Maintenance Management Plan - Oakland County
Maintenance Management Plan - Oakland County
Maintenance Management Plan PREPARED BY: JANUARY 2010 Maintenance Management Plan Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE ‐ INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1 1.1 PROJECT PURPOSE AND GOAL....................................................................................................... 1 1.2 PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................... 1 1.3 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .......................................................................................................... 3 1.4 DEVELOPING TIME STANDARDS .................................................................................................... 3 1.5 IDENTIFYING FREQUENCIES ........................................................................................................... 3 1.6 ASSET INVENTORY ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.7 CREATING THE DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................... 3 1.8 STAFFING AND SPAN OF CONTROL ............................................................................................... 4 1.9 REPORT FORMAT ........................................................................................................................... 4 1.10 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 4 1.11 SUMMARY OF KEY RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER TWO ‐ GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT ....................................................... 7 2.1 CURRENT MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS OBSERVATONS ............................................................... 7 2.2 MAINTENANCE LEVELS, DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................... 8 CHAPTER THREE ‐ MAINTENANCE STANDARDS ........................................................................ 9 3.1 LEVEL ONE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS FOR PARKS ....................................... 9 3.2 LEVEL TWO MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PARKS ................................................................. 16 3.3 LEVEL THREE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PARKS ............................................................... 20 CHAPTER FOUR – SPECIAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS .................................................................. 22 4.1 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR CAMPGROUND OPERATIONS .......................................................... 22 4.2 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR DAY USE PARK OPERATIONS ............................................................ 27 4.3 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR GOLF COURSE TURF OPERATIONS ................................................... 32 4.4 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR WATER PARKS .................................................................................. 39 4.5 BEACH MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................ 43 4.6 BMX MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................... 43 4.7 DISC GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................ 43 4.8 DOG PARKS MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................... 43 4.9 WILDLIFE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................ 44 CHAPTER FIVE ‐ MAINTENANCE MATRIX ................................................................................ 45 CHAPTER SIX ‐ MAINTENANCE COST EXAMPLES BY SELECTED PARKS, GOLF COURSES & MAINTENANCE ASSET ............................................................................................................. 46 6.1 OPERATIONAL OUTCOMES .......................................................................................................... 46 6.2 MAINTENANCE STANDARDS WORKLOAD PROJECTIONS ............................................................ 67 i Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission CHAPTER SEVEN ‐ CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDED ACTION PLAN ................................... 68 7.1 KEY RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................ 68 7.2 PERFORMANCE MEASURE RECOMMENDATIONS ....................................................................... 69 7.3 EARNED INCOME OPPORTUNITIES TO OFFSET OPERATIONAL COSTS ......................................... 70 APPENDIX 1 – SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE TASKS APPENDIX 2 – MAINTENANCE COSTS BY SITE AND ASSET APPENDIX 3 – MAINTENANCE MATRIX ii Maintenance Management Plan CHAPTER ONE ‐ INTRODUCTION Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission staff maintains 12 regional parks and 5 golf courses, which amount to over 6,000 acres of park land. In response to the recommendations outline in the 2008 approved Strategic Plan, the Commission decided to develop a Maintenance Management Plan for all parks and golf courses to help the staff manage in a more efficient and productive manner. The Commission hired PROS Consulting to evaluate the maintenance needs and develop standards for the system working directly with the park maintenance staff in developing the Maintenance Management Plan. The Maintenance Management Plan is focused on achieving maintenance outcomes and efficiency for each of the 12 parks and 5 golf courses. This Maintenance Management Plan is designed to demonstrate to the Park and Recreation Commission members and Director the needs of the maintenance staff to achieve the goals and outcomes they desire based on a quantifiable basis. 1.1 PROJECT PURPOSE AND GOAL The Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission staff felt it necessary to establish a Maintenance Management Plan for the park system. There were three goals staff intends to achieve with the development of this Maintenance Management Plan. The top three (3) goals were: • Provide safe, clean, and green parks and recreation facilities to the public as efficiently and effectively as resources would allow • Identify the highest and best use of full‐time staff, part‐time staff, and contracted staff based on meeting customer needs in the most cost effective manner to provide the desired level of maintenance • Create a maintenance system that is capable of growing with the agency as it applies to the acquisition and development of future parks and recreation facilities This Maintenance Management Plan will assist the Commission staff in predicting labor needs, identifying the proper resources to fill those needs, and establishing a staffing structure that holds up to growth as well as economic downturns. The Maintenance Management Plan is tied to the Commission’s new CAM’s (Asset Management Plan) and incorporates daily maintenance task and cost that are tied to lifecycle and replacement schedules for all fixed assets. The final recommendations in this Plan will include action strategies to maximize staff resources, equipment, use of volunteers, and life cycle management of existing assets, to accomplish effective and efficient maintenance operations on a yearly basis. 1.2 PROCESS AND METHODOLOGY The development of this document was accomplished through a review of the current Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission assets to determine the current maintenance standards in place as it applies to each asset by maintenance task. The consulting team and staff then identified desired maintenance outcomes to be achieved for each asset, and documented the maintenance tasks required to meet the desired outcomes, 1 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and the frequency required, along with the financial and personnel resources required to meet the standards of care for each asset in the system. The recommendations present a comprehensive approach to maintenance operations by asset and by park, the cost to operate each park and golf course, and it identifies new maintenance standards and management strategies to meet the desired outcomes. The PROS Team conducted an on‐site review of each park and golf course to document existing maintenance conditions occurring with park and recreation staff. The on‐site review included interviews with Commission staff, walking the grounds with staff to gain insight into current operating processes, observing current levels of maintenance standards in place, gathering quantifiable information on the care of grounds and identifying future logical maintenance standards and outcomes for consideration. Information was gathered by staff on the current management practices, time audits required to perform each maintenance task and standards and a general use of resources and technologies which provide an overview of each park’s operations and level of efficiency. Analysis of this information was performed and translated into a maintenance management model the County Parks purchased called CAM’s for organizing each park and golf course property by asset, frequency of maintenance tasks required to maintain the asset appropriately, the cost of each task including personnel, equipment and supplies for each asset existing in the system. The Maintenance Management Plan development entailed several tasks that included: • Identification and documentation of all assets and possible maintenance tasks required to maintain the asset • Identification and documentation of all areas that maintenance tasks could be performed in by maintenance zone and amenity • Developing and documenting time to produce each maintenance tasks based on assumed standards for all possible assets in the system • Identifying and documenting frequencies for all possible maintenance tasks based on existing service levels and desired outcomes. • Creating and documenting an inventory of every asset within each County park • Measuring and documenting all square footages of turf and landscaped areas to be maintained • Measuring and documenting all linear footages of hardscapes • Indentifying the current lifecycle of each fixed asset in the system • Creating a document capable of holding all of the above information and capable of generating desired reports based on the inputs working in coordination with CAM’s. • Identify the highest and best use of every job class Maintenance standards were prepared and the appropriate level of frequency applied to each asset including frequency and quality of maintenance outcomes desired. Man‐hours were applied to each task to maintain the asset according to the desired standards and summarized to identify estimated man‐hour requirements. These man‐hour estimates 2 Maintenance Management Plan established the base‐line to determine labor costs by management zone and asset in each park and golf course. 1.3 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION 1.3.1 IDENTIFICATION AND DOCUMENTATION Parks staff documented all of the maintenance tasks that were performed on a weekly, monthly or annual basis within each County park and golf course. Staff and PROS jointly created and documented the list of assets and maintenance tasks that could be performed. Example: Trash removal would occur in turf areas, landscape areas, restrooms, courts, playgrounds, campgrounds, beaches, golf courses, water parks, etc. 1.4 DEVELOPING TIME STANDARDS It was important to developed obtainable and realistic time standards that could be met by a typical maintenance staff member. The Parks Division staff identified a typical crew and the Senior Park Maintenance Worker, of that crew, performed a time and motion study for every task over a 4‐month period which resulted in an average time per unit to maintain. In addition to documenting time standards it was also important to understand the amount of work that a standard employee could accomplish in a standard day or year. A full‐time position is considered to be paid for 2,080 hours per year. Those paid hours include vacation time, sick time, holidays, break periods, transportation time, meeting time, etc. The average production time for a full‐time equivalent employee, working in the parks division, was determined to be 1,500 hours per year. Again, it is important to note that 1,500 hours per year is the time that an employee is actually performing a maintenance task. 1.5 IDENTIFYING FREQUENCIES As part of the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Strategic Plan, created in 2008, three (3) service levels were established for County parks and two levels for County golf courses. These service levels included minimum standards for various maintenance functions that take place in a public park and golf course. Frequency levels were established, as part of the Maintenance Management Plan, for every task within each standard and zone in a park or golf course. 1.6 ASSET INVENTORY Staff conducted a full inventory of every asset within each individual park and golf course. (See Maintenance Summary of Assets and Tasks in Appendix 1). 1.7 CREATING THE DOCUMENT PROS staff created a document that could hold all of the collected data, calculate hours per task based on varying frequencies, total needed staff hours by park asset service level, as well as generated reports that looked at the park system as a whole and not just individual parks, and golf courses. The Parks Division now has a tool capable of calculating true and accurate staffing, equipment and supply costs based on direct and indirect costs. 3 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 1.8 STAFFING AND SPAN OF CONTROL Staffing levels and descriptions of responsibility for Oakland County Parks will include: Park Maintenance Helper, Skilled Maintenance Mechanic, General Maintenance Mechanic, Grounds Keeper, Park Supervisors, and Park Managers will be based upon the production hours derived from the Maintenance Management Plan. It is recommended that Park Supervisors will oversee an average of 14,000 annual combined employee/contact production hours for quality span of control. Park Managers within the Parks Division will oversee an average of 50,000 annual employee/contract production hours for quality span of control. 1.9 REPORT FORMAT The following report presents the findings of the data collection and analysis, focusing on organizing the information into a quantifiable format. This plan can be used by the park staff as a decision‐making tool as well as a management tool for implementing and monitoring recommendations. This report is organized to present the following elements: • Grounds Maintenance Levels, Definition and Characteristics • Asset Maintenance Task Name, Task Type, Task Quantity/Task Unit and Frequency Summary • Special Maintenance Items • Maintenance Costs Examples • Conclusion • Appendices – Actual Hours, Maintenance Standards and Man‐hour Projections 1.10 SUMMARY OF OBSERVATIONS AND ANALYSIS The Oakland County Parks Commission has a very talented group of Managers, Supervisors, and Park Helpers working to achieve a great park and recreation system. Through the course of developing this maintenance management plan they have learned how to address the following observations and analysis to operate in the most efficient manner. The observations and analysis that must be addressed in this Maintenance Management Plan by staff in 2010 include the following: • All parks and golf courses in the past have not had established maintenance standards by asset, task, frequency and cost on a consistent basis • Administrative costs was not broken out for managing staff, correctional workers, volunteers, meetings, travel time, and work planning • The level of maintenance staff costs to overall budget is too high at golf courses and some park areas to meet the outcomes desired financially. Improvements were made in 2009 budget year and more will be accomplished in 2010 • Park areas over maintained include outdoor wedding spaces versus the revenue received, underutilized sports fields, some golf rough areas that are out of play, 4 Maintenance Management Plan non‐use areas of parks, camping areas in off season times of the year, and landscape costs. • The maintenance staff in the past has been very reactive and has had difficulty staying focused on frequency tasks required to maintain a quality experience for the volume of users. Through the course of developing this plan they have come to realize how important managing each asset by maintenance task and frequency, using the appropriate staff person on the maintenance task so they don’t drive up the costs and tracking their costs to manage in the most efficient manner • Staff has been very reactive in maintenance management but now with CAM’s in place will be able to manage more by work plans established at least one (1) week out versus waiting for daily work plans • Additional maintenance training is needed for staff members on managing to standards, costs and site outcomes by each asset in each zone in each park and golf course • The appropriate level of staff worker type for the type of work required needs to be in place to achieve the desired outcomes financially for each asset and task • Equipment costs need to be incorporated into the cost per acre, the cost per task per asset • Maintenance staffing cost and benefits for each park and golf course should not exceed 65% of the total park and or golf operating maintenance budget 1.11 SUMMARY OF KEY RECOMMENDATIONS The Maintenance Management Team has truly embraced the process to manage park assets in the most efficient manner possible. The staff has provided time and quality input into the process of developing this Maintenance Management Plan and support these recommendations. The key recommendations include: • Adopt the maintenance standards for frequency of task for each asset in the system as presented in this Maintenance Management Plan/CAM’s software and continue to address maintenance impacts as new areas and facilities are added • Establish a process to continually explore alternative ways of reducing costs and funding of maintenance for each park and golf course in the system. • Develop realistic annual maintenance goals and objectives to be included in each employee work plan that can serve as the baseline for maintenance performance measurements and staff evaluations. Budget maintenance costs based on standards, frequency of task to be maintained by asset and the costs to achieve the outcomes desired • Develop an annual process to review maintenance priorities, identify annual projects and improvements to be completed and review with staff • All new parks and amenities added need to have maintenance cost outlined in advance prior to development so the staff can accurately budget for maintenance 5 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • Partnership agreements need to be worked out in advance to pay for the direct costs that the event causes that is above routine maintenance and reimbursed back to the parks operational budget. These items would include overtime, extra staff, additional supply cost, etc. • Seek to change the arrangement on wedding space at golf courses for this work to be privately done and paid for by Oaks Management as this costs is very expensive in return for the dollars the Commission receives • High use areas such as restrooms, trails, water parks and campground areas need to have higher frequency levels of cleaning, repairs, and trash pick‐up than normal on ‐ peak times. Additional staff must be available in the late afternoon and weekends to accomplish this so the Commission doesn’t pay overtime • Individual zone management budgets must be developed based on agreed to standards minus volunteer and correctional staff support to achieve the expectations of the users of the parks and golf courses • A lifecycle maintenance plan for keeping buildings and grounds amenities up to their level of care to extend their useful life is needed along with a maintenance endowment to draw from as needed • All lifecycle costs need to be develop on a GIS system with time replacement schedules in place and tied to the CAM’s program • The County Park staff needs to establish the asset level of the parks system and then budget annually at least 4% of the asset value of the park system to be spent on maintaining what the system owns each year • An environmental maintenance plan for the sensitive areas of each county park needs to be established and managed by the park maintenance staff • The County needs to invest in training for staff to understand maintenance standards, performance measures and tracking, lifecycle maintenance, volunteer management, and how to track cost of service for all tasks and services provided • Work plans for staff need to be established along with results for each maintenance zone and staff member on a weekly basis • A program plan for each County park needs to be established and tracked to focus on what age segments are using the facilities and which age segments are left out to incorporate amenities that will encourage their use • Park amenities not used should be taken out of parks and replaced with amenities that are used to create a higher level of use and value from the community • Low cost maintenance improvements such as improved signage, interpretive signage, natural resource management of natural sites to control evasive species, and reducing use areas based on time of year and use need to be incorporated into work staffing maintenance plans 6 Maintenance Management Plan CHAPTER TWO ‐ GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ASSESSMENT A site visit of each County park and golf course was performed to asses the current grounds maintenance program including identifying maintenance areas (zones), amenities (assets), required maintenance operations, general conditions, current maintenance practices, and current standards and frequency levels occurring. This assessment included only the grounds and did not include the actual maintenance activities of buildings or facilities. These areas need to be included in the future. 2.1 CURRENT MAINTENANCE OPERATIONS OBSERVATONS Through on‐site evaluation and discussions with the maintenance staff, the following baseline information was identified: • Special events have a major time and cost impact on the Park’s operation and budget • The quality and level of service for maintenance of both grounds and golf courses is comparable with other major public signature parks and golf courses, but slightly below that of destination private theme parks even though user expectations of quality are at a theme park level based on discussions with staff • Most visitor experiences are positive based on comments staff receive and complaints on record • The current cost structure for maintenance activities had been increasing over the past five years but was significantly reduced in the 2009 budget • Contract services are used to supplement full time staff including: o Correctional workers • Zone maintenance has not been used in key locations by park for timely response to trash removal, restroom cleaning, trail maintenance, shelter maintenance, gamefield maintenance and playground areas • The Park system does not have a good work order system in place but is developing one in 2009. If used, it will allow for better management decisions • Park staff manages the maintenance of trails but does not has a specific trail crew • The staff has done a trail assessment and are completing a comprehensive condition assessment to help establish trail improvement priorities both in capital and in operations and maintenance • The available inspection time by supervisors is limited and in some cases lacking due to a high workload demand • Clear maintenance objectives are needed for each maintenance zone for golf and each park in the system based on desired outcomes for visitors and golfers in maintaining the park or golf course area for aesthetics and natural resource sustainability 7 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • The Park staff has to establish a lifecycle maintenance plan for buildings and amenities that can be built into daily operations and capital improvement needs for the future • Environmental maintenance standards are in place for a few parks in the system and training of maintenance staff to follow and incorporate into daily work plans has just started • A process to measure park and golf course maintenance success needs to be established for mowing height, weed level, greenness of grass, beach sand cleanliness, shrub height, restroom cleanliness, road sweeping, playground maintenance, shelter maintenance and trash management • Park staff has very re‐active to maintenance needs and it is hard for them to stay focused on daily frequency schedules • Park staff do not manage by weekly work plans, but tend to wait to be told what to do each day, which is not time effective. Through development of the Maintenance Management Plan work plans will be able to be developed on a weekly basis and costs tracked on a daily and weekly basis by task and asset • Although improving, there are a limited amount of staff on site during the peak of visitation which is during late afternoons, evening, and weekends to support the volume of visitors • Park design issues have made it difficult for staff to keep the park maintenance quality levels high, as it applies to trail mix, parking lots, sports fields, playgrounds, restrooms, shelters, and parking lots • The majority of volunteer work time is not focused implementing an effective Resource Management Plan • There is no maintenance endowment in place to support existing assets up to the quality they need • The maintenance staff manages many operations from a defensive position. These include staffing levels, shop operations, equipment management, and park design 2.2 MAINTENANCE LEVELS, DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS Maintenance levels, definitions and characteristics are described by assets to be maintained, mainteance outcomes to be achieved based on frequency of tasks and characteristics. Most agencies manage assets based on level 1, 2, or 3 levels based on National Recreation and Parks established maintenance standards. These standards apply to tasks, frequency, time frame, job class and lifecycle. See Appendix 3. In addition the following Maintenance Task Summary is organized by asset type, task, task type, task quantity and task unit, and task frequency. 8 Maintenance Management Plan CHAPTER THREE ‐ MAINTENANCE STANDARDS Based on data collected during site visits, maintenance standards for Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission were developed in both qualitative and quantitative formats, organized by three Levels of Service. Maintenance standards can change by season and month depending on the type of park area level of use. Standards will be calculated by time and equipment needed to develop required operation budgets. 3.1 LEVEL ONE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS FOR PARKS • Turf Maintenance – high profile areas (small areas, entire area visible to foot traffic) o Mowing will occur 2 times/week o Mowing heights 2 ½ “ during warm season (day time highs consistently above 75 degrees) o Edging of all turf perimeters will occur 1 time/week o 95% turf coverage o 3% weed infestation for existing areas (all efforts should be made to keep new areas 100% weed free) o 2% bare area o Remove grass clippings if visible o Aerate 1 time/year (additionally if needed) o Inspect thatch layer regularly and remove as needed o Test soil and water annually o Additional testing will occur if deemed necessary Soil moisture will be consistent No wet areas No dry areas Firm enough for foot and mower traffic Apply wetting agents to assist in uniform soil moisture Hand water as needed o Inspect daily for insects, disease, and stress and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours o Fertilize (3) times per year o Top dress/over seed once a year 9 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • • • Tree and Shrub Maintenance o Prune/trim trees and shrubs as dictated by species twice annually during spring and fall o Remove sucker growth annually o Test soil annually to insure application of appropriate nutrients as needed o Apply fertilizer to plant species according to their optimum requirements as needed or yearly o Inspect regularly for insects and diseases. Respond to outbreaks within 48 hours o Place 2” of organic mulch around each tree within a minimum 18” ring o Place 2” of organic mulch around shrub beds to minimize weed growth o Remove hazardous limbs and plants immediately upon discovery o Remove dead trees and plant material immediately unless located within an environmental area o Remove or treat invasive plants within 5 days of discovery o Flower bed maintenance done yearly o Fertilize once a year o Pond maintenance done yearly and inspect weekly o Water features maintained weekly o Invasive plant removal annually Storm Cleanup o Inspect drain covers at least twice monthly, before rain and immediately after flooding o Remove debris and organic materials from drain covers immediately o Maintain water inlet height at 100% of design standard Irrigation Systems o Inspect irrigation systems at least once per month or computer monitors as necessary o Initiate repairs to non‐functioning systems within 24 hours of discovery o Back flow testing done annually 10 Maintenance Management Plan • • • • • Litter Control o Pick up litter and empty containers at least once daily or as needed o Remove leaves and organic debris once a week or as necessary Playground Maintenance o Audit each playground to insure compliance with the current version of ASTM Performance Standard F1487 and the Consumer Product Safety Commission “Handbook for Public Playground Safety” o Complete low‐frequency playground inspections at least bi‐monthly or as required. All low‐frequency inspections are to be completed by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). Complete safety‐ related repairs immediately, and initiate other repairs within 48 hours of discovery o Complete high‐frequency inspections at least weekly o Grooming surface three times weekly, nine months a year Hard Surface Maintenance o Remove debris and glass immediately upon discovery o Remove sand, dirt, and organic debris from walks and hard court surfaces weekly o Remove trip hazards from pedestrian areas immediately upon discovery o Paint fading or indistinct instructional / directional signs annually o Blow grass clippings after mowing around hard surfaces o Remove grass growing in cracks as needed Outdoor Court Maintenance o Inspect tennis and basketball courts at least once monthly. Complete all repairs within 48 hours of discovery o Repaint lines at least once each year o Replace basketball nets when frayed, broken, or removed o Maintain basketball goal posts, backboards, rims, tennis net posts, fencing, and hardware to original design specifications Trail Maintenance o Inspect hard and soft surface trails at least once monthly o Remove dirt, sand, and organic debris from hard surfaces at least once weekly o Remove organic debris from soft surfaces at least once weekly 11 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • o Maintain a uniform 3‐4” depth of compacted material on soft surface trails at all times o Graffiti removed weekly o Remove overhanging branches within 84” of the trail surface at least twice annually o Mechanically or chemically control growth 24” on either side of the trails o Inspect signs, benches, and other site amenities at least once monthly. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery o Inspect and make necessary repairs to lighting systems at least once monthly o Repair / replace bulbs to maintain lighting levels to design specifications at all times Site Amenity Maintenance o Inspect benches, trash containers, picnic tables and grills, bicycle racks, flag poles, drinking fountains, and other site amenities at least monthly. Complete repairs within 24 hours of discovery o Cleaning/power wash of amenities twice yearly o • No wet areas No dry areas Firm enough for foot and mower traffic Apply wetting agents to assist in uniform soil moisture Hand water as needed Inspect daily for insects, disease, and stress and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours Athletic fields grounds maintenance (soccer and cricket) o Fields that are dedicated to soccer and cricket only o Use mower capable of “striping” the turf o Mowing will occur twice weekly o Mowing heights 2” during cool season (day time highs consistently below 75 degrees) o Edging of field perimeters will occur twice monthly o 95% turf coverage at the start of every season o 80% turf coverage after play begins 12 Maintenance Management Plan o 5% weed infestation o 0% bare area at the start of every season o 15% bare and weak areas will be acceptable after play begins o Apply pre‐germinated seed to heavily worn areas after every tournament o Remove grass clippings if visible o Aerate 3 times annually o Spot aerate high use areas as needed o Inspect thatch layer regularly and remove as needed o Test soil and water annually o • • Additional testing will occur if deemed necessary Soil moisture will be consistent No wet areas No dry areas Firm enough for foot and mower traffic Apply wetting agents to assist in uniform soil moisture Hand water as needed o Inspect daily for insects, disease, and stress and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours o Fertilize monthly o Aerate and over seed yearly Fence and Gate Maintenance o Inspect fences, gates, and bollards at least twice annually. Complete safety‐related repairs immediately. Complete other repairs within 48 hours of discovery o Annually free fence of debris Sign Maintenance o Inspect sign lettering, surfaces, and posts at least once monthly o Repair / replace signs to maintain design and safety standards within 24 hours of discovery o Clean signs twice a year o Cut back plant material annually 13 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • Pest Control o • Vandalism and Graffiti Removal o • • • • Initiate repairs immediately upon discovery. Document and photograph damage as necessary Picnic Shelters o Reserved units cleaned and litter removed prior to and after each reservation o Minor repairs are made immediately upon discovery o Non‐reserved units are cleaned weekly, or as necessary Lighting Security/Area o Foot‐candle levels will be maintained to preserve original design o Inspect once monthly o Repairs/bulb replacement will be completed within 24 hours of discovery Aquatic Center Standards o Vacuum pool weekly o Manually check water chemistry every two hours of operation o Check water electronically on a continuous basis o Water checked for temperature, chlorine, and pH o Check flow rates every 2 hours of operation o Water checked for clarity on a continuous basis o Clean concrete areas daily o Repaint pool tank every two years o Pressure wash concrete areas weekly o Clean restrooms two times daily o Inspect facility and associated equipment daily o Maintain all equipment per manufacturers suggestions o Inspect sand filter annually Broken Equipment Standard o In accordance with the Departments Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM), problem areas are inspected monthly and remedied immediately upon discovery Broken equipment shall be repaired immediately, as staff is capable and parts are available when noticed or reported 14 Maintenance Management Plan o • Lifecycle Replacement o • • • If staff is not able to repair, the broken equipment will be signed and roped off with emergency tape indicating that the amenity is broken, not to be used, and if and when it will be repaired The County has a lifecycle replacement program in place that must be built into the Capital Improvement Program based on contractor and product specifications Concession Standards (outdoor) o Concession facilities cleaned, wiped down, and sanitized before opening o Electrical appliances checked for compliance and repaired if damaged o Lights checked and repaired as needed o Concession operating permits secured before opening o Appliances cleaned thoroughly before opening o Prices for concessions will be posted o Cash registers tested to ensure they work properly o Circuit breakers tested prior to opening o Cleaning and sanitization supplies on hand before opening o Pick up debris daily Closing Concession Standards (outdoor) o Equipment cleaned thoroughly o Supplies removed and discarded o Electricity should be turned off o Refrigerators and cables turned off and sealed o Facility floors, sinks, and counters cleaned thoroughly o Hoses cleaned and drained o Kitchen cleaned thoroughly o Inspections of standards will occur monthly Open Space Standard o Maintain natural appearance to open space areas o Remove trees and branches that pose a hazard to the users of the area o Respond to disease and insect outbreaks within 24 hours of identification 15 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission o Inspect areas monthly o Remove and clean dump sites within 48 hours of identification o Post and maintain appropriate signage for each individual area o Implement strategies to assist in reducing the stand of non‐native invasive plants by 5% annually o No large branches or debris will be allowed in parks and along perimeters 3.2 LEVEL TWO MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PARKS Maintenance standards can change by season and month depending on the park and level of use. Standards will be calculated by time and equipment needed to develop the required operation budgets. The difference between Level 1 and Level 2 standards is the frequency rate. • Turf Maintenance o Mowing will occur once weekly o Mowing heights o Edging of all turf perimeters will occur weekly during season and every 2 weeks in off‐season o 88% turf coverage o 8% weed infestation o 4% bare area will be acceptable after play begins o Remove grass clippings if visible o Aerate once annually in low use areas o Aerate twice annually in high use areas (additional if needed) o Inspect thatch layer regularly and remove as needed o Test soil and water annually o 2½ ” during cool season (day time highs consistently below 75 degrees) Additional testing will occur if deemed necessary Soil moisture will be consistent No wet areas No dry areas Firm enough for foot and mower traffic Apply wetting agents to assist in uniform soil moisture Hand water as needed 16 Maintenance Management Plan • • • • o Inspect weekly for insects, disease, and stress, and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours o Fertilize twice yearly Tree and Shrub Maintenance o Prune/trim trees and shrubs as dictated by species at least once annually o Apply fertilizer to plant species only if plant health dictates o Remove sucker growth as needed o Inspect regularly for insects and diseases. Respond to outbreaks within 48 hours o Place 2” of organic mulch around each tree within a minimum 18” ring o Place 2” of organic mulch around shrub beds to minimize weed growth o Remove hazardous limbs and plants immediately upon discovery o Remove dead trees and plant material within 30 days of discovery o Remove or treat invasive plants yearly Storm Cleanup o Inspect drain covers at least once monthly and immediately after flooding occurs o Remove debris and organic materials from drain covers within every other month o Inspect and clean drains before forecasted storms begin o Maintain water inlet height at 100% of design standard o Invasive plant removal once a year or as needed o Drain system maintenance done once a year Irrigation Systems o Inspect irrigation systems a minimum of once per month and as necessary o Initiate repairs to non‐functioning systems within 48 hours of discovery o Annual back flow inspection done yearly Litter Control o Pick up litter and empty containers at least every other day or as needed 17 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission o • • • • Remove leaves and organic debris once a week Playground Maintenance o Audit each playground to insure compliance with the current version of ASTM Performance Standard F1487 and the Consumer Product Safety Commission “Handbook for Public Playground Safety” o Complete low‐frequency playground inspections at least bi‐monthly or as required. All low‐frequency inspections are to be completed by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). Complete safety‐ related repairs immediately and initiate other repairs within 48 hours of discovery o Complete high‐frequency inspections at least weekly o Grooming surface two times weekly Hard Surface Maintenance o Remove debris and glass immediately upon discovery o Remove sand, dirt, and organic debris from walks, lots, and hard surfaces every 30 days o Remove trip hazards from pedestrian areas immediately upon discovery o Paint fading or indistinct instructional/directional signs every other year o Remove grass in the cracks monthly Outdoor Court Maintenance o Inspect basketball courts at least once monthly. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery o Repaint lines at least once every 2 years o Replace basketball nets within 10 days when frayed, broken, or removed o Maintain basketball goal posts, backboards, rims, fencing, and hardware to original design specifications. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery Trail Maintenance o Inspect hard and soft surface trails at least once monthly o Remove dirt, sand, and organic debris from hard surfaces at least once monthly o Remove organic debris from soft surfaces at least once monthly 18 Maintenance Management Plan • • o Maintain a uniform 2‐4” depth of compacted material on soft surface trails o Mechanically or chemically control growth 24” on either side of the trails o Remove overhanging branches within 84” of the trail surface at least once annually o Inspect signs, benches, and other site amenities at least once monthly. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery Site Amenity Maintenance o Inspect benches, trash containers, picnic tables, grills, bicycle racks, drinking fountains, and other site amenities at least monthly. Complete repairs within 5 days of discovery o Cleaning and washing annually o Inspect daily for insects, disease, and stress and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours Athletic Field Grounds Maintenance (soccer and cricket) o Fields that are dedicated to soccer and cricket only o Mowing will occur twice weekly o Mowing heights 2 ½“ during cool season (day time highs consistently below 75 degrees) 3” during warm season (day time highs consistently above 75 degrees) o Edging of all field perimeters will occur once monthly o 80% turf coverage at the start of every season o 65% turf coverage after play begins o 20% weed infestation o 5% bare area at the start of every season o 15% bare and weak areas will be acceptable after play begins o Remove grass clippings if visible o Aerate once annually o Inspect thatch layer regularly and remove as needed o Test soil and water annually • Additional testing will occur if deemed necessary Soil moisture will be consistent 19 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • • • o No wet areas o No dry areas o Firm enough for foot and mower traffic o Inspect weekly for insects, disease, and stress, and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours Fence and Gate Maintenance o Inspect fences, gates, and bollards at least once annually. Complete safety‐related repairs immediately, and complete other repairs within 5 days of discovery o Clean debris annually Sign Maintenance o Inspect sign lettering, surfaces, and posts at least once every 3 months o Repair/replace signs to maintain design and safety standards within 5 days of discovery o Clean sign once a year Pest Control o • Vandalism and Graffiti Removal o • • In accordance with the Departments Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM), inspect problem areas monthly and remedy immediately upon discovery Initiate repairs immediately upon discovery. Document and photograph damage as necessary Picnic Shelters o Reserved units cleaned and litter removed prior to and after each reservation o Minor repairs are made immediately upon discovery o Non‐reserved units are cleaned bi‐weekly, or as necessary Lighting Security/Area o Inspect quarterly o Repairs/bulb replacement will be completed within 72 hours of discovery 3.3 LEVEL THREE MAINTENANCE STANDARDS FOR PARKS Maintenance Standards can change by season and month depending on the type of park and level of use. Standards will be calculated by time and equipment needed to develop required operation budgets. 20 Maintenance Management Plan • Turf Maintenance (dog parks) o Mowing will occur once every 10 days o Mowing heights 2½” during cool season (day time highs consistently below 75 degrees) o 50% turf coverage o Up to 50% weed coverage for existing o Up to 20% bare area o Safety of hazard only action 21 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission CHAPTER FOUR – SPECIAL MAINTENANCE ITEMS 4.1 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR CAMPGROUND OPERATIONS The Department shall establish and implement a maintenance program to assure safe and enjoyable campground conditions. 4.1.1 MINIMUM STANDARD The Department shall establish and administer programs for all campground areas of the park. These shall be maintained in good condition in conformance with the Department’s minimum standards. The policies that will govern minimum standards for maintenance operations include but not are limited to: • • • Customer Service o Safety and directional signs are properly positioned o Entrance is clearly visible with appropriately placed road signs to access the campground o Entrance is well landscaped with a “Welcome To” sign in place o Parking lot is clean and well maintained o Parking lot has designated handicapped slots o Area surrounding campground areas is neatly groomed and landscaped o Maintenance building is neat and clean Buildings and structures o Cabins and shelters should be disinfected after each use o Buildings and structures shall be maintained in good repair at all times in a fashion which is consistent with fire and safety codes and regulations. All storage tanks above ground must comply with containment requirements. All below‐ground tanks must be pressure treated at mandated intervals o Tools, supplies and equipment will be organized in an orderly fashion o Restrooms shall be checked at least twice daily and maintained in a manner to provide clean and sanitary facilities. Soap, towels, toilet issue, etc., shall be provided in adequate quantities at all times. Portable facilities shall be maintained similarly. There are to be no exceptions to this clean restroom policy Camping Areas o High use areas such as restrooms and camp areas need to have higher frequency levels of cleaning, repairs, and trash pick‐up than normal. Additional staff must be available in the late afternoon and weekends to accomplish this 22 Maintenance Management Plan • • Fences (All fences, chain links, walls, or barbed wire on or within boundaries of the property) o Repair all broken or damaged fencing as necessary o Immediately repair or replace all fences, gates and locking devices as needed for the protection of the campground Parking, Sidewalks and Hardscape o • Trash and refuse shall be collected daily and removed from the property and parking, sidewalks and hardscape areas as necessary. Turf Maintenance o Mowing will occur once weekly o Mowing heights o Edging of all turf perimeters will occur weekly during season and every 2 weeks in off‐season o 88% turf coverage o 8% weed infestation o 4% bare area will be acceptable after play begins o Remove grass clippings if visible o Aerate once annually in low use areas o Aerate twice annually in high use areas (additional if needed) o Inspect thatch layer regularly and remove as needed o Test soil and water annually o • 2½ ” during cool season (day time highs consistently below 75 degrees) Additional testing will occur if deemed necessary Soil moisture will be consistent No wet areas No dry areas Firm enough for foot and mower traffic o Inspect weekly for insects, disease, and stress, and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours o Fertilize twice yearly Tree and Shrub Maintenance o Prune/trim trees and shrubs as dictated by species at least once annually o Apply fertilizer to plant species only if plant health dictates o Remove sucker growth as needed 23 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • • • • • o Inspect regularly for insects and diseases. Respond to outbreaks within 48 hours o Place 2” of organic mulch around each tree within a minimum 18” ring o Place 2” of organic mulch around shrub beds to minimize weed growth o Remove hazardous limbs and plants immediately upon discovery o Remove dead trees and plant material within 30 days of discovery o Remove or treat invasive plants yearly Storm Cleanup o Inspect drain covers at least once monthly and immediately after flooding occurs o Remove debris and organic materials from drain covers within every other month o Inspect and clean drains before forecasted storms begin o Maintain water inlet height at 100% of design standard o Invasive plant removal once a year or as needed o Drain system maintenance done once a year Irrigation Systems o Inspect irrigation systems a minimum of once per month and as necessary o Initiate repairs to non‐functioning systems within 48 hours of discovery o Annual back flow inspection done yearly Litter Control o Pick up litter and empty containers at least every other day or as needed o Remove leaves and organic debris once a week Playground Maintenance o Audit each playground to insure compliance with the current version of ASTM Performance Standard F1487 and the Consumer Product Safety Commission “Handbook for Public Playground Safety” o Complete low‐frequency playground inspections at least bi‐monthly or as required. All low‐frequency inspections are to be completed by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). Complete safety‐related repairs immediately and initiate other repairs within 48 hours of discovery o Complete high‐frequency inspections at least weekly o Grooming surface two times weekly Hard Surface Maintenance o Remove debris and glass immediately upon discovery 24 Maintenance Management Plan • • • • • o Remove sand, dirt, and organic debris from walks, lots, and hard surfaces every 30 days o Remove trip hazards from pedestrian areas immediately upon discovery o Paint fading or indistinct instructional/directional signs every other year o Remove grass in the cracks monthly Trail Maintenance o Inspect hard and soft surface trails at least once monthly o Remove dirt, sand, and organic debris from hard surfaces at least once monthly o Remove organic debris from soft surfaces at least once monthly o Maintain a uniform 2‐4” depth of compacted material on soft surface trails o Mechanically or chemically control growth 24” on either side of the trails o Remove overhanging branches within 84” of the trail surface at least once annually o Inspect signs, benches, and other site amenities at least once monthly. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery Site Amenity Maintenance o Inspect benches, trash containers, picnic tables, grills, bicycle racks, drinking fountains, and other site amenities at least monthly. Complete repairs within 5 days of discovery o Cleaning and washing annually o Inspect daily for insects, disease, and stress and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours Soil moisture will be consistent o No wet areas o No dry areas o Firm enough for foot and mower traffic o Inspect weekly for insects, disease, and stress, and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours Fence and Gate Maintenance o Inspect fences, gates, and bollards at least once annually. Complete safety‐ related repairs immediately, and complete other repairs within 5 days of discovery o Clean debris annually Sign Maintenance o Inspect sign lettering, surfaces, and posts at least once every 3 months 25 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • o Repair/replace signs to maintain design and safety standards within 5 days of discovery o Clean sign once a year Pest Control o • Vandalism and Graffiti Removal o • • In accordance with the Departments Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM), inspect problem areas monthly and remedy immediately upon discovery Initiate repairs immediately upon discovery. Document and photograph damage as necessary Cabins and Shelters o Reserved units cleaned and litter removed prior to and after each reservation o Minor repairs are made immediately upon discovery o Non‐reserved units are cleaned bi‐weekly, or as necessary Lighting Security/Area o Inspect quarterly o Repairs/bulb replacement will be completed within 72 hours of discovery This format provides guidance in terms of understanding the required work activities and elements in a descriptive manner that then can be quantified numerically. Following are descriptions of the levels of service and both qualitative and quantitative maintenance standards as proposed for all parks in the system. 4.1.2 WORK PRIORITIES FOR LEVELS Following are recommended work priorities by level: LEVEL 1 & 2 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Special request from the Director or designee determined to require immediate attention • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to improve services visitors, or the general public. • Priority 5: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. 26 Maintenance Management Plan • Priority 6: Emergency or routine work intended to improve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. LEVEL 3 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to approve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. 4.2 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR DAY USE PARK OPERATIONS The Department shall establish and implement a maintenance program to assure safe and enjoyable park conditions. 4.2.1 MINIMUM STANDARD The Department shall establish and administer programs for areas of the park. These shall be maintained in good condition in conformance with the Department’s minimum standards. The policies that will govern minimum standards for maintenance operations include but not are limited to: • • Customer Service o Safety and directional signs are properly positioned o Entrance is clearly visible with appropriately placed road signs to access the park o Entrance is well landscaped with a “Welcome To” sign in place o Parking lot is clean and well maintained o Parking lot has designated handicapped slots o Park is neatly groomed and landscaped o Maintenance building is neat and clean Restrooms o • Restrooms shall be checked at least twice daily and maintained in a manner to provide clean and sanitary facilities. Soap, towels, toilet issue, etc., shall be provided in adequate quantities at all times. Portable facilities shall be maintained similarly. There are to be no exceptions to this clean restroom policy Fences (All fences, chain links, walls, or barbed wire on or within boundaries of the property) 27 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission o • • Repair all broken or damaged fencing as necessary Parking, Sidewalks and Hardscape o All sidewalks, patios, and concrete paths must be kept edged. Edging around valve boxes, meter boxes, backflow preventers, etc., shall be done as needed to ensure there is no obstruction of play or maintenance from growth around these areas o Any change in the physical characteristics of the park or the modification of any portion of the grounds or structures, shall only be undertaken with the direct approval of the Department o Trash and refuse shall be collected daily and removed from the property as necessary to ensure minimal problems from refuse odors, insects, etc. Turf Maintenance o Mowing will occur once weekly o Mowing heights o Edging of all turf perimeters will occur weekly during season and every 2 weeks in off‐season o 88% turf coverage o 8% weed infestation o 4% bare area will be acceptable after play begins o Remove grass clippings if visible o Aerate once annually in low use areas o Aerate twice annually in high use areas (additional if needed) o Inspect thatch layer regularly and remove as needed o Test soil and water annually o 2½ ” during cool season (day time highs consistently below 75 degrees) Additional testing will occur if deemed necessary Soil moisture will be consistent No wet areas No dry areas Firm enough for foot and mower traffic Apply wetting agents to assist in uniform soil moisture Hand water as needed o Inspect weekly for insects, disease, and stress, and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours o Fertilize twice yearly 28 Maintenance Management Plan • • • • • Tree and Shrub Maintenance o Prune/trim trees and shrubs as dictated by species at least once annually o Apply fertilizer to plant species only if plant health dictates o Remove sucker growth as needed o Inspect regularly for insects and diseases. Respond to outbreaks within 48 hours o Place 2” of organic mulch around each tree within a minimum 18” ring o Place 2” of organic mulch around shrub beds to minimize weed growth o Remove hazardous limbs and plants immediately upon discovery o Remove dead trees and plant material within 30 days of discovery o Remove or treat invasive plants yearly Storm Cleanup o Inspect drain covers at least once monthly and immediately after flooding occurs o Remove debris and organic materials from drain covers within every other month o Inspect and clean drains before forecasted storms begin o Maintain water inlet height at 100% of design standard o Invasive plant removal once a year or as needed o Drain system maintenance done once a year Litter Control o Pick up litter and empty containers at least every other day or as needed o Remove leaves and organic debris once a week Playground Maintenance o Audit each playground to insure compliance with the current version of ASTM Performance Standard F1487 and the Consumer Product Safety Commission “Handbook for Public Playground Safety” o Complete low‐frequency playground inspections at least bi‐monthly or as required. All low‐frequency inspections are to be completed by a Certified Playground Safety Inspector (CPSI). Complete safety‐related repairs immediately and initiate other repairs within 48 hours of discovery o Complete high‐frequency inspections at least weekly o Grooming surface two times weekly Hard Surface Maintenance o Remove debris and glass immediately upon discovery 29 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • • • • o Remove sand, dirt, and organic debris from walks, lots, and hard surfaces every 30 days o Remove trip hazards from pedestrian areas immediately upon discovery o Paint fading or indistinct instructional/directional signs every other year o Remove grass in the cracks monthly Outdoor Court Maintenance o Inspect Platform Tennis court at least once monthly. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery o Repaint lines at least once every 2 years o Replace nets within 10 days when frayed, broken, or removed o Maintain fencing, and hardware to original design specifications. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery Trail Maintenance o Inspect hard and soft surface trails at least once monthly o Remove dirt, sand, and organic debris from hard surfaces at least once monthly o Remove organic debris from soft surfaces at least once monthly o Maintain a uniform 2‐4” depth of compacted material on soft surface trails o Mechanically or chemically control growth 24” on either side of the trails o Remove overhanging branches within 84” of the trail surface at least once annually o Inspect signs, benches, and other site amenities at least once monthly. Complete repairs within 10 days of discovery Site Amenity Maintenance o Inspect benches, trash containers, picnic tables, grills, bicycle racks, drinking fountains, and other site amenities at least monthly. Complete repairs within 5 days of discovery o Cleaning and washing annually o Inspect daily for insects, disease, and stress and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours Soil moisture will be consistent o No wet areas o No dry areas o Firm enough for foot and mower traffic o Inspect weekly for insects, disease, and stress, and respond to outbreaks within 24 hours 30 Maintenance Management Plan • • • Fence and Gate Maintenance o Inspect fences, gates, and bollards at least once annually. Complete safety‐ related repairs immediately, and complete other repairs within 5 days of discovery o Clean debris annually Sign Maintenance o Inspect sign lettering, surfaces, and posts at least once every 3 months o Repair/replace signs to maintain design and safety standards within 5 days of discovery o Clean sign once a year Pest Control o • Vandalism and Graffiti Removal o • In accordance with the Departments Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM), inspect problem areas monthly and remedy immediately upon discovery Initiate repairs immediately upon discovery. Document and photograph damage as necessary Lighting Security/Area o Inspect quarterly o Repairs/bulb replacement will be completed within 72 hours of discovery This format provides guidance in terms of understanding the required work activities and elements in a descriptive manner that then can be quantified numerically. Following are descriptions of the levels of service and both qualitative and quantitative maintenance standards as proposed for all parks in the system. 4.2.2 WORK PRIORITIES FOR LEVELS Following are recommended work priorities by level: LEVEL 1 & 2 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Special request from the Director or designee determined to require immediate attention • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to improve services visitors, or the general public. 31 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • Priority 5: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 6: Emergency or routine work intended to improve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. LEVEL 3 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to approve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. 4.3 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR GOLF COURSE TURF OPERATIONS The Department shall establish and implement a grounds maintenance program, and agronomic and horticultural operations to assure the proper playing conditions. 4.3.1 MINIMUM STANDARD The Department shall establish and administer programs for all areas of the golf courses. These shall be maintained in good condition in conformance with the Department’s minimum standards. The policies that will govern minimum standards for maintenance operations include but not are limited to: • Customer Service o Hole signs with yardage, par, and other signs are properly positioned o Ball washers are operational, kept full of solution, and changed every 3 days o Towels are available at ball washers and changed daily o Player tee benches are adequate in number and well placed o Trash containers are available on the course and emptied at appropriate intervals o Ice water with drinking cups is available on the course at several locations o Restrooms are available on golf course at up to 3 locations, depending upon the size of the golf course o Shoe cleaners are available at alternate holes and the clubhouse 32 Maintenance Management Plan • • Grounds o Entrance is clearly visible with appropriately placed road signs to access the golf course o Entrance is well landscaped with a “Welcome To” sign in place o Parking lot is clean and well maintained o Parking lot has designated handicapped slots o Area surrounding clubhouse is neatly groomed and landscaped o Area surrounding maintenance building is neatly groomed and landscaped o Maintenance building is neat and clean o First and tenth tees are nicely landscaped and attractive o Tee boxes are well maintained with multiple markers where space allows o Grass seed and sand mix is available o Tee markers are moved at least 2 times a day by course rangers o Grounds and bunkers are consistent in speed, appearance, and playability o Greens are consistent in speed, appearance, and playability o Fairways are distinguishable from rough Maintenance Centers and Barns o All buildings shall be maintained in a fashion which is consistent with fire and safety codes and regulations. All storage tanks above ground must comply with containment requirements. All below‐ ground tanks must be pressure treated at mandated intervals o Maintenance yards and buildings shall be kept in a neat and orderly fashion. Tools, supplies and equipment will be organized in an orderly fashion o Chemical storage shall be reported to the Department on an annual basis as part of SARA III reporting requirements. All chemicals shall be stored in a fashion consistent with local/state pesticide storage recommendations • The staff shall keep true, accurate, and complete records of golf cart maintenance, fertilizer, chemical, and pesticide applications • Greens, Practice Putting Greens, and Nurseries o A minimum of six days per week at a height of 1/8” – 7/32”. Mowing height on collar or apron of green should be the same as height of tee‐box 33 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission o Change cup locations on all greens and practice putting greens daily during the active season, March 1 through October 31 of each year. Cup location will be moved at least twenty feet from the previous placement and will be determined by the weekly/daily cut placement plan. As a rule, 6 cups will be set back, 6 will be set middle and 6 will be set front o Repair ball marks, divots, or any other damaged turf on or near greens and practice greens daily. Rangers are to assist o Aerify all greens, practice putting greens, and nurseries a minimum of two times annually, or as dictated by conditions o Topdress all greens, practice putting greens, and nurseries as needed to maintain a smooth surface and manage thatch. Topdressing will only be of 100% sand, meeting the specifications for a USGA root zone o Light vertical mowing of all greens, practice putting greens and nurseries shall be performed as appropriate to smooth and true the putting surfaces o Spiking of all greens shall be performed as needed between aerifications to maintain water infiltration and algae control o All greens, practice greens, and nurseries shall receive a complete fertilizer in a consistent manner to deliver 3 to 5 pounds of nitrogen per year o All greens, practice greens, and nurseries shall have appropriate fungicide applications to prevent and/or control fungal disease activity o Pre‐emergent herbicides shall be used in the appropriate amounts and times to prevent intrusion into turf areas of weeds difficult to eradicate o All greens, practice greens, and nurseries shall be maintained virtually free of undesirable weedy plant types. When necessary, turf shall be treated with plant protectants to guard turf grass health and vigor, in accordance with the integrated pest management philosophy. All plant protectant applications will be administered and recorded according to state laws o All greens, practice greens, and nurseries shall be treated as necessary to prevent or halt insect damage. This shall be accomplished by using an integrated pest management philosophy o The green speed shall be maintained consistently throughout the course. Speed shall be further determined with regards to the surface contours and size of the greens. Green speed may change during periods of stress, aerification, or for certain events 34 Maintenance Management Plan • • Tees o All tees shall be mowed at a height of .35” ‐ .50” at least 3 times a week during growing season o Worn areas on tees shall be topdressed weekly, or more often if needed, to fill divots and level tee surface o Tee areas shall be overseeded annually, using a suitable species or blend. o Tee markers and all tee equipment shall be moved daily for proper teeing, and control of turf wear. Placement of tees shall be done in conjunction with pin positions and a weekly plan o Tees shall be kept weed free to an extent of at least 98% of the area by the proper and timely application of post‐emergent herbicides o All tees shall be vertically mowed as necessary to control mat or thatch build‐up or uneven growth o Core aerify all tees a minimum of once per growing season, or as conditions dictate o All tees shall receive fertilizer at a rate, which promotes consistent, healthy growth and recuperation Fairways (All areas of play except, greens, tees. and natural growth areas) o Fairways shall be mowed at least 3 times per week at a height of .375” ‐ .675” during the growing season o Core aerify all fairways a minimum of once per growing season, or as conditions dictate o Fairways shall be fertilized with a complete fertilizer per soil test results to promote healthy growth and recuperation o Fairways will be vertically mowed as necessary to control mat or thatch build‐up o Undesirable weedy plant types, diseases, and insects will be monitored and assessed regarding their affects on conditions. When necessary, fairways shall be treated with plant protectants to protect turf grass health and vigor, in accordance with the integrated pest management philosophy. All plant protectant applications will be administered and recorded according to state laws o Divots will be filled with sand to promote healing and playability of the surface. An appropriate (sand/seed/soil) mix may be used in this procedure o Overseeding of the golf course is mandatory in all areas sparse of grass annually in the fall of each year 35 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • Roughs (All turfed areas of play except greens, tees, fairways and natural growth areas) o Roughs shall be mowed as necessary during the year to maintain a height between 2” to 3” o Fairway to tree line play areas shall be aerated at least once per year o Roughs shall be fertilized as necessary to maintain turf vigor o Weed control shall be performed as necessary to control weed formation, or to allow proper play • Wooded Play Areas (Maintains necessary to establish and/or maintain turf) • Natural Growth Areas o • • Natural growth areas are defined as all areas in which native or introduced vegetation is allowed to survive without routine mowing, cultivating, irrigation, or other routine turf maintenance procedures. These may include out‐of‐play areas, steep slopes, barriers, windbreaks, nature trails, etc. Such areas are to be maintained free of trash, noxious weeds, and vertebrate pests, in such manner as to comply fully with Fire Department regulations or other such regulations as they apply. Such natural growth areas may be improved and may from time to time be subjected to irrigation, cultivation, pruning or other such practices as may be necessary or desirable to establish or maintain them. All natural areas will be appropriately signed as “Natural Areas.” Planters (All areas planted with ornamental plants, not intended for golf play and having a definable border) o Planters shall be maintained free of trash and debris such as (e.g., paper, drinking cans, bottles, fallen limbs and leaves, and etc.) o Planters shall be maintained free of weeds or grass by mechanical, manual or chemical means o Plant material (e.g., trees, shrubbery and ground covering) in planters shall be trimmed for protection from wind, insect damage, and appearance o Trees within the property lines of the golf course shall be pruned every 6 years o Trees shall be staked until of sufficient size to stand unassisted. Stakes shall be removed as soon as possible o Trees shall be properly pruned for protection from wind and pests, as well as for appearance and safety by using established arboricultural practices 36 Trees Maintenance Management Plan • • • o Large area mowers shall not be used within 1 foot of the trunk of any tree o Dead trees shall be removed, and replaced within twenty working days if weather conditions permit or during the period from November through March Replacement shall be made with a tree of appropriate type and size with Department approval Irrigation (All equipment required to irrigate all areas of the property) o Repair or replace all heads, valves, control equipment, wiring and pipe as needed to maintain the proper operation of the golf course irrigation system (including but not limited to greens, tees, fairways, planters, and flower beds) on an ongoing basis o The golf course shall be irrigated as necessary to support proper growth of the golf turf and associated landscaping (including but not limited to trees, shrubs, and flowers) o The course shall comply with applicable local laws, moratoriums or restrictions to golf course watering, unless exceptions have been negotiated with the Department Fences (All fences, chain links, walls, or barbed wire on or within boundaries of the property) o Repair all broken or damaged fencing as necessary o Immediately repair or replace all fences, gates and locking devices as needed for the protection of the golf course or equipment Motorized and Implement Fleet o • The staff will provide for the maintenance and upkeep of all motorized equipment according to the original equipment’s manufacturer standard Structures (All structures within the boundaries of the golf course) o Golf course restrooms shall be checked at least twice daily and maintained in a manner to provide clean and sanitary facilities. Soap, towels, toilet issue, etc., shall be provided in adequate quantities at all times. Portable facilities shall be maintained similarly. There are to be no exceptions to this clean restroom policy o Buildings and structures shall be maintained in good repair at all times Surrounding areas shall be maintained free of weeds, brush, disorganized junk, broken equipment, trash piles, or etc. Interior areas shall be clean, and neatly organized, safe, and sanitary for customers and employees. Painting, rodent and insect control, and landscaping shall be performed as necessary 37 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission o Maintain all cart paths in a smooth and clean condition and repair promptly as needed o All sidewalks, patios, and concrete paths must be kept edged. Edging around valve boxes, meter boxes, backflow preventers, etc., shall be done as needed to ensure there is no obstruction of play or maintenance from growth around these areas o All sand traps shall be edged, as necessary to maintain appropriate lip, raked daily, and filled with fresh sand as needed to maintain a minimum of 4” depth on slopes and in the bottom. Replacement sand will be of a dust‐free type, suitable for trap use, and compatible with the original course sand in appearance and playability o Practice greens will be maintained in the same manner as the holes on the golf course o Range tees will be maintained more aggressively than golf course tees to ensure rotation of hitting status and good quality grass tee areas for customers o Individual tee stations will be delineated at 10‐foot minimum intervals using ropes or other markers. Bag racks will be provided at all stations o Various planting areas throughout the course will be cultivated, weeded, pruned, and fertilized regularly, with at least 2 replanting programs for annuals scheduled yearly o Any change in the physical characteristics of the golf course, such as the addition or removal of sand traps, addition or removal of any hazards (e.g., water, trees or native vegetation), movement of soil exceeding twenty cubic yards in any single area, or the modification of any portion of the golf course or the buildings, shall only be undertaken with the direct approval of the Department o Other than during inclement weather, a maintenance crew of sufficient size shall be on duty at the course daily, and supervised by the superintendent. Regular hours will be established and maintained o Trash and refuse shall be collected daily and removed from the property as necessary to ensure minimal problems from refuse odors, insects, etc. o Vertebrate pest control shall be routinely performed throughout the property on an ongoing basis, in such a manner that vertebrate pest populations are steadily reduced and eventually eliminated, in a fashion consistent with applicable state laws 38 Maintenance Management Plan o Lakes, ponds and streams shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner and in good appearance through the application of appropriate aquatic vegetative controls o Analysis will be performed yearly by an approved professional laboratory. Soil pH of turf shall be maintained at a level of 6.3 to 6.8. Planter soil shall have a pH supportive of plant species These two formats provide guidance in terms of understanding the required work activities and elements in a descriptive manner that then can be quantified numerically. Following are descriptions of the levels of service and both qualitative and quantitative maintenance standards as proposed for all parks in the system. 4.3.2 WORK PRIORITIES FOR LEVELS Following are recommended work priorities by level: LEVEL 1 & 2 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Special request from the Director or designee determined to require immediate attention • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to improve services visitors, or the general public. • Priority 5: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 6: Emergency or routine work intended to improve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. LEVEL 3 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to approve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. 4.4 MAINTENANCE ITEMS FOR WATER PARKS The Department shall establish and implement a maintenance program to assure safe and enjoyable water park conditions. 39 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 4.4.1 MINIMUM STANDARD The Department shall establish and administer programs for all areas of the water parks. These shall be maintained in good condition in conformance with the Department’s minimum standards. The policies that will govern minimum standards for maintenance operations include but not are limited to: • • Customer Service o Safety and directional signs are properly positioned o Entrance is clearly visible with appropriately placed road signs to access the water park o Entrance is well landscaped with a “Welcome To” sign in place o Parking lot is clean and well maintained o Parking lot has designated handicapped slots o Area surrounding water park is neatly groomed and landscaped o Maintenance building is neat and clean Buildings and structures o Bathhouse and restrooms floors should be disinfected daily o Pool decks should be rinsed daily o Buildings and structures shall be maintained in good repair at all times in a fashion which is consistent with fire and safety codes and regulations. o Tools, supplies and equipment will be organized in an orderly fashion o Chemical storage shall be reported to the Department on an annual basis as part of SARA III reporting requirements. All chemicals shall be stored in a fashion consistent with local/state storage recommendations • Restrooms shall be checked at least hourly on a daily basis and maintained in a manner to provide clean and sanitary facilities. Soap, towels, toilet issue, etc., shall be provided in adequate quantities at all times. • Water Park o Check the operation of the recirculation pump and motor daily o Check the operation of the disinfectant and pH chemical feeder daily o Check the filter operation, read the pressure gauges, and backwash, if necessary daily o For all closed filters, manually release the air daily o Skimmer strainer baskets must be cleaned daily o Clean the bottom of the pool and manually skim debris from the surface daily 40 Maintenance Management Plan o Measure and record the chlorine or bromine residual and the pH at least twice a day • The staff shall keep true, accurate, and complete records of water park maintenance, chemical applications, and safety inspections • Planters (All areas planted with ornamental plants, and having a definable border) • o Planters shall be maintained free of trash and debris such as (e.g., paper, drinking cans, bottles, fallen limbs and leaves, and etc.) o Planters shall be maintained free of weeds or grass by mechanical, manual or chemical means o Plant material (e.g., trees, shrubbery and ground covering) in planters shall be trimmed for protection from wind, insect damage, and appearance o Various planting areas throughout the facility will be cultivated, weeded, pruned, and fertilized regularly, with at least 2 replanting programs for annuals scheduled yearly Irrigation (All equipment required to irrigate all areas of the property) o • • Repair or replace all heads, valves, control equipment, wiring and pipe as needed to maintain the proper operation of the irrigation system on an ongoing basis Fences (All fences, chain links, walls, or barbed wire on or within boundaries of the property) o Repair all broken or damaged fencing as necessary o Immediately repair or replace all fences, gates and locking devices as needed for the protection of the water park Parking, Sidewalks and Hardscape • o All sidewalks, patios, and concrete paths must be kept edged. Edging around valve boxes, meter boxes, backflow preventers, etc., shall be done as needed to ensure there is no obstruction of play or maintenance from growth around these areas o Any change in the physical characteristics of the water park or the modification of any portion of the grounds or structures, shall only be undertaken with the direct approval of the Department o Trash and refuse shall be collected daily and removed from the property as necessary to ensure minimal problems from refuse odors, insects, etc. Park Amenities and Slides o All slides are inspected on a daily basis for problems. Slides are waxed on a yearly basis 41 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission o All in‐park amenities are inspected daily and repaired as need o Sand in play areas are raked daily as it applies to play areas and volleyball areas o Picnic areas washed down daily prior to visitors the water park and tables inspected for repairs o Lazy river painted and repaired yearly as needed o Park pool painted and striped on a yearly basis o All tubes are inspected weekly This format provides guidance in terms of understanding the required work activities and elements in a descriptive manner that then can be quantified numerically. Following are descriptions of the levels of service and both qualitative and quantitative maintenance standards as proposed for all parks in the system. 4.4.2 WORK PRIORITIES FOR LEVELS Following are recommended work priorities by level: LEVEL 1 & 2 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Special request from the Director or designee determined to require immediate attention • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to improve services visitors, or the general public. • Priority 5: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 6: Emergency or routine work intended to improve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. LEVEL 3 WORK PRIORITIES • Priority 1: Conditions which pose an immediate threat to life or property (fire, explosion, water main break, building structural failure, electrical failure). • Priority 2: Emergency requests from a regulatory agency to correct immediate hazards (fire code deficiency, hazardous material issue). • Priority 3: Emergency or routine work intended to reduce the long‐term maintenance levels. • Priority 4: Emergency or routine work intended to approve the aesthetics or attractiveness of an area or facility. 42 Maintenance Management Plan 4.5 BEACH MAINTENANCE • Clean beach before opening and put out boundaries buoys • Inspect signage and safety horns and microphones • Pick up trash on a daily basis and remove as needed • Bathrooms cleaned at a minimum on a two hour basis • Clean and rake beach daily with a beach comer or sand rake • Ensure water fountains are working • Inspect security lighting and safety sirens on a daily basis • Inspect fencing on a daily basis and ensure safety locks are working • Walk the beach and put in depth finders in the water for users to recognize 4.6 BMX MAINTENANCE • Grade the BMX track before the start of the season and grade at least once a month • Pick up trash on a daily basis in the parking lot and around the course • Inspect and repair safety flags around the course • Inspect safety signs and sound system on a daily basis • Fill in holes on the track on a daily basis and inspect as needed • Inspect timing devices on a daily basis to ensure that it is working properly • Check starting gates for working properly with timing devices • Put down dust resistance material on a as needed basis 4.7 DISC GOLF COURSE MAINTENANCE • Inspect disc baskets daily • Inspect signage and distance markers on a weekly basis • Pick up trash in the parking lot and on the disc course on a daily basis • Mow the course at least once a week at 2 ½ inch basis • Ensure that water fountains are working • Trim trees as needed 4.8 DOG PARKS MAINTENANCE • Mow park at least once a week at 3 inches • Pick up trash on a daily basis in parking lots • Clean restroom at least once a week • Inspect signage on how to use the park properly 43 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • Move dog areas every two weeks to keep areas from getting beat down • Grade parking lot on a monthly basis or as needed • Inspect fencing on a weekly basis • Inspect safety lighting on a weekly basis 4.9 WILDLIFE MAINTENANCE • Inspect wildlife areas with high levels of geese and beavers • Seek MDNR advice on managing the geese problem • Create signage program for visitors to not feed the geese • Find a geese prohibitory and install as needed including using border collies to fend off geese • Check beaver dams in parks and disrupt the developing of dams as needed • Trap beavers as needed and move to other locations 44 Maintenance Management Plan CHAPTER FIVE ‐ MAINTENANCE MATRIX As a part of the maintenance planning process, a matrix of maintenance activities was developed to facilitate the implementation of the Commission’s work order maintenance system. The matrix is divided into asset types with the associated maintenance listed. The matrix shows the asset, task, task frequency, annual timeframe, job class required to perform the task, the life cycle, and the associate parks and facilities related to the asset. The matrix is presented in Appendix 3. 45 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission CHAPTER SIX ‐ MAINTENANCE COST EXAMPLES BY SELECTED PARKS, GOLF COURSES & MAINTENANCE ASSET 6.1 OPERATIONAL OUTCOMES Operational outcomes for selected parks and golf courses are presented below. These outcomes establish the basis for maintenance standards. In Appendix 2, costs for each maintenance asset are detailed. 6.1.1 GROVELAND OAKS CAMPGROUND MAINTENANCE ANALYSIS Groveland Oaks campground maintenance outcome needs to focus on a quality camping facility that is highly maintained at a level two mode level along with parking lots, restrooms and other recreational amenities all maintained at level two conditions. The entrances and concessions should be inviting to guests and the services should encourage guest to stay longer. Restrooms need to be cleaned at regularly during the week and inspected daily, and trash picked up daily. The frequency of maintenance should be set to maintain a fresh appearance particularly during the season. Figure 2 shows the Groveland Oaks County Park with the camping areas in zones A‐1, A‐3, and A‐4. Figure 2 – Groveland Oaks County Park 46 Maintenance Management Plan The annual maintenance costs and labor hours are shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 – Groveland Oaks County Park Maintenance Summary Asset Campgrounds Day Use Administration Total Total Hours 5,958.80 1,805.72 1,131.50 8,896.02 Position Costs $ 95,257.63 22,554.66 27,572.32 $ 145,384.61 Equipment Costs $ 10,040.06 4,671.47 4,728.50 $ 19,440.03 Material Costs $ 31,618.30 2,451.55 4,913.01 $ 38,982.86 Total Costs $ 136,915.99 29,677.68 37,213.83 $ 203,807.50 The maintenance costs are presented by component in this section. The components are: • Campground A‐1 • Day Use A‐2 • Group Camping A‐3 • Campground A‐4 • Administration A‐5 CAMPGROUND A‐1 MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the Campground A‐1 costs $38,196.22 to maintain for the year at a cost of $1,208.74 per acre. This represents 22.8% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 4 – Groveland Oaks County Park – Campground A‐1 Maintenance Maintenance Task Tree Maintenance Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Fire Extinguisher Inspection Hard Surface Vandalism Landscaping Mow/Trim Mulch Snow removal General Maintenance Repair Signs Fire Pit Cleanning Leaf Removal Cabin Cleaning Total Campground A‐1 Annual Equipment Hours Position Costs Costs 76.00 $629.12 $145.62 20.00 $524.16 $0.00 104.00 $8,106.00 $259.20 6.00 $211.56 $0.00 35.00 $1,139.67 $13.36 0.50 $739.70 $22.71 210.00 $0.00 $0.00 1,008.00 $9,908.64 $2,688.00 40.00 $0.00 $0.00 32.00 $0.00 $0.00 496.00 $3,840.16 $51.24 68.00 $0.00 $0.00 160.00 $1,572.80 $85.41 40.00 $393.20 $0.04 200.00 $3,134.80 $86.40 2,495.50 $30,199.81 $3,351.99 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre Material Costs $662.00 $1,148.00 $2,000.02 $200.40 $0.00 $130.