7/17/2016 - Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
7/17/2016 - Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
OUR LADY OF VICTORY CATHOLIC CHURCH IGLESIA CATÓLICA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LAS VICTORIAS REVEREND JESÚS DEL ÁNGEL, ADMINISTRATOR Deacons: Reverend Mr. Nai Her Reverend Mr. Kurt Neuhaus Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 2850 N. Crystal Ave Fresno, CA 93705-3851 Phone: 559-226-1163 Fax: 559-226-2093 Email: [email protected] Website: olvchurch-fresno.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olvfresno Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday, 5:30 pm Sábado, 7:00 pm Sunday, 8:00 am Sunday, 9:30 am Sunday, 11:30 am Domingo, 1:30 pm Sunday, 3:30 pm (Hmong) Sunday, 5:30 pm Weekday Masses 8:00 am Mondays-Fridays (school year: 9:00 am on Fridays) Holy Day Masses - as announced Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays, 10:00 - 11:30 am Rosary - Sundays at 7:15 am in the Church Baptisms by appointment only. English and Spanish. Prebaptism class for both parents and godparents. To schedule baptism and pre-baptism classes, call the Parish Center. Weddings - Preparation classes require 6 months advanced notice. To schedule wedding, call the Parish Center. Quinceañeras - to schedule a quinceañera, contact the Parish Center. OUR LADY OF VICTORY SCHOOL Principal: Mrs. Deborah Nettell Preschool through 8th Grade 1626 W. Princeton Ave Fresno, CA 93705 Phone: 559/229-0205 Fax: 559/229-3230 Website: www.fresnoolv.org Email: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/olvschoolfresno Sunday, July 17, 2016: 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Office Voicemail - 226-1163, ext 120 Fr. Jesús Del Ángel (not confidential) [email protected] Deacon Nai Her - [email protected] Deacon Kurt Neuhaus - [email protected] Kim O’Connor, Office Manager [email protected] Lina Gamez, Secretary - [email protected] Sara McCraw, Accounting - [email protected] Joe Martinez, Facilities - (559) 226-1163 Life Teen/Youth Confirmation: Sarah Casillas [email protected] Liturgical Coordinator: Kim O’Connor [email protected] Hmong Religious Education: Danieng Xiong [email protected] FAVOR OREN POR...PLEASE PRAY FOR Sally Acosta Bedoya. Carmen Acuna, Michael Alcantar, Andrea Alvarez, Reynaldo Arcuino, Anthony Arroyo, Shelby Arroyo, Carolyn Austin, Taran Balderrama, Betty Baptista, Felipe Barrientos, Emily Beckmann, Mark Beyer, Gamila Brown-Jones, Lori Cameron, Cheryl Cass, Virginia Castillo, Robert Castro, Bobbie Cazmi, Becky Colburn, John, Irene & Michael Cook, Lupe Cordova, Adrienne Dangelot, Ralph De La Cerda, Len Doerkisen, Marisol Torres Ecceles, Laura & Patrick Edwards, Jessie Espinosa, Pete Espinoza, Terry Espinoza, Gina Fernandes, Jeff Fickenworth, Susan Fischer, Beverly Follett, Helen Freitas, Baby Max Galindo, Virginia Garcia, Steven Gardea, Dennis Gaxiola, Charlotte Girado, Dalton Goode, Rita Gorman, Dan & Lori Harrison, Jerry Hatfield, Jordyn Halverson, Leticia Hembree, Jennie Herrera, John Herrera, Karen & Marcia Hess, Richard Hernandez, Jeanette Hogue, Anastasia Hornor & Family, Linda Howell, Marian Jacks, Dora Jensen, Diane Jimenez, Eileen Klein, Edna Lamb, Josephine Lango, Youa Lee, Bryan Lehman, Mary Leslie, Patricia Letson, Louis Lett Sr., Cle-Estria Lett, Louis Lett Jr. & Michelle Lett, Jean Lombardi, Teresa Lombardo, Simon Lucido, Vincie Lucido, Connie Lujan, Joann Madril, Alice Matthews, Bernadette Martin, Randy McCully, Jayden Medina, Alsia Mejia, James Mills, Ellie Monzon, Vicky Monzon, Aurora Munguia, Ann Neuhaus, Ed Neuman, Ann Nodd, Tanner O’Brien, Margarita Neria Ochoa, Dominic Orossi, Lisa Quinonez Ortiz, Francis Ortega, Rodney Osuna, Servina Palacios, Betty Palumbo, John Patton, Melvin Pech, Juanita Phillips, Rebecca Plaza, Jess & Joyce Quintero, Maria Quiroz, Emily & Pete Ramirez, Makayla Ramirez, Dolores Rendon, Rita Reyes, Ana Rieping, Richard Rigg, Armando Rodriguez, Donald Rodriguez II, Joseph Rodriguez, Nellie Rodriguez, Paul Rodriguez, Rogelio Lopez Romero, Dominic Rossi, Mike Rudd, Milton & Paul Ruth, Art Sanchez, Rosa Maria Santos, Cabrina Shafer, Hans & Rose Marie Siefert, David Simpson, Bill Smith, Mel Solano, Andrew Stevenson, Mariann Stott, Tony Strong, Geri