ahmadinejad mahmoud nostradamus


ahmadinejad mahmoud nostradamus
From the president
Dear JVMI Partner and Friend,
I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited. …All Israel will be
saved, as it is written, “The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob.
—Romans 11:25-26 NIV
As you read this issue of the magazine that offers our perspective to the impending threat of apocalypse in 2012,
I will be in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, heading up yet another of our powerful evangelistic/humanitarian/medical
outreaches to the precious Jews of Ethiopia. God loves them so much. In fact, He is in the midst of fulfilling His
plan for Israel and the Jewish People around the world right now—today!
You see, it is extremely important that we continue to do all that God has called us to do for as long as it is day, for
the night is coming, when no one can work. (See John 9:4.) Yes, the doomsayers are out in full force—just as they
were during the Y2K predictions that turned out to be much ado about nothing. The timing wasn’t quite right.
Yet we are abundantly aware that we are part of “the beginning of the end,” and like the little mirror on the right
side of your car suggests, objects in your mirror are closer than you think.
I thank you for sending us back to Ethiopia. I am grateful to you for allowing us to love this remnant of God’s
Chosen People into the Kingdom for all eternity. First and foremost, we introduce them to Yeshua, their Messiah,
by presenting God’s plan of salvation, praying over their many physical needs, and bringing them much-needed
medical, dental, and eye care.
I so appreciate those dedicated individuals who volunteer their time and talents to share their personal experience
with Yeshua with those who have not yet heard. It is a privilege that none of us takes for granted.
My prayer is that as you read through this issue, any concerns that you may have about 2012 and other signs of
the End of Days will be addressed in ways that bring you peace and confidence in the Creator of the Universe and
the Author of All Time.
Where in the
World is
Ethiopia Medical Outreach
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
April 22 - May 3
Please remember
to pray for Jonathan
as he travels
around the world.
You probably remember my friend Dr. Mark Hitchcock, who shares his views regarding “2012, The Bible, and
the End of the World” in this issue. I believe you will be inspired as you read what he has to say about these very
important days. Then we have our friend and prophecy panel expert, Jack Kinsella, chief writer of The Hal Lindsey
Report television program and author of The Last Generation: Ten Signs of the End of the Age.
My article will touch on preparedness for these times. Are you ready? Please don’t miss out. As I relate in my “Up
Front” column this month, the fact that Jewish People are coming to know their Messiah in record numbers is
proof enough for me to know that Yeshua is coming soon.
I urge you to continue to study the Jewish roots of your faith, continue to support Israel by letting your senators
and congressmen know that you expect the United States to do the same, and talk with your Jewish
friends about Messiah. They may not want to hear what you have to say, but do it anyway. They
will thank you over and over again, throughout eternity, that you cared enough to tell them
about their Savior’s love.
I thank you for your partnership in the Gospel. Your prayer and financial support of this
ministry is vital and enables us to reach out to the Jewish People and to the Nations with
God’s love.
Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO
Jewish Voice Ministries International
2 | Jewish Voice Today May/June 2010
Proclaiming Messiah to the World
Jewish Voice Today
Volume 44 | Number 3
May/June 2010
Iyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5770
2 S h a lo m !
From the President
By Jonathan Bernis
4A b o u t t h i s i s s u e
Jonathan Bernis
Senior Managing
Sarah Weiner
Senior Writer
Mary Ellen Breitwiser
Associate Editor /
Social Media Specialist
Laura Bagby
Senior Graphic DESIGNERs
Jennifer Carrell
Lavinia Matesan
P.O. Box 81439
Phoenix, AZ 85069-1439 USA
Jewish Voice Ministries Canada
P.O. Box 476
Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3P2
Jewish Voice Ministries UK
P.O. Box 628
Borehamwood, UK WD6 9AT
By Sarah Weiner
By Jonathan Bernis
8 G u e s t Au t h o r
2012, the Bible, and the End of the World
By Mark Hitchcock
10 G u e s t Au t h o r
Is This the Last Generation?
By Jack Kinsella
12 S p e c i a l I n t e r e s t
God is Stretching Us!
14S p e c i a l R e p o r t
Setting Captives Free in the Jungles of India
By Laura Bagby
19 J e w i s h V o i c e w i t h J o n at h a n B e r n i s
Broadcast Guide
address changes &
other correspondence:
P.O. Box 31998
Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998
Jewish Voice Ministries
Board of Directors
Rabbi Jonathan Bernis
Dr. Larry Bates
Elliot Klayman, Esq.
Mrs. Madelaine Lindvall
Mr. James Mueller
Mr. Roger West
Dr. Michael Maiden
Dorothy (Dotti) Naomi Solomon
5U p F r o n t
Are You Ready for Yeshua’s Return?
20 J V T IN t e l l i g e n c e r e p o r t
News from Israel and around the World
22S t e wa r d s h i p co r n e r
Our Passport to Eternal Blessing
By Bob Hawley
24 h e b r e w l e s s o n
Are You Making Disciples?
By Kevin Geoffrey
25 p r o p h e c y & t r u t h b e h i n d t h e
The Left Is Still Not Right
By Jan Markell
26 h e a d q ua r t e r s r e p o r t
By Andy Freeman, Program Director
27 r e s o u r c e s
www.JewishVoiceToday.org MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 3
in Zion!
For the Lord Himself will descend
from heaven with a shout, with the
voice of an archangel, and with the
[shofar] of God. And the dead in
Christ will rise first.
—1 Thessalonians 4:16 (NKJV)
As seen on Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis!
Yemenite Shofar
This trumpet made of a Kudu horn, was blown
by the ancient Hebrews during religious
ceremonies and as a signal in battle. Now the
shofar is sounded during Rosh Hashanah and
at the end of Yom Kippur. 35” to 40” Polished.
Tested before shipped.
Large Shofar | Order #9949 | $500.00 gift
Ram’s Horn Shofar
Traditionally used during the biblical Holy Days
the Shofar reminds us of Yeshua’s coming again!
8” to 11” Varying colors, texture, and finish.
Tested before shipped.
Small Shofar | Order #9940 | $60.00 gift
When you purchase a shofar through
Jewish Voice, your gift is used to fund
outreaches to the Lost Tribes of Israel!
About this Issue
Blow the
redictions that world is coming to an end
is nothing new. As far back as I can
remember there have been caricatures in
the comic strips of doomsday prophets wearing sandwich signs declaring “The End is
Near!” In college I studied the effects of “man’s
exploitation of the earth.” Researchers postulated dire predictions—everything from depleting the water table in the southwest by the year
two thousand, to global famine if zero population growth was not achieved within twenty
years. Nuclear holocaust with ensuing nuclear
winter and a loss of nearly the entirety of the
world population was also predicted—if not
nuclear, then a meteor or serious climate
change was certain to be around the corner. Disaster movies have dealt with these
themes with frequency and popularity.
When I became a Believer in Yeshua (Jesus) over twenty-two years ago, I found
a similar thread ran through most preaching: “Jesus is coming soon! We are in the
Last Days! Get ready for the Rapture!” Reasons given were varied—everything from
the downward spiral of social morality: open homosexuality and gay marriage,
abortion, the popularity of children born outside the bounds of marriage—to the
inception of the European Union, and a proliferation of regional wars around the
globe. A favorite pastime seemed to be guessing who the antichrist might be among
current world leaders. Prince Charles was a forerunner for quite a while.
The 1700s and 1800s saw their fair share of end of the world predictions, with
intensification at the turn of centuries, not unlike our own recent Y2K folly. Yet
something essential was missing before 1948.
As my knowledge of Scripture increased I was surprised to find that the restoration of Israel and the Jewish People, key indicators that are unique in contemporary
times, have been largely overlooked by End Times date setters.
Among many others, two Scriptures have always captured my imagination and
hold such great promise:
And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all
nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles
are fulfilled.
—Luke 21:24 NKJV
For I do not desire, brethren, that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest
you should be wise in your own opinion, that blindness in part has happened to
Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved,
as it is written: “The Deliverer will come out of Zion, And He will turn away
ungodliness from Jacob; For this [is] My covenant with them, When I take away
their sins.”
—Romans 11:25-27 NKJV
We are living in very exciting times! Blindness (to Yeshua as Messiah) is coming off the eyes of Jewish People in numbers not seen for two thousand years. Israel has been re-established after being decimated in 70 AD and led captive into the
nations. The People of Israel are returning from the four corners of the earth. And
in June 1967, with the miraculous victory of the Six Day War, Jerusalem was once
again restored into Jewish hands after nearly two thousand years…no longer trampled by the Gentiles. After this amazing event, revival broke out—the Jesus Movement—a revival that differed from previous historic revivals, for this movement saw
Jewish People coming to faith in numbers not seen since the first century church!
The world is now entranced with the latest doomsday prediction: December
12, 2012 from the Mayan calendar. Could it happen? Not likely. However, key
prophecies are now being fulfilled. Are you prepared? Yeshua said to occupy—be
fruitful until He comes (Luke 19:13).
As Believers, let us be inspired by Paul’s words to long for His appearing, yet
ever be productive for His Kingdom in view of the approaching Day, whether soon
or it tarries:
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who
have loved His appearing.
—2 Timothy 4:7-8 NKJV
4 | Jewish Voice Today May/June 2010
Up Front
Are You Ready
for Yeshua’s
By Jonathan Bernis
“Therefore keep watch,
because you do not know
the day or the hour.”
—Yeshua to His disciples,
Matthew 25:13
believe everyone can agree that we
are living in extraordinary times!
