Feminist Criticism--Dobie Handout Page
Feminist Criticism--Dobie Handout Page
96 CHAPTER 5 MARXIST CRITICISM the weaker prolecupidity, are like the animals because both make social decisions for males" of Hornung tariat and both men are unbound by moral stricture s. The "weaker at the bottom and Truslow's society are as marginalized and alienated as the animals 6 of the beastly hierarchy. a job and working Eventually, Lewiston is able to overcom e his predicam ent by finding d by the fact quantifie dly downwar is his way up to a steady salary. Even this small victory ownership of all that it involves street cleaning. In our society's unchecked rush toward work for others is we survey, we harshly judge and look down upon those whose slavelike the so-called bluewithout seen as less than noble. Although our society could not function cleaners and garcollar jobs such as mechanic and farmer and the unskilled labor of street spuriOUS shame The ued. underval severely are bage collectors, these necessary occupations d wholesale swallowe associated with these trades has been fostered by the bourgeoisie and them by lack of better by all, including the very workers who, like Lewiston, are forced into and fragment workers the alienate to opportunity. This false consciousness further serves our society. it felt like to be Eventually, Lewiston is reunited with his Wife, but he never forgets what engine." terrible and great a of caught in what the author describes as "the cogs and wheels by the iron-hard This engine is the American capitalist economy, construc ted and operated and fuel the oil who workers the to loyalty and dispassionate ruling classes who feel no are unable him like great engine, nor to those who are crushed by it. Lewiston and others even to compreh end the great forces that shape their lives. us that the two As to Truslow and Hornung, at the end of the story Norris reminds gambled in the "never saw the wheat they traded in, bought and sold the world's food, and went on about nourishm ent of entire nations, practiced their ... oblique shifty 'deals,'" author's use of the The ble." their destructi ve business "content ed, enthrone d, and unassaila in this story, word enthroned calls to mind royalty and the divine right of kings. Certainly beneath them. peasants the to thought no Truslow and Hornung conduct themselves with themselves as haVing Because of their accumulation of earthly treasures , they falsely view starve, and maim passed into the realm of diVinity, which gives them the right to destroy, class. ruling the of hands the in lies with impunity the blighted workers whose fate rank evils of social "A Deal in Wheat" is a sharp lesson to materialistic societies of the By taking the reader systems that base their economy on an undervalued working class. by the system, from the wealthy who run the system to the poor who are most affected an unchecked bourNorris is giving the reader a broad picture of the methods used by . geoisie to destroy families and rob individuals of their humanity FEMINIST CRITICISM Throughout history people have knocked their he.ads against the riddle of the nature offemininity. ... Nor Will you have escaped worrying over this problem -those of you who are men; to those ofyou who are women this will not apply- you are yourselves the problem. SIGMUND FREUD, LECTUR E 33, New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis and Other Works If a woman has her Ph.D. in physics, has mastered quantum theory, plays flawless Chopin, was once a cheerle~der. and is now married to a man who plays baseball, she Will forever be "fanner cheerleader married to star athlete. " MARYANNE ELLISON SIMMONS, wife of Milwaukee Brewers ' catcher Ted Simmons definit.ive .explaWhen a school of literary criticism is still evolving, trying to make a , IS dIfficult exampl~ for ~: criticis t Feminis ing. undertak perilous a be nation of it can Instead, IVe. to define because it has not yet been codified into a single cntlcal perspect e ~rom.o.~ eve~ its several shapes and directions vary from one country to another, .CrItICS. fermll1st ves thems~l critic to another. The premise that unites those who call creatIng an is the assumption that Western culture is fundament~lly patriarchal,. structure, soCIal T~at work. the~' and women lizes imbalance of power that margina of a~pects On-all educatI cs, econorm hy, philosop , they agree, is reflected in religion gy I.deolo such expose to works critic feminist The e. literatur g the culture, includin realized and and, in the end, to change it so that the creativity of }Vomen can be fully appreciated. HIST ORIC AL BACK GROU ND the modAlthough the feminist movement stretches back into the nineteenth centur~, the early In develop to began lens ern attempt to look at literature through a feminist 97 CHAPTER 6 FEMINIST CRITICISM on the 1960s. It was a long time coming. For centuries Western culture had operated e to Aristotl from thinkers Leading s. creature assumption that women were inferior hard look to have not does one and beings, lesser were Darwin reiterated that women that disparage to find comments from writers, theologians, and other public figures 7 A.D.) called and degrade women. The Greek ecclesiast John Chrysostom (345-40 and Ecevil," ry women "a foe to friendship, an inescapable punishment, a necessa to the little but is ess cl~siasticus (a book of the Apocrypha) states, "All wickedn lecA.D.) 0 160-23 (c. n wIckedness of a woman." The Roman theologian Tertullia it with and today; even ~ure~ women: "The judgment of God upon your sex endures gateway the are You e. ofjustic bar mevltably. e~dures your position of criminal at the . Revered to ~he devIl. Even the Book of Genesis blames Eve for the loss of paradise nature the of ions descript their in ous ungener wnters of later ages have been equally r characte no have women "Most , asserted 744) (1688-1 of women. Alexander Pope ty generali the of have I opinion "The d, explaine 821) (1795-1 at all," and John Keats a sugar plum of wome~-who appear to me as children to Whom I would rather give than m~ tIme, forms a barrier against matrimony which I rejoice in." ty of the It IS not surprising, given widespread acknOWledgment of the inferiori e Madam writer French the femal~: t?at ,:omen too accepted their lesser status. Even be should I as man, a not am I that de ~taells smd to have commented, "I am glad ~bhged to marry a woman." When women did recognize their talents, they somewoman, espeh.mes ':'Olked to conceal. them. Jane Austen, for example, advised, "A it as well as conceal should , anything knowing of ne CIally, If she have the rmsfortu Women m'e them." hide you if asset, an m'e "Brains it, put West Mae she can." Or.as ted commen once the staple ofJokes, too. James Thurber, an often quoted misogynist, ' , wrong." the in is place 's for example, "Woman with the In t~e late eighteenth century, however, Mary Wollstonecraft took issue their hide to women caused assU1~~tIOns that have allowed people to make jokes and she which in Woman, of Rights cre~t1Vlty. In 1792 she published A Vindication ofthe expeHaving y. hierarch social of ss ~eplcted women as an oppressed class regardle ne~ced as a child the imbalance of power between her own mother and father, and hav~ng observed as an adult the indignities suffered by women of all classes, she reco~nlZe~ that they are born into powerless roles. As a result, they are forced to use maprepared mpulatIve. methods to get what they want. She argued for women to be "duly sex to her of s member the for called and men" of ions compan the by educatIOn to be of those to take charge of th~ir.uves.~y recognizing that their abilities were equal soin roles own I~en, to define theIr IdentItIes for themselves, and to carve out their CIety. She wrote, s consist s-I I ~arnestly wish to point out in what true dignity and human happines and body, mind of both strength, acquire to r endeavou to women WIsh to per~uade of sentiand to convmce them that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy and weakness of epithets with ous synonym almost are ment, and refinement of taste, which has love, of kind that and pity of objects the only are who beings those that to shew that been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt. ... I wish to obtain a is ambition laudable of object first the that elegance is inferior to virtue, characte r as a human being, regardless of the distinction of sex. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 99 her a "hye?a Her stand was not welcomed by all. Horace Walpole, for example, called ev~r agam. ignore to ble impossi were they and out, were in petticoats," but the words d by pubhshe was women of position the of analysis t In 1929 another eloquen en~al n.ovels. experim at somewh and lyrical of writer a as known Virginia Woolf, best 111 hIStO~Y. Called A Room of One's Own, it questioned why women appear so seldom .:eal hfe in b~t Woolf pointed out that poems and stories are full of their depictions, Sha~e entItled they hardly seem to have existed. They are absent. In the chapt~r wnte~ fe~~le gIfted a to d speare's Sister," she pondered what would hav~ happene l whateve own, her of room a or n in the Renaissance. Without an adequate educatIO issud, deforme and twisted been have she had written," Woolf concluded, "would that "if we ing from a strained and morbid imagination." Woolf went on. to argue ,:hat we exactly wnte to courage the and [women] have the habit of freedom not bemgs human see and room sitting common the think; if we escape a little from ... t?O, sky t~e and reality.; to relation in but other always in their relation to each to hve and when she [Shakespeare's sister] is born again she shall find It pOSSIble write her poetry." ersons Individuals like Wollstonecraft and Woolf stand out as eloquent spokesp but known well less are for women. Along with them are many others whose names soboth history, s women' of ment whose efforts have been important to the develop who er, Showalt Elaine by traced cial and literary. Some of that history has been (1840-1 880), divided it into three phases, which she called the feminine phase . In th~ .first, resen~) (1920-p phase female the the feminist phase (1880-1 920), and addItIonal taking men, by ed establish tradition literary female writers imitated the te Bronte Chm'lot as such ts Novelis matter. subject or e languag e care to avoid offensiv of whom all writers, ed recogniz of styles and forms the in wrote and Mary Ann Evans George and were male. Sometimes female writers even used men's names (Currer Bell g to accordin Eliot, for example) to hide their female authorship. In the second phase, pothe In them. secure Showalter, women protested their lack of rights and worked to secure to pushed others litical realm, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and ed separate equality under the law, and some of the more radical feminists envision women by of ns. depictio unjust female utopias. In the literary world they decried the the female g explonn on rated concent gs, male writers. The third phase, at its beginnin their .own to turning meant, this writers experience in art and literature. For female typIfied had that On expressI of delicacy the that lives for subjects. It also meant e~erged. y sexualit g regardin s franknes new a as crumble to women's writing began texts 111 an efFor feminist critics it meant looking at the depiction of women in male there. Mo!'e lurking fort to reveal theJDisogyny (negative attitudes toward women) wntfemale by works of tion recently they have turned their attention to an examina ~x that nt moveme a ticism, gynocri ers. These latest efforts Showalter refers to as earlIer to contrast in ce, experien female the amines the distinctive characteristics of ,. methods that explained the female by using male models. publIc rmsed ha:e, ersons ~pokesp nt importa of host a During the third period, Sec~l1d The m lr BeauvO de SImone rights. s women' ding surroun issues awareness of ,are patnarSex (1949) argued that French culture, and Western societies in general' her own Lacking human. chal. In them it is the males who define what it means to be 100 CHAPTER 6 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 101 FEMINIST CRITICISM history, the female is always secondary or nonexistent. Beauvoir believed that women are not born inferior but made to be so. She called for women to break out of being the "other" and realize their possibilities. Betty Friedan shocked some and cheer~d others with her attack on the image of the happy American suburban housewife and mother in The Feminine Mystique (1963). By the next decade feminists were takin~ theiI: models from other social protests, such as the civil rights movement. Kate MIllett, ,m Sexua! Politics (1970), objected to the repressive stereotyping of women by probmg the dIfferences between biological (sexual) and cultural (gender) identities. Millet ~lso poiI~ted out that power in civil as well as domestic life is held by males, ~nd lIter~ture IS a record of the collective consciousness of patriarchy. That is, much lrterature IS the record of a man speaking to other men, not directly to women. At about the, same tiI~e, Germaine Greer documented images of women in popular cUl~ure and lIterature m The Female Eunuch (1970), in an attempt to free women from theIr mental dependence on the images presented by these sources. Showalter acknowledges that today there is no single strand offeminism or feminist criticism, no single feminist approach to the study ofliterature, but there do seem to be some similarities among feminists in particular countries. American feminism which has its stronghold in academia, has worked to add texts by female writers t~ the canon. Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, authors of The Madwoman in the Attic (1979), have ,been influential in American feminist criticism, calling for a recognition that male wnters have too long stereotyped women as either "the angel in the house" (the woman who lives to care for her husband) and "the madwoman in the attic," the woman, who chooses not to be the angel. They call for writing by women, even a woman s sentence, that will more accurately capture the complexity of women's lives and nature. . Showalt~r poin~s out that French feminists are primarily psychoanalytic. For theIr theoretIcal baSIS they have turned to their fellow countryman Jacques Lacan. They are, consequently, concerned with language, particularly with how women in the Symbolic Order (a phase of development) are socialized into accepting the language (and law) of the father and thereby made inferior. Helene Cixous goes so far as to assert that there is a particular kind of writing by women that she calls l'eeritur~ fe11linin~. It ~a~ as its s,ource the wholeness of Jacques Lacan's Imaginary Ordel, the prelmgmstIc domam of the female that is characterized by freedom from laws and a sense of "other" (see chapter 4). Th~ British fe~nists, according to Showalter, generally take a Marxist position. Protestmg the explOItation of women in life and literature, which they view as connected by virtue of being parts of the material world, the British feminist critics work to change the economic and social status of women. They analyze relationships between gender and class, showing how power structures, which are male dominated, influence society and oppress women. Like Marxists in general, they see literature as a tool by which society itself can be reformed. All three groups are gynocentric, trying to find ways to define the female experience, expose patriarchy, and save women from being the other. Those involved with literature-critics and writers-try to expand the canon to include female writers and to correct inaccurate depictions of them in the works of male writers. Interest in such topics has led to increased notice of works written by females who have been ignored or forgotten but whose texts deserve examination. The Awake~ing, by Kate Chopin, is a case in point. It was rediscovered in the 1960s, becOlmng a pop~lar and critical success more than sixty years after its initial publication. The growmg strength of the women's movement has also led to the es~ablish~ent of ",:,omen's stu~ ies programs, further fueling the interest in gender studIes, WhICh questIOn the qualIties of femininity and masculinity, and in feminist literary criticism. Such programs ask questions about the nature of the female imagination and fe~ale literary histo~y What, after all, is a female aesthetic? Do women use language m ways. that are dIfferent from those of men? Do women have a different pattern of reasonmg? Do they see the world in a different way? Several significant studies have tried to answer such questions. They do not all agree, but in general they have challenged assumptions .about how males and females use language, view reality, solve problems, and make Judgments. They s~ggest t~at women and men have different conceptions of self and different modes of mteractron with others. Some of the findings call for a recognition of the differences, because ignoring them inevitably leads to a suppression of women's ways of understanding and acting. Nancy Chodorow, for example, argues in The Reproducti~n of Mothel~ing t~at girls and boys develop a different concept of self because of dIfferent relatIonshIps with the mother, the primary parent in the home. Girls maintain an ongoing gender role identification with the mother from the beginning, but boys, in addition to dealing with an oedipal attachment, give up their primary identificat~on wit? her. The result is that men tend to deny relationships, whereas women remam relatIOnal. In another study, Carol Gilligan focuses on differences in the ways in which males and females talk about moral problems. Men, she points out, are more likely to see morality as a matter of rights and rules to be dealt with by formal reasoning. W~m~n, on the other hand, are more likely to deal with moral issues contextually. That IS, mstead of applying "blind justice" provided by abstract laws and universal principles, they recognize that moral choice must be determined from the particular experiences of the participants. Conflicting responsibilities are to be resolved in a narrative: co.nsensual manner. Gilligan's In a Different Voice uses the metaphors of a web, WIth ItS suggestion of connections (and entrapment as well), and a ladder, with its implications of upward movement, achievement, and hierarchies. By doing so, she counters the argument of Lawrence Kohlberg (based on a study using only male subjects) that moral development i&::4erived from an understanding of human rights. More recently she has worked with Nora Lyons to examine the implicatiops of