Traditional Songs - The treasure chest in ict


Traditional Songs - The treasure chest in ict
The Treasuere Chest and ICT or ICT in Reading and Writing
May 26, 2014
Traditional Songs
Професионална гимназия по транспорт-РазлогVocational High School of Transport -Razlog
The Treasuere Chest and ICT or ICT in Reading and Writing
Issue 1
Rezekne Polish State Gymnasium
Hunyadi János Grammar School, Technical School and Students'Hostel
Peetri Lasteaed-Põhikool
What is Inside?
This leaflet is designed
for outputs of the Project “The treasure
Chest and ICT or ICT
in Reading and Writing”.
In this leaflet, There
are 3 songs from each
country in native language, and their translation.
Students looked for
interesting folk songs
from the local places
form 18 or 21 century.
They visited libraries
and used catalogues
for searching information.
Also they met eldery
people to ask for infomration.
After, Students from
each team chase 6
songs- 2 songs sang
during work in the field/ sea, 2 songs connected with everyday
life of the people from
18-21 century and 2
songs sang during important celebrations.
In this leaflet, we put
3 of them from each
All the songs, their
English translations
and their stories can
be found in twinspace
web page of the Project.
About The Project
The treasure chest and ICT
or ICT in reading and writing is faced towards the
students aged 16-19. The
main purpose of the project
is to combine “old –
fashioned reading and writing” with “modern” ICT
and to make students good
readers and writes and raise their creativity and imagination, to improve their
language skills by involving
them in exploring old traditions and performing them.
The students will be shown
how rich are the folk traditions of different countries
and will be created cultural
awareness. The outdoor
activities will be done.
Nowadays many students
don’t want to read books
and they don’t want to write
essays or to create their
own short texts. They just
copy them from Internet.
ICT communication has
replaced the direct communication between young
people and adults and this
project gives an opportunity
for contacts between different age groups and raising
the interest toward
“narrating culture”.
The students will have opportunities to look for information /myths, legends,songs etc/ to write
and to describe old unique
traditions and to translate
them in English, to exchange information with the
partners. The last part will
be writing of a new scenario
for Common European celebration – the past and
nowadays traditions. Students will use their creativity and imaginations and
new knowledge.
ICT will help them to make
animation of the stories, to
prepare Power Point presentation about their opinion about reading and writing, making short movies
about the role of reading
and writing in their life and
to make these two main
processes of learning reading and writing- more
interesting and closer to
The products will be a book
with texts, notes and CD
with songs, leaflet with pictures of traditional folk costumes, web site with all
performances etc.
In This Issue:
There are 3 types of
songs included:
Songs about working
in field/sea
Song about everyday
Songs about important celebrations.
A csornai Hajas Gyula út
İki Keklik Bir Kayada Ötüyor
In Csorna besides
the main street
Hajas Gyula
This folk song is specifically related to Csorna.
Hajas Gyula used to be
the city's former chief
The lads also together there
Waiting untill the bucket becomes full.
But the water is trickling slowly,
So the Csornas girls can find future husband there.
In Csorna besides the main street called Hajas Gyula,
There is an artesian well,
The girls from Csorna fetch the water from the well,
No matter how mudy the street
is there.
There is an artesian
well in the song, which
gives still water even
The water was delivered from the well by
young girls; this job
gave opportunities for
them to get acquainted
Otherwise, they had few
opportunities to meet
mainly in the spinning
room while plucking,
strapping, and of course
always under supervision of old.
