Philippine May 5, 2014 STAGIRS MR. DIOSDADO M.sAN ANTONIO Foundation Regionol Director CALABARZON Dear MR. SAN ANTONIO: Greetings. PHItIPPINE STAGERS FOUNDATION (PSF), a fast rising and muhi-awarded non-stock, non-profit theater company duly organized and registered under the laws of the Securities and Exchange Commission will be offering its various plays and Musicals for the Thirteenth 113tn1 Season, one of which is FltlPlNAS 1941, lsang Dulayawit lA Musicol obout Filipino hardships and suflering duinE the time ol topanese Occupationl. The said Musical is written and directed by world renowned stage director and writer, Aliw and Broadway World Awardee, Atty. Vincent Taf,ada. lt will be shown in various theater venues in Metro Manila and chosen provinces. PSF was recognized by no-less than President Noynoy Aquino as one of the Ten Accomplished Youth Organizations of the Philippines (TAYO Awards) and Dangal ng Bansa by the Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino. lt was also recognized for numerous times by the Aliw Awards and by the Broadway World Awards for two consecutive years. Enclosed herewith is the synopsislofthe play and musical of the Foundation for its 13'th Season. It is in this light that we implore your indulgence and request for an endorsement from your good office to enable us to invite the students to witness our musical and be inspired by the life and heroism of the Filipinos during the time of Japanese Occupation. Rest assured that this would benefit our audience not only academically approach to study Modern Literature and Philippine History but Theater Production not before seen in Philippine Stage. Please feel free to get in touch it for it focuses on the holistic is also an Artistic masterpiece in with me. My contact nos. are 02-5053191 and 0927-2009225. Thank you. Sincerely yours, MARY EIAINE T. CORONEI 10, Board of Trustee/ Marketing Head Philippine Stagers Offlce: 4th floor Vincent 1 Bldg. 411 Calabash-A corner G Tuazon St Manila' Telbpnone: 7816227 Email: dbap sbc @hotmail com/Philstagers foundation@yahoo com Vincent M. Tanada's (94(n J//|d/.sa; Out of the oven and into the fire. After 300 years of Spanish colonial rule the Philippines got its first taste of freedom then taken away by the Americans pretending to be the country's liberator. Sudden twist of events turned everything upside down. History during the era will be told through the eyes of four intertwined souls, brothers Felipe and Nestor, friends Emilia and Sofia, which would eventually unfold the truth of how Philippine independence was won by Filipinos. The difference between the two brothers was very obvious in the onset, Nestor was more successful in school, and eventually he used all the things he learned in school to start a very successful shoe making business. On the other hand his older brother Felipe ended up ploughing the fields. Eventually they will realize the impact of the war that it spares no one. When Pearl Harbour was bombed by the Japanese signalling the start of the Second World War, 10 hours after the Philippines was not spared, lntramuros was decimated, HUKBALAHAP was formed and USAFFE experienced a beating from the Japanese forces. Corregidor finally fell, General Douglas MacArthur left with his troops and the hope of the people to Australia. The remnants of the defenders of the Philippines were forced to march to their