Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report
Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report
Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report Sector Report 7 January 2015 Share data (NOK m) 06.jan.15 Sector Aquaculture Risk rating Medium Market cap (NOK m) 88 467 NIBD (NOK m) 17 200 EV (NOK m) 105 667 Volumes (t) 924 EV non-farming NOK m 17 053 EV upstream 88 614 EV/kg 96 Comp. MHG LSG SALM GSF BAKKA NRS Rating Target Upside NEUTRAL 106 0% NEUTRAL 290 5% NEUTRAL 122 -6 % NEUTRAL 31 8% SELL 144 -17 % NEUTRAL 60 -8 % Company Ticker Marine Harvest Lerøy Seafood Group SalMar Bakkafrost Norway Royal Salmon Grieg Seafood MHG LSG SALM BAKKA NRS GSF 2015 DPS Yield 7.4 7% 20.0 7% 7.0 5% 6.0 3% 2.0 3% 0.0 0% 2016 DPS Yield 8.5 8% 20.0 7% 10.0 8% 6.8 4% 2.0 3% 0.5 2% Moderate supply growth next years – Robust demand in core markets – Russia, Ukraine and Brazil weak We estimate moderate global supply growth ahead, at 3% (3%) and 4% (0%) in 2015 and 2016. Norway should grow by 5% (5%) and 5% (3%) respectively. In Chile, while farming conditions are improving, we forecast negative supply growth of -6% in 2015 (-5%) as domestic players are reducing production/sales Y/Y i.a. due to continued capital constraints. Chilean volumes should stabilize in 2016, and we expect a return to growth from 2017 onwards. Demand remains robust in core markets (EU and the US), and Asia (emerging markets) continues to develop nicely. The USD and EUR have strengthened significantly vs. NOK lately, contributing to stronger demand in EU and the US in particular. In Russia, Ukraine and Brazil, the currencies are, however, very weak, and demand develops clearly negatively. On balance, the global demand/supply growth ratio remains positive for 2015E and 2016E. We estimate global demand growth of just below 5% (6%) and 7% (5%) in the next two years. while the Russian import ban is scheduled to last only until the summer of 2015, we expect the Russian set-back to be a longer-term issue. The Norwegian government is currently working on a white paper on long-term growth opportunities for the industry which is to be presented before the summer. We believe strict regulations based on environmental sustainability are in the industry’s best long-term interest. We estimate moderate and stable growth in Norwegian MAB capacity the next few years. Recently the government issued 20 green licenses in addition to 15 last spring. Based on updated market balance estimates and a significantly weaker NOK, we maintain EUR 5/kg as our 2015E reference price (NOK 45 (43)). Strong outlooks are reflected in shares. While we maintain Neutral recommendations, except for BAKKA (Sell), we recommend investors to stick to the stocks that provide the highest dividend yield; MHG and LSG. Aquaculture peer group Prepared by analysts: Bent Rølland Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 27 [email protected] Philip M. Scrase Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 23 [email protected] MHG* Current share price (NOK) 105.7 Share price target (NOK) 106 Upside to target 0% Outstanding shares (mill) 410.4 MCap (NOK m) 43 377 2015E NIBD (NOKm) 9 025 EV (NOKm) 52 402 EV non-farming 9 126 2015 sales volume (HOG '000 t) 451 Theoretical farming capacity 573 Free capacity, % 21 % Impl. EV farming (NOK m) 43 276 Impl. current EV/kg farming (NOK) 96 Trading discount to MHG (EV/kg) Non-farming, % of EV 17 % Impl EV/kg at target (NOK) 96 Impl EV/kg cap. at target (NOK) 76 NIBD per kilo fish (NOK)** 20 NIBD per share (NOK)** 22.0 EBITDA (2015) 6 170 EBIT (2015) 5 177 EPS adj (2015) 9.402 EV/EBITDA 8.5 EV/EBIT 10.1 P/E (adj.) 11.2 P/B 2.6 2015 DPS 7.4 Dividend yield 7% Fondsfinans Research estimates and calculations. LSG SALM GSF BAKKA 276.0 130.0 28.6 290 122 31 5% -6 % 8% 54.3 113.3 112 14 973 14 729 3 194 2 273 2 514 1 445 17 246 17 243 4 639 2 859 1 520 0 165 136 69.5 191 156 98 14 % 13 % 29 % 14 387 15 723 4 639 87 116 67 -9 % 20 % -30 % 17 % 9% 0% 93 117 70 79 95 50 14 18 21 42 22 13 2 515 2 312 724 2 135 2 056 584 26.4 13.1 3.34 6.9 7.5 6.4 8.1 8.4 7.9 10.5 9.9 8.6 1.9 2.6 1.2 20.0 7.00 0.00 7% 5% 0% *) MHG incl Acuinova volumes 173.5 144 -17 % 48.9 8 484 663 9 147 1 308 46 65.0 29 % 7 839 170 78 % 14 % 139 98 14 14 1 101 982 15.5 8.3 9.3 11.2 4.1 6.00 3% NRS SSC Total 65.5 60 -8 % 43.6 2 854 785 3 639 1 045 29.8 42 29 % 2 594 87 -9 % 29 % 87 56 26 18 368 322 5.27 9.9 11.3 12.4 2.3 2.00 3% 5.13 N.R. Peers 167 856 423 1 279 0 27.0 32 16 % 1 279 47 -51 % 0% 16 2.5 88 467 17 128 105 595 15 858 924 1 157 20 % 89 737 97 Multiexp. Aq.Chile SSC (conv.) 130 N.R. 395 N.R. 5.13 N.R. 1 411 854 1 492 2 347 200 47 91 48 % 2 147 46 1 157 2 129 2 022 4 151 400 78 150 48 % 3 751 48 189.7 973 367 1 340 0 27.0 32 n.r. n.r. n.r. 32 26 14 FONDSFINANS AS, HAAKON VII’S GATE 2, P.O.BOX 1782 VIKA, NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: +47 23 11 30 00, FAX: +47 23 11 30 03, [email protected] This report was prepared by an analyst employed by Fondsfinans AS, the Norwegian affiliate of Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a research analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rules governing research. See page 56-57 of this report for Important Disclosure Information. 1 340 50 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Supply/Demand summary: Market balance and price estimates Global supply: Very moderate 2015E growth, picking slightly up in 2016E Green licenses: 20 licenses in Northern Norway approved in December 2014. We expect the remaining 10 “super green” to be finalised during 1H15 Updated Fondsfinans supply estimates Green licenses and additional MAB in Norway included in estimates throughout 2015 supply up 3%, 2016 supply growth of 4% 2015 European supply: +5%. Americas: - 2% (shift from 13% in 2014 including selling out the frozen inventory in Chile) The table below sums up our supply forecasts and historical development in each of the main production regions. Our updated estimates for Norwegian harvesting take into account new green licenses as well as the proposed 5% MAB increase in existing licenses. Given the strict proposed conditions for increased MAB, we expect only a minority of farmers to purchase increased MAB. 15 of 45 new green licenses were granted in March 2014, while the 20 regional licenses reserved for the northern counties Finnmark and Troms were finally awarded on December 22 following a number of appeals. According to a statement issued on December 22, the Norwegian Government aims to work efficiently with finalising the awards of the final 10 “super green” licenses, though without committing to a set time frame. Additional volumes to the market from these licenses will primarily reach the market in 2017. Global Supply Estimates per January 2015 - 1.000 t WFE Atlantics Atlantic Salmon 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E 2016E 2009 Norway 721 741 856 944 1 006 1 183 1 142 1 190 1 248 1 310 16 % UK 137 136 143 142 155 159 158 164 177 189 5 % Faroe Islands 19 35 47 42 56 70 72 81 72 78 34 % Ireland 15 12 15 18 16 15 10 12 14 14 30 % Iceland 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 4 6 8 0% Russia 2 3 3 3 4 6 6 10 20 35 0 % European supply 895 927 1 065 1 149 1 238 1 436 1 392 1 460 1 537 1 634 15 % Chile 356 404 239 130 221 364 468 560 527 524 -41 % Canada 110 119 115 118 110 137 115 106 124 120 -3 % US 12 17 16 18 18 20 20 19 20 18 -6 % Oceania 24 26 32 33 36 39 41 42 44 46 23 % Americas supply 502 566 403 299 385 559 644 727 715 708 -29 % Global supply Supply Y/Y Change in vol. Y/Y 1 397 1 493 1 467 1 448 1 623 1 995 2 036 2 187 2 252 2 342 11 % 7 % -2 % -1 % 12 % 23 % 2.0% 7.4% 3.0% 4.0% 133 96 -25 -19 175 372 40 151 65 91 -2 % 2010 10 % -1 % -11 % 17 % 0% 0% 8% -46 % 2% 13 % 3% -26 % 2011 7% 9% 34 % -9 % 0% 33 % 8% 70 % -7 % 2% 9% 29 % 2012 18 % 3% 24 % -4 % 0% 50 % 16 % 65 % 24 % 7% 8% 45 % 2013 -3 % -1 % 4% -33 % 0% 0% -3.1% 28 % -16 % 4% 4% 15 % -1 % 12 % 23 % 2% 2014 4% 4% 11 % 14 % 33 % 67 % 4.9% 20 % -8 % -6 % 4% 13 % 2015E 5% 8% -11 % 23 % 50 % 100 % 5.3% -6 % 17 % 5% 5% -1.6 % 2016E 5% 7% 9% 0% 33 % 75 % 6.3% -1 % -3 % -10 % 5% -1 % 7% 3.0% 4.0% Source: Fondsfinans Research We conclude 7.4% global supply growth in 2014. Long-term outlook is strong, with 2015E supply only up by around 3% Y/Y and 2016 growth of around 4%. We forecast Chilean growth in 2015 to be negative, down by around 6%, as domestic players have reduced stocking for a while Y/Y i.a. primarily due to capital constraints. We expect the Chilean industry to stabilize in 2016 before growing in 2017. Robust demand in core markets, but Russia, Ukraine and Brazil are weak Global demand/supply ratio remains positive, despite significant Russian set-back Prices will be strong, helped by significantly weaker NOK The reversed cycle continues The table sums up development in demand in the main global markets and our estimates. Russian is substantially down. Even though the import ban is scheduled to last only until the summer of 2015, we expect the Russian set-back to be a longer-term issue. In addition to the ban, the rouble crash impacts Russia demand severely. Ukraine remains affected by the Russian situation. The table below provides updated demand estimates in all major regions in globally. We estimate global 2015 and 2016 demand growth of around 5.5%. Demand in non-European markets is stronger than in core markets (Europe). Page 2 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Distribution of consumption Strong consumption growth in Asia expected to continue Brazil affected by weaker currency Estimated consumption per capita Consumption. '000 WFE t 2005 EU countries 634 Norway 23 Russia 64 Ukraine European consumption 732 European consumption Y/Y US 302 Japan 57 Brazil 20 China/Hong Kong 21 Others (Aus,Kor,Can,Isr,Chi,Arg, Mex) 114 Americas + Asia 513 Consumption Americas+Asia Y/Y Global consumption 1 245 Consumption growth Y/Y 0% Ending stocks (freeze) 0 European supply 727 European supply/consumption balance -5 European supply/consumption ratio -1 % Number of flights from Europe Number of flights from Europe per week Consumption growth Y/Y EU countries Norway Russia Ukraine 2006 3% 4% -21 % 9% European consumption 1% US -3 % Japan -25 % Brazil 25 % China/Hong Kong 5% Others (Aus,Kor,Can,Isr,Chi,Arg, Mex) 27 % Americas + Asia 3% Americas/Asia consumption share 42 % Global consumtion growth Y/Y 2% Source: Fondsfinans Research Airborne salmon obtains a premium relative to reference prices European salmon: ~EUR 5/kg is the limit Above EUR 5/kg => Over time, risk of demand destruction Fondsfinans Research 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 650 709 744 766 739 24 26 31 33 34 51 73 75 78 100 12 14 18 19 18 737 822 868 896 891 1 % 11 % 6% 3 % -1 % 293 306 295 277 258 42 45 47 39 33 25 30 50 55 35 22 25 30 38 41 145 165 200 170 190 527 571 622 579 557 3% 8% 9 % -7 % -4 % 1 264 1 392 1 490 1 475 1 447 2 % 10 % 7 % -1 % -2 % 0 4 7 -1 0 753 895 927 1 065 1 149 16 74 59 169 258 2% 9% 7 % 19 % 29 % 142 655 526 1 500 2 300 3 13 11 30 46 2007 9% 8% 44 % 17 % 2008 5% 19 % 3% 29 % 2009 3% 6% 5% 6% 2011 794 38 132 19 983 10 % 285 45 45 48 216 639 15 % 1 623 12 % 0 1 238 255 26 % 2 266 45 2012 918 44 173 26 1 161 18 % 345 63 72 62 292 834 30 % 1 995 23 % 1 1 436 275 24 % 2 450 49 2013 907 45 157 31 1 141 -2 % 363 59 86 68 320 896 7% 2 037 2% -1 1 392 251 22 % 2 235 45 2010 -4 % 3% 27 % -5 % 2011 7% 12 % 33 % 6% 2012 16 % 16 % 31 % 37 % 2013 -1 % 2% -9 % 19 % 2014 2015E 7% 7% 2% 4% -22 % -48 % -42 % -44 % 11 % 6% 3 % -1 % 4 % -3 % -6 % -7 % 6% 5 % -17 % -16 % 20 % 67 % 10 % -36 % 14 % 20 % 27 % 8% 14 % 21 % -15 % 12 % 8% 9 % -7 % -4 % 41 % 42 % 39 % 38 % 10 % 7 % -1 % -2 % 10 % 11 % 37 % 29 % 17 % 14 % 15 % 39 % 12 % 18 % -2 % 21 % 5% 39 % -6 % 60 % 19 % 29 % 10 % 35 % 10 % 30 % 7% 42 % 44 % 23 % 2% 2% 0% 10 % 10 % 5% 2% 12 % -17 % 26 % 20 % 19 % 15 % 14 % 10 % 47 % 49 % 7% 5% Salmon export prices (weighted) - Norwegian border, 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1Q 32.1 27.2 22.9 22.9 23.0 24.3 2Q 35.5 27.3 24.1 21.5 23.7 26.0 3Q 33.2 26.0 23.4 19.1 22.2 27.9 4Q 27.3 23.4 23.0 21.5 21.3 26.5 Year 32.0 26.0 23.4 21.2 22.5 26.2 Y/Y 4.2 -6.1 -2.6 -2.1 1.3 3.6 1Q Y/Y 4.3 -4.9 -4.3 0.0 0.1 1.3 2Q Y/Y 7.5 -8.2 -3.2 -2.6 2.2 2.3 3Q Y/Y 6.1 -7.2 -2.6 -4.3 3.1 5.6 4Q Y/Y -1.3 -3.9 -0.5 -1.5 -0.2 5.2 Y/Y 15 % -19 % -10 % -9 % 6 % 16 % 1Q Y/Y 16 % -15 % -16 % 0% 0% 6% 2Q Y/Y 27 % -23 % -12 % -11 % 10 % 10 % 3Q Y/Y 22 % -22 % -10 % -18 % 16 % 25 % 4Q Y/Y -4 % -14 % -2 % -7 % -1 % 24 % EURNOK EUR/kg, Norwegian Export price (HOG) Y/Y Source: Norway Statistics, Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 fresh HOG. 2006 2007 28.3 28.7 38.2 26.9 35.2 26.3 28.0 24.9 32.4 26.7 6.2 -5.7 4.0 0.4 12.2 -11.3 7.3 -8.9 1.5 -3.1 24 % -18 % 16 % 1% 47 % -30 % 26 % -25 % 6 % -11 % 8.1 8.0 4.03 3.33 -17 % 2014 975 46 123 18 1 162 2% 401 62 96 86 380 1 025 14 % 2 187 7% -1 1 460 298 26 % 2 651 53 2015E 1 043 48 64 10 1 165 0% 441 63 80 103 437 1 124 10 % 2 289 4.7 % -39 1 537 372 32 % 3 310 66 2016E Av.06-14 1 085 5% 50 8% 64 10 % 10 8% 1 209 5% 4% 4% 459 4% 65 3% 87 23 % 125 17 % 503 15 % 1 238 8% 10 % 2 447 7% 6.9 % -143 1 634 426 35 % 2016E Av.06-14 Pop. (m) WFE kg/cap. 4% 5% 507 2.1 4% 9% 5 9.6 0% 14 % 144 0.4 0% 8% 44 0.2 4% 4% 3% 9% 21 % 15 % 10 % 51 % 7% 6% 4% 7% 22 % 19 % 14 % 9% 2014E and 2015E European 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 26.3 29.2 33.3 40.3 27.4 26.4 34.0 39.1 37.7 28.4 28.5 32.6 38.8 28.4 27.1 26.9 28.1 38.5 25.2 27.6 27.0 31.0 37.4 32.0 27.6 0.4 3.9 6.4 -5.4 -4.3 -2.3 2.9 4.1 7.0 -12.9 -0.5 7.6 5.1 -1.4 -9.3 2.2 4.0 6.2 -10.3 -1.3 2.0 1.2 10.4 -13.2 2.4 1 % 14 % 21 % -15 % -14 % -8 % 11 % 14 % 21 % -32 % -2 % 29 % 15 % -4 % -25 % 9 % 14 % 19 % -27 % -5 % 8% 4 % 37 % -34 % 9% 8.2 8.7 8.0 7.8 7.5 3.29 3.55 4.67 4.10 3.70 -1 % 8 % 32 % -12 % -10 % 700 320 126 203 1357 321 2 327 3 027 43 % 1.7 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 1.4 0.5 0.8 destinations 2013 2014 2015E 36.2 46.8 48.9 41.9 41.2 47.7 39.1 36.7 41.2 38.5 41.4 44.2 39.7 41.0 45.0 12.1 1.3 4.0 8.8 10.6 2.1 13.5 -0.7 6.5 12.0 -2.3 4.5 10.9 2.9 2.8 44 % 3 % 10 % 32 % 29 % 5% 47 % -2 % 16 % 44 % -6 % 12 % 40 % 8% 7% 7.81 8.41 9.07 5.08 4.88 4.96 38 % -4 % 2% Page 3 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Historical price / standing biomass correlation The table below gives an overview of the standing biomass in Norway Estimated development in Norwegian standing biomass month by month Based on approximately 15 years of data, we calculate the following relationship between Norwegian standing biomass (6 months delayed) and price changes. Norwegian biomass change Y/Y and average historical price change (5 month time lag to Y/Y biomass) 30 % y = 4.9458x2 - 2.0244x + 0.1625 R² = 0.9155 25 % 20 % 15 % 10 % 5% -10 % 0% 0% -5 % 5% 10 % 15 % 20 % 25 % -5 % -10 % -15 % More supply and demand details Regulatory regime changes in Norway: The Government to offer 5% capacity increase + 1H15 White paper on long-term growth +5% MAB in Norway proposed from 2015 onwards No rolling average MAB In June 2014 the Government announced that it intends to offer salmon and trout farmers to increase its capacity (maximum allowed biomass, MAB) by 5 percent starting in 2015, thus affecting effective production capacity from the summer of 2015 onwards. Simultaneously, the Government turned down the alternative proposal from the previous Government of a 12-month rolling average MAB, which is clearly positive, as this would have led to a potentially larger production increase and high biological risk. Farmers will be charged NOK 1.5m for the increase of each license, implying a Page 4 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Strict environmental criteria; effective capacity increase significantly less than 5% cost of growth of NOK 30m for each full license-equivalent. Very strict environmental criteria will apply to the entire license that is expanded, and we consider it likely that only a minority of the farmers will apply for increased capacity. This implies that aggregate capacity will increase by significantly less than five percent. The suggestion has been on a public hearing, and a final decision is likely to be announced shortly. The table below sums up MAB capacity changes in 2014 and our expectations for 2015 to 2017. We expect moderate and stable growth in Norwegian MAB capacity the next few years, averaging around 4% p.a. Overview of Norwegian MAB capacity 20142017E. Relatively moderate growth of around 4% p.a. Date Licenses 28.03.2014 Green licenses - Group B (auction) 21.08.2014 Temp. MAB increase - Russian ban 31.12.2014 Green licenses - Group A (Northern Norw ay) 15.03.2015 Offer to purchase 5% extra MAB 31.03.2015 Reversal of temporary MAB 30.06.2015E Remaining green licenses (C) 15 20 % '000 t Consideration equivalents NOK m MAB '000 t 1% 12 15 904 824 6% 49 61 0 873 2% 19 20 200 892 2% 16 22 524 909 -6 % -49 -61 0 859 1% 8 10 100 867 01.04.2016E Expected additional MAB 3% 26 32 780 893 01.04.2017E Expected additional MAB 4% 36 44 1 072 929 14 % 116 144 3 580 4% 29 36 Aggregate MAB grow th 2014-2017E 10 License Est. MAB im pact # 45 Average annual grow th Source: Fondsfinans Research White paper predictability White paper to be presented in 2Q15: Long-term growth opportunities in Norway Public consultation paper: Periodic rulebased regional MAB adjustments based on environmental indicators on long-term Norwegian growth: Sustainability and The Norwegian government is currently working on a white paper on facilitating sustainable and predictable long-term growth in the Norwegian aquaculture industry. The white paper is to be presented to Parliament during the spring of 2015. In the public consultation paper, three alternative models are discussed: Continuation of the current system of sporadic allocation rounds A fixed annual growth rate in MAB Periodic rule-based regional MAB adjustments (both increases and reductions) based on enviromental indicators. This seems to be the preferred solution Taking local conditions into account in a rulebased systems seems sensible We believe strict regulations based on environmental sustainability are in the industry’s best long-term interest. We consider a system that takes local conditions into account, and sets the basis for growth in a fair and transparent manner, to be sensible. Increased MAB to be purchased based on “market price”. New licenses will be awarded through auctions The consultation paper suggests that farmers should pay a fee based on a market price for increased MAB, while new licenses primarily will be awarded through auctions. This seems fair. Separate production areas with own stocking zones. Coordinated fallowing The consultation paper suggests the following three key elements: Fondsfinans Research In the consultation paper the Government stresses the importance predictability and sustainability. The Government considers environmental sustainability to be the single most important condition for further growth within aquaculture, and suggest that this should be the only issue to be considered. Market conditions are not to be part of the consideration from the Government. The Norwegian coastline will be divided into separate production areas with their own stocking zones o Coordinated fallowing o Each license will be linked to a production zone. Access to 7 January 2015 Page 5 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report permanent transfer of licenses from environmentally challenged zones to sustainable areas o Environmental indicators Regulatory actions will be triggered by rules based on a system of environmental indicators o Temporary higher maximum allowed standing biomass due to the Russian ban Reversal ultimo March 2015 No new licenses or increased MAB will be awarded before the proposed new zones are into force (the suggested 5% MAB increase for the spring of 2015 will not be affected) Indicators for mortality/losses and sea lice, escapes, resistance and use of medication are to be considered The industry players will to a larger extent be resposible in finding joint solutions to environmental challenges in their local areas In July 2014 the Norwegian Government announced that it will temporarily increase the maximum allowed biomass (MAB) for salmon and trout farmers by 6% and 20% respectively until the end of March 2015. This as a result of the Russian import ban that is creating a more challenging market situation for the industry. While the change of regulations implies reduced harvesting volumes and better price achievement in the high season this autumn, aggregate supply will increase later on. Increased capacity and standing biomass per license, will increase biological risks as in addition to weakening average prices in the marketplace through the winter, and with a higher biomass going into the spring/summer next year. In addition, higher prices this autumn than otherwise would have been the case, will make it more challenging to develop existing and new markets to take on more volumes following Russia's exit. The charts below illustrates Norwegian standing biomass and the theoretical capacity with the announced changes to the regulatory regime. Norwegian standing biomass and theoretical farming capacity – New governmental capacity to be implemented Close to full capacity utilization in Norway, including temporary 6% increase in MAB New licenses provide moderate medium growth potential Y/Y development in standing biomass given 6% temporarily increase in MAB (until April 1) Page 6 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Estimated Norwegian standing biomass, divided into fish generations: High seawater temperatures this autumn/winter increasing biological risk. Ability to control sea lice levels “significantly reduced for large parts of the coast” Significantly more delousing of 2013G than 2012G Higher feeding factor on 2013G vs. 2012G Relatively high biological risk Norwegian authorities: “Deteriorating and poor effect of treatment chemicals”. “Significantly reduced ability to control sea lice levels” Fondsfinans Research Going into the summer, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority issued a statement announcing stricter enforcement of sea lice regulations, pointing at the risk of serious sea lice issues. The authorities stress that the limit of 0.5 adult female lice per fish is a maximum, and that farmers need to initiate treatments or other measures well before this level is reached. However, the unusually high seawater temperatures actually contributed to lowering the sea lice pressure this summer Y/Y. With higher biomass in the sea (+6% MAB) and higher-than-normal sea water temperatures going into the winter, biological risk is currently relatively high. On December 22 2014, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority issued a statement commenting that it has been demanding for the industry stay within the sea lice limit this summer and autumn, and that the number of treatments and increased use of medication have increased and that “deteriorating and poor effect of treatment chemicals” is being experienced”, leading some farmers to compensate through increased dosages, longer treatment periods and combining different treatments, in many cases contrary to advise from suppliers of medications and officials. The authorities further comment that “the farming industry’s ability to control sea lice levels with medication is significantly reduced for large parts of the coast”. 