,. .. .. .. .. . ,-. .-. . . ...... . . . ..... .- . ... . . . I. . . . . . __ .___ ._ . ., . . ' ..... . . -.-- , . .... . _ ._ . . ... . ..... . . . . . .. - . ., . . . . . . . . 1920 - Mirroring Life at Indiana Central College - 1964 Volume 44, Number 16 Friday, May 15, 1964 Indianapolis, Indiana UEEN NDRA Students Honor Mothers at Tea . Program Features' Queen and Court Appmximately two hundred n-0- .... . . . men students and their mothers attended the mothers' tea and style . . show this afternoon as a part Of ..... the annual hfay Festival honoring the mothers of Indiana Central . . College students. . .. .. The tea was held a t ' 2 p.m. in Krannert Hall and was followed . . .. by"a-'style show on the Porch Of . . . . . the Administratian Building. The crowning of l 9 M d J campus queen, Sandra Nabb, by President Esch was the highlight of the May Festival program this evening in Ransburg Auditorium. The program was under the direction of faculty advisors hrrs Doreen StClair of the Physical Education Dwartment and XUss Mary Huey, Dean of Women. and student chairman.' Marcia Walker. The announcer for the program was Floyd Kirby. Joan Delle Brown was'. the. organ accompanist and Barbara Sullivan painted the backdrop and designed the program covers. ' J u d y hIcCiimans, Phyllis F r e d and Judy Daringer were in charge of program and ushers. Those working on'.the stage crew were: .Larry hlcCarty, Errol Jef-, freySmith, Dan Lnwther and Bob hrorris. A variety. o f . acts were under &e chairmanship\ of the f o l i o ~ n b . students: '. Chorus line Cinni hIcAdams Sclo Lynn Soughan Vivian Smith Flddle Addle. . . C k r a Underwood Stunt and Joeiien \Va!&er Ginni hkAdams Parallel bars ' and Henry Hopklns Judo ilemonstration . .Bruce Jeffrey-Smith' _Square_dance -.~-Don-Tmwbridge Stunt Janet Wilson . and Flora Leisure Centraiaires Hugh Burns Combination of dances .. . . . . . .Judy McClimans Queens' .Tributes Joe Chambers . . and Hugh.Burns . . (Continued on P a w . 41, , _. . . I 'I The day's activities were planned by 1963-64 campus queen Joyce Brittenham a i d her. c o u r t S t e l l a Casey, Gail hlyer and Nancy mat. . ers. ~~ . . . . . Guests were received by the e&pus queen and her mother, the retiring court and their mothers. hIiss IIuey and hrrs. Aiva Stoneburner, president~of. the. Mother's Associa. . tion., . , - . . .., .: ..- .. . . . r' . I i The style show, planned by Janet Carnes, chairman, Betty Gilmore Weddie and Delores Azlmi Tabriri. featured period dress 89 well as the modern clothes of a typiCal'In: diana Central College coed. The selection of clothes ranged from casual to formal and included a wedding gown. . . Members of the welcomIw committee were Becky Coombs, chairman, XIrs. Alice Reid7and31rs.Grace Miller. The refreshment committee consisted of J a n e Major, chairman. and hlrs. Dorothy Shore. , . ' , ... . . While' the ,mpthers' attended the tea and style show, many of the fathers attended a double-header baseball game against. Anderson College a t 1:30 p.m. . QUEEN SONDRA I PRINCESS IIPARY KAY Trudy Hickman, who h a s an oldcr brother and two younger sisters, i s the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Hickman. of Indianapolis. hriss Hickman is presently active in English Club and Christian Vocations Association. hriss Hickman's plans for the summer are indefinite. but after graduation she plans to teach English in junior or senior high school or teach weekday religious education. ,. . I . . .. ..;;.; .......... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . ' s o n i i i ~ a a dhorn i r t Vernon, Inhiana. Is the daughter of hIr. and hrrs. Ervin Naab. hriss Naab, whp -hasTdrolder brother and'a3'ounger.sister. is majoring in physical edu.. cation and mathematics. She Is a member of Physical Education hrajors and hDnors Club and the Student Education Association. Xllss Naah was also a member of the homecoming queen's court last fall. This summer Miss Naab plans t o , do accounting work before her marriage ' in August. .After her graduation she plans to teach physical education and m a t b e m a t h on the secondary level. ' PRINCESS TRUDY .. , ... , ' ,. ~ Each mother was presented with . . . . a small corsage. ' ~.' c ....... ;r ........:... :./ j~ Mary.Kay &on, ... daughter of hfr. ~. and hlrs. Francis Coon, is an English major from h r t Vernon..India n a imSS a o n , who .has+pne younger brother, is cur+tly president of Phiialethea and will. be president of the English Club next year. She was chgrman of the jun.lor class talent show and the World University Service auction this year and will be chairman of *e auction again next year. Miss Coon has patUeipated in many other activities at Indiana Central College, including work in t h d dramatic arts. This year she had lcading roles in 'lZo&noff -and Juliet" and "Uncle Vanya:' hliss Coon's future plans include either graduate school or work id the- Peace Corps This summer she plans to. work with retarded persons or'to ?gage in socia1 work. She is a member of IAY and worked on the Oracle staff her sophomore year. .<. .............. . , ' ....;.......;. .;............ ......... - ,- .:......;. .. . The new campus queen and her court' will reign over the Sweetheart dance and the hray Festival during the 1964-65 school year. The r a d ddestion wd9 elected from the junior class by the student body during a chapel session. T h e candidates had to have at least a 1.00 average to be eligible. The campus queen acts as the unofficial representative of the.student body Of Indiana Central College. . PRINCESS GEORGIA Georgia Hotteli, 'who I3 the daughter of hIr. and,Mrs. George IIieb or Georgctown, Indiana, is present...... . . . . .. . . ly a member of the Student Educaticn Association. Xrrs. IIotteii was Dr. James Armstmng, senior' a cheerleader 'during her sophominister of Broidway XIethodist more year and a member of the Church in Iidianapolls, will deliver mnector staff her treshman and the, baccalaureate sermon at Indi- sophomore years. She was Crosswads queen in 1962-63.' hlrs. Hot&a. Central College in Ransburg Auditorium Sunday morning, June tell who has one younger brother, plans to work for the Indianarmiis 7 a t 11 a.m. He has had wide experience in recreation department this sumreligious programs for radio and mer. After graduation Mrs. Hottelevision and has been at the head tell will teach elementary school. of i 3300-member congregation a t the Broadway hrethodist Church since 1958. I n 1959 he was chosen the city's outstanding young man Chamby- the Indianapolis:. Junior . . . ber Of Cm~merce. Dr. Armstmni w a s - b o m a t I&;-; ion. Ind., 40 yea& ago. 