshall actively, despite the fact that its members are already among the busiest men
on the campus.
This year, president Jack Egnor, also a member of the Men's Concert Choir, helped
co-ordinate a plan by which the choir and ODK could combine to raise money for
an ODK scholarship fund and a touring fund for the choir. The first annual
Marshall Minstrel show was staged with the Concert Cho1r providing the music a~d­
the members of ODK serving as end men.
Membership in Omicron Delta Kappa is probably the highest honor that male students can achieve at Marshall.
Nick Hadzekyriakides, Lynn
Buskirk, Hugh Fultz, Walter
Tom Knight, Raymond Janssen, Bob Friedly, Phil Cline,
Bill Chaddock, Dr. Stewart
H. Smith, President Jack
Egnor. FIRST ROW : Bill
Chambers, Maywood Ellifritt, Henry Hinte, Don Martin, Tom Pritchett, Bayard
Helping to maintain a high plane
of sorority life, Pat has given
her devoted services to Panhellenic Council. Also she has
played an active role in the
Home Economics Club, Kappa
Omicron Phi, Fagus, and Pi
Kappa Sigma.
The girl with a ready smile and
a cheery greeting, Carole is one
of the best known and busiest
people on campus . She is president of Kappa Omicron Phi and
the Home Economics Club, historian of Fagus, and is active in
the Student Christian Association
and the Sportlettes.
who's who
For the past four years, Lynn has
been one of the star players on
the Marshall tennis team. Active
also in campus affairs, he has
served as chairman of the Student Publications Board and as a
member of the Student Senate,
Omicron Delta Kappa, and Sigma
Alpha Epsilon.
As Editor-in-Chief of the "Parthenon," Bill is always on the alert
for the latest news. He is also
the president of the West Virginia Intercollegiate Press Association, publicity director of the
Student Sena"te, a member of
Omicron Delta Kappa and Sigma
Phi Epsilon .
A chemi stry major, Bill has d istingui shed him self in various
ways . Besides be ing awarded a
Junior membership in the American Chemical Society, he is the
president of Chi Beta Phi, president of the Intramural Medals
Board , a letter man in track , and
a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon .
The name Phil Cline and activ ities
are synonomous at Marshall.
Since he was a freshman, Phil
has been very active in the Student Government as freshman
senator, sophomore president,
and president of the student
body. He has also lent his talents
to Omicron Delta Kappa, to Baptist Youth Fellowship work, and
to Sigma Phi Epsilon .
who's who
In her two short years at Marshall , Carla has made quite a
creditable record for herself . She
is an officer of Sigma Sigma
Sigma and has served on the
Homecoming Committee and the
Student Activity Board. Recognition of her abilities and efforts
is membership in Fagus.
That Doris is a very busy girl is
proved by her membership in
many honoraries such as Phi Alpha Theta , Kappa Delta Pi, Chi
Beta Phi , and Alpha Lambda
Delta. In 1954 she received the
history award from Phi Alpha
Theta. Doris is also secretary of
College Hall, a member of the
I.R .C. and the Spanish Club, and
has served as a Freshman Guide.
GlJiding the freshmen during
their first confusing week, Dave
was an ever-helpful upperclassman . Dave has also distinguished
himself as junior senator, business manager of the Chief Justice, vice-president of Alpha Phi
Omega, and as a member of the
Robe and of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
It would be hard to find a busier
person than Jack anywhere on
campus. The president of Omicron Delta Kappa, captain of the
golf team, vice-president of the
Robe, a member of Pi Kappa Alpha, there is hardly any event in
which he hasn't had some part.
But still he has time to spend
with his friends .
who's who
Maywood is one person who is
always lending his talents to
some worthy cause. He was cochairman of Life Planning Week,
Parade Marshal for Homecoming, and a member of the
Hodges Hall Council. He has also
been active in Omicron Delta
Kappa, Pi Kappa Delta, and the
Be it football, basketball, or any
of the various sports offered at
Marshall Bob is always there to
cover the game as sports editor
of_ the "Parthenon" and "Hodges
Haul." However, this does not
command all of Bob's talents. He
is vice-president of the student
body, a two-letter man in track,
and a Cavalier.
