Quantum - Millennium
Quantum - Millennium
Belmont High School Quantum October 2011 Building Harmony and Success A proud member of the Belmont Learning Community From the Principal Phone: (02) 49450600 Fax: (02) 49477534 www.belmonthigh.com.au Year 12 Graduation Congratulations to the 105 Year 12 students who graduated from Belmont High School last week at a ceremony held in the BHS gymnasium. Thanks to the staff who organised the night – Margaret Lewis, Gail Lowe, Catherine Sandall, Robyn Paddon and Barry Eade. Thanks also to the music staff for their organisation of the musical items on the night. Staffing changes As a result of staff changes and staff on leave there are a number of relieving arrangements in place for the next few weeks. Nadene Harvey Sharon Gregory Carly Mandell Alison Murphy – relieving Deputy Principal – relieving Head Teacher Wellbeing – relieving Head Teacher PDHPE – relieving Year 9 adviser There have been changes also in the roles of the Deputy Principals: Tracey Breese Nadene Harvey – responsible for Years 7, 9 and 11 – responsible for Years 8, 10 and 11. Building Harmony and Success Dates for your diary October 17 Yr 12 HSC begins 19 P&C Meeting November 7-11 Yr 10 School Cert exams 15 Yr 12 Formal December 8 Yr 10 Formal 12 Presentation Day 13 Yr 10 Graduation 16 Last day for students 2011 Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 2 Quantum October 2011 NSW Premier’s Student Volunteering Award Congratulations to the following students who have received awards as part of the Premier’s Student Volunteer Program: Mathew Guest – Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards Sarah Mepham – Bronze and Silver Awards Rachel Mepham – Silver and Gold Awards Georgia Muir – Bronze Award Reagan Williams – Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards Well done to these students and thanks to Ruth Thompson who has coordinated the program at BHS. Girls’ Rugby League I had the pleasure of being able to watch the Belmont High School Under 16 Girls’ Rugby League team participate in the Newcastle Knights’ competition held recently. The girls as well as having a great time and enjoying themselves tremendously went through the competition undefeated and went on to win the final. Well done girls! Thanks to Jacqui Andrew Kelly who team to success. O’Brien and coached the Geoff Robinson Principal Special Education The activities of our supported students this term herald hope for a bright future. Wi thi n the classroom curriculum, activities around the school and through Community Access Programmes, positive action for the future emerges as a common theme. The IM class has already “rolled out the red carpet” for four incoming classmates for 2012, offering them valuable orientation activities and a warm welcome, creating for them an inviting and supportive atmosphere in which to begin their journey through high school. Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 3 Quantum October 2011 The IO students have been busy making preparations to farewell two of their peers at the end of their school careers. Shannon Boundy and Kane Collins will be honoured with a spectacular dance item to be performed on stage at Club Panthers Newcastle at the Regional IO Graduation Concert. The effort, energy and creativity poured into this event are testament to the skills of all the students, and are symbolic of the wishes that accompany Shannon and Kane in their futures beyond school. The Geography curriculum has driven the energy of the IO students in a practical direction. They have been involved in activities such as the planting of trees around the school, an investigation of recycling in the school and local community, and the installation of two frog ponds, as part of their cooperation with Junior Land Care. The future of our environment is in good hands. Yvette Fulton Special Education Aboriginal Education Deadly Dreaming Day In August Belmont High School invited local students, parents and their families from the Aboriginal community to a ‘Deadly Dreaming Day’, a great day was had by all. There was a fantastic performance of traditional and contemporary Aboriginal Dance by the Millabah Dance Group from the Hunter School of the Performing Arts. Teacher Tammy Gordon along with her students sang the National Anthem in a traditional local language, performed remarkable dance routines and facilitated group workshops in dance and music. Tammy then led a workshop on weaponry and