ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2
ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2
ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Common Features Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 0 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Contents (1) Reliability Controller Management RAID 5+0 & RAID 6 RAID and Hard Disk Features Dynamic LUN Configuration Data Encryption Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 1 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Contents (2) Environmental Effort and Green Thin Provisioning Miscellaneous Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 2 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Reliability Redundancy of DE Access Path Data Protection by Data Block Guard Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 3 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Redundancy of DE Access Path Backend CM operation secures redundancy of DE access path In normal operation each CM have a CM Expander that controls the disks in the DEs that are assigned to it CE CM Expander is a CM internal component controlling the DE access CM#0 ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 CM#1 panel IA IA Fault If one CM fails but the CM Expander is still functional, the surviving CM DE continues using the CM IOM6 ℃ EXP Expander of the failed CM to manage all disks Common Features Controls the other DE access Controls DE access 4 CM Expander continues to be used (= Backend CM is running) EXP EXP DE IOM6 ℃ EXP IOM6 EXP MP ・・・ ・・・ ℃ IOM6 EXP MP ・・・ ・・・ Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Data Protection by Data Block Guard 8-byte check code is added to every 512-byte data to control data integrity on the disk and in the cache Guarantees consistency of all stored data WRITE User Data A0 A1 READ A2 A0 CC A1 CC A2 Controller Module CC CC: Check Code A1 A2 (3) (1) A0 User Data A0 CC A1 CC A2 CC Cache ECC Protected (3) (2) ETERNUS DX DISK Written Data A0 Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 CC A1 5 CC A2 CC (1) Apply Check Code (2) Write Check Code (3) Verify Check Code (4) Verify & delete Check Code Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Controller Management Cache Mechanism DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Cache Memory Configuration Multipath Functionality Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 6 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Cache Mechanism Cache memory on each CM is divided into two logical areas Local area and Mirror area of the other CM ETERNUS DX Entry and Midrange models Entry models with single or dual CM, Midrange always with two CMs For reliability data is mirrored in cache memory between the two CMs Cache data is backed up in case of a main power failure DX80 S2 and DX90 S2 • Onto nonvolatile memory (NAND Flash) on CM • System Capacitor Unit (SCU) on the CM provides power during the fast copy process DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 • Onto nonvolatile memory (SSD) on CM • Battery Backup Units (BBU) supply power during the copy process Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 7 CM0 CM1 Original Original Mirrored Mirrored Mirrored 2 CM configuration Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 DX410 S2 / DX440 S2 Cache Memory 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 0 Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 0 Cache memory configurations of CM#0 and CM#1 must be identical DX410 S2 • Supported cache configurations (two CMs) • 8 GB and 16 GB • 2 GB DIMMs available • Memory expansion kit contains always 4 DIMM modules • Populate first DIMM slots marked 1 and then slots marked 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 • Memory expansion kit contains always 6 DIMM modules Slot 5 Slot 4 Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 0 Slot 5 Slot 4 Slot 3 Slot 2 Slot 1 Slot 0 DX440 S2 CM#0 CM#1 DX410 S2 DIMM slots • Populate first DIMM slots marked 1 and then slots marked 2 CM#1 CM#0 DX440 S2 DIMM slots • Supported cache configurations (two CMs) • 24 GB, 48 GB, 72 GB and 96 GB • 4 GB and 8 GB DIMMs available Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 8 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Multipath Functionality (1) All ETERNUS DX Entry and DX Midrange systems support assigned access path configuration Active-Active / Preferred Path Active/Active Each RAID Group has an assigned CM (RAID Group owner) that handles I/O to this RAID Group and its associated Volumes If I/O is sent to the CM that is not the RAID Group owner, this I/O is transferred internally over the CM midplane to the owner CM This has a slight impact on the I/O performance RAID Groups are assigned to a CM with the ETERNUS Manager GUI Either manually