A speech major, Hugh has
proved his speaking abilities by
his appearance in several plays
in College Theatre . This versatile senior senator is also active
in Student Christian Association
and Omicron Delta Kappa and
has served as chairman of Life
Plann ing Week and the Homecoming Comm iss ion.
Joan is known on campus for
more than one talent. Beauty is
one, for Joan was chosen as an
Honorary Colonel of the R.O .T.C.
Battalion. Her activities have
ga ined the respect of many students. On her slate of accomplishments are such things as
her election to Kappa Pi and Fagus . She is also active in Pi Kappa
who's who
It was not surprising that Barbara should win the Chopin
Award, for she is known here as
an accomplished pianist. She is
also a member of Delta Omicron,
the Music Educators Club, and
Fagus .
Nyta June is a future educator
of presidents, and has been president herself of Delta Sigma Epsilon, and Le Cercle Francais . She
is also secretary of Future Teachers of America, and a member of
Pi Delta Phi, Women's Athletic
Association, and Fagus.
Not pictured:
Helen has made a splendid record for herself during the past
four years at Marshall. She was
elected to Alpha Lambda Delta
for high scholarship and to Eta
Sigma Phi and Pi Delta Phi for
her linguistic ability . She has also
been very active in the French,
Latin, and German Clubs.
who's who
"T-E-A-M!" Of course, it is Betty
Plott leading a cheer for the Marshall team. Cheerleader for three
years , Betty has also been
cheered to victory while leading
the girls of W .A.A. Alpha Xi
Delta, Panhellenic Counc il, and
Future Teachers of America have
seen her in their mid st. She had
the honor of being chosen Senior
Homecoming Queen for 1954.
Among the many achievements
Rosanna has attained at Marshall
is that of being President of Lailey Hall. She is al so vice-president of Kappa Delta Pi and an
active member of the Student
Christian Association and Future
Teachers of America .
Most Marshall students have
seen Dave perform on the basketball floor, but this is not his
only talent. He shows his other
abilities as president of the senior class, past president of the
Newman Club, and as a member
of the Robe and the Cavaliers.
Who's the very capable president
of Alpha Xi Delta? Why Shirley
Sikora, of course. Shirley is a
familiar figure on the Marshall
fampus and is active in the Student Senate, the Panhellenic
Council and is also serving on
the Student Faculty Committee
for the State Basketball Tourna·
ment . All this and she is only a
A very capable and busy girl is
Mary and also a top-notch student. She is the .president of Fagus and of the Student Christian
Association . She is also the treasurer of Kappa Delta Chi and is
Vesper Committee Chairman for
Life Planning Week.
Just mention the name Delores
Wickline and everyone immediately thinks of a hard worker
who always gets things done.
Delores is a Student Senator, the
president of Pi Omega Pi, the
chairman of the CHIEF JUSTICE
Board, and is active in Alpha
Lambda Delta, Fagus, and Cavalettes. This year she served as
Chief Guide during Freshman
Week .
As a junior Nancy has one of the
longest lists of achievements we
have ever seen . She is an officer
of Pi Kappa Sigma and is active
in the Student Senate. She has
served as a Student Guide and
Section Leader. Among her many
other activities are her participation on the Parthenon, in Fourth
Estate, and College Theatre, and
she manages to make the Dean's
List, too.
who's who
Woelfel , Oliver Peck,
lrby Cregger, Charles
Anderson .
alpha epsilon delta
Alpha Epsilon Delta is a national honor society for pre-medical students.
