Board Meeting Agenda 060215 - San Bernardino Valley Municipal
Board Meeting Agenda 060215 - San Bernardino Valley Municipal
alle BERNARDINO MUNICIPALY WATER DISTRICT SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 380 E. Vanderbilt Way, San Bernardino, CA 92408 REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 2, 2015 CALL TO OlIDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL 1. PUBLIC COMMENT Any person may address the Board on matters within its jurisdiction. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A 3. 4. May 19, 2015, Board Meeting (Page 4) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEMS A Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 1028 Regarding Board of Directors Compensation and Reimbursement Rules and Procedures (Page 13) B. Consider Director Compensation Rate (Page 21) C. Consider Adoption of Resolution No. l 030 Establishing the Appropriations Subject to Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (Page 23) D. Consider Sponsorship of San Bernardino Sunset Rotary Club Triathlon (Page 27) REPORTS (Discussion and Possible Action) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. General Manager's Report Baseline Feeder Committee Workshop, May 26 (Page 28) Drought Response Grant Program - Water Rate Workshop, May 27 Wages, Benefits, and Insurance Committee Workshop, May 28 Basin Technical Advisory Committee, June 1 SAWPA Committee Meetings, June 2 Directors Activities 1/2 9 Meeting of the Board of Directors June 2, 2015 Page2 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. 0. P. 6. June 9, 2015 -Board of Directors' Workshop, 3:00 p.m. at the District Office June 10, 2015 -Reservoir Committee Workshop, 3:00 p.m. at the District Office June 11, 2015 -Advisory Commission on Water Policy, 6:30 p.m. at the District Office June 15, 2015 -Association of San Bernardino County Special Districts' Dinner, 6:00 p.m., The Castaway Restaurant, San Bernardino June 16, 2015 - SAWPA Commission Meeting, 9:30 a.m. at SAWPA June 16, 2015 -Board of Directors' Meeting, 2:30 p.m. at the District Office June 22, 2015 -Baseline Feeder Committee, 3:00 p.m. at the District Office June 25, 2015 - General Fund Budget Workshop, 3:30 p.m. at the District Office July 6, 2015 -Basin Technical Advisory Committee, 1:30 p.m. at the District Office July 7, 2015-SAWPA Commission Workshop, 9:30 a.m. at SAWPA July 7, 2015 -Board of Directors' Meeting, 2:30 p.m. at the District Office July 8, 2015 - Reservoir Committee Workshop, 3:00 p.m. at the District Office July 20, 2015 -Association of San Bernardino County Special Districts' Dinner, 6:00p.m. July 21, 2015-SAWPA Commission Meeting, 9:30 a.m. at SAWPA July 21, 2015 - Board of Directors' Meeting, 2:30 p.m. at the District Office July 27, 2015 -Baseline Feeder Committee Workshop, 3:00 p.m. at the District Office CLOSED SESSION The Board may convene/meet in closed session to discuss the following items. 7. A. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a),(d)(l)- San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District et al v. San Gabriel Valley Water Company et al - Case No. CIVDS1311085 (San Bernardino Superior Court B. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(l) - Bear Valley Mutual Water Co. et al v. Jewell, et al (9 1h Cir. No. 12-57297) ADJOURNMENT 2/29 Meeting of the Board of Directors June 2, 2015 Page 3 PLEASE NOTE: Materials related to an item on this Agenda submitted to the Board after distribution of the agenda packet arc available for public inspection in. the District's office located at 380 E. Vanderbilt Way, San Bernardino, during normal business hours. Also, such documents arc available on the District's website at subject to staff's ability to post the documents before the meeting. The District recognizes its obligation to provide equal access to those individuals with disabilities. Please contact Lillian Hernandez at (909) 387-9214 two working days prior to the meeting wif'h any special requests for reasonable accommodation. 3/29 6346 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD MEETING SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT May 19, 2015 Directors Present: Mark Bulat, Steve Copelan, Ed Killgore, and Susan Longville Directors Absent: Gil Navarro (CSDA Conference, Sacramento) Staff Present: Douglas Headrick, Bob Tincher, Wen Huang, Mike Esquer, Heather Dyer, Aaron Jones, Cindy Saks, Bruce Varner and Lillian Hernandez Registered Guests: Alan G. Dyer, West Valley Water District Benjamin G. Kelly, Western Heights Water Company Greg Yanagihara, AECOM Mandi Lambert, CV Strategies Melody McDonald, San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District Jon Gaede, Assembly Member Brown's Office The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by President Bulat at 2:30 p.m. at the District office, 380 E. Vanderbilt Way, San Bernardino. A quorum was noted present. Agenda Item 1. Public Comments. President Bulot invited any members of the public to address the Board. Hearing none, the meeting proceeded with the published agenda items. Agenda Item 2. Approval of Minutes of the April 21, 2015, Board Meeting. Director Longville moved to approve the minutes of the April 21, 2015, Board meeting. Director Copelan seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. Agenda Item 3. Discussion and Possible Action Items. 4/29 6347 3 a) Consider Resolution in Recognition and Appreciation of the Public Service of Anthony Araiza to the West Valley Water District. Douglas Headrick introduced the item for consideration and gave a summary of the resolution. Alan Dyer, Director West Valley Water District (WVWD), gave Anthony Araiza's history with the organization. Mr. Araiza has worked at WVWD for 52 years beginning his career in field operations and working his way up in the organization to become its general manager in 1995. Mr. Araiza's retirement celebration will be on May 30, 2015. Mr. Dyer thanked the Board for their consideration of the resolution honoring Mr. Araiza. Director Killgore moved approval of the Resolution in Recognition and Appreciation of the Public Service of Anthony Araiza to the West Valley Water District. Director Copelan seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 b) Consider Targeted Outreach Through June 2015 in Response to the Statewide Emergency Water Use Reductions. Bob Tincher stated that this item was discussed at a workshop held on April 22nd. At the workshop, many of the retail agencies were present and presented the Board with a letter requesting that San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (SBVMWD) consider providing 50 percent of the funding toward the project. The Board members that were in attendance at the workshop supported the concept but also