7 January 2015 Page 7 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Norwegian feeding data Given the current sea lice situation in Norway and new farming capacity ahead, we estimate 2015 feeding growth of 4% Y/Y. Summer feeding growth will probably be higher than the full-year average in order to catch up, as the sea lice situation should improve after the winter. The feeding level estimates are based on successful spring delousing in March. Historical Norwegian feeding distributed per quarter. 2015 is based on Fondsfinans estimates Norwegian feeding 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Full year feeding 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Full year feeding Y/Y 2005 125 100 180 800 347 400 252 900 906 200 6% 1% 13 % 24 % 12 % 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E 127 700 178 900 175 500 183 400 187 500 187 800 275 800 213 000 285 500 285 850 192 500 236 300 233 000 272 800 269 800 286 100 320 500 293 000 344 000 359 210 375 700 420 100 433 800 507 100 516 700 585 300 602 000 631 000 606 200 640 642 292 400 306 300 352 500 406 100 391 300 449 900 464 000 484 000 500 400 520 416 988 300 1 141 600 1 194 800 1 369 400 1 365 300 1 509 100 1 662 300 1 621 000 1 736 100 1 806 118 2% 40 % -2 % 5% 2% 0% 47 % -23 % 34 % 0% 6% 23 % -1 % 17 % -1 % 6% 12 % -9 % 17 % 4% 8% 12 % 3% 17 % 2% 13 % 3% 5% -4 % 6% 16 % 5% 15 % 15 % -4 % 15 % 3% 4% 3% 4% 9% 16 % 5% 15 % 0% 11 % 10 % -2 % 7% 4% Average sea water temperatures in Norway through the year – The charts below illustrate the development in sea water temperatures in the various Norwegian counties. The mild winter contributed to accelerate feeding in 1H14. During summer, however, sea water temperatures were higher than optimal. High temperatures have, in most regions, reduced normal summer biomass and feeding growth. Fish mortality during the summer and autumn has been considerably higher than normal. Page 8 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report High seawater temperatures this summer limiting growth in some regions. High temperatures continuing through autumn/early winter Shift in feeding growth through 2014. Mild winter. High summer sea water temperatures continuing into autumn and winter. The chart below shows sea water temperatures in the Norwegian salmon farming counties as of the end of November 2014. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 9 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report And October: Source: FHL Fish health considerations – Pancreases Disease (PD) and Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) PD in Norway limiting 2015 feeding and supply growth Additional fallowing of sites and production areas In general, rapid sea water temperature changes are negative for healthy and sustainable biomass development. This has been the case in Norway in 2014, and the number of PD incidents is significantly up Y/Y equal to 52% YTD. As of the end of November, 19% of all farming sites were affected by PD in 2014. PD sites have to be fallowed for a longer period than normal. Official PD statistics are now counting 138 sites, and the PD situation will contribute to limiting the supply growth for next year. The PD situation also contributed to forced harvesting this summer. The table below sums up the development in Norwegian PD as of end November 2014. Page 10 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report PD established in previously unaffected areas: Mid Norway in particular Rogaland, Hordaland and Sør-Trøndelag more affected than other counties PD sites in Norw ay 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Finnmark 2 3 0 0 0 Troms 0 0 1 0 0 Nordland 0 2 0 0 0 Nord-Trøndelag 0 0 0 0 1 Sør-Trøndelag 0 0 1 0 3 Møre og Romsdal 23 18 7 7 9 Sogn og Fjordane 20 12 8 12 16 Hordaland 42 53 44 44 46 Rogaland 11 19 5 21 14 Agder 0 0 0 0 0 Total 98 107 66 84 89 Y/Y 9 % -38 % 27 % 6% % of sites affected 14 % 15 % 9 % 12 % 13 % Source: The Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Fondsfinans Research 2012 2013 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 24 32 21 21 20 5 51 28 17 12 0 0 137 100 54 % -27 % 19 % 14 % 2H11 0 0 0 0 3 6 7 24 6 0 46 6% AGD sites in Norw ay 2012 2013 Jan Feb March April May June July Troms Troms Nordland Nord-Trøndelag Sør-Trøndelag Møre og Romsdal 5 2 1 Sogn og Fjordane 12 2 1 1 1 Hordaland 2 19 6 Rogaland 3 20 1 1 Agder Total 5 56 11 1 3 1 0 0 0 Source: The Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Fondsfinans Research 2H12 2H13 '12TD '13TD 1 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 20 26 21 25 9 15 20 20 10 1 19 5 27 14 48 28 5 5 17 11 0 0 0 0 74 62 129 91 61 % -16 % -29 % 10 % 9 % 18 % 13 % Aug Sept Oct Nov 1 2 4 2 5 1 3 1 3 1 9 1 3 3 11 8 14 '14TD # sites % cap. 0 63 0% 0 53 0% 2 144 1% 2 50 4% 34 60 57 % 19 70 27 % 8 56 14 % 50 151 33 % 23 56 41 % 0 9 0% 138 712 19 % 52 % 19 % '14TD 0 0 0 0 2 20 9 19 2 0 52 # sites 2014, % cap. 63 0% 53 0% 144 0% 50 0% 60 3% 70 29 % 56 16 % 151 13 % 56 4% 9 0% 712 7% Amoebic gill disease (AGD) AGD is caused by the amoeba Paramoeba perurans, and created significant challenges for farmers in the UK from 2012 before being detected in southern Norway in late 2012. While the impact in terms of mortality seems under relatively good control, farmers in affected regions experience increased cost related to both treatment and prevention/readiness measures. The table below provides an overview of reported AGD cases in Norway. It is not mandatory to report AGD-outbreaks to the authorities, and the list is consequently fully not complete. Nonetheless, the disease has spread significantly during the last couple of years, becoming prevalent not only in Hordaland, but Sogn og Fjordane and Møre og Romsdal, further up the coastline, which is worrisome but not surprising. AGD is less prevalent in areas with low salinity, and treatment with freshwater is usually effective. Normally the disease is less of an issue when seawater temperatures drop below 7 C, which means that the risk should be lower in the coming months. Coho, trout and Atlantics in Chile Fondsfinans Research Chile supply profile The table below shows our estimates on total Chilean volumes of salmonids Y/Y (Atlantic salmon, Coho (Pacific Salmon) and sea trout). The growth rate for 2013 was around 28%. For 2014 we forecast supply growth for all species combined to around 11%. For 2015 supply growth should be negative due to capital constrains and reduced 2014 stocking. The table below provides more details. 7 January 2015 Page 11 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Chile biology improving. Region XI re-stocking ahead Chile, Atlantic salmon 2004 2005 January 26 29 February 28 31 Mach 28 34 April 28 32 May 25 32 June 26 30 July 27 31 August 30 35 September 31 33 October 32 32 November 34 35 December 33 32 Total Atlantics 346 385 Growth Y/Y 11 % 1Q volumes 82 94 2Q volumes 79 94 3Q volumes 87 98 4Q volumes 98 99 1Q volumes 15 % 2Q volumes 19 % 3Q volumes 12 % 4Q volumes 1% Source: Fondsfinans Research 2006 32 26 30 27 34 30 31 36 27 32 33 31 369 -4 % 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E 2016E 33 35 39 13 12 22 39 44 40 44 28 27 31 11 11 24 41 45 42 42 32 28 32 9 14 28 41 60 44 42 29 29 22 11 13 27 39 47 44 42 27 32 15 13 15 30 33 46 44 42 27 30 15 10 16 29 34 43 44 42 29 35 15 9 21 32 37 45 43 45 32 34 15 9 22 32 38 51 43 45 24 36 13 9 25 34 36 48 45 45 34 33 14 12 24 38 44 47 46 45 30 41 14 12 24 36 44 45 46 45 30 44 14 12 23 34 40 40 46 45 356 404 239 130 221 364 468 560 527 524 -3 % 13 % -41 % -46 % 70 % 65 % 28 % 20 % -6 % -1 % 89 90 94 96 -6 % -4 % -4 % -3 % 94 89 103 82 91 53 86 105 43 95 118 41 6 % -5 % 15 % -9 % 11 % -42 % -9 % 23 % -59 % -1 % 24 % -65 % 34 34 28 36 -67 % -36 % -36 % -14 % 37 45 68 72 10 % 33 % 147 % 101 % 74 86 97 107 101 % 92 % 43 % 49 % 122 149 126 107 135 132 111 144 131 129 132 138 63 % 23 % -15 % 25 % 27 % -2 % 14 % 29 % -9 % 20 % 3% 5% 128 126 135 135 2% -5 % 3% -2 % Global supply development – Month by month The table below sums up our global supply forecast distributed month by month (all major regions combined). Monthly global supply profile (all major regions) European supply Page 12 Global supply of Atlantic salmon, All major regions (ex. Coho and trout). WFE tonnes '000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E 2016E 07/06 08/07 January 101 112 122 105 103 131 157 157 164 175 8 % 11 % February 97 108 110 103 99 135 145 149 160 165 9 % 11 % March 117 110 124 117 117 164 161 183 175 178 12 % -6 % April 101 110 115 100 108 140 149 173 175 178 11 % 9 % May 109 121 106 106 117 153 153 176 176 179 9 % 11 % June 113 116 106 115 125 165 146 172 176 179 15 % 2 % July 106 115 107 111 129 155 152 172 175 184 19 % 8 % August 112 114 107 106 129 166 159 183 177 185 10 % 1 % September 110 123 121 124 151 170 177 188 193 199 7 % 12 % October 128 131 131 133 155 185 196 199 202 207 14 % 2 % November 135 139 130 137 165 190 195 187 200 205 8 % 3 % December 128 147 138 137 167 175 175 174 190 199 4 % 15 % Year 1 357 1 446 1 415 1 393 1 564 1 928 1 966 2 112 2 162 2 235 10 % 7 % 1Q supply 315 330 355 325 319 430 463 489 498 518 10 % 5 % 2Q supply 323 347 327 321 350 457 448 521 527 537 12 % 8 % 3Q supply 328 352 335 341 409 490 488 543 546 569 11 % 7 % 4Q supply 391 417 399 406 487 550 566 560 591 612 9 % 7 % European supply. WFE ' t Atlantics 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015E 2016E January 60 67 73 83 83 100 107 106 114 121 February 61 73 69 83 81 101 94 98 108 113 March 76 73 82 98 94 125 109 115 121 126 April 62 70 82 80 87 102 100 117 121 126 May 72 79 80 85 93 112 110 122 122 127 June 76 75 81 96 100 125 103 122 122 127 July 67 71 83 92 98 112 106 118 122 129 August 70 69 83 86 98 122 112 124 124 130 September 77 78 98 104 116 123 133 130 137 144 October 85 88 109 110 120 135 143 141 145 152 November 97 88 107 114 130 142 142 131 143 150 December 89 92 113 114 133 128 125 123 133 144 Total 891 923 1 061 1 145 1 233 1 427 1 383 1 446 1 511 1 591 1Q supply 197 213 225 263 258 326 310 320 342 360 2Q supply 210 224 243 262 280 339 313 361 365 381 3Q supply 214 218 264 282 311 357 350 372 384 404 4Q supply 270 268 329 339 383 405 410 394 420 447 Source: Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 09/08 9% 1% 12 % 4% -13 % -8 % -7 % -6 % -2 % 0% -6 % -6 % -2 % 8% -6 % -5 % -4 % 10/09 -14 % -6 % -5 % -13 % 1% 8% 4% -1 % 2% 1% 5% -1 % -2 % -8 % -2 % 2% 2% 11/10 -2 % -4 % -1 % 8% 10 % 9% 16 % 22 % 22 % 17 % 21 % 22 % 12 % -2 % 9% 20 % 20 % 12/11 13/12 27 % 20 % 37 % 7% 40 % -2 % 30 % 7% 31 % 0% 32 % -11 % 20 % -2 % 28 % -4 % 13 % 5% 20 % 6% 15 % 2% 4% 0% 23 % 2% 35 % 8% 31 % -2 % 20 % 0% 13 % 3% 14/13 15/14 16/15 0% 4% 7% 3% 7% 3% 13 % -4 % 2% 16 % 1 % 2% 15 % 0 % 2% 18 % 2 % 2% 13 % 2 % 5% 15 % -3 % 5% 6% 3% 3% 1% 2% 3% -4 % 7 % 3% 0% 9% 5% 7% 2% 3% 5% 2% 4% 16 % 1 % 2% 11 % 1 % 4% -1 % 6 % 3% Y/Y 10/09 11/10 12/11 13/12 14/13 15/14 16/15 13 % 1 % 20 % 7 % -1 % 7 % 7 % 19 % -3 % 26 % -7 % 4 % 10 % 5 % 19 % -3 % 33 % -13 % 6 % 5 % 5 % -3 % 8 % 18 % -2 % 17 % 3 % 5 % 7 % 9 % 21 % -2 % 11 % 0 % 4 % 19 % 4 % 24 % -18 % 18 % 0 % 4 % 10 % 7 % 15 % -6 % 11 % 4 % 6 % 4 % 13 % 25 % -8 % 11 % 0 % 5 % 6 % 12 % 6 % 8 % -2 % 5 % 5 % 1 % 9 % 12 % 6 % -2 % 3 % 5 % 7 % 14 % 9 % 0 % -8 % 9 % 5 % 1 % 16 % -3 % -2 % -2 % 8 % 9 % 8 % 8 % 16 % -3 % 5 % 5 % 5 % 17 % -2 % 26 % -5 % 3 % 7 % 5 % 8 % 7 % 21 % -8 % 15 % 1 % 4 % 7 % 11 % 15 % -2 % 6 % 3 % 5 % 3 % 13 % 6 % 1 % -4 % 7 % 6 % Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Change in global supply Y/Y (ex. trout and 2006 2007 January 4 600 7 300 February -1 200 8 100 March 2 300 12 100 April -7 000 9 900 May 7 900 9 200 June 7 800 14 400 July -1 150 17 020 August 5 520 9 750 September -6 580 7 050 October 3 460 15 300 November 5 840 10 100 December -3 100 5 300 Volume increase Y/Y 18 390 125 520 Volumes (kt) 1 231 1 357 Supply growth Y/Y 2% 10 % Vol growth 1H Y/Y 14 400 61 000 Vol growth 2H Y/Y 3 990 64 520 Source: Fondsfinans data and estimates coho). All 2008 10 600 11 100 -6 800 9 500 12 500 2 300 8 780 1 650 13 550 3 100 3 940 18 700 88 920 1 446 7% 39 200 49 720 major regions combined. Distributed month by month 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 10 400 -17 000 -1 900 28 000 26 000 0 1 300 -6 500 -4 400 36 400 9 900 4 100 13 300 -6 100 -600 47 000 -2 500 21 200 4 900 -15 100 8 100 31 900 9 400 23 600 -15 600 600 10 600 36 300 200 22 400 -9 400 8 600 10 000 39 700 -18 700 26 500 -8 500 4 100 18 100 26 300 -3 400 20 100 -6 600 -600 23 000 36 200 -6 100 23 700 -2 400 2 700 26 800 19 000 7 700 10 300 200 1 200 22 300 30 400 10 800 2 700 -8 740 6 500 28 300 25 300 4 400 -8 100 -9 300 -700 30 500 7 400 200 -700 -30 440 -22 300 170 800 363 900 37 900 145 800 1 415 1 393 1 564 1 928 1 966 2 112 -2 % -2 % 12 % 23 % 2% 7.4 % 4 900 -35 500 21 800 219 300 24 300 97 800 -35 340 13 200 149 000 144 600 13 600 48 000 2015E 6 600 10 500 -7 900 1 800 500 3 900 3 300 -5 900 5 800 3 100 13 100 15 600 50 400 2 162 2.4 % 15 400 35 000 2016E 11 500 5 500 3 500 3 500 3 000 3 000 9 000 8 000 6 000 5 500 5 500 9 500 73 500 2 235 3.4 % 30 000 43 500 Demand remains robust in core markets. Russia and Ukraine set to remain weak. Brazil affected by weak BRL Alternative markets replacing Russia – Volumes are being absorbed Ukraine and Brazil Positive product development in Europe and the US Demand has developed strongly both in traditional and new markets during the last few years. Distribution of incremental demand has been more even across markets than what has traditionally been the case, reflecting that the industry has built and continues to develop new markets globally. While price volatility in the run-up to the recent Christmas season indicates that the absence of Russian demand clearly is an issue, the broader consumer base for salmon has proved supportive in easing the channeling of salmon into other markets as Russian imports came to a halt. The temporary increase in Norwegian MAB has also clearly eased the situation in the short term by reducing harvesting pressure in the short term. Naturally, Ukraine remains weak, while the high growth in Brazil in recent years has halted due to the significant weakening of the BRL. The trends towards more fresh, rather than frozen fish, and more value added processed products, have continued to contribute to increased demand through the value chain in established markets. We expect these trends to continue, and we also observe that new markets continue to come online. We also see some initial steps towards building the foundations for more stable markets through longer-term industry contracts. This is a part of MHG’s strategy of integration and consolidation of the industry, which longer term could imply higher valuation multiples if successful. Consumption. '000 WFE t 2005 EU countries 634 Norway 23 Russia 64 Ukraine European consumption 732 European consumption Y/Y US 302 Japan 57 Brazil 20 China/Hong Kong 21 Others (Aus,Kor,Can,Isr,Chi,Arg, Mex) 114 Americas + Asia 513 Consumption Americas+Asia Y/Y Global consumption 1 245 Consumption growth Y/Y 0% Ending stocks (freeze) 0 European supply 727 European supply/consumption balance -5 European supply/consumption ratio -1 % Number of flights from Europe Number of flights from Europe per week Fondsfinans Research 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 650 709 744 766 739 24 26 31 33 34 51 73 75 78 100 12 14 18 19 18 737 822 868 896 891 1 % 11 % 6% 3 % -1 % 293 306 295 277 258 42 45 47 39 33 25 30 50 55 35 22 25 30 38 41 145 165 200 170 190 527 571 622 579 557 3% 8% 9 % -7 % -4 % 1 264 1 392 1 490 1 475 1 447 2 % 10 % 7 % -1 % -2 % 0 4 7 -1 0 753 895 927 1 065 1 149 16 74 59 169 258 2% 9% 7 % 19 % 29 % 142 655 526 1 500 2 300 3 13 11 30 46 7 January 2015 2011 794 38 132 19 983 10 % 285 45 45 48 216 639 15 % 1 623 12 % 0 1 238 255 26 % 2 266 45 2012 918 44 173 26 1 161 18 % 345 63 72 62 292 834 30 % 1 995 23 % 1 1 436 275 24 % 2 450 49 2013 907 45 157 31 1 141 -2 % 363 59 86 68 320 896 7% 2 037 2% -1 1 392 251 22 % 2 235 45 2014 975 46 123 18 1 162 2% 401 62 96 86 380 1 025 14 % 2 187 7% -1 1 460 298 26 % 2 651 53 2015E 1 043 48 64 10 1 165 0% 441 63 80 103 437 1 124 10 % 2 289 4.7 % -39 1 537 372 32 % 3 310 66 2016E Av.06-14 1 085 5% 50 8% 64 10 % 10 8% 1 209 5% 4% 4% 459 4% 65 3% 87 23 % 125 17 % 503 15 % 1 238 8% 10 % 2 447 7% 6.9 % -143 1 634 426 35 % Page 13 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Consumption growth Y/Y EU countries Norway Russia Ukraine 2006 3% 4% -21 % 9% European consumption 1% US -3 % Japan -25 % Brazil 25 % China/Hong Kong 5% Others (Aus,Kor,Can,Isr,Chi,Arg, Mex) 27 % Americas + Asia 3% Americas/Asia consumption share 42 % Global consumtion growth Y/Y 2% Source: Fondsfinans Research 2007 9% 8% 44 % 17 % 2008 5% 19 % 3% 29 % 2009 3% 6% 5% 6% 2010 -4 % 3% 27 % -5 % 2011 7% 12 % 33 % 6% 2012 16 % 16 % 31 % 37 % 2013 -1 % 2% -9 % 19 % 2014 2015E 7% 7% 2% 4% -22 % -48 % -42 % -44 % 11 % 6% 3 % -1 % 4 % -3 % -6 % -7 % 6% 5 % -17 % -16 % 20 % 67 % 10 % -36 % 14 % 20 % 27 % 8% 14 % 21 % -15 % 12 % 8% 9 % -7 % -4 % 41 % 42 % 39 % 38 % 10 % 7 % -1 % -2 % 10 % 11 % 37 % 29 % 17 % 14 % 15 % 39 % 12 % 18 % -2 % 21 % 5% 39 % -6 % 60 % 19 % 29 % 10 % 35 % 10 % 30 % 7% 42 % 44 % 23 % 2% 2% 0% 10 % 10 % 5% 2% 12 % -17 % 26 % 20 % 19 % 15 % 14 % 10 % 47 % 49 % 7% 5% 2016E Av.06-14 Pop. (m) WFE kg/cap. 4% 5% 507 2.1 4% 9% 5 9.6 0% 14 % 144 0.4 0% 8% 44 0.2 4% 4% 3% 9% 21 % 15 % 10 % 51 % 7% 6% 4% 7% 22 % 19 % 14 % 9% 700 320 126 203 1357 321 2 327 3 027 43 % 1.7 1.4 0.5 0.4 0.1 1.4 0.5 0.8 With moderate global supply growth the next years, farm gate prices should still have sound support. However, we expect price sensitive consumers and competition from alternative proteins to discourage permanently higher prices, and we do not expect prices significantly above EUR 5/kg HOG to be sustainable. Given the significant weakening of the NOK, we increase achieved NOK prices accordingly. The tables below sum up our price forecasts for 2014 and 2015 for the main markets and species. European reference salmon price estimates Quarterly salmon reference prices (Europe) Historical prices and price changes Y/Y Significantly weaker NOK supporting demand in international markets Salmon export prices (weighted) - Norwegian border, 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 1Q 32.1 27.2 22.9 22.9 23.0 24.3 2Q 35.5 27.3 24.1 21.5 23.7 26.0 3Q 33.2 26.0 23.4 19.1 22.2 27.9 4Q 27.3 23.4 23.0 21.5 21.3 26.5 Year 32.0 26.0 23.4 21.2 22.5 26.2 Y/Y 4.2 -6.1 -2.6 -2.1 1.3 3.6 1Q Y/Y 4.3 -4.9 -4.3 0.0 0.1 1.3 2Q Y/Y 7.5 -8.2 -3.2 -2.6 2.2 2.3 3Q Y/Y 6.1 -7.2 -2.6 -4.3 3.1 5.6 4Q Y/Y -1.3 -3.9 -0.5 -1.5 -0.2 5.2 Y/Y 15 % -19 % -10 % -9 % 6 % 16 % 1Q Y/Y 16 % -15 % -16 % 0% 0% 6% 2Q Y/Y 27 % -23 % -12 % -11 % 10 % 10 % 3Q Y/Y 22 % -22 % -10 % -18 % 16 % 25 % 4Q Y/Y -4 % -14 % -2 % -7 % -1 % 24 % EURNOK EUR/kg, Norwegian Export price (HOG) Y/Y Source: Norway Statistics, Fondsfinans Research fresh HOG. 2006 2007 28.3 28.7 38.2 26.9 35.2 26.3 28.0 24.9 32.4 26.7 6.2 -5.7 4.0 0.4 12.2 -11.3 7.3 -8.9 1.5 -3.1 24 % -18 % 16 % 1% 47 % -30 % 26 % -25 % 6 % -11 % 8.1 8.0 4.03 3.33 -17 % 2014E and 2015E European 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 26.3 29.2 33.3 40.3 27.4 26.4 34.0 39.1 37.7 28.4 28.5 32.6 38.8 28.4 27.1 26.9 28.1 38.5 25.2 27.6 27.0 31.0 37.4 32.0 27.6 0.4 3.9 6.4 -5.4 -4.3 -2.3 2.9 4.1 7.0 -12.9 -0.5 7.6 5.1 -1.4 -9.3 2.2 4.0 6.2 -10.3 -1.3 2.0 1.2 10.4 -13.2 2.4 1 % 14 % 21 % -15 % -14 % -8 % 11 % 14 % 21 % -32 % -2 % 29 % 15 % -4 % -25 % 9 % 14 % 19 % -27 % -5 % 8% 4 % 37 % -34 % 9% 8.2 8.7 8.0 7.8 7.5 3.29 3.55 4.67 4.10 3.70 -1 % 8 % 32 % -12 % -10 % destinations 2013 2014 2015E 36.2 46.8 48.9 41.9 41.2 47.7 39.1 36.7 41.2 38.5 41.4 44.2 39.7 41.0 45.0 12.1 1.3 4.0 8.8 10.6 2.1 13.5 -0.7 6.5 12.0 -2.3 4.5 10.9 2.9 2.8 44 % 3 % 10 % 32 % 29 % 5% 47 % -2 % 16 % 44 % -6 % 12 % 40 % 8% 7% 7.81 8.41 9.07 5.08 4.88 4.96 38 % -4 % 2% Competition from substitutes – Competitiveness in the market The figure below shows the relative development in salmon prices compared to FAO’s index of meat prices. Feed raw material prices affect the production cost of meat significantly more, and faster than for salmon. As crop based feed raw material prices come down, we expect meat prices to become more competitive vs. salmon, especially in the US market. Page 14 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Meat could become increasingly competitive vs. salmon, in particular in the US, driven by lower crop based feed raw material prices BioMar 3Q14 report Chile: Improving biology, but a long way to go yet Chile: Fair 3Q growth rate Y/Y driven by positive biology EWOS: Similar market comments at 3Q EWOS 3Q: 9% global feed market growth in 2014 YTD Always risk of unsustainable use of chemical treatments EWOS: Chile market grew 9% YTD at 3Q Use of Salmosan temporarily relieving biology Fondsfinans Research Feeding data is an important source and cross-check for assessing underlying biological status and future supply volumes from Chile. The BioMar 3Q report issued in November 2014 includes some interesting comments: “In the Americas, the larger overall market combined with BioMar's slightlyabove-normal market share made for very strong volume growth. Conversely, the Q3 market share in Chile last year was below normal.” “Unexpectedly, BioMar's other core market, Chile, grew at a fair year-on-year rate in the third quarter. Positive biological developments in the Chilean fish farming industry drove much of the improvement, and the situation is now reason-ably under control and continuing to improve. As a result, fish farmers were generally able to postpone harvesting their salmon, thereby increasing the average harvesting weight by a large margin. Obviously, this has had a positive effect on feed market volumes.” We consider the use of Salmosan as the key factor behind the reported improvements in Chilean biology. However, we stress that there is always a risk that chemical treatments may be used one-sidedly and unsustainably, over time increasing risk of resistance. “The Chilean feed market also grew year-on-year in the second quarter, in large part due to the progress made in respect of the biological challenges in the region. The situation seems to be moving in the right direction, although there is still a long way to go. Also, the financial reports released by BioMar's customers were encouraging in the sense that they indicate a general improvement in the companies' financial situation. No year-on-year growth is expected in the fish feed market in the second half of 