May - gwrra
May - gwrra
Texas Chapter R DFW Rallycat s Racont eur Friends for Fun, Safety & K nowledge Volume 10, Issue 4 May 2005 GW RRA South Central Region H Texas D istrict Texas Chapter R INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Just a Thought…. Chapter News 1 Staff/Member Updates Just a Thought.... As your new Chapter Directors, and Staff, there are several areas we are concentrating our time and efforts on. We want to continue the great work put in by previous CD's and their staffs, and at the same time bring in new ideas and things for the Chapter to do. So here is what your staff is actively working on. March/April Rides 2 12 District News 19 Region News 22 Calendars 23 Classifieds/Sponsors 26 Gary and Alice M eyer Texas R—Chapter Directors Getting to know the Chapter Going from Chapter participant to Chapter Staff is a change for the member and the chapter. You get to know the chapter from a different perspective. As you go from participant to, coordinator, planner, leader, councilor, educator, host, etc you must always keep what's best for the chapter in mind. We are learning what is mandatory, and what is exepected in our new roles. And we are finding our own style. We are not the only members that are in a new staff position: ACDs Jeff & Donna and Jim & Tish; Educator - Fred Mew; and Newsletter Editor - Mandy Mew; And new to staff are: Ways & Means Coordinator Liz Crum; and Scrapbook - Carol Rogers. Gratefully, our Treasurer Leona McDade and our Couple of the Year - John & Lena Bryant, signed on for another tenure. Continued on Page 2 Come Join Us • Chapter R’s Monthly Gathering is held on the 4th Tuesday of every month. • The Gathering is held at the Spring Creek Bar-BQue at 315 State Hwy 114W in Grapevine. (Check website for directions.) • For the safety of our members, Chapter R holds smoke free meetings. • All visitors are welcomed! • Dinner at 6:30 pm; Meeting at 7:00 pm DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — St aff Updat es Just a Thought… (continued) …..still thinking... Continued from Page 1 Finding a balance between the Old & the New With the new staff in place and working together we are striving to find a balance between the old and new. In that area we are have two main priorities: 1. What are some of the Chapter traditions? 2. What are some new ideas from participants? Find a larger monthly gathering place. Chapter R has a dilemma many chapters would love to have and that is we have grown to the point where we need to find a larger location for our monthly gathering. We want the monthly gathering to be a fun and relaxing time for all participants, That is getting more difficult as we have to squeeze into our current facility. The things we must keep in mind during this search are: Location, Private Room, Size of Room, Price, Type/ Variety of Food, Management/ Owner support, and Location (yes again). This a lot of work. Gratefully, Fred & Mandy did a lot of research that we were able to fall back on and help narrow down the prospects. We are getting down to the final decisions and we will announce it soon. Member Packets Chapter "R" has members that range from Charter Members, to new members just this year. With the growth and change, it is nice to make sure that everyone has access to the same inf ormation. Think back to when you first joined the Chapter, and the learning curve with all these new words, acronyms, events, rallies, etc. Getting all this information into a short document that's easy to read and understand, is a lot harder than it looks! Other Areas of Interest: Chapter Banner, Mascot, & Logo - are any of these items in need of change or update? Chapter Ways & Means - what other items is there interest in. Expand on what we have or update with all new? Party Location for special events - Mat & Mike's folks have moved, so we no longer have their wonderful clubhouse for special parties, and Education Events. Anyone belong to a Country Club or Home Owner's Association that has a decent size club house? As you can see your staff is staying busy, and we have a lot on our list of things to do. We welcome all ideas and suggestions, as this is your Chapter and we are here to serve the chapter. Gary and Alice Meyer Page 2 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — St aff Updat es “ R” Officers and St aff — 2005 Chapter Directors Gary and Alice Meyer (940) 497-4818 [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Leona McDade (817) 491-2881 [email protected] Web Master Jim Jones (817) 491-3955 [email protected] Asst. Chapter Directors Jim and Theresa Jones (817) 521-3491 [email protected] Chapter Couple of the Year John and Lena Bryant (817) 741-5216 [email protected] E-Master Ross Crum (817) 638-5248 [email protected] Asst. Chapter Directors Jeff and Donna Thompson (940) 240-0166 [email protected] [email protected] Ways and Means Liz Crum (817) 638-5248 [email protected] Rally Coordinators Don and Linda Holley (940) 382-3076 [email protected] Chapter Educators Fred and Mandy Mew (817) 354-4963 [email protected] [email protected] Newsletter Editor Mandy Mew (817) 354-4963 [email protected] Scrapbook Coordinator Carol Rodgers (817) 919-7700 [email protected] Thoughts from the Edge In case you haven’t heard, we have a new ride. We are the proud owners of The Texas District Rally is May a white 2005 GL-1800. We are trying 12-14 in Wichita Falls. The to get out and ride as much as possiTexas Rally is always lots fun. ble, however, work seems to keep This year’s theme is the Fabugetting in the way. With the new bike lous 50’s, so get out your poodle we now have 4 bikes in our garage skirts and saddle shoes. (some and 1 on loan in Oklahoma – someof us were not alive in the 50’s how we started a collection without so we’ll need some pointers -Jeff and Donna Thompson