- St Mary`s Coptic Orthodox College


- St Mary`s Coptic Orthodox College
St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College
19-35 Thorpdale Ave, Coolaroo Vic 3048
Tel: 03 93022788 Email: [email protected] Web: www.Copticvic.org
February 2013
St. Mary’s Coptic
Orthodox College
St. Mary’s Coptic
Orthodox College is
a Christian Orthodox
school operated by
The Coptic Diocese
of Melbourne headed
by His Grace Bishop
Suriel and directed
by Father Tadros
The school was
opened on 23rd
February 1991 by
His Holiness Pope
Shenouda III
The school is a n
independent school
covering all grades
from Prep – Year 12.
Head of Primary:
Mrs. Susan Pitsas
Head of Secondary:
Mr. Trevor Nye
Tel: 93022788
0 Main office
2 Director
3 Head of Secondary
4 Head of Primary
5 Library
Welcome to New School Year 2013
Welcome all our students, parents and staff to the new
2013 school year. 2013 is a very special year because we
are celebrating our school’s 23rd anniversary. It gives me
such pride that since 1991, more than 400 students have
graduated from our school.
We have had a great start. Three new classes have been
added to cater for the increased enrolments. We needed
to increase the number of our classrooms to
accommodate for our new students and we have been
blessed to be able to find a company that erected the
new building in a short period of time at a reasonable
cost. The school population is currently 670 students
(350 in primary and 320 in secondary). Our total staff
number is now 100, including 60 teachers.
I am also thrilled to announce that more subjects have
been added to our school curriculum since 2012. For
example, French is now our second LOTE (Languages
Other Than English) subject. Hence, our students have
the opportunity to choose either Arabic or French to
study as a LOTE subject from Grade 5 to Year 10. In
addition, Physical Education has been added to our VCE
curriculum for Y11 and Y12.
Important Events
25th – 27th February: Jonah Fasting
28th February: Jonah’s Feast
25th February: First School Council Meeting at Donvale
4th March: Meet and Greet – Teachers/Parents Meeting
3.30 – 8pm
10th March Pre-Lent Sunday (Coptic Church)
11th March: Start of Lent
11th March: Public Holiday
15th – 24th March” Science Week
26th March: School Photos
28th March: Last Day of Term 1
29th March: Good Friday – Public Holiday
29th March – 13th April: First Term Holiday
14th April: Start of Term Two
Remember to commemorate:
9th March: Departure of Pope Kyrollos VI
17th March: Departure of Pope Shenouda III
One year since his departure
19th March: Feast of the Holy Cross
English & EAL:
We are excited that our school is participating this year in Victorian Schools
Debating Competition, 2013. The Schools Competition is run annually for students
in years 9 to 12, with schools participating both in the Melbourne metro area, as
well as in regional competitions throughout Victoria. It is the largest Englishlanguage debating competition in the world and it offers students the opportunity to
develop confidence as public speakers, as well as building upon important skills
such as team work, the ability to research and filter information, to think and act
decisively and to respond to topical issues. Our team is starting the first round on
Wednesday, the 13th of March at Mercy College, Coburg from 7.00 to 9.00 pm. All
parents and students are welcome to attend the competition; our team would love to
see you there!
Mrs Germaine Youssef
Head of English – Secondary School
His Grace Bishop
Suriel blessing the
new portables at St
Mary’s Coptic
Orthodox College
February 2013
Percentage of
graduates who
enrolled in
University and
Tafe Courses or
differed or
employed for
years 2009 2012
Year 8 Report
Great to have OUR STUDENTS back!
It was with great delight that we welcomed back our students three weeks
ago. The beginning of the school year can bring with it many different emotions.
It is a time of change and a time of new beginnings. It is important that
we work together, parents, students, staff, to ensure each students transition this year
is the best that it can be. At St. Mary's we value a team approach to student wellbeing
and encourage parents to contact any of the staff members at any time. We look
forward to working together in 2013.
The Year 8 students are very enthusiastic and looking forward to the Evolve Program
commencing on Monday 29th April and concluding on Wednesday 1st May. We wish
them well on their adventure.
David Zavadlal - Year 8 Coordinator
New History Courses
This year students in Years 9 and 10 have commenced studying the new National
Curriculum history courses. The courses are quite different from the old ones, mainly
in the topics that are studied. The biggest change is in the Year 9 course, where there
is more of a focus on world history, as opposed to Australian history. At the moment,
students at this level are learning all about the period called the Enlightenment and are
studying the philosophy of the philosophers Rousseau, Paine and Voltaire. Quite a
challenge for Year 9! So far they seem to be enjoying it.
Our study of History is enhanced by the technology that is now available. In a matter
of seconds students can use their iPads to find out what a person they are studying
looked like, or what a palace that is still extant looks like today. They can also find a
whole host of different texts to supplement their set texts at school. And of course
they can use their iPads to take notes and write essays, etc.
Students can only benefit from their study of history. It improves their comprehension
and expression, and allows them to better understand how the world they are a part of
has evolved and how it works today. It also contributes to a more rounded education.