2014.” According to EWOS’ 3Q14, report, the Chilean market grew 9% in volume terms in 2014YTD, similar to global feed volume growth. CEQ and MHG see encouraging signs on biology in Chile, but underlying measures are needed in order to secure sustainability Both Cermaq and Marine Harvest have reported on improving operations in Chile, while costs remain high. MHG in particular has pointed to the introduction of Salmosan (chemical treatments) having temporarily relieved some of the pressure on biology, though intensive use of this is not a sustainable long-term 7 January 2015 Page 15 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report MHG: We believe in Chile, intends to take part in consolidation MHG: Underlying improvements needed in Chile solution to the Chilean sea lice issues. Despite still high need for treatments in Chile, we see a positive shift in the communicaion from MHG regarding Chile, with the CEO stating at 2Q that “we believe in Chile” and that improved coordination is starting to yield effects, though it is not enough, and that MHG intends to take active part in consolidation in the region. At 3Q however, the company once again pointed to the need of structural measures to return to a sustainable development in Chile: “The improved performance can mainly be ascribed to the introduction of the sea lice drug Salmosan. The underlying biological situation in the region is however still concerning, and underlying improvements are required to meet sustainability metrics.” While significant challenges and risks remain in Chile, SRS in particular, the authorities and leading industry players seem to have a joint understanding of the root causes. Production plans are becoming more coordinated. Density in Region X and XI will have to come down, while Region XII is emerging as a new growth region, where sea lice levels are lower. The illustrations below give an overview over farming sites and the nine macro zones in Chile. The nine macro zones Region X and XI Source: Multiexport Foods Page 16 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Overview of sites in Region X, XI and XII MHG mainly exposed to Region X Source: Subpesca Raw material intensive industry Increased competition and reduced margins for feed producers BioMar 3Q14: Norwegian feed market “extremely competitive” Marine feed ingredient prices sharply up in 2014: Peru volumes absent. Soymeal prices sliding in 2H2014 Fish feed is the single largest cost component in salmon farming, constituting around 45-50 % of the operating production cost. The cost structure in feed production is raw material intensive, with materials typically accounting for around 80 % of production cost. Marine Harvest has now successfully entered the fish feed business, initiating commercial production from its first plant during the summer 2014 (220 000 t feed capacity). The plant is already running at full capacity utilization. Nutreco has from the summer 2013 increased its capacity at Averøy by 150.000 t. Consequently, the competition between feed suppliers is up, putting pressure on margins. Longer term the spare capacity will probably narrow. However, MHG will be in a position to increase capacity in order to maintain moderate margins in the feed industry. However, despite lower feed margins, feed prices are currently being increased by approximately 10% on average, as marine raw material prices are sharply up due to the lack of supply from Peru, where the second fishing season of 2014 was cancelled due to the state of the biomass/el Niño. Simultaneously, soy meal and other crop raw material prices are down Y/Y. The charts and graphs below provide more details. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 17 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report The figures below show the price development for important input factors in salmon feed Chicago soybean meal price development Soy meal; USD/t 1Q price 2Q price 3Q price 4Q price 1Q YoY 2Q YoY 3Q YoY 4Q YoY Full year average Y/Y USDNOK NOK price per ton Y/Y increase 2005 170 203 197 178 187 2006 175 182 176 165 2% -10 % -11 % -8 % 174 -7 % 2007 213 211 239 292 22 % 16 % 36 % 77 % 239 37 % 2008 347 356 368 265 63 % 69 % 54 % -9 % 334 40 % 2009 296 363 343 305 -15 % 2% -7 % 15 % 327 -2 % 2010 279 281 306 337 -6 % -23 % -11 % 10 % 301 -8 % 6.04 1 816 2011 367 354 353 301 32 % 26 % 16 % -11 % 344 14 % 5.65 1 942 7% 2012 336 411 513 455 -9 % 16 % 45 % 51 % 429 25 % 5.83 2 503 29 % 2013 419 433 450 430 25 % 5% -12 % -5 % 433 1% 5.88 2 548 2% 2014 447 483 397 375 7% 12 % -12 % -13 % 426 -2 % 6.35 2 703 6% Source: Bloomberg, Fondsfinans Research Page 18 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Fish meal prices: 2013: +12% 2014: +5% Second Peruvian fishing season cancelled – Lack of fish meal supply Fish meal, USD/t 1Q price 2Q price 3Q price 4Q price 1Q YoY 2Q YoY 3Q YoY 4Q YoY Full year average Y/Y USDNOK NOK price per ton Y/Y increase 2005 609 632 676 723 660 2006 715 817 1 111 1 237 17 % 29 % 64 % 71 % 972 47 % 2007 1 183 1 137 919 911 65 % 39 % -17 % -26 % 1 036 7% 2008 978 1 075 1 051 895 -17 % -5 % 14 % -2 % 1 000 -4 % 2009 918 964 1 150 1 448 -6 % -10 % 9% 62 % 1 121 12 % 2010 1 703 1 805 1 511 1 439 86 % 87 % 31 % -1 % 1 614 44 % 6.04 9 747 2011 1 704 1 384 1 390 1 258 0% -23 % -8 % -13 % 1 433 -11 % 5.65 8 094 -17 % 2012 1 241 1 481 1 642 1 795 -27 % 7% 18 % 43 % 1 541 8% 5.83 8 986 11 % 2013 2 070 1 909 1 500 1 448 67 % 29 % -9 % -19 % 1 729 12 % 5.88 10 169 13 % 2014 1 511 1 695 1 848 2 216 -27 % -11 % 23 % 53 % 1 819 5% 6.35 11 553 14 % Source: Bloomberg, Fondsfinans Research Industry structure – Potential for further consolidation (potentially all farming regions) Mitsubishi Corporation entering global salmon farming with the acquisition of Cermaq The autumn of 2014 saw consolidation/M&A activity in both Norway and Chile. The major transaction was Mitsubishi Corporation’s bid for Cermaq in September and subsequent 100% acquisition and delisting, following CEQ being reclassified as a pure financial investment by the Norwegian Government, the majority shareholder, in June (Disclosure: Fondsfinans acted as advisor to Cermaq in the transaction). From an industry structure perspective, it is interesting that a major global integrated industrial conglomerate enters the global salmon farming industry on this scale. MHG completes acquisition of former Acuinova Region XI assets for USD 125m On December 24 2014 MHG announced the completion of the purchase of the assets of the former Chilean farming company Acuinova S.A. The agreed purchase price for the assets is USD 125 million. The asset purchase is subjected to VAT of approximately USD 10 million and will be financed temporarily by Marine Harvest. The VAT is fully refundable. Capacity 40’ t HOG, 2015 production According to a separate statement published on September 15 2014 the assets Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 19 Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Processing facility represent a capacity to produce about 40 thousand tonnes HOG per annum. The asset purchase includes a hatchery, a smolt facility, 36 sea water licences and a primary and secondary processing facility, all located in Chile's Region XI. The biomass included in the deal is expected to generate a harvest volume of about 15 thousand tonnes HOG in 2015. Softer ownership limitations in Norway open for consolidation In 2013 ownership limitations in the Norwegian industry were softened considerably, raising the ceiling was raised from 25% to 40% ownership of Norwegian licenses. MHG owns around 24% of the licenses in Norway, and the company has expressed an ambition to move to 40% over time. guidance of 15’ t Higher ownership in a given coastal region will presuppose i.a. a higher share of local processing. The new rules related to local processing will apply over a five year period, implying that companies will have sufficient time to adapt following any acquisitions. Given strong outlooks for the industry, limited organic growth potential for most companies and statements from leading industry players regarding ambitions to grow, we expect to see further consolidation of the industry ahead. Page 20 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Salmon farming – Fondsfinans Aquaculture Sector Report - Sector Report Risk assessment The sensitivity of key assumptions is very high, with salmon prices being the key factor. Salmon prices around the world will differ from market to market. In Europe, fish sales are primarily settled in EUR, while US sales are settled in USD. The larger companies in the sector have EUR and USD debt in order to hedge FX risks. The smaller companies in the sector are financed by NOK debt. In general, fish disease outbreaks represent considerable costs to producers that are affected. Some fish diseases, like Pancreas Disease (PD) and IPN, and parasites like sea lice, represent running costs related to vaccination and other preventive measures, in addition to the risk of forced harvesting, reduced quality and price achievement in case of actual outbreaks. Historically, fallowing waters after PD incidents has proven efficient in terms of reducing the risk of new outbreaks on the following generations in a local area, and we expect the number of PD incidents in Norway to be much lower this year. On the other hand, the industry in general has at times benefited from high prices due to reduced supply in the aftermath of disease outbreaks. Company specific fish diseases could always hit long term underlying values in fish farming. In the Northern hemisphere, 2Q and 3Q is normally high season for potential fish diseases (whereas the risk profile through the year is more or less reverse in Chile). The risk increases in summer and in 3Q when the sea water temperatures and the density in the cages are at peak. In opposite, 4Q and 1Q are normally low season for fish diseases at the Northern Hemisphere. The current Aquaculture Law in Chile came into force in April 2010 and was revised in May 2013. Cermaq points to the root causes being inadequate enforcement of regulations and a lack of coordination between farming companies. I.a. to address these underlying issues, CEQ and Marine Harvest, in particular, have taken the initiative in establishing the Global Salmon Initiative (GSI), a major industry-led sustainability initiative comprising 15 companies representing 70% of the global salmon farming industry. In Chile the GSI had engaged a sea lice coordinator (Mr. Oscar Garate) with relatively broad powers in enforcing delousing and forced harvesting within the separate macro cultivation zones, and according to CEQ coordinated treatment against sea lice has shown promising results in some of the macro zones (in total 53 neighbourhoods inside the 9 macro zones) it has been introduced so far. This fish health system should, over time, contribute to more sustainable long term farming conditions. Reduced standing biomass in Region XI should help longer term conditions. Fallowing trout sites in Region X should also help longer term conditions as the trout is sensitive to sea lice and SRS. Some farmers will in addition probably switch to Coho production (Region X), a species that is more robust against sea lice. Delousing of standing biomass in Chile with “Salmosan” has given significant positive effects last year. In the long run, “Salmosan” is, however, not a sustainable solution to the sea lice issues. Finally, less 2015 standing biomass more regular fallowing of major sea waters should help sea water conditions. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 21 Marine Harvest ASA 4Q14 Preview Results date: 7 January 2015 4 February 2015 Sector Aquaculture Reuters/ Bloomberg MHG Risk rating Medium Outstanding shares (mill) 410.4 Market cap 43 500 Net interest bearing debt 8 660 Enterprise value 52 160 Free float % 77 % Average volume (thous) 2 468 High/ low 52w 105.7 / 63.1 Weight OSEBX % 3.6554 Rel. Perf % (3/6/12 mts) 25/ 33/ 41 Abs. Perf. % (3/6/12 mts) 22/ 24/ 45 Curr Prev Chg Chg MNOK/tons 2015E 2015E 2016E 2016E 2015E 2016E Revenues (incl Morpol) 29 262 27 578 30 586 28 114 6% 9% EBITDA 6 170 5 738 6 799 6 252 8% 9% OpEBIT (ex IFRS) Prev Curr 5 177 4 745 5 806 5 259 9% EPS adj. 9.40 8.33 10.62 9.52 13 % 12 % DPS 7.40 7.40 8.50 7.50 0% 13 % Margin per kilo (HOG) 2015E 2015E 2016E 2016E 2015E 2016E Farming Norw ay 11.82 11.70 12.60 12.52 1% 1% Farming Faroe 14.30 13.55 14.72 12.62 6% 17 % Farming Scotland 10.43 10.65 11.59 12.62 -2 % -8 % Farming Canada 12.78 10.37 13.80 10.38 23 % 33 % Farming Chile/US 8.27 7.25 9.53 9.03 14 % 6% 22 % Farming Ireland Average farm ing m argin 7.28 6.69 11.61 9.50 9% 10.96 10.58 11.81 11.52 4% 10 % 3% Feed margin, kg 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.39 0% 0% MHG Pieters (pw /kg) 0.57 0.46 0.33 0.33 25 % 0% Morpol VAP (pw /kg) 5.15 3.42 4.99 2.81 50 % 78 % 2015E 2015E 2016E 2016E 2015E 2016E 263 000 263 000 272 000 265 000 0% 3% Farm ing volum es Farming Norw ay Farming Faroe Share Price: NOK 106 Target: NOK 106 (96) Strong outlook reflected in the share price – Attractive yield Share data (NOK m) Estim ate changes NEUTRAL 2 000 2 000 8 000 8 000 0% 0% Farming Scotland 63 000 63 000 63 000 61 000 0% 3% Farming Canada 37 200 37 200 34 000 34 000 0% 0% Farming Chile/US 74 000 70 000 75 480 71 400 6% 6% Farming Ireland 10 200 10 200 12 000 12 000 0% 0% Upstream volum es 449 400 445 400 464 480 451 400 1% 3% Feed volumes 221 536 221 536 221 536 221 536 On December 24 MHG announced the completion of the acquisition of the defunct Acuinova’s assets in Region XI in Chile for USD 125m (NOK 950m at USDNOK of 7.6). The acquisition is very attractive, providing MHG with zone control and increased farming capacity of 40’ t (at EV/kg capacity of NOK 24/kg) as well as processing capacity and a hatchery which the company has been lacking in the region. 2015 harvesting should be around 15’ t. We expect MHG to report 4Q14 op EBIT of NOK 945m, including a NOK 20m contribution from the feed division. Morpol should report strong op EBIT in high season; we estimate NOK 135m (10% margin), while VAP Europe remains weak (break-even). We expect a quarterly DPS of NOK 1.10, on par with the payment made in October. The NIBD target of NOK 7.5b is being reviewed, and at 3Q the CFO indicated room for higher gearing, and implicitly, more dividends ahead. With a significantly weaker NOK, MHG’s debt capacity measured in NOK increases, and a new NIBD target could, as we see it, implicitly be up to NOK 9b. According to the CFO, the company aims to switch to reporting in EUR rather than NOK, preferably within the next twelve months. MHG continues delivering on the long-term strategy of positioning itself as an integrated protein company, establishing feed production and taking an industry leader position in developing consumer brands internationally. We increase SOTP values of NOK 106 (96) per share, as a weaker NOK (stronger EUR) drives estimates higher, implicitly corresponding to P/E 10x (10x) 2016. While estimated dividend yield of 7-8% in the next years and the long-term integrated protein story are attractive, we maintain our MHG Neutral recommendation. Key figures 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 3Q13 4Q13 Total revenues 16 228 15 527 19 247 25 152 29 262 30 586 4 307 6 743 6 234 6 484 6 996 EBITDA 3 589 1 278 3 990 5 113 6 170 6 799 973 1 269 1 160 1 193 1 678 OpEBIT (ex IFRS) 2 720 644 3 209 4 168 5 177 5 806 792 1 035 912 945 1 430 2 531 765 3 340 4 155 4 955 5 604 824 1 029 943 835 1 411 40 83 87 20 20 20 266 170 -91 196 255 247 17 64 75 135 35 0% 0% MHG Pieters (VAP) 61 467 61 467 60 667 60 667 0% 0% EBIT farming Morpol (VAP) 49 500 46 737 49 500 42 737 6% 16 % OpEBIT Feed Source: Fondsfinans Research EBIT Morpol EBIT VAP Europe 108 6 -59 -56 35 20 -11 -37 -27 0 2 IFRS biomass adj. -1 326 350 1 825 -962 0 0 -113 1 155 71 0 0 1 395 PTP 1 325 789 3 500 1 902 5 077 5 733 560 1 687 511 770 Reported EPS 0.264 0.112 5.959 2.989 9.402 10.617 0.102 2.990 0.537 1.426 2.584 EPS adj. 0.510 0.211 3.556 6.862 9.402 10.617 0.146 1.239 0.790 1.426 2.584 Chilean volumes Prepared by analysts: Bent Rølland Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 27 [email protected] Philip M. Scrase Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 23 [email protected] 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 26 824 40 222 28 281 66 902 74 000 75 480 5 886 14 136 16 736 16 000 18 750 Norw egian volumes 217 510 255 306 222 494 254 080 263 000 272 000 53 066 68 581 64 299 66 000 59 000 Upstream vol. 343 685 392 310 343 741 414 252 449 400 464 480 80 890 103 378 107 332 100 500 102 150 16 % 14 % -12 % 21 % 8% 3% -13 % 0% 33 % -3 % 11 % DPS 0.80 0.10 2.09 8.34 7.40 8.50 1.2 5.00 1.00 1.10 1.85 CFop 2 771 1 553 1 982 3 049 4 451 5 273 560 -51 875 -362 1 344 NIBD 6 484 5 399 7 797 8 660 9 025 8 512 7 882 7 797 7 232 8 660 8 535 2.1 1.8 1.7 Volumes Y/Y EV/ Sales EV/ EBITDA 10.2 8.5 7.7 EV/EBIT 12.5 10.1 9.0 P/E adj 15.4 11.3 10.0 P/B 3.0 2.6 2.3 NIBD/kg 22 21 19 Source: Fondsfinans Research FONDSFINANS AS, HAAKON VII’S GATE 2, P.O. BOX 1782 VIKA, NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: +47 23 11 30 00, FAX: +47 23 11 30 03, [email protected] This report was prepared by an analyst engaged by Fondsfinans AS, the Norwegian affiliate of Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a research analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rules governing research. See page 56-57 of this report for Important Disclosure Information. Marine Harvest estimates The table below sums up the latest MHG volume guidance (ex. Acuinova) and our estimates. Marine Harvest ASA 2012 2013 2014E 2015E* 2016E 2014 2015 13/12 Y/Y 14/13 Y/Y Vol Vol FF Vol FF Vol FF Vol Curr guid Guidance Grow th Grow th HOG incl Morpol p.f. Farming Norw ay 15/14 Y/Y 16/15 Y/Y Grow th Grow th 255 306 222 494 254 080 263 000 272 000 254 000 263 000 -13 % 14 % 4% 3% 6 893 5 665 9 218 2 000 8 000 9 000 2 000 -18 % 63 % -78 % 300 % Farming Faroes Farming UK 40 261 48 390 49 482 63 000 63 000 49 500 63 000 20 % 2% 27 % 0% Farming Canada 40 221 33 059 28 879 37 200 34 000 29 000 37 000 -18 % -13 % 29 % -9 % Farming Chile 40 222 28 281 66 902 74 000 75 480 66 500 55 000 -30 % 137 % 11 % 2% 9 407 5 852 5 691 10 200 12 000 6 000 10 000 -38 % -3 % 79 % 18 % Farming Ireland Total farm ing 392 310 343 741 414 252 449 400 464 480 414 000 430 000 -12 % 21 % 8% 3% Europe farming 311 867 282 401 318 471 338 200 355 000 318 500 338 000 -9 % 13 % 6% 5% 80 443 61 340 95 781 111 200 109 480 95 500 92 000 -24 % 56 % 16 % -2 % Americas farming Source: Fondsfinans Research, MHG *) 2015 FF volumes incl Acuinova (15 000 t HOG for 2015 - capacity: 40 000 t HOG) MHG global harvesting profile Marine Harvest ASA 2Q 2013 3Q 2013 4Q 2013 1Q 2014 2Q 2014 3Q 2014 2QE 2015 3Q Y/Y 4Q Y/Y 1Q Y/Y 2Q Y/Y HOG incl Morpol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol Vol p.f p.f p.f p.f Farming Norw ay 53 892 54 196 68 928 55 107 68 674 64 299 66 000 59 000 67 000 19 % -4 % 7% -2 % Farming Faroes Farming UK Farming Canada 2 225 348 1 874 2 084 3 048 3 086 1 000 1 000 1 000 787 % -47 % -52 % -67 % 16 729 17 277 15 116 10 468 18 274 13 740 7 000 14 000 22 000 -20 % -54 % 34 % 20 % 8 932 6 169 5 726 6 368 6 459 7 052 9 000 8 200 9 000 14 % 57 % 29 % 39 % 0 5 886 14 136 17 741 16 425 16 736 16 000 15 000 16 000 184 % 13 % -15 % -3 % 1 407 1 644 1 345 476 1 296 2 419 1 500 1 200 3 000 47 % 12 % 152 % 131 % 85 520 107 125 92 244 114 176 107 332 100 500 98 400 118 000 Farming Chile/US Farming Ireland 4QE 2014 1QE 2015 Total farm ing 83 185 26 % -6 % 7% Europe farming 74 253 73 465 87 263 68 135 91 292 83 544 75 500 75 200 93 000 14 % -13 % 10 % 2% 8 932 12 055 19 862 24 109 22 884 23 788 25 000 23 200 25 000 97 % 26 % -4 % 9% Americas farming 3% Source: Fondsfinans Research, MHG. Chile incl Aquinova The table below sums up our annualised Marine Harvest estimates. MHG growing by around 8% in 2015E including Acuinova volumes. The industry should grow by around 3% globally for 2015. 