Mwindo - The Jim Henson Foundation
Mwindo - The Jim Henson Foundation
Seattle Children's Theatre F-9 CONTACT Connie Moffit 201 Thomas Street Seattle WA 98109 206.859.4043 [email protected] Project Budget $439,289 Grant Request $3,000 501 (c)(3): Seattle Children's Theatre PAST GRANTS AWARDED Mwindo SCT is seeking a Family Grant from the Henson Foundation to support our world premiere of Mwindo, an African legend which involves many fantastical creatures - creatures who will be realized on stage largely through the magic of puppetry. Mwindo will feature many puppets, but two puppet characters in particular - the Hawk and Kuti - are especially vital to the play's important theme of transformation, and will present great challenges and opportunities for both the craft and the art of puppetry. VIDEO SAMPLE Title: Henson Grant - SCT Artists: Annet Mateo: Master Puppet Designer, builder and coach for Mwindo Linda Hartzell: Artistic Director and Director of Mwindo Description: August 28, 2014 Linda Hartzell, Artistic Director, and Annett Mateo, Puppet Master, introduce SCT, the Mwindo production and the role and design of the Mwindo puppets. FAMILY Seatfle G:lctrens fl-reafre 201ThomosStreet,seottle,wA 98109 F-9 The Puppetsof Mwindo production at peopleof EastCongo thatwi haveitsworldprerniere talefromthe Nyanga Mwrndoisanancient in the on for centLlries season.Passed in January 2015duringour40thanniveTsaTy Theatre(SCT) Seattle Children's playwright L West to Chery Afrlcan American traditionofora storyteling,SCThasbeenworkingwlthacclaimed puppets byAnnett with ArtisticDirector, by LindaHartzel , SCT's adaptMlvlrdofor the stage.Theplaywil bedirected coach. Designer, bui der and Master Puppet Mateo,SCT'5 production themesandexciting resonant withimportant M /trdois botha rnorafableanda greatadventure, people; andit'sa storyabout'sa storyaboutpride,envyandpowerthatspoilthe andandaff ictthe fi ledwithfantastica lt is also a story and forglveness. frorn compassion healing that cornes leaclership and the true realizing theexciting cha lenges, and play in solvlng the script's a hogre roLe Puppetry wil andhappenings. creatures d r a matiacti c onof theplav.Mwlndowillfeatu re ma n Y p u p p e t s , wlt h t wo o f t h e p u p p e t c h a ra ci e r s - t h e H a w k a n d themesof transformation. viialto the play'simportant Kuti- beingespeciaLly withtwo rodpuppets, for thespiritof the Mother- will be realized whostands creature TheHawk- a symbolic of the puppetthe beautyanddrarnathestory willgivethe actions whosemovement by a dancer/actor operated TheKingisanticipatlng androbustcreature. play the Hawk, a handsome we see the King with begins, Asthe demands. price. good Mwindo isborn- a boywitha bride when whowillbrlnga a daughter the bjrthof hisnextchild,expecting hirnto hatel\4windo andsetout andhisfearcauses child'smindin a man'sbodv- the Kingisangryandthreatened, Hawk's jealousy hunts Mwindo, the greed him, and as he pride, consume and overweening to killhim. TheKing's on stage wil be represented slckly - a ongwiththe andandits people.Thisdecllne andshebecomes heath decllnes, h ep win b y c h a n g in g thebodypositionsofihehawk p Ltlp e t g wild ra p ed o wnf e e b lyt,h eh e a dwi ld ro opi n d e s p a i r . tfoma chanBing with him,righton-stage, the Hawkpuppeiwil transform matures andlearnsforgiveness, AsNlwindo a under new goldenflyingbird,the symbolof the Motherspirit'sliberation to a beautiful sicklycreature clull,colored witha coloron stage,achieved willchange actualfeathers this,the puppet's leader.To achieve compassionate themon eachother. technique of superimposing fiveactorsto style,requiring underworld beast-willbea hugepuppet,backpack Kuti aterrible,humongous, andsaveshimisoneofthe story's the beastandbothconquers ooerate.Thescenein whichMwlndoconfronts (e wil ta the full siage.Helsso largethathisbodywl L head and arms Kutiwith histhreatening highlights. dramatic armswith long(8"-10")artjculated headandfourimmensely space, definedby hisenormous with negaiive becreated grasping clawsat the ends.Likethe arms,Kuti'sheadwill bearticuatedso it canmove,andhe'l havea arge"fan" moreimpressive and (likea basilisk Lizard)that wil popout behindhlmwhenhe'sangry,makinghimevenblgger, Evenhisfourterribleeveswill blinkl fearsome. andsome someterrifyinS beings, andmysterious creatures:Theworldof Mlvlrdoisfilledwithstrange Fantastical play, puppet running ln the animals puppets