Mr Laidlaw
In the Middle School, (Yr 7-9) at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College, the students are
at a stage where they are afforded every opportunity to develop their existing
knowledge in line with the curriculum guidelines in order to prepare for their future
studies. As such, specific programs have been devised and implemented to meet the
students’ individual needs and enable them to achieve to their potential.
Overall, the students in the Middle School are encouraged in their process of learning
whilst having access to an extensive and comprehensive education. This involves
implementing appropriate educational programs, holding high expectations of each
student’s potential, maintaining a disciplined working environment and rewarding
student effort
The transition from primary to secondary school is an important aspect of the Middle
School. The ‘Handover Ceremony’ marks this occasion which symbolically welcomes
the grade 6 students into the Secondary School and helps introduce them to
‘secondary life’. The year 7 Orientation Day Program and transition activities are
aimed at welcoming and easing the students’ transition into year 7.
This year we aim to see the introduction of the following programs in the Middle
School at St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College:
Introduction of a third class at year 7 level
ACER testing for both English and Maths
Introduction of the National Curriculum in Humanities at year 9
Immunisation program
The continuation of enhancement classes to further extend students in English.
The use of iPads across all subject areas which have been used extensively with
appropriate subject based applications.
Leadership initiatives though the SRC
Structured revision testing for NAPLAN for both years 7 and 9 students in both
Maths and English.
Numerous education based programs, excursions, Maths/Science Days and
The year 8 and 9 students will take part in the Evolve camp.
Numerous sporting events and swimming lessons.
Pam Melissinos
Head of Middle School
A Poem About Love
by Samuel Saeed Year 8
It flows amidst Him and me,
I acknowledge it and so does He,
A precipitation of exhilarating adrenaline spurs within me,
Immediately upon the remembrance of His name.
How amazing is He to me?
Every day He transcends through my body,
How extravagant is the smile embedded upon my face?
As I envision and contemplate about Him,
Deep within my heart I feel contentment.
Words can't express the misery and agony of not seeing or talking to Him.
As I lay on my bed,
memories of Him surge through me,
As if He was never gone.
The possessions He provided for me and
The actions He completed for me proceeds throughout my head.
How thrilled am I in His sight?
I sense Him every day; He is like the rainbow to my storm.
Affliction and anguish travel deep within me as I hurt him with my
unrighteous actions.
On numerous occasions He did not care and forgive me.
I questioned Him, "What is the meaning of love?
He exclaimed, "I am the meaning of love!"
How inspiring is His love for me?
I was inspired by Jesus's extreme love for me throughout my life to write
this poem about Him.
Introducing the 2013 Year 12 Student Leaders
At St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox College, we have a proud, established history of Senior School Leaders,
through opportunities provided, demonstrating the kinds of skills and attributes that are required of
leaders in our community and workplaces beyond the school gates. In this issue, the Year 12 students
Leaders have introduced themselves.
School Captains: Anne-Marie Shenouda and Joseph Hanna.
St Mary's Coptic Orthodox College has a community of fellowship and unity, where each individual
strives to achieve their maximum potential. The School Captains, Vice Captains and Prefects, in
collaboration with the Student Representative Council, work to assist at school functions, help with the
running of Chapel, organise student lead fundraising and sports competitions as well as to be active
members of the SRC. We attend and run regular meetings with fellow students and work in partnership
with our teachers. As School Captains, we have assumed these roles with dedication and commitment,
working to propel the school towards further successes in the future.
School Vice Captains: Marina Ghobrial and Daniel Soliman.
Having been previously part of the Student Council, we liked the advantages we were privy to; like
having our opinions considered, and the responsibility of trying to ensure a positive school experience
for our peers and for ourselves. This is what we aim to continue doing: We hope that our actions as
members of the student representative team inspire change and progress, and we hope to be an
influential part of that change. We also aim to be approachable figures to our fellow students, friends if
they need some, and a connection between them and the staff. A large part of our vision is encouraging
and being part of charity work. Having previously been involved in charity fundraisers, we know the
sense of self-satisfaction and the change that some financial aid can cause. We hope to share these
experiences with the students of St. Mary’s College. Most importantly, we hope to have a share in
influencing our school life as a whole, because we believe that our school years should be the most
memorable of all. We will utilise what is at our disposal, working hard for our fellow seniors to have
the best possible final year, and to pave the way for a brighter, improved future.
Year 12 Prefects: Anna Mansour and Sara Hanna.
As Year 12 Prefects, we are very excited to be in our final year of Secondary school. We look forward
to the challenges this will present to us and our fellow peers. We have made a lot of friends over the
years, and have shared many happy memories together. Being a prefect to us is not just about wearing a
badge. It’s about taking pride in representing our school to the wider community. It’s about being there
for our fellow students and serving our community to the best of our abilities. We feel privileged to be
in such a position.
The Mural "Jesus the Teacher" Shows the life of Jesus St. Joseph and St. Mary. Even then
little children were drawn to him. Later it shows Jesus as a young man always
accepting young children around him listening to his words of wisdom, kindness and
love of everything around them. The angels guide children to Jesus for his words of
comfort and care. This mural was painted by children for Year 7, 8 in the years 2011
and 2012. The brushwork expresses their different styles used to colour the mural. It is
enjoyed by all in the C Building. Judy Bennetts