quickTerm Installation Guide - Kaleidoscope Golden Releases


quickTerm Installation Guide - Kaleidoscope Golden Releases
quickTerm 5.5.1
Installation Manual
Version: 1.0
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
General Concepts
Our quickTerm Vision
Brief "Terminology of Terminology"
The quickTerm Workflows
Term request
Change request
Translation request
Auto-Logging Unsuccessful Searches
Approval task
Edit task
Translation Task
Request Management
Social Terminology
Recommended and liked entries
Term of the week
Term quiz
Searching in Other Sources
Administrative Functions
Dashboard (Change Management): Versions and History
quickTerm Tools
Automatic Client Update
Installing the quickTerm Server
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Table of Contents
quickTerm Server System Requirements
Service Installation
The Status Monitor
Version information
Configuring the Termbase Connection
Creating the quickTerm Database
Configuring the SQL Direct Connections
Encrypt Passwords
License Activation
Starting the Service
Setting-up the Snapshot Function
Installation of Clients
quickTerm Client System Requirements
Client Installation via Installer
Client Installation via Master Client
Setting-up Multiple Server Connections
Installation of quickTerm Web
quickTerm Web System Requirements
Unpacking the Application
Setting Up the Web Application
Configuring the Web Application
Corporate Identity Personalization of quickTerm Web
Opening quickTerm Web with Parameters
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Table of Contents
Desktop Client
Web Client
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Our quickTerm Vision
1 General Concepts
1.1 Our quickTerm Vision
quickTerm is a life cycle management system for terminology based on SDL
MultiTerm or Acrolinx. The objective of quickTerm is to:
▪ Efficiently roll out terminology across an enterprise so that it reaches its
target groups in an acceptable form
▪ Simplify terminology to the point where even a "layman" user has no
problems in understanding it
▪ Provide direct access to terminology databases and other search
providers from Windows applications as well as web browsers and
▪ Establish a solid foundation within an enterprise for the development and
coordination of terminology
▪ Extend the scope of the terminology to all relevant languages with a
global, collaborative workflow
▪ Raise awareness of and keep the termbase constantly in the minds of
colleagues through regular light-hearted tactics such as recommended
entries, entry of the week, term quiz, etc.
quickTerm achieves its objectives by:
▪ Providing terminology quickly from any Windows application by pressing
a hotkey (only when the quickTerm Client is used).
▪ Enabling terminology to accessed easily via a web browser, from tablets
(quickTerm Web) or smartphones (quickTerm Mobile)
▪ Allowing new terminology to be suggested, feedback on existing entries
to be provided, change and translation requests to submitted
▪ Allowing the approval process to take place "virtually" and collaboratively
online, on a smartphone, or in the quickTerm Client
▪ Allowing "edit tasks" to be managed by the relevant specialists
▪ Supporting translation processes, including reviewing and approval loops
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Brief "Terminology of Terminology"
Linguistic Note
To optimize space and text flow, this document will use the masculine form
References to individual user types, such as "Terminologist" or "Approver",
will always mean the entire user group, as these roles may obviously by
carried out by several different people.
quickTerm and Acrolinx
quickTerm can be tightly integrated with Acrolinx, too. There are 2 ways you
can pass term requests ("Proposed terms") from Acrolinx users to
▪ Proposed terms can be imported in regular intervals into the term
request list of quickTerm
▪ Starting with Acrolinx 4.1, calling the "propose term" feature of Acrolinx
can take you directly to the term request dialog of quickTerm.
1.2 Brief "Terminology of Terminology"
To make it easier for you to work with quickTerm, it would be helpful to
briefly explain the entry structure concept used in MultiTerm. This is
generally accepted in terminology theory and is referred to as being
"concept-oriented and term-independent".
It is important to familiarize yourself with the notion of "concept", "language"
and "term" if you want to be able to filter entries or terms and also
understand approval and translation workflows.
In the terminology, an entry always describes a specific "thing" or a
"function". This can usually be described or "defined" in a language-neutral
way. In the terminology, this abstract "thing" is referred to as a "concept".
Different designations can exist in different languages for each concept. Not
all languages are not available all the time.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Brief "Terminology of Terminology"
If the designations are in written form (i.e., they are "words"), they are
referred to in the terminology used as "terms". If there are multiple terms
associated with a language in an entry, these are also referred to as
synonyms. For example, chair and seat could be synonyms.
An example:
MultiTerm Entry Structure
As you can see, a MultiTerm entry has three levels:
▪ a concept level, on which can be found all the information that is always
valid for the concept (=the "thing") in every language.
▪ one or more language levels in which
▪ one or more terms have been entered (term level). Additional information
can be entered for each term, so as to be able to distinguish more clearly
between the terms and, in particular, to clarify the differences in use.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
The quickTerm Workflows
Schematic Entry Structure
1.3 The quickTerm Workflows
quickTerm distinguishes between requests and tasks.
Requests can be submitted by all users of the termbase, provided that this
option has been enabled in each case. The requests comprise:
▪ Term request: A completely new entry is desired
▪ Change request: An existing entry should be changed
▪ Translation request: An existing entry needs translating into an additional
▪ Log terms: Not really a request, but a note to a user that a search was
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
The quickTerm Workflows
Tasks are always initiated by the terminologist. Exceptions are foreign
language approvals that were created automatically during the translation
process, or tasks created fully automatically by quickTerm Tools. The tasks
▪ Edit task [➙ 22]: The terminologist "orders" specific data from a certain
user group for an existing entry or term request
▪ Approval task: The terminologist sends a prepared entry to the different
user groups for approval. This may also take the form of a fully
automated process via quickTerm Tools.
▪ Translation Task: The terminologist sends an entry for translation into
certain languages only. This may also take the form of a fully automated
process via quickTerm Tools.
Workflow Participants
Depending on how the system is configured, specific users can be involved
in a workflow in one or several roles.
All users are divided into groups. These include approval and translation
groups for the individual languages. It is also possible to define groups to
perform an initial. mainly linguistic check on the content of requests.
In voting processes, the system can be configured so that only one group
member has to cast a vote, a certain number of group members have to cast
a vote, or a certain number of group members have to cast a positive vote
before the vote from this group is accepted as complete.
Approval, edit tasks and, of course, translations run as separate workflows in
each language. It is therefore entirely possible that an entry can be approved
in German, awaiting approval in English, in progress in Italian and only just
submitted for translation in Spanish all at the same time. This also means
that specific approvers are defined for each language and can automatically
only approve "their" language. Similarly, translators can only make
suggestions or receive tasks for "their" language.
Furthermore, it is possible in quickTerm to display only those languages that
have been approved for each term (status filter at language level)
Logging Workflow Status in the Termbase
The workflow status can also be optionally logged in MultiTerm or Acrolinx
(See MultiTerm Approval Documentation ).
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
1.4 Requests
Requests can be submitted by all quickTerm users, provided that this option
has been enabled for these users.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
1.4.1 Term request
"Term request" workflow
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Every user who has had the option enabled may submit a term request in
quickTerm. The information that the user can or must fill in when submitting
a term request can be configured for each user group. Term requests may
be monolingual or bilingual, depending on the user authorization.
Depending on the configuration, term requests are first sent to the initial
checker (who if applicable forwards the term request to the terminologist), or
are sent straight to the terminologist. The terminologist decides whether the
request should, in principle, be added to the termbase. The terminologist can
delegate the request to a specialist for actioning, or create the entry in the
termbase and then send it for approval.
As soon as the term request is created, quickTerm checks whether this term
already exists in the termbase or has been previously submitted as the
subject of a term request (including requests that have been rejected!). This
prevents duplicate term requests from being filed.