artefacts, “Dreaming Stories”, language and face painting. After a busy morning and a BBQ lunch it was off to the library. The afternoon saw workstations from Awabakal Medical Association regarding information on diet, dental care, sexual health and diabetes. These workstations proved extremely popular as did Mr Robinson’s ‘photo booth’. The afternoon session was also a time for a focus on yarning. Individuals and families related their stories to staff who recorded them for posterity. A big thank you to Mrs Spruce and the Aboriginal Education Committee for organising the day. Thanks also to Tammy Gordon and the Millabah dancers, the Awabakal Medical Association, Mr Robertson for cooking the BBQ and Mr Robinson for taking photos. The biggest thanks of all are reserved for the students and families for participating in the day and sharing their wonderful stories. An Aboriginal Merit Assembly will be held in the library on October 26, 2.30pm to 3.15pm. Students wi ll be recognised for thei r efforts and they always enjoy shari ng their successes wi th family. Please come along to celebrate this wonderful group of students. CANTEEN NEW ITEM Chicken nuggets 2 flavours Oriental & Southern (spicy) 4 for $2 Building Harmony and Success Paige Williams Aboriginal Education Committee The Coles Sports for Schools promotion is now finished. Thank you to all the family & friends of Belmont High who have supported our school during this promotion. Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 4 Quantum October 2011 Good Bye and Good Luck Year 12 Well, Year 12 have finished their HSC Music Performance exams (held week 9 term three) and are about to face the rest of their HSC exams. Last Wednesday Night the Concert Band and Vocal Ensemble provided fabulous entertainment at the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony held for the first time in the Belmont High School Gymnasium. The Concert Band provided the pre-evening entertainment, Processional and the National Anthem. Mandy Henderson and the Vocal Ensemble sang “Pie Jesu”, Alexandra Ilievski sang “Boogie Woogi e Bugle Boy” backed by the BHS Stage Band, and Andrew Evans thrilled the audience with his piece “Quiet Breaker” also accompanied by the BHS Stage Band. (Please note: during the piece Andrew performed a solo with his eyes closed!) A huge “Thank You” to ALL the students who gave up their Wednesday evening to perform and accompany Year 12 on their special night, especially to those beginner students who made their debut performance with the Concert Band. A big “Thank You” to all the parents who provided the transportation for their performers on the night. It is with bittersweet thoughts and memories that we send Year 12 on their way for this year. We have been so lucky to have worked with them in the Year 12 music class and also in our wonderful ensembles during their years as musicians at Belmont High. Our school captain for 2011, Jason Moore, has been a valued member of the Belmont High School Concert Band and Stage Band from year 7. Thanks Jason for being a dedicated member for the last 6 years, a great leader in our sax line and an awesome role model for all our band members. Good luck sailing into the future, Jason! Andrew Evans is also an irreplaceable member of the Concert Band and Stage Band since he was in Year 7. Andrew has been a student that is “always there” and has provided the driving force behind both ensembles with his brilliant drum playing. Many of us have had the exquisite pleasure of witnessing Andrew play blindfolded on a number of occasions during last term in the lead up to the HSC Music Exams. That in itself is a sight to behold!!! Thanks for your contributions Andrew and for being a legendary role model to our junior band members. In the words of Buzz Lightyear...”to infinity and beyond” and stay drumming! Another huge “Thank you” must go to Mandy Henderson. Mandy has been a valued member of the Vocal Ensemble (at times having been referred to as THE Vocal Ensemble) and the Concert Band si nce she was i n year 7. She too has also performed many times wi th the ensembles, i n the school musical and solos during her time at BHS and could always be counted on to perform the National Anthem at the shortest of notice. Thank you and Good Luck with your future pursuits as a music teacher, Mandy! Other Year 12 students showi ng thei r vocal expertise performing wi th the Vocal Ensemble and wi th the Stage Band during their time at BHS, have