August - Metro-West Steelheaders
August - Metro-West Steelheaders
CONGRATULATIONS Hunter Ringer caught BIG FISH in two back to back tournaments. July 14; Big Fish was 9.75 July 16; Big Fish was 12.1 With his father, Ted Ringer, Captain of Fish Eye. August 2011 CONTENTS The Vices Corner, 2 Calendar, 3 Big Fish, 4 Upcoming Events, 4 - 6 Fishing Reports, 7 - 11 Membership, 12 Classi'ied, 13 Pays To Belong 13- 14 MWS Sponsors, 14 - 19 2 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS The Vice’s Corner UPCOMING GUEST SPEAKERS TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 2011; LANCE HINATSU SpeakerLanceHinatsu,isamanufacturer’srepresentativeandconsultantforfactoryautomation,hydroforming,toolingand dies.LanceisalongtimesteelheadandsalmonishermanandMetro Westmember,TwotimeInternationalGameFishing Association (IGFA) and Fishing Hall of Fame World Record Holder for Chinook Salmon for i6 kilo, 12 pound line class. 50 poundand64poundChinooksalmonontheKenaiRiverinAlaska.Lanceistheholderof4Worldrecords.HeIntroduced theHotShottingforsteelheadwiththeirstdriftboateastoftheMississippiin1978.ProstaffforLuhrJensen,Lamiglas,Rapala,AndeMonoilamentRossReels,andPatagonia.Lancewillspeakon thetechniquesandgearusedforriversteelhead ishingforthenovicetoadvancedbacktrollingcombatplugishermen. MARKTANSKI;QUICKFILLETPRODUCTS SteadyyourcatchwhilecuttingandskinningperfectilletswithouruniqueQuickFilletToolandpatentpending“Knolt.”This freshandsaltwaterstainless-steeltooladjuststoitanyilletboard.Filletwithconidencewhileincreasingyieldandgetting thejobdonequickly.AllanglerswillenjoyoursixchoicesofQuickFilletBoardsineitherHighDensityPolyethyleneor NorthernMaple,creatingtheultimate“allinoneilletboard.” orcall734-422-1111 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2011; ERIN MCDONOUGH ErinMcDonoughiscurrentlyExecutiveDirectorof the Michigan United Conservation Clubs,serving in that capacity since 2009. From 2005-2009 she worked as MUCC’s Conservation Education DirectorandasamemberofitsResourcePolicyTeam.Priortoworkingat MUCC she was a coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation, working withsportsmen’sorganizationsaroundtheGreatLakesBasinontheorganization’sGreatLakes restorationandprotectionprogram. Sheisa member of the Michigan Oil and Gas Advisory Council, Michigan Wetlands Advisory Council,MichiganSnowmobileandTrailsAdvisoryCouncil,andisaTrustee oftheGreatLakesFisheryTrust. McDonoughhasherMSinResource,PolicyandBehaviorfromtheUniversity of Michigan and a BS in Hydrogeology from Central Michigan University.SheisalsoagraduateofMSU’sNaturalResourceLeadershipAcademyandiscurrentlyaparticipantinthelagshipyearofMSU’sNaturalResourceandEnvironmentGovernanceFellowship. Jim Robertson,VicePresident QUICKFILLETPRODUCTS Conservation Pledge I give my pledge as an American to save and faithfully to defend from waste the natural resources of my country; its air, soil, and minerals; its forests, waters and wildlife. Michigan United Conservation Club Metro West Steelheaders METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 3 Upcoming Events and Tournaments AUGUST 13 20 27 SEPTEMBER 10 Last Caldwell Douglas Hartrick Hesch Hesch Nabors Ruggles 2 GeneralMembershipMeeting SalmonTournament-Manistee SalmonTournament-Frankfort SalmonTournament-GrandHaven Chair:GregRuggles Chair:Tom&JerryHesch/HenryNabors Chair:JerryDouglas/JimCaldwell/HN 6 GeneralMembershipMeeting SalmonTournament-Charlevoix Chair:MikeHartrick First Jim Jerry Mike Jerry Tom Henry Greg Phone 248 642 3717 586 201 3513 248 852 6977 810 231 9086 734 765 5444 248 258 5502 248 303 6718 Cell Ph 248 835 6685 586 201 3513 248 225 5853 734 765 5444 248 225 4964 E mail [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ContacttheappropriateChairperson/PortCaptainandletthemknowyouareinterestedinparticipatinginthe