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $504.00 $4,644.42 Total Costs $1,436.74 $1,672.16 $10,365.22 $411.96 $1,153.03 $892.41 $0.00 $12,596.64 $0.00 $0.00 $3,891.40 $0.00 $1,658.21 $393.24 $3,725.20 $38,196.22 31.60 31.60 31.60 31.60 $955.69 $106.08 $146.98 $1,208.74 47 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission DAY USE A‐2 MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the Day Use A‐2 costs $29,667.68 to maintain for the year at a cost of $1,447.69 per acre. This represents 14.8% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 5 – Groveland Oaks County Park – Day Use A‐2 Maintenance Maintenance Task Tree Maintenance Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Fire Extinguisher Inspection Hard Surface Vandalism Sign Maintenance Landscaping Mow and Trim Snow removal General Maintenance Leaf Removal Playground Maintenance Playground Inspection Platform Tennis Trash Removal Total Day Use A‐2 Annual Equipment Hours Position Costs Costs 76.00 $0.00 $0.00 20.00 $1,392.54 $80.33 104.00 $0.00 $0.00 6.00 $196.08 $0.00 35.00 $176.94 $20.52 0.50 $0.00 $0.00 6.00 $149.76 $0.00 210.00 $5,087.60 $573.66 600.00 $5,898.00 $2,859.00 64.00 $0.00 $0.00 246.22 $5,512.78 $23.40 100.00 $0.00 $972.00 12.00 $423.12 $0.00 12.00 $423.12 $0.00 50.00 $0.00 $0.00 264.00 $3,294.72 $142.56 1,805.72 $22,554.66 $4,671.47 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre Total Costs $0.00 $1,472.86 $0.00 $396.12 $197.46 $0.00 $749.76 $5,835.77 $8,757.00 $0.00 $5,575.18 $1,072.00 $423.12 $423.12 $0.00 $4,775.28 $29,677.68 20.50 20.50 20.50 20.50 $1,100.23 $227.88 $119.59 $1,447.69 Material Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $200.04 $0.00 $0.00 $600.00 $174.51 $0.00 $0.00 $39.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,338.00 $2,451.55 48 Maintenance Management Plan GROUP CAMPING A‐3 MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the Group Camping A‐3 costs $40,199.28 to maintain for the year at a cost of $2,576.88 per acre. This represents 11.3% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 6 – Groveland Oaks County Park – Group Camping A‐3 Maintenance Maintenance Task Snow Removal Tree Maintenance Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Fire Extinguisher Inspection Hard Surface Vandalism Sign Maintenance Landscaping Mow and Trim General Maintenance Leaf Removal Playground Maintenance Playground Inspection Platform Tennis Trash Removal Total Group Camping A‐3 Maintenance Annual Equipment Hours Position Costs Costs 40.00 $1,825.68 $338.40 76.00 $99.84 $6.96 20.00 $524.16 $16.80 104.00 $3,479.05 $63.01 6.00 $170.70 $0.00 35.00 $1,297.92 $41.60 0.50 $739.70 $0.44 6.00 $341.40 $0.00 210.00 $5,087.60 $237.66 432.00 $4,246.56 $1,200.96 161.50 $2,310.13 $0.00 160.00 $0.00 $680.04 12.00 $341.40 $0.00 24.00 $682.80 $0.00 50.00 $1,639.50 $6.72 119.00 $1,169.77 $32.13 1,456.00 $23,956.21 $2,624.72 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre 49 Material Costs $144.00 $0.00 $1,058.00 $510.00 $200.00 $0.00 $40.00 $100.00 $260.00 $0.00 $144.01 $40.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $11,122.34 $13,618.35 Total Costs $2,308.08 $106.80 $1,598.96 $4,052.06 $370.70 $1,339.52 $780.14 $441.40 $5,585.26 $5,447.52 $2,454.14 $720.04 $341.40 $682.80 $1,646.22 $12,324.24 $40,199.28 15.60 15.60 15.60 15.60 $1,535.65 $168.25 $872.97 $2,576.88 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission CAMPGROUND A‐4 MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the Campground A‐4 costs $58,520.49 to maintain for the year at a cost of $1,364.11 per acre. This represents 31.0% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 7 – Groveland Oaks County Park – Campground A‐4 Maintenance Maintenance Task Tree Maintenance Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Fire Extinguisher Inspection Hard Surface Vandalism Sign Maintenance Landscaping Mow and Trim General Maintenance Fire Pit Cleanning Leaf Removal Cabin Cleaning Playground Maintenance Playground Inspection Trash Removal Total Bunker/Trap Maintenance Annual Equipment Hours Position Costs Costs $6.96 76.00 $78.64 20.00 $524.16 $16.80 104.00 $15,478.88 $194.78 6.00 $341.40 $0.00 35.00 $379.27 $10.20 0.50 $369.85 $0.22 6.00 $1,198.08 $0.00 210.00 $5,087.60 $565.26 784.00 $7,706.72 $2,179.52 140.00 $4,009.60 $0.00 160.00 $1,572.80 $208.00 160.00 $0.00 $776.04 176.80 $2,858.04 $73.44 5.00 $163.40 $0.00 5.00 $163.40 $0.00 119.00 $1,169.77 $32.13 2,007.30 $41,101.61 $4,063.35 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre Material Costs $0.00 $1,000.00 $4,000.01 $200.00 $0.00 $40.00 $100.00 $132.47 $0.00 $168.00 $0.00 $100.00 $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,115.05 $13,355.53 Total Costs $85.60 $1,540.96 $19,673.66 $541.40 $389.47 $410.07 $1,298.08 $5,785.34 $9,886.24 $4,177.60 $1,780.80 $876.04 $3,431.48 $163.40 $163.40 $8,316.95 $58,520.49 42.90 42.90 42.90 42.90 $958.08 $94.72 $311.32 $1,364.11 50 Maintenance Management Plan ADMINISTRATION A‐5 MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the Administration A‐5 costs $37,213.83 to maintain for the year at a cost of $1,333.83 per acre. This represents 20.1% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 8 – Groveland Oaks County Park – Administration A‐5 Maintenance Maintenance Task Tree Maintenance Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Fire Extinguisher Inspection Hard Surface Vandalism Sign Maintenance Landscaping Snow Inspection Mow and Trim General Maintenance Leaf Removal Playground Maintenance Playground Inspection Platform Tennis Trash Removal Total Greens Maintenance Acres Maintained Annual Equipment Hours Position Costs Costs 76.00 $577.04 $6.96 20.00 $524.16 $16.80 104.00 $4,266.60 $75.00 6.00 $170.70 $0.00 35.00 $1,297.92 $41.60 0.50 $739.70 $0.44 6.00 $341.40 $0.00 210.00 $5,087.60 $3,113.26 64.00 $1,825.68 $246.00 162.00 $1,592.46 $1,029.24 70.00 $4,841.20 $50.40 32.00 $399.36 $77.92 12.00 $341.40 $0.00 24.00 $682.80 $0.00 50.00 $1,639.50 $0.67 260.00 $3,244.80 $70.20 1,131.50 $27,572.32 $4,728.50 1,131.50 Maintenance Cost Per Acre Material Costs $0.00 $1,050.00 $136.00 $200.00 $0.00 $44.00 $100.00 $360.00 $144.00 $0.00 $524.00 $40.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,315.01 $4,913.01 Total Costs $584.00 $1,590.96 $4,477.61 $370.70 $1,339.52 $784.13 $441.40 $8,560.87 $2,215.68 $2,621.70 $5,415.60 $517.28 $341.40 $682.80 $1,640.17 $5,630.01 $37,213.83 27.90 27.90 27.90 27.90 $988.26 $169.48 $176.09 $1,333.83 GROVELAND OAKS COUNTY PARK COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The summary of the Groveland Oaks County Park Cost of Service analysis is shown in Figure 9. The total direct expenditures for Groveland Oaks were $1,233,450 with allocation indirect costs of $363,746 for total costs of $1,597,196. The total revenues are $683,186. The operations for Groveland Oaks County Park result in a deficit of $683,186. The camping revenues recovered 60% of the direct costs. Day Use and Water Feature recovered 55% and 723% of their total costs, respectively. Concessions recovered 10% of direct costs. Equipment Rentals and Facility Rentals recovered 23% and 17% of direct costs, respectively. Pro Shop and Other recovered 0% of costs. Concession pricing should be adjusted to recover 100% of the total costs. The total revenues recovered 55% of the direct costs. To recovery, all expenditures to pricing will need to be adjusted by 45%. 51 52 55% 36% Pricing Requirement/Point; TOTAL Exp. Pricing Requirement/Point; PROGRAM Exp. Required Percentage Increase From Current Policy Optimal Total Recovery Percentage Required Percentage Increase From Current Policy Optimal Direct Recovery Percentage Net Subsidy Per Unit Units of Service Number of Units Recovery % Direct Recovery % Total 100% 45% 100% 57% Camping 100 Park Attendance 100,000 100% 40% 100% 53% 5,588.54 $ 60% 47% $ 78,899 $ 100% 45% 100% 58% 10% 8% (76,009) $ 6,231 $ 100% 90% 100% 92% 76,009.30 $ $ $ 0% 0% 46,028 $ 46,028 $ 100% 100% 100% 100% (46,028.12) $ Concessions Rental Equipment 1 1 17.84 $ Day Use 6,068 55% 42% (558,854) $ (108,271) $ 55% 43% (914,010) $ 487,629 $ $ (1,233,450) $ 683,186 $ Revenues Over (Under) Costs 683,186 $ $ - 10 Sales Pro Shop 100% 0% 100% 0% 17% 13% (209,567) $ 30,770 $ 185,603 $ 54,734 240,337 $ Facility Rentals 100% 77% 100% 82% 100% 83% 100% 87% 1,326.38 $ Water Feature Ride 1 158 23% 18% (32,872) $ 7,216 $ (402.29) $ 32,871.84 $ Rental Facilities 723% 559% 4,023 $ 4,900 $ 30,959 $ 9,130 40,088 $ Equipment Rentals 677 $ 200 877 $ Water Feature Revenues Pro Shop 63,511 $ 18,730 82,241 $ Concessions 144,544 $ 42,626 187,170 $ Day Use - 100 100% 100% 100% 100% (215.12) Other 0% 0% 21,512 21,512 Other $ 1,233,450 $ 1,233,450 $ 808,156 $ $ 683,186 $ 363,746 238,326 $ 1,916,636 $ 1,597,196 $ 1,046,483 $ Camping Direct Expenditures Administrative Costs Total Costs Total Groveland Oaks Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Figure 9 – Groveland Oaks County Park Cost of Service Summary Maintenance Management Plan 6.1.2 WATERFORD OAKS DAY USE MAINTENANCE ANALYSIS Waterford Oaks day use maintenance outcome needs to focus on a quality facility that is highly maintained at a level two mode level along with parking lots, restrooms and other amenities all maintained at level two conditions. The entrances and concessions should be inviting to guests and the services should encourage guest to stay longer. Restrooms need to be cleaned at regularly during the week and inspected daily, and trash picked up daily. The frequency of maintenance should be set to maintain a fresh appearance particularly during the season. Figure 10 shows the Waterford Oaks County Park with the day use area in zone A‐1. Figure 10 – Waterford Oaks County Park 53 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission The maintenance of the Day Use A‐2 costs $39,681.87 to maintain for the year at a cost of $1,802.08 per acre. Figure 11 – Waterford Oaks County Park – Day Use A‐2 Maintenance Task Snow Removal Tree Maintenance Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Fire Extinguisher Inspection Hard Surface Vandalism Sign Maintenance Landscaping Mow and Trim General Maintenance Leaf Removal Playground Maintenance Playground Inspection Platform Tennis Trash Removal Total Day Use Annual Hours 64.00 36.00 42.00 390.00 6.00 104.00 6.50 12.00 210.00 336.00 518.00 32.00 12.00 24.00 30.00 260.00 2,082.50 Position Equipment Material Total Costs Costs Costs Costs $1,825.68 $338.40 $144.00 $2,308.08 $577.04 $21.96 $0.00 $599.00 $524.16 $16.80 $1,109.50 $1,650.46 $8,353.80 $74.15 $119.99 $8,547.94 $170.70 $0.00 $200.00 $370.70 $1,297.92 $41.60 $0.00 $1,339.52 $184.93 $0.11 $40.00 $225.03 $341.40 $0.00 $100.00 $441.40 $5,087.60 $299.26 $418.38 $5,805.24 $1,397.76 $311.36 $0.00 $1,709.12 $7,287.28 $50.40 $574.00 $7,911.68 $399.36 $38.88 $40.00 $478.24 $341.40 $0.00 $0.00 $341.40 $682.80 $0.00 $0.00 $682.80 $1,639.50 $0.67 $0.00 $1,640.17 $3,244.80 $70.20 $2,316.00 $5,631.00 $33,356.13 $1,263.80 $5,061.87 $39,681.79 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre 22.02 22.02 $1,514.81 $57.39 22.02 22.02 $229.88 $1,802.08 WATERFORD OAKS COUNTY PARK COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The summary of the Waterford Oaks County Park Cost of Service analysis is shown in Figure 12. The total direct expenditures for Waterford Oaks Day Use were $589,528 with allocation indirect costs of $173,853 for total costs of $763,381. The total revenues are $26,542. The operations for Waterford Oaks County Park result in a deficit of $736,839. The revenues recovered 5% of the direct costs. Concessions recovered 2% of direct costs while the anticipated cost recovery is 100%. Facility Rentals recovered 824% of direct costs. Concession pricing should be adjusted to recover 100% of the total costs. 54 55 Pricing Requirement/Point; TOTAL Exp. Pricing Requirement/Point; PROGRAM Exp. Required Percentage Increase From Current Policy Optimal Total Recovery Percentage Required Percentage Increase From Current Policy Optimal Direct Recovery Percentage Net Subsidy Per Unit Units of Service Number of Units Recovery % Direct Recovery % Total $ 20% 15% 15% 12% 10% 10% 10% 10% 2% 2% 100% 98% 100% 98% 34,779.42 $ $ Rental Facilities 10 824% 637% 100% 100% 100% 100% 40% 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% (10,221) - 7,893 2,328 10,221 100% 100% 100% 100% 10,221.21 Sales Pro Shop 1 18,040 $ 21,402 $ 1,293.61 $ (1,803.97) $ 1 0% 0% (1,294) $ - Rental Equipment (34,779) $ 679 $ Concessions 1 117.51 $ Day Use 6,068 Park Attendance 100,000 $ 0% 0% (736,839) $ (713,046) $ - 5% 3% $ 26,542 $ 2,596 $ 766 3,362 $ Pro Shop Revenues Over (Under) Costs $ Revenues 999 $ 295 1,294 $ Facility Rentals 27,383 $ 8,075 35,459 $ Equipment Rentals 550,656 $ 162,389 713,046 $ Concessions 589,528 $ 173,853 763,381 $ Day Use $ $ $ Total Waterford Oaks Direct Expenditures Administrative Costs Total Costs Oakland County Waterford Oaks Maintenance Management Plan Figure 12 – Waterford Oaks County Park Cost of Service Summary Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission 6.1.3 GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE Glen Oaks Golf Course maintenance outcome needs to focus on a quality course that is highly maintained at a level two mode level along with course turf, parking lots and restrooms all maintained at level two conditions. The entrances and club house facilities should be inviting to guests and the services should encourage guest to stay longer. Restrooms need to be cleaned at regularly during the week and inspected daily, and trash picked up daily. The frequency of turf and greens maintenance should be set to maintain a fresh appearance particularly during peak seasons. Figure 13 shows the golf course, park and banquet center. Figure 13 – Glen Oaks County Park The detail by tasks is shown in Appendix 2. The annual maintenance costs and labor hours are shown in Figure 14. Figure 14 – Glen Oaks Golf Course Maintenance Summary AssetName Glen Oaks Golf Course Annual Position Equipment Hours Costs Costs 13,771 $247,495.21 $5,916.13 56 Material Costs Total Costs $48,067.96 $301,479.30 Maintenance Management Plan 6.1.4 LYONS OAKS AND SPRINGFIELD OAKS GOLF COURSES Lyon Golf and Springfield Oaks Courses maintenance outcome needs to focus on a quality course that is highly maintained at a level one mode level along with course turf, parking lots and restrooms all maintained at level one conditions. As the Commission’s highest quality courses, the entrances and club house facilities should be inviting to guests and the services should encourage guest to stay longer. Restrooms need to be cleaned at three‐ times during the week, daily on weekends. Trash picked up daily. The frequency of turf and greens maintenance should be set to reflect the higher qualify. Lyons Oaks County Park is shown in Figure 15 and Springfield Oaks County Park is shown in Figure 16. Figure 15 – Lyon Oaks County Park 57 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Figure 16 – Springfield Oaks County Park The detail by tasks is shown in Appendix 2. The annual maintenance costs and labor hours are shown in Figure 17. Figure 17 – Lyon Oaks and Springfield Oaks Golf Courses Maintenance Summary AssetName Lyons Oaks Golf Course Springfield Oaks Golf Course Annual Position Equipment Hours Costs Costs 4,512 $140,539.87 $4,029.20 9,328 $145,140.77 $6,006.26 Material Costs Total Costs $54,901.23 $199,470.30 $41,061.15 $192,208.18 6.1.5 RED OAKS GOLF COURSES Red Golf Course maintenance outcome needs to focus on a quality course that is highly maintained at a level three mode level along with course turf, parking lots and restrooms all maintained at level two conditions. The entrances and club house facilities should be inviting to guests. Restrooms need to be cleaned at three‐times during the week, daily on weekends. Trash picked up daily. The frequency of turf and greens maintenance should be set to reflect the level of pricing. The course is currently maintained at a level higher than the pricing reflects. Red Oaks County Park is shown in Figure 18. 58 Maintenance Management Plan Figure 18 ‐ Red Oaks County Park The detail by tasks is shown in Appendix 2. The annual maintenance costs and labor hours are shown in Figure 19. Figure 19 – Red Oaks Golf Course Maintenance Summary AssetName Red Oaks Golf Course Annual Position Equipment Hours Costs Costs 7,765 $90,995.81 $3,792.85 Material Costs Total Costs $21,344.00 $116,132.66 6.1.6 WATERFORD OAKS COUNTY PARK Waterford Oaks County Park is host to the The Fridge Toboggan Run, a waterpark and a bicycle motocross track. The park includes an activity center, trails, picnic shelters and a lodge. The fee activities should be maintained at a level one, particularly the entrance, concession area, and restrooms. The park should be maintained at one level during peak seasons and may be maintained at level two during other times. . Waterford Oaks County Park is shown in Figure 20. 59 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Figure 20 – Waterford Oaks County Park The detail by tasks is shown in Appendix 2. The annual maintenance costs and labor hours are shown in Figure 21. Figure 21 – Waterford Oaks County Park Maintenance Summary AssetName Waterford Oaks Waterford Oaks ‐ The Fridge Waterford Oaks ‐ Trails Annual Hours Position Costs 1,133 $72,649.86 1,333 $76,667.68 574 $12,667.40 Equipment Costs $5,243.67 $2,321.75 $173.12 Material Costs $3,808.26 $7,390.65 $526.32 Total Costs $81,701.79 $86,380.08 $13,366.84 6.1.7 RED OAKS WATER PARK MAINTENANCE ANALYSIS Red Oaks Water Park maintenance outcome needs to focus on a quality water park that is highly maintained at a level two mode level along with water park, parking lots and restrooms all maintained at level two conditions. The entrances and concessions should be inviting to guests and the services should encourage guest to stay longer. Restrooms need to be cleaned at regularly during the week and inspected daily, and trash picked up daily. The frequency of water park maintenance should be set to maintain a fresh appearance particularly during the season. Figure 22 shows the Red Oaks County Park with the water park in zone A‐3. Figure 23 shows the water park. 60 Maintenance Management Plan Figure 22 – Red Oaks County Park 61 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Figure 23 – Red Oaks Water Park 62 Maintenance Management Plan The annual maintenance costs and labor hours are shown in Figure 24. Figure 24 – Red Oaks Water Park Maintenance Summary Asset Name Red Oaks Water Park Annual Hours 2,086.50 Position Equipment Costs Costs $60,847.65 $1,169.73 Material Costs Total Costs $62,044.20 $124,061.58 The maintenance costs are presented by component in this section. The components are: • Water Park • Grounds • Landscape • Parking Lot WATER PARK MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the water park areas costs $106,929.18 to maintain for the year at a cost of $6,667.20 per acre. This represents 86.2% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 25 – Red Oaks Water Park – Water Park Maintenance Maintenance Task Hard Surface Testing Water Pool Repair Chemical APP Pool Cleaning Filter and Basket Wave Machines Restroom Maintenance General Maintenance Vandalism Fire Extinguisher Inspection Signs Picnic Tables Trash Total Water Park Maintenance Annual Hours 35.0 16.0 80.0 90.0 175.0 175.0 63.0 104.0 104.0 0.5 6.0 6.0 175.0 259.0 1,288.5 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre 63 Position Equipment Costs Costs $3,783.30 $2.11 $722.72 $0.00 $4.35 $1,996.80 $0.00 $4,249.70 $2,184.00 $36.75 $0.00 $2,184.00 $4,951.80 $0.00 $6,207.26 $4.48 $156.60 $13,147.40 $218.40 $0.00 $235.80 $0.00 $471.60 $0.00 $2,184.00 $18.90 $4,829.76 $202.71 $47,366.55 $425.90 Material Costs $97.75 $288.00 $0.00 $42,644.00 $322.00 $159.60 $2,683.80 $11,971.68 $164.52 $38.50 $102.00 $96.00 $476.00 $92.88 $59,136.73 Total Costs $3,883.16 $1,010.72 $2,001.15 $46,893.70 $2,542.75 $2,343.60 $7,635.60 $18,183.42 $13,468.52 $256.90 $337.80 $567.60 $2,678.90 $5,125.35 $106,929.18 16.04 16.04 16.04 16.04 $2,953.38 $26.56 $3,687.27 $6,667.20 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission GROUNDS MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the grounds costs $9,324.07 to maintain for the year at a cost of $522.89 per acre. This represents 7.5% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 26 – Red Oaks Water Park – Grounds Maintenance Maintenance Task Fertilizing Waterpark Mowing Line Trim Water Park Sidewalk Edging Waterpark Wood Chipping Total Grounds Maintenance Annual Equipment Hours Position Costs Costs 32.00 $910.40 $5.50 175.00 $4,368.00 $466.90 175.00 $2,184.00 $21.00 40.00 $499.20 $0.53 40.00 $499.20 $0.53 462.00 $8,460.80 $494.47 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre Material Costs $96.00 $81.20 $159.60 $16.00 $16.00 $368.80 Total Costs $1,011.90 $4,916.10 $2,364.60 $515.73 $515.73 $9,324.07 17.83 17.83 17.83 17.83 $474.48 $27.73 $20.68 $522.89 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the landscape costs $4,976.77 to maintain for the year at a cost of $23,510.62 per acre. This represents 4% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 27 – Red Oaks Water Park – Landscape Maintenance Maintenance Task Weed Control Waterpark Flower Maintenance Total Landscape Maintenance Annual Hours 96.00 180.00 276.00 Position Equipment Costs Costs $1.33 $455.20 $2,246.40 $48.04 $2,701.60 $49.37 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre Total Costs $520.53 $4,456.24 $4,976.77 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 $12,762.55 $233.23 $10,514.84 $23,510.62 Material Costs $64.00 $2,161.80 $2,225.80 64 Maintenance Management Plan PARKING LOT MAINTENANCE COST ANALYSIS The maintenance of the parking lot costs $2,831.56 to maintain for the year at a cost of $798.51 per acre. This represents 2.3% of the total annual maintenance costs. Figure 28 – Red Oaks Water Park – Parking Lot Maintenance Maintenance Task Parking Lots Snow Removal Total Parking Maintenance Quantity PositionCosts 20.00 $1,375.50 40.00 $943.20 60.00 $2,318.70 Equipment Costs $0.00 $200.00 $200.00 Material Costs $112.35 $200.51 $312.86 Total Costs $1,487.85 $1,343.71 $2,831.56 3.55 3.55 3.55 3.55 $653.88 $56.40 $88.23 $798.51 Acres Maintained Maintenance Cost Per Acre RED OAKS WATER PARK COST OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The summary of the Red Oaks Water Park Cost of Service analysis is shown in Figure 29. The total direct expenditures for water park were $1,436,059 with allocation indirect costs of $423,495 for total costs of $1,859,554. The total revenues are $1,099,933. The operations for Red Oaks Water Park result in a deficit of $759,621. The lessons recovered 60% of the direct costs. Equipment Rentals and Special Contracts recovered 100% or more of their total costs. Facilities Rental and Concessions recovered 100% or more of their direct costs. Concession pricing should be adjusted to recover 100% of the total costs. The total water park revenues recovered 77% of the direct costs. To recovery, all expenditures to pricing will need to be adjusted by 23%. Per visitors, the average subsidy is $7.44. 65 66 Pricing Requirement/Point; TOTAL Exp. Pricing Requirement/Point; PROGRAM Exp. Required Percentage Increase From Current Policy Optimal Total Recovery Percentage Required Percentage Increase From Current Policy Optimal Direct Recovery Percentage Net Subsidy Per Unit Units of Service Number of Units Recovery % Direct Recovery % Total $ $ Revenues Over (Under) Costs 75% 0% 75% 16% 75% 0% 75% 17% 60% 46% 100% 40% 100% 54% 82.33 $ Students 132 7.35 $ Attendance 102,140 Attendance 102,140 7.44 $ 76% 58% (751,202) $ (10,868) $ 77% 59% (759,621) $ 9,397 $ 75% 0% 75% 0% (0.08) $ Rentals 200 130% 100% 15 $ 6,770 $ 75% 0% 75% 0% 21.10 $ Rentals 34 116% 89% (717) $ 6,038 $ 5,217 $ 1,538 6,755 $ 1 Events 10 539% 416% 6,196 $ 8,157 $ 1,514 $ 447 1,961 $ Event 1 0% 0% 415 415 - Other 100% 0% 100% 16% 75% 0% 75% 0% 100% 100% 100% 100% 3,459.82 $ (619.59) $ (415.39) Contract 109% 84% (3,460) $ 18,213 $ 16,737 $ 4,936 21,673 $ Special Contracts 1,099,933 $ 1,050,943 $ $ Revenues Concessions 5,217 $ 1,538 6,755 $ Facilities Rental 1,436,059 $ 1,391,724 $ 15,650 $ 423,495 410,421 4,615 1,859,554 $ 1,802,145 $ 20,265 $ Equipment Rentals $ $ $ Lessons Direct Expenditures Administrative Costs Total Costs Total Red Oaks General Water Park Adminission Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Figure 29 – Red Oaks Water Park Cost of Service Summary Maintenance Management Plan 6.2 MAINTENANCE STANDARDS WORKLOAD PROJECTIONS Projected workload projections based on 2009 maintenance standards were prepared by applying labor hours per task with the associated maintenance standards. Labor costs, materials costs, equipment costs including fuel are detailed in the Appendix 2. 67 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission CHAPTER SEVEN ‐ CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDED ACTION PLAN These maintenance standards will achieve the desired level of service as currently being employed for a substantially lower cost. Following are key recommendations supporting this plan: 7.1 KEY RECOMMENDATIONS • Adopt the maintenance standards as presented in this plan and continue to address maintenance impacts as new areas and facilities are added • Continue the line item budget coding system for the grounds maintenance activities and expenditures to allow accounting, tracking and monitoring • Establish a process to continually explore alternative methods of funding to reduce operational costs and develop an action plan for implementation with the Park staff. • Develop realistic annual goals and objectives to be included in the work program and serve as the baseline for performance measurements and evaluations. Budget maintenance costs based on standards to achieve the goals. • Develop an annual process to review maintenance priorities, identify annual projects and improvements to be completed. This needs to be done with park staff and park funding supporters. • All special event costs must be costed‐out prior to the event based on the size of the event. Partnership agreements need to be worked out in advance to pay for the direct costs that the event causes that is above routine maintenance and reimbursed back to the parks operational budget. These items would include overtime, extra staff, additional supply cost, etc. • High use areas such as restrooms, trails, and campground areas need to have higher frequency levels of cleaning, repairs, and trash pick‐up than normal on peak times. Additional staff must be available in the late afternoon and weekends to accomplish this. • On‐site intercept surveys of user satisfaction levels should be conducted at least 6 times a year. • Redesign changes in turf, sports fields, and open field areas are needed to accommodate a more quality experience for users, and reduce maintenance costs. • Individual zone management budgets must be developed based on agreed to standards minus volunteer support to achieve the expectations of the users. • Staff salaries to overall budget need to be in the 65% range to allow for supplies to be purchased and the appropriate equipment used to maintain the park sites. • The lifecycle maintenance plan for buildings and grounds amenities needs to be instituted as outlined in this Maintenance Management Plan along with a maintenance endowment. 