An e-mail is sent to the requestor to inform them of the outcome of the
1.4.2 Change request
"Change request" workflow
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Every user who has had the option enabled may submit a change request in
quickTerm. In doing so the user is able to enter different values into the
relevant fields of an input screen. The terminologist receives these requests
with a clear overview showing the "change history" and decides what to do
with the request:
▪ Reject change
▪ Accept change and update termbase immediately
▪ Forward the change as an edit task to the specialists for voting
Depending on the system configuration, the terminologist can also submit a
change request to himself and accept it immediately. This is virtually the
same as "documented" editing of an entry. It enables the terminologist to edit
the termbase from devices on which the MultiTerm Client is not installed.
1.4.3 Translation request
"Translation request" workflow
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Every user who has had the option enabled may submit a translation request
in quickTerm. The user must specify the language in which the term is to be
translated, but he may also propose a translation as well. The terminologist
can then reject this request or forward it as a translation task to the relevant
1.4.4 Auto-Logging Unsuccessful Searches
quickTerm internally logs all unsuccessful searches. Since many
unsuccessful searches are caused by errors such as typos or searching in
the wrong source language, two threshold values may be set: one for the
logging process itself and one for an automatic term request.
This allows on the one hand for a minimum number of unsuccessful
searches to be specified before the search term appears in the list of logged
On the other hand, an automatic term request can be configured. For
example, the system can be configured so that once a term has been
searched for 25 times without success, a term request is automatically
submitted to the terminologist. The content of this automatic term request
can also be defined (apart from the actual term itself).
1.5 Tasks
Requests are mostly submitted by terminologists. Exceptions are requests
generated by the system:
▪ Approval tasks that are created automatically as part of a translation
process (if configured)
▪ Fully automated requests created via quickTerm Tools
1.5.1 Approval task
quickTerm distinguishes between a source and target language approval
workflow. The difference is that:
▪ in the source language workflow, the terminologist initiates the approval
task and is also responsible for the final approval.
▪ in the target language workflow, it is the translator or lead translator who
automatically or optionally starts the approval process. The master
approver for the respective language can either grant final approval, edit
the proposed translation, suggest an alternative translation, or request a
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
new translation suggestion. The terminologist is not involved in target
language approvals, unless he has been appointed as the master
approver for the target languages. The Approval Concept
Approval at the Language Level
In the quickTerm philosophy, approval always occurs at the language level
and not at the term or entry level. As we see it, the workflow only makes
sense within the context of all terms of a given language: individual terms
(synonyms) are thus evaluated by the terminologist and provided with usage
information and other information. The total context of a specific language,
including information on which terms are the preferred terms and on what
occasions, will then be approved by the approvers responsible. Beyond this,
the terminologist will probably not be involved in the workflows of the other
languages as they are not likely to be proficient in these languages.
Renewed Approval for Changes
If a new term is added to an existing entry or an approved term is changed,
an entry already approved in this language has to be approved again, as the
total constellation of preferred terms, etc., may have changed. quickTerm
also indicates that the target languages may also be affected.
Restarting Approvals
If desired, individual entries can be set to "Restart approval process". Once a
specified period of time expires, quickTerm will then remind the terminologist
that the validity of this entry may have to be checked.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Tasks Source Language Approval Workflow
"Source language approval task" workflow
The approval workflow for the "source language(s)" comprises a three or
four-stage process:
1. An existing entry, which has not yet been approved, has the status
"New". The terminologist can send such an entry for approval in each
language at a click of the mouse. This step can also be automated using
quickTerm Tools.
2. The approval task process runs as soon as the approval has started.
The respective users receive a notification via e-mail and the approval
tasks received appear in the Request management screen in the
quickTerm Client.
The approvers can then approve or reject the individual entries, or
abstain from voting, by clicking on the respective buttons. They can also
"chat" with each other using the notes function or send a question to the
task initiator using the "Ask for information" function. It is particularly
useful to enter a note when rejecting an entry or abstaining from voting.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
If required, quickTerm can automatically document the voting process
and manage the status information in the termbase. This means that the
approvers do not have to be familiar with the specifics of the termbase.
Neither is it necessary to install any terminology software locally on the
approver's PC. Nevertheless the exact approval processes can still be
viewed in the termbase.
3. As soon as all the approvers for a language have approved an entry, a
main approver can optionally grant final approval or reject the entry. The
status is then "All approved".
4. If the main approver has also voted, the terminologist receives a
notification via e-mail and can either correct the entry in the respective
language and restart the approval loop, or give final approval to the entry
directly in his quickTerm task box.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Tasks Target Language Approval Workflow
"Target language approval task" workflow
The approval workflow for the target language(s) comprises a three-stage
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
1. A translator makes a translation suggestion. This is either initiated by the
translator or occurs as a result of a translation task. The translation
process itself may be broken down into several stages with a translator,
reviewer and main translator. It is possible to configure the approval
process following translation (see Field Access Settings):
– Optional
When finalizing the translation task, the translator can decide
whether to start an approval task.
– Obligatory
When the translator finalizes the translation task, quickTerm
automatically starts an approval task.
– Disabled
If this option is set, it is not possible for an approval task to be
assigned. In this case, you should configure the translation
suggestion dialog so that the approval value is also written directly to
the termbase.
2. The voting process is identical to that of the source language approval
3. As soon as all the approvers for a language have approved an entry, the
master approver must either give his final approval, edit the translation
and finally approve it, suggest an alternative translation and finally
approve it, or request a new translation suggestion from the translator.
Approval for the translation is independently assigned by quickTerm as
required, so, unlike approval tasks for terminologists, you cannot manually
select which approver groups should be included. By default all approver
groups that are assigned the relevant language are included. If you want to
involve other approver groups for different types of entries, you can
configure this so that it is "implicitly" linked to specific criteria, i.e., to a
department or specialist area. For example, the system can be configured so
that every entry allocated to department X can only be approved by
approvers from that department. Approval Methods
Approval can be carried out in three ways:
▪ In contrast to the two voting procedures, only one member of a group
has to grant approval in the First-Wins procedure in order for the whole
group's approval to have been given. It is also possible to specify
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
whether other group members can disagree with a "colleague" and reject
a previously approved request, or whether a vote that has been cast
immediately finalizes the approval task and blocks all other group
members (enforced First-Wins). In the event of a conflict, the original
vote will be invalidated in quickTerm; however, all agreements or
rejections will remain documented in the termbase.
▪ In contrast to the first wins procedure, the minimum agreement
procedure requires a specific number of users in a group to approve an
entry in order for the group's approval to have been given.
▪ The necessary votes procedure dictates that a certain number of total
votes has to be cast for each term before a decision (agree or reject) can
be reached. Abstentions are not counted. We recommend specifying an
odd number of necessary total votes so that the number of votes for and
against the proposed term are not identical, as the system would then be
unable to reach a majority decision.
The Administrator specifies whether a group uses the First-Wins or voting
procedure to approve entries under Approval settings in the group
management. Abstentions
As well as approving or rejecting an entry, it is also possible to abstain from
voting. The meaning of an abstention is either "don't mind" or "don't know"
and is a way of documenting the user's abstention and also of informing
other users involved in the voting loop that he has abstained. Abstentions
are ignored in the decision-making process. This applies for both approval
tasks and edit tasks. Ideally a reason for the abstention should be provided
through the chat function (e.g., "Not my area of expertise"). Documenting approval workflows in the
quickTerm can document the entire approval process in the termbase. In
order for it to do so, you must include the relevant workflow fields in the
termbase definition at language level (for further details see Termbase
Settings in the Configuration chapter).
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Documenting this in the termbase is purely optional!
Documenting approvals in the termbase is not essential from a quickTerm
perspective. Its only purpose is to allow all users, not just the quickTerm
terminologist, to see the approval status and history in the termbase itself. Revoking an Approval
When an approval is initiated, quickTerm checks whether the entry has
already been approved in the particular language or in another language. If
that is the case, the approval process can also be optionally repeated for
these approved languages. The reason for this is that a change made in one
language can also bring about changes in other languages.
quickTerm checks the workflow status in quickTerm and in the termbase, as
this information may differ.