Every single day, the cares of the
world seek to divert our attention from
the infinitely more important issues that
the Bible admonishes us to be watching
for as signs of our times—the end of the
age and the return of Jesus. The question
is: Are you prepared for His return?
The mark of the beast ... Gog and
Magog ... 666 ... a confederation of ten
nations ... the antichrist’s ascendancy to
power ... the abomination of desolation
... are all Last Days’ topics that most endtime teachers focus on and tell us will
happen in the near future. Interest in this
topic is escalating once again with the
“prophecies” of Nostradamus drawing
near and predictions found in the Mayan
calendar that the world will come to an
end in 2012.
Many have become obsessed with
trying to unravel the Bible’s mysterious
and veiled prophecies of the end. They
analyze every word in the daily newspapers or the television news to see if there
might be a connection to the End Times.
This is especially true if that news has to
do with Israel or the Middle East.
For many years, these people have
seen almost anything that happens on
the international stage as a sure sign that
the Second Coming is imminent. During
the first Gulf War, some hinted that Saddam Hussein fit the profile of the Antichrist. Prior to World War II, Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, and Benito Mussolini
were considered prime suspects. When
Napoleon’s armies swept through
Europe, many were sure that he was
Satan’s chosen one.
Some Bible teachers continue to be
obsessed with trying to set an exact date
for Christ’s (Messiah’s) return. They
claim to have discovered secret codes in
Scripture or received divine revelation
from the Lord about this. Yet, the Bible
clearly warns us “no man knows the day
or the hour.” I believe this is the way the
Lord wants it. He wants us to be dark on
exactly when Yeshua will return and the
end will come. Why? So that we live each
day with the expectation that today may
be the day. That is why we are exhorted to
“keep watch.”
www.JewishVoiceToday.org MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 5
Co n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 5
Throughout history there have been
many erroneous predictions about the
exact date these things would occur. Here
are just a few examples:
• Bernard of Thuringia calculated that
the end would come in 992.
• Pope Innocent III expected the Second Coming to take place in 1284,
666 years after the rise of Islam.
• Mathematician Michael Stifel calculated that the Day of Judgment would
begin at 8 a.m. on October 19, 1533.
• John Napier, the mathematician who
discovered logarithms, predicted that
the world would end in 1688.
• Puritan Cotton Mather chose 1697 as
the year of Jesus’ Second Coming.
• William Miller found a huge audience for his prediction that Jesus
would return on October 22, 1844.
When it didn’t happen, that day
became known as The Great Disappointment.
• More recently, NASA scientist Edgar
C. Whisenant wrote “On Borrowed
Time & 88 Reasons Why the Rapture
Will Be in 1988.” It sold over four
million copies.
• Y2K or January 1, 2000 was predicted
as the day computers would fail and
life as we’ve known it would never be
the same again.
There is no doubt in my mind; we
are, indeed, living in the Last Days. But to
be honest, it disturbs me that most Christian authors, who teach on this topic,
including some who make a career out of
predicting the exact date of Yeshua’s
return, aren’t talking much, if at all,
about many of signs of the end that are
being fulfilled.
You see, there are Bible prophecies
being fulfilled now, today, under our very
noses that reveal beyond any doubt that
we are living in the Last Days. The restoration of Israel and Jerusalem in 1948
and 1967 respectively, the return of the
Jewish People from the former Soviet
Union and Ethiopia, Jewish People coming to faith in Messiah in greater numbers than at anytime since the first century and the rise of the modern Messianic
Jewish congregational movement worldwide are all clear indicators that we are in
the season known as the “ End of Days”
or the “End of the Age.”
Before we go any further, please
allow me to explain that there’s nothing
6 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
wrong with seeking to understand what I
like to call “symbolic” or “hidden”
prophecy. This is prophecy revealed in
the form of visions and metaphoric language that no doubt is tied to the Last
days. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we
should seek to understand the meaning
of these passages—and to live in the light
of that understanding.
By all means, we should seek to
understand the difficult passages in Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Revelation, and
so on. I’m seeking to understand these
books myself. It is a day-by-day journey.
My concern is that we should not get
caught up in the vanity of forecasting
exact dates, nor dogmatically say, “This is
that.” Yeshua himself said, “No man
knows the hour.” Yes, we must discern
the season we live in. The men of Issachar
discerned the times (see 1 Chronicles
12:32), and the Bible calls them wise.
This can only mean one thing: the
return of Jesus to Jerusalem. But
before He comes, there must be a
national awakening of the Jewish
It is my view, after almost 30 years of
study of the Bible and eschatology that
the greatest single prophetic event to take
place before the return of Messiah to this
earth is the Jewish People turning back to
God as they recognize that Jesus is their
promised Messiah.
It is no coincidence that Jewish People all over the world are turning to Him
and becoming Messianic Jews in numbers not seen since the first century. Many
Scriptures predicted this event, and they
directly tie it to the Messiah’s return
immediately following. Two of the strongest are found in Zechariah 12:10 and
Romans 11:25.
The first, Zechariah 12:10, written
hundreds of years before Jesus is even
born declares:
“And I will pour out on the House
of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one
they have pierced, and they will
mourn for him as one mourns for an
only child, and grieve bitterly for him
as one grieves for a firstborn son.”
This amazing prophecy actually predicts the day when the House of David
(the Jewish People) will recognize Yeshua
as their Messiah and Savior, and repent.
We are told in chapter 13:1, that immediately following this national awakening,
“a fountain will be opened to the house
of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, to cleanse them from sin and impurity.” This can only mean one thing: the
return of Jesus to Jerusalem. But before
He comes, there must be a national awakening of the Jewish People.
This exact chronology is repeated in
Romans 11:
For I do not desire, brethren, that
you should be ignorant of this mystery,
lest you should be wise in your own
opinion, that blindness in part has
happened to Israel until the fullness of
the Gentiles has come in. And so all
Israel will be saved, as it is written:
“The Deliverer will come out of Zion,
and He will turn away ungodliness
from Jacob; for this is My covenant
with them, when I take away their
—Romans 11:25-27
In other words, the Jewish People
will continue to reject Jesus as their Messiah until a set time in history, known as
the “fullness of the Gentiles.” I do not
have time or space in this article to further expound on this, but I urge you to
shop for some of the books, CDs and
DVDs available through our ministry,
where I teach on the subject at length.
My point is that the Lord has a set
time when the blindness will, indeed,
come off of the eyes of Israel (the Jewish
People) and they will recognize Jesus as
Yeshua. The declaration that “the Deliverer will come out of Zion and turn away
ungodliness from Jacob” directly states
that the Messiah’s return to Jerusalem
will happen only after the blindness
comes off of the eyes of the Jewish People, and Israel is saved.
In light of this biblical truth (and
there are many more Scriptures beyond
the two I have cited that say the same
thing) and how important this restoration is to the heart of God, any eschatological teaching or position that in any
way impedes the Gospel proclamation to
the Jewish People today is in error.
I believe as it says in Psalm 102:13,
“You will arise and have compassion on
Zion, for it is time to show favor to her;
the appointed time has come.” This
means that it is now time for the Jewish
People to hear and respond to the Good
Other Clear Signs of the Last Days
Of course, there are many other signs
that Yeshua told us to watch for in connection with discerning the Last Days.
They include:
• False Messiahs
“Watch out that no one deceives you, for
many will come “in My name, claiming,
“I am the Messiah” (Luke 21:8)
• An Increase in Wars and Conflict
“You will hear of wars and rumors of
wars” (Matthew 24:6)
“Nation will rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom” (Luke 21:10)
• A Significant Increase in the
Frequency and Magnitude of Natural
“There will be famines and earthquakes
in various places” (Matthew 24:7)
• A Rise in anti-Semitism and Persecution of True Christians
“You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death” (Matthew 24:9)
• A Falling Away of Believers From the
“Many will turn from the faith and
betray and hate each other” (Matthew
• A Major Increase in False Prophets
and Prophecy (Matthew 24:11)
And the list goes on.
What Should We Do To Prepare?
Sadly, many believers who see that
the end is imminent respond by doing
nothing. “If Jesus is coming back any day
now,” they reason, “then why make any
long-term plans or do anything to plan
for the future?” I see this as sort of a fatalist approach. The problem with this is
that we are exhorted in Scripture to
“occupy until He comes” (Luke 19:13
KJV). In other words, we are to live as if
He is coming back tomorrow by being
spiritually prepared for His return at any
moment. And we are to do this, while at
the same time we are living a rooted,
fruitful and productive life as if He will
not come in our lifetime.
www.JewishVoiceToday.org These two realities are not a contradiction in the slightest. To live as if He is
coming back tomorrow is to understand,
as Jesus himself urged us, that “we must
do the work of Him who sent us while it
is day for night will come when no one
can work” (John 9:4). We must continually be about the Father’s business.
We must seize every opportunity to
reach out to others, to share our faith, to
be a light to the lost around us. We
should see those whom God puts in our
path as divine appointments. We need to
remain in close fellowship with the Lord
through daily devotional times of prayer
and study of the Word so that we can discern His voice, seeking, with intention, to
always “abide in the vine” and make sure
our oil never runs out.
To live a rooted, fruitful and productive life as if we will remain here for a
long time is to plan wisely for our future,
to pursue education and solid career
choices, to provide for our families, and
the work of the Kingdom. We should be
involved in our communities, make our
voices known as citizens of our respective
nations, be outstanding members of society. We should live exemplary lives and
make a difference in the world.