'He earned .. a Bachelor of Arts degree at Fiorida Soutiiern College in W e l a n d .; ,and a Bacheloi of Divinity degree, . . at Emory Unlye<sity in Atlanta, Ga. .. . . . H .i.has study at Bos-' . . . , . . . . . . .done . . . .graduate .... . . Armstrong a to Give Baccalaureate Sermon I 1 ANOTHER I CROWNING : PAGE.4 ' 1 Judy Spurgeon from Brownstown. Indiana, daughter of hrr. and XIrs. Harry Spurgeon, has an older brother and sister and a younger brother. During her freshman year, hIiss Spurgeon was a cheerleader. Presently she is a member of Student Education .4sJsoelation, Sigma Zeta, I.A.Y., and Spanish Cluh. This past year she waq vice president of social activities in Central CounciL This summer XUss Spurgeon plans to be director at a state beach In southern Indiana .before her marriage in early September. After graduation Hiss $purgeon plans to teach mathematics. , .. ' ;. ' ill I . Friday, May 15, 1964 . 1 ~ .. - . -. . Thinclads Prepare for Third ; Consecutive HCC Title .. ~ -y . Bat and Ball Boys ' . ' .. Page Three Sports By Symmonds Twice . . *-' By JERRY SYNMOliDS The Indianapolis 600 Mile Race, The Greyhound bat and ball boys some~mes to as "the traveled to. Taylor &fay greatest and .came homeUniversity ,victories many in racing. hoi& ':, stories within its 433 sprawlIndiana Central thinclads sufferricher. Central defeated. the TroIt has provided exclung ed their first loss of the season jans of Upland 3-0 und 6-2. entertainment to millions. of speeIndiana Central thinclads defeatwhile f d h g to the highly-rated by , n i s i e r pitched h!s,_s$qondtators'. It has sycamores of Indiana State and .ed hranchester 9O?&M%:b SWUR straight shut-out in conference play. produced capldefeating the Bulldogs of BuUer arb undefeated dual meet this season.-'The .hI. and XI men, tal;..:'snlns' and Qlarlie.hfi"&%:and_w J$~$'hfullink, fame to the drlState set seven new track records at North 'Ianchester On Only one record rei1 a lopsided 104smrs, and sadly ;winds Pla6ued:the. efforts. Of.. wboth' s t y ' game combi+t triumph. .i;r:- &filler, i t\$:o-hit,-:iecbnd who~pitched k-. Yenoughj It has Centrnl's 880 relay team turned the runners and the 'fie the first five innlqgs,.r?e!ved credclalmed '1 I ;s in a record time of l:u.6. lloger Henry Hopkins'set.a,sch rd it tor the:vict+.6.: 'But.?" the lightOf ri 5%; Central. platcb-'%ll"three. runs of Wathen accounted for another rec- :with a er side of this 'of 43 feet in the , In6 the record of 13 ft. 4 % the initial. con&t in lhe'third in-,. plctu&, -it has . ,. . . >:' '! ning. Steve hkGeeand Jerry Seay' . * provided Inforhop-step-jump. B&h Henry Hop- Fred Honno!ln.?62j, kins of Central and Bob Wright of Coach Angus Nicoson ju led the Greyhound attack. McGce '*mnd. ' matfan iimpiled Butler broke the old track record line-up 'in s o m e pre-'conference collected two safeties a n d . :,\:hat might be called 5'8". Wright Gas strategy. Larry Keenc ran the 440. ,.. another-stolen. basen to bring his-< .'Stran$pFacts about the 5w." See e hasis of fewer .John J a m i n s k i the 880. and Pete . totali0 fiGe.' ho\>many, of them you know. s&y :srhHslied"two doubles and':. Bullard only the 29.0 and 880 relay. I. The original ' Speedway y l t h The winners of the events a n d , knocked In one run: htike Hoffman of Indiana State . . . ln-the t,vilight affair.+imT&i& .:,:dirt trnck cost $460,000 (presently .. and Butch Noringo of Central both their times were: and Phil Paswater joined nIeGed ~""rth..lniili~???. .. hmke the track record in the mile 1-Wornhoff (XI) :I03 '. with Hoffman coming out on top 220-Bullard :22.1 . . . f o r slu,%ing.hono~s.. XIcCpe had a '2. More &an three million bricks Cinderrnen Stop Manchester State Trips 'Hounds '. I < . .. .. - I '' . ~ ' with a time of 426.9. hbringo's Ume of 4:Z.l is better than the present HCC record. Dave C n v e s shows strain after releasing the shot. State's field men accounted for discus. records In the shot put Butler's Renle set n