April 2015 - Sawnee Woman`s Club


April 2015 - Sawnee Woman`s Club
The Key
April 2015
Presidents' Corner: Carolyn Watters & Kim Balose
Happy Easter -­‐ I hope that you had a blessed holiday spent crea3ng lots of wonderful memories with your family!
Spring Break Already? I'm sure you will agree that our club year has flown by! We have these two last months and we have a lot going on. Hopefully you are enjoying the year and finding opportuni3es to serve your community and at the same 3me having fun doing it! Now is the 3me to help your department chair come up with ideas for next year that she can either research implemen3ng, or pass on to her successor. I know you all have some great ideas -­‐ share them at your department mee3ng! Club Officers
Carolyn Watters
Kim Balose
1st Vice President
Paula Glover
2nd Vice President
Sheree Crowe
3rd Vice President
Lisa Ann McDougald
Beth Daffin
Tammie Fowler
Lisa Ann McDougald did an outstanding job once again with Nite In Old Cumming. Everything from the delicious food, to the band and auc3on, was top notch! Thank you to all of you ladies for coming together, working hard and making this a successful and fun event. At the 3me that I am wri3ng this, we don't have final numbers in, but have been told that it looks like it was a successful fundraiser.
We had some great sponsorships this year that allowed us to have a lot of our event paid for up front. Thank you to all who secured sponsors or made a personal sponsorship. A special thanks goes out to new ( prospec3ve) member Lisa Lewis for her most generous dona3on of the casino tables and bartenders ( I may be missing something else) and to Amelia and Dennis Stockton for the sponsorship through Forsyth County News. The Stocktons and FCN have supported us for years and we are certainly apprecia3ve! Again, thank you to all of you ladies for helping make it a success! It really is not too early to begin looking for those silent auc3on gems and sponsors for next year's event. Drug Awareness
In October we heard from Sheriff Piper, and it was our intent this year to explore ways we could help with the challenges this county is facing from drug use. Jennifer Cash from the Sheriff's department has put a wonderful program called Teen Intercep>on into place. It runs for 7 weeks and is currently in week 3. I am aXaching a schedule to this newsleXer. It has dates, topics, and loca3on/3mes.
You can support this pilot program in several ways: 1. A%end the mee,ngs that are listed on the schedule. You may count this as hours. 2. Provide bo%led water for the mee,ngs ( every $10 =1 hour) Ms. Cash says about 30 boXles are needed for each week.
3. We will be providing the refreshments for the gradua,on ceremony on May 12th. If you are interested in helping either in dona3ng $ or baking/making then please sign up at the mee3ng . There will be a sign up sheet on the table. If you miss the mee3ng and want to help -­‐ email me.
4. Ms. Cash asked that any members , who feel called to do so, support the par3cipants, their families, and the speakers/leaders/teachers through prayer as they navigate these 7 weeks . The Key Newsletter
Department Chairs
Lee Ann Broscher
Alison Compton
Denise Carleton
Lisa LaFayette
Debbi Little
Karla Oler
Home Life
Andrea Spillers
International Outreach
Laurie Mansfeldt
Public Issues
Sandy Carter
Alison Compton
Debbi Little
April 2015
Page 2
Looking Forward
This is the 3me of year that we start thinking about how we can improve for next year and what projects you would like to support. We will be transi3oning in May and June, and the new Board will take over in June. Let me hear from you! I know that there are amazing things going on in the club and I want you to share those experiences as well as what you feel we can be doing beXer. Send me your thoughts at [email protected]. If you are a new member, I would encourage you to also copy Sandi Carter on your email as she is slated for the 1st VP Membership posi3on and she will want to hear ideas from the new member perspec3ve. You can reach Sandy at [email protected]. Cheers! "Where everybody knows your name...."
I'd like to remind the whole membership that we need to greet, mix and mingle at our social 3me, and aeer mee3ngs. ( But not during the mee3ng:) Please make sure to introduce yourself to other members and guests that you don't know. Be friendly! How do you get to know people in this club?
-­‐ Get to the mee3ng at 9 and visit 3l it starts at 9:30
-­‐ Sign up for projects and social events like Book club, the wine tas3ng, yoga , etc. This is the best way to get to know the other members outside of a mee3ng sehng.
