MACHINING - Shop Metalworking Technology
MACHINING - Shop Metalworking Technology
VOLUME 2 | NUMBER 3 | MAY 2013 Ò WELDING Laser welding p45 Î QUALITY Multisensor technology p36 Ô YOUR BUSINESS WWW.SHOPMETALTECH.COM COVER STORY p16 Job estimating p70 Î CUTTIN CUTTING TOOLS Publications Mail Agreement No. 42327015. Shop Metalworking Technology PO Box 93171 RPO Headon, Burlington, ON L7M 4A3 Wiper inserts p30 SQUEEZE PLAY Aerospace OEMs tightening manufacturing supply chain Cover_May.indd 1 MACHINING 5 axis milling p22 FABRICATING Punch laser automation p41 13-04-17 6:49 AM “Leading-edge technology, combined with unmatched service and support are the reasons we chose Amada.” — Stéphane Côté General Manager Groupe Côté Inox “It’s The World’s Fastest, Most Productive Fiber Laser.” Groupe Côté Inox, with its two divisions, Côté Équipements and Côté Métal, is the most versatile company of its kind in the Québec metal processing industry. Since 1977, this family-owned business has provided full service sheet metal fabrication as well as design, manufacturing and installation of finished and ready-to-use food processing equipment parts. Faced with equipment that could no longer keep pace with ever-increasing demands for speed and precision, the company turned to Amada for the optimal solution. Gaston Côté, Director of Sales & Marketing Nancy Côté, Administrative Manager and Stéphane Côté, General Manager Stéphane Côté, General Manager, reflects on their recent purchase, “Our decision to buy Amada’s Fiber Laser allowed us to regain our competitive edge and to once again provide our thin metal industry customers the superior quality they have come to expect. Furthermore, with the addition of automation on the FOL3015AJ, the entire system is now autonomous, it loads raw material and unloads finished parts.” With all three axes driven by linear drives, Amada’s FOL-AJ delivers rapid traverse speeds of 13,380 ipm and a 5G acceleration speed for the entire work envelope — the system’s maximum cutting speed of 9,449 ipm cuts processing time in half! The FOL-AJ Fiber Laser and ASUL Automation Provide: • Non-Stop Productivity (Cutting 3 to 4 times faster than a comparable 4000 W CO2 laser, the FOL-AJ is ideally suited to meet the demands of high volume contracts. The ASUL automated material storage load/unload system ensures that speed and productivity are mathematically predictable — delivering around-the-clock production). • Uncompromising Accuracy (Amada’s 3-axis linear drive system ensures absolute accuracy even at the highest cutting speeds). • Expanded Capabilities (The system’s resonator generates a laser beam with a wavelength that is approximately a tenth of that produced by a conventional gas laser — expanding processing capabilities to include materials that were previously difficult or impossible to cut with CO2 lasers). An 8-station changer automatically changes, cleans and calibrates the nozzle based on material processing requirements. Gaston Côté, Director of Sales and Marketing, adds, “We are very satisfied with the results we’ve obtained. Amada’s Fiber Laser and automation have greatly improved our productivity and increased profits while reducing lead-time and cutting costs.” Amada Canada, Ltd. 885 Avenue Georges Cros, Granby • Quebec, Canada J2J 1E8 • 800-363-1220 2345 Argentia Road Unit #101 • Mississauga, ON L5N 8K4 • 800-561-4578 2-5_Content May.indd 2 13-04-17 6:36 AM IBAQUS, the first full package technical application of its kind for tablet/smartphone devices combines useful applications such as: ITA (Iscar Tool Advisor) CMS E-Catalog, etc. Nonstop Continuous Cutting with ISCAR Products Minimum Machining Downtime! w w w. i s c a r. c a 2-5_Content May.indd 3 13-04-17 6:36 AM /ŶĞƌŽƐƉĂĐĞ͕ƚŚĞƋƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ are always the same... ,ŽǁĨĂƐƚ͍,ŽǁĂĐĐƵƌĂƚĞ͍,ŽǁŝƐƚŚĞĮŶŝƐŚ͍ It’s a FAGOR &ĂŐŽƌ͛ƐƵŶŝƋƵĞŝŶƚĞŐƌĂƚĞĚƉůĂƞŽƌŵďƌŝŶŐƐ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌĞǀĞƌLJĞůĞĐƚƌŽŶŝĐĞůĞŵĞŶƚŽĨLJŽƵƌŵĂĐŚŝŶĞͶ dŚĞE͕^ĞƌǀŽDŽƚŽƌƐĂŶĚƌŝǀĞƐ͕>ŝŶĞĂƌĂŶĚͬŽƌŶŐƵůĂƌ&ĞĞĚďĂĐŬʹ ƚŽǁŽƌŬŝŶƉĞƌĨĞĐƚŚĂƌŵŽŶLJĂŶĚŝŶƚĞůůŝŐĞŶƚůLJƐĞůĞĐƟŶŐĂŶĚĞdžĞĐƵƟŶŐ ƚŚĞĂůŐŽƌŝƚŚŵƐƚŽĞdžĐĞĞĚLJŽƵƌĞdžƉĞĐƚĂƟŽŶƐͶ EVERYTIME! 1-800-4A FAGOR Canada Head Office: Mississauga 905-670-7448 Montreal Office: 450-227-0588 | Email: [email protected] 2-5_Content May.indd 4 13-04-17 6:36 AM ÒContact us... EDITOR Mary Scianna | 905.430.9990 [email protected] CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Barnes | Kip Hanson | Tim Wilson [email protected] PUBLISHER Larry Bonikowsky | 289.337.0728 [email protected] SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER Sherry Theien | 815.282.6000 [email protected] CIRCULATION MANAGER Brian Gillett | [email protected] ADMINISTRATION Catherine Scianna | [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jill Nelson | [email protected] SUBSCRIBER SERVICES To subscribe, renew or change your subscription information, visit us online at SUBSCRIPTION RATES $70 per year in Canada. $115 per year for US. $12 per single issue. Shop Metalworking Technology Magazine is published 8 times a year by Zedcom Media Inc., PO Box 93171 RPO Headon, Burlington, ON L7M 4A3 [email protected] | Tel: 289.337.0728 President, Larry Bonikowsky Vice-President, Mary Scianna All rights reserved. Printed in Canada. The contents of the publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, either in part or in full, including photocopying and recording, without the written consent of the copyright owner. Nor may any part of this publication be stored in a retrieval system of any nature without prior written consent. Content copyright 2013 by Zedcom Media Inc., may not be reprinted without permission. Shop Metalworking Technology receives unsolicited materials (including letters to the editor, press releases, promotional items and images) from time to time. Shop Metalworking Technology, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, re-publish, distribute, store and archive such unsolicited submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensation of any sort. Shop Metalworking Technology accepts no responsibility or liability for claims made for any product or service reported or advertised in this issue. DISCLAIMER: This publication is for informational purposes only. The content and “expert” advice presented are not intended as a substitute for informed professional engineering advice. You should not act on information contained in this publication without seeking specific advice from qualitied professionals. PRIVACY NOTICE: From time to time we make our subscription list available to select companies and organizations whose product or service may interest you. If you do not want your contact information made available, please contact us via one of the following methods: Phone: 289-337-0728. Email: [email protected] Mail to: PO Box 93171 RPO Headon, Burlington, ON, L7M 4A3 Canada Canadian Publications Mail Sales Agreement 42327015 ISSN 1927-7962 V OL UME 2 | NUMBER 3 | MAY 2013 ÒThis issue... COVER STORY AEROSPACE 16 SQUEEZE PLAY Aerospace OEMs tighten manufacturing supply chain. only a fraction of total machining costs, so how do you gain real cost VDYLQJVIURPWKHP" MACHINING MULTISENSOR TECHNOLOGY MILLING 36 A QUALITY EDGE Quebec mouldmaker HPEUDFHVÀYHD[LV technology in a big way. Blow mould PDQXIDFWXUHULQYHVWV in technology for FRPSHWLWLYHHGJH MICRO MACHINING WELDING 66 GAME-CHANGING TECHNOLOGY LASER WELDING R&D in micromachining FRXOGJLYHSUHFLVLRQ machining manufacturers a leading edge. Keyhole welding processes offer higher power densities and faster welding speeds than conduction welding technologies. 22 THE FIVE AXIS LEAP CUTTING TOOLS TURNING 30 WIPE OUT Unleashing the wiper insert’s potential. AUTOMOTIVE CUTTING TOOLS 16 QUALITY 22 45 WHY LASER WELD 58 FABRICATING PUNCHING 41 2 FOR 1 DEAL Punch laser combination machine opens doors to new business for Ontario fabricator. 73 50 CUTTING IT CLOSER 0DFKLQLQJDXWRPRWLYH parts is a game of inches and speeds, with no time or room for errors. PERSPECTIVES 56 RETHINKING TOOLING COSTS Cutting tools represent ÒEvery NESTING 58 NOT JUST FOR THE BIRDS issue... 7 | SHOP VIEW Nesting software can JHQHUDWHELJSURGXFWLYLW\ gains, but how do you NQRZLI\RXKDYH the right software IRU\RXUVKRS" 10 | INDUSTRY UPDATE 68 | SHOP TOOLS 70 | YOUR BUSINESS 73 | EXIT MAY 2013 2-5_Content May.indd 5 5 13-04-18 10:42 AM See leading edge technology ŝŶĂĐƟŽŶĂƚůůŝŽƩDĂƚƐƵƵƌĂ tMT^ ^,Kt :une ϰͲϲ ooths ϭϭϮϭ͕ ϭϬϮϬ͕ ϭϬϮϮ͕ ϭϬϮϰ Your business is unique and you seek a tailored soluƟon to your metalworkinŐ needs! ome and ǀisit anada͛s leadinŐ istributor to ǀiew the latest teĐhnoloŐy Ĩrom EllioƩ͛s Ɖremier maĐhine suƉƉliers! Take adǀantaŐe oĨ this oƉƉortunity to meet with our teĐhniĐal staī to reǀiew and resƉond to your manuĨaĐturinŐ ĐhallenŐes! >et͛s disĐuss the beneĮts oĨ EllioƩ͛s sƉeĐial tailored ĮnanĐinŐ oƉƟons and the Đurrent anada udŐet ͞aƉital ost llowanĐe͟ ƉroŐram. uyinŐ has neǀer been so easy when you ǀisit EllioƩ Matsuura! ϮϭϮϬ h<IE',M RK͕ K<VI>>E͕ KETRIK͕ >ϲ, ϱyϮ ͮ ϵϬϱͳϴϮϵͳϮϮϭϭ ͮ ^>E^ΝE>>IKTTM,IEERY.KM ͮ ttt.E>>IKTTM,IEERY.KM Shop View May.indd 6 13-04-17 6:37 AM Skills Training: Government funding isn’t enough T HE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT spends nearly $2.5 billion for skills training in Canada via training transfers to provincial governments and territories. Close to $2 billion is allocated for training those who qualify for Employment Insurance (EI) and another $500 million to train those not eligible for EI. Despite this, the quality and availability of skills training in Canada has EHHQZHDN7KH)HGHUDOJRYHUQPHQWLVZHOODZDUHRIWKHVNLOOVGHÀFLWDV evidenced in the 2013 Federal Budget released in March. “Jobs, Growth and Long-Term Prosperity, Economic Action Plan 2013” offers up a three-point plan for the manufacturing sector to address the skills training shortage, job growth and productivity. Of note is the improvement of the apprenticeship training program to make it easier to get the experience individuals require to achieve journeyperson status. The Federal government plans to reallocate $4 million of the funding it provides to provinces and territories for skills training over three years to increase opportunities for apprentices. Perhaps of utmost importance, it plans to reduce barriers to apprenticeship accreditation, including examining the use of practical tests as a method of assessment for apprentices. These are good measures, but the government must go further to improve the execution of programs for apprentices. An example is the approximate $2 billion allocated for skills training for those who qualify for Employment Insurance (EI). Employers and employees pay into the program to take advantage of training programs such as Red Seal, typically a four to six week block of time for a level. As many know, employees leave their employment to train off site for this period and receive pay via EI, but often the federal government arm that runs the program is slow to send cheques to employees and some don’t receive pay until they’re back at work. One reader cited it as such a big issue it has become a deterrant for some employees who can’t survive without pay for such a long period of time. Since manufacturers already pay EI premiums, the government could consider allocating money directly to manufacturers who in turn would commit to paying employees on time during training and also implement more apprenticeship programs in their shops to help train future machinists, welders and manufacturing engineers. A well executed apprenticeship program would go a long way in ensuring highly skilled workers to sustain and help grow manufacturing in this country. SMT Mary Scianna, Editor, Shop Metalworking Technolog y Magazine Shop View “ The government must go further to improve the execution of skills training programs for apprentices. ” Please send me your comments at [email protected]. MAY 2013 Shop View May.indd 7 7 13-04-17 6:37 AM SMTCL is the largest machine tool builder in the world W ith over 60 years of experience, SMTCL has become the largest machine tool builder in the world, both in terms of units produced and their aggregate dollar value. SMTCL has thousands of earlier machines still operating in the field, and with every new machine we build, our reputation as a high quality, high value machine tool builder continues to be acknowledged. From simple manual machines to 5-axis, high speed, and multi-function milling/turning CNC machines, we can make your next machine tool investment more .affordable without any sacrifice of quality. SMTCL is ISO certified. Canadian HQ: 2783 Portland Dr. Oakville ON L6H 6M6 Ph:905-829-1579 SMTCL_May.indd 8 Quality machine tools t HTC2050 Horizontal Turning Centre AH130 Automatic Horizontal Boring Milling Machine Advanced structural design guarantees ideal machining characteristics The AH series horizontal boring milling machine can be operated very easily, owing to advanced electronics and user interface. It can do many operations such as drilling, boring, face-milling, and tapping. It is ideal for large box-shaped or frame-style workpieces. This automatic horizontal boring milling machine is a newlydesigned machine having the following characteristics: tOne button axis selection which releases the axis desired and clamps all others. tDrilling cycle with fast approach, drilling feed to preset depth, and rapid retraction of tool. tPeck drilling cycle for deep hole drilling, with interruptions for breaking chip, and pre-set depths for each insertion. tFloating tapping cycle with automatic calculation of threading feed based on spindle RPM and thread pitch to pre-set depth, and rapid reverse of threading for tool removal. tAutomatic face milling cycle. The structure has been designed using finite element analysis software, producing a machine of high accuracy and repeatability, with consistent results. The work area of this CNC lathe has been increased in volume by nearly 50% despite little change in the overall dimensions of the machine, and this means that the lathe will be much more efficient for the user. The patented oilwater separation unit can improve environmental conformity, and reduce production costs to the user. This is a world class slant bed CNC lathe that is competitive with any other machine in the marketplace. Features High speed, rapid speed and high accelerations produces high efficiency. tThe general power of the machine, under the same condition of cutting, can save 2.5kW. tThe tailstock is integrally driven by hydraulic device, saving time and labor. tInner protection of the machine adopts wing-type support structure, which is safe and environmentally responsible. t High-rigidity integral slant bed of 45° with stable performance ensures the machining accuracy and service life of the machine. 13-04-17 6:56 AM that will exceed your expectations VMC1000B Vertical Machining Center Innovative frame structure with high rigidity Main components such as bed, columns, etc., incorporate high quality cast iron with excellent vibration dampening and thermal characteristics for excellent rigidity and accuracy of machining. Rapid speed The rapid speeds for X/Y/Z are 32/32/30 meters/minute. This is due to the incorporation of linear guideways, which minimizes non-cutting time, thus improving machining efficiency. Easy-to-use control panel Fanuc 0i-MD CNC system is easy to use, and the conveniently located control panel which swings 90 degrees makes the operation of the machine as effortless and intuitive as possible for the operator. High accuracy, high quality spindle Standard spindle is BT or CAT40, 10000 RPM. Optionally, BT or CAT50 8000 RPM spindle can be supplied with VMC1100B for heavier machining requirements. Large Machining Envelope The Z axis travel of 650 mm. makes the work-piece envelope much larger than other machines of the same table-size can provide. SMTCL_May.indd 9 VMC1600B Vertical Machining Center VMC 2100B Vertical Machining centre tFrame structure with heavy load bearing capability and high rigidity; tReliable box-style structure – both X and Y axes have linear guide-ways, Z-axis box-style guide-ways are of cast iron. Design ensures stability during feed, and reduces vibration during heavy cutting for high accuracy; tProcess parts of greater weight and size than comparable machines in the same class; tMaximum load up to 2000 kg. X-axis travel of VMC 2100 B over 2100 mm – larger than many other machines in the same range of table size; tCAT-50 spindle has high precision and great torque, with coolant through. Belt-driven and of high quality and accuracy, meeting requirements of machining with high power and heavy torque; t ZF gearbox for even higher torque in lower range of speed. t6 linear bearing blocks for X-axis and for the Y-axis 4 linear guideways for heavy cutting, minimizing deformation caused by worktable overhang and ensuring accuracy; tHigh efficiency chip removal system. MODEL Worktable UNITS VMC1000B VMC1600B VMC2100B Worktable dimensions mm 1200 x 500 1700×800 2200×800 Operating range X-axis travel mm 1000 1600 2100 Y-axis travel mm 610 800 800 Z-axis travel mm 650 800 800 10000 8000 8000 FANUC FANUC FANUC Spindle speed rpm Control system 13-04-18 9:07 AM INDUSTRY UPDATE Canadian manufacturer lands contracts worth $130 M Î CAE, A CANADIAN MANUFACTURER of civil aviation and military flight simulation equipment, has been awarded a series of military contracts valued at approximately $130 million, including options. They include contracts to provide an MH-60R avionics maintenance trainer and weapons load trainer for the Royal Australian Navy, a C-130J weapon systems trainer for the US Air Force (USAF), construction of a training facility for the Kuwait Air Force, and additional training support services as part of the KC-135 aircrew training system program for the USAF. CAE, formed in 1974 and based in St. Laurent, QC, is considered a global leader in modelling, simulation and training for civil aviation and defence. The company’s primary manufacturing facility is based in Montreal and employs more than 3,500 people. The 1 million-plus sq ft facility manufactures almost all of the flight simulators. “Our position on key platforms such as the C-130J and MH-60 helicopters continues to provide a range of opportunities globally, including foreign military sale contracts through the US government,” says Gene Colabatistto, group president, Military Products, Training and Services, CAE. The contract to develop an MH-60R avionics maintenance trainer and weapons load trainer (AMT/ WLT) is for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) under the US foreign military sale (FMS) program. CAE USA will be the prime contractor responsible for the design and manufacture of the MH-60R AMT/WLT that will be delivered in 2015 to HMAS Albatross, located near Nowra in New South Wales. CAE is also currently under contract to develop two MH-60R tactical operational flight trainers (TOFTs) for the RAN. Lockheed Martin has exercised a contract option for CAE to design and manufacture an additional C-130J weapon systems trainer for the US Air Force as part of the C-130J Maintenance and Aircrew Training System Phase II program. The simulator will be delivered in 2016 to Little Rock Air Force Base. The US Army Corps of Engineers has awarded CAE USA a foreign military sales contract to construct a training facility for the Kuwait Air Force at Al Mubarak Air Base in Kuwait. The two-bay training facility will house a KC-130J full-mission simulator that CAE is currently under contract to design and manufacture for the Kuwait Air Force. The US Air Force awarded CAE USA a contract, including options, to perform operations and maintenance support for KC-135 Boom Operator Weapon Systems Trainers (BOWST) as part of the KC-135 aircrew training system program. This initial contract for the first year of operations and maintenance is valued at more than $5 million. Annual maintenance support contract options for the remaining seven years of the program are valued at approximately $50 million. 