self-definition, finding that many more women than men define themselves in terms of their relationships and connections to others. Another feminist writer, Robin Lakoff, argues that women's language is inferior to that of men. She points out its patterns of weakness, uncertainty, and, trivialit~. She goes on to assert that women should adopt the stronger male utterance If they WIsh to achieve equality. READING AS A FEMINIST T02 CHAPTER 6 1°3 FEMINIST CRITICISM I McA fourth study of significance comes from Mary Field Belenky, Blythe s Women' Entitled Tarule. Mattuck Jill Vicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Recwomen. of ment develop ual intellect the Ways of Knowing, it is concerned with processes of ognizing that male experience has served as the model in defining the value "have won~en that knowing of ways the that argue intellectual maturation, they time." That our of ethos ual intellect t dominan the by ed been neglected and denigrat d priattribute s processe mental the as defined been ally tradition is, "thinking" has imand marily to men, processes such as abstract reasoning, the scientific method, come not personal judgments. Belenky et a1. argue that this kind of thinking does l and internaturally to many women who instead are more comfortable with persona separaover tion personal ways of knowing. They are more likely to value "connec debate." over ation collabor tion, understanding and acceptance over assessment, and and ages, the Based on interviews with 135 women from a variety of backgrounds as they move voice, their find they as study found that women develop intellectually ies) to subauthorit external from ation identific from silence (in which they take their voice) and public a lack still but others from away turn jective knowledge (when they ge knowled intuitive own their e integrat they (when ge knowled then to constructed with what they have learned from others). feminist Despite (or perhaps because of) such studies, today members of the the methods and es movement and the critics, male and female, who make its principl about nt agreeme e complet basis of their critical approach to literature are not yet in different what those principles and methods are. In fact, there are currently many of because partly critics, feminist of forms of feminism and many different kinds has that practice a nts, moveme literary and their tendency to borrow from other social ves the both enriched and complicated their work. As a result, they now find themsel and ces, differen nt significa to led have that n evolutio inheritors of several decades of them. among ments, disagree some even always Minority feminis ts-wom en of color and lesbians, for examp le-do not nt moveme class middlewhite, y primaril a as see they what with align themselves victheir that that has historically marginalized them. Their exclusion is ironic, given has history only Not arts. counterp white their of that than greater been has on timizati generally has too e taken less notice of them than it has of white women, but literatur fact that the is es grievanc overlooked them, at least until recently. Compounding their for critic, feminist an -Americ African they have more than a single battle to fight. The sexism. and racism on: oppressi of forces example, finds herself pressured by two circumstance They are bound together in her experience, but she does not find that The same sexism. on only focused is which , represented by mainstream feminism ves withthemsel find who women other and aged, the poor, situation is hue for the ed with develop has it as nt moveme the outside them leaving out access to power, of mie leadership vested in educated, relatively affluent white women. The respons critwhite of nority feminist critics is therefore likely to be more political than that the nt moveme de ics. And when one makes reference to feminism as a worldwi in wom~n bf power situation becomes even more complex, because the roles and Angeles is different countries vary widely. A feminist living and working in Los how can so Iraq, in five of mother a of that from life likely to have a very different there be "sisterhood"? s, The political edge found among minority feminist critics, the Marxist feminist positions and others has not been welcomed by everyone. Some complain that radical text. They obregarding social policy ultimately cause a reader to ignore the literary o pay atject that a radical position diverts the critic from the main task at hand-t it. Such on stance tention to the aesthetics of literature, not to impose a political an auas work the see comments are formalist in nature, for they urge the reader to disgreat a at lies that h tonomous entity with its own rules of being. It is an approac protest social of tool a as e tance from the methods of those who would use literatur and reform. tion The definition of feminist criticism was also destabilized by the introduc transfor and e disruptiv a been has 1970s middle of deconstruction, which since the 8). chapter (see female or male be to means it what about mative way of thinking also overturns When the definition plays with the reversal of those categories, it nal, active/ all the other binary oppositions that are related to them: rational/emotio when we mean we passive, objective/subjective. The result is that it complicates what ne masculi as e someon refer to sexual identity. What do we mean when we describe or feminine? anyone Practitioners of queer theory (lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and indeed blurruction's deconst of use ng interesti make who by self-definition is not "straight") they identity, sexual g regardin s question in d ring and reversals of categories. Intereste possible many of n collectio a as but female or male view individuals not simply as ity. In other sexualities that may include heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexual affected by g, changin and dynamic is It static. nor stable words, sexuality is neither of its own force a is It desire. shifting to subject and class and the experience of race as the viewed be cannot xuality heterose Thus, d. conferre ally that is not just biologic norm against which other sexual identities are measured. text repApplied to literary criticism, queer theory raises questions about how a than the complex more resents sexual categories. Does it depict human sexuality as s are identitie sexual how show essentialist terms male and female suggest? Does it homobe to means it what ate indeterminate, overlapping, changing? Does it complic and lesbian sexual or heterosexual? Such approaches can be found in the work of gay , come methods or goals same the share rily necessa not critics, who, although they do . criticism queer of term e inclusiv together under the more READ ING AS A FEMI NiST ofAbiga il To understand the discussion that follows, you should read the letters , John, husband her from one the and 1776, 5, Adams written on March 31 and April 249. page on written on April 14, 1776, which begin 1°4 CHAPTER 6 READING AS AFEMINIST FEMINIST CRITICISM ', Although feminist criticism has man Y ' d general approaches in common, More s ecificall stIan s, mos~ cntICs ,hold some er forrediscov to hIstory lIterary at look they y, p gotten text s b y women, to reevaluate oth t t an d ' contexts cultural the exal111ne to er ex sili in which works were produced Th l that makes women the other (the inierio;'~ :~~ ~~e ,e, ma~e/female power structurelimitabolish to work They It. IeJec~ ey ' n e ing stereotypes of w o m the prejudices they create In short' They see~ to exp?se patnarchal premises and ways people read and that they read it, feminist valued IS e everyon that so I1d g h k t 'Ill as a creative rational being , a rna es t em as a group h' hI 'd 1 ' Ig Y 1 eo ogical, even , " y. " VIsIonar " d' Despite the sprawling nature f t " IS possible to gr,oup some of It Ies, ~tu ~:~~st seve~al into ives perspect t the differen groups of feminist critics are those who study d'ff ' ppm~ approaches. Three major hips, relations power study who ose t eIence, 1, and those who study the "'emal e expenence. l' ~r~~c~hh~::~~ ~~:~It:r:~r~~~at ~he STUDIE S OF DIFFER ENCE . . Feminist critics who are interested in deter ' , g l111nm the dIfferences m male and female writing work from the assumptI' th at gen , . th' der determines e on very mg, mcludmg ,. valne systems and language Not all t " cntIcs agree, for they recognize that historically the concept of feI~ale d''''' eirumsht ' Iuerence as resulted in an assumptiOn , , of female mfenority, leading them to argue th at d'ff . b long no 1 erence should h ~~ e an Issue. Nevd G'll' ert eless, studies like those of Belenk lIgan have led cntIcs to look for distinctive elements in texts by Iueil d y an an Women. They. compare an d contrast what men Th and women write and how th ey WlI,'t' b' ert. ey exal111ne not only th' , elr ~u ~ects but also then voice, syntax, and diction. And althou h unresolved, the concern with male and female wrft. such matte~s .remam largely inin resulted has nstIcs characte mg b' 1 and gay creased attention to " 'fl b es Ian texts and eventually ha seen m uentIal m the establishment of gay studies programs. :, . , " " One way this approach has influenced CUlT m an expanded eVIdent IS ClItIcism e~t d b to are genres which of concept female writers by works If e. are to be deemed