- Doubling Gap Church of God
- Doubling Gap Church of God
Doubling Gap Church of God Beacon 50 McCrea Road Newville, PA 17241 717-776-6092 www.doublinggap.org Standing in the GAP with the Gospel F ROM THE DESK OF PASTOR DON To Share or not to Share, that is the Question. John 4:1-26 “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” On a recent Wednesday evening Bible study, we explored this question in response to a statement by Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Telegraph publication. In that article, he is quoted as saying, “and of not speaking about faith unless you are asked about faith.” We looked at several scripture passages, notably this one from John 4, to see if this idea of sharing, or not, was Biblically based or a compromise with the current culture of the world. You know, the idea of keeping your faith, at least for Christians, in the closet. After looking at several passages, it was very clear that we as Christians are called to be followers of Christ who share their faith whether we initiate it or someone else does. We are not to shy away Elders Charlie Clouse Bill Fulton-Chairman Shane Reed-Vice Chairman from mentioning Jesus in our daily conversations. Yes, we are to do so with gentleness and respect, always being prepared to do so, from I Peter 3:15, but we are not to remain silent when it comes to expressing our faith. This coming Wednesday night, the 1st, we will continue our discussion about this call to share our faith. Why not join us for this discussion? And in the meantime, share your faith! More precise, talk about Jesus! It is the right thing to do, the Godly thing to do, the blessed thing to do! (see Luke 12:8-12). Pastor Don Deacons Randy Dyarman Mel Kauffman John Whisler Shane Reed is Director of Education Ministry June 2016 Volume 16, Issue 6 Inside this Issue: Pastor’s Info 1-2 June Events 2-3 Schedules 4-5 Women’s Ministries 6 Financial News 7 Attendance 7 Meetings 8 Camp News 9 June Calendar 10 Special points of interest: Pastor Snyder will have office hours as shown on page 2. If he is unavailable, please leave a message and he will return your call. In case of an emergency, you may call Pastor Snyder at home or on his cell. Numbers are found on page 2. T HE B EACON P AGE 2 P ASTOR D ON ’ S P RAYER R EQUESTS FOR JUNE 1. For a summer of rejuvenation! 2. For Pastor Don as he brings vesper messages for 2 nights at Camp Hope (June 5th and 8th), Camp Meeting at Helper’s Grove on the 28th, and a night at Family Camp (June 30th). -If you would like Pastor Don to visit someone in the hospital or at home, please give him a call at the office - 776-6092 or in case of an emergency at home - 776-1191. PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS Pastor’s email address is: FOR JUNE [email protected] Monday through Thursday 8AM to 12 NOON OR Fridays “off” day. [email protected] In case of an emergency you may contact Pastor Don at home or on his cell phone at: Home: 776-1191 Cell: Also appointments can be made . Pastor Don will be unavailable on the following day due to church/conference related meeting. 278-7904 SECRETARY’S OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 9AM to 12 NOON [email protected] June 9 June 20 Worship Ministry Team Evening Worship: The Psalm 150 night is June 26th! Tom Barkdoll from Green Spring BIC and the Worship Team he leads will be sharing with us that evening! With June being Dairy Month, it is only fitting that we ‘celebrate’ by consuming lots of ice cream! Plan to join us at 6:00 for the ice cream and stay for the time of Praise, Celebration, and Worship!! Prelude for Worship: We want to encourage those attending Worship to spend some time preparing for Worship during the prelude each Sunday. Take time to still your mind, calm your thoughts, quiet your spirit as the music plays. Next meeting: June 7th at 7 pm V OLUME 11, I SSUE 11 V OLUME 16, I SSUE 6-CORRECTIONS TO JUNE P AGE 3 UPCOMING EVENTS June 26-6:00 pm The Psalm 150 Night and Ice Cream June 5-10:00 am Children’s Day The Puppet and Story Works ** A new Sunday School opening for all the Children's classes. Since children can't drive themselves to church, it would be a blessing to them if their parents or grandparents would bring them. Ages 3-Kindergarten