new track record In the intermediate hurdles with a clocking of :40.7. The winners of the events were: IM)--Jovl (IS) :10.3 22O-Cnrter (IS):22.4 440-Long (IS1 :48.5 (Is)159.1 &$@ D -savi .. hIile-Hoffman (IS)426.9 2-htile-Bonebrake (IS) 10:00.6 330 IH-Renie (B):40.7 HH-Honnold (IC) and' Richard (IS) tie :15.6 . . BJ-hlcCarvey (IC1 21'3%" HJ-Reinhard (B) 6'1%" . . . (Continued on Pnge 4l Central Viins Earlham Relavs m .. - double and three RBI's and Glles. a .; . mere .hid dn the trick (now there triple and a single to drive I n the are only:.three rnr\=~aCroSg the 8SO-Gmve (hI) 2:06.4 other three runs. .* front straightway). .'. .' - ._i hlile-hlozingo (Ic) 4:39.9 . Although Paswater struck out for 3..&$. IIarmun wM the 2-AIile-hloringo a n d Jamsinski . the first t!me in40 trips to the plate mce in. 1911 at the fabulous speed (IC) 10:138 this. season: he' later stroked a mi]es per hour (today's dpuble,and trlple. IH-Berry (hr) :42.8 speed; are double this). IncidentCentral went errorless in HH-Kamplain (IC) :I58 .;ally he rode a meetianli: HJ-Lewellnn (XI) 58" doubleheader to Increase its .skein . hue to a.unlque de,,,ce he had InPV-Hopkins (IC) 13' 5%" . .. or. perfect fielding .to 35 innings. 'venied the reor view mlmr.. . They hold a ranking of third in the,.!. '. . S P S i m o n tiW 44' 8 ' %Blair (MI 116' 1" ::.. nation ,eor~smail-coiiey$:?' . . .! 4;'Juies Foux In the 1913 mce , . m a d e , i k pit stops and each timd TJ-Wathen (IC) 41' !i" . _. he cooled off by drlnklng a pint of J - n a n k s (AI) 189' 9" ' ' champagne. . . . AtR41C) (Ransberg, W i g g e n s ,..:.. . 5. Phil Shafcr in the 1923 500 hula ;.. Keene and Wathen) 3:33.5 8 s ~R-(IC) (Bullard, S d t h , AIur-.: *. ' Race.quallBedhis car e t 6:45.a.m. phy and hIcGarvey) 1:Z.O , ..... .... . on-the momiig of the mce. . 6. Two numbers. dever used at the 500 are '73" and cars endlng 'ThiCentral.dlamondmen took a . ' with number 41G,vathen ,,,.,, ' ' - ' ' - Indiana Central trackmen defeated Earlham 97 to 87% to win the Earlham Relays on May 2. Trailing Indiana Central and Earlham were Hanover, Anderson and WIImington. Nine records were set on the windy track. Central set records in five of th? six events that they won. Phil Honnold bmke the javelin thmw record with a toss of 113'6''. Clark Crafton and Bob Barber came in second a n d . third, respectively In ing'them 12-2, and 8-5 on May 9. of \ ~ a yhas .pace for a this event. IIonnold and freshmen ~n the tirst,gimeit w e t h e Grey- tators larger than: the.. combined Paul Roahrig and Dave Kamplain hounds way they,s1? population-_of:Idary-~ and Terncleared the 360 yard hurdle relay-Paul.Velez's swin6ing GreYhOunds--.med'out-l3~hits.~CobbTg~~~rcd, --.Haute.. .. . in the record time of :47.65ei.Crids. won- their last three mntehcs to thred hits fbr the Greyhounds a n d ' + 8. Three drivers have been triple end the season with a n 8-2 record. . Trisler; say. and paswat+&hThe mile relay team composed of Wllb'ur Shaw. Louis John Ransbug, b r r y Keene, RogThe llnksmen won from E a r h a m collccted turn.. Trisler and .Par*..4 4 n n e r s Indiana Central ~ a s e b a l l 10-56 ; hIay 8. from ?tarinn 11-4 on water each d m i e !,, three runs. .. ,;...m y e r , and nraufi mse. set, e r 'vathen and Pete team secured its tenth victory in a meet record of 331.1 seconds. fifteen starts by downing Wabash &ray 7, and from Anderson 8!4-61( ne 'Hounds grabbed the lead In;::. g.;Johnny. Parsons started t h e 6n hlny 11. .. . the second inning as S y y . singled, . 