worthy of studye ~~cePtthe fas lIteratur ' en e orms they have traditi ona11y turne d to, snc II as journals and letters, have to be included i ~ the canon. The cor~espondence between Abigail Adams and her husb d J h 0 was away fr?m home because of the American Revolution is an exa~nl' ~ t:' w rts .of ~exts that mterest feminist critsfoA e ics, For one thing, the let~ers allow t~ eo, h e VOIce 0 bigall a woman who had b h or poems ~h,ose letters her con.through hand f' 1 ' t al cems are still articulated. They are 1 so yplca 0 t e kind of wntmg women h d h have a ways one. Do they constitute literature? A feminist critic would ar gue t at t ey do. The Adams correspondence is interestin b g ,ecause of the contrast of content as " well as the st Ie of the two , ' , here letters both of more with a plea mfrewntes ~e .. ~e dcomplams that qnently and that his letters are too brief In . answeI, e oes not apologIze but explains ~~~;~ t~ b:~I;~: ~~~~:s~:~t~~~;t~\:;i~:::a~~tical tr~atise f~ COl11l11u:~~~:~n~~~;:~o~;I~S ~er exhoI~~; t~~ incl~de~ 105 is involved that the "critical state of things" necessitates the brevity of his writing. He length. Of greater at write to him for ble impossi in matters of importance that make it of avocalicity "multip a to irony, t apparen or course, he also alludes, without excuse John's about g inquirin by opens also Abigail time. his tions" that presumably take up h paragrap short a devoting even and on revoluti the of state work-a sking about the their of to patriotic statement that is sure to please him-be fore she turns to news feminist home, the town, and finally her own state of mind. She ends with an overt of rights the e statement, calling men tyrants and asking her husband to recogniz other the on John, ent. women to have voice and representation in the new governm to rehand, after explaining that he has been too busy to write much, turns quickly nal imperso an is It . colonies the counting the progress of the revolt and its effect on address does he When it. with ent account, with no reference to his direct involvem home, more personal issues, in answer to her description of the state of their Boston a rein Finally, . morality of issues on es discours he assumes a patriarchal tone and rted, lighthea turns he women, of rights the to attention sponse to her requests for his comher treats He "saucy." as her ng describi and coeur de referring to her gaieti only, they ments playfully, declaring that because men are already masters in name lest they cannot even think to repeal the system in which they seem to hold control her apgives He become completely subjected to "the despotism of the petticoat." peals no serious thought. l referThe style of the two letters also has contrasts. Abigail's is full of persona John himself. to e referenc little ences, the use of the pronoun I, whereas John's makes his does than distance greater much at speaks primarily in the third person, narrating says, She . feelings her stating ly explicit wife. Abigail also describes her sentiments, you," "I for instance, "I wish you would ever write me a letter half as long as I write spring of h approac the at tly differen very feel "I and x," am fearful of the small-po feelown his to e referenc little makes , contrast in John, ago." from what I did a month indulgof instead but , General r Solicito the of children the pities he ings. He says that he speaks ing the sentiment, he uses it to make stern comments about morality. Later the end at and ity, of being charmed by Abigail's gaiety, the sign of innocent feminin final The . equality for expresses amusement, even laughter, at her silliness that asks only not two The s. concern her mood is implicit in the ironic treatment he gives pert differen quite from them h choose to discuss different topics but also approac exthe e, objectiv the and ve subjecti the spectives: the personal and the impersonal, plicit and the implicit. STUDIE S OF POWER Woolf beThe sociological aspects of feminism broached so delicately by Virginia of the imn complai who s feminist come overt and explicit withtod ay's outspoken at the root is system ic econom the that ng balance of power between the sexes. Assumi exploisocial the and ic econom the both attack of the inequitable relationship, they usly conscio that group a by ed oppress are women that tation of women. They charge a from writes who Barrett, Michele . ideology its through down works to hold them 106 CHAPTER 6 FEMINIST CRITICISM Marxist point of view, argues that the way households and families are organized is related to the division of labor in a society, the systems of education, and the roles· men and women play in the culture. Building on Virginia Woolf's belief that the conditions under which men and women produce literature affect how they write and what they write about, she argues that gender stereotyping is tied to material conditions, The feminist critics who are interested in examining and protesting power relationships of men and women in literature have expanded their focus to include a number of subgroups that have also been marginalized in society. They frequently look at writers from cultures as varied and different as the black (African-American and other people of color), Hispanic, Asian-American, native American, Jewish, and lesbian ones. Some members of the black group, the most outspoken of the minorities, describe critics as racists and misogynists, object to the amount of attention paid to black male writers (instead of black female ones), and even charge white feminist critics with being interested only in white, upper-middle-class women. Their efforts have not all been directed to protest, however. They have also produced some valuable scholarship by compiling bibliographies of ignored black writers and their works studying black female folk artists, and publishing slave narratives. They have traced the ~rowing power and authority of black females, whose history in this country began 111 sla~ery, and the~ have celebrated the family and community nurtured by those women. LIke the MarxIsts, these critics have highly political purposes. The common thread uniting these disparate groups is the belief that the social organization has denied equal treatment to all its segments and that literature is a means of revealing and resisting that social order. To them, art and life are fused entities making it the duty of the critic to work against stereotyping in literature, media, and public aW,areness; to ~aise the consciousness of those who are oppressed; and to bring about radIcal change 111 the power balance between the oppressors and the oppressed. Whereas feminist critics in general have sometimes been criticized for having too little to say about the quality of literary texts, those concerned with issues of power and econ?mics have been especially chided for their lack of attention to questIOns of aesthetIc value. More interested in the sociological aspects of texts than in making a close reading of them, these readers have an especially political intent. Many of the English feminist critics who work from a Marxist perspective would belong to this group. Critics who take this approach would be interested in the letters of Abigail and John Adams, because they show contrasting views of labor and economics. Hers express concern for the state of their personal property. She comments that their house, left empty by a doctor who has now moved on, is like a new asset, because it was worthless to them while it was occupied. She has asked a friend to take stock of what is left, as part of the process of evaluating their holdings. The house has been left dirty, obviously an objectionable state, but one that is less distressing than its destruction would have been. She also mentions the fate of others whose homes have been used by the enemy, noting that in some cases the inhabitants have left rent for their use or for damage done to furniture. She even mentions the state of the president's READING AS A FEMINIST 107 "mansion-house." Abigail's is a practical inventory of households-her own, those of her neighbors, and those of their leaders. John, too, makes observations about the economy, but they are less personal than those of his wife. Attracted to an analysis of the broader situation, he is more philosophical than she. Speaking of the defense of Virginia, he comments, "The gentry are very rich, and the common people very poor. This inequality of property gives an aristocratical turn to all their proceedings." He recognizes the value of a less hierarchical society, one in which the classes are less distinctly defined. When he mentions their personal holdings, he maintains his impersonal tone, referring to "a certain house in Queen Street" rather than naming it as their own. He assumes the same attitude he held toward the "aristocratical turn" of the Virginians and applies it to his own family, warning, "Whenever vanity and gayety, a love of pomp and dress, furniture, equipage, buildings, great company, expensive diversions, and elegant entertainments get the better of the principles and judgments of men or women, there is no knowing where they will stop, nor into what evils, natural, moral, or political, they will lead us." His call for less attention to material acquisition and his desire for a less hierarchical society foreshadow the ideas to be later espoused