Bhubaneswar - The Pioneer
Bhubaneswar - The Pioneer
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With this latest hike, the employees’ DA has now reached 125 per cent on their basic salaries. The hiked DA rate =^fc^cP[bPc would come into effect !$*c^R^bc with retrospective effect from January 1 TgRWT`dTa this year, informed C%&%(Ra^aT Finance Minister P]]dP[[h Pradeep Amat here. “The DA hike has been approved by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. The State Government employees, who are presently getting 119 per cent DA will be getting 125 per cent DA from January 2016,” Amat told mediapersons. The decision would benefit four lakh Government employees and three lakh pensioners in the State. And the DA hike would cost the State exchequer an additional C676.90 crore annually. Earlier in October last year, the State Government had hiked the DA by 6 per cent, taking it to 119 per cent. =^a\P[RhaTbc^aTS PUcTa6^ecPbbdaTb c^aTcda]RWXc \^]Thc^X]eTbc^ab ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he State Assembly was adjourned T at least for three times as Opposition Congress and BJP members kept demanding ouster of Justice Madam Mohan Das as the chit fund probe panel head for the second consecutive day on Saturday. However, normalcy restored only after the Government assured to return money to the duped chit fund investors. When the House met at 10.30 am for the day, Opposition Chief Whip Tara Prasad Bahinipati stood at his seat and demanded Justice Das be removed from the judicial commission for joining a meeting hosted by the ruling and giving a clean chit to the Government on the chit fund scam issue and stating that people invested in chit funds out of their greed. When Speaker Niranjan Pujari didn’t listen to Bahinipati’s demand and called Food and Supplies Minister Sanjay Dasburma to answer a question, both Congress and BJP 6WDWH*RYWVWDIIV¶ '$KLNHGE\ members rushed into the Well of the House and shouted slogans in support of their demand. Pujari adjourned the House at 10.33 am till 11.30 am. As the situation remained unaltered, he also adjourned the House two times further till 3 pm. Opposition members only joined the proceedings at 3 am when Government Chief Whip Anant Das said the Government would return money to all duped chit fund investors and requested them to participate in a demand discussion of the Revenue and Disaster Management Department. During discussion, Opposition members charged the Government had done little to increase crop production in the State. “Large chunks of fertile cultivable lands have been converted for other purposes. The Government has not taken any step to preserve land for crops,” said Congress MLA Bhujabal Majhi, initiating the discussion. After discussion, the Department’s Vote-on-Account of C5070,94,000 was passed. The House was adjourned till Monday morning. ?=BQ =4F34;78 into the VVIP Ionnvestigations chopper scam picked up pace Saturday as the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) examined former deputy chief of the Indian Air Force (IAF) JS Gujral, who was one of the many senior officials who were part of the meeting where a decision to alter the required specifications to favour AgustaWestland was taken in 2005. The CBI will question former IAF chief SP Tyagi on Monday. Both Gujral, against whom the agency has so far not levelled any allegation and Tyagi were questioned in 2013 also. In the meantime, the BJP suggested that it was Congress president Sonia Gandhi who was behind relaxations given to cWT\P]hbT]X^a^UUXRXP[bfW^ fTaT_Pac^UcWT\TTcX]V fWTaTPSTRXbX^]c^P[cTacWT aT`dXaTSb_TRXUXRPcX^]bc^ UPe^da0VdbcPFTbc[P]SfPb cPZT]X]!$ Y CWT218fX[[`dTbcX^]U^a\Ta 805RWXTUB?ChPVX^] <^]SPh1^cW6dYaP[PVPX]bc fW^\cWTPVT]RhWPbb^UPa AgustaWestland over “field trials” despite the then Defence Minister AK Antony’s objections. For its part, the Congress rubbished BJP chief Amit Shah’s charges against Sonia and posed counter-questions to him as to why permission was granted to AgustaWestland to participate in ‘Make in India’ programme and Aero India exhibition besides for a sub-contract in a Defence project. ]^c[TeT[[TSP]hP[[TVPcX^] P]SChPVXfTaT`dTbcX^]TSX] ! "P[b^ Y CWT218WPbb^UPaTgP\X]TS \^aTcWP] _T^_[TX] R^]]TRcX^]fXcWXcb_a^QTX]c^ cWTSTP[X]R[dSX]VU^a\Ta =PcX^]P[BTRdaXch0SeXbTa =B0<:=PaPhP]P]P]S U^a\TaB?6RWXTU1E FP]RW^^P\^]V^cWTab 0_PacUa^\6dYaP[P]SChPVX ^cWTabdb_TRcbX]cWTRPbT fX[[QTRP[[TSb^^] The CBI has so far examined more than 100 people in connection with its probe into the deal including former National Security Adviser (NSA) MK Narayanan and former SPG chief BV Wanchoo among others. Apart from Gujral and Tyagi, other suspects in the case will be called soon. Tyagi’s cousins will also be subjected to a fresh round of questioning in wake of the Milan Court of Appeals’ order. ty personnel at Ampani in Kalahandi district bordering Nabarangpur on Saturday evening. “An exchange of fire took place between the SOG jawans and the Maoists at Ampani at around 6 pm. According to preliminary reports, three women Maoists were killed. Three 303 rifles and IEDs were recovered from the spot,” said Deputy Inspector General (South Western Range) S Saini. Sources said the exchange of fire ensued between the SOG jawans and the ultras while the security personnel were conducting a combing operation. Three 303 rifle and a 9 mm pistol were recovered from the spot, said the police officer. CWd]STabW^fTab)<TaRdahSX_bPRa^bbBcPcT ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A hundershowers in Bhubaneswar T and many other parts of coastal Odisha brought relief to people from the earlier heat wave. Temperature declined to below 40 degree Celsius in most parts of the State except Sonepur (44), Sundargarh (41), Talcher (40.8) and Bhawanipatna (40.5) on Saturday. Twin cities Bhubaneswar and Cuttack recorded 39.9 and 38 degree Celsius, respectively. Titilagarh record- ed 39.5 degree. According to an IMD bulletin, rain and thundershowers are likely to occur at one or two places over coastal Odisha in next 24 hours. Local Meteorological Centre Director Sarat Chandra Sahu said an intense heat wave would prevail across the State on May 2. The temperature may rise to 45 to 46 degree in the State capital on May 2, he added. Coastal belts of the State would experience rain and thundershowers again on May 4, for which temperature may decline, Sahu predicted. $JXVWDSUREHJDLQVSDFH%-3 FODLPV6RQLDRYHUUXOHG$QWRQ\ 218VaX[[bU^a\Ta805 ?A>14?82:B D??024 3hRWXTU9B 6dYaP[ Y 8]eTbcXVPcX^]bX]c^cWTEE8? 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This comes even as State Urban Development Minister Firhad Hakim was in line of BJP’s fire for his ‘miniPakistan’ remarks. Nevertheless, the fifth phase of polling West Bengal remained “relatively peaceful” with a voter turnout of 78.25 per cent. FIRs were registered against two Presiding Officers for allegedly helping a particular party and a TMC candidate for alleged intimidation of voters. The fifth round of the high-voltage Bengal elections for 53 seats spread across Kolkata, Hooghly and South 24 Parganas were marked by sporadic violence, but the Election Commission did some commendable job by managing to contain booth capturing to a great extent. C44=064AB7>>CB B4;58=B4;5842A0I4 2WP]SXVPaW) 2aPiTU^aPbT[UXT fXcWPaTe^[eTac^WXbWTPSWPb [P]STSPQ^hX]?d]YPQX] W^b_XcP[PUcTaWTPRRXST]cP[[h bW^cWX\bT[UX]?PcWP]Z^c^] 5aXSPh_^[XRTbPXS^]BPcdaSPh 78=3DC08;>A702:43 C>340C78=1´34B7 3WPZP)07X]SdcPX[^afPb WPRZTSc^STPcWQh\T]]TPaWXb f^aZ_[PRT^]BPcdaSPhX]=^acW 1P]V[PSTbWcWT[PcTbcX]PbTaXTb ^UQadcP[PccPRZb^]X]cT[[TRcdP[b PRcXeXbcbP]S\X]^aXcXTbX]cWT <db[X\\PY^aXchR^d]cah ?% 60=60³3AH8=6D?´0B BD<<4A8=C4=B8584B 0[[PWPQPS)CWTAXeTa6P]VPXb SahX]Vd_PbcT\_TaPcdaTb R^]cX]dTc^aXbTPRa^bbcWT R^d]cah;^RP[bPc?aPhPV Tg_aTbbTScWTXaR^]RTa]^eTacWT UP[[X]VfPcTa[TeT[^UcWT6P]VP P\XSf^abT]X]VWTPcfPeT R^]SXcX^]b EcVVdSfc_R_Z^R]dUZVZ_FAF¶\YR_UWZcVd >][h2=6RPQbX]3T[WX 064=284BQ 347A03D= 06A0=4F34;78 ajor forest fires raged on M Saturday in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand even as three teams of NDRF were deployed in Almora, Gauchar and Pauri and one team of SDRF in Nainital to extinguish the flames. While the death toll in Uttarakhand forest fires have gone to six, a sudden blaze in Keetham wildlife sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh’s Agra district destroyed about five hectares of forest and killed birds, reptiles and rodents, a forest officer said on Saturday. Since the beginning of forest fire incidents in Uttarakhand in early February this year, 922 incidents have occurred so far killing six people including three women and a child, in separate incidents, injuring seven and blighting 1890.79 hectares of green cover, Principal 5XaTUXVWcTabcahX]Vc^R^]ca^[PUXaTX]b[d\PaTPX];dRZ]^f^]BPcdaSPh Conser vator of Forest (Research) BP Gupta said. Rudraprayag forest division is taking the Army’s help for firefighting operations especially along the highways, Gupta said. Chamoli, Pauri, Rudraprayag, Tehri, Uttarkashi, Pithoragarh, Almora and Nainital are the worst-affected districts, he said. ?C8 The Keetham Wildlife Sanctuary fire was put out in a “couple of hours”, said Deputy Conservator of Forests (DFO) Anil Patel who suspected sparking from an electrical line to be the cause of the fire which was. With an area of about four sq km, Keetham or Soor Sarovar wildlife sanctuary is home to local and migratory birds, rep- tiles, jackal, mongoose and hare. It’s located along the Agra-Delhi national highway. Local villagers joined the fire fighting operations. Patel said there will be an investigation as to what caused the fire. Keetham lake, which gives the wildlife sanctuary its name, is a vital source of water for the Mathura oil refinery. The sanctuary acts as a green buffer between the refinery and the world famous Taj Mahal. It’s a haven of reptiles, especially pythons. A bear rescue centre and an elephant rescue centre are also located within the sanctuary. There have been about 10 devastating fires in Keetham in the last five years. Me a nw h i l e , re a c t i n g sharply to the devastating fires, the Un i o n Government on Saturday assured the Uttarakhand Government all assistance to douse the inferno and those affected by it. Ua^\c^SPhB2PbbTacb 01A070<C7><0BQ =4F34;78 eginning Sunday, only B CNG cabs and taxis can operate in the Capital. The Supreme Court, which held a special sitting on a Saturday, stuck to its deadline of April 30 as the last opportunity for private taxis and cab aggregators like Ola and Uber to switch to CNG. There are about 60,000 taxis registered in Delhi and of them, 27,000 run on diesel. Given that around 2,000 diesel-run taxis have only converted into CNG mode in the last two months, there will be a considerable shortfall of CNG-run cabs and taxis from May 1 in the Capital. The SC order is not applicable on diesel-run cabs having All India Permits and entering Delhi from other States. However, all cabs which have such permit but ply only on local routes in the Capital will be barred. Delhi Transport Minister Gopal Rai has directed the enforcement wing of the Transport department to launch a crackdown on diesel-run cabs plying on locals routes in the Capital. Besides its decision on the diesel-run cabs, the apex court also made it clear to the Delhi Police, which sought permission to purchase 190 SUVs meant for VVIP movement and transportation of undertrial prisoners and ammunition among others, that it will have to shell out 30 per cent of the vehicle cost as green cess, known as Environment Compensation Charge (ECC). This cess will be paid to the Transport Department at the time of registration. UX[\bce! 17D10=4BF0AkBD=30H k<0H ! % D9@HE:>6 F8C7<44=0:B78A0> EZXVc¶dS`UjZdeYVh`c\d 7KLVELRSLFKDV LWVPDWKULJKW E96>2?H9@<?6H:?7:?:EJ Z_X+5VgAReV];VcV^j:c`_d5VgZ\R 3YZdV CReVU+( "! rinivasa Ramanujan was just 32 when he fell tragically to tuberculosis, after a rigourfilled, prolonged ship journey back from England to Madras as the first native royal fellow at an ivy league college of Imperial Britain. The ultimate Mathematics wizard, a genius of prime numbers, an original thinking mind quite away from the perceived hub of all knowledge, a man who knew infinity as a gift of God himself, Ramanujan took on everything — be it the mathematical stereotype, the racist and highly prejudiced Faculty at Trinity College of London, or the perception that Indian “natives” were a mindless tribe of idiocy meant only to serve their White masters. But, in the hope of getting published more formally than on the temple floors back home, Ramanujan took on all this and much more in a painful journey against all odds. A vegetarian in England was hopelessness personified; a brown man even more so; to top it, a challenger of mathematical theory considered the domain of the imperial Whites, it was a huge, debilitating endeavour which got him at last. Dev Patel excellently captures all this pain, this trauma and this fatal persistence of “proof ” of the genius of Ramanujan with a seasoned dose of histrionics which virtually merge into the character to lend weight to this gripping biopic. Where the film goes wrong is in its prime subject — the Maths. In building up the genius, the director sidesteps his genius — the adding up of numbers. There is very little of the subject on the blackboard. No equations solved, or explained or even pondered upon for long. Maybe, playing to the gallery for the good of the film took a toll on algebraic jargon but there should have been a little more of a subject S 32289: Z_X+EZXVcDYc`WWDYcRUUYR<Ra``c DfUYVVc3RSfARcRd2c`cRDf_Z] 8c`gVc CReVU+( "! hat’s the rating for Tiger Shroff, not the film so much. He has done all that’s impossible in this second film of his. For one, and most importantly, the chikna chamela has managed to grow a stubble; then, he has mastered the art of ultimate fluidity. His body is a jerkless spring which throws up smooth, graceful and incredible antics — like the film’s signature scene in which he is introduced as an icon of kalaripayattu, a martial artist standing upside down on one finger and a thumb. He looks amazing, almost unreal, all muscle rippling and a form of body art that we would all pay money to fawn over. He also fights with an agility that comes naturally only to a spinning cheetah. The fitness of his being, the absolutely chiselled frame, and the action sequences that he and his second-time director Sabbir Khan conjure up, hold much of this film in good stead. Yes, Tiger Shroff is an amazing gym athlete, a peep into which he gives you with this high-intensity action drama pivoting as much on his timelessly spinning body as his relatively lean love story. The only thing static about Tiger T are his emotions or, should we say, ability to emote. He tries hard but, I guess, it is easier for him to design his muscles and his body action more than tune up for the rigours of emoting. But then, the film needs very little acting skills, so high on action it is, the second half almost constantly speaking through his muscle standing up alone and untiringly against all other musclemen of the world, incidentally cooped up in a 27-storey building in Bangkok. While there is poetry in Tiger’s rippling body, it gets to be a tad boring to see him constantly spinning on his feet and fighting the baddies, mostly in a perpendicular stance. Premised on the kidnapping of his estranged girlfriend by her fighting fit stalker, a murder most foul by an unscrupulous son, a betrayal engineered by the girl’s greedy father and a crosscountry rescue operation triggered by a goodwill gesture for a voiceless kid whose origins we do not know anything about, the film is in actuality a showcase for Tiger Shroff ’s extreme zone fitness sessions which few will rival and many will marvel. Go for the body worship if nothing else, not Sunil (Gutthi) Grover who is too mean and wasted, not Shraddha Kapoor who is a side bar and not even south star Sudheer Babu whose villainy gives few moments to the film. ?228:?AC68?2?E 2hRZeDVRd`_:: CWTbW^fcWPcRPcP_d[cTS2^[^abc^cWT=^ b[^cfX[[ QTU^[SX]Vd_X]PU^ac]XVWcC^dcTSPbPE5Gf^]STa ^]b\P[[bRaTT]=PPVX]cda]TS\P]hThTQP[[b B0=644C0H030EUX]Sb^dccWPccWTbW^fQdUUb]TTS ]^cf^aahbTPb^]88XbX]cWT_X_T[X]T high-drama climax and happy ending will mark telly’s VFX magnum opus Naagin all set to fold up on May 14, only to return with a hiss for a second season “sometime soon”. Grapevine has it that Naagin, hogging limelight as a scientific fantasy thriller, will see Shivanya (Mouni Roy) getting pregnant after having lost all her snake powers after consummating her marriage with Ritik (Arjun Bijlani). Shivanya will hold a Kali Puja to regain her powers, take the avatar of kaali and kill her fake motherin-law Yamini (Sudha Chandran). Though the baby’s birth with supernatural powers will unfold in the next season, this climax will leave you asking for more. “Naagin has sustained on the top from the start with a high rating between 4.2 to 5.8 and it pulled the Colors channel on the No 1 slot. I’m thankful to Ekta ma’am who thought I was capable to play Shivanya. We've worked for this day in and day out. After the show goes off air, I am going to host So You Think You Can Dance and take a much-needed break before returning with a bang,” Mouni Roy tells you. Arjun Bijlani, meanwhile, says that the concept of a man getting married to a woman who turns out to be a naagin, was gripping enought to catch viewers. “If you come to know your wife is a naagin, what would your reaction be? That’s what fascinated the viewers. Being a part of the show has been amazing. It got me love and popularity. We have got emotionally attached to it. The good part is that the show is ending on a high note. It has been a short & sweet journey. Naagin has created history and given producers a different take on finite series,” Bijlani says. For Arjun, whose claim to fame was through his performance in Left Right Left, Miley Jab Hum Tum and Meri Ashiqui Tumse Hi, Naagin was the most difficult. “In comparison to other daily shows, Naagin was 10 to 15 times tougher in execution. When you have such high drama, shooting in croma for the first time becomes tricky. A lot of scenes have been recreated with computer graphics. The learning was constant,” Arjun says. The actors went out of their comfort zone for this show and their hard work paid off with a huge fan following. “There was a scene where to save myself from the naagin’s bite, I jump off a cliff and hang precariously from a tree. This was shot on A croma and I was on the harness for eight hours, swinging up and down. When you see it in one-hour episode, everything seems easy and quick but it took us two days to shoot that sequence. My thighs and shoulders got bruised and pained a lot,” Bijlani says. Mouni, too, had to undergo many challenges. “I had to wear a lycra costume every day and shoot at Film City which is so hot. I shot a sequence at Mud Island under scorching heat and then I was stationed under water for 10 hours to shoot another sequence. That got me 103 degree fever. Sometimes I was hung on a rope in the jungle and had to even climb a tree,” Roy reveals. It was director Santaram Varma, the man behind Ekta Kapoor’s Jodha Akbar, who made it easier for the actors’ with his clear approach and guidance. “Santaram is one of the best directors in television. He is technically strong and a good guide. Actors are also directors in some ways but, he used to change many scenes. We often wondered whether that was a gross digression from the script. But we just believed in him and when we saw it on the screen, we found it amazing,” Bijlani tells you. that consumed the subject of this film — Ramanujan himself. Besides Dev Patel’s wizardry on the screen and the tantalising, on-edge relationship he shares with his atheist and often rough mentor Professor Hardy (played brilliantly by Jeremy Irons), the film also lives through the very Indian relationship he has with his wife, and the politics that his mother plays with the two of them. It is an arresting saga of a lightening, unexplained genius whose mastery of numbers even he thought was a celestial gift. It makes you applaud an Indian achiever, it makes you cry over his plight, it makes you angry about the way Indians, howsoever more intelligent and arrived than the sahebs, are treated. But finally, it makes you salute the man who knew infinity — and ask God why he had short-shrifted the number of years he bestowed on this unprecedented genius in the league of Newton and Einstein. A moving, meaningful and powerful biopic, this one has its maths right in many ways and wrong in some. *ULSSHURI WKHZHHN "!4=@G6C7:6=5=2?6 Z_X+>Rcj6]ZkRSVeYHZ_deVRU;`Y_ 8``U^R_;`Y_8R]]RXYVc;c CReVU+) "! s thrillers go, this one is a genius of the genre — different and refreshing, on-theedge and extremely gripping, it flowers in a very confined space of an underground cellar. Kidnapped after a car accident and kept holed up in a basement bunker with enough supplies to suffice for a lifetime, a young girl (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) goes through a plethora of emotions — from fear to hostility to resentment to finally reconciliation with her situation. Her capturer (John Goodman) is hard to figure out as his psychotic intentions seem to be pretty well-balanced with his almost genial demeanour. He is no crazed killer, maybe just a lonely man who needs company and gets it by holding two hostages which he thinks is in all good faith — to save them from impending doomsday. Conjured up and balanced beautifully by star director JJ Abrams, the guy who moulded biggies like the Star Wars, Mission Impossible III and The Force Awakens, the film takes off like a rocket despite being fixated on a bunker. He has put all his cinematic genius in this one with a difference, giving it a thrill to kill experience of a never-before kind. It is low on publicity but the one to go to for some fast-paced suspense action. A A]R_J`fc Bd]SPh <P]V^UTbcXeP[ 6RPHPRPV GRQ¶WKDYH¶HP >@E96C¶D52J Z_X+;V__ZWVc2_Zde`_;F]ZRC`SVced <ReV9fUd`_;Rd`_DfUVZ\Zd3cZee C`SVced`_EZ^`eYj=`jaYR_e CReVU+%& "! or a film that has a groovy, goosepimply subject of motherhood on the plate and a sterling star cast of none less than America’s sweethearts Julia Roberts, Jennifer Aniston and Kate Hudson to play moms of all hues; some teary-eyed, some out-of-thebox, some life-changing daily life situations to peck on, this one should have been a runaway bride. But, no! It gets going rather slowly. The introductory stories — that of a divorced mom, a mom married to an “Indian” on the sly to escape her racist Texan mom, a daughter-mom with mom abandonment issues, a single dad who’s still crying over the loss of his children’s mom, a gay mom, not to mention a teen mom who gives up her child to emerge as the leading lady of television commercials on “Mother’s Day” jewellery — there were too many of these moms in the marinade. And, despite all these heart-strung tales, why is it that the viewer couldn’t think beyond the horrible, atrocious, out of place and totally artificial orange coloured bob cut wig that Julia Roberts is made to wear? I mean, all I could think of in the film is this piece of oddity that kept threatening to topple off the lady’s head every given moment. With the stories too contrived, the situations unmoving and the events in the film going back and forth around all the families, Mother’s Day is a film that fails to get over the mumbo-jumbo of contrived emotionality. CWa^dVW^dccWXbbd\\TacWT 0P\[XRX^db5TbcXeP[ Pc:WP]SP]X APYSWP]XATbcPdaP]cfX[[WPeTP b_TRXP[a^cPcX^]P[\P]V^\T]d fWXRW\TP]bcWPcTeTah\TP[fX[[ WPeTPc[TPbccf^c^cWaTTb_TRXP[ SXbWTb\PSTUa^\aPfP]SaX_T \P]V^Tb?aT_PaTSfXcWUaTbW _a^SdRTQhRWTUb^]TRP]aTbc PbbdaTScWPccWTh³aTWPeX]VcWT eTahQTbccWTbTPb^]WPbc^^UUTa FWPc) 0P\[XRX^db<P]V^UTbcXeP[ FWTaT) :WP]SP]XAPYSWP]X ATbcPdaP]c CX\X]V) !c^""_\P]S&c^ _\ ?aXRT_TacWP[X) FTTZSPhb)C# [d]RWC#%$SX]]Ta* FTTZT]Sb)C#%$[d]RWSX]]Ta F CWTPcaT 0bWPSW:P4Z3X]) 0_[Ph ET]dT) 1PWd\dZW0dSXc^aXd\ 1WPVfP]SPbA^PS=Tf3T[WX 3TbXV]SXaTRcX^]) A^QX]3Pb CX\T) %)"_\^]fPaSb 0bWPSW:P4Z3X]XbP7X]SX_[Ph Qh<^WP]APZTbWcWPcSTQdcTSX] ($'8cXbbPXSc^QTcWTUXabc \^STa]7X]SX_[PhCWT_[Ph aTRTXeTSPBP]VTTc=PcPZ0ZPST\X 0fPaSU^aQTbc_[PhX] ($(P]S WPbQTT]bcPVTSQhbTeTaP[ _a^\X]T]cSXaTRc^abc^RaXcXRP[ PRR[PX\0UTPcdaTUX[\QPbTS^] cWT_[PhfPbSXaTRcTSQh<P]X:Pd[ P]SaT[TPbTSX] (& CWTUX[\ fT]c^]c^fX]5X[\UPaT2aXcXRb 0fPaSU^a1Tbc<^eXTU^acWThTPa 8cXbPcWaTTPRc_[PhRT]cTaTS ^]:P[XSPb[XUT 7UdcUd\UQ`Y^1cX_[Q <^WXcAPX]PXbP[[bTcc^_[PhcWTVa^f]d_0bW^ZPX]2WPZaPePacX]0bW^ZBP\aPccWPcXbV^X]Vc^cPZTP hTPa[TP_ B0=644C0 H030EcaPeT[bc^cWTbTcbPc:PaYPc]TPa<d\QPXc^QaX]VPaT_^ac fter being in the limelight as Mahadev, Mohit Raina has now stepped in to play Ashok in Chakravartin Ashok Samrat, earlier played by Siddharth Nigam. The 10-year leap in the show, starting May 2 at 9 pm on Colors, forays into a new chapter in the life of Ashok who has become merciless, cold and powerful. It unfolds the journey of the rise of a true warrior and the Emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty, and how love blossoms in his life, changing him and making him a different person altogether. For Mohit Raina, playing Ashoka was his long-awaited dream that has finally come true. “Ever since Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev went off air, I was looking for a role which is extraordinary and larger than life. At the same time, Ashok’s pre-production work had started and I wanted to be a part of this show since that time. My family is a big fan of the serial. I was praying for the leap to happen so that I could step in,” Raina tells you. Even the makers had Raina in mind. “Mohit was A my first choice. Ashok is a multi-dimensional character and I’m sure he will live up to the expectations because he has that spark in him and can play the role of such a dynamic figure with aplomb. As far as whether he will be able to break his image as Mahadev is concerned, all good actors break their image and make a new one with the same lasting impression on the viewers. I don’t think you get typecast in the audiences’ mind. They have evolved beyond that now. Mohit is definitely somebody who has the capacity and capability of breaking the stereotype,” Abhimanyu Singh, CEO, Contiloe, says. Raina, on the other hand, is sure and confident that he’ll be able to create that same magic and win over the hearts of the audiences. “As an actor, you can only play a character with full conviction, do justice to it and move on. The popularity of the character not only depends upon how convincingly one is portraying it but how well it has been written. I will do whatever is required to be as close to Ashok as I can. Siddharth, who played the younger Ashok, has done a great job so far. It is a very difficult role to play hereafter. I hope I’ll carry forward the role with same popularity and hope to make Ashok as popular as Mahadev,” Raina says. Talking about what he has perceived of the show he says: “The Ashok Samraj was a very big empire in 200 BC. Ashok is therefore an immensely popular and successful king in the minds of the people in our country. I’m still in the process of understanding what kind of person he was. Ashok carried a heavy baggage from the past and had different layers to his personality. It will take some time for me to get into the skin of the character as we have just started shooting for the show. But I don’t think it should be too much of a difficulty portraying Ashok. I’m working on my physique, learning horse riding, sword fighting etc. I’m following the director’s vision of the serial and trying to keep the benchmark high,” Raina says. The show will also have Somya Seth playing Kaurwaki (Ashok’s love interest), Ankit Arora as Sushim, Kajol Shrivastav as Devi and Dakssh Ajit Singh as Radhagupta. It’s not just the starcast but the set, costumes and advanced VFX that have also gone through a transformation. “For the first time you’ll see two stalwart set designers, Omung Kumar and Nitin Desai, coming together to built the throne, kingdom and the entire set. Omung has given the design whereas Nitin has put that out for all to see. We are going to use state of the art visuals to give new effects. Our VFX team has not had the required time needed but they have still done a fabulous job,” Singh says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c^f]WP[[" 17D10=4BF0AkBD=30H k<0H ! % @UZdYR`_]jdV]WdfWWZTZV_eZ_cZTV ,PSRUWVRI HVVHQWLDOLWHPV WRPHHWQHHG ?