1050 race with a car having a crickBullard, Dave Smith, Dick Murphy, .. 7-2 on 6. Freshman Dave Wise fin'ished the and Cobh droGe him in Mt6 one if ed block,' and he U?IL and hIike XIcCarvey won the half The were able to regular senson in the low medal- his singles Cen$l erupted in the . ~ . , . l O . . & ~Indiinapolls,.MX). mile relay in the record Of hU< come up with seven runs on five 1st spot for ICC. He' shot Bn .80 .. 1:31.0. fifth Inning and chalked up,.five' Race w a s not run on hfemorlal hits. With the three hit pitchlng Earham and t h came ~ which proved to be the +I..Day. . It was run m-J"ne 1st. (1916) Wathen broke the meet triple and the combinauon hack shooting two consecutive 73's runs ning.runs. . . . ... jump record with a jump of 42"l'A". Of Jerry 1 2 One automobile c o m p a n y three piays8 the Grey- against Marian and Anderson S P m junior Trisler was &.winEienrY Hopkins vaulted V.V?'to win hounds a h w e d Wabash all only two cer Glllman Played in the number ning,pitcher.. He fanned eight and of theirpace.eahl green and m the pole vault runs. two spot nU& of the Year. Gill- walked only two In holding the . to have them and painted Eeay went the d i s t a n c e and man fired rounds Of 79 d n s t Grizzlies to only six hits. Both.of-,,biue. .*.. ,_ dried t h e win. while m L ~ k y Earham, 83 against hrarian, and Franklin's runs were unearned, as suffered the 13. XIost had The lndividuai 78 Anderson. Bryant were.The scored on three Central luck forpeanuts hitting was as follows: heidagninst down the number Art three spot they, miscucs. losing pitchef was eating anyoneor,toto let aabund child I% 'I firing rounds of 86, 89,?9 In the re- Sch[ii. . . ? . ,x.: *., ny JUDY DARC~GERand 'sit in a-race'car--. - . hlcGee, c,f,, spective meets. John Keating. Cen- ' In. the s e c o n d game~~Cenhlaround the Speedway Is m e F u G d JUDY NeCLl3UVS Giles, 1.1.. tral's number four man had rounds banked out eleven hits, and:Mullinat a distance 6ix the Tuesday, May 5, the girl's soft- passwater, s.s., of 91..86 and 84. 1% held Frnnklln to only four hits inne= wau e... ball team travelled to Franklin seay, p., Dick Beeson shot a n 8O.asdnst in an 8 5 victory for the GFY-.. College where ICC won 42-11. The hlacNamara, 2nd.. 15; ' h e 'SPCdWaY W L used B p a Earlham while Jack Noone Shot an houhds.. s a y , &rcN&&q +d.Giles game waul? too exciting but it did ~ i m o r e ,e., landing field and had banfor 81. Lfnny Krebs shooting In his each collected two safeties-for the first match of the yea< fired an 86 Greyhounds.- * '' .,. airplanes and 'dirigibles In 1V.JV.I. prove as good expericnce for the h o n a d , 3rd- .. , , &eyhounds,Score d\ :S&;oflRuisL . Ih'I,Dobblehi-id&r-,;, , , With 8-2 Record DiamondrnenTumble-- i - Liftle Giants 7-2 - bins it Girls Smash Franklin 42-11 coI?e . Central girls. Everyone on the In- diana Central team was able to play in the game. Some highlights Of the game were homeruns by Judle Powell and Dinah Theobald. Several of the players hit doubles and trlple.9. The pitching of Dinah Theobald provided a challenge for the Frankiin girls which they could not Ovcrcome. T h e players f o r ICC are Janet Hoyer, ist., williams, r.f., Bfagle. 