by the Marxists. The division of labor between man and woman, husband and wife, is also clear in these letters. It is John's duty to be away directing the affairs of the colonies, but Abigail is expected to remain at home with the family. Such a situation is not surprising in the eighteenth century. More interesting is the nature of the work they are expected to do. Whereas John's may involve physical courage but probably has more to do with using his authority to plan operations and direct groups of people, Abigail's responsibility for maintaining the family is considerably more lowly. In answer to his inquiry as to whether she has yet made saltpeter, she replies that she will try to do so after she makes soap and remarks that making clothes for the family takes much of her time. In addition, she is concerned about planting and sowing, about finding and providing food for all. Finally, despite the candor with which Abigail presents her case to John regarding her desire for the equality of women, the terms she uses and the spirit in which he receives them indicate the reality of their relationship. She charges men with being "naturally tyrannical," acknowledges that they hold "the harsh title of master," and implores him to !'put it out of the power of the vicious and the lawless to use us with cmelty and indignity with impunity." Despite his comments elsewhere about the desirability of equality among people, he fails to take her seriously. As he says, "As to your extraordinary code of laws, I cannot but laugh." Obviously Abigail.,and John Adams do not belong to any of the minority groups named here. They were white, Anglo-Saxon founders of th.e United States, members of what in retrospect is definitely deemed to have been the "inner circle." They lived in Boston, a cultural city, had access to education, and through John wielded power and made policy. What would the minority feminist critics make of their correspondence? Although there would seem to be less here for the minority critics to address than there is for the other groups of feminists, the final paragraph in John's letter is WRITING FEMINIST CRITICISM J08 CHAPTER 6 109 FEMINIST CRITICISM significant where their interests are concerned. In it he mentions, in a lighthearted manner, a number of minority groups: apprentices, students, Indians, "negroes," and "another tribe," women. Later he refers to "Tories, land-jobbers, trimmers, bigots, Canadians, Indians, negroes, Hanoverians, Hessians, Russians, Irish Roman Catholics, Scotch renegadoes," too. Clearly his intent is to treat the matter with humor, but by linlting Abigail's "foolish" request with the unruly conduct of what he considers to be groups under the control and domination of their betters, he reveals his own prejudices. He betrays his own sense of superiority, his acceptance of the right to oppress and repress, despite his protestations against aristocracy. It could be charged, and certainly would be by minority feminists, that such attitudes are at the root of the racial and ethnic divisions that have marked the entire course of American history. STUDIES OF THE FEMALE EXPERIENCE The interest of some feminists in probing the unique nature of the (female personality and experience has led the critics and writers among them to try to identify a speCIfically female tradition of literature. Such explorations have been particularly interesting to French feminists, who have found in Jacques Lacan's extensions of Freudian theory a basis for resisting the idea of a stable "masculine" authority or truth. R~je~ting the idea of a male norm, against which women are seen as secondary and derIVatIVe, they call for a recognition of women's abilities that goes beyond the traditional binary oppositions such as male/female, and the parallel oppositions of ~ctive/passive, intell~ctual/emotional.Searching for the essence of feminine style in lIterature, they exarmne female images in the works of female writers and the elements thought to be typical of l'ecriturefeminine-such as blanks, unfinished sentences, silences, and exclamations. Early female images and goddesses become important as symbols of the P9wer of women to resist and overcome male oppression. Images o~ motherhood are significant too, for childbearing and rearing involve power and creatIOn. Of course, this approach runs the risk of creating ft';male chauvinists who argue for a special, superior gender. It also risks creating a ghetto in which women's writing stands separate from the male tradition and is thereby weakened. One such critic who has been influenced by Lacan is Helene Cixous, who in "The Laugh of the Medusa" (1976) explores the nature of the female unconscious and issues a call for women to put their bodies into their writing. Connecting female writing with Lacan's Imaginary Order, a prelinguistic phase characterized by oneness between the child and the mother, she sees women's writing as coming from a primeval space that is free of the elements of Lacan's Symbolic Order, such as the Law of the Father. In it the Voice of the Mother becomes the source of feminine power and writing. Cixous's visionary perspective, which calls upon women to invent their own language, possibly heads toward the terminal marginalization of women's writing, despite the passion with which it is put forth. Whereas feminists have often reacted negatively (even angrily) to some of Freud's idea about women-for example, that women suffer from an inevitable penis envy that makes them see themselves as hommes manques. since Lacan, some of these feminists have been able to accept the "phallus" as a symbolic concept: ~s ing it as it once was used in ancient fertility cults. From him they take the poslt~on that males and females alike lack the wholeness of sexuality of full presence, leav1l1g both with a yearning that can never be filled. . Abigail Adams would not have been able to t~nk of herself 111 such terms, but throughout her letters it is clear that she looks at hfe around her and at her own responsibilities in a way that John does not. She is the nurturing caretaker of the family fulfilling the expected, stereotypical female role. She offers, for example, to copy and send the instructions for the "proportions of the various sorts of powder fit for . ." cannon, small-arms, and pistols" if it would be useful to John. However, Abigail is more than just a helpmate or facilitator. She IS a ~h1l1kin~ 111dividual, one who reverses the rational/irrational binary. John engages l~ a senous conversation with her about "Dunmore," and it is clear that he values her mtellectual grasp of the situation. Her accounts of the work she does to maintain the householdmaking clothes, soap, and perhaps saltpeter-are evidence of the ~eversal of the. acg tive/passive binary often invoked in regard to male/female. S.he IS a har,dworkin , involved, industrious woman, without whose efforts and energIes the farmly, and by extension the society, could not survive. , .' . Rhetorically, as noted in the discussion of studies of power, Ablga111~ careful to write what is likely to be pleasing to John. She inquires about his work, reIterates the rightness of the cause for which he is fighting, speaks at length about personal matters and reveals her own feelings. Her voice is not that of her husband, even when she 'agrees with his sentiments. It is a distinctly female voice full of concern for others that comes from a particularly personal perspective. WRITING FEMINIST CRITICISM For those readers who are interested in examining issues concerning women and literature but who do not have a defined agenda to follow or promote, making a feminist reading of a male author's text (which includes most of the canon) involves realizing from the outset that it is androcentric and resisting that point of view, It means not necessarily reading from a traditionally male perspective. How does that resistance take place? For a female reader, it involves consciously refusing to ,reverse her role (that is, take on a male one) in order to identify with a male protago~lst or,to share a male point of view of a narrative. Instead of assuming that the mascul1l1~ pomt of view, system of..yalues, or manner of thinking is the univer~al norm, she w~ll r~c ognize that there is an alternative perspective: a woma?'s. WIthout .such. realI~atlOn the female reader finds herself in a double bind. She is expected to Identify With the male perspective while being reminded that to be male is ~o~ feminine. ~or a male feminist reader, it means adopting a new and possibly surprlSl~g perspective, that of trying to experience the narrative through the lens of. the OP?oslte gender. Of course, making a feminist reading of a feminist text means uS1l1g a differe~t approach. Inst~ad of resisting, the reader will try to connect, try to find commonalIty and commumty. !IO CHAPTER 6 WRITING FEMINIST CRITICISM FEMINIST CRITICISM as help revive , A f~Illinist reader ~ill also look out for new female writers as well as late as that showed Baym Nina by study A ones. Ignored or n Intel est lI1 forg~tte novelist, 1977 the Amenca n cano~ of major writers did not include a single female en the midsince e;r though female novelIsts have been a significant force in the field tation, interpre nm.eteenth century. ,,?