İki keklik bir kayada ötüyor
Ötme de keklik derdim bana yetiyor
(Aman aman yetiyor)
Annesine kara da haber gidiyor
Yazması oyalı kundurası boyalı
(Yar benim aman aman yar benim)
Uzun da geceler yar boynuma sar benim
(Aman aman sar benim)
İki keklik bir dereden su içer
Dertli de keklik dertsizlere dert açar
(Aman aman dert açar)
Buna kara sevda derler tez geçer
Yazması oyalı kundurası boyalı
(Yar benim aman aman yar benim)
Uzun da geceler yar boynuma sar benim
(Aman aman sar benim)
İki keklik bir kayada yaslanır
Teke de bıçak gümüş kında paslanır
Bir gün olur deli de gönül uslanır
(Uslanır aman aman uslanır)
Yazması oyalı kundurası boyalı
Uzun da geceler yar boynuma sar benim
(Aman aman sar benim)
Two partridges are singing on a rock
Don't sing partridge; My own sorrow is
enough to me
My oh my, I've got my own]
There's bad news on the way to her mom
Her kirchief is lacy and her shoes are colored
My love,oh my love,my love.
The nights are so long...
Hey! Love! Wrap your arms to my neck!
My love,oh my love,my love.
Two partridges drink water from a river
And The sad partridge reveals her sorrow
to the untroubled ones
They tell her of big passion that fades out
My love,oh my love,my love.
Two partridges sit on a rock
One day her big passion ends
And she becomes well-behaved person
My love,oh my love,my love.
Her kirchief is lacy and her shoes are colored
My love,oh my love,my love.
Page 2
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Page 19
Szélről legeljetek..
Have cranberries grown up
Have they fill up the basket
Have the socks which I’ve sent
Fit to your foot
I’ve given the handkerchief to the bride
I’ve given it to her hand
Kızılcıklar oldu mu
Selelere doldu mu hey
Gönderdiğim çoraplar
Ayağına oldu mu
Mendili eline
Mendil verdim geline
Kara kına yollamış
Yar benim ellerime
Kızılcıklar kırmızı
Alamadım su kızı hey
Gerdanında beni var
Sandım seher yıldızı
Mendili eline
Mendil verdim geline
Kara kına yollamış
Yar benim ellerime
Tabakası aynalı
Su oğlana varmalı hey
Oğlan çok güzel ama
Anası olmamalı
Mendili eline
Mendil verdim geline
Kara kına yollamış
Yar benim ellerime
Yaylı gelir taşlıktan
Dingil çıktı başlıktan
şu köyün oğlanları
Evlenemez başlıktan
Page 18
My lover has sent me dark henna form y hands
Cranberries are red
I could’t marry that girl,hey!
She has a mole on her neck
I supposed that it was a a daystar
His cigarette case is with mirror
I should marry that boy,hey!
The boy is so handsome
But there shouldn’t be his mother
Eat the graze from the side,
The carriage comes from the stony
Eat the graze from the side,
Do not bump into trees,
And its axle breaks down
The boys of that village can’t marry
Because of the bride price
If you bump into the trees,
you will sure bump your head and
Well from Szil, well from Szany,
wells from Sobor, Szentandrás.
This song is relating to working. It is a
song for people whse job is guarding
The responsibility of this work was
great. The song warns that there are
limits, these people had to know
where the animals graze. During the
herding, going to the fairs they
stopped to give for the animals. They
could get water at the wells.
And where were these wells in this
In the villages mentioned in the song:
near Szil, Szany, Sobor, Szentandrás.
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Page 3
Barna kislány, jól meggondold
Little brown girl,
you have to
consider carefully
In this song is not a word
Rabaköz. Wedding has a
significance in people's
Girls had to be virgin until
the marriage. This song is
not about the sunny side
of life, but rather a
hesitation about how hard
is to decide good.
Little brown girl, you have to consider
where to put your virginity,
I put it front of the altar with lilies of
From there, I can not take up it any
Page 4
Serious decision was,
who to chose for a
husband, because they
had to live together for
their entire lives.
If this song was sung in a
wedding, it could be a
warning for the still
unmarried girls.