10 MAY 2013 News May.indd 10 13-04-17 6:38 AM INDUSTRY UPDATE ONLINE REVIEW Shop Metalworking Technology Online brings you the latest in technological advances, new product developments and industry updates. Here’s what’s online: MACHINING: Big part machining FABRICATING: Heavy range plasma cutting WELDING: Welding automation QUALITY: Testing aerospace parts CUTTING TOOLS: Deburring holes in aluminum MSC Industrial enters Canadian market MSC Industrial Direct Co., Melville, NY, is entering the Canadian market with its acquisition of Barnes Distribution North America. The acquisition doubles MSC’s sales force and expands its portfolio of inventory management solutions and other metalworking and MRO products and services. Barnes Distribution is based in Cleveland, OH, and distributes fasteners and other high margin, low cost consumables with a broad distribution footprint in Canada and the US. The company operates three distribution centres in Canada in Alberta, Ontario and New Brunswick. EVENTS “MSC’s acquisition of BDNA reflects our continued commitment to provide our customers with the best, most accessible metalworking and MRO solutions” says Eric Gershwind, president and CEO of MSC. “Now, customers across both the United States and Canada will benefit from unparalleled inventory management solutions, an expanded product portfolio and an enhanced ability to help their businesses succeed. From a business perspective, this transaction, along with our expected long-term organic growth, will help us to achieve our goal of $4 billion in revenues by 2016.” MAY 7 Iscar Tools Canadian IQ product launch at The Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, ON. MAY 27-JUNE 7 Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) Welding Inspector Level 1 in Dartmouth, NS. More courses and dates online. JUNE 4-6 Western Manufacturing Technology Show (WMTS) at the Edmonton EXPO Centre, Edmonton, AB. Your Production Matters To Us PLASMA MACHINE PRESS BRAKES SHEARS WE OFFER INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS TO INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY ONTARIO - EASTERN CANADA 3980 Chadburn Crescent Mississauga, ON L5L 3X4 Tel: 905-820-3232 Fax: 905-820-3234 WESTERN CANADA Westside Service Ltd 4406-58 St. South Lethbridge, AB T1K7E2 Tel: 403-380-5047 Fax: 403-380-5048 FIBER LASER PLATE ROLLS PROFILE ROLLS PUNCH PRESS Q U A L I T Y | S E R V I C E | VA L U E | W W W . F E R R I C M A C H I N E R Y. C O M News May.indd 11 13-04-17 6:38 AM INDUSTRY UPDATE Robot arms come to Canada An innovative user friendly six axis robot arm is now available in Canada through Ontario distributor Advanced Motion Controls Ltd., Barrie, ON. Manufactured by Denmark‘s Universal Robots, the robots made their debut at IMTS in Chicago last fall and since then, the company has established distributors throughout North America. “Nobody else has a collaborative robot that’s easy to program, can be easily moved from spot to spot throughout a factor, and is relatively low in cost,” says Ed Mullen, national sales manager for Universal Robots, handling the North American expansion. The robots, which weigh as little as 40 lb (18 kg), are available in two models with payloads of up to 11.3 lb (5.1 kg) and 22.6 lb (10 kg) respectively, with reach capabilities of up to 51 in. (1, 295 mm). They’re in compliance with the ISO standard for collaborative robots; when an employee comes into contact with the robot arm, it will automatically stop operating. It features repeatability of +/- .004 in. (0.10 mm) and can handle even microscopic sized parts. Universal Robots’ Thomas Visti, chief commercial officer, expects to see rapid growth for the robots. “We’ve created an incredibly strong line-up of distributors that are well positioned within our target markets, so we’re off to a very promising start.” The more HAIMER, the safer. PEOPLE : Same cutting edge, more innovative shank. SCOTT ELLIS is the new national sales director with YG-1 Canada Inc., Burlington, ON. He has 25 years of business development experience in the manufacturing sector including technical sales and management positions. He will be responsible for managing sales and building relationships with the company’s distributors. : The safety belt for your tools BRIAN BOLLERT has joined Spark & Co. Canada, Montreal, QC, as the company’s waterjet field technician for Canada. He has training with all the major waterjet machine builders and has specialized in waterjet cutting since 1991. GREG VAN DYKE has joined Centerline Productivity Tool life Process reliability Runout accuracy (Heavy Duty Chuck) More Haimer USA, LLC | 134 E. Hill Street | Villa Park, IL 60181 | USA Phone +1-630-833-1500 | [email protected] | News May.indd 12 (Windsor) Ltd., Windsor, ON, as an account manager specializing in resistance welding consumables and automation component products. He has more than 10 years of resistance welding experience in sales and service. + 130 % + 200 % 100 % < 0.00012" Tool Holders Shrinking Technology Balancing Machines Measuring Instruments 13-04-17 6:38 AM INDUSTRY UPDATE SHOW Canadian distributor to sell Swiss, bar fed lathes UPDATES The Canadian Division of Dynamic Machine of Detroit, Burlington, ON, has been appointed exclusive distributor for Ontario and Quebec for the Citizen and Miyano line of Swiss and bar fed lathes. “We are very pleased to add these world leading products to our current Canadian line up, says Gary Richardson, manager for the Canadian Division of Dynamic Machine. “Quality parts, high uptime and efficiencies are essential to the profitability of customers today and both these products offer this.” Manufacturing in the West: WMTS Edmonton, AB, will play host once again to the largest manufacturing show in the region, the Western Manufacturing Technology Show (WMTS), which runs June 4-6 at the Edmonton Expo Centre. More than 2000 people are expected to attend the biennial event organized by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). New to the event is a Job Shop Night on June 4, 4-6 pm, and an education program with presentations on the show floor, which is free with admission to the event. “For manufacturers, WMTS is the place to learn, evaluate and compare technologies and solutions on a one-on-one basis, all under one roof, over three days, says Janine Saperson, event manager. Visit WMTS online for details and registration at Manufacturing in the East: CMTS Canada’s biggest event for manufacturers, the Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show (CMTS), returns to the International Centre in Mississauga, ON, September 30 to October 3. One of the flagship events for the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Canada, the event will draw thousands of manufacturers from across Canada to see hundreds of industry suppliers to the metal product manufacturing industry. In addition to the educational program and conference presentations, the event will include a Job Shop Night, which means SME will extend the hours for busy shop owners on October 2 from 4 to 8 pm. New to the event is the Medical Manufacturing Innovation Series, which will encompass a conference and the Medical Manufacturing Innovations Centre with learning lab presentations. Visit CMTS online for more details about new events and to register. Visit for more events News May.indd 13 EmjYlYEYl]jaYd@Yf\daf_Kgdmlagfk L`]Ogjd\D]Y\]jAfHYjlkKgjlaf_L][`fgdg_q >?%)*-( 0((%,*0%0,.1 lmjj]lhmf[`hj]kk]k&[ge'kh]]\ 13-04-17 6:38 AM INDUSTRY UPDATE POSTSCRIPT 53 $ The amount the Federal government plans to allocate to support local and economic infrastructure projects over TEN YE ARS. $1.4 BILLION KPMG “Competitive Alternatives 2012” CA N A DA’S POPUL ATION Statistics Canada, January 2013 Engineers Canada 35,056,064 95,000 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS WILL RETIRE BY 2020 in TAX RELIEF for Canada’s manufacturing and processing sector through a TWO-YEAR extension on the accelerated capital cost allowance for NEW INVESTMENT in machinery and equipment. Federal Budget 2013 proposal JUNE 14 - 11 A.M. TO 2 P.M. ET Featured Supplier Partner: Emuge Topic: Threading Operations LOCATION: MAZAK CORPORATION CANADA HEADQUARTERS AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE 50 Commerce Court Cambridge, Ontario N3C 4P7 (800) 668-5449 REGISTER NOW FOR THE NEXT DISCOVER MORE TECHNOLOGY LUNCH AND LEARN EVENT AT MAZAKCANADA.COM/LNL MAZAK CANADA IS COMMITTED to providing customers with comprehensive manufacturing solutions. By partnering with leading cutting tool, work holding and automation companies, these unique training events offer live process optimization demonstrations and the opportunity to explore complementary technologies for Mazak equipment. WWW.MAZAKCANADA.COM Facebook Twitter YouTube Manufacturing in Florence, Kentucky since 1974 14 MAY 2013 News May.indd 14 13-04-17 6:38 AM CHALLENGE: Ensuring maximum precision across a broad range of workpiece materials SOLUTION: JABRO SOLID2 JS550 SOLID CARBIDE END MILLS s Dual-core design boosts stability and reduces deflection s Maintains precision while applying aggressive cutting data s Differential pitch eliminates chatter s SironA coating reduces friction and increases tool life SECOTOOLS.COM/US EXPERIENCE THE NEW STANDARD FOR GENERAL MACHINING SCAN TO SEE THE JS550 SERIES IN ACTION! News May.indd 15 13-04-17 6:38 AM  SHOP REPORT | Aerospace BY TIM WILSON EMC’s Purchasing Co-op Takes Flight Canada’s Excellence in Manufacturing ng Consortium (EMC) has a Purchasing Co-op that is gaining traction with manufacturers–including those in thee aerospace sector. “The EMC Purchasing Co-op is the first of its kind for Canadian manufacturers,” says Jason Bates,field eld ship service advisor-team leader membership development at EMC. “It is a 100 per er cent member owned organization, a true co-op in that members work togetherr on rough purchases to achieve cost savings through rebates and improved supply chains.”” Bates says aerospace manufacturers can take advantage of most of the program, with specific opportunity in the areas of maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO). “Areas such as welding, industrial gases and supplies, freight, and courier would apply to aerospace,” says Bates. “And perhaps even some industry-specific materials, such as high-end adhesives.” Of specific interest to aerospace job shops is EMC’s intention to expand the program to include steel and packaging. The organization also has an energy purchasing group that has been popular with some aerospace companies. “I know of a large aerospace manufacturer that is participating in the program and saving significant dollars,” says Al Diggins, EMC’s president and general manager. “A company can have a study done and hedge for heavy usage periods; it is a very friendly, manufacturercentric contract.” Diggins says the program–available in Ontario and Alberta where the markets are deregulated–has grown substantially and is still generating significant interest. “We could now be considered a small utility in Ontario,” he says. SQUEEZE PLAY Aerospace OEMs tightening manufacturing supply chain HANGES ARE AFOOT in the aerospace sector, and many metalworking shops in Canada are in a good position to EHQHÀW7KHUHFHQWSUREOHPVZLWKWKH Boeing 787 Dreamliner have resulted in an industry-wide push to shorten the supply chain, and technological advances are supporting Canadian shops delivering to precise design VSHFLÀFDWLRQV “British Columbia is part of the Northwest hub, and Boeing wants its supply chain in proximity,” says Steve Archer, director of business GHYHORSPHQWDW$YFRUS,QGXVWULHV,QF 'HOWD%&´&RPSDQLHVLQ-DSDQDQG other parts of Asia are now compelled to look at collaboration with local VXSSOLHUVLQWKH3DFLÀF1RUWKZHVW C which is providing opportunities for :HVWHUQ&DQDGLDQFRPSDQLHVµ There is room for growth in the BC lower mainland for companies like Avcorp that serve the nearby Boeing assembly plants in the Puget 6RXQGDUHD$QG$YFRUSZKLFKDOVR designs and builds airframe structures for Bombardier and Cessna, sees the trend as creating overall opportunity for aerospace manufacturers in the HDVWHUQSDUWRIWKHFRXQWU\WRR “If you look at Bombardier in the east, it is also tightening its supply FKDLQµVD\V$UFKHU´0LWVXELVKL Heavy Industries moved its WRROLQJIURP1DJR\D-DSDQWR 0LVVLVVDXJD217KLVLVJUHHQÀHOG It is an automated, lean plant for ZLQJDVVHPEO\µ 16 MAY 2013 Cover story.indd 16 13-04-17 6:54 AM AV&R Vision & Robotics’ automated blade leading and trailing edge profiling system has caught the attention of the aerospace manufacturing industry. Pushing the envelope This is happening in the context of combined total demand nearly outstripping the capacity of the larger Boeing and Airbus global VXSSO\FKDLQ%XWLWLVDOVRD YRWHRIFRQÀGHQFHLQ&DQDGLDQ industry and its ability to build parts with increasingly rigorous SUHFLVLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV “The more precise the jet engine parts can be, the better the engines are,” says Eric Beauregard, CEO of AV&R Vision & Robotics in Montreal, which is setting a new standard ZLWKLWVPHWDOOLFURERWLFÀQLVKLQJ VROXWLRQVHHVLGHEDURQULJKW “When we asked around to HODERUDWHRXUSURÀOLQJVROXWLRQ Precisely Canadian the precision looked for was ± 50 PLFURQVµVD\V%HDXUHJDUG´%XW something interesting happened when we presented our solution: the required precision was PRGLÀHGWRPLFURQVµ In effect, the designers who impose production precision VSHFLÀFDWLRQVFKDQJHGWKHLU UHTXHVWVWRUHÁHFW$95·V FDSDELOLWLHV “Moreover, these days we are starting to hear the designers talk about precision levels of as low as PLFURQVµVD\V%HDXUHJDUG The ongoing pressure to make parts as precise as possible should continued on page 19 Î Î Î Montreal-headquartered AV&R Vision & Robotics has developed an automated blade leading and trailing edge profiling system specifically for aerospace manufacturing–and it has caught the attention of those in the industry. It won SME’s Innovations That Could Change the Way You Manufacture 2012 Award, and was chosen as a finalist of Aviation Week’s Innovation Challenge in the Power & Propulsion category. “AV&R had already developed robotic finishing systems for aerospace, but when we really niched our activities we looked for a common and recurrent need from our customers, a need which existing technologies couldn’t answer,” says Eric Beauregard, AV&R’s CEO. “That is how we started the development of our automated blade profiling system.” AV&R says the system includes all the required technologies to create high precision elliptical profiles on leading and trailing edges of compressor blades’ airfoils. These are used on blades in jet engines–mostly nickel based, in titanium and aluminium–at a tolerance of ± 37.5 microns. “This beats the precision obtained manually,” says Beauregard. “It enhances ergonomics and safety while increasing repeatability and quality of production. At the end of the day, jet engines including blades with precise profiles, make less noise and have lower fuel consumption and higher performance.” AV&R’s software provides adaptability to the robotic system, allowing for repeatable results even if the parts coming in are not identical. Inspection results are as precise as other systems currently in use, but much faster. The platform also includes an auto-teaching capability, which allows for new products to be quickly added into the system. “Typical customers of these systems are OEMs and their supply chain,” says Beauregard. “However, the MRO Industry will start to need these systems too since retrofit programs are being elaborated to increase repaired engines’ performance, leading to new precision tolerances.” INNOVATIVE WORKHOLDING SOLUTIONS GLOBAL SOLUTIONS. C ANADIAN E XPERTISE. 50 0+ AC TIVE CUSTOMERS. Lang Innovative high precision fixturing and clamping system: tQuick preparing and secure holding within seconds! tReduction of material costs due to 80% smaller clamping area through patented Stamping technology tExceptional holding power and lowest clamping force tBest accessibility for 5-face machining Reduce assembly times and costs with the new Pintec ® smart adaptive measurements clamping system for coordinate measuring machine CMM tQUICK: Fix your workpieces precisely in just a few seconds tPRACTICAL: complex and demanding workpieces are not a problem anymore Toll Free: 1-877-MTS-SALE | [email protected] | | 8 Automatic Rd., Unit C-6, Brampton, ON,L6S 5N4 Cover story.indd 17 13-04-17 6:54 AM dmg – technologies for tomorrow MONTFORT 5-axis simultaneous machining of work pieces ranging from 1,322.8 lbs. up to 5,732.0 lbs. ADVERTISING monoBLOCK® 65 / 85 / 105 / 125 NEXT GENERATION ± 120° 24 / 7 Service Hotline: (905) 795-8071 Support when you need it and the highest availability of spare parts. Highlights monoBLOCK® NEXT GENERATION _ 5-axis machining of up to 2,204.6 lbs. on the DMU 65 monoBLOCK® and up to 5,732.0 lbs. on the DMU 125 monoBLOCK® (3-axis up to 3,968.3 – 6,613.9 lbs.) _ Small footprint, Example: 85.0 ft.2 for the DMU 65 monoBLOCK® _ SK50 / HSK-A100 available starting with the DMU 85 monoBLOCK® _ 317.2 ft. / lbs. of torque available with a 69.7 hp motor spindle _ Unrestricted crane loading from above _ The best accessibility, ergonomics, work area, control and a tool magazine operated from the front _ Stainless steel lining for the work area for greater durability and value retention _ Milling/turning technology and a pallet changer available as an add-on feature All of the latest information from DMG is available online at: DMG Canada Inc.: 165 Admiral Blvd., Mississauga, ON, L5T 2T3, Canada Tel.: (905) 795-2891, Fax: (905) 795-0393, [email protected], Mobile devices equipped with QR-code recognition software will be directed to our homepage. Cover story.indd 18 13-04-17 6:54 AM  SHOP REPORT | Aerospace Î Î Î continued from page 17 provide a solid boost to Canadian job shops feeding the aerospace sector, given that the drive to increased SUHFLVLRQHQKDQFHV&DQDGD·VORQJWHUP competitiveness, something that is now backstopped by a market-driven incentive to keep the supply chain FORVHWRKRPH Support for Aerospace Manufacturing Canada boasts the world’s fifth largest aerospace industry and the sector generates more than $22 billion, exporting 80 per cent of its output. With investments of more than $2 billion, the aerospace industry is the second largest R&D investor in the country, according to figures from the Aerospace Industires Association of Canada (AIAC). The Federal government recognizes the sector’s contributions to the economy and in the recent Federal Budget 2013, committed more than $1 billion dollars to support it. At the ready “Our aerospace manufacturers are good at what they do,” says Al Diggins, president and general manager, Excellence in Manufacturing Consortium (EMC), and co-CEO of the Canadian Manufacturing continued on page 21 Î Î Î It has committed close to $1 billion over five years for the permanent Strategic Aerospace and Defence Initiative (SADI). There is also the new Aerospace Technology Demonstration Program, which will be funded to the tune of $110 million over four years, beginning in 2014–15 and another $55 million per year on an ongoing basis. SADI has played a significant role in aerospace manufacturing since it was established in 2007. Project highlights include: t$7.7 million to ASCO Aerospace Canada, Delta, BC, to support innovative manufacturing technologies to produce aircraft bulkheads and specialized metal components. t$43.4 million to Bristol Aerospace Ltd., Winnipeg, MB, to support new processes for composite manufacturing and complex assemblies that incorporate both composite and metallic components. t$300 million to Pratt and Whitney Canada, Longueuil, QC, to support research leading to lighter aircraft engines with more power, better fuel consumption and improved durability. Ad dva anced pr recisio on, Advanced precision, ualed d ve ers sattilitty unequ unequaled versatility Clearly better... Sub-micron filtration for industrial fluids Magnetic Filtration Systems Removes 100% Contact us for a free catalog! of ferrous contaminants 800-543-4071 800-543-4071 E RT I FI E D C Reduce reject rate to zero Cut filter costs by up to 100% Extend fluid life by x10 ISO 9001 [email protected] MAY 2013 Cover story.indd 19 19 13-04-17 6:54 AM E-Z setup Machine 4 sides Repeat (max profit) Horizontal Edition The EC-400 | 4 axes with twin pallets | Affordable Haas price. Simple. Simp mple le. Inno le Innovation. vation vati ation on. Find your local Canadian Haas Factory Outlet Vancouver: 604-276-2131 s%DMONTON: 780-435-3928 s#ALGARY: 403-720-3201 s7INNIPEG: 204-925-9300 Montreal: 514-337-3101 sToronto: 416-255-3503 s7INDSOR: 519-966-4880sWWW(AAS#.