68 Maintenance Management Plan • A equipment lifecycle program must be developed and implemented for vehicles, mowers, and support equipment and budgeted for annually • An environmental maintenance plan for the sensitive areas of the parks needs to be established and agreed upon by the park maintenance staff. The cost of this plan needs to be quantified and outlined clearly and budgeted for annually. • Agreed to maintenance performance measures for each zone need to be agreed upon by staff, administration, and tracked and reported monthly. • The Park Commission needs to invest in training for staff to understand maintenance standards, performance measures and tracking, lifecycle maintenance, volunteer management, and how to track cost of service for all tasks and services provided. • A new updated volunteer maintenance plan is needed to recruit, retain, and recognize volunteers who work in maintenance. • Work plans for staff need to be established along with results for each maintenance zone and staff member. • The new work order system needs to be implemented to maximize the resources available and to keep costs within targeted ranges. • Equipment efficiency and productivity needs to be established for each piece of equipment in the system. • A program plan for each park in the system is needed to track what age segments are using the facilities and amenities and which age segments that are left out so that amenity changes can be made to sites to incorporate more amenities that will encourage their use. • Yearly performance audits must occur against these recommendations and recorded. • Seek to outsource wedding site maintenance at golf courses and have Oak Management pay for these improvements since they receive the majority of the revenue for the improvements • Update the performance indicators and yearly standards to coincide with available operating dollars 7.2 PERFORMANCE MEASURE RECOMMENDATIONS Following are recommended performance measures: • Park maintenance standards established for each zone meet 90% consistency based on on‐site expectations • Visitor comments on cleanliness of the site reflect 90% or greater satisfaction level • The natural areas management meets established naturalist standards for the site at 90% compliance 69 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission • Volunteer support hours meet 95% of established hourly goals for each zone site area • Repairs to the site for vandalism are repaired within 24 hours of recognition of the problem at 95% compliance • Financial goals for the site from earned income is achieved at 95% of revenue goal • Staff hours assigned to each established zone for maintenance meets 95% of the hours budgeted for an established area to achieve the level of maintenance standards desired • Trail and sign maintenance standards are met by trail crews at 95% of established standards through on‐site inspections • Visitor satisfaction levels meet 90% satisfaction of the trail care and campground care through on site user visitor surveys • Trail repairs are completed within 48hours of recognition of the problem at 95% compliance • Golf Course maintenance standards meet 90% of user satisfaction levels on a monthly basis 7.3 EARNED INCOME OPPORTUNITIES TO OFFSET OPERATIONAL COSTS • Sponsorships for amenities need to be pursued for all parks, water parks and golf courses to help off‐set operational costs • A Maintenance Endowment needs to be established for golf courses and the water parks • Trail Sponsors by mile for all the trails needs to be pursued • Create Park Banners in the park for each season to promote scheduled events • Playground partnerships and sponsors need to be pursued to help develop signature playgrounds • Create environmental signs that are sponsored and indicate what the park system is interpreting needs to be established • Park benches should be sponsored • Piers for fishing should be sponsored • Natural areas should be sponsored • Sign sponsors for golf holes should be pursued • Warming hut sponsor should be pursued • Landscape sponsor for golf courses should be considered • Volunteer program sponsorships should be pursued • Develop a sponsorship for a Junior Ranger program • Seek sponsorship for environmental sponsorship of education programs 70 Maintenance Management Plan 7.3.1 LEASES • Lease development rights below or along trails for fiber optic and utility connections • Concession leases at various parks should continue • Portable concession leases for special events should be pursued 7.3.2 PRODUCT SPONSORS • Vehicles for park maintenance • Irrigation sponsors • Mower sponsors • Tires for vehicles • Grass seed sponsors • Landscape design sponsors • Signage sponsors • Bicycles for trail ambassadors should be pursued • Drink items such as water and cola products 7.3.3 PERMITS/FEES • Parking Fee and/or Permits should be considered • Permits issued for special events spaced should be considered • Rental of space to non‐for‐profits Overall, this plan presents data necessary to support decision‐making with a high level of confidence. As staff is recruited and transition details are developed, baseline cost factors will change. These costs should be applied to the units of activities to gain additional insight into final costs. 71 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission APPENDIX 1 – SUMMARY OF MAINTENANCE TASKS 72 Task Summary Task Name Task Type ADH Park and Fields Aerify Fairways Task Quantity Task Unit Task Frequency Task Comments 4 Hours Monthly Golf Course 72 Hours Annually Aerify Sports Fields Park and Fields 16 Hours Annually Aerify Sports Fields - Seasonal Park and Fields 15 Hours 2/Year Aerify Tees Golf Course 40 Hours Annually Aerify Tees - Seasonal Golf Course 10 Hours Annually Aireate Greens Remove Plugs Greens Maintenance 24 Hours Bienniel Arena Park and Fields 0.5 Hours As Needed Ash Removal Park and Fields 8.5 Hours Weekly Ball Mark Repair Greens Maintenance 3 Hours Daily Ball Mark Repair - Seasonal Greens Maintenance 3 Hours Daily Blow Fairways and Roughs Golf Course 8 Hours 3/week Blow/Rake Leaves off Fairways/Roughs Blow Greens Golf Course 2 Hours Daily Blow Leaves off Greens Blow Leaves Clubhouse Park and Fields 4 Hours 3/Week Blow Out Irrigation Lines Golf Course 16 Hours Annually Blow Tees Greens Maintenance 2 Hours 3/week Building and Grounds Maintenance Park and Fields 8 Hours As Needed Building Inspection Park and Fields 2 Hours Monthly Cart Maintenance Park and Fields 1000 Hours Annually Change Pins Greens Maintenance 3 Hours Daily Change Pins - Seasonal Greens Maintenance 3 Hours Daily Chemical APP Park and Fields 2 Hours Daily Clean Restrooms on Course Golf Course 1 Hours 3/Week Clean Restrooms on Course - Seasonal Park and Fields 3 Hours 3/Week Cleaning Park and Fields 2 Hours 2/Week Club House Wood Chipping Club House 16 Hours Annually Clubhouse Decorations Park and Fields 4 Hours Annually Clubhouse Irrigation Park and Fields 2 Hours Daily Course Prep Golf Course 32 Hours 2/Annually Cut Back Wetlands Golf Course 80 Hours Annually Cutworm Control Greens Maintenance 5 Hours Annually Divot Boxes Golf Course 2 Hours 3/Week Divot Boxes - Seasonal Golf Course 2 Hours 3/Week Dog Park Mowing Park and Fields 5 Hours Weekly Thursday, July 16, 2009 Blow Off Tees Page 1 of 6 Task Name Task Type Driving Range Tee Maintenance Golf Course 3 Hours Edge Bunkers Golf Course 90 Hours Edge Sand Traps Golf Course 1 Hours Weekly Edge Sprinkler Heads, Yardage Markers Golf Course 20 Hours Monthly Edge Yardage Markers Golf Course 8 Hours Monthly Equipment Maintenance Park and Fields 4 Hours As Needed Fairways Fertilizing Fairways 8 Hours 3/Year Fence Maintenance Park and Fields 16 Hours Fertilize Day Park and Sport Fields Park and Fields 8 Hours 2/year Fertilize Dog Park Park and Fields 5 Hours 2/Annually Fertilize Greens Greens Maintenance 10 Hours 2/Monthly Fertilize Roughs Golf Course 40 Hours 2/year Fertilize Soccer Fields Park and Fields 8 Hours 2/annually Fertilize Tee Tops Tees 8 Hours 3/year Fertilizing Park and Fields 16 Hours 2/Annually Fertilizing Fairway Fairways 32 Hours 6 Months Fill Sand Traps Golf Course 1.5 Hours Annually Filling Fairway Divots Fairways 2 Hours Daily Filter and Basket Park and Fields 5 Hours 2/Weekly Fire Extinguisher Inspection Park and Fields 0.5 Hours Flower Maintenance Club House 2 Hours Daily Formal Garden Irrigation Park and Fields 2 Hours 3/week Fringe Golf Course 2.5 Hours General Maintenance Club House 2 Hours Greens Aireate 1 Greens Maintenance 28 Hours Annually Greens Aireate 2 Greens Maintenance 28 Hours Annually Greens Overseed Greens Maintenance 3 Hours Annually Greens Rolling Greens Maintenance 6 Hours 2/Week Greens Rolling - Seasonal Greens Maintenance 6 Hours 2/Week Greens Topdress 1 Greens Maintenance 28 Hours Annually Greens Topdress 2 Greens Maintenance 28 Hours Annually Greens Verticut Greens Maintenance 4 Hours Weekly Greens Verticut - Seasonal Greens Maintenance 4 Hours Weekly Hard Surface Park and Fields 2 Hours 2/Monthly Hedge Trimming Park and Fields 2 Hours Monthly Insecticide Greens Maintenance 12 Hours Annually Irrigation Repair Golf Course Hours Annually Thursday, July 16, 2009 Task Quantity Task Unit Task Frequency Task Comments Daily Fill and Pick Up Divots on Driving Range Annually Annually Wash and Paint Fence Fill Divots Monthly Daily Weekly Page 2 of 6 Task Name Task Type Task Quantity Task Unit Irrigation Start Up Golf Course Landscaping Park and Fields Leaf Clean up Golf Course 10 Hours Leaf Removal on Golf Course Golf Course 5 Hours Daily Light Bulbs Park and Fields 1 Hours Daily Light Fixtures Park and Fields Hours Line Trim Clubhouse Park and Fields Line Trim Formal Garden Park and Fields Line Trim Recipricate Course Golf Course Line Trim Water Park Hours 2 Hours Task Frequency Task Comments Annually Daily 2/Week Leaf Removal Greens, Tees, Fairways Weekly 1 Hours Weekly 40 Hours Monthly Park and Fields 5 Hours 2/Weekly Line Trimming Golf Course Golf Course 4 Hours 4/week Line Trimming Tees and Greens Golf Course 8 Hours Weekly Liquid Greens Greens Maintenance 8 Hours 2/Monthly Miscellaneous Golf Course Mow and Line Trimming Park and Fields 8 Hours Weekly Mow and Line Trimming - Seasonal Park and Fields 4 Hours Weekly Mow Clubhouse Area Park and Fields 6 Hours Weekly Mow Driving Range Tees and Fairways Golf Course 4 Hours Weekly Mow Fairways Fairways 12 Hours 3/week Mow Fairways Front/Back Mow Formal Gardens Park and Fields 1 Hours 2/week Mow and Bag Formal Garden Mow Fringes Greens Maintenance 18 Hours Weekly Mow Fringes/Approaches/ Fall Outs Mow Greens Greens Maintenance 56 Hours weekly Mow Greens and Change Pins Mow Greens an Change Pins Mow Greens - Seasonal Park and Fields 4 Hours Mow Natural Areas Park and Fields 40 Hours Mow Park & Nature Center Park and Fields 4 Hours Weekly Mow Roughs Golf Course 8 Hours Daily Mow Roughs - Non Peak Golf Course 8 Hours Daily Mow Roughs - Peak Golf Course 8 Hours Daily Mow Roughs on Driving Range Golf Course 32 Hours Weekly Mow Soccer Fields Park and Fields 2.5 Hours 2/Week Mow Sports Fields Park and Fields 5 Hours 3/week Thursday, July 16, 2009 80 Hours Line Trim Formal Garden Line Trim Signs, Rocks, Bunker Face, Fence Annually Daily Annually Mow and LineTrimming Nature Center, Day Park and Road Ways Page 3 of 6 Task Name Task Type Mow Surrounds Golf Course 7 Hours 4/Week Mow Tee Tops Tees 4 Hours 4/week Mowing Fairways Fairways 5 Hours Daily Mulch Formal Garden Park and Fields 16 Hours Annually Native Grasses Park and Fields 8 Hours Annually Oakland County Fair Park and Fields 2 Annually Overseeding Dog Park Park and Fields 5 Hours Annually Paint Ball Washers Golf Course 40 Hours Annually Paint Tee Signs Golf Course 40 Hours Annually Painting Park and Fields Hours Annually Parking Lots Park and Fields 20 Hours Annually Parking Lots - Seasonal Park and Fields 28 Hours Annually Path Grading Park and Fields 3 Hours Monthly Picnic Tables Park and Fields 2.5 Hours 2/Weekly Plant and Edge Shrubs Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Plant Perennial Flowers Formal Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Plant water and weed around club house Club House 2 Hours Daily Planting Annual Flowers around Clubhouse Park and Fields 8 Hours Annually Planting Annual Flowers Formal Park and Fields 8 Hours Annually Planting Perennial Flowers around Clubhouse Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Plowing Park and Fields 0.75 Hours Plumbing Park and Fields Hours Pool Cleaning Park and Fields 5 Hours Daily Pool Repair Park and Fields 80 Hours Daily Power Washing Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Pump House Maintenance Golf Course Hours Annually Pumphouse Golf Course 6 Hours Annually Rake Bunkers Golf Course 5 Hours 3/Week Rake Sand Traps Golf Course 2 Hours 3/Week Remove Tee Accessories Golf Course 8 Hours Annually Restroom Maintenance Park and Fields 2 Hours Weekly Restroom Repair Park and Fields 2 Hours Weekly Road Grade Park and Fields 1 Hours Monthly Roll Greens Greens Maintenance 12 Hours Weekly Round Up Clubhouse Park and Fields 4 Hours Monthly Round Up Formal Garden Park and Fields 1 Hours Monthly Thursday, July 16, 2009 Task Quantity Task Unit Task Frequency Task Comments Reciprovate Natural Grasses on Tees As Needed Annually Remove Trap Rakes, Tee Blocks, Flags, Ball Washers Page 4 of 6 Task Name Task Type Round Up Golf Course Golf Course 8 Hours Monthly Round Up Soccer Fields Park and Fields 3 Hours Monthly Safety Inspection Golf Course 1 Hours Monthly Safety Meetings Park and Fields 1 Hours Monthly Sand Bunkers Golf Course 28 Hours Weekly Sand Traps Golf Course 4 Hours Sidewalk Edging Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Signs Club House 0.5 Hours Monthly Snow Removal Park and Fields Sodding Golf Course 40 Hours Annually Spike Greens Golf Course 4 Hours 2/Week Spray Broad leaf Weed Control Park and Fields 16 Hours Annually Spray Fairways Fairways 100 Hours Annual Spray Fairways - Herbicides Fairways 120 Hours Annually Spray Fairways and Tees Fairways 8 Hours 1/month Spray Fungicide Greens Maintenance 4 Hours As Needed Spray Greens-Fertilizer Greens Maintenance 5 Hours Weekly Foiler Spray Fertilizer Program Spray Greens-Fungicide/Algea Greens Maintenance 5 Hours Weekly Preventive Fungicide/ Algea Control Spray Grub Control Golf Course Golf Course 40 Hours Annually Spray Grub Control Spray Hebicides Park and Fields 16 Hours Annually Spray Roughs Herbicide Golf Course 120 Hours Annually Spray Round Up Formal Garden Park and Fields 1 Hours Monthly Spray Tees Tees 6 Hours Bi-weekly Spray Weed Control Golf Course 8 Hours 2/Year Spray Woody Trees Golf Course 30 Hours Annually Sprike Greens Greens Maintenance 4 Hours Bi-weekly String Trimming Park and Fields 1 Hours 2/Week Tee Aeration Tees 24 Hours 3/year Tee Block Maintenance Tees 4 Hours 8/week Tee Blocks Golf Course 2 Hours 4/Week Tee Blocks - Seasonal Golf Course 2 Hours 4/Week Tee Fertilization Golf Course 5 Hours 2/Monthly Tee Maintenance Driving Range Golf Course 3 Hours Daily Thursday, July 16, 2009 Task Quantity Task Unit 8 Hours Task Frequency Task Comments Daily As Needed Spraying Growth Regulators/Fungicide s Spray Herbicides Spike and groom Greens Change Tee Blocks/Fill Destroomsivots/Clean Restrooms Pick up Trash at Facility/Leaf Removel Page 5 of 6 Task Name Task Type Tee Mowing Golf Course 8 Hours 3/Week Tee Mowing - Seasonal Golf Course 8 Hours 3/Week Tee Topdressing Golf Course 3.5 Hours Monthly Testing Water Park and Fields 1 Hours Tile Work Park and Fields Hours Toboggan Run Park and Fields 2 Hours Daily Top Dress Golf Course 8 Hours Monthly Top Dress - Seasonal Golf Course 2 Hours Monthly Top Dressing Greens Greens Maintenance 8 Hours Every 3 Weeks Trails Park and Fields 4 Hours Monthly Trap Edge Golf Course 2 Hours Weekly Trap Edge - Seasonal Golf Course 2 Hours Weekly Trap Fill Golf Course 80 Hours Annually Trap Rake Golf Course 4 Hours 3/Week Trap Rake - Seasonal Golf Course 4 Hours 3/Week Trash Park and Fields 1 Hours Daily Trash, Tee Towels, Ball Washer Seasonal Golf Course 2 Hours Daily Trash, Tee Towels, Ball Washers Golf Course 2 Hours Daily Tree Maintenance Park and Fields 230 Hours Annually Tree Removal, Pruning Tree Planting Park and Fields 8 Hours Annually Planting Trees Utilities Club House Hours Monthly Vandalism Club House 0.5 Hours Monthly Water Tower Park and Fields Watering Golf Course Golf Course Waterpark Flower Maintenance Park and Fields 2 Hours Daily Waterpark Mowing Park and Fields 5 Hours 2/Weekly Waterpark Wood Chipping Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Wave Machines Park and Fields 0.5 Hours daily Weed & Mulch Island Clubhouse Park and Fields 40 Hours Annually Weed and Mulch Flower Beds on Course Golf Course 4 Hours 2/week Weed Control Park and Fields 48 Hours 2/Year Weed Formal Garden Park and Fields 4 Hours Weekly Weed Whip Golf Course 2 Hours 2/Week Wetland Maintenance Park and Fields 80 Hours Annually Winter Maintenance Golf Course 8 Hours Daily Xmas Recycle Park and Fields 4 Hours Annually Thursday, July 16, 2009 Task Quantity Task Unit 3 Hours Hours Task Frequency Task Comments Daily Annually Daily Annually Page 6 of 6 Maintenance Management Plan APPENDIX 2 –MAINTENANCE COSTS BY SITE AND ASSET 73 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Maintenence By Asset Glen Oaks Glen Oaks Golf Course Task Site Name: Asset Name: Quantity Position Costs Equipment Costs Material Costs Total Costs Glen Oaks Glen Oaks Golf Course Asset Type: Golf Course Task Aerify Tees Ball Mark Repair Ball Mark Repair - Seasonal Blow Fairways and Roughs Blow Greens Blow Leaves Clubhouse Blow Out Irrigation Lines Blow Tees Building Inspection Cart Maintenance Change Pins Change Pins - Seasonal Clean Restrooms on Course Clean Restrooms on Course - Seasonal Cleaning Clubhouse Decorations Clubhouse Irrigation Edge Yardage Markers Fairways Fertilizing Fence Maintenance Fertilize Greens Fire Extinguisher Inspection Formal Garden Irrigation Greens Aireate 1 Greens Aireate 2 Greens Overseed Greens Rolling Greens Rolling - Seasonal Greens Topdress 1 Greens Topdress 2 Greens Verticut Greens Verticut - Seasonal Insecticide Irrigation Repair Irrigation Start Up Light Bulbs Light Fixtures Light Fixtures Line Trim Clubhouse Line Trim Formal Garden Line Trim Recipricate Course Line Trimming Tees and Greens Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Quantity 1.00 161.00 98.00 36.00 60.00 18.00 1.00 36.00 12.00 250.00 161.00 98.00 23.00 14.00 48.00 1.00 140.00 6.00 3.00 1.00 15.00 12.00 56.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 46.00 28.00 1.00 1.00 23.00 14.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 260.00 1.00 1.00 37.00 28.00 4.00 14.00 Position Costs $624.00 $6,027.84 $2,866.50 $7,188.48 $1,497.60 $1,797.12 $564.16 $898.56 $846.24 $9,750.00 $6,027.84 $2,866.50 $861.12 $409.50 $936.00 $49.92 $6,988.80 $936.00 $682.80 $399.36 $2,133.75 $211.56 $8,386.56 $1,146.04 $1,146.04 $37.44 $1,722.24 $819.00 $698.88 $698.88 $1,148.16 $546.00 $341.40 $0.04 $0.04 $3,244.80 $423.13 $0.01 $3,694.08 $349.44 $8,673.60 $4,979.52 Equipment Costs $2.03 $86.94 $52.92 $290.55 $39.52 $13.43 $0.54 $26.86 $6.48 $135.00 $86.94 $52.92 $29.93 $18.22 $0.00 $0.54 $75.60 $7.81 $3.63 $0.74 $10.20 $0.00 $30.24 $2.03 $2.03 $1.30 $76.88 $46.80 $7.21 $7.21 $69.49 $42.30 $4.20 $0.54 $0.54 $140.40 $1.08 $0.54 $27.38 $17.92 $9.16 $10.36 Material Costs $60.00 $96.60 $101.92 $0.29 $156.00 $187.92 $0.00 $93.60 $8.16 $160.00 $161.00 $101.92 $20.24 $20.16 $0.00 $4.00 $117.60 $120.00 $5,111.04 $24.00 $2,238.75 $600.00 $100.80 $40.00 $40.00 $15.25 $419.52 $420.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.12 $101.92 $2,396.80 $0.00 $20.00 $83.20 $20.00 $60.00 $296.00 $224.00 $320.00 $280.00 Total Costs $686.03 $6,211.38 $3,021.34 $7,479.31 $1,693.12 $1,998.47 $564.70 $1,019.02 $860.88 $10,045.00 $6,275.78 $3,021.34 $911.29 $447.88 $936.00 $54.46 $7,182.00 $1,063.81 $5,797.47 $424.10 $4,382.70 $811.56 $8,517.60 $1,188.07 $1,188.07 $53.99 $2,218.64 $1,285.80 $706.10 $706.10 $1,319.77 $690.22 $2,742.40 $0.58 $20.58 $3,468.40 $444.21 $60.55 $4,017.46 $591.36 $9,002.76 $5,269.88 Page 1 of 11 Glen Oaks Glen Oaks Golf Course Task Liquid Greens Mow and Line Trimming Mow Clubhouse Area Mow Fairways Mow Formal Gardens Mow Greens Mow Greens - Seasonal Mow Natural Areas Mow Natural Areas Mow Roughs - Non Peak Mow Roughs - Peak Mulch Formal Garden Native Grasses Paint Ball Washers Paint Tee Signs Painting Parking Lots Plant and Edge Shrubs Plant Perennial Flowers Formal Planting Annual Flowers around Clubhouse Planting Annual Flowers Formal Planting Perennial Flowers around Clubhouse Plumbing Power Washing Pump House Maintenance Remove Tee Accessories Restroom Maintenance Round Up Clubhouse Round Up Clubhouse Round Up Formal Garden Round Up Golf Course Safety Meetings Snow Removal Sodding Spray Fungicide Spray Roughs Herbicide Tee Blocks Tee Blocks - Seasonal Tee Fertilization Tee Mowing Tee Mowing - Seasonal Tile Work Top Dress Trap Edge Trap Edge - Seasonal Trap Fill Trap Rake Trap Rake - Seasonal Trash Trash, Tee Towels, Ball Washer - Seasonal Trash, Tee Towels, Ball Washers Tree Maintenance Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Quantity Position Costs Material Costs Total Costs $1,707.00 $5,513.04 $5,541.12 $11,082.24 $698.88 $8,037.12 $3,822.00 $998.40 $374.40 $22,963.20 $24,897.60 $711.36 $299.52 $499.20 $390.00 $0.05 $1,115.36 $998.40 $499.20 $99.84 $99.84 $499.20 Equipment Costs $62.97 $146.94 $113.31 $898.57 $16.87 $269.10 $163.80 $4.00 $2.58 $690.00 $700.00 $6.72 $4.28 $0.54 $0.54 $0.54 $0.00 $1.30 $1.30 $0.54 $0.54 $1.30 15.00 31.00 37.00 148.00 28.00 161.00 98.00 1.00 1.00 115.00 70.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 $1,125.00 $248.00 $296.00 $1,681.28 $112.00 $1,468.32 $1,470.00 $200.00 $174.65 $5,980.00 $7,280.00 $20.00 $120.00 $8.00 $8.00 $20.02 $200.00 $40.00 $12.00 $8.00 $8.00 $12.00 $2,894.97 $5,907.98 $5,950.43 $13,662.09 $827.75 $9,774.54 $5,455.80 $1,202.40 $551.63 $29,633.20 $32,877.60 $738.08 $423.80 $507.74 $398.54 $20.61 $1,315.36 $1,039.70 $512.50 $108.38 $108.38 $512.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 52.00 6.00 6.00 7.00 6.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 20.00 1.00 92.00 56.00 15.00 69.00 42.00 1.00 8.00 23.00 14.00 1.00 69.00 42.00 260.00 98.00 161.00 1.00 $0.01 $499.20 $0.04 $199.68 $2,361.36 $682.80 $599.04 $199.15 $1,365.60 $1,895.16 $304.76 $390.00 $2,276.00 $3,414.00 $2,296.32 $1,092.00 $2,133.75 $6,888.96 $3,276.00 $0.01 $998.40 $574.08 $273.00 $1,996.80 $3,444.48 $1,638.00 $6,489.60 $1,911.00 $4,018.56 $3,349.50 $0.54 $0.20 $0.54 $2.98 $0.00 $4.89 $4.44 $5.71 $4.89 $0.00 $12.15 $1.30 $83.97 $1.33 $49.68 $30.24 $8.10 $110.46 $67.23 $0.54 $47.88 $12.28 $7.47 $4.89 $80.50 $49.00 $280.80 $180.47 $296.48 $2.98 $20.00 $0.00 $120.00 $16.00 $60.32 $120.00 $39.84 $56.00 $85.30 $0.00 $1,144.00 $20.00 $12.40 $1,489.71 $106.72 $114.24 $4,477.50 $629.28 $630.00 $20.00 $180.16 $69.92 $70.00 $40.00 $419.52 $420.00 $520.00 $101.92 $103.04 $120.00 $20.55 $499.40 $120.58 $218.66 $2,421.68 $807.69 $643.32 $260.86 $1,455.79 $1,895.16 $1,460.91 $411.30 $2,372.37 $4,905.04 $2,452.72 $1,236.48 $6,619.35 $7,628.70 $3,973.23 $20.55 $1,226.44 $656.28 $350.47 $2,041.69 $3,944.50 $2,107.00 $7,290.40 $2,193.39 $4,418.08 $3,472.48 Page 2 of 11 Glen Oaks Glen Oaks Golf Course Task Quantity Tree Planting Watering Golf Course Weed & Mulch Island Clubhouse Weed and Mulch Flower Beds on Course Weed Formal Garden Xmas Recycle 2.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 28.00 1.00 Position Costs $4,272.80 $0.04 $1,778.40 $780.00 $2,489.76 $141.04 Equipment Costs $12.35 $0.54 $5.04 $5.40 $15.12 $1.57 Material Costs Total Costs $160.00 $160.00 $20.00 $20.00 $1,680.00 $8.00 $4,445.15 $160.58 $1,803.44 $805.40 $4,184.88 $150.61 Asset Total 3,544.00 $247,495.21 $5,916.13 $48,067.96 $301,479.30 Site Total 3,544.00 $247,495.21 $5,916.13 $48,067.96 $301,479.30 Equipment Costs $4.20 $90.98 $5.50 $448.46 $22.11 $254.29 $46.32 $1,035.74 $772.19 $11.90 $20.99 $121.75 $117.55 $12.21 $380.90 $6.00 $678.11 Material Costs $600.00 $396.00 $9,732.40 $1,599.36 $19,150.00 $1,999.80 $1,686.96 $798.60 $2,799.72 $1,999.20 $637.08 $603.20 $481.60 $200.04 $7,212.40 $200.07 $4,804.80 $746.45 $7,822.88 $11,558.70 $9,473.42 $25,535.95 $7,196.17 $5,382.24 $20,174.09 $44,652.95 $3,604.30 $3,503.07 $4,850.20 $2,988.95 $3,159.21 $30,712.50 $888.87 $17,220.35 Site Name: Asset Name: Lyon Oaks Lyons Oaks Golf Course Asset Type: Golf Course Task Quantity Cutworm Control Divot Boxes Fairways Fertilizing Fringe Greens Aireate 1 Greens Rolling Greens Topdress 1 Mow Fairways Mow Greens Spike Greens Spray Fairways Spray Greens-Fertilizer Spray Tees Tee Aeration Tee Blocks Tee Fertilization Tee Mowing 1.00 165.00 2.00 238.00 2.00 99.00 9.00 165.00 231.00 14.00 5.00 29.00 28.00 3.00 260.00 3.00 132.00 Position Costs $142.25 $7,335.90 $1,820.80 $7,425.60 $6,363.84 $4,942.08 $3,648.96 $18,339.75 $41,081.04 $1,593.20 $2,845.00 $4,125.25 $2,389.80 $2,946.96 $23,119.20 $682.80 $11,737.44 Total Costs Asset Total 1,386.00 $140,539.87 $4,029.20 $54,901.23 $199,470.30 Site Total 1,386.00 $140,539.87 $4,029.20 $54,901.23 $199,470.30 Equipment Costs $0.53 $0.00 $96.08 $452.40 $0.23 $6.75 $0.00 $0.70 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 Material Costs Site Name: Asset Name: Red Oaks Red Oaks Clubhouse Asset Type: Task Club House Wood Chipping Fire Extinguisher Inspection Flower Maintenance General Maintenance Hard Surface Mow Clubhouse Area Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Signs Snow Removal Trash Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Clubhouse Quantity 1.00 12.00 180.00 52.00 12.00 108.00 35.00 35.00 12.00 16.00 52.00 Position Costs $199.68 $235.80 $4,492.80 $10,494.12 $874.60 $2,695.68 $1,375.50 $3,745.35 $471.60 $1,626.00 $0.00 $16.00 $102.00 $158.40 $178.88 $39.84 $319.68 $0.32 $135.10 $96.00 $621.44 $91.52 Total Costs $216.21 $337.80 $4,747.28 $11,125.40 $914.66 $3,022.11 $1,375.82 $3,881.15 $567.60 $2,447.44 $91.52 Page 3 of 11 Red Oaks Red Oaks Clubhouse Task Quantity Vandalism Asset Total Asset Name: 35.00 $218.40 550.00 $26,429.53 Equipment Costs $0.00 Material Costs Total Costs $38.50 $256.90 $756.69 $1,797.68 $28,983.90 Equipment Costs $298.55 $5.50 $2.00 Material Costs $1,400.00 $96.00 $48.00 $3,882.55 $101.50 $50.00 $306.05 $1,544.00 $4,034.05 Equipment Costs $132.30 $132.30 $18.68 $8.25 $9.45 $2.75 $88.68 $0.00 $96.08 $452.40 $2.87 $117.00 $25.33 $52.87 $0.15 $6.75 $320.14 $409.49 $1,050.00 $0.00 $122.50 $4.90 $0.00 $200.00 $22.57 $23.90 $11.95 $2.87 $132.30 $23.12 $168.08 $13.41 $140.40 $0.00 $1.33 Material Costs $0.00 $0.00 $2,100.00 $240.00 $185.85 $80.00 $2,002.00 $600.00 $3.60 $2,080.00 $40.00 $420.00 $1,268.71 $107.80 $700.00 $319.68 $1,672.80 $1,225.00 $2,800.00 $0.14 $420.00 $140.88 $96.00 $620.80 $0.00 $0.00 $1,803.42 $40.00 $0.00 $9.32 $420.00 $2.61 $106.60 $350.00 $1,488.80 $3,189.90 $4,718.70 $2,555.48 $760.35 $1,191.05 $310.35 $2,309.08 $835.80 $4,592.48 $18,135.52 $697.75 $1,847.40 $2,685.66 $597.47 $2,228.95 $3,022.11 $4,538.86 $7,749.69 $20,230.00 $1,375.64 $3,163.30 $3,203.38 $567.60 $2,446.80 $1,957.17 $1,560.20 $2,327.47 $1,025.19 $4,718.70 $1,967.04 $3,208.88 $409.14 $3,491.80 $568.40 $1,945.33 $3,792.85 $21,344.00 $116,132.66 Red Oaks Dog Park Asset Type: Dog Park Task Quantity Dog Park Mowing Fertilize Dog Park Overseeding Dog Park 35.00 2.00 1.00 Asset Total Asset Name: Position Costs 38.00 Position Costs $2,184.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,184.00 Total Costs Red Oaks Golf Course Asset Type: Task Ball Mark Repair Change Pins Edge Sand Traps Fairways Fertilizing Fertilize Greens Fertilize Roughs Fill Sand Traps Fire Extinguisher Inspection Flower Maintenance General Maintenance Greens Aireate 1 Greens Rolling Greens Topdress 1 Greens Verticut Hard Surface Mow Clubhouse Area Mow Fairways Mow Greens Mow Roughs Parking Lots Rake Sand Traps Restroom Maintenance Signs Snow Removal Spray Fairways Spray Greens-Fertilizer Spray Tees Tee Aeration Tee Blocks Tee Fertilization Tee Mowing Tee Topdressing Trash Vandalism Weed Control Asset Total Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Golf Course Quantity 245.00 245.00 35.00 3.00 17.50 1.00 35.00 12.00 180.00 52.00 1.00 70.00 17.00 17.50 17.50 108.00 102.00 245.00 175.00 35.00 105.00 245.00 12.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 9.00 1.00 245.00 34.00 105.00 9.00 260.00 35.00 1.00 2,725.50 Position Costs $3,057.60 $4,586.40 $436.80 $512.10 $995.75 $227.60 $218.40 $235.80 $4,492.80 $15,603.12 $654.88 $1,310.40 $1,391.62 $436.80 $1,528.80 $2,695.68 $2,545.92 $6,115.20 $16,380.00 $1,375.50 $2,620.80 $3,057.60 $471.60 $1,626.00 $1,934.60 $1,536.30 $512.10 $982.32 $4,586.40 $1,934.60 $2,620.80 $393.12 $3,244.80 $218.40 $455.20 $90,995.81 Total Costs Page 4 of 11 Red Oaks Red Oaks Maintenance Building Task Asset Name: Quantity Material Costs Total Costs Maintenance Buildin Task Quantity Fire Extinguisher Inspection General Maintenance Hard Surface Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Signs Snow Removal Trash 12.00 52.00 35.00 1.00 35.00 12.00 16.00 35.00 Asset Total 198.00 Position Costs $235.80 $34,657.22 $1,432.55 $0.01 $438.18 $471.60 $769.60 $436.80 $38,441.76 Equipment Costs $0.00 $0.00 $245.66 $0.00 $0.70 $0.00 $200.00 $18.90 Material Costs Total Costs $102.00 $0.00 $467.71 $0.01 $59.85 $96.00 $179.84 $31.50 $337.80 $34,657.22 $2,145.91 $0.02 $498.73 $567.60 $1,149.44 $487.20 $465.26 $936.90 $39,843.92 Equipment Costs $5.50 $21.00 $711.90 $56.00 $87.50 $1.33 Material Costs $96.00 $159.60 $1,904.00 $0.00 $199.92 $649.92 $556.70 $2,364.60 $6,983.90 $738.80 $424.97 $1,106.45 $883.23 $3,009.44 $12,175.42 Equipment Costs $0.00 $5.50 $0.00 $0.00 $156.60 $2.11 $21.00 $0.00 $18.90 $36.75 $4.35 $4.48 $0.53 $0.00 $200.00 $0.00 $202.71 $0.00 $48.04 $466.90 $0.53 $0.00 $1.33 Material Costs Red Oaks Soccer Complex Asset Type: Soccer Complex Task Quantity Fertilize Soccer Fields Mow and Line Trimming Mow Soccer Fields Round Up Soccer Fields Snow Removal Weed Control 2.00 35.00 70.00 8.00 7.00 1.00 Asset Total Asset Name: Equipment Costs Red Oaks Maintenance Building Asset Type: Asset Name: Position Costs 123.00 Position Costs $455.20 $2,184.00 $4,368.00 $682.80 $137.55 $455.20 $8,282.75 Total Costs Red Oaks Water Park Asset Type: Task Chemical APP Fertilizing Filter and Basket Fire Extinguisher Inspection General Maintenance Hard Surface Line Trim Water Park Parking Lots Picnic Tables Pool Cleaning Pool Repair Restroom Maintenance Sidewalk Edging Signs Snow Removal Testing Water Trash Vandalism Waterpark Flower Maintenance Waterpark Mowing Waterpark Wood Chipping Wave Machines Weed Control Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Water Park Quantity 1.00 2.00 35.00 12.00 18.00 112.