tournamentorouting.Ifyouarenewtotheseevents,callandtalktotheChairperson.Ifyouhaveparticipatedin thepastandknowtheprocess,sendanemailwithyourinformation. Captains–ifyouneedcrew,letthePortCaptainorHenryNaborsknowwhicheventsandhowmany.Ifyouhave neverparticipatedinaMWStournament,thisisthetimetodoit.Wecanhelpyougetacrewandwewillhelp youwhileatthetournament;themostyouhavetoLOOOOOOOSEis$21foracrewoffour–therestofthemoney isforfood.Tournamentsare$10perpersonand$5forbigishfortheboat.Thisisaveryreasonablepriceto learnhowtoishontheGreatLakes!! Crew–ifyouWANTtoCREWforoneoftheseevents,sendthePortCaptainandHenryNaborsanemailtelling themwhicheventyouwouldliketojoinANDcalltheportcaptainandlethimknowyouarelookingforaride!!!! Youneedtodobothifyoureallywanttobeacrewmember.HenryNaborsdoesnotknowalltheinfoforthe tournaments and the port captain does not ALWAYS know who needscrew. If you respond and want to crew, makesureyouknowyoucangotothatevent. Subject: Fishing in Canadian waters of the Detroit River/Western Basin Lake Erie From: [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2011 9:38 AM Mike, Our practices have not changed. If you don't drop anchor or touch land then there is no expectation to call in. We still believe that is the most reasonable approach. If for some reason you intend to fish on a Canadian inward leading waterway we would expect you to call in and in most circumstances there is a designated marina at the mouths of those waterways. Let me know if you need anything further. Paul Susko, Chief of Operations (Windsor Tunnel Operations) From: Mike [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: June 28, 2011 06:21 PM Hi Mr. Susko, I'm hoping that you can shed some light on all of the "information" flooding the media since that kid got fined in New York for fishing without checking in with Customs. I'm hoping that it was an over zealous officer or the actions of the offender and not new policy interpretation. I know that that has never been enforced in the past unless you dropped anchor, landed or had contact with another boat. The uncertainty of the current situation has many afraid to enter Canadian water which is where much of their fishing takes place. I have been unable to get any official (or even unofficial) confirmation of current policy. I hope that you can shed some light or possibly direct me to someone that can. Sincerely, Mike Barkley 4 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS Manistee Salmon Tournament Aug. 13th SaturdayAugust13,6am—3pm The Manistee tournament scheduled for August 13th. Call at (248) 303-6718 or [email protected] soIcangetaheadcount.Theweighin willbeheldattheLionsClubPavilionlocatedattheCityLaunchattheendof1st Street(seeredstar). Greg Ruggles, Tournament Chairman NormalMWSrulesapply,setlinesonehourbeforesunrise,ishcallat9:00am,9 rodsmaxperboat,pulllinesat1:00andbeinlineby2:00fortheweighin. Seng’s Marina. Phone: (231) 7239444 Boatslipsare$30pernightfora loating dock for boats up to 30’and $25 per night for boats 25’ or less on a stationarydockwithladdersaskforSusan. Solbergs Marina. Phone (231) 7232611.Anysizeboat$25pernightaskfor Marianne. Camping is available for tow behindtrailersifneeded. Local Motels LittleRiversideMotel(231)398-3420 LakeshoreMotel(231)723-2667 DaysInn(231)723-8385 Big Fish: Karen Westphal Notmuchhappeningsofar inthebigishcontest,with only3entries: Phil Bustosenteredhis Browntroutweighing1.80 lbs.