Notification of New or Changed Approved Entries
When an approval process starts, all groups that have "subscribed" to these
notifications automatically receive an e-mail informing them that an entry has
been sent for approval, regardless of whether the entry is new or one that
has already been approved.
Likewise, at the end of the approval process, all groups that have
"subscribed" to these notifications will automatically receive an e-mail
informing them that an entry has been approved.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
1.5.2 Edit task
"Edit task" workflow
The terminologist can send individual entries, term requests or for instance
change requests to certain user groups ("subject matter experts") in order to
have them provide particular input, for instance into certain fields of the
The recipients of such tasks could be any of the user groups (e.g., the
approver groups). All that needs to be configured is the option that allows
the group to receive edit requests.
For each request, the terminologist can select specific fields that the
specialists must complete. They then have to enter the data in an Editor
window. If the task is sent to a group with several members, these may then
follow the same voting procedures as used for the approvals workflow.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
As soon as a decision has been made, the information is returned to the
terminologist, who can then either update the term request or termbase
entry, or reject the decision and request that the task be repeated.
1.5.3 Translation Task
"Translation task" workflow
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
There are different ways to add multilingual terms to a termbase. For
linguistic reasons, the search for foreign-language equivalents in quickTerm
is always referred to as "translation".
Multilingual term requests
In addition to monolingual term requests, translators can also submit
multilingual term requests. These term requests are first processed by the
terminologist, just like monolingual term requests. As soon as the
terminologist has created the term request in the termbase, they can send it
for approval (optional).
Translation Suggestions
If a translator comes across a monolingual entry in MultiTerm, for example in
the terminology window of SDL Trados, they can look up the term in
quickTerm and submit a translation suggestion. This will be created directly
in MultiTerm and an approval request goes out to the approver of this
language either automatically or at the request of the translator. At the end
of the approval process, the translator can optionally be notified of the result.
Translation tasks
As an alternative to the translation workflows that originate with the
translator, the terminologist can also send specific entries for translation. In
this case the translator receives a notification via e-mail and can process the
requests in his Request management screen and submit a translation
suggestion for each translation task.
Depending on the configuration, there can be a proofreading workflow
before actually sending the translation suggestion off to the approver. An
example scenario here would see a translator from the group making a
suggestion that a second translator checks. The second translator then
forwards this suggestion to the "lead translator" for review. He then saves
this entry in the termbase and, depending on the configuration, passes it on
to the approver.
Translation Suggestions for Existing Entries
Depending on how the system is configured, translators can also submit
translation suggestions for entries that have already been "translated" and
approved. This automatically starts a new approval process.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
1.5.4 Feedback
All authorized users can provide feedback on terms. This feedback is
collated in the terminologist's task list.
1.5.5 Request Management
In the "Request management" area, the tasks concerning the user currently
logged into quickTerm are divided into three areas:
1. Assigned tasks: Lists all the tasks currently assigned to this user for
processing. For a terminologist, these may be term requests, feedback,
final approvals, etc. A translator may see translation tasks, etc.
2. All my tasks: Lists all the tasks in which the user is involved, regardless
of whether they are currently assigned to him. For example these could
be all term requests (including those that the user himself has initiated),
approval tasks (including already closed ones), etc.
3. User-specific tasks: After the first two standard tabs, a series of userspecific tabs list individual tasks by type, e.g., all term requests, all
approval requests, etc. There may also be additional functions available
that are applicable only to these task types. User-Defined Task Category
quickTerm allows a user-specific field to be incorporated into every task.
Possible uses of this function can be to filter tasks by specialism, or to select
tasks by project number, etc.
This field can either be filled entirely at the user's discretion, or "hard-wired"
to a specific termbase field, such as "Department".
1.6 Collaboration
quickTerm is a collaborative workflow system.
Chat (relating to tasks/requests)
To support collaboration, users are able to call on the following functions
within a workflow:
▪ Information requests
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Social Terminology
By selecting the "Question" option and choosing the recipient group, an
information request can be sent. Doing so not only adds the question to
the respective task, but also creates a task for the recipient group. The
response, which is provided as part of the new task, is also noted in the
original task/request.
▪ Comments
By selecting the "Comment" option, a note is added to the respective
The information requests (and their responses) and comments can be seen
by everyone involved in the workflow.
To send questions or comments, click on the "Send" button.
Live chat
The Live chat function can be used to discuss tasks and requests with other
quickTerm users.
1.7 Social Terminology
Social terminology covers a range of functions that the terminologist can use
to increase the attractiveness and hence the usage, distribution and
acceptance of the termbase. As with websites, topicality and the "new" factor
are critical to generating a lasting interest in the information in the termbase
among the user community.
The social terminology features are only available in quickTerm Web and
▪ Recommended and liked entries
▪ Term of the week
▪ Term quiz
▪ Live chat
1.7.1 Recommended and liked entries
The terminologist is able to "recommend" individual entries. These are
displayed as a separate list in quickTerm Web. Thus frequently misused
entries or entries with a particular topicality can be actively promoted. Users
can click on these entries and view them in the entry window. The
terminologist can also remove recommendations from the recommended
entries list.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Social Terminology
Every user can "like" an entry. The "likes" are counted and the
corresponding entries are shown in the liked entries list. While the
terminologist has no direct access to individual entries in the likes list, he is
able to completely reset the entire list. How far back in time the system looks
to find "likes" can also be defined.
1.7.2 Term of the week
The terminologist can prepare a piece on special entries and publish them in
quickTerm Web as "Term of the week". In quickTerm these are managed
using special information fields, linked to an entry and can be published
using different style sheets. There is only ever one term of the week active at
a time, though users can scroll back through "old" terms of the week.
1.7.3 Term quiz
In a similar manner to the term of the week, the terminologist can also
publish a term quiz on quickTerm Web. A term quiz is a set of questions
asked in sequence. Each question has four possible answers, one of which
is correct.
These questions are written in quickTerm and collated as "quizzes". The
user is presented with a choice of four possible answers for each question.
After he has selected an answer, he is told whether he was right or not. The
quiz ends with a set of statistics showing how many questions the user got
right and how many were wrong.
There is only ever one term quiz active at a time, though users can scroll
back through "old" quizzes.
1.7.4 Searching in Other Sources
quickTerm also permits other search providers to be configured in addition to
MultiTerm and Acrolinx. These are displayed in the results list alongside the
actual MultiTerm or Acrolinx matches and can be selected just like the
entries in the termbase.
While it is primarily search providers such as Leo, Linguee, Pons, IATE,
Wikipedia, etc. that were considered for this function, company internal
search engines like Sharepoint text search can also be configured as search
providers. Naturally this can provide a significant boost to quickTerm's
qualities as a reference program and therefore the usage of the termbase.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Administrative Functions
1.8 Administrative Functions
quickTerm can be configured to provide the terminologist with a range of
administrative functions. These include version management of the
termbase and the ability to compare versions. A task summary can also be
viewed and even automated (using quickTerm Tools) in the "Reports" area
of quickTerm.
1.8.1 Multi-Tenancy
quickTerm is a client-compatible system. This is of particular interest in
hosting scenarios. quickTerm can be configured completely differently for
each client, right down to a dedicated theme in quickTerm Web. Different
termbases can of course be included on a client-specific basis and different
users and groups created. The single restriction is that only one MultiTerm
server can ever be accessed by each quickTerm server. It is perfectly
feasible for any client with their own MultiTerm account to access the
termbase to prevent entries in the termbase of client A appearing in the
configuration of client B.