Room 11 Teacher-Jill Kerstetter Grades 1-5 Room 13 Teacher-Tammy Cornman Jr. High Youth Room 14 Teacher-Shane Reed Sr. High Youth Room 7 Adult Bible Class Room 9 Teacher- Bobby Baker Room 8 Teacher- Charlie Clouse CE Wing Teacher – Pastor Don Room 5 Teacher- Jim Henneman Teacher-Mike Ginter & Emily Rosenberry -Standard Lesson Quarterly Elective -Growing Through Life’s Challenges Elective -The Truth Project Elective -Proverbs: a collection of general truths or sayings that God wants his people to kno w B IG S PRING A REA F OOD B ANK We continue to support the Big Spring Food Bank with spaghetti each month. If interested in sharing in this worthwhile effort, please purchase spaghetti and place your donations in the box provided in the narthex. All spaghetti will be delivered to the Big Spring Food Bank for distribution the last Monday of each month. Your continued efforts are gratefully appreciated. Charlie Clouse will continue to deliver the spaghetti to the distribution point...Big Spring United Lutheran Church, Crossroads School Road. If you have any questions, please see a board member. If you’d like to help with the food bank, see Jim Henneman. The next scheduled distribution is June 27, 2016. P AGE 4 T HE B EACON G REETERS 5-Josh & Brooke Newman 12-Ned & Jill Kerstetter 19-Ken & Linda Ryan 26-George & Dawn Agar Greeters take note: Please be on duty at least 20 minutes prior to service and remain at the doors until 10:05 for any latecomers. W ORSHIP N URSERY A TTENDANTS 5-Ronnie Sue Burkholder & Juliaann Miller 12-Sharon Barrick & Amy Newswanger 19-Shane & Jeannine Reed 26-Jake & Eileen Bear **If you are unable to fulfill your duties as a GREETER or NURSERY attendant, PLEASE contact someone else on the schedule to change with you. Vacation Bible School July 10-14, 2016 6:30-8:30 PM Any questions, see Katie Kane or Jeannine Reed V OLUME 16, I SSUE 6-CORRECTIONS TO P AGE 5 J UNIOR C HURCH 1 (A GES 3-5) T EACHERS & H ELPERS *Meet in Room #4 in the CE Wing at 10:00 am 5-Childrens Day 12,19,26-Lori, Nathan, & Gracie Chronister JUNIOR CHURCH 2 (Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd Grade) TEACHERS & HELPERS *Meet in Room #2 in the CE Wing at 10:00 AM 5-Children’s Day 12-Katie & Shannon Kane 19-Katie & Shannon Kane 26-Melisa Lucas & Shannon Kane JUNIOR CHURCH 3 (3rd, 4th, 5th Grade) TEACHERS & HELPERS *M EET #9 AT 10:00 AM 5-Children’s Day 12-Doug Mountz & Gail Wolfe 19-No Junior Church 26-No Junior Church IN CLASSROOM **When you are assigned to be a helper, PLEASE be in the Junior Church room by 9:50. If you cannot be a helper on the Sunday you have been assigned, PLEASE let Carrie Kimmich know (658-6339) so a replacement can be obtained if Remember to sign up on the 2016 Flower Chart on the Narthex bulletin board, to honor or memorialize family or friends. *The cost for the two vases is $36 June-Randy Dyarman July-Wayne Baum August-Bobby Baker P AGE 6 T HE B EACON WOMEN’S MINISTRIES NEWS CHURCH OF GOD HOME Next Women’s Ministries Meeting greatest needs for the month of June June 6th 7:00 pm Deodorant-Secret, Suave, Speedstick, Gillette or Mennen Toothpaste-Crest or Colgate (travel size) Lotion-Lubriderm or Vaseline Intensive Care (6 or 8 oz) Mouthwash-Scope or Listerine (travel size) CHANGE’ for Life May 8-June19 Large Print Word Search Books Nail Care-Nail polish remover, emery boards, cuticle/orange sticks, fast drying natil top coat polish All donations will be given to Carlisle Area Family Life Center Denture Adhesive & Cleaner TabletsFixodent, Fasteeth, Poligrip, Effergrip, Polident Efferdent Wide tooth combs and pics ACTS OF RANDOM KINDNESS KIDS (ARKK) Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1 What is ARKK? ARKK stands for Acts of Random Kindness Kids. We will be doing acts of random kindness for people in our church and in our community. Who can participate in ARKK? This is a youth program at our church for all ages from preschool thru 18 years old. When will ARKK meet? We would meet the last Sunday of each month during Junior Church (following Children’s Chat). Why ARKK? In much of our society today there is so much focus on self and personal gain and only doing what feels good. This group is designed to help our youth to think of others and their needs before their own. We want to do these acts, not for our own personal recognition, but to put a smile on someone’s face and share God’s love with others through small acts of kindness. For questions or more information please contact Melisa Lucas at [email protected] or phone 717-713-4244. P AGE 7 V OLUME 16, I SSUE 6-CORRECTIONS TO JUNE 2016 Balance April 1, 2016 $67,759.11 DEPOSITS $19,294.83 EXPENSES Donald C. Snyder (Apr Salary) Donald C. Snyder (Apr Housing) Donald C. Snyder (Mar Travel) Royetta G. Baughman (Secretary/Apr) The Board of Pensions (May) Eastern Regional Conf (Ret Pastors Ins) Eastern Regional Conf (Apr Tithe) ERC (Acosta's-Mar Faith Promise) New Hope COG (Mar Benevolent Tithe) CMFInternational(Eric Gephart-Mar BenTithe) Send International (Books-Mar Ben Tithe) Transfer to Building Fund (Apr Transfer) Adams Electric Cooperative Inc (Mar) Century Link (Mar) IESI PA Corp (Apr Trash) Timmons Oil Inc Erie Insurance (Adj to Workers Comp Policy) ATA Alarm & Comm Systems Sherry Koppenhaver (Apr Custodial Svcs) Mirelle Assoc (Mar P/R & Tax Svc) Internal Revenue Service (Mar FIT,SS,Medi) PA Dept of Revenue (Mar SIT) Cumb Co Tax Bureau (LocalWageTax-1st qtr) US Postal Svc(Cert Mail-Lifetouch&Stamps-Ofc) Lifetouch Directories (6 Submitted Photos) Doubling Gap Youth Group (2nd qtr Support) N L Minich & Sons Reinford Landscapes (DigHoles-Sign & Mailbox) Betty Clouse (Trash Bags) Katie Kane (Date Night Challenge) PaulStouffer(Gas in Van,Clock-Ofc, Maint Items) Joan Stouffer (Change for Soccer Tourn) Amazon (Soccer Nets) Blue Mountain Blooms (2 Get Well) Corner Store (Paper, SS Curriculum) Churches of God Publications (Gems) Camino Global (Yinglings-Apr) Entrust (Ginters-Apr) Send International (Books-Apr) Send International (Books-Missions) Newville 1st CoG (Missions-PAW Packs) Cumb Valley Missions (Missions Rally 4/24) Cumb Valley Missions (Spec Congreg Offering) $1,912.48 $984.22 $179.00 $748.46 $441.38 $70.00 $1,705.00 $425.00 $300.00 $600.00 $600.00 $3,000.00 $234.00 $118.93 $87.28 $528.06 $227.00 $190.00 $380.00 $75.00 $756.88 $139.22 $187.12 $55.45 $60.00 $700.00 $235.32 $100.00 $15.89 $262.25 $61.90 $400.00 $200.86 $98.00 $81.17 $162.00 $110.00 $60.00 $70.00 $300.00 $160.00 $2,400.00 $1,586.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $21,007.87 Balance April 30, 2016 $66,046.07 TREASURER & ATTENDANCE REPORTS INCOME 2015 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 J F M A M J J A S O N D ATTENDANCE 2015 2016 250 200 150 100 50 0 J F M A M Building Fund J J A S O N D $137,026.55 (CD $50,000.00 & Savings $87,026.55) The following is a breakdown of the major funds available within the general treasury: Live Nativity Fund $3,155.55 Mission Fund $9,868.61 Geese Church /School offerings are included in this total) Mission Trip Fund $4,766.38 T HE B EACON P AGE 8 Worship Ministry Team Meeting MISSION BOARD MEETING June 7 June 2 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Articles for the July’s Beacon Council Meeting are due in the office by June 13 June 22 7:00 PM Education Ministry Team Meeting June 13 Father & Son Breakfast at the church June 18 7:30 AM 6:00 PM V OLUME 16, I SSUE 6-CORRECTIONS TO P AGE 9 Mission Board Update Mission Moments for June 5–Vacation Bible School 12-Al & Mary Ginter 19-Camp YoliJwa 26-Praise & Testimony-Tom Sperlich Faith Promise 2016 The Latino Ministries which includes the Acosta’s is our 2016 Faith Promise. Total collected as of the end of March is $1,225.00. Outreach to the community: Paw Pack program organized thru Newville First Church of God for children at Newville Elementary. The program has increased the number to 30 children who otherwise might not have enough to eat on the weekends. We (as a church, here at Doubling Gap) are committing to give $160 per month to the paw pack program and to collect the following items; Small packs of goldfish (1 oz bags) Raisins (1 oz boxes) Snack Pack Pudding (4oz nonrefrigerated type) Note: We will stop collecting donations of food items from May thru August and begin collecting again in the fall. Continue to pray for the PAW Pack program, plans are to extend to include Oak Flat & Mt Rock in the Fall. Next combined church meeting for PAW Pack is June 5th, at Newville First Church of God. Next Meeting: June 2, 2016 at 7:00 pm