(Riverentry). Dave Skrobotcaughta7 lb.10oz.WalleyeonLake. Erie. Phil Drumenteredhis7lb. Walleyealsocaughton Lake.Erie. LookslikeDaveSkrobot beatPhilDrumby10oz's. Keepthoseentriescoming in!Letsmakethiscontest interesting. Tightlinestoall,andgood luck! METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 5 Frankfort,MISalmonTournament August20,2011 PortChairmen: Henry Nabors 248-225-4964: Tom Hesch 734-765-5444:MateonHook’dUp,Handle–BudMan Jerry Hesch 734-223-0542:Captain-Boatname-Hook’dUp MetroWesttournamentrulesapply,pleasereviewthewebsite ppt/2010_Rules.pdf Channel68istheclub’schannelforFrankfort StartTime–6:00AM Endtime–Youmustpulllinesby1:00pm Weighinisat2:00pmattheElbertaparkonthewestsideofBetsieLake.Ifyouhaveafoldingchair,pleasepackjustincase wedonotgetthePavilion.Ifsomeonenotishingcangototheparkearlyandholdasmallarea(50people)letusknow. Googlemaps–ElbertaPark,MI Weighyour5biggestish.Lunchisprovided. Somekeyphone#s/linksforthearea FrankfortCoastGuard#231-352-4242, FrankfortMunicipalBoatRamp#231-352-4722 FrankfortMunicipalMarina#231-352-9051 Frankfort/Elbertaarealodging FrankfortTackle#231-352-7673 Michigan-SportsmancurrentthreadforFrankfortwithaccurateinformation.,gotolastpageformostcurrentinfo. Rememberweareheretoshareinformationandhaveasafe,funtournament.Pleasehelpfellowmembershaveafun,successfultripandilltheircoolers. Grand Haven Salmon Tournament August 27, 2011 Jim Caldwell, Port Captain Jerry Douglas, Port Captain Ph:2488356685 5862013513 Email:[email protected] Tournament Location: Grand Haven Municipal Marina - theyhave25slipsthatwill accommodateourboats.Therearetwolargeandfoursmallpicnictablesand3or4charcoalgrillsanditisnearthecleaning;thephonenumberis616-847-2757. TheslipscanbereservedthroughtheMichiganDNR.Slipsare$ SearchHarborPark.aspx.AoverheadphotooftheportshouldbeontheDNRsite;youcanalsogotoGooglemapandtakea look. TheGrandHavenYachtClubmembersownalltheslipsaroundWharfMarinanexttotheMunicipalMarina.Theyhaveslips available when their members are away. They have a club house, bathroom facilities and power. 616-846-6679 http:// Accommodations: The Chamber web site for hotels is option=com_sobi2&catid=8&Itemid=107.ThereareafewniceB&B'sintown;theHarborHouseandtheKardomahLodge arewithinashortdistance.Theirstyoucanwalkto.TherearenowalkablehotelsbuttheHolidayInnandtheDaysInnare closeasistheBeaconBestWestern..TheBlue-waterInnisdifferentbutcloseaswell-theyhaveixeditupquiteabit. Grand Haven Steelheaders:VisittheGrandHavenSteelheaderswebsitetolearnmoreabouttheport,getishingreports andweatherinformation.JimhadanicechatwithRogerBelter,Pres.oftheGrandHavenSteelheaders.Rogersaidtheyare "happytoseeuscome";Rogersaidtheywouldbehappytohelpwithanyquestionswemighthave. GiveJimorJerryacalltosignupforthetournament.Therearefourboatsalreadyonthelist.TalktoJimif IfyouhaveanyinformationoradviceonishingGrandHaven,sendanoteorcalltheportcaptains. SubmittedbyHenryNabors(PortCaptainMentor) METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 6 Calling All Captains – Final 2011 MWS Salmon Tournament Charlevoix, MI September 10, 2011 Our final salmon tournament for the 2011 season will be held out of the beautiful port of Charlevoix, MI. Charlevoix is located between Grand and Little Traverse Bays in northwest Michigan. The port sits at the outlet of Michigan’s third largest inland lake, Lake Charlevoix. Salmon in the area are drawn to the local plant/imprint site (Medusa Creek), and the Boyne and Jordan Rivers, which flow to Lake Michigan through Lake Charlevoix. This is a tournament that both small and large boat anglers can feel comfortable in. Runs to fishable waters are generally less than five minutes from the shelter of the pier heads and frequently sheltered from the wind. Charlevoix features a series of steep underwater cliffs and flats which provide both shallow and deep water fishing opportunities close to port. Lake Charlevoix and its connecting waters are also fishable for early migrating fish if adverse weather sets in. Other