deaths. ln these trying times our four characters will traverse the challenges of Japanese occupation. They will showcase the resilience of the Filipino spirit and prove to the world that despite all odds, with minimal support coming from the forces of MacArthur from Australia. The brothers will go on their separate ways, Nestor will become a collaborator, using his business ties to get his vengeance for what happened with Emilia. Felipe will eventually join the rebels in the mountains for the fate of Sofia. The missing links of our history needs to be filled out and this play will try to fill in the gaps. The misrepresentation of our history regarding our efforts in the Second World War needs to be corrected. Our war against the Japanese was made successful because of the Filipino spirit. The country is already winning when MacArthur returned, as such that only 12 out of 40 provinces was left to the Japanese forces and was bound to fall in coming months. The Philippines is the apex of the Second World War and the end of it is the turning point that would spell success or failure between the ruling powers. The Battle of Leyte Gulf is arguably the biggest Naval Battle in history. Our characters willjoin us in this tragic battle. Lives will be lost, tragedy will be told, but at the end of the day, Filipinas 194L will give you a spectacular musical experience that would show our history through the eyes of our countrymen and how the resilience of the Filipinos won the day for the Philippines. [trti.ttd Jorrp h L lro / l'l q9 )o A IHEATFR wilh a PURPOSE PHILIPPINE SIAGERS FOUNDA-ilON is a fasf-rising and uiticaliy acclaified professional theater company duly organized and registered undet the laws af the Secu es and Exchange Commission. Founded in by Atty. Vincent M. Tafiada, a lawyer and w teL Jeffrcy T. Ambrcsio, an inte or designet and Chtistian H. Lim, a professional computet analyst and graphics designer. The thrce PSF incoryoratars saw the recessily of Eansfatmation and rccupention of Philippine 2002 theateL But PSF is notjusl an ofiinary pertorming group. lt is a Foundation with an objectve of helping the paor, the sick, lhe elde y and the fotgotlen thrcugh the nediun of theatet arts. At prcsent, the foundation has fi1rc lhanfrlty (5A) High Schooland College Scholars. Aside fton its very active Scholarshrp Prcgran, the foundafion is consistently handling absolutely frce Theate WMkshop every summer with moe than two hundrcd (2001 panieipanis frcn vaious schoo/s in the country, For its rcgular season runs, the Foundation has also otganized out+each activilies at vatious cha table institutions such as Golden Acres Home for the Aged, Seryants of Charity, Nati1nal Centet for Mental Health and Reception Study Cenler stic for Children. Through this, philippine Stage9 Foundation is an team with a puryose ifi tire society. Remaining hunble and silenl despile its phenonenal success, the foundation has produced several stage plays €q* i. a which brcke alltheater box office tecords in the Philippines. Fot its plays Mactan 1521, Enza.,.Santo, Chi-noi, O'Maises, Pinoy Sanurai, Desapatecidos, A Filipino Musicale, Nan aste...Ang Makulay na Buhay ni Gandhi, Ttoy Avenue, Ako si Ninoy, ( 22nd AIiw Awards Best Musical PIay), Enzo..santo(rc-r,n), Cory ng Edsa ( Broadway World Best Musical Play and Aliw Awards Best Musical PIay, 2012) and Joe A Filipino Roclasical (Best