Scientific Presence.


Scientific Presence.
Group Instituto Bernabeu Corporate Newsletter
Scientific Presence.
-Diet determines fertility.
-Improving pregnancy rates: Study of substances
which nourish and create an embryo.
-Finding out the sex of the foetus in Week 8.
-New medical care
2nd Congress of the Society of Reproductive
27th Congress of the Latin American Pathology
Role played by genetics in the improvement of
quality of life.
Role of pharmaceuticals in Reproductive
Impact of assisted reproduction on women.
Social Presence.
Our Web page updates.
-Children's story & drawing competition on the
subject Motherhood
-Vocational course H1N1
-Summary of Activity 2009.
+34. 902302040
Winter 2009
Scientific Presence
Diet determines fertility
As set out in the paper completed by Instituto Bernabeu and
published in the scientific journal, “Fertility & Sterility” Food intake
and it’s relationship with semen quality: a case control study, vol.
91 nº3, March 2009, food rich in antioxidants such as vegetables
and fruit, and more specifically tomatoes, lettuce, apricot and
peach, are related to an optimum sperm quality, while men who
are used to having a high meat intake such as sausages,
hamburgers have a greater frequency of semen alterations.
The study was completed with two types of samples, one from
males with low semen quality and the other normozoosperm or of
normal quality sperm.
Life habits were compared (consumption of toxins, smoking,
alcohol consumption…) and dietary habits. While in life habits no
differences were found, differences were found concerning
dietary factors. Patients with better quality semen ate a higher
quantity of fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants and in
particular, more tomatoes, lettuce, apricots and peaches.
METABOLOMICS. A new tool to improve pregnancy rates: A study of the
substances which nourish and help produce the embryo during its early
development in the laboratory.
Knowledge of the substances which the embryo uses as
culture medium, where it develops and receives
nourishment as well as the products it releases into this
medium, gives us new, valuable information on its future
viability which has until now been unknown. The
research work completed by Instituto Bernabeu and The
University of Alicante has been recognised by the
scientific community through its publication in the
prestigious North American journal, “Fertility & Sterility”.
The collaborative project between Instituto Bernabeu, IB
BIOTECH and the research group headed by Dr Marhuenda of the Biochemical
department at The University of Alicante has led to the development of an innovative
technique capable of identifying and quantifying components in the embryo culture
medium which serve as markers of the embryo’s implantation ability. This allows a more
objective selection taking into consideration future viability and its subsequent
development into a successful pregnancy.
Through this new and innovative method a relation between embryo metabolism and its
implantation capability in the uterus has been established without damaging the embryo. In
this way a new, harmless tool is available to select embryos which are better prepared to
develop into a successful pregnancy. This implies two advantages: the increase of
pregnancy rates in assisted reproduction treatments and the decrease in multiple birth
Until now the morphological classification (microscopic visualisation) has been the only noninvasive tool available to select the more viable embryos which will then lead to an
evolutive pregnancy. The understanding of the metabolic behaviour of an embryo helps us
to adopt the best solution to situations where what seem to be good quality embryos do
not implant and ones which were placed in the low-quality group do.
Find out foetal sex during the first weeks of pregnancy
An analysis of foetal DNA in maternal blood allows
the test to be performed from Week 8 of
Instituto Bernabeu, through its genetics arm, IB
BIOTECH, has been the first centre in the Valencian
Community, Spain to offer this test from the
beginning of 2009. The test permits the early
detection of foetal sex through testing maternal
blood. The analysis of the fragments of foetal DNA
which is found free in maternal plasma in a ratio of
3-5 % can be purified and then amplified in order to
detect specific regions of the sex chromosomes.
This allows for the detection of the baby’s gender very early on without having to resort to
invasive techniques.
Until now only a corial biopsy; an aggressive technique and not without its complications,
made an early detection possible. Scans can not detect sex until Week 14-15.
This new technique has also been developed for non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of illnesses
linked to the X chromosome or paternally-inherited genetic illnesses. The test has a reliability
of almost 100%.
New service
: Genetic study of 21-hydroxylase
The 21-hydroxylase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of cortisol (secreted by the
adrenal cortex) whose deficiency causes a genetic illness called Congenital
Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). This is a relatively frequent hereditary autosomal
recessive disease associated with the presence of mutations in the gene
which codifies this enzyme. Clinical manifestations are very heterogenic and
range from severe cases (classic) which manifest themselves in the uterus as
genital ambiguity in the female foetus due to an excess of androgens or
insufficient mineralocorticoid which can lead to cardialogical and
neurological issues in new-borns, to milder cases (non-classic) which lead to
later signs of hyperandrogenism.
At IB Biotech we complete full sequencing of the gene in order to detect mutations which
can cause the illness.
2nd Congress of the Society of Reproductive Medicine
Dr Bernabeu was invited as a guest speaker at the “2nd Congress of the Society of
Reproductive Medicine” in Antalya (Turkey) which took place on 1-4 October. The paper he
presented was: "Clinical use of recombinant HCG, Experiences, mistakes and pitfalls", as
well as his participation in the panel "Meet the Experts".
GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY. Dr Eduardo Vilaplana’s conference participation:
27th Cogress of the Latin American Pathology Society, "Current Spanish consensus on
secondary prevention of cervical cancer”.
Rates of cancer of the cervix and uterus are much higher than
European rates (except in the case of Cuba) and so it is
extremely important the teaching of preventative measures as
it represents one of the largest causes of mortality in these
As part of the 27th Congress of the Latin American Pathology
Society which took place in Antigua, Guatemala on 2-6
November, Dr Eduardo Vilaplana, Director of the
Gynaecological Oncology department at Instituto Bernabeu,
participated in the session dedicated to gynaecological
cytology with his paper, “Current Spanish consensus on
secondary prevention of cervical cancer”.
The Foundation Rafael Bernabeu also participated in the
“Vaginitis and benign lesions of the cervix”. 6th annual clinical cytology course, Spanish
Society of Cytology.
Dr Eduardo Vilaplana, Director of the Gynaecological Oncology department at Instituto
Bernabeu, presented his paper: “Vaginitis and benign lesions of the cervix” at the 6th annual
clinical cytology course of the Spanish Society of Cytology which took place in November in
The theoretical and practical course on clinical cytology is organised by the Spanish Society
of Cytology and sponsored by the Spanish Society of Pathalogical Anatomy. The course
lasts 40 hours and includes a wide range of cytopathology via monographic conferences,
seminars and practical microscope sessions.
Cytological Diagnosis in Mastology. 3rd Internacional Master in Mastology. International
University Menéndez Pelayo and the Foundation for Mastological Studies.
On 18 December of this year, Dr Eduardo Vilaplana gave a
Masters lecture on “Cytological Diagnosis in Mastology” as part
of the 3rd International Master of Mastology programme which is
being given over the next two years by the International
University Menéndez Pelayo and the Foundation for
Mastological Studies.
Dr Vilaplana, doctor of medicine from Complutense University,
Madrid, worked with Alexander Meisels, who discovered the human
papiloma virus (HPV), the cause of cancer of the uterus. To date, high
points in his career have been: Cytopathological Fellow at the
International Academy of Cytology. Honorary President of the
Spanish Cytology Society. Course Director of Gynaecologic
Cytopathology for courses in Spain, France and Latin America. He is a
member of the Spanish Consensus on the Prevention of Cancer of the
Cervix and Uterus and of the Spanish Consensus on HPV Vaccinations.
Currently he is the Director of the Gynaecological Oncology department at Instituto
Role played by Genetics in the Improvement of Quality of Life”, Paper by Dr Belén Lledó.
The Scientific Director of Biotech, Dr Belén Lledó,
presented “The Role played by Genetics in the
Improvement of Quality of Life” during Science
Week which is one of the many activities organised
by Novelda Casino.
The event brought together, apart from Dr Belén
Lledó, many brilliant research scientists in fields
related to cancer, María Blasco Marhuenda, Director of the Molecular Oncology
programme at the National Centre for Oncological Research; Joaquín Moreno, Head of
Microbiology and President of the Spanish Network of Composting of the Spanish National
Research Council (CSIC); Industrial Engineer, Javier Penalva, Head of Electrical and
Instrumental Maintenance at the Cofrentes Nuclear Power Station and the Head of
Microbiology, Ricardo Amils, Director of the Capabilities department at the Astrobiology
Dr Belén Lledó has been working in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics since 2000.
In 2004 she started at Instituto Bernabeu and since March 2009 she has been the Scientific
Director of BIOTECH, the group’s Genetics arm.
“The role of Pharmaceutical in Reproductive Medicine”, paper by Dr Ana Fabregat
Support for education is a basic element among the principles of the
Rafael Bernabeu Foundation and it is for that reason that we have
sponsored the last editions of the “The National Conference of
Pharmacy Students: CEFA”. As well as a financial donation and
materials, this year Dr Fabregat, from the Andrology department at
Instituto Bernabeu, participated with the seminar entitled, “The role of
pharmaceuticals in Reproductive Medicine” which took place on 29
CEFA, National Conference of Pharmacy Students, is in its fifth year
and its fourth on a national level. It took place this year on 28, 29, and
30 of October by students in the seventh year of the Pharmacy
faculty at the University Miguel Hernandez, UMH.
Dr Ana Fabregat manages the Andrology and Clinical Analysis
department for the Instituto Bernabeu group. She is a Doctor of
Pharmacy from the University of Valencia and Specialist in Clinical
Analysis via the Internal Resident, Pharmacy programme.
“Impact of Assisted Reproduction on Women”. Paper by Dr Jorge Ten at the “9th Women,
Biology and Health Conference” at the University of Alicante.
The objective of the conference is to analyse and deepen
understanding from an interdisciplinary and scientific point of view the
main biomedical, social and cultural aspects which affect today’s
Led by Dr D. Joaquín De Juan it is part of the official post-graduate
programme: “Biotechnology and Biomedicine” at the University of
Alicante which is in its 10th year.
Instituto Bernabeu and its Foundation sponsored the event and also
participated as scientific committee with the participation of Dr Rafael
Bernabeu and Dr Jorge Ten.
Dr Ten’s paper dealt with the "Impact of Assisted Reproduction on
* Dr Jorge Ten has managed the Reproductive Biology department
at Instituto Bernabeu since 2001 after studying the effects of
antioxidant therapy on the loss of reproductive potential.
Social Presence
IB BIOTECH, the genetic and biomolecular services arm of the Instituto
Bernabeu group (IB) has been selected as a company of innovation and
creator of employment in the 10th edition of the Incentive Plan for
Investment and the Creation of Employment run by the City of Alicante.
The act was presided over by the Mayor of Alicante, Ms Sonia Castedo
and the President of the Agency for Local Economic & Social
Development, Mr Jaun Seva Martínez, in the Blue Room of the Town Hall
on 1 October.
Instituto Bernabeu was present at this patient-centred event.
The event included 45 presentations given by experts in the field of fertility. Instituto
Bernabeu gave a presentation entitled, “Planning treatment abroad: The arguments for
travelling to Spain”.
Furthermore Instituto Bernabeu had a stand (booth 26) in order to help and answer
questions from attendees seeking fertility treatments in Spain.
These allow you to listen to various subjects relating to our treatments. The
podcasts have been recorded in Spanish, French, English, Italian, German,
Portuguese and Swedish.
The first recording is related to egg donation.
This section has been completely redone in order to make it easier to answer the most
frequent questions put to us by patients. In this section you can find information classified by
groups of interest to make your search a lot easier
This new section has been created in order to make your first contact with us easier. One
new way in which this can be achieved is via a virtual meeting using SKYPE.
In order to facilitate the calculation of your most fertile days, our patients
can now use our totally free and easy-to-use calculator. The patient
indicates the dates of her last menstruation and the calculator calculates
when she will probably be at her most fertile. It also lets you know the
approximate birth date in the case of a pregnancy.
At Instituto Bernabeu we are aware that the correct treatment of a reproductive issue
should also look after emotional aspects. Patients are not only treated medically but also
we help them work through the emotional worries they may have during the treatment
This new section was written by Natalia Romera, the Instituto Bernabeu psychologist. She is
an expert in the care of patients with fertility issues offering support relating to patient
doubts, relationship issues as well as therapeutic solutions which can help couples during
the treatment process.
After last year’s great success where we
received over 600 entries from children in
Foundation Rafael Bernabeu launched the 2nd
Annual Maternity and Drawing Competition
with the theme “Maternity”. The competition
aims to promote creativity in early infancy and
recognition of the children’s efforts.
There are two categories to the competition;
one for drawing and the other for short stories.
There are also two age groups: 5-8 and 9-12.
certificates from FNAC worth €300 and the
runners-up certificates worth €150.
The jury made up of specialists in the field will
name the winners on December 15 and the
prizes will be given at FNAC, Alicante in the
afternoon of the 13th.
Informative meeting: H1N1
On 17 September Instituto Bernabeu and the Charitable Foundation Rafael Bernabeu
hosted an informative meeting on the H1N1 virus for medical professionals.
The session was part of the continued training programme carried out by the Charitable
Foundation Rafael Bernabeu and aimed to appease the general panic and worry
generated by this virus. The programme was coordinated by Dr José Manuel Lozano,
Director of Instituto Bernabeu Benidorm, Dr Juan Carlos Padilla, Neurologist and Director of
the Hospital Medimar in Alicante, Dr Alfredo Perales, Head of Obstetrics, La Fé Hospital,
Valencia, Dr Esperanza Merino, Infectious Disease Unit, University General Hospital, Alicante
and Dr Domingo Orozco, President of the Valencian Society of Family and Community
Summary of activities and deeds undertaken by our foundation in 2009