The object of the society is to encourage excellence in pre-medical
scholarship and to stimulate an appreciation of the importance of premedical education in the study of medicine. Qualifications for membership include an overall average of 2 .8 and a genuine desire to
promote the study of pre-medicine.
alpha psi omega
Alpha Psi Omega was organized as an honorary dramatics fraternity
to provide an honor society for those doing a high standard of work
in dramatics. Marshall is the home of the second chapter of this
organization . Membership is attained on a point system with points
being given for work done in various phases of stage production.
Joan Chambers, Ella Sue
Phipps, Paula Ranson,
Dora Mae O'Brian.
J ean Ford , Caro l D. Yo ung , Presi d e nt
Id a Ruth Duffey, Ma rjo rie Ba rro n .
SECO ND ROW : Jea nnine He nsley,
Helen Milton, S h ir ley Cross, Sha ro n
Mad sen, El e a nor Bias, Ma ry Ali ce
Ma rt in, Doris l ee Con ner .
alpha lambda delta
Alpha Lambda Delta, founded on Marshall's campus in March 1935,
encourages high scholastic achievement among freshman women . Members must attain a 3 .5 average in the first o r second semester of their
freshman year.
chi beta phi
A tea for freshman women is held annually to acquaint them with the
requirements for membership and with the purpose of the organization.
Chi Beta Phi is an organization for the recognition of worthy achievements in the field of science . Membership qualifications include 24
hours of " B" in science, and an overall average of 2 .8. Pledges of this
group have projects and reports to complete for the group, and each
year a banquet is held to honor these new members .
lrby Cregger, J im Woelfel , Bill Chambers, Ellen Shepherd , Mr . D. C. Martin . SECOND ROW : Mr . Shafer, Lila
Bowyer, Jane Mittendorf, Mary Alice
Martin , Sharon Madsen . THIRD ROW :
Chuck Anderson, Mary Browning,
Margaret Wyckle , Betty Ja ckson , Joe
.0 .
Larry Hite, Jim Holmes, Roy Stein,
Bayard Green , David Dunlap .
alpha phi omega
Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, consists of men who
have had previous scout training, have attained good scholastic standards, and have a desire to tender service to others . The ideals of this
organization are the outgrowth and supplement to the beliefs that
form the basis of Scouting.
Hatfield, Bill Crouch, Tom
Alexander, Bob Wagner,
Barry Smith, Bob Miller,
Dave Sarrett. SEC 0 N D
ROW : Bayard Green, Sidney W i lliams, Jim Baylor,
Jim Holmes, Larry Hite,
Roy Stein .
Evelyn Collins, Dolores Kinder, President Carolyn
Hubbard , Angela
Moore , Barbara Keyser .
delta omicron
To become better acquainted with music and its history, and to arouse
and encourage the appreciation of good music and the associated arts
are the main purposes of Delta Omicron, national professional music
fraternity .
The Delta Kappa chapter of Delta Omicron was organized at Marshall
in May, 1945 . The Cincinnati Conservatory of Music was the place of
founding for the fraternity in 1909 . To be eligible for this fraternity, a
student must have a "B" average in all music courses and a "C" average
The fraternity meets twice a month, having one business meeting and
one musical meeting . At the musical meeting the fraternity conducts
a musical program for some hospital or shut-in.
Ruth Oshel, Mary Brumfield, Dolores Kinder, Carolyn
Keyser, Evelyn Collins, Barbara Flynn . SECOND ROW:
St. Elmo Fox, Donita Bentley, Angela Moore, Mary
Lou Ferris, Linda Cassell ,
Pat Carnahan, Sue Norton,
Faith Ann Martin.
• -.7
Tom Damron, Bob Collins, Pat Queen, leno
eta mu pi
Eta Mu Pi is a national honorary retailing fraternity which was installed
on Marshall's campus in 1949. This organization endeavors to promote
ethical and scientific standards of retailing by diligent study of the
problems of the retailing profession. Requirements for membership
include 3.2 average in retailing subjects, 1,000 hours of successful
retailing experience, and active participation in Mars Club.
eta sigma phi
lucy Whitsel, Nancy Conkewright, Jeannine
Kellem, Roscoe Hale.