-n ~ndrocentric canon generates androcentric tric gynocen of n whIch leads to. c~nollIzatIOn ?f androcentric texts and the exclusio quality the asserting by process ones. The femmIst reade~' WIll try to reverse that undervalued of texts 'produced by partIcular female writers, finding and promoting ce, and deacceptan literary underlie that values wf:ters from the pas~, .questioning the of tradireadings ve alternati make also will ~l1lng a female tradItIOn of letters. She tIOnal works. PREWR ITING III a new poin~ of works have acquired traditional readings that can be challenged from understan~m~ accepted the why show to intend you that view. You can easily explain and AbIgaIL John by ed exchang letters the of case the In ty. is not the only possibili that writings his is it that out point would tion explana an such , Adams, for example ~er t differen. a are ordinarily examined by historians, not hers. Because she presents . her wntmgs spective on some of the same incidents and exp~r~ences he. observ~d, In the charache may analySIS also deserve attention. Other rationales for a femInIst or the author. d, produce was text a ters the situation, the cultural context in which a fitting one is it why ng explaini reading, Wh~tever your reason for making a feminist . . easily. more will help your reader follow the analysis SItuatIOn the of events or rs characte the connect An alternative beginning is to literature as a with one that has actually occurred. Because many feminist critics see be powerful. can ion connect a such making society, reform way to understand and I~' you have the opportunity to choose the text you will examine for your feminist cri- if the work has tIque, you may ~ant to select something by a female writer, especially ess of the seRegardl critics. feminist from notice o~ bit not ,already receIved ,a good characters the on focus to helpful it find initially will you on, lectlOn you are working n of the author's attithdes and ide111 the text. They are an easily accessible indicatio ology, Some of the questions you can ask include the following: ing, , What s')tereotypes of women do you find? Are they oversimplified, demean untru~. For example, are all blondes understood to be dumb? supportive, powerless, ~ EXal11I~e the roles women pla~ in a work. Are they minor, ones? ial obseqUIous ones? Or are they mdependent and influent narrative? If so, how does the male or female 4. Is the nan:ator a characte r in the ons? percepti reader's the POI1lt of VIew affect female characters? the about " How do the male characters talk characters? female the treat rs '. How do the male characte male characters? the toward act rs How do the female characte characters? l powerfu lly politica and socially Who are the the answers to these questions? by d suggeste are '" What attitudes toward women work lends itself more naturally the that indicate s ,. Do the answeI:s to these question characters, a study of power female and male the between a study of dIfferences or a study of unique fegroups), other perhaps (or sexes the between Imbalances, ce? expenen male :0 DRAFT ING AND REVISI NG follow, or how Once you have determined which of the three approaches you want to . analysis your they work together to form the text, you can begin drafting The Introduction critique is One interesting way. to open your discussion is to point out why a feminist ed establish many , partIcul ady appropn ate for the text you are analyzing. For example The Body on can take Because feminist studies serve so many different interests, your discussi try wO~'k can you making, decision your a wide variety of approaches. To simplify studIes c~, differen of studies earlier: d discusse es ing within one of the three categori areas rng overlapp are these course, Of ce. experien of power, or studies of the female them. of one in analysis your center to want y probabl of attention, but you will certainly If the issue of gender differences attracts your attention, you will almost for looking be will you since study your for writer female a by work a want to select s question ask can what makes a female text different from one written by a male. You such as the following: writer~? • Is the genre one that is traditionally associated with male or female that IS of one • Is the subject one that is of particular interest to women, perhaps , . importance in women's lives? IS Why ? narrator the of voice the • What one-word label would accurately capture it appropriate? • Is the work sympathetic to female characters? presented • Are the female characters and the situations in which they are placed detail? in with complexity and of the • How does the language differ from what you would expect from a writer , opposite gender? On perceptI reader's • How does the way the female characters talk influence the • of them? ed with • What are the predominant images? Why (or why are they not) associat women's lives? In the case of • Does the implied audience o(the work include or exclude women? sound more it does or e, audienc mixed a to d addresse work the is a male writer, like one man telling a story to another man? having been • How do the answers to these questions support a case for this work's written in a particularly masculine or feminine style? lIZ CHAPTER 6 RECOMMENDED WEB SITES FEMINIST CRITICISM r~' you get are intereste d in the relation ships of the characte rs or in how things ce) imbalan (or balance the ate investig y probabl will you text, the of done In the world at some concluof power depicted in it. The followin g question s can help you arrive ng. prewriti sions. Some of them are similar to those you asked while you were depicted: men or .. Who is primari ly respons ible for making decisions in the world women? Or do they work " Do the female characte rs play an overt part in decision making? behind the scenes? Who holds position s of authorit y and influenc e? Who controls the finances? assume some • Do the female characte rs play tradition al female roles? Or do they unusual ones? ill treated? .. Are there any instance s in which women are unfairly treated or .. What kind of accomp lishmen ts do the female characte rs achieve? • Are they honored for their accomp lishmen ts? action, or .. Do the ~nale characte rs consult the female characte rs before taking merely mform them of it? structur e as "" Does the stOlY approve or disapprove, condem n or glorify, the power revealed by your answers to these question s? ~ How is the female reader co-opted into accepting or rejectin g the images of women presente d in the work? ~ou may be interested in examini ng how the unique female experience is caplike r question s tured m the work you are to analyze. If so, you will want to conside the following: r that is stable " Does the text reject the idea of a male norm of thinking and behavio where? so, If and unchang ing? ity? .. Is th~ writer's style characte rized by blanks, gaps, silences, circular text? the in nt importa body ., Are Images of the female .. Are there referenc es to female diseases or bodily function s? motherh ood • Do motherh ood or those attitudes and behavio rs characte ristic of figure significantly in the text? male intellec" Can you find instance s in which the tradition al binaries of male/fe ? .' reversed are assive active/p and tive, e/subjec objectiv tional, tual/emo .. What new circums tances do the reversals suggest? is associated • Can you find instance s in which wholene ss rather than othernes s with the female characte rs? uniquen ess of the female experien ce can you 4 What generali zations about the make based on the answers to these question s? II3 about. the ~ay the into a single stateme nt about what is particuI~rly fe~ale (~r ~ale) Its piesenta about or lllIt, depIcted ships relation power the about written, work was tion of the nature of the female experien ce. ... ~ GLOSSARY OF TERMS USEFU L IN FEMIN IST CRITICISM tions that are Androcentric A term used to describe attitudes, practices, or social organiza . . being. of model the are men that based on the assumption of the female exGynocriticism A movement that examines the distinctive charactenstl.cs male models. ~s usmg by fe~ale the d perience, in contrast to earlier methods that expla~ne to. stud~ the :-vr~t w~ys ?ew g developm WIth d concerne is icism applied to literature, gynocrit l, ImgUlstlc, ing of women. Elaine Showalter designates foUl' such perspectives: bIOlogIca .. . psychoanalytic, and cultural. which dunng stage psychiC th? to refer to Lacan Jacques by used tenn A Imagina ry Order sense a develop to and objects the infant begins to recognize its separateness from other h' I .. , of self. t at las as L'Ecriture femillille A term used by French critics to designate women s wntmg its source the wholeness of Lacan's Imaginary Order. . . Misogyny The hatred of women. hiS perceives boy a five of age the around that theory Freud's Sigmund Oedipal attachm ent father to be a rival for the love of his mother. . . . Patriarc hy A social system that is headed and directed by a male.. man which m stage psychiC the to refer to Lacan Jacques by used term Symbolic Order A dividuallearns language and it shapes his identity. RECOMMENDED WEB SITES . . dex.htm ' . P?ltamGender Inn, a searchable database provldmg access to more than 6,O~O lecords on English and ing to feminist theory, feminist literary criticism, and gender studies focusm~ and gender s women of areas some on phies bibliogra provides also It . American