News From Nowhere
News From Nowhere
Issue 10: March 16, 2012 Published in, by and for the Wyoming community In this issue: all the news fit for a pint Photograph courtesy of Tim Chesnut On Being Western Bi-weekly ramblings by The Motley Fool Maybe you came for the cheap education. Maybe you washed up here when you ran out of cash traveling cross-country. Maybe you’ve been here your whole life. Regardless, you probably ind westerners a hard-bitten, owly, clannish lot. But you’re part of western culture now, so let’s examine what that means. There are some sureire ways to tip folks off that you’re not from around here. If you leave the gates open when they’re closed (or close them out of politeness when they’re open), you’re likely to get a tongue-lashing for your troubles. And never ask a rancher how many head of cattle he or she has, or how many acres there are on the ranch. If they want to tell you, they’ll volunteer the information on their own. Ask such questions and you’ll brand yourself an outlander. And anyway, you’ll never get a straight answer on acreage, because another Western tendency is to count state and federal lands that are leased for grazing (but owned by the public) into the rancher’s private total. Texans believe they’re westerners, but they are not. Sure, they wear cowboy boots and hats, but they never rode anything but a pickup truck in their life. But the real giveaway is the way they talk. Texans are all about braggadocio and self-gloriication, egotistical blowhards who can’t wait to toot their own horn. And these oil and gas execs that slither around Cheyenne during the legislature in their snakeskin boots all shined to a mirror relection—you can be sure that those boots never saw a stirrup or kicked a pile of shit. These impostors are known in western parlance as continued on page 1 Pure Pigment Pastel Artists, Gail Watford & Vanda Edington Show March 24 th to April 14 th, 2012 Demonstration Saturday March 24 th, 2 to 4 PM Meet the artists and get hands on experiencewith pastel. Laramie Plains Civic Center , Suite 271 710 Garfield St. Laramie, Wyoming Phone 307.742.6574 So you wanna be a Derby Dame or Ref? The Naughty Pines Derby Dames is looking for new skaters and referees to join our ranks! Join us to talk with our coach and skaters about roller derby, hear why we love it, and learn how you can get involved! Stay after and watch our practice, if you like! What: NPDD Quarterly Recruitment Meeting When: Monday, March 12 at 6 p.m. Where: South Gym, Laramie Plains Civic Center Contact: Molly B’Damned: [email protected] If you can’t make this Monday, come on Sunday the 18th or Monday the 26th (same time, same place). It’ll be your last chance to join for the next few months! Miscarriage By Jason A man whose crimes would make a singer croon And sad as sky on nights without a moon, He came to her that Mississippi night So drunk and weeping, primed to love or ight. When Randy spoke, his lips would tremble sick, A pain would quake his mind, and moving quick. Her lonely summer whimpered, heart then sighed, As she then felt no love for him inside. It wasn’t that he touched her, thought of someone else, And it wasn’t even him, or even she herself. But pain, you see, at bringing forth his child. A day would come, her belly thumped, she smiled And wished to leave her life and take the girl. This is not her story—this is just the world. All of It By Grace Rollingwheel One morning After many mornings of your life You wake and I wake early in February-Notice the crystal stars sparking in the inky dawn. Dante was right looking up. The pink and peach and gold of the sun’s world Blooms on the horizon, And your heart swells understanding nothing and everything. In this moment of Nature’s morning You feel, I feel, something— You have worked for, I have worked for Waited for, Years in the becoming— We see this morning We know this morning How to love the world as Dante loved Beatrice. We see We know How to live P.S. TELL A FRIEND! In this moment In every moment. [email protected] Page: 2 3 Months to Live: an avenging allegory by Kevin Wrobetz A Call to Arms for Artists News From Nowhere plans to publish a directory for right-brain stuff, but we need your help! We would like this directory to be a one-stop shop for anyone wishing to book a band for a gig, a photographer for pictures of that special little poodle, or a painter for commission work. This directory will be absolutely free and gratis to any artist or musician who would like to take advantage of it. If you are a graphic artist, a sculptor, a con artist, a trick shot artist, a photographer, a performance artist; whether you work in 2-D, 3-D, 4-D or some Zen macro singularity dimension that only cats can see; if you are a musician playing any instrument from a list too long to mention here. . . Then, if you are prepared to drink the Kool-Aid with us and get your name out there, please take advantage of this offer. E-mail your contact information, a brief description of what you do (paint, take photos, sculpt, play and sing, etc.) and, if you’d like, where you have shown your work or performed in the past to [email protected]. We plan to update this directory periodically, so take advantage now to get maximum public exposure! Preserving your precious moments at affordable prices! Wedding, engagement, pin-up & portrait photography. Now providing wedding planning services for Jackson, Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks, the Snowy Range Mountains, and more! Professional 24-track audio recording in Laramie Reasonable Rates Excellent Equipment Experienced Personnel Comfortable Working Space 745-1618 Prefer snail mail? Mail any material to PO Box 103, Laramie WY 82073 In Response to “Of Feminists and Chivalry” by Laura Reinhold After reading “Of Feminists and Chivalry” in the fourth issue of News from Nowhere (Feb. 3, 2012), I felt compelled to respond since, on various occasions, I myself have been accused of being the “hard-edged” feminist whom the author, a Mr. “Motley Fool,” refers to in his column. To recapitulate, in “Of Feminists and Chivalry,” Mr. Fool recalls a discussion he once had with a self-proclaimed feminist who allegedly found it offensive when men held doors open for her because, “women aren’t weaklings, and they can open the door for themselves.” Mr. Fool admits that he is a repeat offender of this and other “chivalrous” behaviors, which, he claims, “[put] women on a pedestal.” While Mr. Fool afirms an alliance with feminists on certain issues—e.g. reproductive rights, domestic violence protection, access to affordable child care, etc.—he has “always resisted the label” of “feminist” because of what he views as a “hard-edged element to the feminist movement that is quite aggressive in its pursuit of women’s rights” to the point of “[trampling] on the rights of the opposite sex.” He goes on to request a truce with feminists on behalf of Wyoming’s chivalrous men, stating that feminists’ “‘battle of the sexes’ tone” has alienated these individuals who would otherwise be feminists’ greatest ally in what Mr. Fool understands to be the movement’s predominant struggle—“protection of women” against domestic violence. Where feminist women—who “are seen as liberals” and therefore “are not received as credible spokespersons”—have failed to make political progress, chivalrous men shall succeed by becoming “a messenger to whom the ears of Wyoming actually will be open and receptive.” Now, most of us can probably agree that one of the most laudable characteristics of a democracy is the right of each individual to voice his or her opinion on virtually any topic, even those of which he may not possess an ounce of expertise but that nevertheless affect him. I know only two or three experts in the ield of economics, yet without exception all of my friends and acquaintances voice their opinions of the current state of the economy, how it got that way, what can be done to ix it and who’s responsible for its failure or success at any given time; and these are the opinions upon which most people inform their votes. Like the economy, feminism is a hot-button issue that elicits stronglyvoiced opinions from folks with varying degrees of expertise. Feminism differs from many other political topics of our day because it tends to hit closer to home for most individuals (it’s no coincidence that an early feminist catch-phrase was “The personal is political”). As evidenced by Mr. Fool’s anecdote of a tow-truck driver who described his personal experience with domestic violence, abundant are the prosaic encounters with issues that fall under the broad umbrella of feminism or women’s rights, whether as an example of the need for continued social reform or as a feminism success-story. As a result of being such a “personal” political issue, feminism is a touchy topic of discussion—a proverbial mine-ield of political incorrectness and its resulting hostilities. I would like to praise Mr. Fool for candidly approaching a sensitive topic that tends to generate heated debate and, often, irreconcilable sentiments of conlict and is therefore I feel that Mr. Fool’s column relects a gross misunderstanding of contemporary Western feminism. Page: 4 continued on page 6 Upcoming Events from Studio WYO Presents: WY MAP It March 22nd: 7PM Itajuba (Brazilian Jazz) @ The Gardens April 19th: 7PM Catch Bees @ The Gardens GIS, Graphics, and Photography Motley Fool, continued from page 1 ‘all hat and no cattle.’ Trying too hard to ‘get your western on’ comes off as foppishness, and westerners tend not to suffer fools easily. In the West, to be called a ‘drugstore cowboy’ is to suffer a withering insult. A westerner will never tell you how great he or she is; they’ll show you. If called upon to assess their own talents they will become uncomfortable and in the end will tend to undersell their abilities. Which brings us to one of the fundamental traits of being western: It’s not who you are that sets your value as an individual, it’s what you can do. Are you capable? Useful? Do you make a beeline for the hardest, dirtiest tasks? Are you at your best in a crisis? These are traits that are valued in the West. Nobody cares about your family name or history. How much money you have in your stock portfolio (I was going to say ‘ bank account;’ how quaint) is irrelevant because there are plenty of useless trustafarians, rich fools who are only wealthy because of the piles of dough Mommy and Daddy set aside for them. Being western is all about doing it on your own; it is the self-made man or woman who is the paragon. But there’s a subclass of Wyoming families who would like to cut against this grain, bragging about being “a ifth-generation rancher” (see “self-glorifying, egotistical blowhards” above). The state legislature is full of these types. The explanation for this paradox is rooted in the 1870s and ‘80s, when fancy-pants aristocrats from England bought massive land holdings in Wyoming and set up their second and third sons (of no consequence in the Old World and cut out of the inheritance) as land barons on the windblown prairies of the New. Thus the sense of “entitlement” of many of GIS: maps, field data collection, database design Robert Kirkwood Graphics and Photography: 307-399-8094 weddings, logos, [email protected] landscapes, digital art these families can be traced back to the festering envy of scions of minor nobility who felt kicked to the curb, whose titles meant little, who looked for the next lower person to kick to assuage their bruised (but still considerable) egos. And they engaged in what was literally class warfare by hiring mercenaries (of course, too prissy to do their own dirty work) to clear out the small independent ranchers trying to scratch out a living in the same general areas. The Johnson County Range War was the bestknown of these campaigns, and the land barons running amok were only brought to heel when trainloads of blue-uniformed soldiers showed up and proved that they were from the government and were here to help. I can hardly visit the subject of ifth-generation Wyomingites without calling attention to the irony that some of Wyoming’s residents who suffer the greatest discrimination at the hands of “real westerners”—the Arapaho, the continued at Page: 5 Reinhold, continued from page 4 Open 7 Days a week! Located at 119 S. 1st Street You do not have to be a member to shop here! (307) 7453586 frequently avoided in most individuals’ quotidian discourse. I admire the author’s straightforward and polite way of stating his somewhat unorthodox views on a subject that frightens most people away, and he seems to have a fairly good grasp of some of the biggest human rights challenges that our beloved state faces. However, I feel that Mr. Fool’s column relects a gross misunderstanding of contemporary Western feminism. Mr. Fool’s simpliied conclusions and sweeping generalizations fail to approximate an accurate illustration of the feminist movement, most signiicantly of its development over recent years. Based on my experience, I would hazard a guess that the views expressed by Mr. Fool are representative of those held by the general population; therefore, I appreciate that the author has given me the opportunity to attempt to publicly dispel some of the myths and assumptions about feminism and its practitioners. Like any political or philosophical movement, feminism is complex, varied, constantly morphing and adapting, and cannot be neatly characterized by those who have dedicated their whole academic careers to studying it, much less by a layperson who thinks himself or herself an expert simply because he or she has a particular set of experiences based on the possession of one kind of genitalia or another. The movement has gone through various phases—sometimes referred to as “waves”—that relected certain political and social needs of a particular time period, not to mention various divisions that have occurred when a consensus on what should be the focus of feminism couldn’t be reached. While it is beyond the scope of this article to talk about any of the categories in depth or, indeed, even mention them all, that the feminist movement can be classiied in subdivisions such as cultural feminism, material feminism, paciist feminism, social feminism, radical feminism and ecofeminism, just to Page: 6 name a few, illustrates its complexity and variety. Mr. Fool’s claim that the “most vocal” representation of feminism in “public conversation on gender issues” contains a “hard-edged element”—one that “tramples the rights of the opposite sex” in its “aggressive […] pursuit of women’s rights”—is simply unfounded. To be fair, there have been certain feminist voices throughout history seeking to reverse the effects of centuries of oppression by degrading and belittling men; but only by turning a deaf ear towards the majority of public feminist discourse could one believe that these extreme examples represent the loudest voice of the movement. It’s possible that this negative, stereotypical view of all feminists as “feminazis” inds its origins in popular culture portrayals (such as in the opening scene of the 1999 movie Boondock Saints), which paint all those who subscribe to feminist ideals as old, unattractive, miserably bitter, “butch” lesbians who go out of their way to enact vengeance upon everyone with a penis. We must not forget that this same ratings-hungry machine made all Laramie inhabitants look like bigoted, cousin-loving, uneducated rednecks in the wake of the Matthew Shepard tragedy. So, if feminism isn’t about “trampling on the rights of men” or “attempting to empower women to degrade and belittle men,” what is the movement about and what are its implications in our modern society? To offer, at least in some small way, a response to this question I refer to the words of contemporary feminist, author and social activist, bell hooks: “Feminism is not simply a struggle to end male chauvinism or a movement to ensure that women have equal rights with men; it is a commitment to eradicating the ideology of domination that permeates Western culture on various levels—sex, race, class to name a few—and a commitment to reorganizing U.S. society so that self-development can take precedence over imperialism, economic continued on page 7 Not Your Average Americana Jamboree By Jamy Cabre All right, all you fans of bluegrass/folk Americana (like the Pine Hill Haints): get ready. Larry and His Flask are coming to town to usurp that hallowed spot in your hearts formerly illed by your last favorite band. And they will not be gentle. Currently on tour with Lucero (who will be playing in FoCo the 29th and Denver on the 30th and 31st—but I bet you already knew that), the dudes will be playing in The Parlor on March 27th, with local favorite jug band (sans jug) Rat Trapper kicking off the night at 9pm. The Flask started as a hard-partying punk band before exploding into the current six-man powerhouse of guitars, mandolin, upright bass, trombone, trumpet, harmonica and drums. I have watched all the live footage available on YouTube and I cannot more aptly put this band’s energy across better than this passage from their webpage: “a blurry blend of lightning fast string-band picking, gorgeous nods to old-school country, and sublime multi-part harmonies, all presented through a prism of punk chaos. The boys have grown and changed, yes, but their shows are still gloriously physical displays of live music’s sheer power. In other words, keep your eyes peeled, or risk taking the heavy end of Jesse Marshall’s lailing, stand-up bass right between the eyes.” This is going to be a ridiculously cheap and fun way to spend a Tuesday night, lexing out the windows of Buckhorn and making dust pour down from the ceiling! MAKING SOMEONE’S DAY, EVERY DAY! Consignments: Sat., Mon., Tues. Open Monday-Saturday, 10-6 Visit our facebook page! Reinhold, continued from page 6 expansion and material desires.” This eloquently worded deinition exposes the feminist movement’s updated vision of a utopian society where artiicial divisions and their accompanying arbitrary assignment of hierarchical value evaporate. I say “updated vision” because the early Western women’s liberation movement was analogous to allowing women to act more masculine by abandoning the traditionally feminine realm of the home and participating in activities that previously had belonged exclusively to men (e.g. own property, vote, receive an education etc). The elimination of any form of systematic categorical oppression permits us to value everyone equally, thus allowing true individual freedom to exist. How this “tramples on the rights of men” is something I fail to see, and something for which Mr. Fool’s column fails to provide evidence. In the ideal society envisioned by bell hooks, feminists could not hope to “trample” on men’s rights because there would be no categorization of the male individual into a gendered group that could be subjugated. If, in the pursuit of its idealistic vision, the feminist movement is seen as antagonistic towards males, perhaps it is because after centuries of virtually unchallenged universal dominion over what Simone de Beauvoir calls “the second sex,” men have been effectively conditioned to feel entitled to the power they, as a group, exercise over women and other subjugated members of society. In order for women to receive more freedom and rights, men must relinquish the control they took for granted and lose some of the beneits they reaped from the power disparity, such as free domestic labor. Now, to return to the issue of men holding doors for women, I see absolutely no problem with this gesture. Rather, I would feel quite offended if anyone—man, woman or child—let a door slam in face as he or she walked through it directly ahead of me, and I know I’m not alone in this sentiment. In continued on page 7 Page: 7 Reinhold, continued from page 7 Wyoming, where a sense of traditional courtesy still prevails, most people hold doors for whoever is behind them. While the act of holding a door is not in and of itself offensive, Mr. Fool’s explanation of why feminists shouldn’t criticize this behavior I found rather disturbing, and that his interlocutor in the article didn’t point out the faults in this explanation leads me to have serious doubts that she is the feminist she claims to be. Mr. Fool writes that “the same men who hold doors open for women typically open doors for children and the elderly of either sex too” (emphasis mine). This explanation demonstrates that the author does, indeed, hold doors open for women because he views them as weaker members of society, the same way children and the elderly are. Amused, I had to ask myself as I read this poorly reasoned explanation if Mr. Fool opens doors for other subaltern members of society as well—for example, ethnic minorities, gays and the disabled— and I felt a twinge of sympathy for all the white, healthy, middle-aged men that get doors slammed in their faces by the author because he doesn’t view them as helpless enough to be deserving of common courtesy. Mr. Fool’s perception of women as weak and powerless is also evident in his conclusion that feminists need to stop the “polarization” that “results” from their “‘battle of the sexes’ tone” and start to “recruit” chivalrous men such as himself as “credible spokespersons […] to whom the ears of Wyoming will actually be open and receptive.” Besides the obvious fallacy of the implication that feminists are responsible for gender polarization in our society, Mr. Fool’s admonition that feminists should recruit chivalrous men to speak on their behalf rather than condemn them is nothing short of patronizing, condescending and antagonistic. Contemporary feminist and literary critic Gayatri Spivak poses the question, “Can the subaltern speak?,” to which Mr. Fool responds with a resounding “no, and neither can they open doors.” FINE DINING IN THE SNOWY RANGE THE TRADING POST DINNER HOUSE & SALOON LIVE MUSIC SATURDAYS CENTENNIAL, WYOMING 2755 HWY 130 307-721-5074 207 S. 1st Street, Laramie WY 82070 (307)742-5533 The Buckhorn Bar... The Friendly Store and Motel open mic acoustic music, drink specials, bullet holes. Nuff said 114 E. Ivinson St Centennial, WY (307) 742-6033 Interested in distributing News From Nowhere? Email us at [email protected]! Page: 8 Page: 9 Turn this This page mother does it SIDEWAYS Save the Date! 4th Local Food Gathering Saturday, April 14th from 12-5pm at Whiting School (24th and Sheridan). Sessions in four tracks: local food production, current issues in local food, home production, and cooking. Keynote on Farm to School. Also, drop off your soil sample and we’ll arrange for it to be tested. The LFG is $5 at the door ($3 for seniors and free for students). Register now for a special soils workshop on testing soil, reading test results, and building healthy soil from 10-11am. The cost is $10 and includes entry to the Local Food Gathering. Register at Program details will be at We at NFN pride ourselves on being so proletarian that we pretend not to think about money, focusing instead on bringing to you, our reader, the best in “news”, writing and art that the community has to offer and on interesting experiments with issile material and human reproductive behavior. That said, we want to keep NFN free on the streets so there will never be a cover price. We also want to keep our advertising rates dirt cheap to our select cadre of the hippest and coolest businesses in town. Nevertheless the monkey must be fed, especially since we have tripled our print run since the irst issue to keep up with demand here and in Cheyenne. So here is our shameless appeal. If you enjoy your weekly dose of NFN, do your karma a favor and help us grow this beast. You can do that by pitching in at the folding party...held at secret locations throughout the Lower East Side of Wyoming, or by donating directly to the cause by sending cash, checks, bearer bonds or gold dust to Box 103, Our Fair City, 82073. Forget about getting a totebag or coffee cup for your gift, about all we can offer you is that warm, fuzzy feeling in your tummy that comes from conirming the old saw that “It Takes a Village to Raise a Ruckus.” see you nowhere Photograph courtesy of Robert Kirkwood Motley Fool, continued from 11 Locally roasted coffee All-natural bakery Impeccable tea Two stories of books! What more could you want? Located in Cheyenne. Best record store North of Denver. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day [email protected] Page: 11
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