Fall 2013 - CREW Orlando
Fall 2013 - CREW Orlando
THE LEAD Fall 2013 Save the date for these great events... EXECUTIVE ROUNDTABLE Leadership Best Practices: Strategies for Success Wednesday, September 18 11:30 am - 1:30 pm CREW Orlando Monthly Luncheon Citrus Club MEMBERS ONLY EVENT Yes You Canvas with CREW Thursday, September 24 5:45 pm - 8:15 pm Yes You Canvas Baldwin Park MEMBERS ONLY EVENT Mentor Breakfast with Leila Nodarse Wednesday, September 25 8:00 am - 9:00 am Citrus Club RSVP to [email protected] MEMBERS ONLY EVENT Shades of Change: Window Coverings for Building Management Marketplace Lunch Thursday, September 26 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Window Interiors RSVP to [email protected] CREW NETWORK CONVENTION AND MARKETPLACE October 9 - 13 Dallas, Texas 10th ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF CHAMPIONS Friday, November 8 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Citrus Club The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act What Pool Owners Need to Know On Monday, August 5, 2013, the popular singer Usher Raymond’s 5-year-old son, Usher Raymond V, was taken to a hospital in Atlanta after a pool accident at the singer’s home. It appears that the boy attempted to retrieve a toy in a pool drain when his arm got stuck. Fortunately, two male employees freed the child, who was given CPR and then rushed to the hospital. This is unfortunately an all too common occurrence at many residential swimming pools. Fortunately, actions have been taken to ensure the safety of children at public swimming pools. On December 19, 2007, President George Bush signed into law the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act (the “Act”), which is named after the daughter of Nancy Baker and the granddaughter of former Secretary of State James Baker. Graeme Baker died in a tragic incident in June 2002 after the suction from a spa drain trapped her under the water. According to government statistics, there is an annual average of 283 drowning deaths (2003-2005) and 2,700 emergency room-treated submersion injuries (2005-2007) involving children younger than 5 years old in pools and spas. In addition, from 1997-2007, there were 74 reported incidents associated with suction entrapment, including nine deaths and 63 injuries. The Act is aimed at reducing these deaths and injuries by making pools safer, securing the environment around them, and educating consumers and the pool industry on pool safety. The Act specifies that on or after December 19, 2008, swimming pool and spa drain covers available for purchase in the United States must meet specific performance requirements. Additionally, public swimming pools, wading pools, spas and hot tubs must meet requirements for installation of compliant drain covers. Clearly this affects owners or operators of apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels and other facilities. Continued on page 2 Pool Safety continued from page 1 MEMBERSHIP UPDATE A Broad Range of Properties Are Affected. “Public swimming pools” are defined broadly and include pools that are owned or operated by owners of apartment buildings and complexes, condominium associations, homeowners’ associations, community development districts, multi-family residential areas, hotels, as well as public swimming pool facilities and pools operated by the federal government. In certain instances, public swimming pools, wading pools, spas and hot tubs must have additional devices or systems designed to prevent suction entrapment. The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends that, to eliminate and not just mitigate drain entrapment hazards, all pool or spa owners should disable old drains or build new pools without drains and use gutters, overflows and/or skimmers to provide water to the pump. Each year, the Membership Committee works to achieve the annual membership goal set by the Director of Membership with the CREW Orlando Board. We are pleased to announce that thanks to the hard work and efforts of our dedicated Chapter members, we have not only met our annual membership goal but EXCEEDED it! As of this writing, we have an unprecdented 170 members in our ranks, and that’s a new all-time record, topping the previous record of 156 members set in 2008. Thank you to our Membership Committee, our reCREWtment Campaign participants and winners, and to all members who brought guests to luncheon programs or member-only events to demonstrate the value and benefits of CREW Orlando membership. Congratulations to all! In a press release dated December 15, 2008, the CPSC stated that public pools and spas that operate year-round are expected to be in compliance by December 19, 2008. Any seasonal public pools and spas that were closed in