attractions in the area are several state parks, trout fishing and canoeing on the Jordan and Boyne Rivers, and the destination cities of Charlevoix and Petoskey. Anglers may also enjoy watching the Sunday weigh-in for the Bay Harbor Salmon Tournament. Bay Harbor, located 14 miles from Charlevoix, is the final leg of the Lake Michigan Tournament Trail, potentially determining the overall winner of the entire series. CHARLEVOIX MAP Contact Mike Hartrick (248-852-6977 / [email protected]) to sign-up. I’ll have more information available at the August and September meetings. METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 7 Erieau Midweek Steelhead Tournament Results - July 14, 2011 Port Captain: Jim Robertson TournamentRanuntil3PMwithweigh-inat4PM. TheErieau Midweek Tournament,asinthepast,wasfullofsurprises.Boatproblemsforsome,surpriseendingsforanddisappointmentforothers. AsmanytournamentparticipantsdecidedtostayoverfortheSaturday,July16tournamentwe changedfromClubtraditionandpulledlinesat3:00pm,anextratwohoursofishing.Wethenmovedtheweigh -inanddinnerto4:00pm. Atthe9:00amishcallmostboatshadishintheboxbutitdidn’tseemthatwewouldhaveanylargenumbersof SteelheadorWalleye.Theboatsseemedtobespreadoutonthelake.JimatBarneysMarinawastellingishermentosteer210degreesoutoftheharborandsomeofusdidthat.Othersincludingthetournamentwinnerran aroundthepointtotheyellowbuoys.AshasbeenourpracticeinErieau,wecollectedtheusual$5.00bigish moneyforbothbigSteelheadandbigWalleye.Seebelowforwinners. The“PictureThis”crewpulledlinesat2:30andheadedforshoretopreparelunch.Wehadanappetizerofchips andsalsaandChefCarmenZirlesgrilledchickenbreastforsandwicheswithpotatosaladandcolddrinks.Someoneforgotdissert.TomTaylorconductedtheweighinandMarkDaviscollectedthemoney. <Hunter Ringer w Big Bow 9.75lbs Phil Bustos w Big Perch > 1.05lbs Marty Drum -Big Walleye 7.05lbs(aboveright) Big Big Last Christoph Robertson Nabors Drum Makowski Ringer Bustos Skrobot Schoen Zawacki Leciejewski 11 Boats First Chris Jim Henry Marty Scott Ted Phil Dave Clyde Dave Larry Boat Place Total Real Affair 1 6 Picture This 2 5 The Alternative 3 7 Drum Beat 4 4 Copy Cat 5 4 Fish Eye 6 3 Web Burrito 7 3 Toucan 8 2 Fishin' Machine 9 1 Salty Dog 10 1 Net Minder 11 0 Total 36 C of Y pts Weighed Lbs P’ts Total W'eye Steel Place 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 36.4 28.9 27.6 21.6 21.1 19.5 16.9 10.3 6.0 4.6 0.0 25 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 5 5 0 61.4 53.9 52.6 41.6 41.1 34.5 31.9 20.3 11.0 9.6 0.0 33 193 6.95 8.9 8.3 7.2 7.0 7.8 9.8 7.9 5.5 6.0 4.6 31 73 7.00 7.05 4.2 5.60 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 3 3 3 2 BF Tot 2 16 1 13 10 8 6 3 7 3 3 3 3 2 Tot W'eye 5 1 1 1 6 14 Caught Crew Big Fish 3 4 4 4 5 2 3 4 4 2 2 37 Eric Mark Henry Mark Tyler Hunter Karen Ron Darryl Mike METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 8 Erieau Mid-week Steelhead Tournament Results - July 16, 2011 Port Captains: Greg Ruggles & Clyde Schoen Tournamentranuntil1PMwithweigh-inat2PM. Big Big Last Ringer Christoph Zawacki Schoen Drum Skrobot Nabors Zantop Roman 9 Boats First Ted Chris Dave Clyde Marty Dave Henry Duane Dave Boat Place Total Fish Eye 1 5 Real Affair 2 7 Salty Dog 3 10 Fishin' Machine 4 8 Drum Beat 5 4 Toucan 6 3 The Alternative 7 1 Sea Tiger 8 1 Sea Hawk 9 1 Total 40 Weighed Lbs 5 5 5 5 4 3 1 1 1 41.7 36.8 33.6 32.4 22.5 16.6 9.4 6.5 4.7 25 25 25 25 20 15 5 5 5 30 204 150 C of Y pts Points Total W'eye Steel Place 66.7 61.8 58.6 57.4 42.5 31.6 14.4 11.5 9.7 5.9 12.1 8.7 8.0 6.5 9.5 7.3 6.1 8.0 6.1 9.4 5.4 6.5 8.7 4.7 73 14 12 10 8 6 4 3 3 3 63 BF Tot 3 17 12 10 2 10 6 4 1 4 3 3 Tot Caught W'eye Crew Big Fish 1 0 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 2 Hunter Ty Mike Greg