Hand reading guidance book, do readings for clients


Hand reading guidance book, do readings for clients
Hand Reading
An Introduction To Hand Analysis.
Hand Reading An introduction To Hand analysis by Nasi Vadi is licensed under a Creative
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You are free to distribute this product for non commercial use only. You may not copy, alter or pass this work
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Released in partnership with Palm Reading Review.
Hello and welcome to Hand Reading.
My name is Nasi Vadi and I've been a holistic therapist for more than 15years. As part of my practice I
commonly use Hand Analysis ( Palm Reading, Chirology – it goes by many names) both to familiarise myself
with the needs of my client and, to be honest, because it's a wonderful and effective way to get to know
someone and build and productive therapeutic relationship.
Palmistry (chiromancy) is the study of the personality traits that are revealed in the unique features of our
hands. There is a strong scientific link between our hands and the brain with more neural pathways to the
hands than any other part of the body. As we sense the world around us and experience life’s rich tapestry,
our hands respond and develop as we grow as individuals.
The ability to read these characteristics is called Palm Reading or Chirology. It is an ancient, scientific pursuit
and modern skill that is relatively easy to learn but can take a lifetime to master.
Those who seek to fully understand this ancient wisdom often discover an inner awareness that enables
them, not only to achieve their own goals, but also to give more to their fellow human beings. To do “Hand
Analysis” effectively you need to develop a stillness of heart and strength of spirit within yourself. I can only
say that finding this in ones own life is a transformational, enriching experience that I can heartily
Baeth Davis is one who can bring you these gifts. For those of you who wish to fully realise their own
potential her “Your Purpose” training is a God send.
If you want to experience a palm reading right now, in the comfort of your own home, then I recommend you
go to Oranum.com. They provide readings from some of the best analysts around. By using a service like
Oranum you will quickly gather an understanding of just what's possible with hand reading.
There are different schools of Chirology, the most widely practised is the classical technique, and that's what
we will be focusing upon here.
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A Brief History.
Before I get a hail of emails from my practitioner colleagues I need to say from the outset that the precise
history of both Palmistry and Palm Reading is debatable (and is frequently debated in my experience.)
However what can certainly be said is that it almost certainly originated on the Indian subcontinent and
spread widely throughout Asia from between 5000 and 2000 BC. The fact that we are still using it today is
testament to the incredible insights and power it brings.
Classical Hand Analysis originated in Greece and, along with astrology, was part of the scientific foundation
of all modern culture (a good understanding of astrology is a vital element of Hand Analysis and you can
learn a great deal about it HERE.) Palmistry was practised throughout Europe thereafter but was ruthlessly
suppressed during the middle ages when it became associated with witchcraft and occultism.
I think I should briefly say here that Palm Reading is far from an occult practice. It is based upon thousands
of years of human experience, observation and care giving. The traditional image of the 'dark art' is a myth,
pure an simple.
So, without further ado, let's start learning about this age old skill.
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How To Give A Reading
Learning Hand Analysis has two primary benefits. In doing so we
discover a great deal about ourselves and our spiritual well being. I
can not express how deeply my studies have shaped my own
personal and professional life.
However, perhaps more importantly, it allows us to support and guide
the lives of others. I have been lucky enough to work with hundreds
of people over the years and treasure the strength and sense of empowerment they tell me they have taken
away from our time together.
I believe that readings are at their best, and most effective, when they are a shared experience. Giving a
reading is an extremely fulfilling and engaging process which, if done correctly, can give the client a
wonderful sense of self and a belief in their own ability to shape their destiny.
I need to dispel another commonly held myth here. Hand Analysis is NOT about telling the future. It IS about
discovering a persons life experiences and the effect these have had upon their personality and belief
structures. The Palm Reading can discover, and reveal, more about a persons life experience in an hour
than perhaps their closest friends or, in many cases, they themselves are aware of.
