development approval process
development approval process
C1: DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PROCESS – WHAT DIFFERENCES AFFECT COMMERCIAL LEASES MODERATOR: GARY POONI, PRESIDENT, BROOK POONI & ASSOCIATES INC. PANEL: ANDREW LAURIE, SENIOR ASSOCIATE, OFFICE LEASING, CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD LTD. GEOFF NAGLE, DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT, WESTERN CANADA, MORGUARD INVESTMENTS GORDON WYLIE, VICE PRESIDENT, DEVELOPMENT, IVANHOE CAMBRIDGE Development Approval Process What Differences Effect Commercial Leases? Gordon Wylie VP Development, Ivanhoe Cambridge November 1st 2012 VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE Presentation Outline •! Developer’s Dream •! Case Studies (Metro Vancouver) 1.! 2.! 3.! •! Metropolis @ Metrotown Guildford Town Centre Oakridge Centre Approval Processes – Key Lessons VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE Developer’s Dream VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE -<A>B<:>;;$ !9:;<;=>:?@$ *C>D<?=EF<B<=@$ !&/-.4,-7I$ 2GE=$EC>$@9J$B99K<:L$M9CN$ *EC=:>C;G<H$ Case Studies VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE %>P>B9HA>:=$ -<A>MCEA>$ *C9O>?=$$ 1) Metropolis @ Metrotown Burnaby 2) Guildford Town Centre Surrey 3) Oakridge Centre Vancouver " TUUT$V$TUUW$ $ .HHC9PEB;#$:;"7<" !9:;=CJ?Q9:$ %>P>B9HA>:=$ 'EBJ>$ *C9LCEA$ $ $ XYU$+$ $ $ Z$W[\$ &RHE:;<9:$ />:9PEQ9:$ $ $ ()2$]$ +&%48+$ $ $ XTYU$+$ $ $ Z$"`W\$ .:?G9C$ Z$TUU\$!/8$ $ $ +&%48+$ $ $ bX"$c$ $ $ Ud^$50/$Vb$ _dW$50/$ $ $ 3463$ " !9:;=CJ?Q9:#$:="7<" $ TUU^$V$TU"_$ $ .HHC9PEB;#$;>"7<" " !9:;=CJ?Q9:#$?@"7<" " *9B<?@$TUU`$VU[$ />a9:<:L$$ !"#!$%$#&$ $ .HHC9PEB;#$AB"7<" " !9:;=CJ?Q9:#$@B"7<" .HHC9PEB$ !9AHB>R<=@$ S$/<;K$ 1) Metrotown: Burnaby VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE *C>VTUUW$ 1) Metrotown pre-2005: Burnaby &E=9:$!>:=C>$ VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE +>=C9=9e:$!>:=C>$ )(%$(4,\$ &%/$&"*'$%" /)("/5*," )(%$5))%$ !)8/-$f("g$ 1) Metrotown post-2005: Burnaby &E=9:$!>:=C>$ ,&2$(4,\$ VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE +>=C9=9e:$!>:=C>$ ,&2$5))%$ !)8/-$f(Tg$ &%/$&"*'$%" /)("/5*," 1) Metrotown: Burnaby VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE •! Consistency of planning •! Timely approval phased approval process allowed construction to proceed quickly •! Predictably of process allowed for smooth leasing negotiations •! City saw us as a responsible partner and viewed commercial component as a community amenity •! Certainty helped to deliver a risky project quickly and minimized risk to all •! Our success was their success 2) Guildford Town Centre: Surrey VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE *C>VTUUW$ The Bay Sears Wal Mart 2) Guildford Town Centre: Surrey •! Walmart wanted to expand •! City had denied approvals to the Tenant on other sites •! IC wanted to renovate and expand Centre VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE 2) Guildford Town Centre: Surrey VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE Worked with City as a partner to create a sensitive design •! City worked to solve timing issues on approvals •! City trusted us to deliver •! The needs of the owner & the tenant were treated as a partnership in City building •! 2) Guildford Town Centre: Surrey VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE 3) Oakridge Centre: Vancouver VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE 3) Oakridge Centre: Vancouver VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE Masterplan •! Crate & Barrel •! Target •! TIPS Program •! )H>:<:L$+EC?G$"_$$ Approvals: Good v. Bad VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE LEASING CONFERNECE \>@$5E?