late 2008, were required to be in compliance with the Act on the day they reopened. Essentially, the Act contains three federally enforced mandates: ◊ All drain covers (public and residential) manufactured, distributed, or sold in the United States must conform to the standards set forth in the ASME/ANSI A112.19.8–2007 Suction Fittings for Use in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs (the “Standard”). ◊ All public swimming pools, wading pools, spas and hot tubs, both new and existing, must be equipped with drain covers conforming to the Standard. ◊ All public swimming pools, wading pools, spa and hot tub pumps with a single main drain must be equipped with an ASME A112-19.8-2007 compliant cover system and one or more of the following devices/systems: safety vacuum release system, suction limiting vent system, gravity drainage system, automatic pump shutoff system, or drain disablement. Pools or spas with unblockable drains are exempt. All pool or spa owners or operators must ensure that dual or multiple main drains be located at least three feet apart. Additional information about the Act, compliance with the Act, and a list of companies certified to manufacture drain covers and safety vacuum release systems is available at http://www.poolsafely.gov/. About the Author Leslie Candes is an associate with Godbold, Downing,& Bill, P.A. and Director of Membership of CREW Orlando. Speaking of new members, the New Member Breakfast is a favorite Autumn tradition in our Chapter, and this year, it will be held in November instead of September. Hosted by the Membership Committee, new members are welcomed to CREW Orlando with a delicious breakfast and the opportunity to get acquainted with Board members, the Membership Committee and other new members, while hearing more about how to get the most out of CREW membership. New members – be sure to make a note to join us in November so we can officially welcome you to our chapter. More details to come! On that note, please extend a warm welcome to these new members: ◊ Marshall Harris, Pinnacle Bank ◊ Britt Hartman, Pinnacle Bank ◊ Tim Staley, Florida Bank of Commerce ◊ Joani Jordann, VOA Associates Incorporated ◊ Cindy Jared. National Due Diligence Services ◊ Rodney Kincaid, Kincaid Construction Co. ◊ Donna Moore, Attorneys’ Title Fund Services ◊ Kim Frates-Mazzilli, Marriott Vacations Worldwide ◊ Jane Smalley, Windsor Properties ◊ Faun Hoffmeier, DRMP, Inc. ◊ Danny Gordon, HuntonBrady Architects ◊ Joe Dear, WellsFargo ◊ Chuck Owston, Florida Capital Bank ◊ Erin Koski, Averett Warmus Durkee, ◊ Michelle Vice, Picerne Development Corp. About the Author Barbara Schalmo is an associate with C&S Companies and Chair of Membership of CREW Orlando. 2 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT I learned at a very early age not everything you learn comes from textbooks. As many of you already know, I come from a fishing family – down to the women and children – everyone knew how to bait a hook and debone a filet. With that knowledge came it the “joy” of every family vacation until I was sixteen MYA M. HATCHETTE Winderweedle, Haines, (when I would begin to simply drive Ward & Woodman, P.A. away…) being spent on a 22 foot Starcraft – fishing every freshwater fish known to man. The rule was that the lines stayed in the water until we either hit our limit or the sun was completely down. I can tell you how much time I spent staring at the sun desperately wishing for its departure. On the positive side, the extenuated circumstances proved for some great family time and memories. On the not so great side, however, was the fact that even if the lake had ten foot rollers and rain coming down in sheets, you were going to man your post on the family water vessel. At the worst times, these elements would be present and you would be engulfed in an overwhelming queasiness. Every wave made the feeling worse and nothing could make it subside until your feet hit solid ground. Nothing of course except Uncle Billy’s secret remedy for seasickness that is…. Just like a doctor ready to pounce on an outbreak with the proven vaccine, Uncle Billy would acutely watch for the signs of trouble – a prolonged silence, lack of movement and/or the sudden drain of color from the cheeks, and would quickly spring into action. All it took was a slight nod “yes” that the feeling of nausea was approaching and Uncle Billy would be reaching under his captain’s chair for the bottle of Jim Beam. And to this day, I don’t know why it really worked – perhaps the alcohol tempered the acidic storm that was raging in my stomach or maybe it was simply because my mind was diverted away from the sick feeling to the horrible burning sensation that I experienced as the shot went down my throat. Regardless of why, the result was undeniable–within minutes of taking the shot, I would be able to keep what was left of my stomach down and my breathing would return to an acceptable level. Looking back on the experience, it is clear that Uncle Billy’s advice and direction guided me through the endless hours on the water just as certain individuals have provided me with counsel and support through the twists and turns in my career. Although the subject matter for the advice and guidance may have significantly changed, the purpose and simplicity of its delivery has always stayed the same. For example, just given the opportunity to shadow my mentor, Jeff Deery, Esq. in countless hearings and court proceedings for the past fourteen years has taught me crucial lessons in professionalism, patience, and preparedness. Mentorship highlights the intrinsic value of experience and time-tested knowledge. You can have all of the book smarts in the world, but if you don’t know how or when to apply them, you are just a bobber aimlessly lost at sea. Without a doubt, I am where I am today in my career largely based upon the advice and counsel I received from certain men and women who took the time to help me map out my goals, work on my strengths and weaknesses, and chart my course in the legal field. As I progressed in my career, the value of mentorship has not subsided. As my goals and aspirations evolve, my need for guidance and support is ever-present. CREW, on both a local and a national level, has provided me with an invaluable source for these trusted advisors. Further, now as I find myself on the other side of the coin and able to mentor others, I find that the process provides me with the opportunity to not only help the younger generation navigate through their career path, but also a reason to diagnose and refocus my own efforts and career initiatives that sometimes get neglected in the shuffle of daily life. Although the mentorship Uncle Billy provided me on how to survive being seasick may seem trivial, I am convinced the lesson went far pasts the dysfunctional (and, yes redneck) picture it painted. Imbedded in the act was the lesson not to pull up the anchor and give up, but to find a way to address the problem and keep on truckin’ –a situation I am often confronted with in the landmine laden realm of litigation. So for you whippersnappers – which applies all of my associates who are more brilliant and more technologically advanced than I will ever be – just remember to take the time to seek out counsel and support from those who have gone up the mountain. You may very well find out that there is a shorter path than the one you intended to take on your own. And for those of you more seasoned veterans, please take the time to affirmatively create opportunities where you can include a rising star in your own organization or industry. Not only will you be helping them get to the table in their career, but it will serve also as a helpful reminder that you are never too old to set out and achieve new goals. CR EW O R LA N D O COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE WOMEN 37 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 500 Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: 407.926.4120 | Fax: 407.236.0430 [email protected] | www.creworlando.org 3 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org BUILDING YOUR CREW ORLANDO NETWORK On June 19th, CREW Orlando members and guests mingled at an interactive networking luncheon moderated by Jacqueline Bozzuto, Partner, Lowes, Drosdick, Doster, Kantor & Reed, P.A., and Past President of CREW Orlando. Thank you to our program sponsor My Florida Commercial Real Estate. 4 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org CREATIVE CAPITAL STACKS Alternative Capital Steps Up to Fill the Gaps The July 17th luncheon featured speakers Steven P. Polivy, Office Managing Shareholder, Chair, Economic Development & Incentives Practice, Akerman Senterfitt, and CREW Orlando member Melissa Marcolini Quinn, Senior Director/Senior Vice President, NorthMarq Capital. Thank you to program sponsor RL Haines. 5 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org HEAD WEST Land of Opportunity The August 21st luncheon featured speakers Scott T. Boyd, Owner & President, Boyd Development Corporation; Jim Karr, Broker/Developer/Buyer, Land Plus; Commissioner S. Scott Boyd, Orange County Commissioner District 1; Commissioner Sean Parks, Lake County Commissioner District 2.; and moderated by Betsy VanderLey, Director of Business Development, DRMP, Inc. Thank you to our program sponsor, R.C. Stevens Construction Company. 6 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT DANNY GORDON, AIA, LEED A.P. DORIS WASSON Specialty: Interior Design, Medical Office, and Corporate/Commercial Office Design. Specialty: Property and project management, particularly with regard to tenant improvement and capital replacements. Associate Principal, HuntonBrady Architects Founded in 1947, HuntonBrady is a longstanding Central Florida based firm with a 70 person design staff specializing in Architectural Design, Interior Design, Master Planning, Site Planning, Land Use Studies, Programming, Space Planning, Construction Documentation, Construction Administration, and Construction Cost Analysis. MICHELLE VICE Assistant Vice President of Finance, Picerne Development Corporation of Florida Specialty: Affordable Housing and Portfolio Management. For more than 75 years, Picerne has been a national industry leader in housing development, construction and management, with communities in 21 states and Puerto Rico. Our communities include multi-family, singlefamily rentals and senior housing. ERIN MELINDA KOSKI, CPA Senior Manager, Averett Warmus Durkee Specialty: Financial and operations expertise as related to managing cash flow, maximizing profitability and reducing risk Averett Warmus Durkee - A public accounting firm that provides assurance, accounting, taxation and business consulting services. AWD is the largest locally owned accounting firm in Central Florida. We provide real estate companies assistance and direction in everything from tax credits pertaining to the development of low-income housing to estate planning and tax strategies for high wealth investors. Our experience in the real estate industry provides our clients with the knowledge necessary to compete in the marketplace. Director of Operations, Owens Realty Services Owens Realty Services focuses on commercial property brokerage, development and fullservice management. We are headquartered in Branford, CT and Orlando, FL. Our corporate website is http://www.orlcommercial.com/ CHUCK OWSTON President, Banking Division, Florida Capital Bank N.A Specialty: Commercial Banking Headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida, Florida Capital Bank was established in October 2004 to provide the highest level of banking sophistication for corporate customers, coupled with local banking talent and customerfocused service. DONNA MORE, ESQ., LEED A.P. Commercial Services Manager and Senior Underwriting Counsel, Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC Specialty: real estate development (including green/sustainable development) and transactions, title insurance underwriting and support of commercial transactions for law firms statewide and nationally. Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC provides membership and underwriting services to law firms and attorney-owned title insurance agencies writing through Old Republic National Title Insurance Company. The Fund has been in existence for over 60 years providing title insurance and education in all aspects of real estate transactions to the Florida legal community. 7 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org SPOTLIGHT, CONTINUED FAUN HOFFMEIER, PSM Senior Project Manager, Department, DRMP, Inc. MEMBER SERVICES Survey Specialty: ALTA Surveys, Platting and surveys for land development. DRMP is a multi-discipline Civil Engineering and Surveying Firm with more than 250+ employees, providing consulting services to clients in the public, private, and industrial sectors in the development of infrastructure for the community at large. 2013 Committee Appreciation Event: Mt. Dora Sip & Stroll On August 9th, more than 25 CREW members took a break from all of the committee work in order to sip, stroll and shop. Open to all active members, the annual committee appreciation event is a chance to network and celebrate the successes the group has accomplished this year. Marketing Manager, Windsor Properties Thanks to our friends at Jones Lang LaSalle, the group was traveling in style: The event began with a champagne send-off reception and chartered bus ride. Upon arriving in Mt. Dora, the group spent a few hours dining, relaxing and networking - and of course sipping and strolling - through the beautiful historic district of Mt. Dora. Specialty: Real Estate Development Marketing, Communications, and Public Relations. Don’t miss out on next year’s event - make sure you are active on a committee today! JANE SMALLEY Windsor Properties is the developer-owned real estate office for Windsor, a private 416acre new urbanism community designed by Andrés Duany and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk located in Vero Beach. Terms used above represent the key themes provided as feedback on BakerHostetler by select clients in interviews with Chambers & Partners, conducted by that organization in 2012. BakerHostetler and Partner Jessica Parker Malchow are proud to support CREW Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Costa Mesa Denver Houston Los Angeles New York Orlando Washington, DC www.bakerlaw.com © 2013 Baker & Hostetler LLP 8 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org MEMBER NEWS Hensel Phelps Completes New Transformers: The Ride 3D at Universal Studios On June 20, 2013, Universal Studios Orlando had its grand opening for the park’s newest ride, Transformers: The Ride 3D. Completed by Hensel Phelps, the project was a fast-tracked design-build contract with BRPH. The 80,000 SF project was completed in less than one year – the fastest build time in Universal history! It was designed and constructed in 24-hour shifts in order to meet the schedule requirements associated with the nine-month construction duration. Riders are recruited for a high-tech, good versus evil battle where they must save Planet Earth. They join iconic film characters Optimus Prime and the Autobots as they fight Megatron and the Decepticons to the end. Riders burst into battles between “life-sized,” three-story-tall Autobots and Decepticons. They dodge relentless attacks, explosions, missiles, and even come face-to-face with Megatron – who wants to destroy them. Window Interiors Completes Work on Nemours Children’s Hospital Window Interiors, Gold Sponsor of CREW Orlando, was recently notified they will be honored as a 2013 Eagle Award Winner by the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) for their workmanship and participation on the Nemours Children’s Hospital as a subcontractor for SKANSKA. The industry-leading commercial window treatment solutions company was responsible for the implementation and installation of manual shades in the Nemours Children’s Clinic and hospital offices, as well as motorized solar shades in all 95 patient rooms and conference rooms of the 630,000-squarefoot hospital. The motorized solar shades are part of Nemours’ building management system. Each room is equipped with highly energy-efficient, LEED Gold-certified window coverings. In addition, there are solar activated shades in the family waiting areas on the second through fifth floors so hospital guests will be comfortable while visiting. The same system of solar shades is now becoming mainstream in new commercial construction, as well as being used for updates on existing lease space, conference rooms and public and community spaces. GEC Announces New Project Awards Fall is approaching. GEC says it’s a good time to take your bike out of the garage and explore Central Florida! GEC is working in Volusia County on the Spring to Spring Trail design, in Osceola County on Shingle Creek Trail Phase II, and in Orange County on the City of Orlando’s planned Bike Route Study. The Florida’s Turnpike / I-75 Wildwood Interchange project in Sumter County is getting a major makeover and GEC is performing the geotechnical investigation for the future FDOT Design Build Contract. In Lake County, GEC is the Geotechnical Engineer for the widening of SR 19 south of Tavares. In addition, GEC engineers continue their work for the Orlando-Orange County Expressway Authority’s Wekiva Parkway and FDOT’s SunRail Phase II. At Orlando International Airport, GEC is working on several elements of the Automated People Mover(APM) Complex to be constructed at the future location of the OIA South Terminal. More at www.g-e-c.com. VOA Project News VOA Associates Incorporated have been selected to provide conceptual design services for the newly proposed Orlando Music Institute. Dedicated to giving children an inspiring environment to learn music, be creative, and grow personally, the design will be used to promote the organization through the development and fund-raising stage, with a targeted construction commencement date of summer 2015. The new 43,000 square-foot building’s design reflects a timeless, elegant yet practical atmosphere for visiting artists and students. It will include a recital hall, practice and lesson rooms, a recording studio, several courtyards, temporary living quarters, and a rooftop patio. This ideal setting will make classically-based music exciting and interesting for the next generation to learn. This new facility is instrumental for Orlando Music Institute to provide the highest level of music education in Central Florida. To learn more about the Orlando Music Institute Foundation’s mission and proposed design, please visit www. orlandomusicinstitute.com/foundation. Wild Florida has recently partnered with VOA Associates Incorporated to create a master plan for their natural theme park. “This was a great partnership and opportunity for Wild Florida to get high quality advice on how to complete our park and give our guests an amazing experience,” says Ranier Munns, co-founder of Wild Florida. 9 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org MEMBER NEWS, CONTINUED HuntonBrady Architects Projects, News & Awards HuntonBrady Architects released their first architectural monograph describing the firm’s large body of work, which spans the six decades since the firm’s founding in Central Florida in 1947. This monograph includes in-depth design commentary and photos of the firm’s projects and many hand sketches. The new Castle Rock Adventist Hospital designed by HuntonBrady Architects officially opened its doors August 1st. This 212,240 square foot hospital is located in Castle Rock, Colorado. It is a 50-bed Centura Health entity and has over 300 employees. They have unique approach and focus for health and wellness which includes an upscale restaurant with an award winning chef, a community garden and free bicycle rental program. HuntonBrady has developed a multi-year facilities master plan with Lakeland Regional Medical Center to accommodate their planned conversion into a teaching hospital. Continuing with the “Go Team HuntonBrady “ theme the company was named one of OBJ’s Best Places to Work in the medium size category (under 100 employees) for the 7th year. They were also honored to receive an award at the OBJ Golden 100 luncheon; and were named to Architectural Record magazine’s 2013 Top 300 Architecture Firms - making them only one of eleven firms with Florida-based headquarters to make the list. Cyndi Jantomaso Named Director of Haines City EDC Cyndi Jantomaso was promoted June 12 to director of the Haines City Economic Development Council, one step closer toward being president of the group. Jantomaso believes in a “Kumbaya” work environment. In other words, she said, for Haines City to prosper, the government and the private sector have to work together. “I think that’s the only way you can work,” Jantomaso said, “when you get along with everybody and everybody is on the same page, and then Haines City has the potential to be even greater.” The acting City Manager said that since he was hired last year, he’s seen Jantomaso’s network around Polk County firsthand. “It’s like the six degrees of Kevin Bacon,” Evans said. “If she doesn’t know the person, she knows someone who knows the person.” Finding a buyer for the old city hall on Sixth Street and Hinson Avenue is Jantomaso’s 90-day project, she said. The City Commission gave the EDC 90 days to find a buyer before handing the duties over to a private Realtor. Jantomaso said the EDC will look for a government entity to occupy the space. Cyndi was hired in 2011 as the EDC’s office manager but was promoted to deputy April 2012. Her plans in the near future are to be certified with the International Economic Development Council. Jantomaso said she hopes to work in Haines City for the rest of her career. The Haines City EDC congratulates our new Director Cyndi Jantomaso. Jill Kling Named to OBJ’s 40 under 40 CREW Orlando Director at Large and CliftonLarsonAllen Partner Jill Kling was named a 40 Under 40 Honoree by the Orlando Business Journal. The awards recognize 40 of Central Florida’s most successful young executives. Kling was selected among the 253 nominations Orlando Business Journal received for this year’s awards. Christine Elias Joins Exit Real Estate Christine Elias, 2013 CREW Board of Directors Member, has accepted a position as a Licensed Realtor with Exit Real Estate of Downtown Orlando, The Edward Johnston Group. Christine will focus on commercial sales and leasing as well as investment properties. DO YOU HAVE NEWS YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE WITH FELLOW CREW ORLANDO MEMBERS? The deadline to submit for the next issue is: Friday, October 18th We are excited to hear any of your success stories, members working with members, and company announcements. Send stories and press releases to: MACKENZIE ARNOLD, Hensel Phelps 407.856.2400 | [email protected] 10 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org MARKETPLACE LUNCHES Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch? Add to that an exclusive opportunity to network and foster new business relationships that you won’t want to miss! New to this year, we are excited to introduce the CREW Marketplace Lunch Series, a monthly networking and learning event that includes lunch, an opportunity to network with fellow CREW members in a close and personal setting, and a brief presentaiton by the hosting firm on a current issue affecting commercial real estate. June Marketplace Lunch: Roetzel & Andres July Marketplace Lunch: Appleton Creative www.fntgflorida.com We’re proud of our numbers. • Reserveforclaimlosses is more than the next three largest title insurers combined • Largestinvestmentportfolio in the industry, over 25% greater than the next largest competitor • Our Central Florida staff represents hundreds of years of commercialtitleexaminationexperience • Local agents have access to 11underwritersinourMaitlandofficetoassistwithtransactions Mary Pat Dunleavy CORPORATE STRENGTH. LOCAL SERVICE. Central Florida Area Manager 2400 Maitland Center Pkwy., Suite 200 Maitland, FL 32751 407.257.8704 [email protected] © 2013 Fidelity National Title Group | Florida Agency Operations 11 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org BUILDING ON BUSINESS Photo: Stephen Willis Many of our current CREW members have been busy doing business with each other over the last quarter. Congratulations to all these CREW members for demonstrating first-hand one of the most amazing benefits to being part of CREW Orlando! If you’ve have business you’d like to spotlight, please submit all your member-to-member business to the newsletter “crew” for publication next quarter. Member-to-member business isn’t always about closing the deal. It’s also about sharing information. As a real estate appraiser, I rely on market participants for opinions on everything from pricing, cap rates, marketing times, contamination remediation and site development costs. Just in the past 30 days a number of CREW members have assisted me with their market insight or have connected me to a knowledgeable contractor. Thanks to Amanda HoffmanPhillips and Kim Manson of Coldwell Banker, NRT, Margery Johnson of Cushman Wakefield and Mackenzie Arnold of Hensel Phelps Construction Company. I couldn’t have gotten my job done without you. About the Author Laura Carroll is a real estate appraiser with Capston Valuation Advisors. Northpoint I, II, and IV Tenant Improvements ◊ Spectra Contract Flooring – Libby Wingard ◊ Jones Lang LaSalle – Natalee Gleiter ◊ HuntonBrady Architects – Karen Moorefield ◊ Pennington + Associates – Tony Hanson Wekiva Parkway Expert Witness & Environmental Consulting – 14 Parcels ◊ American Environmental Consulting – Kelly Eger-Smith ◊ Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, P.A. – Mya Hatchette Website Development Project ◊ Jackson, Collinsworth & Johnson Insurance Agency – Erin Johnson ◊ B Squared Media – Laura Barbero-Buffa Appraisal Work ◊ SunTrust Bank – Christyne Albury ◊ Capstone Valuation Advisors – Laura Carroll American Addiction Centers ◊ Attorneys’ Title Fund Services, LLC – Val Grandin ◊ Cushman Wakefield – Anne Spencer ◊ Tampa CREW – various members including their chapter president “If a design makes our world more beautiful or inspires us to do great things, we can easily see its value.” Coventry Park Apartments – Jacksonville, FL ◊ Godbold, Downing, & Bill, P.A. – Leslie Candes ◊ NorthMarq Capital – Melissa Marcolini Quinn Rush Truck Center – Orlando, FL ◊ R.C. Stevens Construction – Arden Griffith ◊ PSI – Stephanie Landis © 2013 Herman Miller, Inc. Brian Walker, Herman Miller CEO We are proud to support Commercial Real Estate Women. 12 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org SAVE THE DATE Friday November 8 2013 More information & award nomination details coming soon. www.creworlando.org Celebration of Champions Gala 2013 Hosted by the 2013 Board of Directors and honoring award recipients for: Rising Star Member of the Year Company of the Year Outstanding Achievement Award Entrepreneurial Spirit Award Community Impact Award Networking Deal of the Year President’s Award NOMINATE A CREW MEMBER Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 Celebration of Champions awards. Each year, we hold the awards program to recognize the outstanding contributions and achievements of CREW Orlando members and sponsors. Award winners represent individuals who have use CREW Orlando and/or the CREW Network to enhance to advance their careers and businesses that support the networking efforts of CREW. Some of these nominations may also be submitted to CREW Network for possible national recognition. We invite and encourage you to nominate a fellow CREW Member or yourself for one or more of the 2013 CREW Orlando Awards. NOMINATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH 13 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org 2013 CREW ORLANDO BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Mya M. Hatchette, Esq. Winderweedle, Haines, Ward & Woodman, P.A. 407-423-4246 [email protected] PRESIDENT-ELECT/DELEGATE Wanda G. Riley Cushman & Wakefield of Florida, Inc. 407-541-4387 [email protected] SECRETARY Lydia Wing Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants, Inc. 407-898-1818 [email protected] TREASURER Adren P. Griffith, CPA R.C. Stevens Construction Company 321-281-5320 [email protected] Winderweedle is a full service law firm, concentrating in business law, commercial litigation, real estate, banking, estates and trusts, and government. Established in 1931, the firm has offices in both Orlando and Winter Park, Florida. Winderweedle has a proud history of supporting the Central Florida community. We are there for you. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Mary Pat Dunleavy Fidelity National Title Group 407-246-8896 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Stephanie Weidner Landis PSI 407-304-5560 (x236) [email protected] CO-DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS Heather M. Himes, JD Akerman Senterfitt 407-419-8566 [email protected] CO-DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMS Christine Elias CAE Consulting 321-231-5814 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS Laura Barbero-Buffa BASE Consultants 407-422-2697 [email protected] Orlando Office Winter Park Office 390 N. Orange Avenue, Suite 1500 Orlando, Florida 32801 P.O. Box 1391, Zip 32801-1391 Phone (407) 423-4246 Fax (407) 423-7014 329 Park Avenue North, 2nd Floor Winter Park, FL 32789 P.O. Box 880, Zip 32790-0880 Phone (407) 423-4246 Fax (407) 645-3728 DIRECTOR OF SPONSORSHIP DELEGATE Elizabeth B. Wingard Spectra Contract Flooring 407-475-1144 (x253) [email protected] DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY OUTREACH Christyne Albury SunTrust Bank, Inc. 407-237-1737 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP Leslie C. Candes Goldbold, Downing & Bill, P.A. 407-647-4418 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF MEMBER SERVICES Mimi Flatley DPR Construction 407-264-5077 [email protected] DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EVENTS Hannah Wickham Brasfield & Gorrie 407-562-4500 [email protected] DIRECTOR AT LARGE Jill Kling CliftonLarsonAllen LLP 407-802-1210 [email protected] Visit us on the web at www.whww.com. 14 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org CREW Orlando Presents: 2nd Annual UCREW® University Outreach Program PAY IT FORWARD! UCREW is looking for internship or job shadow opportunities in commercial real estate for college women. There will be 50 students attending our event from local Orlando colleges – All looking to gain networking opportunities and real world experience… let’s show them how connected we are through CREW Orlando! If you know of a company with internship or job shadow opportunities, please contact Alex Winsler 941-812-8781 or [email protected]. Event Information: Friday, October 25, 2013 Registration: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Program: 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at TLC Engineering for Architecture 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1100, Magic Room Orlando, FL 32801 We hope to have a large range of opportunities to offer program attendees this fall, so that’s when the most internships will be needed. However, your UCREW committee is always available to be the bridge between members and potential interns, so please contact us at any time throughout the year. CREW Orlando’s 2013 UCREW interactive program will introduce young women in Central Florida to the exciting career possibilities surrounding commercial real estate. This event will allow participants to hear first-hand from working professionals as they detail their roles in this cutting edge industry and learn from their experience on how to take the first steps towards a successful career. Guests will be able to network with CREW professionals and learn about internship opportunities with various companies. For details about sponsorships, donations and volunteer opportunities, please contact [email protected] or visit our website at www.creworlando.org. Help us provide outstanding opportunities for these young women! 15 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org T H ANK Y OU TO O UR 20 13 S P O N S O R S P LA T I N U M SPONSORS www.cushwake.com www.cliftonlarsonallen.com www.akerman.com www.fntgflorida.com www.mfcre.com www.lowndes-law.com www.rlhaines.com www.rcstevens.com www.whww.com G OL D SP O NSORS www.bakerlaw.com www.4fbi.com www.towerrealtypartners.com www.cdsorlando.com www.hermanmiller.com www.windowinteriors.com www.coreroofingsystems.com www.themohawkgroup.com www.deanmead.com www.spectracf.com www.workscapes.com M E D I A P ARTNE R www.bizjournals.com/orlando CREW ORLANDO PRIVACY STATEMENT Our privacy policy now has a permanent place on the CREW Orlando web site. For detailed information on how CREW Orlando and CREW Network protect your personnel information and images, go to http://www. creworlando.org/pdf/CREW%20ORLANDO%20PRIVACY%20STATEMENT.pdf. Please direct any questions or comments to Chris Blair at CREW Network, as indicated. 16 THE LEAD - Fall 2013 www.creworlando.org