New clients are created by a "Global administrator". The "Client
administrators" have no access to this function and can only configure their
respective clients. It is therefore also possible in the hosting scenario to
grant the customer administrator functions that are restricted to just their
1.8.2 Dashboard (Change Management): Versions
and History
Version comparison
Depending on the configuration on the server itself, quickTerm can record a
"snapshot" of the current data in the termbase at regular intervals. In the
quickTerm Dashboard the terminologist is able to compare the terminology
in the individual snapshots against each other. This allows him, for example,
to find changes over a certain period of time, or to find out when a specific
change was made. quickTerm first lists all the entries that were changed
within the selected period. The terminologist can then filter the results by
language or change type. He will then be able to "drill down" in the "results
list" until only the change he is interested in is displayed.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Administrative Functions
From this results view the terminologist can also send some or all of the
entries for approval again, send them to the translators to check, or even
reset a term, language, entry or the entire termbase back to a certain state.
Termbase Development
Alongside this precise change history feature, the terminologist is able to
review the development of the termbase over time on a chart showing the
total number of entries, entries per language, terms, etc. as trend graphs.
Entry statistics
This tab shows the development of entries, filtered by language and date, on
a chart.
Access statistics
Precise access statistics can also be viewed via the Dashboard. Exact
figures are recorded showing the number of successful and unsuccessful
searches and how many entries were displayed for each termbase and
language. The terminologist can choose whether the groups are taken into
account or not.
These statistics can show the "total" figures since starting to work with
quickTerm, or cover individual reporting periods (e.g., monthly statistics) and
be distributed automatically by e-mail.
Term request statistics
This tab shows the development of term requests, filtered by language and
date, as a chart.
Approval statistics
The Dashboard can also display statistics on the ongoing approval tasks by
user, language, etc.
Translation Statistics
Finally, the Dashboard allows statistics on all ongoing translation tasks to be
displayed by user, language, etc.
1.8.3 quickTerm Tools
quickTerm Tools is installed on the quickTerm server as part of the
quickTerm server installation package. It performs the following three tasks:
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Administrative Functions
▪ Automatically starts approval tasks
▪ Automatically starts translation tasks
▪ Imports term requests from XML or CSV files Automatically start approval tasks
"Tasks", such as automatically starting approval tasks, can be defined in
quickTerm Tools. These tasks can then be started automatically using
Windows Scheduler, but can also be started manually.
Parameters can be defined that determine which conditions an entry has to
meet before it can be sent for approval. For example, the system can be
configured so that all entries with the workflow status "New" and that also
contain at least one preferred term and at least one explanation or definition
are sent for approval. The respective groups, etc. to which the approval task
has to be sent can also be configured. Automatically start translation tasks
"Tasks", such as automatically starting translation tasks, can be defined in
quickTerm Tools. These tasks can then be started automatically using
Windows Scheduler, but can also be started manually.
Parameters can be defined that determine which conditions an entry has to
meet before it can be sent for translation. For example, the system can be
configured so that all entries with the workflow status "Final" in the source
language and that also contain at least one preferred term and at least one
explanation or definition should be sent for translation. A threshold value can
also be defined to specify the number of applicable entries that has to be
reached before a translation project is started. The respective groups, etc. to
which the translation task and subsequent approval task have to be sent can
also be configured. Import Term Requests
This option enables term requests from external systems to be imported into
quickTerm. For example, terms suggested by the content quality checking
system Acrolinx can be transferred to quickTerm. Instead of importing old
data from Excel lists directly into MultiTerm, it is possible to import term
requests into quickTerm; they can be systematically processed and will only
appear in MultiTerm once they have been checked.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
General Concepts
Administrative Functions
1.8.4 Automatic Client Update
quickTerm supports a server-based rollout of client updates. Not only is the
client updated to a newer version, but customization updates (e.g., new
icons, language flags, etc.) are also supported. The updates are released as
a client package that is installed on the server. Once quickTerm is restarted,
the new version is entered into the database. On every startup, each client
compares its version number with the version number on the sever.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
quickTerm Server System Requirements
2 Installing the quickTerm Server
2.1 quickTerm Server System Requirements
Before installing the quickTerm Server, make sure that your system meets
the following requirements:
▪ Windows 2003 Server or higher, configured as an application server.
quickTerm Server is also compatible with Windows XP or Windows 7
▪ Small Business Server or Domain Controller are not supported.
▪ Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 on server and clients. If Microsoft .NET
Framework 4.0 has not already been installed on your machine, an
option to do so will be offered after starting the installation process. An
internet connection is required for this purpose. The server will have to
be restarted once the installation is complete.
▪ Termbase
– MultiTerm
An active MultiTerm Server 7.5.x or higher that is accessible through
the network and has a dedicated user and password for quickTerm.
This user must have read access to the relevant termbase(s). A fully
functional MultiTerm desktop package must also be installed on
same system as the quickTerm Server. To be able to write to
MultiTerm via quickTerm (when adding new terms from a term
request and when using edit or approval functionalities with
automatic writing of status info to MultiTerm), this user will also
require the appropriate write access to the termbase. Ideally, this
user will be a member of the expert user group.
– Acrolinx
An active Acrolinx Server 4.1 or higher that is accessible through the
network via http and has a dedicated user and password for
quickTerm. This user must have read access to the relevant
▪ MS SQL Server 2005 or higher, Standard or Express, on which a
database for quickTerm can be created using the supplied SQL script or
the application itself. Users, roles, term requests and translation tasks,
etc. will be stored in this database.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
Service Installation
▪ A user with local administrator rights and domain rights is required the
first time someone logs on to the quickTerm server. This user may later
be removed from the configuration. However, this user is necessary for
the initial login, initial selection of domain groups, and also the initial
definition of roles and users.
▪ Internet Explorer (version 7 or higher) must be installed on the clients for
the quickTerm Client. quickTerm Web also supports the latest versions
of Firefox and Google Chrome.
▪ Client PCs require Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Mozilla Firefox
version 3.6 or higher, or Google Chrome. Compatibility view in Internet
Explorer is not supported. Please disable this view if necessary (e.g.
under Tools -> Compatibility View Settings. Depending on your system
configuration, you will either see the server on which quickTerm Web is
running or the compatibility settings for the intranet could be enabled).
▪ An internet connection is required (once) on the server to activate the
license. Alternatively the software can also be licensed offline. However,
please note that offline licensing will take longer as Kaleidoscope will
need to generate the activation code.
2.2 Service Installation
To install the server service, proceed as follows:
a) Start the server installer with QTSInstall.exe.
⇨ The installer copies the necessary files and sets up the qt5server
Windows service. The installer then prompts you to enter the basic
configuration parameters:
User for First Access
a) First enter a user that can be used to connect to the quickTerm server on
the first login. This user must have local administrator and domain rights.
As soon as new administrators have been created as part of the
configuration process, this user can be removed from the configuration.
The installer allows a certificate to be created to provide secure
communications when using quickTerm users instead of Windows AD users:
a) Create a new certificate
- OR quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
Service Installation
b) Select an existing certificate
- OR c) Skip the configuration completely. You can return to the certificate
settings later via the menu item in the quickTerm server monitor.
Certificate settings
User Context for the qt5server Service
a) If necessary, change the user context of the quickTerm service in the
service settings (services.msc) to a user who has local administrator
rights to the server as well as read access to the Active Directory.
Otherwise, quickTerm cannot read the security groups of the Active
Directory when configuring the authentication. Alternatively, the DNS
server and user access can be specified directly in the config file. This
may also be necessary if the Active Directory contains several domains.
b) If you want to set up the database login with a Windows user account,
make sure that the relevant Windows user in the service has access to
the database.
c) Set the "Recovery" option for the quickTerm server service so that
Windows automatically tries to restart the service.
Installing Multiple quickTerm Instances on a Server
quickTerm is a multi-tenancy system from version 5.3 onwards. Therefore it
is not absolutely necessary to install a second quickTerm instance. Should
this nevertheless be desired, proceed as follows:
➢ First install the master instance.
a) Then copy the entire quickTerm Server directory and change these two
values in the config file:
▪ "WindowsServiceName"
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
Enter a different name, e.g. qt5Server_Customer.
▪ Under Properties, replace Port 8020 with a different port, e.g. 8025.
a) Now edit the install.bat file in the copied directory. Remove the first line
from the .bat file to ensure that the current quickTerm Server is not
b) Then run install.bat.
