Quantum - Millennium


Quantum - Millennium
Belmont High School
May 2014
Building Harmony and Success
We acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land and pay our respects to elders past and present
Phone: (02) 49450600 Fax: (02) 49477531 www.belmonthigh.com.au
Staffing News
Welco me to Mi chele Spi nks who has j oined us as Deputy Princi pal. Mi chele was previ ously Head
Teacher Engli sh at Wa dalba Co mmuni ty School on the Central Coast. Michele has ta ken on
responsibility for years 7, 9 and 11. Thanks to Patricia Dybell who has relieved as Deputy Principal
after Tracey Breese went to Newcastle High School.
A l s o a t t h e e n d o f t h i s t e r m S t e v e B r i n e , H e a d T e a c h e r Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n w i l l b e r e t i r i n g . H e w i l l b e
replaced by Scott New from Hunter Sports High School. Scott is also a trained mathematics teacher
s o h e w i l l f i t i n t o S t e v e ‟ s c u r r e n t t e a c h i n g r o l e a s w e l l a s t h e H e a d T e a c h e r Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n r o l e .
I would like to say farewell to Ene McCarney who is taking leave for the remainder of the year prior
to retirement. Ene has been a math matics teacher at Belmont High School for 39 years and over
this period she has taught 3 generations of Belmont Hi gh school students. I would like to thank her
for her efforts over this time and wish her the very best for her upcoming retirement.
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s a l s o g o t o N a t a l i e P r o u d l o c k w h o h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d a s a p e r m a n e n t V i s u a l Ar t s
teacher at Belmont High Sch ool after Brian Wo lfenden reti red.
On-line Payments
From the start of this term parents have been able to make on -line payments for most school fees
and charges. Parents need to follow the links from the Belmont High School website
(www.belmonthigh.com.au ) to the Money Matters tab and then click the On-line payments link. It is
then important to fill in the details to make sure that the payments are credited to the correct
student for the correct activity. If you have any enquiries about on -line payments please contact
the school office on 49450600.
Student Assistance Scheme
Funds are available to support families who may be struggling to pay for subject fees, uniform or
excursions. Unfortunately we are unable to pay for voluntary school contributions.
I f y o u w o u l d l i k e a s s i s t a n c e p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e s c h o o l o f f i c e f o r a n a p p l i c a t i o n f o r m . As t h e f u n d s
are limited it may not be possible to fully support your request but we are happy to discuss any
d i f f i c u l t i e s y o u m a y b e e x p e r i e n c i n g . Ag a i n y o u c a n c o n t a c t t h e s c h o o l o f f i c e o n 4 9 4 5 0 6 0 0 .
Wi th the on -set of wi ntery weather i t i s i mportant that students wear the appropri ate school
uniform particularly jumpers. Congratulations to the vast majority of our studen ts for making the
effort on a daily basis to wear the correct uniform.
Al l stu de n ts n e e d to n ote th at n a vy bl u e is th e c o l o u r f o r ju mpe r s . H o od i e s o f an y co l o u r a re n o t
part of the school uniform. If you need help to purchase uniform the student assistanc e scheme
can also be accessed.
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students
with Disability
S c h o o l s a c r o s s Au s t r a l i a a r e t a k i n g p a r t i n a n e w n a t i o n a l
data collection on school students with disability.
P & C Meeting
Annual Athletics Carnival
HSC Study Day
Zone Athletics Carnival
Public Holiday
Immunisation yrs 7 & 9
Yr 10 Parent Information
16-27 Year 12 Trial HSC
P & C Meeting
23-27 Yr 11 Snow Trip
Last day Term 2
Building Harmony and Success
The data collection is being introd uced in stages over three
years, having started in 2013. From 2015, this information will
b e c o l l e c t e d i n e v e r y s c h o o l a c r o s s Au s t r a l i a , e v e r y y e a r .
A l l Au s t r a l i a n g o v e r n m e n t s h a v e a g r e e d t o t h i s .
Belmont High School will be involved in the collection of this
d a t a f r o m 2 0 1 4 . An i n f o r m a t i o n s h e e t f o r p a r e n t s o n t h i s
data collection is included in this newsletter.
Geoff Robinson
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 2
May 2014
F R O M T H E D E P U T YS ’ D E S K
M r Al l e n b y w o u l d l i k e t o w e l c o m e a n d c o n g r a t u l a t e M s M i c h e l e S p i n k s f o r h e r a p p o i n t m e n t a s
Deputy Principal at Belmont High.
Responsibility for student management is as follows:
M r M i c h a e l Al l e n b y : Y e a r s 8 , 1 0 a n d 1 2
Ms Michele Spinks: Years 7, 9 and 11
Aggression and Violence in High Schools
Students coping with the pressures of growing up, th e demands of school, peer interactions and
the constant bombardment of information from the technologically driven world they live in, don‟t
a l w a y s m a k e t h e r i g h t d e c i s i o n s . As s u c h , i n c i d e n t s o f c o n f l i c t d o o c c u r o n s c h o o l g r o u n d s a n d a r e
most often based on emotional reactions that are poorly thought out.
