GranCutter -Cartridge Type
GranCutter -Cartridge Type
Debut!! 信頼と満足を形に GranCutter - Cartridge Type The press cutter is now replaceable at your own site with the teeth cartridge!! ① With the cartridge ② Remove 4 bolts. ③ Pull out the cartridge. ④ Without the cartridge The new cartridge type allows our customers to change the worn / tipped teeth on the press cutter at their factory. Available Model Replaceable Blades SPCⅡ-200/400/750 GMⅡ-200/400/750 Hard Hard Small Soft Hard Soft Hard Small Small Soft Soft Small Press Cutter Assembly (Cartridge) We can modify your SPCⅡ/GMⅡ into the cartridge type, only by replacing the following parts. Replace these parts to change your unit to the cartridge type. Press Cutter Assembly Press Stationary Cutter *This brochure is subject to change without notice. Manufacturer: ISO9001 CERTIFIED INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DEPT. 4124-1,MINAMI-MINOWA KAMIINA-GUN NAGANO-PREF.399-4595 JAPAN TEL.+81-265-73-8820, FAX.+81-265-73-8964 htt p :/ / w w w. h a r m o - n e t . c o. j p Cartridge leaf 15061KP