=9C;$$ 699D$ cED$ Same approach across municipalities Municipalities as silos Adapt to situation, segment implementation$ Longer to approve than build$ City respects implications of leasing process with anchors Business milestones are not integrated in approval timelines Partnership " City as partner " City as adversary" Certainty " Clear policies " Ad hoc policies Consistency Timeliness Predictability Thank-you Uptown Case Study November 1, 2012 Approvals Process Optimization •! Base Assumption: project proposed is a positive addition to the community •!Clearly NOT advocating for easy approval of bad projects Where We Were June 2012 Where We Were Where We Are Uptown •! 860,000 sf urban mixed-use neighbourhood •! LEED ND Gold overall project •! Individual LEED Gold certified buildings •! the most significant project proposed in Saanich in decades •! Catalyst project that will define and set the standard for the emerging urban core of the community •! Could easily have become bogged down in the approval process Approvals Process Optimization •! TIMELINESS •!CERTAINTY / PREDICTABILITY •!FLEXIBILITY Timeliness : Concerns going in •! anti-development reputation of Saanich and southern Vancouver Island •!Local politics of a divided council •!Capacity/experience of city staff •!Construction costs escalation •!Availability of trades •!Timelines of anchor-tenant lease terms •!Ownership structure/opportunity cost Timeliness: Result •! 6 months from time of application to approval of Development Permit for Uptown •!Unanimous vote supporting the approval of the DP at Saanich council Certainty/Predictability •! Staff and council did what they said they were going to do, in time frames proposed at start of process •! We did what we said we were going to do, in time frames proposed at the start of the process •! Contrast to Vancouvers CAC process Flexibility •! DP achieved late 2007 •! Construction start May 2008 for Phase 1 •! Anchor office tenant identified late 2008, necessitating acceleration of one office building by 6 months •! Increased office demand identified, justifying DP amendment Flexibility: Results •! Phased Occupancy approvals achieved in Phase 1, allowing office workers in building to which streets not yet accessible (!) •! 1814 stall parking variance from existing bylaw achieved •! 200,000 sf of Class A LEED Gold office space added to the project •! if you want 1959 style development, hold to a 1959 parking bylaw… Uptown Case Study November 1, 2012 BUILDING PERMIT PROCESS • The Scenario • 120 Days until expiry • 5,000 SF rentable area • $200,000 renovation costs +5'3(')4"#%$7'*"#$,0%&&" •! 0IJK"<L"9GFE<MNDH" 8,$-')4" ($/8')4&" #3/)" 06%0-%$" 0'*O" #3/))')4" ,22'0%" #%$7'*" '&&5%(" ,)"&'*%" ')&#%0*',)" #'0-"5#" #%$7'*" >"8DDPQ" R;!BBB1BB"STU" +5'3(')4"#%$7'*"#$,0%&&" •! 0IJK"<L"9GFE<MNDH"V"*DFGFJ" 'WXH<NDWDFJ"#H<YHGW"Z*'#["" 8,$-')4" ($/8')4&" #3/)" 06%0-%$" 0'*O" #3/))')4" ,22'0%" #%$7'*" '&&5%(" ,)"&'*%" ')&#%0*',)" #'0-"5#" #%$7'*" \"(/O&" R:!B=]1BB" +5'3(')4"#%$7'*"#$,0%&&" •! 0IJK"<L"+MHFG^K" 8,$-')4" ($/8')4&" #3/)" 06%0-%$" 0'*O" #3/))')4" ,22'0%" #%$7'*" '&&5%(" ,)"&'*%" ')&#%0*',)" #'0-"5#" #%$7'*" >U="8%%-&" R;!BBB1BB"STU" +5'3(')4"#%$7'*"#$,0%&&" •! 0IJK"<L"$IECW<F_" 8,$-')4" ($/8')4&" #3/)" 06%0-%$" 0'*O" #3/))')4" ,22'0%" #%$7'*" '&&5%(" ,)"&'*%" ')&#%0*',)" #'0-"5#" #%$7'*" @U:;"8%%-&" R;!BB\1BB" +5'3(')4"#%$7'*"#$,0%&&" •! 0IJK"<L"&MHHDK" 8,$-')4" ($/8')4&" #3/)" 06%0-%$" 0'*O" #3/))')4" ,22'0%" #%$7'*" '&&5%(" ,)"&'*%" ')&#%0*',)" #'0-"5#" #%$7'*" >"8%%-&" R;!BBB1BB"STU" +MI`_IFY"#DHWIJ"#H<EDQQ" •! &MWWGHK" (GKQ"<L" aGIbFYc" =>" \@" ;=" ;=" \" 9GFE<MNDH" *'#" +MHFG^K" $IECW<F_" &MHHDK" +MI`_IFY"#DHWIJ"#H<EDQQ" •! &MWWGHK" (GKQ"S"0<QJ" R;!\BB"" =>" \@" R;!BBB"" R:!\BB"" R:!BBB"" ;=" ;=" R\BB"" \" RB"" 9GFE<MNDH" *'#" +MHFG^K" $IECW<F_" &MHHDK" C1: DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL PROCESS – WHAT DIFFERENCES AFFECT COMMERCIAL LEASES MODERATOR: GARY POONI, PRESIDENT, BROOK POONI & ASSOCIATES INC. PANEL: ANDREW LAURIE, SENIOR ASSOCIATE, OFFICE LEASING, CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD LTD. GEOFF NAGLE, DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT, WESTERN CANADA, MORGUARD INVESTMENTS GORDON WYLIE, VICE PRESIDENT, DEVELOPMENT, IVANHOE CAMBRIDGE