St. Landry clarion (Opelousas, La.) 1899-03-04 [p ]
St. Landry clarion (Opelousas, La.) 1899-03-04 [p ]
DistrIct Court. Uiron set up when he took ti~ Volta. Case abandoned by ,the Three big murder trials is the stand in his own behalf Wednes State. record of the District Court foi day night, and so plausible and MONDAY. .OP•L As.. ". L . straightforward was his story o0 the past week. Alphonse Lovy ; judg of Estate s-4VWACTV*U OFBllqunt OPELOUSAS, MARCH 4 , 1899. The first, that of the State o1 the affair, that nine out of twelvw -Payer ment. Louisiana vs. Dick Rogers, charged men wanted by their verdict to ac Victor Brueille vs. Vincenzo UP-TO-DATE. with the murder of a negro named quit him, and Thursday night a Asta; default confrirmed. Ennis Williams, on the Atchafa- mistrial was entered. SOpelousas, a., March 4,1809. Fromapure distiled A4rtseta Water i ready to a Ui ll e4 in any Jennie Barker. vsJohn Spencer The following-named -non-resideftu laya river, last December, was SThe case went to trial Wednes Satterly; dismissed at plaintlffts oPrice fiauihbod on application. Corresidpence desired. " whose postoe~ ce address is nknown, called up Monday morning. day morning, with the State confi- costs. and unknown owners, are hereby notsoe . . . . e, .. . A. MORESI, PRESENT. When you need anyy fied that the State and pirish taxes on The State was represented by dent that it had a "dead- case? State vs. Onesime Brignaec, earrythe property deseribed below as per as Send vour orders to District Attorney Garland and Not a word had been breathed ae lug a concealed weapon, pleads sessment rolls for the year indicated now due and delinquent sinc Jan J.P.BOAGNML. 0. N, ODEBN. Chas. F. Garland, Esq, and the de- tb what the defense's plea would guilty; penalty: $25 fine and costs are BODEMULLEi nary 1,189, and same must be pale with cost and penalties or said property will fense by E. P. Veazie, Esq, and be, but everybody naturally pro or 30 days in jail. be sold according to law: sumed that they would plead great State vs. Daxie Tate, carrying 42. Banta, R.W. OP:LOUSAS, LA. Laurent Dupre, Esq. The courtroom was crowded provocation, or perhaps moment- concealed weapon; waives arraign- 2 ots of ground situated in the town of Eunice, being lot 8 of block 81 and lo! throughout the trial with friends ary insanity. C. F. Garland, Esq. IErALSr IN -The Ealer building was re- and neighbors of the accused, show- and E. B. Dubuisson, Esq., reproe ment, pleads gullty. Fine $25 and 5 of block 21 valued $100;state tax $1 2 jail. parish $, tot $3 20. in 'ays or 30 costs week. this painted ing the esteem in which he is held sented the defense, and the'Distrlet The court excused the following 48. Booth, Jr, John R. -Adelma Guidry, of the second in the community in which he Attorney, the State. S0ares of and,being the n~jof see jurors for good and suflicienteause: 28 tpSsrre,-valued $10;t state x, police Jury ward, was in Opelousas lives. The State proved: Giron ab Martin Leger, D. D. Hudsdeth, parish $15, total $24. Monday. 44. Bourdin, V. The first State witness was El- andoned his wife and took up with Sam Rogers, Jos. Satterly. One lot of ground and improvement-H. W. Lowry and G. L. Hav- mira Williams, widow of deceased. the Hardy woman. They had freState vs. Octave Savoie, murder; situated in the town of Opelouss, boua. Stables on The Race Track. ded north by Chaney street, south by ard, of Morrow, attended court here She testified that on the evening quent quarrels. -He made threats case refixed f4j March 2. school land, east by Rai]road avenue this week. of the killing she was returning, in against her, telling Mose Green State vs. PiJck Rogers, murder; and west by ralroad valued $500; state -Jules Qaebedean, of Arnaud- company with her husband and that if Mary ever deserted him he on motion of E. P. Veazie, Esq., tax $8,parish $5,total $ 51. Breaux, Estate of L. A. ville, was in town Tuesday, and little son, from a neighborhood would kill her and then kill him- the namecof Laurent Dupre, Esq., 86 sores ofland, bounded north by