We should live in this world while at
the same time remember that we are not
of this world any longer. This is so beautifully stated in Philippians 2:15, “that
you may become blameless and pure,
children of God without fault in a
crooked and depraved generation, in
which you shine like stars in the universe.” Each of us has a destiny to fulfill
in this lifetime, and we will never fulfill it
if we simply “head for the hills” and
resign from living life to the fullest as a
response to His near return.
Get ready for His return. I believe it
is soon. But until He comes, make your
time on this earth count by seizing every
opportunity to do His will in your daily
life. If you do, you will experience that
glorious moment when you will look
into the eyes of our Savior and hear Him
say, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful…come and
share your master’s happiness.”
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MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 7
G u e s t au t h o r
2012, the Bible, and the
End of the
By Mark Hitchcock
hy has December 21, 2012 been
tagged as earth’s expiration date?
What are we expecting to happen? Is there any credence to the Mayan calendar theories about 12.21.12, or must we
continue our search of the ancient prophecies of the Bible to discover what it says
about the end of days?
Although politicians have inundated
us with promises of change that will come,
another kind of change has been predicted—a change some believe has been bearing down on the planet for 5000 years, the
colossal transformation of our solar system
and our collective psyche that many say will
happen on December 21, 2012.
Predictions vary from total, all-out
apocalypse to some kind of quantum shift
in human awareness and consciousness.
After gathering all the prophetic material,
the conclusion is simple: All the ancient
sources agree the world will end in 2012.
After all, they say, it can’t be sheer coincidence that so many primitive diviners, psychics, and astrologers agree. The bottom
8 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
line is clear: Never before have so many
people from such diverse backgrounds and
viewpoints pinpointed one day as the expiration date for human civilization.
Signs of the Times
Apocalyptic thinking is in the air. Crises of alarming complexity are emerging
and accelerating with frightening regularity—depletion of vital resources, a peak in
oil production, food shortages, nuclear
threats, economic meltdowns, vanishing
species, potentially pandemic flu viruses,
wars and rumors of wars, turmoil in the
Middle East, record tsunamis, erratic weather patterns, unprecedented earthquakes,
and the escalation of catastrophic storms.
We live in a fragile, increasingly dangerous, interdependent world. We are seeing
an amazing confluence of tipping points.
And the world’s problems are multiplying.
Is this all a buildup to some imminent cataclysm? The prelude to a grand finale of
unspeakable destruction?
Haven’t we heard all this before? Set-
ting dates for the end of the world. You may
remember Y2K, when many people predicted that the earth’s odometer would roll
over, and we would experience all kinds of
massive computer malfunctions, government shutdowns, ensuing chaos, and even
the end of civilization as we know it.
All orthodox Christians believe in
a literal second coming of Jesus to
earth, the bodily resurrection of
all people, and a final judgment.
Of course, nothing out of the ordinary
happened on January 1, 2000. The new millennium came in with a whimper, not a
roar, and as expected, very few, if any, of the
prophets of doom admitted they were
wrong or apologized to the millions they
led astray.
Is 2012 in the Bible?
The word eschatology means “study of
the last” or “last things.” Every major reliwww.JewishVoiceToday.org
gion has some kind of eschatology or teaching about how everything is going to finally
end up. For many Muslims, it’s the coming
of their Mahdi or Messiah, who will convert
the world to Islam and rule in peace and
Buddhists reject the idea of a definitive
end of all things; rather, they envision endless cycles of life and death that can ultimately lead to nirvana, a state of complete
awakening. Like Buddhists, Hindus also
view time in cycles and believe that we are
living in the “age of darkness,” the last of
four periods that constitute the current age.
Most Hindus believe that the world will
ultimately be destroyed in an apocalypse
and then recreated.
All orthodox Christians believe in a literal second coming of Jesus to earth, the
bodily resurrection of all people, and a final
The 2012 phenomenon is the New Age
eschatology. It’s their answer to how the
world will end, or at least how the world as
we know it will end and usher in a new
stage of collective consciousness. Most religions and cultures past and present have
some kind of doomsday or end-time scenario.
In the Bible, there are many New Testament passages that refer to the end times.
Even Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24 and
Luke 21 that there would be great turmoil
and upheaval for the world in the final
years of this age. There are many other passages [of this nature] throughout the New
Given the abundance of references to
the last days, does the Bible have anything
specific to say about 2012? Some claim it
Is the Bible Written in Code?
Michael Drosnin’s book, The Bible
Code, asserts that there are hidden, cryptic
codes in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament—“a Bible beneath the Bible”—that
can be discovered by using computers to
search for the letters of specific words that
occur at a specific interval or spacing. Why
would God hide all of this information in
codes that no one could access until the
computer had been invented?
While it sounds intriguing, the notion
of Bible codes should be approached with
great caution. There is absolutely no biblical support for the practice of finding codes
hidden in the Bible. Neither Jesus nor the
www.JewishVoiceToday.org There is absolutely no biblical support for the
practice of finding codes hidden in the Bible.
Neither Jesus nor the apostles ever did such,
and the Bible is filled with straightforward
apostles ever did such, and the Bible is
filled with straightforward prophecies. We
would be much better off keeping our eyes
on the Word of God and studying its clear
meanings rather than attempting to find
things out through hidden codes.
Enthusiasts of 2012 maintain that the
Old Testament prophecies of the end-time
Great Tribulation are consistent with what
will happen during the polar shift they
expect in 2012. They also point to graphic
passages in the book of Revelation: “I
looked when He broke the sixth seal, and
there was a great earthquake; and the sun
became black as sackcloth made of hair,
and the whole moon became like blood;
and the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a
fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by
a great wind. The sky was split apart like a
scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island were moved out of their
Which view of the future has a
proven track record that we can
examine? The answer to me is
clear: only the Bible.
“Then the kings of the earth and the
great men and the commanders and the
rich and the strong and every slave and free
man hid themselves in the caves and among
the rocks of the mountains; and they said
to the mountains and to the rocks, ‘Fall on
us and hide us from the presence of Him
who sits on the throne, and from the wrath
of the Lamb’” (Revelation 6:12-16 NASB).
To 2012ologists, these passages combined with Revelation 8:5-12 that mentions
“peals of thunder and sounds and flashes
of lightning and an earthquake, … [along
with] hail and fire, mixed with blood”
looks like a serious case of pole reversal.
But end-time disasters described in Revelation and by the biblical prophets will be
caused by God, not man. Much of the suffering, destruction, and trouble we see in
the world today are the result of the wrath
of sinful man and Satan.
Which view of the future has a proven
track record that we can examine? The
answer to me is clear: only the Bible. The
Bible is the only place to look for ultimate
answers. In fact, the God of the Bible is so
certain that only He can accurately predict
the future that He throws down the gauntlet
and challenges any other so-called god to
tell the future:
Remember this, and be assured;
recall it to mind, you transgressors.
Remember the former things long past,
for I am God, and there is no other; I am
God, and there is no one like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from
ancient times things which have not been
done, saying, “My purpose will be established, and I will accomplish all My good
pleasure”…Truly I have spoken; truly I
will bring it to pass. I have planned it,
surely I will do it.
—Isaiah 46:9-11
Long-term Perspective
In Scripture, teaching about the future
is almost always followed by practical application of how the future should affect our
lives today. In light of the coming end of the
world, the apostle Peter urged us to live in
the light of eternity and not simply for the
here and now. “Since all these things are to
be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and
godliness…Therefore, beloved, since you
look for these things, be diligent to be
found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless” (2 Peter 3:11,14).
MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 9
G u e s t au t h o r
Is This the Last Generation?
By Jack Kinsella
And as He sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him
privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall
be the sign of Thy coming, and of the end of the world?
—Matthew 24:3 (KJV)
or two thousand years, scholars,
theologians, skeptics and critics have
dissected both that question and its
answer. To the faithful, it is Divine prophecy
intended to offer comfort and wisdom to
the generation that would see its fulfillment.
To the critics and skeptics, it is offered
as evidence that the Bible is a book of
myths. They argue that every generation
thought they were the ones that would see
the “end of the world” (the return of Christ)
but, look! We’re still here! Hardly an
original argument, but one that has
endured through the ages.
Knowing this first, that there shall
come in the last days scoffers, walking
after their own lusts, And saying, Where
is the promise of His coming? for since
the fathers fell asleep, all things continue
as they were from the beginning of
—2 Peter 3:3-4
10 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
The Apostle Peter reminds his readers
that they laughed when Noah built his ark
… until it started to rain. Peter defines the
logic of accepting the absence of evidence
as itself being evidence of “willing
ignorance” (2 Peter 3:5).
From that perspective, it is not
coincidental that the first warning Jesus
gave His disciples in answer to their
question was, “Take heed that no man
deceive you” (Matthew 24:4).
Evidence of a Plan
Jesus next warned His disciples, “…ye
shall hear of wars and rumours of wars,”
adding, “…see that ye be not troubled: for
all these things must come to pass, but the
end is not yet” (Matthew 24:6).
The twentieth century is divided by its
wars; pre-World War I, post-World War I,
pre-World War II, post World War II, the
Cold War, and the post Cold War. The First
World War was so ferocious and bloody
that it earned the appellation, “The War to
End All Wars.” The carnage claimed the
lives of more than thirty-eight million
people worldwide. Entire nations were
reduced to rubble. The cream of a
generation perished on the battlefields of
Europe. “Never again!” shouted the
Despite the best efforts of the League
of Nations, created to fulfill that promise,
the madness once again overspread the
globe less than a generation later. This time,
the carnage claimed almost twice as many
lives worldwide as the last one had. It
concluded with the introduction of the
world’s first use of nuclear weapons, and
established America as the greatest military
power the world had ever known.