Obviously, knowing a persons character and spiritual self to this extent could potentially allow one to
reasonably predict what they may do in certain circumstances. For example, if I asked you what your best
friend would do in a crisis you may have a fair idea. This is because you know them, have a deep personal
connection, and have shared many experiences with them that have demonstrated their strengths and
weaknesses to you.
However you could not be certain and also your prediction can not account for how future experiences will
shape them as a human being. Therefore, whilst your best guess about what they will or will not do is a well
informed one and may be fairly accurate, it can not be relied upon. For this reason I never attempt to predict
a persons future for them and always make this clear at the start of any reading.
Again other Chirologists may well take issue with me on this point. Many will argue that a clear analysis will
reveal so much about a persons personality and their reaction to life experiences that it is possible for them
to predict how that person will respond to future life events and what these events are likely to be.
Highly respected practitioners such as Steve G. Jones. M.Ed take this view. Steve offers a superb training
program for those who want to learn more about Hand Analysis. He maintains that an accurate future
prediction is possible. However I would add that Steve is also a highly skilled NLP and Hypnosis practitioner
who is able to bring his considerable, additional abilities to his practice.
However, along with other well renowned Chirologists such as Baeth Davis, I take the view that a good
reading actually empowers the client to create their own destiny.
This, I feel, is far more valuable than simply anticipating what future events are likely to be. However I fully
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accept that some skilled Chirologists are able to offer very sensible predictions, it is just that this is
something that I prefer not to do. In my opinion a shared reading should leave the client with a clear and
strong sense of self which they can then use to inform their own decision making in the future. They should
feel empowered to shape their own destiny.
It is actually surprisingly rare for us to carry this level of self awareness with us day to day. However, doing
so enables us to make much better decisions about how we should respond to other people and the
challenges of life. More importantly it enables us to make better use of life opportunities and to grasp every
moment. It can awaken our senses and bring a marvellous sense of connection within our lives.
I am incredibly fortunate to have shared this gift with so many throughout my life.
Preparing For A Reading:
Prior to sharing a reading with another person you should
discuss their expectations with them. You need to be extremely
clear that analysis is a very powerful technique which, whilst
ultimately empowering and life affirming, can be overwhelming
for some.
I would ask that you are particularly careful to respect the
feelings of those who may have suffered a recent emotional trauma. For example I have shared readings
with those that have been recently bereaved. This has been emotionally challenging for the client and
myself. You need to explain this prior to undertaking a reading. This will give the person an opportunity to
decide if they are ready to embark upon this powerful emotional experience.
Where trauma reveals itself within the reading It is absolutely vital that you check with the person that they
wish to proceed and you should only do so once they have given their full, informed consent.
I have stopped readings where it is clear to me that the person has not been emotionally resilient enough to
carry on at the time. I always reassure the person that there is no rush and that I will complete the reading
when they feel ready. Ultimately this is a matter for personal judgement that will develop with experience so
please be aware of this possibility, especially when you are new to Hand Analysis.
You need to share your reading in a comfortable, welcoming environment which is well lit. It often makes me
chuckle when I see Hollywood depictions of Hand Analysis in dark and dingy boudoirs or fire lit gypsy camps.
You need to use all your senses during a reading and you most certainly do need to be able to see clearly.
No one can read in the dark.
The only people who should be present during a reading are yourself and the other person. The presence of
others can be a distraction. However, it is not uncommon for the other person to want to bring someone for
support, especially if they are feeling vulnerable. This is absolutely fine and I suggest that you arrange a
preliminary meeting first to give the person, and yourself, an opportunity to meet. Hopefully they will then feel
more comfortable about meeting with you on a 1:1 basis.
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This next statement is VERY IMPORTANT!
In all my years of sharing readings I have only ever had one bad experience with a client who became
aggressive and threatening because she did not agree with my analysis (or more probably because she
knew it was accurate.) However it is absolutely vital when you are working with people face to face that your
safety is your primary consideration. These are the precautions you should always take.
You should share the reading in a place of your choosing where you know other trusted people are
nearby. For example a private consultation room in a shared building is ideal.