2016E MHG growth of around 3%, compared to industry growth of around 4% MHG - Volumes 2008 Norway 171 086 Faroe Islands 7 421 Scotland 32 341 Canada 36 050 Chile/US (sales volumes) 75 395 Ireland 4 329 Total farming (HOG t) 326 622 Farming growth YoY MHG Pieters volume sales 54 957 MHG Pieters growth Y/Y Morpol VAP volume sales (prod weight) Morpol VAP growth Y/Y MHG (EBIT NOK/kg) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 201 676 6 349 37 698 36 537 36 204 8 636 327 100 0% 58 159 6% 202 456 5 417 33 136 33 547 10 728 10 557 295 841 -10 % 62 986 8% 72 675 217 510 5 928 50 174 33 917 26 824 9 332 343 685 16 % 59 971 -5 % 61 852 -15 % 255 306 6 893 40 261 40 221 40 222 9 407 392 310 14 % 60 308 1% 68 267 10 % 222 494 5 665 48 390 33 059 28 281 5 852 343 741 -12 % 59 684 -1 % 86 463 27 % 254 080 9 218 49 482 28 879 66 902 5 691 414 252 21 % 59 677 0% 47 460 -45 % 263 000 2 000 63 000 37 200 74 000 10 200 449 400 8% 61 467 3% 49 500 4% 272 000 8 000 63 000 34 000 75 480 12 000 464 480 3% 60 667 -1 % 49 500 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E Farming Norway Farming Faroe Farming Scotland Farming Canada Farming Chile/US Farming Ireland 4.0 3.4 2.7 3.0 -7.8 7.2 5.4 4.8 7.3 6.3 -11.1 2.4 11.6 12.4 9.0 6.7 10.5 8.1 8.4 10.3 9.5 0.5 3.0 7.3 3.2 1.7 3.8 -3.6 -2.3 1.3 10.8 14.7 12.5 10.2 -2.2 -5.1 11.2 14.7 10.3 8.9 5.4 5.6 11.8 14.3 10.4 12.8 8.3 7.3 12.6 14.7 11.6 13.8 9.5 11.6 Farming EBIT/kg 1.0 3.8 10.4 7.2 1.9 9.5 9.7 11.0 11.8 Pieters EBIT (NOK/kg p.w.) 3.30 Morpol EBIT (NOK/kg p.w.) From 4Q13 4.81 2.58 1.24 1.81 4.31 0.10 2.49 -0.99 -1.05 -0.94 4.13 0.57 5.15 0.33 4.99 2008 678 25 87 107 -589 31 338 181 2009 1 090 30 274 232 -401 21 1 245 280 2010 2 346 67 299 225 113 86 3 135 162 90 2011 1 829 61 475 16 81 68 2 531 108 266 2012 825 12 153 -146 -91 12 765 6 170 27 -281 5 -567 -1 -81 9 71 10 -201 2013 2 410 83 603 337 -63 -30 3 340 -59 -91 0 6 13 2014E 2 857 136 511 258 361 32 4 155 -56 196 40 -51 -116 2015E 3 108 29 657 475 612 74 4 955 35 255 83 8 -160 2016E 3 428 118 730 469 720 139 5 604 20 247 87 8 -160 265 964 3 306 2 986 750 3 209 4 168 5 177 5 806 Marine Harvest ASA - EBIT Norway Faroe Islands UK Canada Chile Ireland EBIT Total farming EBIT Pieters (VAP Europe) EBIT Morpol VAP EBIT Feed EBIT Othr species/S&P HQ/overhead MHG EBIT (ex. IFRS) Source: Fondsfinans Research The table below sums up our quarterly Marine Harvest estimates. Page 23 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Marine Harvest ASA - 4Q14 Preview EBIT margin picking up through 2015E 7 January 2015 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 2Q15E 47 302 1 218 9 568 12 232 8 259 1 456 80 035 -17 % 13 538 -4 % 19 389 53 545 2 225 13 329 8 932 0 1 407 79 438 -20 % 14 805 -1 % 17 902 53 066 348 13 777 6 169 5 886 1 644 80 890 -13 % 14 094 0% 21 434 42 % 68 581 1 874 11 716 5 726 14 136 1 345 103 378 0% 17 247 1% 27 738 17 % 55 107 2 084 10 468 6 368 17 741 476 92 244 15 % 14 049 4% 11 358 -41 % 68 674 3 048 18 274 6 459 16 425 1 296 114 176 44 % 15 210 3% 11 365 -37 % 64 299 3 086 13 740 7 052 16 736 2 419 107 332 33 % 14 418 2% 10 737 -50 % 66 000 1 000 7 000 9 000 16 000 1 500 100 500 -3 % 16 000 -7 % 14 000 -50 % 59 000 1 000 14 000 8 200 18 750 1 200 102 150 11 % 14 049 0% 12 000 6% 67 000 1 000 22 000 9 000 19 750 3 000 121 750 7% 15 000 -1 % 13 000 14 % MHG (EBIT-margin (NOK/kg) Norway Faroe Islands Scotland Canada Chile (sale volumes) Ireland MHG (EBIT/kg - NOK/kg) Pieters EBIT (NOK/kg p.w.) Morpol EBIT (NOK/kg p.w.) 1Q13 8.4 10.7 7.8 6.7 -5.9 12.4 6.7 -1.33 -4.11 2Q13 12.2 16.2 13.6 14.6 0.0 7.1 12.0 0.47 -5.15 3Q13 10.1 20.1 16.5 10.9 1.7 -13.4 10.2 -0.78 0.78 4Q13 12.0 14.4 10.2 10.1 2.5 -26.8 10.0 -2.15 2.31 1Q14 12.8 21.1 12.7 19.2 6.7 8.4 12.2 -1.78 -3.35 2Q14 11.9 11.8 12.1 11.0 5.5 10.0 10.9 -0.26 2.11 3Q14 9.7 13.6 10.0 4.7 6.0 2.5 8.8 -1.87 6.99 4Q14E 10.8 13.8 2.8 3.5 3.1 6.0 8.3 0.00 9.64 1Q15E 15.9 14.9 11.9 16.4 8.0 6.0 13.8 0.14 2.92 2Q15E 14.7 13.7 13.7 15.2 9.0 7.0 13.4 0.40 3.08 MHG - Segment EBIT MHG (Harvesting/sales vol) Norway Faroe Islands Scotland Canada Chile (sale volumes) Ireland Total farming Farming growth Y/Y MHG Pieters volume sales MHG Pieters growth Y/Y Morpol volume sales (p.w.) Morpol VAP sales Y/Y 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 2Q15E Farming Norway Farming Faroe Farming Scotland Farming Canada Farming Chile/US Farming Ireland Total farming EBIT EBIT Pieters (VAP Europe) EBIT Morpol VAP EBIT Feed EBIT Othr species/S&P HQ/overhead 397 13 75 82 -49 18 536 -18 0 0 2 -40 653 36 181 130 -59 10 951 7 0 0 2 -58 535 7 227 67 10 -22 824 -11 0 0 1 -22 825 27 120 58 35 -36 1 029 -37 64 0 1 -23 706 44 133 122 119 4 1 128 -25 -38 0 -5 30 816 36 222 71 91 13 1 249 -4 24 0 4 -52 624 42 137 33 101 6 943 -27 75 20 -52 -47 711 14 19 32 50 9 835 0 135 20 2 -47 938 15 167 134 150 7 1 411 2 35 20 2 -40 985 14 301 137 178 21 1 636 6 40 20 2 -40 Group EBIT (bef IFRS and FX) EBIT Y/Y 481 902 792 978 % 1 035 1537 % 1 090 127 % 1 221 35 % 912 15 % 945 -9 % 1 430 31 % 1 664 36 % MHG SOTP VALUATION – Target NOK 106 (96) per share We continue to value Marine Harvest on market outlook, cultivation conditions and biological risks. We estimate individual target multiples to the different farming countries based on 2015 upstream volumes and total MHG farming capacity. Downstream we conclude EV/EBIT multiple of 10 (10). In total, we maintain SOTP MHG values equal to NOK 106 (96) per share, equal to P/E 10 (2016). Marine Harvest ASA (2015) Some synergies in the Acuinova transaction Th. Cap. EV/Cap EBIT Im pl EV/kg EV/EBIT EV (MNOK) Norw ay (large smolt confirmed) 11.32 263 000 225 1 169 300 000 89 2 977 102 9.0 26 791 Faroe Islands EBIT/kg 14.30 2015 HOG Licenses* HOG/sw lic 2 000 3 667 7 000 70 29 70 n.m. 10.43 63 000 38 1 658 60 000 88 657 83 8.0 5 259 Canada (increased biological risks) 12.78 37 200 37 1 005 49 000 78 475 102 8.0 3 802 2016 Chile (combined company) 9.53 75 480 202 374 145 000 45 720 86 9.0 6 476 Ireland (organic high end salmon) 7.28 10 200 10 1 020 11 000 61 74 n.m. 9.0 668 EV farm ing (ex. Sales & Dist.) 10.96 450 880 515 572 000 76 4 932 96 8.8 43 487 MHG MOWI/Fanad R&D genetics, incl new brands 18 Centre For Aquaculture Competence (R&D/fish feed) 100% Total group EV (upstream ) SOTP MHG values of 106 (96) NOK/share, high cycle upstream values Fondsfinans Research 450 880 50 517 4 932 98 100 8.9 44 112 61 467 35 10.0 350 Morpol VAP (Europe, US and Asia) 49 500 255 10.0 2 550 Morpol Edinburgh VAP plant (into 2015 production). Capex taken Global S&D, Ducktrap, MOWI/Olav brands etc 0.50 300 263 000 EV dow nstream values MHG feed factory, Bjugn 0.38 221 536 132 10.0 1 915 5 353 9.2 5 115 83 12.0 1 000 EV MHG Feed division 28.6 White halibut (incl standing biomass) Finnøy Fisk AS (45%) 31.12.15 NIBD of 9.0bn (8.1) – Increased gearing 525 2 VAP Europe (Pieters) SOTP NovaSea (48%) VAP, S&D: EV/EBIT 10 (10) 490 UK (West Coast) 1 000 400 3 8 n.m 300 11.32 42 930 37.3 486 9.0 1 811 11.32 2 800 Havfisk ASA (at market) 11.8% 84.6 12 16.0 192 Norw ay Seafoods AS (OTC, at market) 11.8 % 84.6 0.8 2 16.0 13 Remaining tax assets (fully used) 32 70 70 0 EV others/m inorities 2 386 Group EV values 52 613 31.12.15 NIBD 9 025 Asset values 43 587 Outst. shares 410m 2015 SOTP target value (per share) 106 Source: Fondsfinans Research, *) Licenses including fresh water and brood fish licenses 7 January 2015 Page 24 Risk assessment BIOLOGICAL RISKS AND FISH HEALTH CONSIDERATIONS The sensitivity of MHG estimates to key assumptions is very high. A change of NOK 1 per kilo in salmon price should represent an annual EBIT and CF effect of around NOK 445m for 2015E. MHG primarily sells fish in EUR and USD. MHG has primarily EUR, CAD, GBP and USD bank debt. The bank debt (Nordea, DNB, Rabo, ABN) should recently been refinanced in the quarter. New fish diseases and sea lice issues may hit underlying earning and values in fish farming. The large smolt strategy of MHG has reduced the sea water exposure time, and for MHG it is among others important to fallow sites according to plan in order to keep up the strong MAB-yield. Delayed harvesting will also obviously increase sea lice exposure. The Chilean fish health regime is now quite similar to the Norwegian fish health system, and is expected to reduce ISA/HPR0 virus risks significantly. At 2Q MHG reported on better and safer cultivation conditions in Chile. Harvesting weight is up and mortality down. Feeding conditions are strong. CEO at 2Q: “We believe in Chile”, whereas 3Q comments were more muted. Delousing of standing biomass in Chile with “Salmosan” has obviously given significant positive effects last year. In the long run, “Salmosan” is, however, not a sustainable solution to the sea lice issues. Finally, less 2015 standing biomass more regular fallowing of major sea waters should help long term conditions a lot. Page 25 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Marine Harvest ASA (Acuinova 4Q14 consolidated) Sector: Aquaculture Date: Next result: Target 07.01.2015 04.feb.15 106 Neutral Recommendation: Financial data (NOK mill) Analysts: Bent Rølland Philip M. Scrase Price (NOK): Book equity per share (NOK): Equity ratio: Avg daily vol (90d): +23 11 30 27 +23 11 30 23 106.00 Shares outst.: 410.4m 35.4 44 % 2 468 Market cap (NOKm): Net int.bearing debt (NOKm): Entrprise value (NOKm): 43 500 8 660 52 160 12 months High / Low: 105.7 / 63.1 Weight OSEBX: 3.6554 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 2Q15E 15 527 -9 667 1 278 8% 19 247 -10 003 3 990 21 % 25 152 -13 136 5 113 20 % 29 262 -14 520 6 170 21 % 30 586 -14 533 6 799 22 % 6 743 -5 474 1 269 19 % 5 868 -4 552 1 316 22 % 6 565 -5 121 1 444 22 % 6 234 -5 074 1 160 19 % 6 484 -5 291 1 193 18 % 6 996 -5 318 1 678 24 % 7 934 -6 022 1 912 24 % -677 -763 -947 -993 -993 -235 -226 -225 -248 -248 -248 -248 13 -18 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 EBIT ex IFRS 644 3 209 4 168 5 177 5 806 1 035 1 090 1 221 912 945 1 430 1 664 EBIT-margin (before IFRS) 4% 17 % 17 % 18 % 19 % 15 % 19 % 19 % 15 % 15 % 20 % 21 % Net IFRS adj 350 1 825 -962 0 0 1 155 -208 -825 71 0 0 0 EBIT (operating profit) 995 5 034 3 206 5 177 5 806 2 189 882 396 983 945 1 430 1 664 EBIT-margin (after FVA biomass) 6% 26 % 13 % 18 % 19 % 32 % 15 % 6% 16 % 15 % 20 % 21 % 60 222 134 225 243 116 14 29 51 40 50 65 Write downs/net currency effects 343 -553 -128 0 0 -234 87 -213 -2 0 0 0 Net financial items -608 -1 204 -1 309 -325 -316 -385 22 -596 -521 -215 -85 -82 789 1 647 Operating income Costs of goods/other op. ex. EBITDA EBITDA-margin Depreciation Asset write-downs Associates (NovaSea/Finnøy Fisk) EBT (earnings before tax) 3 500 1 902 5 077 5 733 1 687 1 005 -385 511 770 1 395 Taxes on profits -122 -658 -680 -1 218 -1 376 -457 -272 48 -272 -185 -335 Change in deferred taxes -255 -380 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Profit for the period, cont'd op 412 2 462 1 222 3 858 4 357 1 230 734 -336 239 585 1 060 1 251 Net profit in the period 412 2 462 1 238 3 858 4 357 1 230 763 -336 226 585 1 060 1 251 Minority share of profit 5 17 11 0 0 2 4 2 6 0 0 0 407 2 445 1 226 3 858 4 357 1 227 759 -338 220 585 1 060 1 251 -350 -1 825 962 0 0 -1 155 208 825 -71 0 0 0 75 18 409 0 0 0 0 429 -20 0 0 0 One off items 392 296 340 0 0 313 -56 -103 38 0 0 0 Tax effect on biomass Net adjustment Net result (adjusted) 240 357 764 526 -986 1 459 -122 1 590 2 816 0 0 3 858 0 0 4 357 -719 -719 508 228 228 987 1 258 1 258 920 104 104 324 0 0 585 0 0 1 060 0 0 1 251 Profit MHG shareholders -395 Adjustments: Biomass FV adjustment Asset write downs Out. Shares (year end) EPS (NOK) EPS (adj.) OpCFPS DPS Multiples: EV/ Sales EV/ EBITDA EV/EBIT P/E adj P/B Farming volumes (HOG): 3 623 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 410 0.11 0.21 0.43 0.10 5.96 3.56 4.83 2.09 2.99 6.86 7.43 8.34 9.40 9.40 10.85 7.40 10.62 10.62 12.85 8.50 2.99 1.24 -0.12 1.85 2.40 2.95 -0.82 2.24 3.23 0.54 0.79 2.13 1.43 1.43 -0.88 2.58 2.58 3.27 3.05 3.05 2.48 2.1 10.2 12.5 15.4 3.0 1.8 8.5 10.1 11.3 2.6 1.7 7.7 9.0 10.0 2.3 222 494 5 665 48 390 33 059 28 281 5 852 343 741 254 080 9 218 49 482 28 879 66 902 5 691 414 252 263 000 2 000 63 000 37 200 74 000 10 200 449 400 272 000 8 000 63 000 34 000 75 480 12 000 464 480 68 581 1 874 11 716 5 726 14 136 1 345 103 378 55 107 2 084 10 468 6 368 17 741 476 92 244 68 674 3 048 18 274 6 459 16 425 1 296 114 176 64 299 3 086 13 740 7 052 16 736 2 419 107 332 66 000 1 000 7 000 9 000 16 000 1 500 100 500 59 000 1 000 14 000 8 200 18 750 1 200 102 150 67 000 1 000 22 000 9 000 19 750 3 000 121 750 12 894 4 343 1 357 16 226 4 767 4 409 19 688 4 897 4 640 21 047 4 833 4 666 4 165 1 359 1 357 3 876 1 135 1 034 4 442 1 226 1 040 4 018 1 142 1 014 3 890 1 264 1 322 4 730 1 124 1 134 5 494 1 209 1 222 59 684 86 463 59 677 47 460 61 467 49 500 60 667 49 500 17 247 27 738 14 049 11 358 15 210 11 365 14 418 10 737 16 000 14 000 14 049 12 000 15 000 13 000 6 170 0.10 2.49 -59 -91 -0.99 -1.05 -56 196 -0.94 4.13 35 255 0.57 5.15 20 247 0.33 4.99 -37 64 -2.15 2.31 -25 -38 -1.78 -3.35 -4 24 -0.26 2.11 -27 75 -1.87 6.99 0 135 0.00 9.64 2 35 0.14 2.92 6 40 0.40 3.08 3.2 1.7 3.8 -3.6 -2.3 1.3 1.9 4.52 10.8 14.7 12.5 10.2 -2.2 -5.1 9.5 5.05 11.2 14.7 10.3 8.9 5.4 5.6 9.7 8.87 11.8 14.3 10.4 12.8 8.3 7.3 11.0 10.75 12.6 14.7 11.6 13.8 9.5 11.6 11.8 11.73 12.0 14.4 10.2 10.1 2.5 -26.8 10.0 -0.49 12.8 21.1 12.7 19.2 6.7 8.4 12.2 13.13 11.9 11.8 12.1 11.0 5.5 10.0 10.9 11.60 9.7 13.6 10.0 4.7 6.0 2.5 8.8 8.15 10.8 13.8 2.8 3.5 3.1 6.0 8.3 -3.60 15.9 14.9 11.9 16.4 8.0 6.0 13.8 13.15 14.7 13.7 13.7 15.2 9.0 7.0 13.4 8.35 1 029 1 128 1 249 943 835 1 411 Norway 255 306 Faroe Islands 6 893 UK 40 261 Canada 40 221 Chile 40 222 Ireland 9 407 Total HOG volumes 392 310 Segment revenues: Revenues farming 13 003 Revenues Pieters 3 995 Revenues Morpol VAP 0 Downstream volumes and margins MHG Pieters (prod weight) 60 308 Morpol sales (prod weight) 68 267 EBIT Pieters EBIT Morpol VAP EBIT Pieters/kg (NOK/prod weight) EBIT Morpol/kg (NOK/prod weight) EBIT-margin/kg HOG, Farming EBIT Farming Norway Farming Faroe Farming Scotland Farming Canada Farming Chile/US Farming Ireland Total EBIT/kg Cash flow per kilo HOG fish Farming EBIT (NOK m) 765 3 340 4 155 4 955 5 604 Balance Sheet (IFRS) MNOK Total fixed assets Total current assets Total assets Total equity 2012 13 580 9 687 23 267 11 689 2013 16 469 16 086 33 601 16 372 2014E 17 119 15 879 33 038 14 512 2015E 17 806 15 930 33 776 16 552 2016E 18 011 16 506 34 558 18 797 Largest shareholders Geveran Trading Co L Folketrygdfondet Clearstream Banking City Bank Number of shares 105 267 531 40 249 965 15 007 283 12 444 783 15.des.14 25.7% 9.8% 3.7% 3.0% Total debt Total equity and liabilities Equity ratio NIBD Dividends Return on equity 11 596 23 285 50 % 5 399 362 4% 17 041 33 601 49 % 7 797 857 17 % 18 525 33 037 44 % 8 660 3 421 8% 17 223 33 776 49 % 9 025 3 037 25 % 15 761 34 558 54 % 8 512 3 488 25 % 1 553 1 483 70 -32 318 1 982 2 473 -490 587 561 3 049 482 2 567 -2 933 280 4 451 1 455 2 996 -3 445 -169 5 273 955 4 318 -3 891 -782 State Street Bank Geveran Trading Co L State Street Bank DNB NOR, egenhandel Euroclear Bank DNB Norge (IV) Statoil Pensjon Northern Trust Top 12 Others Total 10 771 780 5 444 072 5 079 154 4 958 712 4 398 682 4 204 798 3 978 944 3 681 266 215 486 970 194 890 789 410 377 759 2.6% 1.3% 1.2% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 0.9% 52.5% 47.5% 100 % Cash flow from operations Net investments Free cash flow Cash flow from financing (incl div) Cash end period 1 636 Lerøy Seafood Group ASA Neutral 4Q14 Preview 7 January 2015 Results date 24 February 2014 Share data (NOK m) 06.jan.15 Sector Aquaculture Reuters/ Bloomberg LSG Risk rating Medium Out shares (1.000) 54 577 Market cap 14 954 NIBD 2 180 EV 17 135 Free float % 30 % Average volume (thous) 40 High/ low 52w 261.0 / 166.0 Weight OSEBX 0.5200 Rel. Perf % (3/6/12 mts) 19/ 25/ 32 Abs. Perf. % (3/6/12 mts) 16/ 25/ 42 Estim ate changes Curr Prev Curr Prev Curr Pre % % % 2014E 2014E 2015E 2015E 2016E 2016E 2014E 2015E 2016E EBIT (before IFRS adj) 1 742 1 616 2 135 1 770 2 363 2 102 8% 21 % 12 % EPS 10.50 9.08 26.44 21.92 29.54 25.80 16 % 21 % 14 % 6% 21 % 14 % Tons/MNOK EPS adj. 24.53 23.11 26.44 21.92 29.54 25.80 LSG Midt 69 127 69 127 65 000 65 000 65 650 64 000 0% 0% LSG Aurora (North ) 26 737 26 737 31 000 31 000 33 000 33 000 0% 0% 62 406 65 000 65 000 65 650 64 000 0% 0% 3% 158 270 161 000 161 000 164 300 161 000 0% 0% 2% 14 000 0% 0% 0% -11 % LSG Sjøtroll (West) Norw egian volumes (t) 62 406 158 270 UK volumes (t) 13 504 EBIT VAP 99 13 504 109 0% -11 % 222 234 234 233 233 0% 0% Curr Curr Curr Curr Curr % % % LSG Midt 673 661 839 740 945 815 2% 14 % 16 % LSG Aurora (North ) 307 263 432 277 488 341 16 % 56 % 43 % LSG Sjøtroll (West) 107 14 000 222 EBIT Farm ing (MNOK) 95 15 000 Curr EBIT S&D 99 15 000 97 3% 0% 0% 400 330 575 453 643 648 21 % 27 % -1 % Farming EBIT, Norw ay 1 379 1 254 1 846 1 470 2 077 1 805 10 % 26 % 15 % EBIT/kg NOK Curr Curr Curr Curr Curr Curr % % LSG Midt % 9.7 9.6 12.9 11.4 14.4 12.7 2% 14 % 13 % LSG Aurora (North ) 11.5 9.9 13.9 8.9 14.8 10.3 16 % 56 % 43 % LSG Sjøtroll (West) 6.4 5.3 8.9 7.0 9.8 10.1 21 % 27 % -3 % Farming EBIT/kg, Norw ay 8.7 7.9 11.5 9.1 12.6 11.2 10 % 26 % 13 % Source: Fondsfinans Research Share Price: NOK 274 (07.01.2015) Target: NOK 290 Attractive yield – Fair SOTP price – AUSS WC climbing significantly from 2Q LSG is primarily exposed to the Nordic and European market. With extensive downstream operations acting as a stabilizer, LSG is less exposed towards volatile HOG salmon prices than other more upstream-focused players. LSG’s Nordic and European downstream entities continue to perform well. The company has strong consumer brands in core markets. A new distribution sea food plant in Oslo opened last summer, while expansion at Fossen was completed in 3Q14. In Norway, the seafood delivery agreement with retailer NorgesGruppen provides an attractive position. LSG points at “significant steps taken to lower cost in 2015” (cleanerfish is a key), though management comments that the uncertainty in Sjøtroll remains higher than in the other regions. The involved companies are working on new larger coordinated farming zones in region West that we anticipate will help conditions longer term. Management also sees “strong potential in VAP and S&D segments” in 2015 and onwards. For 4Q, we expect LSG to report EBIT of NOK 388m based on Norwegian harvesting of 42,500 t HOG, a volume growth of 3% Y/Y. We estimate EBIT/kg (“all inclusive”) of NOK 9.1 (high cost for the quarter). For 4Q, downstream segments VAP and Sales & Distribution should report decent earnings due to lower raw material prices and 4Q is high VAP season, with EBIT estimates of NOK 35m and 63m respectively. We estimate 2015 and 2016 EPS adj. of NOK 26.4 (21.9) and NOK 29.5 (25.8). Our SOTP target of NOK 290 (251) per share corresponds to EV/capacity of NOK 79 and EV/kg (2015) of 93 and P/E of somewhat below 10x 2016E. The dividend capacity is high even though the company has remaining extra smolt capex ahead, and we increase DPS to NOK 20 (18) for payment in 2015E and 2016E. Key figures (NOK m ) 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 4Q13 1Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E Revenues 9 103 10 818 12 673 13 071 13 629 3 230 3 180 3 354 3 201 EBITDA 812 1 938 2 035 2 515 2 743 506 638 483 706 EBIT (before IFRS adj) 487 1 626 1 742 2 135 2 363 425 550 388 611 IFRS biomass adj. 295 764 -906 0 0 783 -478 0 0 25 192 68 78 82 108 38 6 27 PTP 712 2 480 807 2 111 2 359 1 297 95 365 611 EPS 9.7 35.7 10.5 26.4 29.5 18.4 1.6 4.7 7.6 EPS (adj) 6.0 23.3 24.5 26.4 29.5 6.3 9.7 4.7 7.6 DPS 7.0 7.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 2 232 2 165 2 215 2 458 2 432 2 165 1 750 2 215 1 917 153 599 144 817 158 270 165 000 169 720 41 200 33 327 42 500 38 000 Associates (UK farming) NIBD Norw egian farm ing Prepared by analysts: Bent Rølland Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 27 [email protected] Philip M. Scrase Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 23 [email protected] Farming grow th 12 % -6 % 9% 4% 3% -1 % 0% 3% 14 % Upstream EBIT (NOK/kg) 1.6 9.2 8.7 11.2 12.2 8.1 15.2 7.1 14.9 EBIT/kg (all inclusive) 3.2 11.2 11.0 12.9 13.9 10.3 16.5 9.1 16.1 1.3 1.4 1.3 1.3 6.3 EV/ Sales EV/ EBITDA 7.3 8.4 6.9 EV/EBIT, before adj 8.7 9.9 8.2 7.4 P/E adj. 9.5 11.2 10.4 9.3 1.6 2.0 1.9 1.7 15 14 15 14 P/B NIBD/kg 15 Source: Fondsfinans Research FONDSFINANS ASA, HAAKON VII’S GATE 2, P.O. BOX 1782 VIKA, NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: +47 23 11 30 00, FAX: +47 23 11 30 03, [email protected] This report was prepared by an analyst engaged by Fondsfinans AS, the Norwegian affiliate of Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a research analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rules governing research. See page 56-57 of this report for Important Disclosure Information. Lerøy Seafood Group ASA – 4Q14 Preview 7 January 2015 Lerøy Seafood Group and segment tables Integrated company LSG is a fully integrated Norwegian salmon and trout farmer with extensive operations in three clusters along the Norwegian coast, a global distribution network and a growing value added downstream operation with Nordic and European VAP/Sales & Distribution exposure. The company will not any longer be able to sell trout to the Russian market. 4Q estimates below – FF below BB (high cost in Hordaland) Key figures (NOKm ) 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 4Q14E 4Q BB Revenues 2 690 3 230 3 180 3 177 2 962 3 354 3 138 3 505 EBITDA 451 506 638 590 323 483 357 557 EBIT (before IFRS adj)* 370 425 550 501 303 388 262 467 0 0 P&L gain (Villa Organic) 75 Op. EBIT (ex. Villa biom ass gain) IFRS biomass adj. 228 -319 783 -478 -207 -222 467 Associates (UK farming) 34 108 38 13 12 6 7 PTP 55 1 297 95 284 64 365 241 531 -11 -10 -1 -23 -28 -12 5.72 Minority EPS EPS (adj) 5.91 18.41 1.60 3.39 0.77 6.26 9.74 6.17 3.88 4.7 3.3 10 11 12 12.0 DPS OpCF NIBD Segm ents (t) LSG Midt 264 154 593 397 -67 193 154 2 202 2 165 1 750 2 052 2 209 2 180 2 254 1 745 VOL VOL VOL VOL VOL VOL VOL 4Q guid 18 873 16 100 18 800 13 837 18 606 17 684 19 000 19 000 LSG Aurora 4 500 7 400 5 100 5 006 6 131 10 500 10 500 10 763 LSG Sjøtroll 16 100 15 000 14 390 17 332 17 684 13 000 13 000 13 594 43 230 Norw egian upstream (t) Segm ents (EBIT) LSG Midt 36 700 41 200 33 327 40 944 41 499 42 500 42 500 3QEBIT 4Q EBIT 1Q EBIT 2Q EBIT 3Q EBIT 4Q EBIT 4Q EBIT 148 109 154 228 184 101 160 LSG Aurora 66 116 98 77 48 83 40 LSG Sjøtroll 134 63 179 159 5 57 -13 EBIT Farm ing 174 310 333 505 420 154 300 EBIT S&D 52 70 39 64 56 63 63 EBIT VAP 16 27 15 21 28 35 35 370 425 550 501 303 388 262 -8 -5 -9 -4 65 -10 -10 EBIT/kg EBIT/kg EBIT/kg EBIT/kg EBIT/kg EBIT/kg EBIT/kg 6.8 8.2 16.5 9.9 5.7 8.4 7.8 LSG Aurora 14.7 15.7 19.3 15.5 7.8 7.9 3.8 LSG Sjøtroll 8.3 4.2 12.4 9.2 0.3 4.4 -1.0 10.1 10.3 16.5 12.2 7.3 9.1 6.2 7.2 3.7 17.8 9.7 -1.6 4.5 3.6 Group EBIT EBIT elimination/HQ Segm ents (EBIT/kg): LSG Midt EBIT/kg ("all inclusive") OpCF/kg fish EBIT/kg 10.8 Updated LSG estimates per segment Page 28 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Lerøy Seafood Group ASA - 4Q14 Preview 7 January 2015 LSG farming volumes (t g.w.) LSG Midt LSG Aurora (North) West and Sjøtroll combined to LSG Vest. Aurora will include Villa from 2H14 Downstream: Separate VAP and S&D segments We have postponed 4q harvesting to 1Q due to 6% increase in MAB: Estimating the LSG volume profile as following: 4Q vol -3% YY 1Q15 vol +14% YY 2Q15 vol -7% YY 2010 59 300 20 200 2011 62 400 18 100 2012 61 800 19 900 2013 58 800 24 217 2014E 69 127 26 737 2015E 69 000 31 000 2016E 71 070 33 000 37 300 116 800 7% 13 550 56 600 137 100 17 % 10 950 71 899 153 599 12 % 13 550 61 800 144 817 -6 % 13 400 62 406 158 270 9% 13 504 65 000 165 000 4% 15 000 65 650 169 720 3% 14 000 EBIT-margin (NOK/HOG) LSG Midt LSG Aurora (North) LSG Sjøtroll (Vest) EBIT-margin (HOG/NOK) Scottish Sea Farms (50%) 2010 13.3 13.1 8.1 11.6 10.3 2011 8.3 8.6 5.7 7.1 5.3 2012 2.4 4.2 0.4 1.6 2.0 2013 8.6 14.8 7.4 9.2 8.2 2014E 9.7 11.5 6.4 8.7 8.5 2015E 12.2 13.9 8.9 11.2 8.5 2016E 13.3 14.8 9.8 12.2 9.5 Farming EBIT LSG Midt LSG Aurora (North) LSG Sjøtroll (Vest) Farming EBIT, Norway EBIT S&D (+VAP until 2011) EBIT VAP EBIT VAP& S&D LSG EBIT, all segments EBIT-eliminations Lerøy Group EBIT (bef adj) Source: LSG, Fondsfinans Research 2010 470 265 278 1 012 255 4 2011 361 155 198 715 236 4 2012 167 83 16 267 190 34 2013 326 359 201 885 207 66 2014E 673 307 400 1 379 222 99 2015E 839 432 575 1 846 234 95 2016E 945 488 643 2 077 233 97 259 240 224 273 321 329 330 1 271 -31 1 586 955 -5 1 213 490 24 487 1 158 -28 1 626 1 700 41 1 742 2 175 -40 2 135 2 407 -40 2 363 LSG Sjøtroll (Vest) Total Norwegian HOG volumes Norwegian farming growth Y/Y Scottish Sea Farms (50%) Farming volumes (HOG) LSG Midt LSG Aurora 2Q13 10 800 6 317 3Q13 16 100 4 500 4Q13 18 800 7 400 1Q14 13 837 5 100 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 18 606 17 684 19 000 15 500 5 006 6 131 10 500 8 000 2Q15E 14 500 6 500 LSG Sjøtroll (Vest) LSG Norway (t) Supply growth Q/Q Scottish Sea Farms (50%) 16 600 33 717 -12 % 2 550 16 100 36 700 -2 % 4 250 15 000 41 200 -1 % 3 350 14 390 33 327 0% 3 631 17 332 17 684 13 000 14 500 40 944 41 499 42 500 38 000 21 % 13 % 3% 14 % 3 319 4 054 2 500 3 500 16 500 37 500 -8 % 3 500 EBIT-margin (NOK/HOG) LSG Midt LSG Aurora LSG Sjøtroll (Vest) EBIT-margin (HOG/NOK) Scottish Sea Farms (50%) 2Q13 10.5 15.2 11.5 11.9 7.8 3Q13 6.8 14.7 8.3 8.4 9.5 4Q13 8.2 15.7 4.2 8.1 9.1 1Q14 16.5 19.3 12.4 15.2 12.0 2Q14 9.9 15.5 9.2 10.3 10.2 3Q14 5.7 7.8 0.3 3.7 5.9 20 41 31 44 34 24 2Q13 113 96 191 400 56 14 -8 462 3Q13 109 66 134 310 52 16 -8 370 4Q13 154 116 63 333 70 27 -5 425 1Q14 228 98 179 505 39 15 -9 550 2Q14 184 77 159 420 64 21 -4 501 3Q14 101 48 5 154 56 28 65 303 EBIT Scottish Sea Farms (50%) Farming EBIT (LSG) LSG Midt LSG Aurora LSG Sjøtroll (Vest) Farming EBIT, Norway EBIT S&D (+VAP until 2011) EBIT VAP/Others Elim. to EBIT/HQ/gains EBIT all segments (bef adj) Source: LSG, Fondsfinans Research 4Q14E 1Q15E 8.4 15.9 7.9 17.4 4.4 12.4 7.1 14.9 5.4 12.1 14 2Q15E 14.7 16.2 11.2 13.4 10.8 42 38 4Q14E 1Q15E 160 246 83 139 57 180 300 565 63 42 35 14 -10 -10 388 611 2Q15E 213 105 185 503 67 20 -10 580 LSG SOTP valuation – NOK 290 – EV/kg of 93 and EV/capacity of 79 We value LSG based on assessments of risks and productivity in the different geographic regions, as each is valued separately. 