-­‐ Make plans to go to lunch aeer the mee3ng when you are able. Everyone is always invited and welcome. Some3mes we don't adver3se it well, but we are taking steps to do so.
I believe everyone is on the yahoo group, but if you are not receiving group emails get in touch with Kim Balose or Beth Daffin.
At the March mee3ng, Kim Funderburg distributed the yearbook inserts. If you do not have one please get with Kim F. and get one. Two more months How are you going to contribute or par3cipate to make these last two months beXer for our community? Check the calendar on our website, this newsleXer, and make your plans!
Cathy Sakal
A li%le change for this mee2ng -­‐ no speaker. Same Bat 3me. Same Bat channel. Arrive at 9am and from 9-­‐10am socialize and vote on the art contest winners. Feel free to eat first, or vote first. Our business mee3ng will start promptly at 10 and all vo3ng should be completed by 10 and all members should be downstairs for the mee3ng by 10.
Book Club
Jennie Meredith
See you April 15th!
Lee Ann Broscher
Public Relations
Amelia Stockton
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
Page 3
Department Chairs
Lee Ann Broscher
Alison Compton
Denise Carleton
Lisa LaFayette
Debbi Little
Karla Oler
Home Life
Andrea Spillers
International Outreach
Laurie Mansfeldt
Public Issues
Sandy Carter
Alison Compton
Debbi Little
Cathy Sakal
Book Club
Jennie Meredith
Lee Ann Broscher
Public Relations
Amelia Stockton
1st Vice President: Paula Glover
Happy Spring! Thank you all for working so hard on last month's fundraiser. We appreciate all
our members!
April marks the beginning of our new member acceptance cycle. At last month's meeting, we
announced the names of 15 women that have been nominated for Club membership in the
2015-2016 year:
Cindy Baker
Jamie Barrett
Ann Clark
Debbie Dorman
Erin Fowler
Michele Gillman
Trish Kellogg
Lisa Lewis
Rosemary Lumpkin
Lynne Macaluso
Susan Norce
Andrea Preston
Amy Thompson
Janet Watkins
Shari Hardy
The comment period for these nominations has ended and we will vote to extend an offer of
membership to these women at the April 15 meeting. If you are sponsoring or co-sponsoring a
new member, please understand that they are welcome to attend the meeting with you, but they
will be asked to excuse themselves during the voting process.
We will send invitations and orientation information to these new members during our summer
break and they will begin their service in August.
As always, if you find you will need to miss a Club meeting, please call, text, or email me as soon
as possible. Please remember that a member may miss a maximum of 3 meetings before their
membership is jeopardized. Let's finish the year strong - we still have lots of good work to do!
Paula Glover
(770) 380-4566
[email protected]
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
Page 4
Department Chairs
Lee Ann Broscher
Alison Compton
Denise Carleton
Lisa LaFayette
Debbi Little
Karla Oler
Home Life
Andrea Spillers
2nd Vice President: Sheree Crowe
Big news! we can now tracking service hours and dollars spent online! go to http://goo.gl/forms/Vmx5egu0MZ
bookmark on your computer and/or mobile devices. i found its super easy to pull up the form on my phone
and enter hours/$ spent right when it happens :-)
detailed directions will be emailed to everyone with a worksheet of SWC ID# for each member. updated tracking guidelines are in process and will be coming soon.
if you have turned in a paper report or emailed me your previous hours i will enter those for you. if you have not turned in your hours, please take a minute to check your calendar and do them asap. the
sooner the better so we don't forget or they get lost. i will be monitoring reported hours and i can't wait to share up-to-the-minute results with you! and
watching our reports grow!
email me at [email protected] or call/text 770.354.3657 ifyou need anything. thanks!
International Outreach
Laurie Mansfeldt
Public Issues
Sandy Carter
Alison Compton
Debbi Little
Cathy Sakal
3rd Vice President: Lisa Ann McDougald
Happy Spring Ladies! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING you did to make our 30th
Annual Nite in Olde Cumming a fantastic, fun event. We will announce how much NIOC raised at our April
meeting. NIOC Committee Chairs are needed for 2016. Please let me know if you would like to help.