However, around this there are a small amount of individuals who persist in inciting these situations
either verbally or by physically following and mobbing around people – this behaviour is
premeditated and antisocial.
The school would like to make it quite clear that these students may be suspended for inciting
violence and that parents‟ will be contacted if the school has concerns regarding their child‟s
Students who feel they are b eing pressured into a fight situation must report the concern to staff.
Self defence is not a valid reason for participating in violence if the student was aware of the
potential for conflict but did not report it.
Please also consider the advice you give to your child. The school does not support aggression or
violence in any context and does not condone students physically sticking up for a mate.
Bullying Behaviour
Students and parents sometimes indicate that students are reluctant to report issues of b ullying
and aggression for fear of reprisal. This “fear” is the power by which bullies operate and by
succumbing to this pressure students enable bullies to operate.
It must be said that students suspected of or known to be involved in bullying behaviour , seldom
have significant records of fighting or violence. To be blunt, their behaviour is often characterised
by cowardice and fear of taking responsibility for their own actions, a result of their own
insecurities and anxieties .
The only way that the sc hools can confront this behaviour is if students report specifics of incidents
such as actual things said/done, times, locations and any witnesses. Students who demonstrate the
resilience to do this send a clear message to bullies. Students condone bullyin g behaviour by not
reporting their concerns or looking the other way.
Finally, two individuals exchanging insults, threats , etc in person or on social media does not
constitute bullying. This is two people willingly engaged in an argument.
The school understands that there can be legitimate reasons for being in incorrect uniform. Our
policy states that students are to be supplied with a note in such cases. I t is the student‟s
obligation to ensure they are able to supply such a note.
The weather i s cooling down, which means students will need to wear jumpers etc to keep warm.
Jumpers must be navy blue as per the school policy. Hoodies are not acceptable and the wearing
of hoods in the playground presents significant issues in terms of site security . Jumpers with
extensive patterns/logos are also unacceptable, regardless of the colour.
Students with a valid reason for being out of uniform are to bring a note. Students in unacceptable
jumpers will be asked to remove them. Senior students may be sent home to change. Students who
fail to comply with school rules and procedures may be placed on a B3 detention or face further
disciplinary action as per school and DEC policy.
M i c h a e l Al l e n b y a n d M i c h e l e S p i n k s
BHS Deputy Principal‟s
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 3
May 2014
Belmont High School
Parent Online Payment
Starting Term 2 2014
It is now possible for parents to make online payments to the school for amounts owing
f o r s t u d en t s , v i a a sec u r e p a y me n t p a g e h o s t e d b y We s t p a c . P a y me n t s c a n b e m a d e
using either a Visa or MasterCard credit or debit card. The payment page is accessed
from the Money Matters page of the schools website, selecting On-line payments.
Items that can be paid include voluntary school contributions, subject contribution,
excursions, sales to students and creative and practical arts activities (these include
band, drama and dance). There is also a category called Other to cover items not
covered in the previous headings. Other can be used to make a complete payment of a
school invoice.
When you access the On-li ne payment you must enter:
 The students name, and
 Year
 The students name, and
 Date of birth
These details are entered each time you make a payment as student information is not
held within the payment system.
There is also the option to enter the Student
Registration Number and Invoice number if you are aware of them, these are optional
Thi s i s a secure payment system hosted by Wes tpac to ensure that your credi t/debi t card
details are captured in a secure manner. These details are not passed back to the
You have the ability to check and chang e any details of the payment before the
payment is processed. Receipts can be emailed and / or printed.
Details of the payments are passed daily to the school where they will be receipted
a g a i n s t y o u r c h i l d ‟ s a c c o u n t . As a r e c e i p t h a s b e e n i s s u e d f r o m t h e p a y m e n t p a g e a
further receipt will not be issued by the school.
For any enquiries regarding the Online Payment process please contact the School
Ad mi n i str ati on Of fi ce on 49 45 06 00
S c h o o l We b s i t e :
The NSW Parliament has introduced legislation to reform the NSW Federation of Parent and Citizens
As s o c i a t i on s , w hi c h ha s s u s p en d e d o pe r a ti o n p en di n g Su p r e me C o u r t ac t i o n . Wh i l e t h e s e r e f or ms
will not affect the day -to-day operation of individual school P&Cs, they will introduce a new
executive structure which will ensure the Federation operates as a modern and representative
b o d y o n b e h a l f o f s c h o o l P & C As s o c i a t i o n s .