#COM Cover story.indd 20 13-04-17 6:54 AM Î Î Î Î continued from page 19 Network. “They can hold their own with the high tech requirements.” Diggins says that 17 per cent of EMC’s membership is in the aerospace sector, and they are among the consortium’s most active members, with aerospace being a bright spot on Canada’s manufacturing landscape in part because it is backed by strong global demand. Boeing, for example, now has a record sold backlog of more than 4,000 airplanes worth nearly US $310 billion. “The demand for these airplanes is driven by sustained HFRQRPLFJURZWKLQ&KLQDWKH$VLD3DFLÀF5HJLRQDQGWKH Middle East, coupled with the replacement of a large number of aging aircraft in North America and Europe,” says Archer from Avcorp. “At the same time, Airbus is experiencing an increase in demand for new aircraft.” And though the use of composites is on the rise, the LQFUHDVLQJSULFHRISHWUROHXPPHDQVUHVLQVDQGÀEHUVDUH  SHOP REPORT | Aerospace more expensive, too, which argues for the continued use and relevance of precision-tested lightweight and high strength metal alloys. There will be special demand for long bed aluminum and hard metal complex machining in multi-axis environments, with those machine shops that can deliver to advanced specs likely in good shape for years to come. “With airplane production rates set to increase 40 per cent over the next three years, Boeing will spend more than US $30 billion per year globally with its suppliers,” says Archer. To produce those airplanes Boeing and Airbus depend heavily on thousands of suppliers from all over the world. However, a more streamlined supply chain is a necessity for OEMs to reduce production risk and meet demand. That puts Canada in a sweet spot, with strong incentives to build competitiveness in the sector. SMT Tim Wilson is a contributing editor. [email protected] COME VISIT US @ WMTS BOOTH# 1542 Cosen Advantages: Cuts More For Less! Height Gaging Solutions from SWITZERLAND LOCAL SERVICE FASTEST ROI US AVAILABILITY OF PARTS DESIGNED FOR ALL MANUFACTURING CONDITIONS MODEL CHOICES AND PRICING USER FRIENDLY FEATURES CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY 6” x 9.375” Manual Mitering Bandsaw Height gages range from 6” / 150mm up to 80”/ 2032mm 12.8” Round SNC Programmable Bandsaw COSEN SAWS USA WWW CO WWW.COSENSAWS.COM COSE ENS N AW AWS COM [email protected] 1-877-SAWING-1 Cover story.indd 21 ECLIPSE TOOLS NORTH AMERICA INC. T 905-664-5585 1-800-260-2124 [email protected] 13-04-17 11:19 AM  MACHINING | Milling The Problem Meeting increased customer demands for aggressive delivery times The Solution Increase machining capacity with investment in three, five axis universal milling machines BY KIP HANSON Quebec mouldmaker embraces five axis technology in a big way The 5 Axis Leap HEN ANDRÉ ROCHETTE decides to do something, he does it in a big way. As president of Rocand Inc., Sainte-Foy, QC, he was faced with a substantial increase in sales and development activity. He wasn’t about to let his customers down. “Client relations are very important to us, and as a Tier 1 automotive supplier, we have to meet aggressive delivery times. Our existing equipment was unable to keep up with demand, so it was a simple decision. We increased capacity to meet our customers’ needs.” Most manufacturers would respond by purchasing an additional machine to meet that need. Rocand ordered three. “Small, medium, and large,” laughs Rochette, GHVFULELQJKLVQHZÀYHD[LV&1&XQLYHUVDO milling machines from DMG. “Our goal is to continually produce high quality products to the automotive industry, with the best lead time and a competitive price. Choosing that equipment was a way for us to achieve those goals.” Mouldmakers need a number of W The 340p in Rocand's shop, the largest of the three DMG machines the company purchased to meet growing customer needs. capabilities to do their work. Chief among WKHVHLVDQHIÀFLHQWPHWKRGRIUHPRYLQJ large amounts of material quickly. DMG delivered that with its U-series machines. The largest of Rocand’s new machines, the DMU 340 P, has a 3400 mm work envelope and table load capacity of 16 tons. Its 52 kW, 12,000 rpm spindle boasts 430 Nm of torque. And since Rocand purchased the optional 24000 rpm pickup spindle, it can rough and ÀQLVKÀYHVLGHVRIWKHZRUNSLHFHLQRQH handling. Says Rochette, “now we can do more machining in a single operation and produce tools for our customers in the Make, Save, Connect with Canada’s largest b2b network Make money, save money, and connect to new opportunities with Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters — the leading innovator of industry for 141 years Get expert advice on the issues that matter most to you. Call 1-877-427-1141 or e-mail t Access key insight t Gain cost savings [email protected] to see t Explore best practices t Maximize efficiencies how you can receive ROI on a membership package customized for you Call Josée today at 1-877-427-1141 Machine1_Rocand.indd 22 powered by CME 13-04-17 7:01 AM Presetting for Uptime Assembly of an extrusion blow mould cavity. shortest possible time.” Those tools include sophisticated injection moulds for motor covers. “That one has an integrated lead-frame, with two overmoulded components inside,” says Rochette. “We had to develop that expertise to manage a variety of global programs for all the major car manufacturers, including Porsche, Mercedes, BMW, Peugeot, Renault, GM, Ford, Nissan and Hyundai.” Why did Rocand choose DMG? An inside look at the DMU 210p, the medium size machine in the trio of DMG machines Rocand purchased. ´:H·YHEHHQGRLQJÀYHD[LVPDFKLQLQJ since 2004 and already had a good idea of what we needed,” explains Rochette. “But we wanted to look at different approaches to high speed machining, so we visited the 2011 EMO show in Hanover, Germany. We looked at a number of machine tools, but the deciding factor for us was DMG’s approach on the design of the equipment, the size and the FRQÀJXUDWLRQIRURXUDSSOLFDWLRQ Aside from the quality of the machines overall, many of them have a cubic work envelope, which is very good for mouldmaking.” The machines have been in production since September 2012. “This investment allows us to serve our different customers as quickly as possible, with quality products at a competitive price. The DMG equipment helps us to achieve that objective.” Rocand has been on a steady growth path since its doors opened in EVEN THE BEST MACHINE tool is useless if it’s not making parts. When Rocand purchased its DMG machines, founder André Rochette recognized this fact and made one additional investment: a DMG Microset V10 20-70 linear MV IV presetter. “What we like to do in the new DMG machines is cut materials,” says Rochette. “Of course, each machine has the capability to measure a tool’s length and diameter, but while you’re doing that, it’s obvious that you’re not cutting.” The VIO linear presetting system from DMG increases machine uptime by allowing a technician to configure the tool length and diameter offline while the machine is producing parts. Fully automated offsets can be sent directly to the machine control, avoiding manual input and the possibility of mistakes. And the VIO’s linear scales assure measuring accuracy to +1 μm, and measuring cycles up to 25 per cent faster than its competitors, claims DMG. Says Rochette, “by presetting tools offline, we are ready to start cutting when we arrive at the machine.” Reducing setup time is only part of the story. “It’s not just the time we save, but also the precision we can achieve over manual tool setting methods,” explains Rochette. “If you i lless measure outside, you’re relying on a human and more on technology. The VIO measures the tool the same way, every time.” When you’ve made an investment as large as Rocand’s, it only makes sense to optimize that investment by measuring cutting tools accurately, consistently, and offline. MAY 2013 Machine1_Rocand.indd 23 23 13-04-17 7:01 AM  MACHINING | Milling ,WDFKLHYHG,62FHUWLÀFDWLRQLQGRXEOHGWKHVL]HRILWV SURGXFWLRQÁRRUD\HDUODWHUDQGLVDGGLQJVSDFHWRWKHIDFLOLW\DJDLQ this year. With technical centre facilities in Mexico, Brazil, France and Germany, Rocand is now a leader in complex injection and extrusion blow moulding, and prides itself on fair and ethical relationships with its FOLHQWV7KHWULRRI'0*PDFKLQHVQRZVLWWLQJRQ5RFDQG·VVKRSÁRRU can only serve to strengthen those relationships. SMT Kip Hanson is a contributing editor. [email protected] Behind every great tool there’s a great idea The tool: KOMET KUB Pentron® Indexable insert drill for extreme applications The idea: Providing stability and dimensional accuracy in very difficult drilling conditions up to 5xD. A great offer: Now through July 31, 2013 purchase a KUB Pentron drill plus 30 inserts and get a second KUB Pentron drill for free.* * Different Part #, lesser or equal value. Take advantage of this offer now! Machine1_Rocand.indd 24 5 Axis Champions JEAN-PIERRE BOYER is the DMG North American regional sales manager for Quebec. “We presented Rocand with a variety of options, but the company settled on the DMU 100 mB, DMU 210 P and DMU 340 P. They are very satisfied with the equipment.” They should be. DMG designs its machines with mouldmakers in mind, explains Boyer. “They have a high speed machining strategy built directly into the controller. With the DMU’s gantry-style design, DMG can control the thermal expansion of the machine extremely well. And the machine itself is very fast and very flexible.” The DMU series offers capabilities to satisfy even the most demanding of industries. The largest machine (DMU 600) offers a 30-ton table load option, tool magazines up to 313 tools, and an optional geared spindle drive with 2500 Nm of torque. Many of the machines can be configured with linear drive motors, pallet changers, integrated measuring systems, and a number of milling heads and rotary table options. With pickup The DMU 100 spindles available to 24000 rpm, HSK, machine. and B axis machining angles to -20°, the DMU can tackle most anything that comes its way. Perhaps the most unique option on the larger machines is an interchangeable head. On HSK-equipped spindles, an electronic connector built into the milling head opens the door to high tech possibilities such as laser structuring of workpiece surfaces and ultrasonic oscillation of the Z axis to aid in hard milling of advanced materials. Rocand is part of an elite club. While there are upwards of 500 DMG machines operating in Canada today, you can count the number of manufacturers who own a 340P on one hand. That fact should put a smile on the face of André Rochette as he steps onto the shop floor each morning. For more information on machining technologies, visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s MACHINING ZONE online at Visit for all the details or scan this QR code. 905-954-0466 THE EQUIPMENT TOOLS PLUS IDEAS 13-04-17 7:01 AM Milling Machines MetalTech Report ÒDMG Milling and turning DMC 65 FD monoBlock with FD capability (milling and turning) features an automatic pallet changer consisting of three integrated diameter of 100 mm (3.937 in.) equipped with a CAT 50 spindle taper. ÒFORTWORTH Vertical/horizontal milling pallets each with a loading capacity of 500 kg able to accommodate workpieces measuring 630 mm in diameter and 500 mm in height. It offers good accessibility to the work area, setup area and tool loading station. It has a small footprint of just 16.5 m2 that includes the machining centre and the pallet changer. ÒFERMAT Boring mill The Fermat WFC 10 CNC horizontal boring mill available from TOS America is suitable for four axis machining of small to mid-sized workpieces up to 5.5 ton (11,000 lb). The one-piece bed construction provides accuracy and rigidity. It features a boring diameter of 100 mm (4 in.), a boring spindle with travel of 730 mm (29 in.) up to 3000 rpm, and a spindle The CSG450B vertical and horizontal milling machine is Taiwanesebuilt by Chung Sing Machinery. It features a three-axis power feed, rapid traverse rates (vertical 59. 8 in/m or 1520 m/min and longitudinal and cross rates of 116.5 in/min or 2950 mm/min), a automatic lubrication system, and a hand wheel on the saddle for table travel. It is equipped with a turret type milling head and a variable speed vertical spindle. table surface allows for maneuverability around workpieces. ÒHAAS (500 mm), 17.7 in. (450 mm) and 15.7 in. (400 mm), respectively, while a distance of 5.9 in. (150 mm) between the machine spindle nose and rotary 5 axis, 40 taper VMC The UMC-750 40 taper VMC offers five-sided (3+2) and simultaneous five axis machining. 3YNERGYIN -ETAL#UTTING 4ECHNOLOGIES -ViÊ£ÓÊ >Ê/Ê >ÃÊ `iÛiÀi`Ê } ʵÕ>ÌÞÊ>V iÊ ÌÃÊ>`ÊVÕÌÌ}ÊÌÊÃÞÃÌiÃÊÌÊ ÃiÀÛiÊ>Ê`ÛiÀÃÌÞÊvÊVÕÃÌiÀðÊÊ 7Ì Ê>ÊVÌiÌÊÌÊiÝViiViÊ ÊÕÀÊ}L>Ê«iÀ>ÌÃ]Ê >Ê >ÃÊÌ iÊÀ} ÌÊÃÕÌÊvÀÊÞÕÀÊ iÌ>ÊVÕÌÌ}Ê>««V>Ìð ÒGF AGIECHARMILLES 5 axis milling The five axis HEM 500U features a 12,000 rpm spindle and 30-tool magazine with a two-second chip-to-chip time for high speed continuous milling operations and increased spindle uptime. The trunnion table is 19.7 in. (500 mm) in diameter and accommodates workpiece weights up to 440 lb. (200 kg). It tilts +50 mm/-110 mm in the B axis and rotates 360° in C for 3 + 2 machining and five-side positioning. Axis travels in X, Y and Z measure 19.7 in. UÊÀ>V }Ê>V ià UÊÀ>V Ê/à UÊ-«iV>ÌÞÊ>V ià UÊ-«iÊ,} UÊ-«`iÃÊEÊ-`ià UÊ}Ê ÕÌÌiÀà UÊÀ}Ê/à UÊVÌÕ>Ìi`Ê/} UÊ ÕÃÌÊ/}Ê-ÞÃÌià %80%2)%.#%$s2%,)!",%s).4%2.!4)/.!, Machine1_Rocand.indd 25 >VÌiÃÊ 1°-°°ÊUÊ >>`>ÊUÊiÝV £nÈÈÈ££x££Ê vJV>Ì°VÊ ÜÜÜ°V>Ì°V 13-04-17 9:00 AM  MACHINING | Milling Machines MetalTech Report ÒHARDINGE Rigid C frame The Bridgeport GX-250 5AX five axis vertical machining centre is a rigid C-frame machine in a compact footprint, equipped with a five axis rotary table and Fanuc 31i control with 10.4 in. LCD. The Travels are 30 x 20 x 20 in. (762 x 508 x 508 mm) travels. The base machine is equipped with an 8100 rpm inline directdrive spindle, powered by a 30 hp vector drive system (12,000-rpm optional), and comes standard with a 40+1 tool side-mount tool changer. The dual-axis trunnion table can position parts to nearly any angle for contouring and complex machining. The trunnion provides +110 and -35°of tilt and 360° of rotation for excellent tool clearance and large part capacity. machine, ideally suited for the demanding requirements of the die/mould, aerospace, medical and automotive industries, is designed to handle small, complex workpieces that require closely held tolerances and fine surface finishes. Axis travels are: 11.8 in. (300 mm) X, 15.7 in. (400 mm) Y, and 16.9 in. (430 mm) Z. ÒHYUNDAI WIA 30-tool tool changer F500VM is a new VMC in the Value Master range with X, Y and Z axis travels of X-axis, 43, 22 and 20 in. (1100, 559 and 508 mm) respectively. Standard features include a 30-tool swing arm tool changer, Thru Spindle Coolant, Big Plus Tooling, and Rigid Tapping, as well as a large Y axis (1100 mm x 550 mm). The machine can be configured with an 8,000 rpm spindle for taking deep cuts, or with a 12,000 rpm spindle for high speed precision applications. The standard Big Plus spindle system (BBT #40) provides dual contact between the spindle face and the flange face of the tool holder. Thruspindle coolant is standard, and the machine is equipped with a 30-tool, side mount swing arm tool changer with 1.3 sec tool-to-tool change times. ÒMAKINO New machining platform The N2 and N2-5XA (five axis) horizontal machining centres for medical and small aluminum parts manufacturing feature the new N2 platform that consumes less than 26 sq ft of floor space. The overall Boring Tools · Tool Holders · Cutting Tools · Presetting · Workholding · Accessories PRECISION SHOWS. Our products perform—and the benefits are evident. That’s why we guarantee the quality of every tool we sell—including the new Kaiser Series 310 EWD precision boring head. Press PLAY for a look at the measurable accuracy advantages of this digital dynamo—and challenge yourself to achieve higher performance levels. Visit or scan the QR code to watch the video. Attend our complimentary “Breakfast & Learn” each morning before DMG / MORI SEIKI Innovation Days. Learn more and sign up at kaiser1462 06 May Ad Digital Boring SMT indd 1 Machine1_Rocand.indd 26 4/4/13 1:02 PM 13-04-17 11:02 AM footprint is 45.3 in. wide by 83.7 in. long by 84.6 in. high (1,150 mm by 2,125 mm by 2,150 mm). The four axis N2 offers a 400 mm high, 400 mm diameter cylindrical work envelope with X, Y and Z axis travels of 300 mm by 300 mm by 230 mm, and a 300 mm diameter direct-drive rotary table. The 5 axis N2-5XA shares the same linear axes and includes twin, trunnion-style direct-drive A and B rotary axes for the production of complex, contoured parts. ÒMAZAK Improved machining accuracy The Variaxis i-800 features a Y axis travel of 33.46 in. (850 mm), an X axis travel of 28.74 in. Need to program parts that require extremely precise tolerances? (730 mm) and can accommodate workpieces up to 39.37 in. (1,000 mm) in diameter and 19.69 in. (500 mm) high. A roller gear cam-driven rotary/tilt table with 360° of rotation in the C axis and +30°-120° of tilt in the Ax axis, is supported at both ends. It comes standard with a 10,000 rpm, 40 hp, 50 taper spindle with a compact nose design to increase the machine’s Z axis stroke to 22.05 in. (560 mm). The machine is available with the standard 30 tools up to 120 tools. Rapid traverse rate of the X, Y and Z axes is 1.654 ipm (42 m/min). ÒMC MACHINERY New milling line The Diamond Cut general milling line is comprised of five series of vertical machining centres and drilling and tapping machines. The MCV Series is a general purpose machining centre with two spindle/ tooling system types. The DV Series features a 15,000 rpm direct drive spindle and CAT 40 tooling. It can accommodate rigidity and stability in large parts and has a10,000 rpm spindle, CAT 50 tooling, and hand-scraped box way guides. ÒMILLTRONICS Linear roller ways The VM3224 VMC features a 38 x 24 in. (965 x 610 mm) table and travels of 32, 24 x 26 in. (813 x 965 x 660 mm). It has removable side doors, linear roller ways and a dual arm 24-pocked tool changer. It offers smaller cutting tools. The DM Series features a 20,000 rpm HSK-A63 spindle. A 32-position automatic tool changer, the M720 Mitsubishi controller, linear scales, and roller guideways are standard features. The SV Series is built with a heavy-duty box way construction in the X, Y, and Z axes, ideal for cutting feedrates of 500 ipm (12.5 mpm) and rapid feedrates of 1600 ipm (40 mpm). Next Intent (San Luis Obispo, CA) designs and builds precise tolerance components and sub assemblies for aerospace, aircraft, defense & national laboratories. Looking for proven performance in their CAM software solution, the company chose GibbsCAM. GibbsCAM integrates cutting-edge CAD/CAM technology with industry-leading ease-of-use features — critical qualities needed when programming parts like the rotary housing for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory. The housing is designed with thin walls and multiple pockets (with some features requiring a tolerance of ±.001"). JPL’s STEP-format CAD model opened directly in GibbsCAM, where its 5-axis functions were used to program the part. If failure is not an option and you need to program parts that require extremely precise tolerances... Gibbs Can! Curiosity imagery courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech The rotor housing for Curiosity was machined from 6AL-4V titanium on a 3-axis machining center equipped with fourth-axis rotary table. Powerfully Simple. Simply Powerful See GibbsCAM at Booth #1032 0)+!/ Production CNC Programming Bill Gibbs Founder/President Got 3 Minutes 0+)1-'$ Scan code to SEE what GibbsCAM can do for you! Integrated CAD/CAM for Mold & Die, Design and Manufacturing 800-654-9399 M Machine1_Rocand.indd 27 13-04-17 7:01 AM  MACHINING | Milling Machines MetalTech Report ÒTOSHIBA FIELD NOTES Face, end milling The BTD-200QH is an easy-to-use machine best suited for face and end milling operations. New features support advanced machining opeations. It features a CNC system Tosnuc 999, an optional spindle with 5000 min speed and an optional NC rotary milling function which allows for four axis control in lieu of the current three axis control. Y DELIVER Y A D T X NE GO TO GT FOR YOUR TAPPING NEEDS HIGH - PERFORMANCE TAP S YG - 1 Canada | [email protected] PRODUCT: Fanuc RoboDrill END USER: Camcor Industries When you’re machining precision parts at high speed and feed rates, holding tight tolerances of +/-.001 in. (.025 mm) is critical. That’s why Camcor Industries, Carp, ON, invested in the Fanuc T21i-Fla RoboDrill for its milling operations. The 16,000 sq ft machine shop offers three, four and five axis precision machining of 2D and 3D complex geometries. It specializes in the high tech manufacturing sector (e.g. avionics, telecommunications, medical and scientific devices) and while it’s a niche market, it’s still a competitive one. So when Camcor installed the RoboDrill in February 2011, the company was looking to also reduce cycle times and improve machining productivity. “We’ve cut cycle times in half compared to a 10,000 rpm machine we were using. We also have a low scrap rate through the 4th axis and no backlash [no loose movement on each axis of the table due to the servo motors and the Fanuc control]” says Robert Brinker, operations manager. Camcor selected the RoboDrill because the price point was right, but more importantly, Brinker says he likes the reliability of the machine. The machine was purchased from Legere Industrial Supplies Ltd., Ottawa, ON, a Canadian distributor for Methods Machine Tools Inc., the exclusive North American sales, service and training source for Fanuc. “We haven’t had a service call yet; it’s a reliable machine. It has a fast tool changer, and fast table speed, and a simply designed coolant supply. The Fanuc 31i-A5 control is perfectly integrated and tuned with the machine.” Method’s now offers the new generation RoboDrill, the Fanuc D21. It features a new 31iB control for high speed processing, as well as troubleshooting and maintenance capabilities. It allows users to receive notifications if any of the drives or electronics requires adjustments. The machine is available in three sizes (small, medium and large) with a 14 or optional 21-tool tool changer. It features accelerations in X, Y and Z axes to 1.5 g, rapid traverse rates of 2,125 ipm and feed rates to 1181 ipm (2,362 ipm optional). Camcor is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturing business formed in 1992 by brothers Roberto and Orlando Campagna. In addition to machining, it offers secondary services--welding, electron beam welding and assembly. 