2nd.. a b b , e., Iruffman, 3rd.. h-e, r.f., O O O 0 O 1 0 O O 3 a ell Vivian Smith, Jan \VaGgoner, Judy hIcCllmans, Emily Wilson. Linda Ireland, G i n n i hCcAdsms, and Loretta qrass. Judy ~~d~~~~ T h e next game will be May 19, at ~ _ _ _ . _... Cen6al's'hig'lnhing came in the 16. Autom6Uvo en6ineers estlsecond when they blasted six hits mate the 500 Mile Race is equal to including a two-bamer by nrcNa- 50,oOq mile? of normal auto trave^ and rive runs;to 27:CIiff ,Berger drove the full take a respectable lead. Franklin 500 miles In 1951 without a pit s b p . picked up two runs In the-Iirst'and . lS>XCauri Rose used a borrowed third and one In the fifth for their ,car in 1941 to win t h e race. five runs. Walt Fnulkner say9 of this strugIn going ule distance, mlinLv .,,,@e of ma? and steel: 'mere's Dressed in graduation cn& and redly nothing to driving this Speedstruck out eight, walked three and the senion of Indiana antral College filed dow nthe isles of gave up four hits. The losh6 pitch- way track. All YOU do 1s stand on It and turn left." Ranshurg Auditorium on &ray 1 er was Mawire. during chapel convoeatlon to he honored by the student body, fac'".' Indiana Central scored in trip- go fo;three bases. ulty and administration. Other extra base hits came Off President I. Lynd. Esch master lets to down cross-city rlval Marland of ceremonies, introduced the main an College 9-1. last Wed. on the the:bats of Tom BIeNamspeaker for the occasion. Pmf. Da- Greyhound diamond. Charlie &filler ..>Trisler. JIcNamanr doubled and vid E. Deacon, instructor of speech and Ray Trisler teamed up to strike Trisler tripled. out 15 Knights in the nineinning hliiier went 6 ?& Innlngs. C h k i n g and related subjects. u . p eight whiffs. Msler finished Prof. Deacon's oration enUtled game. . Scoring three runs in the second, the game by striking out seven Of "hlirmr, hIirmr, On T h e Wall Who Is The hIost Cultured Of Them seventh .and eighth i n n i n n the the eight Put O U b . Bright's boys now hold a record All?" centered, m u n d the three Greyhounds dominated the eontest. 13'and 3, winning their 1 s t 11 Shortstop Phil Paswater and catchof, classifications of m y : ,high-bmvJ, hiddle-brow. and low-brow:' He er Armen Cobh each clubbed out games. . . .. . concluded his presentation by stat- three hits &d two doubles. . . : R I1 E . ing that thc scnior clas$ was CUI- Outfielders Steve McGee. Tim 000 OM) 100.1 8 6 Xrarhn Cile? a?d Jerry Seay, each conkibtured and that he hoped !hey would WO OOO 53 9 1 5 1 always strive to remaln 'cultured. uted two safeties. hIcGee had one ' 1.C against Anderson. The players and their wason averwes are: Wise 18: Gillman 83: Beeson 89: Keating 88: nryant 86: and Krebs 86. . Seniors Recognized Miller, Trisler Stop Marian'-With 15 Strikeouts ' ,' senior q-orn.f i ~ , . ~ ~ ~ b,w&. ~ to ~ rea& ~ Page Four . . -- . . R E F L E C T 0R Friday. May 15, 1964 &illy-Science .. ..... ., . . Amid shouts of surprise and a 'few of fear, many students watch. .id the cmwning of the Liily Science Hall on the afternoon of hfay 4th. . T h e huge 34011 helmet, presumably lost by a wandering, overgrown Roman soldier, wos slowly raised into the air and gently. if one may call it that, set in place. Uecause of high winds, bad weather and mud -!In which c m e s may get stuck) for several days. Xfr. R. S. Kepler, the supervisor, stated that tho dome is the latest design of Astro-Tech Afanufacturing. Inc. It in 1811 feet in diameter and was built to withstand winds up to 100 miles per hour. (This hat won't blow O f f I ) The aperture is 52 inches wide and extends 15 degrees beyond the zenith. 