5 upstream segments are now turning into 3 new segments. Downstream S&D and VAP are separate segments (EV/EBIT of 8x and 10x). Trading LSG desk in Bergen earning money despite FX volatility. We conclude SOTP values of NOK 290 per share. We maintain our Neutral recommendation. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 29 Lerøy Seafood Group ASA – 4Q14 Preview Villa included in Aurora Higher cultivation risk and cost in Sjøtroll than in other farming regions Hardanger = Sea lice area Lerøy Seafood Group ASA Licenses Volumes LSG Midt (Hydrotech+Midnor) 55 69 000 LSG Aurora/Villa 26 31 000 LSG Sjøtroll (trout exposure) 60 65 000 EV LSG farming Norway 141 165 000 Scottish Sea Farms (50%) 41 15 000 31.12.2015 NIBD SSF (50%) LSG VAP LSG S&D Total EV NIBD 31.12.15E (incl. Sjøtroll 100%) Sjøtroll adj (20.7% of New Sjøtroll) 12.25 0.207 Sjøtroll & Rohde NIBD adj. Equity values Own shares Outst. Shares SOTP values - target Source: Fondsfinans Research, *) Theoretical capacity Capacity* 77 000 35 100 78 000 190 100 14 000 EBIT/kg 12.2 13.9 8.85 8.5 -0.5 1.416 EBIT2015 839 432 575 1 846 256 3 95 234 2 175 Values 6 715 3 452 5 179 15 346 1 023 -2 950 1 869 19 187 2 423 1072 150 15 842 90 54.6 290 7 January 2015 EV/EBIT mpl EV/kg 8.0 97 8.0 111 9.0 80 8.3 93 8 68 EV/cap 87 98 66 81 73 10 8 8.8 SOTP=290 Page 30 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Lerøy Seafood Group ASA Sector: Date: Next result: Target Recommendation: Financial data (NOK mill) Analysts: Bent Rølland +47 23113027 Philip M. Scrase +47 23113023 Aquaculture 274 Price (NOK): 06.jan.15 Book equity per share (NOK): 141 24.feb.15 Equity ratio: 55 % 290 Avg daily vol (90d): 40 Neutral 12 months High / Low:61.0 / 166.0 Shares outst.: Market cap (NOKm): Net int.bearing debt (NOKm): Entrprise value (NOKm): OSEBX: 54.58m 14 954 2 180 17 135 0.5200 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 9 103 -6 442 812 9% 10 818 -6 781 1 938 18 % 12 673 -8 199 2 035 16 % 13 071 -8 117 2 515 19 % 13 629 -8 448 2 743 20 % 2 690 -1 693 451 17 % 3 230 -2 090 506 16 % 3 180 -1 974 638 20 % 3 177 -2 002 590 19 % 2 962 -1 985 323 11 % 3 354 -2 238 483 14 % 3 201 -1 927 706 22 % -292 -33 487 5% 295 782 -307 -6 1 626 15 % 764 2 390 -368 75 1 742 14 % -906 835 -380 0 2 135 16 % 0 2 135 -380 0 2 363 17 % 0 2 363 -81 0 370 14 % -319 51 -76 -6 425 13 % 783 1 208 -89 0 550 17 % -478 72 -89 0 501 16 % -207 294 -95 75 303 10 % -222 81 -95 0 388 12 % 0 388 -95 0 611 19 % 0 611 25 192 68 78 82 34 108 38 13 12 6 27 0 -95 712 -184 528 -1 527 0 -102 2 480 -435 2 045 -99 1 947 0 -96 807 -171 637 -64 573 0 -102 2 111 -549 1 562 -119 1 443 0 -86 2 359 -613 1 745 -133 1 612 0 -29 55 -6 49 -11 38 0 -19 1 297 -282 1 015 -10 1 005 0 -15 95 -7 88 -1 87 0 -23 284 -75 208 -23 185 0 -29 64 6 70 -28 42 0 -28 365 -95 270 -12 259 0 -27 611 -159 452 -37 415 -295 80 -764 190 906 -66 0 0 0 0 319 -35 -783 170 478 -33 207 -55 222 22 0 0 0 0 Net adjustment -199 -677 Net result (adjusted) 328 1 269 EPS 9.7 35.7 Outstandig shares (mill) 54.6 54.6 EPS (adj) 6.0 23.3 Impl. CF per kilo fish 2.9 8.7 DPS 7.0 7.0 Multiples: EV/ Sales EV/ EBITDA EV/EBIT, before adj P/E adj. P/B Farming in Norway (HOG t) -new segment structure LSG Midt (Midnor+Hydrotech) 61 800 58 800 LSG Aurora 19 900 24 217 LSG Sjøtroll (West and Sjøtroll) 71 899 61 800 Norwegian farming (upstream 153 599 144 817 Volumes Y/Y 12 % -6 % Farming income 4 377 5 716 EBIT farming 239 1 327 Price/volum 28.5 39.5 EBIT/kg 1.6 9.2 765 1 339 10.5 54.6 24.5 7.1 10.0 0 1 443 26.4 54.6 26.4 6.2 20.0 0 1 612 29.5 54.6 29.5 6.3 20.0 284 323 0.7 54.6 5.9 7.2 -663 342 18.4 54.6 6.3 3.7 444 532 1.6 54.6 9.7 17.8 152 337 3.4 54.6 6.2 9.7 169 212 0.8 54.6 3.9 -1.6 0 259 4.7 54.6 4.7 4.5 0 415 7.6 54.6 7.6 13.1 1.4 8.4 9.8 11.2 2.0 1.3 6.9 8.1 10.4 1.9 1.3 6.3 7.3 9.3 1.7 69 127 26 737 62 406 158 270 9% 6 567 1 379 41.5 8.7 69 000 31 000 65 000 165 000 4% 7 342 1 846 44.5 11.2 71 070 33 000 65 650 169 720 3% 7 727 2 077 45.5 12.2 16 100 4 500 16 100 36 700 -2 % 1 405 310 38.3 8.4 18 800 7 400 15 000 41 200 -1 % 1 703 333 41.3 8.1 13 837 5 100 14 390 33 327 0% 1 492 505 44.8 15.2 18 606 5 006 17 332 40 944 21 % 1 740 420 42.5 10.3 17 684 6 131 17 684 41 499 13 % 1 575 154 38.0 3.7 19 000 10 500 13 000 42 500 3% 1 760 300 41.4 7.1 15 500 8 000 14 500 38 000 14 % 1 829 565 48.1 14.9 3 086 Operating income Costs of goods EBITDA EBITDA-margin Depreciation Write down of fixed assets EBIT (ex IFRS) EBIT-margin IFRS fair value adj EBIT (operating profit) Associates (Norskott) Write down financial assets Net financials (incl agio/disagio) EBT (earnings before tax) Tax cost Profit for the period Minority share of profit Profit to LSG shareholders Adjustments: Biomass FV adjustment skattejustering av biomasse Lerøy Sales & Distribution S&D income EBIT S&D 9 459 10 261 12 005 12 085 12 165 2 570 3 101 3 066 2 998 2 820 3 121 190 207 222 234 233 52 70 39 64 56 63 42 S&D -margin,% Lerøy VAP/Other production VAP income EBIT VAP VAP-margin,% EBIT adj, HQ/overhead UK farming (SSF-100% - tons) Farming revenues Price/volum EBIT bef adj. 2.0 % 2.0 % 1.8 % 1.9 % 1.9 % 2.0 % 2.2 % 1.3 % 2.1 % 2.0 % 2.0 % 1.4 % 1 078 34 5% 24 27 100 937 34.6 55 1 236 66 5% -28 26 800 1 189 44.4 221 1 622 99 6% 41 27 007 1 303 48.2 230 1 662 95 6% -40 30 000 1 336 44.5 256 2 207 97 4% -40 28 000 1 275 45.5 267 305 16 5% -8 8 500 373 43.9 81 382 27 7% -5 6 700 316 47.2 61 367 15 4% -9 7 261 391 53.8 87 395 21 5% -4 6 638 332 50.0 68 410 28 7% 65 8 108 373 46.0 48 450 35 7% -10 5 000 207 41.4 27 377 14 7% -10 7 000 337 48.1 85 EBIT-margin (NOK/HOG) Balance Sheet (IFRS) Total non-current assets Total current assets Total assets Total equity Total equity and liabilities Equity ratio (cov=30%) Retur on equity NIBD 2.0 2012 6 445 5 328 11 773 5 964 11 774 51 % 15 % 2 232 8.2 2013 7 143 6 762 13 905 7 549 13 904 54 % 35 % 2 165 8.5 2014E 7 389 6 434 13 822 7 553 13 824 55 % 15 % 2 180 8.5 2015E 7 887 6 026 13 913 8 023 13 914 58 % 33 % 2 423 9.5 2016E 8 269 5 918 14 186 8 677 14 188 61 % 32 % 2 397 9.5 9.1 12.0 10.2 Lerøy Seafood Group ASA Shares Austevoll Seafood ASA 34 144 281 Folketrygdfondet 2 329 000 Pareto Aksje Norge ASA 1 795 500 Pareto Aktiv 749 233 State Street 647 000 Danske Invest 418 000 Pareto Verdi 379 000 Lerøy Seafood Group 329 776 5.9 5.4 12.1 10.nov.14 62.6% 4.3% 3.3% 1.4% 1.2% 0.8% 0.7% 0.6% 444 -599 -361 0 1 259 -698 -784 0 1 116 -436 -434 0 1 022 -800 -1 472 0 1 071 -680 -1 472 0 DNB Norge Selektiv Forsvarets Personell OTHER SHAREHOLDERS TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS Cash flow from operations Cash flow from investments Cash flow from financing New equity 307 000 289 000 13 189 578 54 577 368 0.6% 0.5% 24.2% 100.0% SalMar ASA 4Q preview Results date Neutral 7 January 2015 26 February 2015 Share data (NOK m) SALM Sector Aquaculture Reuters/ Bloomberg SALM Risk rating Medium Outst shares (mill) 113.3 Market cap 14 729 NIBD 2 496 EV 17 225 Free float % <55 Average volume 22 194 High/ low 52w 123.5 / 69.3 Weight OSEBX 0.7325 Rel. Perf % (3/6/12 mts) 03/ 43/ 59 Abs. Perf. % (3/6/12 mts) 00/ 43/ 68 2015E Estim ate changes 2016E Tons/MNOK Curr Prev Curr Prev 2015E Revenues 7 621 6 992 7 750 7 124 9% 9% EBITDA 2 312 1 997 2 522 2 215 16 % 14 % EBIT 2 056 1 742 2 266 1 960 18 % 16 % Assosiates (UK/Villa) 80 80 86 2016E 86 0% 0% PTP 2 003 1 688 2 234 1 927 19 % 16 % EPS adj. 13.08 11.03 14.59 12.59 19 % 16 % 14.5 12.7 15.3 13.8 14 % 11 % 14.2 30 % 28 % Margin, NOK/kilo (g.w .) Central Norw ay Northern Norw ay 17.2 Salmar Rauma 13.2 18.3 12.0 11.7 13.6 12.9 3% 5% 15.12 12.81 16.07 13.90 18 % 16 % Central Norw ay 76 000 76 000 77 000 77 000 0% 0% Northern Norw ay 44 000 44 000 48 000 48 000 0% 0% Salmar Rauma 16 000 16 000 16 000 16 000 0% 0% 136 000 136 000 141 000 141 000 0% 0% All incl m argin Norw ay Farm ing volum e Volum e, Norw ay Segm ent and Group EBIT EBIT Central N. (upstream) 1101 961 1178 1065 14 % 11 % EBIT Northern N. 758 582 878 684 30 % 28 % EBIT Salmar Rauma 192 186 217 206 3% 5% 2050 1730 2273 1954 19 % 16 % 124 000 124 000 125 000 125 000 0% 0% EBIT SALM (upstream ) Innovamar VAP (HOG t) Share Price: NOK 130 (07.01.2015) Target: NOK 122 (108) High speed = high risk Last spring SalMar acquired eight green licenses in the governmental auction. According to the CEO, Mr. Nordhammer, these are “included in the group MAB and will enter production immediately. Mr Nordhammer has previously stated that the majority of this effect will come already in 2H2015. The new licenses will be used in both Region Mid and North. Further, SALM is currently constructing a 20m cap smolt plant at Senja securing more local large smolt capacity. This is a key step in developing Region North for the long run, which has a strong track record over some time. We expect SALM to report 4Q14 EBIT of NOK 388m based on 31,000 t HOG, which is 4 000 t below the guidance. During 4Q biomass has been deloused for sea lice and AGD. Hence, cost will be high in the quarter. Prices have also climbed towards Christmas. Cultivation risks in Møre and Romsdal (SalmarRauma) are particular, due to it being a core AGD area, high. At 3Q SALM guided down on EBIT VAP for 4Q. We estimate 4Q EBIT VAP of NOK 24m. In Region North, Villa is now split between SALM and LSG, with 3Q payments of NOK 104m from SALM to LSG. 4Q Villa harvesting will be very limited. Bottom line, we estimate 2014 and 2015 EPS adj. of NOK 13.1 and 14.6. We forecast decent dividends of NOK 7 and 10 per share in 2015 and 2016 even taking the active company’s capex programme into account. We calculate SOTP values of NOK 122 per share, equal to P/E 8.5 (2016). Fair value is close to the current stock price, and we maintain our Neutral recommendation. Key figures 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 4Q13 1Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E Group revenues 4 202 6 246 6 761 7 621 7 750 1 841 1 626 1 584 2 131 EBITDA 511 1 487 2 022 2 312 2 522 421 555 452 638 EBIT (before IFRS adj.) 340 1 261 1 760 2 056 2 266 349 486 388 574 IFRS adj. 281 528 -105 0 0 470 -184 0 0 94 158 73 80 86 33 36 8 15 554 46 39 33 33 18 % 0% EBIT-elim/HQ -40 -27 -40 -27 46 % 46 % Assosiates (Farming UK) Group EBIT 2 056 1 742 2 266 1 960 18 % 16 % PTP 611 2 324 1 603 2 003 2 234 839 310 360 EPS 4.2 15.8 10.3 13.1 14.6 5.4 2.0 2.4 3.6 EPS adj. 2.6 9.3 11.1 13.1 14.6 2.5 3.2 2.4 3.6 EBIT VAP (Mid) DPS NIBD Central Norw ay 0.0 0.0 8.0 7.0 10.0 2 764 1 772 2 496 2 514 2 284 1 772 1 505 2 496 2 308 65 200 70 100 72 300 76 000 77 000 14 000 9 900 20 000 18 000 Northern Norw ay 22 300 23 800 34 800 44 000 48 000 10 700 7 100 11 000 9 000 Salmar Rauma 15 000 14 900 13 500 16 000 16 000 4 400 4 100 2 000 4 000 3 050 5 887 0 0 0 0 102 500 111 850 126 487 136 000 141 000 34 100 27 800 33 000 31 000 10 % 9% 13 % 8% 4% 15 % 20 % -3 % 12 % 3.3 11.3 13.9 15.1 16.1 10.2 17.5 11.8 18.5 2.6 2.5 2.3 1.9 Villa Organic (51%) Norw egian volum es Prepared by analysts: Bent Rølland Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 27 [email protected] Philip M. Scrase Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 23 [email protected] Volume grow th EBIT (NOK/kg). All inclusive EV/ Sales EV/ EBITDA 11.1 8.5 7.5 5.8 EV/EBIT, before adj. 13.1 9.8 8.4 6.5 P/ E adj 14.0 11.7 9.9 8.9 P/B 2.9 2.9 2.6 2.4 NIBD/kg 16 20 18 16 Source: Fondsfinans Research FONDSFINANS AS, HAAKON VII’S GATE 2, P.O. BOX 1782 VIKA, NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: +47 23 11 30 00, FAX: +47 23 11 30 03, [email protected] This report was prepared by an analyst engaged by Fondsfinans AS, the Norwegian affiliate of Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a research analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rules governing research. See page 56-57 of this report for Important Disclosure Information. SalMar ASA – 4Q14 Preview Record high 2015 SALM guidance – Fair The table below sums up SalMar’s 2015 guidance (not yet distributed by segments). Annualise volume estimates and guidance SALM volum e guidance 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 13/12 14/13 15/14 16/15 Central Norw ay*) Licenses HOG t/lic Guiding 15 Guiding 14 59 1 237 73 000 65 200 70 100 72 300 76 000 77 000 8% 3% 5% 1% Northern Norw ay***) 41 854 35 000 22 300 23 800 34 800 44 000 48 000 7% 46 % 26 % 9% Salmar Rauma** 16 1 063 17 000 15 000 14 900 13 500 16 000 16 000 -1 % -9 % 19 % 0% 3 050 5 887 0 0 n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. Villa Organic (2H13-1H14), 50% SALM farm ing 5 887 116 1 128 137 000 130 887 102 500 111 850 126 487 136 000 141 000 9% 13 % 8% 4% 10 % 9% 13 % 8% 4% 13 550 13 400 13 519 15 000 14 000 -1 % 1% 11 % -7 % 143 387 116 050 125 250 140 006 151 000 155 000 8% 12 % 8% 3% SALM Y/Y - pf UK farming (50%) LSG and SALM split Villa from 2H14 37 15 500 SALM farm ing incl UK (50%) 12 500 152 500 *) Incl 9 rented licenses in Central Norw ay (VESO, SINTEF, Frøya vg..). 4 new green licenses added **) Rauma, incl Bringsvor, Eikremsvik and Villa Miljølaks (organic salmon), incl 2 brood fish licenses ***) Villa Organic, Villa de-merged from 2H14 (incl in segment Northern Norw ay, 8 licenses). 4 new green licenses added Green licenses (8 new licenses): 8 000 t Villa Laksefjorden in Finnmark: Approx. 10 000 t HOG i 2015 Simple SALM model last quarters and 4Q estimates SalMar ASA 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 Group revenues 1 433 1 695 1 841 1 626 1 745 1 806 1 584 1 861 2 015 EBITDA 365 419 421 555 513 502 452 499 593 EBIT (before IFRS adj.) 317 361 349 486 448 438 388 435 507 Gain (BAKKA/Fish Pool) 170 507 EBIT ex gain IFRS adj. Assosiates (Farming UK) Good farming conditions in North -36 487 361 408 486 448 368 388 435 89 -95 470 -184 -128 207 0 0 54 31 33 36 18 10 8 8 PTP 844 332 839 310 314 619 360 407 513 EPS adj. 2.28 3.01 2.51 3.21 2.89 2.63 2.35 2.66 3.18 476 -43 446 447 723 -27 329 371 2 131 2 410 1 772 1 505 2 297 2 639 2 496 2 454 DPS OpCF NIBD Biological risks in Region Mid continuing; AGD and PD / sea lice. 4QBB 70 60 Non recurring 4Q14E 4Q14Old 8.0 2 436 Farm ing volum es Central Norw ay 15 900 22 400 14 000 9 900 16 500 25 900 20 000 22 500 Northern Norw ay 2 800 8 000 10 700 7 100 8 500 8 200 11 000 11 000 Salmar Rauma 4 100 3 300 4 400 4 100 5 000 2 400 2 000 4 000 0 1 100 5 000 6 700 5 074 0 0 0 22 800 34 800 34 100 27 800 35 074 36 500 33 000 37 500 37 000 2Q EBIT 3Q EBIT 4Q EBIT 1Q EBIT 2Q EBIT 3Q EBIT 4Q EBIT 4Q EBIT EBIT/kg Villa Organic (100%)* Norw egian volum es (t) Segm ents EBIT Central N. (upstream) 275 291 148 191 235 257 208 259 EBIT Northern N. 44 91 164 149 90 55 147 138 EBIT Salmar Rauma 64 17 44 65 78 29 16 32 0 -6 61 120 44 SALM upstream 383 393 417 525 448 341 371 428 EBIT VAP (InnovaMar) -64 -29 -38 -28 12 104 24 14 EBIT segm ents 320 364 380 497 460 445 395 442 EBIT Villa* EBIT-elim/HQ -3 -3 -31 -11 -12 -7 -7 -7 Group EBIT 317 361 349 486 448 438 388 435 EBIT/kg Central N. 17.3 13.0 10.6 19.3 14.2 9.9 10.4 11.5 EBIT/kg Northern N. 15.9 11.4 15.3 21.0 10.6 6.7 13.4 12.5 EBIT/kg Salmar Rauma 15.7 12.0 7.9 8.0 11.4 EBIT/kg Villa* 5.0 10.1 15.9 15.6 -5.5 12.1 17.9 8.8 EBIT/kg (upstream ) 16.8 11.3 12.2 18.9 12.8 9.3 11.2 EBIT/kg (dow nstream) -4.0 -1.3 -2.7 -2.8 0.7 4.0 1.2 0.6 EBIT/kg ("all inclusive") 13.9 10.4 10.2 17.5 12.8 12.0 11.8 11.6 OpCF/kg fish 20.9 -1.2 13.1 16.1 20.6 -0.7 10.0 9.9 13.7 The table below sums up our annualised SalMar estimates. Page 33 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research SalMar ASA – 4Q14 Preview SalMar Volum es 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E SalMar Central Norw ay 42 50 47 64 65 70 72 76 77 SalMar Northern Norw ay 11 16 14 19 22 24 35 44 48 4 11 15 15 14 16 16 3 6 65 93 103 112 126 136 141 79 100 128 122 124 125 SalMar Rauma Villa Organic (51%) Harvesting Norw ay (t') 54 66 InnovaMar volumes (HOG eq.) Norskott Havbruk (UK) - 50% - t' 11.4 13.2 13.6 11.0 13.6 13.4 13.5 15.0 14.0 SalMar Central Norw ay 7.6 10.1 15.6 7.2 3.5 13.2 12.3 14.5 15.3 SalMar Northern Norw ay 2.9 5.5 15.4 5.7 3.7 13.5 12.7 17.2 18.3 SalMar Rauma 0.0 0.0 16.3 6.6 0.3 10.9 13.9 12.0 13.6 Sales & Processing (VAP) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 -1.3 0.9 0.4 0.3 EBIT/kg (all inclusive) 6.3 8.9 15.0 6.4 3.3 11.3 13.9 15.1 16.1 Norskott Havbruk (50%) 2.5 6.3 10.3 5.3 2.1 6.7 8.5 8.5 9.5 322 507 734 458 226 924 891 1 101 1 178 32 86 211 106 83 320 442 758 878 67 72 5 162 188 192 217 55 164 2 57 -161 112 46 33 638 372 1 300 1 797 2 096 2 306 SalMar EBIT (NOK/HOG) SalMar EBIT (MNOK) SalMar Central Norw ay SalMar Northern Norw ay Salmar Rauma Villa Organic (100%) Sales & Processing (VAP) EBIT Norw ay (all segm ents) 355 593 1 012 EBIT eliminations -15 -7 -37 -44 -31 -38 -37 -40 -40 Group EBIT 340 587 975 594 340 1 261 1 760 2 056 2 266 Note: All contracts, VikenCo and rental harvesting are booked in the S&P (VAP) segment. The table below sums up our quarterly SalMar estimates. SalMar volum es 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14E 4Q14E 1Q15E 2Q15E 15 900 22 400 14 000 9 900 16 500 25 900 20 000 18 000 20 000 Northern Norw ay 2 800 8 000 10 700 7 100 8 500 8 200 11 000 9 000 11 000 Salmar Rauma 4 100 3 300 4 400 4 100 5 000 2 400 2 000 4 000 4 000 1 100 5 000 6 700 5 074 22 800 34 800 34 100 27 800 35 074 36 500 33 000 31 000 35 000 13 % -2 % 15 % 20 % 54 % 5% -3 % 12 % 0% -5 % -2 % -9 % 32 % 4% -3 % 12 % 0% 30 124 35 800 29 800 24 000 29 100 38 500 30 000 30 000 32 000 Central Norw ay 17.3 13.0 10.6 19.3 14.2 9.9 10.4 17.9 16.7 Northern Norw ay 15.9 11.4 15.3 21.0 10.6 6.7 13.4 20.9 19.7 Salmar Rauma 15.7 5.0 10.1 15.9 15.6 12.0 7.9 15.4 14.2 -5.5 12.1 17.9 8.8 Sales & Processing (VAP) -2.1 -0.8 -1.3 -1.2 0.4 2.7 0.8 0.4 0.4 EBIT (all inclusive) 13.9 10.4 10.2 17.5 12.8 12.0 11.8 18.5 17.4 Central Norw ay Villa Organic (100%) Harvesting Norw ay (t') Grow th Y/Y SALM p.f. Y/Y InnovaMar (HOG use) SalMar EBIT-m argin NOK/kg Villa Organic (51%) SalMar Farm ing EBIT MNOK (bef adj) Central Norw ay 275 291 148 191 235 257 208 322 334 Northern Norw ay 44 91 164 149 90 55 147 188 217 Salmar Rauma 64 17 44 65 78 29 16 62 57 -6 61 120 44 Villa Organic, discont. Sales & Processing (VAP) -64 -29 -38 -28 12 104 24 12 13 EBIT Norw ay (all segm ents 320 364 380 497 460 445 395 584 621 EBIT el./HQ Group EBIT -3 -3 -31 -11 -12 -7 -7 -10 -10 317 361 349 486 448 438 388 574 611 Note: All contracts, VikenCo and rental harvesting are booked in the S&P (VAP) segment. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 34 SalMar ASA – 4Q14 Preview The illustration map gives an overview of PD cases in mid Norway; PD in total per county YTD: Møre & Romsdal: 19 Sør-Trøndelag: 34 (equal to 57% of the total sites in the county) SALM obviously involved in handling these cases. + AGD......... not good for cost/kg. Longer term moving biomass closer to the HOG plant has to be discussed seriously... AGD road map from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute: AGD sites in Norw ay 2012 2013 Jan Feb March April May June July Troms Troms Nordland Nord-Trøndelag Sør-Trøndelag Møre og Romsdal 5 2 1 Sogn og Fjordane 12 2 1 1 1 Hordaland 2 19 6 Rogaland 3 20 1 1 Agder Total 5 56 11 1 3 1 0 0 0 Source: The Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Fondsfinans Research Aug Sept Oct Nov 1 2 4 2 5 1 3 1 3 1 9 1 3 3 11 8 14 '14TD 0 0 0 0 2 20 9 19 2 0 52 # sites 2014, % cap. 63 0% 53 0% 144 0% 50 0% 60 3% 70 29 % 56 16 % 151 13 % 56 4% 9 0% 712 7% The table below sums up our updated SOTP valuation of SalMar: Target NOK 122 per share equal to 2016 P/E of 8.5 (high cultivation risks continuing) Salm ar ASA - Sum of the Part Licenses* Capacity 2015 HOG HOG/license SalMar Central Norw ay 59 82 600 76 000 1 288 SalMar Northern Norw ay (incl Villa) 41 53 300 44 000 1 073 SalMar Rauma (100%) 16 20 000 16 000 1 000 EV SALM Farm ing 116 155 900 136 000 1 172 Moltustranda Villa smolt, additional Rauma smolt, for new green licenses 2014 stocking Rauma broodfish, w rasse fish, R&D value (genetics, long term use) EBIT/HOG 14.5 17.2 12.0 15.1 EBIT 1 101 758 192 2 050 EV Farm ing (total upstream ) SOTP Vikenco (49%), real estate value (VAP production US/Norw ay) VAP/Global Sales EV Dow nstream Scottish Sea Farms (50%) Value of new licenses in the UK 31.12.15 NIBD Scottish Seafarms (50%) EV Minority assets HQ SalMar/eliminations NIBD Scottish Sea Farms 31.12.2015 (50%) Total EV Group NIBD 31.12.2015E 41 4 EV/EBIT 7.5 7.0 6.5 7.2 EV/cap Im pl/kg 100 109 99 121 62 78 95 110 7.3 140 000 121 600 28 000 30 000 732 0.37 14.86 8.5 46 2 096 256 10 7.4 8.0 -100 50 % 41 -6 166 000 8.0 2 056 7.9 Ow n shares (mill) 130 Equity values Outs shares (mill) SOTP values Source: Fondsfinans Research *) 11 licenses rented, incl 8 new green licenses purchased, 8 Villa licenses (100%), 2 broodfish licenses Page 35 15 007 50 106 115 68 40 0.5 166 000 -40 7 January 2015 EV 8 256 5 303 1 248 14 807 100 100 1.3 460 510 1 023 -50 973 -320 -3 16 167 2 514 169 13 822 113.3 122 Fondsfinans Research Analysts: Bent Rølland + 23113027 Philip M. Scrase + 23113023 SalMar ASA Sector: Date: Next result: Target Recommendation: Aquaculture 06.jan.15 26.feb.15 122 Neutral 130 Price (NOK): Book equity per share (NOK): 45 Equity ratio: 50 % Avg daily vol (90d): 178 12 months High/Low:123.5 / 69.3 P&L (NOKm) 2012 2013 Operating income 4 202 6 246 EBITDA 511 1487 EBITDA-margin 12 % 24 % EBIT before adj biomass 340 1261 EBIT-margin 8% 20 % Fair value adjustment of biomass 281 528 EBIT after adjustments 621 1 790 Associates (UK) 94 158 Other financial items -35 215 Earnings before tax 611 2 324 Taxes -125 -427 Result for the period 485 1 897 Minority share of result 14 105 Net adjustments -181 -739 Net profit adjusted 290 1053 Outstanding shares (mill) 113 113 EPS 4.16 15.82 EPS adj. 2.56 9.30 DPS (payment following year) 0.0 8.0 CEPS 1.5 9.8 Impl. cash flow per kilo fish 1.5 8.6 Multiples EV/ Sales 2.6 EV/ EBITDA 11.1 EV/EBIT, before adj. 13.1 P/ E adj 14.0 P/B 2.9 Norwegian farming volumes (HOG) Central (51 licenses) 65 200 70 100 North (23 licenses). Villa from 2H14 22 300 23 800 Rauma (16 licenses) 15 000 14 900 Villa Organic (51%) 3 050 Norwegian HOG volume 102 500 111 850 Central (51 licenses) 3% 8% North (23 licenses). Villa from 2H14 19 % 7% Rauma (16 licenses) 38 % -1 % Sale/HOG volume Central 39.4 38.5 North 31.0 38.3 Rauma 37.2 40.0 Impl price, All incl. 41.0 55.8 Farming EBIT per segment (NOK m) Central 226 924 North 83 320 Rauma 5 162 Farming EBIT Norway 315 1 406 Farming EBIT margin (NOK/kg HOG) Central 3.5 13.2 North 3.7 13.5 Rauma 0.3 10.9 All incl. EBIT/kg Norway (incl S&P 3.3 11.3 Sales and processing (VAP, InnovaMar & Vikenco) Own HOG volumes 65 200 70 100 