Eac h sc hool ‟s P& C As soc i ati on wi ll be ask e d to vote f or cou nci l l or s an d de le gate s wh o wi ll
r e p r e s e n t t h e i r e l e c t o r a t e a t t h e F e d e r a t i o n ‟ s An n u a l G e n e r a l M e e t i n g a n d c o u n c i l l o r s w h o w i l l
serve on the Federation‟s Board of Management. More information will be available on the
Department‟s website at http://www.schools.nsw.edu.au/gotoschool/a -z/involvement.php
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 4
May 2014
Does your child have a medical condition such as epilepsy,
diabetes, asthma, or experience severe allergic reactions?
Have you completed an action plan for your child with a
member of staff from BHS?
Have you completed an action plan in previous years but not
updated it to accommodate any change in the existing
medical condition?
If you have answered YES to any of the above questions,
please contact the school to schedule a meeting to complete
or update an action plan. This will only take 10 minutes and
will be essential in helping us to best help your child should
the need arise.
Building Harmony and Success
Parent tutors for Wednesday
reading groups 2014
Help a new student become a
better reader
Wednesdays 9.30 to 12.20
Contact Yvette Fulton L.A.S.T
Ph 49450600
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 5
Building Harmony and Success
May 2014
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 6
Building Harmony and Success
May 2014
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 7
May 2014
Year 7 Technology students attended the annual Tocal Field Day on Friday May 2 to view the
t e c h n o l o g i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t s i n t h e Ag r i c u l t u r a l I n d u s t r y . Ab o u t 9 5 s t u d e n t s e n j o y e d w h a t w a s a
beautiful and pleasantly warm day.
Students had a chance to look at all manner of things from plants and horticultural supplies to
developments in mechanised farming, as well as tasting some fine food in the main hall.
Many different types of livestock were on display, with some of the most popular being the piglet
r a c e s a n d t h e Al p a c a s . M u l t i c o l o u r e d c h i c k e n s w e r e a l s o i n o n e d i s p l a y a s w e l l a s s e v e r a l b r e e d s
of cattle. Some students patted a small shark and touched a small stingray in the fisheries display.
Students were able to see steam powered machinery from yesteryear, as well as being able to sit
in the operator‟s seat of the latest in sm all farm machinery.
Students were asked to find an example of new Technology used on farms. They found it but did
not know what it was? It turned out to be a r emote controlled mower for steep slopes.
Some students found a new item of safety equipment f or a quad in the form of a roll over bar.
The students generally had a great day o ut. Jackson of 7B learnt about l lamas and got to feed
them, while also going for a ride on a c amel. Lucy and Brock of 7B enjoyed watching the working
dogs herding the sheep. Mikayla of 7B enjoyed seeing and lea rning about different animals while
Emma of 7E just loved the ice –cream.
Phillip Martin
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 8
May 2014
Belmont High School recently celebrated Harmony Day. Students and staff were encou raged to
wear an item of orange clothing to show their support in ensuring that Belmont High is a school
where all students feel included, safe and accepted.
Students in Year 7 created a digital poster that they felt encapsulated what harmony day meant t o
them. The Healthy School Healthy Futures Team was invited to view the posters and select the most
inspirational ones.
The posters that they selected are included below.
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 9
May 2014
This term will be filled with many activi ties to encourage and support the positive wellbeing of our
On Friday May 16, year 7 – 10 participated in the huge 3 screen Motivational Media production.
Monday June 16 will be the year 7 Positive Lifesty le day with a focus on the negative effects of
bullying and its cruel and long lasting impact on the victim, and the very important role and power
of the bystander. Friday June 13 will be the next round of immunisations. I t will be the second dose
for the majority of students in Year 7 and the Year 9 boys, and a chance to catch up for those
students who missed the first dose. „Roadwhyz‟ will be presenting an informative and powerful
session to all Year 11 students on June 24.
Be l mon t Hi gh Sc h ool wi l l be c e le br ati n g Au st r ali a‟s Bi gge st M orni n g Te a on Fri day May 2 3 . Staff wi ll
have the opportunity to donate to this very worthwhile cause at morning tea. Students will also
have the opportunity to make a donation at recess time and will be offered a piece of cake to say
thank you.
M e r i t As s e m b l i e s f o r e a c h y e a r g r o u p w i l l b e h e l d i n t h e f i r s t w e e k o f t h i r d t e r m . N o t i f i c a t i o n s a n d
invitations will be sent home towards the end of this term.
The Belmont High School commendation Scheme is currently undergoing a slight modificati on and
will be reintroduced towards the end of this term.
Ye a r 1 2 s t u d e n t s wi l l b e s t a r t i n g t h e 1 0 % o n T o p p r o g r a m w i t h M r B ai r d . As p a r t o f t h e p r o g r a m w e
w i l l b e i n c o r p o r a t i n g t h e N e w c a s t l e U n i v e r s i t y C O AC H p r o g r a m t o e n s u r e t h a t s t u d e n t s a r e
thoroughly familiarised with the format of each of the HSC exams and to provide access to
valuable feedback from experienced HSC markers and examiners.