Beta Upsilon Chapter of Eta
Sigma Phi was installed at
Marshall in 1951. Its purpose
is to encourage the study
and appreciation of Greek
and Roman culture, and to
promote cooperation among
the students of the classics.
The requirement for membership is a "B" average in
at least one course of Latin
or Greek.
Hensley , Helen Milton,
Ethelene Holley, Mary Anne
Hall, Rosanna Riffe, President Sally 0. Cyrus.
kappa delta pi
Kappa Delta Pi, honor society in education, encourages high professional, intellectual, and personal standards, and recognizes outstanding
contributions to education .
Phi chapter, which is the oldest honorary on Marshall's campus, was
established in 1923 and is now one of over 160 chapters in the United
States. Membership requirements include an overall average of 3.0.
Rosanna Riffe, Ethlene Holley, Mary Anne Hall, Helen
Wellman, D. Banks Wilburn . SECOND ROW: Lucille Mullins, Jo Weste,
Faye Rine, Anna Ruth Varney, Walter Felty. THIRD
ROW: Jeannine Hensley,
Casto, Tom Knight, Melville
Gill. FOURTH ROW: Helen
Milton , Rex C. Gray.
Virginia Lee , Juiia Sadd,
Mary Al ice Skaggs, Jerry
Nancy Williams,
Jackie Schulze, Pat Talbert,
Verona Graham.
fourth estate
The Fourth Estate is an honorary journalism organization for women . Founded twentyfour years ago by Miss Virginia Lee, assistant professor of journalism, Fourth Estate's
purpose is to further the interest of women in journalism .
An annual affair is the banquet, at which time two awards are presented: one to
the woman showing the most consistent work in the field of journalism and one
to the woman who has written the most outstanding story.
Fourth Estate projects for the year have been the decorating and selling of cowbells
for football games and the co-sponsoring of the campus blood drive .
kappa omicron phi
Sally Staley, Eleanor Bias, Jane Hart, Marilyn Casto, Carole Allen , Pat Adkins.
SECOND ROW : Leona Adkins, Lucille Mullins, Wanda Adams, Reva Belle
Neeley, Marlene Dotson, Barbara Thabet, Mary Hansbarger, Joan Lawerence,
Cleo Grey, Matilda Stone.
Membership in Kappa Omicron
Phi, Home Economics honorary,
is determined by scholarship,
character, and personality. The
purpose of the fraternity is to
instill in its members the desire
to attain broader social and
higher intellectual and cultural
Major Winsley, Larry Hite,
David Dunlap, Dean Sedinger, Hugh Eads, Harold
Bradshaw, Richard
Johnny Walker.
pershing rifles
The outstanding men in ROTC are given recogn ition by election
to membership in Pershing Rifles, military honorary. Members of this organization make up the drill and color guard
which marches in Marshall College parades . They also sponsor
the annual Military Ball and participate in Armed forces activities. However, emphasis in Pershing Rifles is placed on
the research and development, procurement, supply, and
maintenance of military material.
Sponsor of Pershing Rifles
Pershing Rifles , under the leadership of Lawrence
Hite, added much to the Marshall unit of ROTC.
Sharon Madsen, Virginia
Parrish, Mary Alice Martin,
Helen Milton, Alma N.
Noble, Jim Davis.
pi delta phi
Pi Delta Phi, !a societe honoraire nationale de fran5ais, reconnah les progres scolastiques superieurs
des etudiants de Ia lanque francaise
. La condition requise comme
titres d'eligibilite est Ia note moyenne de B dans les cours de francais,
un cours
avance y compris, et Ia note moyenne de 2.8 pour tous les cours. Les officiers pour
l'annee sont: La Presidente, Helen Milton; La Vice-presidente, Sharon Madsen; et La
Secretaire-Tresoriere, Mary Alice Martin .
p1• omega p1•
The purposes of Pi Omega Pi, national business fraternity, are to encourage high
scholastic standards, to create fellowship among teachers of business subjects, to
aid in civic betterment in colleges and universities, to encourage and foster high
ethical standards and social values in business and professional life, and to help
the student bridge the gap between school and employment.