been Jayra Drummond and Alexandra Ilievski who hav e been known to si ng “Mustang Sally” and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” anyti me, anywhere. We wish both girls all the best and hope they continue to sing. At various other occasions during their time at BHS our concert band has also provided a performance opportunity for Lauren Swan, Josh Chapman and Nathan Wennerbom. To the rest of the Year 12 Music Class, Leslie Austin, Nathan Butcher and Braden Lehman (who left throughout the year) good luck. As the famous song says “So long, Farewell, Auf Weidersein, Goodbye” and all the very best in your future endeavours in the big wide world. Our Year 12 Band/Vocal Members will be sorely missed by everyone involved in these ensembles. We love you guys!!! BHS Koalas Visit Moree The Belmont High Members of the Marching Koalas visited Moree during the first weekend of the holidays. They performed up and down the main street leading the parade at the Golden Grain and Cotton Festival and at a Fun Run the following day. Students experienced fine food (Provided by Moree Lions Club) and accommodation at the Moree Racing Club (the biggest crowd they’d ever had in their grandstand at one time). They also visited to the famous Hot Spring Spa Pools and a Cotton Gin where they were personally taken through the workings of the Gin (short for Engine) and how cotton is made. A very educational and fulfilling trip was had by all. Well done Belmont Koalas! Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 5 Quantum October 2011 Students on the tour were – Chloe Harvey, Amy Steigler, Tom Steigler, Tom Van Koeverden, Dylan McElhone, Taylah Date, Olivia Prentice, Reagan Williams, Cai tlen Hepple, Emily Huber, Tom Johnson, Amy Huff, Bethany Nelson, Emily Bourke, Hayden Ashman (absent from photo), Aidon Jardim & Ethan Jardim (both absent from photo). Term Four (Begins with a vengeance)... Well, this term is already jam-packed full of performances for the Concert Band and Stage Band. (Did we even have a holiday?????) Wi th week one already ov er we are flat out prepari ng for Bandfest whi ch will take place THI S Thursday October 20, 2011 at the Lake Macquarie Performing Arts Centre in Lake St, Warners Bay. All parents/friends are invited to attend and of course act as our cheer squad. We have entered three bands The Belmont High School Junior Band (all Year 7 & 8 students), the Belmont High School Concert Band (all students from year 7 -12) and the Belmont High School Stage Band (selected students from 7-12). All Band members are required to be there and all our Year 12 members will be returning to perform with us for ONE LAST TIME! We are so very lucky to have them on board. Permission notes with all details have been sent home last week so stay tuned for our results of this day of performing and competition. All Junior Band students will need to be there for an 8.30am start and the Concert Band at 10.00am. The Stage Band is performing around 2.00pm so some students will be there for the whole day. Good Luck to all Bands representing Belmont High! St Luke’s Uniting Church Fete On Saturday October 22, 2011 the Belmont High School Concert Band and Belmont High School Stage Band have been asked to perform. Both Bands are performing from 10.00am – 11.00am so keep your eyes out for our banner and trailer which provide a colourful backdrop to our great sound. The Bands will perform a variety of pieces that they have been preparing for Bandfest with the “Lady Gaga Medley” now becoming a hit. Following this performance the BHS Koalas will zoom straight to Stockton for another performance. Good Luck parents with the ability to travel at light speed. Carols by Candlelight Belmont High Concert Band, Stage Band and Vocal Ensemble have been asked to participate in a Carols by Candlelight at the beginning of December. All times, dates and details will be out shortly so stay tuned for further information. Merit Assemblies & Presentation Night As usual the Concert Band, Stage Bands and Vocal Ensemble will perform at these up and coming events. Merit Assemblies will take place during school time but the Presentation Night of yearly awards will take place sometime during the last two weeks of school. Again stay tuned for further information about these events. So until the next Quantum Report goodbye and good luck year 12, good luck BHS Ensembles at Bandfest. See you at St Luke’s Fete and stay tuned for another extremely busy term