3 3 7 5 Nor th S er v ice Road, Unit A 8 Bur lington, ON L7N 3G2 Phone: 9 05-3 35-250 0 Fax: 9 05-3 35-4 0 0 3 Machine1_Rocand.indd 28 13-04-17 7:01 AM NEW DATES! JUNE 4-6, 2013 EDMONTON EXPO CENTRE, NORTHLANDS CANADA’SFACE-TO-FACE SOLUTIONS WESTERN MARKETPLACE FOR MANUFACTURING NEW IN 2013 Even more opportunities to network, learn, and grow your business. tJob Shop Night: 'SFFCFFSGPPEBDIBODFUP NFFU"OESFX$PNSJF1JDBSE "$1 BSBDFDBSDIBNQJPO BOE)PMMZXPPETUVOUDBSESJWFS 4QPOTPSFECZ$8"$8# tEngaging Conference Line up: $PNQSFIFOTJWFFEVDBUJPOJO BUIFBUSFPOUIFTIPXþPPS GSFFXJUIBENJTTJPO tTECHBAR: #BSTUZMFJOUFSBDUJWF FEVDBUJPOTFTTJPOT MPDBUFEPOUIFTIPXþPPS REGISTER TO ATTEND TODAY 130%6$&% BY: Machine1_Rocand.indd 29 visit &7&/5 1"35/&34 13-04-17 7:01 AM  CUTTING TOOLS | Turning BY JIM BARNES What You Don’t Know About Wipers “The overwhelming reason that people don’t use wipers is lack of education, lack of knowledge. They just don’t know what a wiper is intended to do. They are not comfortable with it,” says Seco Tools' Don Graham. What kind of questions do customers often come to him with? ‘What is a wiper?’” he says with a laugh. The main misconception about wipers is largely the industry’s fault, says Kennametal's Jan Andersson. When they were introduced, “we talked high and low about finishing. Wipers have so many more application areas than just finishing.” Semi-finishing and even roughing operations can be improved with wipers. In roughing, it can give you better chip control. “If you’re increasing your feed rate, you’re increasing your chip area, which gives you better chip control,” says Andersson. In medium roughing applications where you have interruptions, you can utilize the edge strength of the wiper, he adds. That wipers are hard to set up is another misunderstanding. “You do have to think about your setup, you have to think about what materials and components to use them on. That’s all true, but I think we [tooling industry] went slightly overboard. People think the wiper is more complicated to apply than it actually is,” adds Andersson. Some wipers are designed to be more forgiving in setups. In some Seco products, a very large radius is built into the geometry. “That radius is there to compensate for any of the toolholders being out by a degree or two. So even if the insert is off by a degree or two, you’re still going to get the wiper effect,” says Seco Tools' Chad Miller. Sandvik Coromant's Dave Andrews says the company's "wiper flat is typically a series of five radii blended together. With a larger radius, you don’t have the requirement to have the tool absolutely perpendicular to the workpiece, it’s less critical, you get a little more flexibility with the blended radii.” Wipe Out Unleashing the wiper insert's potential in turning IPER INSERTS ARE well-established in turning operations, but some of their capabilities are not well-recognized. The experts interviewed for this article emphasize that these tools have wide potential applications that could HQKDQFHSURGXFWLYLW\DQGSURÀWDELOLW\ but that many shops seem to be unaware of them. The wiper insert concept is based on a series of radii that make up the cutting edge. Instead of just one nose radius, a wiper edge consists of a main radius and several smaller radii. The multiple nose radii smooth out the peaks and valleys caused by conventional inserts with a “wiping” action. “In essence, what you’re doing is W extending the effective radius. By doing that, you’re producing a better ÀQLVKµH[SODLQV-DQ$QGHUVVRQ senior global product manager, Kennametal Inc., Latrobe, PA. :LSHUVÀUVWDSSHDUHGDERXW\HDUV ago in milling applications and over 10 years ago in turning. There were reasons for the lag. “In milling, the concept of the wiper is a little more obvious. In turning, there were concerns about what the wiper would do to the nose radius and whether or not that would be accepted by the market,” says Don Graham, manager of Education and Technical Services, Seco Tools Inc., Troy, MI. “Conceptually, it just is not as easy to grasp in turning as it is in milling.” CONSIDERATIONS THE LIST OF WIPER limitations is moderate. Make sure your machine can supply the necessary rigidity. Since between five and 10 per cent more cutting force is involved, your machine tool has to have the capacity. “You need more stability in the machine tool because you do have more contact between the insert itself and the workpiece,” says Andrews. Make sure your CAM system is up to speed. The complex geometry may make programming toolpaths, including interpolated moves, more complex. As an example, Pathtrace software has Sandvik wiper geometries built in. An insert can be chosen by catalogue number and the program will generate the appropriate toolpaths. The application matters, too. For example, profiling can be a problem. “If you are doing straight turning or a facing operation, you get an excellent surface finish. If you’re doing profiling, you don’t get the wiper effect,” notes Graham. “Basically, you would use a wiper in a cylindrical operation, not a tapered operation of any sort. Ideally, it’s on a straight shaft of some kind. Typically, you would not use it where you had to come into some kind of controlled radius in a corner,” notes Andersson Another application that could be a problem is long, thin workpieces. The heavy feed means you might get vibration. You should also be careful with thin-walled 30 MAY 2013 CT Wiper.indd 30 13-04-17 6:48 AM “The problem with adapting it to turning is that a straight, parallel land doesn’t work as well," adds Dave Andrews, former product and applications specialist, turning products for Sandvik Coromant, and now regional business manager for Western Canada for WKHFRPSDQ\,W·VDOLWWOHPRUHGLIÀFXOWWRPDNHVXUH the toolholder is always 100 per cent parallel to the ZRUNSLHFH7KHQZKHQLWFRPHVWRSURÀOLQJDQGVR on, there are other issues with a straight, parallel land. Some engineering needed to be done.” Capabilities “When wipers were introduced to the metalworking industry, they were presented as a product to increase WKHIHHGUDWHZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJWKHÀQLVK7KDWLV still valid, absolutely the case,” says Andersson. Shop RZQHUVFDQREWDLQWKHVDPHÀQLVKDWKLJKHUIHHGVWKDQ FRQYHQWLRQDOLQVHUWVRUEHWWHUÀQLVKHVDWWKHVDPHIHHG ,QIDFWWKHVHVXSHULRUÀQLVKHVPLJKWHYHQ PDNHVHFRQGDU\ÀQLVKLQJRSHUDWLRQVOLNHJULQGLQJ unneccessary. You also get good chip control at low feeds and consistent chip breaking at high feeds. “If you increase your feed rate, the chip is thicker. On the springier steels, using a wiper insert aids chip control,” explains Graham. Negative and positive variations are available in the technology. workpieces. Some materials, such as heat-resistant superalloys, might exhibit work-hardening if wipers are used, though some wiper inserts have been designed specifically for these applications. Solutions are available for aluminum, too. Stainless steel is also getting attention, according to Chad Miller, product manager, advanced materials. Seco Tools Inc., Troy, MI. “We’re working on what we’re calling a ‘short wiper.’ The wiper radius is reduced. That results CT Wiper.indd 31 in a reduced cutting force... with stainless steel, you cause built-up edge on the cutting edge. It really affects the surface finish. If we can get rid of that with a freer cutting geometry, a wiper geometry that’s tailored for stainless, we do better.” Generally speaking, wipers don’t need special handling. They use the same toolholders and cutting fluids and machines you are using now. They are graded similarly to conventional inserts. “[Shop owners] should Spotting for Taps Seco's wiper insert. Kennametal's turning wiper insert. Now & the future! 2 in 1 Sandvik Coromant's WMX wiper insert. continued on page 33 Î be taking advantage of the productivity gains, now more than ever, with the push in the industry to reduce costs,” says Andrews. “You can make good gains in cycle time with very little effort involved in programming or changing toolholders. It’s no more than popping in an insert, and increasing the feed rate accordingly.” The technology has progressed dramatically in the past decade. It may be time for a second look at this powerful solution. Spot drilling for high performance drills and 90° chamfering all in one. Inserts fit standard holders. Imported exclusively into Canada by Caliber Industrial supply Contact us for your local distributor 1-800-465-5743 [email protected] 13-04-17 6:48 AM CT Wiper.indd 32 13-04-17 6:48 AM Î continued from page 31  CUTTING TOOLS | Turning A positive wiper design involves less tool SUHVVXUHEULQJLQJWKHEHQHÀWVRIZLSHUV to applications that can’t handle the extra pressure caused by the wider radius that could result in vibration and other problems. Negative wipers support increased tool pressures, increasing cutting power on highly rigid machines. The negative angle grind pushes crater wear away from the edge, increasing tool life. SMT Jim Barnes is a contributing editor. [email protected] DX SIMTEK Turning Tools TypeDX (Delta-Line) For more information on cutting tool technologies, visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s CUTTING TOOL ZONE online at Turning Tools MetalTech Report Grooving ÒHORN USA CVD coated diamond tools CVD thick-film tools are harder than PCD and twice as wear-resistant. The extremely long tool life of diamond tools combined with an optimized chip breaker on the CVD diamond cutter can increase machining productivity by up to 35 per cent and reduce processing costs by up to 80 per cent. Various inserts with wiper geometries have been developed for high performance machining and continuous turning. ÒISCAR Innovative clamping Iscar’s new Dove IQ Turn features a dovetail pocket combined with a lever clamping mechanism that provides firm and rigid insert clamping, eliminating the need for a top clamp, which interrupts chip flow. The clamping mechanism can firmly hold double-sided inserts featuring double negative prism flanks. The dovetail pocket and insert prismatic flanks CT Wiper.indd 33 prevent the insert from being lifted by the cutting forces. Available are three insert geometries with prismatic flanks: WOMG-R3P-IQ, COMGR3P-IQ and SOMGR3P-IQ, designed with a new R3P chipformer for rough turning of steel. ÒSANDVIK COROMANT New insert geometries New insert geometries for steel, stainless steel and HRSA material and customized toolholders have been added to the company’s range of options to apply coolant in the machining process. When using low pressure (7-10 bar/100-150 psi) the CoroTurn HP holders with high precision continued on page 35 Î Î Î Î Boring Threading Face Grooving Available from 0.280” minimum bore Imported exclusively into Canada by Caliber Industrial supply Contact us for your local distributor 1-800-465-5743 [email protected] 13-04-17 6:48 AM PROPELLING PRODUCTIVITY FORWARD IN AEROSPACE INTEGREX e-670H INTEGREX i-630V VORTEX 1060V/8S Full 5-Axis Multi-Tasking for Long Shaft Work Full 5-Axis Machining With Turning and a Pallet Changer Full 5-Axis Machining With a 39.37" Square Single Table MEGATURN NEXUS 900M VERSATECH V-140N MAZAK PALLETECH SYSTEM MEGA 8800 Vertical Turning Center With a Milling Turret 5-Axis Machining With Up to a 393.7" Work Table Pre-Engineered, Easily Expandable Automation System Highly Rigid Horizontal Machining Center With a High-Torque Spindle COMPREHENSIVE MANUFACTURING SOLUTIONS FOR ACHIEVING SOARING LEVELS OF PRODUCTIVITY, PRECISION AND PROFITABILITY WHETHER YOU’RE MACHINING landing gear, jet engine parts, large airframe structures or system controls, our expansive technology portfolio and unsurpassed industry expertise provide everything you need to optimize your aerospace manufacturing operations. To learn more about Mazak’s solutions for the aerospace industry, visit one of Mazak’s eight North American Technology Centers or WWW.MAZAKUSA.COM. MAZAK CORPORATION 8025 Production Drive, Florence, KY 41042 (859) 342-1700 WWW.MAZAKUSA.COM Facebook Twitter YouTube ONTARIO Mazak Canada Technology Centre 50 Commerce Court Cambridge, Ontario Canada N3C 4P7 1-800-668-5449 CT Wiper.indd 34 WEST CANADA Machine Toolworks, Inc. 4803 74th Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2H5 (800) 426-2052 QUEBEC & MARITIMES A.W. Miller 2685 Boul. Pitfield St. Laurent, Quebec H4S 1T2 (514) 333-9174 Committed to productivity-enhancing connectivity, Mazak supports the MTConnect open communications protocol to simplify the monitoring and management of its production systems. Currently, 36 Mazak customers are using or implementing the protocol to improve the utilization of their manufacturing equipment. 13-04-17 6:48 AM continued from page 33 Turning Tools MetalTech Report nozzles outperform regular toolholders that have an tendency to flood coolant, claims the company. The new -SMC, -MMC, -PMC insert geometries in combination with the CoroTurn HP nozzle technology, provide greater productivity for demanding materials such as duplex stainless steel and HSRA material, which require higher coolant pressures of 70-80 bar (1000-1200 psi). ÒTECHNIKS ÒWALTER Nexus Tools is a new line of turning and boring tools with negative and positive toolholders and boring bars. The new tooling provides greater rigidity and reduces vibration, and leads to reduced insert wear and increased tool life. Also offered is the Captocompatible internal and external turning tools available Tiger∙tec Silver Turning for steel turning applications, consisting of three new grades and four new geometries, can bring longer tool life, faster cycle times and process reliability to a wide array of applications. Increased rigidity Steel turning Fine Engraving ÒSECO Turning cast iron The Duratomic-coated TK1001 and TK2001 insert grades achieve versatility, reliability and exceptional wear resistance in cast iron machining. They also allow for faster cutting speeds and reduce the number of grades needed in cast iron applications. TK1001 is a hard, finegrained tungsten carbide turning grade with low binder phase content. Designed primarily for tackling gray cast iron up to semi-stable conditions and nodular cast iron under stable conditions, it also works on hardened steels in the 40 – 45 Rc range. TK2001 is a fine-grained tungsten carbide turning grade with high toughness. It offers strong performance in interrupted finishing operations due to its tough substrate and extra edge toughness. CT Wiper.indd 35 in C6 internal and external models for turning, boring, threading and grooving. ÒTUNGALOY AMERICA Longer tool life The new NS9530 incorporates Tungaloy’s “PremiumTec” special surface technology that reduces micro roughness on the surface to support improved tool life. The smooth layer on the NS9530 grade insert has cut flank wear in comparison to rival products. The GT9530 offers enhanced adhesion between the substrate and the coating layer to stabilize wear resistance and tool life while delivering a consistently high quality surface finish whereby sudden peeling or fracture are avoided. The cutting tools can handle a variety of materials including unalloyed and alloy steel, cast steel, stainless ferritic and martensitic steel, as well as ductile cast iron. ÒWIDIA Improved wear resistance Widia Victory turning grades include 10 different grades and 14 different geometries, including five new chipbreaker designs. The inserts employ coating technologies to improve wear resistance and allow for higher speed and feed capabilities. Additional post-coat treatment provides increased cutting edge toughness to reduce the depth of cut notching and extend tool life. Ø6 Corner Rounding and Back Chamfering Imported exclusively into Canada by Caliber Industrial supply Contact us for your local distributor 1-800-465-5743 [email protected] 13-04-17 6:48 AM  QUALITY | Multisensors A Quality Edge BY MARY SCIANNA Multisensor technology gives Ontario blow mouldmaker a competitive edge ISTAKES ARE COSTLY in manufacturing, and in today’s competitive environment, your mistake may mean a new customer for your competitor. It’s why quality’s role in manufacturing continues to grow and why manufacturers like Garrtech Inc., a blow mould manufacturer in Stoney, &UHHN21KDYHPDGHVLJQLÀFDQW investments in quality control. For Garrtech, the investment was an approximate $175,000 Zeiss CMM, the Contura G2, equipped with multisensor technology. The automated measuring system, purchased and installed in February 2012, replaced an older CMM from another supplier that could not keep up with changing demands from customers for tighter tolerances and faster quality reporting. The CMM was purchased from Zeiss’ M Canadian distributor, Elliott Matsuura Canada Inc., Oakville, ON. “Our machines, several of which have probes on them, are quick, and our machinists are skilled at their work, but I [quality department] was the bottleneck, “says Tina Brogaard, quality assurance manager at Garrtech, referring to the situation before the new CMM was installed. “It was imperative for me to have four days to GRP\FRPSOHWHÀQDOLQVSHFWLRQEXW now with the new CMM, I’ve cut that time to a day or a day and a half.” The CMM is equipped with three probes loaded on Zeiss’ MSR mini MultiSensor rack (the CMM can be equipped with a second rack and additional probes). The RDS articulating probe allows the probe to move, scan and measure in all angular positions. A camera, the ViScan, for visual inspection, has the ability to view at 5, 10 and 20 times PDJQLÀFDWLRQ*DUUWHFKLVXVLQJWLPHV PDJQLÀFDWLRQ:KHQHTXLSSHGZLWK the RDS, it allows for measurements in all spatial directions without having WRUHFKXFNDSDUW:KLOHWKH&00 is automated, Garrtech can change SUREHV´RQWKHÁ\µYLDWKHWRROUDFN or manually if required, adds Brogaard. The CMM also comes with Zeiss’ Calypso software, which Brogaard describes as “absolutely fantastic” because of its user friendliness. The :LQGRZVEDVHGVRIWZDUHGHYHORSV WKHPHDVXULQJWDVNVDQGWKHIHDWXUH oriented interface makes it easy to use. Calypso offers a common interface for measuring 3D parts when different sensors are being used. Brogaard estimates the new CMM KDVFXWÀQDOLQVSHFWLRQWLPHE\WR often forced to buy multiple stand-alone devices. Metrology equipment advances means multisensor devices now have the ability to offer more data generated quickly and automatically, which in turn cuts the time and cost associated with such tasks in a quality department. “The benefits derive from sensor integration with the CMM hardware and software platform, the ability to seamlessly switch from one sensor to another within a measurement plan, and the ability to evaluate data from multiple sources within that measurement plan,” notes John Pearson, technical sales engineer with Carl Zeiss Industrial Metrology, Brighton, MI, who spoke with Shop Metalworking Technology for an article on multisensor technology in our May 2012 issue. Why Multisensor Technology? Multisensor technology is defined as a measurement system with two or more sensor options for data acquisition. Multisensor technology makes sense in today’s competitive market. A single sensor can’t measure every part feature and provide every measurement function and parameter a customer may require, so a manufacturer is 36 MAY 2013 Quality.indd 36 13-04-17 6:50 AM 50 per cent, and she’s now able to produce faster and better customer reports with key quality data. “Our customers are adamant about reports and the quicker I can provide them with the information, the quicker we can start machining the part. Our customers have never the time I used to spend on data input.” :LWKWKHROGHU&00 there was no automated visual scan; Brogaard performed manual scans with an eye loop equipped with a scale. For every measurement, Brogaard would have to shine a light on the part being measured, Best In Class! The Zeiss multisensor CMM has cut final inspection time by 40 to 50 per cent, says Tina Brogaard, quality assurance manager. Achieve record times in your production by full cost control, transparency and maximum efficiency in production processes. Our three compatible software packages with TMS Tool Management Solutions guarantee a smooth workflow and are key to a cost-effective manufacturing. doubted what we produce in terms of quality, but now we have another fully automated, precise tool that backs up what our machinists are doing.” The other aspect of having a CMM with multisensor technology is customer delivery, adds Brogaard. ´:KHQRXUFXVWRPHUV come in for inspection we have reliable data with all the critical dimensions they require, all in one report and I can generate that report quickly, which has cut down do the manual scan with the eye loop and then write down the measurement. “I would have to do this on different parts and when I had 19 moulds, for example, times two, I’d be looking at hundreds of measurements by eye and that was time consuming and it hurt my eyes.” The CMM has been in operation for more than a year and has run smoothly ever since, but Brogaard says she’d like to add more