In 1948, as the surviving Jews of
Hitler’s madness declared the existence of
the State of Israel, Russia declared a
blockade of West Berlin, which was at the
time under control of the post-war
Victorious Powers. The United States
launched a massive airlift of supplies into
Berlin, eventually breaking the blockade
and officially kicking off the ultimate
“rumor of war,” the Cold War.
Jesus intimated that the wars and rumors
of wars were a necessary part of an unfolding
plan; hence His admonition, “see that ye not
be troubled.” He explained, “…for all these
things must come to pass, but the end is not
yet.” Jesus was asked for the signs of the end.
In His response, He said these were signs, but
the end is not yet. Is there a relevant cause
and effect at work here?
It is logical to infer that these wars were
both necessary to a plan, and that they
signaled, not the end, but the beginning of
the end. Among the consequences of the
“War to End All Wars” were the collapse of
the Ottoman Empire and the occupation of
the Holy Land by the British. In 1917, the
British Parliament adopted the Balfour
Declaration that declared the newly
acquired territory of Palestine as the
“homeland of the Jews.”
The carnage of the Holocaust turned
the surviving Jews of Europe into refugees;
their property confiscated, the wealth
plundered. They had nowhere to go but
Palestine. The hardships they endured
under their Nazi tormentors steeled them
for the hardships ahead.
The generation of Jews that settled
Israel withstood five separate efforts by the
combined Arab world to annihilate them,
each time, emerging from battle in
possession of a larger piece of the Promised
Land. And the ultimate “rumor of war”
forced Israel’s alliance with the Western
world when the Soviets began setting up
client states in the Middle East.
The entire focus of Bible prophecy in
the last days demands the existence of a
Jewish State called “Israel.” Israel plays a
central role in the unfolding of all Bible
prophecy in the last days. The unintended
consequences of two wars and what turned
out to be a “rumor of war” was the Western
acquisition of the Land of Promise, the
forced relocation of European Jewry to that
land, and Israel’s necessary alliance to the
United States.
Coincidence? Or cause and effect?
Beginning of Sorrows
For nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom: and
there shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthquakes, in divers places. All
these are the beginning of sorrows.
—Matthew 24:7-8
Jesus warned that these signs were the
“beginnings of sorrows.” Sorrows is a
reference to birth pangs (Genesis 3:16 “in
www.JewishVoiceToday.org sorrow thou shalt bring forth children”).
Jesus used an analogy that would remain
constant throughout human history. We
still time labor pains. As the time
approaches, the labor pains increase in
both frequency and intensity.
Wars, famines and “pestilences”
(plagues) have always been part of the
human condition. Until mankind declared
them obsolete in the mid-twentieth
century. We declared war on wars, setting
up the United Nations as the preferred
forum for settling national differences. And
for a time, it worked as advertised.
One of the most clear and
undeniable signs of the last days
is the restoration of Israel. It is an
event unique in the annals of
human history.
We declared war on poverty and set up
programs to bring food to deprived nations
and set up international agencies to help
develop underprivileged nations. We
declared war on disease, and all but
eradicated deadly epidemics of bubonic
plague, tuberculosis, polio, malaria, leprosy
and smallpox. We developed antibiotics to
prevent their recurrence.
We made real progress, and it looked
for a while as if we might actually stamp
out mankind’s ancient scourges. But that
was before the appearance of antibiotic
resistant “superbugs.” And new, unknown
diseases like HIV, AIDS and SARS … and a
host of other formerly unheard of
Bird flu made its appearance in Asia in
the twenty-first century and with it, the
specter of a global pandemic that the
experts estimate could kill tens (maybe
hundreds) of millions of people. Of those
infected so far, more than half have died,
giving it a mortality rate of almost 60
The Restoration of Israel
One of the most clear and undeniable
signs of the last days is the restoration of
Israel. It is an event unique in the annals of
human history. The Jewish culture, unlike
other cultures of antiquity, was never
absorbed by its many conquerors. Even
after being divided, scattered across the
centuries and throughout the world,
without land or flag, the Jewish nation
survived. Think this through for a moment.
Broken into small groups, many unaware
of the existence of others like them, the
Jews survived. Across the span of centuries,
countries; their culture, religion, unique
dietary laws, customs and traditions
remained intact.
Despite the best efforts of the rest of
the world to bring about their destruction
through periodic massacres, forced
conversions and pogrom after pogrom, the
Jews survived. Today, the state of Israel is
home to Jews from every country, speaking
86 languages. In each adopted language,
they heard the story of the Exodus. In each
host country, sometimes at risk of death,
they kept the Passover. When they came
home to the Promised Land, they found
other Jews, telling the story of the Exodus,
each in their own language. And it was the
same story—because they were the same
Evidence of Perfect Planning
It seems pretty clear that Israel’s history
was carefully planned according to a
particular purpose. Take a second to think
it through. Foretelling the future of an
entire nation is more than a good guess.
Every person in every generation must
cooperate exactly; from Abraham forward.
If Moses’ mother hadn’t put him in a
basket, there’d be no Exodus. Moses’ greatgrandparents could have only married each
other, or there’d been no Moses. And what
if Habakkuk’s great-great-great-grandfather
decided to be a bachelor? Every single
individual choice throughout history—
ancient and modern—had to be exactly the
right choice for the future to work out
according to prophecy.
What if David Ben-Gurion had been
killed during WWII or if Israeli Founding
Father Abba Eban had decided to remain in
the British Army, or if Golda Meir had
stayed in Chicago? Modern Israel might
not exist. Meticulous details, maybe—but
God said that modern Israel would exist in
the last days. Just read Ezekiel 37:21-22 for
the details!
President Harry Truman
President Truman, a crusty midWesterner with no particular love for the
MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 11
Special Interest
God Is
“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent
curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your
cords, strengthen your stakes.”
—Isaiah 54:2
his year God has been expanding our territory to reach
more Jewish People with the Good News of eternal life in
Yeshua. The Lord has blessed us tremendously, doubling
our global outreach staff and almost doubling our international
outreaches just since last year. We also expect 2011 to be our biggest year yet for ministry events here in the United States.
With that expansion has come the need for a new training
center to house our expanding outreaches. Throughout Scripture,
we are instructed to prepare for the work that God has placed
before us. For David, it was planning the house of God, which
required 13 years for David’s son, Solomon, to construct (1 Kings
7). For Nehemiah, it was rebuilding the walls. (See Nehemiah 1.)
For Jewish Voice, it is preparing to reach more souls for Yeshua.
The new Jewish Voice International Messianic Prayer and Outreach Center marks our latest staging area for all of our upcoming
domestic and international outreaches. This beautiful location
also houses a spacious chapel and a dedicated prayer room. The
prayer room will be staffed with trained intercessors who will provide personal prayer ministry and also offer sound answers for
Jewish People who do not yet know Yeshua as their Messiah. We
are excited about the ministry possibilities this new Outreach
Center is going to bring.
Please pray for us as we continue to serve our
Risen Lord and expand His Kingdom.
— Jonathan Bernis, President & CEO
12 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
Co n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 9
2012 and You
The timing of the end is in God’s hands. From the human vantage
point, it appears we are standing on the threshold of the final frontier.
The pieces of the puzzle appear to be falling into place. The sands of time
are rapidly slipping through the hourglass of eternity. The key questions
for us are, “What should we do? And, what can we do in the meantime?”
A Rabbi Looks at
The Last Days
How Should We Then Live?
How should those who have received Christ live during what could
be history’s final days? Believers in the early church were consistently told
to be on the lookout for the coming of Christ. They were given clear, practical instruction about how they should live in light of this event. The
most straightforward passage about this in the New Testament is 1 Peter
4:7-10: “The end of all things is near; therefore, be of sound judgment
and sober spirit for the purpose of prayer. Above all, keep fervent in your
love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaint. As each one has received a special
gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold
grace of God.”
Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another,
because love covers a multitude of sins.
Ten Keys to Facing 2012 and Your Future
1. Remember that God is in total control.
2. The world will not end on December 21, 2012.
3. God’s message for us in the Bible is not hidden in mysterious
4. God’s final countdown for the end of the age has not started.
5. Many events, such as the return of the Jewish People to their
land, indicate that we are closer than ever before to the end.
6. Some unusual things may happen on or near
December 12, 2012.
7. We who are Christians are called to be looking for the coming of
8. New Age eschatology is man-centered and rejects God’s
infallible revelation in the Bible.
9. Do all you can to spread the good news about Christ to others.
10. Live as an ordinary person with the extraordinary character of
godliness, especially manifested in sincere love for others.
If you do these things, you will be ready to face the future.
All scriptures are from NASB. Adapted from Mark
Hitchcock’s book: 2012, The Bible, and the End of the
World. Copyright © 2009 by Mark Hitchcock. Published by Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR.
Used by permission.
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MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 13
Setting Captives Free i
Bnei Men
By Laura Bagby
Sensing a call from God, Jewish
Voice traveled deep into the remote
jungle of Mizoram, India, on February 26-March 7 to bring the Gospel of
Yeshua and the power of God through
signs and wonders to the Mizo people, a Jewish community believed to
be descendants of the Lost Tribe of
Thanks to your support,
we were able to host
two, two-and-a-half day
medical clinics, one in
the mountain village of
Serchhip, and one in the
mountain village of
God worked amazing miracles while we
were there—not the least of which
were the 142 Mizos who prayed to receive Yeshua as
their Messiah. We rejoice that this
Jewish remnant now has a greater
understanding of what Messiah
has done for them.