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 35.00 1.00 224.00 1.00 12.00 16.00 16.00 129.00 35.00 90.00 35.00 1.00 126.00 1.00 Position Costs $4,249.70 $910.40 $2,184.00 $235.80 $13,147.40 $3,783.30 $2,184.00 $1,375.50 $2,184.00 $2,184.00 $1,996.80 $6,207.26 $499.20 $471.60 $943.20 $722.72 $4,829.76 $218.40 $2,246.40 $4,368.00 $499.20 $4,951.80 $455.20 $42,644.00 $96.00 $159.60 $102.00 $164.52 $97.75 $159.60 $112.35 $476.00 $322.00 $0.00 $11,971.68 $16.00 $96.00 $200.51 $288.00 $92.88 $38.50 $2,161.80 $81.20 $16.00 $2,683.80 $64.00 Total Costs $46,893.70 $1,011.90 $2,343.60 $337.80 $13,468.52 $3,883.16 $2,364.60 $1,487.85 $2,678.90 $2,542.75 $2,001.15 $18,183.42 $515.73 $567.60 $1,343.71 $1,010.72 $5,125.35 $256.90 $4,456.24 $4,916.10 $515.73 $7,635.60 $520.53 Page 5 of 11 Red Oaks Red Oaks Water Park Task Quantity Position Costs Equipment Costs Material Costs Total Costs Asset Total 1,007.00 $60,847.65 $1,169.73 $62,044.20 $124,061.58 Site Total 4,641.50 $227,181.50 $7,373.82 $90,676.22 $325,231.53 Equipment Costs $12.14 $0.54 $0.54 $4.00 $146.94 $279.00 $6.70 $4.20 Material Costs $260.00 $160.00 $160.00 $2,607.50 $300.08 $2,790.00 $593.00 $40.27 $2,841.74 $5,449.54 $3,429.54 $3,066.70 $5,960.06 $7,602.75 $3,148.10 $499.67 Site Name: Asset Name: South Lyon Oaks Day Park South Lyon Oaks Day Park and Sports Fields Asset Type: Day Park and Sports Task Quantity Aerify Sports Fields Building and Grounds Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Fertilize Day Park and Sport Fields Mow and Line Trimming Mow Sports Fields Snow Removal Spray Hebicides Position Costs Total Costs 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 31.00 93.00 1.00 1.00 $2,569.60 $5,289.00 $3,269.00 $455.20 $5,513.04 $4,533.75 $2,548.40 $455.20 Asset Total 132.00 $24,633.19 $454.06 $6,910.85 $31,998.10 Site Total 132.00 $24,633.19 $454.06 $6,910.85 $31,998.10 Equipment Costs $3.24 $5.50 $112.54 $97.02 $160.33 $1,485.00 $99.00 $539.02 $4.20 $576.54 $8.40 $6.55 Material Costs $400.08 $3,190.00 $2,393.60 $1,056.00 $1,056.00 $15,840.00 $4,224.00 $3,511.20 $140.00 $2,030.00 $1,016.04 $1,125.00 $7,302.12 $5,471.50 $13,843.44 $24,627.90 $4,150.69 $59,538.60 $17,501.88 $24,590.74 $1,282.20 $7,725.29 $3,755.64 $6,540.25 Site Name: Asset Name: South Lyon Oaks GC South Lyon Oaks Golf Course Asset Type: Golf Course Task Quantity Edge Sprinkler Heads, Yardage Markers Fertilize Roughs Leaf Removal on Golf Course Line Trimming Golf Course Mow Driving Range Tees and Fairways Mow Roughs Mow Roughs on Driving Range Sand Traps Spray Grub Control Golf Course Tee Maintenance Driving Range Weed Control Wetland Maintenance Position Costs Total Costs 6.00 2.00 34.00 33.00 33.00 165.00 33.00 231.00 1.00 175.00 2.00 2.00 $6,898.80 $2,276.00 $11,337.30 $23,474.88 $2,934.36 $42,213.60 $13,178.88 $20,540.52 $1,138.00 $5,118.75 $2,731.20 $5,408.70 Asset Total 717.00 $137,250.99 $3,097.33 $35,981.92 $176,330.24 Site Total 717.00 $137,250.99 $3,097.33 $35,981.92 $176,330.24 Equipment Costs $5.16 Material Costs $40.00 $194.92 $5.16 $40.00 $194.92 Site Name: Asset Name: Springfield Oaks County Park Springfield Oaks 4-H Asset Type: Task 4-H Quantity Mow Natural Areas 2.00 Asset Total 2.00 Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Position Costs $149.76 $149.76 Total Costs Page 6 of 11 Springfield Oaks County Park Springfield Oaks Activity Center Task Asset Name: Quantity Quantity 4-H Grounds Building and Grounds Maintenance Mow Natural Areas Safety Inspection Snow Removal String Trimming Water Tower 1.00 50.00 23.33 12.00 10.00 5.00 9.00 Asset Total 110.33 Total Costs Position Costs $5,467.30 $4,760.10 $1,746.95 $380.81 $11,728.10 $499.20 $2,284.85 $26,867.31 Equipment Costs $3.18 $36.25 $69.99 $0.00 $121.59 $0.45 $0.45 Material Costs Total Costs $60.00 $1,000.00 $48.65 $8.16 $160.00 $30.00 $180.00 $5,530.48 $5,796.35 $1,865.59 $388.97 $12,009.69 $529.65 $2,465.30 $231.91 $1,486.81 $28,586.02 Equipment Costs $0.00 $75.00 $12.00 $3.80 Material Costs $0.00 $100.00 $144.00 $9.84 $340.72 $799.00 $230.88 $51.08 $90.80 $253.84 $1,421.68 Equipment Costs $3.20 $78.00 $25.00 $22.62 Material Costs $12.00 $104.00 $16.00 $2,051.84 $15.20 $506.48 $146.78 $2,159.81 $128.82 $2,183.84 $2,828.27 Equipment Costs $0.00 $4.54 $2.50 $0.01 $1.07 $0.54 $8.00 $5.05 $2.00 $6.01 $29.16 $12.54 $6.77 $0.00 $1.60 $40.00 Material Costs Springfield Oaks Community Service Garden Asset Type: Community Service Task Quantity General Maintenance Mow Formal Gardens Road Grade Weed Whip Asset Total Position Costs 8.00 25.00 6.00 6.00 $340.72 $624.00 $74.88 $37.44 45.00 $1,077.04 Total Costs Springfield Oaks Davis House Asset Type: Davis House Task Quantity Hedge Trimming Mow Natural Areas Plowing Spray Natural Area 6.00 26.00 4.00 3.00 Asset Total 39.00 Asset Name: Material Costs Activity Center Task Asset Name: Equipment Costs Springfield Oaks Activity Center Asset Type: Asset Name: Position Costs Position Costs $0.00 $324.48 $105.78 $85.35 $515.61 Total Costs Springfield Oaks Golf Course Asset Type: Task ADH Aerify Fairways Blow Cart Paths Building and Grounds Maintenance Course Prep Edge Bunkers Fairways Fertilizing Fertilize Greens Fertilize Roughs Greens Aireate 1 Greens Topdress 1 Greens Verticut Hedge Trimming Irrigation Repair Landscaping Leaf Clean up Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Golf Course Quantity 12.00 1.00 25.00 12.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 7.50 1.00 1.00 8.00 7.50 12.00 30.00 3.00 10.00 Position Costs $1,760.18 $3,648.96 $312.00 $2,030.98 $399.36 $904.80 $910.40 $853.50 $569.00 $2,662.60 $2,838.08 $438.75 $299.52 $18,046.07 $585.00 $2,496.00 $0.00 $240.00 $40.00 $0.00 $123.00 $40.00 $5,295.66 $0.00 $120.00 $191.48 $777.28 $420.00 $24.00 $279.60 $0.00 $312.87 Total Costs $1,760.18 $3,893.50 $354.50 $2,030.98 $523.43 $945.34 $6,214.06 $858.55 $691.00 $2,860.09 $3,644.52 $871.29 $330.29 $18,325.67 $586.60 $2,848.87 Page 7 of 11 Springfield Oaks County Park Springfield Oaks Golf Course Task Leaf Removal on Golf Course Miscellaneous Mow and Line Trimming - Seasonal Mow Clubhouse Area Mow Fairways Mow Greens Mow Roughs Mow Surrounds Mow Tee Tops Pump House Maintenance Rake Bunkers Restroom Maintenance Roll Greens Safety Inspection Safety Inspection - Clubhouse Snow Removal Spray Fairways Spray Greens-Fertilizer Spray Roughs Herbicide Spray Tees Tee Aeration Tee Fertilization Tee Maintenance Driving Range Tree Maintenance Weed Whip Weed Whip Roughs Winter Maintenance Asset Total Asset Name: Quantity Position Costs 25.00 8.00 25.00 25.00 90.00 226.00 90.00 128.00 96.00 1.00 96.00 1.00 32.00 12.00 12.00 10.00 5.00 40.00 5.00 8.00 1.00 8.00 32.00 1.00 60.00 12.00 8.00 $624.00 $3,914.00 $624.00 $312.00 $7,862.40 $15,071.94 $14,601.60 $11,182.08 $6,402.24 $211.56 $9,360.00 $1,128.32 $1,092.00 $803.93 $803.93 $847.45 $2,133.75 $5,690.00 $2,845.00 $1,138.00 $1,520.40 $1,138.00 $1,996.80 $3,349.50 $2,667.60 $74.88 $8,990.20 1,194.00 Total Costs $500.00 $0.00 $100.00 $100.00 $3,060.00 $2,892.55 $3,852.00 $1,408.91 $2,534.40 $0.00 $2,784.00 $20.00 $310.16 $0.00 $0.00 $80.00 $553.65 $11,598.09 $200.00 $1,063.28 $140.00 $1,272.26 $503.98 $139.98 $60.00 $24.00 $0.00 $1,174.00 $3,932.06 $799.00 $413.56 $11,487.35 $18,719.96 $18,993.60 $12,665.23 $9,243.99 $213.13 $12,195.24 $1,149.89 $1,455.65 $803.93 $803.93 $1,052.45 $2,960.60 $19,473.69 $3,318.35 $2,638.40 $1,662.56 $2,415.65 $2,517.86 $3,492.72 $2,765.63 $100.08 $9,020.80 $6,006.26 $41,061.15 $192,208.18 Equipment Costs $12.00 $0.00 $66.00 $52.06 $22.62 $0.77 $1.35 Material Costs $12.00 $0.00 $880.00 $8.00 $63.46 $16.00 $70.50 $161.03 $253.87 $3,691.60 $148.17 $768.88 $190.37 $446.25 $154.81 $1,049.95 $5,660.18 Equipment Costs $0.00 Material Costs $0.11 $0.11 $0.00 $0.11 $0.11 Horse Barn Task Quantity Arena Building Inspection Mow Natural Areas Snow Removal Spray Round Up Formal Garden Tree Maintenance Weed Whip 6.00 12.00 22.00 8.33 3.00 1.00 15.00 Asset Total 67.33 Position Costs $137.03 $253.87 $2,745.60 $88.11 $682.80 $173.60 $374.40 $4,455.42 Total Costs Springfield Oaks Natural Area Asset Type: Natural Area Task Quantity Ash Removal 28.00 Asset Total Asset Name: Material Costs Springfield Oaks Horse Barn Asset Type: Asset Name: $145,140.77 Equipment Costs $50.00 $18.06 $75.00 $1.56 $564.95 $755.47 $540.00 $74.24 $307.35 $1.57 $51.24 $1.57 $53.48 $0.00 $0.00 $125.00 $273.20 $2,185.60 $273.35 $437.12 $2.16 $5.39 $17.08 $3.24 $38.03 $1.20 $30.60 28.00 Position Costs $0.00 $0.00 Total Costs Springfield Oaks Office Asset Type: Task Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Office Quantity Position Costs Equipment Costs Material Costs Total Costs Page 8 of 11 Springfield Oaks County Park Springfield Oaks Office Task Quantity General Maintenance Irrigation Repair Mow Natural Areas Safety Inspection Snow Removal Spray Weed Control String Trimming Tree Maintenance 12.00 30.00 22.00 12.00 10.00 3.00 20.00 1.00 Asset Total Asset Name: 110.00 Quantity Mow Natural Areas Oakland County Fair Spray Natural Area Weed Whip 30.00 1.00 3.00 30.00 Asset Total Site Total Total Costs $0.00 $39.60 $985.62 $8.16 $720.00 $0.00 $30.00 $13.00 $679.40 $2,346.33 $3,797.22 $460.90 $1,785.59 $705.42 $156.60 $88.41 $290.15 $1,796.38 $10,019.88 Position Costs Equipment Costs $90.00 $3.17 $24.22 $19.01 Material Costs $1,123.20 $5,467.30 $170.70 $292.50 $180.00 $60.00 $75.46 $8.40 $1,393.20 $5,530.47 $270.38 $319.91 Total Costs 64.00 $7,053.70 $136.40 $323.86 $7,513.96 1,659.66 $193,192.95 $7,044.30 $48,195.95 $248,433.21 Equipment Costs $0.00 $3,770.00 $2.40 $981.23 $41.04 $203.40 $0.00 $5.20 $0.00 $100.00 $140.40 $0.00 Material Costs $600.00 $208.00 $114.78 $266.14 $160.16 $180.00 $150.08 $23.40 $96.00 $1,920.00 $48.10 $41.60 $1,282.80 $26,397.80 $8,953.02 $20,457.61 $1,527.04 $1,132.20 $848.96 $10,605.40 $437.40 $5,844.96 $3,433.30 $781.30 $5,243.67 $3,808.26 $81,701.79 Equipment Costs $0.00 $191.40 $16.57 $946.97 $41.04 $310.80 $0.00 $5.20 Material Costs Waterford Oaks Waterford Oaks Asset Type: Day Park and Sports Task Quantity Fire Extinguisher Inspection General Maintenance Hard Surface Landscaping Leaf Clean up Mow and Line Trimming Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Signs Snow Removal Trash Vandalism Asset Total Asset Name: $7,933.35 Material Costs Rotary Park Task Asset Name: $664.30 $2,306.73 $2,745.60 $452.74 $881.50 $682.80 $124.80 $74.88 Equipment Costs $15.11 $0.00 $66.00 $0.00 $184.09 $22.62 $1.80 $0.53 Springfield Oaks Rotary Park Asset Type: Site Name: Position Costs 12.00 260.00 12.00 140.00 8.00 20.00 28.00 260.00 12.00 8.00 260.00 52.00 1,072.00 Position Costs $682.80 $22,419.80 $8,835.84 $19,210.24 $1,325.84 $748.80 $698.88 $10,576.80 $341.40 $3,824.96 $3,244.80 $739.70 $72,649.86 Total Costs Waterford Oaks - The Fridge Asset Type: Task Fire Extinguisher Inspection General Maintenance Hard Surface Landscaping Leaf Clean up Mow and Line Trimming Parking Lots Restroom Maintenance Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Toboggan Run Quantity 12.00 22.00 52.00 105.00 8.00 28.00 28.00 260.00 Position Costs $211.56 $13,327.60 $3,244.80 $7,459.20 $876.56 $698.88 $698.88 $8,353.80 $600.00 $2,640.00 $208.00 $218.61 $120.00 $399.84 $392.00 $28.60 Total Costs $811.56 $16,159.00 $3,469.37 $8,624.78 $1,037.60 $1,409.52 $1,090.88 $8,387.60 Page 9 of 11 Waterford Oaks Waterford Oaks - The Fridge Task Quantity Position Costs Signs Snow Removal Toboggan Run Trash Vandalism 12.00 16.00 20.00 260.00 52.00 $341.40 $5,248.80 $31,482.00 $3,244.80 $1,479.40 Asset Total 875.00 Asset Name: Total Costs $96.00 $1,720.00 $120.00 $327.60 $520.00 $437.40 $7,168.80 $31,662.80 $4,121.36 $1,999.40 $2,321.75 $7,390.65 $86,380.08 Equipment Costs $41.04 $0.00 $104.00 $28.08 $0.00 Material Costs $140.16 $96.00 $208.00 $40.56 $41.60 $644.44 $437.40 $8,099.52 $2,664.48 $1,521.00 Trails Task Quantity Leaf Clean up Signs Trails Trash Vandalism Asset Total Site Total Asset Name: Material Costs Waterford Oaks - Trails Asset Type: Site Name: $76,667.68 Equipment Costs $0.00 $200.00 $60.80 $548.96 $0.00 Position Costs Total Costs 8.00 12.00 52.00 52.00 52.00 $463.24 $341.40 $7,787.52 $2,595.84 $1,479.40 176.00 $12,667.40 $173.12 $526.32 $13,366.84 2,123.00 $161,984.94 $7,738.54 $11,725.23 $181,448.71 Equipment Costs $21.21 $7.07 $16.00 $5.20 $1.58 $0.00 $81.00 $5.01 $5.20 $6.00 $12.57 $7.86 $0.00 $6.09 $22.68 $24.09 $13.37 $4.71 $2.12 $4.80 $50.00 $120.00 $0.32 $0.32 $0.00 $659.11 $534.85 $3.00 Material Costs White Lakes Oaks White Lake Oaks Golf Course Asset Type: Golf Course Task Aerify Fairways Aerify Tees Blow Cart Paths Bunker Restrooms Cart Path Edging Cartbarn Clean Restrooms on Course Edge Bunkers Fairway Restrooms Fairways Fertilizing Fertilize Greens Fertilize Tee Tops General Maintenance Greens Aireate 1 Greens Debris Greens Topdress 1 Greens Verticut Irrigation Repair Irrigation System Maintenance Irrigation Winterizing Leaf Clean up Leaf Clean up Roughs Maintenance Building Exterior Electrical Maintenance Building Interior Electrical Maintenance Building Plumbing Mow Fairways Mow Greens Mow Natural Areas Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Quantity 3.00 1.00 8.00 260.00 1.00 1.00 150.00 3.00 260.00 3.00 8.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 42.00 8.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 25.00 30.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 105.00 160.00 1.00 Position Costs $2,255.34 $512.00 $156.00 $9,061.00 $780.00 $693.28 $1,872.00 $585.00 $4,266.60 $556.56 $989.44 $773.00 $321.75 $648.50 $819.00 $1,067.04 $533.52 $10,008.80 $15,923.80 $434.00 $731.25 $3,252.60 $803.92 $742.08 $803.92 $8,169.53 $13,104.00 $9.75 $624.00 $96.00 $128.00 $2,925.00 $40.00 $233.84 $153.00 $288.00 $2,925.00 $1,433.16 $2,312.00 $751.20 $20.00 $13,632.00 $336.00 $5,424.00 $320.00 $193.99 $5,260.00 $200.00 $300.00 $684.00 $67.84 $327.00 $226.10 $3,838.80 $3,712.00 $2.00 Total Costs $2,900.55 $615.07 $300.00 $11,991.20 $821.58 $927.12 $2,106.00 $878.01 $7,196.80 $1,995.72 $3,314.01 $1,532.06 $341.75 $14,286.59 $1,177.68 $6,515.13 $866.89 $10,207.51 $21,185.92 $638.80 $1,081.25 $4,056.60 $872.08 $1,069.40 $1,030.02 $12,667.43 $17,350.85 $14.75 Page 10 of 11 White Lakes Oaks White Lake Oaks Golf Course Task Mow Tee Tops Pond Maintenance Pump House Maintenance Pumphouse Rake Bunkers Restroom Maintenance Rough Mowing Rough Spraying Roughs-Tees-Bunkers Round Up Golf Course Spray Fairways Spray Greens - Pesticides Spray Natural Area Spray Tees Tee Debris Removal Tee Maintenance Driving Range Tree Maintenance Vandalism Weed Whip Weed Whip Roughs Quantity Position Costs 93.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 150.00 4.00 160.00 1.00 96.00 3.00 5.00 30.00 1.00 7.00 48.00 25.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 25.00 $6,963.84 $273.00 $185.52 $1,329.56 $5,850.00 $984.60 $17,784.00 $618.40 $7,188.48 $1,484.16 $927.60 $3,710.40 $15.46 $649.32 $1,404.00 $11,731.20 $2,226.24 $1,936.00 $2,226.24 $975.00 Equipment Costs $297.75 $1.08 $0.00 $0.54 $0.00 $0.00 $960.00 $4.20 $288.00 $22.62 $20.99 $125.95 $4.20 $29.39 $96.00 $13.72 $22.62 $1.57 $22.62 $16.00 Material Costs Total Costs $1,919.52 $20.00 $196.70 $2,000.00 $600.00 $1,104.70 $5,600.00 $3,834.16 $960.00 $1,089.90 $3,114.49 $23,771.47 $67.31 $13,875.90 $576.00 $1,563.75 $193.99 $111.98 $193.99 $220.00 $9,181.11 $294.08 $382.22 $3,330.10 $6,450.00 $2,089.30 $24,344.00 $4,456.76 $8,436.48 $2,596.68 $4,063.08 $27,607.82 $86.96 $14,554.61 $2,076.00 $13,308.67 $2,442.85 $2,049.55 $2,442.85 $1,211.00 Asset Total 1,746.00 $148,336.70 $3,541.42 $107,466.79 $259,344.90 Site Total 1,746.00 $148,336.70 $3,541.42 $107,466.79 $259,344.90 15,949.16 $1,280,615.35 $39,194.80 $403,926.14 $1,723,736.29 Grand Total Tuesday, September 15, 2009 Page 11 of 11 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission APPENDIX 3 –MAINTENANCE MATRIX 74 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Building: Activity Center Level 1 maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for users to enjoy the experience provided in the Activity Center Clean and sweep inside and outside facility 80 years 7x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper Remove and/or replace garbage bags and trash cans 7x/week Year‐round Parks Helper Clean and stock restrooms Clean windows Dust equipment Fold and stack chairs Check Security Lighting / Sound 7x/week 1x/week 1x/week As needed 7x/week Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Clean Kitchen area 7x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper Check Heating / cooling Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 7x/week Year‐round 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Strip and Wax Floors 1x/year Year‐round Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper C G G H I L O R R S W W X X 1 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Building: Activity Center Level 2 maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for users to enjoy the experience provided in the Activity Center Clean and sweep inside and outside facility 80 years 1x/week or as rented Year‐round Parks Helper Remove and/or replace garbage bags and trash cans 1x/week Year‐round Parks Helper Clean and stock restrooms Clean windows Dust equipment Fold and stack chairs 1x/week 1x/month 1x/week As needed Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Check Heating / cooling 1x/month Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Clean Kitchen area 7x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper Check Heating / cooling Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 7x/week Year‐round 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Strip and Wax Floors 1x/year Year‐round Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper C G G H I L O R R S W W X 2 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Amphitheater ‐ Level 2 Maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for spectators to enjoy an educational or entertainment experience 30 years Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans Mow Edge Wash Seats Portable Sound System Clean Parking Lot area 1x/week 1/week As needed As needed 7x/week Clean and stock restrooms 7x/week Remove Graffiti 1x/week Stack/Store Picnic Tables 1x/year Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Growing season Growing season Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Fall Inspect seating and decking 1x/year Year‐round Repair/Replace seating and decking As needed Year‐round Weed Control Mulch Seating Area Clean port‐a‐jons 2x/year 1x/year 7x/week Spring, Summer Spring March ‐ October Parks Helper General Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic Grounds Keeper Parks Helper Parks Helper Pump port‐a‐jons 1x/week or as needed March ‐ October Parks Helper Clean and sweep As needed 1x/week C G G H I L O R R S W W X Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper NC Staff Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper 3 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 80 years X A Banquet Center ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for renters to obtain a good value for their money and have a memorable experience C G X G H I L X O R R S W W X Note: Oak Management manages inside, Parks manages outside Clean and sweep 7x/week Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans 7x/week Clean and stock restrooms 7x/week Clean windows (inside) 1x/week Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Year‐round Clean windows (outside) 1x/week Year‐round Set‐up Site (tables, entry‐ways, bar etc.) As needed Set‐up Dance floor As needed Set‐up Specialty rooms (Bridal area etc.) As needed Check Lighting / Sound Clean Kitchen area Check water fountains Check Heating / cooling Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) As needed 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Clean carpet 1x/year and as needed Year‐round Take down chairs 1x/week or as needed Inspect furniture 1x/week Spring, Summer, Fall Year‐round Oak Mangement Parks Helper Parks Helper Oak Mangement Parks Helper or Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Parks Helper Oak Mangement Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Oak Mangement Parks Helper Oak Mangement 4 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Barn ‐ Level 3 Maintenance 40 years C G G H I L O R R S W W X Goal: To keep the barn in a presentable condition for future recreation programs and events Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Clean and sweep barn 1x/week Parks Helper Clean equipment prior to storage As needed Check Lighting 1x/week and as needed Year‐round Parks Helper Inspect emergency systems 1x/month Year‐round Skilled Maintenance Mechanic or Contractor Parks Helper 5 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Bathhouse ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for users to have a valuable beach experience Clean, sweep and squeegee 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean and stock restrooms 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean and stock restrooms (campgrounds) 14‐21x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Wipe and clean mirrors 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper 3x/day May ‐ September Parks Helper 7x/day May ‐ September Parks Helper Remove Graffiti 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Check Lighting / Electrical Outlets 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Trash remove 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean Trash Barrels As needed May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean Windows 1x/month May ‐ September Parks Helper Check Heating / cooling Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 7x/week Year‐round 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Seasonal start‐up and close‐up 2x/year Spring, Fall Change Rust Filters 1x/3 weeks May ‐ September Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic Check showers for working order / temperature / cleanliness (campgrounds) Check showers for working order / temperature /cleanliness (waterparks) C G G X H I L O R X R S W W X 6 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Boathouse ‐Level 1 Maintenance C G G X H I L O R R S W W X Goal: Ensure boats are stored appropriately and stacked to have ease of access for users and renters Clean and inspect boats/bikes 7x/week May ‐ September Boat Attendant Wax boats 1x/month May ‐ September Boat Attendant Stack boats 2x/year May ‐ September Parks Helper Check Lighting 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Inventory supplies 1x/year May ‐ September Parks Helper Repair boats/bikes As needed Immediately Inspect/License boats 1x/year Spring General Maintenance Mechanic Marine Division Clean life jackets 3x/year May ‐ September Boat Attendant Pump water from boats Prep/Close Boat As needed 2x/year Following rain Spring, Fall Boat Attendant Equipment Mechanic Inspect Patrol Boat 1x/week May ‐ September Equipment Mechanic Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 7 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 30 years X A Cabin ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for renters to obtain a good value for their money and have a memorable experience Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Clean and sweep 7x/week or as needed Sweep and replace runners 1x/week Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans 7x/week or as needed Clean windows 7x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper Check Lighting 7x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper Check Heating / Fans / AC 7x/week or as needed May ‐ October Change Locks As needed Per renter requirement Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Seasonal start‐up and close‐up 2x/year Spring, Fall Structural Inspection of beds/furniture Storm Damage inspection 1x/week As needed May ‐ October Following Storm C G G H I L O R R S W W X Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper Park Supervisor 8 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Clubhouse ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: To present a positive image for the golf course clubhouse and demonstrate the value associated with renting the clubhouse for hospitality‐type events 80 years Clean, sweep, mop 7x/week March ‐ October Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans 7x/week March ‐ October Clean and stock restrooms 7x/week March ‐ October Clean windows (outside) 7x/week March ‐ October Check Lighting 7x/week March ‐ October Check Heating / Cooling Check vending Clean and wipe tables Check and clean storage areas Wash hard surface areas outside clubhouse (except Patios) Inspect signage Update and paint signage Inspect and clean parking lots Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week 1x/week March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October Parks Helper / Oak Mangement Parks Helper / Oak Mangement Parks Helper / Oak Mangement Contractor Parks Helper / Oak Mangement Parks Helper Contractor Oak Mangement Oak Mangement 7x/week March ‐ October Parks Helper 1x/week 1x/year 7x/week March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Inspect, replenish club washer Inspect furniture 7x/week 1x/week March ‐ October Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper Oak Mangement C G X G H I L X O R X R S W W X X 9 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Concession Building ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Provide a clean, inviting area to eat. Clean, sweep, vacuum 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean and stock restrooms 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean windows 1x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Check Lighting 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Check Heating / Cooling 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean and wipe tables 7x/week May ‐ September Oak Mangement Check and clean storage areas 1x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Wash areas outside concession stands 7x/week May ‐ September Parks Helper Update and paint signage 1x/year May ‐ September Parks Helper Clean Patio 7x/week May ‐ September Oak Mangement Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup/Closing 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Replace outdoor carpeting 1x/2 years Clean carpeting 2x/year or as needed Inspect furniture 1x/week Spring Opening, Mid‐ season Year‐round C G G X H I X L O R X R S W W X X Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper Contractor Oak Mangement 10 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Contact Station Goal: Present a positive and inviting image of Oakland County Parks at the first point of entry Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Clean, sweep, vacuum 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper Weed control 1x/week Operating Season Parks Helper Replenish firewood 1x/week or as needed Operating Season Contractor / Parks Helper A Filter/Pump Room 40 years Goal: To make the pump room easily accessible for the staff to work in a safe environment Filters/pumps 15‐20 years 7x/week Operating Season Check chemical balance 7x/week Operating Season Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Inspect Pool Mechanical Systems 7x/week Operating Season Critical Pump Inspection 1x/5 years (to be verified) G G H X I L O R R S W W R R S W W X x Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 1x/month Clean/inspect Filters C C G G H I L x O X X Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 2 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 2 Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Contractor 11 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Gazebo ‐ Level 2 Maintenance C G G H 30 years I L O R R L O R R S W W S W W x Goal: To present a recreational amenity capable of hosting small weddings and group gatherings Clean and sweep Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans Set‐up Site Trim and Landscape Paint/Stain Gazebo Wash As needed March ‐ October Parks Helper As needed March ‐ October Parks Helper As needed As needed 1x/2 years As needed March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October Inspect Electrical Systems 1x/year Spring Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper General Maintenance Mechanic Remove Graffiti 1x/week or as needed March ‐ October Parks Helper Clean port‐a‐jons 7x/week March ‐ October Parks Helper Pump port‐a‐jons 1x/week or as needed March ‐ October Parks Helper A Greenhouse 20 years C G G H I X X Goal: to provide a safe, efficient environment to grow plants and for staff and volunteers to work in Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Replace Plastic Roofing System Snow Inspection/Removal 3 ‐ 5 years As needed Winter Open/close water/mechanical systems 2x/year Spring, Fall Inspect water system 7x/week Year‐round Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Contractor Parks helper on‐site Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 12 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Grill Room ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Present a neat and clean environment for renters to obtain a good value for their money and have a memorable experience 80 years C G G H I L X O R R S W W X Note: Oak Management manages inside, Parks manages outside Clean and sweep 7x/week Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans 7x/week Clean and stock restrooms 7x/week Clean windows (inside) 1x/week Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Per renter requirement Year‐round Clean windows (outside) 1x/week Year‐round Set‐up Site (tables, entry‐ways, bar etc.) As needed Check Lighting / Sound Clean Kitchen area Check water fountains Check Heating / cooling Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) As needed 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week Per renter requirement Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round 1x/month Year‐round Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Clean carpet 1x/year and as needed Year‐round Take down chairs 1x/week or as needed Inspect furniture 1x/week Spring, Summer, Fall Year‐round Oak Mangement Parks Helper Parks Helper Oak Mangement Parks Helper or Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Oak Mangement Parks Helper Oak Mangement Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Oak Mangement Parks Helper Oak Mangement 13 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Irrigation Pump House Goal: Create a maintenance area that is neat, clean, and efficient. 