⇨ The second instance will be installed.
c) To configure the second instance, start the quickTerm status monitor
from the new program directory. Status monitor always connects to the
instance in whose program folder it is located. The tooltip in the
quickTerm status monitor also shows the service to which it relates.
⇨ Now you can establish a new database connection, MultiTerm
connection, etc. for the new instance.
⇨ Please note that a second server license is required for the second
2.3 The Status Monitor
2.3.1 Version information
quickTerm Server has a status monitor. This has two functions: on the one
hand it displays the server status, while on the other it provides access to
the basic configuration via this icon.
Status Monitor – About Box
About box
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
Right click on the status monitor and select About… to view the quickTerm
Server version number.
Status Monitor - Yellow Padlock
A yellow padlock indicates to the Global Administrator that the login is
blocked for a client. This could be due to a problem with MultiTerm or an
intentional block owing to a configuration that is in progress.
2.3.2 Configuring the Termbase Connection
quickTerm supports both MultiTerm and Acrolinx as termbase back-ends.
However, you can only assign one termbase back-end to a particular client.
Any single tenant can thus only be connected to either Acrolinx or
quickTerm has read and write access to a MultiTerm server. To establish
this connection, proceed as follows:
➢ If necessary, start the server monitor from the Start menu -> quickTerm
a) Right click on the server monitor.
b) Select "Configure MultiTerm Connection".
⇨ A dialog box pops up so you can enter the connection data.
MultiTerm connection setup dialog
c) Enter the relevant connection data. With certain versions of MultiTerm it
is necessary to enter the prefix http:// before the server name.
d) Click "Test" to check the connection.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
⇨ quickTerm checks the connection to the MultiTerm server and
outputs a message accordingly.
e) Click OK.
⇨ The connection configuration is written to the qtserverHost.exe.config
configuration file. You can edit the data here whenever you like.
Client-Specific MultiTerm Users
Please note that you should always configure a different MultiTerm user
when configuring each individual client. This prevents a client from being
able to view termbases or termbases fields, etc. that are not "his".
If you want to use Acrolinx as a termbase back-end, the address of the
Acrolinx server must be specified in the "QTServiceHost.exe.config" file in
the following section:
<ServerAddress >http://acrolinxserver.example.org:8031</
You can define the URL and the port of the Acrolinx server.
In addition, the terminology back-end must be changed from MultiTerm to
Acrolinx in Server-settings -> Global settings -> Client Management in the
quickTerm Client.
Special Characters in Acrolinx
Acrolinx supports checking the use of protected (non-breaking) spaces and
hyphens. This functionality is thus also supported in quickTerm: You can
use the Unicode-codes "\u00a0" for a protected space and "\u2011" for a
protected hyphen. These symbols will be written correctly to Acrolinx and
displayed as normal hyphens and spaces in quickTerm. Applying Modified Termbase Names
If you rename a termbase in MultiTerm that was already in use in quickTerm,
you can use the "Termbases" tab to retrospectively apply the configuration to
quickTerm as well. This is necessary as there are many references to the
termbase within the quickTerm configuration, and all task settings, for
example, are linked to the termbases and concept IDs.
See also MultiTerm Settings.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
All the termbases available in quickTerm are shown on the left of this dialog.
If there are no matching ones in MultiTerm, you can select the relevant
termbase on the right. The configuration is then modified automatically.
If no other termbase is available, you can completely remove the termbase
from the configuration by pressing "Deactivate".
2.3.3 Creating the quickTerm Database
quickTerm stores data about users, term requests, etc., in an MSSQL
database. This is created as follows:
➢ If necessary, start the server monitor from the Start menu -> quickTerm
a) Right click on the server monitor.
b) Select "Configure Databases".
⇨ The "quickTerm Database Setup" dialog box appears.
quickTerm database setup
c) Enter the connection details for the desired SQL server and click
⇨ quickTerm establishes a connection to the database.
d) Click on "Create new database".
e) Enter a name for the database and also the path to the database files if
necessary (if the SQL default is not to be used).
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
f) Click on "Create".
⇨ The database is created.
Alternatively, you can also use the SQL scripts provided in the "Scripts"
subdirectory in the quickTerm Server installation directory to create the
database directly on the SQL server.
Database Updates during Upgrades
If you are updating from an earlier version of quickTerm and already have a
database, then you can continue to use it. Please back up your existing
database before migrating it!
An error message will appear when the service is started if the database
has to be updated. The message that the database has to be updated
appears in red in the "quickTerm Database Settings" dialog box.
a) Click on "Update database".
⇨ The database structure is updated.
2.3.4 Configuring the SQL Direct Connections
quickTerm accesses the SQL database directly in order to read images, as
the MultiTerm API does not support images. A connection therefore needs to
be established to the SQL Server for every termbase that is in use.
To do this, proceed as follows:
➢ If necessary, start the server monitor from the Start menu -> quickTerm
a) Right click on the server monitor.
b) Select "Configure Databases".
⇨ The quickTerm Database Setup dialog box appears.
c) Go to the "MultiTerm connections" tab.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
SQL database connections
d) Select one of the termbases in the upper field.
e) Click on "SQL Server".
f) Enter the SQL connection data.
g) Click Connect.
⇨ quickTerm lists the databases on this SQL server.
h) Select the corresponding physical database for the chosen termbase.
i) Click Set.
j) Repeat this step for all other termbases.
⇨ The connection configuration is written to the qtserverHost.exe.config
configuration file. You can edit the data here whenever you like.
SQL Configuration for Multiple Clients
If you are using several clients, please note that you only have to set the
configuration once, as identical termbases on the same MultiTerm server
also have the same database names. However, you will need a user with
access rights to all clients.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
The Status Monitor
Physical Termbase Name
The name of the physical database can be found in the MultiTerm
administrator or in the termbase catalog in the MultiTerm client.
2.3.5 Encrypt Passwords
If you want to encrypt the passwords which have been entered as plain text
in the configuration files, select "Encrypt passwords" in the Status Monitor.
2.4 Licensing
quickTerm provides a flexible licensing model to cover as wide a range of
requirements as possible. The license itself comprises the following
▪ Registration via the serial number: This step must be carried out first so
you can register your quickTerm installation with Kaleidoscope.
▪ Server license: The server may be fully or partially licensed (e.g. demo
▪ quickTerm Web: The web server for quickTerm Web is licensed
▪ Named User: These users can participate in workflows (i.e. approver,
translator, terminologist; end user who can take on edit tasks) or may
also be an Administrator. These users may only simultaneously log in to
the quickTerm server by name once, either via a client or via quickTerm
Web. A license is needed for every named user, regardless of whether
he is currently logged in or not. Any possible violation of the licensed
number of users is checked when a named user is created.
▪ Concurrent User: Every end user is automatically licensed as a
concurrent user. These users may not participate in workflows, but are
free to search and submit term requests. Generally these are the
company-wide end users. Those users who are able to receive edit tasks
and are therefore able to participate in workflows are an exception to this
rule (as explained above). This sees them classified as named users and
underlined with a specific color (turquoise) in the user group
management area. Unlike named users, there is no limit to the number
of end users that may be created, though only a certain number may be
logged in at the same time. They can log in via a qT client or qT Web.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
▪ "Anonymous Access" to quickTerm Web: quickTerm Web can be
configured to allow a certain end user (e.g. "quickTermWeb") to be
logged in automatically. This user can log in multiple times and can be
configured like a conventional user, allowing the rights and options
available to the anonymous user to be precisely defined in quickTerm
▪ Enterprise Option: This option grants unrestricted access to any number
of users at the same time. Users with the Enterprise License may also
log in multiple times.
▪ Clients: For configurations with multiple clients, the number of permitted
clients is also specified in the license.
2.4.1 License Activation
In order to activate your license from Kaleidoscope, you will receive a serial
number and one or more activation keys. The serial number registers your
copy of quickTerm. The activation keys then unlock particular features of the
Step 1: Registering with the Serial Number
First you will need to register your copy of quickTerm:
a) Right click on the server monitor.
b) Click on "Register product".
c) Enter your serial number.
d) Click Next.
e) Click "Activate now".
⇨ The license is activated online.
f) Close the activation window.
⇨ quickTerm is now registered to you.
Step 2: Enabling Functions with Activation Keys
Depending on your license, you now have to enter the various activation
keys for the number of users.
➢ Requirement: You have already registered quickTerm.
a) Right click on the server monitor.
b) Select "Display licence file".
⇨ All the features currently enabled are displayed.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
Starting the Service
c) Click "Activation Key".
d) Enter the activation key that you received from us.
⇨ The feature is enabled.
e) Repeat this step for each activation key you were supplied with to unlock
all the features you have ordered.
You can always check the status of your license and add additional
activation keys from Kaleidoscope by right clicking on the service monitor
and then clicking "Display license file".
2.5 Starting the Service
You can start the quickTerm server service in one of two ways:
▪ Start the "quickTerm Server" service in the MS "Services" console
▪ Right click on the server monitor and select "Start".
Error During Service Startup
The quickTerm service checks whether the configuration is complete and
correct on every startup. If the service cannot be started, check the
configuration of QTServiceHost.exe.config and check the qserver.log log in
the quickTerm server directory for any error messages. Depending on the
type of error and the error log settings, the quickTerm server may also
provide a detailed error log in the ErrorLog subdirectory.
2.6 Setting-up the Snapshot Function
quickTerm allows periodic snapshots of the terminology database to be
taken on the server. This provides a number of functions to terminologists for
whom "Enable managing snapshots" has been enabled. For more details
see Dashboard (Change Management): Versions and History.
To set up a periodic snapshot, proceed as follows:
1. Ensure that the configuration file
QTServiceHostConsole.exe.Config (= of the quickTerm service) is
identical to the QTServiceHost.exe.Config (= of the quickTerm
console). If in doubt, copy QTServiceHost.exe.Config and
overwrite QTServiceHostConsole.exe.Config (not the other way
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installing the quickTerm Server
Setting-up the Snapshot Function
2. Set up a batch command with the following syntax:
"Installation directory\QTServiceHostConsole.exe" snapshot -t "termbase name" -c "client name"
– Installation directory is the installation directory of the quickTerm
– Termbase name is the name of your termbase
– Client name is the name of the respective client. If you have not
intentionally set up a different client name, then your client name will
be "<Default>".
3. Test this batch file by running it once. The console should open and
report that the connection to the termbase is being established.
Afterwards the individual concept IDs should appear in the DOS box. If
not, an error will be output.
4. Add this batch file to the Windows Task Scheduler.
5. The first day of every month or the start of each quarter are reasonable
snapshot dates, for instance. Check with your terminology team what
they think is appropriate.
The snapshot is now set up. Please note that the terminologist will only see
the snapshot in quickTerm once a minimum of TWO snapshots have been
All snapshots are stored in the quickTerm database. For the first snapshot,
this includes an entire copy of the termbase. After that, quickTerm only
stores differential snapshots, so only the actual changes will be stored.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of Clients
quickTerm Client System Requirements
3 Installation of Clients
To install the clients, you have two options:
▪ Installation via installation package (qtcsetup.exe), or
▪ Installation by setting up a master client (e.g. on the server) and simply
copying the program files onto the respective client computers.
From quickTerm 5.3 onwards, the clients can be updated using the serverbased auto-update function. Once this version has been installed it is no
longer necessary to install client updates - only the initial installation is
3.1 quickTerm Client System Requirements
The quickTerm client runs on all Windows operating systems from Windows
XP and higher. It supports 64 bit environments.
Microsoft .net Framework Version 4 must have been installed on the client.
The installation is performed by either the installer supplied, or by copying
the installation directory to the workstations and running qtclient.exe.
The authentication can be configured to take place via the Windows Active
Directory groups or via quickTerm's own groups, to which Windows Active
Directory users or quickTerm's own users may be added.
3.2 Client Installation via Installer
During the client installation, you will be prompted for the base address of
the quickTerm server. It consists of the server name and the port on which
the quickTerm server runs. You can also pass these parameters to the
installer. Its syntax looks like this /SERVER=http://server:port, for
instance /SERVER=http://qtserver:8020.
Alternatively, you can enter the base address of the quickTerm server
service into the QTClient.exe.config file after the installation. The address is
located in the <endpoint> parameter and has this format:
address="http://SERVER:PORT/QTService/Service" – in this case,
SERVER is the name of the server and PORT is the number of the
configured port.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of Clients
Client Installation via Master Client
Local User Settings
The local client user settings are not saved in the qtclient.exe.config, but
under the following path: User profile\Appdata\Local\Kaleidoscope_GbmH.
The causes of error messages concerning the local quickTerm profile
should be looked for on this path.
3.3 Client Installation via Master Client
Alternatively, you can also use the installer to install a master client onto a
test computer or directly onto the server. Then configure the client as
described above and test the configuration accordingly. If all the parameters
have been specified and the client runs as requested, simply copy the entire
directory, including all subdirectories, onto the respective client computers.
3.4 Setting-up Multiple Server Connections
If you are working with more than one quickTerm server, you can configure
additional server connections in addition to the default connection (which is
specified in the configuration) and select the desired connection each time
the client is started:
a) In the Login screen, click on the dropdown menu under Server:
b) Select "Manage connections".
⇨ The "Manage server connections" dialog box opens.
c) Click New.
⇨ A new line is added to the list of servers.
d) Under "Name", enter the name under which this server will appear in the
dropdown menu.
e) Enter the server connection to the new server under "Address". The
syntax for this address is http://servername:port/Servicename.
The default port is 8020, the default name of the service is QTService/
Service. For example, the string in this scenario would be http://
Ask your system administrator for the necessary values.
f) Click "Test" to test the connection to this server.
g) Click OK.
⇨ The new server connection has been saved.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of Clients
Setting-up Multiple Server Connections
You can now select the server from the dropdown menu when you log in.
Alternatively, you can enter the server as a parameter when launching the
quickTerm client. The syntax for this is qtclient.exe User name Password
Connection name.
Saving the User Settings
As the installation directory is often locked for the end user, the extra
connection profiles are saved under Application data in the All Users user
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
quickTerm Web System Requirements
4 Installation of quickTerm Web
4.1 quickTerm Web System Requirements
Before installing quickTerm Web, make sure that your system meets the
following requirements:
▪ Windows 2003 Server or higher, configured as an application server with
IIS 6 or higher
quickTerm Server also runs on Windows XP or Windows 7 workstations
with IIS 6 or higher
▪ A running quickTerm Server with access to a MultiTerm or Acrolinx
▪ Microsoft .net Framework 4.0
▪ Enabled ASP.NET ISAPI extension
▪ A user must be set up on the quickTerm server. quickTerm Web must be
able to log in to the quickTerm server with this user. For anonymous
access, quickTerm Web "assumes" the identity of this user when
accessing the termbase. For more information, refer to Configuration of
quickTerm Web.
▪ Client PCs require Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or higher, Mozilla Firefox
version 3.6 or higher, or Google Chrome. Compatibility view in Internet
Explorer is not supported. Please disable this view if necessary (e.g.
under Tools -> Compatibility View Settings. Depending on your system
configuration, you will either see the server on which quickTerm Web is
running or the compatibility settings for the intranet could be enabled).
4.2 Unpacking the Application
a) Unpack the content of the Files directory in the Setup_qtweb.zip file into
a directory that IIS can access. By default this will be the directory with
the path c:\inetpub\wwwroot\XXXX
e.g. c:\inetpub\wwwroot\quickterm
b) Open the directory you have created and make a copy of the
web.config.default file. Rename this file web.config.
c) Open the web.config file in a text editor (e.g. Notepad)
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Setting Up the Web Application
d) quickTerm Server settings:
Search for the entry <system-serviceModel><client> and enter the
necessary parameters for connecting to the quickTerm server.
<endpoint address="http://quicktermserver:8020/
e) Configure the various keys in web.config as desired. For more details
see Configuring the Web Application
⇨ The portal has now been configured.
4.3 Setting Up the Web Application
Directory Rights
You must grant the users IUSR (Internet Guest Account) and NETWORK
SERVICE full access to the following directories to facilitate the proper
functioning of the portal application:
▪ App_Data (or another directory that has been defined as the storage
location for the log files)
▪ Images (or the directory specified in the EntryImagesDirectory key)
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Setting Up the Web Application
a) Check whether ASP.NET has been registered correctly for IIS.
Every .net version has the aspnet_regiis tool for this purpose. As the .net
version 3.5 (.net 4.0 from quickTerm Release 5.3) needed by quickTerm
is based on .net version 2.0, please run the aspnet_regiis from .net 2.0
as an administrator:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\asp_netregiis.exe -i
b) Add a website folder to IIS:
Creating a Folder in IIS 7
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Setting Up the Web Application
c) Add this folder to an application pool that uses .net 4
d) The identity under which the application pool runs on IIS 7 must be able
to access the quickTerm Web folder.
Website on 64 Bit IIS
On servers with a 64 bit IIS, the website must be converted to 32 bit for
a) Click Advanced settings in the application pools on the far right.
b) Set Enable 32 Bit Applications to True.
a) In IIS Manager, create a new virtual directory.
b) Give this directory the alias qtweb4 or whichever alias under which you
would like to access quickTerm Web.
c) Allocate this virtual directory to the program directory of qtweb4 (e.g. c:
d) Grant read and script access rights.
⇨ The virtual directory has now been created.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Setting Up the Web Application
Virtual directory
Website on 64 Bit IIS
On servers with a 64 bit IIS, the website must be converted to 32 bit for
a) Click Advanced settings in the application pools on the far right.
b) Set Enable 32 Bit Applications to True.
Configuring the Website
a) Right click and view Properties for the new qtweb4 virtual directory.
b) Click Edit on the Security tab and enable anonymous access to the
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Setting Up the Web Application
c) Open the ASP.NET tab under Properties and ensure that ASP.NET
Version 2 has been configured for the application. In IIS 7, allocate an
application pool that uses .net 2.0.
Allocating ASP.NET Version 2
d) Select Documents under Properties and set "default.aspx" as the landing
e) Now set up the website as an application using the "Convert to
application" command in IIS.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Configuring the Web Application
4.4 Configuring the Web Application
Connecting to the quickTerm server has already been explained under
Unpacking the Application [➙ 48].
The basic configuration settings for quickTerm Web can be edited in the
appSettings section of the web.config file, which can be found in the website
root directory. Numerous functionality and appearance settings can be
configured through the client by an administrator. For more details see
Configuration of quickTerm Web.
<add key="LogFileDirectory" value="~/App_Data "/> and <add
key="EntryImagesDirectory" value="\Images\"/>
This parameter defines the directory for the log files and for the images from
the termbase. quickTerm needs to store these locally in order to display
them in the web. The path must be a subdirectory of the quickTerm Web
base directory. The log file path must be written as an http-path (with forward
slashes), the images path as a windows path (with backslashes).
<add key="MaxLogFileSize" value="1024"/>
This parameter lets you define the maximum size of the log files. Once the
log file reaches this size, a copy will be produced and a new log file will be
<add key="LoginPollInterval" value="10"/>
During the inactivity time, the quickTerm server polls the accesses to
quickTerm Web to check whether the respective user is still on the
quickTerm site. As a result, simply closing the browser will have the same
effect as logging out. The PollingInterval parameter allows the frequency at
which this polling takes place to be defined.
The polling interval must be defined in seconds. The quickTerm server
interrogates the individual web browsers at this interval to see if they are still
open. If a web browser has been closed, the corresponding user license is
<add key="AutomaticallyOpenEntryPreview" value="false"/>
By setting this parameter to "true", the contents of the Entry and Comments
windows are automatically shown by default.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Configuring the Web Application
<add key="ShowFavicon" value="true"/>
This parameter displays the Fav icon (a small symbol in the browser title
bar). The Fav icon image is in the root directory (browsericon.ico).
<add key="TitleText" value="quickTerm Demosite"/>
You can specify the title of the quickTerm website that will appear in the
browser title bar here.
<add key="DefaultCustomLogoWhenNotLoggedIn" value=""/>
This parameter lets you specify an alternative image for the login screen.
Normally the quickTerm logo is displayed there. As long as the user has not
logged in, quickTerm web does not know yet which Theme to use, therefore
there can only be one image. For instance, for a tenant called Client, the
path could be „~/App_Themes/Client/images/LogoClient_small.png”.
Refresh Intervals for Like Statistics, Recommended Terms and
Term Quiz
For performance reasons, quickTerm Web does not retrieve these values
from the database each time a page is opened. They are stored in a cache
instead. This value allows you to specify how much time (in minutes) should
elapse before the cache is refreshed. Alternatively, the terminologist can log
in to quickTerm Web and click Refresh.
Buttons in quickTerm Web
The group settings for the group containing the default (anonymous) web
user govern which buttons are displayed in quickTerm Web.
If no term request settings have been defined, then the Term requests
button is completely hidden from the user interface. The same applies to
Send request and Feedback.
If the options "Disable user profile updates" and "Disable updating private
term requests" are enabled, then the Personal settings and Request
management buttons are completely hidden for this user.
Splash Screen and Other Elements
The configuration of the splash screen or elements such as the Term Quiz,
Term of the week, etc. is carried out by the terminologist or the administrator
in the quickTerm client.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
4.5 Auto-Login
You can configure quickTerm Web so that a defined user, i.e. an
"anonymous" user, is logged in automatically as soon as the website is
accessed. To do so, you need to first configure a user group and a user, for
instance "qtweb". Configure this group for the anonymous user, i.e. which
termbases he will have access to, which stylesheets, filters, rights, etc.
Then define the following three parameters in the appSettings section of
▪ <add key="DefaultClientName" value="CLIENT"/>
▪ <add key="DefaultLoginName" value="USERNAME"/>
▪ <add key="DefaultLoginPassw" value="PASSWORD"/>
Enter the relevant values for CLIENT, USERNAME and PASSWORD from
your quickTerm configuration. You can then encrypt the password by right
clicking on the status monitor.
Prefix for usernames
Putting the prefix "*\" in front of a quickTerm username will speed up the
login, because quickTerm will only search the internal user lists. Without
the prefix, quickTerm will search both the internal and the Active Directory
user lists. This will have a negative impact on the login speed.
Therefore make sure to use "*\" when logging in with a quickTerm user.
As quickTerm always saves the current settings, such as languages, search
options, etc., every time a user logs out, you can define a default for the user
as follows:
➢ You have already created a group and a user.
a) Disable the "Disable user profile updates" option in the web user group.
b) Log in to quickTerm Web as the user.
c) Configure all the settings as required.
d) Log out again.
⇨ The settings are now saved in the user profile.
e) Enable the "Disable user profile updates" option in the web user group.
⇨ The settings are now permanently saved to the profile and are not
overwritten the next time the user logs out.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Corporate Identity Personalization of quickTerm Web
4.6 Corporate Identity Personalization of
quickTerm Web
The "styling" of quickTerm Web is saved as themes. Multiple themes can be
created and allocated to individual clients in the Admin Client. We
recommend that you copy the default theme and give it a new name. You
can now modify this theme as much as you want without running the risk of
losing the original configuration.
Several aspects of the look & feel of quickTerm Web can also be configured
in the Admin Client.
Customer-specific Text Changes
If you would like to change certain client-specific (or more accurately,
"theme"-specific) texts, copy the TextResources.resx file and the
corresponding foreign language Resx files to the theme folder. This file can
now be edited. Only the edited texts need to appear in this file - quickTerm
Web fetches all other texts and new texts following an update from the
APP_Globalresources directory.
Css Files
The styling of quickTerm Web is specified in several css files:
▪ qtweb_layout.css: this file contains the style elements that define
the appearance of the pages. In other words, the borders, fill areas and
margins. These values are normally linked to one another, so extreme
care should be taken when editing the content of this file.
▪ qtweb_ci.css: this file contains the style elements that normally define
the colors and character sets.
▪ Qt_quiz.css: this file contains the style elements for the Term Quiz.
The Term of the Week layout is defined in the client, as there can be several
layouts for each client. The layout of the entry itself can also be configured in
the Admin Client as a termbase-specific "stylesheet".
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Corporate Identity Personalization of quickTerm Web
You will see that the layout definition is separate from the other definitions.
This means that the second file can be edited easily to cater for any
customer-specific changes. Unless you have any special requirements, the
first file should not be edited.
For more information on the qtweb_ci.css file, please read on:
Sections in qtweb_ci.css
The qtweb_ci.css file contains several sections:
/* Login page
----------------------------------- */
… the section for the elements in the Login screen,
/* Layout of the popup windows
---------------------------------- */
… the section for the elements in the popup windows,
/* Styles for the elements of the main pages
----------------------------------------------- */
… the section for the elements in the main pages.
Each section contains several items. If the meaning of an element is not selfexplanatory, a comment is provided.
The following screenshots just show the structure of the different pages. This
makes it easier to find the corresponding elements in the stylesheet files.
Please note that certain elements are only found in the layout file.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Corporate Identity Personalization of quickTerm Web
Login screen
Login screen configuration
Dialog box (popup window)
Dialog box configuration
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Opening quickTerm Web with Parameters
Main screen
Main screen configuration
Request Management
The layout for the request management lists is also defined in the
qtweb_ci.css file, namely in the "datatable" section.
4.7 Opening quickTerm Web with Parameters
It is possible to open quickTerm Web directly with parameters.
▪ Log in in with a predefined user:
e.g.: http://quickterm.testcompany.at/qt/Pages/Main/
▪ Run a search immediately
[qtweb]?term=[Search term]&sourceLang=[Source
language]&sourceLangType=[Source language type
(optional)]&searchMode=[Search mode]&tbid=[TermbaseID]&tbname=[Termbase name(as an alternative to the
termbase ID)]
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Opening quickTerm Web with Parameters
e.g.: http://quickterm.testcompany.at/qt/Pages/Main/
▪ Directly display a certain entry number:
[qtweb]?euuid=[Entry ID]&sourceLang=[Source
language]&sourceLangType=[Source language type
(optional)]&searchMode=[Search mode]&tbid=[TermbaseID]&tbname=[Termbase name(as an alternative to the
termbase ID)]
▪ Request a term
language]&sourceLangType=[Source language type
(optional)]&tbid=[Termbase ID]&tbname=[Termbase
name(as an alternative to the termbase
ID)]&customUsrName=[Name of the requestor]
e.g.: http://quickterm.testcompany.at/qt/Pages/Main/
▪ Request an alternative term
language]&sourceLangType=[Source language
type(optional)]&tbid=[Termbase ID]&tbname=[Termbase
name(as an alternative to the termbase
ID)]&customUsrName=[Name of the
requestor]&euuid=[Entry ID]
e.g.: http://quickterm.testcompany.at/qt/Pages/Main/
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Installation of quickTerm Web
Opening quickTerm Web with Parameters
[qtweb] is the base URL of your quickTerm server, for instance http://
Spaces in the URL have to be escaped with "%20".
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
5 Upgrading/Updating
5.1 Servers
1. Please stop the existing quickTerm server service and close the
quickTerm server monitor in the system tray before carrying out an
2. Back up your current quickTerm database on the SQL server before
3. Create a backup copy of the server directory (e.g. "c:\programs
\quickterm Server").
Updating/Upgrading from Version 4.x to 5.x
1. Uninstall version 4.x completely and then install quickTerm 5.x. Only by
uninstalling version 4.x will the qt4 server service be removed.
2. Copy the license file and if necessary the configuration file back into the
quickTerm program directory. If the configuration file has to be updated,
right-click on the server monitor and select the relevant command.
3. Start the server monitor.
When you right-click on the icon, quickTerm checks to see if the config
file needs to be updated. If this is the case, the only available command
will be to update the config file. Update the file if necessary.
4. Open the database configuration from the server monitor. You are
advised that the database needs to be updated. Click "Update
5. Due to the many new changes, stylesheets from quickTerm 4.x can no
longer be used. Version 5.1 or higher contain the Stylesheet Editor - a
graphic tool for defining new stylesheets. We are also happy to migrate
your old stylesheet.
6. Check the configuration of every group, paying particular attention to the
correct settings for termbases, stylesheets and approval/final approval
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Desktop Client
Upgrading to version 5.3 or higher from versions 5.0 to 5.2
Multi-tenancy was implemented in quickTerm 5.3. As a result it is necessary
to set up at least one "default" client when upgrading to version 5.3 or
higher. Parts of the configuration that were previously defined at systemwide level have now been moved to client level.
To perform an update/upgrade, proceed as follows:
1. Install the new version over the previous version.
2. DO NOT overwrite the existing license file or the configuration files.
(They are prompted for during the installation process.)
3. Start the server monitor after successful installation.
4. When you right-click on the icon, quickTerm checks to see if the config
file needs to be updated. If this is the case, the only available command
will be to update the config file. Update the file if necessary.
5. Open the database configuration from the server monitor. If necessary,
you are advised that the database needs to be updated. Click "Update
database" if this is the case.
6. Due to the many new changes, stylesheets from quickTerm 5.0 can no
longer be used. Version 5.1 or higher contain the Stylesheet Editor - a
graphic tool for defining new stylesheets. Stylesheets from version 5.1
onwards are migrated automatically to higher versions, provided they
were standard stylesheets. Otherwise please send the stylesheet to
Kaleidoscope for migration.
7. Check the configuration of the server and every group, paying particular
attention to the correct settings for termbases, stylesheets and approval/
final approval settings. See also Configuration.
When you upgrade to a new version of quickTerm, you will need new
licenses! Without requesting new licenses, quickTerm will not be able to
run after the upgrade!
5.2 Desktop Client
Updating/upgrading to a newer version from a qT client older
than version 5.3
If you have installed a qT desktop client older than version 5.3, the clients
must be reinstalled.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Web Client
Updating/upgrading to a newer version from a qT client later
than version 5.3
If you have already installed a more recent version of a qT desktop client
than 5.3, the client update will be carried out automatically by saving a
package on the server. Proceed as follows:
➢ qtclient.zip can be found in the ClientUpgrade folder. This contains the
qtClient directory as well as the files needed to carry out the upgrade.
a) If you would like to roll out a new version of the client, first unpack this
zip file.
b) Replace the relevant files with the new version.
c) If you only change the configuration (icons, colors, etc.) but keep the
actual application at the same version level, increase the version number
in the qtcolors.xaml file by one digit. Otherwise the client will not identify
the new version.
d) Rezip the file.
e) Restart the qtServer service.
⇨ Clients are updated automatically the next time they are started.
Client update/upgrade as part of a server update/upgrade
When you carry out a server update/upgrade, an update/upgrade of the
client is automatically performed on the server as part of the process. You
therefore do not need to carry out the steps listed above in this case.
5.3 Web Client
1. Stop the web server
2. If applicable, save the customer-specific theme (e.g. in "C:\inetpub
Overwrite the entire qT web client directory (e.g. "C:\inetpub\wwwroot
\quickterm") with the data available.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual
Web Client
When upgrading a manual update of the config file must be carried out.
quickTerm 5.5.1 - Installation Manual