We likewise celebrate the fact
that not only were a total of 7,055
Mizos seen in our two medical
clinics, but that more than 498 of
them were miraculously healed
by the Great Physician.
“People who were carried in
walked out. People who were
blind or nearly blind walked out
seeing. People who were deaf in
one ear got their hearing back,”
notes Cheryl Schang, JVMI’s Vice Presid
Cheryl anor
dent of Global Outreach. “God just
y f
showed up and showed off!”
God did such a miraculous work
in the lives of these Jewish People that
we can’t help but share just a few of
the ways Yeshua demonstrated compassion through His healing touch.
Double Blessing
Sixty-six-year-old widow Aitluangi brought her 24-year-old daughter, Ramsiani, and her 28-year-old
daughter, Laurinzuali, who both suffer from mental,
speech, and hearing impairments, to our first medical clinic in the village of Serchhip.
14 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
Prayer Roo
The mother, who has
spent many years as a manual
laborer, farming and cultivating rice in the jungle, found
out about the free clinic and
rode on a bus the 12 miles
from the village of Chhiatlang, arriving around 8:15
a.m. The family waited
patiently for seven hours
before finally getting to see
Dr. Thomas Osenberg.
After a thorough medical
exam, Dr. Osenberg first recommended
abdominal pain and degenerative back issues and suggested
the women drink lots of water
to combat their headaches
caused by dehydration.
But of most concern was
the lack of hearing and speech
demonstrated in the two daughters. After receiving medication
from the pharmacy, the family went for prayer. Stella
Tinnirello and Cheryl Schang laid hands on the two
girls and prayed that both would not only receive
Yeshua as their Messiah, but also receive a creative
miracle from God, bringing complete physical restoration. After prayer, both daughters can now hear significantly
Deaf ears open
. elevatio
6,000 ft
Framing a Better Future
Traveling an hour and a half
with their mother to the medical
clinic one morning in Saitual,
two 13-year-old twin brothers
stood in line, anticipating the
time they each would receive
their first free pair of eyeglasses.
One of the twins was so
excited about the prospect of seeing clearly he sported his own
handmade pair of wire spectacles—minus the glass.
For these young teens, the gift of sight through a
free eye exam and fitting meant everything. Now
they can study longer and get a better education,
resulting in a brighter future. Who knows? From this
simple display of God’s generosity, these young men
might one day grow up to be doctors or teachers.
Thank you for giving these children a second
chance at a better life.
in the Jungles of India
special report
om Praise!
providing a double blessing of
His love.
Nursing Spiritual Needs:
Mara Waxenbaum
“Upon growing up in a
reformed Jewish household and
accepting Yeshua as my Messiah
almost six years ago, I could
have never imagined the mighty
situations He would place in
my path,” says ER nurse Mara
“My first trip to India with Jewish
Voice, I went as a nurse to provide care
to the people of Mizoram,” she continues. “After working the first morning, I
was invited to assist in the Prayer Room
for what I thought would be a very short
period of time. However, God had different plans, and I ended up staying in the
Prayer Room for the entire clinic.
“God was moving so powerfully that it
was hard to keep up with the miracles taking place! Deaf ears opened, eyes received
complete clarity, heart murmurs disappeared, tumors evaporated, countless broken hearts mended, the lame and the paralyzed walked out, and the angels rejoiced in
heaven as salvations occurred!
“I would greatly encourage anyone who is
questioning God’s call on their hearts for missions to
say yes to Him. He will use your hands and
feet to love others, and you will be tremendously blessed in return.”
Dr. Laura examines
orphan girl
Released by Yeshua
During our second medical clinic in Saitual, a suffering
11-year-old Mizo girl with
multiple medical problems
was carried into the Prayer
Room, awaiting Yeshua’s touch
to heal her maladies.
She could not hold a pen
or pencil because her hand
would not bend to close, her
vision was extremely blurry,
and she was completely paralyzed on her right side, making it impossible for her to
After a time of intense,
faith-filled intercession with
our prayer team, God performed the miraculous. This
young lady picked up a pen
and wrote for
the first time,
able to see
clearly what
she was writing
God completely restored her
Even more
she was able to walk—and
even jump—for the very
first time! God completely
restored the use of her right
leg. Now she is alive with
joy. Praise God for working
this creative miracle!
Isaiah 60:1 proclaims, “Arise, shine, for
your light has come, and
the glory of the LORD
rises upon you.” How
true this was in the remote
jungles of Mizoram! In
fact, not only did God
work through the Mizo
people in miraculous
ways, but He also worked
wonders in the hearts of
our outreach volunteers,
The Art of Service: Dr. Art Missirlian
“Fourteen years ago,” says dentist Art
Missirlan, “with tears running down my
cheeks, my life as a follower of the living God
started. Now as a dentist some 19 mission
trips later, I am called to go with JVMI to the
outermost parts of the world. Mizoram sure
feels like the outermost parts, but once you are
there, wow!
“This people group was by far the one that
touched my heart the most. They are so giving,
caring, thoughtful, and considerate. I know
I’m the one who is supposed to give and to
help, but I couldn’t have out-given these peo-
Dr. Art
MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 15
Co n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 15
but happy
ple. They let us into their lives,
their culture, and their way of
caring. I can’t wait to go again.
“The conditions for us Westerners were tough—sleeping in
tents on hard floors; cold washes
with a pitcher and bucket for a
shower; reconstituted, freezedried food; bus rides that went
on forever over bumpy, twisty
roads. Let’s not forget the 48
hours of travel to get there. And
did I mention all the needs
medically and dentally? It was overwhelming.
“The dental need in every child
that I saw was incomprehensible for
a Western-trained dentist. All children older than 18 months had all
or nearly all of their teeth rotted out
beyond recognition. I asked the
Lord with each patient which tooth
or teeth I should remove, and He
was faithful to answer. For those
we saw, it was a relief from infection and pain.
“We need more help from
medical and dental professionals. As Believers, how
can we not want to go out and reach the lost, as well
as help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? The
Lord will talk to you more clearly than you will
imagine—so loudly, in fact, that even the deaf will
hear and the mute will speak!”
Christ. That is a big reason why I will continue
to support and participate with Jewish Voice.
“At the second village of Saitual, I saw the
people lining up at the entrance hours before
sunrise, as they’d done every morning, hoping
for a rare visit with a doctor.
“Every single one had a need, either medical, visual, or dental. We would put a band on
their wrist and mark it with an ‘M,’ an ‘E,’ or a
‘D’ depending on their greatest need. Putting
the bands on their wrists, I was able to look
them in the eye. To many I said, “Good morning.” Most responded in kind. After many hours
and days of this, I grew closer to these people
than I realized.
“When my team leader told me to take a
break, I found myself walking into the Prayer
Room. Mary began to pray over me as I cried
out to God, ‘There are so many; they just keep
coming.’ I knew we couldn’t meet all their
needs, but God could.
“Even after we’ve gone, He will continue
moving in these people, in these villages,
because of their renewed faith in Yeshua—God,
to them, through us.”
Thank you so much for helping us to fulfill
God’s Isaiah 61:1 call: “The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has
anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim freedom for the captives and release
from darkness for the prisoners.”
With your help, we will
Banded by Love: Bob Baublitz
“I am an outdoorsman by heart, so
continue to bring God’s Word
when I heard that Jewish Voice was doing
and His power to Jewish
a medical outreach to the remote mounPeople both near and far.
tains of northeast India, staying in tents
and eating backpacker meals, I jumped at
For more outreach stories, visit our blog at:
the opportunity,” says security volunteer www.jewishvoice.wordpress.com. See videos
Bob Baublitz, who had previously joined on YouTube.com/jewishvoicetoday.
us for two of our Hear O’ Israel! Festivals
of Jewish Music & Dance.
ank you!
people th
The Mizo
Medical Director, Dr. Everett Holley,
told us that each member
of this team was just as
important as any other, that
if any one part broke down,
the whole would suffer,”
Bob explains. “I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 12:1226, where the apostle Paul
talks about the Body of
16 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
Your Window of Blessing
Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless those who bless you…”
Translation: If you bless the Jewish People, you will also be blessed!
2010 is going to be Jewish Voice’s busiest year!
We see this happen every day through Jewish Voice Ministries.
And we want to share this remarkable plan from God with you
at your congregation.
We’re expecting God to bring in
a great harvest of souls this year!
You can play a part in this end-time
harvest of Jewish souls!
Encourage your Pastor or Congregational Leader to contact us
today about giving Jewish Voice a 10-minute Missions Window
in an upcoming service!
Call or e-mail Ronna Cohen today to find out more.
602.971.8501 • [email protected]
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So all Israel will be saved...
Co n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 11
Jews, fought a pitched battle with Secretary
of State George C. Marshall, who told
Truman in blunt terms: “They don’t deserve
a state, they have stolen that country. If you
give this recognition, Mr. President, I may
not vote for you in the next election.”
In the end, Truman decided against the
expressed and united opinion of his
cabinet. He sent a cable to Tel Aviv, assuring
David Ben-Gurion of the U.S. intention to
recognize the new Jewish state. On May 14,
Joseph Cohn, Chaim Weitzman’s personal
secretary, was dispatched to Washington to
inform Truman that the name of the state
he was about to recognize would be “Israel.”