LSG Hydrotech HOG 23 400 20 600 Other external volumes 11 700 22 065 InnovaMar HOG volume 100 300 127 665 Downstream volumes,Y/Y % 28 % 27 % EBIT (InnovaMar/Vikenco/sales) 55 -161 Downstream EBIT/HOG kg-margin 0.55 -1.26 VAP share at InnovaMar,% (fillets) 15 % 12 % UK farming (HOG) 50% ownership - Assosiates Scottish Sea Farms (37 sites) 27 100 26 800 Sale/HOG volumes 34.6 41.2 Farming EBIT UK 56 179 EBIT-margin (NOK/kg) 2.1 6.7 EBIT Norskott (SALM Associate) 23 136 Elimination to EBIT bef. adj -31 -38 Balance sheet (NOKm) 2012 2013 Total fixed assets 4 375 4 732 Total current assets 3 250 5 199 Total assets 7 625 9 931 Total equity 2 967 5 053 Total long-term liabilities 3 095 3 653 Total equity and liabilities 7 623 9 932 Equity share 39 % 51 % NIBD 2 764 1 772 Cash flow from operations 171 1 107 Cash flow from investments -428 331 Cash end period 56 1 072 2014E 6 761 2022 30 % 1760 26 % -105 1 655 73 -125 1 603 -410 1 193 22 84 1255 113 10.34 11.08 7.0 13.0 11.0 2015E 7 621 2312 30 % 2056 27 % 0 2 056 80 -134 2 003 -521 1 482 0 0 1482 113 13.08 13.08 10.0 13.3 10.5 2016E 7 750 2522 33 % 2266 29 % 0 2 266 86 -118 2 234 -581 1 653 0 0 1653 113 14.59 14.59 8.0 16.6 13.3 2.5 8.5 9.8 11.7 2.9 2.3 7.5 8.4 9.9 2.6 1.9 5.8 6.5 8.9 2.4 72 300 34 800 13 500 5 887 126 487 3% 46 % -9 % 76 000 44 000 16 000 77 000 48 000 16 000 136 000 5% 26 % 19 % 39.1 39.4 47.9 53.5 Shares outst.: Market cap (NOKm): NIBD (MNOK): Entrprise value (NOKm): 113.3m 14 729 2 496 17 225 3Q13 1 695 419 25 % 361 21 % -95 266 31 36 332 -66 266 1 76 342 113 2.34 3.01 4Q13 1 841 421 23 % 349 19 % 470 819 33 22 839 -186 653 39 -331 284 113 5.43 2.51 1Q14 1 626 555 34 % 486 30 % -184 301 36 -28 310 -73 237 15 141 363 113 1.96 3.21 2Q14 1 745 513 29 % 448 26 % -128 320 18 -25 314 -79 235 3 96 327 113 2.04 2.89 3Q14 1 806 502 28 % 438 24 % 207 645 10 -37 619 -164 455 4 -152 298 113 3.97 2.63 4Q14E 1 584 452 29 % 388 25 % 0 388 8 -36 360 -94 267 0 0 267 113 2.35 2.35 1Q15E 2 131 638 30 % 574 27 % 0 574 15 -35 554 -144 410 0 0 410 113 3.62 3.62 -0.4 -1.1 3.9 11.9 3.9 14.2 6.4 20.6 -0.2 -0.7 2.9 10.0 3.7 13.6 14 000 10 700 4 400 5 000 34 100 -17 % 16 % 26 % 9 900 7 100 4 100 6 700 27 800 -44 % 209 % 32 % 16 500 8 500 5 000 5 074 35 074 4% 204 % 22 % 25 900 8 200 2 400 20 000 11 000 2 000 18 000 9 000 4 000 141 000 1% 9% 0% 22 400 8 000 3 300 1 100 34 800 -6 % 0% -6 % 36 500 16 % 2% -27 % 33 000 43 % 3% -55 % 31 000 82 % 27 % -2 % 44.5 45.2 44.0 56.0 45.3 46.3 44.8 55.0 37.9 36.2 37.6 48.7 39.1 40.1 42.5 54.0 45.3 46.8 50.2 58.5 40.2 37.1 47.9 49.7 35.1 32.6 50.4 49.5 40.4 41.4 39.9 48.0 47.9 48.9 47.4 68.7 891 442 188 1 520 1 101 758 192 2 050 1 178 878 217 2 273 291 91 17 399 148 164 44 357 191 149 65 405 235 90 78 403 257 55 29 341 208 147 16 371 322 188 62 572 12.3 12.7 13.9 13.9 14.5 17.2 12.0 15.1 15.3 18.3 13.6 16.1 13.0 11.4 5.0 10.4 10.6 15.3 10.1 10.2 19.3 21.0 15.9 17.5 14.2 10.6 15.6 12.8 9.9 6.7 12.0 12.0 10.4 13.4 7.9 11.8 17.9 20.9 15.4 18.5 72 300 22 600 14 400 121 600 -5 % 112 0.92 11 % 76 000 24 000 8 000 124 000 2% 46 0.37 11 % 77 000 24 000 8 000 125 000 1% 33 0.26 11 % 22 400 5 600 4 500 35 800 1% -29 -0.81 11 % 14 000 5 400 6 000 29 800 -7 % -38 -1.26 11 % 9 900 5 000 5 000 24 000 -25 % -28 -1.17 14 % 16 500 5 600 2 000 29 100 -3 % 12 0.41 12 % 25 900 6 000 5 400 38 500 8% 104 2.70 9% 20 000 6 000 2 000 30 000 1% 24 0.80 11 % 18 000 6 000 2 000 30 000 25 % 12 0.40 11 % 27 038 48.2 230 8.5 75 -37 2014E 5 384 4 682 10 066 5 068 3 619 10 081 50 % 2 496 1 472 -1 053 344 30 000 44.5 256 8.5 80 -40 2015E 5 809 4 870 10 680 5 675 3 619 10 688 53 % 2 514 1 509 -600 326 28 000 45.5 267 9.5 86 -40 2016E 6 040 5 120 11 159 6 135 3 629 11 159 55 % 2 284 1 881 -400 566 8 500 34.0 39 4.6 30 -3 No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 700 7 300 6 638 47.2 53.6 50.0 61 87 68 9.1 11.9 10.2 44 36 22 -31 -11 -12 Shareholders (20.08.2014) Kverva AS Folketrygdfondet Pareto Aksje Norge LIN AS/Leif Inge Nordhammer Odin Norge Pareto Aktiv SalMar ASA Pareto Aktiv State Street OTHER SHAREHOLDERS TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS 8 100 46.0 48 5.9 10 -7 Shares 60 500 9 188 2 234 2 005 1 635 1 300 1 154 904 822 32 894 113 300 5 000 41.4 27 5.4 8 -7 7 000 48.1 85 12.1 15 -10 Per cent 53.4% 8.1% 2.0% 1.8% 1.4% 1.1% 1.0% 0.8% 0.7% 29.0% 100 % Grieg Seafood ASA 4Q14 Preview Results date 7 January 2014 19 February 2014 Share data (NOK m) 06.jan.15 Sector Aquaculture Reuters/ Bloomberg GSF Risk rating Medium Outstanding shares (mill) 111.7 Market cap (mill) 3 194 NIBD (mill) 1 622 Enterprise value (mill) 4 816 Free float % 20 % Average volume (thous) 17 High/ low 52w 29.8 / 17.5 Weight OSEAX % 0.1733 Rel. Perf % (3/6/12 mts) 08/ 19/ 52 Abs. Perf. % (3/6/12 mts) 05/ 20/ 61 Estimate changes Estim ate changes Tonnes/MNOK 2015E 2016 Curr Prev Curr Prev 2015 2016 4% EBITDA 724 700 815 781 3% EBIT 584 564 674 643 3% 5% PTP 505 488 595 567 3% 5% EPS adj.* 3.34 3.24 3.94 3.76 3% 5% Farming Finnmark 12.00 9.52 12.70 10.73 26 % 18 % Farming Rogaland 7.38 9.37 8.30 10.43 -21 % -20 % Farming Canada 9.52 4.86 12.30 8.13 96 % 51 % Farming Shetland 6.50 8.46 7.30 9.63 -23 % -24 % 8.97 8.39 10.47 EBIT/kg (HOG) Average farm ing m argi NEUTRAL Share Price: NOK 28.6 Target: NOK 31 (29) Focus on core activity – Green licenses approved At 3Q the working chairman Mr Per Grieg jr. stated that the company will increase focus on core activity; production of Atlantic salmon only (discontinuing coho in Canada; Finnmark trout discontinued this summer) and integrating its European sales organization, aiming to increase quality and predictability of operational performance. In the UK the company will focus on HOG Atlantic salmon (discontinuing VAP operations as we understand). GSF is one of few companies that maintain room for organic growth on existing licenses. In addition, on December 22 2014 the company was awarded four green licenses in Norway, which is clearly positive. At 3Q the company guided on 2015 harvesting of 72’ t, up 11% compared to 2014 guidance. Management confirms the recovery of Canadian volumes with 2015 guidance of 13’ t, which we expect to grow to around 15’ t in 2015. According to the company, current license capacity allows for production of around 94’ t + the four green licenses. We expect GSF to report 4Q14 EBIT of NOK 52m based on harvesting of 16 200 t, which is in line with guidance. We expect decent performance in Finnmark to yield an EBIT/kg of around NOK 6.4, while we estimate Rogaland earnings just short of NOK 3.5/kg. For the full-year, we estimate 2015 and 2016 EPS adj. of NOK 3.34 and NOK 3.94 respectively. We increase our SOTP target to NOK 31 (29) per share, implicitly corresponding to group EV farming/kg of NOK 70 (2015), incl. Ocean Quality. We maintain our Neutral recommendation. 9.87 7% 6% Farming Finnmark 21 000 22 000 23 200 24 200 -5 % -4 % Key figures (NOK m ) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 3Q13 4Q13 Farming Rogaland 19 500 20 500 16 000 16 000 -5 % 0% Total revenues 2 456 2 064 2 078 2 425 2 630 3 161 3 156 585 696 656 779 Farming Canada 13 000 13 000 15 000 15 000 0% 0% Farming Shetland 16 000 16 500 14 000 14 000 -3 % 0% EBITDA 690 346 -30 484 386 724 815 109 122 86 214 EBIT bef. adj. 570 206 -191 348 252 584 674 76 87 52 179 Total farm ing volum es 69 500 72 000 68 200 69 200 -3 % -1 % IFRS biomass adj. 208 -395 98 267 -244 0 0 3 174 0 0 PTP 760 -193 -210 535 -64 505 595 68 244 32 160 EPS 4.78 -1.08 -1.32 3.86 -0.42 3.34 3.94 0.47 1.93 0.21 1.06 EPS adj 2.86 1.40 -0.91 2.15 2.30 3.34 3.94 0.47 0.73 0.21 1.06 Farm ing volum e (HOG) Source: Fondsfinans Research *) ex 3Q14 write down of biomass DPS 1.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 NIBD 1 015 1 447 1 524 1 441 1 622 1 445 1 259 1 286 1 441 1 622 1 573 Farming Finnmark 20 705 16 143 20 080 23 076 26 266 21 000 23 200 5 556 5 735 5 600 5 000 Farming Rogaland 12 839 15 986 19 247 15 088 12 603 19 500 16 000 3 099 2 617 3 000 4 000 Farming Canada 13 682 13 236 13 576 6 739 6 237 13 000 15 000 2 815 878 600 3 000 Farming Shetland 16 988 14 717 17 097 13 158 19 889 16 000 14 000 2 483 6 765 7 000 4 000 Total farm ing (tons) 64 214 68 200 13 953 Farming grow th Y/Y EBIT/kg (segm ent) 60 082 70 000 58 061 64 995 69 500 28 % -6 % 17 % -17 % 12 % 7% -2 % -8 % -21 % 1% 22 % 9.3 3.4 -1.2 6.6 5.9 9.0 10.5 6.1 6.2 3.8 11.8 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.4 EV/Sales EV/EBITDA Prepared by analysts: Bent Rølland Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 27 [email protected] 4Q14E 1Q15E 8.4 12.5 6.4 5.5 EV/EBIT 11.7 19.1 7.9 6.6 P/E adj. 10.9 12.4 8.6 7.3 P/B 1.3 1.6 1.2 1.0 NIBD/kg fish 25 25 21 18 15 995 16 200 16 000 Source: Fondsfinans Research Philip M. Scrase Fondsfinans AS TEL: +47 23 11 30 23 [email protected] FONDSFINANS AS, HAAKON VII’S GATE 2, P.O. BOX 1782 VIKA, NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: +47 23 11 30 00, FAX: +47 23 11 30 03, [email protected] This report was prepared by an analyst engaged by Fondsfinans AS, the Norwegian affiliate of Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a research analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rules governing research. See page 56-57 of this report for Important Disclosure Information. Grieg Seafood ASA - 4Q14 Preview 7 January 2014 Updated GSF estimates and valuation The tables below sum up the GSF volume guidance of 65 000 t HOG for 2014, growing to 72 000 in 2015, to a large extent driven by normalisation of the Canadian operations. BC growing in 2015: Comeback after culling smolt in 2012 (furunculosis at Golden River smolt plant) Volum e guidance Grieg Seafood ASA 2012 2013 2014E 2015E actual actual FF FF 2016E 2015 Y/Y Y/Y Y/Y FF Old guid Curr guid Guiding 2014 2014 13/12 14/13 15/14 -16 % Farming Finnmark 20 080 23 076 26 266 21 000 23 200 26 500 26 300 22 000 15 % 14 % Farming Rogaland 19 247 15 088 12 603 19 500 16 000 14 500 12 600 20 500 -22 % -16 % 63 % Farming Canada 13 576 6 739 6 237 13 000 15 000 6 500 6 200 13 000 -50 % -7 % 110 % Farming Shetland 17 097 13 158 19 889 16 000 14 000 20 000 19 900 16 500 -23 % 51 % -17 % Total GSF volum es 70 000 58 061 64 995 69 500 68 200 67 500 65 000 72 000 -17 % 12 % 11 % Source: Fondsfinans Research GSF volum es 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14E 4Q14E 1Q15E Farming Finnmark 6 730 5 556 5 735 5 775 7 958 6 100 6 600 6 000 14 % 18 % 10 % 15 % 4% Farming Rogaland 5 133 3 099 2 617 2 138 5 397 2 000 4 000 4 000 -50 % 5% -35 % 53 % 87 % Farming Canada 1 107 2 815 878 1 053 1 685 3 300 500 3 500 -46 % 52 % 17 % -43 % 232 % Farming Shetland 1 427 2 483 6 765 4 129 3 910 4 200 7 500 4 000 66 % 174 % 69 % 11 % -3 % 14 397 13 953 15 995 13 095 18 950 15 600 18 600 17 500 -5 % 32 % 12 % 16 % 34 % Total GSF 1Q Y/Y 2Q Y/Y 3Q Y/Y 4Q Y/Y 1Q15 Y/Y Source: Fondsfinans Research The table below sums up annual farming volumes and earnings estimates by region. GSF key estim ates 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E Farming Finnmark 4.84 10.44 3.43 -0.88 9.39 8.86 12.00 12.70 Farming Rogaland 5.45 10.20 6.52 2.64 9.60 8.05 7.38 8.30 Farming Canada 3.62 5.05 2.87 -2.38 -1.15 -3.87 9.52 12.30 Farming Shetland -0.31 10.51 0.40 -4.89 2.07 3.60 6.50 7.30 Average EBIT/kg 3.32 9.26 3.39 -1.18 6.56 5.87 8.97 10.47 Farm ing volum e BC volumes recovering from 2015 onwards Farming Finnmark 14 218 20 705 16 143 20 080 23 076 26 266 21 000 23 200 Farming Rogaland 12 000 12 839 15 986 19 247 15 088 12 603 19 500 16 000 Farming Canada 10 134 13 682 13 236 13 576 6 739 6 237 13 000 15 000 Farming Shetland 13 818 16 988 14 717 17 097 13 158 19 889 16 000 14 000 Total volum e 50 170 64 214 60 082 70 000 58 061 64 995 69 500 68 200 Farming Finnmark 68 816 216 221 55 428 Farming Rogaland 65 393 130 930 104 265 Farming Canada 36 642 69 075 38 028 -32 243 -7 757 -24 109 123 700 184 500 Farming Shetland -4 338 178 624 5 865 -83 667 27 251 71 583 104 000 102 200 EBIT Farm ing EBIT* 166 513 594 850 203 586 -17 675 216 749 232 603 252 100 294 640 50 767 144 779 101 402 143 950 132 800 -82 818 381 022 381 479 623 750 714 140 Source: Fondsfinans Research *) before HQ cost Page 38 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Grieg Seafood ASA - 4Q14 Preview 7 January 2014 The table below sums up quarterly farming numbers and estimates by region. GSF key estim ates Expecting good performance in Norway in the coming quarters 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 2Q14 3Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 2Q15E Farming Finnmark 13.1 9.6 8.8 15.9 9.7 4.0 6.4 15.3 14.1 Farming Rogaland 10.2 12.9 7.0 9.5 10.2 7.6 3.4 10.9 9.7 Farming Canada 6.0 -2.7 -13.4 -5.4 -5.1 -3.0 -2.1 9.9 10.7 Farming Shetland -5.7 0.0 6.3 10.1 2.3 0.9 2.4 9.9 8.7 EBIT/kg m argin 9.7 6.1 6.2 11.3 7.0 2.3 3.8 11.8 11.1 Farm ing volum e Significant cost reduction in Canada in 2015 as volumes normalise Farming Finnmark 6 730 5 556 5 735 5 775 7 958 6 933 5 600 5 000 6 000 Farming Rogaland 5 133 3 099 2 617 2 138 5 397 2 068 3 000 4 000 5 500 Farming Canada 1 107 2 815 878 1 053 1 685 2 899 600 3 000 3 000 Farming Shetland 1 427 2 483 6 765 4 129 3 910 4 850 7 000 4 000 4 000 14 397 13 953 15 995 13 095 18 950 16 750 16 200 16 000 18 500 GSF volum es Farm ing EBIT Farming Finnmark 88 53 50 92 77 28 36 77 85 Farming Rogaland 52 40 18 20 55 16 10 44 53 Farming Canada 7 -8 -12 -6 -9 -9 -1 30 32 Farming Shetland -8 0 43 42 9 4 17 40 35 139 86 99 148 132 39 62 189 205 Farm ing EBIT* Source: Fondsfinans Research *) ex write downs at 3Q14 (NOK 93m) and HQ cost Well within covenants, but high gearing Targeting NIBD/kg gearing of around NOK 17 (15-20) NOK 400m bond maturity in December 2015 Bank syndicate – Refinanced in 2Q14 for five years Fondsfinans Research Grieg Seafood ASA EBITDA EBITDA 4Q rolling Equity NIBD Gross bank and bond debt NIBD/fish harvested (kg) Cash end period NIBD/4Q roll. EBITDA NIBD/EBITDA covenant NIBD/NWC <1.5 (not into force) Equity ratio > 35% 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 -98 85 168 109 122 -30 12 127 265 484 1 508 1 592 1 693 1 768 1 989 1 524 1 459 1 354 1 286 1 441 1 763 1 680 1 643 1 513 1 605 22 25 23 22 25 240 221 289 227 164 -51.1 121.8 10.7 4.9 3.0 waived waived waived waived waived 1.3 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.9 37 % 39 % 40 % 41 % 43 % 1Q14 173 572 2 024 1 374 1 648 20 273 2.4 4.5 0.8 44 % 2Q14 157 561 2 001 1 296 1 503 19 207 2.3 4.5 0.9 45 % 3Q14 -29 422 1 935 1 359 1 482 20 124 3.2 5.0 0.9 44 % 4Q14E 86 386 1 991 1 622 2 060 24 438 4.2 5.0 1.1 39 % 1Q15E 214 428 2 175 1 573 2 037 23 464 3.7 5.0 1.0 42 % 2Q15E 230 501 2 375 1 471 2 015 22 543 2.9 5.0 0.9 44 % Source: Fondsfinans Research. *) Company refinanced during 2Q14, NIBD/EBITDA can b e max. 6 for 3 quarters in a row Given equity ratio ab ove 40%, NIBD/EBITDA can b e at max. 5 Current gross b ank deb t (Nordea and Danske Bank): Term loan (NOK 900m), Repayment: (NOK 22.5m per quarter), Revolver: NOK 600m Duration on new b ank syndikate: 5 years. 2014-2019. Unsecured b ond: NOK 400m. Duration: 3 years. Decemb er 2012-decemb er 2015. 700 p ab ove NIBOR Revolver credit: NOK 600m undrawn at 3Q14 7 January 2015 Page 39 Grieg Seafood ASA - 4Q14 Preview 7 January 2014 GSF SOTP valuation (2015) – SOTP = 31 (29) SOTP target: NOK 31 (29) per share Two new UK licenses (Skye) Four new green licenses in Finnmark Target implies EV/kg NOK 70 (incl. Ocean Quality sales) Limited tax assets left Neutral rec. reiterated Page 40 Our SOTP valuation is based on a bottom-up approach where each production and business unit is valued separately based on market outlooks and regional cultivation risks. SOTP Smolt cap. EBITadj EBIT/kg Volume Capacity* EV/cap EV/EBIT Impl. EV/kg Grieg Seafood ASA mill. 2015 2015 2015 HOG/t (impl.) 2015 2015 Norway (Finnmark - 28 licences) 7.0 252 12.0 21 000 28 000 64 7.0 84 Norway (Rogaland - 17 licences) 3.0 144 7.4 19 500 24 000 54 9.0 66 2016 Canada (21 licences)* 3.0 185 12.3 15 000 18 500 53 6.5 65 UK/Shetland (39 licences) 5.0 104 6.5 16 000 22 000 38 8.0 52 Total farming (105 lisenses) 18 685 9.0 69 500 92 500 53 7.1 70 SalmoBreed AS (27.5%) Breeding, Sold Salten Stamfisk AS, R&D values 1 650 8 Bokn Sjøservice, 50% Finnmark Brønnbåtrederi 49% European sales (Ocean Quality AS, 60%) included in upstream New sea water licenses in the UK (2), Isle of Skye 2 1 500 To be developed 40 Green licenses Finnmark (4) - approved 4 50 3 780 To be developed HQ overhead -40 8.0 Total Group EV 645 97 780 NIBD 31.12.2015E 21 Own shares (1.25m) Equity value Outst. shares SOTP target per share Grieg Seafood ASA, *) Coho area to be discontinued in 2015, Gold River and HOG plant included Source: Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 EV Target 1 765 1 296 975 832 4 867 0 8 6 8 80 200 -320 4 850 1 445 35.8 3 441 111.7 31 Fondsfinans Research Grieg Seafood ASA - 4Q14 Preview 6 January 2014 Risk assessment – Biological risks and fish health considerations The sensitivity of GSF estimates to key assumptions is very high. A change of NOK 1 per kilo in salmon price should represent an annual EBIT and CF effect of around NOK 72m. GSF has increased CAPEX guidance and will maintain as a geared company. Potential fish disease outbreaks could always hit underlying earning and region/local values in fish farming. GSF is however, diversified through four major farming clusters in totally different geographical regions, and the company is therefore to a certain degree hedged with regard to potential local/regional fish disease outbreaks. GSF has reported on significant biological improvements in the UK, but cost per kilo is still high due to active sea lice treatments. Further, the summer time is as always high risk season for fish diseases in the UK and Norway. The main biological risks in these regions are AGD, PD and sea lice during 2Q and 3Q. Feed factor has been high in 2Q and 3Q14 as sea water temperatures have been record high. The company has faced downgrades in Finnmark. Following the 2012 furunculosis outbreak at the Golden River fresh water smolt facility in Canada, a number of actions and improvements have been implemented to minimize the risk of similar disease outbreaks in the future. At 3Q the company reported on that the Canadian entities should recover from 2Q15 onwards. GSF indicates close to 13’ t harvesting in 2015 (down from 15’ t). 2016 volumes should be higher. GSF will discontinue Coho in Canada from 3Q15. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 41 Grieg Seafood ASA Sector: Date: Next result: Target Recommendation: P&L (MNOK) Operation income Associates/joint ventures EBITDA EBITDA-margin Depreciation and amortisation EBIT bef. adj. EBIT-margin IFRS biomass adjustments EBIT (operation profit) Assosiates (Salten Stamfisk AS) Net financial items Net agio/Derivatives PTP Calc. Tax Net profit Minority share Mother company Adjustments: Biomass adjustments Asset write downs Net adjustments Net result (adjusted) NIBD No of outst shares (mill) EPS EPS adj CEPS DPS Multiples EV/Sales EV/EBITDA EV/EBIT P/E adj. P/B Farming volumes (HOG) Farming Finnmark Farming Rogaland Farming Canada Farming Shetland Total farming volume EBIT per kilo Farming Finnmark Farming Rogaland Farming Canada Farming Shetland EBIT (NOK/HOG) Farming EBIT Farming Finnmark Farming Rogaland Farming Canada Farming Shetland Farming EBIT (NOK m) Cash flow/kg fish harvested Balance sheet (NOKm) Total non-current assets Total assets Total equity Total non-current liabilities Total current liabilities Total equity and liabilities Equity ratio (covenant 35%) Return on equity NIBD Cash flow from operations Cash flow from investments Cash flow from financing Aquaculture 06.jan.15 12.feb.15 31 Neutral Analysts: Bent Rølland + 23113027 Philip M. Scrase + 23113023 Shares outst.: 111.7m Market cap (NOKm): 3 194 Net int.bearing debt (NOKm): 1 622 Enterprise value (NOKm): 4 816 OSEAX: 0.173 28.6 Price (NOK): Book equity per share (NOK): 17.8 Equity ratio: 39 % Avg daily vol (90d): 17 12 months High/Low: 29.8 / 17.5 2012 2 078 13 -30 -1 % 161 -191 -9 % 98 -93 -1 -116 7 -210 55 -147 0 -147 2013 2 425 6 484 20 % 136 348 14 % 267 616 2 -83 10 535 -114 431 0 431 2014 2 630 13 386 15 % 134 252 10 % -244 8 3 -74 -1 -64 17 -47 0 -47 2015E 3 161 19 724 23 % 140 584 18 % 0 584 0 -79 0 505 -131 373 0 373 2016E 3 156 19 815 26 % 141 674 85 % 0 674 0 -79 0 595 -155 440 0 440 3Q13 585 0 109 19 % 33 76 13 % 3 80 1 -13 0 68 -15 52 0 52 4Q13 696 0 122 18 % 35 87 13 % 174 261 0 -17 0 244 -29 215 0 215 1Q14 624 2 173 28 % 32 140 22 % -47 93 2 -22 -1 72 -15 57 0 57 2Q14 751 2 157 21 % 33 124 17 % -196 -72 1 -12 0 -83 21 -62 0 -62 3Q14E 599 5 -29 -5 % 34 -63 -11 % -2 -65 0 -20 0 -85 20 -65 0 -65 4Q14E 656 5 86 13 % 35 52 8% 0 52 0 -20 0 32 -8 23 0 23 1Q15E 779 5 214 28 % 35 179 23 % 0 179 0 -20 0 160 -41 118 0 118 98 -124 -46 -101 1 524 111.7 -1.32 -0.91 1.84 0.00 267 -31 191 240 1 441 111.7 3.86 2.15 2.84 0.00 -244 -119 -304 257 1 622 111.7 -0.42 2.30 2.18 0.00 0 0 0 373 1 445 111.7 3.34 3.34 4.45 0.00 0 0 0 440 1 259 111.7 3.94 3.94 5.03 0.50 3 -3 0 52 1 286 111.7 0.47 0.47 1.16 174 -20 133 82 1 441 111.7 1.93 0.73 -0.68 -47 -26 -63 119 1 374 111.7 0.51 1.07 1.16 -196 0 -147 84 1 296 111.7 -0.56 0.76 1.08 -2 -93 -94 30 1 359 111.7 -0.58 0.26 0.23 0 0 0 23 1 622 111.7 0.21 0.21 -0.29 0 0 0 118 1 573 111.7 1.06 1.06 1.42 1.7 8.4 11.7 10.9 1.3 1.8 12.5 19.1 12.4 1.6 1.5 6.4 7.9 8.6 1.2 1.4 5.5 6.6 7.3 1.0 20 080 19 247 13 576 17 097 70 000 23 076 15 088 6 739 13 158 58 061 26 266 12 603 6 237 19 889 64 995 21 000 19 500 13 000 16 000 69 500 23 200 16 000 15 000 14 000 68 200 5 556 3 099 2 815 2 483 13 953 5 735 2 617 878 6 765 15 995 5 775 2 138 1 053 4 129 13 095 7 958 5 397 1 685 3 910 18 950 6 933 2 068 2 899 4 850 16 750 5 600 3 000 600 7 000 16 200 5 000 4 000 3 000 4 000 16 000 -0.9 2.6 -2.4 -4.9 -1.2 9.4 9.6 -1.2 2.1 6.6 8.9 8.0 -3.9 3.6 5.9 12.0 7.4 9.5 6.5 9.0 12.7 8.3 12.3 7.3 10.5 9.6 12.9 -2.7 0.0 6.1 8.8 7.0 -13.4 6.3 6.2 15.9 9.5 -5.4 10.1 11.3 9.7 10.2 -5.1 2.3 7.0 4.0 7.6 -3.0 0.9 2.3 6.4 3.4 -2.1 2.4 3.8 15.3 10.9 9.9 9.9 11.8 -18 51 -32 -84 217 145 -8 27 233 101 -24 72 252 144 124 104 295 133 185 102 53 40 -8 0 50 18 -12 43 92 20 -6 42 77 55 -9 9 28 16 -9 4 36 10 -1 17 77 44 30 40 -83 2.9 2012 2 279 4 070 1 508 1 575 988 4 070 38 % -6 % 1 524 205 -190 74 381 5.5 2013 2 354 4 591 1 989 1 614 988 4 591 44 % 14 % 1 441 317 -146 -249 381 3.7 2014 2 631 5 065 1 991 2 485 589 5 065 40 % 13 % 1 622 244 -373 399 624 7.2 2015E 2 849 5 490 2 594 2 307 589 5 490 48 % 16 % 1 445 497 -320 -90 132 39 6.3 1.5 Number of shares 55 801 409 22 188 238 6 605 998 6 542 802 2 928 197 2 610 000 1 305 901 1 250 000 1 000 000 850 742 10 578 713 62 -2.0 189 9.9 15.12.2014 50.0% 19.9% 5.9% 5.9% 2.6% 2.3% 1.2% 1.1% 0.9% 0.8% 9.5% 100% 714 86 99 8.2 9.2 -4.7 2016E Largest shareholders 3 066 Grieg Holdings AS 5 883 DNB Markets 3 231 Nordea Bank 2 063 Kontrari AS 589 Ystholmen AS 5 883 OM Holding AS 55 % State Street Bank 15 % Grieg Seafood ASA 1 259 Kvasshøgdi AS 562 SEB -320 OTHER SHAREHOLDERS -146 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS 148 9.9 111 662 000 