Traditional Songs
In The High Hills
Yüksek yüksek tepelere ev kurmasınlar
Aşrı aşrı memlekete kız vermesinler
Aşrı aşrı memlekete kız vermesinler
Annesinin bir tanesini hor görmesinler
Uçanda kuşlara malum olsun
Ben annemi özledim
Hem annemi hem babamı
Ben köyümü özledim
Babamım bir atı olsa binse de gelse
Annemin yelkeni olsa açsa da gelse
Annemin yelkeni olsa açsa da gelse
Kardeşlerim yollarımı bilse de gelse
Uçanda kuşlara malum olsun
Ben annemi özledim
Hem annemi hem babamı
Ben köyümü özledim
Don't let them build a home in the high hills
Don't let them give girls (as bride) to faraway countries
Don't let them to disdain the mother's one
and only
Let the flying birds sense this
I miss my mother
Both my mother and my father
I miss my village
I wish my father had a horse so he would
ride it to come to me
I wish my mother had a sail so she'd set it to
come to me
I wish my siblings had known my adress so
they'd come to me
Let the flying birds sense this
I miss my mother
Both my mother and my father
I miss my village
Uçanda kuşlara malum olsun
Ben annemi özledim
Hem annemi hem babamı
Ben köyümü özledim
Issue 1
Page 17
1. Gdzie strumyk płynie z wolna
Rozsiewa zioła maj
Stokrotka rosła polna
A nad nią szumiał gaj
Stokrotka rosła polna
A nad nią szumiał gaj
1.Where stream flows slowly
Spreading herbs May
Daisy grew Field
A grove rustled over her
Daisy grew Field
A grove hummed over her
2. W tym gaju tak ponuro
Że aż przeraża mnie
Ptaszęta za wysoko
A mnie samotnej źle
Ptaszęta za wysoko
A mnie samotnej źle
2 In this grove so bleak
That even scares me
Birds too high
A lonely me wrong
Birds too high
A lonely me wrong
3. Wtem harcerz idzie z wolna
„Stokrotko witam cię
Twój urok mnie zachwyca
Czy chcesz być mą czy nie?”
"Twój urok mnie zachwyca
Czy chcesz być mą czy nie?”
3 Then scout goes slowly
I greet you Stokrotko
Your charm enchants me
Do you want to be my or not?
Your charm enchants me
Do you want to be my or not?
4. Stokrotka się zgodziła
I poszli w ciemny las
A harcerz taki gapa
Że aż w pokrzywy wlazł
A harcerz taki gapa
Że aż w pokrzywy wlazł
Po pas, po pas
4 Daisy agreed
I went into the dark forest
A scout for the dope
That climbed up the nettle
A scout for the dope
That climbed up the nettle
After the belt, the belt
5. A ona, ona, ona
Cóż biedna robić ma
Nad gapą pochylona
I śmieje się cha, cha
Nad gapą pochylona
I śmieje się ha, ha
ha, ha,ha,ha.
5 And she, she, she
What do the poor have
Over dope inclined
I laugh ha, ha
Over dope inclined
I laugh ha ha
ha, ha, ha, ha.
Page 16
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Page 5
Połamały mi się
u łóżeczka nogi,
a kto mi je sprawi.
Mój Jasiek drogi.
Jaś poił konie,
Kasia wode brała,
Jaś sobie zaśpiewoł,
Kasia zapłakała.
Nie płacz Kasia Jasia,
Jasia zabitygo,
Bydziesz wybierała
Z tysiąca jednygo.
Choćbym wybierała
Z tysiąca i ze dwóch,
Nie byde już miała
Legs in my bed broke down,
And who will have done them
for me.
My beloved Jasiek.
Jaś was watering the horses,
Kasieńka was taking water.
Jaś sang for himself,
Kasia cried.
Don’t cry Jasia’s Kasia,
For dead Jaś,
You will choose among one
Although I would choose
among one or two thousands,
I will never have the same
As him.
Page 6
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Page 15
Niedaleko Domachowa
Wypłynęły trzy jeziora,
Wszystkie dróżki zalały,
Aby jedna została.
Co po niej Jasiek chodził
I Kasieńke odprowodzoł.