As it grew apparent that the new Jewish
state was looking westward to America,
instead of east toward Moscow for its
Israel’s existence is a miracle
accomplished by God, specifically
as He said it would be
principle political alliances, the Soviets
soured on the new state and turned instead
to support Israel’s Arab enemies. Among
the punitive policies adopted by the
Kremlin was a complete ban on emigration
by Soviet-bloc Jews to the Jewish state.
Israel’s existence is a miracle
accomplished by God, specifically as He
said it would be accomplished. Specifically
when He intended—in the last days. When
the time came, the world convulsed into
World War II, and regurgitated the nation it
had been holding captive until the
appointed time. Three years after the
Holocaust, on May 14, 1948, Israel raised
her flag. For the first time since 702 B.C.,
there was a place in the world called Israel
and a home for the Jews.
There is no story like Israel’s. There is
no nation like Israel. God said, “I found
Israel like grapes in the wilderness; I saw
your fathers as the firstripe in the fig tree at
her first time…” (Hosea 9:10). Jews have
been born, lived and died in every country
on earth, but their birth nation was never
more than a temporary “host” country.
“Distress of Nations”
Among the most telling signs that we
are approaching Zero Hour is the fear that,
after six thousand years, we have used up
our host planet. A recent scientific study,
prepared in Washington under the
18 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
supervision of Robert Watson, the Britishborn chief scientist at the World Bank and a
former scientific adviser to the White House
warns that very thing. According to the
study, human civilization has consumed
two-thirds of the world’s resources, most of
it in just the last sixty years.
Statistical findings of the report are
stunning, and it is this generation that has
allegedly used it up. It is also this generation
in which men’s hearts have begun to fail
them “for fear, and for looking after those
things which are coming on the earth.”
Signs in the sun, moon and stars have
astronomers baffled. Fears of a catastrophic
collision with giant space rocks have us
scanning the heavens and planning our
defense from a threat that we didn’t even
know existed a generation ago.
The Last Generation
The Bible says that the same generation
to witness the restoration of Israel would
see the revival of the old Roman Empire,
the annihilation of Russia at the head of a
Persian-led Islamic confederation on the
mountains of Israel and says nothing at all
about the existence of a global superpower
resembling the United States of America.
There are many alive today who believe
in God, and who believe the lie that
knowing will make the difference when
they stand before the Judge of the Universe.
The Apostle James wrote: “Thou believest
that there is one God; thou doest well: the
devils also believe, and tremble” (James
2:19). It’s a valid point. Satan believes in
God. He has spoken with Him face to face.
But Satan isn’t going to heaven! Neither
will the rest of the angels that rebelled with
him. The Bible tells us that the lake of fire is
a place prepared for the devil and his angels.
Those who think believing in God is all
they need to ensure that they will spend
eternity in heaven would do well to heed
the warning contained in Matthew 7:22-23.
Many will say to me in that day,
Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
thy name? and in thy name have cast
out devils? and in thy name done many
wonderful works? And then will I
profess unto them, I never knew you:
depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
These days the term “born again” is
usually reserved for the rabid lunatic fringe
type of Christian. But, if we are to accept
the Bible as true, then that is the only
definition of a Christian. Without this
“born again” experience, Jesus Christ says a
man cannot see the kingdom of God. If
Heaven is His kingdom, and a person must
go there to see it, then a person who is not
born again can’t go there.
Now for the good news. The “born
again” experience is available to anyone
who asks for it. So is eternity in Heaven.
You don’t have to “prepare” yourself in
advance and you don’t need to first clean
up your life; you only need come before
Jesus Christ and admit your need. The
simplicity of salvation proves to be the
undoing of many who think they, in some
way, have a role to play.
Ask Jesus to accept you as you are and
forgive you of your sins. Change your mind
about your sin and allow Him to make
changes in your mind and your heart.
That’s all there is to it! You are a Christian.
Regardless of what anyone else does or says
to you, you have eternal life, according to
the Bible. Eternal life, by definition, is
The “born again” experience is
available to anyone who asks for
it. So is eternity in Heaven.
If you have turned your life over to
Him for safekeeping, then the same applies
to you. You are an adopted son of God with
full family membership. Welcome to the
family! I look forward to seeing you in
Excerpted from Jack Kinsella’s book:
The Last Generation: Ten Signs of the End
of the Age. All scriptures taken from
KJV Bible.
Jack Kinsella is the founder and publisher of the Omega Letter, (www.
omegaletter.com) a daily journal of events as they relate to Bible prophecy. Jack
is head writer of The Hal Lindsey Report television program and former head
writer for This Week in Bible Prophecy. Jack is the author of more than two dozen
television documentaries on the subject, and more than two thousand columns
on current events and Bible prophecy.
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MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 19
f ruo
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ound the world
n tsi n
Intelligence Report
n Where Israel did get wiped
off the map
Feb 08, 2010—It looks as
if Iran has found allies
in its quest to wipe Israel off the map—the
dopes at your friendly
neighborhood Target
On sale exclusively at Target is this innocent-looking toy globe. Thousands of these trinkets have already
moved out of malls, from Queens to Honolulu, and
landed in living rooms and kids’ rooms across America.
But folks who forked over a buck for the miniature
worlds got less than they bargained for.
These planetary models contain just about all the
countries on Earth—from France to China, Singapore
to Spain. But there’s one glaring exception: Israel.
In the spot where Israel should be, this word is
printed: “Palestine.” Some of those who unwittingly
purchased the Israel-free orbs feel as if they’ve played a
role in a modern-day Final Solution.
“They’re teaching kids there is no Israel, only
Palestine,” said Rabbi Gary Moskowitz, who bought
a globe at the Queens Center Mall for his 5-year-old
daughter. “This encourages terrorism. This foments
Bob Kunst learned of the globe’s omission when
a friend’s 12-year-old daughter in Florida asked innocently, “Where’s Israel?”
“The very people who deny Israel’s existence also
deny the Holocaust,” he said.
After receiving complaints, Target, which sold the
globes for several weeks, finally responded. On Sunday,
it began yanking the globes from its 1,744 stores in 49
states (Vermont is Target-free), and destroying them.
We hope.
“We didn’t want to offend any of our guests,” said
Amy Reilly of Target customer relations, who initially
said the omission of Israel was due to lack of space on
the item. (Isn’t “Palestine” a longer word?)
Devrian Global Industries of New Jersey, which
imported “tens of thousands” of globes from China,
apologized. “Obviously, it was a mistake. We obviously
offended some people. Now we’re pulling them off the
shelves,” said chief merchandising officer Larry Fine. No
estimate on how many were sold.
So is this much ado about little? I think not.
The movement to marginalize and even destroy the
Jewish state has lately picked up steam. Israeli products are boycotted in Europe. Arabic textbooks deny
Israel’s right to exist. Even the Obama administration
has voiced policies of appeasement: In Cairo last June,
20 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
“...when these things begin to take place...lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” (Luke 21:28)
n The resilience of the people is stronger than we expected
February 11, 2010—Israeli volunteers have opened a makeshift
school in Port-au-Prince, providing education and counseling for
800 of the city’s traumatized children.
As the earthquake-ravaged city of Port-au-Prince, Haiti struggles to cope
with the devastation in the wake of the mass loss of life and destruction, efforts to return a semblance of normalcy to the area is being aided by an Israeli
delegation of volunteers.
Members of the Natan Israeli Coalition for International Humanitarian Aid,
have been in Haiti for three weeks, and with aid from the local government and
from the neighboring Dominican Republic, have managed to open a makeshift
school that for the last week has begun teaching some 800 pupils.
“Basically what we did was to identify professionals within the community and establish a group of teacher volunteers,” said the leader of the sixmember Israeli delegation, Dr. Moshe Farhi, a trauma and stress expert at Tel Hai
Academic College in Kiryat Shmona.
“We’ve set up two giant tents to house the school and organized the supplies for the students, like notebooks and pens and text books. We currently
have two shifts for the school - morning and afternoon, and we have around
40 teachers working with the students,” he told ISRAEL21c from Port-au-Prince.
Searching the Rubble to Find School Books
According to Farhi, when the pupils heard that the school was opening,
they began searching through the rubble of their homes for their books and
supplies, an indication that they were eager to return to their pre-quake routine.
Farhi, who has been instrumental in developing programs in Israel to train
people to help residents of Israel’s north cope with the trauma of katyusha attacks from Lebanon, said that he has been involved with similar efforts in Haiti.
“It’s important to understand that there can be extreme reactions right
after a traumatic event. The first emotional reactions can be hysteria or even
catatonia. So some of what I’ve been doing has been working with victims like
that,” he said, adding that he has been pleasantly surprised by the spirit of the
local population to adversity as reflected by the enthusiasm over the school.
“We found that the resilience of the population is much stronger than we
expected. Within a week after the quake, they had started dealing with carrying on
with their lives. Parents started sending their children to school—and to not be in
control of your child after something like that happens is a big deal,” he explained.
Like in Kiryat Shmona, Farhi has been organizing groups in Port-Au-Prince
and training people to become trauma counselors.
Training Teachers in Trauma Tesponse
“We’ve established a small group and picked those teachers we feel are
capable of training others to deal with trauma and help the victims cope and go
President Obama went so far as to equate the
murder of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust with
Arab dislocation in the Middle East.
And, of course, there’s Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s infamous quote: “Israel must be wiped off the map.”
The globes were made in China by the
back to the routine they had before,” said Farhi.
Farhi’s delegation was due to leave the day after he spoke with ISRAEL21c,
to be replaced by five other members of the Natan coalition, which was named
for Israeli peace activist and humanitarian Abie Natan. However, he said that he
would be returning before long.
