Complete Psalmodia - Institute of Coptic Studies


Complete Psalmodia - Institute of Coptic Studies
H.H. Pope Shenouda III, 117th Pope of
Alexandria and the See of St. Mark
Commemorating The Appointment of The Bishop for Sydney 2001
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
One God. Amen
Preface of the Second Edition
Praise is the work of angels, practiced without ceasing. A
spiritual task that expresses all the feelings of love and gratitude in the
human heart after it has tasted Gods goodness.
Praising is the highest level of prayer (because it does not seek
anything earthly.) It is standing before the magnificent throne of God,
contemplating on His majes!ic characteristics and describing His beauty
and splendor. It is sharing the angels in heaven.
May the Lord accept our sacrifice of praise as a fragrance of Iove,
rendered from the souls of wise virgins.
May the voices of praising continue in our Coptic Orthodox
Church from generation to generation and unto the ages of all ages.
We ask our Lord that He blesses this work and we look forward for more
ecclesiastical books to serve our children.
Under the grace of our honored Pope and Patriarch Abba Shenouda Ill.
Father Takla Azmy
Saint Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church,
Seattle, Washington
Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church,
Puyallub, Washington