Marty Dave Henry Lincoln Dave 16 29 4 5 2 3 The MetroMetro-West Steelheaders meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Livonia Senior Center. Open to the public. Location: Southeast corner of Farmington & Five Mile Roads. Date: 1st Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 7:00 pm MWS WEB Site: Or State MSSFA WEB site: Go to Chapter Websites, then Metro West Home Page. If you have questions, contact Henry Nabors - [email protected] or call (248) 258 5502 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 9 The Alternative View of Steelhead fishing in Erieau, Canada – 2011 Nancy and I scheduled our nine day visit to Erieau, Canada this year to cover the two Metro West Steelhead Tournaments. We arrived Sat. afternoon July 9th and returned home on Sunday July 17th. We had a wonderful week on the water and had fun with friends all week. Summary: . Nine Days at Erieau; fished an average of five hours per day and traveled 350 miles on the water. . Crew: Nancy and I for four days and 2 additional crew for five days – Roger and Judy Edgington (W,Th); Gary Towns and Dan Keifer (Fri, Sat, Sun). . Caught 23 steelhead trout (lost 10) for 156 pounds and 20 walleye (lost 1 @ net) for 100 pounds. Avg. weight – SH, 6.8; WE, 5.0. Largest – SH, 10.4 & 31”; WE 7.2. . Rod Action: Copper 38%, Downrigger 34% and Wire line Dipsy 28%. . Lure Action: Christmas 40%; mixed vegetables 16%; Green Dolphin 7%; Naked Jeremy 7%; Green Back w Silver and black dot 9%; and all other 18%. . Two trips to Birmingham to process fish at home, water the garden and get ice. Only one day’s limit can be possessed in Canada (5 SH/6 WE per person). . Erieau Marina Staff did an outstanding job of making our stay a pleasure! This is a wonderful port to spend summer vacation time. Submitted by Captain Henry Nabors, “The Alternative” July 23/24 Wheatley Fishing Report IishedtheweekendbutoutofWheatley(BigBoyzTourney.)Exclusivelyran aspoonprogramonRiggersandDipseys. Saturday3ofusished6hrsin3footer’sandcaught6Steeland8eye’s,then quitat1:00PM….beforethingscalmeddown.Yesterdaytherewere4onmy boat and the seas were perfect! Catch totals: 19 Steel & 6 eye’s in 5 hours!BiggestSteelwas10.5lbs.with10othersthatwereover8lbs.Biggest eyewas6.5lbs.SetupSEfromharborin52ftandworkedoutto60ft.Most productive sets were, 30-35 down on Riggers, #3 Dipseys set on 3 100-110 back.Norealcolorstopointtoasallcaughtish,(Confusion,JerryLee,Erie Watermelon,Shrimp,Boy/Girl,MixedVeggies,Kevorkiantomentionafew.) Twodaytotal:25Steel,14Walleye. Fish!Fish!Fish! LarryTabaka From: Duane Zantop [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 10:43 PM I was talking to the guys at Tim Horton's this morning and word has it that Brad (Charter) hooked 35 steelhead Tuesday. I know for sure he got 15 or more on Monday because I saw them. Brad has been using body baits. I talked to another guy who caught 10 in the last few days they all came on a body baits called an EMO with red eyes. He bought it at the Erieau Marina. I hope to talk to Brad in person to find out exactly what he is doing. I have never heard of anyone using body baits at Erieau. 10 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS Lake Erie, Erieau, Ontario, Canada - Trip Report July13throughJuly16 Boat:RealAffair Captain:Herman“Chris”Christoff Crew:TyVoigt,EricBraden Submittedby:EricBraden Pre Fish. Wednesday:7/13/11,3-6PM Weather:Partlycloudy,Wind:NNE15-20,Waves:2ft Weishedtheeastsideofthepointin54FOWandlocatedpockets of water with surface temperatures in the low 60’s (while most of theareasurfacetempsweremid70’s).Thenwemarkedbaitishuphigh,sowesetupaboveandbelowthem. WelandedtwoskyrocketingSteelies(6&8pounds)ontheoutsideboardwithwhiteHot-n-Tot/redhooks,back 