or automatically when a RAID Group is created It is possible to change the assigned CM later if needed Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 9 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Multipath Functionality (2) This is a typical I/O Multipath configuration LUN1 is mapped to the server via two ETERNUS DX ports, one on CM0 and one on CM1 Data LUN-1 MP-Driver Now the Multipath driver can pass the data via both physical lines to a particular Volume in the DX system In this assigned CM configuration the LUN1 is controlled by CM0 CM0 CM1 The Multipath driver controls how the access paths are utilized • For example, these MP drivers send data directly to the assigned CM path as long as the CM is fully functional • ETERNUS Multipath Driver (EMpD) • VMware vSphere® Multi Path Driver Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 LUN-1 LUN-2 RAID#0, assigned CM = CM0 RAID#1 assigned CM = CM1 ETERNUS DX 10 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Multipath Failover Host Response set to Active-Active / Preferred Path The green LUN1 is assigned to CM0 CA port of CM0 is the optimized path CA port of CM1 is the non-optimized path Application Server I/O request The blue LUN2 is assigned to CM1 CA port of CM1 is the optimized path CA port of CM0 is the non-optimized path For both LUNs only the optimized path is being used ETMpD HBA#0 Active Path HBA#1 Standby Path CM0-CA CM1-CA LUN1 LUN2 In case of a path failure the non-optimized path is used for I/O ETERNUS DX S2 Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 11 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Controller Module Failover In case a controller fails, the RAID Group ownership is handed over to the other controller and the operation can continue In this example the CM1 now controls the RAID Groups owned previously by the CM0 CM0 CM1 Cache Cache Local area Crash Mirror CM1 Local area Mirror CM0 I/O access Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 12 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 RAID 5+0 and RAID 6 Supported RAID Levels Comparison RAID 5+0 and RAID 5 Improved Reliability with RAID 5+0 RAID 6 Support Comparison Between RAID 5, 5+0 and 6 Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 13 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 RAID 6 [4+2] RAID 5+0 2x[2+1] RAID 5 [4+1] Supported RAID Levels Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 14 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Comparison RAID 5+0 and RAID 5 RAID 5+0 provides high performance and large capacity by striping the data and parity blocks over two RAID 5 configurations This increases the data transfer rate in comparison to a standard RAID 5 configuration RAID 5 (3D+1P) 4 drives RAID 5 RAID 5+0 "D" = data area "P" = parity area D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 P1 D2-1 D2-2 P2 D2-3 D3-1 P3 D3-2 D3-3 RAID 5+0 (3D+1P) x 2 Equivalent to RAID 5 (3D+1P) Striping Equivalent to RAID 5 (3D+1P) D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 P1 D1-4 D1-5 D1-6 P1” D2-1 D2-2 P2 D2-3 D2-4 D2-5 P2” D2-6 D3-1 P3 D3-2 D3-3 D3-4 P3” D3-5 D3-6 8 drives Because RAID 5+0 consist in practice of two RAID 5 sets it enables a RAID Group with double the capacity of RAID 5 RAID 5 can be set up from 2+1 up to maximum 15+1 disk configuration RAID 5+0 can be set up from 2 x (2+1 up to maximum 15+1) Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 15 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Improved Reliability with RAID 5+0 RAID 5+0 One drive from each of the RAID 5 sets could fail without loss of data After a single disk failure, RAID 5+0 has a shorter rebuild time than RAID 5 with the same number of data disks • RAID 5+0 has less disks per RAID 5 set and therefore less data disks to use for the re-calculation Rebuild time will be long due to increase in number of drives RAID 5 (6D+1P) 7 drives D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 D1-4 D1-5 D1-6 P1 D2-1 D2-2 D2-3 D2-4 D2-5 P2 D2-6 D3-1 D3-2 D3-3 D3-4 P3 D3-5 D3-6 "D" = data area "P" = parity area Shorter rebuild time than 6D+1P Small number of drives RAID 5+0 (3D+1P) x 2 Equivalent to RAID 5 (3D+1P) Common Features Equivalent to RAID 5 (3D+1P) 4+4 drives D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 P1 D1-4 D1-5 D1-6 P1” D2-1 D2-2 P2 D2-3 D2-4 D2-5 P2” D2-6 D3-1 P3 D3-2 D3-3 D3-4 P3” D3-5 D3-6 ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 16 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Improved Performance with RAID 5+0 RAID 5+0 writes faster than RAID 6 due to lower load in writing RAID 6 needs more calculation time during write for double parities RAID 5+0 can recover from double disk failure providing the disks fail from different RAID 5 sets RAID 6 (6D+2P) 8 drives