Lyn Shuttle
H e a d Te a c he r We l f a r e (r e li e vi n g )
The Study program that Belmont High has made available to all students this year has some very
interesting articles. Below is a classic from the „frequently asked questions‟.
Should students listen to music while studying or do work in front of the TV?
(This question is also covered in the Dealing with Distractions unit)
This is always one of the first questions students (and parents) ask!
Research has shown that today‟s music (which generally has about 140 beats
per minute) actually makes it harder for memory to process and retain
i n f or ma ti o n , u n li k e bar o q ue (a typ e o f c l as s i c al mu s i c ) wh i c h h as ar o u n d 60
beats per minute and helps short term memory transfer the information into
long term memory. Playing the radio or a CD or listening to an iPod while
studying may help students feel relaxe d, but it means that without even
realizing the mu sic is affecting them, students will find it will take 3 -4 times
longer for them to learn the information.
In an ideal world we would probably say no music while students are doing schoolwork , but
perhaps a compromise is needed. A good approach to take is to suggest students think about the
work they are about to do. If it is not very difficult, and fairly routine, then let students have the
music on. I t will make them feel relaxed and help them stick to co mpleting the work they need to
do, but if the work requires higher order thinking skills, i.e. studying for a test, trying to understand
something difficult, doing an essay plan, trying to learn or remember anything – then students
need to switch the music off. Otherwise it will end up taking them much longer to complete the
The same approach goes for doing work in front of the TV. If it is easy, OK.
If it requires greater thought or students have to learn, understand or
remember anything – switch it off.
Some students say „but I can‟t bear to do work when there is no noise, I
have to have something on in the background‟. In some ways they are
talking themselves into believing this because it is what they want to
believe. If they find it hard to work without some sort of noise, students
should start off with small periods of time when they switch off the music
then gradually increase these. Or buy some classical music (or any music
that is very slow in rhythm with no lyrics) and have it playing very s oftly in the background.
Lyn Shuttle
H e a d Te a c he r We l f a r e (R e li e vi n g )
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 10
May 2014
Ar e you r i di n g a r ol l e rc oaster at sc h ool ? R ol l er c oaster
study is where you stay up late doing last minute
assignments, then you take it easy f or a while and do very
little, then panic again when something is due and have
to spend huge amounts of time at the end completing the
work. If you plan ahead and are prepared, you will find
school much less stressful and more rewarding.
Here are the top tips for thinking ahead:
STUDY NOTES: If you know that you have a test at the
end of each topic or examinations approaching, then
on the nights you do not have much homework start
working on your study notes and summaries. File them
in folders at home so they are ready to go when you
need them.
A S S I G N M E N T S : Al w a y s s t a r t t h e a s s i g n m e n t t h e d a y i t i s g i v e n t o y o u , e v e n i f i t i s j u s t a l i t t l e b i t .
Make sure you understand the requirements and if you don‟t ask your teacher straight away the
next day. Brainstorm the steps the first night and do a rough plan of when you will do each
A S K F O R H E L P E AR L Y : T h e r e i s n o t h i n g m o r e f r u s t r a t i n g t h a n a s t u d e n t w h o s a y s „ I h a v e n ‟ t
u n d e r s t o o d a n y t h i n g w e d i d i n t h e l a s t 3 w e e k s ‟ . As k f o r h e l p a s s o o n a s y o u h a v e a p r o b l e m .
Keep a list of questions for your teacher on a post -it in your textbook or sticky notes on your
computer or a list in your phone. Don‟t let problems or issues build up, ask for help early and
T H I N K AB O U T W H O Y O U S I T N E X T T O : C h o o s e w i s e l y w h o y o u w i l l s i t w i t h i n c l a s s . T h i s c a n m a k e a
world of difference to your results. If you sit with someone where it is a productive relationship,
you encourage and help each other and stay on task in the classroom you will understand your
work better and have less to do at home.
C O N SI D ER YO U R WE E K : P l a n a h e a d f or bu s y t i me s . I f y ou kn o w yo u h a v e ni g h t s w he r e y o u c a n ‟ t
d o m u c h w o r k o r a b u s y w e e k e n d , p l a n a h e a d a n d g e t t h i n g s d o n e e a r l y . Al w a y s l o o k a h e a d f o r
possible times where you could be caught shor t of time and make plans to avoid problems.
