Vettex A4 Fliers 3up Art
Vettex A4 Fliers 3up Art
UNI & DUO BLOOD PRESSURE MEASUREMENT A COMPLETE KIT FOR ASSESSING THE PATIENT’S BLOOD PRESSURE AND MONITORING HYPERTENSION UNI & DUO PATIENT MONITORING UNDER ANAESTHESIA A SOUND APPROACH TO QUALITY CARE!™ Companion Animal Care The Vettex® Uni and Duo have been developed specifically for the veterinary market. The Doppler Ultrasound Range can be used to provide a variety of information in monitoring companion animals. Blood pressure measurement is crucial in delivering accurate drug therapy to counteract Hypertension in cats with CRI. The Vettex Uni and Duo can be used to determine the systolic value of blood pressure in companion animals. The complete kit allows the veterinarian to: • measure the systolic pressure • listen to the blood flow/cardiac sounds • assess the patient for the possible affects of Iliac Thromboembolism. Allow the patient to settle down in the examination room Reasons why you should seriously consider measuring the blood pressure in companion animals. It can act as a screening procedure to detect and manage hypertension. Early detection of Hypertension and related conditions (i.e. CRI, Hyperthyroidism) can improve outcomes • Place cuff above the vessel to be measured • Place gel over digital for the patient. There is a justification for all cats above eight years old to have their blood pressure measured. It can help to reduce referrals of patients, thus keeping profit in-house. • Place gel onto probe artery – the vessel to be measured Taking blood pressure measurement is a straight forward process. It can be done in a relatively short period of time by the Vet or Vet Nurse. Patients are conscious and the procedure is noninvasive and painless. The result can be repeated to ensure consistent readings of systolic values, before any therapy is administered. • Inflate cuff with sphyg and slowly release until pulse sound is heard. This is the systolic blood pressure. A sound approach to quality care™ • Inflate sphyg until pulse ceases The Vettex® Kit Includes: • a Vettex® Uni or Vettex® Duo • a choice of probe (8Mhz flat, 8Mhz pencil, 5Mhz pencil) • carry case • battery charger • two 9 volt batteries • tube of gel • sphygmomanometer • two inflatable cuffs (2 of each size) • user manual. For further information please contact: Customer Care Tel: +44 (0) 29 20485885 or Fax: +44 (0) 29 20492520 or write to: Huntleigh Diagnostics, 35 Portmanmoor Road, Cardiff CF24 5HN UK. or e-mail [email protected] Vettex, Huntleigh and ‘H’ logo are registered trademarks of Huntleigh Technology PLC 2000 Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC 712321-1 Patient Monitoring Under Anaesthesia The Vettex® Duo is another innovative product developed by Huntleigh Diagnostics. It combines bi-directional doppler technology with a non-stop switch-off facility in one hand held unit, providing a system for patient monitoring when using anaesthesia in a surgical context. The use of anaesthetic alters the physiological parameters in patients. It is the duty of the Veterinarian to monitor both the administration of the anaesthetic and to support the patient’s well being during any surgical situation. “It therefore follows that monitoring vital functions and drug effects is of utmost importance” (Jones 1996): Jones Jana L. “Noninvasive Monitoring Techniques in Anesthetized Animals” Veterinary Medicine pp326-336 April 1996. Vettex® Applications Include: • Regular blood pressure measurements taken systemically throughout the duration of the surgical procedure, can assist in the monitoring of the patient’s vital signs. (NB taken when a baseline blood pressure can be obtained). • Pulse Sound Tracking (PST). This is performed when the flat VT 8MHz probe is attached to the Vettex® Duo. The probe is located over an artery on the patient (using ultrasound gel and surgical tape). The Pulsatile Doppler audio signal produced by system will output from the loudspeaker until the unit is switched off. This regular pulse sound give an added benefit to the veterinarian, as it provides a complimentary audio monitoring system to sit alongside the current range of patient monitors. The Vettex® Kit Includes: • a Vettex® Uni or Vettex® Duo • a choice of probe (8Mhz flat, 8Mhz pencil, 5Mhz pencil) • carry case • battery charger • two 9 volt batteries • tube of gel • sphygmomanometer • two inflatable cuffs (2 of each size) • user manual. A sound approach to quality care™ Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC For further information please contact: Customer Care Tel: +44 (0) 29 20485885 or Fax: +44 (0) 29 20492520 or write to: Huntleigh Diagnostics, 35 Portmanmoor Road, Cardiff CF24 5HN UK. or e-mail [email protected] Vettex, Huntleigh and ‘H’ logo are registered trademarks of Huntleigh Technology PLC 2000 712323-1