spring/summer collection 2013 THE MAKING OF A MODERN CLASSIC Å r 1 8 9 3 s t a r t a d e A l f r e d J o h a n s s o n e n l i t e n v ä v f a b r i k u t a n f ö r K i n n a i Vä s t e r g ö t l a n d . Två år senare kom elektriciteten till byn och den första skrivmaskinen inhandlades. I mitten av 1960-talet hade företaget uppnått ett gott rykte som en leverantör av t e k n i s k t a v a n c e r a d e t e x t i l i e r a v h ö g k v a l i t e t . Fö r e t a g e t v a r d e n f ö r s t a f r o t t é t i l l v e r k a r e n i Skandinavien, såväl som den sista innan produktionen i Sverige tog sitt slut under 2 0 0 8 . N a m n e t Pe l l e v ä v a r e h ä r s t a m m a r f r å n d e n s m å t t l e g e n d a r i s k e e n t r e p r e n ö r e n Pe r Almquist, som var verksam i företaget under senare delen av 1900-talet. Han kallades Pe l l e a v d e f l e s t a , d ä r a v – P E L L E VÄVA R E . H u r b l i r m a n e n m o d e r n k l a s s i k e r ? Pe l l e v ä v a r e t i t t a r t i l l b a k a p å e n l å n g t r a d i t i o n a v textilt kunnande, men inspireras av det som ligger i tiden. Genom att vi lägger stor vikt p å k v a l i t e t , k o n s t r u k t i o n o c h d e t a l j e r, k a n v i l o v a a t t v å r a p r o d u k t e r å l d r a s m e d s t i l . Un d e r 2 0 1 2 l a n s e r a d e Pe l l e v ä v a r e M o d e r n C l a s s i c s - e t t h e l h e t s k o n c e p t a v t e x t i l i e r f ö r hemmets alla rum. I n 1 8 9 3 t h e e n t r e p r e n e u r A l f r e d Jo h a n s s o n s t a r t e d a s m a l l w e a v i n g m i l l i n t h e S w e d i s h p r o v i n c e o f Vä s t e r g ö t l a n d . Tw o y e a r s l a t e r e l e c t r i c i t y w a s i n t r o d u c e d t o t h e v i l l a g e , a n d t h e c o m p a n y p u r c h a s e d i t s f i r s t t y p e w r i t e r. B y t h e 1 9 6 0 ’s t h e c o m p a n y h a d b e c o m e a w e l l k n o w n and respected producer of technically advanced textiles. The company was the first terr ycloth producer in Scandinavia as well as the last when it closed down its production sites in S w e d e n i n 2 0 0 8 . T h e n a m e Pe l l e v ä v a r e o r i g i n a t e s f r o m t h e l e g e n d a r y t e x t i l e e n t r e p r e n e u r a n d C E O o f t h e 1 9 6 0 ’s Pe r A l m q u i s t . H e w a s k n o w n a s “ Pe l l e” a m o n g f r i e n d s . T h e w o r d “v ä v a r e” m e a n s w e a v e r, i e . “ Pe l l e t h e We a v e r ” . H o w d o y o u b e c o m e a m o d e r n c l a s s i c ? Pe l l e v ä v a r e h a s a l o n g t r a d i t i o n o f t e x t i l e e x p e r t i s e , but is inspired by contemporar y trends and is always looking ahead. By paying close attention t o q u a l i t y, c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d d e t a i l , w e e n s u r e t h a t o u r p r o d u c t s w i l l a g e i n s t y l e . I n 2 0 1 2 Pe l l e v ä v a r e l a u n c h e d a c o m p l e t e t e x t i l e c o n c e p t o f M o d e r n C l a s s i c s f o r t h e h o m e . Uppe på sluttningen i Mölle vakar Grand Hotel Mölle över det lilla samhället på Kullahalvön i Nordvästra Skåne. Grand Hotel byggdes 1909 i den populära badorten, som var präglad lika mycket av lyx, flärd och sina internationella sommargäster, som av ortens rykte som skandalöst resmål för äventyrslystna semesterfirare. I korridorerna på Grand Hotel förs tankarna lätt till historiska mytomspunna gäster och randiga baddräkter som torkar på balkongen efter friska bad. Upplev Sommaren 2013 med Pellevävare på Grand Hotel Mölle - en svensk modern klassiker. Grand Hotel Mölle sits high up on a hill, overlooking the small town Mölle on the Kullaberg peninsula. Grand Hotel was built in 1909 in the popular Swedish seaside resort, which was renowned not only for the glamourous international visitors, but mostly for the scandalous behaviour of the men and women bathing together on the local beaches. The corridors of Grand Hotel whisper of legendary guests from the turn of the century and of striped bathing suits drying on the balconies. Welcome to experience Spring and Summer 2013 with Pellevävare at Grand Hotel Mölle – a true Swedish Modern Classic. 