=B Q 17D10=4BF0A he State procures all essential commodities, excepting rice, to meet people’s requirement every year. The data for the last seven years (from 200910 to 2015-16) furnished by Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Minister Sanjay Dasburma in the State Assembly on Saturday revealed this. T In response to a question of Congress MLA Naba Das, the Minister said the State’s annual requirement of essential commodities was based on the National Sample Survey (NSS) and National Census data while production was assessed by the Agriculture Department. As per the 61th, 66th and 68th rounds of the NSS report, while the State remained selfsufficient in rice production, excepting in the year 2011-12, it produced meagre portions of potato and wheat and wheatrelated products vis-à-vis requirement. But there was no production in pulses, edible oil, sugar and onion in any year "&&`_cdcY^2@ED!"$ Y^FCCEDfQSQ^d 1R2GLVKDYDUVLW\ LQFRXQWU\¶VEHVW OLVW ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he State Government has admitted that quite a large T number of teaching posts in the Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) Rourkela and Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT), Bulra are lying vacant and assured to fill them by end of 2016. To a question of BJP MLA Dilip Ray in this connection, Skill Development and Technical Education Minister Sanjay Dasburma informed that in the BPUT of the 55 sanctioned posts of Professors, 50 are vacant, of 144 sanctioned posts of Associate Professors, 107 posts are vacant and of 257 Assistant Professors, 109 posts are vacant. Similarly, in the VSSUT, 24 posts of Professors are vacant of 54 sanctioned posts, 50 posts of Associate Professors are vacant of 95 sanctioned posts and 50 posts of Assistant Professors are vacant of 164 sanctioned posts. Dasburma also informed that in the Skill Development and Technical Education Department, there are two universities such as BPUT and VSSUT, while under the BPUT there are five affiliated technical colleges. The Minister said that only VSSUT has got the NAAC accreditation, while both BPUT and VSSUT are not in the list of the best 100 universities in India recently graded by the Centre. He further informed that there are 32 Government polytechnic and engineering schools and as many as 44 Government ITIs in the State. The Minister also stated that in the Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology (IGIT), Sarang in Dhenkanal district, there are 152 sanctioned teaching posts, while 70 of them are lying vacant. Similarly, 13 non teaching posts are vacant in the IGIT. from 2009-10 to 2015-16. In 2009-10, the State required 62 lakh metric tonnes of rice against which the production was 72.55 lakh MT. To meet wheat and wheat related products, the State imported 3.19 lakh MT against the requirement of 3.62 lakh MT. As there was no production of pulses, edible oil, sugar and onion in the year, the State pro- cured 2.59 lakh MT of pulses, 1.5 lakh MT of edible oil, 1.86 lakh MT of sugar and 2.19 lakh MT of onion from outside to meet the requirement. A whopping 6.11 lakh MT of potato were procured against the requirement of 8.9 lakh MT. The requirement and production of these items kept changing in the subsequent years. However, there was shortfall in rice production in 2011-12. The State had to procure 5.85 lakh MT of rice against requirement of 64.8 lakh MT. The 68th of the NSS report stated that the State procured 5.41 lakh MT of wheat and wheat related products, 2.86 lakh MT of pulses, 1.66 lakh MT of edible oil, 2.06 lakh tonne of sugar, 12.02 lakh tonne of potato and 3.88 lakh tonne of onion to meet requirements in the year 201516. The Minister said that the essential commodities were commonly sold in the open market. But during shortage periods, the Government sold concerned commodities through Government retail counters without profit. The Government had to supply potato, onion and dal in the last two years, 2014-15 and 2015-16. &0DQQRXQFHVVRSVIRU FRQVWUXFWLRQZRUNHUV 3HQVLRQWRZRUNHUV VFKRODUVKLSVWRWKHLU FKLOGUHQ ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A ith Panchayat elections in W the State due early next year, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday announced a series of sops for construction and other unorganised workers. Patnaik made a series of announcements, including pension to construction workers and scholarships to their children, in the State Assembly here. Under this new initiative, construction workers registered under the Odisha Building and Other Construction Workers’ Welfare Board would reap the benefits. The construction workers above 60 would get a pension at par with the Madhu Babu Pension Yojana (MBPY). Similarly, the CM also announced an annual scholarship for the children of construction workers studying in Classes-VI to X. “Annual scholarships of C2,000 will be given to children of construction worker families studying in Class-VIII, C3,000 for Class-IX and C4,000 for Class-X students. A onetime cash award of C10,000 will be given to meritorious Class-X students who pass with more than 90 per cent marks. Girl students of construction worker families studying in ClassesVI and VII will be given cash incentive of C2,000 per year,” Patnaik said. Besides, a cash incentive to pregnant and nursing mothers of construction worker families would be enhanced from C8,000 to C10,000 over and above the assistance given under the Mamata Yojana. The Government also announced an increase in the assistance under the Nirman Shramik Pucca Ghar Yojana by C20,000 over and above the MGNREGS and Swachha Bharat Abhiyan Incentive, thereby enhancing the cost of construction of each house to C1.50 lakh. As for health facility to them, the Government also announced a medical assistance up to C3 lakh for treatment of nervous disorders, cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, cancer and orthopaedic disorders provided they are registered for at least one year with the Construction Workers’ Welfare Board. Besides, a provision of funds for C5 crore has been made for implementation of programmes under the Unorganised Workers’ Social Security Act, the CM added. C81B549C@ED51719> $QRWKHUFKHDWLQJ FDVHRICFURUH DJDLQVW$LU2GLVKD ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he Khandagiri police on Saturday registered anothT er cheating case against three directors of the Air Odisha Aviation Private Limited (AOAPL), a charter air company, for allegedly duping a city-based jeweller of C1.5 crore. >]<PaRW!$c^^19? <;03X[X_APh´bb^] BP]SX_APhWPS[^SVTS PR^\_[PX]cPccWT :WP]SPVXaX_^[XRT PVPX]bccWT0Xa>SXbWP PRRdbX]VXc^U T\QTii[X]VWXb X]eTbc\T]c^UC#[PZW The Khandagiri police, which had earlier reportedly refuse to receive the complaint, registered the case after the jeweller Mitesh Khimiji had moved the Bhubaneswar SDJM Court recently. He has alleged that the airliner cheated him after promising to give 40 per cent of its shares in return to his investment of C1.5 crore. He has named Air Odisha CMD Radhakanta Pani and its two other directors Ashutosh Pani and Santosh Pani as accused in the case. Acting on the petition, the court had directed the Khandagiri police to register a case against the company and its directors under Sections 406, 417 and 420, 506 and 120 (B) (conspiracy) of IPC and investigate the matter, sources said. On March 25 too, BJP MLA Dilip Ray’s son Sandip Ray had lodged a complaint at the Khandagiri police against the Air Odisha accusing it of embezzling his investment of C40 lakh. ?PaPSX_?^acRaTPcTb =8CA´ZT[P3XaTRc^aaTbXV]bUX]P[[h CWXabcZX[[b$ \^]ZThbX] =³bX]VW_da cf^aTR^aSbX]0_aX[ F ?=BQ A>DA:4;0 inally ending all suspense, NIT, Rourkela (NITR) Director Prof Sunil Kumar Sarangi tendered his resignation to the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) on Saturday through e-mail following a direction of the Ministry after a high-level meeting held on April 22. According to Sarangi, he would be sending the hard copy of his resignation letter on Monday and the remaining formalities would be processed by the Ministry. Sources said the resignation would first be accepted by 7ZRDSSRLQWHG *¶MDP&'02 ?=BQ 1A07<0?DA he appointment of two senior doctors in the post T of Chief District Medical Office (CDMO) for Gajam has raised eyebrows here, especially when there is acute shortage of doctors in various medicals of the district. Additional Director (Health) DR Manoj Kumar Behera has been appointed as CDMO of the District Headquarters Hospital, Ganjam. But Joint Director (Health) Dr Saroj Kumar Nayak, who is in the CDMO cadre, has also been appointed as CDMO. Sources said such anomalies have also been found in Bhadrak and Nabarangpur district as well. The intellectuals here have decried the appointment of two doctors in a single post. the Ministry and then sent for assent of the President of India. Hence, it might take a minimum of seven more days. It may be mentioned that the selection process for a new NITR Director will begin from May 7. Since last one year, the differences between Prof Sarangi and Board of Governors Chairperson Vasantha Ramaswamy have been continuing. Due to this, many development works of NIT Rourkela are affected and the =Ministry has cut down the sanction amount. Considering the dignity of the institution, the MHRD called the April 22 high-level meeting and finally asked both the Director and Board Chairperson to quit voluntarily within a week. Now, all eyes are on the MHRD’s next course of action. ?=BQ 0C7060A7 ?=BQ ?0A038? he carcasses of about five fter achieving the mileT monkeys were found in Astone of highest cargo hanthe Narasinghpur jungle on dling in the history of the Friday. When some villagers went inside the jungle to pick up mangoes, they had putrefying smell. On search, they found the carcasses. They informed forest officers about this. The officers said the simians died due to thirst as there is acute scarcity of water in the prevailing heat wave conditions. Paradip Port in the last financial year, the Paradip Port Trust (PPT) has created two all-time records in the first month (April) of the current financial year. The highest quantity of 4,64,500 MT of cargo was handled in a single day on April 29, surpassing the highest of 4,20,189 MT of cargo handled earlier on March 30, 2016. Similarly a record quantity of 27,236 MT cargo of chrome concentrate was loaded in a single day on April 29 in the vessel MV Eagle Strait at the EQ-2 berth, surpassing the previous highest record of 26,500 MT of same cargo of chrome concentrate in the vessel MV Glovis Master on March 14, 2014. @QbQTY`9?3< \Q^T_ecdUUcµ cdYb_^&dXTQi ATUX]TahR[PX\b c^WPeTS^]T \dRW^]aTWPQ Ua^]c ?=BQ ?0A038? dharna staged by IOCL land oustees under the A banner of the Jamihara Krushak Ekta Manch here since April 25 last demanding employment has entered into the 6th day on Saturday. Anti-Posco leader Abhaya Sahoo spearheading the movement was on Tuesday arrested along with his supporters and they all are now in jail. Many displaced villagers had launched an indefinite hunger strike in front of the office of the oil refinery on February 2 on the eve of the visit of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Paradip to inaugurate the IOCL plant. But they called off their strike after the officials assured them to provide job. The Paradip IOCL refinery had acquired 3,300 hectares (ha) of land for its oil refinery project in 17 villages under Kujang tehsil of Jagatsinghpur district. About 1,752 families were affected by the project. At least Rs 49 crore was given to the families as compensation against the land acquired. However, they have also been demanding training for the unemployed youths and peripheral development. The agitators said they are determined to intensify the agitation. ASP Madhab Charan Sahu said four platoons of police personnel have been deployed around the refinery to maintain law and order. However, in a Press release, Paradip IOCL refinery management clarified that the compensation amount was deposited by the IOCL to the State Government towards land acquired by the latter. Since beginning of construction activities in 2009, all possible efforts were made by the IOCL for engagement of maximum of locals (displaced, land losers and other local unemployed youths) by providing adequate safeguards in the contracts. Around 60 per cent workers engaged in construction activities were locals including the displaced and the land losers. The land losers have also been engaged in various maintenance, housekeeping and support services inside and outside the refinery. The IOCL has complied with the provisions of the R&R Policy 2002 for resettlement and rehabilitation of project displaced persons. The policy does not cover the land losers. Further, the IOCL management relaxed educational qualification and experience in selection of Junior Engineering Assistants in 2014 and 2015, with a view to provide opportunities to local candidates of Odisha and have maximum local representation in regular categories of employees. Additionally, opportunities were provided to local candidates having Diploma qualifications in Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering as well as ITI (Fitter) qualification without experience for engagement as apprentices under Apprentices Act. Also the Paradip refinery sponsored 65 candidates belonging to displaced families for skill development in ITI Cuttack in 2005. Last year, IOCL sponsored 30 candidates belonging to land loser families for skill development training on Plastics Processing Machine Operation at CIPET, Bhubaneswar. Considering placement assurances for majority of the candidates, action is in hand for sponsoring another batch of 50 candidates belonging to land loser families at CIPET, Bhubaneswar. While 80 per cent of the workforce engaged the PP project are locals, land losers were considered for engagement in the ongoing PP project jobs in the categories of rod fitter, carpenter, welder, mason and helper. The requirement of manpower in the PP project jobs will go up in future, providing further opportunities for engagement of land losers. The IOCL refinery further added that it remains committed to development of Odisha and welfare of the local people. However, for smooth operation of the refinery and execution of ongoing project jobs, industrial harmony is of utmost importance. Meanwhile, the IOCL management appealed to the agitators to withdraw their protest. 9,06$5MXQLRUPHGLFRV¶ VWLUWREHJLQIURPWRGD\ %UDMD0RKDQ0LVKUD DSSRLQWHGDVQHZ 6XSHULQWHQGHQW ?=BQ B0<10;?DA ealth services at the Veer Surendra Sai Medical H Science and Research (VIMSAR), Burla would be adversely hit from Sunday as the Junior Doctors’ Association (JDA) of west Odisha’s premier medical institute decided to go on a cease-work agitation for an indefinite period for fulfilment of their longstanding demands. The VIMSAR authorities have suspended the leave applications of senior and other doc- tors and asked them to join duty. Association president Shankar Ramchandani said they are forced to resort to agitation again as the Government has failed to address their genuine demands. “We called off our proposed cease-work stir from April 1 after the Government assured us to fulfil our demands by April 30. But nothing tangible has happened as yet,” rued Ramachandi, adding that only one demand, shifting of female medicine ward to the new building, has been met. Demands like installation of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine, delegation of financial and admin- istrative power to the VIMSAR authorities, strengthening of security at the hospital premises, round-the-clock water and electricity supply to operation theatres, labour room, Special Newborn Care Unit, ICU, medicine wards and hostels, hike in library fund and increase in library staff, filling up of vacant teaching and nonteaching posts, making the Regional Diagnostic Centre (RDC) functional round the clock and establishing a good canteen for doctors still remain unheard, he pointed out. Meanwhile, Dr Braja Mohan Mishra was appointed as the new VIMSAR Superintendent. He took charge on Saturday. CWTWP[UhTPa[h\TTcX]V^UcWTC^f]>UUXRXP[;P]VdPVT8\_[T\T]cPcX^]2^\\XccTTfPbWT[SPccWT=P[R^2^a_^aPcT>UUXRT^]BPcdaSPh5^ach^]T7X]SX>UUXRTabP]S aT_aTbT]cPcXeTb^U2T]caP[D]STacPZX]VbX]R[dSX]V=P[R^1B=;0Xa_^ac0dcW^aXch^U8]SXP8528528<2;P]S^cWTab_PacXRX_PcTSX]cWT\TTc=P[R^2<33aCP_P] :d\Pa2WP]S_aTbXSTS^eTacWT\TTcX]VP]SaT[TPbTScWTUXabcXbbdT^U7X]SXT\PVPiX]T0]P]c ?X^]TTa_W^c^ %¶VZDUUDSHPXUGHUDFFXVHGDUUHVWHG 6^ecc^P[[^f?ecc^f] ?=BQ 10;4BF0A emuna police arrested a youth in a rape and murder case which occurred six days ago. The accused was identified as Muna Das, a resident of Hathiagand village under Remuna Police Station limits. The police said the accused, originally a native of Basudevpur block under Bhadrak district, was residing in Remuna in his relative’s house. After committing the crime, the accused had absconded and taken shelter at another relative’s house in Nilgiri. He was forwarded to court after being booked under the 45=1>46?B:?2 R various Sections of IPC. He killed the deceased after she told that she would reveal about the rape. He dumped the body inside bamboo bushes, said police. The decreased was not traced since Sunday afternoon. Next day her body with injury marks was recovered. Preliminary investigation suggested that she was raped and later murdered. It may be noted after the incident came to light the enraged villagers picketed on the village main road by burning tyres and demanded arrest of the culprit, besides compensation for the bereaved family. The situation was pacified with the intervention of the administration. The issue was even raked up by the political parties. “The accused was in our suspect list. After interrogation he confessed to the crime. He was forwarded to court on Saturday,” said Remuna Police Station IIC Surendra Nayak. QdbTbX]cfX]RXch ?=B Q 17D10=4BF0A ransport Minister Ramesh T Chandra Majhi on Saturday told the State Assembly that the Government would certainly consider a proposal, if given by any interested bus owner, to run private town buses in the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack twin city. He said this in response to question of BJD member Amar Prasad Satpathy, who had wanted to know whether the Government would take appropriate steps to run the required number of town buses <X]XbcTaX]U^a\TS P__a^gX\PcT[h "!'Pdc^ aXRZbWPfbWPeTb^ UPaQTT]aTVXbcTaTS X]cWTcfX]RXch in the two cities. The Minister too informed that approximately 32,800 auto-rickshaws have so far been registered in the twin city. Apart from this, many town buses are running thought the BPTCL. The Government would consider a proposal to run private town buses in the two cities. @?<<ED9?> >7D`edc:C`eb `\Q^d_^^_dYSU 1WdQP]TbfPa) FWX[TWTPaX]VP _TcXcX^]UX[TSQhUXeTeX[[PVTab^U DSPhPQPcX]?PaPSX_ 9PVPcbX]VW_dacWT=PcX^]P[6aTT] CaXQd]P[=6C4PbcTa]I^]T 1T]RW:^[ZPcPXbbdTS]^cXRTc^ :P[X]VP2P[RX]TaP_aXePcT R^\_P]hT]VPVTSX] \P]dUPRcdaX]VRP[RX]TS_Tca^[Td\ R^ZT CWT_TcXcX^]TabR^]cT]STScWPccWT UPRc^ahXbPWXVW[h_^[[dcX]Vd]Xc B^\dRWXbcWT_^[[dcX^]cWPccWT aTbXST]cXP[W^dbTbPaTR^eTaTS fXcW[PhTab^UQ[PRZSdbcP]SfPcTa Q^SXTbPaTP[b^T`dP[[h_^[[dcTS 3dTc^cWT_^[[dcX^]^UPXacWTaTXb SXUUXRd[chX]QaTPcWX]VThTXaaXcPcX^] P]SX]U[P\\PcX^]bZX] X]UTRcX^]XcRWX]Vb[TT_[Tbb]Tbb SdTc^b^d]S_^[[dcX^]P\^]VcWT aTbXST]cb1TbXSTbcWTd]XcSd\_b XcbPbWTbX]cWTfPcTaQ^SXTbP]S PVaXRd[cdaP[[P]SFWT]cWTQ^X[Ta XbX]^_TaPcX^]cWT[^RP[aTbXST]cb Tg_TaXT]RTbTeTaTWTPcfXcWcWT bdaa^d]SX]VcT\_TaPcdaTaXbX]V CWTPVaXRd[cdaP[_[P]cbPaT]^cPQ[T c^Va^fQTRPdbT^UcWTSdbc _PacXR[Tbb_aTPS^eTacWT[TPU CWT_TcXcX^]TabfTaTaT_aTbT]cTS QhcWTXaR^d]bT[BP]ZPa?aPbPS ?P]XCWT]TgcSPcT^UWTPaX]VXb <Ph!# ?=B ]PcX^]# 17D10=4BF0AkBD=30H k<0H ! % ;fdeZTV5Rd`fdeVcUV^R_U _`hcVRTYVdCR[3YRgR_ 3_^WbUccS_^dY^eUc dYbQTUQWQY^cd4Qc ?=BQ 2DCC02: ontinuing its protests against the controversial C statements by Justice MM Das, &LYLOVRFLHW\ERGLHV VHHN*XY¶V LQWHUYHQWLRQ ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he demand of Justice T Madan Mohan Das’ removal from the chit fund judicial inquiry commission continued across the State on Saturday. A group of civil society leaders and activists met Governor SC Jamir here and submitted a memorandum highlighting Justice Das’ highly- questionable statements against the duped chit fund investors and argued for his removal as the head of the commission. “The statement of Justice MM Das has shocked people, particularly the duped investors. The remarks are regrettable. How could a judicial commission make unfavourable statements against the depositors before submitting his report? How can remarks of a judicial commission be personal when the probe is incomplete,” questioned RTI activists Pradip Pradhan, who led the delegation to the Governor. “We sought intervention of the Governor and demanded ouster of Justice Das,” Pradhan added. While addressing a gathering of the BJD Lawyers’ Forum on April 28, Justice Das had wondered why the State Government should take the responsibility of returning the investors’ money as they had invested in the chit fund companies out of sheer greed. The remarks have sparked a widespread controversy. head of the single-man Judicial Commission of Enquiry into the chit fund scam, the Congress on Saturday submitted a memorandum to the Governor demanding his removal from the panel forthwith. A delegation of the party led by its Cuttack city president Md Moqim submitted the memorandum through the district Collector here. The party had also staged a dharna in front of the commission’s office here on Friday in which hundreds of investors, who have been duped by the chit fund companies, participated. “Since Justice Das was appointed by the State Government to conduct a judicial inquiry into the scam and find out the roles of influential persons in it, he should have not attended a political party meeting and aired his opinions on the scam before completion 173&FKLHIVWUHVVHVRQ ORZFRVWSRZHUJHQHUDWLRQ 6D\V.DQLKD XQLWWREH1R LQWKUHH\UV TPC Limited CMD N Gurdeep Singh made his maiden visit to the Talcher gested for massive plantation inside the plant campus and its periphery areas and also called upon the employees to focus on low cost power generation and low emission. “Power station efficiency and adhering to safety standards should be the focus. In the coming years, power generation from renewable resources will take a big leap,” he stressed. Later, the CMD visited the A8E;F6aP\PA^iVPaBTePZ PaaTbcTSX]VaPUcRPbTb ?=BQ 2DCC02: igilance officials on Friday arrested contractual Gram V Rozgar Sevak Dhaneswar Dash of Gop block in Puri district for demanding and accepting bribe of C10,000 from Trilochan Swain of Desunthi village. The complainant had alleged that earth work of the road from Bahabala Sarangi Sahi to Nayahat RD Road with an estimated cost of C3,00,000 was executed by him and some villagers. After completion of the work, they received C2,30,000. When Swain requested the accused to release rest C70,000, the latter demanded the bribe. Swain later reported the matter to the Vigilance, following which a trap was laid and Das was caught red-handed. Similarly, VLW-cumExecutive Officer (Contractual) Ranjan Patra of Boulanga gram panchayat of the inquiry,” the memorandum said. The Congress particualrly condemned Justice Das’ observations that the chit fund business had assumed the shape of cottage industry and people invested in it due to their greed. The party also denounced Jusice Das’ alleged attempt to give a clean chit to the Government even before the inquiry is over. The Congress threatened to continue its agitation in more a vigorous way if its demands are not paid heed soon. FRSV LQGXFWHG LQWR2,6) PNS n BHUBANESWAR ?