400th Birthday Marks Bard's Celebration Historians Meet Saturday,' May 23 Dr. Kenneth E.St Clair a n d sevIs Annual Banquet en Indiana Central students at- .. By JOIIANNA IUh'ICADE ' : In April of 1561 William Shah-. It will rotate 270 degrees per minute in either direction. When complete it will have a dark flat blue interior, a n aluminum exterior and will be equipped with an 8-inch retractor telescope. -~ tended .the XIississiRpl Valley Historical Association canvention in Cleveland, Ohio, April 30, Accompanying Dr. St. Clair were Car01 Uortzi John Cornstock, Scott Uuchanan, Tom DaIy, Ken St Clair, Jr., Gary Ashburn and Jack John. To Honor Seniors, . ' yere (that is tho way he spelled it!) w m born in Stratford-on-Avon, The Senior Class of 1964 will be England. In less than sixty years, honored by the juniors at the anhe wmte plays and sonnets which nual Junior-Senlor Uanquet Saturare^ cherished cven now in 1964. day, hIay 23. The banquet, beginning This year mnrks the 400th year son. at 6 3 0 and the dance following at since his birth, and, therefore. the The convention was held a t the annual Shakespearean Festivals g:W will be held in &e Indiana are receiving more attention. An- Etatler Hilton Hotel A wide choice Ccntral College ballroom. Prlces of programs was open to those in nual and special presentations of attendance: papers on various top- for the juniors will be 12.W per the W s plays are being pmduced from New York'to California this ics in American histofy were pre- plate for the banquet and $2.W for sented at the sessions of the con- each person attending onG the spring and s u n p e r . vention. I I dance: for those planning to attend . .Stanford University and other The: Indiana'Central:g&u'p w& the banquet and dance, tickets will universities a r e ' leading the pianning. Dr. and hfrs.. Alien Keilogg recognized at the annual Indiana be V.W per couple. No admission have made plans to attend one of University breakfast. Friday morn- will be charged to,the seniors: I? ihese festivals. They will see "King ing. Sever& former Indiana Cen- vitations wilipe sent to all juniors, Leaf: .'nfercbant of Venice" ahd tral graduates were present at the seniors, and special guests- ': .., . . . . twelfth,^ .~ Night" at,.the Oregon breakfast,. Including: . Lynn Tur. On the patio adjoining the dining ner, presldent of Otterbein 001Shakespearean Festival to be at , Stanford. Universitfs annual lege: Dwight L Smith, Miami Uni- hail a romantic spring garden will versity, oxfoid. Ohio: Russell help carry, out the theme-"AIwn Fesgval of Arts. ... Acmss the nation and the c,anti- Vance. Jr.. Allegheny College, Mead- River Fantasy." A crescent mwn \.iiie. Par Vanee' is thi, author'of and a'blue canopy of crepe paper nent, festivals .wlli be presenting "Fifty. Years 'of Christian Educa- streamers will aid in setting the "King Leaf', "Xamlet", "hIacbcth", tion," a history of Indiana Central mood for music provided by the "hfidsummer Night's Dream" and Ben D a v s Dance LZand. Other decCollege. some of the'uard's lesser known Also present at the breakfast orations.., are planned but will, be *,lays. ~. hfax C a n e s , Dean I&f nrenl'blI! kept as a surprise for those attendwere . In tbls year, the 400th year since ing. ?. Shakespeare's birth, plans have Centre College, Danviile. Icy.: Donald Schcick, Indiana State College; . hfembers of the freshman been completed to bring his works more directly before the public. T h e Donald F. Carmony, Indiana Uni- sophomore classes will s e t as sewW e President Kennedy, In looking 1-ersity; a n d . Victor a g l e , direc- ers during the dance. T h e menu for ahead to 1964'suggested that the tor, Indiana University Extension the banquet conslsts of shrimp . ,.. cocktail, filet mignon wrapped in purpose of these Shakespearean Center at