requested that the proposal include additional detail regarding the two media outreach events which were included in the original proposal. This project generally provides public outreach on the emergency cutbacks to help the state achieve a statewide total of a 25 percent reduction in water use. The goal is to perform as much outreach as possible near the implementation date of the restrictions which is June 1, 2015. The project consists of creating presentation materials that can be used by all of the water agencies along with two outreach events. The first outreach event was held on May 16th which was the Hangar 24 Airfest in Redlands. The retail water agencies authorized the spending of their 50 percent share to begin the project in anticipation of SBVMWD considering its portion. Staff recommended that the Board authorize staff to enter into a contract with CV Strategies for the total amount of the project $60,750 then provide 50 percent of the funding or $30,375. The District will be the contracting agency and the remaining 50 percent of the cost will be invoiced to the retail water agencies. Director Longville inquired as to the number of attendees at the event, if a representative from the District was present at the event, and what the return was on the investment. Mr. Tincher reported that he was at the event in the evening hours. Mandi Lambert from CV Strategies reported that there were several staff members from various agencies present throughout the event as well as herself. Ms. Lambert reported that there were over 10,000 attendees at the event and their booth had a long line for most of the day. Ms. Lambert stated they gave away most of their promotional items. There were giveaways, raffles, and they received over 200 Facebook likes from that day. Director Longville moved approval of staff's recommendation. Director Copelan seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 5/29 6348 3 c) Consider Additional Education Outreach During May and June. Bob Tincher stated that this is another way SBVMWD can help the retail agencies achieve the emergency cutbacks they are being required to make by expanding the existing public education program. The proposal is to expand the program with an additional 10 adult educational outreach programs at a cost of $5,300. Staff recommended that the Board approve an additional 10 adult educational programs at a cost of $5,300. Director Killgore moved approval of the staff recommendation. Director Copelan seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 d) Consider Proposition 84 Grant Funding Contract and Reimbursing up to $1.00 per Square Foot of Matching Funds for Commercial Turf Grass Removal. Bob Tincher stated that this item was discussed at a workshop on April 22nd. Those Board members in attendance, supported providing up to $1.00 per square foot of the required $2.00 per square foot matching funds required under the grant. This grant was obtained by the Santa Ana River Watermaster Action Team which is comprised of the Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (SAWPA) member agencies. The Action Team was successful in obtaining almost $13 million from the Proposition 84 grant program for water conservation. This program is one of the components under that grant. The District's area has been allocated $828,499 for institutional turf removal. These funds must be spent by June 30, 2018. The dea is to remove turf in highly visible institutional or municipal sites. The grant provides $1.00 per square foot and then requires $2.00 in matching funds. At the workshop, the Board members present discussed providing $1.00 per square foot of the matching funds and then requiring the remaining $1.00 per square foot from another source most likely the retail water agencies. In order to receive funds from this grant, SBVMWD must execute the grant funding contract with SAWPA. House counsel has reviewed the contract and approved it as to form. Once the Department of Water Resources contract with SAWPA has been signed, it will be attached to this contract as well. Staff recommended that the Board authorize staff to execute the grant funding contract with SAWPA once it has been finalized, and including any non-substantive changes. To reimburse up to $1.00 per square foot of the matching funds for commercial turf removal subject to the terms of the contract for a total amount of $828,499. Director Longville moved approval to authorize staff to execute the grant funding contract with SAWPA, once finalized and including any nonsubstantive changes. Reimburse up to $1.00 per square foot of the matching funds for commercial turf removal, in the SBVMWD service area, per the requirements in the grant funding contract at a total of $828,499. Director Killgore seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 e) Consider Participation in Water-Scale Proposition 84, Round 3 Grant Application. Bob Tincher stated that this item was discussed at a workshop on May 12th. The Board members in attendance at the workshop supported this item. The Santa Ana River Watermaster Action Team has been working on a grant application that they plan to 6/29 6349 submit at the end of May 2015. The original goal of this project was to develop watershedscale projects that could bring agencies together instead of agencies competing against one another for funds. The different components of the project include removal of Arundo which is an invasive species that consumes a lot of water, habitat creation for the Santa Ana Sucker to help mitigate for projects, water use efficiency, water banks in the watershed that provide storage up to almost 200,000 acre-feet of water, and provide up to 60,000 acre-feet of dry-year yield. There will be recharge ponds, storage space in the basin, wells and accompanying facilities to pump the water out. The San Bernardino Basin Area (SBBA) is scheduled to get facilities in the 60,000 acre-feet storage range and 20,000 acre-feet per year of dry-year yield which is in addition to the conjunctive use project. Staff recommended that the Board authorize staff to budget the District's portion of the local match that would be required should the grant be awarded up to $9 million. Authorize execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding dated May 2014, once finalized, subject to review by house counsel. Director Longville moved approval to authorize participation in the $60 million watershed-scale Proposition 84, Round 3 Grant Application and providing an equal share of the matching funds, not to exceed $9 million. Authorize execution of Amendment No. 1 to the Memorandum of Understanding dated May 2014, once finalized, subject to review by The motion was house counsel. Director Killgore