You should get some form of ID from the person prior to the meeting (a drivers license for example.)
You must tell someone who, when and where you are meeting. You must tell them how long the
reading is scheduled for and should have an agreed contact time beyond which they should raise the
alarm (obviously it is very important that you remember to contact them at that time to confirm your
You should only continue with the reading if you are comfortable to do so. If you have any concerns
at all you should have a predetermined plan how to swiftly draw the reading to a close in a respectful
but effective way.
I must stress that these are merely safety procedures and are not intended to alarm you. As I just mentioned,
in more than 15 years of sharing readings with hundreds of clients I have only had one bad experience. It is
extremely rare but it is only sensible to take proper precautions.
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Sharing The Reading – Best Practice:
Sitting in your comfortable, well lit environment you
should position yourself directly in front of the client
and make a thorough examination of both hands. I
prefer to position a small table between myself and
the client with a light positioned directly above it. This
allows me to inspect the hands more accurately and
allows the client to relieve the weight of holding their
hand out for prolonged periods.
I know that others prefer to hold the clients hand in
their own. Ultimately this is a personal preference but
the most important factor is that both you and the
client are as comfortable as possible.
To begin with you may want to take notes. I don't do this any more but did so for a while when I first started. I
see no problem with doing so and clients rarely object. Again, it's a personal preference.
One of the most important skills to bring to the reading is the ability to maintain an “unconditional positive
regard.” This means that no matter what you think about the person with whom you are sharing the reading,
you do so in a consistently respectful and polite manner.
This can be a challenge, especially when that respect is not reciprocated. We are all unique individuals with
wildly different personalities. It is inevitable that on occasion we will encounter people whose personalities do
not sit well with our own. This is as true in Hand Analysis as it is in any other walk of life.
However, as the person sharing the reading, I strongly feel that it is my responsibility to ensure that the client
gets as much value as possible from it. Whilst I may encounter some behavioural responses that I do not
value it is not my place to judge. That is not my role.
My role is to explain my findings to the client so that they can use them to best inform how they chose to
make decisions. This is perhaps the most challenging aspect of Hand Analysis and, as with anything else, is
a skill that will improve with practice.
You should examine the left hand first followed by the right. In general the left hand can be said to reveal our
full potential and the right our experiences and use of that natural potential. Examine both in detail playing
close attention to the overall shape and dimensions of the hands, palms, fingers, mounts and lines (don't
worry this will all be explained in more detail.)
In particular your initial reading should note the proportional relationship between the finger length and palm
size. Look for any scaring or blemishes and try to gauge the texture of the skin, it's moisture content and
body heat emanating from the hands.
Once you have completed your initial observations it is time to move on in more detail.
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By considering the shape and proportions of the hands we can broadly define the persons astrological
personality traits. These can be classified in four distinct way. It is worth noting that a persons astrological
hand may not necessarily correspond to their birth sign. This is because our hands (like our personalities)
change and develop throughout our lives, predominantly as a result of our life experience. This is precisely
why Hand Analysis is so powerful.
For example a person may be born in Taurus and, as such, may possess the dependability and dogged
determination associated with their birth sign. One can expect to see these traits present in their left hand.
However, life events will have shaped their personality further and this will be revealed by more detailed
analysis of their right (in combination.)
As previously stated a sound underpinning knowledge of Astrology is essential for effective Hand Analysis. If
you need to build upon your Astrological understanding I strongly recommend that you register an account
with Astrology.com. This is a one stop resource with a wealth of valuable information on Astrology and
much more.
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Earth Hands:
Characteristics: Wide distinctly squared palms with fingers of equal length to the height of the palm. Thick
fingers with flattened, squared phalanx mounts. Hard occasionally calloused skin. Blushed skin, warm to the
People who have Earth Hands tend to be resourceful, practical and level headed. They prefer to act
(sometimes in haste) and would rather do something than learn about it. They are unlikely to be highly
educated and can be quite conservative by nature. They value freedom and love the outdoor life.