with qualities. wi I setthe sceneof the Manysmal ethereal with mvstical pers. A varietvof or he hereandtherein Mwindo'spathasobstacLes appearing andothercreatures background look inspired bythe a sophisticated but a I will have small creatures, puppetry wil be usedfor the techniques d i s tin cti vea r ti sancraftsofA frica,using ma t e ria ls a n d c o lo rs t h a t g lv e t h e f la v o ra n d f e e L o f t h e l a n d ' e a t h e r pressed metal,raffja,andwood. to maIingtheatreand approach andcollaborative theatrewltha respectful EquitvandIATSE SCTis a Drofessional havebeenworl(ng Linda and Annett so integral to the telllngof thestory, newworks.with the puppets developing to developmentscTiscommitted withthescript's in concert the designs for rnonthsnowto develop together p key moments the ay's help develop workshops to of the artistsfromtheverybeginnlng involving ourcreative fromthe buid al the waythroughto considerations technicaandperformance holistica ly,incudingdramatic, ofthe the participation spjrit,andwouldwelcome in that collaborative our sponsors night. we jnclude opening your you consid_"ration for kind Thank of Mrvlrdo for thegreatadventure Foundation Henson 1rcatre SealLe 0ilclrens Production Budget - Mwindo Exp9nses designers) andArtisticFees(actors, Salaries andTraveCosts Materials Royalties (carpenters, etc ) e ectricians, Saaries/wagesProduction (doesnot showBoxOffice/lvlarketing/Admin) TotalExpenses 549,835 517,006 590,046 S439,289 lnaome TicketRevenue & Giftshop concessions Eoned lncome Subtotol MicrosoftSeasonSponsorshrp Support ArtswA/otherGovernment Henson) incLudes Support(pending, Foundation Boeing(pending) Support(pending) OtherCorporate nd vidualGiving restrlctedfor Mwindo nd vjdualGrving other convibutedlntome Subtotol Totallncome 5196,289 510,000 5206,289 514,000 519,000 540,000 5s0,000 52s,000 525,000 560,000 s233,000 s439,289 Seal*e €r;{arer:s .Theafre 207 ThamosStreet,Seattle WA 98109 SeattleChildren'sTheatre- Artist Descriptions Annett Mateo andcoach scTPuppetMasterandMwindoPuppelDesigner Shehasworkedwith Theater for the lastsixseasons. Chilclren's at Seattle Annettjsthrilledto be Puppetlvlaster the whofounded Paasch, puppets of the lateDouglas underthe guidance building SCTsince2002,originally to Festivals aswe I asbeinghonored ln National andRegional at SCT.Shehasparticipated deoartment year' participate this Puppetry Conference in the O'NeillNational by a hightechcareerfor 15yearsasa mainframe Annetthasbeenanartistall herlifebutwassidetracked wlthsmaI andperforming building lnclude designing, programmer. Hercreative endeavors application legacy Youhaveseenherworkat in between. andinc!dingeverythinS to giantsizedfestivalpLlppets theaterpuppets t h ea terbig s an dsmalbothlocallyandacr o s s t h e c o u n t ry a s we la s a t ma n y o f t h e f e s t iv a ls of t h e r e g i o n a n d Lab,the of MonkeyWrenchPuppet y at ibraries andpuppetslams.Annettisoneofthe co founders occasional puppet builder, dlrector, was also rnanaging Puppet Nite She procluce less annual Drunk the moreor fo kswho af Frankenacchia artistfor MonkeyWrenchPuppetLah'sprcduclian andgraphlc for over20yearsandhasbeenanactlvememberof Fremont comrnLlnity of seattle'5 Annettha5beena resident in aswe I asparticipatlng asoneof itscharter boardmembers for manvyears,Serving ArtsCouncil the Fremont produced throughout eachYeaf.These artscelebrations thevarietyof comrnunity to organize andhelping Garage sale,andTrolloween. Annua MayDayfestival, andPageant, so sticeParade the Fremont eventsinclude BC,the Festivain Vancouver suchthe ///L/m/nores festivals in othercommunity Shehasalsobeeninvolved in Mln n e s ota Ma y Da y f e s t iv a inseattle,andthe He o rt o f t h e B e o s t a n n u a Festival U n ive r sitystr eet book Beduty, a selfpublished Eternol AncientTechnology; of lo nterns: ln 1997.Annettwasco author/illustrator types. variety of lantern for a instruction andillustrated containing a briefhistoryof lanterns LindaHartzell SCTArtisticDirectorandMwindoDirector Programs slnce1984.She anditsEducation of seattlechl dren'sTheatre Lindahasbeenthe ArtisticDirector of the Distlngllished andwasa recipient of washington, fromthe universiiy herBAin Education received has directed 63 playsfor scT,45of in 1994.Hartzell Awardfromuw col egeof Artsandsciences Achievement TheLion'TheWitchdn!1The Lindad:recled to SCTproductions, ln addition whichwereworldprernieres. at