seconded. unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 f) Consider Support for Fiscal Year 2015-16 iEfficient Public Outreach Campaign. Bob Tincher stated that this is an extension of a public outreach campaign that began in 2014 and has continued since that time. The first phase of the campaign ended in December 2014 but the retail water agencies continued it through the end of the current fiscal year. The current proposal would begin on July 1, 2015, and go for one fiscal year. The campaign focuses on educating customers about water conservation, the emergency cutbacks, and water supply projects as well. It will be advertising the California Water Fix which is the water supply component of the former Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP). The BDCP has been split into two different projects in hope of accelerating the progress and the California Water Fix is the water supply portion which will move the intakes to the north. This item was discussed at a Board workshop on May 12th and the Board members in attendance supported participation in the program up to 50 percent of the Bronze advertising option. Staff recommended that the Board authorize the District to be the contracting agency for the project by entering into a contract with CV Strategies for the total contract value once that has been selected. The retail agencies have not decided what level of the program they will be participating in. The District's participation amount would be $215,311 which is 50 percent of the Bronze level plan. The remaining partner agencies will be invoiced for the remainder of the costs. Director Longville indicated that if the drought continues, she would rather be contributing funds toward enforcement rather than additional education. She feels at some point, if the public is not responding, there needs to be a focus on reaching the people who are not listening to the message. 7/29 6350 Director Copelan moved approval of authorizing staff to enter into a contract with CV Strategies for the total contract value, once selected by the retail water agencies that will be between $430,621 and $492, 109 and to provide up to $215,311 toward the project and invoice the partnering agencies for the remainder of the cost. Director Killgore seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 g) Consider Ingress and Egress Easement for District Parcel, APN 0297-111-17. Mike Esquer stated that this item was discussed in the Engineering Committee Workshop on April 22nd. Mr. Esquer directed the Board's attention to a drawing of the parcel in question showing the easement at the south end of the property. Currently, the easement exists on the north portion of the parcel. The Redlands Conservancy requested that the District consider moving their easement to the south which would assist them in accessing their conservancy parcel which is 100 acres and located east of the parcel in question. Moving the easement will also assist the District with mitigation land for the East Branch Extension. Staff recommended that the Board of Directors grant the new ingress and egress easement to the Redlands Conservancy and in exchange the Redlands Conservancy will quitclaim the existing easement and authorize the general manager to execute and record the aforementioned documents. Director Longville moved approval of staff's recommendation. Director Copelan seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 h) Consider Annual Pipeline Cathodic Protection Survey and Evaluation. Mike Esquer stated that this item was being forwarded from the Engineering Committee Workshop on April 22nd for consideration and possible action. This is an annual cathodic protection survey and evaluation. Annually the District has a consultant survey by testing through leads that go into the ground and connect to the pipeline. Several different pipelines are tested. The consultant then provides a report and compares the results with the previous results from several years then informs the District whether they believe corrosion could be occurring or not occurring. In addition, there is additional work where previous surveys identified some low values in the cathodic protection systemon the east end of the Foothill Pipeline. This has been discussed with V & A Consulting and they believe they have an approach to try and identify if it is truly a problem or just an abnormality that can be remedied easily. Part of the work will be to investigate the situation further and develop recommendations going forward on protecting the east end of the Foothill Pipeline. The proposed cost of the work is $64,960. Approximately $11 ,000 of the work would be covered by other agencies that have investments through capacity rights in the pipeline. Staff recommended that the Board of Directors authorize the general manager to execute the consulting services agreement with V & A Consulting for the cathodic protection testing and repairs for the District pipeline facilities in the amount of $64,960. 8/29 6351 Director Copelan moved approval of awarding the contract to V & A Consulting for cathodic protection testing and repairs for the District pipeline facilities in the amount of $64,960 and authorized the general manager to execute the consulting services agreements with V & A Consulting. Director Killgore seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 i) Consider Structural Engineering Services for Citrus Pump Station Potable Water Supply Shade Structure. Aaron Jones stated that the District has been working with the Department of Water Resources (DWR) on the East Branch Extension Phase II Project. As part of the project, the Citrus Pump Station and Reservoir are being constructed and will require a potable water supply and a shade structure. As part of the development of the potable water supply at the Citrus Pump Station, staff has considered constructing a shade structure to protect the tanks and equipment. The District solicited two proposals with Knapp & Associates, Inc. being the lowest bidder at $7,900. Staff recommended that the Board of Directors authorize the general manager to enter into an agreement with Knapp & Associates, Inc. to provide structural design for the Citrus Pump Station potable water supply project for the proposed fee of $7,900. This item was discussed at the April 22nd Engineering Committee Workshop. Director Copelan moved approval of authorizing the general manager to enter into an agreement with Knapp & Associates, Inc. to provide structural design for the Citrus Pump Station potable water supply project for the proposed fee of $7,900. Director Longville seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 j) Consider Requests for Directors' Compensation. President Bulat inquired if any of the Directors wanted to request compensation for their activities. Director Copelan requested compensation for his attendance at the 2015 Solar Challenge event. Director Longville requested compensation and approval of attendance at the Water Education Foundation's Integrated Regional Water Management Plan 2.0 conference on May 21st and 22nd in San Diego. Director Longville stated she would not be staying overnight but drive home each day. Director Longville requested approval to attend a hearing at the Local Agency Formation Commission on May 20th regarding a concept being proposed which involves the District. Director Killgore requested authorization to attend Anthony "Butch" Araiza's retirement celebration on May 30th to present Mr. Arazia with the resolution from the District. President Bulat requested authorization to attend the Basin Management Taskforce meeting on May 27th at SAWPA. 