=BQ C0;274A Kaniha plant on Friday and Saturday. Singh, who took over the charge of NTPC CMD on April 29, was welcomed by Kaniha Executive Director NK Kothari and other senior officials and representatives of various unions and associations. Addressing a large gathering of the employees, Singh said it’s a matter of great pride to be associated with the dedicated team of the NTPC. He hoped that the NTPC Kaniha would rank number one power station in the whole country in the next three years. Singh sug- 2WXTU<X]XbcTa=PeTT]?Pc]PXZW^[SbcP[ZbfXcW]Tf[hP__^X]cTS>SXbWPBZX[[3TeT[^_\T]c0dcW^aXch2WPXa\P]BdQa^c^1PVRWXPccWTBcPcTBTRaTcPaXPc^]BPcdaSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ in the district was caught redhanded by Vigilance officers for demanding and accepting bribe of C2,000. He had demanded the bribe from Sibaram Pradhan of Banahara village for releasing bill amounting to C10,000 in the latter’s favour for construction of an IAY house. In YET another case in Dhenkanal district, Revenue Inspector Trilochan Pradhan of Kualu Circle and his private person Antaryami Samal of Bangura village under the Kamakhya Nagar police station were arrested by Vigilance officers for demanding and accepting C1,000 bribe from Kailash Nayak of Saranga village for preparation of trace map for his land. Nayak later reported the matter to Vigilance. A trap was laid and Samal was caught red-handed while receiving the bribe under Pradhan’s direction, Stage-II control room and model room and had an interaction with the senior officials and reviewed the station’s performance. NTPL RED (ER- II) Arvind Kumar said “The eastern region has been declared as the best performing region in terms of plant load factor (PLF) due to the good performances by Talcher Thermal and Talcher Kaniha power station”. The State Government on Saturday inducted 1,370 constables into the newly-raised Odisha Industrial Security Force (OISF) that has been formed to protect industrial undertakings of the State Government. Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik inaugurated the insignia of the OISF and distributed appointment letters to the new recruits. The OISF started functioning from Saturday. The recruits will be given nine months of training in the line of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). They will be responsible for protection and security of industrial undertakings of the state Government and other establishments as well as strategic and vital installations. The officers of the special force will be deputed from the Odisha police. ?:=49CD38956Cµ=55D 6YWXdV_b]QccUc@iQbY dU\\c`Qbdig_b[Ubc ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he Odisha Jan Morcha T (OJM) district presidents’ meet was held here on Friday with the party’s president and MP Pyarimohan Mohapatra advising the party workers to remain in touch with the people at the grassroots and fight for their cause. Addressing the meeting, Mohapatra laid stress on the administration reaching out to the people in villages and trying to sort out their basic problems. He demanded that each village be made a panchayat and there should be five elected leaders to have one year term of Sarpanch each. Mohapatra said this would lessen corruption. Mohapatra also emphasized the need for local employ- 2ddZdeR_e=RS`fc@WWZTVc XVed[RZ]Z_XcRWeTRdV ?=B Q :4>=970A he Keonjhar Special T Vigilance Judge on Saturday awarded three years of Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) to Baleswar Assistant Labour Officer Satrughna Patra for demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 3,000 during his tenure as the Assistant Labour Officer of Keonjhar. The judge also imposed a fine of Rs 30,000 on Patra, who would undergo RI for one year =P[R^´bBdbcPX]PQ[T3TeAT_^acaT[TPbTS +XPDQFKDLQ VWUHHWSOD\PDUN $QWL&KLOG /DERXU'D\ ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A ommemorating the AntiC Child Labour Day, a human chain involving a hundred activists was organised here on Saturday. Holding placards, the activists demanded creation of more if he fails to pay the fine. The Judge further sentenced him to undergo RI for one year and a fine of Rs 10,000, in default of which Patra would spend six months more in jail. Both the sentences would run concurrently. Patra had demanded the bribe from Senior Office Manager Suresh Chandra Sethi of the MMTC Ltd, Barbil for renewal of labour registration certificate of the company for a year. IDNH1)6$ FDUGKROGHUVIDFH DFWLRQVRIDU ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A he State Government has so far initiated actions against T 251 families which obtained %DVHGRQ*5, LQWHUQDWLRQDO JXLGHOLQHV ?=BQ 17D10=4BF0A avratna CPSE National Aluminium Company N Limited (Nalco) on Saturday released the 4th edition of its Sustainable Development Report based on the latest guidelines (GRI G4) of the internationally acclaimed Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Headquartered in Amsterdam, the GRI has developed an elaborate and c r it i c a l f r am e wor k for reporting on socioeconomic and environmental aspects of an organisation. It is an independent body that collaborates with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Global Compact. Presently, about 7,500 organisations across the globe are using the GRI guidelines. Nalco CMD Dr Tapan Ku m ar C h an d s ai d , “Sustainability reporting has emerged as an excellent management practice adopted by progressive organisations world over. Nalco is one of the few such organisations in India which has successfully undergone content index service assessment by GRI.” “We have comprehensively addressed the sustainability issues from organisational point of view like socioeconomic, environmental, ethical and governance, which greatly impact the society,” Dr Chand added. The report will also be hosted on public domain. ³CPZTbcT_bc^XST]cXUhRWX[S[PQ^daX]BcPcT´ a child labour-free Odisha, quality education for all children, proper identification of child labour practices and convergence among line departments to combat child labour. A street play was later held at Lower PMG Square here to make the public and Government officials aware on the issue. The human chain and the street play were jointly organised by the Child rights forum Campaign Against Child labour (CACL), the Centre for Child And Women Development (CCWD), the Sakar and the Ruchika. ment in industries and proposed setting up of small scale industries for protection of livelihood of the people. He also laid stress on steps to stop distress sale of paddy and other farm produces and bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Mohapatra urged his party men to increase the number of members and strengthen the party’s organizational base. He felicitated Dhauli Sarpanch Rabi Maharana, the president of OJM Bhubaneswar unit, who got the best Sarpanch award from Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Jameshedpur meeting on the Panchayati Raj Day. Among others, Jangeswar Babu, Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, Santosh Mohapatra, Nakul Nayak and Birakishore Parida were present. CACL convenor Sudhir Sabat said the Government should take necessary measures to identify child labourer practices in different districts. Besides, massive awareness is highly necessary to combat child labour, he added. Later, a five-member team submitted a 10-charter point of demands to the Governor in this regard.Among others, CCWD member Sadasiv Swain, Ranjit Pattanayak, Rameswar Prasad Dwibedi and D Swaruparani spoke on this occasion. ration cards under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) fraudulently. Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Minister Sanjay Dasburma said this in the Assembly on Saturday in response to a question of Congress MLA Tara Prasad Bahinipati. ³>X[UXa\bdaVTS c^^_T]]^]?3B ZTa^bT]T^dc[Tcb´ He said a total of 88,178 families have voluntarily returned ration cards taken by them producing false information. However, he said that the Government has no information if any of the undeserving cardholders belonged to the ruling party. In a response to a related question of BJP MLA Dilip Ray, the Minister said a total of 3,16,67,410 persons belonging to 84,40,545 families have been included in the NFSA against the target of 326.418 lakh people. Only economically week families, based on Government guidelines, are being given NFSA cards, he said. The Government has urged the oil companies to open non-PDS kerosene outlet in all districts and provide kerosene the families who have been deprived of getting kerosene after implementation of the NFSA , Dasburma said in response to a question of BJD MLA Ranendra Pratap Swain. 8=1A845 9050AC>;403BC0C4E8BD0;;H8<?08A432A82:4CC40< 1WdQP]TbfPa) >SXbWP2aXRZTc cTP\^UcWT EXbdP[[h8\_PXaTS WPbQTT]bT[TRcTS ^]BPcdaSPhc^ _PacXRX_PcTX]cWT =PcX^]P[RaXRZTc c^da]P\T]cU^a cWTeXbdP[[h X\_PXaTS! % bRWTSd[TSc^cPZT _[PRTPc 7hSTaPQPSUa^\ 0_aX[#c^'9PUPa8`QP[fX[[[TPScWTBcPcTcTP\fWX[T?P]ZPY1WdTfX[[ QTWXbST_dchP]S2WP]SaPbTZWPa?Pc]PhPZc^PRR^\_P]hcWTcTP\Pb R^PRWCWT>SXbWPcTP\fPbcWTad]]Tabd_X]cWT[Pbccf^]PcX^]P[bX W^_T^dacTP\fX[[_TaU^a\fT[[c^QTcWT2WP\_X^]U^acWT bccX\T cWXbhTPaRP_cPX]9PUPa8`QP[bPXSCTP\>SXbWP)<S9PUPa8`QP[ 2P_cPX]:P[XP?aPSWP]?P]ZPY<P]VP[6P]P]XSWXBX]V3TQaPY 1TWTaP;X]VaPYAPdcPaP=PZd[P1PS]PhPZ9dYWPa1PaXBX]VaPX<PYWX ?P]ZPY1WdTE21XbfP]PcW:WPaP;P[_aPbPSB^aT]BdZSTeB^aT] APVWdaP\=PhPZ9^VT]SaP9P]X2WP]SaPbTZWPa?Pc]PhPZ2^PRW >38B7058=8B7"A38==0C8>=0;38E07>2:4H 1WdQP]TbfPa) 7^RZTh>SXbWPUX]XbWTScWXaSX]cWT%cWBT]X^a<T] =PcX^]P[2WP\_X^]bWX_03XeXbX^]STUTPcX]V0bb^RXPcX^]^U8]SXP] D]XeTabXch#X]cWT_[Ph^U\PcRWPcBPXUPXX]DccPa?aPSTbW^] BPcdaSPh>SXbWP^_T]TScWTbR^aX]VX]cWT"$cW\X]dcTeXPP:d]YP] C^_]^V^P[FXcWX]cWT]Tgc\X]dcTWXbcTP\\PcT3X_bP]CXaZThWPS S^dQ[TScWTXa[TPSQhR^]eTacX]VP_T]P[chR^a]TaC^_]^PSSTS P]^cWTaV^P[c^WXbcP[[hX]cWT$!]S\X]dcTQTU^aTBP]YTT_GTbb faP__TScWTeXRc^ahd_fXcWPV^P[X]cWT$#cW\X]dcTc^VXeT>SXbWP PR^\U^acPQ[TeXRc^ah 0<44:106BC8C;48==0C8>=0;B4A84BC4==8B 1WdQP]TbfPa)>SXbWPVXa[0\TTZ :XaP]1PccWfXcWAXRWP2W^VP[T QPVVTScWTVXa[bD #S^dQ[TbcXc[TX] cWT=PcX^]P[BTaXTbCT]]XbC^da]P\T]c Pc?P]RWPVP]XX]<PWPaPbWcaP^] BPcdaSPh8]S^dQ[TbUX]P[0\TTZP]S WTa_Pac]TaAXRWPTSVTS^dc6PaVX ?PfPaP]SET[PCP\QTSZPaQh% %# P]SQPVVTScWTcXc[T0\TTZXbcWTUXabc P]S^][hVXa[^UcWTBcPcTf^]P=B cT]]Xbc^da]P\T]cCW^dVWcWTbX]V[Tb TeT]cfX]]TadbTc^VTc&$_^X]cbQdc X]S^dQ[Tb!$_TaRT]cPVTb^UcWTc^cP[ _^X]cbXbPSSTSX]cWTbX]V[TbaP]ZX]V >]cWTQPbXb0\TTZV^c '&$aP]ZX]V_^X]cb >3800C7;4C4B106%<430;B8=5434A0C8>=2D? 17D10=4BF0A)>SXPb_aX]cTabQPVVTScWaTTV^[Scf^bX[eTaP]S^]T Qa^]iTS^\X]PcTScWT!cW5TSTaPcX^]2d_=PcX^]P[BT]X^a0cW[TcXR RWP\_X^]bWX_! %fWXRWR^]R[dSTSPc9=BcPSXd\3T[WX^] BPcdaSPh8]cWTUX]P[SPhBaPQP]X=P]SPbTRdaTSV^[S\TSP[fWTaT 3dcTT2WP]SbTRdaTSbX[eTa\TSP[X]F^\T]!\caAd]Qh R[^RZX]V!""(P]S!"# bTR^]SbaTb_TRcXeT[h4Pa[XTa3dccTT VaPQQTSV^[S\TSP[P]SRaTPcTS]Tf]PcX^]P[aTR^aSX]cWT \TcTa aPRTQhR[^RZX]V ""bTR^]SbfWX[TBaPQP]XR[PX\TScWTbX[eTa \TSP[fXcWPcX\X]V^U #$bTR^]Sb?da]X\P7T\QaP\ _PacXRX_PcX]VX]7T_cPcW[^]PSSTS^]T\^aTV^[SU^acWTBcPcTQh bR^aX]V$& "_^X]cb>SXPb_aX]cTa9Pd]P<da\daT_aTbT]cX]VUa^\ >=62P[b^bTRdaTSPV^[SP]SPQa^]iT\TSP[X]#\caWdaS[TbP]S #\caTeT]cbQhR[^RZX]V$'%P]S$!#bTR^]SbaTb_TRcXeT[h 5^a\Ta>SXbWP0cW[TcXR0bb^RXPcX^]bTRaTcPah0bXaQPS1TWTaP R^]VaPcd[PcTSP[[cWTPcW[TcTbX]R[dSX]V9Pd]PU^acWTXaQTbc _TaU^a\P]RTX]cWXb\TTc 45=1>46?BEC5?6?4919>CD1D57?F5B>1>35 8]STUX]XcT\^eT\T]cZXRZb ^UUPc?PaPZWT\d]SX ?=BQ ?0A0;0:74<D=38 he demand for use of Odia as the official language in T the State Governance has gained momentum in Gajapati district’s headquarters here with Odia lovers launching an indefinite movement on Saturday to press for the demand. The movement was launched at the Samadhi Peetha of Parala Maharaja Krushna Chandra Gajapati. As part of the movement, people from various walks of life would take out a silent procession from the Samadhi Peetha holding black flags. They would move across the town and gather near the statue of the Parala Maharaja at Bazaar Square to stage silent demonstration to press for the demand. On the first day, educationist Gourachandra Panda, engineer Meenaketan Das, social activist Bharatbhusan Mohanty, farmer leader Surya Narayan Pattnaik led by noted social worker Purnachandra Mohapatra took out a silent march from the Maharaja Samadhi Peetha and later staged a demonstration before his statue. Many intellectuals and residents welcomed the drive and demanded use of Odia as the official language. [P]S\PaZ$ 17D10=4BF0AkBD=30H k<0H ! % 49@AA6C82E6C@F?5:: 43:XcZ]]dViUjTYZVW`W 19?)2^]VRWXTU :27Z_GG:ATY`aaVcUVR] QTWX]S²aT[PgPcX^]³ ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he CBI on Saturday questioned former deputy chief of Indian Air Force JS Gujral in connection with alleged irregularities in the now scrapped C3,600 crore VVIP chopper deal with AgustaWestland. The agency has also summoned former IAF Chief SP Tyagi for questioning on Monday. Tyagi’s cousins will also be subjected to a fresh round of questioning in the wake of the Milan Court of Appeals order. Air Marshal (Retd) Gujral arrived at the CBI headquarters here in the morning and appeared before the investigation team probing the case and was questioned for several hours. Gujral was one of the many senior officials who were part of the meeting in August 2005 when a decision to alter the required specifications of the choppers was taken. Both were questioned at length in 2013 but the fresh round of questioning was neces- T Ac`SVe`T]VRc \ZT\SRT\d aRZU+ARccZ\Rc ?=BQ 347A03D= efence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Saturday said D investigations will make it clear how much in kickbacks was paid and to whom but the manner in which the deal was inked and efforts were made to favour a particular company will have to be explained by those in power at the time. “The moot question is who took the money in Agusta deal. Those who were at the helm at the time when the deal was struck owe an explanation. The Italian court has clearly said that an amount of C125 crore was paid. It has even disclosed some names. The Government of that day needs to answer,” he told reporters on the sidelines of foundation laying ceremony here. However, he said he would not speak much on the issue as the matter is to be sorted out in Parliament. C74064=2H703 A468BC4A43020B4 0608=BC5>A<4A 80527845CH068 0;>=6F8C7 " >C74AB8=2;D38=6 78B2>DB8=B 0=34DA>?40= <833;4<4= 8=C7420B4 sitated after the April 7 order of an Italian court in which Tyagi’s name and several other Indian politicians and bureaucrats appeared as the beneficiary of the VVIP chopper deal. CBI has so far maintained that Gujral was questioned as a witness but remained tight lipped if he will still retain the same status. Maintaining that Gujral was cooperating during the questioning on Saturday, agency sources said he will be called again soon. The agency had registered a case against former IAF Chief Tyagi along with 13 others including his cousins and European middlemen in the case. Tyagi has, however, denied the allegations saying he was not the sole authority to take any final decision. The allegation against the former Air Chief was that he had reduced operational ceiling of the helicopter from the required altitude of 6,000 m to 4,500 m (15,000ft) so that AgustaWestland was included in the bidding process. However, the decision was taken in consultation with the officials of SPG (BV Wanchoo) and the Prime Minister’s Office including then NSA MK Narayanan. The CBI had earlier questioned them in connection with its probe into the case and may question them afresh in the light of the recent developments, sources said. The sources said the decision could have been vetted at multiple levels to evade prosecution. CBI has alleged that reduction of the service ceiling — maximum altitude at which a helicopter can operate — allowed the UK-based firm to get into the fray as, otherwise, its helicopters were not even qualified for submission of the bids. ^U0VdbcPcaXP[b ?=BQ =4F34;78 ontinuing its attack C against Sonia Gandhi, the BJP claimed the then Defence Minister AK Antony had objected to relaxations extended to AgustaWestland regarding field trials but was “overridden”, and suggested that the C ongress president was behind it. “AK Antony had questioned the proposal to have the field trial abroad. This is what the CAG report also cites. This is what Anotny had stated, What is the guarantee that credibility of this trial will remain above board if they do not take place in this country. He had recorded on file that this cannot be allowed. The Defence Minister wants RFP (request for proposals) conditions to be imposed. Who in the UPA Government or who in the Congress other than Sonia Gandhi and her adviser has the authority to override Antony, his objections. Only one who could tell him to keep quiet, who could silence him was S onia Gandhi,” BJP spokesperson GVL Narsimha Rao told media persons. There is so much circumstantial evidence to show that the role of Congress bigwigs was there in the approval of contract and its operationalisation, Rao said. Antony had questioned the rationale behind allowing the firm to conduct the field trial of choppers in its premises and not in India, an initial condition in the RFP, asking what is the guarantee it will remain above board. He also said the benchmark price decided for a chopper by the UPA Government was much higher than the price offered by AgustaWestland, allowing no room for negotiation and added that CAG too had pointed it out. He said the real size of the scam is much bigger that what has been reported so far, which is just the tip of the iceberg. ³CPZTbca^]VPRcX^]PVPX]bcQaXQTcPZTab´ Amit Shah trying to create smokescreen CWThRa^bbTgP\X]TS P[[fXc]TbbTb0c]^ with bundle of lies, says Congress ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Congress on Saturday rubbished BJP chief Amit T Shah’s allegations against party president Sonia Gandhi and also dared Prime Minister Narendra Modi to take “strong” action against “bribe givers and takers” in the AgustaWestland chopper deal. It termed all charges as “deliberate lies” and demanded that Amit Shah apologise for his “politics of deceit” and attempts to create a smokescreen to “befool the people”. The party also asked the Prime Minister to tell what connection, if any, his Government has with former Air Force Chief SP Tyagi, an accused in the chopper deal case. Congress has been facing the heat over the chopper deal that has put party’s top leadership in the ‘dock’ and generated much heat inside and out- side the Parliament. Hitting back at BJP for targeting Congress in the case, former Defence Minister AK Antony dared the Narendra Modi Government to take “strong” action against “bribe givers and takers”. Asserting that no names were revealed in the Italian court which convicted former employees of AgustaWestland for giving bribes in the deal, Antony said, “At every stage in the Italian court, our lawyer represented the case. “They cross examined all witnesses. At no stage, names were revealed. My question is now — CBI is with present Government, ED (Enforcement Directorate) is with present Government. Why delay, if there is evidence?” Antony said at Thiruvananthpuram. Addressing a Press conference at AICC headquarters, party’s chief spokesman Randeep Surjewala posed a bcPVT]P\TbfTaT aTeTP[TS<h`dTbcX^] Xb]^f° 218XbfXcW _aTbT]c6^eTa]\T]c 4]U^aRT\T]c 3XaTRc^aPcTXbfXcW _aTbT]c6^eTa]\T]c FWhST[PhXUcWTaT XbTeXST]RT. ° 0:0=C>=H number of questions to Shah who has dubbed AgustaWestland and its parent company Finmecanica a ‘bogus company’. He asked the BJP chief whether he would ask Modi Government as to why it has been “protecting” the same “bogus company” for last two years as CBI and ED investigations have “reached no conclusion”. “Will Amit Shah and BJP answer the people as to why the same ‘fraud company’ was permitted to be part of Prime Minister’s ‘Make-in-India’ programme and participate in ‘Aero India Exhibition’?”, he said while releasing purportedly related documents. Besides, he asked Shah to also answer as to why the same “fraud company” was being given permission by Foreign Investment Promotion Board of Modi Government as recently as on October 8, 2015. “Will Shah also answer as to why the same ‘fraud company’ was given permission to participate in defence contract as a ‘sub-contractor’ as also ‘supplier to a contracting party’ with Government of India by order dated 22.08.2014 of Ministry of Defence?”, he asked. Surjewala dismissed as a “bundle of lies” Shah’s claim that the bank guarantee of the defaulting company AgustaWestland was not encashed by the previous Congress Government. 0FfPb]TeTaQ[PRZ[XbcTSbPhb9PXc[Th CPZTPRcX^]XU cWTaTXb_a^^U bPhb0]c^]h ?=BQ :>278 he NDA-Congress battle over the AgustaWestland T chopper deal was taken to the Kerala Assembly poll scene on Saturday with Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley terming as a figment of imagination the theory that the company was blacklisted during the UPA rule and this was lifted by the NDA regime and former Defence Minister AK Antony daring the Narendra Modi Government to take action against the givers and takers of bribe if there was evidence. Targeting Antony for his statement that the former UPA Government had blacklisted AgustaWestland-Finmeccanica after the issue of bribe in the chopper deal came out, Jaitley said while talking to newsmen after releasing the Vision Document of the Kerala NDA for the Assembly poll that the statement was incorrect. “This is a figment of some- body’s imagination,” Jaitley said alleging that the decision to award the contract was influenced by bribery. “The buck stops with those who took the decision (to award the contract) and the decision was influ- enced by bribery. There is this fact that bribery was unquestionably there,” the Union Minister said. Stating that there was a transaction in which the bribegiver was being convicted, Jaitley said, “We are only struggling to find out the taker of the bribe… Strangers do not get bribes. Obviously, the bribetaker has to be among those who influenced to award the contract,” Jaitley said. Antony, who was in Thiruvananthapuram to campaign for the Congress-led ruling UDF, sought to hit back at Jaitley and the BJP by reiterat- ing that the bribe-giver — the company — was part of the Make in India campaign of the NDA Government and daring the Centre to take “strong” action against the bribe-givers and bribe-takers if there was any evidence. “Why delay if there is evidence? The Italian court has convicted the bribe-giver. Please take action against the bribe-taker. The CBI, the Enforcement Directorate are all with them (NDA),” the Congress Working Committee member said asserting that no names had been revealed in the Italian court at any stage. 06DBC0F4BC;0=3 22AdVV\dEjRXZ¶d]Z_\dhZeY GZgV\R_R_UR7`f_UReZ`_ 4U]Q^TcQSdY_^ QWQY^cddX_cU Y^f_\fUTY^ SX_``UbcSQ] ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 he Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Saturday asked T the Government to come clean on allegations that former Air Chief SP Tyagi had links with Vivekananda Foundation, a Delhi based think tank, once headed by National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval. AAP wondered whether this was the reason behind the probe agencies going “slow” in the investigation. The party which in power in Delhi, also said both the Congress and BJP have “blackened” their hands in the AgustaWestland chopper deal and demanded action against those involved. The party has called to gherao the residences of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress President Sonia Gandhi on May 7. “This deal started during Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s tenure. It was completed by the Manmohan Singh Government and (it) cancelled the deal. It appears that since Congress and the BJP have both blackened their hands, this is why the Modi Government is not taking any action against Sonia Gandhi,” AAP leader Sanjay Singh said. “If the intentions of Modi Government is to combat corruption, then it should arrest those involved in it, right from Sonia Gandhi, Ahmed Patel to SP Tyagi and many other officers and politicians...Whose name in involved in the AgustaWestland chopper deal. Even some journalists are believed to have been involved,” he said. The party also posed six questions to the Government over the investigations in the deal. “What progress has the Government done in the AgustaWestland chopper deal case and what is its outcome? If the Government of Italy can send the culprits to jail then why was the Government sleeping over it for the last two years. “When the name of Sonia Gandhi and Ahmed Patel cropped up in the Appellate court in Italy the Modi Government was pretending to remain active. Had the Government been actually active in the last two years, then their name would have come in the probe done by the ED and the CBI. And why did it have to wait for Appellate Court’s order,” AAP leader Ashutosh said. “It is evident that SP Tyagi has taken bribe. What is the connection of SP Tyagi with Vivekananda Foundation. NSA Ajit Doval and Prime Minister’s Principal Secretary Nripendra Misra, both believed to be very powerful bureaucrats linked to Vivekananda Foundation. “So what is the link of the two with SP Tyagi. Why is he still not being sent to jail. Why should not this be believed that there is friendship between Ajit Doval and SP Tyagi and this is why the probe is not getting over,” Ashutosh added. Strongly refuting the allegations, the Government termed attempts to link Doval and Misra to one of the accused as “totally baseless assertion and indicative of malicious intent”. Ashutosh also questioned the Government for not interrogating Sonia Gandhi in the case. “Amit Shah has asked Sonia Gandhi to name bribetakers. Have they admitted the fact that CBI and ED are unable to find the truth which is why they are asking the Congress to reveal the names of the bribetakers. The Congress party has challenged to investigate the matter in two months. If the culprits are challenging the Government, then does the government accept the challenge and complete the probe and send them to jail by July 30, 2016,” he said. 1XWPa2<`dTbcX^]b =306^ec´bbX]RTaXchX] _a^QX]V0VdbcPbRP\ Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Saturday questioned the seriousness of NDA Government in probing the AgustaWestland helicopter deal and said an “impartial” investigation should be held so that the guilty are punished. “Why so much time is being taken for the inquiry into the deal of AgustaWestland chopper? Why has not the Centre completed the probe into the deal so far?” Kumar told reporters while replying to a query on the chopper deal. “The present Government is not serious regarding probe into the chopper deal...They are only looking for excuses for making speeches on the issue,” the JD(U) President said, virtually echoing the stand of the Congress which is facing heat in Parliament over the matter. Earlier, senior BJP leader Sushil Kumar Modi had questioned Kumar’s “silence” over the chopper deal in which Congress chief Sonia Gandhi is under attack from ruling party. PTI \^]ThfXbT% 17D10=4BF0AkBD=30H k<0H ! % D3VQf_ebcC%#&\Q[XSbQeSdY_^`\Q^U^XQ^SUce`Vb_^d`Qi ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Telecom Commission on Saturday favoured T putting all available spectrum for auction at price suggested by sectoral regulator Trai, which could fetch the exchequer around C5.36 lakh crore. “TC is of the view that all available spectrum should be put for auction at Trai-recommended price in the upcoming auction. It will be send to the Cabinet for final approval,” a source said. The auction is to be held in July and would include sale of most premium 700 Mhz band at a price of C11,485 crore per Mhz. The cost of delivering mobile services in this band is estimated to be around 70 per cent lower than 2100 Mhz band, used for providing 3G services. As per the rule approved by the inter-ministerial panel chaired by Telecom Secretary JS Deepak, a company interested in buying spectrum in 700 Mhz band will need to shell out a minimum of C57,425 crore for a block of 5Mhz on pan-India basis. This band alone has the potential to fetch bids of over C4 lakh crore. The total potential revenue of C5.36 lakh crore from the spectrum sale is more than double of telecom services industry gross revenue of C2.54 lakh crore reported in 2014-15 financial year. Leading operators have requested to defer sale of 700 MHz spectrum, saying that ecosystem for providing services in this band was not developed and sale would lead to underutilisation of the spectrum for several years and block industry's fund. As per global body industry body GSMA, the total recommended reserve price for the auction is almost double the cost of all spectrum investment to date in India and more than 20 times the annual free cash flow of the entire mobile industry. The Government expects a revenue of C98,995 crore from the sector in 2016-17, which includes proceeds from spectrum auction and other fees levied by the DoT. The panel has also suggested stringent payment conditions compared to liberal method suggested by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. The panel has favoured that companies winning spectrum in higher frequency bands -- above C2Xb^UcWTeXTfcWPcP[[ PePX[PQ[Tb_TRcad\bW^d[SQT _dcU^aPdRcX^]PcCaPX aTR^\\T]STS_aXRTX]cWT d_R^\X]VPdRcX^]8cfX[[QT bT]Sc^cWT2PQX]TcU^aUX]P[ P__a^eP[6^ecTg_TRcbP aTeT]dT^UC('(($RaUa^\cWTbTRc^aX] ! % &fWXRWX]R[dSTb_a^RTTSbUa^\ b_TRcad\PdRcX^]P]S^cWTaUTTb[TeXTS QhcWT3^CCWT_P]T[WPbP[b^bdVVTbcTS bcaX]VT]c_Ph\T]cR^]SXcX^]bR^\_PaTS c^[XQTaP[\TcW^SbdVVTbcTSQhCA08 C4;42><B42A4C0AH9B344?0: 1Ghz like 1800 Mhz, 2100 Mhz, 2300 Mhz -should make 50 per cent upfront payment and rest in 10 years after a 2-year moratorium. In earlier auctions, companies were given option to make 33 per cent upfront payment. For spectrum below 1Ghz band such as 700 Mhz, 800 Mhz, 900 Mhz, companies will require to pay 25 per cent upfront and rest in 10 years after Ac`SZ_XRXV_TZVdYRgVRSZ]Zej e`WZ_U^`_VjecRZ]dRjdDZ_YR 5DMDQ0RUHOLQNDJHV RIILQDQFHFDQKHOS -.LQWHJUDWHEHWWHU ?