75Ft.Thenettedoneadditional8poundSteelieoffdownriggerfreeslider (about22ft.)copperspoon/rednose. Mid Week Tournament. Thursday:7/14/11 Weather:Partlycloudyincreasingtofullsun.Lightwinds,waves1-2ft. Againweishedontheeastsideofpointin45FOWandtargetedthecooler surfacewatersameaspreviousday.Thewindshiftedovernightandthemajor temperature differential was not present ( 3 degrees vs. 10). Took two moreSteeliesearlyonthedownriggerslidercombofromWednesday.MidmorningwestartedrunningablueandwhiteSnow-Conespoonandtookone onaDipsysback113ft.Ascumlineabout50yardswideandamilelongdevelopedaroundNoon,Therewasatempdifferenceofabout3DegreeFcooleronthenorthside,withgrassmatswithintheslick.Wetrolledinandout andtookthreemoreSteeliesonthedownriggersliderwithablueandsilver spoon. Maintenance Day Friday:7/15/11 Weather:Nowthewindshiftedtotheeastovernightandwasbuildingasthesuncameup. Wemadeitouttothepointabout8:30AMandcameontosome4-5ft.rollers.Theadjustableroofrodrackdisengagedtiltingtherodsoutthestern.IheldtherackverticalwhileTyclearedalltherodswithoutgoingoverboard (Toomuchfun...Not!).Wedecidedtoworkonrepairsvs.ightingthewaves. Week End Tournament. Saturday7/16/11 Weather:Windletupabit,butstilloutoftheEastat10mph+.Waves2-3ft. We headed east again,“If it ain’t broke, don’t ix it!”. We set up over thecooler temp marks from the previous days.TookoneSteelieontheblueSnow-Coneona3colorleadcoreandtwomoreonthesamedownriggerslider CooperSpoonsetup.Midmorningtheactionhadbeenslowforalongtime.IhailedtheSaltyDogonCh68forthe latesthotsetup.CaptainDaveZawackirecommendedanyGreen,SilverandOrangespoon.Weresetseveralof ourlineswiththenewcolorschemeandseveralminuteslateraishleapedstraightdownthechute,back41Fton asilversize30Jet.ThreemoreishcameonthesameGreen,Silver,OrangespoonsetupontheDownRiggerSliderrig.Thanks Captain Dave!!!!!! SubmittedbyEricBraden METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 11 Captain and Crewperson of the Year Status - July 16, 2011 The results below reflect the results through the two Erieau Steelhead tournaments. The top 15 contenders are shown below. Congratulations to ALL! Captain of the Year Status: Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 Captain Schoen Robertson Skrobot Christoph Nabors Drum Kelley Platt Ringer Kruszewski Bustos Tabaka Shepard Hartrick Zawacki Clyde Jim David Chris Henry Marty Dennis Mark Ted Jeff Phil Larry Bob Mike Dave Boat Fishin' Machine Picture This Toucan Reel Affair The Alternative Drum Beat The Menance Willie Joe Fisheye Fishin Pol Wet Burrito Fish-Fish-Fish Hey Jude! Finfull Addiction Salty Dog Total 50 46 43 40 34 27 26 26 26 22 21 17 15 14 14 Clyde Jim Dave Chris Crewperson of the Year Status: Crewperson of Year Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 8 8 10 10 10 13 14 14 Last Fishing with: First Fishing With Total Lewallen Mark Bustos Voigt Post Taylor Ruggles Stawiarski Drum King Nabors Ringer Towns Keifer Hesch Olari Jeff Ty Michelle Tom Greg Karl Phil Bill Nancy Hunter Gary L Dan Tom Bob Drum, Marty Bustos, Phil Christoph, Chris Skrobot, Dave Robertson, Jim Schoen, Clyde Schoen, Clyde Kelley, Dennis Platt/Skrobot Nabors, Henry Ringer, Ted Nabors/Robertson Nabors, Henry Hesch, Jerry Robertson, Jim 43 42 37 35 34 30 30 25 25 24 24 24 21 20 20 Mark Michelle Jeff Ty The best six tournaments count and there are six more tournaments to go. Lots of time to improve that score over the next 60 days or so. Report submitted by Henry Nabors 12 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS Metro West Membership Renewals PleaseseemeinattheAugustGeneralMeetingtopay Last yourdues.Youcanrenewbycreditcard,cashor Benuska check.Ifyoudonotplantobeatthemeeting,mail Bourton checkstoMWS,1689Norfolk,Birmingham,MI48009 Bustos orcallCreditCardinfoto2482254964.TheExpiraCabble