store, deceased on horseback and self. Accused some nights pre- was added as one of the attorneys Thompson, sout by Casster, east gave us a brief call. by -, and west by$2, total y-,valued $20; state they walking. E. M. BOAGNI. Pasessiar . PiWT F I3TLffljN ,I CPaiw.. When near the resvious to the killing had shot a hole t-x $1 20o, parish $• 2. for the defendent. Trial proceeded -Check towels at 35 per dozen, e. B. DUBWSSON. Vrc-PEsysae•T. , idence of accused, W. B. Rogers, in a Saint picture hung upon the with, with.the following jury: L. 52. Bringhurst, A. H. at the New York Racket Store. Sr., father of accused, was stand- wall, and told Mary that he would F. Lastraes, J. J. Healey, Frank 284.55 acres of land being .the neX L. B. Chachere, Agent. of nw and ne3 of w e sec tp 2 ing at yard gate. He called to his do the same to her some day. The Zernott, Joseph lCastille, Ermile s• sar 2w, vauled $570; state tax $8$42, par Boykin, W.S. and N. Oden ---H. sh $5 70; total $9 12. son night. of the killing the accused to come and shoot deceased, Henry Fusillier, Ernest Lafleur, of Bayou Current, were in Opelouand accused ran to a buggy house came in at about 10 o'clock. Mary Young, Jr., Sam Wall, A. J. Walk- 74. Cole, D. B. sas several days this week. 180 acres of land, being the "nwM see fronting the public road and shot told him that he could not sleep )OPELOUSAS, LOUISIANA. 22 3 s r 1 w valued state tax -Ladies' white leather belts for deceased twice with a rifle. Saw there that night. Accused replied er, Allen Delarue, L. B. Chachere, $1 43, parish $1 80, total $ $180; 88. Bonnet. Case ended Tuesday; 85. Craig, J.Archie Wm. Store. Racket York New 109, at the SAFETY DEPOsit BOXEs TO RENT. rifle; saw accused. Accused enter- that he would or kill her. The Verdict: Not guilty. 320.0 acresotf land being the nM see L. B. Chachere, Agent. ed stable by backdoor. A sgeneralstabanang biness tranasted. Foreign exchange bought sad sold. witnesses who testified to these 28,5pssr6e, valued $5O; state tax TUESDAY. par•,h 5, total s. -The gallery to the Saizan build. Caueful attentionigiven to asietlons. , oney to loan oa goodes arIty. The little son gave substantially facts, Elenor Arceneau and Lloyd 80. perjury; Dallas, M; Dalre, Mrs. R. H. State vs. H. DIR DIREBTOUR: ,B:Dubakesous I. Buogal, Ant.DePstlein, lng is nearly completed, and is a the same testimy. Loeb, the latter the seven-year-old L. E. D. Estiletta Prita 56 aeres of land and improvement$, IietletS. great improvement to that magniEmella Scott, sister of Elmira, son of Mary, left the room. A demurrer and motion to strike out bounded aorth by Meyera, south by filed and fixed for to-morrow, Fontenot, eastlaulel and west by Baflcent structure. was at her gate, a few hundred while after witnesses heard a shot. you Petite Prairie, valued $210; state March 1st. tax$12 pparsh$2 10,total a$8 9 -Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Larcads yards from the scene. Saw smoke Rushed in the house, saw Mary lyvs. Willie Morris, perjury; SA. State 131. Frith, Chas. H. and daughter, left on Thursday issue from the buggy house, and ing on the floor, Giron kneeling by 40 aseres of land, being the e3 of sw; (SuccePsso r WH to kr I S,) at $250. fixed bond her side and praying aloud. Called deceased fell. Did not see who City, Crescent the for train noon's of sec 5,4w3 of sea see 8, ne' of new State vs. W m. Goward, arraigned sec 7, wn see 8 tp 4 sr 8 e, valed $240; upon Elenor to "Go and get help where they will spend a few days. shot. state tax1 $24 levee $2 40, Peyton Washington, preacher of for her sister" (Mary). Witnesses for committing an assault by will- acreage $12, 44parish total $18 24. -Beef meat went up to 12) cents fully shooting at,pleada not guilty; 18 . Fruger,Sr., Cyprien New Mount Zion Cullud Baptist went for Ida Scarborough, first per pound commencing March 1st. bond $150. 