Tahajian, Adrian Tapia, Helen Tarasevic, Cecile Navarro Tatum, Marilyn Taylor, Shelly Travis, Gloria Trejo, Art Wahlenmaier, Tom Wilson, June Wright, Margie Vargas, and Lisa Yurgal. MASS INTENTIONS INTENCIONES DE LA MISA Saturday, July 16, 2016 / Sábado, 16 de Julio 2016 10:00 am..... Confessions/Confesiones 5:30 pm ...... Emilia & Thomas Mendez (Gloria Gomez Alvarez & Larry Alvarez) 7:00 pm ...... Adriana Cabrera (Familia Cabrera Reyes) Sunday, July 17, 2016 / Domingo, 17 de Julio 2016 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time XVI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 8:00 am....... Tom Medina (Family) 9:30 am....... Barbara Korenak Goldworthy (Toni Tipton) 11:30 am..... Mary Silva (Family) 1:30 pm ...... Candelaria Ramirez y Guillermo Vasquez de parte de sus hijos y nietos 3:30 pm ...... For all of our personal intentions 5:30 pm ...... Matilda Torres (Cabrera Torres Family) Monday, July 18, 2016 / Lunes, 18 de Julio 2016 8:00 am....... Special intentions of Dennis Gaxiola (Franco Family) Tuesday, July 19, 2016 / Martes, 19 de Julio 2016 8:00 am....... Communion Service Wednesday, July 20, 2016 / Miércoles, 20 de Julio 2016 8:00 am....... Andrea Salazar Garcia & Inez Garcia (Richard Chavez) Thursday, July 21, 2016 / Jueves, 21 de Julio 2016 8:00 am....... Phyllis Blevins (Mena Family) Friday, July 22, 2016 / Viernes, 22 de Julio 2016 8:00 am....... Jane Acosta (Sal & Theresa Mena) Saturday, July 23, 2016 / Sábado, 23 de Julio 2016 10:00 am..... Confessions/Confesiones 5:30 pm ...... Rose Lucido (Rog & Vincie Lucido) 7:00 pm ...... Jose Guadalupe Montoya de parte de Teresa Villagomez Sunday, July 24, 2016 / Domingo, 24 de Julio 2016 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time XVI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 8:00 am....... Conrad Carrillo (Andres Family) 9:30 am....... Special intentions of Agnes Sullvian on her 100th birthday 11:30 am..... Special intentions of Deacon Jacob Mendoza (Denise Ouellette) 1:30 pm ...... Hector Miguel Torres de parte de su mamá 3:30 pm ...... Xai Lee Yang (Der Yang & Ge Yang) 5:30 pm ...... In thanksgiving to St. Joseph 2 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California STATEMENT FROM THE MOST REVEREND ARMANDO X. OCHOA, D.D. IN RESPONSE TO THE ATTACK ON DALLAS POLICE OFFICERS Each act of violence places all of us at the crossroads of choice. By God’s design, we were gifted with an interior moral compass to help us through the decision making process. It is gravely concerning that we continue to witness and experience the mounting evidence that our society as a whole has lost its connection with this essential part of our being. We have lost faith. We have lost a sense of who we were created to be. We have lost the divinely intended bond of respect, dignity, compassion and mercy with one another. We are reminded and sobered by the message in the scriptures: “I call heaven and earth today to witness against you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. Choose life, then, that you and your descendants may live, by loving the Lord, your God, obeying his voice, and holding fast to him.” (Deuteronomy 30:19-20) Let us cling to our God as we pray for healing for the victims and survivors of this senseless tragedy. Let us cling to our God for guidance in how we respond. Let us cling to our God as we strive to set a different course for our society – one that will restore and respect a culture of life for us and the generations to come, from natural birth until natural death. DECLARACIÓN DEL REVERENDÍSIMO ARMANDO X. OCHOA, D.D. EN RESPUESTA AL ATAQUE DE POLICÍAS EN DALLAS Cada acto de violencia nos pone a todos nosotros en un punto crucial de elección. Por el designio de Dios fuimos dotados con una moral interior para ayudarnos a través del proceso de toma de decisiones. Es gravemente preocupante que seguimos siendo testigos y continuamos experimentando la creciente evidencia de que nuestra sociedad, en su conjunto, ha perdido su conexión con esta parte esencial de nuestro ser. Hemos perdido la fe. Hemos perdido el sentido para qué fuimos creados. Hemos perdido el vínculo divinamente intencionado de respeto, dignidad, compasión y misericordia el uno con el otro. Se nos