40 years C G X G H I L X O R X R S W W X X Filters/pumps 15‐20 years Critical Pump Inspection 1x/5 years (to be verified) Annual Preventative Maintenance/Inspection 1x/year Spring Monthly Preventative Maintenance/Inspection 1x/month Year‐round Open/Close 2x/year Spring/Fall Inspect flow rate/timing 3x/week Spring/Summer Contractor General Maintenance Mechnanic General Maintenance Mechnanic General Maintenance Mechnanic General Maintenance Mechnanic 14 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 80 years X A Maintenance Building ‐ Level 2 maintenance Goal: Create a maintenance area that is neat, clean, and efficient. Clean and sweep Store equipment Replace tools in original location Clean and stock restrooms Store supplies Winterize stored equipment Check Lighting Check Heating / Cooling Junk removal and disposal Clean and wash driveways Clean and maintain parking lots Major Mechanical/Chemical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/week 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week As needed As needed 7x/week 7x/week 1x/week 1x/week 1x/week Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Seasonally Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Inspect Lifts/Elevators Inspect Fuel Tanks State Inspection of Fuel Tanks Inspect Used Oil Tanks Remove Used Oil and Recycle Filters 1x/year 1x/week 1x/year 1x/monthly As needed Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Equipment Mechanic Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Equipment Mechanic or Grounds Keeper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Contractor General Mechanic State of Michigan Equipment Mechanic Contractor Inspect/clean wash pads 7x/week or as needed Seasonally Parks Helper Inspect/clean mix/load pads 7x/week or as needed Seasonally Parks Helper Inspect chemical storage areas Review/update emergency response plans (OSHA, MDEQ) 7x/week Year‐round Grounds Keeper 1x/year C G G H I L O R X X X X X X X R S W W X X X Park Supervisor 15 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Nature Center ‐ Level 1 maintenance 80 years C G G H I L O R R S W W X X Goal: To provide a quality learning environment Clean and sweep Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans Clean and stock restrooms Clean windows 7x/week Year‐round Contractor 7x/week Year‐round Contractor/Parks Helper 7x/week 7x/week Year‐round Year‐round Check Lighting 7x/week Year‐round Check Heating / Cooling 7x/week Year‐round Clean and inspect exhibits Trim and landscape Maintain walkways Clean parking lots Feed, clean, care for animal areas 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week Year‐round As needed Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Contractor Contractor General Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic Recreation Programmer Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Recreation Programmer Sensory Garden 7x/week March ‐ October Volunteers, Programmers Major Mechanical/Exhibit System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Inspect furniture 1x/week Year‐round Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper 16 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 30 years X A Pavilion ‐ Level 2 maintenance Goal: To provide a quality picnic or outing experience. Clean and sweep Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans Set‐up Site Trim and Landscape Paint Pavilion Power wash Clean grills Check/Spray for hornets, wasps Inspect Electrical System Clean port‐a‐jons As needed March ‐ October Parks Helper As needed March ‐ October Parks Helper As needed As needed 1x/2 years As needed As needed As needed 1x/year 7x/week March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October March ‐ October Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Contractor/Parks Helper Pump port‐a‐jons 1x/week or as needed March ‐ October Contractor/Parks Helper Inspect Picnic Tables 1x/week or as needed March ‐ October Parks Helper Inspect/Remove Debris from Roof 7x/week or as needed March ‐ October Parks Helper Remove Graffiti 1x/week or as needed March ‐ October Parks Helper Setup Tables for Event As needed March ‐ October Parks Helper Clean, inspect, stock fireplace 1x/week or as needed October ‐ March Parks Helper Inspect windows and building sides 1x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper C G G X H I L X X O R X R S W W X X 17 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 80 years X 80 years X X X X X X A Public Safety Building ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Provide a positive image of the public safety building in Waterford Park to allow the public feel comfortable in accessing it Mow and Trim Clean and sweep Landscape and materials Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 1x/week As needed 1x/month Growing season Annually Annually 1x/month Year‐round 2x/year Spring, Fall 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Annual Inspection 1x/year Year‐round Mow/Trim Plow Snow Other exterior maintenance 1x/week As needed As needed Growing Season Winter Year‐round G G H I L O R R S W W X Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic A Residential Lease Building Goal: To maintain these buildings in a good condition to increase their value as a park system asset Major Mechanical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) C C G G H I L O R R S W W X X Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Parks Helper 18 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Restrooms ‐ Level 2 Goal: Provide a clean, hygienic facility for people to use Clean and restock 1x/day (weekdays); 2x/day (weekends) 1x/week 7x/week 1x/week As needed 1x/week Year‐round Parks Helper Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Mow Odor removal Trim Repair vandalism Wash aprons Remove and/or replace Garbage Bags and Trash cans Paint trash barrels 7x/week Year‐round Parks Helper 1x/year Year‐round Check Heating / Cooling 7x/week Year‐round Monthly Mechanical Inspection 1x/month Year‐round Seasonal Mechanical System Startup 2x/year Spring, Fall Schedule Lighting, Mechanical Systems 1x/week Year‐round Seasonal start‐up and close‐up Pump septic tanks 2x/year 3x/year or as needed Spring, Fall Year‐round Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper Contractor C G G X X H I L O R X X X X R S W W X X X 19 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Storage Building‐ Level 3 Maintenance Goal: Provide a safe, clean and accessible storage facility to maximize the County's equipment and supply value Inventory and removed unused materials 1x/year Clean 1x/monthly or as needed Year‐round Check electricity 1x/year Paint 1x/5 years Spray for bugs As needed Year‐round Major Mechanical/Chemical System Inspection (Preventative Maintenance) 1x/month Year‐round Job Class Year‐round C G A C G G H I L O R G H I L O R R S W W Year‐round R S W W Supervisor Parks Helper Skilled Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic Contractor/Certified Grounds Staff Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 30 years 1x/year and following storms As needed As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper/Contractor Parks Helper Repaint (potentially through electrostatic technique) As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Vegetation Control Growing Season Parks Helper/Grounds Keeper Repair Replace A 40 years Fence ‐ Level 3 Maintenance Goal: Support the asset for security, image, boundaries, and play areas. Inspect Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 1x/year and as needed X X X X X X X X X 20 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 20 years X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 years X 30 years X A Fence ‐ Level 2 Maintenance Goal: Support the asset for security, image, boundaries, and play areas. Inspect 1x/year and following storms As needed As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper/Contractor Parks Helper Repaint (potentially through electrostatic technique) As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Vegetation Control Growing Season Parks Helper/Grounds Keeper Repair Replace 1x/year and as needed A Fence ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Support the asset for security, image, boundaries, and play areas. Inspect Repair Replace 1x/week As needed As needed Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper Contractor Contractor Repaint (potentially through electrostatic technique) As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Vegetation Control Growing Season Parks Helper/Grounds Keeper 1x/year and as needed A Gate ‐ Level 3 Maintenance Goal: Support the asset for security, image, boundaries, and play areas. Inspect 1x/year and following storms As needed As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper/Contractor Parks Helper Repaint (potentially through electrostatic technique) As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Vegetation Control Growing Season Parks Helper/Grounds Keeper Repair Replace 1x/year and as needed C C G G G H I L O R G H I L O R G H I L O R R S W W R S W W R S W W X C G X X X X X X X X 21 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 20 years X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 years X A Gate ‐ Level 2 Maintenance Goal: Support the asset for security, image, boundaries, and play areas. Inspect Repair Replace 1x/month and following Year‐round storms As needed Year‐round As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Vegetation Control Growing Season Parks Helper/Grounds Keeper A Gate ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: Support the asset for security, image, boundaries, and play areas. 1x/week and following storms As needed As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Year‐round Year‐round Contractor Contractor Repaint (potentially through electrostatic technique) As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Vegetation Control Growing Season Parks Helper/Grounds Keeper Repair Replace 1x/week and as needed G H I L O R R S W W Parks Helper/Contractor Parks Helper Year‐round Inspect G Parks Helper Repaint (potentially through electrostatic technique) As needed 1x/year and as needed C C G X G H I L O R R S W W X 22 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A General Park ‐ Lawn ‐ Level 1 Goal: Provide a quality park look that is green, safe and enticing to use Mow/Trim/Blow Clippings Aerate Overseed Fertilize 1x/5 days 1x/year 1x/year 2 to 4x/year Growing Season Growing Season Fall Growing Season Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Apply weed control 1x/year and as needed Growing Season Grounds Keeper Prune trees 1x/year and as needed Fall Parks Helper Trim Shrubs 1x/month and as needed Growing Season Parks Helper Pick up trash prior to mowing Monitor Irrigation Control pests 1x/5 days 7x/week As needed Growing Season Growing Season Growing Season Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Manage leaves 2x/year and as needed Fall Parks Helper Line Trim Edge 1x/week 1x/month Growing Season Growing Season Parks Helper Parks Helper C X A General Park ‐ Lawn ‐ Level 2 Goal: Provide a quality park look that is green, safe and enticing to use Mow/Trim Overseed Fertilize Apply weed control Prune trees Trim Shrubs Pick up trash prior to mowing Control pests 1x/7 to 10 days As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed 1x/10 days As needed Growing Season Fall Growing Season Growing Season Fall Growing Season Growing Season Growing Season Parks Helper Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Manage leaves 2x/year and as needed Fall Parks Helper Line Trim Edge 1x/week 1x/year Growing Season Growing Season Parks Helper Parks Helper G G H X X C X G G I L O X X H I X X X L R R X O X R S W W X X X R S W W X X 23 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A General Park ‐ Lawn ‐ Level 3 Goal: Provide a quality park look that is green, safe and enticing to use Mow Selective weed control Inspect trees Pick up trash prior to mowing Monitor and remove invasive species Control pests G G H I X X 1 or 2x/year As needed As needed 1x/10 days As needed As needed Growing Season Growing Season Year‐round Growing Season Year‐round Growing Season 2x/year or as needed Spring, Summer Weed Control 2x/year or as needed Growing season 2x / year C X G O R R S W W X H I L O R R X X X X S W W X X Parks Helper Grounds Keeper/Parks Helper A May ‐ August Spring Year‐round G X X C G X 7/x week 1/x year As needed L X X X Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper A General Park ‐ Mulch Level 1 Goal: To provide a preventative weed supply to reduce staff cost Apply Mulch General Park ‐ Sand Goal: To provide a safe surface for parents and youth to enjoy a playground experience Rake Replenish Metal Detect C G H I H I L O L O R R R R S W W S W W X X X Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Volunteer A Golf ‐ Bunker (Level 1 Maintenance) Goal: To provide a quality obstacle to enhance the golf experience 10 years Rake 7x/week March ‐ November Parks Helper Supplement sand 1x/annually March ‐ November Parks Helper Remove water and check drains As needed March ‐ November Parks Helper Cut edges 1x/month and as needed March ‐ November Parks Helper C G X G X X 24 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Golf ‐ Bunker (Level 2 Maintenance) Goal: To provide a quality obstacle to enhance the golf experience Rake 3 ‐ 5x/week and as needed March ‐ November Parks Helper Supplement sand 1x/annually March ‐ November Parks Helper Remove water and check drains As needed March ‐ November Parks Helper Cut edges 1 ‐ 2x/year and as needed March ‐ November Parks Helper 3 or 4x/week 7x/week 1x/year 1x/year 3x/year 1x/month 1x/year 1x/week As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed Seasonally June Seasonally Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Parks Helper Sweep cart paths 2x/year and as needed Seasonally Parks Helper Inspect markers Paint Tee markers 1x/week Seasonally 1x/year Sping As required for green, smooth playing surface Seasonally (1"/week) Parks Helper Parks Helper Manage leaves G C G X 2x/year and as needed Fall G H I X A Golf ‐ Fairways (Level 1 Maintenance) Goal: To provide a quality surface to hit the golf ball of Mow, blow trimmings Repair holes and divots Aerate Overseed Fertilizer Apply Pre‐emergent, fungicide Apply pesticide Adjust flags/signs Water C 15 years L O X G H I L X R R X O R X R S W W X X S W W X X Parks Helper Parks Helper 25 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Golf ‐ Greens (Level 1 Maintenance) Goal: To provide a quality putting surface for golfers to enjoy Mow, blow as necessary 7x/week Collars mowed 3x/week Aerate up to 3x/year Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Grounds Keeper Overseed Fertilizer 3x/year 1x/2 weeks As required for green playing surface Seasonally Seasonally Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Seasonally Parks Helper Manage leaves/debris 2x/year and as needed Fall Parks Helper ‐ Seasonally Verticut Growing Season Parks Helper Growing Season Parks Helper Change cups 3x/year As required for green playing surface 7x/week Seasonally Parks Helper Apply pesticide 1x/week or as needed Growing Season Grounds Keeper A Golf ‐ Heather (Level 3 Maintenance) Goal: Eliminate invasive species and enjoy a weed‐ free surface Mow Apply herbicide Sign C G X 1x/year 1x/year or as needed 1x/year G H I Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally L O X R R X S W W X X S W W X X Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper 1x/2 weeks or as needed Seasonally Roll G X Lightly Top‐dressed Water C G H I L X O R X R Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Parks Helper 26 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Golf ‐ Roughs (Level 2 Maintenance) Goal: To provide a semi‐level hitting surface for golfing playability Mow Overseed 2x/week As needed Seasonally Seasonally Parks Helper Parks Helper Trim Trees 1x/year and as needed Seasonally Parks Helper Apply herbicide/pesticide Fertilizer 1x/year 1x/year June Seasonally Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Manage leaves 2x/year and as needed Fall Vegetation Control 3x/year growing season G G H I X L O X R R X S W W X X S W W X X Grounds Keeper A Golf ‐ Tees (Level 1 Maintenance) Goal: To provide a quality hitting surface for golfers to tee of from C G X Mow Replace divots with grass and sand Blow Move markers Inspect signs Repair signs Check and replenish ball washer fluids Empty trash cans Aerate 3x/week and daily by rangers 3x/week 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week 7x/week As needed 7x/week 7x/week 5x/year Overseed 2x/year and as needed Seasonally Parks Helper Fertilizer Pre‐emergence Water 1x/month 1x/year 7x/week Seasonally Spring or Fall Seasonally Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Parks Helper Manage leaves 2x/year and as needed Fall Parks Helper Pick up tees C Seasonally Parks Helper Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Seasonally Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper G H I L X O R X R 27 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X 15 years X A Hardscape ‐ Bridge Goal: To provide a safe high quality amenity for people to walk, bike or run Clean As needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Inspect 1x/week Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Repair As needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Apply ice solvents (no salt) As needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Structural Inspection 1x/5 years Spring Contractor A Hardscape ‐Parking Lot Level 1 Goal: To provide a quality, pothole free facility to park on Clean 7x/week Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Stripe Paved, Paint Bumper Blocks 1x/2 years Year‐round Contractor Inspect 7x/week Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Repair As needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Grade/Chloride gravel parking 2 or 3x/year Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker or Contract Inspect Signs Major Inspection 7x/week 1x/year 1x/15‐20 years or as needed Year‐round Year‐round Project Supervisor Every 15 years Contractor Mill and Cap Asphalt Fill cracks 1x/year and as needed Yearly Contractor Seal Safety Inspection (lighting, vegetation, etc) Inspect, Repair, Flush Storm Sewer Systems Sweep Parking lot Plow/salt 1x/2 years 1x /year 1x/year 1x/year As needed Every 2 years Yearly Yearly Yearly Winter Contractor Project Supervisor Project Supervisor Contractor Parks Helper C G G H X X C G G I L O R R X X H I L S W W X O R R S W W X 28 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Hardscape ‐Parking Lot ‐ Level 2 Goal: To provide a quality, pothole free facility to park on 20 years Clean 7x/week Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Stripe Paved, Paint Bumper Blocks 1x/2 years Year‐round Contractor Inspect 7x/week Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Repair As needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker Grade/Chloride gravel parking 2 or 3x/year Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker or Contract Inspect Signs Major Inspection 7x/week 1x/year Year‐round Yearly Project Supervisor Fill cracks 1x/year and as needed Every 2 years Contractor Yearly Contractor Yearly Yearly Yearly Winter Project Supervisor Project Supervisor Grounds Keeper Parks Helper Mill and Cap Asphalt Safety Inspection (lighting, vegetation, etc) Inspect, Repair, Flush Storm Sewer Systems Sweep Parking lot Plow/salt 1x/15‐20 years or as needed 1x /year 1x/year 1x/year As needed C G G H I X X X X X L O R R S W W X X X X X X 29 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Hardscape ‐Pool deck Goal: To provide a safe, quality walking surface for a people to access the aquatic facility C G G H I L O 20 years Clean and dry 7x/week May ‐ August Park Maintenance Worker Inspect 7x/week May ‐ August Park Maintenance Worker Repair As needed May ‐ August Park Maintenance Worker Paint safety signs and depth levels 1x/year May ‐ August Park Maintenance Worker Clean Drains 1x/week Operating Season Lifeguard Paint 1x/2 years Yearly Setup/Take down seasonal Amenities 2x/year Spring, Fall R R S X W W X General Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic A Hardscape ‐Road Goal: Provide a quality surface for people to access for driving, bicycling, walking or running Clean and sweep Marked Mowed on both sides Check signs Repair Overlays Seal potholes / cracks 20 years 1x/year or as needed 1x/two years 1x/week 1x/week As needed 1x/10 years 1x/year Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Park Maintenance Aide Contractor Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Inspect and repair gravel edge 1x/year and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Aide X C G G X H I L O R X X X X R S W W X X 30 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 20 years X X X X X X X X X X X X X A Hardscape ‐ Sidewalk C G G H I L O R R S W W Goal: Provide a quality surface for people to access for bicycling, rollerblading, walking or running Clean and sweep Repair/Replace 1x/year or as needed As needed Year‐round Year‐round Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Inspect and repair gravel edge 1x/year and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Aide Remove Snow As needed Winter Parks Helper Edge 2x/year and as needed Growing Season Parks Helper Major Inspection Weed Control 1x/year As needed Yearly Growing Season Project Supervisor Grounds Keeper A Hardscape ‐ Wood Deck Goal: Provide a safe amenity for people to enjoy a program for activity or observation Sweep/clean Power wash Reset Nails/Screws Stain Remove Snow/Ice Major Inspection 15 years 1x/week 1x/2 years 1x/2 years 1x/2 years As needed 1x/year Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Winter Spring Repair As needed Summer C G X G H I L O X R R S W W X Parks Helper Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Grounds Keeper Project Supervisor Skilled Maintenance Mechanic 31 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 15 years X A Hardscape ‐ Brick Pavers Goal: Provide a smooth surface for parking or for walking to and from a car Sweep/clean Power wash Top‐dress and power tamper Inspect 1x/week As needed 1x/year 7x/week Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Parks Helper Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Spay roundup 1x/year and as needed Growing Season Park Maintenance Aide Remove Snow/Ice Major Inspection Seal As needed 1x/year 1x/years Winter Yearly Yearly Grounds Keeper Project Supervisor Park Maintenance Aide C G G H I L O R R S W W X 32 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Natural Community Area X C G G H I L O X X X X X X R R S W W X X X X Goal: Complete inventory and restoration maintenance tasks requisite for the ecological health and function of park natural communities. Inventory/ Map Invasives Inventory/ Map Natural Community Inventory/ Map Native Plants Wildlife Survey Species Introduction/ Translocation GPS/ GIS Ground‐truth bi‐annually bi‐annually As needed As needed As needed As needed As needed Spring, Summer Spring, Summer Spring, Summer Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round NR Technician NR Technician NR Technician NR Technician NR Technician NR Technician NR Technician Photomonitoring 4x/year and as needed Year‐round NR Technician Treatment Monitoring project‐specific Year‐round NR Technician Sample Water project‐specific Year‐round NR Technician or Contractor Cut/ Herbicide As needed Fall, Winter Spray Herbicide As needed Jawz Removal As needed Plant/ Seed As needed Spring, Summer Collect Seed As needed Fall Create Burn Break As needed Year‐round Flag/ Mark Features As needed Year‐round Brush/ Vegetation Removal As needed Year‐round Tree Removal As needed Year‐round Spring, Summer, Fall Based on soil conditions Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor NR Technician or Park Maintenance worker 2 or Volunteers NR Technician or Volunteers Park Maintenance worker or Contractor NR Technician Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor 33 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Natural Community Area ‐ CONTINUED X Prescribe Burn 3‐yr rotation or as needed Spring, Summer Contractor Install/ Repair Nestbox As needed Fall, Winter Park Maintenance worker Install Signage As needed Year‐round Perimeter Walk As needed Fall, Winter Perimeter Clearing As needed Fall, Winter Remove Trash As needed Appropriate soil conditions Close Trail As needed Year‐round Mow Trail As needed Mow/ Brushog As needed Suspend Mowing As needed Growing season Appropriate soil conditions Spring, Summer Mitigate Dam As needed Year‐round Goose Control As needed Spring, Summer Rototill As needed Mulch/ Compost C G G H I L O X X X X X X R R S W W X X X X Park Maintenance worker or Contractor NR Technician Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Groundskeeper Groundskeeper Groundskeeper Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Groundskeeper or Contractor As needed Based on soil conditions Growing season Groundskeeper Transport/ Deliver Materials As needed Year‐round Park Aide or Seasonal Staff Inventory/ Repair Field Equipment 2x/year and as needed Year‐round NR Tech or General Maintenance Mechanic Stock First‐Aid Supplies (Joboxes) 2x/year and as needed Year‐round NR Technician Chip As needed Year‐round Skim Pond As needed Growing season Groundskeeper Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor 34 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Natural Community Area ‐ CONTINUED X Install Erosion Control As needed Year‐round Remove Treestand As needed Fall, Winter Install/ Remove Fencing As needed Fall, Winter C G G H I L O X X X X X X R R S W W X X X X Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor 35 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Ornamental ‐ Entryway / Signage Planting: Level 1 20 years C G G H I L O R R S W W X X X X X X X X X X X X X Goal: To provide a positive image of a park and / or a hospitality facility that promotes the Oakland County brand and encourages people to rent or use Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Plant landscape flowers (annuals) 2x/year Spring, Fall Flowerbed preparation 1‐2x/year Spring Mulch 1x/year and as needed Spring Aeration, Fertilizer, Weed Control 1x/2 weeks or as needed Spring Create floral display 3x/year Early April, mid‐ June and mid‐ September Clean weeds from beds 1x/week or as needed Year‐round Prune and deadhead flowers 1x/week Year‐round Repaint signs 1x/year March Water As needed Growing season Trim Trees 1x/year Growing season Inspect and adjust irrigation heads 1x/week Growing season Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Parks Helper Park Maintenance worker or Contractor Groundskeeper Replace/supplement Bulbs 1x/2 years Fall Groundskeeper/Parks Helper Inspect, adjust accent lighting (and timers) 1x/month and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance worker or Contractor General Maintenance Mechnanic 36 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 20 years X A Ornamental ‐ Formal: Level 1 C G G H I L O R R S W W X Goal: To provide a positive image of a park and / or a hospitality facility that promotes the Oakland County brand and encourages people to rent or use Plant landscape flowers (annuals) 2x/year Spring, Fall Flowerbed preparation 1‐2x/year Spring Mulch 1x/year and as needed Spring Aeration, Fertilizer, Weed Control 1x/2 weeks or as needed Spring Create floral display 3x/year Early April, mid‐ June and mid‐ September Clean weeds from beds 1x/week or as needed Year‐round Prune and deadhead flowers 1x/week Year‐round Repaint signs 1x/year March Edge Beds 1x/year and as needed Growing season Prune Shrubs 1x/month Growing season Trim Trees 1x/year Growing season Move Plants indoors/outdoors 2x/year Spring, Fall Cut back ornamental grasses and plans 1x/year Fall Water Inspect and adjust irrigation heads As needed 1x/week Growing season Growing season Replace/supplement Bulbs 1x/2 years Fall Inspect, adjust accent lighting (and timers) 1x/month and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper/Parks Helper General Maintenance Mechanic 37 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 20 years X A Ornamental ‐ Foundation Planting C G G X X H I L O R X X X X R S W W X X X Goal: To provide a positive image of a park and / or a hospitality facility that promotes the Oakland County brand and encourages people to rent or use Plant landscape flowers (annuals) 2x/year Spring, Fall Flowerbed preparation 1x/year Spring Mulch 1x/year and as needed Spring Aeration, Fertilizer, Weed Control 1x/2 weeks or as needed Spring Create floral display 3x/year Early April, mid‐ June and mid‐ September Clean weeds from beds 1x/week or as needed Year‐round Prune and deadhead flowers 1x/week Year‐round Repaint signs 1x/year March Edge Beds 1x/year and as needed Growing season Prune Shrubs 1x/month Growing season Move Plants indoors/outdoors 2x/year Spring, Fall Cut back ornamental grasses and plans 1x/year Fall Water Inspect and adjust irrigation heads As needed 1x/week Growing season Growing season Replace/supplement Bulbs 1x/2 years Fall Inspect, adjust accent lighting (and timers) 1x/month and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper/Parks Helper General Maintenance Mechanic 38 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 20 years X X X X X X X X X X X X X A Ornamental ‐ Hardscape Border Planting C G G H I L O R R S W W Goal: To provide a positive image of a park and / or a hospitality facility that promotes the Oakland County brand and encourages people to rent or use Plant landscape flowers (annuals) 2x/year Spring, Fall Flowerbed preparation 1x/year Spring Mulch 1x/year and as needed Spring Aeration, Fertilizer, Weed Control 1x/2 weeks or as needed Spring Create floral display 3x/year Early April, mid‐ June and mid‐ September Trim Trees 1x/year Growing season Clean weeds from beds 1x/week or as needed Year‐round Prune and deadhead flowers 1x/week Year‐round Repaint signs 1x/year March Edge Beds 1x/year and as needed Growing season Prune Shrubs 1x/month Growing season Move Plants indoors/outdoors 2x/year Spring, Fall Cut back ornamental grasses and plans 1x/year Fall Water Inspect and adjust irrigation heads As needed 1x/week Growing season Growing season Replace/supplement Bulbs 1x/2 years Fall Inspect, adjust accent lighting (and timers) 1x/month and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Park Maintenance Worker or Contractor Parks Helper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper/Parks Helper General Maintenance Mechanic 39 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 15 years X 30 years X A Road ‐ Asphalt / Concrete Goal: Provide a quality surface for people to access for driving, bicycling, walking