40 acres of land, bouaded north by The butchers claim that the rise Church, testified that accused had neighbor. When Ida reached the Fruge.south by sane,east by same and WEDNESDAY. confessed to him that he had killed house Giron was still praying, west and b same, valued $P 0; state tax was made necessary by the scarShkuIes, rIn . called upon her: "Don't interfere Estate of Dolze Meaux; opposi- 72/ palh $120, total $1 9. city and consequent high price of deceased. 184. Follin, Fa & Co. Three other sisters-in-law of dewith me. Let me say my prayers." tion submitted on pleading. Ernest cattle. 228 asres, fractional sections 17 and 5, -rders Taken and Shipped to aitPoints on Rfalpir :. ceased testified to facts going to Witnesses left the house, and about Soilean given preference in admin- tp r e, valued $460; state tax $246• -Geo. B. Secord, the well known parish $480, total S7 86. throw the guilt upon accused. half an hour after the first shot a istering the estate. Estate to pay 176. Ikelheimer, Estate of J. "•gt•ty a" Carload Orders Especially •io9Ited. contractor of Towanda, N. Y, says: Motive for the killing cldmned second shot was heard. When Oi- costs already incurred by opposi- 600 acres of laAd Situated on-Alliga"I have used Chamberlain's Cough tor Bayou, valed $80; state tax $1 8 by the State: Willie Rogers, son ficer Burr reached the scene both tion. Remedy in my family for a long parish $8 0, leuse. $389, acreage $8380, State vs. H. M. Daire; portions total $41 8. time and have found it superior to of accused, is charged with the were lying on the floor side by side. 222. Marey, Estate of Peter by conout stricken killing of Chief Hall, colored, some Giron did not tell coroner's jury of information any other." For sale by J. Lassalle. of land, being the e3 of no eighteen months ago, for which he shooting was accidental. Refused sent of district attorney. H. M. 58. acres tp sre,eHof ae% Sootseo1 ol sw3 -DiEALJER IN-Marion Swords, Laurent Doss- is a fugitive from justice. Ennis to say how it occurred, only admit- Daire arraigned, pleads not guilty, of see • tp5 s r 2e valued -180 state mann and Coon Lafleur were in Williams was very factive in hav- ting having done the killing. tax $1 08, parish $1 8 total 88. .. , . .. ,:Stoek'..* The Most Complete bond fixed at $300. 192L.Eleinpeter, Josephine town all in one bunch several days ing Willie apprehended. The defense had no witnesses exState vs. Willie Morris; motion 400 acres of land, being t .of see 22 this week. Whether they signed cept the accused and character to strike out filed, objected and and 28, tp8 s r6e, valued $20; Mtate tax THE DEFENSE. $1 20, parish $, levee $2, acreage $a4toa protocol, or cleared for action, is The defense threw a preponder- witnesses. overruled. Accused pleads not tal -- 5 20. not exhibited to vulgar publicity; ous of doubt on the case, shroud277. Odom, James A. Giron told a pathetic and plausi- guilty, bond fixed at $250. the on some light may be thrown ing it in an impenetrable mystery. ble story, not flinching under a Godchaux & Well vs. Emile P1- 168.94 acre of land, being the ag iof see 14 tp 3s r 2w, valued $200. subject by keeping an eye on Ma- The testimony of the State's wit- terrific cross-examination by the .... to `t Parish..~kh, tre; default confirmed. 81.20 sacres of land, being the s3l of rion's span of blacks. seat and sw• of sw of see Sat 4 s-r2 District Attorney. trial impeached Jr.; was Giron, nesses (all negroes) State vs. Azenor valned $160, total valuation ; state -Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the and discredited in many respects He went to the house that night began with the following jury: w, tax $2 16,parlsh $ 60 total $5 76. English Baptist Church at Miners- by the testimony of some of the as usual, after having "celebrated" Joseph Anselm, A. J. Walker, 280. Ortego, Ulysse EEfl33R *AIDES AS SOLD AI.WATS vile, Pa, when suffering with rheu- best white citizens of that section. Christmas week by firing off his Henry Young, Jr., Ermile Lafleur, 40 acres of land, bounded north by autllory south by Vidrine, east by Chamtry to matism, was advised W. B. Rogers, Sr., father of the pistol in the air. Did not have a Octave Vidrinue, L. F. Lastrapps, same and