recuerda a través del mensaje en las escrituras: “Que los cielos y la tierra escuchen y recuerden lo que acabo de decir; te puse delante la vida o la muerte, la bendición o la maldición. Escoge, pues, la vida para que vivas tú y tu descendencia. Ama a Yavé, escucha su voz, uniéndote a él, para que vivas y se prolonguen tus días, mientras habites en la tierra que Yavé juró dar a tus padres, Abrahán, Isaac y Jacob.” (Deuteronomio 30:1920) Aferrémonos a nuestro Dios mientras oramos para la curación de las víctimas y sobrevivientes de esta tragedia insensata. Aferrémonos a nuestro Dios para que nos guíe cómo responder. Aferrémonos a nuestro Dios mientras nos esforzamos para establecer un curso diferente para nuestra sociedad –uno que va a restaurar y respetar una cultura de vida para nosotros y para las generaciones futuras, desde el nacimiento natural hasta la muerte natural. Statue of the Virgin Mary Reported to be Weeping A statement from The Most Rev. Armando X. Ochoa, D.D., Bishop, Diocese of Fresno Last year, after referring to Medjugorje, our Holy Father, Pope Francis, cautioned against “basing one’s faith on apparitions or anything other than Christ.” During a recent daily homily, he asked the faithful to understand that “the Kingdom of God is among us” and to stop seeking “strange things.” The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “Pastoral discernment is needed to sustain and support popular piety, and, if necessary, to purify and correct the religious sense which underlies these devotions so that the faithful may advance in knowledge of the mystery of Christ. Their exercise is subject to the care and judgment of the bishops and to the general norms of the Church.” (CCC 1676) In regards to the development of a popular devotion focused on a statue of the Virgin Mary in a private residence in Fresno, there has been misinformation circulating that I have officially stated that this is a miraculous event. This is not correct. I have only reached out to a member of the household by letter encouraging the family to meet with one of our priests for pastoral guidance. To date, the family has not responded. The letter sent to the family may be viewed on our diocesan website at: www.dioceseoffresno.org. As Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Fresno, I do not endorse, encourage or authorize visitation to such a venue or authorize donations to be received for whatever purpose. Se ha Informado que la Estatua de la Virgen María está Llorando Una Declaración del Reverendísimo Armando X. Ochoa, D.D., Obispo de la Diócesis de Fresno El año pasado, después de referirse a Medjugorje, nuestro Santo Padre, el Papa Francisco, advirtió contra el peligro de “fundar nuestra fe en apariciones o cualquier otra cosa que no sea Cristo.” Durante una reciente homilía, él pidió a los fieles que entiendan que el “Reino de Dios está entre nosotros” y dejar de buscar “cosas extrañas.” El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica afirma: “Se necesita un discernimiento pastoral para sostener y apoyar la religiosidad popular y, llegado el caso, para purificar y rectificar el sentido religioso que subyace en estas devociones y para hacerlas progresar en el conocimiento del Ministerio de Cristo. Su ejercicio está sometido al cuidado y al juicio de los obispos y a las normas generales de la Iglesia.” (CCC 1676) En lo que respecta al desarrollo de la devoción popular enfocada en la estatua de la Virgen Maria en una residencia privada en Fresno, una información incorrecta está siendo divulgada indicando que yo, oficialmente, he declarado que este es un evento milagroso. Esto no es correcto. Yo solamente me he comunicado con un miembro de la familia a través de una carta, alentando a la familia a reunirse con uno de nuestros sacerdotes para buscar una guía pastoral. Hasta la fecha, la familia no ha respondido. La carta que se envió a esta familia puede encontrada en nuestra página del internet: www.dioceseoffresno.org. Como Obispo de la Diócesis Católica de Fresno, yo no respaldo, fomento o autorizo las visitas a este lugar, tampoco autorizo dar donaciones por cualquier propósito. 