tiondateisYYMM. Cook Edgington Thanks,HenryNabors,MembershipDirector Homayed Huff Kruszewski Maddux Nanys Nelson Post Stav Stretton Taylor Thompson Traver Voss Zirles First Matt Bruce Jeff Blake Howard Roger Nick Raymond Jeff Jim Matt Joel Michelle Todd Kip Tom Chris Marc Bill Carmen Exp 11 08 11 06 11 04 11 07 11 06 11 06 11 06 11 08 11 07 11 08 11 06 11 07 12 06 11 07 11 08 11 08 11 08 11 08 11 07 11 08 Please submit all contributions for the August newsletter by August 20th 2011 Do you have an announcement or information for club members? Contact: Matt Lubaway at (248)790-0386 or [email protected] Dues 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 13 Classified Ludington Rental House Spacious and clean, five bedroom house right on 5,000-acre Hamlin Lake. Swim, fish, or dock your boat in your own front yard; Launch your small craft right next door; Watch the sunset over the dunes from your living room. Rent our deck boat or a jet-ski just down the road. Or drive five miles into downtown Ludington where you will find golf, movie theatres, bowling, gocarts, putt-putt golf, Lake Michigan fishing, a wonderful sandy beach, and numerous restaurants, ice-cream parlors, and shopping. Jim & Carole Maddux 248-360-4838 FOR SALE 40 Acres Hunting Land (I75 exit 244 N Higgins Lake Between Roscommon and Grayling). This property is surrounded by state land,there are marked snowmobile trails. This property is class 401 residential. $98,000 call Ty 586-247-9473 home or 810-923-0280 cell Boats, Motors, Equipment for sale 1970 Cruisers Inc., 21’ Bonanza Hard top with deep V hull. Cuddy cabin with V berth (sleeps two) and porta-potty; 250 ci GM six cylinder engine (160hp); MerCruiser Inboard – Outboard (new lower unit 2008) with trolling plate; Calkins double axle boat trailer with surge brakes and electric winch; Reupholstered 2009; Four Cannon Mag 10 downriggers (two electric), 4 rail mounted Tite-Lok adjustable rod holders; Lowrance LMS 350 – A (6” B & W) Sonar, GPS, Plotter, Fish Finder; Lowrance LMS 520c (4” color) Sonar, GPS, Plotter, Fish Finder, Maps; VHF ship to shore radio with Weather Station and emergency band pre-sets; Misc. – 6 speaker stereo, CO detector, 2 fire extinguishers, 75 gallon gas tank, 6 PFDs, rear deck lights, new black mooring cover, 2 batteries, engine compartment blower, fuel line shut off, bilge pump, first aid kit, Danforth anchor, Ritchie compass, extra built in storage compartments, Plexiglas side windows, cabin and V berth lighting, 2 electrical panels, new bottom paint; For more information: Gale Frazee at 248-227-3246 or [email protected] 1990 Grady White 24’. $28,000. Excellent boat for the great lakes and trailering. It is posted on Boat Trader. Description to locate it would be Grady White, 24'. See Jerry Hesch Mercury outboard motor 1983 25 hp Was used for back-up on island property. Runs great, low hours. Comes with 2-tanks One tank needs repair. $1,000 call TOM at 734-459-9057 [email protected] Vintage 1953 Firestone 3.6hp outboard motor. It runs strong, and is in good condition. I just cleaned the carb and replaced the gaskets, and it fires up on first pull. I am asking $270 obo as-is. Matt Lowney, 248 625 5196, email [email protected] WANTED Wanted a gently used fishing boat. Here is my wish list. 1995 or newer 23 - 25' cruiser; with sleeping for 4, with fishing electronics, downriggers, mooring cover and trailer. I can be reached at [email protected] above or call 248-227-3246. Gale Frazee - MWS Member ”IT PAYS TO BELONG” Berk'ield & Co Ltd, Statewide Matthew Lubaway 2625PontiacLakeRoad Waterford,MI48382 Phone:(248)682-0044 Cell:(248)790-0386 All METRO WEST STEELHEADERS, MSSFA and MUCC members and all club affiliates. 