capability. “Zeiss offers so many continued on page 40 Î Î Î Î Learn more at one of our upcoming Lunch & Learn Workshops visit our website for a complete list of events and registration! ZOLLER Inc. - PH: (734) 332-4851 - Email: [email protected] MAY 2013 Quality.indd 37 37 13-04-17 6:50 AM Heinman Machinery Ltd. 6105 Kestrel Road, Mississauga, ON | Tel: 905.564.9479 | CNC HORIZONTAL BORING & MILLING MACHINES HB-110-20T 79”x59”x55” XYZ travel 35HP 2500rpm Fanuc OiMD 60 tool ATC Bed Type Mills CS-VBM-5VHL Vertical & Horizontal CS-VBM-5VL Vertical 86.6”x20” table CS-VBM-4V 75”x18” table Metric ball screws Pneumatic clamping Milling Machine CS-G450B Vertical & Horizontal Table 51”x12” ISA40, 5HP & 7.5HP 3-Axis power feed Rapid traverse CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTRES MCV-300 24”x12”x18” XYZ travel 10HP 8000rpm Fanuc Oi-Mate MD 16 tool ATC V-700 27.5”x15.7”x21.6” XYZ travel 10HP 10000rpm Fanuc Oi-Mate D 24 tool ATC MCV-1000 40”x20”x20” XYZ travel 20HP 8000rpm Fanuc Oi-MD 24 tool ATC CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTRES Double Column X-Axis KMC-3000SV(B) 127” KMC-4000SV(E) 166” KMC-5000SV 206” CNC Lathes FCL-820 FCL-1028 Slant bed Fanuc Oi-Mate or Oi-TC Hydraulic 10-station ATC 8”/10” chuck Heinman_MayDPS.indd 38 13-04-17 6:57 AM At Heinman Machinery we ensure that you receive a machine manufactured in Taiwan that will not only be accurate today, but one that will maintain its value long after. We supply a full range of CNC and conventional metalworking equipment for a diverse customer base and we look forward to serving you. Visit our showroom, machines are on display and under power for demonstrations. OVER 250 machines in stock. | [email protected] | CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTRES MCV-1020BA 40”x21.6”x22” XYZ travel 15HP 10000rpm Fanuc OiMD 24 tool ATC MCV-1100 43”x23”x22”XYZ travel 25HP 10000rpm Fanuc 21iMB 24 tool ATC Cylindrical Grinders CGP-816 CGP-1224 CGP-1240 Heinman_MayDPS.indd 39 MCV-1200 47”x23.6”x19.7”XYZ travel 15HP 10000rpm direct drive Fanuc 0iMD with high speed machining MCV-1450 57”x29.5”x29.5” XYZ travel 25HP 6000rpm Fanuc OiMD 32 tool ATC V-43MD 43.3”x23.6”x20” XYZ travel 20HP 15000rpm Fanuc 18iMB 24 tool ATC Automatic Surface Grinders FSG-2040ADII FSG-2060ADII FSG-2460ADII MCV-1700 67”x33.5”x29.5” XYZ travel MCV-2100 82”x33.5”x30” XYZ travel MCV-2600 102”x33.5”x30” XYZ travel 25HP / 30HP / 30HP 6000rpm Fanuc control 32 tool ATC V-2000 Double Column 80.7”x45.3”x27.6”XYZ travel 30HP 15000rpm Fanuc 18iMB 30 tool ATC Automatic Surface Grinders FSG-1224ADIII FSG-3A818 FSG-1632ADIII FSG-3A1020 FSG-1640ADIII FSG-3A1224 Handfeed Surface Grinders Grinders that will last for years ACCU-618SP Super Precision FSG-618M Includes: 6”x18” Walker Neo Micro magnetic chuck 13-04-17 6:57 AM  QUALITY | Multisensors Î Î Î Î continued from page 37 tools and I’ve looked into the laser scanner. It would give us the ability to better scan 3D contours and would also be good for reverse engineering. I can do this type of measurement now, but it would be quicker with a laser scanner.” The multisensor technology has the added advantage of allowing manufacturers to add new tools when requirements change. Longer term, Bogaard says Garrtech is looking at merging quality processes LQOLQHDQGRIÁLQH ´:H·OOEHDEOHWRFRPPXQLFDWH between the machines equipped with probes in our shop with the quality GHSDUWPHQW:H·UHQRWWKHUH\HWEXW we’re working on this.” SMT Making Blow Moulds for 22 Years Garrtech is looking at merging quality processes inline on the shop floor and offline in the quality department. In an industry that has seen many shops driven out of business because of low cost tooling from India and China, blow mould manufacturer Garrtech Inc., Stoney Creek, ON, has found a recipe for success: investing in technology, machinery and engineering services difficult to replicate by offshore competitors. The blow mould manufacturing services include part design, mould design and construction. The 35,000 sq ft plant operates 19 CNC multi-axis machining centres equipped with an automated tool crib system for increased machine uptime and productivity. An in-house engineering department with reverse engineering and 3D model generation capabilities supports the shop, as does a quality department equipped with the recently purchased CMM with multisensor technology. Highest Precision-Tightest Tolerance ID/OD Grinding VOUMARD-UNCOMPROMISING QUALITY, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS TAILORED TOWARD YOUR NEEDS. Perfectly suited for production of small to large-sized parts, powered by Fanuc linear motors. Performing multiple internal and external grinding operations in a single clamp. Parts of almost every geometry are processed. Multi surface ID / OD grinder for work up to 32” (800 mm) diameter and 59” (1500 mm) in length. Capable of up to 4 grinding spindles with speeds from 3,000 to 120,000 rpm mounted on a hirth coupling turret. High precision automatic taper axis under the work for grinding angles and quick taper adjustments. Successful installations found in job shop industries to large aerospace companies. PETER WOLTERS, a global leader supporting your product in any country. 110 CNC 130 CNC PETER WOLTERS of America Inc. 509 N. Third Avenue Des Plaines, IL 60016 - 1196 Phone: (847) 803 - 3200 Fax: (847) 803 - 9875 [email protected] 150 CNC 40 MAY 2013 Quality.indd 40 13-04-17 6:50 AM  FABRICATING | Punching BY MARY SCIANNA A 2 FOR 1 DEAL { Punch laser combination machine opens doors to new business LIAS CUSTOM METAL Fabrication Ltd. in Vaughan, ON, has something all custom job shops should have to succeed: owners who consistently invest in technology to diversify and grow. The strategy is working for brothers and owners Fadi and Sam Emeid, who formed the business in 1994. Last year, the company doubled in size moving from a 40,000 sq ft plant into a 80,000 sq ft one and investing approximately $1.5 million in a lights out sheet metal cutting centre from TRUMPF. At the heart of the new technology is TRUMPF’s Trumatic 7000 large format punch laser combination machine. “We have punching and laser machines but when we saw the demonstration of the punch laser combo machine at other facilities, we knew the technology would be good for our business,” explains Fadi Emeid. “The most important component for me was the automation that allows us to run the E The Problem Improving competitiveness in job shop market The Solution Investing in flexible automation THE EQUIPMENT machine overnight and on the week-end. It’s enabled us to be more competitive, diversify, and to offer more reliable service to customers.” Elias Custom Metal Fabrication has FRPHDORQJZD\VLQFHLWÀUVWRSHQHG its doors in a 4,500 sq ft facility. In addition to the lights out punch laser combo machine, the full service machine shop is equipped with two TRUMPF laser cutting machines, punching machines (a Strippit turret punching centre, a Pierce All punch machine and a Euromac notcher), press brakes from TRUMPF, Niagara and All Steel, and a shear from All Steel. It also offers welding, rolling, milling, machining, plating, painting, and assembly capabilities. Before investing in the punch laser combo, Elias had been investigating a tube laser cutting machine, also with lights out capability. “We had an order in place and then in 2009 the economy went south and THE TRUMPF TRUMATIC 7000 is a punch laser combination machine that offers scratch-free sheet metal punching and C02 laser cutting. The configuration in Elias Custom Metal’s facility is a 1.6 m machine that offers a 1.5 x 3 m (5 by 10 ft) working range. The automated sheet metal fabricating system is equipped with a dual cart loading system for loading raw materials at one end and a dual cart unloading system for finished part extraction at the other end. The system is designed for lights out operation and includes TRUMPF’s GripMaster for skeleton removal. For punching, it has a maximum stroke rate of 1200 1/min and for laser cutting, it’s equipped with TRUMPF’s TruFlow 4 kW C02 laser. MAY 2013 Fab1_Punch.indd 41 41 13-04-17 6:46 AM  FABRICATING | Punching Fadi Emeid, beside the punch laser combo machine, says the technology has opened the doors to new business. we put the brakes on that purchase,” recalls Fadi Emeid. “Then a year later we re-evaluated our investments and decided instead to go with the punch laser combo machine because of the diversity it could offer us by opening new doors to new customers and also allow us to do more innovative work.” The automated punch laser system has been in place a year now and while there have been growing pains because of the transition of going to an automated environment [programming and managing more job orders on a faster processing system), Sam Emeid says the machine has helped Elias PDNHVLJQLÀFDQWSURGXFWLYLW\JDLQV “Before certain parts required work on three different machines [shearing blanks, punching and laser cutting) and now we can make these same parts on one machine and that is a huge productivity gain.” 7KHÁH[LELOLW\RIWKHDXWRPDWLRQLV also a plus. The machine can run lights out with only punching, only laser or Growth of Punch Laser Combo Machines PUNCH LASER TECHNOLOGY is picking up steam in Canada, says Charlie Hardie, sales manager for Central Ontario for TRUMPF Canada, Mississuaga, ON. Hardie, who is the TRUMPF rep for Elias, says punch laser technology didn’t take off when it first emerged in the market because the technology was not reliable. “There was uncertainty around vibrations and the stability of the laser, but technologies and designs have evolved to today where we have sound technology. Our resonator floats on an airbag so when the machine goes into punching mode, the resonator floats on the airbag to absorb a lot of the shock and then resides itself for the laser portion.” He adds that customers are beginning to take advantage of the productivity gains the technology can bring to a shop. “There is greater interest in the technology now because there is confidence in the reliability of it; it offers flexibility and productivity gains that were not there before,” adds Hardie. both, depending on the order. The punch laser machine has opened doors to new markets and customers. While the original tube laser machine the company was considering would have also run lights out and created more business opportunities, Fadi says he and his brother Sam are happy with the decision to go with the TRUMPF machine, attributing part of the decision to the long-term relationship Elias has had with the supplier. Elias purchased LWVÀUVW75803)ODVHU\HDUVDJR “We have built a good relationship with TRUMPF and we are loyal customers because they give us WKHVXSSRUWZHQHHG:HKDYHÀYH TRUMPF machines and we’re looking at another press brake for new orders.” SMT continued on page 44 Î Î Î Î For more information on fabricating technologies, visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s FABRICATING ZONE online at 42 MAY 2013 Fab1_Punch.indd 42 13-04-17 6:46 AM CAD/CAM SOLUTIONS SINCE 1975 Automatic EdgeStart Nesting DOWNLOAD FROM DETAILING SOFTWARE INCREASE YIELD NEAR SCRAPLESS SQL DATABASE REDUCED CUTTING TIMES EASIER PROGRAMMING MULTI-LINGUAL SOFTWARE Since 1975 SHOPDATA SYSTEMS has been providing fabrication software tools with one objective; easy to XVHWRROVWRPHDVXUDEO\LQFUHDVHSUR¿WDELOLW\ EdgeStart is designed to import drawings, convert them to tooled paths, create incomparable nests, track remnants, manage your jobs by using ShopData's Production Tracking, DQGJHQHUDWHPHDQLQJIXOUHSRUWVWKDWFDQEHPRGL¿HGWR¿OO your needs. EdgeStart can now auto-chain cut putting the good edge on all four sides. With SHOPDATA'S INVENTORY TRAC module you can enter plate inventory, nest on inventory, create remnants and return to inventory and even draw your own remnants. OPTIONAL: MRP INTEGRATION SEAMLESSLY INTO NESTED PLATES FEATURING ONLINE NET SUPPORT *Optional: Software Module 712 E. Walnut St. | Garland, Texas, 75040 | Tel: 972.494.2719 | Fax: 972.272.7062 Fab1_Punch.indd 43 13-04-17 6:46 AM  FABRICATING | Punching MetalTech Report ÎÎÎÎ ÎLVD STRIPPIT ÎSALVAGNINI 1750 strokes/min Unmanned fabricating The VX series of CNC turret punch presses are designed with a high speed 20 tonne hydraulic ram with a large 48-station turret and table, capable of handling sheet weights of up to 330 lb (150 kg). The automation-ready machines can be equipped with a Compact Tower (CT-P) for loading, unloading and storage of raw material and finished parts. It delivers fast axis speeds of up to 530 hits/min on 1 in. (25 mm) centres and up to 1750 strokes/ min. The Salvagnini S4Xe punching and shearing centre features a patented multi-press head that eliminates the slower, fetch and carry system employed by turret presses. The stationary index speed and 150 m/min sheet positioning speed. The right angle shear has a servo electric actuation system of its own, which makes shear movement at the same time fast and fully controlled. Material thickness in shearing can be up to 5 mm (Al), 4 mm (mild steel) and 3 mm (stainless steel). Automatic loading has been integrated, and also part removal and sorting are automatic. The SGe reduces total manufacturing time by 60 per cent and saves one blank sheet out of every 10. ÎMATE TOOLING Two-piece sheet fastening Mate’s new Hybrid Threadform forming tool for punch presses provides a new solution for fastening two pieces of sheet metal together without tapping or secondary operations. Designed for use when the material thickness is greater than the screw pitch, Mate’s Threadform forming tool thins the material in the centre of the form, creating a threadform helix so the material fits between the pitch of the screw head in just one operation ÎPRIMA POWER 60% cut in fabricating time The Shear Genius integrated punch/shear combination features a servo electric 30 ton punching machine with 1,000 hpm stroke speed, 250 rpm punching head, with between 76 and 96 active punches that can fire independently, provides manufacturers with short cycle times and long tool life. The built-in shear makes the machine the ideal component in a lean, unmanned metal fabrication production system. continued from page 42 ÎWILSON TOOL Thick turret tooling The HPX guide assembly for thick turret tooling combines tool-free punch adjustments with replaceable punch technology in an easy-to-use package. The guide assemblies combine the EXP punch technology (a standard holder with universal punches) with the company’s HP2 punch adjustment capabilities. FIELD NOTES PRODUCT: AMADA AE2510NT END USER: J.I.T. Sheet Metals J.I.T. Sheet Metals, North York, ON, is a sheet metal fabricator that has carved a niche in the HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) business, manufacturing components and ductwork. Owner Fred Dametto recognizes the value of investing in technology; in the past year and a half he’s made a substantial investment in his 20,000 sq ft shop, with the recent being the installation last December of an Amada AE2510NT punch machine with Amada’s Alpha Guide tooling. While Dametto could have purchased the machine from any supplier, he selected Amada because he says it’s a name he could trust. “I purchased two Amada machines used, one 15 years ago, and the other one five years ago, and they’re good machines. I trust the name and though they’re not the cheapest machines on the market, people say they’re the Cadillac of machines.” The Amada AE2510 NT turret punch press has a punching force of 200 kN with Y and X axis travels of 1270 and 2500 mm respectively. An AC servo motor drives the ram, eliminating the hydraulic power supply and the hydraulic fluid chiller. Electrical consumption is less than one half of comparable hydraulic machines; it requires only a 19 kVA power hookup. The drive system delivers up to 370 hits per minute. Dametto says the machine is much faster than other punching machines he’s used. “We have a plasma machine where we would burn materials and now we’re able to do everything on the Amada. It’s a more advanced machine so we can do many more products such as filter racks for furnaces, which is one of the main reasons we purchased the machine.” The Amada punching machine has helped J.I.T. improve productivity, but Dametto is looking to make further improvements in his shop, and is in the process of retooling the plant. “I’m looking at an automatic loader for the punching machine because it will eliminate manpower.” The AE-series machines are available with Amada’s “Triple-Track” high capacity 45 or 51-station turrets equipped with four auto-index stations. It allows fabricators to load the turret with enough tools (up to 4.5 in./114.3 mm in diameter) to run multiple jobs without tool changes. 44 MAY 2013 Fab1_Punch.indd 44 13-04-17 6:46 AM  WELDING | Process Technologies ARTFORM. Why Laser Weld Keyhole welding processes offer higher power densities and faster welding speeds than conduction welding technologies BY CHRIS PILCHER HE MAJORITY OF joining techniques use conduction welding and typically add excess heat to a part, creating metallurgical damage to the substrate. Other welding techniques use high power densities on small areas 0.008 in. (0.2 mm), such as Electron Beam and Laser Beam Welding (EBW and LBW). Laser beam welding, the focus of this article, is a more economical choice because it doesn’t operate under a vacuum, as does Electron Beam welding. T The beam is focused with an optical head. The beam, delivered via a laser resonator, travels through a focusing lens and converges on the part. How it works Laser welding relies on an incredible amount of power and power density focused on a small spot. Power densities are typically more than 1 x 106 Watts/cm2. The laser vaporizes the material before it’s conducted into the substrate, forming the keyhole. The laser moves the keyhole along the part, melting material in front of the NH\KROHZKLOHPROWHQPDWHULDOÁRZV Laser_welding.indd 45 around the sides of it, solidifying the keyhole. The result is a small weld with little distortion. The light in the laser beam is different than normal incandescent light because it is monochromatic, collimated (meaning it travels in a straight line and doesn’t disperse) and is coherent with all photons travelling in the same direction. Six Benefits FAST WELDING SPEEDS: Compared to GMAW welding speeds, laser welding can be five to ten times faster. LOW THERMAL DISTORTION OF PART: In some cases, parts are finished machined and then welded together using the laser, while maintaining tolerances. NO FILLER WIRE REQUIRED: Typically, this is not required and the parent material of the part becomes the filler wire. NON-CONTACT WELDING: No electrical (grounding) or mechanical connections are required, however, zero gap conditions are best. CREATIVE CHALLENGE. CREATIVE SOLUTION. From architecture as art, to everything in between and beyond, Mate Special Application tooling provides fabricators with the solutions needed to get the job done. Mate Precision Tooling. Forming the future since 1962. Find out more by calling 1-800-328-4492 or visiting RELIABILITY: Consistency is paramount with the laser. An increase in speed of 10 per cent can translate into a 10 per cent reduction in depth penetration. PROCESS FEEDBACK FOR QUALITY CONTROL: Inspections systems use through-theoptics techniques to determine, in real time, if the weld is acceptable. 13-04-17 6:44 AM  WELDING | Process Technologies The laser beam focus is accomplished with an optical head. The laser resonator delivers WKHEHDPXVLQJDSURFHVVÀEHURUPLUURUV The beam gets collimated, travels through a focusing lens, and converges on the part. The fiber laser Fiber laser technology emerged in the late 1990s and has been making inroads into the industry because it is considered more energy HIÀFLHQWWKDQ<$*ODVHUVDQGRIIHUVHOHFWULFDO HIÀFLHQF\RIPRUHWKDQSHUFHQW7RGD\ WKHUHDUHÀEHUODVHUVUDQJLQJLQSRZHUXSWR 50 kW and with prices down almost a third of ZKDWWKH\ZHUHÀYH\HDUVDJRLW VPDNLQJWKH technology more accessible to manufacturers. 7KHÀEHUODVHUFDQEHGRSHGZLWKRWKHU continued on page 48 Î Î Î Î Aluminum Extrusion Maker Increases Friction Stir Weld Capacity Sapa Extrusions North America able to perform largest, two-sided panel welds in the continent ALUMINUM EXTRUSION MANUFACTURER Sapa Extrusions North America, based in Rosemont, IL, with production facilities in Mississauga, ON, and Montreal, QC, can now offer customers two-sided welds up to 55 ft (15 m) long with expansion capability to 75 ft (23 m) long in aluminum material up to 30 mm thick. Sapa is able to offer this service because of a recent joint development project with H.F. Webster, which specializes in manufacturing friction stir welded products and equipment. Until now, friction stir weld capacity in North America was generally limited to onesided welds, according to Sapa. “Friction stir welding is a tremendously valuable tool for our customers,” says Kevin Stuban, director of fabrication for Sapa Extrusions North America. “Our relationship with H.F. Webster will now provide Sapa with long-term dedicated capacity to perform some of the largest two-side panel welds in North America.” Applications for large scale friction stir welded panels include passenger train floors, sides and roofs, marine panels and bridge decks. 