Musical Play in the Brcadway Wo d Awads). Philippine Stagerc Foundation has nade phenomenal ticket-sales, averaging frcm thitty five (35) to tfuee hundred (300) shows all over the country such as, Pangasinan, La- union, Baguio, Cavite, Panpanga, Bataan, Laguna, Batangas, Nueva Ecija, Ta ac, Palawan, Cebu, Zamboanga ta nane a few. " I tI a ,' _.i 14 e.. t -I t*-, ' Ihe aggressiveness of its rnarketing team remains its inspkation in Wopla'!s. Its narkels hailed all its plays as spectacula\ ducing quality well-polished and innovative. The Aliw Awafts, the only awad-giving boCy in the counry hono ng live peiormances, has rccognized for numerous i,fles ils various stage plays and nusicales, as well as its Dircctor and Cast Membe's, On Decenbet 9,2010, the conpany was awatded by Prcsident Noynoy Aquino joined by TAYA Awards Foundation at lhe Heroes hall of the Malacanang Palace lor being ane of the Ten Acconplished Yauth Oqaniatlons (TAYA) of 2010. After ten yeas ol existence, PSF is here to stay. ,ls success may be attibuted to God's guidance and the Foundation's selllsss desire to shate its tiunph to nyriads of people by lowering the ticket Wice and continuing ils va ous progftms to help the less toftunate. t; PHILIPPINH $ffiqEqs FOUNDATION www. philstagers. 8m. com r ..P I 0! l] fl 2A 13. 201 r Ihealer 8E,'lEFlCllf;lES Phippi@srigsi lh€ €ds y !mljun lk ind o'diiiryperlo'minqqtup fi. ih'dgh m€dium rk:tolidnjoiwith oqediwolMp:iq$epod,lle!i1, ]ne Eios &ndxkrj6 ol p6r di in!re pDdu.doni d ol{pile6rc 'oqolts TE{rOI8!5Arl'deidodqid,€ibrc'q 5llVANls 0r iad{olPStii1,i9,,i{,bir,&bigi CHAifXT.ndla $c, OldM cily CoLDr'll ACRIS HO/l toR lllf atrt0 NIIII] NATIOI$L CTI1IR fOR MLI1TAI INC]\IHI R(tPrlON 5tllDY !:tMiX t0{ (HrtDfltN DoMI|oN ll5TlLrclloMll4A]l| Ar5 IR5CC) m Coitnut:t0'i, VARloUr PUsUC sCrJ00L5 rMPRolf*fM REllASlUTAtp'i 0R 0t PuBti6crr00l irLJstuMs N ColbqesrhohRal dF Pt bpiB Ti. ry p0)4tr6frry, N qh tot0il 6 FF l6ol.E 3d{'dr@ldd 5.ldlrr,Ar*ac thhtr atu 9lipen* ArpreF,PsFhi'mErl $ dE h p poqBm i 'r8rg {, .' dN ded 6uuugn l1oR(sttoP IEr l:f;l:l*i*iry*:rv#:'r*rfl fe tlaler lhdrhe hind ing ab$1ulely fiDre lha0 IE ::::'i:'ill rs yilh 1200) padrdpants 2010 tCC0 PtiStiID v0llIlt every eunl lro huilred from Erious irhools in 0 /4i,J0 A t 0R c,4 l{ iz,4 I I 0lr (t At 0) lhe{ounty. niwii 9 e! itJ0 SAllS/4 llg l{ornh,oi $ \{ kinq F I p no ia Stage foundalion flq Aqoft A\rldedbyllrtx(eleiqBeignosmeoncAquno Prer dentoflfre Ph Ippiner Her0€5 Hall, Ma a6n r Pi I i(e [20llrcorynstdsO EROADWAY WORLD 8E5I iIUSICAI PIIY, CHORTOGMPHIR, DlREOOR, 5OI]ND DEs]6NIR,5ET DE5]GNIR, COSTUME DE5 GNER.ACTOfi AND MUs CAL D RECION ? . : tssl I Er il./ -:.. ft Alio l(oqflbj b numeolr l hs $ ad hulc BEST I UP NO PLAY lNoN MUSCAIj er At1AN05 et5T DlRfCr0t AWt8D5 8I5r Ml]5tCAt ?tAI At \! At\/At05 8E5T 2010 al]w 8t5t DtllcT0l A!1rAtD5 Fdonifter I'as (e $ $oildlorird ? CU[0 ftBt08llttR AlijAND5 Bt5T MllStCAt ?tAY Co,y n9 !d!a A\,1/atD5 i{e l(T0i 2009 Atltv I (em} hoidbq phy5 AItl :0| [I]T N6 DESI6N,BEsTSOOI(ANDLYRC' AIiC EANCKAY, 8i5T 2C09 ?0| A|\t L IIATI]RLD AORISS. BESTFILP NOPIAY I ir lhe w osilq€ 1007 ALt\t al{AND5 8f ST Y1 nocmutt AR0S F0UliDA Il0l,/ Amd!,ltu m y a{idgiliig hd} 2!09 Al ritrpino EROADWAY WORTD BIST MI]s TAt PLAY, . j AL I W AW 201 2tma fPdfi.iF t0tt clNL0s fl{r{{r trNl0r 8t5I ACi08 l//l//y/,P llItSIAGERS,S pl(lllcl lrrrxll rx I/lI ,rrL rf{crN rrr crrr[0rr Seas 0 n 0f I rril g