or running Clean and sweep 3x/year and as needed Year‐round Park Maintenance Aide Striped/Marked Mowed on both sides Check signs 1x/2 years 1x/week 1x/week Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Repair As needed Year‐round Contractor Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide or RCOC Overlays 1x/15 to 20 years or as needed Year‐round Major Inspection 1x/year and as needed Seal potholes / cracks 1x/year and as needed Year‐round Snow removal Inspect, Repair, Flush Storm Sewer Systems Detention/Retention Pond Maintenance Stripe Pedestrian Crossings As needed 1x/year 1x/30 years 2x/year Winter C G G H X I L O X X R R S X W W X Contractor Project Supervisor Park Maintenance Aide or RCOC Park Maintenance Aide Project Supervisor Project Supervisor Contractor A Road ‐ Gravel C G G X H I L O X X X R R S W W X Goal: To provide as smooth as road as possible for tranportation based on existing weather conditions Grade and repack road 3x/year and as needed April, July, October Apply dust‐resistant material and chloride 3‐4x/year Year‐round Snow removal Major Inspection Inspect As needed 1x/year 1x/week Winter Spring Year‐round Park Maintenance Aide or RCOC Park Maintenance Aide or RCOC park Maintenance Aide Project Supervisor Parks Helper 40 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Road‐Pavers Goal: Provide a smooth surface for parking or for walking to and from a car Inspect Reset Top‐dress and power tamper Snow removal C G G H I 15 years 1x/year As needed 1x/year As needed Spring Year‐round Year‐round Winter L O R R S W W X Project Supervisor Park Maintenance Aide Park Maintenance Aide park Maintenance Aide Road‐Porous Goal: To provide a safe access for transportation, walking or bicycling A C G G H I L O R R S W W A C G G H I L O R R S W W 10 years Playgrounds and equipment ‐ (All types) ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: To adhere to and exceed National Playground Safety Standards 20 years Inspect and document; 1x/month Major Annual Inspection 1x/year Repair Clean and pickup trash Remove vandalism Inspect water fountains, where applicable Mow areas around the playground Inspect playground parking lot, picnic tables and visitor benches Immediately 7x/week As needed 7x/week 1x/week Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round Year‐round General Maintenance Mechanic/Parks Helper Certified Staff (Project Supervisor) Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper 1x/week Year‐round Grounds Keeper Rake sand, woodchips, gravel, fiber mulch 1x/week Spring, Summer, Fall Grounds Keeper Seal rubberized, poured in place Remove/Replace Fiber Mulch Replace 1x/year 1x/3‐5 years 1x/15 years Spring Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Contractor Inspect for Pests/Bees/etc 1x/2 weeks Spring, Summer, Fall Grounds Keeper Year‐round X X X X X X 41 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Playing Courts ‐ Basketball / Tennis / ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: To provide a safe and quality surface for practice or competitive type events C G 15 years Clean and sweep 7x/week Inspect stripes 1x/year Inspect fences 1x/month Inspect nets and pole, where applicable 1x/week Repair As needed Inspect lighting 1/x week Major Inspection 1x/year March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber G H I L O R R S W W H I L O R R S W W X Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Project Supervisor A Playing Courts ‐ Platform Tennis ‐ Level 1 Maintenance Goal: To provide a safe and quality surface for practice or competitive type events Clean and sweep Inspect stripes Inspect fences Inspect nets and platform, where applicable Repair and replace Inspect lighting 3x/week 1x/year 1x/month 1x/week As needed 1/x week October ‐ March October ‐ March October ‐ March October ‐ March October ‐ March October ‐ March Inspect heaters 1x/year October ‐ March Major Inspection 1x/year 30 years C G G X Organization Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Project Supervisor 42 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 15 years X 15 years X A Playing Courts ‐ Volleyball Goal: To provide a safe and quality surface for practice or competitive type events Rake Inspect nets, ropes, pole protectors where applicable Set up/take down nets Major Inspection Install/Remove Pole Protectors Edge, Rototil, and supplement sand 1x/week and as needed 1x/week 2x/year 1x/year 2x/year 1x/year March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber April, October Spring, Fall Spring Major Inspection Edge and supplement sand 1x/year and as needed Spring Parks Helpers Paint Backboards 1x/year Spring Parks Helpers Replace backboards Update player thrower lanes H I L O R R S X W W X Seasonal Labor Project Supervisor Parks Helpers Parks Helpers March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ 1x/week Novemeber March ‐ 1x/5 years or as needed Novemeber March ‐ 1x/year Novemeber 1x/year Mow G X Seasonal Labor A 1x/month G Seasonal Labor Playing Courts ‐ Horseshoe Pit Goal: To provide a safe and quality surface for practice or competitive type events Evaluate stakes for vertical position C C G G H I L O R R S W W X Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Seasonal Labor Project Supervisor 43 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Playing Courts ‐ Roller Hockey / Skate Park Goal: To provide a safe and quality surface for practice or competitive type events 10 years Inspect boards 1x/month May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Clean hockey surface 1x/month May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Clean boards 1x/year May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Inspect nets and lighting 1x/month May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Repair As needed May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Trash pick‐up 7x/week May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Major Inspection Seal 1x/year 1x/2 years Inspect for Pests/Bees/etc 1x/week Inspect skate park features 1x/month Fill Cracks 1x/year C G G H I L O R R S W W X Project Supervisor Contractor Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall Grounds Keeper General Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper 44 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Playing Courts ‐ Mini‐golf Goal: To provide a safe and quality surface for practice or competitive type events 40 years Sweep 7x/week May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Inspect boards 1x/month May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Repair As needed May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Trash pick‐up 7x/week May ‐ September Seasonal Labor Major Inspection Replace carpet 1x/year 1x/10 years Inspect for Pests/Bees/etc 1x/week Inspect features 1x/month Prep/Maintain/Inspect Landscaping 7x/week Spring Spring, Summer, Fall C G G H I L O R R S W W X Project Supervisor Contractor Grounds Keeper General Maintenance Mechanic May ‐ September Parks Helper 45 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Playing Fields ‐ Baseball / Softball / Soccer / Multi‐ use ‐ Level 1 C X G G H I L O R R S W W X Goal: To provide a high‐quality and safe field that encourages greater use among the community for practice, games and tournaments Mowed (2 inches per mowing) 2x/week Overseed 3x/year Fertilizer 3x/year Aerate 3x/year Drag / Line fields for games 7x/week Pick up trash and clean during events 7x/day Inspect bleachers /scoreboards / security lighting 1x/week Water ( 1 inch / week) As needed Paint Backstops 1x/2 years March ‐ Novemeber Spring, Summer Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber Spring Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Leagues / Volunteers Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper 46 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A C G Playing Fields ‐ Baseball / Softball / Soccer / Multi‐ use ‐ Level 3 G H X I L O R R S W W L O R R S W W X Goal: To provide a high‐quality and safe field that encourages greater greater use among the community for practice, games and tournaments Mowed 1x/week Fertilizer 1x/3 years Drag / Line fields for games As needed Pick up trash and clean during events 7x/day Inspect benches, backstops 1x/week Paint Backstops Set up recreational amentias 1x/2‐3 years 1x/year March ‐ Novemeber Spring, Summer, Fall March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber March ‐ Novemeber Spring Spring Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Leagues Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper A Playing Fields ‐ Cricket C G G H I X Goal: To provide a high‐quality and safe field that encourages greater use among the community for practice, games and tournaments Inspect pitch carpet 1x/week March ‐ November Grounds Keeper Replace 1x/5 years Use roller to flatten pitch, if available 1x/week March ‐ November Grounds Keeper Mow grass 2x/week March ‐ November Grounds Keeper Aerate, reseed, fertilize 3x/year March ‐ November Grounds Keeper Inspect boundary lines / fence 1x/week March ‐ November Grounds Keeper Set up and take down netting of practice cages 2x/year Spring, Fall Contractor Parks Helper 47 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Pool slide: Fiberglass / Plastic / Steel Goal: Offer a safe and enjoyable experience to the user Inspect 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper / Lifeguard Carnival/Amusement License Inspection 1x/year Operating Season State of Michigan Wax 1x/year Spring Prep, Caulk, Repair Fiberglass 1x/year Spring Paint 1x/5 years Spring Structural Inspection Inspect water pump Major water pump inspection 1x/5 years 7x/week 1x/year Spring Parks Helper / Lifeguard Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper / Skilled Maintenance Mechanic Contractor Lifeguards Seasonal Park Supervisor G 10 ‐ 30 years 1x/year 1x/week Repair/Level As needed Remove vandalism As needed Transition Summer/Winter sign Inspect Entrance Sign Paint Entrance Sign Paint Other Signs 2x/year 1x/year 1x/5 years 1x/year or as needed Remove/Replace Seasonal Signs 2x/year Year‐round Year‐round Within a week of observation Within a week of observation Spring, Fall Spring, Fall I L O C G G R R S X H I L O R W W X R S W W X X X X X X X X X X X X X Parks Helper Parks Helper Project Supervisor Contractor Parks Helper General Maintenance Mechanic A Year‐round H Park Supervisor Park supervisor Sign shop, contractor, Parks Helper 5 years 7x/week As needed G X A Sign Goal: Inform users in a clear concise manner Inspected System‐wide Inspected by park Bag Dispenser Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, restock Replace C 25 years C G G H I L X O R X R S W W X Parks Helper Parks Helper 48 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Ball washer Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, restock, change towels Strip and repaint Replace C 5 years 7x/week 1x/year As needed Year‐round Spring A 15 years 3x/year Paint, refinish 1x/year or as needed Operating Season G H I L O X R R X S W W X X S W W Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Bench Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect G X C G G H X X X X I L O R R X X X X X X X Parks Helper Parks Helper A Bike Rack Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users C G G H I L O R R C G G H I L O R R S W W S W W 5 ‐ 10years Inspect 3x/year Paint, refinish 1x/year or as needed Operating Season Parks Helper Parks Helper A Bleachers Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users 20 years Inspect 1x/week Major Inspection 1x/year Structural Inspection 5x/year X X Operating Season Project/Park Supervisor or Seasonally prior to General Maintenance scheduled events Mechanic Contractor 49 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Boat Launch Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Safety Inspection 1x/year Clean 2x/year or as needed Diaper Dispenser Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, restock, clean, sanitize Replace G G H X I L X O R R S W W X Project/Park Supervisor or General Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper A C G G H I L O R R S W W A C G G H I L O R R S W W 5 years 7x/week As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper Disc Golf Goal Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users 10 years Repair Mow 1x/2 weeks and following storm As needed 1x/2 weeks Growing Season General Maintenance Parks Helper Grade, Supplement Tee Boxes 2x/year and as needed Spring Parks Helper Tree Pruning 2x/year and as needed Empty Trash 1x/week and as needed Replace scorecards 1x/week and as needed Inspect C X Parks Helper Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper 50 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 15 years X A Dock Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Replace Decking Major Inspection 1x/15‐20 years 1xyear Inspection 1x/month Clean 7x/week 7x/week As needed Open/Close 2x/year Spring, Summer, Fall H I L X O R R S W W X C G G H I C G G H I L O R R S W W L O R R S W W O R R S W W 20 years Spring/Fall General Maintenance Mechanic 30 years X X 7x/week A Fire pits Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect Clean General Maintenance G X Parks Helper A Dugouts Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, clean G Project Supervisor Project Supervisor General Maintenance Mechanic A Drinking Fountain Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, clean Repair C 5 ‐ 10 years 1x/year 1x/week 1x/2 weeks Seasonal Seasonal Seasonal X C G G X H I L X Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper 51 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 5 ‐ 10 years X A Fountain Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Open/Close Fixed Fountains 2x/year Clean nozzles 1x/2 weeks Refill 1x/month Inspect 1x/month Spring, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall 1x/week 1x/year Retie Nets 1x/week Paint 1x/year G G H I L O R R S W W L O R R S W W O R R S W W X Parks Helper C G X G H X I L X X X Parks Helper Parks Helper A Map Dispenser Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, restock Repair C X A Spring, Summer, Fall Yearly I General Maintenance Mechanic 5 ‐ 10 years 7x/week H Parks Helper Grill Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, remove coals G Parks Helper 20 years Operating Season G General Maintenance Mechanic A Goal Post Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect Paint C C G G H I L O R R S W W 5 years 7x/week As needed Year‐round Parks Helper Parks Helper 52 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Nesting Platform Boxes Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, restock Monitor Repair Spray Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A C G G H A C G G H 2x/year 1x/2 weeks As needed 1x/year Spring, Fall Summer Spring Fall L O R R S W W I L O R R S W W Volunteers Volunteers Volunteers Parks Helper Net Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect, restock 1x/week Repair As needed Spring, Summer, Fall 5 years X X 10 years X 1x/year 2x/year Repair As needed Wash (pavilion tables) 7x/week X Parks Helper Yearly Spring, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall Spring, Summer, Fall G G H X I L O X X R R X S W W X X X Parks Helper Parks Helper A Year‐round Year‐round C Parks Helper Parks Helper 5 years 1x/week As needed X X Parks Helper A Picnic Table Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect Stack/Distribute Recycle Container Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect Repair I 5 years C G G H I L O R R S W W X Parks Helper Parks Helper 53 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Sanitation Station Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect 1x/2 weeks Operating Season General Maintenance Mechanic Pump 1‐3x/year or as needed Operating Season Contractor Clean/wash 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper Paint 1x/year Yearly Parks Helper Inspect Signs 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper Inspect Lighting 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper Empty Trash 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper Scoreboard Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Inspect Replace bulbs Replace C G G H I L O R R X A C G A C G S W W X G H I L O R R S W W G H I L O R R S W W 15 years 1x/year As needed 1x/10 years Stage Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users 15 years Inspect 1x/week Repair Major Inspection Structural Inspection As needed 1x/year 1x/5 years Operating Season X Parks Helper Project Supervisor Contractor 54 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Tower Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Carnival/Amusement License Inspection 1x/year Major Inspection Daily Inspection 1x/year 7x/week Repair As needed Repaint 1x/5 years or as needed Parks Helper Structural Inspection 1x5 years Contractor G Operating Season H I L O X R R S X W W X State of Michigan Project Supervisor Lifeguards General Maintenance Mechanic 5 years 7x/week 1x/week G X A Trash Cans Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Empty Clean C 15 ‐ 20 years Year‐round Year‐round C G G H I L O R R S W W X X X X X X X X X X X X X Parks Helper Parks Helper A Wildlife Viewing Platform Goal: Ensure they are in good condition, are updated, safe and offer an enjoyable experience to the users Major Inspection 1x/year Inspection 1x/week Year‐round Repair As needed Year‐round Repaint 1x/5 years or as needed Spring Parks Helper Structural Inspection 1x5 years Contractor C G G H I L O R R S W W 15 years Spring Project Supervisor General Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic 55 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Trail Goal: Hard Surface ‐ To provide a quality surface for walking, running or bicycling for all ages and types of visitors Soft surface: To provide a reasonable level of trail quality for walking, running or biking that does not have to meet ADA standards Trim/Prune 2x/year or as needed Mow 2‐4x/month C G X Spring, Fall Growing Season 1x/month and as needed Year‐round Grounds Keeper Inspection 1x/week and following major storm General Maintenance Mechanic Major Inspection Seasonal Maintenance and event Preparation Set ski tracks Spray weed control Inspect/change way‐finding signage 1x/year 3x/year As needed As needed 3x/year Fall, Winter Winter Summer Year‐round Project Supervisor Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Park Supervisor Clean/Blow Paved Trails 1x/week or as needed Year‐round Parks Helper A Water feature Goal: Provide a working, functional water spray feature to eliminate algae and improve water quality X Open/Close (Nature Center Pond) 2x/year Spring, Fall Apply aqua control 2x/year or as needed Spring, Summer Remove/Replace Aerators 2x/year Spring, Fall Set up/Remove water control devices 2x/year Spring, Fall Inspect Water Level Pump 1x/week Year‐round H I L O R R S X W W X Grounds Keeper Grounds Keeper Surface Repair Year‐round G X X X X X C G G H I L O R R S W W X X X X X X X X X X X General Maintenance Mechanic Certified Technician General Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic General Maintenance Mechanic 56 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Water Recreational feature Goal: To provide a safe, enjoyable recreation aquatic amenity for people of all ages to enjoy their aquatic experience C G G H I L O 25 ‐ 30 years Open/Close 2x/year Spring, Fall Paint, Repair, acid wash, check pumps 1x year Spring, Fall Inspect 7x/week Summer Masonry Repair As needed Year‐round A 5 years 1x/day Daily Inspection 1x/week Weekly R S W W X General Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper General Maintenance Supervisor General Maintenance Mechanic Rental Recreational Equipment: Boat ‐ Canoe / Kayak / Pedal / Row / Skis / Bikes/ Snowshoes Goal: To provide safe, clean equipment to users that allows them to enjoy a positive, self‐directed or programmed rental experience Major Inspection R X C G X G H X I L O R R S W W L O R R S W W X X X General Maintenance Mechanic Parks Helper A Rental Recreational Equipment: Golf: ADA Power Cart / Electric Power Cart / Gas Power Cart / Pull Cart Goal: To provide a clean, safe, working cart for golfers to enjoy their game 10 years C G X G H I X X General Maintenance Mechanic Major Inspection 1x/year Inspection 1x/day Operating Season Parks Helper Clean, remove trash Following each Use Operating Season Parks Helper Refuel, Recharge Following each Use Operating Season Parks Helper Monitor Use 7x/week Operating Season Parks Helper 57 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Rental Recreational Equipment: Mobile Recreation ‐ Bleachers / Bus / Climbing Tower / Generator / Inflatable / Stage / Tent / Trailer Goal: To provide safe, clean equipment to users that allows them to enjoy a positive, self‐directed or programmed rental experience Inspect Major Inspection Bus Inspection Bus Maintenance Maintenance/Repairs C G G H I L O R R S 5 ‐ 20 years per use 1x/year 1x/year 1x/month As needed Year‐round X Seasonal Helper Automobile Mechanic II State of Michigan Automobile Mechanic II Automobile Mechanic II A Rental Recreational Equipment: Other: Bikes / Rollerblades Goal: To provide safe, clean equipment to users that allows them to enjoy a positive, self‐directed or programmed rental experience Inspect per use Major Inspection 1x/year W W 5 years C G X G H I L O R R S W W H I L O R R S W W X Seasonal Helper Automobile Mechanic II A Rental Recreational Equipment: Waterpark: Chairs / Tubes Goal: To provide safe, clean equipment to users that allows them to enjoy a positive, self‐directed or programmed rental experience Inspect 1x/year Repair As needed C G G 5 years X X Seaonal Helper Seaonal Helper A Irrigation Systems: 40 years C G X X G H I L X O R X R S W W X X X Goal: To provide a sustainable, well‐maintained and water‐ efficient system for irrigating grounds to ensure high quality surfaces and playing experience Open/Close Irrigation 2x/year Spring, Fall General Maintenance Mechanic Inspect, adjust, water volume 1x/week Spring, Summer, Fall Parks Helper 58 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 5 ‐ 20 years X X X X X X X X X X X X X A Maintenance Equipment Goal: To provide a safe, well‐maintained asset to support staff in the efficient maintenance of Oakland County's parks and facilities Sharpen blades, belts 1x/week Oil change As needed Prepare equipment for following season As needed Beginning of season Based on manufacturer's requirements 1 month prior to opening season C G G H I L O R R S W W Equipment Mechanic Equipment Mechanic Equipment Mechanic 59 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A BMX Area 30 years C G G H I L O R R S W W X Goal: To provide a safe area for riders and spectators that is well maintained and provides an enjoyable experience for participants and users Track is dragged daily during competitions 1x/Daily Holes filled in Site flags and course markings are checked during competitions 1x/Daily Trash is picked up during competitions 2x/Daily Area is mowed 1x/week As needed During competition Parks Helper Seasonal Park Helper 1 month prior to opening season 1 month prior to opening season Beginning of season Restrooms cleaned during competitions and once a 2x/Daily day in non competitive days Informational boards inspected and updated 1x/week Trail guidelines and rules are posted As needed Schedule of events posted 1x/week Seasonal Park Helper Seasonal Park Helper Parks Helper Seasonal Park Helper 1 month prior to opening season Beginning of season Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Sound system checked As needed Before each competition Safety personnel on site during competitions As needed During competition Parks Supervisors Track watered before the start of events and once weekly for competitions 1x/week During competition Park Seasonal Helper Maintenance staff are trained yearly on how to provide maintenance during events and on a weekly 1x / Yearly basis Equipment Mechanic Park Supervisor 60 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 30 years X A Disc Golf Course C G G H I L O R R S W W Goal: To provide a safe area for riders and spectators that is well maintained and provides an enjoyable experience for participants and users Baskets are inspected for damage and replaced Grass for fairways are mowed Tee boxes inspected and repaired Signage inspected and repaired Garbage picked up Restrooms cleaned 1x/Week 1x/Weekly As needed 2x/Daily 1x/Daily 1x/Daily During season During season During season During season During season During season Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Informational signs inspected and updated 1x/week During season Parks Supervisors 61 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 40 years X A Campgrounds C G G H I L O R R S W W X Goal: To provide a safe area and well maintained area for users to enjoyable a positive camping experience throughout Oakland County Campsites inspected daily for broken glass and dangerous materials Daily During season Parks Helper Fireplaces and or grills cleaned out after every camper leaves the site As needed During season Parks Helper During season Parks Helper During season Parks Helper During season During season Parks Helper parks Helper Campsites mowed Signs inspected Daily on weekdays ‐ 2x/Day on weekends 2x/Day weekdays ‐ 3x/Day on weekends 1x/week 1x/week Weeds trimmed around posts and signs 1x/week During season Parks Helper Lighting checked Safety horns checked Hard surfaces cleaned Regional dumpsters removed Recycling containers removed Tree hazards removed All electrical hookups are working to the amps required and checked 1x/week 1x/month 1x/week 1x/week As needed As needed During season During season During season During season During season During season Parks Mechanic Parks Mechanic Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper Parks Helper 1x/week During season Parks Mechanic All hand dryers are working and checked Daily During season Parks Mechanic Laundry facilities are checked to ensure they are in good working order and change machines filled Daily During season Parks mechanic Garbage picked up Restrooms cleaned 62 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix 30 years X A Beach Goal: To provide a safe area and well maintained area for users to enjoyable a positive experience on the beach Sand is cleaned and dragged with a beach cleaner During season Parks Helper During season Parks Helper During season Parks Helper During season Parks Helper During season Parks Helper All moving water equipment is checked and working Daily During season Park Mechanic All restroom showers checked to be in good working Daily order and repaired immediately During season Parks Mechanic All picnic tables will be cleaned prior to opening Daily During season Parks Helper All signs inspected and documented Daily During season Parks Helper All safety equipment is in good working condition Daily During season Parks Mechanic Loud speaker equipment is checked and repaired as Daily needed During season Parks Mechanic Trash is picked up All buoys are inspected so as to be in good working order Daily Daily on weekdays ‐ 2x/Day on weekends 2x/Day weekdays ‐ 3x/Day on weekends Ensure all safety equipment is working and available Daily before the beach is open All restrooms will be cleaned 2x/Day weekdays ‐ 3x/Day on weekends C G G X H I L O R R S W W X 63 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Water Park Facilities 60 years C G G H I L O R X R S W W X Goal: To provide a safe area that offers a variety of water‐based activities to serve all ages and create a positive experience for the users Grass mowed on a every four day basis Daily During season Seasonal Parks Helper Landscaped areas maintained to resort levels of care Daily on weekdays ‐ 2x/Day on weekends During season Seasonal Park Helper Water tested hourly and meets State of Michigan water quality levels 2x/Day weekdays ‐ 3x/Day on weekends During season Aquatic Staff All equipment inspected on a daily basis Daily During season Parks Mechanic During season Parks Mechanic During season Parks Supervisors Daily During season Seasonal Parks Helper Daily During season Aquatic Staff 1x/week During season Aquatic Staff All aquatic amentias and equipment will follow manufacturer’s daily and weekly inspection requirements. Daily During season Parks Mechanic Trash will be removed twice daily 2x/day During season Seasonal Parks Helper Signs inspected weekly for appropriate verbiage and 1x/week vandalism During season Seasonal Parks Helper Trees pruned and maintained yearly 1x/year During season Parks Helper Parking lots inspected and cleaned daily Daily During season Parks Helper Fencing inspected on a weekly basis 1x/week During season Parks Helper All safety equipment inspected and documented on 2x/Day weekdays ‐ a daily basis 3x/Day on weekends All playground and play courts inspected on a daily Daily basis Hard pool surfaces washed down daily All lounge chairs will be in good working order and inspected weekly All tubes will be in good working order and inspected weekly 64 of 65 Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission Frequency Timeframe Job Class Life Cycle Addison Catalpa Glen Groveland Highland Independence Lyon Orion Red Rose Springfield Waterford White Lake Task Maintenance Maintenance Matrix A Water Park Facilities ‐ CONTINUED Lifeguard chairs inspected weekly and repaired immediately Sound equipment inspected daily and repaired immediately Play surfaces raked daily 60 years Daily During season Parks Helper Daily During season Parks mechanic Daily During season Parks Helper Restrooms inspected every hour and cleaned twice a Daily day and stocked appropriately During season Parks Helper During season Seasonal Park Helper Trash removed from the site twice daily 2x/day C G G H I L O R X R S W W X 65 of 65