for the Music Department at BHS. Remember Band rehearsal is on Monday afternoons during period six. We ask that students try not to schedule appointments during this time and remember that rehearsal ends at 3.45pm SHARP after everyone has helped PACK UP!!! Yours in music, Mrs Johnson, Mr Gill and Mrs Gill From The Sports Desk Upcoming Hunter Region Trials: November 23 – Girls Softball – Mayfield November 24 – Girls Cricket – Wallsend December 1 – Boys Cricket - TBA Celebrating Our Successes: Chloe Walters was magnificent at the CHS Athletics taking silver in the 13yrs 800m. She then jumped an age group to contest the 1500m championships- AND WON! Fantastic effort. We look forward to seeing how Chloe will fare at the All Schools State Championshi p. I was very proud of our boys 15yrs 4x100m relay team who placed 16th after a much disrupted build up to this year’s state carnival. Keelan Sharp also did great to place 6th in the 100m and Jackson Richards came 11th in the 200m. Well done boys! Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 6 Quantum October 2011 Lily Goodchild will represent NSW in Port Macquarie in touch very soon. A wonderful effort to make the state team. Good luck Lily. Well done to Ben and Jakob Martin who became national trampoline champions during the September school holidays. The Swadling brothers who teach part time in PE and on sports afternoons at Belmont High also achieved the ultimate in success win the Australian Open Trampoline Championships and being named in the national team for the World Championships in November in the UK. Big congratulations to Isaac Leadbeatter, Ebony Woodward and Jordan Gallucci who are currently representing Australia at the World Aerobic Championships on the Gold Coast. We look forward hearing their results. 2011 Sportspersons of the Year: Students who have had good success in the sporting arena this year can see Mr Austine to complete an information sheet and be considered for Junior and Senior Awards. Summer Is Here: Wi th the hot weather just around the corner i t i s a timely reminder to practi ce sun safe procedures to ensure we have a healthy, happy and active summer. Brett Austine Sport Coordinator 2012 – YR 12 COMMEMORATIVE CLOTHING Jacket $85 Jersey $80 Traditional Rugby Sublimated Lightweight r d e r f o r m s h a v e b e e n d i s t r i b u t e d to s t u d e n t s . ( A l s o a va i la b l e f r o m Y e a r O A d vi s e r s ) P l e a s e m a k e s u r e s tu d e n t s c o m p l e t e f o r m s i n d i c a ti n g t h e i r c h o ic e ( th e y c a n h a ve b ot h – f i ll in a n e w f o r m i f m o n o g r a m / s iz e / n ic k n a m e i s d i f f e r e n t) a n d r e t u r n A S A P t o r o ll t e a c h e r o r Y e a r A d vi s e r f o r e n tr y o n t o s p r e a d s h e e t . P l e a s e h a v e s t u d e n t s w h o d o N O T w a n t e i th e r g a r m e n t t o c o m p le t e a f o r m a n d t i ck t h e “ D O N ’ T W A N T O N E ” B O X . F IN A L ON E O F F P A Y M E N T D U E F R I D A Y 2 1 S T O CT O B E R ( e n d o f w e e k 2 T e r m 4 ) G a r m e n t s w il l o n ly b e o r d e r e d w i th m a n u f a c t u r e r o n FU L L p a y m e n t . Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 7 Quantum October 2011 TAS Year 9 Child Studies Last term Year 9 Child Studies went on an excursion to the Birthing Suites at Belmont Hospital. This was v ery informative and a valuable experi ence for the students. Thank you to the Midwives at Belmont Hospi tal for allowi ng us to visit and shari ng their experti se wi th us. Year 9 are currently being assessed on their bathing techniques of an infant. The students are required to simulate bathing using a baby bath and a doll. They all deserve credit as they are performing well and taking the task seriously, showing their maturity. Well done girls! Year 10 Child Studies The students organised a “Teddy Bears Picnic” the last week of term three, as part of their unit of work, “Play and Development”. The students “re-lived” their early childhood and participated in some fun games. They each brought some food suitable for a young child and thei r favourite teddy bear. It was a great experience and lots of fun for the students. Seanne Jones Child Studies Dramaworks 2011 Workshops & Showcase Drama Ensemble “Little Horrors” represented Belmont HS in Melbourne CBD for Melbourne Fringe Festival Crowdplay Performance! On September 21 thirteen students from Years 8-11 accompanied by Mrs. Bergér, Mr.Lambkin