=B Q =4F34;78 mid controversy over A alleged corruption in C3,600-crore AgustaWestland VVIP chopper deal, Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha on Saturday said investigators have the ability to find the money trail and the Government will pursue the matter for citizens' benefit. “These are investigations that our agencies are undertaking and they are very capable,” Sinha said in response to a question on how confident the Government is in proving the money trail to Sonia Gandhi or if it is just a political aggression. “They (investigative agencies) have the ability to be able to track down and find out what the money trail is. Of course, we will pursue the matter for the benefit of citizens of 8]eTbcXVPc^abWWPeTccWTPPQX[Xchcc^ UX]SccWT\ \^]ThccaPX[PP]SccWT6 6^ec fX[[__dabdTccWT\ \PccTaUU^a RXcXiT]b´QQT]TUXcbbPhb< <X]XbcTa^^U BcPcTUU^a55X]P]RT99PhP]cB BX]WP the country, wherever the investigation, wherever the evidence may take us,” he said on the sidelines of the Enforcement Directorate Day here. The ruling BJP has been making allegations of involvement of top leaders of the Congress in the chopper deal. The VVIP chopper deal relates to a 2010 decision of the the UPA Government to buy 12 ETQi;_dQ[*2Q^[ccX_e\T V_Sec_^bUS_fUbY^WTeUc NEW DELHI: Banks should focus on recovery rather than ‘going after borrowers’, eminent banker Uday Kotak said on Saturday, a day after embattled tycoon Vijay Mallya remarked that arresting him will not help banks recover any money. “In banking, crucial to focus on recovery of money lent as Arjuna's eye. In going after borrowers are banks and system losing this key point?,” the CEO of Kotak Mahindra Bank said in a tweet. Mallya promoted companies, including the now defunct Kingfisher Airlines owe over C9,000 crores to a consortium of 17 banks led by the SBI. The consortium alleged in the Supreme Court that the industrialist was not cooperating in probing of cases lodged against him and was averse to disclosing his foreign assets. In an interview to Financial Times, Mallya said he was in a ‘forced exile’ and disclosed no immediate plans to return to India where things are flying at him ‘fast and furious’. Mallya, whose passport was revoked this month, said he wants a ‘reasonable’ settlement with creditor banks for his defunct airline, but they ‘are not getting any money’ by taking his passport or arresting him. PTI helicopters from Italian manufacturer, Finmeccanica, a unit of AgustaWestland. CBI, in 2013, had registered a case in connection with alleged bribes paid by the firm to Indians to clinch the deal for 12 helicopters to ferry VVIPs, including the President and the Prime Minister. With regard to the C9,000crore loan default case involving Vijay Mallya, Sinha said these are commercial matters and banks are pursuing these cases. “It is obviously for them as well as as investigative agencies that are pursuing cases against Mallya. We have a very robust as well as a very independent process both on the commercial side as well as on the investigative side,” he said. Asked if Mallya would be deported to India for prosecution, Sinha replied, “These are government to Government matters that have to resolved taking into account laws of both the countries. We have made filing with respect to Mallya and we have to proceed as per the law.” Earlier this week, India asked the UK to deport Mallya, whose Kingfisher Airlines has been accused of loan default, citing the revocation of his passport and a non-bailable warrant against him. Sinha stressed on the need for sharing of intelligence among various agencies and use of big data analytics for efficient investigation. “The one area that I think we need to do in the directorate and across other Government investigative agencies is in big data analytics, particularly in being able to access data across different Government investigative agencies,” he said in his address at the Enforcement Day event. ?ZddR_cVTR]]d$)^_ TRcd`gVcWRf]ejRZcSRXd 3PccPcaThPST]XTb]^SXUUTaT]RTb fXcW5X]<X]^eTa4?5X]cTaTbcaPcT TOKYO: Nissan has said it will recall more than 3.8 million vehicles, mostly in North America, because the passenger-side airbag may not deploy in a crash due to a defect in the seat sensor. The Japanese automaker said the global recall would cover 2013-2017 including some Nissan Altima, Leaf, Maxima, Murano, Pathfinder, Sentra and Rogue models. “This recall will affect approximately 3.5 million Nissan vehicles and approximately 381,000 Infiniti vehicles globally,” the company said in a statement, adding that more than 80 per cent of them were sold in North America. PTI PRASAR BHARATI DIRECTORATE GENERAL: DOORDARSHAN PURCHASE DIRECTORATE (ENGG.) DOORDARSHAN BHAWAN NEW DELHI-110001 F.No: 19(2)2016-17E1(P)TV Date:25.04.2016 Notice inviting Global e-tender (NIT-02/2016-17) E-tenders are invited for and on behalf of Prasar Bharati, Doordarshan under two bid systems for Supply/SITC/SETC/Services of following Equipment/spares from firms Registered with DGS&D/NSIC and from reputed manufacturers/authorized agents and stockiest dealing with the equipment as detailed below: e-tender notice no. 14(1)2016-17EI(P)TV Brief Description Qty Estimated Value (Rs.) Date of opening JAMMU: Making a strong pitch for creating linkages of finance in Jammu and Kashmir, RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan on Saturday expressed hope that this will help integrate the state with the rest of the country and empower young local entrepreneurs. “We are taking measurable short-term initiatives. I think J&K is in a better position in making the state easy for financing, which can be a model for the rest of the country to emulate,” the Governor added. Speaking at a luncheon meeting with Rajan on Saturday, Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti called on premier banking institutions to reach out to the state's young and budding entrepreneurs by helping them establish viable business units. Several other issues related to banking operations in the state came up during the meeting. The discussions also dwelt on a 12point plan aimed at putting together a stronger financing structure in the state that goes beyond conventional banking. PTI Cost of tender document (Rs./US$) 23.06.2016 Rs. 4000/At 12:00 US$85 Hrs Earnest Money (Rs./US$) Delivery Period Leasing of call centre 1 Set 3,08,00,000/Rs. 6,16,000/10 weeks service for Conditional + Telecom US$ 9085 Access System charges for implementation at DTH two years as Earth Station TODAPUR, per actual New Delhi Pre bid conference for tenders 14(1)2016-17 EI(P)TV will be held on 25.05.2016 at 15:00 Hrs in Conference room, 6th floor, Phase1, Doordarshan Bhawan, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001. Note:1. The bid forms, General Instructions to Bidders and other details including amendments/changes can be viewed/downloaded from website 2. Tender notice is also available on Doordarshan website using the link tender notice (engineering) or Assistant Engineer davp 22501/11/0003/1617 For Director General, Doordarshan HYDERABAD: Union Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya on Saturday denied having any differences with the Finance Ministry over the EPF interest rate. “There is no dispute between the Ministry of Labour and and the Ministry of Finance. The Finance Ministry advises us and send a circular or note. In turn, our ministry interacts with them. This is the general process,” Dattatreya said answering a reporter's question here. The Government on Friday reversed its decision to lower interest rate on the provident fund deposits to 8.7 per cent for 2015-16 and agreed to fix it at 8.8 per cent, making it the third EPFrelated rollback since March. “Definitely we are all one. We take decisions for the Government of India. The Labour Ministry is also part and parcel of the Government of India. Till now, I have not issued any notification (on EPF rate). After consultations with the Finance Ministry, now we are issuing notification immediately. So where is the dispute?” he said. “When interest rates are coming down, if you provide 8.70 per cent interest rate your cushion will be greater. Your resources will be more. Your reserves will be more,” the Minister said. PTI *R\DO8-$/$WREH LPSOHPHQWHGDFURVV FRXQWU\E\ BHOPAL: The Centre’s ambitious National LED programme Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All (UJALA) will be implemented across the country by 2019, Minister for Power and Coal, Piyush Goyal said on Saturday. “Since the UJALA scheme was launched a year ago on May 1, a total of 9 crore LED bulbs were sold in the country, which means people will get the benefit of C5,500 crore in their electricity bills. It will be implemented across the country by 2019,” Goyal said here while launching the scheme in Madhya Pradesh. “Nearly 77 crore incandescent bulbs will be replaced till 2019 in the country which will ensure an annual benefit of C40,000 crore to the people in their electricity bills and this will lead the country to fulfil its need of energy security, which is very vital for the nation as it will reduce dependability on coal.” PTI a 2-year moratorium. It is in line with practice of earlier auctions but differs from Trai suggestion. Trai had recommended that the Government should charge only 10 per cent of bids received for spectrum, and the balance payment should be made over a period of 18 years in equal instalments with interest. The panel however deferred decision on contentious issue of spectrum usage charge (SUC) from telecom operators annually. Reliance Jio Infocomm and some leading operators have locked horns on this issue. According to a source, technical committee at Department of Telecom has suggested to levy 4.5 per cent SUC uniformly on all operators as it is not possible to ensure their earning from any particular spectrum band. The TC has decided to take legal opinion on the issue and discuss it along with the technical committee report in next meeting. SUC was earlier linked to quantum of spectrum holding of an operator in the range of 38 per cent of their adjusted gross revenue. After evaluating the impact on the exchequer, government in January 2014 decided to cap SUC at 5 per cent on spectrum that were to be procured in future auction. The SUC collection was at 4.8 per cent level that time. Telecom operators at that time were asked to pay the weighted average of their existing SUC (on old rate of 3-8 per cent), and 5 per cent if they acquire new spectrum. Trai has recommended to charge SUC at uniform rate of 3 per cent across the industry. Reliance Jio has contested this view as it pays only 1 per cent SUC on its spectrum in 2300 Mhz band and proposal to levy 3 per cent would put extra burden on the company. The DoT is also in discussion with Defence Ministry to get 15 Mhz of 3G spectrum freed for the upcoming auction. Trai has recommended panIndia base price of Rs 3,746 crore per Mhz for this band. The TC is learnt to have approved C2,873 crore per Mhz for pan-India 1800 Mhz band, C817 crore per Mhz for 2500 Mhz and 2300 Mhz and C5,829 crore for 800 Mhz. Trai has recommended base price for 900 Mhz spectrum in six circles which the panel has approved. :UDSXSSUREHVHDUO\LPSURYH FRQYLFWLRQUDWH$GKLDWHOOV(' ?=BQ =4F34;78 oncerned over ‘very poor’ 43fP]cbb_TRXP[PVT]RhU^a conviction rate in moneyC laundering cases, Revenue Secretary Hasmukh Adhia on Saturday asked the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to step up and complete probes as early as possible. “While the investigation has resulted in prosecution complaints being filed, the actual conviction rate is very, very poor. In the entire life of PMLA, just examine how many people have so far been convicted,” he said at the Enforcement Day event here. “It is important not only to finish the investigation, but to take it to the prosecution level and follow it up with courts and see to it that people are convicted. So, conviction is the final result of your entire effort and I am going to monitor it regularly.” Echoing Adhia’s point, ED Director Karnail Singh said ‘it is true that not a single conviction has happened in the PMLA (Prevention of Money Laundering Act) cases.” bWPaX]VX]U^c^Tg_TSXcTRPbTb NEW DELHI: ED on Saturday batted for creation of a National Coordination Agency in order to ensure sharing of information between various investigative and intelligence agencies in the country to help expedite inquiries. ED Director Karnal Singh, who fielded criticism over delay in probes and low-conviction rate, said the ‘interventions’ need to be kept in mind as the accused in various money laundering and foreign exchange cases are ‘very influential and powerful’ and ‘approach courts at the drop of a hat’ to obtain relief. Addressing the annual 'Enforcement Day' conference here, he said the agency has attached assets worth C2,000 crore in the year gone by and has initiated prosecution in 76 cases under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). Similarly, under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA), the agency has issued show cause notices worth C7,826 crore after conducting final investigations during the same time period. PNS He maintained that there is not a single acquittal though, adding that ‘the cases are pending in courts actually. We are trying our best’. The revenue secretary also expressed concern over inordinate delay in investigations. “Over a period, I have found that amount of delay in finishing the investigation is inordinate. We must do something about it. So many cases are open. At some stage, cases have to be closed,” he said. G2EdeReVeRi`WWV_TVddY`f]UReecRTeA>=2TYRcXVd+D:E NEW DELHI: Violation of state tax laws like VAT should be made a predicate offence attracting action under anti-money laundering laws by agencies like ED which will act as a deterrent against economic crimes, the Vice Chairman of SIT on black money said on Saturday. The Government, only last year, has widened the category of predicate offences and included offshore tax evasion as a criminal offence based on which the ED has been empowered to slap the stringent Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) against offenders. PNS jca^l 2<3=;2BPaPc:d\Pa0RWPahPR^]VaPcd[PcTSbcdST]cbcW^bTfW^`dP[XUXTS88C944<PX]b7TX]U^a\TScWPc ^dc^UcWT&%bcdST]cb%"bcdST]cb`dP[XUXTS*P\^]VcWT\ $^dc^U (VXa[bP]S#'^dc^U$&Q^hbfTaT `dP[XUXTScWTTgP\7TP[b^X]U^a\TScWPccWTPRWXTeT\T]c^U`dP[XUhX]V$^dc^U%bcdST]cbXbcWTWXVWTbcaPcX^ '"_TaRT]cUa^\P]hbX]V[TbRW^^[X]CP\X[=PSd0[b^bTT]PaT4gT3XaTRc^a7A=;2=<dcWd5PRd[ch^U cWTBRW^^[P]ScWT>UUXRT1TPaTab^U=TheT[XCT[dVdBP\XcX4SdRPcX^]P[0RPST\h 74<0=C170A60E0C0:4B>E4A0BI>=0;<0=064A>5;82=>AC7I>=4 7T\P]c1WPaVPeP4gTRdcXeT3XaTRc^a;82^U8]SXPWPbcPZT]RWPaVTPbI^]P[<P]PVTa^U=^acWTa]I^]T^] BPcdaSPh"#! %7TWPbaXRWTg_TaXT]RT^U\^aTcWP]""hTPabX];XUT 8]bdaP]RT8]SdbcahX]8]SXPP]SPQa^PS7TWPSQTT]R^d]cahWTPS;82<PdaXcXdb 7TPS^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[^_TaPcX^]bB1D^U;82U^d]STS<XRa^8]bdaP]RTeTacXRP[[hX] ;82P]SfPb43<PaZTcX]VP]S?a^SdRc3TeT[^_\T]cX]cWT2^a_^aPcX^]7TXbcWT U^d]STa24>;822PaSbBTaeXRTb;cS7TXbP[b^U^d]STa_aTbXST]c^U8]S^<PdaXcXP] 1dbX]Tbb6a^d_X]<PdaXcXdb7TWPbeXeXSX]cTaTbcX]?WX[PcT[h=d\Xb\PcXRb ATPSX]V6PaST]X]VBfX\\X]VA^fX]VP]SCPQ[TCT]]Xb0bcWT[TPSTa^U=^acWTa] I^]T1WPaVPePfX[[U^Rdb^]bdQbcP]cXP[Va^fcWX]1dbX]TbbP[^]VfXcW R^aaTb_^]SX]VPRWXTeT\T]cbX]bTaeXRX]VPaTPbb^cWPc;82=^acWI^]T^]RTPVPX] ^RRd_XTb²=d\Ta^D]^_^bXcX^]X]cWT2^a_^aPcX^] :E8264CB?A4BC868>DB>A34AC>BD??;H :703870=3<034 ?0?4A58;42>E4ABC>?<> CWTPVVaTbbXeT\PaZTcX]V^U:WPSXEX[[PVT8]SdbcaXTb2^\\XbbX^]:E82Xb _PhX]VSXeXST]S:E82XbPSSX]V]TfRdbc^\TabP[\^bcTeTahfTTZ?aX\T <X]XbcTa>UUXRTWPbaTRT]c[hVXeT]P]^aSTac^:E82c^bd__[h _XTRTb^U WXVW`dP[Xch:WPSX7P]S\PST?P_TaUX[TR^eTab5X[TR^eTabfX[[QT^U#$6B< ?<>fPbTPa[XTa_a^RdaX]VUX[TR^eTabUa^\SXUUTaT]cb^daRTb:E82fX[[TgTRdcT cWXb^aSTaX]^]T\^]cWbcX\T4Pa[XTaX]cWT\^]cW^U5TQadPah! %?<> ^aSTaTS:E82c^bd__[h"&&_PRZTcb^U:WPSXF^^[T]>eTaR^PcbP]S:WPSXF^[[T] 9TabThbU^aXcbaTVd[PabcPUU:E82bd__[XTScWTbP\TX]cWT\^]cW^U<PaRW! % :E822WPXa\P]E:BPgT]PbPXScWPc^aSTabUa^\?<>PaTeTahX\_^acP]cU^adb P]SbdRW^aSTabVXeT\^aP[bd__^acc^cWTX]bcXcdcX^]b^U:E82 :<BX]VW2<3=7?2ST[XeTaX]VcWTR^]e^RPcX^]PSSaTbbPccWT cW0]]dP[2^]e^RPcX^]^U9PX_daXP8]bcXcdcT^U<P]PVT\T]c =^XSPX]cWT_aTbT]RT^UBWPaPS9PX_daXP2WPXa\P]P]SAPYXeACWPZda3XaTRc^a9PX_daXP8]bcXcdcT^U<P]PVT\T]c=^XSP 17D10=4BF0AkBD=30H k<0H ! % Q^d]SPahmeter %d 'd ')" #(% 52C656G:=DD=2J656?<?:89ED AP\_P]c3T[WXRadXbTc^!&ad]fX]c^SXb_[PRT:^[ZPcPUa^\bTR^]Sb_^cX]cPQ[T ?C8Q =4F34;78 oung batsman Karun Nair and debutant Sam Billings batted with lot of responsibility before their bowlers came good as Delhi Daredevils displaced Kolkata Knight Riders from the second spot with a comfortable 27-run win in their IPL match, here on Saturday. The hosts overcame loss of two wickets in the first over to post a challenging 186 for eight after being invited to bat and skittled out the visitors for 159 with nine balls to spare at the Feroz Shah Kotla ground. Thanks to fighting half-centuries by Nair (68 off 50 balls) and Billings (54 off 34 balls) combined with Carlos Brathwaite's (34 off 11) finishing touches, Daredevils' innings shaped well as they registered their best total against KKR. Brathwaite also took three wickets when Daredevils bowled as the West Indian broke the KKR middle order. It was first defeat for KKR in this tournament while chasing as except opener Robin Uthappa (72 off 52) no other batsman showed resistance. Both Nair and Billings impressed with their batting as they desisted from swinging the bat wildly, playing proper cricketing shots. Braithwaite played true to his big-hitting reputation by smashing 34 with three sixes and as many fours to ensure that the hosts end with a bang. KKR had packed their attack with three spinners but they could not make an impression. Only Brad Hogg completed his quota of four overs and combined with Sunil Narine and Piyush Chawla, the trio conceded 85 runs in nine over. Andre Russell was the most impressive KKR bowler with figures of 4-0-263 while Umesh Yadav (3\33) also picked three wickets. Y 3T[WX3PaTSTeX[bQPcb\P]:Pad]=PXaaPXbTWXbQPcPUcTaUXUchPbBP\1X[[X]Vb[^^Zb^]PVPX]bc:^[ZPcP:]XVWcAXSTabPc5Ta^iBWPW:^c[P^]BPcdaSPh Zaheer Khan did exactly what he was expected to do after not-so-great performance in the previous matches by bowling with a lot of venom and taking two early wickets. He had rival skipper Gautam Gambhir (6) caught off a leading edge at covers and trapped Piyush Chawla (8), who was promoted up the order. The wickets had an effect on KKR's run-rate as they managed 43 in the six power-play overs. In the sixth over a dog sneaked into the ground and struggled to find his way out, much to the amusement of players and fans. Opener Robin Uthappa was keeping one end tight but Yusuf Pathan (10) started his walk back to dug out when he handed an easy catch to Amit Mishra off Braithwaite. In came Suryakumar Yadav and with Uthappa he took KKR to 88 for three in 10 overs with team requiring 99 more in last 10 overs. ?C8 Suryakumar's knock ended when he failed to connect one from Brathwaite and was taken splendidly by Shreyas Iyer. Uthappa got to his fifty with a six off Mishra but had lost R Sathish by then. He hit another four off Mishra as KKR now needed 60 off last five overs. Required run-rate was mounting and when Uthappa was sent back by Chris Morris it was all lover for KKR. Earlier, Russell rattled the host camp by removing both the Delhi openers — Shreyas Iyer (0) and Quinton De Kock (1) — in the first over of the match. It was now left to Nair and Sanju Samson to build the innings. Both the young batsman showed good composure, playing brilliantly with straight bat. Their shots were proper cricketing strokes. They drove effortlessly and were elegant when played through the leg side. KKR skipper Gautam Gambhir brought in Narine and the West Indies spinner sent back Samson (15), bringing debutant Billings on the crease. Nair kept going strong, flicking Russell for a four when bowled up and reverse swept Narine. Nair consistently rotated the stroke and found odd boundaries as the hosts managed 70 runs on the board at halfway stage. As Billings grew in confidence, he too started to play his shots. Karun swept Narine to square leg boundary to complete his half-century. His fifty came off 39 balls and followed it up with another shot to the ropes. Billings too pressed the accelerator button, hitting Holder for the first six of the innings. It was pitched outside off but Billings went down and picked and swept it over square leg. Nair lofted Umesh Yadav elegantly for a six over long-off but was trapped by the paceman in the next ball. It brought Chris Morris to the crease but the South African could not repeat his last-match heroics and was bowled for a duck by Yadav. In his usual attacking way, Braithwaite treated the home fans with a flurry of boundaries. He lofted Hogg for a six after finding consecutive boundaries off Yadav. Billings found his fifty with a six off Hogg but was dismissed by Yadav, castled on a slower full toss. However he had the done job for his side by then. µ+DSS\GUHVVLQJURRPLVKHOSLQJXV¶ ?C8 Q =4F34;78 ith Delhi Daredevils surprising one and all with their consistent show in IPL-9, West Indies all-rounder Carlos Brathwaite on Saturday said they now have a "fun dressing room" and it is helping them play well this year. Brathwaite made a good comeback to the side after missing two games, scoring crucial 34 off 11 balls and taking three wickets. "I won't talk about past since I was not there but this year there is lot of stress on processes and solid preparations. It's a fun dressing room. Then players are good friends off the field and that unites them on the field under pressure," the West Indies batsman said. Brathwaite also stressed that he was not dropped from the side in previous games. "It's horses for courses. Imran Tahir did not play today but it's not that he was dropped. I was not dropped. Only thing is that only four foreign players can play but still the one who is missing out gives same support to the team." Brathwaite also said that Feroz Shah Kotla track's changed nature suited his batting style. "Then pitch was true. But Karun Nair and Sam W Billings allowed me to bat where I wanted to bat. They laid the foundation," he said of their 105-run stand for the fourth wicket which helped them post 186-8 after being 32-3 in 5 overs. He also said he does not put himself under pressure and it was not possible to get big shots everytime he comes to the crease. "It does not happen everyday," he said when reminded of his breathtaking 10-ball 34 that helped West Indies win the World T20. ence. From 32-3 in 5 overs, Delhi posted a challenging 186-8 and Uthappa said his side let the Daredevils post a formidable score on board. "With little more discipline, we could have restricted them to less than 160. We took our foot off pedal after getting the first three wickets and bowled some rank bad balls," he said. Asked if Daredevils captain Zaheer still had the same zip that he had before retirement, Uthappa who faced him while opening the KKR innings replied in affirmative. "Zak bowled as well as he has always done. He is a very cunning bowler. He does not give you much. It's tough to go on offensive against him. He still has that zip but surely that pace has dropped. But it still came nicely on to bat," he said. Uthappa also defended team's decision to send Piyush Chawla at number three, saying "He is not dud with the bat. He has done well in first class cricket. Since Manish Pandey is not there, it gives us this luxury of trying these things." Uthappa said death bowling was a concern for them but they will take lot of positives from the game. He stressed that winning the away game against