P/F F Bakkkafrostt 4Q preview p Nextt results da ate Share data (NOK m) Sectorr Sell (Neutrral) 7 January 2015 24 February 2015 2 BAKKA Aqu uaculture Reuterrs/ Bloomberg BAKKA Risk ra ating Medium Outsta anding shares (m mill) Market cap (NOK) ( NIBD (NOK) Enterp prise value (NOK K) 48.9 8 452 311 8 763 Free float % 81 % Averag ge volume (thou us) 34.05 High/ low l 52w Weigh ht OSEAX % 166.5 / 81.3 0.4855 Rel. Perf % (3/6/12 m mts) 42 2/ 76/ 89 P % (3/6/12 m mts) Abs. Perf. 38 8/ 77/ 98 New la arge closed we ell boat (450 t biomass) b into 3Q Q2015 operations - This new n well boat is s also capable of delousing standing s biomas ss Prepa ared by analystts: Bent Rølland sfinans AS Fonds TEL: +47 + 23 11 30 27 7 br@fo Philip p M. Scrase Fonds sfinans AS TEL: +47 + 23 11 30 23 3 ps@fo Share S Pricee: NOK 173 3 (07.01.20 015) Target: NOK N 144 (1 163) Sea lice also at Faroe F Islands slo owing grrowth and d increasing feed factor f – DKKNOK K 1.24 (1.12) Standing se ea water biom mass at Faroe Islands hhas never be een higher th han in these days. Further, BA AKKA reach hed all time high smolt stocking in 2014, mbination mo ost likely has s led to increeased sea lic ce pressure at the which in com Faroe. In A August BAKK KA CEO ind dicated morre sea lice at Faroe Isslands. According to o Norwegian n aqua news spapers the sea lice cou uld be worrisome. Our base ca ase, we assu ume that the economic fe feed factor will w increase ahead a and should also slow down the fa arming grow wth and put pressure on o the ght. BAKKA has large fissh strategy. Given G our up pdated average harrvesting weig view, we asssume that the t 2015 gu uidance of 550 000 t HO OG will be hard to reach. We s tipulate 46 000 0 t HOG (8 8% below thee guidance). AKKA should d maintain itts attractive position in th he US On the posittive side, BA and core Assian high end d markets. BA AKKA also hhas market access a to hig gh end Russian ma rkets, when the Norwegian companiees are locked d out. BAKKA A is in cts securing stability. possession o of long term VAP contrac As BAKKA is a DKK co ompany, it will w not gain due to wea aker NOK likke the S, measuredd in NOK, will w all other factors f Norwegian ccompetitors. BAKKA EPS equal, be do own by 10% % lately and around 20% % last 3-4 months. Finallly, the previous attrractive cost advantage of o Havsbrún (the feed company) com mpared to other feed d players ha as started to diminish. H igher feed market m comp petition affects valua ation of all fe eed companies. The raw w material prices will also o climb for Havsbrun n. Bottom lin ne, we estima ate 2015 andd 2016 EPS adj. equal to o NOK 15.5 and N NOK 17.8. Given G highe er biological risks at Faroe Islandss and DKKNOK rratio, we conclude SO OTP valuess of NOK 144, which h also correspondss to P/E (2016) of 8. We downgrade tthe BAKKA share s from Neutral N to Sell. Key figures (DKK m) Total revenues EBITDA EBIT bef. adj. IFRS biomass adj. PTP EPS adj (DKK) EPS adj (NOK) DPS (NOK), 50% NIBD (DKK) Farming North West/Viking BAKKA farming (t) Farming growth Y/Y Havsbrun feed (t) Internal feed Y/Y VAP volumes EBIT/kg (all incl DKK) EV/Sales EV/EBITDA EV/EBIT P/E adj. P/B NIBD (DKK)/kg 2011 1 321 402 335 -47 245 5.7 6.0 4.2 817 20 160 7 052 31 774 28 % 87 293 2012 2 1 856 6 403 3 323 3 91 1 323 3 5.3 3 5.3 3 1.0 0 807 7 23 533 3 19 075 5 44 341 1 40 % 91 398 8 2013 2 491 674 587 115 730 10.6 10.6 2.1 603 29 203 12 065 41 268 -7 % 85 333 2014E 2 589 864 769 -63 748 11.0 12.2 4.8 309 27 543 16 819 44 362 7% 84 584 2015E 2 417 895 798 0 808 12.6 15.5 6.0 539 3 000 30 1 000 16 4 000 46 4% 9 414 90 -7 % 4% 3% 10 % 12 824 -1 % 8.9 16 054 4 25 % 6.2 2 18 333 14 % 13.6 2.3 8.0 9.6 9.3 3.1 20 276 11 % 17.3 3.4 9.2 9.4 14.1 3.7 2 276 20 0% 17.3 3.8 8.3 9.3 11.2 2.7 15 7 12 2016E 4Q Q13 2 544 6 667 1 023 1 49 923 1 26 94 0 932 1 74 2 2.3 14.5 17.8 2 2.6 6.8 382 6 603 30 000 8 1 05 18 000 2 992 9 48 000 11 097 0 4% -15 5% 91 858 20 270 2 2% -9 9% 20 276 5 033 0 0% 12 2% 19.2 11 1.3 3.5 7.1 7.9 9.7 2.2 1Q14 631 208 186 -114 118 2.4 2.6 476 321 8 948 9 269 12 % 13 956 -4 % 5 052 19 % 20.0 4Q14E 4Q15E 663 649 187 268 163 244 0 0 163 248 2.5 3.9 3.0 4.7 309 9 500 3 500 13 000 17 % 21 993 14 % 5 033 0% 12.6 237 8 500 4 000 12 500 35 % 14 788 9% 5 052 0% 19.5 8 FONDSFINANS AS, HAAKON VII’S GATE 2, P.O.B BOX 1782 VIKA, N +47 23 11 30 0 00, FAX: +47 233 11 30 03, mail@ NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: T This report was prepare ed by an analyst employe ed by Fondsfinans AS, th he Norwegian affiliate of F Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a resea arch analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rule es governing research. See page 56-.57 ofreport this r for Important Disclosure Information. Sea lice also at Faroe Islands – Hard to avoid when cultivating at full capacity utilization At 3Q14 BAKKA 2014 smolt stocking guidance was lowered to 10.7m Further, BAKKA guides on stocking of 10.6m (11.6m) smolt for 2015 as the same sites as in 2012 will be stocked again after fallowing. The reduction from the previous guidance is due to postponement of some stocking to early 2015. BAKKA has high end suchi customers: However, price premium reduced from +3 NOK/kg previously to +1.5 NOK/kg in updated reference model Sea lice could affect the high end quality and average harvesting weight A new DKK 55m 2m capacity (100g) smolt plant was completed this summer, implying some stocking of larger smolt next year. According to BAKKA, the new plant increases the company’s internal smolt capacity, longer term, by around 30%. The smolt yield is better at Faroe than in Norway because of the absence of MAB at The Faroe Islands. The sea water sites are also on average larger. When having sea lice pressure, total biological risks should therefore be up. Smolt transfer ('000) Farming North (8) Farming West (0), trout Farming West, Salmon (7) Viking Farming (2) Faroe Farming (3) Bakkafrost p.f. Smolt Y/Y pf. BAKKA (ex Faroe F) Smolt Y/Y adj. Adj Dec11/Jan12 delay (West) Y/Y smolt releases 2007 3 500 800 1 200 0 0 5 500 2008 3 200 700 1 400 0 0 5 300 5 500 5 300 -4 % 2009 4 000 300 2 100 850 850 8 100 53 % 7 250 37 % 7 250 2010 4 100 2011 5 000 2012 6 500 2013 7 100 2014G 4 900 4 100 1 400 1 400 11 000 36 % 9 600 32 % 9 600 32 % 2 600 500 500 8 600 -22 % 8 100 -16 % 8 700 -9 % 4 200 2 400 5 800 10 700 24 % 10 700 32 % 10 100 16 % 9 500 -11 % 9 500 -11 % 10 100 0% 10 700 13 % 10 700 13 % 10 700 6% 2015G 10 600 -1 % 10 600 -1 % 10 600 -1 % 2015 BAKKA volume guidance at 50 000 t HOG – Could be hard to reach when having sea lice pressure and large fish strategy Guidance (pro forma) HOG volumes Farming North Farming West Viking Seafood p.f. Bakkafrost pf Volume growth Y/Y Faroe Farming (49%) Growth Y/Y (Faroe) 2011 20 160 7 052 4 562 31 774 28 % 4 595 28 % 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 2014G 2015 Guid Guid 23 533 29 203 27 543 30 000 30 000 19 075 12 065 16 819 16 000 18 000 1 733 44 341 41 268 44 362 46 000 48 000 46 500 50 000 40 % -7 % 7% 4% 4% 13 % 8% 4 300 5 800 5 000 5 000 5 000 -6 % 35 % -14 % 0% 0% BAKKA volumes and estimates The tables below summarise our Bakkafrost farming segment estimates. Page 44 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research P/F Bakkafrost – 4Q14 Preview Farming volume (HOG t) Sites Farming North 9 West/Viking 7 Faroe Farming Viking Seafood (incl in West) Total volume 16 Volume growth Y/Y EBIT/kg DKK Farming North West/Viking Faroe Farming Viking Seafood (incl in West) Average EBIT/kg BAKKA EBIT (DKK) Farming North Farming West/Viking BAKKA upstream Havsbrún VAP EBIT (all segments) Elimination to EBIT/HQ Op EBIT (ex IFRS) 2009 18 680 11 970 3 824 3 694 38 168 0% 2009 9.3 2010 13 834 7 792 3 600 3 148 28 374 -26 % 2010 20.8 2012 23 533 19 075 2013 29 203 12 065 2014E 27 543 16 819 2015E 30 000 16 000 2016E 30 000 18 000 13.7 14.8 15.5 2011 20 160 7 052 4 595 4 562 36 369 28 % 2011 11.2 2.1 4.2 3.1 8.6 1 733 44 341 22 % 2012 6.8 5.8 41 268 -7 % 2013 15.8 15.0 44 362 7% 2014E 13.4 16.7 46 000 4% 2015E 15.1 14.9 48 000 4% 2016E 17.1 17.1 3.4 3.9 5.9 2.1 6.2 15.6 14.7 15.1 17.1 2009 173 0 173 51 31 255 -51 204 2010 287 0 287 139 -40 386 -140 247 2011 226 14 240 -11 70 299 36 335 2012 159 111 270 60 37 367 -44 323 2013 461 181 642 102 -90 654 -67 587 2014E 370 280 650 142 58 850 -81 769 2015E 453 239 692 121 64 878 -81 798 2016E 514 309 823 103 78 1003 -81 923 Source: Fondsfinans Research As VAP customers are paying up from 1.1. 2014, we expect positive EBIT VAP contribution in both 2014 and 2015. Fondsfinans Research Value added products VAP revenues VAP price/HOG kg VAP volumes (HOG t) VAP volume growth VAP EBIT margin % VAP EBIT/kg HOG (NOK) EBIT VAP bef. elim (DKKm) 2009 359 32 11 297 34 % 9% 3.2 31 2010 473 37 12 908 14 % -10 % -3.8 -40 2011 507 40 12 824 -1 % 14 % 5.7 70 2012 526 33 16 054 25 % -2 % 2.3 37 2013 666 36 18 333 14 % -17 % -5.4 -90 2014E 838 41 20 276 11 % 15 % 3.2 58 2015E 748 37 20 276 0% 9% 5.1 64 2016E 750 37 20 276 0% 10 % 4.7 78 Havsbrún Feed volumes t Feed volume growth Y/Y Internal feed sales % Feed EBIT margin % EBIT/kg feed (DKK) EBIT Havsbrún (DKK m) 2009 68 107 0% n.r. 10 % 0.74 51 2010 60 250 -12 % n.r. 24 % 2.31 139 2011 87 293 45 % 75 % -2 % -0.13 -11 2012 91 398 5% 67 % 7% 0.66 60 2013 85 333 -7 % 75 % 9% 1.19 102 2014E 84 584 -1 % 78 % 14 % 1.68 142 2015E 90 414 7% 80 % 10 % 1.34 121 2016E 91 858 2% 80 % 9% 1.12 103 7 January 2015 Page 45 BAKKA has three smaller well boats today: Only 50 to 80 t capacity without onboard delousing capacity New 450 t BAKKA well boat into 2015 harvesting and delousing capacity. No use of local waiting cages at HOG plant Three BAKKA HOG plants: Klaksvik, Kollafjordur and Strendur, where BAKKA also harvests MHG fish to be restructured VAP plant at Glyvar to be enlarged Faroe Farming (49 %) HOG plant at Vagur UPDATED CAPEX PROGRAM At 2Q BAKKA announced that its capex-program will be expanded from the initial plans. Total 2014 and 2015 capex is now set at DKK 250m and DKK 550m (and DKK 340m in 2016). The capex-program now include 2 new recirkulation hatcheries of DKK 420m replacing several smaller ones. The new hatcheries will produce large smolt (200-300 gram) reducing sea water exposure time and biological risks. Longer term, BAKKA expects 10-15% increased farming capacity as a result. Purchasing external smolt from Iceland will probably be discontinued. We consider investments in smolt to be value creating. According to the company the capex program will be revised on an annual basis. At 2Q BAKKA confirmed that the new well boat is on scheduled to be delivered at 2Q15. BAKKA SOTP below: P/f Bakkafrost (DKK) Farming North Farming West/Viking 2015 EBIT 2015EBIT/kg Volume Sites Capacity* HOG/site EV/EBIT EV/kg cap (NOK) EV target (DKK) 453 239 15.1 14.9 30 000 16 000 9 7 37 000 28 000 3 333 2 286 7.5 7.5 113 79 3 400 1 793 Total farming (DKK) 692 Total VAP (2 factories) 64 Havsbrún Feed 121 FF Skagen incl Hanstholm (17%) Pelagos pelagic offal plant (30%) Faroe Farming (49%) 15.05 4.39 1.34 46 000 20 276 90 414 16 65 000 30 000 100 000 2 875 7.5 8.0 7.0 98 5 000 3 0.335 173 5 193 514 850 20 66 159 Own shares 220 6 000 65 Eliminations/HQ -81 -1.82 7.5 Total Group EV (DKK) 798 13.24 7.8 NIBD 4Q15E Equity value Outst. shares SOTP per share (DKK) DKK/NOK Target per share (NOK) Source: Fondsfinans Research, *) No MAB-regime at Faroe (higher capacity than in Norway). Incl large smolt strategy Page 46 7 January 2015 58 -604 6 256 539 5 717 48.9 117 123 144 Fondsfinans Research P/F Bakkafrost – 4Q14 Preview Risk assessment The sensitivity of key assumptions is very high, with salmon prices being the key factor. Fish diseases could always hit long term underlying values in fish farming. In the Northern hemisphere, 2Q and 3Q is normally high season for potential fish diseases (whereas the risk profile through the year is more or less reverse in Chile). Taxes at Faroe around 23% ahead (21%) DKK NOK 124 (112 at 3Q) and 105 last summer Salmon prices around the world will differ from market to market. In Europe, fish sales are primarily settled in EUR, while US sales are settled in USD. The larger companies in the sector have EUR and USD debt in order to hedge FX risks. The smaller companies in the sector are financed by NOK/DKK debt. Increased DKKNOK ratio lately is clearly negative for BAKKA. The biological risk at Faroe Island increases in summer and in 3Q/4Q when the sea water temperatures and the density in the cages normally are at peak. At Faroe Island there are no MAB-rules as in Norway, and the producers are on average able to grow this fish larger as a consequence. Longer production time in sea water as a consequence of sea lice could increase cultivation risks. The main biological risks at the Faroe Islands are sea lice and AGD and ISA outbreaks as a potential secondary consequence, ref recent 4Q13 AGD and 1Q14 ISA incidents. Increased activities within pelagic sector on Faroe Islands next years (already started) could increase biological risks in aquaculture. Pelagic fish could carry virus diseases. Finally, increased local boat traffic from pelagic sector and others will probably also increase a lot next years. Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 47 P/F Bakkafrost Analysts: Bent Rølland +23 11 30 27 Philip M. Scrase Sector: Date: Next result: Target (NOK) Recommendation: Aquaculture 173 Price (NOK): 07.jan.15 Book equity per share (NOK): 61 24.feb.15 Equity ratio: 59 % 144 Avg daily vol (90d): 34 Sell 12 months High / Low: 166.5 / 81.3 P&L (DKKm) Operating income Op EBITDA Op EBITDA-margin Depreciation and amortisation Onerous contracts Op EBIT (Ex IFRS) EBIT-margin IFRS biomass adjustments EBIT (post IFRS) Associates (Faroe Farming) Net financial items Net agio PTP (EBT) Taxes Net profit Minority share Mother company (DKK) Adjustments: IFRS adj (onr. contracts and biomass Asset write downs Net adjustments Net result (adjusted) (DKK) No of outst shares (mill) EPS (DKK) EPS adj (DKK) EPS adj (NOK) OpCEPS (DKK) Capex/share (DKK) DPS (DKK) Multiples (NOK) EV/Sales EV/EBITDA EV/EBIT P/E adj. P/B Farming volumes (HOG) Farming North West/Viking Viking Seafood (incl in West) Total farming Farming volume growth EBIT per segment Segment Farming EBIT (DKK) Farming North Farming West/Viking Viking Seafood (incl in West) Farming EBIT (DKK - upstream) VAP EBIT op. Havsbrún EBIT (feed, oil, meal) Segment EBIT Eliminations to EBIT Group EBIT Upstream Farming EBIT/kg (DKK) Farming North Farming West/Viking Viking Seafood (incl in West) Av. EBIT/kg DKK Havsbrún (Feed, oil, meal) Hafsbrun volumes, t Feed volume growth Feed EBIT margin Value Added Products (VAP) VAP volumes, HOG tons VAP volume growth VAP revenues VAP EBIT margin (ex. eliminations) All inclusive DKK/kg-margin EBIT/kg ("all inclusive") Cash flow per kilo fish Balance Sheet, mill NOK Total non-current assets Total current assets Total assets Total equity Total non-current liabilities Total equity and liabilities Equity ratio NIBD (DKK) Return on equity Cash flow from operations Cash flow from investments Cash flow from financing +23 11 30 23 Shares outst.: Market cap (NOKm): Net int.bearing debt (NOKm): Entrprise value (NOKm): OSEAX: 48.86m 8 452 365 8 817 0.486 2012 1 856 403 22 % 80 -46 323 17 % 91 368 -25 -18 -2 323 -56 267 0 280 2013 2 491 674 27 % 86 -25 587 24 % 115 678 27 -7 32 730 -138 591 0 591 2014E 2 589 864 33 % 94 71 769 30 % -63 777 10 -39 0 748 -200 549 0 549 2015E 2 417 895 37 % 98 0 798 33 % 0 798 39 -28 0 808 -194 614 0 614 2016E 2 544 1 023 40 % 101 0 923 145 % 0 923 36 -27 0 932 -224 708 0 708 3Q13 741 208 28 % 22 67 187 25 % -13 241 4 -6 9 248 -44 203 0 203 4Q13 667 149 22 % 23 -65 126 19 % 94 155 11 7 0 174 -36 138 0 138 1Q14 631 208 33 % 23 71 186 29 % -114 143 -7 -9 -8 118 -31 87 0 87 2Q14 711 235 33 % 23 0 212 30 % -10 202 10 -9 8 212 -86 126 0 126 3Q14E 584 233 40 % 24 0 209 36 % 60 269 0 -14 0 255 -44 211 0 211 4Q14E 663 187 28 % 24 0 163 25 % 0 163 7 -7 0 163 -39 124 0 124 1Q15E 649 268 41 % 24 0 244 38 % 0 244 11 -7 0 248 -60 189 0 189 44 -21 20 260 48.9 5.7 5.3 5.3 4.8 -1.4 1.0 91 0 73 518 48.9 12.1 10.6 10.6 10.6 -4.2 2.0 8 0 12 536 48.9 11.2 11.0 12.2 16.6 -5.2 4.5 0 0 0 614 48.9 13.3 12.6 15.5 12.9 -11.3 5.5 0 0 0 708 48.9 14.5 14.5 17.8 17.3 -7.0 6.3 54 0 44 159 48.9 4.2 3.2 3.5 2.7 -0.8 30 0 23 114 48.9 2.8 2.3 2.6 3.8 -2.0 -43 0 -32 119 48.9 1.8 2.4 2.6 2.2 -0.7 -10 0 -6 132 48.9 2.6 2.7 2.9 6.3 -1.5 60 0 50 161 48.9 4.3 3.3 3.7 5.7 -1.0 0 0 0 124 48.9 2.5 2.5 3.0 2.4 -2.0 0 0 0 189 48.9 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.5 -2.8 2.3 8.0 9.6 9.3 3.1 3.4 9.2 9.4 14.1 3.7 3.8 8.3 9.3 11.2 2.7 3.5 7.1 7.9 9.7 2.2 23 533 19 075 1 733 44 341 22 % 29 203 12 065 27 543 16 819 30 000 18 000 6 995 4 340 8 105 2 992 321 8 948 7 874 3 338 9 848 1 033 9 500 3 500 8 500 4 000 41 268 -7 % 44 362 7% 30 000 16 000 0 46 000 4% 48 000 4% 11 335 16 % 11 097 -15 % 9 269 12 % 11 212 6% 10 881 -4 % 13 000 17 % 12 500 35 % 159 111 4 274 37 60 371 -50 277 461 181 370 280 514 309 116 72 96 35 6 180 112 47 151 16 101 37 151 71 642 -90 102 654 -67 562 650 58 142 850 -81 769 453 239 0 692 64 121 878 -81 798 823 78 103 844 -81 923 188 -20 43 211 -24 187 131 -6 16 141 -15 126 186 -9 16 193 -7 186 160 20 51 231 -18 212 167 27 55 249 -40 209 138 20 20 178 -15 163 222 18 12 251 -7 244 6.8 5.8 2.1 6.2 15.8 15.0 13.4 16.7 15.1 14.9 17.1 17.1 16.5 16.5 11.8 11.8 20.1 20.1 14.2 14.2 15.3 15.3 10.6 10.6 17.8 17.8 15.6 14.7 15.1 17.1 16.5 11.8 20.1 14.2 15.3 10.6 17.8 91 398 5% 7% 85 333 -7 % 9% 84 584 -1 % 14 % 90 414 7% 10 % 91 858 2% 9% 31 961 20 270 13 956 18 827 29 808 21 993 14 788 10 % 6% 9% 18 % 19 % 7% 6% 16 054 25 % 526 7% 18 333 14 % 666 -14 % 20 276 11 % 838 7% 20 276 0% 748 9% 20 276 0% 750 10 % 4 196 15 % 148 -13 % 5 033 12 % 203 -3 % 5 052 19 % 232 -4 % 5 941 22 % 267 8% 4 250 1% 155 17 % 5 033 0% 184 11 % 5 052 0% 184 10 % 6.2 5.3 2012 1 198 1 373 2 571 1 263 990 2 571 49 % 807 21 % 234 -67 -159 13.6 12.5 2013 1 328 1 784 3 112 1 665 1 071 3 112 54 % 603 31 % 517 -204 -156 17.3 18.3 2014E 1 490 1 959 3 449 2 046 1 058 3 449 59 % 309 26 % 813 -253 -367 17.3 13.7 2015E 1 944 1 839 3 783 2 535 902 3 783 67 % 539 24 % 630 -552 -308 19.2 17.6 2016E 2 184 1 996 4 180 3 111 723 4 180 74 % 382 23 % 844 -340 -347 18.9 19.2 27.5 25.8 Number of shares 4 594 437 4 491 217 3 044 312 2 204 940 2 047 176 1 559 703 1 207 995 1 136 042 1 025 355 957 084 953 603 917 347 12.6 8.9 19.5 17.6 30.06.2014 9.4% 9.2% 5.0% 3.7% 2.3% 2.1% 2.0% 2.0% 1.9% 1.4% 1.4% 1.9% 16.5 11.3 11.5 16.9 Largest shareholders Oddvør Jacobsen Johan Regin Jacobsen Spar Nord Bank Danske Bank SEB JPMorgan, Luxembourg JPMorgan Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley JPMorgan State Street JPMorgan 20.0 11.7 No orway R Royal Salmo on ASA A Upda ate Nextt result: 7 Januaryy 2015 25 Februa ary 2014 Share data (NOK m) 06.jan.15 Sectorr uaculture Aqu NRS Reuterrs/ Bloomberg Medium Risk ra ating 43 572 Outst shares s (mill) Market cap (mill) 1 743 ( NIBD (mill) 571 Enterp prise value (mill)) 2 314 Free float % 55 % Averag ge volume (thou us) 87 High/ low l 52w 66.0 / 30.5 Weigh ht OSEAX % 0.1199 Rel. Perf % (3/6/12 m mts) 31 1/ 42/ 24 P % (3/6/12 m mts) Abs. Perf. 28 8/ 33/ 28 Estim ate ch hg 2014E 2014 Old 2015E 2015old 20 014 % 2015 % Revenues 2 681 2 2698 2 809 2 902 -1 % -3 % EBITDA 257 261 356 369 -1 % -4 % EBIT 219 223 313 326 -2 % -4 % PTP 166 170 332 345 -2 % -4 % 5.36 -1 % -4 % 4.79 EPS adj Out. shares (m) Farming Nortth (HOG t) Farming Sou uth (HOG t) 4 4.84 5.17 43.6 4 43.6 43.6 43.6 0% 0% 21 482 21 982 21 975 21 982 -2 % 0% 5 535 5 535 5 500 5 500 0% Total volume es 27 017 27 517 27 475 27 482 -2 % 0% EBIT/kg North 10.07 0.01 10 11.71 12.25 1% -4 % EBIT/kg Soutth Trading volu ume EBIT/kg sales NIBD Neutral 0% 3.11 3 3.11 9.00 9.18 0% -2 % 63 490 63 490 64 125 64 125 0% 0% -0.16 0.16 -0 0.10 0.10 0% 0% 467 464 448 431 1% 4% NRS Målfrid M site boat in action Prepa ared by analystts: Bent Rølland sfinans AS Fonds TEL: +47 + 23 11 30 27 7 br@fo Philip p M. Scrase Fonds sfinans AS TEL: +47 + 23 11 30 23 3 ps@fo Share Pricce: NOK 65 5 (07.01.20 015) Targett: NOK 60 (50) Attractiv ve longerr-term grrowth po osition On Decemb ber 22 2014 the t 20 region nal (northernn Norway) grreen licensess were oved, with NRS being aw warded the 9 regional lic censes for which w it finally appro was initially nominated. In total, NRS S is thus awaarded 10 gre een licenses in all. ents an attra active and significant lonnger-term gro owth position n, and This represe could also p otentially trig gger interest from larger pplayers. The nine ne ew green lice enses in reg gion North arre part of a super green n NRS concept wh here the com mpany will start to prooduce sterile e (triploid) salmon al farming in region North N currenntly), reducing environm mental (conventiona consequencces in the ev vent of any fish escapes.. Despite imp proved techn nology in recent ye ears, the bio ological risk related r to prroducing ste erile salmon is still likely to be somewhat higher h than for conventiional farming. NRS maintains enges related to farmingg of sterile salmon are solved. s that the biollogical challe ence in 1H 22015 the com mpany reportts. We Stocking of ssterile smolt is to comme would not be e surprised iff stocking is somewhat deelayed. In total, we calculate NRS harvesting slightly uup for 2015 and 2016 (1 new proved earlie er), before th he final nine licenses should take eff ffect in licenses app 2017-2018 h harvesting. Following F the e recent refinnancing, NRS S has the ca apacity to lift necesssary capex and longer term workinng capital bu uild-up. Cash flow from operati ons will be good. g We expect NRS to repo ort 4Q14 EB BIT of NOK 41m. Follow wing extraorrdinary d high cost in n both farmin ng regions duuring 3Q, the e overall biollogical mortality and status in No orth has bee en good, while, accordingg to the com mpany, challenges remain in So outh. We es stimate EPS adj. of arouund NOK 5.3 3 and NOK 6.3 6 for 2015 and 20 016. We conc clude SOTP values of NO OK 60 (50) per p share. Key figures (MN NOK) Total revenues EBITDA RS) EBIT (before IFR IFRS biomass ad dj PTP Reported EPS EPS adj. 40%) DPS (60%; eq>4 NIBD Farming North Farming South Total volumes Volumes Y/Y EV/ Sales EV/ EBITDA EV/EBIT, before adj. P/E adj P/B NIBD/kg 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2 2015E 2016E 1 734 1 744 2 604 2 559 3 236 3 396 71 180 368 434 61 290 45 140 322 388 30 256 28 -15 0 0 49 95 81 195 345 417 41 396 3.23 4.12 5.27 6.28 1.78 5.25 3.23 4.12 5.27 6.28 1.78 5.25 0.00 2.20 2.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 532 571 861 785 566 454 17 425 23 300 24 000 12 871 13 945 20 491 1 5 910 7 218 4 700 4 209 6 500 6 000 2 634 29 800 30 000 18 781 21 163 25 191 21 13 % 19 % -14 % 38 % 76 % 1% 1.3 1.1 1.1 18.9 10.0 8.3 24.3 11.5 9.3 15.8 12.3 10.3 3.0 2.4 1.9 26 29 26 4Q13 851 100 91 4 121 2.52 1.99 1Q14 4Q14E 1Q15E 695 741 731 96 52 92 87 41 81 -61 92 12 52 1.29 0.06 0.71 1.29 1.72 0.71 454 6 204 2 179 8 383 14 % 367 5 007 428 5 435 1% 571 4 700 0 4 700 -44 % Source: Norway Royyal Salmon ASA, Fon ndsfinans Research FONDSFINANS AS, HAAKON VIII’S GATE 2, P.O. BOX 1782 VIKA, NO-0122 OSLO, TEL: +47 23 11 30 00, FAX: +47 233 11 30 03, mail@ This report was prepare ed by an analyst employe ed by Fondsfinans AS, th he Norwegian affiliate of F Fondsfinans Inc., who is not registered as a resea arch analyst with FINRA or subject to FINRA rule es governing research. See page 56-57 of report this r for Important Disclosure Information. 