Kokomo. . Dr. Glen A. Blackburn, Ferris bacon; .baked potato and sour acUviqes should. be "to reawaken interest in the vitality of the Eng- Institute, Ferris, hfichigan, planned cream: green beans, ribbon mold lish langu~sothrough the works of to be present but could not attend. salad:mlls, butter, jelly, and choco. .Dr. Blackburn did much to develop late parfait for dessert \Villlam Shakespeare.'', . ,. .. . ,, . the history dapartment at Indiana . . >.:. :. .. . ,Tho chairmen responsible for the Central and could be called the founder .of the department ' . , ., . ovent is Larry AfcCarty. Delilia . Next year's convention will be In Uoycc and Ellen Wilson. The committees are: Invitations-Mary Lea Kansas City, Xfo. . . Spray ami Janet Wilson:. Decorations--Cnmie .Angle. a h Poindex.',Dr. Victor U. Danek, c h a l k n ter, and Darleno Stratton; Favors of ,the music ~depnrtment-atIndiand .dance. b o o k s J u d y Dartnger ana Central College, has been electand Jutia Walker; Publicity-Carol ed second vice-president of t h East Payne and I(athy Phllbmok; TickC e n t c a l . D i v i s i o n of the Music ets and P r i c e s S u e Perry and Jack Teachers National Association. Simmonds; U a n d J a c k Vandegriff . Dr.~Danek, who lives at 1751 E. . T h e organization. of the many and Cln-ra U n d e r w d ; hfenuJan HannaAve.. Indianapolis. serveq as committees of Central Council was Amett and Ellen:Wson: Chaperlbcal - c b a l r g n for the regional announced recently by t& n&iiiones-Martha Catlin .and Karen XTNA .convention which was held elected Council president, Jim Cum- I<leinknight: . Refreshments-Ruth in Indianapolis on April 24-2Go; ;.The division includes the states minps. Jim Reber has been select- Uerg.and Dinah Thmbald; Clemed to act as Chief Justice of the uk-Floyd Kirby and Gary Palmer. of North Dakotn, AIinnesob, Wls-. ... . -Council's Supreme Court. Those as- Reseryations for the banquet must %%sin, Iillnois, Indiana and Obi(;;. SiStlng him in mntters of dispute be in by. Manday, hfay IS. XlTNA membership basically- is Will be Dick Elmore, SueDurbln. comprised of private and studio muSuo Hlatt and Dick Rodebaugh. sic teachers at the college leici. In addition to the Supreme Court ehalrmen of the fall activities for Danek vfa-elected f o r ' s two-year mnny other appointments havz the incoming freshmen will be Denterm which 'ends in 5965. . . also been made. Those chosen for nis Stone and Mary Sue Everitt. A number of committees have been the Chapel and Convocations &mappointed to serve under them. mittee include Barbara Sullivan as .. chalrman, Bill Llnson, hfarty OverUeeky Uryant has been selected " .i&ntinu& i m rsfi.0 I) myer, J a c k . Leonard, Loretta Sut- t o . head ,a committea to select a . The. escorts for the . queens. ton. Larry hfcCioud and Dick Reid- new fight song for the school, and c0urts:and mothers were: Stnlors. enbach. Steve Maple. has been se- Larry McCnrty has been chosen Tom Anthony. John IIoulihan, Carl lected as bead of the Council's Bud- chairman of the Dining Hall ComXforrison and Tom Short: and Jun- get Committee.. mittee. TO, mund out the .new ions, Clark Crafton, Jim Cummlngs. Appointments have also been CentcaI Council ,appointments, J e l l nusty.Davis, Larry IIcCarty ana made for the Frcshman Orienta- Irwln has been named as the necRay . tion 00mmittee. Presiding as CO- reation Room Chairman. . _ . Trisler. I -- . .. a<;- . I ' , Music Teachers' Elect Danek V.-P. Cummings Selects Co-ordinating Staff For Central Council ~ ' ~ ' ' -- .. ~ .. .. ... . ..~... , . ,