Royal Challengers Bangalore will give them momentum going back to Eden Gardens. >DAB?8==4ABF4A4=D;;85843)A>18= With their spinners leaking 85 runs in nine overs on a good batting track, Kolkata Knight Riders opener Robin Uthappa on Saturday conceded that they misread the Feroz Shah Kotla pitch, which usually is slower. KKR fielded Sunil Narine, Piyush Chawla and Brad Hogg but they could not make any impression against Delhi Daredevils batsmen. "Kotla generally has a tag of slow track, but it was a really good track. Flat and hard. The ball skidded off and nicely came on to bat. Our spinners were nullified today. But spinners are our strength and the idea was to back our strength," Uthappa, who was top scorer for KKR with his 72run knock, said at the post match press confer- ³F82106A443C>?;0H 30H=867CC4BC8=D04´ laiming to have resolved all outstanding issues, the BCCI on C Saturday announced the resumption CB chairman Shaharyar Khan on Saturday n a downward spiral after said that the West Indies cricket board has suffering their fifth loss of the P O agreed to play a day and night Test in the 'home' season, debutants Rising Pune of bilateral cricket ties with the West Indies starting with a four-Test series in July-August. "The Board of Control for Cricket in India and the West Indies Cricket Board have resolved outstanding issues arising out of the abandonment of the tour of the West Indies team to India in 2014," the BCCI said in a statement. With this understanding, a proposed bilateral series as part of the Future Tours Programme will be resumed with the Indian cricket team touring the West Indies in JulyAugust, for a Test series. BCCI Secretary Anurag Thakur (in pic.) said the upcoming tour will add to the renewed bonhomie in the ties. "BCCI is happy to resume their bilateral ties with WICB. We recognise that West Indies has a huge role to play in the development of cricket and we are happy to support their endeavours. This tour will further strengthen the bond between the Indian and the West Indian fans, who have over the years patronised this glorious game of cricket," he said. Dave Cameron, President of the West Indies Cricket Board said: "We are extremely delighted that concerns which arose due to the incom- series planned in the UAE in SeptemberOctober. "I haven't seen their letter as yet but yes apparently they have said yes to playing one day and night test with the pink ball in the UAE," he said. It would be the first day and night test for Pakistan and West Indies. The PCB had proposed that one of two Tests to be played as a day-night affair. Besides the Tests, the West Indies are set to play five One-Day Internationals and two Twenty20s against Pakistan in the United Arab Emirates in October. The PCB also said that there are hurdles in the way of tainted cricketers, Salman Butt, Muhammad Aamir and Muhammad Asif getting visas to tour England with the Pakistan team this summer. Shaharyar Khan told the media in Lahore that they had got indications that while the UK authorities might adopt a soft stance on giving Aamir a visa to visit England he could not say the same about Butt and Asif. The three players all served five-year bans from the ICC for spot fixing which expired last September. plete tour have been addressed and would like to thank BCCI for reviving our ties. West Indies cricket appreciates the support of BCCI and the cricket loving fans of the islands keenly look forward to witness some exciting contests between the two teams." Earlier, BCCI president Shashank Manohar had announced that board has decided to waive off the financial penalty of $41.97 million that was imposed on the WICB for pulling out midway during their 2014 series against India. Manohar has also said that the remaining part of that series will be played in 2017. In October 2014, when West Indies captain Dwayne Bravo led the players' revolt over payment issues, the team had returned home after the fourth ODI against India. ?C8Q :0A0278 ?C8Q A09:>C able-toppers Gujarat Lions will look to consolidate their position when they take on laggards T Kings XI Punjab in an Indian Premier League match here on Sunday. Punjab are lying at the bottom of the table with only two points from six matches, while Lions have managed to perch themselves at the top of the IPL standings with 12 points in seven matches. Their confidence has been further bolstered by a three-wicket win over Mahendra Singh Dhoni's Rising Pune Supergiants on Friday night. The Lions chased down a steep 195-run target to romp home. New Zealand swashbuckler Brendon McCullum and West Indian Dwayne Smith have been key to Lions' success as they have given superb starts at the top of the order. They gave an electrifying start to the Lions by putting on 93 runs in less then 10 overs. McCullum has made 218 runs in seven matches while Smith has made 148 in three games including Friday's 37-ball 61 for which he was adjudged man of the match. Punjab have only two points HEAD Live on Sony Max from six games, TO their only win HEAD coming against < Rising Pune <I:Avs 8= :G8? Supergiants. A09:>C Their big 6;! BD=30H k #)?< names such as Glenn Maxwell and skipper David Miller have failed miserably so far. Miller has managed to score only 76 runs in 6 matches, while Maxwell has a mere 95 from six games to show for. E890H=0<43=4F:G8?B:8??4A Struggling IPL franchise Kings XI Punjab on Saturday replaced out-of-form captain David Miller with Murali Vijay after losing five of their six games in the tournament so far. "Kings XI Punjab announces M Vijay as the captain for Kings XI Punjab for the remaining part of the IPL 2016 tournament. David Miller continues to be an integral part of the team and is a very strong player of the squad," the team said in a statement. Meanwhile, Kings XI Punjab will host their remaining three matches in home-ground Mohali. "We are pleased/delighted to announce that Kings XI Punjab will be playing our last three home matches in Mohali on May 7, 9 and 15, 2016 respectively. We look forward to the support of our fans in the catchment area as we move ahead in the tournament this year," the team said in a statement. =9dQc[QgQYdccdbeWW\Y^WB@C 1228aTbd\TbcXTbfXcWF821 ?C8Q =4F34;78 :G8?UPRTd_WX[[QPcc[T PVPX]bc6dYPaPc;X^]b ?C8Q ?D=4 Supergiants would look to plug the holes in bowling to get their campaign back on track when they face title-holders Mumbai Indians in an Indian Premier League match, here on Sunday. Led by the talismanic Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Rising Pune Supergiants did not have the best of starts in their debut season, losing five of the seven matches they played so far. The Pune outfit is presently languishing at the sixth spot in the eight-team standings with just four points, while their opponents for Sunday's game, Mumbai Indians, are lying third with eight points. With the business end of tournament nearing, time is running out fast for Pune to get a series of wins and return to the top four reckoning. Come Sunday, Rising would fancy their chances against Mumbai Indians having comfortably defeated them by nine wickets in the opening match. But it would be easier said than done as Dhoni faces the uphill task of selecting a balanced bowling combination which would deliver results for him. Live on Sony Max CADvs >: ?D=4 BD=30H k ')?< HEAD TO HEAD < A?B <8! The absence of its two main players in Faf du Plessis and Kevin Pietersen, who have been ruled out due to injuries, notwithstanding Pune's batting unit has lived upto its reputation with Ajinkya Rahane, Steven Smith and Dhoni himself delivering the goods for the side. Pune's batting would also be bolstered by the inclusion of Australian Usman Khwaja, who replaced Du Plessis in the squad. On the other hand, Mumbai Indians are on a high with back-to-back victories over Kings XI Punjab and Kolkata Knight Riders in their last two games. After a jittery start, the Rohit Sharma-led defending champions got their act together to move to the top half of the points table. Rohit himself has shouldered the responsibility with steady knocks in the company of Ambati Rayudu. But it is big-hitting Kieron Pollard, who has been the star for Mumbai in the last couple of matches. AC<2/G >7=<33@j06C0/<3AE/@jAC<2/G j;/G $ ' ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U =Qi!" !& 8´\bca^]VTaX]cWT b^]VbcWP]8aTP[[h P\8]TTSc^WTPa cWT\\hbT[UFTP[[ ]TTSc^WTPacW^bT T\_^fTaX]Vb^]Vb c^aT\X]Sdb 1Th^]RT:]^f[Tb 5 A > < =ZWVR_UeZ^Vd`W3`hZV 0]TgRTa_cUa^\ 3PeXS1^fXT´b QX^VaP_WhPQ^dcWXbSadVPSSXRcX^] _WPbTP]SP[b^fWT]9^W];T]]^] fPa]TSWX\^UWXb\P]PVTa CWTaTSb^X[X]cWTWX[[bcWPcbdaa^d]S cWTcX]heX[[PVT^U;P]YXVPaW X]:P[PWP]SXSXbcaXRc>SXbWPXb Ud[[^UQPdgXcT¯cWTb^daRT\PcTaXP[ U^aP[d\X]Xd\dbTSX]TeTahcWX]V Ua^\PXaRaPUcc^QTTaRP]bHTc \X]X]VX]=XhP\VXaXWX[[bWPbQTT] bRd__TaTSSdTc^R^]RTa]b^eTacWT fT[UPaT^UcaXQP[baTbXSX]VcWTaT 1dcXbXcP[[cWPcQPS^aXbXc\TSXP Wh_TQhcW^bTSTcTa\X]TSc^W^[S cWT]PcX^]QPRZ.:DB70=<8CA0 eXbXcb;P]YXVPaWc^UX]S^dccWT ^cWTabXST^UcWT=XhP\VXaXbc^ah he transformative power of good education is something we all know about. However, living in large cities, one forgets just how a good school education can make a difference. The best way is to see it in action in a part of India where good schools were non-existent. The Dayanand Arya Vidyalaya (DAV) International School in Lanjigarh and its students are a prime example of the transformative power of education. The 900-odd students in this school may not seem like much compared to the thousands of students in some large urban schools. But many of these students come from the surrounding villages of this impoverished town, and a large majority of them belong to scheduled tribes and scheduled castes. And for many of them, this is the first time a member of these families has been exposed to proper formal education. If indeed the task of any Government is to expose those previously left behind to proper education, this is where one experiences it first hand. The problem is that the Naxals that operate in and around this area hate education, with schools being destroyed, and students — and not just in Odisha — brutally murdered. We will not name the students to protect their families from retribution from Naxals, but speaking to a few children, it is impressive to hear about their dreams and ambitions. In a hospital close to the school, 150 patients come daily; 250 during the peak monsoon season. From hundreds of malaria deaths annually, which was the leading cause of mortality in an area where the average life expectancy was barely 50, now there are no malarial deaths. But how did we reach here? How did we reach Lanjigarh? It is rather remarkable how the red dust and rock at one end of the Vedanta Resources facility in Lanjigarh emerge as a fine white powder a few hundred metres away. But this decade-old plant is far from running at its full capacity. Indeed, it is just running at a quarter of its commissioned amount. T C 7 4 8 = B 8 3 4 4RcgZ_XR_ZUV_eZej 6XcP?aTbb^]T^UcWT^[STbc _dQ[XbWX]VW^dbTbQPbTSX] 6^aPZW_dabdRRTTSTSX]_a^eXSX]V PcT\_[PcTU^aP]PcX^]P[XST]cXch EYVTZej`Wafca`dV FWhS^b^\T^UcWT\^bc]^eT[ caT]Sb^UcWTRT]cdahWXccWTVa^d]S X]QXVRXcXTbUXabc.<X]XhP2WPccTaYX Tg_[PX]bX]WTaR^[d\]³BcX[Tcc^b´ CWT3PhP]P]S0ahPEXShP[PhP30E8]cTa]PcX^]P[BRW^^[X];P]YXVPaWP]SXcb(^SSbcdST]cbPaTP_aX\TTgP\_[T^UcWTcaP]bU^a\PcXeT_^fTa^UTSdRPcX^] The reason is not that the white powder produced by the plant, a substance called alumina, is not in demand. Despite the crash in commodity prices across the world, prices of the finished product that emerges from alumina — the shiny metal aluminium — has seen a recovery over the past few months. Additionally, in a growing economy like India, demand for aluminium has been steadily increasing. Yet, the plant stutters. That is because the reason this huge refinery is placed in Lanjigarh — the middle of almost nowhere, six hours by road from either Visakhapatnam or Bhubaneswar, the largest cities closest to it — is home to some of the world’s highest quality bauxite. Bauxite, the mineral from which alumina is refined, is usually 40 per cent aluminium along with some iron, vandantium and titanium. The Niyamgiri hills that rise a few hundred feet from the main entrance of the plant have some of the world’s best bauxite. Yet, thanks to a mix of evangelical NGOs supported by the Naxals and a misguided United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Government, the mining project is stalled and the conveyor belts meant to bring in the bauxite lie rusting. And that is a pity, not only for the staff that works at the plant, but also for the villagers and tribals impacted by it. Lanjigarh is also one of the Blocks in Kalahandi district of Odisha, which unfortunately became a byword for poverty, deprivation, and underdevelopment in India, and has struggled to shake that tag off. In 1985, Rajiv Gandhi famously visited the district to shed crocodile tears over starvation deaths which had forced mothers to sell their children so as to make some money to eat. And along with Rayagada and Koraput in south-western Odisha, this led to the rise of Naxalism in this part of India. Kalahandi was one of the few districts in the mineral-rich Chota Nagpur Plateau to have never had a major factory until Vedanta Resources started work in 2006. The rich bauxite resources attracted Anil Agarwal, Chairman of Vedanta Resources, here. It also attracted evangelical organisations desperate to “harvest souls” as well as some environmental and humanitarian ;P]YXVPaWfPbP\P[PaXPX]UTbcTSi^]TC^SPhcWTPaTP° STb_XcTcWTX]W^b_XcPQ[T\^]b^^]b°WPbbTT]]^ \P[PaXPaT[PcTSSTPcWX]cWT_PbccWaTThTPab 40A;84A:0;070=38 F0B50<>DB5>A0;; C74FA>=6A40B>=B* C78BE430=C0?;0=C 8B06>>3A40B>= C>14?A>D3>5 :0;070=381DCC74 F>A;3BC8;;C78=:B C70C8C8B4E8; 1420DB4C74H70E4 =>CF8C=4BB43 7>FC78B?;0=C 70B?>B8C8E4;H 8<?02C43>DA;8E4B NGOs desperate to stop the factory. The ostensible reason the factory was to be stopped was because it would “destroy” the Niyamgiri mountains, home to the Dongria Kondh tribe, a foraging hill tribe that still lives on slash-and-burn farming. The Dongria Kondh’s god, the Niyam Raja, lives in these hills, and the NGOs, some of them well-meaning, managed to convince the tribals that the home of the Raja would be destroyed by the “big, bad” Vedanta Resources. A well-orchestrated campaign with protests in London, where Vedanta is listed, followed, and it caught the attention of the publicity-hungry Congress leadership, desperate to be seen as saviours of India. So despite the UPA Government giving environmental clearance to the plant, some 30 years after his father lamented the state of Indian development at Lanjigarh, Rahul Gandhi and his lackeys followed suit hoping to stitch up the tribal vote. But to little avail, as the Congress in Odisha — like in most of the rest of India — was wiped off the electoral map. The massive attention and case that followed in the Supreme Court, convincing arguments were given for why Vedanta should not be allowed to mine bauxite. Incidentally, Vedanta does not own the mines but the Odisha State Mining Company does. Impassioned pleas were made towards the livelihood of the hill tribes. And the 12 villages that live on the hills were allowed to have a vote to decide the outcome of the plant. Trained by the NGOs and terrorised by the Naxals, the outcome was a given. Yet, visiting Lanjigarh one wonders whether Vedanta is so bad. This is a part of India where despite the occasional political visit, the State has not really arrived. There is little sign of the Government. Opportunities are limited, and while the railway are in an impeccable state, that is because there are trains hauling coal and iron ore every half hour, with passenger trains few and far between. One of the first things Vedanta did was to establish the DAV International School, with the DAV Foundation. The principal, Shukla Chakrovarty, came from Bhubaneswar to this backwater to establish a school with just three students. Over the years, the school has grown and now has an annual intake of 90 students. While plant employees’ children get admission, the lack of growth at the plant has meant that most of the annual intake is of children from the neighbouring towns and villages. These children are a great testament to the power of education. One boy in Class 10 spoke about his ambition to join the Army. Another girl from Class 9 spoke about her dream to become an administrator, and another boy wanted to become a journalist. These are hopes and ambitions that these children have to travel the world and whose parents never even left the district, some who live in hovels without electricity. “I feel that we have made a difference to the lives of these children in a way that few other schools can. I came here because I wanted a challenge, and I believe that these children will be my greatest legacy,” Chakrovarty says. We are not naming the children for fear of them or their families being attacked by Naxals; the SP of Rayagada spoke of a college student who was murdered by the Naxals recently because he questioned them. //a# ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U avid Bowie had met John Lennon when they were introduced in Los Angeles, at a party thrown by Elizabeth Taylor. “We went on to a great relationship over the years,” David said of Lennon. “Terrific guy, very, very funny guy.” Back in Manhattan, John called David and asked if he could bring May Pang, with whom he was then having a romantic interlude, and Linda and Paul McCartney over to see David. According to Ava Cherry, who was there, the meeting between David and Linda did not go well. At that point, David made the unwise move of playing tracks from Young Americans (the soulinfluenced album that he would ultimately release in 1975) to his guests, not only once, but twice, whereupon Paul McCartney asked for another album to be put on instead. David ignored him but John Lennon intervened and gently asked him to play another album. May Pang diplomatically did what John asked, and David left the room. That same evening, David called John and the two of them talked for quite a while. Afterward, John confided to May that David had been really hurt when he’d asked him to change the album, but that he had managed to mollify him to such an extent that he and David had become friends. According to Tony Visconti, David’s friendship with John developed to such a degree that the three of them often spent a night on the town together. “We stayed up with John Lennon until 10:30 am. We did mountains of cocaine, it looked like the Matterhorn, obscenely big, and four open bottles of cognac,” Tony recalled, adding of David, “During the making of Young Americans, he was taking so much cocaine it would have killed a horse.” John and David bonded over drugs, music, and a shared quirky British sense of humor. And when David made a speech to the Berklee College of Music’s class of 1999, he told of a time when he and John were in Hong Kong together: “During one of our expeditions, on the back street a kid comes running up to him and said, Are you John Lennon?’ And he [John] said, ‘No, but I wish I had his money,’” David recalled, before going on, “Which I promptly stole for myself. [Imitating a fan] Are you David Bowie?’ ‘No, but I wish I had his money.’ It was such a wonderful thing to say. The kid said, ‘Oh, sorry. Of course you aren’t,’ and ran off. I thought, this is the most effective device I’ve heard. “I was back in New York a couple of months later in SoHo, downtown, and a voice pipes up in my ear, ‘Are you David Bowie?’ And I said, ‘No, but I wish I had his money.’ ‘You lying bastard. You wish you had my money.’ It was John Lennon,” David said. However, going back to January 1975, when David cowrote and recorded Fame (which would be added to Young Americans at the eleventh hour) with John, he played the first cut for Maggie Abbott, and she remembered, “The track was really great, John and him singing. When it was released, I noticed that John’s voice was less prominent. I guess David just wanted to downplay John in favour of himself.” From the time that David first met John, John warned him about Tony Defries. Years later, looking back, David D BDA?A8B8=60B8CB>D=3B =>=4>5C74<4<14AB >5C74?>?D;0A10=3 140C;4B2>D;302CD0;;H A403<DB82 9^W];T]]^]WPSfPa]TS3PeXS1^fXTPVPX]bcWXb\dbXR\P]PVTaC^]h 3TUaXTbfW^TeT]cdP[[hSXbX[[dbX^]TS1^fXTPcP_^XV]P]c_WPbTX]WXb[XUT GXU^dg_]ecYS \UWU^Tc]Ud LAKLHA =Qi!" !& %HZDUHRIWKHPROH WKDWQHYHUKHDOV 8cR^d[SQTPbXV]^UbZX]RP]RTafaXcTb 3AE8:0B6>BF0<8P]SaTR^\\T]Sb Pa^dcX]TbZX]TgP\X]PcX^]^]RTPhTPa kin cancer is the most common form of cancer. More than 3.5 million skin cancers in over two million people are diagnosed annually all over the world. Melanoma is the most common form of skin cancer caused by sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. Skin cancer develops primarily on areas of sun-exposed skin, including the scalp, face, lips, ears, neck, chest, arms and hands, and on the legs in women. Melanoma occurs in people with dark skin tones, and is more likely to occur in areas not normally exposed to the sun. Melanoma can develop anywhere on your body, in otherwise normal skin or in an existing mole that becomes cancerous. Most often, it appears on the head or neck of affected men. In women, this type of cancer most often develops on the lower legs. In both men and women, melanoma can even occur on skin that hasn’t been exposed to the sun. It can affect people of any skin tone. S said, “I always thought there was somebody better at doing this kind of thing [managing me]. It wasn’t until Lennon pointed it out to me that I realised maybe the artist is as good at managing somebody as anybody else. “It was John that sorted me out all the way down the line. He took me to one side, sat me down, and told me what it was all about, and I realised I was very naive. I still thought you had to have somebody who dealt with these things called contracts, but now I have a better understanding of show-business business.” Ever since he signed his deal with Tony Defries, he had refused to examine his contract closely. “None of us bothered to check our contracts in those days,” Dana Gillespie confirmed, but David, of course, was less likely to do so than any of them. His father had always managed every aspect of his finances, paying his bills, his taxes, his insurance, so that David had been eager to relinquish control of his finances to another father figure, without checking his contract. Now, though, in the midst of all his cocaine-fueled haze, toward the end of his Diamond Dogs tour 3DA8=6>=4 >5>DA 4G?438C8>=B >=C74102: BCA44C0:83 2><4BAD==8=6 D?C>78<9>7= ;4==>=0=3 B083²0A4H>D 9>7=;4==>=.³ 0=374J9>7=L B083²=>1DC8 F8B7870378B <>=4H³30E83 A420;;43 David was forced to confront reality. Continually short of money, he was now so broke that he had been forced to cancel the standing order by which the bank paid his mother £50 a month. Labeling him “a terrible hypocrite,” Peggy lambasted David for neglecting her and the family. Outraged, David struck back: “He warned her, ‘If you ever speak to the papers again you won’t see me, your grandson, or any of my money ever again’.” By the time the Diamond Dogs tour hit Manhattan, the fact that David was truly short of money while Tony Defries was living the high life at his expense had hit him hard and he was ready to do battle with Defries. But money wasn’t the sole bugbear between David and Tony Defries. “David felt Defries had abandoned him,” Tony Zanetta said, “David had only been a vehicle for Defries to get where he wanted to go...but David expected him to revolve around him a hundred percent. But now he was no longer the most important client in Tony’s life and we were no longer a family.” Finally, when dawn broke over Manhattan and David began to think more clearly, he was compelled to confront reality: Tony Defries, the man in whom he had put all his trust, at whose disposal he had put all his talents, had used and abused him. It was too much for David to bear. Although he’d spend the next few months attempting to extract from Defries’s web, he refused to be diverted from the only things that truly mattered to him: His music, his career, and his future. 4SXcTSTgRTa_cUa^\FT]Sh;TXVW´b 1^fXTBX\^]BRWdbcTaC%(( C97>CD?G1D38?ED6?B A large brownish spot with darker speckles. A mole that changes colour, size or that bleeds. A small lesion with an irregular border and portions that appear red, white, blue or blue-black. Dark lesions on your palms, soles, fingertips or toes, or on mucous membranes lining your mouth, nose, vagina or anus, under breasts and under arms in women. Visible sores that don’t heal within three months. G8?