5% discount up to 25% discounts on Automobile, Homeowners insurance policies. Increased SPORTS EQUIPMENT endorsements, available. Other coverages include Boat, Recreation Vehicle, and Umbrella policies. [email protected] ”IT PAYS TO BELONG” Business / City Art Van Furniture Statewide Batteries Plus Statewide Big Papa Sport Fishing 50642 Oregon Novi, 48374 Boat U. S. Insurance Statewide Comprehensive Diabetic Supply, LLC St. Clair Shores, MI 48737 877-851-1540 Cutco Cutlery Statewide Dunham's Sports Statewide Discount / Web Site / Contact See MSSFA “It Pays to Belong List “ See MSSFA “It Pays to Belong List “ 10% except down riggers and rod holders Big Papa Sport Fishing $12.50 Membership Due. Use membership # GA83723B Free blood glucose meter kit plus diabetic cookbook 20% to All Steelheader Members (retail prices are listed) [email protected] See MSSFA “It Pays to Belong List “ Firestone Metro-25 Livonia & Taylor $20.00 off on $200.00 + service. Fish With Jim Outfitters Ohio Steelhead Guide Michigan Steelheaders Discount $50.00 off the total trip price Phone 248252-1277 Gander Mountain Local Gander Bucks $10.00 off $50.00 purchases Gordon Food Service Statewide Save 5% on your purchases at the cash register. (Just tell the clerk you are a Metro-West Steelheader Member) K & M Marine, Inc 14990 Telegraph Road, Redford, Mi 48239 MC Sports 10% off on all merchandise except sale items - Includes engine or trailer parts and labor cost. See MSSFA “It Pays to Belong List “ Major Locations METRO WEST STEELHEADERS Livonia MSSFA “It Pays to Belong” Statewide Free: 1) July Family Picnic; 2) Kids Fishing Outing/ Picnic/ Prizes; 3) Chance to win week at MUCC Camp for family member; 4) Luna Pier Picnic; 5) Family Christmas Party/Kid gifts w Santa; 6) Monthly Newsletter; 7) Great Lakes Sports Fishing Newspaper - Monthly Contact Henry Nabors - [email protected] pays_to_belong.pdf MUCC Membership Statewide Richfield RV Statewide Free if a METRO WEST STEELHEADER, May 1 each year. See MSSFA Pays to belong List Riverfront Marina Monroe, Elm Street One free with one overnight dockage; total cost for two nights is $15.00 Marina office 734-242-0737. River Raisin Marina & Campground 2502 E. Elm Avenue, Monroe, Mi 48161 Buy One Get One Free Includes campsite, dock and launch. Call for availability 313 575 4367. See the add in MWS Newsletter RX Optical Statewide Slamco, Inc. Internet Sales See MSSFA “It Pays to Belong List “ See MSSFA “It Pays to Belong List “ “Slammer Tip-Up” 10 % Discount If you know of a location that gives a discount to Steelheaders, please let Bill King know - 248 345 3502 or [email protected]. If you have a business that might, contact Bill on how to proceed with getting the business involved. METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 15 16 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 17 18 METRO WEST STEELHEADERS METRO WEST STEELHEADERS 19 Our sponsors have supported the Metro-West Steelheaders and we should support them whenever possible. Whenyouseeoneofoursponsors,pleasethank them for supporting our club andpushbusinesstheirway. Tobecomeasponsor,contacttheEditor:Matt Lubaway (248)[email protected] OrAdvertisingChairman:Eric Braden(734)[email protected] BanquetChairman:Marty Drum(734)[email protected] Gary Towns and Dan Keifer Landing Steelhead at Erieau on "The Alternative" Photo:NancyNabors METRO-WEST STEELHEADERS P.O. Box 51486 Livonia, MI 48151 Ron,Happy80thBirthday!You'remyrolemodelforsure.Here’syour Muskybirthdaypresentpicture.Enjoy,BillKing President: Clyde Schoen (248) 474-3307 Vice President: Jim Robertson (734) 420-0582 Secretary: Mark Platt (248) 887-2004 Treasurer: Carmen Zirles (734) 424-2559 Current MWS Newsletter Circulation: 1,325
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