Zerwoł jabłko w ogrodzie
I kuloł je we wodzie.
Kulej mi się i obrocej
Jeno mi się nie pomoczej.
Kulej mi się ku temu,
Ku dziewczenciu mojemu.
Jabłuszko się zakulało,
W okieneczko zapokało –
Czy ty śpisz, czy czujesz,
Czy innego nocujesz.
Jo nie śpie, jeno czuje,
I innego nie miłuje,
Tylko ciebie Jasinku,
Na tym siwym koniku.
A po czem żeś ty mnie poznała,
Żeś Jasinkiem mnie nazwała.
Poznałam cie po głosie,
I konika po nosie.
Oj! ty dziewulo serdeczna, serdeczna,
Dej mi buzioka, boś grzeczna (bis)
A jo ci nie dom, choć byś konoł (bis)
A przecież byś się zlitowała,
Jakbym konoł, to byś dała. (bis)
Page 14
Not far from Domachów
Swam out three lakes,
Flooded all the lanes,
Only one remained.
Jasiek used to stroll there
And see Kasieńka off.
He picked an apple in the garden
And rolled it in the water.
Shall it roll and spin around
But not immerse.
Shall it roll towards the one,
Towards my girl.
The apple rolled,
Knocked at the Window
Are you sleeping, are you feeling,
Are you another one putting up.
I’m not sleeping, only feeling,
And I love nobody else,
Only you dear Jasiek,
On your grey horse.
How did you recognize me,
That you called me Jasiek.
I recognized your voice,
And your horse’s nose.
Oh ! You warm- hearted, warm- hearted girl,
Give me a kiss cause you’re polite
I won’t give you , even if you perish
Shall you be compassionate,
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Page 7
Foaie verde siminoc,
Țineți Ciuleandra pe loc,
Ș-înc-odată mai băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Green leaf of immortelle,
Keep the ciuleandra (dance) on the spot,
Once again boys,
Hop like this, like that.
Țineți-o flăcăi așa,
Pân-o ajunge Puica,
Ș-înc-odată mai băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Keep it steady boys,
Until my sweetheart gets there
Once again boys,
Hop like this, like that.
Întăriți-o nițeluș
Că ajunge acuș-acuș
Ș-înc-odată mai băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Mai întăriți-o de-un pas,
C-a ajuns și n-a rămas,
Ș-înc-odată mai băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Două fire, două paie,
Luați Ciuleandra la bătaie,
Ș-înc-odată mai băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Tot așa, că nu mă las,
Ca sunt cu Puica pe-un pas,
Ș-înc-odată mai băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Doua fire, doua paie,
Ia Ciuleandra la bătaie,
Ș-înc-odată măi băieți,
Hop ș-așa ș-așa.
Page 8
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Hasten just a bit now
For she is about to get here,
Once again boys
Hop like this, like that
Hasten it with just one more step,
For she is here, she did not stay there,
Once again boys,
Hop like this, like that.
Two grains, two straws
Beat the ciuleandra (dance) hard,
Once again boys,
Hop like this, like that.
Keep it like this, I won’t quit,
For I’m synchronized with my sweetheart,
Once again boys,
Hop like this, like that
Two grains, two straws
Beat the ciuleandra (dance) hard,
Once again boys,
Hop like this, like that.
Once again boys
Hop like this, like that.
Page 13
Așa-i romanul
Așa-i romanul când se veselește,
Ca și stejarul când înmugurește.
Așa-i românul când este iubit,
Ca și stejarul când e înverzit.
Țara-i a noastră și in fericire
Poate oricine să trăiască-n ea.
Și-a mea mândruță ce o am pe lume
E tot ce am mai scump în ea!
(E tot ce am mai sfânt in ea)
Trăiască țara, patria mama,
Trăiască toate, câte sunt în ea.
Trăiască toate, cu mic cu mare,
Și a mea mândră, ce o iubesc tare.
