Ninsar AGROSCIENCES (www.ninsar.com) is a recently created venture opera6ng in the field of green biotechnology and plant sciences. It is owned by three interna6onal seed companies located in France (GAUTIER Semences), Spain (Semillas FITÓ) and the USA (BHN Seed). The headquarter of Ninsar AGROSCIENCES are located in the suburbs of Barcelona (Spain). The company was created as a reac6on to the threats (Merger & Aquisi6ons, IP war, etc…) and opportuni6es (Biotech revolu6on, Biodiversity, Boom of natural ingredients, etc…) that are currently remodelling the Seed industry. The mission of Ninsar AGROSCIENCES is to match green market needs with with innova6ve and sustainable plant biotechnology solu6ons. For that purpose, Ninsar AGROSCIENCESaims: • to iden6fy and capture novel business opportuni6es generated at the interface of the Seed, AgroFood, Pharma & Cosme6c industries • to accelerate the development of new products by conduc6ng targeted business development and tailor‐made technology transfer. • to promote the use of Open innova6on and Non‐Exclusive licencing in a Knowledge‐Based Bioeconomy. Ninsar AGROSCIENCES offers focused, flexible & tailor‐made solu6ons allowing its customers to bridge the gap exis6ng between innova6on providers (Academia, Biotech companies, inventors,…) and industrial end‐users (Seed, Agro, Pharma & Cosme6c industries, Coopera6ves, food retailers,…). Ninsar conducts state‐of‐the‐art research projects in collabora6on with the most qualified scien6sts all over the world.The company uses the concepts of open innova6on to guide its scien6fic and innova6on policy. Ninsar promotes non‐exclusive licensing of plant patents and germplasm as a mean to achieve profitability and sustainability of its business ac6vi6es. www.ninsar.com Xavier BERTHET (Ph.D.) [email protected] +34.619.213.867