Learn more this year about how to improve your results and be more efficient and effective with
your schoolwork by working through the units on www.studyskillshandbook.com.au - our school‟s
access details are:
Username: belmonths
Password: 81success
This term marked the end of an era in the Mathematics Department when Mrs Ene -Lea McCarney
announced she was going to retire. Mrs McCarney has taught Mathematics at Belmont High School
for over 39 years. She has always been committed to wanting the best from ever y student in each
of her classes and this has made her a highly valued member of both the Mathematics faculty and
the whole school. She has had a significant impact on the educational outcomes of numerous
s t u d e n t s o v er t h os e 3 9 y e ar s an d wi l l b e mi s s e d b y s t u de n t s an d s t a f f . We w i s h h er a l l t he b e s t i n
her retirement.
The maths staff would like to ask parents to continue to encourage students to familiarise
themselves with the content of the study program.
(See flyer attached to this newsletter.).
The Trial exams are coming up at the end of this term and it is imperat ive that students in Year 12
access as much of this site as they can. The y must learn how to learn and recall the vast amount of
content that they have been taught.
Al l stu de n ts wh o e njoy a c h al le n ge an d sh ow a tal e n t f or M ath e mati c s ar e enc ourage d to e n t er
t h e Au s t r a l i a n M a t h e m a t i c s C o m p e t i t i o n . T h e q u e s t i o n s t h a t s t u d e n t s e n c o u n t e r o n t h e s e p a p e r s
will expose them to a different way of interpreting and applying the knowledge and skills that they
get in their maths classes. The class teachers will provid e more detailed information on this
competition over the coming weeks.
Lyn Shuttle
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 11
May 2014
SRC 2014
In the middle of Term 1, 14 students visited us from Fukuoka Maizuru School in Japan and stayed
with host families for a wonderful four night stay. This year the visit was over a weekend, which
allowed the host families plenty of time to take their Japanese student out and about to
e x p e r i e n c e m a n y a s p e c t s o f Au s t r a l i a n l i f e a n d t h e l o c a l a r e a .
Two of our host families wrote about their exper iences:
Our family thoroughly enjoyed our home stay experience.
The time we had with Shuna was spent doing things including eat ing at
restaurants, going to Blackbutt to hold a koala, spending the morning
at the beach, going to a party/bbq with the cri cket team, swimming in
the pool and just hanging wit h the kids. When Shuna l eft he had a l ot of
tears and wrote us all a letter where he told us what a wonderful time
he had and how much he would miss us.
We can only hope that next year, if we are lucky enough to have
another student that they are as kind hearted as Shuna is.
He was an absolute pleasure. T hank you for the wonderful experience.
It was a wonderful experience we had with Ryuichi. We took him to
Caves Beach, Blackbutt Reserve and The Shark & Ray Centre at Nelsons Bay. He really enjoyed the
experience of getting a hug from a stingray and feeding the sharks. We had fun learning about
each other’s cultures and had lot s of laughs wit h communicat ion (thank goodness f or Google
translate!). Ryuichi was so polite and friendly; we have made a friend for life.
Thank you to the wonderful host families for all of the amazing experiences you shared with your
Japanese student. I t was great to see a few families choosing to host students two years in a row.
We look forward to hopefully seeing a group back again next year to vi si t us at Belmont Hi gh.
Louise Gibbs
Japanese Teacher
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
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May 2014
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290
Page 13
May 2014
This term Belmont High School has a few new volunteering programs , including:
St Lukes Preschool - 6 of our Year 10 Child Studies students are attending once a fortnight.
Floraville Kindy Patch - 2 Year 11 students are attending for 1 day per week.
Students attending these programs are assisting t he preschool whilst gaining the experience of
working with children
Al l oth e r pr ogr ams are pr ogr e ssi n g we ll wi th stu den ts gai ni n g i n val u abl e li fe e x peri enc e s.
Ruth Thompson
T r a n s i t i o n Ad v i s e r
P & C A G M 2 0 1 4 RE P O R T
T h e P & C AG M w a s h e l d i n M a r c h a n d t h e 2 0 1 4 C o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s w e r e e l e c t e d . T h e r e w a s n o
m e e t i n g i n Ap r i l d u e t o s c h o o l h o l i d a y s . Al l p o s i t i o n s w e r e d e c l a r e d v a c a n t a n d n o m i n a t i o n s w e r e
r ec ei v e d . We w e l c o me ne w c o m mi t t e e me mb e r s t o t h e te a m.
P&C Committee for 2014
President: Louise Reid
Vice President: Cheryl Clifton
Secretary: Mr Malcolm Barnes
Treasurer: Natalie Butterworth
Committee members can be contacted through the school office.
Leave your name and phone number and your call will be returned
A General meeting followed the AGM
M r s Se l le rs (H e a d Te a c h er Sp eci a l E d) i n tr odu c e d Br en dan fr o m Ko o k ab ur r a Educ ati on al Re s o ur ce s .