9/29 6352 Director Longville moved approval of all requested activities. Director Killgore seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 3 k) Consider Adoption of Resolution No. 1028 Establishing Rules and Procedures for Compensation of Directors and for Reimbursement of Directors and Staff. Douglas Headrick gave an introduction and summary of the resolution. Director Longville expressed concerns she had regarding an item in the proposed resolution and suggested taking the resolution back to a workshop setting for further discussion. The Board agreed to table the item and requested that a workshop be scheduled to discuss the matter further. The item will be brought back to a future Board meeting for consideration. Agenda Item 4. Reports (Discussion and Possible Action). 4 a) Legislative Report. Bruce Varner gave an update on Assembly Bills 291 and 496. The key water topics he reported on were the emergency regulation adopted by the State Water Board on May 5, 2015, the Governor's May revision of the budget, and Eastern Municipal Water District's move to Stage 4a of its Water Shortage Contingency Plan and they are requesting that their customers reduce their outdoor irrigation by 50 percent. 4 b) Engineering Committee Workshop, April 22, 2015. No oral report was given. 4 c) Baseline Feeder Committee Workshop, April 27, 2015. No oral report was given as a written report was included in the Board packet. 4 d) West Valley Water District Drought Action Partnership, May 3, 2015. Director Killgore reported that in attendance at the event were representatives from the school district, cities, and water agencies. Director Killgore will be meeting with a representative from Veolia and the Superintendent of Schools to discuss weather-based irrigation controllers. Mr. Headrick reported that West Valley Water District 0N\fWD) will be developing their own coordinated messaging program so that customers who receive water from the City of Rialto and customers who receive water from WVWD are receiving the same message. 4 e) Basin Technical Advisory Committee, May 4, 2015. No oral report was given as a written report was included in the Board packet. 4 f) ACWA 2015 Spring Conference, May 5-8, 2015. Director Copelan reported on the JPIA activities including health insurance. Director Killgore gave an overview of the topics discussed at the conference. 4 g) Board of Directors' Workshop, May 12, 2015. No oral report was given. 4 h) Reservoir Committee Workshop, May 14, 2015. No oral report was given as a written report was included in the Board packet. 10/29 6353 4 i} Association of San Bernardino County Special Districts' Dinner, May 18, 2015. Director Copelan reported that the meeting was hosted by Hi-Desert Water District at the Hawks Landing Golf Club at Blue Skies in Yucca Valley. The speaker was Cindy Melland, President of the Basin Wide Foundation. 4 j} SAWPA Commission Meeting, May 19, 2015. Director Killgore reported on the following SAWPA matters: 1) Installed Commissioner Tom Evans as Chair of the Commission. 2) Swore in new Alternate Commissioner Brenda Dennstedt. Ms. Dennstedt will represent SAWPA on the Board of Directors of the Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Watersheds Authority. 3) Adopted the FYE 2016-2017 budget and directed it to be taken up by the member agencies for approval, and directed staff to place on the agenda at the Commission's June meeting a report from the ad hoc committee on the class and compensation study that is reflected in the budget. 4 k} Operations Reports. No oral report was given as a written report was included in the Board packet. 4 I} Treasurer's Report. Director Longville moved approval of the following expenses for the month of April 2015. The State Water Contract Fund $1,849,796.96, Devil Canyon/Castaic Fund $90,851.00, and General Fund $2,068,663.67. Director Copelan seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted with Director Navarro being noted as absent. 4 m} Directors' Activities. Director Longville reported that the KVCR interview has been changed once more. The interview will now be one hour long and Director Longville will be interviewed at the Water Conservation Demonstration Garden at Cal State San Bernardino. The interview is scheduled to take place in June 2015 with editing in July 2015 and will air in August 2015. Director Longville stated that she did not attend the Southern California Association of Governments meeting as originally intended. Director Copelan reported that he attended the 2015 Solar Challenge event at Yucaipa Regional Park. President Bulot reported that he attended the Salinity Management Taskforce meeting at the SAWPA. Agenda Item 5. Announcements. President Bulot announced there would be a press conference on June 1, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. at the District office. There will be an Advisory Commission on Water Policy meeting on June 11, 2015, 6:30 p.m. at the District office. 