46 MAY 2013 Laser_welding.indd 46 13-04-17 6:45 AM Laser_welding.indd 47 13-04-17 6:45 AM  WELDING | Process Technologies Î Î Î Î continued from page 46 materials such as Erbium, which will produce light in the 1.5 micron wavelength. Changing the doping material to Thulium will produce a wavelength of light that is 2 microns. Why do this? Each wavelength of light will absorb into each material at a different rate. Two microns, for example, has an advantage for welding clear plastics. On the other hand, 1 micron will absorb into metal better than CO2. It is important to understand that not one wavelength of light will take over the market. Designing lasers for welding Welding geometries must be designed for lasers. Trying to use a joint JHRPHWU\W\SLFDOO\XVHGLQSURFHVVHVOLNH*0$:KDYHDPD[LPXP gap between the components being joined as a result of the addition RIÀOOHUZLUH$OWKRXJKODVHUVFDQXVHÀOOHUZLUHWKH\W\SLFDOO\GRQRW Subsequently, lasers rely on little to no gap between the parts. Typical joint geometries found in laser welding include butt, overlap, T and Fillet joints. SMT Chris Pilcher is regional sales manager-Canada, for IPG Photonics Corp. Laser_welding.indd 48 Welding Processes MetalTech Report ÎESAB Multi-process power source, feeder Warrior is a multi-process power source and feeder for GMAW (MIG), FCAW (Flud-Cored), SMAW (Stick) and GTAW (TIG), as well as ACAG (Arc Gouging) that delivers up to 500 amps at 60 per cent duty cycle. It carbon arc gouges with electrodes up to 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) diameter, welds .030 – 5/64 in. (0.8 - 2 mm) flux-cored and solid wires, and has a full range of SMAW (Stick) capabilities with excellent 7018 and 6010 performance. Warrior’s durable external body withstands the elements. Its’ IP23 rating is designed to endure harsh outdoor environments, up to 60° driving rain. Ergonomically designed handles are built to withstand mechanical hoisting, and double bend 14 gauge steel side panels protect Warrior against collisions and drops. 13-04-17 6:45 AM ÎGULLCO Remote control oscillator The portable design of this heavy duty remote control oscillator makes it easy to handle and setup. This compact unit increases productivity and improves weld quality by providing precise automation of welding applications. Mounted on a KAT travel carriage, the oscillator imparts pendulum, tangential or step motion to the welding gun with adjustable stroke widths, sprayable protective coating that prevents spatter adhesion on MIG/MAG welding equipment for up to eight hours with just one application. It’s designed for use on manual and automatic MIG/ MAG welding, laser/ plasma cutting and spot welding equipment. By delivering physical and thermal protection, it increases welding equipment service life by four to five times, and reduces the cost of consumables by up to 70 per cent, says Henkel. The coating sprays on easily and dries in seconds. ÎLINCOLN speeds and dwell times. Also, a wide range of weld patterns can be produced. This advanced oscillation package is designed to minimize weld defects such as poor penetration, incomplete fusion, overlap and undercut. By combining welding gun oscillation movement with the precision controlled travel speed of the KAT carriage, up to 10 weld programs can be produced and stored. ÎHENKEL Ceramic shield Loctite SF7900 Ceramic Shield for welding is a silicone-free GMAW wire for trailer manufacturing SuperGlaze 5356 is an engineered aluminum alloy GMAW wire designed for applications in the trailer manufacturing industry. The alloy system provides optimal puddle clarity and arc action, as well as excellent wetting for semiautomatic and high productivity automatic applications. The company claims the GMAW wire provides excellent performance on high speed groove welds on formed truck panel applications, as well as robotic fillet welds on trailer tanks, requiring minimal post-weld clean-up. The wire is available in feature allows operators to jog wire or purge gas and preset gas pressure at the regulator before welding. The welder retains the Auto Gun Detect feature. It has a direct connection for Miller 10-pin XR-Aluma PRO and XR Pistol Grip air cooled push-pull guns. standard diameters of .035 in. (0.9 mm) and 1/16 in. (1.6 mm) wound in 1 and 20 lb (.5 and 9 kg) plastic spools, as well as 16 lb (7.2 kg) steel spools. ÎMILLER Aluminum welding Millermatic 350P Aluminum MIG welder is a dedicated aluminum welding power source with a true torque push-pull design, electronic wire spool brake, Trigger Schedule Select and synergic capabilities in MIG and pulsed MIG weld settings. It features six aluminum-dedicated pulse programs, including new settings for .040 wire. A jog and purge ÎVICTOR TECHNOLOGIES TIG, stick welding The Thermal Arc 186 AC/DC inverter for HF TIG, Lift TIG and Stick welding features 15 amps more TIG welding power than its predecessor and features a new digital operator interface. It provides a welding output of 10 to 200 amps with a duty cycle of 20 per cent when TIG welding 200 amps/18 volts. Stick welding duty cycle is 16 per cent when welding at 120 amps/26.6 volts and is suitable for welding with 6011, 6013, 7014, 7018 and other electrodes up to 5/32 in. (4 mm). See us at WMTS Booth 1300 MAY 2013 Laser_welding.indd 49 49 13-04-17 6:45 AM  CUTTING TOOLS | Automotive Cutting it Sandvik Coromant's CoroDrill 460-XM, one of several cutting tools used in automotive machining applications. Machining automotive parts is a game of inches and speeds, with no time or room for error BY ANDREW BROOKS Closer IGHTER. SMALLER. STRONGER. HARDER. FASTER. It might sound like a mixed-up version of the Olympic Games motto, but it’s actually just a (partial) list of the terms and conditions big car makers impose on the massive automotive supply chain that provides them with parts. Lighter, smaller parts that don’t compromise on strength, new metals and composites that are harder to machine, all produced to tighter deadlines and within faster cycle times. “There’s never enough time to do everything you need to do in automotive in terms of product development and prototyping–and even in production,” says Mike Whatling, plant manager for Niagara Precision Ltd. “It’s very fast-paced and a lot of times you only get one shot at it, which puts a lot of pressure on job shops as well as the production facilities.” One of the primary challenges :KDWOLQJLGHQWLÀHVLQPDFKLQLQJ automotive parts is the increasing use of advanced high-strength L steels (AHSS) in the automotive manufacturing industry. These advanced steels are becoming increasingly important as auto manufacturers seek to produce cars that weigh less, employing parts and components that are smaller and lighter, but that continue to meet the same–or even tougher– strength requirements. In addition to favouring the use of AHSS, the automotive industry's demands have also driven research and development into advanced composite materials, and as these make their DSSHDUDQFHRQWKHVKRSÁRRUWKH\KDYH proven to pose problems from the point of view of machining. Job shops are often on their own when learning how to adapt their processes to cope with new material characteristics. “A lot of composites that are coming RXWQRZDUHGLIÀFXOWWRPDFKLQH period,” Whatling says. “There’s not enough information out there, or the tooling doesn’t exist for machining these components. So everybody develops their own procedures for machining exotics.” At least there are some ways continued on page 52 Î Î Î Î 50 MAY 2013 Autocutting.indd 50 13-04-17 6:40 AM Best partner of leading industries in an ever-changing dynamic marketplace. TSS-30/55C Vertical Boring & Turning Mill Powerful, Accurate & Easy-to-Operate BTH-130.R24 Table-Type Horizontal Boring & Milling Machine Optimum High-Speed, High Rigidity, & High-Accuracy TOSHIBA MACHINE - TRUST THE MANUFACTURER, IT’S GUARANTEED! 6 Shields Court, Unit 101, Markham, Ontario L3R 4S1 4ORONTO4ELEPHONE&AXs-ONTREAL4ELEPHONE&AX Email: [email protected] Autocutting.indd 51 13-04-17 6:40 AM  CUTTING TOOLS | Automotive Î Î Î Î continued from page 50 for industry innovators to recoup some of the costs of GHYHORSLQJWKRVHSURFHGXUHV²QRWDEO\WKH6FLHQWLÀF5HVHDUFK and Experimental Development (SR&ED) federal tax incentives and credits. And educational institutions with automotive and engineering faculties are available to support research and development. But ultimately, Whatling says, it comes down to a matter of trialing new procedures in the plant. “The more exotic metals create new issues for machining techs that are evolving as the components are being designed and produced,” Whatling says. “From the prototyping standpoint–which is a lot of what we do at Niagara Precision–– enges we’re faced with some pretty serious challenges as far as being able to machine these exotic materials and composites.” Hardness is one challenge, material composition is another, and the continual reduction in part size while strength characteristics are maintained means it’s always getting tougher to machine components without encountering distortions and tolerance problems. “Many of the composites we’re seeing are all different,” says Randy McEachern, product and application specialist, holemaking and tooling systems for Sandvik Coromant Canada, Mississauga, ON. “Nowadays many materials are M PDQXIDFWXUHGIRUWKHVSHFLÀFFRPSRQHQW,VHOGRP PDQ see se any two materials that are the same, which means for optimum performance, the tools you XVHQHHGWREHVSHFLÀFDOO\GHVLJQHGIRUWKDW material.” Sandvik does have some general purpose tooling, McEachern says, but he estimates that t when wh it comes to machining composites, most tools KDYHWREHHQJLQHHUHGIRUWKHVSHFLÀFPDWHULDOWKH\·OO KDYHWR be working on. The composites now offer the strength to (light) weight ratio so sought after by the auto makers, a big improvement over the early days when composite materials arrived. “They’re becoming more reliable,” McEachern says, Sparking your ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟǀŝƚLJǁŝƚŚŽƵƚ ĐŽŵƉƌŽŵŝƐŝŶŐƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞ͘ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐ ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐ͕ ƐLJƐƚĞŵƐ ĂŶĚ ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ƚŚĂƚ ƚĂŬĞ ƚŚĞ ƌŝƐŬ ŽƵƚ ŽĨ ŝŶĐƌĞĂƐŝŶŐ ŝŶĚƵƐƚƌŝĂů ƉƌŽĚƵĐƟǀŝƚLJ ĂŶĚ ĞŶĞƌŐLJ ĞĸĐŝĞŶĐLJ ŝŶ Ă ǁŝĚĞ ƌĂŶŐĞ ŽĨ ŵĞƚĂů ĨĂďƌŝĐĂƟŽŶ ĂŶĚ ǁĞůĚŝŶŐ ĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶƐ͘ KƵƌ ƌŽďŽƚƐ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞ Ă ŚŝŐŚ ůĞǀĞů ŽĨ ĂĐĐƵƌĂƚĞ͕ ĞĸĐŝĞŶƚĂŶĚƌĞůŝĂďůĞĂƵƚŽŵĂƟŽŶŝŶƚŚĞƐĞůĂďŽƵƌͲŝŶƚĞŶƐŝǀĞĂƉƉůŝĐĂƟŽŶĂƌĞĂƐ͛͘ƐƌŽďŽƟĐĂƵƚŽŵĂƟŽŶĐĂŶƌĞĂůůLJďĞƚŚĞ ŬĞLJƚŽŝŵƉƌŽǀŝŶŐƉƌŽĐĞƐƐŇĞdžŝďŝůŝƚLJ͕ƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƋƵĂůŝƚLJĂŶĚǁŽƌŬƉůĂĐĞƐĂĨĞƚLJ͕ǁŚŝůĞƌĞĚƵĐŝŶŐĞŶĞƌŐLJĐŽŶƐƵŵƉƟŽŶĂŶĚǁĂƐƚĞ͘ ABB Inc., Robotics 201 Westcreek Blvd. Brampton, ON,L6T 5S6 905-460-3418 [email protected] Autocutting.indd 52 13-04-17 6:40 AM Shaving cycle times is a big challenge in automotive work and when you're dealing with near-net-shape parts, there's not a lot of material on them to rough out, says Iscar's Steve Geisel, senior product manager. Image: Iscar “but users still have to know their stuff.” For Steve Geisel, senior product manager at Iscar Tools, Oakville, ON, shaving cycle times is a paramount challenge in automotive work, thanks in large part to the sheer numbers. “These are very high volume runs,” he says, “and they’re dealing with near-net-shape parts–a lot of forgings, castings, parts that don’t have a lot of material on them to rough out. But it’s worth saving whatever time you can. When it costs $60 to $180 an hour to run one of these machines (that's $1-$3/min), this can quickly add up to a lot of money.” Reducing cycle times means faster cutting, says Mark Hatch, product director of taps and thread mills for Emuge Corp., West %R\OVWRQ0$ZKLFKRIIHUV´IXOOVSHHGµWDSVWKDWDUHWZRWRÀYH times faster than conventional tools. “The speed is achieved through unique design characteristics of the taps in areas such as relief, back-taper, OHQJWKRIWKUHDGDQGÁXWHJHRPHWU\µ Hatch estimates if tapping is reduced by ten minutes per hour at a machine rate of $150, a manufacturer can achieve annual Next INNOVATION Mitutoyo Digital Scale and DRO Systems M P Providing leading-edge digimatic scale and DRO system measurement solutions to meet the D c changing global market demands for innovative design and manufactring techniques. d Absolute System Patented by MITUTOYO Mitutoyo Canada Inc. Digi Digimatic imattic Scale Units z Enc Enclos Enclosed osed ed Linear Lin Scales ales z Absol Absolute lutte Linear LiLinear Scales z OOpenn Type Type LLinear inear Scales z DROO Counters Co z DRO Pa Packages z Accessories Acc ccess essori oriees es z Image Image Correlation Cor Encoder Autocutting.indd 53 Toronto (905) 821-1261 Montréal (514) 337-5994 13-04-17 6:40 AM  CUTTING TOOLS | Automotive savings of $125,000 and increase capacity by 833 machine hours. /RRNLQJVSHFLÀFDOO\DWWXUQLQJSURFHVVHV*HLVHOQRWHVWKDWPDQ\ DXWRPRWLYHSDUWVDUHQ·WF\OLQGULFDOLQSURÀOHVRLW·VQRWDOZD\VSRVVLEOH WRDWWDLQHIÀFLHQFLHVE\LQFUHDVLQJVSLQGOHVSHHG´<RXORRNIRURWKHU VDYLQJV<RXUXQPXOWLSOHWRROVDWDWLPHRU\RXJHWDKLJKHUGHSWKRIFXW RUPD\EHKLJKHUIHHGUDWHV7KHVHFDQDOODIIHFWWKHRYHUDOOWLPHRIDZRUN SLHFHUDWKHUWKDQLQFUHDVLQJWKHVSLQGOHVSHHGµ *HLVHOVD\V,VFDUIRFXVHVRQRSWLPL]LQJPDFKLQLQJSURFHVVHV THE CUTTING EDGE We use Premium Micro grain solid carbide for longer tool life and increased feeds and speeds. Tools are stocked uncoated and ALTiN coated. E\PDNLQJWRROVODVWDVORQJDVSRVVLEOHDQG EDODQFLQJWKHVSHHGIHHGDQGGHSWKRIFXW´,W·V QRWDOZD\VMXVWWKDWRQHLQVHUWMXVWODVWVSLHFHV DQGDQRWKHUODVWVDQGWKDW·VDOO\RXFDQGRµKH VD\V´6RPHWLPHVWKHDGYDQWDJHRIODVWLQJPRUH SLHFHVFDQEHRIIVHWE\VKDYLQJRQHRUWZRVHFRQGV RIIWKHF\FOHWLPH7KHVHDUHSURFHVVHVLQYROYLQJ thousands, hundreds of thousands and even PLOOLRQVRISDUWVVR\RXFDQJHWVLJQLÀFDQWVDYLQJV IURPVPDOOLPSURYHPHQWVµ 2QHIDFWRUWKDWFDQVQHDNXSRQSDUWVVXSSOLHUV DQGMREVKRSVLVYDULDWLRQLQPDWHULDOTXDOLW\ SDUWLFXODUO\ZKHQDVKRSVZLWFKHVVXSSOLHUVLQDQ HIIRUWWRFXWPDWHULDOFRVWV%XWDORZHUXSIURQW FRVWFDQFUHDWHSLWIDOOVIXUWKHUGRZQWKHURDG Solid carbide grooving, boring and threading tools. Designs for threading, grooving, PCD, and CBN-tipped inserts Threadmills Port tools Set includes boring bar, 5 inserts, 5 screws, and a torx plus key Available in coated AlTiN or uncoated sub micrograin carbide Hardened steel head features proprietary mechanical attachment... no annealing from brazing heat Pocket keeps chips away from machined surface Fits into SCI standard QHC coolant tool holders Inserts lapped and ground to fine finish for maximum chip flow Available in right-hand and left-hand versions Bars stocked with or without locating flat... Low profile screw keeps chips flowing SCIENTIFIC CUTTING TOOLS, INC. 110 W. Easy Street / Simi Valley, CA 93065 / 800-383-2244 / 805-584-9629 [fax] [email protected] / Emuge’s Mark Hatch estimates if tapping is reduced by ten minutes per hour at a machine rate of $150, a manufacturer can achieve annual savings of $125,000 and increase machine capacity by 833 machine hours. Image: Emuge ´:H·YHKDGLVVXHVZKHUHZH·YHKDGRIIVKRUH PDWHULDOFRPHLQWKDWPDFKLQHVQRWKLQJOLNHWKH PDWHULDOZHSURFXUHGRPHVWLFDOO\µVD\V:KDWOLQJ 7RHQVXUHFRQVLVWHQWPDWHULDOFKDUDFWHULVWLFV 1LDJDUD3UHFLVLRQEX\VGRPHVWLFDOO\RQO\DQG LQVLVWVRQDYLDWLRQTXDOLW\VWHHO´,WHOOFXVWRPHUV WKDWLIWKH\XQGHUVWDQGWKHSRWHQWLDOSUREOHPV ZLWKRIIVKRUHPDWHULDODQGZDQWWRXVHLWDQ\ZD\ ,·OOGRLW%XW,PDNHVXUHWKH\·UHDZDUHRIWKH 54 MAY 2013 Autocutting.indd 54 13-04-17 10:05 AM potential problems.” Invariably, Whatling says, the cheaper metals prove to have inclusions or cold shuts that lead to failure during post-machining tests. “So the parts have hav to be made w with something else, which in most cases is a domestically pproduced steel. The T purchase price pri may be lower [for less l expensive metals], but bu in the long run the high higher quality material really is cheaper.” in Of course variation v material quality also impacts tools. “Sometimes you get different material batches coming in and it has a huge impact on cutting tool performance,” says Iscar’s Steve Geisel. “Where the material is made will have a huge impact on how easy it is to machine, which impacts tool life.” Geisel often gets calls from customers who’ve seen tool life drop 10 to 30 per cent. “When we go and have DORRNZHRIWHQÀQGLW·VDQHZPDWHULDOEDWFKµ Geisel says that Iscar–and he says this goes for competitors too–builds so many checks and balances into its own manufacturing that tool quality is very high. With machining centres being asked to take heavier cuts at higher speeds, the programmability of machines plays a huge role. “You’re dealing with rapid feeds of over 1500 ipm now, where ten to 15 years ago you were lucky if you had a machine that would do 5 ipm,” Mike Whatling says. “The technology plays a huge role in being able to make these parts.” SMT For more information on cutting tool technologies, visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s CUTTING TOOL ZONE online at Andrew Brooks is a freelance writer based in Toronto. [email protected] Autocutting.indd 55 13-04-17 6:40 AM  CUTTING TOOLS | Perspectives Rethinking Tooling Costs Cutting tools represent only a fraction of total machining costs, so how can you gain real cost savings? BY RONNIE O’BYRNE Visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s BLOG ZONE www.shopmetal for more opinions. Tooling costs in 95 per cent effect is that you will reduce your overall cost of machine shops represent of manufacturing only by 0.6 per cent (20 per approximately 3 per cent, on cent of 3 per cent tooling costs). average, of the total manufacturing costs. Any areas where you see improved tool This leads to two important questions: life should be redeployed to an improved 1. If tooling and inserts represent only 3 production target. The real cost savings are per cent of the cost of part manufactured, achieved when businesses redeploy these what benefits are there in cutting tool advantages back into production. Increasing companies providing 50 per cent improvement speeds, feeds, DOC and metal removal rates in tool life? to improve cycle times is where real bottom 2. What advantage is there for a line savings can be achieved. manufacturing business to secure a 20 per When tool life improvements are achieved cent price reduction on tooling and inserts the target should always be linked to reducing from a cutting tool supplier−what would that cycle times–to the extent that that the tool life do to the bottom line? and tooling costs remain the same and the tool The answer? Very little. life advantage is used up through increased Everyone recognizes it is important to “test” the Increasing speeds, feeds, DOC and metal performance of tooling and inserts removal rates to improve cycle times is where to ensure quality and performance. But the next time you find yourself real bottom line savings can be achieved. with a new insert or milling tool that provides a tool life advantage speeds and feeds to reduce cycle times. to your business, your manufacturing team All cutting tool suppliers understand that should redeploy the advantage into increased speeds and feeds to reduce cycle times. customers need to ensure value in the market Here’s why: a 50 per cent improvement and that we all operate in a competitive in tool life will reduce the overall cost of part global market. But the next time an engineer manufacturing by 1.5 per cent (50 per cent of or operator testing a tool tells you it is a 3 per cent of tooling cost). “good grade” or has achieved 30 per cent The same applies to negotiations regarding improvement in tool life. Ask yourself, what price of tools and inserts supplied. can I do with that? SMT Let’s say tomorrow you negotiated a deal with all your suppliers to get a 20 per cent Ronnie O’Byrne is general manager for Iscar price reduction on every tool and insert Tools Inc., Oakville, ON supplied for the next 12 months. The net 56 MAY 2013 CT_Perspective.indd 56 13-04-18 9:41 AM Heinman Machinery Ltd. 6105 Kestrel Road, Mississauga, ON Phone 905.564.9479 [email protected] Bandsaws Made in Canada Verticut 115B Horizontal 360SAHD Semi Automatic 280M Mitering 280S Variable Speed Milling Machines Made in Taiwan LC-185VS-B or LC-185VSX-B Table 50” X 10” Travel X/Y/Z 31”/ 16”/ 15” Taper R8 or ISA40 Motor 3HP or 5HP Included: 8pc R8 German Collets or German Collet Chuck Set with 10pc ISA40 Collets Heidenhain 2-Axis Readout Rapid up and down Z-Axis Box Way LC-1 1/2VS $8,950 Table 42” x 9” Travel X/Y/Z 30”/12”/16” Taper R8 Motor 2HP Included: Set of 8 R8 German Collets Heidenhain 2-Axis Readout LC-20VHS Vertical/Horizontal LC-20VSG Vertical Table 51” x 10” Travel X/Y/Z 31”/ 16.5”/ 18” Taper ISA40 Motor 5HP Radial Drills Made in Taiwan Included: German Collet Chuck Set 10pc ISA40 Collets Heidenhain 2-Axis Readout Rapid up and down Z & Y-Axis Box way KMR-700DS KMR-1100S KMR-1600DH Lathes Made in Taiwan Complete with: Coolant System Full Splash