Brendan displayed and demonstrated the two ty pes of interactive panels. Mrs Sellers has requested
f un di n g f or th es e whi te b o ar ds (as s u gg e s te d at o u r Fe bru ar y me e ti n g). B r e n dan s u p p li e d th e
meeting with a catalogue and information to assist us in making our decision to purchase the
boards, as well as answering all questions from the meetin g members. Members agreed to
purchase two of these interactive boards for the Specia l Ed Dept. The boards have now been
i n s t a l l e d . We h o p e t ha t t h e s t u de n t s an d s ta f f a r e b en ef i ti n g f r om t h i s pu r c h a se .
P&C recently purchased a Defibrillator for the school. It has been installed and is located at the
front office area. Mr Simon Gould deli vered a demonstration/training session at the school and all
staff are now aware of how to use the device. For more information about the defibrillator see the
attached flyer.
Thank you to the outgoing Treasurer Ros Shoesmith for your continued involvemen t in BHS P&C. Ros
has been involved at various levels within P&C and the school for 8 years.
T h a n k y o u t o An n e G o u l d f o r y o u r d e d i c a t i o n t o t h e s c h o o l a n d P & C . An n e h a s b e e n i n v o l v e d w i t h
B H S f o r o v e r 1 2 y e a r s a n d h a s g o n e t o g r e a t l e n g t h s t o a s s i s t t h e s c h o o l . An n e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o
v o l u n t e er h er ti me t o t h e R e a di n g Gr o u p on We d n e s d a y mo r n i ng s .
The P&C would like to welcome Mr Malcolm Barnes who has accepted the position of Secretary of
the BHS P&C Committee.
Th e P & C w o u l d a l s o li k e t o w e lc o me M i c hel e S p i n k s (D e p u t y P r i nc i p a l ) t o B e l mo n t H i g h s c h oo l . We
look forward to working with you in the future.
Next meeting 21st May 2014
in the Staff Lounge
All welcome
Please consider attending the P&C meetings
Meetings are informal and informative, keep you up to date with what‟s happening at your school
and allow your input into the future of the whole school community and the students at Belmont
High School.
Come along, become involved in the future of your children
Building Harmony and Success
Louise Reid
P & C President
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Firstly, we would like to express our gratitude t o the Belmont High School P& C for purchasing our
smart boards.
The students are really enjoying their interactive learning. Our smart board is
amazing and enhances the learning of all our students. The students really enjoy the visual
presentations and interaction this technology can deliver.
In Mrs Shaw‟s class the students are delivering their Big Picture exhibitions. I t has been great to see
so many supportive parents in the classroom whereby studen ts celebrate their learning.
Thank you to Mr McElroy for the new desktop computers in Mrs Shaw‟s classroom. The students are
engaged and enthusiastic to learn with all our new technology.
The students are all very excited about our upcoming excursion to Sydney on June 3, so please
remember to bring in notes and money as soon as possible.
Mrs Lisa Shaw
Special Education
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M U S I C ’ S “ M E L O DIO U S N E W S”
Lest We Forget
A b e a u t i f u l c e r e m o n y o n F r i d a y Ap r i l 1 1 ( s e e p h o t o s ) w a s a f i t t i n g t r i b u t e t o o u r A n z a c s . Ar o u n d
one hundred musicians and singers joined together to present moving musical items. The Concert
Band showed their versatility with `Brave‟, the Vocal Ensemble featured Tom Johnson and Jayden
R owor th wi th C ohe n ‟s of t e n re que ste d `Hal l e l uj ah ‟ an d Amy S te i gle r of Ye ar 1 2 playe d a str on g
version of `The Last Post‟ and `Reveille‟. Saxophonist extraordinaire Tom Van Koeverden co-chaired
the ceremony, proving himself yet again to be a man of many and varied talents. How proud we
were of every student‟s contribution. Thank you to all musicians for all of the work done in months
before in preparation for this specia l event on the school calendar.
They rose us up!
O u r c h o i r r i s e r s w e r e u s e d f o r t h e s e c o n d t i m e e v e r i n t h e An z a c
performances. We are so grateful to our hard -working P&C for
purchasing these risers for us at the end of last year. It made a
positive difference being able to position singers on tiered risers
as they could be seen and heard so much better.
Speci al thanks goes to Wesley Osmond a nd Bi anca Smart who,
with Mr Lancaster‟s assistance, transported, assembled and
disassembled the risers in the ho urs before and after the
performance. This is a huge job which they did efficiently and
It is great
Student performers
Thanks to students Jayden Roworth, Emma Dixon, Robert Foley and Er in Lewis for performing so
competently at the SRC induction assembly on May 7.
Connecting with Parents
We have enj oyed meeti ng many parents at our three Parent Teacher ni ghts. Developing our
musicians is a partnership between school and home and we canno t do much without the support
of parents, who faithfully encourage children to practice every day. Please ask your children to
play/sing for family and friends as often as possible. This gives them performance experience and
increases their confidence tremendously.