Air Hands:
Characteristics: Angular elongated palms with long fingers equal in length to the palm length. Thinner fingers
with pronounced knuckles and a lower thumb setting. Phalanx mounts my also be angular, even ridged, with
dry skin that is cooler to the touch.
These people are highly strung with a nervous, energetic disposition. Stress and anxiety is often a problem
for them. They are highly intelligent and skilled communicators. However they lack self awareness and
emotional intuition and often find difficulty in building successful intimate relationships.
Water Hands:
Characteristics: Oval, rounded palms greater in width than height. Thin flexible fingers of the same length as
the palm height. Smooth skin with a neutral temperature. Phalanx mounts and may vary.
Those with water hands are emotionally intuitive and can be sensitive, often prone to emotional distress.
They are often artistically gifted and nurturing by nature. They are strongly motivated by feelings and can let
their hearts rule their heads.
Fire Hands:
Characteristics: Angular sometimes squared palms. Shorter, wider fingers with finger length less than palm
height. Skin will be flushed, even blotchy, and notably warm to the touch. Phalanx mounts will be fleshy and
These people lead from the front and are strong, independent characters. They can be quick to anger and
often intolerant of others. They constantly seek new challenges and are resourceful and energetic enough to
take on any task.
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When you start your Hand analysis, as previously stated, you
should start with a general study of the whole hand. This will
determine if they have Earth, Air, Water or Fire hands. However in
addition to this initial analysis there are also some further
conclusions that you can draw from the analysis of the fingers.
Thumb Analysis: People with large dominant thumbs (in
proportion to overall hand size) tend to be hard workers able to fully
commit to any task with a clear focus. Those whose thumbs curve
inwards to the palm tend to be emotionally detached whereas a
thumb that leans away from the palm indicates a warm and giving personality.
Finger Analysis: Those with long thin fingers are often prone to anxiety but are often highly intelligent and
academically gifted. Shorter fingers often indicate a more volatile but creative person.
Fingernail Analysis: Obviously fingernails are often decorated or sculpted. Whilst some conclusions can be
drawn from this, it is not strictly part of classical Hand Analysis. However where the fingernails are left in their
natural state some analysis may be made. Your study should be of the Lunula and Nail Plate but not
including its Distal Edge.
Long and thin plates indicate a person who is intuitive but also quite volatile. If the plates are long and wide
then the person prefers their own company and finds social situations awkward. Distinctly oval plates with
crescent like Lunulas are found on people with affable caring natures whereas the more angular shaped
Plates and straighter Lunulas indicate a highly logical, pragmatic nature.
The shorter the plate the more likely the person is to be dismissive of others. Those with extremely short
plates and no clear Lunula can be very impatient or chaotic. However they may also be quite good
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The Dominant Lines
Once you have taken time to read the overall hand it's time to start looking at the lines of the hand.
When most people consider Palm Reading it is this element that they imagine to be the entire process. I
hope you are now realising that is not the case and that there is, in fact, a great deal more to sharing an
effective reading than just reading the lines. Nonetheless line reading is an important part of Chirology.
We will firstly consider the dominant lines that are most commonly found on most peoples palms. The lesser
lines only emerge on the Palms of those who have the associated astrological influence or have experienced
related events.
The Heart Line
Characteristics: Running across the palm below the Ring of Saturn, and generally above the headline, the
heart line originates in Jupiter and terminates in Mercury (broadly speaking.) However it is it's precise origin
and path that can tell a great deal about a persons intimate relationships.
When the heart line originates in the centre of Jupiter (directly below the index finger,) this indicates that the
person has a fulfilling love life. However the more this origin moves towards Saturn and Apollo the less
fulfilled the person will be. An origin below Saturn tells us that the person may not be a considerate lover. An
origin between Saturn and Apollo would indicate a persons emotional vulnerability and tendency to
experience unrequited love.