Janet Adkins Walker, Dolores Wickline, Elma Sines, Mrs. Irene Evans,
Mr. Don Owens.
Robert Gough, President Charles
Kiser, Carl Leiden, Paula Ranson,
Jack Egnor, Conley Dillon, Richard
Marks , Robert Holl iday, Paul D.
pi sigma alpha
Pi Sigma Alpha, national political science honorary fraternity , was founded on
Marshall's campus in 1937. The purpose of this fraternity is to stimulate interest
and scholarship in the science of government. Membership is open to all political
science majors and minors who meet the fraternity's requirements .
phi eta sigma
Phi Eta Sigma is a national honorary scholastic fraternity which rewards freshman
men for superior scholarship. The fraternity recognizes those students who attain
a 3.5 average during their first year in college . Pledges are initiated at a banquet
given annually at the end of the second semester.
Jones , James Woelfel, lrby
Cregger, J im Davis. SECOND ROW : Ed Hagan,
John Shiels, Mr. Jansen,
Dean Harris, Dean Wilburn,
Johnny Walker, William
Shiels, Ray Hagley.
Bill Ed Clark. SECOND ROW: Melba
Gillispie, John W. Creighton . THIRD
ROW : Dexter Marsh, Bob Tweel,
Pete Donathan .
phi mu alpha
Phi Mu Alpha, national honorary music fraternity, was established on
Marshall's campus in 1952. The purpose of this organization is to
further interest in music through special music programs, talks by
guest musicians, and many other projects to further the understanding
of good music.
White, James White, Archie
Snyder. SECOND ROW : C.
L. King sbury, Alfred Lanegger, R. Wayne Hugoboom,
William Pursley, Leo 1mperi.
Mr. Perry, Mrs. Florence Van Bibber,
Mrs . Dorothy Call, Miss Margaret
Hoye, Tom Pritchett, Mr. Loemker,
Mrs. Madeleine Feil, Mr. Joseph
psi chi
Psi Chi, national honorary society in psychology, is dedicated to the
advancement of the science of psychology and to the stimulation and
maintenance of scholarship in all academic fields with special emphasis
upon psychology. Outstanding students from the ranks of Psi Society
may be elected members of the national organization .
sigma delta pi
Sigma Delta Pi, fraternidad nacional honoraria para estudiantes de
espanol, se dedua al estudio y propagacian de Ia cultura hispanica.
Esta organizacion se siente orgullosa de sus muchas y elevados atenidades y proyectos .
Se establecio en 1919 en Ia Universidad de California, y hoy tiene mas
de sesenta clubs representatevos en vania universidades.
Fred Barkey, Carolyn Copen, Priscilla laughlin.
STANDING : Moon Wilson.
FRONT ROW: Dave Dunlap,
Jack Egnor, Bill Keesee,
Henry Hinte, leno Rasso .
BACK ROW: Bill Seidel,
Jones, K. A. Ammar, John
larry Hite.
the robe
The Robe, local men's honorary, has continued to "boost" the spirit of
the College since its beginning three years ago. In furthering their
purpose, they have sponsored pep rallies, campus blood drives, and
assisted the college with various student visitation programs. They
also presented their annual "Athlete of the Year" award at the Spring
Awards Assembly. Its membership is chosen from men who have previously proved their ability and willingness to serve and aid Marshall
The Freshman tug-of-war,
which terminated Freshman
orientation, was one of the
many "spirit-boosting" activities sponsored by the
Robe .