“We intend to have a presence here and work with the local population for
the next half year,” he said, adding that he first became involved with the organization when he led an Israeli team to Sri Lanka in the wake of 2004’s tsunami.
“It was in Sri Lanka that I met Dr. Mike Naftali, who’s the co-chairman of
Natan, and we started working together,” he said.
Naftali is a Fellow Researcher at the Tel Aviv University Interdisciplinary
Center for Children and Youth Studies, and also serves as chairperson of Topaz—for the Well Being of Children and Youth, and of Brit Olam—the International Israeli-Jewish Volunteer Movement.
More Delegations on Their Way
Three days after the quake, Natan sent its first humanitarian aid delegation
to the area, which helped set up and man the Israeli military hospital. Farhi’s
delegation left Israel on January 22, and included doctors, paramedics, mental
health therapists, community workers, and trauma support staff. According to
the organization, another 12 delegations will be sent to Haiti this year to assist
with the multidisciplinary rehabilitation needed in Haiti.
In another Israeli relief effort in Haiti, IsraAID this week opened a child
education center in the Petionville Refugee Camp—the largest refugee camp
in Port-au-Prince.
Working closely with other agencies, such as Operation Blessing, JP-HRO
and ProDev, the center will function in tents donated by the IDF which were
used for their field hospital. The tents will now become a child friendly space
where activities for 250 children at a time will take place.
The educational programs, which were prepared in partnership with all
three agencies as well as the local teachers, include pedagogical content, music,
sports, and training for readiness in case of another earthquake.
source: Jeffrey Heyman - http://israel21c.org/201002117688/social-action/qthe-resilience-of-thepeople-is-stronger-than-we-expectedq
Ningbo Beilun Beixin Plastic and Hardware Co.,
and were inspected and approved by the American firm Bureau Veritas. Its officers wouldn’t
comment, citing “client confidentiality.”
None of this explains why so many people
missed the flaw. Or did someone willfully look
the other way?
Devrian, meanwhile, wants to talk to the Chinese manufacturer, to make certain such a thing
doesn’t happen again. The company is having trouble doing so. With Chinese New Year approaching,
officers said, no one is available to translate.
Israel will have to wait.
source: Andrea Peyser, New York Post
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22 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
ummertime is just around the corner
and many of us are starting to make
preparations for a vacation.
I am typically a great planner, but
when it comes to packing my bags for a
trip, I usually wait until the last minute. I
remind those who love me and are
concerned I will forget something that I am
accustomed to traveling light and won’t
forget anything. Unfortunately, more times
than I would like to admit, I do forget
But I never forget my passport.
One day all of us who have placed our
faith in Yeshua will be taking an eternal
trip. The first question we need to ask
ourselves is, “Have I planned for that trip?”
The second question we should ask is,
“What have I planned to do with what God
has given me that will be left behind on
this earth?”
Many believe the Lord will return
before very long and plan on investing their
assets now in programs that support
evangelism outreach so that others will be
able to enter God’s kingdom before it is too
late. Some have even set up a will and
possibly a trust to manage their investment
in Messianic Christian outreach after they
have been taken home to be with the Lord.
When I think about preparing for my
final trip, I want to have everything ready. I
can’t take it for granted that I have plenty of
time to prepare. I might not have the time
to tell a loved one what I’d like to leave to
special friends, family, or a charity.
Like taking any trip out of this country,
we have to have our passport in hand.
Without it we can’t leave the country.
Yeshua is our passport, and He alone is the
only One who can allow us entry into His
kingdom. Without Him as our passport, we
will be left behind.
It’s that last step that no one wants to
miss—being left behind. What have you
done to make sure that you, your family,
and your friends are not left behind? Have
your friends and family heard the Gospel
message? Have you made sure they
understand that there is one final trip all of
us will take? Do they know that preparation
for this trip is vital?
The Bible is very clear when Yeshua
says, “I am the way, the truth and the life;
no one comes to the Father except through
Me” (John 14:6). Our first priority is to
make sure everyone has heard the Gospel
message so they can choose Yeshua as
Messiah and Lord.
If you are going to be a good traveler
and not wait until the last minute, you will
need to plan for this trip. What documents
have you prepared to make sure your family
is taken care of? What are you going to
invest in to reach the lost with the Gospel
message? Have you planned on giving
more now while you are still here so you
know it is going to worthy causes?
Planning takes time, but waiting until
the last minute may be the most costly
decision you will make. Don’t let yourself—
or others—be left behind.
Jewish Voice Gift Planning
Specialists can help you
create an estate plan.
Contact us at:
602-971-8501 or e-mail:
[email protected].
Jewish Voice Upcoming
Outreach Opportunities
Proclaiming Messiah to the World!
South America
Hear O’ Israel!
Festival of Jewish Music & Dance
August 13-23, 2010
For information, contact
Evie Kriegbaum:
[email protected]
Medical Outreach
Sept. 24 - Oct. 3, 2010
For information, contact
Melissa Johnston:
[email protected]
You can also visit our website for more information on
upcoming events and outreaches: www.jewishvoice.org
www.JewishVoiceToday.org MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 23
hebrew lesson
Are You Making Disciples?
Excerpted from Kevin Geoffrey’s new book, Being a Disciple of Messiah:
Building Character for an Effective Walk in Yeshua.
By Kevin Geoffrey
In modern congregational life, there
are many areas in which discipleship can
effectively take place. The most common
form of discipleship is between the congregational leaders (shepherds) and the flock.
Unfortunately, this is the only level of discipleship for many believers. Small groups
are often a favored solution, since the intimacy and accountability levels are greatly
increased, leading to greater potential for
But while both small group and congregational discipleship are helpful, there is
no substitute for one-on-one discipleship.
By and large, this concept seems to be lost
in today’s Body of Messiah. Yet many of us
have the opportunity to participate in the
most special kind of one-on-one discipleship on a regular basis, and we don’t even
realize it. The purposeful discipleship of
our children is the single most crucial discipleship that needs to take place. Not only
is it critical for them, but a great deal can be
learned from the successful adult-child discipleship process that can in turn be applied
to all other forms of discipleship.
The Torah teaches us explicitly about
the importance and commitment a parent
is to place on the discipleship of his children. ~yrIb'D>, D’variym (Deuteronomy) 6:57 instructs the people of Israel,
will love Adonai
your God with
all your heart,
and with all your soul, and with all your
might, and these words which I am commanding you today will be on your heart,
and you will repeat them to your sons, and
speak of them when you sit in your house,
and when you walk by the way, and when
you lie down, and when you rise up…”
The phrase, “and you will repeat
them,” translates the Hebrew ~Tn>N:viw>,
v’shinan’tam, which comes from the word
!n:v', shanan, meaning to whet. To whet is to
sharpen something by repetitive contact, as
one would sharpen a knife by striking it
repeatedly against a stone. In the case of
the sons of Israel, they are to be sharpened
by having the words of Adonai repeated to
them over and over again, imprinting the
commands of God deeply into the memory
of their hearts. Like stone on blade, the
Word of Adonai strikes against the hard
heart of man. Over time, it sharpens without inflicting damage, and in the end, the
tool is fit for excellent service.
Discipling a child is not something
that can be done just on a weekly or semiweekly basis. From the moment we awake,
throughout the activities of the day, until
the second we lie down to sleep, we are to
be deliberate in discipling our children.
This is how often Israel is commanded to
speak the words of Adonai to her sons:
“when you sit in your house, and when you
walk by the way, and when you lie down,
and when you rise up.” Though many of
us are not able to spend every waking min-
As Believers in Messiah, we are called to be like Him—to practically
and actually live our lives like the Master. But many times it is a daily
struggle for us to walk in the ways we know we should go. Being
a Disciple of Messiah will help strengthen and build you up for a
greater, more effective walk in Yeshua... challenging and inspiring
you to become more like the Master every day.
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24 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
ute with our children, we still have the obligation to make the most of each moment
we are together. ~yrIb'D>, D’variym 11:19
repeats this exhortation with additional
“And teach them to your sons, by
speaking of them when you sit in your
house, and when you go by the way, and
when you lie down, and when you rise
“And teach them” translates the
Hebrew ~T,d>M;liw>, v’limad’tem, coming from
dm;l', lamad, meaning to teach, exercise, or
train. The sharpening of the child takes
place not merely through the repetition of
the Word of God, but in the practical application of it. If a parent cannot show the student how his teachings can be applied
practically and actually, the child will not
be able to incorporate the truth into his
life, and it will be forgotten. Though we
may literally speak the Word of Adonai to
our children, we also “speak” the Word
through our actions. How we live testifies
to the validity of our words. In short, it
goes to our integrity. If our kids (or anyone
we desire to reach for Yeshua) hear us saying “Yeshua! Yeshua! Yeshua!” but our lives
are saying, “Me! Me! Me!” they will pick up
on it, and when they are older, they will
turn away.
Commit in your heart today to make
disciples—be it your children or other
believers who can benefit from your experience in the Lord. As disciples of Messiah,
we are called to serve the Master as students
and teachers—children and parents—and
we have been given everything we need to
be both.
Pronunciation Key: a = “ah”; e = “eh”;
i = “ee”; o = “oh”; u = “oo”; ch = guttural sound in
back of throat as in “bach” or “loch”, not “ch” as
in “much” or “charity”
Kevin Geoffrey is a Jewish Believer
in the Messiah Yeshua. He is the
Founder and President of Perfect
Word Ministries, a Messianic Jewish
teaching ministry. Kevin resides in
Phoenix, AZ with his wife, Esther,
and their sons, Isaac, Josiah, and
Hosea. Visit Perfect Word online at
PROPHEC Y & t r u t h b e h i n d THE NE W S
The Left is Still Not Right
By Jan Markell
For decades the mainstream media has
loved to critically focus on religious conservatives like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.