and Ms Skippen travelled to Melbourne where we took part in the Public Crowd Play Performance devised by the festival’s new creative producer, Neal Harvey. Where doomsayers once predicted that the internet would lead to the fragmentation of real social relationships, Crowd Play is one of a growing number of indicators that the opposite is possible — as participants we used online resources such as Youtube to rehearse our routines, Facebook to communicate details and student notices to communicate our meetings. Wi th nods to the flashmobs that emerged as a result of soci al media in the early 2000’s, as well as the more timeless pop-cultural dream of people spontaneously performing in the street, Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 8 Quantum October 2011 Crowd Play aims to surprise people when they’re going about their business. We performed our routine in the middle of the Flagstaff Gardens of Melbourne’s CBD to News and Media, constructions crews, puzzled park-goers and pleasantly surprised lunchtime traffic who enjoyed the surprise performance. Whi l e i n Mel bourne, students attended the A CMI (A ustrali an Centre for Moving Image) where they had the opportunity to be the star of a MATRIX filmed sequence shot matrix-style at 360 degrees, and host their very own ‘At the Movies’ segment alongside Margaret Pomeranz and David Stratton. Our evenings were filled with four theatre performances ranging in dramatic conventions including: Absurdist Theatre, Comedy, Installation Art Theatre and Stand-up clowning! My thanks to the students who at all times behaved generously with one and all, the teachers - Mr Lambkin and Mrs Harvey for their support of this drama initiative, the clerical staff for their organisation and for one particular parent Ms Catherine Skippen for her additional supervision and outstanding navigation skills! We aim to make this an annual opportunity for Drama Ensemble students in the future and, for those parents available, will be featuring a short (8min) film of our Melbourne Performance at Wednesday’s morning assembly featuring our lovely “Little Horrors”. Mrs Renee Bergér English Transition NSW Premier Volunteering The Year 9 and Year 10 NSW Premier Volunteeri ng teams will be attending a Celebrati on Ceremony at Toronto Workers Club on October 19 to showcase their TTT project. Year 10 TTT Team: Paige Gilbert, Rachel Mepham, Evan Ricketts, Jayden Smith and Carly Turner. Year 9 TTT Team: Henry Babic, Eliza Baird, Rachel Bates, Chloe Burton, Brittany Busch, Candice Carroll, Mikaela Corrigan, Jye Cuskelly, Tahlia Laing, Beth Lord, Bianca McLaren, Abbie Owen, Sarah Robertson, Holly Street, Rachel Whatley and Rory Willetts-Smi th Men’s Shed A number of boys have joined forces with the Men’s Shed to participate in the upkeep of the pot plants within the Belmont community on a Thursday morning. These boys include: Josh Muddle, Hayden Ashman and Alton Griffiths. State Emergency Services (SES) Belmont High has been successful in gaining the delivery of the SES Cadet Program for Year 10 students. The program is a hands on, very intense 5 day course which students should find very rewarding and challenging. The program will run in Week 8 Term 4 2011. Students can opt to complete this course instead of participating in one week of work experience. The program aims to: Provide Interesting and challenging experiences to encourage the development of positive personal and team attributes. Encourage the achievement of successful life skills with a spirit of service through commitment within the local community Provide an understanding of the NSW Sate Emergency Services and other Emergency Services. Interested students should contact Mrs Thompson in the Home Economics Department. Ruth Thompson Transition Adviser Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 9 Quantum October 2011 Chaplains Chat The American country-and-western singer Glen Campbell penned a song back in 1970 called “Try A Little Kindness”. The lyrics stated “And the kindness that you show every day will help someone along their way”. A former acquaintance once remarked upon her personal motto – to be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle. I used to think that wealthy people were immune to this because money can buy your way out of trouble though I’m not so convinced of that line of thinking nowadays. This month there is a national focus upon Mental Health and as of next week 105 year 12 students at