3 Domingo, 17 de Julio 2016: XVI Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario HOSPITALITY Hospitality means receiving guests generously: my house is your house! Abraham and Sarah, the parents of us all, receive the Lord and get a wonderful response: “You will have now a son.” Sarah laughs but then produces Isaac. Mary and Martha receive Jesus. Like Mary and Martha, we bask quietly in God’s presence, and despite concern, should avoid overfussiness in our worship. When we open ourselves to God, we share hospitality and the gift of God’s Son. How do you receive the Lord? Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. HOSPITALIDAD La hospitalidad significa recibir invitados con generosidad. Abraham y Sara, nuestros padres, reciben al Señor y reciben una gran recompensa: “Sara, tu mujer, tendrá un hijo”. Y Sara tuvo a Isaac. Marta y María recibieron a Jesús. Como ellas, nosotros recibimos el calor de la presencia de Dios—a pesar de las preocupaciones que enfrentamos a veces por cualquier cosa—cuando celebramos el culto. Al abrir nuestro corazón para recibir a Dios, compartimos la hospitalidad y el don del Hijo de Dios. ¿Cómo recibes tú al Señor? Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. Derechos reservados. Readings for the week of July 17, 2016 Sunday - Gn 18:1-10; Ps 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42 Monday - Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday - Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50 Wednesday - Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Mt 13:1-9 Thursday - Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 36:6-11; Mt 13:10-17 Friday - Jer 3:14-17; (Ps) Jer 31:10-13; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday - Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6, 8, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Next Sunday - Gn 18:20-32; Ps 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1 -13 Lecturas para la semana de Julio 17, 2016 Domingo - Gen 18:1-10; Sal 15:2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lc 10:38-42 Lunes - Miq 6:1-4, 6-8; Sal 50:5-6, 8-9, 16-17, 21, 23; Mt 12:38-42 Martes - Miq 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 85:2-8; Mt 12:46-50 Miércoles - Jer 1:1, 4-10; Sal 71:1-6, 15, 17; Mt 13:1-9 Jueves - Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Sal 36:6-11; Mt 13:10-17 Viernes - Jer 3:14-17; (Sal) Jer 31:10-13; Mt 12:1-8 Sábado - Jer 7:1-11; Sal 84:3-6, 8, 11; Mt 13:24-30 Próximo Domingo - Gen 18:20-32; Sal 138:1-3, 6-8; Col 2:12-14; Lc 11:1-13 ¡Ven y uneté con nosotros en oración y veneración! ¡Venga a sentir la obra del Espíritu Santo! Acompañenos todos los martes a las 7 p.m. en el Salon Hayes al partir del 12 de Julio. Para información, favor de comunicarse con John Betancourt al 559-5735355. Come join us in prayer and worship! Come feel the works of the Holy Spirit! Tuesday nights at 7:00 pm in Hayes Hall starting Tuesday, July 12th. For more information contact John Betancourt at 559-5735355 BIBLE STUDY: Bible Time-Line with Jeff Cavins The Bible is one of the main sources of all that we are and do as Catholics. Understanding it brings our faith to life. We are going to be starting a 2part series on the Bible called “A Quick Journey through the Bible”. Dates are Saturday, July 16th and Saturday, July 30th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in Hayes Hall. We will be meeting to grow deeper in our understanding of the best-selling book of all times. This class will be utilizing a DVD presentation by Jeff Cavins. There is no cost for this class. You can sign up by contacting either ESPEE at 559-349-1752 or [email protected] and/or OLIVIA at 559-304-6708 or [email protected] Did you know the church has Online Giving? To sign up, go to: www.osvonlinegiving.com/1405 ¿Sabia usted que puede dar su donacion a la iglesia por sitio de red? Para inscribirse, vaya al: www.osvonlinegiving.com/1405 Collection for July 10, 2016 Plate Collection ............................................. $9,306.50 4 Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION INSCRIPCIÓN PARA EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Registration Dates Fechas de Inscripción Saturday, July 23, 2016 - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Hayes Hall Sábado, 23 de Julio 2016 - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Hayes Salon Sunday, July 24, 2016 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Hayes Hall Domingo, 24 de Julio 2016 - 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Hayes Salon Monday, August 1, 2016 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Hayes Hall Lunes, 1º de Agosto 2016 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Hayes Salon Wednesday, August 3, 2016 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Hayes Hall Miércoles, 3 de Agosto 2016 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Hayes Salon LAST CHANCE Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, McGovern Hall ÚLTIMA OPORTUNIDAD Miércoles, 24 de Agosto 2016 - 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, McGovern Salon Rates Cuotas $50.00, 1 student* $80.00, 2 students (siblings only) $100.00, 3+ students (siblings only) $50.00 por un estudiante* $80.00 por dos estudiantes (solámente hermanos) $100.00 por tres o más estudiantes (solámente hermanos) CASH OR CHECKS ACCEPTED. EXACT CHANGE ONLY IF USING CASH. Required documents at the time of registration FOR ALL STUDENTS: Unbaptized - birth certificate First Communion - birth certificate and baptismal certificate Confirmation - birth certificate, baptismal certificate and First Communion certificate * child or adult SE ACEPTAN PAGOS EN EFECTIVO O CON CHEQUE. CAMBIO EXACTO SI EN EFECTIVO POR FAVOR. Los documentos requeridos en el momento de la inscripción PARA TODOS LOS ESTUDIANTES SON: Parap No bautizados - certificado de nacimiento Para Primera Comunión - certificado de nacimiento y certificado de Bautismo Para Confirmación - certificado de nacimiento, certificado de Bautismo y el certificado de Primera Comunión * niño o adulto 5 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church - Fresno, California In preparation for the Guild’s Christmas Boutique in November, the Women’s Altar Guild would like to invite anyone interested in lending their artistic and decorating talents to attend their Christmas Boutique Summer Workshops. All items made will be sold at their Christmas Boutique and Bake Sale. All profits gained are used to support expenses associated with the needs of the altar. All workshop dates are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., at McGovern Hall. August 9, 2016 September 20, 2016 October 18, 2016 November 15, 2016 (Final meeting) For more information, please contact Deidre Putnam at 285-1707, Loretta Cisneros at 2763722 or Hilda Prudhume at 229-4429. CP&BC MEMBER SOCIAL AND PARISH AMBASSADOR EVENT CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP NIGHT – CHUKCHANSI PARK GRIZZLIES vs. IOWA CUBS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12TH 5:30 P.M. UNTIL THE FIREWORKS GO OFF! COME CHEER FOR BISHOP OCHOA AS HE THROWS THE FIRST PITCH! $26 PER PERSON SPECIAL PRICING – RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY AUGUST 1ST Reserved Game Seating Pre-Game Dinner at The Tecate Cantina Pavilion All You Can Eat Hot Dogs & Chili Loaded Potato Salad Sliced Watermelon Assorted Soft Drinks & Bottled Water Early Entrance 5:35 P.M. Game Time 7:05 P.M. Bishop Will Throw the First Pitch Around 6:50 P.M. Receive A Fresno Grizzlies National Champion Hat And A Free Ticket to A Future Grizzlies Game! For questions, more information or reservations call (559) 434-2722 or email us at [email protected] or make reservations online at www.cpbcfresno.org. For this or any other information, contact Adolfo “Al” Aguila, Account Executive, Fresno Grizzlies at [email protected] or call him at (559) 320-2531. 6 Iglesia Católica Nuestra Señora de Las Victorias - Fresno, California Concierto de Beneficio con el Benefit Concert with Jueves 25 de Agosto de 2016 6:30 PM Un beneficio de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de las Victorias 2838 N. West Ave Precio individual $25.00 Thursday August 25, 2016 6:30 PM A benefit for Our Lady of Victory Church 2838 N. West Ave Price: $25.00/individual Únase a nosotros para tacos después del concierto! Presente su bono para 3 tacos y 1 bebida por persona. Orginzado por el Apostolado Hispano. Llame a José Vivian para mayor información 1-909-213-3726
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