See you Wednesday,
Lisa Ann xoxo
Book Club: Jennie Meredith
Book Club
Jennie Meredith
April’s book club will be held at Tosha Banta’s house, 3855 Chimney Ridge Ct, Cumming 30041
on April 29th at 7:00pm. Book will be The Stranger by Harlen Coben, www.harlancoben.com.
Lee Ann Broscher
Public Relations
Amelia Stockton
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
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Treasurer: Beth Daffin
A copy of the current budget is attached to this newsletter.
Arts: Lee Ann Broscher & Alison Compton
A big THANK YOU to all whom have volunteered to help with the 2015 art contest! We will vote on the overall grade-level
winners before and after the general meeting on Wednesday, April 15. Each club member is encouraged to vote!
The Art Reception will be Thursday, April 23 at Barnes and Noble at The Collection at Forsyth from 5:30-8:30pm. The grade-level
winners and honorable mention winners will have their work displayed at the reception. Once again, we will need many
volunteers for the reception to run smoothly. There will be a sign-up sheet at the meeting if you would like to help. This is a very
exciting time for our young artists and their families!
Lastly, our Book Fair with Barnes and Noble will begin on April 23 (online and in store that day) and online only through April 28.
If you need to buy books, please buy during this period, if possible. We will get 10% of total qualifying purchases using following
the voucher # 11584653. We will in turn, divide the amount between the art teachers of the participating schools.
Conservation: Denise Carleton & Lisa LaFayette
Think Globally. Act Locally.
The Senior Center Re-Use Craft is Thursday, April 16. We will guide the Seniors in making fabric collage planters. Set up is at
9:45, with the Seniors coming in from 10:15-11:15, followed by clean-up. The Senior Center is located at Charles Place next to the
Cumming Library at 595 Dahlonega Hwy.
The Adopt-A-Road litter Clean-up is planned for Saturday, April 18, from 9-10ish. Our adopted stretch is a mile on Market Place
Blvd. starting at Bald Ridge Marina. Please park at the office building on the corner there. Hopefully, we can keep the rain away on
that day:) The Garden Tower Earth Day Contest is now under way! It is open to Middle Schools, High Schools, and new this year, non-profits
in Forsyth County. The idea is to promote their involvement in Environmental Education. Go to: gardentowerproject.com to learn
more about Garden Towers. If you know of a MS, HS, or nonprofit in Forsyth Co. that might be interested, contact Lisa LaFayette
at [email protected] for more information.
Collecting: 1) Old CDs/DVDs, 2) K-5th grade new or gently used Books, 3) Clean drink/milk caps.
Recycling waste reduces pollution, energy consumption and the need for raw materials,
helping preserve our natural resources.
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
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Education: Debbi Little & Karla Oler
Ladies please note our spring luncheon will
be held Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at
11AM. More information will be given out at
our April meeting. Please note the date
change! Questions, call 678-549-8954 or email
[email protected].
Home Life: Andrea Spillers
Our next United Way pantry packing and delivery for the county social workers is Monday, April 13th @ 10am, United Way
213 Elm Street. This pantry is in need of diaper coupons.
Our pantry at Central is collecting non-perishable breakfast items, rice, beans and non-food items such as toilet tissue and
feminine products. In addition, we are also seeking prom dresses, shoes & accessories. These items may be brought to the
general meetings, dropped directly to Forsyth Central High School or contact Wendy Goodrow for additional arrangements.
As you are spring cleaning closets, basements & storage areas, please consider donating your items to the No Longer Bound
Thrift Store. While all donation centers serve a wonderful purpose, our homeless liaison for Forsyth County is able to give
families in need, “clothing vouchers” to purchase clothes at the No Longer Bound Thrift Store.
International Outreach: Laurie Mansfeldt
Learn to Crochet
We will be holding a class to learn basic crochet stitches. The class will be held on April 21th, 10-12 Cost $15 includes hook, yarn, needle, coffee and cupcake or ice cream sundae.
Please sign up at the meeting. Spaces are still available.
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
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Public Issues: Sandy Carter
--Special Olympics Forsyth County
--Thank you so much to the SWC ladies who have volunteered to assist the athletes at the Special Olympics
Forsyth County (SOFC) Annual Spring Games www.soforsyth.com on Friday, April 17, 2015 at Forsyth Central High
School Track and Field at 8 a.m. (check-in) to 1 p.m. Dawn has submitted your names, email addresses, and t-shirt
sizes to SOCF liaison Susan Darlington. Dawn will pick up the tee shirts and Spring Games assignments for all of the
SWC volunteers on Monday, April 13 at the Board of Education Office and bring them to distribute at our April 15,
2015 meeting.