Belmont High will be putting their mental (and emotional!) capacities to the test – namely the HSC exam. The kindness showed by Suzanne Graham, giving up her time and sharing her wisdom at the graduation ceremony, will hopefully provide inspiration and encouragement over the next few weeks and months as these young people enter the next chapter of their lives. One of the privileges of being part of a school community is being involved in acts of kindness, and stories of relationships between peers and teachers founded upon education and learning were celebrated at the ceremony. By participating in others’ lives and doing small acts of kindness in the wider community we can all be a part of helping someone along their way and perhaps offer hope amidst the daily battles that are part and parcel of our everyday lives. Stewart Gedney Chaplain Spotlight on Careers URGENT - All year 10 students who have applied for a TVET course next year must return their signed acceptance offer back to the TAFE Campus ASAP. If you do not return the acceptance offer you will not be enrolled in TVET next year. OH&S – The last workshop for this year will be conducted on Friday 28 October. Thank you to the convener, parents and students for their cooperation which helped to ensure the success of this program Tax File Numbers - All students can apply for a Tax File Number (TFN) through Careers office. 2011 Try-a-Trade – Year 9 students have been invited to participate in this event being held on Friday 4 November, 2011 at the Newcastle Jockey Club from 12 noon until 3pm. Students will be given the opportunity to gain experience in various careers and be able to meet apprentices and trades people who will demonstrate a skill relative to their trade. UNSW are offering 2 SCHOLARSHIPS – Ngoc Tram Nguyen Scholarship Up to $25,000 John M. Green Scholarship in Law Up to $100,000 Use it for books, transport computer equipment or even accommodation. Check out the website for more details and how www.scholarships.unsw.edu.au to apply University of Technology Sydney UTS Engineering is proud to announce a new Engineering Equity Scholarship The scholarship is worth $100,000 and is the result of a generous donation by the late WJ & LM Sinclar. This scholarship aims to support Indigenous Australians and or those with financial disadvantage, who have the potential and commitment to study engineering. Applications close mid-January 2012. For further information www.eng.uts.edu.au/scholarships The Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) Co-op Scholarship program is regarded as one of Australia’s leading IT programs. It’s a 3 year fast track IT course with a business focus, combining information systems knowledge with an understanding of IT management and planning. $43,500 paid over 3 years of the course. www.it.uts.edu.au/courses/scholarships/bit/ The Careers Advisory Service is a free service available by phone or via a website that answers enquires you may have regarding course choices, employment opportunities, career pathways and training options. This service will be available from Thursday December 22 2011 to Friday 6 January 2012. The phone no is 1300300687 or the website is www.cas.det.nsw.edu.au Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 10 Quantum October 2011 Rural Skills Australia have an on track interactive CD Rom with information about jobs in the rural industries, job types, contacts, Rural Apprenticeship Recruitment and much more. If you are interested please visit www.ruralskills.com.au MTA Apprenticeships Plus - MTA is an established group training company owned and operated by the Motor Traders Association of NSW. Over 300 school leavers obtain an apprenticeship in NSW each year. MTA also offers a NO COST pre apprenticeship course as a pre requisite to employment as an apprentice. Apprenticeships on offer include Motor Mechanic, Panel Beater and Spray Painter. If you are interested please contact (02)96873069 or visit www.mtaplus.com.au Jobs of the Future - Integrated Digi tal Media Specialist - Wi th the adv ent of the internet media forms are starting to conglomerate. The journalist of the future must know how to harness the power of multimedia, working with photography, video sound and written word to create a well-rounded picture of events. Are you interested in the possibilities of new media, do you want to be a film maker, animator or artist? Academy of Information Technology - offer a variety of courses