µC1DB9C;/ People who have excessive exposure to UV light, usually from the sun, but also from tanning lamps and booths. People who smoke, have blond, red or light brown hair, and blue, grey or green eyes. People with fair skin or freckles, or whose skin burns easily. People with a personal or family history of skin cancer. People with weak immune system. People who have had organ transplants and who take immunosuppressive drugs. People who are exposed to ionising radiation or pesticides. People who have several moles on BTTh^da^]R^[^VXbc ^aRP]RTaTg_TacXU h^d]^cXRTP]h RWP]VTX]h^dabZX] cWPcf^aaXTbh^d =^cP[[bZX]RWP]VTb PaTRPdbTSQhbZX] RP]RTaH^daS^Rc^a fX[[X]eTbcXVPcTc^ STcTa\X]TcWTRPdbT their bodies, especially since birth, or who have unusual moles. People who have one or more large pigmented spots. First of all self-assessment test is very important because you will be the first person to know about the appearance of such moles/skin tags on your body. You can reduce the risk of skin cancer by limiting or avoiding exposure to UV radiation. Checking your skin for suspicious changes can help detect skin cancer at its earliest stages. Early detection of skin cancer gives you the greatest chance for successful treatment. D9@CD?B5=5=25B* Avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 4 pm. Always wear sunscreen with UVB and UVA exposure protective chemicals and with SPF 30 or higher, even on cloudy days. Wear sunglasses treated to absorb UV radiation; use a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15, and wear tightweave clothing with long sleeves and a wide-brimmed hat. Check your body every month. Have a routine whole-body skin check by a healthcare professional once a year. 3853;C;9>96I?E>?D935 A sore that doesn’t heal. Change in the border of that spot, small or large. Itchiness and bleeding. Pain in the mole. Make an appointment with an oncologist or cancer expert if you notice any change in your skin that worries you. Not all skin changes are caused by skin cancer. Your doctor will investigate your skin changes to determine the cause. CWTfaXcTaXbBT]X^a2^]bd[cP]c>]R^[^VXbc Ua^\2C25^acXb7^b_XcP[ 5 A > < ?0 6 4 )5205('72:+,7( nd it is the same story a few kilometres away in the hospital too. Lanjigarh was a malaria-infested zone. Today, the area — despite the inhospitable monsoons — has seen no malaria related death in three years. Yet, the villagers in the hills still see their kith and kin die as the Naxals prevent them from accessing the school or hospital. Indeed, some of the Naxals and village leaders have chosen to sacrifice their own children to disease rather than to accept aid. Lives are being lost because the narrative of “Vedanta is evil” has to be maintained. “Education and healthcare are the enemies of the Naxals. In their misguided quest to rid the world of social inequality, they need to realise that integration with the State will do more for these people than burning the provisions that we give the villagers”, says K Siva Subramani, the Superintendent of Police, Rayagada district, where a part of the Niyamgiri range falls. Vedanta officials admit that the refinery, despite being the cleanest alumina refinery in the world and a zero-emission and zero-discharge facility, will pollute a small amount. However, A the plant head, Bimalendu Senapati, says that they are constantly improving themselves. “We are now reprocessing the vanadium and selling it to sulphuric acid manufacturers. We reuse all our caustic liquid, we make bricks from the ash and are figuring out how to refine other materials from the ‘red mud’ waste, which includes titanium.” Yet, the bauxite is not from the Niyamgiri mountains but from as far away as Gujarat and even Papua New Guinea. “Our costs are double of what we should incur if we had local bauxite,” says Senapati. “This might be the most advanced plant in the world but with the commodity price crash, we are making a massive loss.” With an investment of C8,500 crore, this plant ought to be a shining example of India’s industrialisation, yet some parts of this massive refinery lie rusting away. The plant, despite running at a quarter of its capacity, provides direct employment to over 2,000 people and also supports the local economy. The employed include 75 workers whose land was taken to build the plant and who live in a resettlement colony called Niyamgiri Vedanta Vihar. Speaking to a roomful of 2PdVWcQTcfTT]STeT[^_\T]cP]S_aTbTaeX]VcaPSXcX^])0]X[0VPafP[[TUcP]ScWT3^]VaXP:^]SWcaXQP[b these workers, many of them tribals from the plains, often relatives of the tribals in the hills admit that it hurt to leave their old villages. But now, earning an average of C25,000 per month, some of them have cars, refrigerators, and flat-screen televisions. “We have health insurance. I don’t need to worry about family members dying every time we get a fever. My children are studying in the DAV School and they will go to C743>=6A80:>=37 CA81470BC>14 1A>D67C8=C> 8=380=B>284CH C74H=443C> ?A>6A4BBC74H =44343D20C8>= 0=3740;C720A4 Delhi or Mumbai. I can operate machinery and use a computer now. My life has changed,” says Bhuma Harijan. Others from the villages and surrounding towns like Muniguda, the closest railhead, talk of how the plant is giving opportunities to the local youths. Parimita, from the district headquarters of Bhawanipatna and a science graduate, talks of how the plant has given jobs to educated women from the area. “Earlier we all had to travel to South India for jobs. Who wants to move away from home for opportunities?” she says, adding that almost 80 per cent of the plant’s workforce are locals from surrounding districts. “Earlier Kalahandi was famous for all the wrong reasons; this plant is a good reason to be proud of Kalahandi, but the world still thinks that it is evil because they have not witnessed how this plant has positively impacted our lives.” And the local economy has also benefitted; youths previously unemployed and with little to look forward to are being trained in various skills at the Yuva Pragati Kendra. The managers at the facility are particularly proud of the 10 youths who recently acquired jobs at retail shops in Bhubaneswar. In the small village of Lanjigarh, about a 10-minute drive from the plant, the Sakhi Self-Help Group has been helping local women with loans. Several run provision stores and do odd jobs like tailoring. The women realise “Bauxite nahin toh kuchh nahin”, and say that they have actually been in touch with the local legislators for bauxite. Basanti Sain talks of the bene- fits that the plant has brought but is scared about what will happen if the plant goes away. “We had nothing 10 years ago; today we all have brick houses and can look forward to a better life for ourselves and our children.” Indeed, plant officials talk of how the Odisha Government is assuring them of bauxite supplies. Employees and villagers alike want the plant to succeed, and talk of those scuppering the plant in negative tones, with Rahul Gandhi being a particular object of derision. “He talks of women empowerment; this plant has actually empowered women and he wants us to fail,” a local woman strongly points out. Unsurprisingly, the Congress is almost non-existent in this part of Odisha. Plant officials also want the world to know that mining will not destroy the hills; indeed they feel that the Dongria Kondh tribe has to be brought into Indian society. They need to progress, they need education and healthcare. Yes, they should preserve their traditions, but how can one justify short life expectancies, how can one justify young people dying of malaria, and illiteracy in the 21st century? This is a story that needs to be told. ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U C74B<0;;4BC1>>:8=C74 F4;B7=0C8>=0;;81A0AH8B>;3 :8=62>;48C<40BDA4B <<G <<0=3C74?064B20=>=;H 14CDA=43F8C70=443;4 >KKGO =Qi!" !& 1[cXQiQ=e[e\µc6XcP?aTbb gY\\T_eRd\Ucc\i`b_fUd_RUQcU]Y^Q\bUVUbU^SUR__[_^dXUb_\U_VdXU8Y^Te S_^cSY_ec^UccQ^TYdcUVVUSd_^dXUV_b]QdY_^_V]_TUb^^QdY_^Q\Yc]gbYdUc71ED1==E;85B:55 =_e\TY^WdXUYTUQ_V9^TYQ ontemporary Indian historians who treat it as a discipline and not a pulpit, or basis for poetic licence, are few and far between. There is the erudite, Bengaluru-based Ramachandra Guha, chronicling mainly the saga of the Nehru-Gandhis. There is the NCR resident Scotsman with Indian sensibilities, William Dalrymple, writing sympathetic, pointedly non-imperial accounts of the Moghuls. And now, joining the ranks of this select set, a self-effacing journalisthistorian, still working hard for the The Times of India, Akshaya Mukul. Mukul has written an admirable and even-handed book based on painstaking research here. It will doubtlessly prove to be a seminal reference book on the role of the Hindu consciousness, and its effect both on the formation of modern nationalism, and indeed, the idea of one India. The Gita Press and its publications, books, pamphlets, magazines in Hindi and English, have influenced and informed generations of Indians and admirers of India, at home and abroad, for nearly a century. It continues to do so, in a lesser key, though its primary salience is much diminished in the age of globalisation, the Internet, 24x7 satellite TV and an evolving national identity shedding its post-colonial skin to become one of the leading nations of the contemporary world. However, the Gita Press made its greatest contribution to an unstated mission — that of assisting Indians to believe in their own ancient culture in the face of fierce imperial propaganda, as a fuel for the yearning for independence. Independence came in 1947, after less than three decades of the Gita Press and its yeoman work. But yet, it had also come after almost a century of steady effort, following the abortive First Battle for Independence, or what the British Raj liked to label The Great Indian Mutiny of 1857. By the Forties, Gita Press succeeded in providing a template, as much for acceptance and formation of a somewhat majoritarian national identity, as a trampoline for rejection of several of its suggestions and implications, in favour C 8:E2AC6DD 2\dYRjR>f\f] 9RcaVc4`]]Z_d C(** of what was thought to be a superior — egalitarian, secular, and a distinctly socialist vision of India. It has also sold 72 million copies of the Gita amongst other scriptural texts from Tulsidas, the Puranas, the Upanishads, also running into sales of millions of copies. But through it all, Gita Press, an essentially private effort, a publishing house, run by its long-time Marwari Hindu owner, and based in the smallish town of Gorakhpur in today’s Uttar Pradesh, enjoyed a kind of cultural centrality in Indian life. This particularly amongst Hindi and English-speaking A =4F 0AA8E0;B ID18=<47C0 1PZWcXPa:3PSPQW^h ?T]VdX]C'(( CWXbQ^^Z]PaaPcTb]TPa[h bXgSTRPSTb^UcWTaXRWP]S d]X`dTRPaTTa^UcWT \PTbca^7TXbcWT^][h \dbXRXP]TeTac^bX\d[cP]T^db[hSXaTRc cf^\PY^a^aRWTbcaPbX]=^acW0\TaXRP <^]caTP[P]S;^b0]VT[TbP]SfPb UTPcdaTS^]cWTR^eTa^]CX\T\PVPiX]T fWT]Ydbc" 0bPeXacd^b^R^]SdRc^aWT WPbf^aZTSfXcWcWT\^bcSXbcX]VdXbWTS PacXbcTb^UcWT[PbcRT]cdah7XbY^da]Th Ua^\<d\QPXc^b^\T^UcWT\^bc _aTbcXVX^db_^SXd\b^UcWT\dbXRf^a[SXb PbPVP^UVT]XdbP]SSTSXRPcX^] 5>A64C<4=>C BCA0=64A =^e^]TT[2WPZaPQ^ach ?T]VdX]C &$ 8³\AXeP]PW1P]]TaYTT !"5<d\QPXB^\T^Uh^d \XVWcP[aTPShZ]^fW^f \h[XUTXb^]PaPi^aTSVTCW^bT^Uh^d fW^S^]³cYdbcZ]^fcWXb)8\PhQTZX[[TS b^^]QhcWTBcaP]VTa8]cWTW^c[h P]cXRX_PcTSUX]P[X]bcP[\T]c^UcWTBcaP]VTa caX[^VhQh]PcX^]P[QTbcbT[[X]VPdcW^a =^e^]TT[2WPZaPQ^achAXeP]PWfX[[[TPa] cWTP]bfTabc^WTa\P]h`dTbcX^]b¯FWPc XbXccWPcQX]SbWTac^cWTSTPS7XhP.FW^ XbcWTBcaP]VTa.FWhWPbWTQTT] U^[[^fX]VWTaP[[cWXbfWX[T.¯[TPSX]Vc^ P]X]cT]bTQaTPcWcPZX]VR[X\Pg 8=C>C7401HBB 0hdbW0]bP[ Ad_PC!$ CWTSPaZ]PcdaT^UWd\P]Xch R^\TbP[XeTfWT]PRaX\X]P[ _[P]UPX[bP]SPRWPX]^U TeT]cb[TPSbc^cWTVaPeTR^]R[dbX^]^UP eXRX^dbTgTRdcX^]FXcWWXb]PXeTThTb PS^[TbRT]cBP\FX]cTaUXT[SfPcRWTbWXb PUU[dT]c_PaT]cbSXTQTU^aTWXbThTbPccWT WP]Sb^UPbcaP]VTa7XbX]]^RT]RT`dXRZ[h QTR^\TbWXbVaTPcTbc^QbcPR[TPbWTbTcb ^dcc^d]R^eTacWTXST]cXch^UcWT\P] QTWX]ScWTPca^RXch8]c^CWT0Qhbb faXccT]Qh0hdbW0]bP[XbPSPaZcP[TcWPc U^[[^fbcWTX]cTabTRcX]V[XeTb^U]X]T _T^_[TPbcWThRa^bb_PcWbfXcWBP\P]S WXb[dbcU^aaTeT]VT ditya Wig’s debut King’s Fall is a fine amalgamation of fantasy which brings together the two polar worlds of Jambu and Dandakaranya, enmeshing in themselves the lives of its characters. Majorly revolving around the protagonist brothers, Arjuna and Karna, the novel weaves together the lives of normal people with those of supernatural/semi-human ones. Wig’s work is an interesting tale of warring kingdoms and warlords sprinkled with the sudden appearances (as well as disappearances) of sorcerers and sorceresses who indulge in both good and evil. The narrative moves deftly between the two worlds of the ‘real’ Jambu and the ‘mystical’ Dandakaranya temples. Whereas the former houses numerous kingdoms with their own individual rulers who come to loggerheads at irregular intervals; the latter is the abode of men and women possessing powers whereby they become involved in the life of Jambu. Wig creates a life-like geographical world made up of the kingdoms of Morya and Magadha, among a few others. The relationships between these kingdoms is fraught with complexities ranging from attacking each other’s territories as well as forbidden marital relationships among their younger generations. Three hundred years in to the Kali Yuga, the emperors of these kingdoms come together to shield their land Jambu from the invincible warlord of Yavanna, Sikander. The novel thus unfolds the acquaintances formed and disrupted between different royal households as they strategise and implement ways of securing peace in their kingdoms. As an interesting narrative mode, the author allows us a sneak-peak into the hearts and minds of the characters. Even though on the outside they speak in perfect accordance with their particular positions in life, what goes on silently in their minds make them real and relatable. Wig brings to life both the aspects of his char- 60=378FA>C40AC82;4B5>A 68C0?A4BBB:0;H0= <060I8=4=47AD 383=>C4E4=3486=C>B4=3:0;H0= 0B7>AC<4BB064>56>>3F8B74B B>280;8BCBF8C7C748A0=C8?0C7H C>A4;868>=703C74B0<40CC8CD34 0B=47ADC>F0A3B68C0?A4BB people from all parts of India and the diaspora via its Hindi language Kalyan magazine, and its English counterpart Kalyana-Kalpataru. Many prominent Indians in public life, famous Indian writers such as Munshi Premchand, and illustrators like Satyendranath Bannerjee, recommended in turn by the likes of clergyman CF Andrews, then located in Shantiniketan, wrote/painted/drew for Gita Press. Other foreigners and indophiles, such as painter Nicholas Roerich, also contributed towards its spiritualist world-view. Its tireless editor-cum-managing director Hanuman Prasad Poddar, roped in most of the luminaries from various fields over his long stewardship both of the Press and its various publications. MK Gandhi certainly wrote articles for Gita Press’s Kalyan magazine, even if Nehru resolutely did not. Nehru did not even deign to send Kalyan a short message of good wishes. Other marked socialists with their antipathy to religion had the same attitude as Nehru towards Gita Press. But Kalyan magazine’s contributors also included others in the Centrist space of public life, such as Annie Besant, C Rajagopalachari, S Radhakrishnan, Lal Bahadur Shashtri, Rajendra Prasad, among many others. The Right was prominently featured, with Poddar ignoring the rivalries of organisations such as The Arya Samaj and the Sanatan Dharma Sabha in terms of his contributors and writers. MS Golwalkar of the RSS sent in several articles. As did Shyama Prasad Mookerjee, the founder of the Bharatiya Jan Sangh. And many sadhus with a political bent of mind also contributed, such as the once well-known Swami Karpatri Maharaj. 5HDOLW\DQGIDQWDV\ 5^aPSTQdcQ^^Z0SXchPFXV\P]PVTbc^RaTPcTPUX]TQP[P]RTQTcfTT]fWPc XbaTP[P]SX[[dbX^]PahATe^[eX]VPa^d]SSXUUTaT]cf^a[Sb:X]Vb5P[[ XbP] X]cTaTbcX]VcP[TfXcWePaX^dbd]X`dTRWPaPRcTabfaXcTb0BC709>B78 acters: The outer personalities as well as the inner turmoil of a usual human. Of the many human and supernatural entities of the novel, the two which stand on the threshold of both worlds are those of Karna and Meera. The former is the younger brother of the king of Morya, Arjuna. The latter, Meera, is the princess of Magadha whose grandfather had been the cause of Karna’s parents’ untimely and brutal end. Despite this implicit hostility between the two empires, Karna and Meera spend years together at the Dandakaranya Temple to be adept in magic. Living in the temple under the guidance of Lord Kashi and Janki who tutor them in the arts of the other world, the two become close friends and learn more than just magic. Their sudden transfer from the secure world of the temple into the active life of their respective kingdoms unfolds the tale in all its fullness. Whereas Karna is called upon to serve in the name of his elder brother Arjuna who goes off to war; princess Meera is forced to a svayamvar much against her wishes. The novel gives the readers a look from close quarters at the life of royalty at the same time bringing forth the extremely mundane and regular elements of lives of the royal houses. Meera and Karna are guided in their journey of adulthood by the sorcerer Lord Kashi who easily enters and exits their minds at various moments of conflict. The character of Lord Kashi in certain ways is the meeting point of the magical <:?8¶D72== 25:EJ2H:8 AV_XfZ_C#** and the mundane. His presence close to his students acts as protective shadow when the latter find themselves in the midst of complicated personal, familial and political issues. Evil and virtuous are juxtaposed not only in the physical world of Jambu but also in the supernatural realm. Whereas the two centuries old Kashi and three centuries old Janaki guide Karna and Meera in the ethical use of what Arjuna calls ‘mystical mumbo jumbo’, there are also evil spirits like sorceress Chandra and her evil brother sorcerer Kautilya who seem hell bent on creating havoc in the lives of the Jambu inhabitants. Whereas the aged Kashi and Janki take upon themselves to deal with the evil siblings, the young friends Karna and Meera try hard to make sense of and take control till a certain extent of the course their respective lives take. Karna is forced to take on the kingly duties in the absence of his elder brother and finds himself caught between his suppressed feelings for princess Meera, the pain of having lost his parents and trying to fathom the intricate workings of the kingdoms. The princess on the other hand fails to initially make sense of the hurried arrangements of her swayamvar and then to her dismay finds out that even her marriage is a political step taken by her father to further consolidate his kingdom. It becomes obvious to a level that the lives of the yet innocent Meera and Karna get enmeshed in the politics of the royal life much against their liking. Their feel- ings for each other, to which at times even they both seem oblivious form an interesting backdrop to their otherwise seeming struggle of making sense of the rapidly changing mystical and physical environment. But it is not only in the characters of Meera and Karna that we find a heart touching sensitivity. We find the great warrior Arjuna feeling dejected even after emerging victorious in the bloody battle. His talk with the Buddhist monk towards the end of the novel reflects his need to find peace within himself and outside beneath all the rubble and massacre of the war. The war seems not to have ended still as Arjuna imagines Bharam and Vakush still defending parts of Morya from the ever approaching Yavanna force. And even after sorceress Chandra offers Arjuna to join forces to rule the entire world, he refuses her as better sense prevails over him and he finds himself still in the middle of the war ground. To say that even though having tasted victory in war, Arjuna rightfully understands the futility of bloodshed but finds no way out from such a grim scenario. Refusing to join forces with Chandra to earn complete control of the world, he seems to emerge with a better sensibility and a clearer understanding of the world. Even in his first piece, Wig well manages to create a fine balance between the real and the illusionary making King’s Fall an interesting tale. 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?d]YPQWPbR^\TP[^]VfPhUa^\cW^bTSPaZSPhbP]SSPaZTa]XVWcb7^fTeTabX]XbcTa U^aRTbPQa^PSPaThTcc^PRRT_cSTUTPc8]SXPRP]]^cPUU^aSc^QTR^\_[PRT]c ecently, while sorting some old papers in my study, I came across a clipping from The Statesman dating back to 1989. It was a report I had filed from Punjab while touring the State on assignment. The fraying piece of newsprint went into the wastepaper bin, but it brought back a rush of memories of a particularly dark period in our recent history. India, more so Punjab, had to pay a terrible price on account of the Khalistani separatist movement during the 1980s and 1990s; countless human lives were lost, innumerable families were devastated and young minds were scarred forever. The genesis of those years of blood-letting was the cynical ploy of the Congress to promote a preacher of hate, Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, as a countervailing force to the Akali Dal. Rajiv Gandhi, as a callow politician being groomed for the ‘big’ job by Indira Gandhi, much like his son, Rahul, is being groomed today by Sonia Gandhi, had famously described Bhindranwale, responsible for the slaughter of innocent men, women and children, many of them Sikhs, as a “man of religion”. We know the tragic consequences of that initial blunder by the Congress — Operation Blue Star was Indira Gandhi’s desperate attempt to put an end to a strategy that had gone horribly wrong; it didn’t quite serve that purpose. In the end, this Frankenstein’s monster, as in the story, devoured its creator, triggering the horrendous pogrom that saw Congress lynch mobs massacring 4,733 Sikhs, most of them in the streets of Delhi. But the blood-soaked Khalistan story did not end in 1984. Next year, ‘Emperor Kanishka’, Air India’s Flight 181/182 from Toronto to Mumbai via Montreal, London and Delhi, was blown up off the Irish coast, killing all 329 people on board. Peace continued to elude Punjab where casualties had ceased to matter. Pakistan’s terrorsponsoring agency, Inter-Services Intelligence, by then in command of the Khalistanis, kept the fire of separatism alive, fuelling it with money, Kalashnikovs and explosives. It took the combined efforts of a determined Chief Minister, Beant Singh, and a tough police chief, KPS Gill, to douse the blaze. Beant Singh’s assassination was perhaps the last act of terrorism before the guns began to fall silent. With the Khalistanis routed, there was jubilation in Punjab and across India. I recall spending a week travelling across Punjab, marvelling at the peace that had descended on the troubled land. Accompanied by my wife and my elder daughter, who was then a child, we travelled at night on roads that till a few months ago were known as ‘death zones’. Gurdwaras that had been taken over by extremists now wore a festive look. Our most moving encounter was with a young granthi who had deserted the Army after Operation Blue Star to join Babbar Khalsa, but later R repented his decision and surrendered to the police. Dedicating his life to the Panth was his way of seeking forgiveness; it was his act of repentance. But many others like him were not so lucky — they either fell to police bullets or just disappeared, leaving behind families burdened with memories. Strangely, those who played Dr Faust to Pakistan’s ISI and instigated young men to pick up AK-47s have never been brought to justice. They continue to be ensconced in their plush homes in the US, Canada and Britain, and still dream of Khalistan. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, ‘President’ of the ‘Council of Khalistan’ with offices in Washington, DC, has access to huge ‘private funds’ and continues to lobby with American politicians to press his case, though without any success. Among those who once actively backed Aulakh were Edolphus Towns, then member of the House of Representatives from New York who wanted the US to declare India a “terrorist state”, former Senator Jesse Helms and, across the Atlantic, Lord Avebury in Britain. Aulakh’s website was indicative of his faith in terrorism, yet the US Administration chose not to touch him. When I met him in Washington in the fall of 1990, Aulakh spent more than an hour lecturing me about the “atrocities being committed by India against Sikhs” in the “occupied nation of Khalistan”. After listening to his 8UfTfTaTc^[^^Z U^acWTaTP[ X]bcXVPc^abcahX]V c^aTZX]S[TcWT U[P\Tb^U :WP[XbcP]XcTaa^a fTf^d[SUX]S cWT\X]2P]PSP fWTaTcWT 6^eTa]\T]c R^]cX]dTbc^ aT\PX]Pb X]Sd[VT]cPbXcfPb X] ('$fWT] ³4\_Ta^a:P]XbWZP fPbQ^\QTS^eTa cWT0c[P]cXR jaundiced version of events, I retorted that he was talking gibberish. The Indian American who had set up the meeting was horrified by my feisty response; Aulakh looked at me witheringly; and the tea never came. Twenty-two years later, he is older but not wiser. Or else he would not still dream of Khalistan. Jagjit Singh Chauhan, who described himself as the ‘President of Khalistan’, was more welcoming when we met in London at a common friend’s house in Islington. Having served as Finance Minister and Deputy Speaker of the Punjab Assembly, Chauhan continued to maintain a vast network of contacts in the State even after moving to Britain in 1971. There was no dearth of funds and he even had ‘Republic of Khalistan’ passports, currency and postage stamps printed that he would provide in exchange of British pounds and American and Canadian dollars. If I remember correctly, one Khalistani ‘dollar’ was valued at one American dollar. I was tempted to purchase a Khalistani passport as a keepsake, but better sense prevailed. By 2001, Chauhan was a decrepit man, resigned to the fact that he would not live to see Khalistan. He struck a deal with the Government of India and returned to his hometown, Tanda, in Hoshiarpur district. His Khalsa Raj Party remained a letterhead organisation and the man who had once hoisted the ‘Flag of Khalistan’ at Anandpur Sahib died a broken man. But there are many wealthy Sikhs in Britain who continue to subscribe to Chauhan’s separatist ideology and ardently believe that Amritsar shall be the capital of Khalistan. Funds continue to be collected; it is anybody’s guess as to how the money is spent. If we were to look for the real instigators trying to rekindle the flames of Khalistani terror, we would find them in Canada, more specifically in British Columbia. To a certain extent, American and European authorities have realised the folly of not cracking down on Khalistanis during the 1980s and 1990s. But in Canada, the Government continues to remain as indulgent as it was in 1985 when ‘Emperor Kanishka’ was bombed over the Atlantic. Just how indulgent the Canadian Government is can be gauged from the fact that neither Ripudaman Singh Malik nor Ajaib Singh Bagri, who plotted the bombing of ‘Emperor Kanishka’, has had to pay for his sins. They were declared ‘not guilty’ by a judge who refused to accept overwhelming evidence against them as being conclusive enough to convict them. Both went on to claim damages running into millions of dollars. They were never shamed or shunned. (The writer is a current affairs analyst based in NCR) 5 4 4 3 1 0 2 : 4U\XYe^QR\Ud_U]e\QdU GUcdµcSQbVbUU\YVUcdi\U Reader response to Swapan Dasgupta’s column, Usual Suspects, published on April 24: Ban cars: The Delhi Government’s second phase of odd-even scheme has not been a success. Owning more than one car has become a status symbol for the capital’s elite. The only solution to combat air pollution in the national capital is by restricting the number of cars on the roads by banning the sale and purchase of cars in totality for say at least five years. Mahesh Kapsi Limited transport: I live in Washington, DC. The town has an elaborate metro system and is convenient. Thousands living near their offices and those far-off, avail the services of the metro. Parking facilities too are available. However, life does not revolve around the metro. Social activities do not happen in the metro. Cabs are too expensive and, therefore, unaffordable. Sohan People’s effort: Until and unless the public cooperates, no programme, not even the odd-even formula, will be successful. If people prefer to live in a polluted environment over bearing a small inconvenience, no Government policy can help. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal must encourage people to work from home. With technological advancement, there is no need to attend office everyday. The Government can also encourage companies to roll out shuttle bus facilities for their employees. A holistic approach is needed. Jitendra Policy failure: The odd-even car rationing scheme may succeed in small coastal countries where population is less, but it is bound to fail in a land-lock city like Delhi. If congestion is not the priority, then pollution is not going to be reduced either. People have so many alternatives: Number plates can be changed, people can drive in and out of their office during hours when the scheme is not applicable. Well, people of Delhi can still wait for a new fatwa. The Chief Minister may even provide a free transport system just like he gave free water and free electricity — albeit without any result. Premolal 1dE^UcS_9^TYQf_dUcd_ TUVQSU:UgYcXXUbYdQWU Reader response to Kanchan Gupta’s column, Coffee Break, published on April 24: Deal with caution: India should be careful. Islamists and their supports, who want to wipe away Jewish history, will eventually want to wipe away Indian Hindu history as well. Whatever starts with the Jews, never ends with the Jews. Elise Drawing parallels: As the author has said, “Much later, during Umayyad rule, two Islamic structures were superimposed on the Temple Mount: The Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, the first seeking to establish the supremacy of Islam over non-Islamic land, the second appropriating the ‘rock’ where the first of the Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, was born.” Is there a parallel here to the Babri Masjid, which was, “super-imposed on the temple” of Ram, this time first destroying the temple (because the ‘faithfuls’ were making the rules this time), and second, “appropriating the ‘rock’ where the first of “the Indian faiths, Hinduism, was born? Abhi Citizens first: The Union Government is for its citizens and not for Israel. It will do what is right without any bias. Indians are not here to please Israel either. Muinuddin Kazi Power hungry: At this rate, the Modi Government is going the AB Vajpayee way. Ignore your constituency, beg to be recognised as ‘secular’, that is, appease minorities, and finally perish in the next election — your enemies will be laughing all the way to their vote-banks. M Kapil Foolish babus: The Indian bureaucracy is too naive/foolish to distinguish between a friend and a foe. Even after 1,500 years of continuous Islamic assault on Indian territory, religion and culture, we don’t align with fellow sufferers of Islamic persecution. Hemantgarach Bad vote: What a shame! While patriotic Indians and Israelis are working hard to get closer, Jews and Hindus are strengthening their ageold friendship, the Government of India votes in favour of jihadi nations. Bintan ce^TQi 8=380F8;;3><8=0C4C746A>FC7 8=F>A:8=6064?>?D;0C8>=8= 0B80?0285821H!$142><8=6 7><4C>>E4A018;;8>=?4>?;4 4;8681;4C>4=C4AC749>1 <0A:4CB0HB0D=A4?>AC ]QWQjY^U bd]SPh Vd_bWd_ 70A8B70=:0AEH0B =Qi!" !& %-3VKDUSHQVDWWDFNRQ&RQJ ZLOOWKH*67%LOOVXIIHUDJDLQ" he BJP’s going all out against the Congress would only cause more friction in Parliament. This because managers of the Government are gearing up to present the GST Bill in Parliament, but it would be almost impossible to get it passed if direct confrontation with the Congress continues. Some say that by raising the Ishrat Jahan and AgustaWestland deal issues, the BJP has put the Congress on the back foot. Anurag Thakur raised the Ishrat issue, while Meenakshi Lekhi sought an answer on the Augusta deal. It must be noted that the court of Italy has criticised the erstwhile UPA Government over the helicopter deal. This offensive mood of the Government could be a big impediment in the way of the GST Bill. The Congress is opposing this Bill and it can alone stop it. Since it is a Constitution Amendment Bill, it will require two-third majority, which is not possible without the Congress. A Congress General Secretary recently said in Parliament that the BJP is using the same pressure tactics it usually applies for kshatrapas to get their support. But they say this will not work on the Congress. This means the party will not bow down under the pressure of either the CBI or ED or any other investigation agency. T ?>;8C82B>52>=CA>E4ABH he politics of the country, knowingly or unknowingly, has once again returned to the controversial track. The Congress is digging up controversies against the BJP, just as issues related to Hindu terror during UPA Government’s 10-year tenure are resurfacing. The interesting aspect is that while the Congress is raising these issues, many leaders feel it will only harm the party. They also believe that under a special strategy, it’s the BJP that has compelled the Congress to raise these issues as it will go in the former’s favour. The Congress claims that soon after Narendra Modi took command at the Centre, the accused in the Ishrat Jahan encounter case are being released one by one, and the officers who have not yet retired are getting plum postings. The party also points out that witnesses of Malegaon and Samjhauta Express blasts are taking a U-turn one by one, and this has led to weakening of the case against the accused of so-called Hindu terror. On the other hand, the BJP is saying that all this is a part of the judicial process. Its leaders say the judiciary had sent DG Vanzara to jail and the same judiciary has given him bail and granted him permission to return to Gujarat. They argue that as far as the U-turn of witnesses is concerned, NIA T CWT^UUT]bXeT\^^S^U cWT6^eTa]\T]cR^d[S QTPQXVX\_TSX\T]c X]cWTfPh^UcWT6BC 1X[[CWT2^]VaTbbXb ^__^bX]VcWXb1X[[P]S XcRP]P[^]Tbc^_Xc BX]RTXcXbP2^]bcXcdcX^] 0\T]S\T]c1X[[Xc fX[[aT`dXaTcf^cWXaS \PY^aXchfWXRW Xb]^c_^bbXQ[T fXcW^dccWT2^]VaTbb >=?G>KJA is investigating the case, which was set up by the UPA. Sharad Kumar is the NIA Director-General; he was appointed by the Congress, which is now demanding he be sacked. Next year, many Assembly Elections are scheduled and many issues related to Hinduism are being highlighted. This has made the Congress nervous since it thinks the BJP is benefiting from all this. 7>>30´B<>D=C8=6 F>4B Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra Singonia and Bhupinder Singh Hooda are sailin the same boat. Justice SN Dhingra Commission’s investigations into the land deals may prove problematic for both, but it seems that the Congress is trying to corner the former CM of Haryana. The Hooda family was already worried about the Surjewala family’s growing proximity to Rahul Gandhi, and now the merger of Kuldeep Bishnoi’s HJC with the Congress is bound to increase Hooda’s problems. If sources are to be believed, Hooda was not kept in the loop before the merger. When he got to know of this development, he tried to contact Sonia, Rahul and Priyanka, but none of them paid any attention to him. A close associate of Hooda then called up Kanishka Singh to confirm the news, but he too didn’t respond. That is why there are speculations that like all old kshatrapas of the Congress, Hooda may also form a new party. A Haryana Congress leader says if Hooda forms a new party, it will not harm the Congress. He says that Hooda will damage Om Prakash Chautala’s prospects, and the Congress will manage Jat votes with the help of Bishnoi, and Dalit votes with the help of Ashok Tanwar and Selja Kumari. Randeep Surjewala and Kiran Chaudhary will be presented as Jat faces. =>2>=B4=BDB8= =2? ll is not well in Sharad Pawar’s party, NCP, as there is no consensus on the new leadership. It is being said that Pawar wants to resign from the post of the party’s National President. Sources close to Pawar say he has started his positioning so that a consensus can be reached on his name either for the President or VicePresident of the country. And for this, he wants to separate himself from the routine work of the party. In a sense, he wants to leave active politics so that there won’t be any problem in reaching consensus among the parties. But before that, he has to sort out the leadership problem within his own party, which seems to be a tall order. It is said that he wants to give his throne to daughter Supriya Sule and had sought advice from party leaders. But most of them advised him not to do so. Leaders close to Pawar feel that if Supriya is given the command, there may be a revolt in the party. Most of the leaders don’t want the reins to go to Ajit Pawar either as his working style is different. Chhagan Bhujbal, senior leader of NCP, is in jail, while senior leader RR Patil is no more, and this has created a vacuum of senior leaders in the party. Leaders are also not in favour of Maratha-only politics as it may harm the prospects of the party. So, there is need to A push forward Dalit and backward leadership. Obviously, there are many views within the party and that is the reason why Pawar has deferred the decision on change of leadership. Pawar will continue to be the President of the party. Party leaders are hopeful that Pawar will get the top constitutional post. They feel he shares a good rapport with Narendra Modi, Amit Shah and Arun Jaitley, and hence consensus for the Vice-President’s post will be easy. But this will be possible only when Pawar leaves the hand of the Congress, which doesn’t seem like a possibility in the present scenario. 03E8245>A B>=80A07D; and Rahul have made personal Stheonia attacks on Mamata Banerjee during recent West Bengal election campaign, and this has made some Congress leaders uncomfortable. They recently sent a letter to them and their word of advice for the mother-son duo was: Desist from attacking leaders who have formed their own parties after leaving the Congress. The reason is that they might either return to the party fold or form an alliance with the Congress. So, Sonia and Rahul have been advised to spare leaders like Mamata, YS Jaganmohan Reddy, Sharad Pawar, and GK Vasan. It must be noted that Mamata has always shown sympathy towards the Gandhi family. When summons were issued against Sonia in the National Herald case, Mamata was the only leader who went to meet her and extended her support. Even Sonia and Rahul did not make personal attacks on Mamata in the past. But after two phases of polling, they have launched a tirade against her, including levelling corruption charges. 2;0<>DA 5>A AB B40CB he Congress easily handled the first T phase of biennial elections of Rajya Sabha scheduled for this year. In the first phase, elections were held in Punjab, Assam and Kerala where the party didn’t face much problem because it was to get the same number of seats as it was to lose. But in June-July, elections will be held for approximately 60 seats. That is why the Congress is facing problems in selection of candidates. Also, almost all veterans of the party had lost the Lok Sabha Elections and are now staking their claim for Rajya Sabha seats from some or the other State. There are almost half a dozen leaders whose re-election seems impossible. Amid this hustle and bustle, a new candidate puts forward his claim almost daily. Name of two former Governors and two former Central Ministers, Shivraj Patil and Sushilkumar Shinde, have suddenly come to the fore. Both are said to be lobbying with the Congress high command. In the same manner, former CM of Chhattisgarh, Ajit Jogi, has also started staking his claim for a Rajya Sabha seat from the State. Mohsina Kidwai is going to retire from this seat, but Shobha Oza has also put forward her claim. Among the veterans, Kapil Sibal, Jairam Ramesh, P Chidambaram and Mani Shankar Aiyar are also hopeful of making it to the Rajya Sabha. >2<:?8E96H@C<A=246>@C6:?4=FD:G6 here is a growing trend that we are witnessing today to promote inclusivity and integrate the specially-abled into the mainstream functioning, thanks to the continuous efforts made by various non-profit organisations and Government bodies. While all energies are aimed to enable people with disabilities to gain universal access, equal opportunities for development, independent living and participation in all aspects of life, the pertinent question corporates and businesses need to ask is: Is inclusion merely a social responsibility initiative, or have we moved beyond social trends to looking at hiring them from a business perspective? Time to change our lenses, perhaps? A recent UN report also revealed that India is home to over 100 million disabled citizens, however, only 1,00,000 are successful in obtaining employment within the industry in India. Moreover, the industry at present continues to fight high attrition, scarcity of qualified talent and a disengaged workforce. To tackle this, several companies are now actively sourcing and hiring non-conventional talent, such as persons with disabilities, who are more loyal and committed towards the organisation. They are open to investing in these individuals by providing training and creating employment opportunities for them. Corporates need to understand the various benefits of hiring differently-abled employees in order to find a large pool of untapped talent. Listed below are key attributes that differently- T 1aX]VX]VcWTSXUUTaT]c[hPQ[TSX]c^cWTU^[SRaTPcTbP]X]cTVaPcTSf^aZ_[PRT cWTaTQhT]bdaX]VPbT]bT^UT`dP[XchP\^]VP[[faXcTbB70B70=:B8=70 abled professionals would bring to the workplace: A sense of loyalty: In today’s economy, people are moving from one job to another like never before. Hence, hiring decisions made by the employers have to be absolutely right. This is because each hire brings along with it investment in terms of time, training and energy. A bad hire can cost a business and the replacement task can be quite troublesome. This has led to many businesses to look deeper into diversity hiring. Companies agree that differently-abled workers are far more loyal, less distracted, more focused and do not resort to absenteeism compared to other workers. They are proud to do meaningful work and gain a sense of belongingness to the place and people around them. A sense of understanding: Having faced a great extent of alienation and separation from the mainstream, people with disabilities inherently have an empathetic attitude towards others. Their sensitive side helps them understand their peers, their clientele and organisation better. It is this reason that helps them fit easily in roles in the hospitality industry, IT and customer relationship management. Positive energy: Interestingly, when differently-abled workers are appreciated and valued for their good work, it creates a positive pressure on them to perform better and go out of their way. This not only boosts their confidence, but creates an optimistic environment which is extremely conducive for the growth of an organisation and its employees. In addition to this, people with disabilities are found to have a positive outlook and attitude towards life since they already have triumphed over their hardships. This also motivates other employees to push themselves to their fullest potential and appreciate the unique value they bring to the table. Creating a compassionate workplace: The biggest benefit of bringing the differently abled into the fold is that it creates an integrated workplace, thereby ensuring a sense of equality among all. It instills a sense of compassion and empathy among people, thus fostering an environment of caring and sharing. Bringing a different outlook: Considering that more and more companies are committed to be an equal-opportunity employer, the differently abled are no longer seen as a deterrent or a constraint to any workplace. In fact, since they have faced discrimination at some point in their lives, they are optimistic about their surroundings and have an outlook which is extremely different from their counterparts. Creating an inclusive work environment requires both diversity training skills and an effective mechanism that supports the differently-abled workforce. A holistic environment is the one that focuses on developing employees’ cultural competence. It provides them with a set of skills, a set of attitudes, and behaviours that deal effectively with diversity at workplaces and enables them to empathise and work best in cross-cultural situations. In the true sense of the term, an inclusive workplace is the one that promotes values of fairness, respect, equality, dignity and integrates into the organisation’s everyday goals and actions. While we understand that there is a great amount of time and cost that goes behind training these employees, there is nothing that stops corporates and firms from translating this possibility into a reality. With technology as a backbone, there is hope of change in society, towards creating a fairer, more inclusive and humane work culture. A world where every person deserves a chance to reach his or her full potential and become an asset in the true sense of the term. Lastly, it is important to note that diversity is a business imperative and not a social responsibility. Hence, there should be clear business objectives for an organisation to hire differently-abled people. Most of these people have been marginalised and kept out of the workforce, hence it is necessary to break the myth that they might not perform on par with the others. Differently-abled people come with diverse ideas, and nurturing them is the way to go for a strong foundation. 0BD224BBBC>AH A pioneer in water purification systems and leading health and hygiene company, Eureka Forbes, in 2011 conceptualised the world’s largest customer care call center, EuroAble, managed by physically challenged individuals. Having products which require great maintenance and care, the company required a dedicated workforce to look after the call management function. In addition to the physically challenged individuals, the aim of this call centre now is to include the visually challenged into becoming competent executives. The vision is to achieve a five-fold increase in employees, going from 107 to 500 plus, in two years from now. CWTfaXcTaXbBT]X^a6T]TaP[<P]PVTa <PaZTcX]V4daTZP5^aQTb;X\XcTS ce^TQi C742;>>=4H50<8;H5;430 50<8=48=8A4;0=3C>2><4 C>C74DBF420;;C74< A45D644B1DCC74H³A49DBC ?4>?;4;8:4H>D0=3<4 ¯64>A642;>>=4H ]QWQjY^U B C 8 ; 4 C C > B 1>F;8=6C>64C74A 8=C7418628CH G <D27>5C74 784A0A27H8=C74 018;8CH0<>=6BC 28C84BC>2A40C40 =>E4;CH;84B8=C74 346A44>5?A>B?4A8CH 0=3?A>3D2C8E4 ?DA?>B4C70C8B 4<1433438=C74 F40:C84BC70C 1A836402A>BB C742><<D=8C84B >5?4>?;4C74H 1A8=6C>64C74A This fortnight at the Tribeca Film Festival, thousands of artistes also physically gathered in New York City. Ironically, it was virtual reality that made a big splash at this year’s Festival. Including virtual reality as an integral element of a film is an enormous development. It completely changes the way films tell us a story. The viewer can see and move where he wants to in a scene, in fact the viewer is the hero, the sidekick, the villain. Film audiences had dismissed the impact of virtual reality because it reminded them of the disaster that was Google Glass or they still associated virtual reality with gaming. But the Tribeca Film Festival clearly beat the perception. This was mostly possi- ble because New York in general has stronger ties to the global digital arts community than cities hosting other film festivals. It was also a sweet homecoming in New York this fortnight for the frontrunners in the US Presidential race, who each have deep ties to the city. Republican Donald Trump is a Queens native and Manhattanite whose last name is featured on real estate properties around the city. Democrat Hillary Clinton was a New York Senator for eight years, owns a home in Chappaqua and her campaign headquarters is in Brooklyn. Both candidates were physically present to campaign in the city — Clinton rode the subway, drank bubble tea and ate dumplings in Brooklyn. Trump visited his polling station where he cast a ballot for himself for the first time. Both scored victories in New York, thus moving closer to becoming their respective parties’ Presidential nominees. Mega cities are territorial nodes that physically connect a large number of transnational communities. This fortnight, New York simultaneously has thus bridged across a global community of individuals fighting the battle against climate change; the city separately gathered an international community of digital artistes; and it also pulled in the physical presence of two opposing US Presidential candidates. Incredible subjectivities arise from these physical encounters of people from all around the world. Today’s mega cities are a physical meeting site for a range of new types of operations, =Qi!" !& 2D;CDA4 ;0=4 µDViZdeRXV_URe`hRcUd`]UVch`^V_¶ amke Janssen has blamed her failure to be cast in the new XMen movie on Hollywood’s sexist agenda towards older women. The Dutch actor, who starred as psychic mutant Jean Grey in three X-Men movies and has had cameos in several others, said she could not understand why Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart had been given key roles as older versions of series stalwarts Magneto and Professor X in recent instalments of the superhero saga, while she had not. The 2014 X-Men film, Days of Future Past, featured different versions of the warring mutants in alternate timelines, with Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy playing the younger iterations in a 1970s setting. However, the film’s sequel, the 1980s-set X-Men: Apocalypse, features Game of Thrones actor Sophie Turner, 20, as a young Jean Grey. Janssen was not cast. “Women, it’s interesting because they’re replaced, and the older versions are never to be seen again,” Janssen told Entertainment Weekly. F <8=8H0270CC4A98 D_TQiµc]UWQSYdYUcQbUQ`XicYSQ\]UUdY^WcYdUV_bQbQ^WU_V^Ugdi`Uc _V_`UbQdY_^c°RecY^Ucc`_\YdYSQ\_bSe\debQ\1cQbUce\dc_]U_VdXU ]_cd^_fU\dbU^Tc_VdXUSU^debiXYddXUWb_e^TVYbcdY^dXUcU]UWQSYdYUc lobalisation of economic activity seems to suggest that place — particularly place represented by mega cities — no longer matters. Development of sophisticated information technologies would have us believe that firms and workers can remain connected no matter where they are located. Looking through such a lens of the urban economy in a global digital age, we should proclaim the end of mega cities. Given this generalised trend toward dispersal, how can one at the same time explain the growth of territorial power centres? In the 1980s, when new information technologies were being introduced on a large scale, there was a simultaneous sharp growth also of people physically working in the central business districts of leading cities and international business centres of the world — New York, London, Tokyo, Frankfurt, São Paulo, Hong Kong, Sydney, Toronto, among others. Let’s take the recent example of New York alone. On April 22, 2016, more than 170 Governments — that included 60 Presidents and Prime Ministers — physically gathered in New York City to sign the landmark agreement to renew vows to fight climate change. There were members from leading corporations and civil society, all present in person to move further on the promise made in Paris last December of limiting global warming to 1.5-2°C. The outpouring of support was the largest ever singleday physical turnout in a city for a signing ceremony. EJPANJ=PEKJ=H some pertaining to business and others to political, cultural, and other subjective domains. As a result, some of the most novel trends of the century hit the ground first in mega cities. This is perhaps because these cities have an enormous capacity to bridge over global communities that connect strong networks of individuals together. I feel that the separation of workplace, residence and family groups causes a large number of inhabitants of mega cities to develop secondary weak ties with multiple community groups. High rates of change in residential mobility further dilute the quality of these ties with different communities. For example, while living in New York, London, and Paris, I found that these cities are spaces of the global, and they engage directly with issues and communities of global relevance, often bypassing the national. These engagements are often spatially defined, further weakening or ending when the individual leaves the city. When I later moved to live in New Delhi, I was equally amazed at the density of weak social ties amongst inhabitants in this mega city. There is a well-recognised perennial superficiality to social encounters in Delhi — you air-kiss at cocktails and build status by a fat social (media) capital. While strong ties are necessary for providing for our primary needs, such as food and shelter, such weak ties built in mega cities are extremely important as they can bring together elements of different cultural and economic landscapes in solving problems that would benefit a great number of individuals. But then why can every mega city not gather a global community of, say, game changers in virtual reality? Or host an institution that physically brings together leaders battling climate change? Why is New York winning the game? The annual art fair in Delhi draws the largest footfall in the world and yet has not produced any novel trend. I feel that much of the hierarchy in the ability amongst cities to create a novelty lies in the degree of prosperity as well as productive purpose that is embedded in the weak ties that bridge across the communities of people they bring together. Purpose here is in the sense of objective driving the personal resolve or determination in people’s interactions to produce something useful. A central productive purpose in a community, just as in an individual, establishes the hierarchy of its/his own values and priorities. A community without a clear productive or creative purpose is lost in the megacity syndrome of networks of urban chaos precipitated by sheer population size, urban sprawl, and competitive social projection. This is a new type of interurban inequality. CWTfaXcTaXb2WXTUBdbcPX]PQX[Xch>UUXRTaU^acWT Va^d_^UR^\_P]XTb9X]SP[BcTT[P]S?