D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 D1-4 D1-5 D1-6 P1 Q1 D2-1 D2-2 D2-3 D2-4 P2 Q2 D2-5 D2-6 D3-1 D3-2 P3 Q3 D3-3 D3-4 D3-5 D3-6 Striping "D" = data area "P" = parity area Able to recover from two concurrent drive failures - Two parity drives are created - High loads when writing data RAID 5+0 (3D+1P) x 2 Equivalent to RAID 5 (3D+1P) Equivalent to RAID 5 (3D+1P) D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 P1 D1-4 D1-5 D1-6 P1” D2-1 D2-2 P2 D2-3 D2-4 D2-5 P2” D2-6 D3-1 P3 D3-2 D3-3 D3-4 P3” D3-5 D3-6 Recover from single drive failure in each RAID 5 (3D+1P) Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 17 8 drives Faster data transfer with RAID5 (3D+1P) by striping Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Further Improved Reliability with RAID 6 Tolerates two simultaneous hard disk failures in the same RAID Group independent of the disk position RAID 5+0 can recover from double disk failure only providing the disks do not fail in the same RAID 5 set This is advantageous when using large capacity hard disks that need a long time for rebuild • For example Nearline SAS disks RAID 6 (6D+2P) 8 drives D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 D1-4 D1-5 D1-6 P1 Q1 D2-1 D2-2 D2-3 D2-4 P2 Q2 D2-5 D2-6 D3-1 D3-2 P3 Q3 D3-3 D3-4 D3-5 D3-6 Striping Able to recover from two concurrent drive failures Uses two different parity blocks for the recalculation of missing data "D" = data area "P", "Q" = parity area Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 18 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Comparison Between RAID 5, 5+0 and 6 (1) RAID 6 has advantages in reliability RAID 5 has advantages in data efficiency RAID 5+0 has advantages in write performance Reliability 1) Data efficiency 2) OK Very good Good Good Good Very good Very good Good OK RAID 5 RAID 5+0 RAID 6 Write performance 3) *1; *2; *3 see next page Write performance Write performance RAID 5+0 RAID 6 RAID 5 RAID 5 Data efficiency Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 RAID 5+0 RAID 6 Reliability 19 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Comparison Between RAID 5, 5+0 and 6 (1) 1) Data Reliability RAID 5: Is able to recover from single drive failure RAID 5+0: Is able to recover from double drive failure on the same RAID set • One drive in each RAID array can fail RAID 6: Is able to recover from double drive failure on the same RAID set 2) Data efficiency When comparing equal sized data capacities • RAID 5 (6+1) compared to RAID 5+0 (3+1) compared to RAID 6 (6+2) 3) Write performance RAID 5+0 writes the two RAID 5 sets in parallel • RAID 5 (6+1) compared to RAID 5+0 (3+1) Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 20 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Features of RAID Control Control of a Failed Disk Global and Dedicated Hot Spare Hot Spare Assignment Rules S.M.A.R.T. Redundant Copy Triggered by S.M.A.R.T. Quick Format Drive Patrol Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 21 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Control of a Failed Disk Two different modes are supported Rebuild Rebuild • ETERNUS DX rebuilds the data of a failed drive from the remaining drives and writes it to a Hot Spare Failed Without redundancy Failed Recover redundancy • When no Hot Spare is available ETERNUS DX rebuilds the data after the defective drive is replaced • Redundancy of the RAID Group is recovered after rebuild is completed Copy Back Disk replacement Failed Copy Back • After redundancy of the RAID Group is re-established, data is copied back from the Hot Spare to the replaced drive HS New Disk replacement Failed New Rebuild Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 HS 22 Without redundancy Recover redundancy Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Global and Dedicated Hot Spare Dedicated Hot Spare (DHS) disk ETERNUS DX S2 Has to be assigned to a specific RAID Group When a disk of a RAID Group with a Dedicated HS fails, then this Dedicated HS is selected and used to rebuild the RAID Group RAID Group A GHS RAID Group B RAID Group C Global HS (GHS) Used by all RAID Groups When a disk in any RAID Group fails and there is no Dedicated HS available, a Global HS is used to rebuild the RAID Group Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 23 DHS RAID Group D Failed RAID Group E DHS GHS : Global Hot Spare DHS : Dedicated Hot Spare for RAID Group D DHS : Dedicated Hot Spare for RAID Group E Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Hot Spare Assignment Rules ETERNUS DX systems search for an appropriate HS disk and assign it to each RAID Group Three search algorithms are used Search 1 • Take a Hot Spare disk with the same capacity and matching rotation speed as the failed drive • Search through drive numbers in ascending order Search 2 • Take a Hot Spare disk with matching rotation speed and larger capacity • Priority is given to HS disks with similar capacity as the failed drive Search 3 • Take a Hot Spare disk with matching rotation speed • Faster rotating drives have a preference Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 24 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Automatic Hot Spare Assignment (2) This example shows the search algorithm for an automatic Hot Spare disk assignment Assignment Priority 1 2 3 4 5 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 300 GB 300 GB 300 GB 300 GB 10k rpm 10k rpm 10k rpm 10k rpm 2.5" 300 GB 10k rpm 2.5" 450 GB 10k rpm 2.5" 600 GB 10k rpm 3.5" 450 GB 15k rpm 3.5" 2 TB 7.2k rpm Disk#003 Disk#004 (HS) Disk#005 (HS) Disk#006 (HS) Disk#007 (HS) Disk#008 (HS) Same number of rotations Same capacity Same number of rotations Similar capacity Same number of rotations Larger capacity Different number of rotations Faster Different number of rotations Slower RAID Group Failure Disk#000 Disk#001 Disk#002 Search 1 Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Search 2 25 Hot Spare Search criteria Search 3 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 S.M.A.R.T. Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology Built-in mechanism of the disk drive collecting various information • ETERNUS DX monitors the SMART data to recognize early signs of disk failure Makes it possible to identify failing disk drives before data redundancy in the RAID Group is lost • Redundant Copy is triggered when certain SMART alerts occur or thresholds are exceeded Disk drives are not detached immediately when a threshold is exceeded • First the data of this flagged disk is rebuilt to a HS disk • The flagged disk is still member of the RAID set • Only after the data rebuild has completed the flagged disk will be detached • After disk replacement the data from the Hot Spare disk will be restored with the Redundant Copy function Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 26 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Redundant Copy Triggered by S.M.A.R.T. A rebuild to a Hot Spare drive is started automatically while redundancy is maintained Flagged disk still a member of the RAID Group The flagged drive is removed from the RAID Group and set faulty after the rebuild is completed Redundant Copy started by S.M.A.R.T is interrupted immediately if another complete disk failure occurs and there are no further HS disks available Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 27 Keep redundancy After a S.M.A.R.T error threshold is reached, the disk is flagged and the Redundant Copy process starts Hot Spare drive RAID 5 (4+1) HS RAID 5 (4+1) Restore data from a failed drive and write it to HS HS RAID 5 (4+1) Incorporate the HS drive to RAID and remove the drive showing signs of failure Remove the failed drive Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Quick Format Host can access Volumes of a RAID Group while formatting of a Volume is in progress (1) ETERNUS DX first creates a format control table • To manage formatted and unformatted blocks (2) After the format control table is created • The LUNs become accessible from hosts • ETERNUS DX starts the physical format for the Volumes from the first block and process all blocks sequentially (3) If ETERNUS DX receives "Read/Write I/O" to any unformatted block, the block is first formatted and then access is allowed NOTE: ETERNUS will continue Quick Format after a power cycle Host view S Format Start Behavior of ETERNUS DX Common Features Offline E Format Completed Creation of format control table Online Read/Write Request One Point Format Read/Write Completed (3) (2) Physical Format (Sequential) (1) ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Read/Write 28 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Drive Patrol Drive Patrol improves hard disk reliability A background process reads the data on drives If an error is detected, the faulty data is recreated The recreated data is written to another block on the same disk drive Disks can be selected for Drive Patrol in ETERNUS Manager GUI by different categories, for example HS disks New installed disks Unused disks Check of drive media Read out Error detection Parity D1 RAID Group Write back D1 D1 D2 D3 P RAID Group Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 29 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Dynamic LUN Configuration Dynamic LUN Expansion Logical Device Expansion LUN Concatenation RAID Migration Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 30 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Dynamic LUN Expansion The ETERNUS DX Series is able to expand the capacity of LUN (Logical Unit Number) without stopping the operation Current RAID Group