west by -,valued $120; state total $1 92 • berlain's Pain Balm. He says: "A accused, testified that he was cross-word with Mary. Mary was Frank Zernott, Ernest Richard, tax 72w, parish $1 0,few applications of this lidiment at his son's yard gate. Saw de- sitting down. Went to the sewing Adolphe Hollier, Lucien P. Pltre, 187. Parker, L.H. One lot improved, bounded north by proved of great service to me. It ceased and wife coming in the machine, where he had some car- Stephen Quirk, Damon Bertrand. Troasdale, soush by ft.Mlchel, east by and west by Volts; valued subdued the inflammation and re- road. Two shots were fired about tridges, to reload his pistol. Weap- On motion of C. F. Garland, Esq, Gardner -100 state tax o00, parish $109, total ieved the pain. Should any suf- forty yards other side of buggy on was out of order, and it was ne- E. B. Dubuisson, Esq., was added ferer profit by giving Pain Balm a house; deceased's horse started in cessary to cock it in order for the as attorney for the defense. Mis- 313. Prosser, Robert M. 723.•5 sores of land, beng the sof trial it will please me." For sale a gallop and rider fell in front of cylinder to "catch." (Weapon was trial entered. sec 23, swK of n sw of see24 tp4 s e agentis a pesonl fien of your., liveso. yor stret o Because tht r 7e, of seeo 8 tp4sr e, valued $860; by, J. Lassalle. _ THURSDAY. belonrgs to you lodgeree ehureh. Dick's house. Witness' son did introduced in evidence, and proved state tax $2 14,parish $38s,t•ta $5 7o. try While town, it was). to he said be as come to you -When not do the shooting. State vs. Octave Savoie, murder; 314. Pris'homme, Heirs of 8. Paul Richard's Restaurant, on Accused, Dick Rogers, denied do- cocking it to shove back the cylin- trial begun with, the following 47 acres of land, bounded north by wab* Because the yI bothu the litfeenot of yo~u and'je ut Young, south by saneeat by Ltreyt• , I to T get4)t ridDwof .,i H Bellevue street, near Arthur De- ing the shooting. Was chopping der, the hammer slipped from his jury: Willie Hudspeth, Charles and west by Young, valued l8; state jean's saloon. He serves the- very wood in the yard when he heard thumb and the fatal shot was fired. Stagg, C. Settoon, F. H. Eddy, M. tax $1d8,parish $ 0,total $4• . "that .dIleront agnbi6te Usa~et 'atebf. ._ yu :e.. best the market affords, prepared two bhots, and he went to the front l{e described in a vivid and path- G. Wilkins, Sam Wall, A. Moresi, 80.. Reagan, J.Bte. 4 aeree of landbeing lotS of see tp yuthnkwil ote wok beat. I other wouda yo fre your by experienced cooks. Fish, game to see what was the matter. De- i etic manner his anguish and con- C. B. Andras, J. E. Debsllioa, Na- 6s-r6 e,rvaled0; stats tax 129,prIs. s principles. urt apon bus s, soUp, acreage4$total 2 9. d24-tf. ceased fell off of his horse in front duct when his paramour fell to the than Roos. A. D. St. Cyr, Louis W evee and oysters in season. loor; how he stooped over her and Daniel. Attorneys: For the State -I have been afflicted with rheu- of accused's gate. r~ please. In ram to tBhelli3i t of ttMiaah~'Ci~i Jai~~i so sres of land sttated in Ctoatl.ea h Accused's testimony was corrob- called upon her to answer him; -R. L. Garland, J. R. Pavy; For matism for 14 years and nothing vamlued $sesta;e tax a$2s, par Crehey seemed to give any relief. I was orated by his son and young Har- how he wiped the blood flowing the defense-W. CU.Perrault, E.P. able to be around all the ime, but vey, who were with him at the rom her month and nose; how Vease, C. F. Garlaid, Jules Gi . _ acres of land, einpfie bounded when he realized that she was dead Trial in progress. , northss rby vBolanier dth bD.Jr eam constantly suffering. I had tried time.: he determined to take his own life, b ,oio er d "west . ++ autopDr. Joseph, who held the everything I could hear of and at -Men's laundried shirts for S5,, last was told to try Chamberlain's sy, testified that the ballets found and after praying fervently, calling at the New York Racket Store. 