The length of the heart line directly corresponds to the strength of a persons romantic feeling. Shorter heart
lines indicate a a rather insular person whereas long lines show a strong desire to be loved and be loved.
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Where the heart line touches the life line (see below) it indicates that the person is prone to emotional
distress within relationships.
Should the line be long and curved in a single continuous arc then the person is at ease with expressing their
love for others. In contrast a straight heart line demonstrates a pragmatic approach to affairs of the heart.
Where the heart line wavers and undulates we can see a number of fairly superficial love affairs. However a
broken heart line reveals severe relationship trauma (a broken heart.) This alludes to a major relationship
breakdown or possible bereavement (tread sensitively.)
The Head Line:
Characteristics: Originating approximately halfway between the the mount of Jupiter and Venus near to, or in
confluence with the origin of the life line. The headline predominantly runs below and broadly parallel to the
heart line across the palm, descending diagonally.
The head line reveals a persons intellect and, perhaps more importantly, their use of it. Generally where the
line is curved we can say that the person is naturally creative and imaginative. A straighter line indicates a
less imaginative intellect favouring a more pragmatic, realistic approach.
The length is relative to the persons preference for intellectual pursuits. This does not mean that a shorter
line reveals less intelligence only that the person prefers physical rather then intellectual pursuits. Where the
head line wavers we know that the person struggles with concentration whereas a deep, well defined head
line illustrates the persons strong powers of concentration and problem solving capabilities.
Where the headline does not meet the life line (see below) we know that the person has a strong,
enthusiastic approach to life. Where the life line and headline run together it shows us that the person took
some time to develop independent thinking skills. The longer this confluence the less confident the person
will be in their own intellectual capabilities. Any crosses or islands in the headline reveal periods of intense
confusion. This is often associated with emotional trauma of some sort.
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The Life Line:
Characteristics: Originating close to the origin of the head line (sometimes in the same origin) and skirting
the perimeter of the mount of Venus towards the base of the thumb.
In nearly every reading that I have shared the client has always been most eager to know how long their life
line is because they believe this will indicate their probable lifespan. It always pains me to tell them that this
is not the case. The life line could perhaps be more accurately termed the zest line as it shows the
Chirologist the vigour and zest for life that the client has.
The closer the life line runs to the thumb the less energy a person has. Where it runs very close to the thumb
the person may well be suffering from a medical problem that severely depletes their energy levels.
Generally the wider the arc from the thumb the higher a persons energy levels.
The shape is also significant. A broad sweeping arc would indicate an enthusiastic, effervescent personality
whilst a straighter line demonstrates increasing levels of caution and reserve. Similarly where the life line is
deep and strong a person will possess a well formed, confident character whereas a less obvious life line
would suggest that the person is easily led by others.
Any islands in the life line correspond to physical trauma such as severe injury or illness whilst clear breaks
indicate life changing events.
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The Lesser Lines
As stated previously not every line is present upon every palm. This will depend upon both astrological
factors and life experience. However many will reveal some or all of the following palm lines.
The Fate Line:
Characteristics: Originating beneath Saturn either just above or below the heart line. The fate line runs down
towards the wrist and may intersect the life line.
The fate line reveals the impact that factors beyond your control, such as social changes or world events,
have had upon a persons development. Where the fate line is strong the person has been deeply effected by
events. Where the line changes direction or diverts an event has caused a significant life change.
Where the fate line terminates in the same position as the life line (near the wrist) a person has a strong
sense of destiny and a determination to succeed. For example someone who started a successful business
early on in life may well demonstrate such properties. Similarly if the fate line curves to touch the life line
near to the mount of Venus then this would indicate a period where the person put their own ambitions to one
side to support others.
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The Fortune Line:
Characteristics: Originating below the mount of Apollo and running down towards the wrist and/or the mount
of Venus.
This line is often wrongly referred to as 'the money line.' I would say that after the life line this is the next line
which I am most commonly asked to investigate. Again, many wrongly believe that it reveals a persons
financial future. This is not the case.