Important Upcoming Dates
Week 5 - Thursday May 29 - Year 11 Yearly Performance
Week 7 - Thursday June 12 -Saturday June 14 - Starstruck
Week 7 - Fri day June 13 - Starstruck schools mati nee
We e k 8 - Fri day Ju ne 2 0 - Mu s wel l b r o ok Ei s te ddf o d (b a n d
and vocal ensemble)
We e k 9 - We d n e s d a y J u n e 2 5 - Ye a r 1 2 Tr i a l H S C
Performance Exam
Yours in the wonder of music!
M r s S u s a n J o h n s o n , M r s Al i s o n G i l l , M r M i c h a e l J o b s o n
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A N Z A C D AY 2 0 1 4
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Y E A R 1 2 H O S P I T AL I T Y
Year 12 Hospitality students were given the opportunity to cater the Belmont High executive team
l u nc h a t Be l mo n t 1 6 ' s S a i li n g C l u b . Wi t h t he v a l u a b l e k n o w le d g e a n d a s si s t a nc e of th e B el mo n t 1 6 's
staff, Emma and Paul, students learnt to set up the function r oom, dress the tables, serve and clear
tables as well as assist the head chef in preparing and plating the meals. Congratulations Bethany,
Caleb, MJ, Petar and Tiffany on a professional event!
Nadine Hooker
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The school must abide with the OH&S safety rules that are now law in all DEC schools across the
state. When purchasing your chi ld‟s footwear, use the following i mages as a gener al gui de.
Al l sh oe s M UST be f u l l l e ath er , bl ac k sh oe s. Ou r uni f or m c ode state s th at th e se sh oe s are to be
worn on all school days except Thursday, when full leather sports shoes must be worn.
Correct Footwear – for use with our school uniform – black leather, lace up shoes . Must not
extend over the ankle or have a platform. The leather must cover the whole foot for safety.
Incorrect Footwea r – Due to WH&S polic y and the safety of your chi ld slip on shoes and shoes
that do not cover the whol e foot are NOT acceptable.
Correct Footwear for Sport – Sport shoes should be predominantly white, either lace up or
Velcro. Shoes should be supportive of the feet during exercise. The whole of the upper foot
must have a solid cover.
Incorrect sports shoes - Slip on sports shoes are not permitted, these include canvas shoes as
they are not supportive or appropriate for sport and PE.
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Newcastle Lake M acquarie Career & Training Expo Thursday May 22
Newcastle Jockey Club
This is a compulsory excursion for year 10 students as it provide s an excellent preparation for HSC
subject selection which happens at the end of Term 2 . Belmont High school will attend from
10.00am to 12 noon. Parents may attend the afternoon session between 1pm and 3pm.
The Newcastle Lake Macquarie Career and Training Expo is an annual event presented by Career
L i n k s i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h e H u n t e r R e g i o n C a r e e r Ad v i s e r N e t w o r k . T h e E x p o i s t h e l a r g e s t e v e n t
of its kind in the region, attracting over 100 local and interstate exhibitors, including leading
education and training providers and some of the Hunter‟s largest employers. For further
i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e c o n t a c t K e r r i e P a r k i n s o n o r As h l e e K e l l y v i a e m a i l o r p h o n e o n 0 2 4 9 5 3 7 0 9 9 .
Whi te card courses are conti nui ng. Please note that from Monday May 19 costs for the course wi ll
b e $ 8 5 . S t u d e n t s i n y e a r 1 0 mu s t c o mp l e t e t hi s c ou r se b e f or e a t t e n di n g Wo r k E x p e r i e nc e . P i n k
notes are available ou tside the Careers Office and should be retu rned to the front office with $85 .
Courses are booked when we have enough paid students.
Celestine Porter -Burns
C a r e e r s Ad v i s e r
Hello everyone! Don‟t forget to keep an eye on the Hunter Regi on school sport calendar for this
year. Simply go to http://www.sports.det.nsw.edu.au/hunter/calendar/index.htm .
Athletics Carnival
T h e a t h l e t i c s c a r n i v a l w i l l b e h e l d M o n d a y M a y 2 6 ( w e e k 5 ) a t G l e n d a l e At h l e t i c s c e n t r e .
At te n dan c e i s c ompul sor y an d wi ll be moni tor e d. Bu s an d e n tr y i s $1 0 payable by stude n ts as th ey
board the bus. Spectators and students not travelling by the organised buses will need $5 for entry
at the venue. Rememb er this is an all weather venue and the carnival cannot be postponed.
Zone Athletics Carnival
The zone carni val wi ll be held the following week at the same venue (Wednesday June 4). Students
who place in the top 2 for any event will qualify for zone and w ill need to collect their information
and permission note at our school carnival.
