BeeMaid Honey - The Canadian Business Journal
BeeMaid Honey - The Canadian Business Journal
NAME OF COMPANY BeeMaid Honey 2 BeeMaid Honey Sweetening th CB FOOD & DRINK he beekeeping pot Honey is one of nature’s sweetest gifts to the human palate. BeeMaid Honey is a 100 per cent pure Canadian tradition and has been delivering only the highest-quality honey to consumers. What makes this highly recognizable brand truly unique is that there are two cooperatives behind it—the Manitoba Cooperative Honey Producers and the Alberta Honey Producers Co-operative. Members are the actual beekeepers who raise the colonies, and these important people are also the co-owners of the BeeMaid brand. This issue, the Canadian Business Journal explores this successful business model and its plans for the future. 6 FOOD & DRINK BeeMaid Honey The Manitoba Honey Cooperative has been around since 1938, organised by a committee of Miles, Manager of the Manitoba Cooperative. The Manitoba Cooperative, in conjunction the Manitoba Beekeepers Association to help bet- with the Alberta Cooperative, operates a brand ter organize a struggling industry. Beekeepers at called BeeMaid Honey. The honey is sourced 100 that time were responsible for their own packing per cent from Canadian beekeepers who are and marketing, and the industry was experienc- members—the only honey brand in Canada that ing an influx of product at the end of every sum- can make this claim. Its highly recognizable bee- mer. The need for an organized, collective effort shaped bottle and other supplementary products prompted beekeepers to combine forces and bet- such as creamed honey have a solid place in the ter market their high-quality honey products. The Canadian food market. effort, without a doubt, has been a success. In its early days, the intake order was about 600,000 Cooperative management style pounds of honey. “Today we are taking in 8 to 9 The Manitoba Cooperative has a number of criti- million pounds in an average year,” says Karen cal roles. “Definitely having orderly marketing is a APRIL 2011 The Canadian Business Journal 7 huge thing and helps everyone as a whole,” says chase such materials. The BeeMaid brand sup- Miles. The regulation of the market is important plies drums to its members, who can reuse them in keeping the price steady throughout the year. each year, in an effort to remain as environmental- There is also the added benefit of having honey ly conscious as possible. The Manitoba Coopera- packed and marketing with the BeeMaid brand tive also, under the direction of Miles, operates a name. This, as Miles explains, is a major reason store where it sells all equipment and supplies to that beekeepers want to join the cooperative. the beekeeping industry overall. “The BeeMaid name has a reputation which al- BeeMaid places a great deal of pride on be- lows members to expand outside of Canada and ing truly 100 per cent pure Canadian honey. “As the U.S. and this is something some producers on we are owned by the beekeepers, those kinds of their own wouldn’t have access to,” says Miles. things are an advantage and there is no other There is also the cost benefit of having drums packer that can say that…our members are pro- and equipment supplied by the BeeMaid brand, ducers, they own the company and they have a a notable savings for beekeepers who must pur- stake in this,” explains Miles. “This is huge. 8 FOOD & DRINK BeeMaid Honey It is very important to them to make sure they are providing their quality products.” we,” says Miles. “They both go hand-in-hand.” BeeMaid is also proud of its fiftieth-anniversary scholarship fund, established in 2004 to help Research, development, and social initiatives the children and grandchildren of BeeMaid em- Research and development is an important part program to provide funding for any area of apicul- of any agricultural industry and BeeMaid sup- ture or pollination research, and proposals are ports the continual progression of the industry submitted to a dedicated team. “We are extremely by whatever means possible. “When you sup- proud of these,” says Miles. ployees with post-secondary studies. It also has a port research that supports healthy colonies industry-wide, it is also going to benefit us back Future growth plans here, of course, because our members are The BeeMaid Honey brand has a long history in beekeepers—so what is good for the industry is Canada and the organization has no plans of good for us. When the industry is strong, so are slowing down. So what does the future hold for APRIL 2011 The Canadian Business Journal this proud Canadian enterprise? “On the Bee- Honey. This will mean that BeeMaid product is Maid side we are looking to become the leading recognizable and registered as totally 100 per national packer in Canada,” says Miles, “This cent traceable from hive to home. is a goal we have set for ourselves. BeeMaid is 9 The beekeeping industry has come a long way already a leader in Western Canada but would since the beginnings of the Manitoba Honey Co- like to expand that market share coast to coast. operative. The BeeMaid brand will continue to be BeeMaid is also seeking an increased presence a proud Canadian staple for many years. “Our lon- in International markets. gevity is a real success for us,” says Miles. “We’ve “On the Cooperative side we’re looking for been here since 1938 and we still have continued our members become registered with the Cana- interest in people becoming beekeepers and be- dian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) by the end of coming members, which is great to see.” CB 2013,” says Miles. This voluntary registration is being encouraged as another marketing tool that will prove to the public the quality of BeeMaid AS SEEN IN THE APRIL 2011 ISSUE OF THE CANADIAN BUSINESS JOURNAL
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