O rugăciune, către ceruri zboară,
O rugăciune, către Dumnezeu,
Mă rog acuma pentru a mea țară,
Și pentru tine, sfânt poporul meu.
Mă rog acuma pentru a mea țară,
Și pentru tine, sfânt poporul meu.
Page 12
Who has made this swing?
Swingsmiths, gentle buddies
Look, who had made this swing
Made the swing a narrow one
A narrow one, a high one
Made the swing plank wide
This is the Romanian
This is the Romanian when he gets happy
Just like oaktree when it blossoms
This is the Romanian when he is loved,
Just like the oaktree when it is green.
Power of the song
I will sing, why won´t I!
Our country is rich and happy,
And anybody can life in here,
And my sweetheart I have on this Earth
It is all I have the best in it.
I will sing a barn,
Behind the barn a litte stable
Live our country, our mother country
Live all the things that exist in here,
Live all from little to big,
And my sweetheart whon I love the most.
In the barn there goes a spotted stud
I don’t have words , nor I can say,
How beautiful my country is
But also my mother whon I have on this
It is what I have the holliest of all.
The german bpy will get a hatte hat will get a golden living
A prayer flies to the sky
A prayer to God,
I pray deeply for my country
And for you my holly people,
I pray deeply for my country
And for you my holly people.
The golden sword gets a marker
Traditional Songs
The spotted stud will get a saddle
On the saddle a german bpy
The golden living gets a knitter
The knitter gets a golden sword
The marker on the ohter side.
Issue 1
Page 9
Joaca hora-n poieniță
Ce s-aude mai neicuță, joaca hora-n poieniță,
Hai neică și noi la joc, să nu ne lăsăm deloc.
Hai neicuță și noi doi, să jucăm ca pe la noi.
Să jucăm hora pe loc, să nu ne lăsăm deloc.
Ține hora dă-i bătaie, și n-o lăsa să se-nmoaie!
Și la stânga și la dreapta, nu lăsa să plece fata!
Hop, una, ș-aide două, ș-aide trei să dăm bătăi!
Hop, una, ș-aide două, ș-aide trei să dăm bătăi, hei,
hei, hei...
Aua, aua, aua, auuuuu, aua, aua, aua, uua...
Nu lăsa hora să rupă, joaca fata și-o sărută,
Sărut-o de doua ori, c-are cămașa cu flori.
Cusută cu mana ei, joac-o bine mai Matei.
Joac-o bine mai Matei, și strig-o ca pe la noi.
I-auzi una, i-auzi două, i-auzi 49!
Jucați sârba ca la Gorj, să s-audă până-n Dolj!
Sârba ca-n Oltenia, să se ducă pomina!
Hop, una, ș-aide două, ș-aide trei să dăm bătăi!
Hop, una, ș-aide doua, ș-aide trei să dăm bătăi, hei,
hei, hei...
Aua, aua, aua, auuuuu, aua, aua, aua, uua..
Shrovetide song (Vastlalaul)
Today we have visteli,
Tomorrow we have vasteli,
Overmorrow tuhkaday.
Vistel-Vastel, brother,
Pistel-pastel, boy,
No vistel standing in a room –
Vastel staring grassland,
In white gloves.
Page 10
Traditional Songs
Issue 1
Dance the Hora in the hill
What can you beak my man / sweet
Dance the hora in thehill
Dance my boy, dance it more,
Do not let us at all.
Keep it hora(dance), do not let,
And get it round, do not let it,
Do not let the hora(dance) to tear it,
Dance the girl adn kiss her,
Till tomorrow in the morning
As the life is beautiul,
Come on, one, come on, two, come
on, three,
Let’s dance it!
Ho-ra (dance)
Dance it hora (dance)on the spot,
From the shoes, to keep it born,
On the spot, the spot, the spot
Make arise
Dance it boy, just like this,
Come on, one, come on, two, come
on, three,
Let’s dance it!
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