11/29 6354 Agenda Item 6. Closed Session. None. There being no further business, President Bulot adjourned the meeting at 4:14 p.m. APPROVAL CERTIFICATION Respectfully submitted, I hereby certify to approval of the foregoing Minutes of San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Secretary Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Lillian Hernandez Board Secretary 12/29 alleN Bl'ilNARDINO MUNIC IPA LY WATER D ISTRICT DATE: June 2, 2015 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Douglas D. Headrick, General Manager SUBJECT: Board of Directors' Compensation and Reimbursement Rules and Procedures Background On June 4, 1990, the Valley District Board of Directors approved Resolution 761 establishing rules and procedures for Director's compensation and for reimbursement of expenses of Directors and Staff. On March 19, 2013 the Board updated the Schedule of meetings at which the Board desires representation by Directors by deleting two committees no longer functioning and adding one, the Basin Technical Advisory Committee (BTAC). In early 2015 it was determined that some additional clarification of the rules and procedures in Resolution 761 is necessary to avoid possible confusion about what is allowed under the Board policy. Therefore, on March 3, 2015 the Board agreed to suspend the Board compensation and reimbursement provisions in Resolution 761 until such time as a new set of rules and procedures is approved. An initial Board Workshop on the topic was conducted on March 10, 2015. At the conclusion of that Workshop, Staff was provided direction to work with legal counsel on a new policy document and return to the Board in a Workshop to finalize the language. A revised policy document was prepared by Valley District house counsel and subsequently presented to the Board in a second Workshop on May 12. At the conclusion of that Workshop, Staff was directed to bring the item to the full Board for consideration on May 19. At that meeting the Board asked that the draft Resolution be placed on an upcoming Workshop agenda for discussion about Section 2: Paragraph 12 - Reimbursement for Political Campaign Costs Prohibited. The request was based on whether or not this topic should be covered in this Resolution or a separate one and whether or not candidates should be prohibited from soliciting campaign funds from consultants and suppliers to the District. 13/29 A Board Workshop was conducted on May 281h to discuss the aforementioned Paragraph 12. The Board directe.d Staff to remove Section 2: Paragraph 12 from draft Resolution 1028 and place the revised policy on the next Board Agenda. The topic of campaign costs and fundraising rules will be the subject of a future Workshop and may result in a separate Board policy document. Staff Recommendation Authorize the Board President to sign Resolution 1028 - Establishing Rules and Procedures for Compensation of Directors and for Reimbursement of Directors and Staff Attachment Resolution 1028 14/29 3964 RESOLUTION NO. 1028 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNCIPAL WATER DISTRICT PROCEDURES FOR ESTABLISHING RULES AND COMPENSATION OF DIRECTORS AND FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF DIRECTORS AND STAFF WHEREAS, it is recognized that each member of the Board of Directors (Board) of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (District) expends a considerable amount of time and effort attending meetings, including meetings of the Board, serving on committees, and rendering other services as a member of the Board; and WHEREAS, in consideration of these expenditures of time and effort, it is appropriate to provide reasonable compensation and to authorize reimbursement of expenses for directors; and WHEREAS, Sections 71255 and 20200 et seq. of the California Water Code provide for compensation to water district board members for each day's attendance at meetings of the board, or for each day's service rendered as a member of the board by request or approval of the board; and WHEREAS, Section 53232 et seq. of the California Government Code provides the means of determining whether a director's activities on any specific day are compensable; and WHEREAS, the Board previously adopted Resolution No. 761 on June 4, 1990, establishing rules and procedures for compensating directors and for reimbursing directors and staff for expenses; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to clarify and update the types of occasions that constitute the performance of official duties for which directors may receive payment and the rules and procedures for compensating directors and for reimbursing directors and staff for reasonable expenses incun-ed in can-ying out the business of the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board that the following Rules and Procedures for Compensation of Directors and for Reimbursement of Directors and Staff are hereby adopted. SECTION 1: 1. Compensation of directors for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board, or for each day's service rendered as a member of the Board as approved by the Board ("Per Diem"), shall be established from time to time by ordinance adopted by the Board in accordance with applicable sections of the California Water Code; provided, however, that Per Diem will not be paid for more than the maximum number of days per month permitted under the California Water Code. Per Diem will be paid in addition to reimbursement for any reasonable and necessary meal, lodging, and travel expenses incurred in attending any such meetings, or rendering any such service. 2. No director shall receive Per Diem for more than ten (10) days in any calendar month. 15/29 3965 3. Directors may receive Per Diem only once for any calendar day, regardless of the number of meetings attended in the same day. 4. Attendance shall mean that the director was present at not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total duration of the meeting or conference proceedings. 5. Per Diem will be paid only ifthe director submits a written request setting forth the date, location, and District's purpose of the meeting for which Per Diem is requested. Directors shall file with the District's accounting office a signed "District Directors Meeting Reimbursement Request" form at or prior to the first regularly noticed meeting of the Board each month requesting Per Diem for not to exceed ten (10) days for the previous month. 6. Directors may receive Per Diem for attendance at regular, special, emergency, and adjourned District Board meetings. 7. Directors may receive Per Diem for attendance at meetings other than regular, special, emergency, and adjourned District Board meetings, without prior Board approval, only for those meetings specifically listed in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 8. Subject to the overall maximum often (10) days Per Diems per month, directors may request Per Diem for attendance at a maximum of three (3) of the following meetings per month which provide a tangible benefit to the District at a reasonable cost: 9. a. Regularly noticed board meetings of retail water agencies within the District service area. b. Regularly noticed meetings of local agencies, including but not limited to the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors, a city council within the District service area, or the San Bernardino County Local Agency Formation Commission, when the agenda indicates a matter related to the District will be discussed. c. Meetings of local organizations not related to any political organization or body in the District service area, including without limitations meetings of Chambers of Commerce and philanthropic groups, when a director is attending at the request of the organization to provide a public presentation about the District or to participate in an activity directly related to the District. Subject to the overall maximum often (10) days Per Diems per month, and only with prior approval of the Board a director may receive Per Diem for the following meetings: a. Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA)- Special circumstances necessary for more than two (2) directors to attend. b. California Special Districts Association (CSDA)- Special circumstances necessary for more than two (2) directors to attend. c. Meetings with other elected officials and their staff. d. Tours directly related to the work of the District. e. Anniversaries, groundbreaking events, staff/director retirements, or other similar celebratory events. 16/29 3966 10. Directors may not receive Per Diem for attendance at the following meetings: a. American Water Works Association. b. Southern California Association of Governments. c. League of California Cities. d. Emergency Response Network of the Inland Empire. e. Meetings with District consultants and attorneys. f. Meetings with District staff, except as specifically authorized in Exhibit A. 11. Per Diem for attendance at any out-of-state meetings shall require prior Board approval. 12. A director's Per Diem for attendance at another agency's meeting shall be reduced by any amount such agency pays to the director for attendance at such meeting. 13. Directors shall be provided with a monthly report showing the amount of Per Diem or reimbursement received by each director. SECTION2: 1. Reimbursement Forms. Directors and staff shall file with the District's accounting office a signed "District Request for Reimbursement of Expenses" form listing all expenses of the previous month. The form shall list, as separate non-reimbursable expenses, items charged on credit cards which may be provided by District to certain individuals. 2. Receipts. Original receipts for all expenses and charge slips must be attached to the "District Request for Reimbursement of Expenses" form. 3. Staff or Director Travel Authorization. Staff travel for more than one (1) day in or outside the state must have prior written approval of the General Manager. Staff travel for less than one (1) day may have the verbal approval of the General Manager. Directors requesting to travel one (1) day in advance of an approved meeting must show good cause for such travel and is subject to prior approval of the Board. 4. Travel Reimbursement. Payment for travel by directors within the Southern California region will be made only on the basis of either mass transit tickets purchased, or private vehicle miles driven at the reimbursement rate per mile specified by the Internal Revenue Service. Destinations considered to be within the Southern California region include but are not limited to Los Angeles, San Diego, Palm Springs, and Barstow. To be eligible for reimbursement for vehicle mileage Directors and staff must submit Proof of Insurance for any vehicle for which mileage reimbursement is requested along with a valid California Driver's License. Vehicle mileage for travel by directors within the District service area is not reimbursable. 17/29 3967 Payment for air transportation (economy or tourist class only) will be made to major destinations within California or approved destinations out of state. Should directors or staff choose a private vehicle in lieu of air travel, the lesser rate of the two will be applied. No payment will be made for additional food or lodging required due to a director's or staff member's choice to use a private vehicle for travel. No salaries or director Per Diem shall be paid for additional time required for private vehicle travel. Airline reservations or tickets may be procured though the District staff member designated by the General Manager, or procured by directors for later reimbursement if so desired, provided the cost does not exceed the cost of what the staff member would have purchased. District shall purchase no tickets for persons other than District directors or staff. Tickets for guests of directors or staff shall be purchased by such persons in a separate transaction without use of any District funds and are not subject to reimbursement. Airport parking, in short-term lots for travel less than 48 hours, or long-term lots for travel exceeding 48 hours, is an allowable expense for authorized travel. Public transportation (taxi/bus/limo/online canier) should be utilized for local travel during out-of-town business, unless the cost of a rental car provides a demonstrable cost savings or public transportation is not available to the desired destination at the time needed. 5. Lodging. Lodging expenses will be reimbursed or paid when travel on official District business reasonably requires an overnight stay. Lodging for events within 150 miles of the District office is not reimbursable. If lodging is in connection with a conference, lodging expenses must not exceed the group rate published by the conference sponsor for the meeting in question if such rates are available at the time of booking. If the group rate is not available for a conference, directors and staff shall request government rates, when available. Government rate lodging is preferable, but alternative lodging at equal to or less than government rate is permissible. 6. Food and Beverage. Expenditures for food will be moderate and reasonable for the location where consumed. Food and beverage receipts for breakfast, lunch, or dinner consumed by directors or staff are required for reimbursement. The District shall not pay for any alcoholic beverage of any type consumed by directors or staff. Employees working overtime and requiring work through a normal eating period may be provided meals paid by the District at the discretion of the General Manager. 7. Spouses, Friends, and Guests. The District shall not pay any expenses covering spouses, friends, or guests who may accompany directors or staff in any travel activity unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Board. 18/29 3968 8. Travel Advance. Travel advances may not be requested by directors or staff for approved District travel. The director or staff member shall complete a special "District Request for Reimbursement of Expenses" form covering cash and credit card expenditures incurred. A District credit card may not be used to pay for incidentals during travel. 