--Please also attend the car wash challenge fundraiser for Special Olympics Forsyth County on Saturday, April 18, 2015
at the following locations. Cost is a donation:
--Central High School Team from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Home Depot at Market Place Blvd
--Lambert High School Team from 9 a.m. to noon at Subway at 3130 Mathis Airport Rd
--South Forsyth High School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Norman’s Landing at 365 Peachtree Blvd
--West Forsyth High School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Midway Ace Hardware at 4947 Hwy 9
--North Forsyth High School from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Coal Mountain Elementary on Hwy 69 (Matt’s Hwy)
—Miracle League Forsyth County
--- Miracle League is a national organization that provides baseball to individuals with disabilities and
celebrates all athletes as winners. Thank you for assisting as a buddy with these athletes. Spring season will resume in
April 2015. Their website is under revision, but for more information, visit http://cfcml.org/ , and volunteer buddies for
players are always needed—only an hour of your time. Steve Kirby, Board member for Miracle League, also requests
that you join the Cumming Forsyth County Miracle League Closed Facebook Group to keep up with game schedules
and information—they’d love big crowds cheering each week https://www.facebook.com/groups/188895664510006/
Steve Kirby will accept your Facebook Membership request to their page. The 2015 Spring games at Coal Mountain
Park Miracle League Field are as follows, and we guarantee, you and your family will be so touched by the experience:
2015 Spring Schedule
Week One Saturday, April 11
Game 1 Cards vs. Braves 9:00 am
Game 2 Tigers vs. Reds 10:15 am
Game 3 Marlins vs. Pirates 11: 30 am
Game 4 Cubs vs. Yankees 12: 45 pm
Game 5 Orioles vs. A’s 2: 00 pm
Week Two Saturday, April 18
Game 1 Cubs vs. Marlins 9:00 am
Game 2 Cards vs. Reds 10:15 am
Game 3 Braves vs. Yankees 11: 30 am
Game 4 Pirates vs. Tigers 12: 45 pm
Game 5 A’s vs. Orioles 2: 00 pm
Week Three Saturday, April 25
Game 1 Pirates vs. Yankees 9:00 am
Game 2 Reds vs. Braves 10:15 am
Game 3 Marlins vs. Cubs 11:30 am
Game 4 Cards vs. Tigers 12:45 pm
Game 5 Orioles vs. A’s 2:00 pm
Week Four Saturday, May 2
Game 1 Cubs vs. Reds 9:00 am
Game 2 Cards vs. Marlins 10:15 am
Game 3 Braves vs. Yankees 11:30 am
Game 4 Tigers vs. Pirates 12:45 pm
Game 5 Orioles vs. A’s 2:00 pm
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
Week Five Saturday, May 9
Game 1 Cards vs. Tigers 9:00 am
Game 2 Pirates vs. Cubs 10:15 am
Game 3 Reds vs. Marlins 11:30 am
Game 4 Braves vs. Yankees 12:45 pm
Game 5 A’s vs. Orioles 2:00 pm
Page 8
Week Six Saturday, May 16
Game 1 Marlins vs. Pirates 9:00 am
Game 2 Reds vs. Cards 10:15 am
Game 3 Tigers vs. Yankees 11:30 am
Game 4 Cubs vs. Braves 12:45 pm
Game 5 A’s vs. Orioles 2:00 pm
If you wish to buddy at a game, please send a date and email to Dawn Ham-Kucharski at [email protected]
and she will make sure it gets to the Miracle League board members.
--Safe Kids Forsyth and SNAPS (Special Needs Awareness of Public Safety)
--Sandy Carter and Dawn Ham-Kucharski attend the Safe Kids Forsyth meeting sponsored by Officer Laura
Coleman at the Coal Mountain Precinct. —all SWC members are welcome to attend the future meetings which will be
May 11, 2015 and September 14, 2015 at 10 a.m., but it is not open to the public, unless involved with the organizations
who plan at the meeting for education and events to our citizens.