887. Stagg, Adolphe Pain Balm, which I did, and was in deceased's body were pistol bul- upon God to forgive him "for the L. B.0 Uaehere, Agent, 1 0eres of land and iasssovements, crime he was about to commit," immediately relieved and in a short lets. bounded netth by Bao Waxia somth u Camngh Imdseea . by Bayou Becu,- east by Boagni and of the coroner's he placed the weapon to his head Chamaerlala members Several time cured. I am happy to say jury testified to contradictory state- and fired. est by saue,valued $0 ; statetax This remedy is intended especial- t5,paish a19 total $ 0.+ that it has not since returned.On the first ballot the jury stood ly for coughs, colds, eroup, whoop- M. Thibedeaux,lof•eaen Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal. ments made by State witnesses. 19.6s aeres oflnd, bei the nw3 of One of them, Mr. Hutches, demon- as follows: ing cough and influenza. It has sec25tp For sale by J. Lassalle. sr5e valud 18; state tax 5Y5TR(W' For acqhittal-A. J. Walker, become famous for its cures of these Near Callihan bridge, in the pub- strated the impractibility of a perHenry Young, Jr, Octave Vidrine, diseases, over a large part of the lic road from Opelousas to Belle- son standing where Elmira claims s38. Townasend & Lawrence Frank Zernott, Ernest Richard, civilized world., The most latter18- acres of lan sitsted on Bayou vue, there has long been an impas- to have stood identifying a person Adolph M. Holller, Lucien P. Pitre, ing testimonials have been receiv. sable mudhole. Travelers avoid it in the buggy house. Witnesses were brought to prove Stephen Qui3irk, Damon Bertrand. ed, giving accounts of its good by passing through an adjacent pariesh $8118,totalf•SB For conviction-Ermile Laflour, works; of the aggravating and per- 894. Walton, andes of ofa EHirsseof Mrs.Jane the of , ar field. The proprietor or tenant that Mr. Rogers owned neither L. F. Lastrapes, JosephAnselm. sevpistol. of or cared; rifle has it oughs sistentr charges each passer through his awae S " Later in the deliberation Juror ere colds that have yielded prompt- ued$a Previous threats by Elmira Wilpremises ten cents. That mudhole Young went over from acquittal to ly to Its soothing effects, and of the the deher husband, against liams not do We is grist to his mill. and Ex-ofi•lo Tax-oollct, conviction, making the Jury stand dangerous attacks of croep it has -erif St Landry Parish. .-Me 4. blame him for requiring toll for ceased, were proven. when they were discharged, eight Mr. Rogers showed an unblemcared, often-saving the life of the passage through his field, for the e NiSght and mornn gonnections at Ne -OrleanWit~h lnst for acquittal and four for convic- child. The eitenste useu of it for delphia, Washington, AtU uta, ininat~uiSt. Louseeb illssa SALE:. ONSTABLE public road is the proper place to ished character by the best citiV$. WILE JONES. 0 SAVA N T & M-U4DR tion. section. his of zens it ?ARKS, whooping cough la shown that F.. MORSII 3J. E.~ travel; but if he were fined suffiGiron's bond was fied at $2500. .angerous The evidence closed Tuesday evrobs that disease bti: ciently for the existence of that 82. IadrT of Parish Court, Justic 12th .GeniiPass Tfcket Ant,. NRwtdon. hr..` 'Asst$.?. *~7.1.E fl s5 . 7.z consequences. It ~Its especially mudhole, he would probably be as ening at about six orclock, arguFRIDAY. prized by mothers for their chil- By vlrtue ota writ of A. Ia. to -w dltC2intent on its disappearance as he ments began at 8, and the case was C. F. Garland, attorney at law, dren, as it never fails to effect a submitted the jury at 110o'clock. is on the collection of toll. o Prisha of 8t. Leno! to Peace. hiaand foeIn thirty minutes a verdict a not was by the court committed to jail speedy cure, and because they have Tetter, alt-Rbe mmadd Eesema guilty was brought in. for contempt of court, there to re- found that there is not the least office of said Jstice of the Peaece on: mwrwm a A3, ZUS, sod to~w-a to " U3 The intense itching and smarting 8mstsd y, Msar Mrs. Rogers did move from the main until to-morrow morning, danger in giving it, even to