At the same time, they have ignored the
antics of the Religious Left.
The causes of the Religious Left are
socialism and social justice (just another
term for socialism.) To learn more, the
National Council of Churches (NCC)
would be a good place to start. Some representatives are more extreme, but most are
cozying up to “liberation theology,” various
Marxist dictators, amnesty for illegals (also
being promoted by the National Association of Evangelicals), socialized medicine,
pacifism, opposition to welfare reform, and
even a resistance to a missile shield for
America! Some even want a “truth commission” to examine U.S. war atrocities.
But the ones the Religious Left most
demonize are Israel and Christian Zionists (Christian friends of Israel.) The NCC
has even produced a booklet titled Why We
Should Be Concerned About Christian Zionism.
The booklet states that Christian Zionism is
a dangerous movement that distorts the
teachings of the church, fosters fear and
hatred of Muslims and non-Western Christians, and has negative consequences for
Middle East peace.
Who are some other participants in the
Religious Left? We have mentioned the
NCC, but their parent organization, the
World Council of Churches (WCC), is on
the same page ideologically and spiritually.
And then there is Jim Wallis, of the
ministry Sojourners. He’s a 1960s Communist who worked with the radical Students
for a Democratic Society (SDS). He has
since gravitated toward socialism and is
now making appearances on Christian college campuses. His
thrust is to get students to quit focusing on
abortion and same-sex marriage and start to
think about “social justice” issues.
Two other prominent Religious Leftists
are Emergent guru Brian McLaren and Tony
Campolo. Then we have the various denominations within the NCC and WCC. Membership is declining in many of these mainline Protestant churches because there is
little Gospel preaching. It has been replaced
by calls for social action. Many sitting in the
pews are not fully aware of what their
denominations stand for and the policies
being pushed. Others are aware, and that is
likely why attendance and membership are
declining. Still others stay to try and make a
difference and pull the Left back to center.
Now let’s return to the heart of the
matter: Israel. On March 8, 2010, The Washington Times spilled the beans on the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. (PCUSA).
Remember that in 2004 the PCUSA
became the only religious body in the United States to encourage stock divestment in
Israel by its members. They want to cripple
Israel’s economy. How about crippling the
economy of America’s enemies, not our
The Washington Times says, “A comparison of the letter the committee has written
to ‘Our Palestinian Friends’ and the one it
has written to ‘Our Israeli Friends’ shows a
stark one-sidedness. The first note has the
tone of an admonishing parent chiding a
child; the second, to the Israelis, is full of
references to Israel’s ‘dehumanization’ of
the Palestinians.”
The Washington Times continues,
“Nowhere in either letter does the word ‘terrorism’ or any of its derivatives appear.”
Emergent Brian McLaren took a trip to
Israel recently and wrote on his blog, “I see
Myths and Facts About the Middle East
DVD by Jan Markell
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Scripture that all of Israel’s accusers are resorting to myths to
discredit Israel’s right to exist. Order #6061 | $16.00 + $3.95 S&H
1-888-921-4582 or www.jewishvoicetoday.org
www.JewishVoiceToday.org how many of my most basic assumptions
were skewed from a lifetime of half-truths,
unfair and imbalanced news, well-planned
propaganda, and misinformation.”
Sadly, a lot of those I am writing about,
particularly Wallis and McLaren, have great
influence over young minds, propagandizing Israel as evil Goliath and the Palestinians as little David. And the truth that Israel
has been the victim of continued suicide
bombers is totally absent! The bombings
have decreased due to the fence built in
recent years in Israel, but that, too, is
demonized and has resulted in Israel being
blamed for being an “apartheid” nation like
South Africa.
While my first reaction toward the Religious Left is rage, let’s first resort to prayer.
They are a lot like the Pharisees who never
brought people to repentance, thus making
no difference for eternity. Jesus implies they
have eyes that see not and ears that hear not
(Mark 8:18). Jeremiah calls the people
“foolish” in his day for having the same
condition (Jeremiah 5:21).
Pray for Israel. A new ‘Hitler’—Mahmoud Ahmadinejad—wants to perpetrate a
second holocaust. If Israel launches a preemptive attack, she will be the goat of the
whole earth, even though she will have
done all nations a favor. Remember, it’s not
just the Religious Left who has contention
for Israel. Her only real friends are a few
evangelical Christians now called dangerous by the PCUSA.
They need a heart transplant. In other
words, they need salvation, for until that
happens, they will likely remain in darkness
with eyes that cannot see truth. The Religious Left, and others, will continue to call
evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).
Jan Markell is Founder/Director of Olive
Tree Ministries, Inc. To learn more about her
ministry or to request her free newsletter, write to
Box 1452, Maple Grove, MN 55311 or visit Jan at:
www.olivetreeviews.org where you can also
listen to her weekly program online.
MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 25
H e a d q ua r t e r s r e p o r t
By Andy Freeman, Program Director
I was born in Chicago, Illinois. Those of
us who hail from the “city of big shoulders”
share a couple of things in our DNA: a love of
great pizza, a hardiness from living in the
winter weather of the Windy City, and a diehard love for the Chicago Cubs baseball
The subject of an apocalypse and the
Last Days is a heavy subject, so I sometimes
lighten things up with a bit of humor. Since it
has been more than a century since the Cubs
have won a championship, I tell people that
one of my personal signs of the End Times is
seeing the hapless Cubs winning the World
While this is not an authentic sign of the
times, the Lord does call us to understand the
signs of the times and also to work while it is
still day, for the night is coming when no
man can work.
There is truly a quickening pace in the
world today. There are more wars and more
earthquakes and other disasters that speak of
the birth pangs that point toward the return
of Yeshua.
Here at Jewish Voice, we are seeing greater divine favor and doors opening for us to
take the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of the
House of Israel. Already this year we have
journeyed to villages in India to bring medical help and proclaim the Gospel to the
ancient tribe of Manasseh. We were allowed
to minister in a place that had possibly not
seen Westerners in more than 100 years! We
are also about to conclude another major
medical mission to the Lost Tribes in Ethiopia. In both nations, we have seen Jewish
People without hope changed forever when
they began a personal relationship with their
Messiah and Lord.
Soon we will bring another large-scale
International Hear O’ Israel! Festival of Jewish
Music & Dance to a Latin American nation we
have never been allowed to minister in
before! Tens of thousands of Jewish People
26 | Jewish Voice Today MAy/June 2010
will receive their first
opportunity to celebrate their culture
and faith with Messianic Believers. By the power and presence of
the Holy Spirit, we will see many meet Yeshua and establish a place where these new
Believers can be discipled and proclaim the
Gospel to others in their nation.
Zechariah 12:10 promises us that in the
final days, those who found Jesus to be a
stumbling block will recognize Him and His
gift of salvation for the Jewish People. Finally, the salvation that early Believers took to
the entire world will come home to the children of Abraham. What good news this truly
No baseball championship, no personal
award, no earthly blessing can ever match the
move of the Lord upon His People and the
Second Coming that this amazing fulfillment
of prophecy foreshadows.
Whether you are from Chicago or
Miami, Paris or Timbuktu, it is time for each
of us to focus our prayers and our efforts on
bringing men, women, and children into the
Kingdom of God. Satan’s days on earth are
numbered. The Lord is making this a favorable time. Let’s continue to work together
through this ministry to take the Gospel to
the Jew first. And let’s continue to share
Yeshua’s love with our own neighbors
and community.
I will continue to follow my Cubbies
and enjoy their efforts on the baseball
diamond. But this is a passing pleasure.
Paul told us we must fix our eyes on
an eternal prize—and our Savior who gave
His life for us.
We are living in the book of Acts. We
are seeing the miraculous take place in our
world. Let’s continue living out the stories
God is writing that bring Him glory and
look forward to the final chapter when His
Son returns to earth.
More New Faces at JVMI
Evie Kriegbaum joins the Global Outreach Department as an International Coordinator. She brings marketing, advertising,
and graphic design experience to Jewish Voice and
looks forward to furthering
the Kingdom through this
Originally from Missouri, Mary Klinginsmith
came to Arizona in 1954 and taught many
years in both public and Christian schools.
She started volunteering at Jewish Voice as
the mail assistant, responsible for sending letters
and cards to our wonderful donors, before coming
on board as one of our
new Phone Ministry Representatives.
Leanna Corbett, a Certified Public
Accountant, first began her employment
with Jewish Voice as Accounting Manager.
She most recently joined
our Partner Relations
team as a Phone Ministry
Representative. Leanna
knows that JVMI is connecting with its partners
and making a difference
through “phone blessing”
John Corbett first joined
our team as webmaster in
2008. Now part of the Partner Relations team, John is
happy to serve as a Phone Ministry Representative. “I have the incredible honor of calling
to thank our donors and communicate what
an important role they play in everything we
do,” he says.
Our most recent Phone
Ministry Representative, Bonnie
L. Blanka, worked with Open
Doors with Brother Andrew for
more than 14 years before joining Jewish Voice. “I am blessed
to be a part of this very important ministry,” she says.
Jacob Stanton brings
more than 20 years experience in Christian retailing to
his position as Inventory
Control Specialist. Jacob
manages our inventory, warehouse, webstore, and product fulfillment.
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www.JewishVoiceToday.org MAy/June 2010
Jewish Voice Today | 27
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