literature studies. It is available in both English and Gennan. http://www/uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/englisch/~a~enbank/e_in . . .. http://www.cddc.vt.edu /feminism/enin.html theory. literary than theory politIcal more A feminist theory Web site that includes bibliograp~ies/ http://www.york.ac.uk/services/library/subjects/women/ research_methods. htm An annotated bibliography. The Conclusion http://www.feminist.org/research/chronicles/biblio.html A bibliography of American feminist issues. zations and conThe end of your paper is an appropr iate place to state the generali es to the text referenc your of all pull should It s. question your clusions drawn from http://www.york.ac.uk/services /library/subjects/women/bibliographies / literary_criticism.htm H4 i 11 CHAPTER 19~~~~~1190~~ted 6 FEMINIST CRITICISM arts bibliography of feminist aesthetics in literary, performing, and visual / http://.www.york. ac. uk. services/ library/subj ects/women /bibliographies felTIll1lscmethods.htm '. e h . Feminism, science, logic of inquiry, and methodology,with m p 'ISIS on socIal sCIences, teaching, and research bibliography. http://ww w.igc.ap c.org/wo men/fem inist.htm l Links to feminist resources and concerns. http://ww w:igc.ap c.org/wo men/boo kstores/w idenets.h tml Femmlst bookstores worldwide. http://www.ecoethics.net/bib/1997/clca_015.htm A bibliography on ecofeminism. SUGG ESTED READ ING Feminist Analysis Lon Barredtt, Mvichele. ':~l11en's Oppression Today: Problem s in Marxist . . '. on: erso EdItIOns, 1980. Braid~tta, ~osi. Nomadic Subjects. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1994. Identity Ne '-' 'k' R Butlel, JudIth. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversi on 0" outW ,01. '. ~ ledge, 1999. . if . . d Chodorow Nancy Tl R eplo uctlOno Motherm g:psycho analysis andtheS ociology ofGen_ 'k 1 . Ie I . a Press 1999 Californi of Univ. Angeles: Los and ey . eel. el e . CIxous, H~len~. The Laugh of the Medusa. Signs 1 (1976): 87'5-893 k Kn '-' N Par'shley M H Trans Sex opf 1993 de Beallvolr, SImone. The Second . . . ew ,or: '" Fl' n Fictio;l. BlO~ming America to h Approac Feminist A ettei' y,..IrUddl.th. The ~esisting Reader: ton. n lana Umv. Press, 1978. Friedan, Betty. The Feminine Mystique. New York: Norton 1997 ,. Gates Henry LOllis .II' d Read'II1g Black, Reading Feminist y New : A Critical Antholog ' ., e. , ~ k M " . 1990. ,or': endran, W . Gilbert. Sandra' M ., an d S usan G ub ar. Madwom an in the Aftl'c' The TIT ' 1, vroman rlter and the . N' t I C ' 1 '-' ' C Hav New ed 2d ion. Imaginat Literary me ee(1t 1- entlll)' en, onn.. ,a e Umv. Press, . 2000, ", Green, Gayle, and Coppelia Kahn eds Makin g a Diffi I erence: Fe/1l1l1lst Literary Criticism. New ,. York: Routledge, 1991. B Giroux, 2001. Greer: Germaine. ,~he Femal~ ~1I11Uch. New York: Farrar, Straus and New York' C 1 b' Century. the Gubm, ~usan. Cntlcal ConditIOn: Feminism at the Turn of . 0 urn 1'1 Umv. Press, 2 0 0 0 . > p ' U b' NewYor k'Colum 1'1 mv. ress, 19 90. Hall1let SMother and Other Women Heilbrun, Carolyn. . . . S ' lack P , New York' Co1umb'1'1 U' Sexualih son, tevI, and Sue Scott, eds. Feminism and . mv, ress, . ,~. 1996, Criticism. Chapel l\![eesHe"IE, lujZa~eth, Crossing th,e Double-C ross: The Practice of Feminist I mv. of North Carolma Press, 1986. 1. . 1vIIllett: Kate. Sexual Politics, Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2000. Univ of Call'fo . SedgWIck, Eve. Epistemo logy of the Closet. Berkeley and Los Angeles'" rma Press, 1990, MODEL STUDENT ANALYSIS lIS Literature, and Theory, Showalter, Elaine, ed. The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, New York: Pantheon, 1985. Minnesota Press, 1993. Warner, Michael, ed. Fear of a Queer Planet. Minneapolis: Univ. of Whitston, .1982. York: New n. afWoma Rights afthe on Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindicati 1999. Press, Chivers England: Bath, Own, One's of Room A Virginia. Woolf, MODE L STUD ENT ANALYSIS The Masculine Sex-Parasite in Edith Wharton 's "The Other Two" Connie Herndon As her own memoirs and those df others make clear, Wharton was emphatically not a feminist in the ordinary sense of the word. On the contrary, she seems often to have gone out of her way to present herself for New as an old-fashioned "man's woman" who felt nothing but contemp t Womanly strivings. Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar of the Enslaved," In a chapter entitled "Angel of Devastation: Edith Wharton on the Arts Wharton 's Edith Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar explore the contradi ctions between nature of her fiction. personal stance toward feminism, indicated above, and the feminist neither in theory nor in was They argue that "despite all th[e] evidence that Edith Wharton the most searchpractice a feminist, her major fictions, taken together , constitut e perhaps d by any produce ty' 'feminini of tion ing-and searing- feminist analysis of the construc ist nonfemin d professe novelist in this century" (128). Thus, Wharton may be consider ed a herself, I sensed who wrote feminist texts. Before reading anything about Edith Wharton Two," The Other "The this contradiction regarding feminism when I read her short story s regarding the story left me with mixed feelings and curiosity about Wharton 's intention Gilbert and from gUidance With n. interpret ation of the female character, Alice Waythor of Alice ation Gubar, I have better understo od my frustrations and arrived at an interpret full-scale fantasies Waythor n as a sacrificial example of Wharton 's refusal to "elabora t[e] g of female unleashin the about about the liberation and gratification of female desire or is a typical rendering power" (Gilbert and Grubar, 129). In other words, Alice Waythor n "sex-parasites" and of Wharton 's scathing view of the social system that produced female 1.,{I, 129). Gubar, and that, to Wharton , seemed largely beyond reform (Gilbert in 1904 as one of Barbara A. White says that "The Other Two," which was published "depicts a newly a collection of short stories entitled The Descent of Man and Other Stories, this is cerAlthough married person's disillusionment with an initially admired spouse" (57). the female reader in a tainly true, I have already indicated that the story is meant to involve the situation that protype of disillUsionment also. To explain this opinion, the specifics of married person" to vides the subject of the story need to be reviewed. The "disillusioned nil CHAPTER 6 MODEL STUDENT ANALYSIS FEMINIST CRITICISM n, who has been whom White refers is Mr. Waythor n, newly married to Alice Waythor beginning, does the in n, Waythor man"ied twice before her marriage to him. Though Mr. "fancied that a woman not think he will have a problem with his wife's past, he has wrongly she cannot, that can shed her past like a man" (Wharto n, 99). When he discovers that her into continue d rela"Alice was bound to hers both by the circumst ances which forced 99), he is disillusioned tion with it, and by the traces it had left on her nature" (Wharto n, feet had worn" (98). many too with her, thinking of her as, among other things, "a shoe that [her past]" are that she "The circumst ances which forced her into continue d relation with dealings with has a child by the fil"st husband and that her second husband has business y thrown toWaythom 's firm. Thus, Mr. and Mrs. Waythor n find themselv es constantl ~1r. nds. Mr. Waythor n's gether with one or the other (and, at the end, both) of Alice's ex-husba as with the growwell as confines, attempts to deal with this situation within proper social story. ing disillusionment he has with his wife as a result of it, make up this " path in my The aspect of "The Other Two" that at first led me down a "feminist As a woman, n. Waythor interpret ation is the stereotypically oppressi ve characte r of Mr. when, watching I am offended by his possessiveness, especially in the following passage his the light motions, flirting their with Alice, he thinks, "They were his, those white hands disturbed been Having haze of hair, the lips and eyes, ..." (83, Wharton 's ellipsis points). te presence of by recent manifestations of his divorced wife's past, including the immedia of ownersh ip feeling the in only her two ex-husba nds in his life, Mr. Waythor n finds relief vely dismembers toward his wife. He feels comforte d only when he objectifies and imaginati offended by this the parts of her body and calls them his own. As a woman, I am deeply rship" possesso of behavior, which Wharton describes,as his "yielding again to the joy to provoke female (83). \Nharton 's illustration of such behavior is clearly critical and meant readers. find a resting And yet, as my sympathies move away from Mr, Waythor n, they don't oppressive s husband' her of object the is she place with Alice Waythor n either. Though therefore , and, s views toward women, Alice seems never to be touched by his prejudice r provokes my anger, does not seem victimized by them. Though Mr. Waythor n's characte Gilbert and loyalty. my nor ~1rs. Waythor n's characte r does not provoke my sympathy of heart'-h er apparent Gllbar discuss what Some critics have called Wharton 's '''limitation and Gubar, this accuGilbert To (131). ." lack of sympathy for her characte rs, her coldness with which she delight sation from critics can be explained as a "misperc eption of the grim women (and their fNced herself, and her readers, to face the social facts that made her Waythor n has Alice for sympathy of men) what they were" (131). Thus, Wharton 's lack general. her characte rs in rt purpose and is Indicative of her attitude toward to the story, Not But more than a lack of sympathy for Alice is at work in my response of disapproval feeling a also is oniy is there a lack of sympathy for her characte r, but there II7 Mr. and Mrs. Wayand repulsion toward her. To understa nd why, the characte rs of both discussed. One is the be to issues thorn must be more carefully consider ed. There are two Waythor n is more crossing of masculine and feminine stereotyp es in the characte rs (Mr. presence of the "sexfeminine and Alice Waythor n more masculine). Second, there is the parasite" in Alice. time, Mr. WayUpon finding Mr. Haskett (Alice's first husband) in his house the first down with a himself flung he thorn handles and thinks of himself thusly: "In his own room acutely from the grogroan. He hated the womanish sensibility which made him suffer so other examples, tesque chances of life" (88, emphasis added). In this and numerou s He is constant ly Mr. Waythor n is portraye d as having stereotypically feminine qualities. Varick (Alice's second worried about appearances, as when he is caught on the train with of the picture he and vision husband) and sees someone he knows. When he "had a sudden excuse" (79), Also, Varick must present to an initiated eye, he jumped up with a muttered his office to do at him visit to come he is worried about appearan ces when Varick must when, "waitbusiness. Waythor n demonst rates his "womani sh" concerns over propriety it.... Waythor n could ing in his private room, [he] wondere d what the others thought of And, elsewher e, at (85). in" fancy the clerks smiling behind Varick's back as he was ushered composu re was restthe very beginning of the story, Waythor n reflects that "Her [Alice's] (72). In another inful to him; it acted as ballast to his somewh at unstable sensibilities" nt contingencies stance, Waythor n is described as "always refus[ing] to recognize unpleasa by a spectral till he found himself confront ed with them, and then he saw them followed ies," his sensibilit e "unstabl train of conseque nces" (95). Waythor n's tendenci es toward of avoiding and then oversensitive regard toward keeping up appearan ces, and his habit female that are overdramatizing problems are all stereotyp es of the foolish and numskull and offensive foolish the so familiar to us. Wharton 's inversion of them, placing them within male characte r is a clever way to undermin e such stereotyp es. having On the other hand, Alice Waythor n is nearly the opposite of her husband, characte rhe ore, "perfectly balanced nerves" as perceived by him (Wharto n, 72). Furtherm to be aware of them" izes her as haVing "a way of surmoun ting obstacles without seeming to their home, he (75). When he is still worrying about the upcoming visit of Mr. Haskett n and forgotten " about looks at Mrs. Waythor n and notes that "she had obeyed his injunctio changing situations that it (77). Of course it isJler emotional control and ability to adapt to change of husbands her eventually comes to burden Waythor n: "The fact that Alice took have forgiven her for like a change of weather reduced the situation to mediocrity. He could for anything but her acblunders, for excesses; for resisting Haskett, for yielding to Varick; n is given all the stereoquiescence and her tact" (99, emphasis added). Thus, Alice Waythor d with the "strong typically "masculine" characteristics that have been traditionally associate e qualities. masculin Alice's regard to how male." The question to be addresse d now is Il9 MODEL STUDENT ANALYSIS nS CHAPTER 6 FEMINIST CRITICISM In thinking about the masculine qualities described in Alice Waythorn, it is important to consider another aspect of her character, an aspect that Gilbert and Gubar attribute to what they call the "sex-parasite." Quoting from Olive Schreiner in An Olive Schreiner Reader, Gilbert and Gubar (63) define the sex-parasite as "the effete wife, concubine or prostitute, clad in fine raiment, the work of others' fingers; fed on luxurious viands, the result of othel"S' toil; waited on and tended by the labour of others" (Gilbert and Gubar, 143). This clearly describes Alice Waythorn, who has gradually climbed the social ladder through her succession of husbands. Alice's movement up in the social structure is evident in Mr. Waythorn's shock at the social station that he observes in Alice's first husband, Mr. Haskett. Waythorn spends a good deal of time trying to imagine his wife in "a phase of existence so different from anything with which he had connected her" (Wharton, 89). Furthermore, though "Varick ... was a gentleman" (89) and "[h]e and Varick had the same social habits, spoke the same language, understood the same allusions" (90), Varick is clearly not as "well off" as Waythorn is. This is seen in Waythorn's surprise when he learns of the nature of Mr. Varick's business with his firm: "Waythorn wondered vaguely since when Varick had been dealing in 'important things,' Hitherto he had dabbled only in the shallow pools of speculation, with which Waythorn's office did not usually concern itself" (19). Clearly, then, Alice Waythorn has been on the move up since her first divorce. Alice's long history as a "wife-prostitute" is further obvious in Waythorn's concession that it might be "better to own a third of a wife who knew how to make a man happy than a whole one who had lacked opportunity to acquire the art" (100). Alice Haskett, with all her training, is definitely a master of the "art" of making a man happy. And what she has gotten in return is an increasingly more prestigious and luxurious position in the social structure. We cannot like Alice Waythorn, because she is a sex-parasite. And her masculine, independent ways ironically do not help us to like her. Wharton's presentation of the sexparasite in Alice Waythorn is representative of the kind of woman she despised (Gilbert). And yet Wharton was fully aware of "the process by which women are socialized as prisoners of sex, and more specifically the horror (to the 'lady' herself and others) of the cultural techniques of feminization that created the female 'sex' parasite" (Gilber;: and Gubar, 129). In other words, though she despised this type of woman, she fully understood her and might even have considered herself one, for becoming a sex-parasite was virtually inescapable in her given social structure. Alice, as sex-parasite, represents the contemporary unreformed woman of Wharton's time. While feminists around Wharton were looking for ways to escape such a destiny, "Wharton mostly saw signs that said NO EXIT" (Gilbert and Gubar, 129). I think Wharton's pessimistic views regarding the potential for reform are clear in "The Other Two," Alice's masculinity is, in some ways, a warning that reform will lead oniy to a different, yet equally disturbing role for women. In this case, the warning is that women may become more like men, who, after all, are the ones we as women least want to resemble. Mr. Waythorn, with all his feminine characteristics, is portrayed as being silly and, eventually, rather inconsequential. Certainly, this is what we, as women, are trying to move away from. And yet, at the end of the story, when Alice Waythorn clearly has the upper hand, we are not satisfied because she is too manlike- she is not the type of woman we want to be, even if that means we would have the greater measure of power. Wharton's pessimistic views about the possibility of a better social situation for women often manifests itself in female characters who disillusion female readers acquainted with more conventional, more romantic, and optimistic feminist ideas. This is certainly the case in "The Other Two," And yet Wharton's nonfeminist feminism, in the end, is a potent form of social criticism. In her refusal to grant women "full-scale fantasies about the liberation and gratification of female desire or about the unleashing of female power," (Gilbert and Gubar, 129), Wharton exercises what we today call tough love. Unwilling to scratch only at the surface of the social dynamics that create us, she makes us look deeper and longer at the female beasts that we are. For, as is evident in Alice Waythorn, if women are to be the enlightened ministers of a more humane world, we must do more than become equal to men in the same social structures in which we live lives of oppression. Equality within corruption will not reform us. A new and better world will require new social structures and better human beings, both male and female in kind. Works Cited Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. Sexchanges. Vol. 2 of No Man's Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Press, 1989. Wharton, Edith. The Other Two. In The Descent of Man and Other Stories (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1904), 71-105. White, Barbara A. Edith Wharton: A Study of the Short Fiction. Twayne's Studies in Short Fiction 30. New York: Twayne publishers, 1991. -"-~'. THEORY INTO PRACTICE An Introduction to Literary Criticism ANN B. DOBIE THOIVllSON ~ 0...002- 1"'. HEINLE Australia Canada Mexico Singapore Spain United Kingdom United States