babies, a. n.,,thefollowring imeribt. eo'lock at 11 incident to these diseases, is in- side of husband during the entire the 25th, at 10 o'clock a.inm. as it contatins nothing lnjurious. ., towit: stantly allayed by applying Cham- trial, and it was a touching sight Twenty-three barrels of smIn sheet. SATURDAY. Sold by J. Lassaile. TermsO cash. berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. to see her rush to the jury and, State of La. vs. Jim Green, moDi Irugglts. n CHAS. LAVLWLR Constable. EnterprWs feb 25 b& `oln.4pap te scmaweiarn In ho = hich iss okof int.;.2 ags been have cases bad very Many with eyes blazing with joy, shake tion to withdraw plea of not guilty l. loes Yom 10 agsS~dh~wn~~nraobeo widemore men are few There is It iie~g,an Amarue! i uin 3 i , et., .jmlbound iaswb aend gol permanently cured by it. each juror by the hand and thank filed, objected and overruled. MoTay. than enterprising and awake SALE. &Ng`ABLWB' ^ 0 equally efficient for itching piles them. IJt itoo qsp.muh e. gl~eemO7lah pis tion to quash filed, objected to and lor & Taylor, who spare no pails to o vanrqe , B. L. TAhOB VS. LEWIS SAB. BE. and a favorite remedy for sore nip. hewtw ti~a~inssi overruled. la *fJera everything of best the secure &y . Ass COvF. .P1 bas .uenff itboenndi:a ,., . ptcarba ;rSErlrbgmirsc ples, chapped hands, chilblains THE GIRON CASE. State vs. Alexander Senegal,case their line for their many customeyes Issued sore elee of a writ chronic of virtue and By bites frost On one cold night last December continued to March 6 on account ers. They now have the valuable byG. = Pliea of theb. JUstice iea4 25 cents per box. For sale by J. when a notorious character named of the illness of Leroy H. Harris, oitte -parishofat. an Inforb~that agency for Dr. King's New DiscovJy2-ly wll Lassalle. have selsed and IusdtJoI nteaoeette directed. dy sue Mary Hardy was found outstretch- one of the jurors. ery for Consumption, Coughs and tosatstlj theoffice of the uaicethe room bathof her ierlb. floor on the ed Native Oar State vs. Joseph Paule, Jr., et Colds. This is the wonderfPl reon. o'clocka. Peceat The Great Blood Purifier, Kidney ing in her own blood from a pistol als, larceny; tried by jury, found medy that is producing such a the flowig. escribe poiperty, to-wit: :adpt-t .= #EYImudwamgl~ lick' ijti s ah8.. * gercthlu . a penetrating back, in her wound t %er n~viar m. boii a 7u guilty and recommended to the contains and and Liver Regulator, One mare. furor all over the counatrby its T sdash. a printed guarantee to refuand its her heart, and her lover, Azenor mercy f the court., Jury: Jasper many: startlingcures. ;Itabely cost in any case where the Medicine Giron, Jr., lying at her side with a Smith, B. M. Milotead, John VOlt•, cures Asthma, Bronchitis, ~re-' ~;fi~aic~oc~riica anii srIs t, f ebO 21 1AtRS fails to benefit. It is also a Yellow pistol ball in the right temple, the Henry Chahete, Louis fSylvestre. nose and altafeetlons of the~thalk A E 0 :R EN T S-OX % in U chest and Lungs. Call, at above Fever Preventive. 200 days treat theory of accidental shooting did State vs. Jim Green,•lareeny; et a trial bottle not enter, we dare say, in the mind tried by jury, and found notgaltty. drug storme and % ment for $1.00. Sold only by free or a regular st for4 and r Telowaas, or peritiw4p of a single person in town. Bait Juy: Leopold ~ine , Israel L00. Guaranteed to car JULES P. PITRE, Agent, price tOlirk's 01.. 8ror Gpelounsaa La. nevertheless that is the plea that Normand,+~ank . ,lbeau, Joi refunded. nQt1r-1y THE CLARION. NOTICED I Res dent Pulsh Of St. Ladry. OPEUSAS ICS BOTITLING WORKS, Ice and Carbonated Drinks PRI NTING..... HORSES and MULES, Horses : and : Mules : Bought :and : Sold. ST. LANDRY STATE BANK, c. Sk1e1,; Lasth ors, BMiods, Juaddi NAD SS C SAl PELI J. T. STEWART, Lumber i Iibbio Material Selling Best Grades at Lmter Cash ricks.. Three Ways Itk A., I. ,w SUST LiAOO E, Southrm pacific I~~~~~.~ f=- :Only Standard . : . .^. :.` Gauge Line: Running V IC K5$EEDS gksArden and Floral Cumd Ja youmyou 4i~: