1 CONTENTS - McCoy Millwork
1 CONTENTS - McCoy Millwork
C ON TE N TS STAIR PARTS 1 INTERIOR PRODUCTS Custom Millwork & Shop Services 2 Flexible Mouldings 24 Cable Rail 3 Crown Mouldings 25 Handrails 4 Picture Rails & Hanger hardware 32 Handrail Fittings & Brackets 6 Chair Rails 33 Shoe Rails & Fillet 7 Casings 34 Newels & Balusters 8 Symmetrical Casings 37 Square Newels & Balusters 9 Backband 38 Iron Balusters 10 Lintel & Bead Sets 39 Stair Installation Hardware & Accessories 12 Crown, Base & Casing Build Ups 40 Landing Treads, & Starting Steps 13 Plinths & Rosettes 42 Treads, Tread Caps & Risers 14 Base Mouldings 43 Base Caps & Panel Mouldings 48 Quarter & Half Rounds. Shoes & Misc 50 Stops & Stools 51 Paneling & Bead Board 52 Craftsman Interior column 53 EXTERIOR PRODUCTS Porch Rail 15 Balusters, Tread, Beaded Ceiling Flooring & Post Caps 16 Columns & Porch Posts 17 Special Order Columns & Porch Posts 18 Exterior Mouldings 19 CORBELS 54 ARCHITECTURAL ADORNMENTS LUMBER & PLYWOOD Corbels 57 Hardwood and Softwood lumber 21 Centered Balanced Onlays 58 Plywood and Jamb stock 23 Asymmetrical & Corner Onlays 59 • PLEASE NOTE • All illustrations are for profile identification and may not be to scale. MANTELS Full Mantels 60 Shelf Mantels 62 MOULDING INDEX 63 2 CUSTOM MILLWORK & SHOP SERVICES Ask a sales representative for information regarding custom moulding manufactured in our shop. Our stock lumber supply can be milled to order. We stock Fir, Hemlock and Poplar (for paint grade) in sizes suitable for mouldings. Other species and sizes of lumber are also available - lead times may vary based on availablity of lumber. The following lists a few reasons you may choose custom moulding: 1 To match the trim on a home built in the late 1800/ early 1900’s. Homes built during this period commonly had mouldings made on site by craftsman using hand moulding planes and chisels. 2 The profile you have chosen is not available in the wood species you prefer. 3 The profile you have chosen is not the right size for your home. With any custom product the price is determined by the species of wood you would like and how much of it you need. Our sales representatives are here to help you with your moulding options. We will need to know: 1 2 3 The amount of moulding needed in LINEAL feet The preferred species of wood. Will you be painting or staining? You can expect to hear from us regarding pricing within 2 days Manufacturing time varies: 2 days - 2 weeks. Our stock of knives is growing every day. Currently moulding #’s 180, 265, 280, 285, 356, 505, 508, 778, 805, 889, 955, 983 and 986 can be run in your choice of wood species. Our Hemlock 48” tread is also availble to order through our shop. CUSTOM PROFILES MILLING AND SHOP WORK PLOWING SANDING PLANING RIPPING EDGE EASING OGEE STOOL CABLE RAIL 3 Standard Cable Assemblies Includes all you need to install one cable run. 6305-PKG 5’ Cable - 1/8” 6310-PKG 10’ Cable - 1/8” 6315-PKG 15’ Cable - 1/8” 6320-PKG 20’ Cable - 1/8” 6325-PKG 25’ Cable - 1/8” 6330-PKG 30’ Cable - 1/8” 6340-PKG 40’ Cable - 1/8” 6350-PKG 50’ Cable - 1/8” 9903W Fitting 1/8” Quick-Connect® Fixed Surface Mount. 10% Discount by the case (20 Pcs) Attaches to the face of the post using lag screws. 130 pivoting allows for angled stair terminations. 3210-PKG 3792-PKG 3799-PKG 3372-PKG 3373-PKG 3374-PKG Accessories Protector Sleeve, 10 pcs 7071-PKG Beveled washer - 3/8”, 4 pcs 7072-PKG Beveled washer - 9/32”, 4 pcs 7073-PKG SS Dome Cap, 4 pcs 7074-PKG SS Crown Cap, 4 pcs 7075-PKG SS Chamfer Cap, 4 pcs All Feeney cables and fittings are grade-316 ( Marine Grade) Stainless Steel Black Cap, 10 pcs White Cap, 10 pcs Brown Cap, 10 pcs Gray Cap, 10 pcs Bronze Cap, 10 pcs 2972-PKG 3221-PKG 3128-PKG 5063 Tools Rope Wire Cutter - 1/8” max Cable lacing needle Cable release tool 16 oz cleaner Intermediate Posts 7648-SLVR Level picket, Silver 7649-SLVR Stair rail picket, Silver 4 U T I L ITY R A I L KEY A ALDER C CHERRY H HEMLOCK M MAPLE O OAK P POPLAR Oak 2 1⁄4 x 1 1⁄4 Oak 1 3⁄4 x 1 5⁄8 Hemlock 1 5⁄8 x 1 7⁄16 WO WHITE OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED Finger Joint Hemlock 2 1⁄4 x 1 3⁄16 O 6042 O 7005 Quarterturn FJP 6042 16’ H 6042 O 6040 O 7023 Quarterturn H 6040 H A N D R A IL BENDING RAIL AND CUSTOM HANDRAILS AVAILABLE BY SPECIAL ORDER ALL HANDRAILS ARE PLOWED TO ORDER 1- 1/4” STANDARD PLOW Alder Hemlock Oak 2 1⁄4 x 2 3⁄8 A 6010 H 6010 O 6010 No Plow No Plow No Plow Alder Cherry Maple Oak White Oak 2 5⁄8 x 2 C 6910 M 6910 O 6910 WO 6910 No Plow No Plow No Plow No Plow A 6910 No Plow A 6910BR Bending Rail P 6915 Bending Mould All Alder Rail is Finger Jointed Hemlock Primed Finger Joint 2 3⁄16 x 1 7⁄8 H 6910 No Plow FJP 6910 SP18 18’ HAND RAIL 5 KEY BENDING RAIL AND CUSTOM HANDRAILS AVAILABLE BY SPECIAL ORDER ALL HANDRAILS ARE PLOWED TO ORDER 1-1/4” AND 1-5/8” STANDARD PLOW No Plow No Plow No Plow No Plow Hemlock 2 7⁄16 x 1 3⁄8 Fir Hemlock Oak 2 5⁄8 x 2 3⁄8 H 6500 F 6500 O 6500 No Plow No Plow No Plow Alder 2 ⁄16 x 2 3⁄8 9 H 6244 P2 15⁄8 Plow (fillet included) Paint Grade 1 1⁄4” plow available by special order ALDER F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK WO WHITE OAK Alder Hemlock Oak White Oak 2 9⁄16 x 2 3⁄8 A 6210 H 6210 O 6210 WO 6210 A A 6510 No Plow 6 R AI L F ITTI N G S KEY Shaded fittings are in Inventory A ALDER C CHERRY H HEMLOCK M MAPLE O OAK RAIL GOOSENECK 2 RISER - NO CAP LEVEL QUARTERTURN UP EASING 90 - DEGREE UP EASING OVER EASING H6010 HEMLOCK H7099 H7011 H7014 H7012 H7013 06010 OAK O7099 O7011 O7014 O7012 O7013 M6010 MAPLE M7099 M7011 M7014 M7012 M7013 06210 OAK O7299 O7211 O7214 O7212 O7213 C6910 CHERRY C7999 C7911 C7914 C7912 C7913 06910 OAK O7999 O7911 O7914 O7912 O7913 M6910 MAPLE M7999 M7911 M7914 M7912 M7913 A6910 ALDER A7999 A7911 A7914 A7912 A7913 H6910 HEMLOCK H7999 H7911 H7914 H7912 H7913 Non-Stock Fittings OPENING CAP TURN OUT LEFT & RIGHT HAND For a full selection of fittings that can be special ordered ask at the sales desk or visit: http://www.fitts.com Typical lead time is 2-5 days We can arrange to order fittings overnight - shipping, extra RETURNED END TANDEM CAP H A ND R A IL B R AC K E TS *Off set: center of rail screws to wall; screws included. Off set 21⁄4” 3002 BB Bright Brass(US-3) 3002 AB Antique Brass(US-5) 3002 SB Satin Black(US-1D) 3002 SN Satin Nickel(US-15) Off set 25⁄8” Off set 33⁄8” Long Arm 3003 BB Bright Brass (US-3) 3003 LA ORB Oil Rubbed Bronze(US-10B) 3003 AB Antique Brass(US-5) 3003 LA SN Satin Nickel(US-15) 3003 SB Satin Black(US-1D) 3003 ORB Oil Rubbed Bronze(US-10B) 3003 RC Rubbed Copper 3003 BC Bright Chrome(US-26) 3003 DC Dull Chrome(US-26D) 3003 SN Satin NIckel(US-15) Off set 25⁄8” 3004 BB Bright Solid Brass(US-3) 3004 DC Dull Chrome(US-26D) H A R D WO O D S HOE R A I L & F ILL E T 1 1⁄4 7 1 1⁄4 KEY ⁄8 3 ⁄16 5 1 5⁄8 A 1045 O 1045 A 6050 C 6050 M 6050 ⁄8 3 O 6050 WO 6050 A ALDER C CHERRY F FIR H HEMLOCK M MAPLE O OAK WO WHITE OAK A 6007 P2 O 6007 P2 1 5⁄8 Plow 11⁄4 A 6045 O 6045 WO 6045 1 3⁄4 Plow O 6006 1 x 2 3⁄4 ⁄4 x 2 ⁄2 3 1 S O F T WO O D S HO E R A IL & F I LL E T 1 1⁄4 H 6052 ⁄8 3 F 6050 ⁄2 1 1 1⁄2 ⁄8 3 ⁄8 11⁄4 and 15⁄8 Hemlock 2 ⁄2 x ⁄4 1 3 3 ⁄8 3 H 6044 ⁄2” Plow (fillet included) for IRON BALUSTERS 1 H 6007 P2 1 5⁄8 H 6050 1 1⁄4 F 6051 11⁄4 and 15⁄8 Fir Hemlock 227⁄316⁄8 x 1 11⁄162 F 6545 No Plow H 6545 No Plow H 6006 1 5⁄8 Plow H 6045 1 1⁄4 Plow (fillet included) (fillet included) 8 NEWEL S A N D B A LU STE R S KEY H HEMLOCK O OAK PR PRIMED FLUTED NEWELS AND BALUSTERS ARE AVAILABLE BY SPECIAL ORDER HEMLOCK H 4842 3 1⁄4 x 60 10 3⁄4” 14 1⁄2” 10 ⁄4” 16 3⁄4” 3 OAK O 4940 36” 42” 3 1⁄4 x 48 3 ⁄2 x 60 1 H 4501 3 1⁄4 x 56 Including pin 3 1⁄2 x 52 10 ⁄4” 14 1⁄2” 14 1⁄2” 36” 32” 19” 42” 10 ⁄4” 16 3⁄4” 3 8 3⁄4 HEMLOCK H 4505 3 1⁄4 x 60 71⁄2” 8 3⁄4” 3 HEMLOCK H 4500 ALDER A 4915 Base not shown full length ALDER Base not shown full length A 36” 42” 36” 42” 91⁄2” 151⁄2” 7 3⁄4” H 5801 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 H 5802 1 ⁄8 x 32, 36, 42 5 H 5070 1 ⁄4 x 36, 42 1 PR 5015 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 S Q UA R E NE W E L S & B A LU STE R S 9 Box Newels come with interchangeable flat and pyramid caps. Paint grade newels may be partially constructed with MDF Other species available by special order. 4091 Box Newels have a hollow base and come with a Base Block 2091 Newel with adjustable length base block ALDER A 4091 4 3⁄4 x 55 PAINT-GRADE PG 4091 6 1⁄2” 6 1⁄4” 3 1⁄2 x 56 ALDER A 4001 HEMLOCK H 2091 3 1⁄2 x 56 POPLAR P 2091 3 1⁄2 x 56 PAINT-GRADE PG 2091 3 1⁄4 x 47 3⁄4 CHERRY C 4001 3 1⁄2 x 55 4 3⁄4 x 55 5 1⁄4 x 55 MAPLE M 4001 3 1⁄2 x 55 HEMLOCK H 4091 PAINT-GRADE PG 3091 3 1⁄2 x 56 OAK O 2091 4 3⁄4 x 55 5 1⁄4 x 55 O 4001 3 1⁄2 x 55 OAK O 4091 POPLAR P 4091 3 1⁄2 x 48 ALDER A 2091 4 3⁄4 x 55 HEMLOCK H 3091 OAK O 4000 HEMLOCK H 4000 3 1⁄2 x 55 4 3⁄4 x 55 41⁄2” HEMLOCK H 5001 H 4001 3 1⁄4 x 59 3⁄4 3 1⁄2 x 55 5 1⁄4 x 56 KEY Plain Square Chamfered Square OAK O 5060 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 SEZM01 EZ Mount Base Block System for 4091 newels. Includes hardware. ALDER A 5060 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 H 5360 OAK - Special Order PRIMED PR 5060 HEMLOCK H 5060 CH PR 5360 H 5360 CH 1 ⁄8 x 36, 42 HEMLOCK H 4105 3 1⁄4 x 59 1⁄2 1 1⁄4 x 36, 41 1 ⁄8 x 36, 41 5 O OAK CHERRY P POPLAR F FIR PG PAINT GRADE H HEMLOCK PR PRIMED M MAPLE PYRAMID CAPS Add a pyramid cap and panel mould to a plain shaft to create a simple box newel. 1 5 ALDER C 5 x 5 x 11⁄2 HEMLOCK H 5060 1 ⁄4 x 36, 42 A 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 1 5⁄8 x 36, 42 Alder 5” Oak 5” Maple 5” Cherry 5” Hemlock 5” Fir 71⁄4” PC 55A PC 550 PC 55M PC 55C PC 55H PC 725F I RO N BA LU STE R S IN STOC K PITCH SHOE FLAT SHOE with Set Screw PITCH SHOE - 1/2”- SAT HOLLOWPITCHSHOE-1/2”- FB MEGAPITCHSAT - 3/4” - SAT SQ ORB PITCH - 1/2” - ORB ADJUSTABLE KNUCKLE with Set Screw FLATSHOE - 1/2”- SAT HOLLOWFLATSHOE -1/2”- FB MEGAFLATSAT - 3/4” - SAT SQ ORB FLAT - 1/2” - ORB with Set Screw KNUCKLE -1/2”- SAT HOLLOW KNUCKLE -1/2”- FB SQ ORB KNUCKLE - 1/2” - ORB SPECIAL ORDER IRON BALUSTERS PLAIN ORB - Oil Rubbed Bronze PLAIN 2 KNUCKLE - satin black 1 KNUCKLE - satin black FIXED KNUCKLE 2 BASKET - Ssatin black HOLLOW 2 BASKET - flat black TWIST AND BASKET 2 TWIST - satin black HOLLOW 2 TWIST - flat black MEGA 2 TWIST 3/4” - hollow, satin black Iorn Newel Fastening Kit HF.16.2.3SAT 1 TWIST - satin black HOLLOW 1 TWIST - flat black MEGA 1 TWIST 3/4” - hollow, satin black Iron Newel HF.16.5.8SAT 1 3⁄16 x 48 TWIST PLAIN - satin black HOLLOW PLAIN - flat black MEGA PLAIN 3/4” - hollow, satin black PL SQUARE ORB - hollow, ORB PLAIN 1/2” ROUND ROUND FLAT SHOE FIXED BALL 2 BALL ORB - Oil Rubbed Bronze 1/2” SQUARE 1 BASKET - satin black HOLLOW 1 BASKET - flat black NEWEL 1 BALL ORB - Oil Rubbed Bronze 10 ROUND PITCH SHOE with Set Screw FLATSHOEORB-1/2” with Set Screw PITCHSHOEORB-1/2” Typical lead time is 3-5 days 1/2” Dia. Pin Top 1/2” Sq. Top 1/2" Dia. Pin top 3/4" 5" 5" 41/4" 7" 4 5/16" 1/2" Sq. Base *42” Bar Stock Knee Wall Scroll Application *34” Bar S tock FI5563-42 FI5502-34 FI5501-44 FI5500-44 FI5519-44 FI5518-44 51/4" For 1/2” Balusters use: FI3101 Shoe w/set screw FI3102 Pitch Shoe w/set screw FI3103 Adjustable Knuckle w/set screw FI3104 Shoe w/set screw SPECI A L O R D E R IRON B A LU STE R S & N E W E LS NEWELS 11 1/2” x 44” Balusters FI5524-44 FI5523-44 FI5526-44 FI5525-44 FI5522-44 FI5521-44 FI4141-48 FI4121-48 FI4115-48 FI4111-48 53⁄4” For 1/2” Balusters use: FI3101 Shoe w/set screw FI3400 Newel attachment and shoe FI3102 Pitch Shoe w/set screw FI3103 Adjustable Knuckle w/set screw FI3104 Shoe w/set screw 9/16” x 44” Balusters 1/2" Dia. Pin Top (Typ. all 9/16" balusters) Typical all 9/16 Balusters 1/2" Dia. Pin top 3/4" 9/16" Sq. Base ( Typical all 9/16" balusters ) For 9/16" Balusters use: FI3101-2 Shoe w/set screw FI3102-2 Pitch Shoe w/set screw FI3104-2 Shoe w/set screw FI5536-44 FI5533-44 FI5532-44 FI5531-44 FI5530-44 FI5572-44 FI5571-44 FI5545-44 FI5542-44 FI5541-44 FI5540-44 9/16" Sq. Base 12 STA I R H A R D WA R E & AC C E S S O R IE S KEY A ALDER C CHERRY H HEMLOCK O OAK L-Bracket Newel Fastener O 3008 31⁄2 ” OAK H 3008 31⁄4 ” HEMLOCK S3009 Newel Fastener (no moulding) S 3076 Dowel Screw Lag Screw for Balusters 5 ⁄16 x 27⁄16 Additional L-Bracket Mouldings 5 ⁄8 x 27⁄16 LBM OAK LBM HEMLOCK LBM MAPLE LBM ALDER S 3033 Dowel Runner Dowel Screw Driver S 3005 Sure-Tite Newel Fastener 1⁄2 x 11 ( Includes 11⁄2 ” Plugs ) MG 6200 Fluted Dowel Pin for Balusters 3 ⁄8 x 2 Spring-Bolt Fastening Systems SB-3085 Regular Spring Bolt Kit SB-3088 Rail to Post Spring Bolt Kit SB-3090 Post to Deck Spring Bolt Kit SB-3098 Spring Bolt Epoxy, 1 Pint S 3001 Rail Bolt (3” not to scale) (uses 1” Plugs) T 92 Rail Bolt Wrench S 3032 Circ-Runner Rail Bolt Driver WALL ROSETTES FACE GRAIN PLUGS BUTTONS ⁄8” 1⁄2” 3⁄4” 1” 11⁄2” 3 Birch Oak X X Maple X X X X X X X X X Alder X X Hemlock X X Fir X X Cherry X ⁄8 ” ⁄2” 1” X X X X X X 3 1 Round 41⁄2 x 3⁄4 O 7017 OAK H 7017 HEMLOCK Oval Wide 41⁄2 x 53⁄4 x 3⁄4 O 7037 OAK C 7037 CHERRY H 7037 HEMLOCK Oval Narrow 39⁄16 x 5 x 3⁄4 A 7027 ALDER L A ND I NG T R E A D & AC C E S S OR I E S 13 KEY Landing Tread O 988 WO 988 A ALDER C CHERRY F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK P POPLAR WO WHITE OAK 5 7⁄16 x 3⁄4 x 1 1⁄16 H 988 (not rabbeted) 5 3⁄16 x 13⁄16 x 1 1⁄16 Landing Tread O 987 F 987 Nosing H 986 11⁄4 x 1 1⁄16 P 986 3 ⁄2 x ⁄4 x 1 ⁄16 1 3 1 1 1⁄16 x 2 Tread Mouldings O 601 WO 601 C 601 A 601 F 301 O 983 WO 983 F 986 1 x 1 1⁄4 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 3 H 301 ⁄16 x 11⁄16 11 8’, 10’, 12’ STARTI N G STE P S 11-1/4” Single-Ended Starting Step Reversable (Shoe and cove moulding included)* 48” — Available in 53“ and 60” OAK O 8010 48” 10-3/8” Other wood species and sizes available by special order *Curved moulding included with starting steps does not match stock shoe and cove profiles. Curved moulding kits, as well as 5’ straight lengths of matching moulding, may be purchased separately. 6-1/4”R 7-1/2” 8010 Starting Step Cove Moulding Shoe Moulding Included* 14 T R E A D S & R IS E R S TREADS 1 x 11 1⁄2 36” RISERS 42” 48” 60” Red Oak X X* X White Oak X X Hemlock 72” 96” OAK – O 980, 3⁄4 x 71⁄2 x 42 & 48 Our Oak Risers are made of solid wood. Hardwood or paint-grade risers may be cut from plywood or 1 x 8 lumber X CVG Fir (1 x 11 ⁄4) PG Fir (1 1⁄16 x 1 Random Lengths 111⁄2) X Particle Board X X X X X X X X X *1” x 48” Oak treads in inventory with left or right mitered return on nosing for open ended stairs. *Mitered returns for all treads available (S986RE). SPECIAL ORDER TREAD AND RISERS lead time 1-3 days 1 x 11 1⁄2 36” 42” 48” 60” Jatoba X X X X White oak X White maple X X X X American cherry X X X X Hickory X X X X Alder X X X X 72” 96” Don’t see what you’re looking for? Ask a salesperson about available options X Winder treads and treads of wider width can be manufactured. Ask the sales desk for pricing and lead time. T R E A D C A P SYSTE M KEY A ALDER O OAK 16” A 8076 O 8076 False Riser A 8071- L.H. A 8071- R.H. O 8071 - L.H. O 8071- R.H. False Tread with Mitered Return 8” 11” 6” Oak & Alder tread caps in stock. All false treads and wall caps are sold with risers. Other wood species available by special order. 6” 1/2” A 8072 O 8072 Wall Cap w/nosing and cove EX T ER I O R P O RC H P RO DU C TS 15 VINTAGE PORCH RAIL Based on a classic rail design from the early 20th century, our porch system is appropriately scaled and detailed for your home’s exterior. Use the rail alone with 11⁄2” balusters, or combine the versatile top KEY F rail with various panel moulds and fir lumber sizes to create rail profiles from 1 3⁄4” to 3” in height and from plain to ornate in detail. Choose from two baluster sizes (see page 16). Fir Top Rail CVG Fir F 6500 2 5⁄8 x 2 3⁄8 4 1⁄2 x 1 3⁄4 1 1 ⁄2 ” FIRRAIL F 6500 Bottom Rail CVG Fir Fir F 6545 3 1⁄2 x 1 1⁄2 2 3⁄8 x 1 1⁄2 F 6545 FIRSHOE SUGGESTED RAIL CONFIGURATIONS ( not to scale ) Fir 2x2 F 302 Fir 1 x 3 H 322 Fir 2x2 H 516 Fir 1 x 2 H 417 FIR 16 E X T ER I O R P ORC H P ROD U C TS KEY F FIR MG MIXED GRAIN PG PAINT GRADE VG VERTICAL GRAIN 3 1⁄8 FIR POST CAPS Beaded Ceiling ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 9 F 777 Fir Post Cap PC 725 F 3 1⁄4 7 1⁄4 x 7 1⁄4 x 1 1⁄2 Wainscot F 778 Face 3’, 4’, 5’ Face ⁄16 x 3 1⁄2 13 BALUSTERS 3 1⁄8 Fir MG Porch Flooring Fir VG Flooring Face LMG 1x4 T&G LF 1x4 T&G ⁄16 x 3 5⁄16 11 F 5060 1 1⁄4 x 36, 42 F 5560 11⁄2 x 36, 42 FIR TREAD PG Fir Stair Tread 1 x 11 1⁄4 Random Lengths 1 1⁄16 x 11 1⁄2 3’, 4’, 6’, 8’ IN STO CK - CO LU M N S A N D P ORC H P OSTS L 17 L B For a full selection of columns and posts that can be special ordered ask at the sales desk or visit: www.hbgcolumns.com/ Typical lead time is 2-6 weeks, shipping extra HB&G PERMACast ® Columns Round: A gradual tapering of the upper two-thirds of the column holds true to the classic form offsetting the illusion that the column grows larger as it ascends. Square: Not tapered, can be cut to any height without affecting the fit of the caps and bases. Columns are made from a fiberglass composite that is: Low Maintenance Weather Proof Ready to Prime and Paint Insect Proof Lifetime Warrantied Load Bearing A PERMAPost ® Made from a super low maintenance polyethylene and finished white, these porch posts are ready to be primed and painted or can be left with the factory finish. A C RC88 8”x 8’ Plain round column RC810 8”x 10’ Plain round column RC1008 10”x 8’ Plain round column RC1010 10”x 10’ Plain round column RC1208 12”x 8’ Plain round column RC1210 12”x 10’ Plain round column Col. Size A B C 8” sq 8” N/A 8” rnd 7 5⁄8” 6 1⁄4” 10 1⁄2” 10” rnd 9 5⁄8” C SC88 8”x 8’ Plain Square SC810 8”x10’ Plain Square L 11 ⁄8” 10 ⁄16” Structural Load 15 10,000 lbs 9 1⁄4” 10,000 lbs 8 1⁄8” 13 1⁄2” 11 1⁄4” 14,000 lbs 12” rnd 11 5⁄8” 9 3⁄8” 16 1⁄2” 13 3⁄4” 18,000 lbs 1 Cap and Base Sets CB08 8” Round Tuscan CB10 10” Round Tuscan CB12 12” Round Tuscan SCB08 8” Square Cap and base® sets include PERMACast Permaflashing, 2 L-brackets and fasteners. PP 5x8 PP5INSTALL PP 6x8 PP6INSTALL Post Size 5” 6” A Colonial Porch Post 5” x 8’ 5” installation kit Colonial Porch Post 6” x 8’ 6” installation kit A 4” 5” Structural Load 1,300 lbs 5,000 lbs Primed wood porch post No. 100 available by special order in 4”, 5” and 6” 18 SP E CI A L O R D E R - P ORC H P ROD U C TS Top Rail Post Caps PermaPorch® Railing Collection from HB&G Columns Balusters Virtually maintenance free pre-finished (paintable) Easy installation Versatile as lumber Warranty WWW.HBGCOLUMNS.COM Bottom Rail S P ECI A L O R D E R - C OLU M N S Round Stock Wood Columns PermaCast® Columns PermaLite® Columns Cellular PVC Columns Wood Columns WWW.HBGCOLUMNS.COM Columns available in just about any combination imaginable - ask a sales rep for information on Round, Square, and Craftsman columns with the following options: • • • • • • • • Plain Fluted Tapered No-Taper Recessed Panel Applied Panel Pedestal Barrel Newels EX T ER IOR M O U L D IN G S 19 KEY CD CEDAR F FIR F 513 ⁄4 x 4 3⁄16 P = 2 1⁄8 3 F 305 ⁄8 x 2 9⁄16 P = 1 13⁄16 H = 3 5⁄8 5 F 312 ⁄16 x 3 5⁄8 H=3 P=2 H = 1 13⁄16 11 F 512 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄16 9 F 543 F 315 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 P = 2 3⁄16 11 ⁄4 x 2 5⁄16 P = 1 9⁄16 F 314 ⁄4 x 1 3⁄4 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄8 P = 1 3⁄4 3 5 P = 1 1⁄4 H=1 1⁄4 H=2 5 H = 2 1⁄2 H = 1 3⁄4 H = 2 7⁄16 CD 311 P=2 3 F 475 1 1⁄4 x 1 5⁄8 20 E X T ER I O R M OU L DI N G S KEY CD CEDAR CDFJ FINGER JOINT CEDAR F FIR H HEMLOCK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED Brick Mould FJP 441 18’ CD 441 Drip Cap CDFJ 990 Drip Cap FJP 890 16’ 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄ 16 3 Shake Mould 15 H 442 CD 442 1 1⁄4 x 2 1⁄4 Shake Mould F 445 1 1⁄4 x 2 1⁄2 Sill 1 3⁄8 x 3 1⁄4 1 1⁄8 x 2 1⁄2 CDFJ 875 1 1⁄2 x 3 7⁄ 16 FI N I S H LU M B E R Sanding, Ripping and Planing to custom thickness available in all species 21 SPECIAL ORDER LUMBER Hickory, and Western Hard Maple available in sizes 1x2-1x12. sizes 6+ may be edge glued; all species clear 1 face and sanded to 100 grit. HARDWOOD Red Oak Sapwood is white to light brown and the heartwood is a pinkish reddish brown. Similar in appearance to white oak, but with smaller grain rays. Mostly straight-grained, with a coarse texture. True 3⁄4” thickness with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12. White Oak The sapwood is light-colored and the heartwood is light to dark brown. White oak is mostly straight-grained with a medium to coarse texture, and longer grain rays than red oak. True ¾” thickness with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, and 1x8. (1x2, 1x3, 1x10 and 1x12 available by special order) Eastern Hard Maple Creamy white in color with a fine, uniform texture and generally mixed grain. True ¾” with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, and 1x8. American Cherry Rich red to reddish brown. will darken with age and on exposure to light. May contain some creamy white sapwood. Fine uniform, straight grain, satiny, smooth texture. True ¾” with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, and 1x8. (1x2, 1x3, 1x10 and 1x12 available by special order; 10 and 12 edge glued) Clear Alder Superior Alder, a light brown with a yellow or reddish tinge. Fairly straight-grained with a uniform texture. Occasional pin knots may be present. True ¾” with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x8 and 1x10 (1x8 and 10 may be edge glued). (1x12 available by special order) Knotty Alder Light brown with a yellow or reddish tinge, knots may be of any size and shape, open or closed. Fairly straight-grained with a uniform texture. True ¾” E2E (2 edges square, 2 edges eased) Stocked in: • 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6 and 1x8 Poplar Solid paint grade hardwood. Smooth and even surface that paints out beautifully. True ¾” with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1⁄2x6 • 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x7, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12 • 5⁄4x4, 5⁄4x5, 5⁄4x6 and 5⁄4x8 22 FI N I S H LU M B E R Sanding, Ripping and Planing to custom thickness available in all species SOFTWOOD CVG Fir The most popular stain grade softwood. C or better, even, straight, vertical grain that stains beautifully. Reddish in color. Stocked in: • 1⁄2x4 and 1⁄2x6 in ½” thickness with 4 square edges. • 1x2, 1x3, 1x4*, 1x5*, 1x6, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12 in true ¾” with 4 square edges. *Spec 7’ lengths available for door sides • 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, and 2x6 in 1 ½” thickness with 4 eased edges. • 4x4 in 3½” square with eased edges. • 5⁄4x4, 5⁄4x5, 5⁄4x6, and 5⁄4x8 in 1” thickness with 4 eased edges. Mix Grain Fir Primarily flat grain with some wide vertical grain. Some reddish color as CVG Fir but with a non-uniform grain character that stains beautifully. Very common in older homes where woodwork is stained. True ¾” thickness with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x4*, 1x5*, 1x6, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12 *Spec 7’ lengths available for door sides. Hemlock A close relative of Fir but more yellowish in color. Fine uniform texture and vertical grain pattern, easily obtains a rich finish. Stocked in: • 1⁄2x4 and 1⁄2x6 square edge • 1x2, 1x3*, 1x4*, 1x5**, 1x6, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12 11⁄16” thickness with 4 eased edges *Spec 7’ and ** Spec 8’ lengths available for door sides • 5⁄4x4, 5⁄4x6 and 5⁄4x8 Clear Pine Select kiln dried Ponderosa Pine, uniform grain. honey or straw like in color, finishes beautifully. True ¾” with 4 square edges. Stocked in: • 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x8 • 5⁄4 x4, 5⁄4 x6 (1 1⁄8” thick with square edges) PRIMED Finger Joint A superior paint grade lumber engineered using exterior glue and SumGuard®™ exterior primer. It’s true, nontelegraphing nature offers savings in both time and labor. Stocked in: • 1⁄2 x4, 1⁄2 x6 in 7⁄16” thickness with 4 eased edges • 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12 in 21⁄32” thickness with 4 eased edges • 5⁄4 x4, 5⁄4 x 6, and 5⁄4 x8 in 1” thickness with 4 eased edges FI N I S H LU M B E R 23 Sanding, Ripping and Planing to custom thickness available in all species Finger Joint (Radiata Pine) Double dipped exterior primer. This versatile product allows for the decorative option of installing either the smooth face with eased edges or the re-sawn face with square edges. For exterior applications. Stocked in: • 1x2, 1x4, 1x6, 1x8 • 5⁄4x4, 5⁄4x6, 5⁄4x8 and 5⁄4x10 • 2x2, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8 and 2x10 MDF: Domestic Lite Always straight, engineered, lumber for paint grade interior applications. Stocked in: • 1⁄2x4, and 1⁄2x6 in ½” thickness with 2 eased edges • 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6, 1x7, 1x8, 1x10, and 1x12 in 11⁄16” thickness with 2 eased edges • 5⁄4x4, 5⁄4x6, and 5⁄4x8 in 1” thickness with 2 eased edges P LY WO O D 4’X8’ Sheets • Red Oak: ¼”, ½”, ¾”: Red Oak shop: ¾” • Pre-finished Birch 1⁄2”, 3⁄4” • Fir - A1: ¼”, ¾” • Mill Option (Birch, Maple, Cherry or Hickory): ¼”, ½”, ¾” (Domestic) • MDF: 1⁄8”, ¼”, ½”, ¾” Particle Board Shelving available in 12”, 16”, and 24” width. Shelving brackets also available (SOL4700). JA M B STO C K Finger joint Jamb Interior: JAMBFJP49/16 68 Exterior: JAMBFJP69/16 68 JAMBFJP69/16 80 Hemlock Jamb Interior: JAMBHEM49/16 68 Exterior: JAMBHEM69/16 68 JAMBHEM69/16 80 49⁄16” Jamb 6’-8” primed finger joint combo 69⁄16“ Jamb 6’-8” primed finger joint single rabbet 69⁄16“ Jamb 8’-0” primed finger joint single rabbet 49⁄16” Jamb 6’-8” hemlock combo 69⁄16“ Jamb 6’-8” hemlock single rabbet 69⁄16“ Jamb 8’-0” Hemlock single rabbet 24 F L EX I B L E M O U L D IN G S Flexible Casings provide simple solutions to all types of curved openings. From Elliptical to Half-round, Eyebrow to Oval, flexible mouldings are available for all stock profiles. HOW FLEXIBLE IS IT? The flexibility of the moulding pattern depends upon several factors. Pattern size, shape, material type and application all determine the flexibility limits of a given pattern. The smaller the moulding the more flexible it will be. A ½” X ½” Cove Mould will be very flexible and will accommodate most any curvature while a 2-½” X 2-½” Brick Mould will be very stiff and will usually require pre-forming at the factory. CAN I USE IT OUTSIDE? Yes, flexible moulding is not affected by salt, moisture, heat or extreme cold. HOW DO I CUT IT? Flexible moulding may be cut using the same tools and equipment and in the same manner as wood. HOW DO I FASTEN IT? Pre-determine placement and layout prior to fastening moulding into place. Use of non-acetate construction adhesive in addition to nails or screws is recommended due to the flexible nature of the material. Failure to adequately adhere flexible moulding may result in sags between fastening points. All standard methods of fastening work well with flexible moulding. HOW DO I PAINT IT? Your flexible moulding requires no priming or sanding prior to painting. Painting flexible mouldings prior to installation is not recommended as the paint may crack when the moulding is flexed. HOW DO I STAIN IT? Staining flexible