6 pellevävare 2013 pellevävare 2013 7 BERGMAN duvet cover, pillowcase See pricelist for sizes and art.no Asphalt, 100% Washed linen LÅNGHELG A long weekend (A small adventure that provides a perfect balance between inspiration and relaxation.) BÅSTAD towel, 30x50/50x70/70x140cm Beige, 100% Cotton SANDBERG PATCH cushion, 50x50cm Pink/natural, 100% Linen SANDBERG cushion, 50x50cm 100% Linen TOREKOV terryrobe GENTLEMAN, warm grey, 100% Cotton HAVSBADEN terryrobe UNISEX, grey, 100% Cotton 12 pellevävare 2013 HAVSUTSIKT Seaview (The silent company of the ever-changing sea, experienced in your own privacy.) GRAND HOTEL cushion 45x45cm, pink, 100% Cotton ESTHER cushion 45x45cm, asphalt, 100% Linen AVENYN duvet cover, pillowcase See pricelist for sizes and art.no Light blue, 100% Cotton Percale INEZ cushion, 50x60cm Linen/Viscose SMÖGEN terryrobe LADY, soft pink, 100% Cotton HELSINGBORG terryrobe LADY, beige, 100% Cotton Under 1900-talets början var Mölle en populär badort bland välbärgade svenskar, danskar och tyskar. Ett direkttåg åkte mellan Berlin och Mölle varje vecka under sommarmånaderna, ända fram till första världskriget. Badgästerna i Mölle samsades med lokala fiskare, sjöfarare, konstnärer, författare och botanister. Badlivet var glatt och livat och ryktet spred sig om ”Synden i Mölle”. Vid den lilla stenstranden strax norr om samhället tilläts nämligen män och kvinnor att bada tillsammans, dock i heltäckande baddräkter som ofta var moderiktigt tvärrandiga. Medan vissa tog emot nymodigheten med gemensamma badplatser som ett glädjebud, tyckte andra att det var förskräckligt. During the beginning of the 20th century, Mölle was a renowned summertime resort and attracted affluent visitors from Sweden as well as various parts of Europe. There was even a weekly train from Berlin to Mölle up until the First World War. The visitors in Mölle were joined by local fishermen, sailors, artists, authors and botanists, and soon Mölle got a reputation as a place for lively and scandalous entertainment. “The Sin in Mölle”, referred to the small pebble stone beach located just north of the town, where women and men were allowed to swim together. This was a novelty that had spread to Mölle from Germany, but was unheard of in the rest of Sweden. The bathers wore bathing suits that covered most of the body in fashionable striped fabric, but even so the phenomenon was frowned upon by many. 18 pellevävare 2012 pellevävare 2012 19 We are dedicated to making modern classics. By paying close attention to quality, construction and detail, we ensure that our products will age in style. Modern Classics Modern Classics This is a classic PELLEVÄVARE. If you treat it with care, you will have a long-lasting friend. 22 pellevävare 2013 pellevävare 2013 KUSTVÄGEN throw, 130x180cm Navy, 100% Cotton MORGONDOPP A morning swim (If you have the chance - indulge in this true luxury whenever possible.) KOSTER terryrobe, UNISEX Navy and white, 100% Cotton MORGONDOPP cushion, 50x50cm Linen/Viscose BÅSTAD towel, 30x50/50x70/70x140cm Navy, 100% Cotton BERGMAN duvet cover, pillowcase See pricelist for sizes and art.no Navy, 100% Linen OPTIMIST cushion, 50x50cm Navy, 100% Cotton 23 24 pellevävare 2013 pellevävare 2013 nyheter - news ss2013 nyheter - news ss2013 SANDBERG PATCH cushion 3371-2899-510, 