The fortune line develops in response to a persons level of material comfort. Those who are accustomed to a
lavish (wealthy) lifestyle often exhibit a strong fortune line whereas, for those who have faced greater
hardships, it is less apparent.
Similarly any arc towards the mount of Venus, especially if confluence with the life line occurs, indicates that
the person has worked hard to achieve their material success and may well have a good head for business.
Conversely distinctive fortune lines that sweeps away from Venus towards the lunar mount indicates
someone who has had good fortune by chance, possibly an inheritance or lottery win.
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The Health Line:
Characteristics: Originating below the mount of Mercury and descending towards the wrist, possibly close to
the fortune line.
The health line is often closely associated with the fortune line and, where either the life line or the fortune
line are unclear, it is not unusual to see the presence of a more distinct health line. This line actually refers to
a persons physical and emotional well being.
Where it is in confluence with any present fortune line this would indicate that the person has reaped
considerable benefit from a healthy balanced lifestyle. Similarly a health line in confluence with a wide arcing
life line would indicate that health and physical fitness are very important to the individual.
Where the life line is less apparent or closer to the thumb, the presence of a strong health line would indicate
that, whilst the person is a little reserved, they are generally content and physically well. Similarly where the
health line is distinct but the fortune line less so, this would indicate that the person has a healthy balanced
lifestyle but is not concerned with material comfort.
Other Lines
These are the major dominant and lesser lines most commonly encountered when sharing a reading.
However there are many more which can reveal themselves throughout a persons life and each have a
distinct meaning. If you are keen to explore these, and Hand Analysis itself, in more detail then you should
get yourself a copy of Palm Read Easy.
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Once you are satisfied with your analysis of the visible palm lines it is time to move on to the mounts. These
are the fleshy pads that sit in distinct positions on the palm. They can be located below each finger, at the
base of the thumb and along the outside edge of the palm opposing the thumb. Broadly speaking you should
consider whether each is pronounced, standard or flat.
Every person is an individual and hand sizes vary a great deal therefore these heights are relative to the
overall size of the palm and not absolute.
For example a larger hand with a standard mount of Venus may actually appear to be more pronounced than
the same mount on a smaller hand. However if that hand is smaller you may read that mount as being
pronounced. It's all relative and your ability to gauge these comparative sizes will improve with practice. .
So let's consider what the mounts can tell us.
The Mount of Venus: This sits at the base of the thumb and the life line often runs around its base. The
mount is associated with passion, vitality, achievement and sensuality.
A pronounced mount of Venus indicates that the person is prone to hedonism and self gratification. They
may take risks in pursuit of pleasure and can be blind to the needs of others. Where the mount is standard
this indicates that the person is quite serious about achieving success and may well have a strong interest in
artistic pursuits. A flat mount is associated with a person who lacks spontaneity and can be a little insular.
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The Mount of the Moon (the Lunar Mount): This sits on the outside edge of the palm below the little pinky
in opposition to the mount of Venus.
A pronounced lunar mount indicates a creative and furtive imagination that can be somewhat blind to
pragmatic concerns. A standard mount is associated with those who are more thoughtful and practical in their
approach whilst a flat mount may indicate that the person thinks negatively at times and is very much a
The Mount Of Jupiter: Sitting directly below the index finger the mount of Jupiter reveals a persons belief
systems, strength of character and philosophical approaches.
A pronounced mount indicates an extremely strong character and which others can find intimidating at times.
A person with a pronounced mount may be forceful and belligerent. A standard mount indicates good
leadership qualities, intelligence and ambition whilst a flat mount suggests that the person lacks self
confidence and often defers to others.
The Mount of Saturn: Residing below the middle finger the mount of Saturn relates to our sense of
individual responsibility and our patience. A pronounced mount can indicate a stubbornness and a desire to
avoid human contact whereas a standard mount shows a person to be a good team player, hard working and
considerate of others. Flat mounts are commonly found with those who lack a sense of responsibility and can
be a little hasty in both their thinking and their behaviour.