Guard Steady Rest, Chuck Guard Klopfer Quick Change Tool Post Set *Self Centering Steel Chuck *Heidenhain 2-Axis Readout System CT_Perspective.indd 57 TY-1630S 30” centre 16” swing TY-1640S 40” centre 16” swing TY-1845S 45” centre 18” swing TY-2060 60” centre 20” swing TY-2080 80” centre 20” swing Heavy Duty Variable Speed TY-2500 45” centre 18” swing TY-2000 63” centre 18” swing TY-2260VS 60” centre 22” swing” TY-2680 80” centre 26” swing TY-26120 120” centre 26” swing TY-26160 160” centre 26” swing *excluded 13-04-17 6:51 AM  FABRICATING | Nesting Nesting software can generate big productivity gains, but how do you know if you have the right software for your shop? BY MARY SCIANNA 5 PURCHASING FACTORS Five factors to consider when purchasing nesting software. FLEXIBILITY Can your nesting software be modified easily to accommodate changes in production? Can it accommodate manual intervention if required? Does it have built-in process parameters for multiple machines and different fabricating processes? CAPABILITIES Does the software offer robust features to deliver tight nesting and maximized cutting machine performance? Can it integrate easily with MRP systems? How quickly and how easily does the software transfer nested programs to the CNC machine-the CAD to CAM process? USER FRIENDLINESS Is the software easy to use? It is easy for an operator to handle the programming for static or dynamic nesting? AUTOMATION Can the nesting software easily accommodate automation in the shop? If you run lights out, does the software offer the necessary features to run unattended for long periods of time? SERVICE & SUPPORT TECHNICAL How does your supplier support the software? Does it provide adequate training? Are there charges for upgrades? Is technical support readily available? NESTING: Not Just for the Birds ESTING SOFTWARE IS often overlooked in the productivity equation. Fabricators focus on the machine, forgetting the nesting process and associated software can be a big contributor to productivity gains. “Manual nesting can slow production down to a crawl. By automating the process, fabricators FDQDFKLHYHVLJQLÀFDQWDQGVXVWDLQHG productivity gains and cost savings,” says James Lindsey, product manager for SigmaTEK Systems LLC, Cincinnati, OH. “Improved parts nesting impacts optimization-this alone can reduce waste E\ÀYHSHUFHQWRUPRUHµ Beyond the obvious cost savings from metal scrap reduction, users can also achieve better machine utilization, adds John Del Vecchio, vice president of sales and marketing for Shop Data Systems Inc., Garland, TX. “A user may combine advanced toolpath techniques with nesting to achieve better material utilization and better machine utilization. In some cases, users can also achieve better consumable life.” The biggest productivity gain Kyle Plass, applications engineer at Prima Power, Arlington Heights, IL, likes to highlight to customers is “your programmer will have additional time N to focus on improving other processes for the factory,” because of reduced programming time required on the company’s software. Nesting software should be easy for an operator to handle the programming for static or dynamic nesting. Image: TRUMPF And for a shop that runs multiple cutting processes–plasma, laser, waterjet, oxyfuel–you have a single programming solution which allows \RXWR´RXWSXW1&MREÀOHVWRDQRWKHU machine easily when a breakdown occurs or maintenance is needed,” says Derek Weston, marketing product manager, Hypertherm CAM Solutions, Hanover, NH. Choosing the right nesting software Whether your nesting software is PDFKLQHWRROVXSSOLHUVSHFLÀFRUFRPHV from a nesting software company, continued on page 60 Î Î Î Î 58 MAY 2013 fab2_nest.indd 58 13-04-17 9:28 AM S fab2_nest.indd 59 O F T W A R E ® 13-04-17 9:28 AM  FABRICATING | Nesting Î Î Î Î continued from page 58 fabricators should consider several factors to determine the effectiveness of a nesting software product. “It’s important to consider the machine itself,” advises Steffen Kutz, software manager for TRUMPF’s TruTops software. “If you have a machine with two laser heads, for example, the cutting heads will be at a certain distance from each other so to PDNHHIÀFLHQWXVHRIWKDWPDFKLQH\RX want to nest in a way that makes sense IRUWKHVSHFLÀFPDFKLQH\RXDUHXVLQJµ Another example he gives is for punching machines. “Consider the clamp area. Can the clamps be adjusted to accommodate odate nesting The Future for Nesting In the not-too-distant future, fabricators will be able to control shop production flow offsite, from mobile devices. They’ll use cloud computing to upgrade software, access customer CAD drawings and transfer production data via a mobile device such as a touchscreen tablet/ipad into a shop floor production software program. Advanced nesting software algorithms will give fabricators the ability to improve speeds and process accuracies, not just on one machine, but concurrently on multiple and varied machines in a shop with the ability to integrate with software from different machining technologies such as laser and press brake systems. Nesting software will also be more efficient at handling multiple stacked sheets and fully automated, lights out operations. Information based on interviews with Hypertherm CAM Solutions, Prima Power, Salvagnini America, Shop Data Systems, SigmaTEK and TRUMPF Inc. needs or do you have to take their À[HGSRVLWLRQLQWRDFFRXQW"µ 6RIWZDUHÁH[LELOLW\LVDQLPSRUWDQW factor, says Weston. You want a software program that “incorporates built-in process parameters for various machine technologies–plasma, laser, waterjet, oxyfuel–and machine brands.” If your fabricating shop incorporates automation, you need to consider how the nesting software will operate in this environment, advise Steve Aleshin, applications manager and application engineer for laser nesting software, and Phil Patrick, application engineer for punch/shear nesting software for Salvagnini America Inc., Hamilton, OH. “Much of our machinery is tied in with automation and there are a lot of features in nesting that are used for automation, such as tip and hole avoidance and taking a skeleton to use for parts where WKHVRIWZDUHFUHDWHVDGGLWLRQDOÀOHVIRU this,” explains Aleshin. Salvagnini’s nesting software, MetalNest, which is exclusive to its machines and created in Italy at the company’s main manufacturing IDFLOLW\LVD´ÁXLGµVRIWZDUHGHVLJQHG to minimize operator input by running multiple part programs from a production list (PL). ´:KHQWKHQHVWLQJLVÀQLVKHG in addition to the nest programs, a production list is created,” explains 3DWULFN´7KLVÀOHKDVLQIRUPDWLRQIRU the order in which the nested programs are produced and the number of times each pattern needs to be run.” The QHVWHGSURJUDPVDQGWKH3/ÀOHDUH sent to the machine where the operator VHOHFWVDQGORDGVWKH3/IRUDVSHFLÀF order and the machine produces the QHVWV´$VDUHVXOWWKHÁRZRIZRUN Nesting software can incorporate built-in process parameters for various fabricating technologies, such as plasma, laser, waterjet and oxyfuel. Top image: Hypertherm nesting software. Bottom image: SigmaTEK's nesting software. across the work centre is paced by the software, not the operator starting each individual program. The result is improved uptime.” One advantage of nesting software from the machine tool supplier continued on page 62 Î Î Î Î 60 MAY 2013 fab2_nest.indd 60 13-04-17 9:28 AM The Premiere Manufacturing Event… Back in the Perfect Location! Expect more from CMTS 2013 than any previous edition. We’re building the MUST-ATTEND North American manufacturing event for 2013. With more audience, more social and networking activities, more live demos and more innovation and influence. The International Centre is a central venue designed to enhance your experience and make it easy to attend this extraordinary event. Minutes from Pearson International Airport and train service, with 5,000 free parking spaces or free shuttle bus service from many of the major hotels. THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE – MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO GREATER TORONTO AREA SEPTEMBER 30 – OCTOBER 3, 2013 Canadian Manufacturing Technology Show fab2_nest.indd 61 Sign up to attend, be an exhibitor, or a sponsor. Visit CMTS.CA today! PRODUCED BY: 13-04-17 9:28 AM  FABRICATING | Nesting Î Î Î Î continued from page 60 according to Prima Power’s Kyle Plass is that fabricators don’t have to ppurchase additional options, such as ERP P connectivity and teach functions. ns. “Our software is designed for our products; functions built into the software are tailored to how the machine will process. Third party softwaree doesn’t always have this luxury ry because such software would run into dy u t S e Cas g n i t s Ne The problem No nesting software standardization for multiple cutting technologies, machine brands, and part sizes The solution Flexible nesting software for all machine brands, technologies BY MARY SCIANNA An overview of Metal Bernard’s fabrication shop. many different styles of machines. One ggeneral set with many different parameters paramete is what you typically from a third party.” get fr Nesting software N providers, however, suggest pr otherwise. ot “Most software that comes bundled with a com machine is focused mainly on machine motion; it will run, but not WKHPRVWHIÀFLHQWO\µVD\V6LJPD7(.·V James Lindsey. “Machine software is generally a ‘lit’ nesting package with basic capabilities. On the other hand, sophisticated nesting software has the ability to drive virtually any or all cutting, punch and bending machine regardless of type or brand. Fabricators should research and FKRRVHVRIWZDUHWKDWÀWVWKHLUVKRUW and longer-term needs.” SMT Nesting Harmony $ Standardizing nesting for multiple cutting processes leads to big savings HEN METAL BERNARD, Saint-Lambert de Lauzon, QC, adopted Lean principles for its fabricating operation, owners Louis Veilleux and Mario Ferland examined every aspect of the business, right down to the nesting software for its sheet metal cutting operations. The two owners were keen to get on the right track to become more FRPSHWLWLYHLQWKHÀHUFHO\FRPSHWLWLYH job shop business. “When we purchased Metal Bernard eight years ago, the family-run business had already been using SigmaTEK software,” explains Veilleux. “It was an older version, but we thought it was good and when we purchased another fabricating facility, Normadin, two W years ago, we wanted to have the same nesting software for both facilities,” and for the different equipment in each facility–laser cutting, punching, oxyfuel, plasma and waterjet cutting processes. Metal Bernard and Normadin are the two sheet metal businesses in a group of companies that operate under the Mundial Group, an industrial manufacturing outsourcing business, of which Veilleux is CEO and Ferland is president. The other companies in the group include BCI, a rubber/ silicone/polystyrene moulding company; CDMB, a machining and welding facility; and UCB, a machining and mouldmaking shop. Metal Bernard’s fabrication shop continued on page 64 Î Î Î Î 62 MAY 2013 fab2_nest.indd 62 13-04-17 9:28 AM fab2_nest.indd 63 13-04-17 9:28 AM  FABRICATING | Nesting Case Study includes laser cutting (four machines from Bystronic and three from TRUMPF), punching (TRUMPF), as well as bending (Amada, Bystronic, Cincinnati, TRUMPF and Warcom Futura), and rolling (Davi and Akyapak). The Normadin fabricating shop KRXVHVÀYH75803)ODVHUFXWWLQJ machines and one Bystronic machine, a Messer-Brand HD plasma cutter, waterjet and oxyfuel cutting, bending (TRUMPF) and welding equipment. “The OEMs make good nesting software, but we wanted the freedom to choose any company of fabricating machinery so it made sense for us to go with software that could be used on Î Î Î Î continued from page 62 all of our machines now and those we buy in the future,” explains Veilleux. Metal Bernard wanted to standardize nesting for its laser and punching machines “between the two companies so one programmer from one plant could help in the second plant; so standardization of nesting software was important for us. Standardization is also a lean principle, which is something we have adopted.” THE SOFTWARE The latest version of SigmaNEST, Version 10, ships this Spring. Offering all of the features of Version 9.1 that Metal Bernard uses, Version 10 has a new, advanced CAD/ CAM nesting engine. Nesting is accelerated by several minutes with tighter nesting to maximize material yield. Enhanced cutter path planning saves time and consumables, such as torch life and abrasives. Tutorial videos, documentation, connection to support, news and updates, are just a click away with a customized tool bar and welcome screen. It includes bolt hole quality for plasma cutting; parts/BOM; quoting; inventory management; solid CAD integration; punching (tool adaptions, destruct and die management); and user management. It offers tigher integration with MRP and other similar systems to catalogue remnants for future job runs. It also offers SolidWorks Enterprise PDM integration and shop floor control with Colour Offload and Load Manager programs. Metal Bernard has improved productivity with the nesting software and cut waste by 50 per cent because it's able to use remnants to make parts. Metal Bernard and sister company Normadin use SigmaTEK’s SigmaNEST Version 9.1. One feature Veilleux likes is how it works seamlessly with its ERP system and KRZZHOOLWÀWVLQWR/HDQSUDFWLFHV “We purchased the inventory module, which is great. Because of our /HDQSUDFWLFHV>WKHFRPSDQ\GRHVQ·W NHHSDQ\WKLQJRQWKHVKRSÁRRUORQJHU than two weeks] we need to know the status of our inventory at any time of the day. Remnants are part of our inventory and the SigmaTEK software enables us to be on top of traceability and prioritize remnants.” Veilleux estimates the shop has cut waste by 50 per cent, “because we’re reusing remnants to make parts. At the end of each month we audit our inventory and we have 100 per cent score in our audit on traceability of our materials. Using SigmaTEK software helped us achieve that.” -DPHV/LQGVH\SURGXFWPDQDJHU IRU6LJPD7(.6\VWHPV//& Cincinnati, OH, says a nesting program is the best way to track remnants and catalogue material because "you can store true scrap geometry and reuse it in future programs. “Single source software can relate remnants from a nesting program into a shop's inventory control program. This helps create a more lean environment.” SMT For more information on fabricating technologies, visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s FABRICATING ZONE online at 64 MAY 2013 fab2_nest.indd 64 13-04-17 10:08 AM When you need dependable tooling solutions designed to solve your toughest fabrication challenges, turn to Wilson Tool Canada. For 45 years you’ve known us as Exacta Precision and Exacta Fabtool. As Wilson Tool Canada we’ll continue to offer all the standard and custom tooling solutions you’ve come to rely on, plus the Wilson Tool line of tooling with shorter lead times and reduced shipping costs. Whatever your tooling needs, choose Wilson Tool Canada. Call 800.268.5573 for stamping or punch press tooling. Call 800.268.4180 for press brake tooling. Or visit today. C A N A D A fab2_nest.indd 65 13-04-17 9:28 AM  MACHINING | Micromachining Game-Changing Technology R&D in micromachining could provide leading edge to precision manufacturers in Canada BY MARY SCIANNA ROMISING RESEARCH IN micromachining may hold one key to helping Canada’s ultra precision manufacturing industry become more competitive. Researchers at McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute’s Micro Manufacturing Laboratory (MML) and at the National Research Council’s (NRC) automotive research division are working on machining optical and high aspect-ratio micro structures (e.g. micro-lens, pins and thin wall pillars) with optical surface quality below ~20 nm that don't lose their dimensional form accuracy. “The trend of miniaturization in consumer and industrial products today require microscopic features,” says Stephen Veldhuis, director of the McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute and the Micro Manufacturing Laboratory, and associate professor the university’s Mechanical Engineering department, Hamilton, ON. “Cell phones, cameras, biomedical devices, diagnostic devices, micro-sized devices WKDWJRLQVLGHERG\DQGPLFURÁXLGLF devices all require fabrication with good surface quality.” To date, machining micro features An example of a part from MML with optical surface quality with no compromise on dimensional form accuracy. P on complex 3D geometries that have high aspect-ratio structures (e.g. researchers at NRC created thin walled structures with widths of 25 microns, approximately a quarter width of human hair in diameter, with a height of 7 mm, translating into a 1:280 aspect ratio) and optical surface quality below ~20 nm has been limited by physics. You can achieve the high optic or mirror-like surface, but you compromise the accuracy of form during manual polishing operations. “Now we can produce very complex geometries with optical surface quality XVLQJÀYHD[LVFXWWLQJPRWLRQVµVD\V Evgueni Bordatchev, senior researcher with the automotive portfolio at NRC- Automotive in London, ON. “With automotive lighting, for example, at least 40 per cent of the cost of tooling goes into polishing, which is typically a manual process. By creating an optical surface, it eliminates the polishing step and helps to reduce the tooling cost of this process.” Bordatchev and his research team have created demo parts with complex 3D geometries to demonstrate the capabilities of this micromachining process. “In my work at NRC of Canada in micro machining I’m working with three processes: micromilling, laser 66 MAY 2013 machin 2.indd 66 13-04-17 7:09 AM Researchers can no w produce complex 3D geometries with hig h aspect-ratio structur es (left image from NR CAutomotive) with op tical surface quality (rig ht image from MML shows optical surface qu ality on a flat part). PLFURPDFKLQLQJDQGÁ\FXWWLQJZKLFK is cutting with a single point diamond WRROW\SLFDOO\XVHGIRUPDFKLQLQJÁDW surfaces with optical quality.” 