50x50cm Blue/natural, 100% Linen SANDBERG PATCH cushion 3371-2899-218 50x50cm Pink/natural, 100% Linen Morgondopp cushion 3152-2901-850 50x50cm 33% Linen, 67% Viscose Simskolan cushion 3151-2903-850 50x60cm 67% Linen, 33% Viscose Optimist cushion 3271-2897-574 50x50cm Navy, 100% Cotton Optimist cushion 3271-2897-850 50x50cm Grey, 100% Cotton SOLBACKEN duvet cover, pillowcase See pricelist for sizes and art.no 100% Cotton AVENYN duvet cover, pillowcase See pricelist for sizes and art.no Lt blue, 100% Cotton Percale SANDBERG cushion 3271-2899-844 50x50cm Vintage grey, 100% Linen visby throw 2301-2852-736 130x170cm Stone, 100% Cotton SANDBERG cushion 3271-2899-076 50x50cm Vintage sand, 100% Linen SANDBERG cushion 3271-2899-218 50x50cm Vintage pink, 100% Linen kustvägen throw 2310-2906-592 130x180cm Navy, 100% Cotton SANDBERG cushion 3271-2899-620 50x50cm Vintage lavender, 100% Linen FÄNRIK runner 4074-2898-066 47x140cm Sand, 100% Cotton SANDBERG cushion 3271-2899-128 50x50cm Vintage lemon, 100% Linen FÄNRIK placemat 4054-2898-066 37x47cm Sand, 100% Cotton inez cushion 3151-2902-850 50x60cm 67% Linen, 33% Viscose HAVSBADEN towel 7014-2908-840 50x70cm 7016-2908-840 70x140cm Grey, 100% Cotton HAVSBADEN towel 7014-2908-599 50x70cm 7016-2908-599 70x140cm Navy, 100% Cotton HAVSBADEN beach towel 7019-2908-840 100x180cm Grey, 100% Cotton HAVSBADEN beach towel 7019-2908-599 100x180cm Navy, 100% Cotton HAVSBADEN beach towel 7019-2908-160 100x180cm Orange, 100% Cotton AVENYN duvet cover, pillowcase See pricelist for sizes and art.no Sand, 100% Cotton Percale havsbadeN terryrobe Grey, UNISEX 100% Cotton HAVSBADEN terryrobe Navy, UNISEX 100% Cotton falsterbo terryrobe White, UNISEX 100% Cotton falsterbo terryrobe Navy, UNISEX 100% Cotton 8512-2908-840 xs 8512-2908-599 xs 8502-2715-000 xs 8502-2715-580 xs 8513-2908-840 s 8513-2908-599 s 8503-2715-000 s 8503-2715-580 s 8514-2908-840 m 8514-2908-599 m 8504-2715-000 m 8504-2715-580 m 8515-2908-840 l 8515-2908-599 l 8505-2715-000 l 8505-2715-580 l 8516-2908-840 xl 8516-2908-599 xl 8506-2715-000 xl 8506-2715-580 xl 8507-2715-000 XXL 8507-2715-580 XXL SANDBERG cushion 3271-2899-510 50x50cm Vintage blue, 100% Linen Husman kitchen towel/apron 4500-2910-566, 60x80cm, blue 4500-2910-260, 60x80cm, red 100% Cotton smögen terryrobe Soft pink, LADY 100% Cotton smögen terryrobe Jeans blue, LADY 100% Cotton mollösund kimono White, UNISEX 100% Cotton mollösund kimono Black, UNISEX 100% Cotton 8292-2776-210 xs 8292-2776-540 xs 8572-2777-000 xs 8572-2777-899 xs 8293-2776-210 s 8293-2776-540 s 8573-2777-000 s 8573-2777-899 s 8294-2766-210 m 8294-2766-540 m 8574-2777-000 m 8574-2777-899 m 8295-2776-210 l 8295-2776-540 l 8575-2777-000 l 8575-2777-899 l 8296-2776-210 xl 8296-2776-540 xl 8576-2777-000 xl 8576-2777-899 xl 25 CUSTOMER SERVICE Opening hours, Monday - Friday: 08.00–16.30 CET For orders within Sweden or Norway E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +46 (0)40 55 61 57 Fax: +46 (0)40 40 43 49 For orders within other countries E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +46 (0)40 55 61 63 Fax: +46 (0)40 40 43 49 CUSTOMER SUPPORT Opening hours: Monday - Fri 08.00–16.30 CET E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +46 (0)40 55 61 71 Phone: +46 (0)40 55 61 63 Fax: +46 (0)40 40 43 49 PELLEVAVARE.SE Tack till Grand Hotel Mölle Please also see our Catalogue 2012 for the full range of available Pellevävare items, or visit our website www.pellevavare.se. Order your copy of The Pellevävare Catalogue 2012 by contacting our customer service. Art Direction & Production Brand New Homes AB, Interior Photo Johan Kalén, Product Photo Billy Lindberg, Print BW Tryck & Reklam AB
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