RAID 5 (4+1) New added drive LUN0 Expand Logical device expansion Expand RAID Group by "Logical Device Expansion" RAID Group now RAID 5 (5+1) LUN0 Unused area LUN Concatenation RAID Group RAID 5 (5+1) Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Expand LUN0 capacity by "LUN concatenation" LUN0 31 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Logical Device Expansion Expand capacity (free space) of a RAID Group by adding unused disk drives RAID level can be changed Existing RAID Group RAID 5 (3+1) Unused disks not assigned to any RAID Group Same RAID Group RAID 5 (5+1) Expands Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 32 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 LUN Concatenation LUN capacity can be expanded by using LUN concatenation Consolidates unused areas in the same or across multiple RAID Groups for efficient use of drives NOTE: After LUN Concatenation it may be necessary to adapt the Operating System and/or application to recognize the increased LUN size Maximum LUN capacity is 128 TB Minimum LUN capacity is 1 GB Maximum number of LUNs that can be concatenated is 16 Able to mix different RAID levels RAID Group 1 RAID Group 2 RAID Group 1 RAID Group 2 RAID 5 450 GB x4 RAID 5 450 GB x4 RAID 5 450 GB x4 RAID 5 450 GB x4 LUN0 1.2 TB LUN2 600 GB LUN1 600 GB LUN0 1.2 TB LUN1 600 GB Common Features concatenate Unused area 1.2 TB ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 RAID-Grp1 LUN2 with 1.8 TB 33 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 RAID Migration Enables data to be moved between different RAID Groups without interrupting operation Migrate existing LUNs from a RAID Group to a different one Migration between different RAID levels RAID migration to expand LUN capacity Migration is transparent from server point of view DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 systems allow to migrate concatenated LUNs Migrate data to a high reliable RAID level RAID Group 1 Migrate data to large capacity drives RAID Group 1 RAID Group 1 RAID 5 300 GB Unused 300 GB RAID 5 600 GB RAID Group 1 Unused 600 GB LUN 0 Unused 600 GB LUN 0 RAID 1+0 600 GB LUN 0 Unused 600 GB RAID Group 2 Common Features RAID 5 600 GB LUN 0 Mirroring LUN 0 RAID Group 2 RAID Group 2 ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 34 RAID Group 2 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Data Encryption Two Types of Data Encryption SED Encryption Encryption Using Firmware Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 35 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Two Types of Data Encryption Disk encryption with SED (Self Encrypting Disk) Disk encryption by ETERNUS firmware Server A Server B Server C Encryption setting and management Encrypt. Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Encryption Plain data Encryption Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 36 Encryption Data removal protection Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 SED (Self Encrypting Disk) Authentication key for SED encryption set up with ETERNUS Web GUI Encryption method is 128-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) CM Cache Data is fully encrypted in the drives The encryption engine guarantees full disk interface bandwidth without affecting the performance Transparent for the end user and the ETERNUS DX system ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 SED 1. Authentication Authentication key (plain data) 3. Encrypts/ Decrypts data 2. decryption Data is encrypted in units of RAID Groups Common Features Data (Plain data) Authentication key Authentication key (hash value) 37 Encryption key (Encrypted data) Data (Encrypted) Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Data Encryption Using Firmware Selectable via ETERNUS Web GUI Fujitsu's unique encryption algorithm 128-bit AES encryption Encrypts user data in units of LUN CM CACHE Data (Plain data) Encryption key (Encrypted) Both encrypted and unencrypted data can exist in the same RAID Group 1. Decrypts key Possible to encrypt an existing unencrypted Volume Master key Encryption key (plain data) Encryption buffer 2. Encrypts/ decrypts data Data (Encrypted) All disk types can be encrypted Disk Data (Encrypted) Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 38 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Environmental Effort and Green Power Saving Eco-mode Saving Power and Space with Latest Drives Visualization of Power Consumption and Temperature Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 39 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Power Saving Eco-mode (1) Reduces power consumption When drives (RAID Groups) are used only a few hours per day (for example for backup), Eco-mode is an effective way of saving power Drive spin down can be scheduled • Drives are spun down if idle during the schedule time Drives are spun up automatically when accessed Can be managed with GUI or CLI of ETERNUS DX series Data volume 600 GB SAS x 36 RAID 5 (5D+1P), 3 TB ・・・ ETERNUS DX Backup volume 1 TB Nearline SAS x 36 RAID 5 (6D+1P), 6 TB ・・・ Up to 15% power consumption reduction!! Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 40 12 AM on off 5 12 PM off All backup Volume drives are "ON" only for five hours a day Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Power Saving Eco-mode (2) Eco-mode allows the disks to be spun down for specified periods and thus reduce the overall power consumption A schedule to spin up and spin down the disks can be set per RAID Group Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 41 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Power Saving Eco-mode (3) Eco-mode and MTBF Eco-mode has a very small impact on the MTBF value • For example, Eco-mode setting for spinning up and down is 3 times per day on each disk • In 5 years Eco-mode makes the disk to spin up and down a total of 5475 times which is far less than the given MTBF • The disk manufacturer gives an MTBF of 50.000 spin up/down cycles How long does it take to spin up the disks? Typical spin up time is • SAS disk => 15 sec • Nearline SAS => 20 sec Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 42 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Saving Power & Space with Latest Drives ETERNUS DX systems use latest disk drive technology to save power SAS 450 GB 600 GB 900 GB Nearline SAS 1 TB 2 TB 3 TB SSD 100 GB 200 GB 400 GB 2009 2010 Common Features (year) About 50 % reduction in two years ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 43 Drive generation per drive capacity Power consumption Power consumption 2.5" disks have by nature lower power consumption, SSD disks very low Reduced physical size reduces system footprint and consequently data center cooling costs Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Visualization of Power and Temperature ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser (optional software) Enables administration users to monitor power consumption and ambient temperature data and visualize statistic information of each operation • Real time monitoring • History log is available by day, week or year • One or a group of ETERNUS DX systems can be monitored ETERNUS DX Storage management software ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser Obtain power consumption and temperature of each registered ETERNUS System Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 44 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Thin Provisioning Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 45 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Introduction to Thin Provisioning Simplifies the creation and allocation of storage capacity System can be configured future proof instead of being bound to currently available physical storage Application can use capacity-on-demand from a shared storage pool Administrator can monitor and replenish each Pool, not each Volume Storage perceived by the application is larger than the physically available storage Thin Provisioning (TP) Pool utilizes TP Volumes Several TP Pools can be created and used in parallel TP requires a license key Application 1 Application 2 Application 3 Common Features Host Reported Capacity Actual used Capacity by Application ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Common TP Storage Pool Allocated 46 Allocated Allocated Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Thin Provisioning Function Thin Provisioning allocates volume capacity via virtual volumes Effective use of storage capacity reduces initial investment (start small) Possible to increase available storage capacity to suite changing business needs • There is no need to add storage capacity per volume or application utilization Server Virtual volumes Physical drive (10 TB logical volume) (2 TB drive pool) After adding physical drives to the TP Pool New Threshold ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser New added capacity Threshold alert Write Threshold warning Add drives Write data Write 2 TB is enough for the year ahead, but we will need 10 TB five years from now. Common Features Logical capacity matches future requirement ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Physical capacity only matches current requirements 47 ETERNUS DX No need to add/change systems even if physical drives are added Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Miscellaneous Email Notification Supporting SNMP, SMI-S, Syslog Function Access Authority Setting for User Wake-on-LAN (WOL) Redundant IP Host Affinity Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 48 