The Mount of Apollo (The Sun Mount): This is found under your ring finger and relates strongly to creativity
imagination and levels of excitement. Pronounced mounts indicate that the person can be a little egotistical
and eager to impress others but is also great fun to be around. A standard mount is associated with those
who are outgoing and self confident but also self aware and considerate. Flat mounts indicate a subdued
personality who may struggle to prioritise what's important to them.
The Mount of Mercury: Found at the base of the pinky the Mercury mount reveals a persons intellect, sense
of adventure and astuteness. A pronounced mount shows someone to be boastful and somewhat reckless
though they may make excellent business people. Standard mounts are found on those who are well
balanced, adaptable and interested in the world around them. A flat mount of Mercury may indicate that the
person is socially inept and finds great difficulty in expressing themselves. They tend to shy away from new
experiences and are far more comfortable with what they know.
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Bringing It All Together.
It is the combination of all these different element of Hand
Analysis that allow you to share a reading with the client.
As I hope this guide has illustrated, none of the different
aspects of the reading, when taken in isolation, reveal the
true nature of an individual. However, by bringing these
factors together the Chirologist is able to provide an
insight that the client can then use to shape and guide
their own futures.
Having this wisdom revealed to you is an incredibly empowering and life affirming experience. I never tire of
seeing the dawning of realisation on a clients face when they finally understand who they are and how they
can move forward positively in their lives. Sharing this ancient knowledge is, for me, a gift I will always
At the start of this guide I mentioned that Hand Analysis is both a science and a skill. In my opinion the skill is
largely found in how you deliver the findings the analysis has revealed.
For example if I read a fire hand with a pronounced mount of Jupiter and a strong fate line that terminates in
confluence with a wide arcing life line, it would reveal to me that the person is likely to be domineering,
strongly opinionated and driven by a sense of self importance.
Most people do not want to be told that they are a bully (though they may clearly have that potential.) The
skill comes in being able to accurately relay your findings back to the client whilst also empowering them to
use that knowledge to effect positive change in their lives.
Therefore, given the Hand Analysis mentioned above, I may say something like “You have a strong, powerful
character with a firm belief in your own abilities. However you need to be aware that this can sometimes be
misinterpreted by others.”
As I have consistently stated throughout this guide, this is a skill that will develop with time and practice.
I hope this has inspired you to delve deeper into the world of Hand Analysis. This guide is only intended to be
an introduction to the subject. If you who are ready to make the most of the enlightenment Hand Analysis can
bring, both to your own life and those around you, I strongly recommend that you avail yourself of the
following resources.
Good luck my friend.
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Essential Resources.
Baeth Davis at YourPurpose.com: For those of you who are serious about building a career in Hand
Analysis or even if you simply want to fully discover your own potential, then Baeth is the leading expert in
the world today. Her guidance is invaluable and I can honestly say that without her I would not be where I am
today (thanks Baeth.) If you are ready to commit to a better future then you should seek her guidance today.
Steve G. Jones, M.Ed: Steve is a leading exponent of Hand Analysis and much more. He has produced a
fantastic guide called Palm Read Easy which explores Hand Analysis is far greater detail than I have had
opportunity to reveal here. If you want to deepen your understanding further then get yourself a copy now.
Astrology.com. If, like me, you have a broad interest in astrology and the metaphysical then I can not
recommend Astrology.com highly enough. Nearly every relevant topic you can imagine is collated here in
one complete resource. I've been using it for years to inform my practice and suggest that you do the same.
Palm Reading Review: The best site you will find on the internet for all matters related specifically to Hand
Analysis is Palm Reading Review. I've been working closely with Greer Parry (who runs the site) for a
number of years now (in fact some of you may have downloaded this guide there already.) She is a
knowledgeable, experienced practitioner who has a passion for Hand Analysis and offers superb information
for free. If you have not already done so you should visit Palm Reading Review immediately.
Released in partnership with Palm Reading Review.