--The networking with the organizations that are represented at Safe Kids Forsyth, and the connection with
Officer Coleman, has helped SWC to reach out to other organizations in need of resources and families; specifically,
with those with children age birth through 14 and to those of all ages with disabilities. Thanks to Safe Kids Forsyth,
SWC is making a great liason with Officer Coleman and her vast resources and connections
--Officer Laura
Coleman on behalf of the YMCA is looking for volunteers or those interested in hosting a table or tent for the
upcoming YMCA Healthy Kids Day:
When: Saturday, April 25, 2015
Where: Forsyth County Family Y
What: Community resources and fun activities to focus on healthy lifestyles for families and children.
Please contact Sarah Pedarre at [email protected] or 678-341-6244 if you would like to have a table or tent at the
event or volunteer.
--The next S.N.A.P.S (Special Needs Awareness of Protective Services) meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 15 at
6 p.m. All are welcome to attend SNAPS meetings.
--In addition, Sonya Camarillo, director of S.N.A.P.S has requested the following items to be donated to S.N.A.P.S., for
their monthly 2015 meetings:
Easy games like Pictionary or trivia for children
White Pillow cases
Stuffing for pillows
Permanent markers- any color
--Please give donated items to Dawn Ham-Kucharski at our SWC meetings, or she is happy to meet up with you and
get them. Remember you can use cost of donated items to SWC sponsored organizations to use toward meeting your
goal of 30 service hours by December 2015. You can reach Dawn at 734-780-1627 or [email protected]
SWC and Safe Kids Forsyth are epitomizing the essential core of community service. . .working together for others.
The Key Newsletter
April 2015
Page 9
Treat the Troops:
Next packing party is April 23rd at 7pm. If you can bake cookies, please sign up on the sheet at the meeting and I need
them by April 22nd at 5pm. 6 cookies per bag with twist tie. Decorate as desired. Also if you have kids willing to write a
thank you letter that would be great. Bring those with you and we can make copies to go in multiple boxes.
Sunshine: Cathy Sakal
GFWC Awareness: Pamela Creque
GFWC State Convention - Macon - May 2-3, 2015
GFWC 125th Annual Convention - Memphis - June 13-15, 2015
The Key Newsletter
10 5
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, April 15th
SNAPS Meeting, 6pm
Friday, April 17th
Special Olympics Forsyth Annual Spring Games
Forsyth Central High School Track and Field, 8 AM (check-in) to 1 PM
Saturday, April 18th
Special Olympics Car Wash
See newsletter for locations and time.
Thursday, April 23rd
Treat the Troops
7:00p ~ VFW Post #9143, 1045 Dahlonega Highway, Cumming, 30040
Cookies are due April 22nd!
Saturday, April 25th
SafeKids Healthy Kids Day
Forsyth YMCA
Monday, April 27th
Executive Board Meeting
Wednesday, April 29th
Book Club
Tosha Banta’s House - The Stranger by Harlan Corban
Monday, May 11th
10:00am at the Coal Mountain Precinct
Miracle League Spring Schedule for Volunteers:
See newsletter for all the details.
Week 3- Prescription and Illegal Drugs and Their Effects and Parent Awareness Class
Tuesday April 14, 2015 6:30-8:30 PM Parent/Legal Guardian must attend
Meeting at PSC-3520 Settingdown Road, Cumming, Ga
Dates from the President’s
Corner. This is the schedule for
the remaining classes, See
Attached PDF file in the email
that contains this newsletter…
Week 4- Possibilities of Jail Time are Real
Tuesday April 21, 2015 7:00-8:30 PM (will meet at jail and enter at 7:30) @ FCSO Jail
Meet at Jail 202 Veterans Memorial Blvd, Cumming, Ga.
Week 5- Possibilities of Becoming Homeless are Real
Saturday May 2, 2015 11:00 AM-3:00 PM - Trip to Atlanta
Meet at PSC-3520 Settingdown Road, Cumming, Ga.
Week 6- Possibilities of Death are Real
Tuesday May 5, 2015 6:00-8:00 PM @ McDonald and Son Funeral Home
Parent/Legal Guardian must attend
Meet at McDonald and Son Funeral Home 150 Sawnee Drive, Cumming, Ga.
Keep checking the SWC calendar often for updated events/times. The link to the website is…