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Email Notification When an event occurs, email can be sent by ETERNUS DX Without additional management software Without built-in Email functionality Management software Mail server Email Error SNMP Trap or polling of device status Creating E-mail after analyzing information from device Email created by device ETERNUS DX S2 Administrator / Engineer Mail server Email Event Error Operation other than Alarm can be triggered, for example Information, Warning, Error, Enhanced log contents for example Parts type, Installation positioning information ETERNUS DX Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 Administrator / Engineer Note: The conventional technology can also be used 49 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Supporting SNMP, SMI-S, Syslog ETERNUS DX supports SNMP v1, v2c and v3 • Can be used to receive traps for ETERNUS information and notifications SMI-S Version 1.4 • Possible to manage ETERNUS DX by using storage management software complying with SMI-S Syslog daemon complying with RFC3164, RFC5424 • Event logs can be sent to an external server • Any server that can receive messages that conform to RFC 3164 (the BSD Syslog Protocol) can be used as the Syslog server, for example • Syslog daemon in standard Unix or Linux • Microsoft Operations Manager (MOM) Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 50 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Access Authority Setting for User Two default user accounts are available "root" with default password "root" "f.ce" with default password "<check code><serial-no. of DX>" ETERNUS DX restricts the available administration functions per user account role to balance between what the particular user roles needs to do and is allowed to do RBAC (Role Based Access Control) Assigns roles and access authorities when creating an ETERNUS DX user account Role Available functional range Monitor Status display Administrator All settings excluding maintenance work Storage Admin Status display, RAID group settings, Volume settings, Host connection settings, etc. Account Admin Status display, User account settings, Authentication settings, Role settings Security Admin Status display, Security settings, Maintenance information Maintainer All settings including maintenance work Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 51 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Wake-on-LAN (WOL) WOL can be enabled for each LAN port of the ETERNUS DX S2 systems with ETERNUS Web GUI or CLI A Magic Packet sent to DX LAN MAC address can be used to remotely power on the ETERNUS DX system Activate system remotely XX-YY-ZZ-AA-BB-CC Sends a Magic Packet ( XX-YY-ZZ-AA-BB-CC) with WoL utility tool Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 52 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Redundant IP (1) Possible to set different IP addresses within the same subnet to each CM When the role is changed between the CMs, the Master and Slave keep their IP addresses (see next slide) Maximum of two IP addresses in two subnets can be set per CM The FST port is available in ETERNUS DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 only Switch IP x.x.x.a IP y.y.y.c Switch FST ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 RMT MNT FST RMT MNT CM0 Common Features IP y.y.y.d IP x.x.x.b CM1 53 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Redundant IP (2) When Master CM is changed IP Address of previous Master CM is taken over by new Master CM IP address of previous Slave CM is taken over by new Slave CM ETERNUS ETERNUS Master CM#0 Slave CM#1 Master CM#0 Slave CM#1 LAN Link Down Switch ETERNUS ETERNUS FST Direct Connection FST Master Slave Slave Master CM#0 CM#1 CM#0 CM#1 Link Down Connection using switch / hub Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 54 Switch Switch FST FST Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011 Host Affinity Two different mapping procedures are configurable LUN Mapping = LUN is mapped per ETERNUS DX CA port • Volumes that are mapped directly to a CA port or CA ports • Are accessible from each host that has physical access to that or those CA port(s) • A particular host cannot be prevented from access HBA Mapping = LUN is mapped per HBA hardware address (WWPN / iqn / SASPN) • Volumes have to be grouped in the ETERNUS DX system • Volumes are mapped to LUNs • These Volume groups are assigned to HBAs of one host or HBAs of different hosts via CA ports • New Volumes can be added to an existing Volume Group NOTE: One CA port can only support either LUN mapping or HBA mapping Common Features ETERNUS DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX410 S2 and DX440 S2 55 Copyright Fujitsu, Release August 2011
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