moulding is similar to staining wood. Most stains work well however, use of a thicker heavily pigmented stain is recommended. Thinner stains may require multiple coats. Staining flexible mouldings prior to installation is not recommended as the stain may crack when the moulding is flexed. CONVEX CROWN Crown Orientation Ceiling Wall Flexible crowns are available to accommodate both convex and concave applications as illustrated. All stock or custom crowns can be made to match any wall radius or curve. H 285 Base 12’ O 200 Base Shoe Oak Grain 9’ Run s H 451 Base Shoe (Paint Grade) random length HALF CIRCLE CASING Ra diu FJP 441 Brick Mould stocked in 3/0 & 5/0 half round EYEBROW CASING Rise FLEXIBLE MOULDING PROFILES IN INVENTORY CONCAVE CROWN ELLIPTICAL CASING FULL ROUND CASING 1 x 6 x 8’ and 12’ Ra d ius H 705 Panel Mould random length Diameter H 240 B Panel Mould Diameter Template ALL PROFILES SHOWN IN OUR CATALOG ARE AVAILABLE IN FLEXIBLE MOULDING BY SPECIAL ORDER CROW N M O U L D IN G S 25 KEY P POPLAR FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED MDF M D FIBERBOARD P = 2 1⁄2 H = 2 1⁄2 Dentil Crown P 630 Crown P 631 Dentil ⁄4 x 3 1⁄2 3 ⁄4 x 5 1⁄4 3 P = 3 3⁄4 H = 3 3⁄4 Dentil Crown P 637 Crown P 638 Dentil P = 2 1⁄4 FJP 611 16’ ⁄16 x 4 1⁄2 H = 3 1⁄4 11 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄16 3 H = 2 1⁄4 P = 3 3⁄16 MDF 712 16’ 5 26 CROW N M O U L D IN G S KEY F FIR MDF MD FIBER BOARD Ultralite MDF MDF 43 16 ’ 1 x 6 15⁄16 Ultralite MDF MDF 572 16 ’ P = 4 7⁄16 H = 5 3⁄8 ⁄16 x 5 1⁄4 9 H = 4 1⁄4 P = 3 1⁄8 F 513 ⁄4 x 4 3⁄16 3 H = 3 5⁄8 P = 2 1⁄8 F 512 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄16 9 H = 2 1⁄2 P=2 CROW N M O U L D IN G S 27 H3 13 KEY F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK FJP PRIMED FINGER JOINT H3 12 MDF M D FIBER BOARD H 313 ⁄2 x 4 3⁄16 P = 2 1⁄2 1 354 H = 3 3⁄8 H O 610 ⁄16 x 3 7⁄16 11 P=2 H3 ⁄2 x 3 1⁄4 P = 1 7⁄8 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄8 5 H 354 ⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 9 P = 13⁄8 P = 1 5⁄8 FJP 354 16’ 1 ⁄2 x 2 ⁄16 3 P = 1 3⁄16 H = 1 7⁄8 P=2 H 350 12’ 1 ⁄2 x 15⁄8 P=1 H = 1 1⁄4 H= F 312 11 1 O 608 9 ⁄16 x 21⁄4 3 2 7⁄8 P = 2 1 ⁄8 MDF 312 16’ H = 1 9⁄16 ⁄16 x 3 5⁄8 9 50 H = 2 7⁄8 H = 2 3⁄4 FJP 312 16 ’ H=3 H = 3 7⁄16 P = 2 1⁄2 H = 2 3⁄4 ⁄16 x 4 3⁄16 9 ⁄16 x 3 9⁄16 P = 2 1⁄8 9 H = 1 ⁄4 FJP 313 16 ’ H 312 28 CROWN / B E D M O U L D IN G S KEY CEDAR F FIR H HEMLOCK H3 11 CD F 543 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 11 H3 10 H = 2 7⁄16 P = 2 3⁄16 H 311 ⁄2 x 2 5⁄8 P = 1 1⁄2 H=2 1 H 310 12’ 1 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄8 5 5 H=1 3⁄16 P = 1 1⁄8 F 314 ⁄4 x 1 3⁄4 3 P = 1 1⁄4 F 315 H=1 1⁄4 H=2 P = 1 3⁄4 ⁄2 x 1 9⁄16 ⁄4 x 2 5⁄16 P = 1 9⁄16 3 H = 1 3⁄4 CD 311 CROWN / C OV E M OU L DI N G S 29 KEY P POPAR FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED MDF M D FIBERBOARD MDF 541 16 ’ H = 4 1⁄2 1 3⁄16 x 6 5⁄16 P = 4 1⁄2 FJP 650 16 ’ ⁄8 x 5 1⁄4 P = 3 1⁄8 H = 4 1⁄4 5 P 650 1 1⁄16 x 5 1⁄4 H = 3 1⁄2 P = 4 1⁄16 30 CROWN / C OV E M O U L D IN G S KEY A ALDER C CHERRY F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK WO WHITE OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED H 306 1 FJP 550 16’ 1 ⁄8 x 5 ⁄16 1 7 H = 3 13⁄16 H = 2 3⁄8 P=4 ⁄2 x 3 3⁄8 P = 2 3⁄8 F 305 H 305 FJP 306 ⁄8 x 2 9⁄16 5 ⁄8 x 3 1⁄2 P = 2 1⁄2 H = 1 13⁄16 P = 1 13⁄16 H 303 1 ⁄2 x 1 5⁄8 P = 1 1⁄8 H = 1 1⁄8 H = 2 5⁄8 5 F 302 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 5 1 A 601 C 601 O 601 WO 601 O 600 H 300 8’, 10’ 12’ F 301 ⁄2 x 1⁄2 1 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 3 H 301 8’, 10’, 12’ ⁄16 x ⁄16 11 11 C ROWN / S H A K E R C ROW N M O U L D IN G S 31 KEY F FIR H HEMLOCK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED F 918 ⁄8 x 1⁄2 3 H 518 8’, 10’ 1 ⁄2 x 11⁄16 H 516 8’, 10’ 9 ⁄16 x 1 1⁄4 H 514 12’ FJP 514 16’ 1 3⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 FJP 508 16’ ⁄4 x 4 11⁄16 3 H 501 H 506 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 P = 2 5⁄16 H = 2 5⁄16 11 FJP 506 16’ ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 P = 2 1⁄4 11 H = 2 1⁄4 H = 3 1⁄2 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 3 P = 3 1⁄8 F 501 ⁄8 x 7⁄8 5 H 500 ⁄8 x 5⁄8 5 32 P I C TU R E R A I L S KEY F FIR H HEMLOCK Picture Hooks and Cord in Stock ask a sales person to show you our selections in brass and chrome FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED H 1010 ⁄8 x 1 11⁄16 5 FJP 1010 16’ ⁄16 x 1 11⁄16 11 F 1016 F 1016 SP8 8’ ⁄4 x 1 3⁄4 3 FJP TED 16’ ⁄4 x 2 1⁄2 3 F 1012 F 1012 SP8 8’ ⁄4 x 2 5⁄8 3 F 1013 ⁄4 x 2 1⁄2 3 H 505 H 505 SP8 8’ ⁄4 x 2 1⁄4 3 CHA I R R A I L S 33 KEY H 495 H 495 SP8 8’ Doorside FJP 715 16’ 1 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄16 3 7 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄2 5 1 H HEMLOCK P POPLAR FJP PRIMED FINGER JOINT P 980 ⁄4 x 3 1⁄4 3 P 752 1 1⁄16 x 5 3⁄8 P 749 1 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄4 1 3 FJP 1000 16 ’ ⁄16 x 2 ⁄16 11 9 H 297 9 ⁄16 x 3 H 184 12’ ⁄16 x 2 7⁄16 11 34 C AS I N G KEY F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED FJP 112 14 ’ MDF MD FIBER BOARD ⁄2 x 1 1⁄2 1 H 444 H 444 SP8 8 ’ Doorside H 356 H 356 SP7 7’ Doorside FJP 356 14’ 7 ⁄8 x 2 1⁄4 5 H 140 H 140 SP7 7’ Doorside 9 ⁄16 x 2 7⁄16 H 190 H 190 SP7 7’ Doorside FJP 190 14 ’ ⁄8 x 2 ⁄4 5 1 O 115 O 115 SP7 7’ Doorside ⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 7 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄8 MDF 444 16’ 5 F 140 3 ⁄4 x 2 ⁄2 1 FJP 140 14’ 5 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄2 1 ⁄8 x 3 1⁄8 H 150 H 150 SP8 8’ Doorside 9 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄16 3 H 113 H 113 SP8 8’ Doorside ⁄16 X 3 1⁄8 9 O 134 O 134 SP8 8’ Doorside 9 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 FJP 150 16’ ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 9 FJP 113 16 ’ 9 ⁄16 X 3 1⁄4 MDF 150 16’ ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 11 F 150 3 ⁄4 X 3 1⁄2 C AS IN G 35 KEY H HEMLOCK FJP PRIMED FINGER JOINT MDF M D FIBERBOARD MDF 3122 16’ 1 x 3 1⁄2 MDF 136 16’ 1 ⁄2 x 3 1⁄4 FJP 111 16’ ⁄16 x 3 3/16 13 MDF 535 16’ 11 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄2 MDF 411 15’ ⁄16 x 3 11 MDF 185 16’ ⁄4 x 3 1⁄4 3 H 155 H 155 SP8 8’ Doorside MDF 155 16’ ⁄4 x 4 1⁄4 3 36 C AS I N G KEY H HEMLOCK O OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED MDF M D FIBER BOARD H 495 H 495 SP8 8’ Doorside ⁄8 x 3 1⁄2 5 H 100 8’, 10’, 12’ H 100 SP7 7 ’ Doorside ⁄16 x 1 1⁄2 7 O 157 O 157 SP7 7’ Doorside ⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 9 O 130 O 130 SP7 7 ’ Doorside H 110 8’, 10’, 12’ H 110 SP7 7 ’ Doorside ⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 ⁄2 x 1 1⁄2 7 1 ⁄2 x 1 9⁄16 H 130 H 130 SP7 7 ’ Doorside 1 ⁄2 x 2 3⁄16 ⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 ⁄2 x 1 5⁄8 9 1 1 ⁄16 x 2 1⁄2 9 MDF 130 16’ MDF 130 SP7 7’ Doorside MDF 110 16’ MDF 110 SP7 7’ Doorside H 262 H 262 SP7 7 ‘ Doorside H 160 H 160 SP7 7 ’ Doorside H 265 H 265 SP7 7 ’ Doorside ⁄8 x 2 9⁄16 5 FJP 265 14’ ⁄8 x 2 3⁄8 5 SYM M ETR I C A L C AS I N G S 37 KEY H HEMLOCK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED MDF MD FIBER BOARD H 010 H 010 SP7 7’ Doorside ⁄8 x 3 ⁄16 5 FJP 522 16’ ⁄16 x 4 1⁄4 11 MDF 525 8’, 10’ ⁄16 x 5 1⁄4 11 FJP 180 16’ 5 ⁄8 x 5 1⁄4 5 MDF 010 16’ ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 11 38 B AC K B A N D KEY F FIR H HEMLOCK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED ⁄4 ⁄4 3 3 H 1022 Backband H 1022 SP 8’ Doorside FJP 1022 16’ H 1025 Backband H 1025 SP 8’ Doorside 1 1⁄8 x 1 5⁄16 1 1⁄8 x 1 5⁄16 ⁄4 ⁄4 3 3 F 1023 Backband H 1021 Backband H 1021 SP8 8’ Doorside FJP 1021 16’ 1 x 1 1⁄8 1 1⁄16 x 1 1⁄16 BACKBAND IDEAS The 1025 Backband as chair rail: with 1 x 4 lumber, 332 half round and 777 bead board 1022 Backband as lintel: with 1x6 head board, 950 parting bead and 1x4 lumber as casing versatile backband 1021 Backband on 160 or 1x4 lumber as casing, both pieces mitered at corners 1023 Backband on moulded casing 155, both pieces mitered at corners L I NT E L & B E A D S E TS 39 KEY H 503 FJP 503 16’ ALDER F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED MDF MD FIBERBOARD ⁄2 x 1 ⁄8 1 A 1 Lintel H 504 1 7⁄16 x 2 3⁄8 FJP 504 16’ 1 7⁄16 x 2 3⁄8 Lintel F913 1 1 ⁄2 x 3 F 955 FJP 955 16’ ⁄2 x 1 1⁄4 1 Lintel F 912 1 7⁄16 x 2 3⁄8 FJP 912 16’ 1 1⁄2 x 2 3⁄8 A 953 O 953 H 953 ⁄16 x 1 1⁄4 7 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄8 7 3 FJP 953 16’ ⁄8 x 1 5⁄16 3 Lintel H 911 FJP 911 16’ 1 3⁄16 x 2 1⁄4 F 950 FJP 950 16’ ⁄16 x 1 1⁄4 7 Lintel F 910 1 1⁄4 x 2 1⁄4 Architrave/Header Use with flat or fluted MDF MDF 5000 16 ’ casing for a classic traditional look. 1 3⁄16 x 3 3⁄4 40 CROWN A N D B AS E B U IL D U P S CROWN AND BASE BUILD UPS Traditional homes often require multiple moulding pieces to be ‘built up’. Mix and match our mouldings to create the look you desire - from traditional to modern. Ceiling Wall Picture Rail 505 Crown 508 Base Cap 502 Picture Rail 505 Base 295 Craftsman crown build up using crown, picture moulding and base for a big impact. Cove 501 Lumber (1x4) Lumber (1x3) Bases are traditionally two pieces: A base cap or other panel moulding sitting on top of lumber. Choose a larger size lumber to increase the height of the base. CR A F TS MA N S E R I E S B U IL D U P S 41 DOOR & WINDOW CASING BUILD UPS Traditional homes often require multiple moulding pieces to be ‘built up’. Mix and match our mouldings to create the look you desire - from traditional to modern. Lintel 504 Lumber (commonly 1x5 or 1x6) Popular Portland Modern Craftsman build up using lumber, parting bead and lumber casing. Traditional Craftsman build up using a lintel on top of lumber, parting bead and moulded casing. Lumber (commonly 1x5 or 1x6) Parting bead 503 Parting bead 953 Moulded casing 522 Lumber (Commonly 1x4 or 1x5) 42 P LI NTHS & ROS E TTE S KEY F FIR P POPLAR PLINTH BLOCK Our Poplar Plinth block material is sold by the half foot to accommodate casings of various widths. ROSETTES Paint Grade RO 2.5 7⁄8 x 2 1⁄2 RO 3.5 7⁄8 x 3 1⁄2 RO 3.5 T 1-x 3 1⁄2 RO 5.5 7⁄8-x 5 1⁄2 Poplar Plinth 1 ⁄16 x 7 ⁄4 1 1 BASEBLKP Poplar radius corner base block For use with full 3/4” 1x6 lumber (Ogee and Colonial radius base blocks in MDF available by special order.) Poplar Plinth P 3.5 7⁄8-x 3 1⁄2 x 8 BASE M O U L D IN G S 43 KEY MDF M D FIBER BOARD MDF 412 16’ ⁄8 x 4 1⁄4 5 MDF 414 16’ 7 ⁄16 x 5 1⁄4 MDF 161 16’ ⁄8 x 5 1⁄4 5 MDF 163 16’ ⁄8 x 7 1⁄4 5 44 B AS E M OU L DI N G S KEY H HEMLOCK MDF M D FIBER BOARD MDF 185 16’ ⁄4 x 3 1⁄4 3 MDF 186 16’ ⁄16 x 3 1⁄2 11 H 155 MDF 155 16’ 3 ⁄4 x 4 ⁄4 1 MDF 165 16’ 11 ⁄16 x 5 3⁄4 BASE M OU L DI N G S 45 KEY H HEMLOCK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED H 208 1 H 260 3 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄4 1 ⁄2 x 3 1⁄8 FJP 208 16 ’ 1 ⁄2 x 3 1⁄16 H 201 ⁄8 x 5 1⁄4 5 MDF 236 16’ 1 ⁄2 x 4 1⁄4 FJP 211 16 ’ 5 ⁄8 x 4 3⁄16 MDF 201 16’ ⁄8 x 5 1⁄2 5 FJP 267 16 ’ 1 ⁄2 x 5 3⁄16 46 BASE M O U L D IN G S KEY F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED H 166 H 275 1 F 204 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄2 5 H 279 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄4 7 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄4 3 1 H 270 FJP 270 16’ ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 7 ⁄16 x 4 1⁄4 1 7 H 250 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄4 7 1 O 204 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 7 H 230 9 ⁄16 x 2 3⁄16 BASE M OU L DI N G S 47 KEY H HEMLOCK KA KNOTTY ALDER O OAK FJP PRIMED FINGER JOINT MDF M D FIBERBOARD O 217 3 ⁄8 x 3 1⁄4 225 O 225 7 ⁄16 x 4 1⁄4 H 280 FJP 280 16’ H 285 FJP 285 16’ MDF 280 16’ MDF 285 16’ 9 7 H 295 7 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄4 1 9 ⁄2 x 5 1⁄4 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄4 1 1 KA 280 5 ⁄16 x 5 1⁄4 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄2 1 FJP 283 16’ 3 ⁄8 x 4 ⁄2 1 KA 285 ⁄8 x 5 1⁄2 5 48 BAS E CA P S & PA N E L M O U L D IN G S KEY A ALDER C CHERRY F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK WO WHITE OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED H 706 H 701 ⁄4 x 1 ⁄16 3 C 703 O 703 H 703 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 15 5 3 1 F 475 H 240 B A 705 O 705 H 705 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄8 11 1 ⁄4 x 1 ⁄8 1 5 ⁄2 x 3⁄4 3 3 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 3 H 301 (with backout) 8’, 10’, 12’ ⁄16 x ⁄16 11 11 O 600 H 300 (with backout) 8’, 10’, 12’ 1 ⁄2 x 1⁄2 F 501 5 ⁄8 x 7⁄8 ⁄16 x 1 7⁄8 FJP 472 16’ 11 ⁄16 x 1 13⁄16 11 FJP 705 16’ A 601 C 601 O 601 WO 601 F 301 11 O 711 ⁄4 x 1 1⁄8 11 F 472 ⁄16 x 1 1⁄2 H 711 5 ⁄8 x 1 9⁄16 ⁄16 x 1 1⁄8 H 501 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 3 H 500 5 ⁄8 x 5⁄8 BAS E CA P S & PA N E L M O U L D IN G S 49 KEY P 710 F 425 1 1⁄16 x 2 F 744 ⁄16 x 1 1⁄4 F 302 ⁄8 x 1 1⁄8 5 3 ⁄8 x 1 9⁄16 5 H 440 H 740 ⁄8 x 1 1⁄2 5 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄2 5 9 5 1 H 704 ⁄8 x 5⁄8 5 FIR H HEMLOCK P POPLAR FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED H LAMB FJP LAMB 16’ ⁄8 x 1 ⁄4 3 H 502 FJP 502 16’ ⁄16 x 1 7⁄8 11 H 516 8’, 10’, 12’ F 1030 ⁄4 x 1 ⁄4 3 F ⁄8 x 1 1⁄8 5 H 518 8’ 10’ 1 ⁄2 x 11⁄16 50 QUA RT ER & H AL F ROU N D, S HOE , E TC . . . KEY A ALDER C CHERRY F FIR H HEMLOCK M MAPLE O OAK WO WHITE OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED ⁄ 13 16” ⁄16 Hemlock 15 Outside Corner H 381 8’, 10’ 0 652 Outside Corner H 382 8’, 10’ 1 5⁄16” Full Round H 342 (closet pole sockets available) 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄16 1 1 1 1⁄4 x 1 1⁄4 ⁄4” QTR Round O 661 H 324 (11⁄16 x 