9. Business Related Expenses. District-related expenses incurred in the business center of a hotel or convention center are reimbursable if submitted on the approved "District Request for Reimbursement of Expenses" form. 10. Approval of Expenses. Directors' and General Manager's expenses must be approved by the Treasurer or director designated by the Board. Other staff expenses must be approved by the General Manager. Any rejected or unapproved expenses shall be charged back against any present or future reimbursement requests or directors' Per Diems payable. 11. Public File. An individual public file shall be maintained by the accounting office. The file shall contain all cash, credit card, or direct charges to the District for expenses incurred by each director and staff member. 12. Use of District Resources. The use of District resources and/or employee personnel time by a director shall be for District business only. SECTION3: This Resolution shall supersede and otherwise control over the provisions of Resolution No. 761. As of the effective date of this Resolution, Resolution No. 761 shall be of no further force or effect. ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2015. Mark Bulot, President ATTEST: Gil Navarro, Secretary 19/29 3969 EXHIBIT A 1. Meetings between the Board President and District staff to discuss issues affecting agenda matters, not to exceed two (2) meetings per month. 2. Regularly noticed District Board Workshops. 3. Regularly noticed meetings of District Board committees, whether standing or ad hoc, to which the director has been duly appointed. 4. Regularly noticed meetings of agencies or organizations by directors who have been specifically appointed by the Board to serve as its primary or alternate representative. 5. Regularly noticed meetings of the Upper Santa Ana Water Resources Association. 6. Regularly noticed meetings of the Basin Technical Advisory Committee. 7. Regularly noticed meetings of the San Bernardino Regional Water Resources Authority. 8. Regularly noticed meetings of the District Advisory Commission on Water Policy. 9. Regularly noticed meetings of the San Bernardino County Association of Special Districts. 10. Court hearings or legal proceedings related to District business. 11. AB 1234 ethics and AB 1825 sexual harassment prevention training programs, in person or by webinar, if the director earns a Certificate of Completion as required by the California Government Code. 12. Additional meetings designated by the Board, from time to time, which are not of a standing nature and at which the Board desires representation by District directors. 20/29 alle BERNARDINO MUNICI PALY WATER D ISTRICT DATE: June 2, 2015 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Douglas Headrick, General Manager SUBJECT: Director Compensation Rate Background Valley District Ordinance No. 65, attached, provides the policy for establishing Director's compensation. At a Workshop conducted on May 28, Staff was directed to place an item on this Board Agenda for discussion and possible action regarding the scheduled Director's compensation rate increase. Recommendation Provide direction to staff on the Director's compensation rate for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. Attachment Ordinance No. 65 21/29 31 Supersedes Ord. No. 59 - ORDINANCE NO. 65 -- -- ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR DIRECTORS' SERVICES WHEREAS, the compensation of the Directors of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District was last fixed by ordinance No. 59 effective April 3, 1987, and pursuant to said ordinance has been adjusted annually thereafter, and WHEREAS, sections 20200 of the California Water Code, et seq., authorized the Board to increase the amount of compensation by an amount equal to 5 percent for each calendar year following the operative date of the last adjustment, of the compensation which is received when the ordinance is adopted, and WHEREAS, a public hearing on this ordinance has been held after published notice pursuant to section 6066 of the Government Code as provided by law, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District as follows: - 1. Commencing on the effective date hereof, each Director shall receive compensation in the amount of $130.00 per day for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board and in the amounts of $130.00 for each additional day's service, other than attending meetings of the Board, rendered as a Director by request of the Board, not exceeding compensation for a total of ten full days in any calendar month, together with any expenses incurred in the performance of his duties required or authorized by the Board. 2. Effective annually each year on the anniversary of the last adjustment, the amount of compensation for each day's attendance at meetings of the Board and for each additional day's service, other than attending meetings of the Board, rendered as a Director by request of the Board, not exceeding compensation for a total of ten full days in any calendar month, shall be increased by 5 per cent of the compensation received when this ordinance is adopted. 3. This ordinance shall become effective 60 days from date of its final passage, or as otherwise provided by law, shall supersede Ordinance No. 59. / ,/ ENACTED: November 6, 1989 '.__:' - Vice-P ATTEST: / /// L /; ··. / / / .. the and ..·· _,,.· '- . ;- C' [[_: 6.-t-----<. ... ___/_4: -- . ~-~;~~ (SEAL) 22/29 atte BERNARDINO MUNICIPALY WATER DISTRI CT DATE: June 2, 2015 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Douglas Headrick, General Manager Cindy Saks, Finance Manager SUBJECT: Consider Approval of Resolution 1030 Establishing the Appropriation Subject to Limit for Fiscal Year 2015-16 Background The District is required to calculate the appropriation limit as required by Article XIII B of the California Constitution and Section 7910 of the Government Code. The appropriation limit sets the amount of property taxes the District can expend. The law does exempt certain types of expenditures from the appropriation limit which include outlay for capital projects and facilities and debt service on voter approved bonds used to finance the District's State Water Contract. In November 1979 the voters of the State of California approved Proposition 4, commonly known as the Gann Initiative. The Proposition placed limits on the amount of revenue, which can be spent by all entities of government. These limits are based on the amount of appropriations in the 197879 "base" year. In June of 1990 voters approved Proposition 111. Proposition 111 provides new adjustment formulas which make the Appropriations Limit more responsive to local growth issues. The factors used to adjust and calculate the limit are the percentages of change in population in San Bernardino and the per capita personal income as calculated by the California Department of Finance. As shown in the calculations on following pages, Valley District's appropriation limit for fiscal year 2015-16 is $25,303,869. The calculations have been reviewed by the District's auditors. The amount of General Fund property tax revenue budgeted and spent by Valley District each fiscal year is less than $8 million dollars. This total is well below the appropriation limits. Staff Recommendation Approve Resolution 1030 establishing the Appropriations Subject to the Limit for Fiscal Year 20152016. 