productlor, Dat & Ziggy,whichprerl;ered a new toddler and developed Stage attheSy.acuse Wardrabe and the Australian Intiman Theatre, af wraihat shedirecledTheGrapes Theatre. PrevioLlsly, children,s chicago af the Elves. of Afternaan ve'|'ierc onthe boardof shewasformefLy society. andchoreographers on the Boardof stageDirectors Lindaserves States of the LJnited Group,andservedonthe boardandisa formervicepresident cornmunications Theatre L in d a ha c enter for thenternationalA ssociation o f T h e a t re f o rc h ild re n a n d Y o u n g P e o p e (T Y A / U 5sAb)e. e n the children's andhasreceived Theatre, of the co legeof Felowsof theAmerican invested asa membeT Distinguished honored with the has been Award. she coreyMedallion of Amerlca,s TheatreFoundation in theArts Achievement outstanding withartsFund's Awardof llw,s col egeof Artsandsciences, Achievement AwardfromTheatrePugetsound Achievement Falls Sustalned ArtsAwardandthe Gregory award.the Mavor,s 3ea'ffle &ilarens -lireatre 201Thomasstreet,Seottle,WA 98109 SeattleChildren'sTheatre- CompanyDescription of al ages the mission "to providechlldren hassetued s Theatre(SCT) For40years,SeattleChildren Since1975,SCThas theatre,with a focuson newworks,andtheatreedLlcation." to professional access of the mostrespected performing Park Zoo into one at the Woodand grownfroma smaI organization sCT on the campus ofSeatte Center, in Arnerica. Located professional for chidrenandfamilies theatres wel as an Alvord Theatre, as the 275-seat Eve programs Martin Theatre and the482 seatCharlotte programs, applo{imately annualy serving Educatlon Outreach andnumerous DramaSchool extensive farniiesandteachers. children, 130,000 playwrights acclaimed quaitytheatrefor ouryounBaudiences, SCTcommissions Tocreatethe highest Equityactorsand andtheworldto createnewworks Byemploying States fromthroughout the LJnited opportunity to understand andmaximize the experience we ensurea professional craftspeople, ATSE andcritical thoughl Bytheendof our2014-15 independent theatrewhilestimuatingimaginative, productions plays produced including 115wold premiere 240 morethan SCTwil have season, years, andaddingto the overthe morethanfivemillionchlldren entertaining andeducating inspiring, wor dwide repertoire of playsfor youngaudiences for productions in a rangeof styesandsuitable fivemainstage ln 201415,SCTwill be presentlng works of of classic productions fresh lnterpretations groups. will offer several These different age glant rnonstef, puppeidesigns including a literature, somelivelysonganddance,andamazing children's magical catanda cowthatjumpsoverthe moon on stage,a veryspecial a hawkthattransforms 25- November 9, 2014 /ovl (ages5+):September TheGodenof RikkiTikkl 2014- WorldPremiere (all December 21, November 13 ages)l ond Hls Cof DickWhittinqton Premiere 22- February 15,2015 World 9+):January MwindalaEes Moonlages3+): March5-April 19,2015 Gaodniqht RabinHood(ages8+)t Apri 16 May17,2015 principal thatwe havethefinancial chalengeisensuring SCT's at the heartof our mission, With"access" for:ll chldrenand accessibie and andkeepthemaffordable resources to offerandgrowour programs n theatre whohavefewerandfeweroptionsto participate chlldren disadvantaged famiies,including (SCAP), to our tickets Program subsidized Access ourSchool Children Through andartseducation. for withfreetickets teachers classrooms, playsaremadeavaiableto allwesternWashington mainstage resources to supportc assr0om educational companion SCTalsocreates Students, andlow'income the public complement provided These resources and the freeon lineto teachers whichare curriculLrm, (such as givinga behindthe scenes Look at stagecraft productions, themes, e ucldating mainstage part;cipatlon we are Additionally, chi dren's io engage puppetry) providing and activities exercises and program which outreach our Education by expandinB workingto meetthe growingneedfof access andteachers to servestudents ourcapacity y by increasing into the schools dlrect arts education brings in low incomeschooldistricts. youngaudiences, SCTisgratefuto the theatreto our region's Aswe lookbackon 40 yearsof bringing ly,to our loyal especia staff and, funders, trustees, - to the artists, manypeoplewho madeit all possibie Thankstoalll whoturnout againandagainto seeour productions audiences, P uppet s of lrwlNDo By Annett Mateo eattleChildren'sTheatre --:.-:: ') r ","."i--r ,.r, i f .,.,, 41, 4,* ac.\acl