690 4 700 1 000 5 700 5% Norrway Royal Saalmon ASA – 4Q14 4 Preview w Updated d Norway y Royal Salmon S e estimate es and va aluation Attractive fa arming distribution in Finnmark ed biologicall now (reduce ving out of risk as movi ord) the Alta - fjo The table es below sum m up NRS fa arming margins and volu mes and our estimates. s ambitions o of increasing the internal share of smoolt productio on in Region NRS has ompany conffirmed plans s of buildingg a new state-of-the-art North. Att 2Q the co ant in Finnma ark together with a regional partner. Initial capac city will be 5 smolt pla mill smoltt, and the prroject will be set up as a 50/50 joint vventure with stand-alone y to the new OK 25 equity w company according a to financing. NRS will ccontribute NO ogether with Wilsgård, staarted building increased the CFO.. In addition, NRS has, to capacity at the Skarrdalen Settefisk smolt plant in Trom ms (egg deliveries from Iceland). Further, the new sea s come into ster in Snefj fjorden in Fiinnmark has a water clus productio g. Finally, a on (S113G) and will con ntribute to atttractive 201 5 harvesting 14G), which new farm at Sørøya in Finnmark was ming cluster a w stocked iin 2H14 (S01 onditions at will contrribute to 20 016 volumes s to the market. Winterr weather co Sørøya are a normally tough. the NRS has he CEQ harv s renewed th vesting agre eement at Haammerfest securing s late value ger term, is seems s e chain. Long that GSF, G CEQ aand NRS these days are ogether (offlooking into building a new larg ge processin ng plant in F Finnmark to s balance sheet e). in case y 2015 harvessting slightly up Y/Y EBIT farm ming (NOK/kg) 2010 Farming North (EBIT/kg) 9.82 Farming S outh (EBIT/kg) 10.91 Farming North (HOG t) 6 001 Farming S outh (HOG t) 4 677 NRS harve esting 10 678 (NOK' 00 Farming EBIT E 00) Farming North 85 323 Farming S outh 51 007 EBIT (upsttream) 109 937 Norway Royal Salmon ASA* MAB HOG volumes s MAB-cap. pe er license Region South (5) 7 500 842 Region North (29) 23 000 917 NRS volumes (35) 30 500 NRS volumes Y/Y Region South Y/Y Region North Y/Y Group sales Sale volumes Y/Y NRS smolt sttocking (mill) 2011 3.58 -0.84 12 871 5 910 18 781 2012 1.6 65 0.8 80 13 94 45 7 218 21 16 63 -8 366 -4 957 41 170 750 343 200 22 174 251 574 188 087 293 7 14 115 54 0 000 70 800 5 74 46 42 429 750 414 000 81 294 003 202 202 347 7 28 78 2009 2 333 4 495 6 828 47 200 4% Region South (mill smolt) Region North (mill smolt) NRS smolt sto ocking 2013 12.28 9.03 20 491 4 700 25 191 2014E 10.79 3.35 17 425 4 209 21 634 2010 4 677 6 001 10 678 56 % 100 % 34 % 49 584 5% 2011 5 910 12 871 18 781 76 % 26 % 114 % 50 428 2% 2012 7 218 13 945 21 163 13 % 22 % 8% 57 673 14 % 2013 4 700 20 491 25 191 19 % -35 % 47 % 62 141 8% 2014E 4 209 17 425 21 634 -14 % -10 % -15 % 61 788 -1 % 1 400 4 300 5 700 1 800 5 900 7 700 1 700 5 800 7 500 1 900 5 700 7 600 1 800 6 900 8 700 201 15E 12 2.61 8 8.31 23 3 300 65 500 29 8 800 2015E 6 500 23 300 29 800 38 % 54 % 34 % 62 406 1% 2016E 14.30 11.80 24 000 6 000 30 000 2016E 6 000 24 000 30 000 1% -8 % 3% 63 654 2% *) MAB capaccity on licenses in prod. around 30 50 00 t (Troms: ~1400 0 t/lic (5 in total), Fiinnmark : ~1100 t/liic - 14 in total) Quarterly EB EBIT distribution per segmentt e (ex 3Q14 biiomass write downs) Page 50 EBIT farm ming (NOK/kg) 3Q13 4Q Q13 Farming North 12.05 12.78 Farming South 6.50 9.86 Harvesting g volumes (t) Farming North 4 254 6 204 2 Farming South 320 2 179 1 esting NRS harve 4 574 8 383 3 NRS Volum mes Y/Y 4% 8% 14 Farming EBIT E (NOK' 00 00) Farming North 2 51 261 79 287 Farming South 2 080 21 4 485 ming 53 341 100 7 EBIT farm 772 7 January 2015 1Q14 18.71 15.40 2Q14 7.69 4.35 3Q14 4 5.00 0.84 4 4Q14E 10.00 4.90 1Q Q15E 15.90 12.40 2Q15E 14.70 11.20 5 007 428 5 435 1% 3 275 2 107 5 382 -21 % 4 443 4 1 674 6 117 34 % 4 700 0 4 700 -44 % 4 700 1 000 5 700 5% 5 000 1 500 6 500 21 % 93 676 5 987 99 663 25 194 6 714 31 908 22 217 1 414 4 23 631 47 000 0 47 000 4 730 74 2 400 12 87 7 130 73 500 16 800 90 300 Fondsfina ans Research h Norway Royal Salmon ASA – 4Q14 preview 10 new green licenses from the government – The last nine finally confirmed in December 2014 Wilsgård awarded two regional green licenses in December 2014 Subsidiaries Segment NRS Finnmark AS North Nord-Senja Laks AS North Nord Seafood AS North NRS Feøy AS (prev 6 lic) South Nord-Senja (green) North NRS Finnmark AS (green) North Nord Seafood AS (green) North Nord Senja Laks (green) North Sum licenses (subisdiaries) Minority NRS licenses NRS group licenses County Finnmark Troms Troms Rog/Hord Troms Finnmark Troms Troms Licenses Ownership 14 100 % 3 67 % 2 83 % 5 100 % 2 100 % 5 100 % 2 67 % 2 83 % 35 1.35 33.7 Minority holdings County Licenses Ownership Wilsgård Fiskeoppdrett AS Troms 6 38 % Måsøval Fishfarm AS Sør-Trøndelag 2 36 % Hellesund Fiskeoppdrett AS Aust-Agder 3 34 % NRS minorities 11 Source: Norway Royal Salmon ASA, Fondsfinans Research Superior HOG salmon from NRS packed on ice Valuation approach We value Norway Royal Salmon ASA based on a bottom-up approach where the individual farming clusters and business units are valued separately. NRS reports upstream segments included sales. As a consequence, we estimate negative SOTP value on the sale office. Based on our estimates, the table below sums up our 2015 SOTP valuation of NRS. SOTP of NOK 60 (50) per share Fondsfinans Research SOTP - Norway Royal Salmon ASA Licenses Ownership Volumes Capacity* EBIT/kg EBIT EV/EBIT Farming Northern Norway 20 100 % 24 000 35 500 11.61 278 575 8.0 Farming South of Norway (5 licenses) 5 100 % 6 500 6 500 7.31 47 500 9.0 NRS farming (25 licenses) 25 100 % 30 500 42 000 10.69 326 075 8.1 NRS Sales (Kristiansand - 45 countries) 100 % 62 406 0.42 26 210 9.0 New recirk smolt plant in Finnmark - capex not yet committed Total farming (upstream incl sales) 353 991 8.2 Wilsgård Fiskeoppdrett AS (Senja) incl 2 green lic 6 37.5% 4 914 7 200 Måsøval Fishfarm AS (Frøya) 2 36.1% 2 106 2 500 Hellesund Fiskeoppdrett AS ("Høvåg MAB") 3 34 % 2 340 3 300 included in upstream volumes Hardanger Fiskeforedling AS (processing plant) 31 % Ranfjord Fiskeprodukter AS (6m smolt flow through) 37.75 % For sale 5.5 Skardalen Settefisk AS (30% NRS/70% Wilsgård) 30 % 2.5 Espevær Laks AS (Bømlo processing plant) 38 % Total associates 11 8 mill smolt 9 360 55 000 42 691 Tax losses carried forward, UB 2013=223m 184 224 New green licenses, to be developed (2017 vol)* 10 12 000 50 Total NRS EV (incl 10 new licenses) 35 352 286 EBIT adj (HQ, overhead) -32 000 8.0 Minority holdings (Senja cluster) 1.35 Nor Seafood AS (82.5%), Nord Senja Laks AS (66.7%) 2015 dividend , not paid, incl in NIBD 31.12.2015 NIBD Minority NIBD adj. Own shares (TRS financed in DNB) 5% Equity values 33.65 320 286 Outst NRS shares 100 % Equity value per share (SOTP values) Source: Fondsfinans, *) Long term capacity incl 10 new green licenses, rental harvesting in Region North 7 January 2015 EV Impl EV/Kg 2 228 601 93 427 500 66 2 656 101 87 235 894 8 0 2 891 995 95 119 753 65 49 414 65 55 275 50 6 690 9 815 7 495 500 248 941 n.m. 60 210 500 000 3 701 146 -256 000 -150 431 87 144 860 586 -75 215 0 2 596 489 43 572 60 Page 51 Norway Royal Salmon ASA – 4Q14 Preview Ten green licenses awarded Overview of the enlarged NRS Group (incl. associated partners): NRS subsidiaries organised in two clusters with 25 current licenses: North (21) and South (5) Three minority companies with 8 licenses Head office in Trondheim NRS sales office in Kristiansand for the whole enlarged group Sales for NRS and associated partner farmers with a total of +90 licenses (NRS should be a proxy for the whole industry on average) Page 52 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research Norway Roya al Salmon ASA A – 4Q14 prev view Region North N – NRS Troms (Senjja area) Region North N – NRS Finnmark (S Sørøya, Stjernøya, Årøyaa and Snefjorrden) Region South S – NRS Rogaland/H Hordaland (Haugesund/Esspevær area a) Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 5 3 Norrway Royal Saalmon ASA – 4Q14 4 Preview w Page 54 7 January 2015 Fondsfina ans Research h Norway Royal Salmon ASA Sector: Date: Next result: Target Recommendation: Aquaculture 06.jan.15 05.nov.14 60 Neutral TNOK Operation income EBITDA EBITDA-margin EBIT pre fair value EBIT-margin IFRS adj EBIT Income assosiates (NRS share) Share profit associates/other adj. Other financial items Result before tax Income tax Net profit Minority share (Senja) Mother company No of outst shares (mill) EPS adj. CEPS Cash flow/kg fish DPS Multiples: EV/Sales EV/EBITDA EV/EBIT P/E adj P/B Farming North Sales revenues EBIT ex IFRS Volume harvested (HOG)-fish Price/kg Op EBIT/kg Farming South Sales revenues EBIT ex IFRS Volume harvested (HOG)-fish EBIT/kg NRS sales (incl external vol) Sales revenues EBIT ex IFRS (allocated to upstream) Volume sold-trading Trading volumes, Y/Y EBIT/kg (sales volumes) NRS Group Total harvesting Group EBIT/kg Group EBIT/kg (incl sales) Impl cash flow/kilo fish Balance sheet (TNOK) Total non-current assets Total current assets Total assets Total equity and liabilities CF operations Op.CF (NOK/kg fish) CF Investments CF financing Cash (closing balance) NIBD Equity ratio (35% cov.) Return on equity Analysts: Bent Rølland Philip M. Scrase 65.0 Price (NOK): Book equity per share (NOK): 21.5 Equity ratio: 43 % Avg daily vol (90d): 87 12 months High / Low: 66.0 / 30.5 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 1 744 266 2 603 712 2 559 416 3 236 307 3 395 608 60 783 289 729 179 919 367 731 434 105 3% 11 % 7% 11 % 13 % 30 334 256 000 140 114 321 991 388 365 2% 10 % 5% 10 % 11 % 49 428 94 725 -14 597 0 0 79 762 350 725 125 517 321 991 388 365 10 464 28 834 37 434 42 691 47 004 -9 919 37 827 51 928 0 0 -39 559 -21 096 -20 365 -19 700 -18 200 40 748 396 290 194 514 344 981 417 169 -9 129 -80 487 -32 128 -89 695 -108 464 31 619 315 803 162 386 255 286 308 705 3 428 13 371 17 745 45 531 53 196 28 191 302 432 144 641 209 755 255 509 43 572 43 572 43 572 43 572 43 572 1.78 5.25 4.12 5.27 6.28 -0.1 4.9 3.8 3.3 6.0 -0.1 8.4 7.7 4.8 8.7 0.0 1.0 2.2 2.0 2.0 2012 350 815 23 035 13 945 25.2 1.65 2012 190 336 5 746 7 218 0.80 2012 1 649 097 23 414 57 673 14 % 0.41 Shares outst.: Market cap (NOKm): NIBD (NOKm): Enterprise value (NOKm): Weigh OSEAX: 43 572m 1 743 571 2 314 0.1199 4Q13 851 450 100 324 12 % 91 367 11 % 4 228 95 595 13 566 18 795 -7 173 120 783 -8 155 112 628 2 805 109 823 43 572 1.99 1.1 10.1 1Q14 695 371 96 305 14 % 87 057 13 % -61 254 25 803 2 522 -11 200 -4 817 12 308 -5 666 6 642 3 947 2 695 43 572 1.72 0.9 4.5 2Q14 595 727 36 232 6% 26 545 4% -13 022 13 523 7 889 57 470 -5 087 73 795 -2 278 71 517 3 984 67 533 43 572 0.53 2.3 18.8 3Q14 527 311 -4 138 -1 % -14 573 -3 % 59 679 45 106 11 263 5 658 -5 461 56 566 -10 704 45 862 2 529 43 333 43 572 -0.51 1.1 9.0 4Q14E 741 007 51 520 7% 41 085 6% 0 41 085 15 760 0 -5 000 51 845 -13 480 38 365 7 285 31 080 43 572 0.71 -0.3 -2.5 1Q15E 730 894 91 977 13 % 80 542 11 % 0 80 542 16 044 0 -5 000 91 586 -23 812 67 773 11 583 56 190 43 572 1.29 0.7 6.5 4Q13 235 380 79 287 6 204 37.9 12.78 4Q13 86 899 21 485 2 179 9.86 4Q13 845 972 -657 19 858 10 % -0.03 1Q14 219 903 93 676 5 007 43.9 18.71 1Q14 20 818 5 987 428 15.40 1Q14 692 845 -7 635 13 978 3% -0.55 2Q14 117 848 25 194 3 275 36.0 7.69 2Q14 75 283 6 714 2 107 4.35 2Q14 592 539 -6 252 14 253 -7 % -0.44 3Q14 149 921 22 217 4 443 33.7 5.00 3Q14 60 402 1 414 1 674 0.84 3Q14 512 617 5 585 12 706 -5 % 0.44 4Q14E 194 580 47 000 4 700 41.4 10.00 4Q14E 0 0 0 4.90 4Q14E 863 227 2 085 20 851 5% 0.10 1Q15E 229 830 74 730 4 700 48.9 15.90 1Q15E 48 900 12 400 1 000 12.40 1Q15E 690 359 1 412 14 118 1% 0.10 21 634 29 800 30 000 8 383 5 435 5 382 9.3 11.7 13.8 12.0 18.3 5.9 6.5 10.8 12.9 10.9 16.0 4.9 7.7 4.8 8.7 4.5 18.8 9.0 2014E 2015E 2016E Shareholders 1 010 202 1 343 993 1 431 449 Gåsø Næringsutvikling AS 1 150 255 950 630 1 037 731 Glastad Invest AS 2 160 457 2 294 623 2 469 180 Egil Kristoffersen og sønner 2 160 458 2 294 624 2 469 181 Havbruksinvest AS 166 230 142 504 260 445 Måsøval Eiendom AS 7.7 4.8 8.7 SpareBank 1 Markets -165 893 -334 000 -80 000 DNB, egenhandel (TRS) -23 138 -98 130 -105 344 Nyhamn AS 30 932 -258 693 -183 592 Hellesund Fiskeoppdrett AS 570 961 860 586 785 485 DNB SMB 43 % 51 % 60 % Lovundlaks AS 16 % 20 % 19 % Wilsgård Fiskeoppdrett AS Total outst. shares 6 117 3.9 -2.4 -2.5 4 700 10.0 8.7 6.5 06.jan.15 6 475 494 5 632 014 4 568 379 3 618 940 3 540 476 3 063 448 2 585 184 2 184 541 1 581 941 1 210 358 1 026 268 481 001 43 572 191 5 700 15.3 14.1 2.0 % 15 % 13 % 10 % 8% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 100 % 0.8 1.3 1.1 1.1 7.6 18.9 10.0 8.3 8.6 24.3 11.5 9.3 7.6 15.8 12.3 10.3 2.0 3.0 2.4 1.9 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 758 583 682 252 1 049 050 1 111 200 251 574 188 087 293 750 343 200 20 491 17 425 23 300 24 000 37.0 39.2 45.0 46.3 12.28 10.79 12.61 14.30 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 177 391 156 503 291 250 277 800 42 429 14 115 54 000 70 800 4 700 4 209 6 500 6 000 9.03 3.35 8.31 11.80 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 2 446 240 2 661 228 2 836 574 2 947 175 -19 087 -6 217 6 241 6 365 62 141 61 788 62 406 63 654 8% -1 % 1% 2% -0.31 -0.10 0.10 0.10 21 163 25 191 1.4 11.7 1.4 10.2 -0.1 8.4 2012 2013 800 653 850 721 874 873 1 200 892 1 675 526 2 051 613 1 675 526 2 051 584 -2 592 211 835 -0.1 8.4 -36 970 -24 347 43 211 -143 609 9 854 53 733 566 075 453 881 36 % 42 % 5% 41 % +23 11 30 27 +23 11 30 23 Definitions of ratings Buy Low risk: with a potential of min 5%. Medium risk: with a potential of min 10%. High risk: with a potential of min 20%. Neutral Low risk: -5% to +5%. Medium risk: -10% to +10%. High risk: -20% to + 20%. Sell Low risk: min 5%. Medium risk: min 10%. High risk: min 20%. Risk ratings are based on price volatility, fundamental criteria and perceived risk. Ratings are: Low (L), Medium (M) and High (H). Target: Our valuation as of today. Time frame of target: Target is what we value the share as of today. Recommendation distribution as of 16.12.14: Companies in each recommendation category that have been investment banking clients over the past 12 months: Recommendation Buy Neutral Sell Total Recommendation Buy Neutral Sell Total No 46 18 4 68 Percent 68 % 26 % 6% 100 % No 4 0 0 4 Percent 9% 0% 0% Our intention is to issue preview and update research on a quarterly basis. Our investment recommendation is elaborated in accordance with “The Norwegian Securities Dealers Associations” standards. This report has not been sent to the companies for correction of any factual errors. Fondsfinans is organized with Chinese walls between the Corporate Department and the Research/Broking Department. In addition, Fondsfinans has internal instructions and guidelines for handling sensitive information. The analysts receive compensation that is impacted by overall firm profitability, including investment banking activities. Fondsfinans is under supervision of The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway. Ownership per 04.01.15 in Marine Harvest ASA: Analyst (including his/her closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Employees (including their respective closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0 % of the company share capital Group Fondsfinans (including the holdings of its Chairman, his spouse and their closely related companies, Erik Must AS and its 100% controlled subsidiaries): 17.000, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Fondsfinans do not act as market maker in Marine Harvest ASA. Fondsfinans has not acted as corporate adviser, lead manager in IPO etc. during the past 12 months. The recommendation has not been changed from NEUTRAL. The previous recommendation was issued 23.10.14 Ownership per 04.01.15 in Grieg Seafood ASA: Analyst (including his/her closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Employees (including their respective closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Group Fondsfinans (including the holdings of its Chairman, his spouse and their closely related companies, Erik Must AS and its 100% controlled subsidiaries): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Fondsfinans is acingt as market maker in Grieg Seafood ASA. Fondsfinans has not acted as corporate adviser, lead manager in IPO etc. during the past 12 months. The recommendation has not been changed from NEUTRAL. The previous recommendation was issued 04.11.2014 Ownership per 04.01.15 in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA: Analyst (including his/her closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Employees (including their respective closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Group Fondsfinans (including the holdings of its Chairman, his spouse and their closely related companies, Erik Must AS and its 100% controlled subsidiaries): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Fondsfinans do not act as market maker in Lerøy Seafood Group ASA. Fondsfinans has not acted as corporate adviser, lead manager in IPO etc. during the past 12 months. The recommendation has not been changed from NEUTRAL. The previous recommendation was issued 13.11.14 Fondsfinans Research 7 January 2015 Page 56 Ownership per 04.01.15 in SalMar ASA: Analyst (including his/her closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Employees (including their respective closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Group Fondsfinans (including the holdings of its Chairman, his spouse and their closely related companies, Erik Must AS and its 100% controlled subsidiaries): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Fondsfinans do not act as market maker in SalMar ASA. Fondsfinans has not acted as corporate adviser, lead manager in IPO etc. during the past 12 months. The recommendation has not been changed from NEUTRAL. The previous recommendation was issued 01.09.14 Ownership per 04.01.15 in Bakkafrost: Analyst (including his/her closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Employees (including their respective closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Group Fondsfinans (including the holdings of its Chairman, his spouse and their closely related companies, Erik Must AS and its 100% controlled subsidiaries): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Fondsfinans do not act as market maker in Bakkafrost. Fondsfinans has not acted as corporate adviser, lead manager in IPO etc. during the past 12 months. The recommendation has been changed from NEUTRAL to SELL. The previous recommendation was issued 29.10.14 Ownership per 04.01.15 in Norway Royal Salmon ASA: Analyst (including his/her closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Employees (including their respective closely related persons or companies): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Group Fondsfinans (including the holdings of its Chairman, his spouse and their closely related companies, Erik Must AS and its 100% controlled subsidiaries): 0, corresponding to 0% of the company share capital Fondsfinans do not act as market maker in Norway Royal Salmon ASA. Fondsfinans has not acted as corporate adviser, lead manager in IPO etc. during the past 12 months. The recommendation has not been changed from NEUTRAL. The previous recommendation was issued 01.09.14 Fondsfinans may hold shares in the companies as a result of daily trading/market making. Information on such holdings is not given when of non-significant value. This report was issued and distributed 07.01.2015. DISCLAIMER This report is provided for information purposes only. It should not be used or considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Any opinions expressed are subject to change without prior notice. This report is based on information from various sources believed to be reliable. Although all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information herein is not misleading, Fondsfinans AS makes no representation or warranty expressed or implied as to its accuracy or completeness. Neither Fondsfinans AS, its partners and employees, nor any other person connected with it, accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss of any kind arising out of the use or reliance on the information in this report. This report is prepared for general circulation and general information. It does not take into account the specific investment objectives and financial situation of any recipient. Investors seeking to buy or sell any securities discussed or recommended in this report, should seek independent financial advice relating thereto. This report may not be distributed, quoted from or reproduced for any purpose without written approval by Fondsfinans AS. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS Fondsfinans AS is constantly seeking investment-banking mandates, and may at any time perform investment banking or other services or solicit investment banking or other mandates from the company or companies covered in this report. Fondsfinans AS may from time to time as part of its investment services hold positions in securities covered in this report. Under our internal regulations, our analysts are not permitted to purchase new securities in the companies they cover. Holdings are specified as part of shareholder information in each report. DISTRIBUTION IN THE US Research reports are prepared by Fondsfinans AS for information purposes only. Fondsfinans AS and its employees are not subject to the Rules of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) governing research analyst conflicts. The research reports are intended for distribution in the United States solely to “major U.S. institutional investors” as defined in Rule 15a-6 under the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and may not be furnished to any other person in the United States. Each major U.S. institutional investor that receives a copy of a Fondsfinans AS research report by its acceptance thereof represents and agrees that it shall not distribute or provide copies to any other person. Reports are prepared by Fondsfinans AS and distributed to major U.S. institutional investors under Rule 15a-6(a)(2). These research reports are prepared by Fondsfinans ASA and distributed in the United States by Fondsfinans Inc. under Rule 15a-6(a)(2). Any U.S. Person receiving these reports that desires to effect transactions in any securities discussed within the report should call or write Fondsfinans Inc., a member of FINRA. Page 57 7 January 2015 Fondsfinans Research