23/29 Attachments 1. Resolution 1030 2. Appropriations Limit calculations for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. 24/29 RESOLUTION NO. 1030 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ESTABLISHING THE APPROPRIATIONS SUBJECT TO LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEARS 2015-2016 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that, in accordance with Article XIII B of the California State Constitution, the Board of Directors of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District hereby establishes $25 ,3 03 ,869 as the appropriations subject to limit for Fiscal Year 2015-2016. ADOPTED this 2nd day of June, 2015. San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District Mark Bulot, President ATTEST: Gil Navarro, Secretary 25/29 a lle Of.l\Ni\l\DI NO MlJN IC ll'Al y WAT ER DISTRICT SAN BERNARDINO VALLEY MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT 2015 - 2016 FISCAL YEAR 2014 - 2015 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT 24,2 15,427 Percent Ratio 2015- 2016 ADJUSTMENT FOR PERCENTAGE CHANGES IN: CALIFORNIA PER CAPITA PERSONAL INCOME POPULATION PERCENT CHANGE 2014 TO 2015 PERCENT CHANGE AS A FACTOR 2015 - 2016 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT 3.82 0.65 1.0382 1.0065 104.4948% 25,303,869 26/29 alle BERNARDI NO MUNICIPALY WATER DISTRICT DATE: June 2, 2015 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Douglas Headrick, General Manager SUBJECT: Sponsorship of San Bernardino Sunset Rotary Club Triathlon Background Staff is asking the Board to consider a sponsorship including an in-kind contribution of $150 to the San Bernardino Sunset Rotary Club's upcoming Tinman Triathlon event to be held at California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) on June 28. Director Longville is a member of the Rotary Club and the coordinator for the event. The requested sponsorship includes the printing and mounting of four large maps of the race route. Staff estimates the cost including materials and staff time to be $150. In return for the in-kind contribution, the District would be labeled as a sponsor on the event materials and would be e ligible to place District related water conservation material in the bags distributed to all participants. Further, the event takes place next to the Valley District sponsored water conservation garden located at CSUSB so there is opportunity to promote that asset to the community of athletes and their families who will attend the triathlon. Recommendation Authorize a $150 in-kind sponsorship of the San Bernardino Sunset Rotary Club's upcoming Tinman Triathlon event to be held at California State University, San Bernardino on June 28. 27/ 29 alleN BERNARD INO MUNICI PAL Y WATER DISTR.JCT DATE: June 2, 2015 TO: Board of Directors FROM: Wen Huang, Manager of Engineering SUBJECT: Baseline Feeder Committee Report - May 26, 2015 The Baseline Feeder Committee met at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 in the conference room at the offices of the San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District. Director Killgore chaired the meeting. Directors Copelan, Navarro, and Longville participated in the meeting. Peter Fox of the City of Rialto, Linda Jadeski of West Valley Water District (WVWD), and Don Hough of Riverside Highland Water Company (RHWC) also participated in the discussion. The meeting agenda contained the following items for presentation and discussion: 2.A. Update on Operations of the New Baseline Feeder System: Staff reported that the Baseline Feeder System has been running as designed. As of April 30, WVWD received 1,450 acre-feet (AF) and the City of Rialto received 1,012 AF, for a total of 2,462 AF, from the System for 2015. Overall, the year-to-date delivery is 20% higher than it should have been at this time of the year. The increase was primarily due to additional deliveries to the City of Rialto as one of its wells was being rehabilitated. This work has since been completed. It was also reported that the City of Rialto staff has requested supplemental water from the Encanto Booster starting on May 27. 2. B. Summary of the Baseline Feeder Stakeholders' Operations Meeting of April 29, 2015: Staff reported that the Baseline Feeder Stakeholders met on April 29 to discuss matters related to the operations of the Baseline Feeder. The discussion is summarized below: 1. Baseline Feeder System O&M Cost: For Fiscal Year 2014-15 through March 31, 201 5, based on the total cost of $488,613 and 5,538 AF delivered from July 2014 to March 28/29 2015, the unit O&M cost was $88.24 per acre-foot (AF), which is below the projected unit cost of $115/AF. 2. Payments for State Water Project (SWP) water recharge in the Waterman and Sweetwater Basins for 25% of the water delivered to the Baseline Feeder Stakeholders for 2013 have been collected. The recharge was scheduled to occur in 2014 but was deferred due to the historic low SWP allocation. However, the recharge was scheduled to begin on May 1, 2015. 3. WVWD presented the quotes for reinstallation of the 24-inch Cla-Val at its 3A-1 connection to the Baseline Feeder System. The total cost for equipment rehabilitation and installation is approximately $40,000. All stakeholders agreed to direct WVWD staff to proceed. The cost will be shared by WVWD and the City of Rialto in accordance with the Restated Agreement. There are approximately $50,000 of remaining funds available from the Baseline Feeder Flow Control and Metering Improvements Project, which will be used to fund the work. 4. The City of Rialto expressed its interest in installation of a new well, which may be tied into the Baseline Feeder, near Seventh Street, in the City of San Bernardino. Preliminary design concepts for this well and its connection were presented. The City of Rialto staff will meet with the City of San Bernardino soon to discuss the process as this proposed well is within the Institutional Control and Settlement Agreement (ICSA) management zone. 5. WVWD staff will coordinate with RHWC for a flow test at the RHWC's intertie to the Baseline Feeder in the near future. This flow test is to ensure the facility is ready to go when needed. Staff Recommendation: Receive and file. 29/29
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