7KHVLJQLÀFDQFHDVDUHVHDUFKHU says Bordatchev, is that it’s an accomplishment to overcome the challenge of machining at such micro sized ranges because you have to have the knowledge about the cutting process on micro and nano-scales, optimization of parameters to avoid GHÁHFWLRQRIWKHFXWWLQJWRRODQG thin structures, for example. Second, “such high aspect-ratio structures (e.g. 1:280) can’t be fabricated by any other process; only micromilling is a most suitable and cost effective technology for such types of tooling and EDM electrodes.” Creating parts such as very thin wall structures or arrays of very slender pins with an accuracy of one micro meter range is challenging for EDM technologies but is “state-of-the-art in advanced machining technologies,” adds Bordatchev. The aim for both Bordatchev and Veldhuis is to create knowledge-based advanced micromachining technologies WKDWFDQWKHQEHWDNHQLQWRWKHÀHOG by engineers and designers to create more innovative products not easy to replicate by potential competitors, a very real threat in competitive hightech industries, such as photonics, automotive, aerospace and biomedical. “Manufacturers are always looking for new technologies they can take advantage of to give their products a unique look,” says Veldhuis, citing LED technology used on Audi front headlights as an example. “Each automotive company would like a technology their designer can leverage into a unique feature. With the work we do, which focuses more on the physics of cutting in the machining process, and the work that NRC does, which is more focused on the demonstration of unique capabilities by creating complex geometries and how they can be used in industry, it’s a coming together of design, physics and unique capabilities that manufacturers could leverage to create innovative products no one else can replicate.” Bordatchev adds that in the automotive industry, the ability to create micro structures with optical quality is called a “gamechanger,” adding “several years ago LWZDVÀYHD[LVPDFKLQLQJDQGQRZ micromachining is the technology that they view as the one that will distinguish them among global competition because knoweledgebased micromachining technologies have the potential to create innovative YDOXHDGGHGSURGXFWVHIÀFLHQWO\DQG cost effectively.” SMT For more information on machining technologies, visit Shop Metalworking Technology’s MACHINING ZONE online at MAY 2013 machin 2.indd 67 67 13-04-17 7:09 AM SHOP T LS QUALITY & PLANT MANAGEMENT MACHINING More products online at CUTTING TOOLS ÒECLIPSE ÒZOLLER ÒKOMET The Bowers Universal Gauge available from Eclipse Metrology is a modular device that can configured quickly to suit most measuring challenges. The roboSet is an automated tool measurement system capable of loading the presetter and measuring machine that can run unmanned, 24 hours, seven days a week. It features a six-axis articulated arm robot equipped with a sensor with forcemoment strain gauge and two pneumatic parallel grippers at D 3-12 mm. It can load shafted tools onh the measuring device with automatic power clamping and is easy to operate. Loading configurations and parameters are defined using a “pallet management” functionality incorporated into the company’s pilot 3.0 software, and tools can then be measured without further user input. The JEL MGF XH Micro threadmilling cutter allows for milling micro-sized threads directly into hardened steels in the range of 45 to 60 HRC, eliminating the need for complex re-machining operations caused by hardening distortion. The cutter is equipped with a 45° chamfer, completing both tasks in one single operation. It’s available in diameters of M1, M1.4, M1.6, M2, M2.2 and M2.5, in a 1.5xD length to diameter ratio. Universal Gauge When measuring internal and external diameters (from 0 to 3000 mm/0 - 118 in.), it has the ability to “freeze” its display on the reading. The gauge’s constant pressure devices ensures users achieve accuracy and consistency of reading. It is fast and easy to use, and the clear digital display makes it suitable for inspecting large parts positioned within the machine tool. ÒTRUMPF UV laser marking TruMark 6350 marking laser features improved laser parameters for more cost efficiency and high quality marks with a broader range of applications. Increased average power with the same high beam quality leads to an increase in repetition rates and higher processing speeds. The higher pulse peak power and pulse energy allow the laser to achieve increased mark contrast. The passively cooled marking laser has enhanced optical setup for a 50 per cent reduction in the time needed to achieve the ideal crystal temperature prior to marking. Unmanned tool measurement ÒSCHUNK Mobile gripping system The 5-finger hand is a robotic mobile gripping system designed with motor controllers integrated into the wrist of the hand. Via defined interfaces, the gripper hand can be connected with the lightweight arm. For mobile applications, the energy supply of the 5-finger hand requires a battery-servable 24 V DC. The gripper hand is available as a left and right hand version. By means of nine drives, its five fingers can carry out various gripping operations. It is also capable of gestures, and the use of tactile sensors in the fingers provides sensitivity in the gripper hand. Elastic gripping surfaces ensure a reliable hold of the gripped objects. Threadmilling hardened steels FABRICATING ÒMAZAK OPTONICS 2.5 kW laser cutting system The Super Turbo-X Champion is a 2.5 kW laser cutting machine with a new Type 10 resonator. It features a 1,786 lb (810 kg) workpiece capacity for sheets up to 0.87 in. (22 mm) thick, high positioning accuracy, improved travel support and easy loading access. It’s equipped with the Mazatrol Preview function control, which automatically determines the cutting speed and acceleration from each cutting point to the next. It uses integrated technology tables for a wide range of materials and thicknesses. WELDING ÒLINDE CANADA Welding helmet The Linde Gladiator II helmet combines lightweight comfort and ergonomic fit with superior protection of the head and neck. Smart construction and a durable cover plate design makes it one of the only products available on the market which can be used for unlimited overhead welding applications. Expansive shade range and selectable grinding mode settings make this helmet suitable for almost any arc welding or cutting operation. The more economical, Linde Maximus II now comes in a flip-up and a 4.5 x 5.25 in. (114 x 133 mm) wide view. Both are lightweight, streamlined and balanced with telescopic and fully adjustable headgear. 68 MAY 2013 Shop tools.indd 68 13-04-17 1:03 PM RETROFIT UPGRADE YO U R S YS TEM Today! Update your existing manual milling machine with a new, user-friendly MILLPWR Control System. t 2 or 3 Axes Control, 3 Axes Readout t Immediate Part-View Graphics t Menu Prompted, Conversational Programming t Full 3D Contouring t Precision Glass Scale Feedback t Bolthole Calculations t DXF File Input t Easily Establish Workpiece Zero with Position-Trac t Compact Flash Data Storage TM Ask About Our Compact Flash Upgrade Offer 1-877-920-2703 1-905-670-8900 Canadian Regional Office 11-335 Admiral Boulevard, Unit 11 To lL5T l F r 2N2, e e P Canada hone: 1.800.344.2311 Mississauga, Ontario Shop tools.indd 69 Complete retrofit kits are available for the following machines: Acer Acra Alliant Argo Atrump Birmingham Bridgeport Chevalier Clausing Enco Jet Kent Lagun Lilian MSC Millport Sharp Southbend Supermax Top One TurnPro Vectrax Victor Wells Willis Wilton YCI and MANY MORE... 13-04-17 1:03 PM  YOUR BUSINESS | Job Estimating Getting the Order BY TIM WILSON The dark art of job estimating brought to light SK SOMEONE HOW he estimates a job and you’ll likely get a wry smile, perhaps a wink. Estimating is one of the best kept secrets a metalworking shop can have. Getting it right often comes from years of experience and profound understanding of the market and human psychology. Today, software applications are turning the art into a science, but not for everyone. “Excel, pen, and paper are incredibly common, perhaps ubiquitous for at least some operations in almost every enterprise,” says George Goodall, senior consulting analyst for Info-Tech Research Group, London, ON. “Part of the issue here is that many job shops have a large GHJUHHRIÁXLGLW\LQWKHLURSHUDWLRQV Things change from day-to-day so LWEHFRPHVGLIÀFXOWWRKDUGFRGH business logic into operational systems.” Increasingly, job shop software applications are removing a lot of estimating’s mystery. Central to getting it right is having a system that has the ÁH[LELOLW\WRUHVSRQGWRQHZVLWXDWLRQV but that also has the ability to reference past set-ups and quotes. Many software systems can do this. “JobBOSS [from Exact Software] allows shops to copy any element of a job to another A similar job or quote, thus streamlining reamlining and reducing the data entry time,” says Dave Lechleitner, a software tware engineer who works on pre-sales. sales. “This includes examples suchh as routing, bill of material, and nd sub-assemblies.” Splitting orders is anotherr challenge to the estimator. It’s t’s not impossible to do on Excel el or with a calculator, but it can an be a headache. And if you get et an estimate on a split wrong it can be a costly mistake. “Splitting orders or jobs is an everyday occurrence rence for our customers,” says Lechleitner. “With one clickk of the mouse a user can input ut the new split order number and quantity to split. A split job can then be created and re-scheduled.”” As with other automated estimating functions, one of the advantages ages is it becomes part of the job, which ich then LQFUHDVHVWKHHIÀFLHQF\RIRSHUDWRUV SHUDWRUV who no longer have to wait on approvals. If the software is trusted and adaptable, then estimating’s business processes can be better integrated into production. Getting beyond guesstimates “Our primary clients are small to medium size businesses,” says Kenney Skonieczny, president of Kentech Inc., the publisher of Kipware software. “I would say from my experience the majority of clients interested in our products are still using Excel spread sheets; not so much paper and pencil, but there are still some of those. The one thing we stress to clients is the need for accurate cycle time estimates. 70 MAY 2013 your business.indd 70 13-04-17 6:52 AM If your cycle time est estimates are not correct then your cos cost estimates are still guesstimates.” Kentech has three main applications: Kipwar KipwareQTE for machine shop job costing co and KipwareCYC for estimating; KipwareC machining cycle time estimating, and KipwareTRK for quotation tracking/analyzing. track “Our software is often broken uup into two processes,” says Skonieczny. “Someone with chip making experience will use KipwareCYC K to create the cycle time estimate, then import the estimate someone else will im into KipwareQTE and an create the cost estimate and quotation.” quotatio KipwareCYC Y uses uses a database of machinery specs aand cutting parameters which, the th company VWUHVVHVPXVWEHXVHUFRQÀJXUDEOH VWUHVVHVPXVWEHXVHU “This is not based on book knowledge, which a llot of packages Skonieczny. “The ability contain,” says Skonie speeds and feeds to estimate cutting sp actually be achieved that are going to actu RQ\RXUVKRSÁRRULVSDUDPRXQWµ RQ\RXUVKRSÁRRULV packages Skonieczny says software so are a that boast feature recognition rec troubling example, in that the software itself decides on the best machining process. All good, but that process PXVWEHGXSOLFDWHGRQWKHVKRSÁRRU “The way the software decides the machining should take place is not the process that will happen on your shop ÁRRUµVD\V6NRQLHF]Q\´.LSZDUH&<& takes this into account in design and implementation.” The best of both worlds In estimating, having experience and a personal knowledge base has real value, but there are risks associated with an expert’s look-and-see estimating off of blueprints. And it can also be counter-productive, costly, DQGLQHIÀFLHQWWRKDYHLQWHUQDOWHDPV competing for quotes. In either case, resistance to change can be strong. “We spend time from sales through implementation striving to understand not only the company needs and requirements but the people dynamic as well,” says Lechleitner. “Often, if a shop is experiencing resistance from internal staff, we’ll recommend additional project management and onsite consulting time.” Part of the resistance comes from the software’s own requirements. It won’t work unless costs are nailed down by the shop itself. Shops have to be honest about the cyclical nature of labour rates–if that key metric is wrong, estimates can be thrown way off, particularly if the competition is offshore. And it also means adjusting for lead times that, in a crunch, can boost labour costs. ´6KRSÁRRUVFKHGXOLQJDQGMRE tracking are the primary reasons that our shops purchase JobBOSS,” says Lechleitner. “We have a visual, dragand-drop scheduling board that allows shop foreman and production planners to see any labour and capacity issues in real time. They can try various ‘what if’ scenarios to maximize throughput through each work centre.” Where a bottleneck occurs, Lechleitner says the scheduler can drag and drop work, seeing the UDPLÀFDWLRQVLQUHDOWLPH7KHLGHD Going Mobile For some, estimating on the shop floor can be enough of a challenge, but what if you could do it with ease from your mobile device? Now you can, with E2 Shop System’s mobile dashboard. “The E2 Shop System can generate a quote in seconds from parts already in the system, or on the fly,” says Derrick Lambdin, marketing communications coordinator for E2, Glastonbury, CT. “With the Mobile Dashboard, owners can see what is happening on their shop from anywhere.” E2 allows a user to adjust margins for different components. For example, an outside service could be put through at cost, with margins then built on materials and/or labour. And all of this can be done off a mobile device. “Via an iPad or tablet, users can see what employees are excelling at, what customers are bringing the biggest profit margin, how the sales performances are going, and what percentage of quotes are winning business,” says Lambdin. This is a client-server system that can serve customers as small as a two-man shop all the way to a couple hundred employees. “Any job shop or make-to-order manufacturer will be able to benefit from using E2,” says Lambdin. “We have over 6,000 customers, so there is a wide range of shops using it.” A base-line purchase provides estimating and quoting, job scheduling, shipping and receiving, routers, and inventory. Modules can then be added such as accounting, quality, scheduling, and data collection. “The implementation can take as little as a few days or a few months,” says Lambdin. “It is up to how committed the new customer is to getting the system going in their shop.” is to increase employee resource availability and production hours to see which solution drives the maximum throughput at the lowest cost. SMT Tim Wilson is a regular contributor. [email protected] MAY 2013 your business.indd 71 71 13-04-17 6:52 AM Punch + Shear Invented by Salvagnini Salvagnini’s patented multi-press punching head provides owners with a competitive advantage over old turret technology in terms of cycle times, tool life, productivity and profitability. No turret necessary. No fetch-and-carry tools. Just pure, lean efficiency. Lights-out automation The exclusive, Salvagnini multi-press head is complemented by either an integrated shear (S4Xe) or by an integrated fiber laser (SL4) for complete punched blank production in a single package. Automatically. Unmanned. Reliably. With high quality and low scrap. Punch + Laser First to integrate fiber laser cutting into a punching machine As the acknowledged leader in fiber laser cutting, it’s only natural that Salvagnini would incorporate laser technology into its punching centers to take advantage of the technology’s many assets – speed, energy savings, flexibility and low maintenance. The decision is an easy one When it comes time to buy a new machine, you have a choice between old, turret technology or the most efficient, modern technology on the market. The past or the future. OK profit or maximum profit. Satisfactory cycle times or stellar times. Separate operations or combination punching and cutting. After considering all the options, the decision should be a simple one – Salvagnini. your business.indd 72 13-04-17 6:52 AM  EXIT | R&D Boost Profits & Productivity With R&D Improvements in production equipment can fall under SR&ED claims BY ANDREW MILIVOJEVICH ANY65('6FLHQWLÀF Research and Experimental Development) claims fall under experimental development. Discussions with Revenue Canada 65('RIÀFHUVVXJJHVWZKLOHWKHPDMRULW\RI65(' FODLPVIDOOXQGHUH[SHULPHQWDOGHYHORSPHQWWKH\DUHRIWHQ ZLWKLQWKHQHZ´SURGXFWµFDWHJRU\7HFKQRORJLFDOSURJUHVV in current production equipment is often overlooked. 6LJQLÀFDQWDGYDQFHPHQWVFDQEHUHDOL]HGWKURXJKV\VWHPDWLF LQYHVWLJDWLRQVWKDWUHPRYHWHFKQLFDOREVWDFOHVWKDWDIIHFW SURGXFWLYLW\HOLPLQDWLQJWKHQHHGIRUQHZHTXLSPHQW M Systematic Protocol Investment in new production equipment is not without risk. $V\VWHPDWLFSURWRFRODGYRFDWHVNQRZOHGJHFUHDWLRQ WKURXJKH[SHULPHQWDQGDQDO\VLVZLWKDJRDOWR DGGUHVVWHFKQLFDOREVWDFOHVWKDWLQKLELWSURGXFWLYLW\ ,WVKRXOGDGGUHVVWKUHHNH\TXHVWLRQV 1. How do we articulate operational problems in quantitative technical terms? 'HVFULELQJRSHUDWLRQDOSUREOHPVLQWHFKQLFDO WHUPVEULQJVVWUXFWXUHDQGREMHFWLYLW\WRWKH SUREOHP,WGHÀQHVLQTXDQWLWDWLYHWHUPV WKHWHFKQRORJLFDOEDVHOHYHODQGLGHQWLÀHVWKH WHFKQLFDOREMHFWLYHDVDTXDQWLWDWLYHWDUJHW 7KHWHFKQRORJLFDOEDVHOHYHOLVDVWDWHPHQWLQ TXDQWLWDWLYHWHUPVYHUVXVWKHFXUUHQWFDSDELOLW\RU SHUIRUPDQFHRIWKHV\VWHPXQGHULQYHVWLJDWLRQ ,WTXDQWLÀHVWKHFHQWUDOWHQGHQF\DQGGHVFULEHVWKH XQFHUWDLQW\DVVRFLDWHGZLWKVXFKDV\VWHP,WGHÀQHVWKH OLPLWVRIUDQGRPQHVVDQGWKHGHJUHHRILPSURYHPHQW UHTXLUHGWRVWDWLVWLFDOO\MXVWLI\DQ\LPSURYHPHQWEH\RQG UDQGRPFKDQFH7KHWHFKQLFDOREMHFWLYHLVDUHTXLUHPHQWRU VSHFLÀFDWLRQWKDWGHVFULEHVDGHVLUHGOHYHORISHUIRUPDQFH 2. How to distinguish between routine and experimental development projects 5RXWLQHGHYHORSPHQWDVVXPHVDGLUHFWOLQHRIVLJKWVROXWLRQ WRWKHWHFKQLFDOREMHFWLYH$GLUHFWOLQHRIVLJKWVROXWLRQUHOLHV RQSULRUNQRZOHGJHWKDWVXJJHVWVDSDWKIUHHRIWHFKQLFDO REVWDFOHV,QVXFKDFDVHURXWLQHHQJLQHHULQJLVDOOWKDWLV QHHGHGWRPHHWWKHWHFKQLFDOREMHFWLYHKHQFHWKHSURMHFWLV FRPPHQVXUDWHZLWKURXWLQHGHYHORSPHQW,QVXFKDFDVHWKHUH is no SRED. ,QRWKHUFDVHVWKHUHPD\EHFRQVHQVXVWKDWWKHWHFKQLFDO REMHFWLYHFDQEHDFKLHYHGKRZHYHUWKHSDWKWRDFKLHYH LWPD\EHQXPHURXV$VVXFKSULRUNQRZOHGJHGRHVQRW H[LVWWKDWZRXOGVXJJHVWDSDUWLFXODUSDWKWRDFKLHYHWKH WHFKQLFDOREMHFWLYH7KLVEHLQJ WKHFDVHLWLVXQFHUWDLQDV to which path will meet the WHFKQLFDOREMHFWLYH,QVXFK FLUFXPVWDQFHVDV\VWHPDWLF LQYHVWLJDWLRQLVUHTXLUHGWR HYDOXDWHPXOWLSOHVFHQDULRV which is consistent with the GHÀQLWLRQ65(' 3. How do we conduct a systematic investigation? :KHQDQLQYHVWLJDWLRQLV V\VWHPDWLFLWLPSOLHVWKHUH LVDVWUXFWXUHGSODQRIVWXG\ GHVLJQHGWRDGGUHVVK\SRWKHVHVWKDWZLOOSURYHRUGLVSURYH FDXVHDQGHIIHFWUHODWLRQVKLSV2IWHQHQJLQHHUVDQGVFLHQWLVWV XVHDVWKHLUEDVLFDSSURDFKWRUHVHDUFKGHWHUPLQLVWLFPRGHOV WRH[SODLQUHDOSKHQRPHQD:KHQDQHQJLQHHURUVFLHQWLVW FRQGXFWVUHVHDUFKDQGWKHREVHUYHGGDWDGRHVQRWFRPSO\ with a deterministic model how does the researcher explain or MAY 2013 Exit.indd 73 73 13-04-17 6:53 AM  EXIT | R&D predict the physical system? Generally, we learn through a series of activities in which we make conjectures about the physical system under investigation, perform experiments to generate data and conduct analysis. This information is then used to establish new conjectures that lead to new experiments, and so on. When the data are subject to experimental error, use of statistical methods is the only objective approach to planning experiments and conducting analysis. Benefits +HUH·VDQH[DPSOHRIKRZRQHFRPSDQ\EHQHÀWHG,WSXWDVLGH $750,000 to purchase equipment to improve productivity because its existing operation couldn’t meet the requirements of a contractual job. Yet the purchase would consume more resources, increasing manufacturing costs and result in a great loss since available capacity would be consumed to meeting The first planet rotating in a 24-hour cycle Planet earth, home of all known life forms The first hydraulic expansion toolholder which transmits torques of up to 2000 Nm TENDO E compact, a toolholder from SCHUNK Superior Clamping and Gripping Where clamping technology and gripping systems are concerned, we are the superior provider. SCHUNK is the No. 1 worldwide supplier of high craft smanship, all from a family-owned company. From the smallest parallel gripper, to the largest chuck jaw program. We would be glad to inform you. existing demand. Through effective technical mentorship, the FRPSDQ\GHÀQHGWKHSUREOHPLQWHFKQLFDOWHUPV and realized it was commensurate with experimental development. A systematic investigation evaluated 16 potential routes to the technical objective. By the time the investigation came to its natural conclusion, the technical system under investigation realized a net increase of 522 per cent from current production levels along with an increase of 75 per cent above customer requirement. The excess capacity was later sold and the organization, through its experimental development activities, realized a KHDOWK\SURÀWDQG65('WD[FUHGLWSMT Andrew Milivojevich is a contributing author to Membership to this R&D community is free. AD INDEX ABB Flexible Automation ........... 52 Amada Canada ........................ IFC BIG Kaiser ............................... 26 Caliber Industrial Supply 31, 33, 35 CME (Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters) ................................ 22 Colonial Tool ............................ 25 Cosen ...................................... 21 CWB Group .............................. 48 DMG Canada ............................ 18 Eclipse Tools ...................... 19, 21 Elliott Matsuura Canada .............. 6 Fagor Automation ....................... 4 FERRIC Machinery ................... 11 Gibbs and Associates ................ 27 Gullco International .................. 23 Haas Automation ...................... 20 Haimer USA ............................. 12 Heidenhain ............................... 69 Heinman Machinery .......38-39, 57 Hougen ................................... 49 Ingersoll Cutting Tools ............... 32 Iscar Tools ................................. 3 Komet of Canada ...................... 24 Lincoln Electric ........................ 47 Machine Tool Solutions ............. 17 Mate Precision Tooling .............. 45 Mazak Canada .......................... 14 Mazak Corp. ............................. 34 Mitutoyo Canada ....................... 53 Murata Machinery ..................... 13 OSG ........................................ 55 Peter Wolters of America ........... 40 Salvagnini ................................ 72 Sandvik Coromant Canada .......OBC Schunk .................................... 74 Scientific Cutting Tools ............. 54 Scotchman Industries ............... 46 Seco Tools ............................... 15 Shop Data Systems ................... 43 SigmaTEK ................................ 59 Sirco Machinery ....................... 20 SME (CMTS Show) ................... 61 SME (WMTS Show) .................. 29 SMTCL ...................................8-9 TE-CO ..................................... 19 Thomas Skinner ....................... 20 Toshiba .................................... 51 TRUMPF .................................. 63 Tungaloy America ....................IBC Wilson Tool .............................. 65 YG-1 Canada ............................ 28 Zoller ....................................... 37 74 MAY 2013 Exit.indd 74 13-04-17 12:16 PM Exit.indd 75 13-04-17 6:53 AM Every second counts The quicker and more effective you are, the better your result will be. This is especially true in small part machining where the QS™ holding system for sliding head machines will save you up to 50% Exit.indd 76 in production time. Time flies; to make the most of it go to solutions/small part machining 13-04-17 6:53 AM