^fTa;cS BWTXbP6[^QP[;TPSTabWX_0[d\]P^UcWTF^a[S 4R^]^\XR5^ad\\X]XhPRWPccTaYX/YX]SP[bcTT[R^\ “Whereas the men are allowed to be both ages. Sexism. I think that I should be back along with my younger version and the way that we’ve seen it with Magneto and Professor X.” Janssen, 51, said she had tried to discuss a return for the older Grey with producers but had not received a response. “I have not heard any feedback on that, other than total radio silence,” she said. 8a^]<P] e`RaaVRcZ_B_XSTa<P] obert Downey Jr will star as Iron Man in Spider-Man: Homecoming, the masked wallcrawler’s debut solo outing in the Marvel cinematic universe, according to the Hollywood Reporter. Spider-Man, as played by Britain’s 19-year-old Tom Holland, will first be seen in the upcoming Captain America: Civil War. Downey Jr’s Iron Man plays a key role in introducing the young Spider-Man into the wider world of Marvel superheroes in the Russo brothers’ critically acclaimed film, leaving the door open for him to continue as a mentor figure in Homecoming. Jon Watts’s Spider-Man project has already cast Marisa Tomei as a younger-than-usual Aunt May — the Oscar-winner also appears in Civil War — and pop star Zendaya in a key supporting role, as well as The Grand Budapest Hotel’s Tony Revolori as one of Spidey’s fellow high-school students. But according to Deadline, Birdman’s Michael Keaton will not be taking the part of a villain, as had been expected. Homecoming is due in cinemas in R July 2017, so Watts and Marvel will be looking to complete their cast imminently. Downey Jr is also signed on for two further Avengers film: Infinity War, parts one and two. The actor also told ShortList that a third Guy Ritchie-directed Sherlock Holmes movie would go into production during 2016. “We’re talking about it right now,” he said. “We can do some preliminary stuff.” C`jR]dZ_W`ceYT`^Z_XBcPaFPab rinces William and Harry are to appear as stormtroopers in the next Star Wars movie, according to the Mail on Sunday. The royals visited the Pinewood Studios set of Star Wars: Episode VIII last week, where they met director Rian Johnson, stars Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley and crew members, and were photographed duelling with lightsabers. They reportedly also filmed minor roles in the new instalment. “The princes dressed up in full stormtrooper gear and filmed a scene P in which Rey and Finn infiltrate a secret base,” a source told the newspaper. “The rebel characters are in a lift with Benicio del Toro’s character when a group of stormtroopers enter — two of whom are William and Harry.” They will not be the first wellknown figures to appear incognito as masked stormtroopers. Daniel Craig was a First Order grunt in The Force Awakens. The current James Bond, who was filming Spectre at Pinewood during the shoot for JJ Abrams’ movie, had initially denied reports of a cameo. > 3 3 ;H 4=>D67 ?A8=24´BA>145A><>10<0 <44C8=6B>;3>DC8=<8=DC4B 5;>A830<0=A4B2D435A>< 1D11;49>DA=4HC>14A<D30 President Barack Obama. UK company My 1st Years, which specialises in personalised baby gifts, shared the photo of the two-year-old Prince meeting Obama and expressed disbelief as the $39 robe quickly sold out. “We can’t believe Prince George wore our robe to meet President Obama! Doesn’t he look adorable?!” the company wrote. “You guys have gone crazy for it and it’s already sold out.” Following its overnight success, the company opened a round of pre-orders for the item known as Prince’s Personalised Gingham Robe, which features gingham trim and can be personalised with up to 12 characters of embroidery for free. Bermuda Triangle in his “hydropod” last Sunday. It was the second failed attempt for Reza Baluchi, an Iranian-born man who lives in Pompano Beach. His planned five-month trip started last Friday in Pompano Beach. The Coast Guard had warned Baluchi, 44, he was “not authorised to depart” on his journey because his vessel and water conditions were unsafe. The penalty was a seven-year confinement and a $40,000 fine. In October 2014, his GPS device fell into the ocean about 70 miles off St Augustine. The Coast Guard began monitoring his movements and rescued him from the ocean. That trip cost more than $140,000, Coast Guard officials said. In a letter dated April 15 to Baluchi, Capt AJ Gould wrote, “Any future voyages not cleared through me will be terminated as manifestly unsafe.” robe worn by England’s Prince he US Coast Guard retrieved an A George sold out in minutes after he Tendurance runner after he ended his was photographed in it while meeting aquatic voyage from South Florida to the D?8 The bubble has 36 buoyancy balls on each side and Baluchi was equipped with a life vest containing a water filter, a GPS tracking device and shark repellent. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to fight with the Coast Guard. I want peace. I’m a lover, not a fighter. I want to find a lawyer to help me,” he said. According to his website, Baluchi planned to follow the 3,500-mile Bermuda triangle, which would also take him to Puerto Rico. D?8 A4B2D4?D?E8=24=C2A>F=43 ³140DC85D;1D;;3>6´8=8>F0 he owners of Vincent, a rescued 60pound English bulldog, aren’t quite T sure how old he is. All they know is that their young pup is now a pageant king, having won the 37th annual Beautiful Bulldog contest at Drake University. The tongue-in-cheek contest is the opening event of the Drake Relays, a prestigious track and field meet at Drake Stadium. Vincent, a brown-andwhite pup who lives just up the road from the stadium, will serve as the meet’s mascot. The runnersup were Meatball, whose biggest fears are garbage bags and limes, and a oneyear-old pup named Daffodil. Meatball and Daffodil will serve as alternates for the Drake Relays if for some reason Vincent can’t fulfill his duties — which will mostly entail photo shoots and an introduction during the opening ceremony. “It popped up and we were like, ‘Let’s give it a try!” Vincent’s owner, Meredith Green of Des Moines, said. His owners, who think Vincent is about three years old, said he likes car rides and running up the stairs. They’ll find out next weekend if he’s also a fan of track and field. ated as 50-year-old Lynnette Beedle and 49-year-old Stephen Klejka wed last Sunday in Canton. The Hudson couple married in their running attire and matching blue ‘Team Klejka’ sweatshirts, with Beedle donning a short white veil in her hair and Klejka strapping on a bow tie. After expressing their love for one another, they high-fived, kissed and set off for their 13.1-mile jog. They were among about 3,000 runners who participated in the marathon, halfmarathon or relay. >78>2>D?;4F43B0CBC0AC8=6 ;8=4AD=B70;5<0A0C7>= ³<43820;<0A89D0=08B :>B74A5>A?0BB>E4A´ at the starting line before running the event’s half-marathon. The Repository newspaper reports marathon co-founder David Beck offici- approved as kosher for Passover — medical marijuana. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a Belarusian 0? 0? his year’s Pro Football Hall of Fame n ultra-Orthodox rabbi Marathon in Ohio will be a race to announced an addition to T A remember for one couple who married the list of substances rabbi living in Bnei Brak, Israel, responded to a question from promarijuana group Siach with a confirmation that medical marijuana is kosher to be smoked or eaten during the eightday Passover festival, which has its own set of dietary rules. Kanievsky is widely considered to be the current leading authority on ultraOrthodox Halakha, or Jewish law. A video posted to YouTube by the pro-marijuana group Cannabis Israel shows Kanievsky and Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein declaring some marijuana leaves to have a “healing smell” and saying a blessing over the plant. Rabbi Efraim Zalmanovich of Mazkeret Batya, Israel, said in 2013 that smoking medicinal marijuana is kosher, but recreational use of the plant is not allowed. D?8 ce^TQi C70C544;8=6>55A443>< 0=3>?4=7867F0HB>5 ?>BB818;8C84B70B:8=3>5 144=;>BCC><0C4A80;8B< 0=3<0A:4C8=6 ¯B74AH;2A>F ]QWQjY^U OLENEPQ=HEPU =Qi!" !& 78334=B>D;B ?A0<>3?0C70: 7KHPDODLVHRI PDWHULDOLVP "!>1D9?>CD? 25=1<1B916B552I" " b\P]hPb! R^d]caXTb 0X]R[dSX]VbXgX]cWT0UaXRP] aTVX^]P]SU^da^U8]SXP³b ]TXVWQ^dab¯1WdcP]2WX]P =T_P[P]S<P[PhbXP¯R^d[S QTUaTT^U\P[PaXPQh!! cWTF7>WPbTbcX\PcTSX]P aT_^ac>]T^UcWTV^P[b^U F7>³b! %!"_a^ VaP\\TPVPX]bc\P[PaXPXbc^ T[X\X]PcTcWTSXbTPbTX]Pc [TPbc R^d]caXTbQh!! 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Particularly after the news that he has defaulted on bank loans and left the country. These issues, however, are subject to scrutiny and investigation. But for our purpose, Mallya is not just a name. He is not just a person also. He is a symbol — symbol of all that has gone wrong in the present times, from banking to economy, from philosophy to psychology. He is also a symptom. Symptom of a deeper malaise called materialism. As the so-called global economy, if there is one, continues to reel under recession and we try to put a brave front by quoting statistics of high growth rate, anxieties mount. Anxieties about the future of economy, if not economics. These anxieties as of now are affecting anybody who is somebody. But will subsequently effect everybody if not contained soon. The question is how? Certainly not by changing economic policies, though they are the root cause. This is a million dollar question, the answer to which lies in philosophy. Philosophy of society that has contaminated the thought processes of the individuals. The philosophy is rather old and is called the School of Materialism or Charvaka Philosophy. This school of Indian philosophy can be found mentioned in the epics and even early Buddhist literature. While its origin may be attributed to many reasons, its practice is based on just one concept: “Eat, drink and be merry’’. Though this is purely materialist doctrine to life did not find much favour as a metaphysic in the Indian scheme of things in the past, it is unfortunate that the present society is seemingly enamoured with the idea. The result is our obsession with ourselves and our craving for sensual pleasure. While doubts may be raised on the veracity of this claim, the fact that there is rampant hankering for the so-called good things in life cannot be refuted. This is the reason why the entire value system of the Indian society seems to stand on its head. The Indian society never approved of living beyond means. In fact, simple living and high thinking was the norm. What has happened today? Lavish living without thinking. Debt or loans that were never approved in the Indian society in the past have become the ‘in’ thing. The society that maintained that “only he is happy who does not owe anything to anybody” is now exhorting people to take loans. People are enjoying life by taking loans and banks are enjoying profits by giving loans. This enjoyment, however, is a perceived state and mythical. The reality is that both the people as well as the banks are unhappy. And this is what Mallya symbolises. This is the symptom of the ailment that has inflicted society due to vulgar materialism. To understand the idea of this vulgar materialism, it is important to understand the basic tenets of Charvaka Philosophy as given in Sarva-DarshanSangrah. It says that there is no heaven, no final liberation, nor any soul in the other world... As long as life is there, let a man live happily, let him feed on ghee even if he needs to take a debt for that. Now if everyone starts thinking like this there can be no other outcome but chaos. And that is where we are heading to. Thanks to materialism. It is wrong philosophy that leads to bad economics. V BhP\P]cPZPVT\^U:aXbW]P³bTaPXb]³cbX\X[Pac^cWT:^WX]^^abPhb3A0B706>BF0<8 y assertion is with regard to such issue being raised quite recently by exclaiming that Kohinoor gem be identified with the Syamantaka gem of Shri Krishna’s times, since earliest reference of Kohinoor may be traced back to 3,000 years or so. On this ground, it may be linked with Shri Krishna’s times and be recognised as representing the replica or a reminiscence of Syamantaka gem or the same as the gem, which in the Puranas is said to have been always remained in possession of Akrura till the end of Krishnayuga, as in the whole clan of the Vrishnis, he was considered the only deserving person to possess it. In this context I am constrained to point out that in the light of the Puranic evidence regarding peculiarities of this gem, the same can in no way be considered even similar to the present day Kohinoor. It is interesting to note that reference to this peculiar gem Syamantaka is made in the various episodes of the puranic Krishna saga. One such reference regarding this gem shows it playing a major role in vindicating the personality of Shri Krishna, who had to bear a false scandal of theft of this precious Syamantaka gem on account of Satrajit, the real owner of the gem who had also blamed him of killing his brother Prasenajit and snatching the gem from him. It is further narrated that after the whole matter was sorted out, to appease Shri Krishna, Satrajit had offered his most beautiful daughter named Satyabhama to him. It is also believed that M Krishna had married Satyabhama on the same day along with Jambavati, daughter of Jambavan, who also like Satyabhama was given in marriage to Shri Krishna by her father along with the Syamantaka gem as a token of goodwill after being defeated in a dual fight which lasted 28 days. According to a popular folk belief, a person who recites the puranic chronicle of Shri Krishna’s encounter with the Syamantaka gem is never affected with false accusations. The version goes that Syamantaka gem’s real owner was Satrajit, one of the senior members of the Vrishni family, to which also belonged Shri Krishna. Satrajit happened to receive the gem at the seashore as an award for his great devotion to the sun God, who is also stated to have personally granted the same gem to Satrajit. Satrajit also used to share this gem with his younger brother Prasenajit. However, Shri Krishna wanted that Satrajit should present this gem to Ugrasena who was the head of the Vrishnis and Yadavas and a befitting person to possess the same. But in spite of Krishna’s best efforts, the gem remained with Satrajit who next passed it on to his brother Prasenajit who was wearing the gem just to show off the great opulence of his clan. When he went for a horse ride into the forest, he was killed by a lion, and further this lion with the gem was killed by Jambavan, the leader of the people with bear totem who took it away and gave the same to his children to play with. At Dwaraka, when Prasenajit did not return, his here was a well-known preacher. Every Sunday, he used to draw a large crowd of listeners. He was very good in singing as well. Before he started to preach, he used to sing very melodiously. The assembled persons used to join, majority of them. On the stage, he used to sit; musicians also sat, giving him company. The whole atmosphere in the neighbourhood used to become electric. Once he started to preach, most of those present used to be very attentive because he used to involve them; he used to give them 10 questions, which they were supposed to answer after the preaching ended. The verses of the Bhagavad Gita on which he preached on any particular Sunday were already announced on the previous Sunday. People used to note the questions. This practice ensured that many became regulars; they made sure to find time to attend the preaching sessions. This was all very fine except the preacher began to become attracted to a pretty girl who prepared well and answered most of the questions given. This infatuation grew over the months and the preacher started to devise plans to see her more often. Then, one day, suddenly, some persons descended on the venue and began to abuse the preacher. They broke the musical instruments, threw away the mike, etc and warned the preacher never to return. T 0=>C74A ?42D;80A8CH >5C7464< F0BC70C8= F70C4E4A?0AC >5C7440AC7 C78B94F4;F0B :4?CC74A4F0B =>?>BB818;8CH >58=0DB?828>DB >22DAA4=24B BD270B ?4BC8;4=24 58A43A>D67C 0=350<8=4 brother Satrajit spread the rumour that Krishna had taken the jewel after killing Prasenajit. Krishna did not accept that scandal and in order to satisfy the public, he proceeded to investigate the matter. Some important persons of Dwaraka, including his elder brother Balarama, also sided with him. While searching he found the body of Prasenajit and identifying the marks which finally merged into the foot prints of Jambavan led Krishna into a great cave where he found the gem in the hands of the nurse of Jambavan’s children. Seeing Krishna, they cried for help and Jambavan came and challenged Krishna for a fight. Although Krishna was busy defeating Jambavan in the cave, the people of Dwaraka having waited outside the cave for long thinking that something undesirable might have happened to Krishna returned. While all at Dwaraka were worried about Krishna, he defeating Jambavan returned with the gem in the company with Jambavati. Krishna then gave the gem to Satrajit, who being afraid of Krishna as he had spread against him the false scandal of snatching the gem, returned it to him. But according to the characteristics of this gem, neither Shri Krishna nor his brother Balarama were qualified to possess it since they lacked in some qualities which were mandatory for the persons deserving this jewel’s possession. As Krishna had many wives, he was not qualified to have the gem, and similarly Balarama was very much addicted to wine and pleasure of senses, so he was also not fit to possess it. Hence in the long run finally the gem came in possession of Akrura since in the whole clan except him all lacked some qualities which were mandatory for the persons deserving the jewel’s possession. He was also asked to always remain in Dwaraka so that the prosperity of the region may be ensured. Besides this narrative, the characteristics of the Syamantaka gem as given in the sources also are suggestive of the fact that it cannot be the same as the present day Kohinoor. For, according to the historical evidence, the Syamantaka gem was so efficacious that daily it used to yield large quantity of gold which could be counted as equal to 170 pounds. Besides this, another peculiarity of the gem was that in whatever part of the earth this jewel was kept there was no possibility of any inauspicious occurrence such as pestilence, disease, attack by wild beasts, fire, drought, and famine. Its other characteristics were that it was the source of prosperity to the virtuous persons but if worn by ignoble person it could cause his death. Thus on the basis of this data material regarding the Syamantaka gem of Shri Krishna’s era, it does not sound appropriate to consider it in any manner similar to the present day Kohinoor. I would like to make an appeal to the specialists in the field of gemology to probe further and investigate tracing out such kind of gem called Syamantaka for the prosperity of subsequent eras of the Krishnayuga also. CWTfaXcTaXbP]^cTS8]S^[^VXbcP]S P]PdcW^aXch^]:aXbW]PXcTbcdSXTb 1ddQSX]U^dgYdXbUce\dc =^cQTX]VPccPRWTSc^cWTUadXcb^UPRcX^]P_Tab^]Pe^XSbQ^]SPVT^U PRcX^]Pb_aTbRaXQTSX]1WPVPePS6XcPbPhb098C:D<0A18B7=>8 Thus ended the preaching career of this man. He was heartbroken for more reason than one. Now what was he to do? He chose to translate the Bhagavad Gita. He was well versed in the Sanskrit language and he did an excellent job. He knew in his heart that what he had achieved was a masterpiece. God must have been instrumental as he probably was in wrecking his preaching programme. This man approached a wellknown institution, which had been print- ing the Gita for decades. They saw his manuscript and were highly impressed by it. After a lot of consultations between the trustees, his manuscript was adopted for further printing of their Gita. This retired man, who could easily support himself, was over the moon due to this development. Now he realised that God had a hand in this. Once you are linked with God, you should give up all attachments. Otherwise also all attachments give pain only. God takes over the lives of his devotees and does the very best possible for them and even protects them from the likely troubles they may be getting into as this man was getting into with that girl. Not only devotees of God but everyone should avoid getting attached with results having done what best could have been done under the circumstances, and should wait for results to see what form they take and when they come. From the example of this man, we can learn that he gained what he could CWTfaXcTaXbP_a^UTbb^a^U\P]PVT\T]cP]S_dQ[XR b_TPZTa7TRP]QTaTPRWTSPc__PcWPZXb\/V\PX[R^\ never have imagined and escaped getting in serious trouble over his growing infatuation with the girl. There are many benefits if one can avoid attachments. A person having this quality will be able to focus on his duties since he will not be worried about the fruits of action. (2.48) This quality is helpful in being able to maintain equanimity in all circumstances. (2.48) Such a person progressively achieves the supreme state. (3.18-3.19) Detachment towards fruits of action brings satisfaction and avoids entanglement in mundane activities. (4.20) It delivers one from sufferings. (6.23) By the strong weapon of detachment, it becomes easier to understand the true nature of this material world. (15.3-15.4) Not being attached to fruits of action, a person avoids bondage of action. (18.17) By shunning attachment, a person becomes peaceful and deserving of Brahman realisation. (18.51) A person becomes decisive; confusion disappears. Such a person is generally respected since he or she does not try to exploit others in his or her selfish interest. (3.18) Then, what are we waiting for? The Bhagavad Gita has all the information about how to become detached from results. Why not learn it and reap all the benefits mentioned therein and more! 1XbW]^XXbPb_XaXcdP[faXcTaP]SRP]QT aTPRWTSPcb_XaXcdP[/PYXcQXbW]^XR^\ ce^TQi ]QWQjY^U B><4C78=6B0A4 34BC8=43C>14¯8C 9DBCC0:4BDB02>D?;4 >5CA84BC>64CC74A4 ¯9AF0A3 P=NKP =Qi!" !& H>DA F44: 07403 <037D:>C8H0 2C:6D <PaRW! =6@ 9d[h!"0dVdbc!" 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I will appreciate if you kindly use simple language hereafter, which a common man could easily grasp.” Well, appreciating your concern, when I revisited the said piece, it appeared that the problem is not in the language. It could be with some of the technical words and phrases forming part of the opening paragraph, if they are seen in exclusivity. Remember, my pieces often relate to serious issues having psychological and behavioural imperatives, sometimes calling for use of specially coined words and phrases. If, however, you would have looked at the piece as one whole, and paid attention to the explanations offered in the paragraphs that followed, you would not have had any difficulty. Let me now deliberate upon those words and phrases afresh to make things clear. All actions on our part are steered through by mind. As any act is first ideated, wished, willed, and articulated how to A 7UDQVJUHVVOLPLWDWLRQVRIWKHPLQG go about in the mind before being put to motion. It is in this sense that the mind is said to define and then drive through the functional mandate of a being. Be it known that the mind does not get going by itself. It is set into motion primarily by in-store desires that are nothing but reflection of karmic accruals carried over from the past birth, as a sequel to cause-effect chain driving our life. Evidently, this varies from person to person, according to the different sets of experiences one would have gone through in the previous life, making each being unique. The karmic accruals, in fact, precondition the mind one way or the other in terms of desire and thought trends, habits and attitudes, prejudices and obsessions, virtues and attributes, which come into play involuntarily. It is in this sense that each mind is said to be inherently framed one way or the other. Mind, thus, comes under limitation, allowing restricted vision within the scope of its preset terms. This is what allowing limited window-frame means. The question now is: Are we to remain slave to the preconditions laid down by the mind or could we go beyond and get better empowered? If mind be mandated to act as a sovereign, it will be really difficult to transgress its limits. On the contrary, if it be sub-ordinate to some higher power, there remains scope to align with the latter and overcome the limitations imposed by the mind. It may not be out of place to mention here that the living order owes its dynamic existence to the all-pervading force of consciousness. So long it is available in a being, the person remains alive, and with mind and all functional organisms in operative mode. Once it becomes unavailable, the mind becomes dysfunctional, and the person becomes a dead matter. It implies that the mind gets empowered to act by the force of consciousness. So, the mind has a dependent status. In fact, going by Indian philosophic perception, force of consciousness projects mind as its instrument, which serving as former’s carrier holds the key to all aspects of human dynamism. So, the obvious choice before us is either to play second fiddle to the mind, an instrument, or become its master by aligning with the prime-driver, the force of consciousness. But it is easier said than done. For, though mind has a secondary status, as it works on borrowed strength, it simulta- neously also enjoys certain level of operational independence. Given the power of free will, the mind offers us freedom to make choices, carrying equal probability of its use and misuse. That makes it imperative upon us to own up the consequences of the choices made, and the implications thereof. Often our ego unmindfully identifies itself with the indwelling tendencies of mind, and then passionately pursues them. Also, our impressionable mind gets drawn towards tempting influences of the glare and glitters of the seeming. That further compounds our problem. Our mind, thus, gets so entrenched in its own wanderings that it does not leave much of scope to explore beyond. Here again, applying our free will option, we could very well will to go beyond the limitations of mind, and align with the force of consciousness. Following which, its wholesome and omniscient power shall be at our disposal, enabling us to unfold our full mental potential when one would know no limits. 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