intending to. Jeff thinks we need a sorry, couldn’t resist that!) Assistant Chapter Directors new barn and thus a place to keep motorcycles – who knows where that would Keep an eye on the website for more fun lead. Enough about bikes; let’s talk about the activities. As always, if you have ideas on fun events that are just around the corner. chapter activities, please let us know! We will have Chapter R’s first ever On-Bike Scavenger Hunt on May 7th! Ross has come up with a great list of items to track down. This promises to be a fun event and we hope everyone can make it. Who knows, it may even become a Chapter R Tradition. Jeff and Donna Thompson Page 3 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — Staff Updat es The Reverend’s Soapbox OK, how many of you out there figure that you will never remember everything that you learned during your BRC and ERC courses? Raise your hands. Yep, that's what I thought, and yes I had my hand raised to, until a few days ago. I was on my way home from work, enjoying a beautiful sunny day in the 70's when within about a mile of my house, some :#@ $_¦iì§i_¦i_¥i€¤i_ ]#@$%&^ starts to pull out from a parking lot. Now, I am looking at him straight in the eyes and for some reason he does not see me. I lay on the horn and yes, he is still coming at me. So, without thinking, I swerve, riding expertise #1, and as I swerve, I see that I will not be able to miss the curb, so I stand up on the pegs, and just as I hit the curb, pull up on the handlebars, riding expertise #2. As I feel the bike come up onto the curb and into the grassy island, I straighten it up, riding expertise #3, and stop. Needless to say, I was hot, and I'm not talking about the weather. What made it even worse was that as I looked around to see where the idiot was, I see him driving off without even slowing down. After realizing that I was OK and in a safe spot, riding expertise #4, I got off the bike and checked the wheels and tires to verify that everything was still in tact, riding expertise #5. I then headed on home and had nice cool drink of water. Now, you could say that this is a tale of an unfortunate experience, however, I have to say that I took it a bit different. After cooling down, I realized that everything I did, 5 specific riding techniques, was exactly what I should have done. The training that I Jim “Reverend” Jones thought I would never use, or remember, came back without me even Assistant Chapter Director Tish “Weasel” not pictured having to think about it. So the next time you are taking that ERC course, remember that it really will stay with you, even if you can't consciously remember every detail. “Reverend” Jim Jones Page 4 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — Staff Updates Couple of the Year Wouldn’t it be great if we could bottle up this good riding weather we have been having lately and save it up for the hot days of summer? Unfortunately we can not so we have to do the next best thing, plan ahead and be prepared by giving your bike and trailer a routine maintenance check and get them in for service if necessary. We know from experience that cruising the roadway on your bike can be so exhilarating, to the point of forgetting where you are and your surroundings for a brief moment. That brief moment can be the difference between a good ride and a bad ride. Automobile drivers tend to forget from one season to the next that we are out there and a few feel we should not be out there at all. That is why it is so critical that we as bikers not only look out for ourselves but for other driver as well. Be alert to your surroundings, take frequent breaks in hot weather, stay hydrated, wear proper gear at all times and let’s have a safe and fun riding season. John & Lena, COY 2004- 2005 Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge Let’s all go support John and Lena in the Texas District Couple of the Year Selection!!! Texas District Rally Wichita Falls Friday, May 13, 2005 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Page 5 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — Staff Updat es “ R” Level 4 — Tour Mast er s J.B. Seale Mat Talmadge Mike Barchers Carolyn Hoadley Breeze Hoadley Fay Tolson Ron Tolson Nina Thomas Chuck Thomas Sandy Levengood Linda Holley Don Holley Mark Johnson Jerry Bennett Debbie Scott Greg Scott Joe Levengood J.R. Elkins Dolly Griffin Dave Cobb Terry Wright Betty Mann Bob Mann SM # 924 SM # 928 SM # 929 SM # 984 SM # 985 SM # 1668 SM # 1669 SM # 1769 SM # 1770 SM # 1852 SM # 1854 SM # 1855 SM # 2186 SM # 2471 SM # 2557 SM # 2558 M # 2864 M # 2895 M # 2896 M # 2897 M # 2900 M # 2991 M # 2992 Dwan Needham Mike Needham Carolyn Barton Terry Barton Amy Cook Dennis Cook Vern Attaway Eric Flynn Jeanne Nevil Jerry Nevil Donna Thompson Jeff Thompson Gary Meyer Mandy Mew Fred Mew Alice Meyer Greg Dean Cassima Dean Julie Zak Phil Huddleston Lena Bryant John Bryant M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M # 3692 # 3693 # 3694 # 3695 # 3997 # 3998 # 4010 # 4064 # 4375 # 4376 # 4850 # 4851 # 4867 # 5028 # 5029 # 5153 # 5325 # 5326 # 5337 # 5340 # 5496 # 5497 Senior Masters (SM) have kept their Level 4 certification updated for over 5 years. Among other things, Level 4 riders are current in both First Aid and CPR, and they carry a First Aid Kit on their motorcycle. They have also completed an approved Rider course within the last three years. For more information, or if you are interested in becoming involved in the Rider Education Program, contact Fred or Mandy Mew (Chapter Educators). Deep Thoughts…. You start the game with a full pot o’ luck and an empty pot o’ experience… The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck. Page 6 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — St aff Updates Rider’s Education Corner Parking Lot Practice is for Everyone I didn’t know what to expect for ‘R’ Parking Lot Practice. All I knew was I had to get markers, find diagrams to set up a course, and put the two together, what could be so hard about that? I applied a few of the course layouts from the Top Gun Manual and used tennis ball halves to mark the courses. With tape measure, chalk line and a little help (thanks Greg & Rev) holding the ends, we had a basic practice field on which everyone could take as much time as they needed to rehearse maneuvers. Testing the courses, I quickly discovered I was a little rusty. Even though I had taken an ERC just 6 months ago, I had to repeat the exercises a few times just to satisfy my need to get the maneuvers accomplished perfectly. I then changed directions (right turns to left turns) and it was like starting all over again! Time to take a break and let others “have the fun!” I could tell they all had the same surprising experience as I did. It wasn’t just your “once around the block!” Everyone took their time and did some serious practice, then took a rest to let someone else work on their skills. Some riders were out there 3 or 4 different times just to make sure they felt comfortable and retained what they re-learned with the day’s exercises. I witnessed significant improvement in skills and confidence in many of the riders this day. Everyone was able to take their time and practice what they felt like they really needed. There was no pressure to ‘git er done’ with time constraints we sometimes experience with a structured class, and there was no peer pressure. Everyone realized their skills needed a little polishing and this was their opportunity also to spend as much time doing this in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. ‘R’ Parking Lot Practice was a total success! Everyone who came was a winner in this informal/get together/had a lot of fun turnout. If you missed it, plan on another this fall! I challenge everyone in ‘R’ Chapter to come and shake the dust off your riding skills. Do it solo… then do it two-up! It’ll only make you a better rider! Have fun, ride safe, Fr ed Fred & Mandy Mew Chapter Educators Page 7 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — St aff Updat es Seizure Information By Donna Thompson Writing this article was a little difficult for me because it is personal. Not many of you know this, but I have a seizure disorder. It was very controlled for 15 years, until last summer when I had a seizure. I recently changed to a new medication. While adjusting the dose for the new medication, I have had two more seizures. That’s purpose for this article. I want to give you some basic facts so you know what to expect if I (or anyone) has a seizure. Watching someone have a seizure can be disturbing unless you know what to expect. Actually a seizure looks more serious than it is. Contrary to popular belief, a person can’t feel any pain during a seizure and they won’t swallow their tongue. During a seizure a person may scream, fall down, jerk or shake uncontrollably. They may bite their tongue or temporarily turn blue. This usually lasts for 60-90 seconds. Afterwards they are generally confused and “out of it”. They may not know where they are, who they are, or what happened. They may be combative or very docile. The first aid for a person who is having a seizure is pretty simple. In my case, Jeff has experience with my seizures and knows exactly what needs to be done. However, here are some simple things you can do if somebody is having a seizure: · Stay calm- don't try to restrain or revive the person. If the person is seated, help ease him/ her to the floor. · Remove hazards such as hard or sharp objects that could cause injury if the person falls or knocks against them. · Don't move the person unless the area is clearly dangerous, such as a busy street. · Loosen tight clothing and remove glasses. · Protect airways by gently turning the person on one side so any fluid in the mouth can drain safely. · Never try to force something into the person's mouth! Seizures are a way of life for many people. I have been lucky that until my body quit converting my original seizure medicine last June, I had been seizure free for over a decade. Now I am required to switch to a newer medicine and finding the appropriate dosage for my condition takes time. We think we have accomplished that magic level now - only time will tell, but with proper monitoring and a critical eye to the warning signs, there is no real danger (including going on rides). I don't need any special treatment and there is nothing to be squeamish about, but if you have any questions... please feel free to ask! ...Donna Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well. -- Josh Billings Page 8 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — St aff/Member Updates WHY GO TO A RALLY? Mat Talmadge Why go to a Rally? Simply for the fun, knowledge and seeing your friends. The friendly competition between the chapters, the friends, the vendors, meet the staffs of your district, region and/or national teams, the seminars, the food, the ride to and from, the “get out of dodge” for a weekend.…..let’s see what have I forgotten? Oh yes, the most important, riding your motorcycle and spending quality time with your co-rider. The motto for GWRRA is Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge. At a rally, whether it is a chapter, district, region or national rally, you will find the meaning of this motto. The friends you take with you, seeing friends you have met at previous rallies, new friends you will make to see at other rallies down the road. The fun comes in your participation….whether it is in the competitions or just observing those in the competitions. Fun in the off bike games, on bike games, poker runs, chapter competitions (newsletter, scrapbook, mascot, banner, web site), C.O.Y., dress, T-shirt, talent contests, bike shows, light shows, parades, or just plain old sight seeing. YOU create your own fun, however YOU choose it. Some of us just have fun watching others and some of us want to be a part of it all. Remember, “If you ain’t having fun you ain’t doing it right.” The safety…where else can you go and get all the safety courses (rider, co-rider, braking, trailering, trike, 2-up, CPR, First Aid) or information about safety? Most especially at the district, region and national rallies….there are seminars, training courses, on the course and/or in the classroom instructions….Top Gunn competitions and drill team demonstrations. You can actually talk with the chapter educator, district educator, region educator and/or the national educator teams. Anything you want to know about operating your motorcycle safely can be obtained here. The knowledge is garnered in several ways. The knowledge of what GWRRA is all about, the extended family you have, the courses you may have taken to sharpen your skills, meeting the “volunteers” that help run this organization, the camaraderie of the friends, fun, safe miles and just getting “on the road again” to relax. I ask you again, why go to a rally? DUH! We hope you enjoyed the LA District Rally and TX-Z2 Rally this past month. Hope to see all of you at the next rally, whether it is the TX District Rally in Wichita Falls (May 12-15), AR District Rally (May 19-21), OK District Rally (June 10-11), Wing Ding XXVII (July 4-7), TX-I Spirit Fest (August 6th), TX-M Moonlight Poker Run (August 20th), TX-R Rally ( September 10th) TX-Y2 Rally (September 16-17), KS District Rally (September 23-25) or the Region H Rally (September 29-October 1). You won’t regret all the fun you will have. Mike and I have been rallying since 1993 and each one is more fun than the one before because of all the friends we have made that we get to see only once or twice a year at one of these events. Page 9 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — Staff /Member Updat es Ride Texas I don't know if you subscribe to "Ride Texas" magazine or not but last month they had a list of the top 10 rides in Texas. Turns out that number 2 (voted #2 for 2 years in a row) is only about 40 miles north of here. So, last Saturday I decided to go check it out. There was a Texas breeze blowing out of the South that day about 30 to 35 miles per hour. It caused me some concern because I would be riding East and West on much of my ride, but I shouldn't have worried. Outside of using a little more gas than usual on the way back home (South) the wind hardly bothered the bike at all. The temperature was in the 50's early in the morning but by 10 A.M. it had climbed into the high 60's. Martha decided she'd rather dig in her garden that day so it was just me and the Goldwing out for a spring ride. I headed up Interstate 35 with the wind behind me and my favorite radio station blasting in my headset. I had a half a tank of gas to start with so I didn't fill up till I got past Denton, about 30 miles up the road. A few more miles north and I made a turn to the East on Hwy. 455 at Sanger, Texas. Hwy 455 is the road listed as the number 2 ride in Texas. It is a very nice 2 lane highway and runs through some beautiful ranch country. A few miles down the road and I crossed the dam of Lake Ray Roberts. It is a big lake and on this day it was a rough lake. I could see lots of waves kicked up by the strong gusty winds. It was protected from the wind some by the dam and there were some folks wake boarding in the calmer water. Near the eastern shore were a few fishing boats but not many. After crossing the dam, I turned into beautiful Lake Ray Roberts State Park. After touring the park I turned East again and drove through Pilot Point, Texas and on to Celine which is a very small but beautiful community. The city square is all brick streets and down on the northeast corner I saw a lot of pickups parked. I thought, "That's a sure sign of a good restaurant." So I made the turn and parked out front of Lucy's Cafe. It was unairconditioned but had lots of ceiling fans which added to the antique decor of the place. There were lots of folks there for lunch. I ordered the lunch special. It was Monterrey chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy and a few vegetables for $6.25. It came with a quart glass of iced tea and was really a good lunch. The road had been a nice ride up to this point but rather uneventful. I headed out of town going East and things began to change. The gently rolling hills became bigger and about every half mile was a curve, S curve or double S curve and most of them were rated 30 mph although a couple of them were rated 25 mph.. There wasn't much traffic on the road but you couldn't let your eyes wander too much or you'd wind up in the gravel with all the twisty turns that came without much warning. I did, however, manage to see a head of buffalo, some lamas and a couple of the biggest longhorn cattle I've ever seen! Then at Anna, where Hwy 75 intersects with Hwy 455, I turned around and headed back where I had come from and got to do it all over again (except for the lunch). On my way back South I came up behind another cycle that was hooked up to a side car. The bike did not have a windshield or faring and I could tell the rider was being blown to pieces while riding into the strong winds. She was riding slower than the posted speed limit but traffic and terrain kept me from passing her for several miles. Finally I got a chance to go around her and was really proud of the power of my 1800 Goldwing. The 35 mph headwind didn't even make it sigh.. When I cranked open the throttle I got lots of smooth reliable power. She waved as I went around and I waved back. I made it back home in 4 1/2 hours and covered about 200 miles that day. After not riding much during the winter months, it was a wonderful spring day to be out on my wing. I'm not sure Hwy 455 really qualifies as #2 in my book but it certainly is a nice ride with some pretty ranches and lakes to see. I can highly recommend it. Buddy Brown Page 10 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — St aff /Member Updates Survey Results There were 65 responses from the survey taken at the March Monthly Gathering. This month’s survey related to “Restaurants”. Favorite Food: ¨ 18 like Mexican or Tex-Mex ¨ 9 like steak ¨ 8 like Italian ¨ 4 like seafood ¨ 3 like all/good food ¨ Others included: Chinese, Korean, Indian, Sushi, BBQ, cajun and anything sweet. Local Favorites: This one ran the whole gamut! Got everything from Abuellos to Texas Roadhouse. The results were just about split between chain restaurants and single of family owned. Looks like we could have some interesting dinner rides coming up! Comments: New Places; Make the dinner rides centrally located to the DFW area; “Love & War in Texas” in Grapevine; No cajun & No tex-mex. If you have additional comments, contact Gary or Alice Meyer. Other Area GWRRA Chapter Gatherings TX-B/N, Garland/Richardson, TX 1st Tuesday, 7:30 pm Raymond’s BBQ 10920 Garland Rd, Dallas TX-F2, Fort Worth, TX 1st Tuesday, 7:00 pm Luby’s Cafeteria 251 University Dr, Ft Worth TX-M, Arlington, TX 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm Spring Creek BBQ Corner of Hwy 287 and Debbie Lane, Mansfield TX-U2, Keller, TX 3rd Saturday, 9:00 am Golden Corral 1120 Wm. D. Tate, Grapevine TX-W2, Waxahachie, TX 3rd Thursday, 7:30 pm Peele’s Steakhouse Waxahachie, TX TX-Z2, McKinney, TX 4th Thursday, 7:00 pm Steak Kountry 153 Westgate Shopping Center, McKinney Other Texas GWWRRA Chapter Gatherings can be located on the District Website at Page 11 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — Mar. - Apr. Rides Dublin Parade/Hico Pie Ride - Mar. 19, 2005 Dublin Ride Well we started out early enough on that Saturday to see the parade but seems that we just didn't make it in time. Of course there was those wonderfully twisty roads that made the hours fly by. The interesting thing was that I kept losing people along the way. I lost Mark Herman at Weatherford, I lost Terry and Leona and Ken and Patty at Granbury, then I lost some more at Dublin, then even more when we stopped at the Koffee Kup in Hico. Lost even more at Granbury again and by the time I hit Rhome, I was all alone... Oh well I hope everyone had a great ride and whether you stopped at one of the towns or chose a different route home, it was a great day for a ride. Reverend Jim Jones Participants: Jim Jones Mike and Nancy LaPointe Mike and Donna Cagle Terry and Leona McDade Jeff and Ju Thornton Tony and Pam Senia Jim Walton Greg and Cassima Dean Mark Herman Vern Attaway Ross and Liz Crum Alex and Courtney Gary and Alice Meyer John and Lena Bryant Fred and Mandy Mew Cancelled Due to Weather Brunch Ride to Edom - Mar. 26, 2005 Page 12 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — Apr il Rides Fuddrucker’s Friday - April 1, 2005 Ride to Chapter E BBQ - April 2, 2005 Participants: Fred and Mandy Mew Greg and Cassima Dean Tony and Pam Senia Carol Rodgers Mark Tucker Joe and Sandy Levengood Mike and Dwan Needham Participants: Fred and Mandy Mew Lloyd Porter Tony and Pam Senia Greg Dean Terry and Leona McDade Gary and Alice Meyer Mark and Cathy Tucker Jim and Tish Jones Don and Linda Holley Mike and Donna Cagle Jim Roberts Chapter E Cheap Barbeque This was Fred's first ride since his surgery and boy did we have a great day. A beautiful ride to Wichita Falls with some great barbeque. Then on the way back it seems that Fred had a bit of trouble finding his way back. I believe that we took the largest U Turn that I have ever seen, when we checked the mileage, we had progressed 6 miles, but ridden 46 miles and we were back where we started. Hmmmmm, maybe that was an O-Turn? Anyway, it was a great day for riding and you could tell Fred was very happy to get back, Welcome Back Fred!!! Reverend Jim Jones Page 13 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — Apr il Rides Chapter E BBQ Once again Chapter R took to the road to visit Chapter E in Wichita Falls and partake of a great BBQ lunch. We did this last year and had such a good time we decided to do it again. Chapter E are great hosts and they gave a great BBQ. We left Luby's at 8:30 on Saturday with Fred leading the way, It sure was good to see Fred back on his Wing. We left with 11 bikes and 14 people ready to ride on a beautiful day. I got to just sit back and enjoy the ride as my headset was in for repairs and my backup set could only receive, not transmit. So no leading, or tail gunning for me this day. Fred led us out 114 to Runaway Bay where we met up with the Holleys, Cagels, and Jim Roberts. As with Fred, it sure was good to see Jim riding again. We then proceeded more or less up 281 straight to Wichita Falls and BBQ. On the trip up Alice had a, shall we say, eventful time as the leader of group 2. I guess it was just one of those days. There was a stretch where we were losing our lane and Alice called back to the Rev and asked if we all could make it around the traffic before we lost the lane. Rev said yes as long as we get on it. Well for those that know Alice that would usually mean a cloud of dust and she is gone. I was right behind her, and knowing her as well as I do, I cracked that throttle and to just about run her over. Whoa, what's up? Where's the cloud of dust and the hi ho Silver? Nothing. It was just one of those days. We made it to Wichita Falls without any mishaps and we ate, we visited, we had the usual R good time. You must ask Fred and Mandy how they managed to break a concrete picnic bench. The return ride home got very interesting as well. When you plan a trip using your GPS maps it is very detailed about where to turn and what roads you are looking for. One problem is it doesn't tell you what type of road it is. It may be paved, dirt, gravel, or a cow path. After passing on some of the turns the GPS said to make I think we will have a new holder of the U-turn award this month. Being without the ability to transmit on the CB seemed to bring some joy to my fellow Chapter R members. Some comments like, "boy I bet it is killing Gary back there, all these great opportunities and he can't say anything" and "having Gary on a ride with no CB is like not having him on the ride". Little do they know all the great comments I had during the day, they just couldn't hear them. A great day, a great ride, and a whole lotta fun with Chapter R. Gary Meyer Page 14 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — Apr il Rides Bike Inspection and Parking Lot Practice - April 3, 2005 Participants: Fred and Mandy Mew Greg and Debbie Scott plus two friends Terry McDade Jim and Tish Jones Jeff and Donna Thompson Mark Tucker Kathy Devaney Gary and Alice Meyer Bike Inspection and Practice Another gorgeous day in April. The sun was out and the high was to be in the 70's. Perfect for getting in a bit of Riding. Tish and I took advantage of the slow riding practice day and showed up at Northwest High School to get some slow riding in. It was a great time as several folks showed up and at random intervals practiced everything from slow straight line riding to circles to S Turns and yes, what would an R practice be without practicing U-Turns! If you missed this opportunity, well you missed a lot of fun and some very valuable experience. Hopefully you can make it next time. Reverend Jim Jones Page 15 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News — Apr il Rides LA District Rally - April 7 - 9, 2005 Participants: Gary and Alice Meyer Joe and Sandy Levengood LA District Awards Bike Light Show - 2nd Place - Joe Levengood On Bike Games - 2nd Place - Alice Meyer Newsletter - 1st Place - Chapter R Train Ride/Picnic in Palestine - April 9, 2005 Page 16 Participants: Fred and Mandy Mew Lloyd Porter Greg and Cassima Dean Phil Huddleston Tony and Pam Senia Hank Hetrick DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapt er News — Apr il Rides Dinner Ride to Edo Hana - April 12, 2005 Edo Hanna Dinner Ride Participants: Gary and Alice Meyer Joe and Sandy Levengood Mike and Dwan Needham Dave and Karen Charles Mike and Donna Cagle Don and Linda Holley Jeff and Donna Thompson Terry and Leona McDade Greg and Cassima Dean George and Sherry Jones Tony and Pam Senia Fred and Mandy Mew Carol Rodgers Linda Holley It seems we haven’t had time to ride in so long, but we decided we were going to make the dinner ride even if we had to 4-wheel. There were about 25 members there to enjoy a lot of laughs and some great food. The chefs are always fun to watch and interact with. I got an “egg” thrown at me and several people got “things squirted at them”. The train they made out of the onion is really neat. If you have never been there be sure and join us next time. As always no one left hungry, if they did it was there own fault. Chapter Z2 Rally (McKinney) - Apr. 16, 2005 Participants: Terry and Leona McDade Mark and Rebecca Herman Mark Tucker Sandy Levengood Gary and Alice Meyer Tony and Pam Senia Don and Linda Holley Mike Cagle Dennis Cook Jim and Dee Call Ron and Lafay Tolson Page 17 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Chapter News—Apr il Rides Z-2 Rally Awards Largest Pre-registered Chapter - Chapter R Youngest Rider - Mike Cagle Fastest Dressed - 1st Place - Alice Meyer Fastest Dressed - 2nd Place - Linda Holley Poker Run-Worst Hand - Linda Holley Grand Prize - $200 - Linda Holley Bike Show Awards 1500 Show Class - 1st Place - Mike Cagle Trike and Sidecar - 2nd Place - Tony and Pam Senia Open Class - 1st Place - Sandy Levengood 1800 Stock - 1st Place - Don and Linda Holley 1800 Stock - 2nd Place - Alice Meyer 1800 Custom - 1st Place - Terry and Leona McDade Z2 Rally Linda Holley Well the rally season has started. Several R members met up at the Z2 rally in McKinney. We all registered, purchased a few tickets and then headed out on the poker run. The poker run was 38 miles of some great back roads. We saw some fantastic houses being built on some of these roads. One looked just like a castle. When we got back, some started cleaning up their bikes for the bike show and others shopped the vendors or just visited with members from other chapters. Somehow Donnie was able to clean up his bike for the bike show and still buy goodies for the bike. R took the trophy for Largest Pre-Registered Chapter. Alice won 1st place for the fastest dresser and I won second (you had to be there to understand that one). Mike Cagle took trophy for youngest rider. R took 6 trophies in the bike show. Members also won a lot of contingency and Rider’s Ed prizes. I won low hand in the poker run with a 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. And guess what? I won the Grand Prize of $200. I am sure I either scared everyone or caused them to go deaf when they called my number. But I was a little excited. I am sure everyone had a great time at Z2’s rally as usual and it didn’t rain a drop. March 50/50 Winners Page 18 10% $29 15% $43 25% $73 Ross & Liz’s Son—Alex Ross & Liz’s Daughter-Courtney Sheila Walton DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Dist r ict News Texas Dist r ict St aff — 2005 Senior District Directors Breeze and Carolyn Hoadley (940) 243-5237 Asst. District Directors/ Motorcycle Awareness Division Steve and Judy Ferguson (281) 328-2936 Asst. District