11⁄16) 8, 10, 12 F 324 (11⁄16 x 11⁄16) FJP 324 (11⁄16 x 11⁄16) 16’ ⁄4” Half Round H 332 8’ 3 3 1 ⁄4” QTR Round H 320 8’ ⁄2” 1 QTR Round O 662 H 322 8’, 10’ Shoe F 451 7 ⁄16 x ⁄16 11 Shoe H 451 FJP 451 16’ 7 ⁄16 x 11⁄16 Shoe A 200 C 200 M 200 O 200 WO 200 1 ⁄2 x 3⁄4 MIS CE LL A NE O U S HA R D WOOD M OU L DI N G S Threshold O 805 M 805 3 ⁄4 x 2 13⁄16 Self Edge O 432 M 440 3 Backsplash O 431 9 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 T Mould O 859 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄2 1 3 Reducer O 850 3 ⁄4 x 2 1⁄4 ⁄4 x 2 STO P S & STOOL S 51 KEY A ALDER F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED We can run custom stool out of any of our 5/4” stock FJP 410 12’ F 888 Ogee Stool ⁄8 x 1 5⁄8 3 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄8 15 3 Square Stock H 360 F 889 Ogee Stool ⁄16 x 11⁄16 11 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 15 F 951 ⁄4 x ⁄2 1 1 H 420 FJP 420 12’ ⁄8 x 1 5⁄8 3 F 1035 3 ⁄8 x ⁄2 F 418 1 1 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄8 3 F 918 3 H 947 ⁄8 x ⁄2 1 H 418 3 1 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 1 ⁄2 x ⁄2 1 H 417 3 ⁄8 x ⁄4 3 Square Stock H 365 1 ⁄2 x 3⁄4 O 1045 A 1045 ⁄16 x 1 1⁄4 5 Screen Mould H 430 8’, 10’ O 520 1 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 52 B E A D B OA R D KEY From the Victorian era through the 1920’s, tongue and groove bead board was a typical wall treatment in kitchens and baths, as well as a popular ceiling covering. F FIR H HEMLOCK O OAK P POPLAR FJP FINGER JOINT PRIMED MDF MD FIBER BOARD ⁄16 Wainscot / Backband FJP 1029 16’ 9 1 1⁄16 1 x 1 5⁄8 1 1⁄8 x 1 7⁄8 3” Face Wainscot Cap / Base FJP 780 16’ 3 1⁄2 Shaker Peg SP SPECIAL ORDER BEAD BEAD BY THE 4 x 8 SHEET OAK, WHITE MAPLE, ALDER,CHERRY AND 1/4” MDF P 777 ⁄8 x 3 1⁄4 FJP 555 16’ ⁄16 x 5 ⁄8 9 3 F 778 5 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄2 1 3 1⁄8” Face FLAT FACE WITH EDGE V 3 1⁄4” Face BEADED FLAT FACE WITH EDGE V 5 3⁄16” Face BEADED 3 H 777 FJP 777 16’ 9 ⁄16 x 3 5⁄16 O 777 3 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄4 1 Primed 1⁄4” MDF BEADSHEET 4’ x 8’ CR A F TS M A N C O LU M N S Our tapered square column faithfully replicates a favorite design feature of vintage craftsman-style homes. They are ideal for use as room dividers (see below), as half columns for mantels, or as starting newels on staircases. Available in stain-grade hemlock and paint-grade MDF. 53 H 504* Top Dimension 51⁄4 x 51⁄4 5’ columns may be used full length on a pedestal or curb wall or they may be cut down for placement on a cabinet or counter. Cap and base trim and optional cap & base blocks are sold separately (shown here with mouldings from the Craftsman Series). shown full length Bottom Dimension 7x7 Overall length of shaft without cap & base blocks = 60” Cap & Base Block Hemlock 9 x 9 x 11⁄2 MDF 9 x 9 x 1 shown half length Available in stain-grade hemlock and paint grade MDF. H 505* (Illustrations from the “Universal Millwork Catalog”, 1927) *Cap and Base shown with H 504 and H 505, Mouldings sold separately. 54 C OR B E L S NOT SHOWN TO SCALE 101⁄2 12 10 Corbel LB 10 1⁄2 x 12 x 1 1⁄2 Pine 11 Corbel LW 10 x 11 x 3 Pine C OR B E L S 55 NOT SHOWN TO SCALE 9 1⁄4 3 1⁄4 5 1⁄2 11 Corbel CJ 3 1⁄4 x 5 1⁄2 x 3 Poplar Corbel LO-Oak Corbel LM-Maple 3 1⁄4 9 1⁄4 x 11 x 1 9⁄16 6 5 1⁄2 8 Corbel CO 3 1⁄4 x 5 1⁄2 x 3 Poplar Corbel CV 6 x 8 x 1 1⁄2 Pine 56 C OR B E L S NOT SHOWN TO SCALE 3 1⁄4 2 7⁄8 5 1⁄2 4 Corbel CM Corbel ML 3 1⁄4 x 5 1⁄2 x 3 2 7⁄8 x 4 x 3 Hemlock Poplar 2 7⁄8 2 3⁄4 2 7⁄8 2 3⁄4 Corbel MS 2 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄2 7 Hemlock 7 1 Corbel MC 2 3⁄4 x 2 3⁄4 x 1 1⁄2 Hemlock A RCH I T E CTU R A L A D O R N M E N TS CORBELS NOT SHOWN TO SCALE These hand carved corbels and onlays are a stock item available in Linden wood. Also available in White Oak, American Cherry and Maple. Other designs are available. COAR-DA-305 2 7⁄8 x 8 1⁄8 x 6 COAR-DA-306 5 1⁄2 x 14 5⁄8 x 8 COAR-DA-061L 5 1⁄2 x 14 7⁄8 x 7 1⁄8 COAR-DA-302S 3 x 6 1⁄2 x 2 1⁄4 COAR-DA-302M 4 3⁄8 x 9 3⁄4 x 3 3⁄8 COAR-DA-302XL 5 3⁄4 x 13 x 4 3⁄8 COAR-GW-039 1 5 1⁄2 x 6 1⁄8 x 4 7⁄8 COAR-DA-301L 4 ⁄2 x 14 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄4 1 COAR-DA-303 1 5 3⁄4 x 13 1⁄8 x 4 1⁄2 COAR-DA-062 3 1⁄2 x 13 1⁄8 x 8 1⁄8 57 58 A RCH I T ECTU R A L A D O R N M E N TS CENTERED BALANCED ONLAYS NOT SHOWN TO SCALE These hand carved corbels and onlays are a stock item available in Linden wood. Also available in White Oak, American Cherry and Maple. Other designs are available. OLCB-GW-175S OLCB-GW-175M 16 1⁄8 x 4 x 5⁄8 24 1⁄2 x 5 7⁄8 x 3⁄4 OLCB-GW-308 24 x 4 1⁄4 x 3⁄4 OLCB-GW-138 36 3⁄8 x 6 1⁄4 x 3⁄4 OLCB-GW-062 20 1⁄2 x 2 7⁄8 x 5⁄8 OLCB-GW-306S 24 x 3 3⁄4 x 3⁄4 OLCB-GW-306L 39 x 6 1⁄4 x 7⁄8 OLCB-GW-175L 36 1⁄2 x 7 1⁄2 x 1 A RCH I T ECTU R A L A DOR N M E N TS 59 ONLAYS NOT SHOWN TO SCALE These hand carved corbels and onlays are a stock item available in Linden wood. Also available in White Oak, American Cherry and Maple. Other designs are available. OLCB-GW-051 17 1⁄4 x 3 3⁄4 x 5⁄8 OLAS-GW-186-LT OLAS-GW-186-RT OLAS-GW-304S-LT OLAS-GW-304S-RT 11 3⁄4 x 6 1⁄4 x 3⁄4 7 x 3 5⁄8 x 3⁄4 OLAS-GW-304L-LT OLAS-GW-304L-RT 10 5⁄8 x 5 3⁄4 x 1 OLFA-GW-190 6 5⁄8 x 14 1⁄4 x 1 OLCR-GW-303S 3 7⁄8 x 3 7⁄8 x 1⁄2 OLCR-GW-303M OLCP-GW-183 3 ⁄4 x 6 ⁄2 x ⁄4 1 5 ⁄4 x 5 ⁄4 x ⁄8 3 3 5 1 3 OLMN-GW-125 OLMN-GW-043 OLMN-GW-001 OLMN-GW-048M 4 ⁄8 x 4 5⁄8 x 3⁄8 5 5 x 5 x 1 ⁄2 sold in pairs 2 x 2 x ⁄8 3 3 ⁄4 x 4 ⁄4 x ⁄4 OLCR-GW-055 3 OLMN-GW-048L 5 1⁄8 x 5 1⁄8 x 1⁄2 OLCP-GW-006 1 3 3⁄4 x 3 3⁄4 x 1⁄2 3 7 1⁄4 x 7 1⁄4 x 5⁄8 sold in pairs OLMN-GW-47S OLCR-GW-307 2 3⁄4 x 2 3⁄4 x 3⁄8 sold in pairs 3 7⁄8 x 3 7⁄8 x 3⁄8 4 1⁄8 x 4 1⁄8 x 3⁄8 OLMN-GW-47L OLMN-GW-046 4 7⁄8 x 3 1⁄4 x 3⁄8 60 M A N TE L S The mantels shown here are built to order based on your specifications. Please call for quote. Lead time varies depending on wood species; ask a salesperson about options for wood species not shown. ARLINGTON Paneled alternate Paint Grade Oak White Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany ARLINGTON ONLAY Paint Grade Oak White Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany CRAFTSMAN Paint Grade Oak White Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany CARUTHERS EMRY Paint Grade Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany Paint Grade Oak White Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany M A N TE L S 61 To build your mantel we will need a mantel measurement sheet complete with job site measurements. Printable pdf measurement sheets can be downloaded from our website or obtained at our showroom counter. When measuring for your mantel be sure to note any size-limiting factors (switch plates, window casings, etc.) We can arrange for a jobsite measure by our sales department. BRENTWOOD Paint Grade Alder Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany MORELAND OXFORD Paint Grade Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany Paint Grade Oak MULHOLLAND ROCKWOOD Paint Grade Only Paint Grade Oak Maple Cherry Mahogany 62 S H E L F M A N TE L S Our shelf mantels are made to order. Mantel height and shelf projection are given below. Length is per your specification. Most of these mantels can be modified as caps to fit over existing firebox projections. Please call for quote. Lead time varies depending on wood species ordered. H: 5 3⁄4 ” MAYFIELD H: 5 1⁄2 ” SYLVAN BELMONT H: 5 1⁄2 ” P: 6 1⁄4 ” P: 6 ” Paint Grade, Oak, Maple, Cherry P: 7 1⁄2 ” H: 8 ” P: 7 ” HAWTHORNE H: 15 ” IRVINGTON SOMERSET Paint Grade, Oak, Maple, Cherry H: 15 3⁄4 ” P: 9 3⁄4 ” Paint Grade, Oak, Maple, Cherry Paint Grade, Oak, Maple, Cherry P: 7 ” Paint Grade, VG Fir Paint Grade, Oak, Maple, Cherry M O UL DI N G I N DE X Stock # 010 varies 43 1 x 615⁄16 100 7 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄2 110 varies 111 13 3 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄16 Profile Page Stock # 37 163 26 165 36 166 1 ⁄8 x 7 ⁄ 4 5 43 44 1 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄4 46 3 37 ⁄16 x 5 ⁄4 3 180 5 ⁄8 x 5 ⁄16 184 35 Page 3 11 36 Profile 11 7 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄16 33 63 Stock # Profile Page 240B 48 250 46 260 45 262 36 265 varies 36 267 45 11 ⁄16 x 13⁄8 7 ⁄16 x 21⁄4 3 ⁄8 x 31⁄4 1 ⁄2 x 19⁄16 112 1 1 34 185 113 varies 34 186 44 270 46 115 34 190 34 275 46 279 46 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄2 7 1 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄4 3 1 ⁄4 x 3 ⁄4 11 ⁄16 x 31⁄2 5 ⁄8 x 21⁄4 35/44 1 ⁄2 x 53⁄16 7 ⁄16 x 31⁄4 7 ⁄16 x 31⁄4 130 varies 36 134 1 34 201 varies 45 280 varies 47 1 35 204 varies 46 283 47 140 varies 34 208 varies 45 285 varies 47 150 varies 34 211 5 45 295 47 217 47 297 33 1 9 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄4 136 1 ⁄2 x 3 ⁄4 155 3 1 ⁄4 x 4 ⁄4 35/44 200 1 3 ⁄2 x ⁄4 ⁄8 x 4 3⁄16 3 ⁄8 x 31⁄4 50 7 ⁄16 x 41⁄4 3 ⁄8 x 41⁄2 7 ⁄16 x 21⁄4 9 ⁄16 x 3 157 36 225 47 160 varies 161 36 230 46 301 varies 236 45 302 9 ⁄16 x 21⁄4 1 ⁄8 x 5 ⁄4 5 43 7 ⁄16 x 41⁄4 9 ⁄16 x 23⁄16 1 ⁄2 x 41⁄4 300 ⁄2 x 1⁄2 5 ⁄8 x 11⁄8 30/48 13/30/48 30/49 M O UL D IN G IN D E X Stock # 303 Profile Page Stock # Profile Page 360 51 19/30 365 51 306 varies 30 381 310 28 382 311 varies 19/28 410 312 varies 19/27 411 313 varies 27 412 5 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄8 305 5 6 30 30 1 9 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄16 1 9 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄16 314 3 3 19/28 5 19/28 ⁄4 x 1 ⁄4 315 3 ⁄4 x 2 ⁄16 11 ⁄16 x 11⁄16 1 3 ⁄2 x ⁄4 1 1 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄16 1 1 1 ⁄4 x 1 ⁄4 3 5 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 11 ⁄16 x 3 324 50 ⁄16 x 11⁄16 332 51 35 451 50 7 ⁄16 x 11⁄16 472 varies 48 31/48 51 501 31/48 49 502 51 503 50 504 varies 39 50 505 32 440 49 440 50 506 varies 508 3 ⁄4 x 13⁄4 350 27 43 43 1 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 9 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 432 3 ⁄8 x 11⁄2 5 ⁄8 x 31⁄2 5 ⁄8 x 5⁄8 3 ⁄4 x 3⁄4 5 ⁄8 x 7⁄8 49 5 ⁄8 x 11⁄2 39/51 1 ⁄2 x 11⁄8 3 ⁄4 x 21⁄4 354 varies 356 5 1 ⁄8 x 2 ⁄4 H-F J ⁄2 x 15⁄8 20 11⁄4 x 21⁄2 501 431 1 445 51 ⁄8 x ⁄4 50 1 ⁄16 50 31/48 3 342 5 34 51 3 430 ⁄8 x 3⁄4 444 varies 417 50 3 50 500 ⁄16 x 5 ⁄4 420 varies 425 11 20 11⁄4 x 21⁄4 33/36 1 50 ⁄2 x 1⁄2 442 495 414 7 322 1 20 13⁄16 x 115⁄16 19/48 ⁄8 x 4 ⁄4 418 varies ⁄4 x ⁄4 Page 11⁄4 x 15⁄8 1 50 1 Profile 475 5 320 1 Stock # 441 50 6H -M D F 64 27 34 5 ⁄8 x 11⁄2 3 ⁄8 x 11⁄2 3 ⁄4 x 4 11⁄16 31 31 MO U L D IN G IN D E X Stock # 512 9 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄16 513 ⁄4 x 4 ⁄16 3 3 514 3 1 1 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄4 516 9 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄4 518 1 Profile Page Stock # 19/26 610 19/26 611 31 31/49 31/49 11 ⁄2 x ⁄16 27 Stock # 715 25 740 49 630 & 631 25 744 49 637 & 638 25 749 33 650 29 752 33 11 ⁄16 x 37⁄16 5 3 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄16 3 1 ⁄4 x 3 ⁄2 3 1 ⁄4 x 5 ⁄4 5 1 ⁄8 x 5 ⁄4 Profile Page 65 650 29 1 3⁄16 x 2 7⁄16 5 ⁄8 x 11⁄8 11 ⁄16 x 17⁄8 11⁄16 x 23⁄4 11⁄16 x 53⁄8 Profile Page 33 37 652 1 50 777 varies 777 varies 37 661 50 778 1 16/52 535 35 662 50 780 52 541 29 543 19/28 703 48 30 704 49 52 705 varies 26 706 600 30/48 710 601 13/30/48 520 1 51 3 ⁄4 x ⁄4 522 11 ⁄16 x 4 ⁄4 525 11 ⁄16 x 5 ⁄4 11 ⁄16 x 31⁄2 1 3⁄16 x 6 5⁄16 11 ⁄16 x 3 1⁄4 550 1 7 1 ⁄8 x 5 ⁄16 555 9 ⁄16 x 5 3⁄8 572 9 ⁄16 x 5 1⁄4 1 1 ⁄2 x ⁄2 3 3 ⁄4 x ⁄4 608 9 3 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄16 27 1 1⁄16 x 5 5⁄16 11⁄16 x 11⁄16 ⁄4 x ⁄4 3 3 ⁄2 x 1⁄2 1 701 5 3 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 1 3 ⁄2 x ⁄4 5 ⁄8 x 5⁄8 3 ⁄4 x 1 15⁄16 1 1⁄16 x 2 48 5 ⁄8 x 3 1⁄2 1 x 1 5⁄8 805 3 ⁄4 x 213⁄16 850 3 ⁄4 x 21⁄4 52 16 50 50 859 50 48 875 20 48 888 49 3 ⁄4 x 2 11⁄2 x 3 7⁄16 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 15 889 ⁄16 x 3 3⁄8 15 51 51 711 varies 48 890 20 712 25 910 39 11 ⁄16 x 4 1⁄2 11⁄8 x 21⁄2 11⁄4 x 21⁄4 66 M O UL DI N G I N DE X Stock # 911 3 1 1 ⁄16 x 2 ⁄4 912 varies 918 Profile Page 39 39 Stock # 6044 7 38 6045 7 6050 7 3 ⁄4 x 1 ⁄4 39 1023 951 51 1025 953 varies 955 39 1 1 ⁄2 x ⁄2 950 7 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄4 1 1 ⁄4 x ⁄2 1 ⁄2 x 11⁄4 980 3 ⁄4 x 31⁄4 983 1 x 11⁄4 986 varies 987 31⁄2 x 3⁄4 x 11⁄16 1 1 1 ⁄16 x 1 ⁄16 1 38 6051 5 38 6052 7 52 1 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄16 1 1 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄16 1029 1 1 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 49 33 1035 51 1045 7/51 3122 35 5000 13 5 ⁄8 x 19⁄16 1 ⁄2 x 3⁄8 1 1⁄4 x 5⁄16 1 1 x 3 ⁄2 13⁄16 x 33⁄4 49 1012 32 3 5 ⁄4 x 2 ⁄8 6040 varies 5 Lamb 4 2 ⁄4 x 2 ⁄8 25⁄8 x 23⁄8 33 6010 3 6510 5/15 FJP TED 32 1 25⁄8 x 23⁄8 15 1010 varies ⁄8 x 1 ⁄8 6500 5 Fir Shoe 7 5 27⁄16 x 11⁄4 15 6007 P2 3 6244P2 5 Fir Rail 33 ⁄16 x 2 9⁄16 25⁄8 x 23⁄8 52 2 ⁄2 x 1 ⁄16 11 6210 7 Beadsheet 7 1000 ⁄2 x 3⁄8 7 6006 1 ⁄8 x 3 ⁄4 1 7 4 20 1 ⁄8 x 11⁄2 6910 varies 990 1 3 39 6006 1 ⁄8 x 11⁄4 7/15 13 11⁄32 x 23⁄4 3 4 6545 988 varies 3 ⁄4 x 21⁄4 5 1030 13 3 38 1 ⁄8 x 1 ⁄16 1 21⁄2 x 3⁄4 5 39 13 Page 32 3 1022 947 Profile 1016 ⁄4 x 25⁄8 51 ⁄8 x ⁄2 Stock # 6042 varies 32 3 1021 1 Page 1013 31/51 3 Profile 4 2 3⁄8 x 11⁄2 4’ x 8’ 41⁄2 x 13⁄4 31⁄2 x 11⁄2 3 ⁄4 x 21⁄2 5 ⁄8 x 19⁄16 M O UL DI N G I N DE X Stock # Profile Page LF1x4T&G 16 LMG1x4T&G 16 Poplar Plinth 42 11 5 ⁄16 x 3 ⁄16 11 ⁄16 x 3 5⁄16 11⁄16 x 71⁄4 Stock # Profile SP Page 67 Stock # Profile Page 52 31⁄2 VE ND O R IN F O R M ATI O N Moulding and Finish Lumber Stair Parts Columns and Porch Products www.feeneyinc.com www.metrie.com www.hbgcolumns.com www.fitts.com www.ferche.com 68 N OTE S
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