Knockout teams 2014
Boys and girls softball teams are now being called for the CHS knockout. I nterested students should
n o w b e mak i n g c on tac t wi th M r s D avi e s (gi r l s ) an d Mr L amb k i n (b o ys ).
Hunter Region Selection Trials
An yon e i n te re ste d i n atte n di n g re gi on al tri al s ne e d to be awar e th at the y mu st of r e pr e se n tati ve
standard to attend as selection is highly competitive and has strict time limitations. If you are
i n t e r e s t e d i n t r i a l l i n g f o r a n y o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s p o r t s i n T e r m 2 p l e a s e s e e M r Au s t i n e a s a p f o r
information, permission note and nomination to the convener:
M e n ‟ s Ar t i s t i c G y m n a s t i c s – T h u r s d a y J u n e 5 a t B l a c k e t t s G y m n a s t i c s , G a t e s h e a d
W o m e n ‟ s Ar t i s t i c G y m n a s t i c s – T h u r s d a y J u n e 5 a t B l a c k e t t s G y m n a s t i c s , G a t e s h e a d
Girls Tennis – Tuesday June 17 at District Park, Broadmeadow
B o y s O p e n S o f t b a l l - We d n e s d a y M a r c h 1 8 a t S t e v e n s o n O v a l , Ma y f i e l d We s t
Rhythmic Gymnastics- Friday June 20 at Kahibah Public School
Celebrating our Successes
Congratulations to Lucy Tabrett who was the overall age champion at the recent CHS State
S w i m m i n g C h a m p i o n s h i p s a n d b a c k e d u p b y m e d a l i n g a t t h e N S W Al l S c h o o l s C h a m p i o n s h i p t o
e a r n s e l e c t i o n , o n c e a g a i n , i n t h e N S W t e a m f o r t h e A u s t r a l i a n Al l S c h o o l s S w i m m i n g
Championships to be held in Melbourne in July.
Jarrod Turner is certainly shaping up as a future Olympic contender in the sport of sailing if his
N S W & Au s t r a l i a n Al l S c h o o l s S a i l i n g r e s u l t s a r e a n y g u i d e . H e w a s c r e w m a n i n t h e w i n n i n g b o a t
and just about needed a trailer to cart the silverware home f rom the National R egatta at
Belmont 16‟s in the first week of the school holidays. Very cool Jarrod!
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o L i a m C o n n e l l y o n h i s s e l e c t i o n i n t h e N S W D i v i n g t e a m f o r t h e A u s t r a l i a n Al l
S c h o o l s Ch a mp i o n shi p s i n M e l b ou r n e . P a r i s Wr i g h t , J e s si c a P i c k er i n g , D ec l a n E l b ou r n e , Ta y l o r
Dettelbacher and Jesse Smith narrowly missed out on selection but represented our school,
r e gi o n a n d s t a t e wi t h g r e a t pr i d e . We l l d o n e !
If you have any further information on student successes in sport please forward to me so we can
appropriately recognise our students efforts.
B r e t t Au s t i n e
PDHPE Faculty
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2 0 1 4 A N N U A L C RO S S C O U NT R Y C AR N I V A L
This years‟ carnival was held in superb conditions with a nice southerly breeze blowing across
Cahill Oval. The carnival started with those wonderful stu dents from our special unit who contested
either a short or long course event.
The staff members who ran did a great job of being terrific role models and thank you to the senior
students who contested their last school cross country carnival.
Once again Mr Lambkin ensured the grand stand was rocking with some favourites to create a
really festive environment.
The house championship point score was dominated in the 12 -15 years age groups by Schofield,
suggesting they will be hard to beat in the next few years, whilst Lewers dominated the 16‟s point
score and Cullen holds dominance in the 17 -18 years divisions.
The champion house for 2014 was again Schofield with a tally of 3179 points ahead of Cullen on
2894, Lewers on 2735 and Marks on 2317 points.
T h i s y e a r t h e Ag e C h a m p i o n s a r e :
12 years – Tyler Lawson and Chelsea Speakman
1 3 y e a r s – R y a n B r e n t n a l l a n d S t a s i a - An n B a r w i s e
14 years – Jesse Smith and Emelie Houston
15 years – Joshua Laity and Olivia Brentnall
1 6 y e a r s – E t h a n L ai t y a n d S a l l y Wa l t e r s
17 years – Braden Fuller and Katelyn Stansfield
18 years – Brandon Carmody and Georgia Muir
Special Champion – Luke Hunter and Joseph McNamara
Thank you once again to the Belmont High School staff for their professionalism in ensuring this
event runs smoothly providing opportunity for all.
B r e t t Au s t i n
Sport Coordinator.
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May 2014
DISCLAIMER: Advertisements included in Bulletins are a source of revenue to offset bulletin costs and are not in any way
to be considered as recommendations by the school.
Building Harmony and Success
Po Box 2345, Gateshead MDC 2290