Directors/ Vendor Coordinators Ken and Barbie Peterson (817) 293-4667 Asst. District Directors/ Events & Membership Coordinator Steve and Judy Mueller (281) 955-7220 Asst. District Directors/ Trainers John and Bonnie Simonick (210) 497-0447 District Educators Sam and Anita Belinoski (281) 469-5755 Any of these District Staff members can be reached by phone or by e-mail at Asst. District Educators John and Lydia Bourg (281) 242-5125 District Treasurer/ Newsletter Editor Pam Meyer (281) 578-8371 District Couple Coordinator Carolyn Thomsen (281) 540-2454 2004-05 District COY Merlyn and Alyce Harman (361) 573-6529 Senior District Director Notes “Seminar Texas Edition” Greetings GWRRA members. This year at the Texas District Rally there will be a seminar on “FINANCIALS” the Texas Edition. This should be of great importance to all chapter officers and their staff. You are not on staff, may never be on staff, this may be of interest to you as well. I can remember years ago I knew nothing of the finance part of the chapter but had always wondered who, what, where……..and why. These Seminars can be done every year however if this information is not passed along it starts over each year. We need your help in getting this info passed along and applying it to every day use of the chapter. I will be presenting the Seminar this year and look forward to seeing a full class this year. This is your personal invitation to each one reading this. Thanks, Breeze Hoadley Texas Senior District Director Note: The Seminar will be at 8:30 am in Room 7. There will be several fantastic Seminars this year. See the upcoming District Newsletter for a schedule. Page 19 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Dist r ict News Texas District News The Texas District Rally Wingfest 4th Annual May 12-14, 2005 MULTI-PURPOSE EVENTS CENTER MPEC Wichita Falls, Texas See Texas District Website for more information. Registration form is on page 21 of this newsletter. Note: Pre-register by May 1, 2005 Texas District—Chapter E-mail Addresses The District has created and maintains several e-mail lists for your use. Chapter Newsletter Editors: [email protected] Chapter Web Masters: [email protected] Chapter Directors: [email protected] Chapter Educators: [email protected] Reprinted from Texas District Newsletter, February, 2004 Page 20 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Distr ict News Page 21 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Region News Region H St aff — 2005 Region Directors Cliff and Donna Miller (405) 949-1748 Region Treasurer Ed Nahl (405) 321-6467 2004-05 Region H COY Brent and Roxie Comeaux (337) 993-8440 Asst. Region Directors/Trainers Harry and Joan Dollarhide (405) 391-7661 Region Educator Walt Smith (281) 362-0960 Region Webmaster John and Lydia Bourg (281) 242-5125 Any of these Region Staff members can be reached by phone or by e-mail at Region Director Notes Hello Everyone! We both are looking forward to the upcoming Region H Rally season. Each District offers something unique with their location. The Louisiana’s District Rally in Lafayette offers the Cajon music and Creole foods that are truly “one-of-a-kind” and is April 7-9 (just around the corner). The Texas District Rally offers the best barbeque and steaks that can only be found in Texas. Wichita Falls is in “flat country” but the scenery is unbelievable and is May 12-15. The next week will find us at the Arkansas District Rally at Lake DeGray Lodge just outside of Little Rock (May 19-21). Sunrises and sunsets at DeGray Lodge are breath-taking— to say nothing about the scenic rides in that area! If you don’t have fun at the Oklahoma District Rally scheduled for June 10-11 in Stillwater, OK, it certainly won’t be Oklahoma’s fault. They have quite a schedule planned for everyone. The Kansas District Rally closes out the Region H District Rallies. Kansas will host their rally September 2325 in Winfield, KS. Kansas really likes to camp, so get your campers readied because the campfire is were the fun is. And, Kansas’ District Rally is free if you sign up prior to September 10, 2005. The dates for the Region H Rally are September 29, 30, and October 1, 2005. We’re still waiting for the signed contract from the Marshall Civic Center Complex so that we can officially announce the location as Marshall, Texas. We would also like to remind you to check out the survey posted on the web site. We are serious in our attempts to improve the rallies for YOU, the MEMBERS, and need YOUR input. Please take time to complete it so that we may have your opinion. You are important to the success of our rallies. Region H would like to honor those GWRRA members who are currently serving in a combat zone. Be aware that the name and e-mail address will be posted on the web site; if you know of a member and would like to share this information with us, please forward it to our attention at [email protected] Ride Safe and we look forward to the next outing. Cliff and Donna Miller Region H Director Cliff and Donna M iller Region H Directors Page 22 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Calendar May 2005 Chapter R Calendar of Events Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Thur sday Fr iday 5 6 8 Cassima Dean’s Birthday 9 7 Scavenger Hunt Fuddrucker’s Friday George Jones’ Birthday Jeff Thornton’s Birthday Saturday Lloyd Porter’s Birthday 10 Phil Huddleston & Julie Zak’s Anniversary Dinner Ride 11 12 Po Melvin’s— Southlake Alice Leads 6:30 at Fuddruckers in Grapevine Ross and Donna Plan Luby’s 8:30 13 14 Texas District Rally Luby’s 6:30 Jim and Pam St. John’s Anniversary 15 16 Amy Cook’s Birthday 17 Kathy Devaney’s Birthday 18 19 Planning Meeting 23 Ride to Hard 8 BBQ in Stephenville Gary and Alice Lead Luby’s 9:00 29 Jerry and Mary Bennett’s Anniversary 24 “R” Gathering — Golden Corral Grapevine Mills Mall Mark Herman’s Birthday 30 6:30 Eat 7:00 Meet 31 21 Arkansas District Rally Po Melvin’s 6:30 Eat 7:00 Meet 22 20 Mat Talmadge’s Birthday 25 26 27 Nita Allen’s Birthday 28 Weekend Mystery Ride Terry and Carolyn Barton Lead Details TBD Most rides leave from Luby’s Cafeteria parking lot located on Hwy 114 and William D. Tate Blvd. Drivers meet 15 minutes prior to the listed departure time. For vehicles using CBs, Chapter R monitors Channel 1. Unless otherwise specified, come with full tanks, full bellies, and empty bladders. All rides are Weather Permitting. Carol Rodgers’ Birthday Page 23 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Calendar June 2005 Chapter R Calendar of Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Most rides leave from Luby’s Cafeteria parking lot located on Hwy 114 and William D. Tate Blvd. Drivers meet 15 minutes prior to the listed departure time. For vehicles using CBs, Chapter R monitors Channel 1. Unless otherwise specified, come with full tanks, full bellies, and empty bladders. 5 6 7 Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday Saturday 3 4 Fuddrucker’s Friday 6:30 at Fuddruckers in Grapevine Terry McDade’s Birthday 9 Fred Mew Leads Luby’s 8:00 Neal Odle’s Birthday 8 Ride to Fried Pie in Gainesville 10 11 Oklahoma District Rally Stillwater, OK Buddy Brown’s Birthday Pete Peterson ’s and Ron Tolson ’s Birthday Frosty Stoll’s Birthday 12 13 Joe Stone’s Birthday Jerry Nevil’s Birthday 14 15 Impromptu Ride Dinner Ride Luby’s 9:00 Time and Place TBD Debbie Scott’s Birthday 19 20 21 Dee Call’s Birthday Po Melvin’s 6:30 Eat 7:00 Meet Cathy Tucker’s Birthday 26 Ride— TBD Gary & Alice Lead Luby’s 8:00 Leona McDade’s Birthday Page 24 Cheryl Scott’s Birthday 27 16 Luby’s 9:00 John Bryant’s Birthday Donna Cagle’s Birthday 23 24 25 Carolyn Barton’s Birthday Dave Cobb’s Birthday Allen and Nonnie Scott’s Anniversary 29 Greg Dean’s Birthday Julie Zak’s Birthday 30 All rides are Weather Permitting. “R” Gathering — TBD 6:30 Eat 7:00 Meet 18 John Bryant Leads Ross and Liz Crum’s Anniversary 28 17 Ride to The Shed in Edom 22 Planning Meeting Don/ Linda Holley’s and Mark/Cathy Tucker’s Anniversary Chuck and Nina Thomas’ Anniversary Betty Mann’s Birthday DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Calendar Upcoming Events Chapter R Scavenger Hunt/Ride May 7 - Meet at Luby’s at 8:30 Cost: $5.00/bike Winning team will split all proceeds!!! • • • • • • • Rules: Each team must ride together throughout the ride. Each item to be collected has a point value. Most points accumulated by gathering as many items as possible from the ‘list’ in the next 4 hours will determine winning team. Take as long as you like to strategize on how you want to proceed. You can’t possibly find all the items on the list; so some planning will be required. At completion of the ride, all teams will meet at Catfish O’Harlies in Decatur no later 1:00pm. Any teams arriving after 1:00pm will be disqualified. All items will be verified and points totaled. For all picture items, picture must be taken on a digital camera in order to be verified. Pictures from books do not count! July: ¨ July 4 - 7: Wing Ding XXVII Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, Fort Wayne, Indiana or August: ¨ August 6: TX-I “Spirit Fest”, Marshall, Texas ¨ August 20: TX-M Moonlight Poker Run, Mansfield, Texas (It’s easier just to go to the link from the District site.) September: ¨ September 10: Chapter R Rally, Denton, Texas ¨ September 16—17: Chapter Y2 Rally, Canton, Texas ¨ September 23—25: Kansas District Rally, Winfield, Kansas ¨ September 29—October 1: South Central Region H Rally, Marshall, Texas Page 25 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Classified/Sponsor s Classifieds ♦ 2004 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport Package, A/C, Power Windows/Doors/Door Locks. Remote Access. AM/FM/CD System. Rear Defroster. ABS Brakes. Alloy Wheels. Sunroof. Automatic. Cruise Control. Power Mirrors. Tinted Windows. 27,500 miles. Red with gray cloth interior. Immaculate inside and out. Asking $12,395. Call 936-228-0526 or 713-557-4544. ♦ 2000 Fleetwood Mallard Trailer 30 ft in length, side electric pull out in living area. Used it only about 3 months for job. Has large pull out awning and all the comforts of home. Asking $12,000. Call Jim Jones at 817-521-3491 or email at [email protected] ♦ Show Chrome GL 1800 Driver’s Backrest Specially contoured driver’s pad fits and coordinates with the OEM seat. Like new. $1000 2002 Stock GL1800 seat. $700 George Jones [email protected] 972-318-8967 202 W Parker Rd Plano Texas 75074 972-422-4703 Plano Honda is a single line Dealer, with over 14000 sq ft of showroom featuring a large selection of new and pre-owned bikes. We also carry a full line of Parts, Accessories, Apparel and Specialty items, featuring Genuine Honda parts and Licensed Honda Footwear and Apparel. When your bike needs service be sure to check out our Service Center for the very best in service. [email protected] To experience the all new Plano Honda you have to see it. Come by and meet the all new management team. Craig Turman General Manager, Chris Gunter Parts & Acc Manager, Service Manager Bill Heard. Page 26 DFW Rallycats Raconteur, May 2005 Sponsor s D. David Dendy II Chairman [email protected] 2350 William D. Tate (SH 121) Grapevine, Texas 76051 Phone 817-421-HONDA (4663) Cell 214-808-8797 Page 27 Sponsor s Honda and Acura Specialist Now Servicing Gold Wings 1511 W. Euless Blvd. Euless, Texas 76040 Metro 817-267-8661 Or 817-571-0093 Fax 817-571-1773 Dealership Quality for Less ♦ Tires ♦ Scheduled Maintenance ♦ Oil & Filter Changes ♦ Chrome Accessories Visit our web page: Owner Terry Wright, GWRRA #132553, Texas Chapter “R” Tou r in g Sp ecia lties Page 28