in digital media, courses include game design, animation, graphic design, film making and advertising. For more information on enrolment, courses, and VET FEE-HELP Assistance, please visit our website www.ait.nsw.edu.au Deakin University has released its Pathways to Deakin booklet for 2012. If you are interested contact your Career Adviser or visit www.deakin.edu.au Au Pair America - Are you interested in living, working, studying and travelling to the USA for 12 months? Why not attend an information session and learn how to become a live-in nanny in America. For more information on dates and locations in your area please phone 1300889067 or visit www.aupairamerica.com.au Antipodeans Abroad - Need a break after Year 12? Antipodeans Abroad invites you to join GapBreak where you can take part in a 3 month volunteer adventure in a foreign country – visit www.anitpodeans.com.au Dance Studies at UNSW Undergraduate Program 2012 - Students interested in a career as a dance teacher also have the opportunity to combine Dance Studies (as a major in the Bachelor of Arts) with our Bachelor of Education to gain a professional teaching qualification for Australian Secondary Schools. This program takes four years to complete and students must meet the entry requirements for both degrees. Following are courses we recommend you take to meet the criteria set by the NSW Institute of Teachers: Choreography and Theory; Somatic Practices; Dance Technique; Interdisciplinary Composition. For further information please contact School of English, Media and Performing Arts (EMPA) UNSW Sydney NSW 2052. Ph: 02 9385 4856 [email protected] Stephen Robertson Careers Adviser Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 11 Quantum October 2011 P&C Family Portrait Initiative Every family at BHS is invited to participate in this Laura Jean Family Portrait Fundraiser. Fundraising Voucher* Please fill in the voucher below and return it to the office with your $15.00 donation to receive a framed 10”x13” portrait taken here on Sunday, 6th November, 2011 You shall then receive an appointment time. Please arrive 10 min prior. *Limited offer to one voucher per person/family *Parent/guardian should view own portrait or postage & handling shall apply Please call Julie Jardim on 0407 938 659 or [email protected] if you have any questions. www.laurajean.com.au Families can view sample portraiture and optional packages – fantastic value and quality . Please invite friends to help boost our numbers. ***************************************** $15.00 Voucher* Framed 10”x13” Family Portrait Surname ____________________________ Child’s Name/Class ______________________ Contact # ____________________________ Email ____________________________ Your preferred time 2:30 – 4:00 4: -5:30 5:30-7:00 Thank you ABN PH When: Sunday, 6th November, 2011 from 2:30pm to 7:00pm Cost: $15. This gets you a timeslot, as well as a Framed 10” by 13” colour OR B&W portrait, available ONCE per family. How it works Fill in the Fundraising voucher and return to Office with your $15 enclosed before 31/10/11. The $15 goes directly to BHS P&C. A time slot will be allocated to you. Attend your time, arrive 10min before. 3 poses will be taken. Once the photos have been taken, then a day in early Dec is allocated for you to pick up your complimentary framed photo and view/purchase extra photos. These can make a fabulous Christmas gift. A 3 pose package is available in colour or B&W for $169 (which is a HUGE 60% reduction on average studio costs). OR you can purchase individual sheets. If we get a minimum of 25 families, then one family will receive/win the $169 pack for free. Wow! So, fill in your form, invite your neighbours, family etc, and return forms and money to the Office ASAP to get your time slot. 88 068 689 494 1300 137749 Go to www.laurajean.com.au and look at Family Portrait Fundraising Easy Flip brochure. Or, call Julie Jardim on 0407938659 or email at [email protected] for more details. DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way to be considered as recommendations by the school. Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 12 Quantum October 2011 BELGRANDIES Grandparents as Parents invited to meet weekly. This support group began in August, at Belmont Anglican church hall. At least two volunteers from the church, trained and supported by Samaritans Newcastle, attend each session (Mondays 12:30-2pm during school terms). All grandparents acting as parents are welcome to share a cuppa and relax. Contact Sue Gerard or Fr. Daniel at Belmont Anglican Church (4945 9993). Hunter Region GAPS in the NEWS is a newsletter for grandparents and kinship carers distributed every two months by Judy Turner @ Charlestown and Karen Lizosoain @ Samaritans. It helps in linking groups to services. ● ● ● HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT AND LEARN ABOUT YOUR SELF! 19th As Marcel Proust, a late century novelist, wrote: “the real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes”. Host an international high school student in February 2012 through Southern Cross Cultural Exchange and prepare to be amazed at the way this unique opportunity helps your family to become closer, to understand themselves better and to see the world in a new light. Carefully selected students will arrive in February for one or two semesters from France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Japan, the U.S.A. and Canada. They will live as a local, attend a local secondary school, are fully insured and have their own spending money. Call S.C.C.E now on 1800 500 501, email [email protected] or visit our website (www.scce.com.au) to be part of this rewarding experience. Request our booklet of student profiles, and capture the spirit of family and friendship. ● ● A recent national survey of more than 1,250 parents of Learner drivers found that almost half (45.5%) were nervous or apprehensive when they began teaching their teen how to drive. keys2drive is a federally funded program that has been developed by the Australian Automobile Association which aims to take the drama out of learning to drive. It helps parents to prepare for their role as a supervising driver and to ensure that any time spent in the car with their Learner is successful and effective. keys2drive is a free lesson (involving theory and on-road) delivered by an accredited professional driving instru//ctor to any Learner who is accompanied by their supervising driver – most often a parent. This program, the single largest Learner driver safety program undertaken in Australia, represents a unique and valuable experience for parents and their Learner drivers. To register for a free www.keys2drive.com.au lesson or to learn more, visit ● DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way to be considered as recommendations by the Building Harmony and Success ... Helping parents teach their Learner driver As a parent you may be a good driver; but being able to teach your Learner is not an easy task. The Australian Automobile Association constituent members are the motoring clubs in each State & Territory Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 13 Quantum October 2011 . DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way to be considered as recommendations by the school. Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 14 Quantum October 2011 FORMAL MAKEUP $45 FORMAL MAKEUP + SPRAY TAN $65 ALL NEW CLIENTS RECEIVE A FREE LASH & BROW TINT WITH EVERY BROW WAX CALL LEA AT DEJA VU ON 4946 9108 FOR ALL YOUR BEAUTY NEEDS DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way to be considered as recommendations by the school. Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 15 Quantum October 2011 Formal Packages Spray Tan, Eyelash Tint $20 save $20 Make up, Mini Manicure, Mini Pedicure $90 save $35 Eyebrow Wax, Eyelash Tint, Leg Wax $40 save $20 Spray Tan, Lash Tint, $60 save $45 Mini Mani/Mini Pedi For all enquiries Call or SMS 0401 977 579 Or simply add us on FACEBOOK DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way to be considered as recommendations by the school. Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290 Page 16 Quantum October 2011 BELMONT DISTRICT CRICKET CLUB INC. Affiliated with Newcastle District Cricket Association Come and play cricket at Belmont!!!! JUNIOR REGISTRATIONS INTO Cricket is a modified game for all 5-8 year olds and is fun, quick and great to play for all boys and girls who are into Cricket! All equipment is provided so get your kids INTO Cricket at Belmont!! Belmont fields Junior cricket sides from ages 8 to 17 so all past and new players are welcome to join for the coming 2011/12 cricket season. If you would like to register for Cricket or require DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way to be considered as recommendations by the school. Building Harmony and Success Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290