www.bethel-omaha.org • Av - Elul 5776 • September 2016 • 402


www.bethel-omaha.org • Av - Elul 5776 • September 2016 • 402
www.bethel-omaha.org • Av - Elul 5776 • September 2016 • 402-492-8550
Shanghai is Going Strong
The 2nd Thursday of each month
1:00 pm in Beth El’s West Court
With 5-Year Multiples
Join us at the table
on September 8
Kevin Clarke • Siobhan Edwards • Chelsea
Register online at www.bethel-omaha.org or
contact Phyllis Wasserman at [email protected] 402.498.2922
Join us at this regular monthly game and be sure to tell your
friends...this is open to the entire Jewish community.
We Share Your Joy
On the Marriage of:
Kavich • Leah Kosinovsky • Jacob Levy
Donna Olesh • Merle Potash • Brandon
Raffel • Ari Riekes • Kevin Saltzman
Rabbi Maximo Shechet • Sally Zipursky
With 5-Year Multiples
• Josef Wees & Natalie Duque
Son of Steve & Joye Wees
On the Birth of:
• Greyson Asher Stoffa &
Nolan Rodegheri Gilinsky
Great-Grandsons of Rose Cohen
• Colton Jay Wees
Son of Josh & Kori Wees
Grandson of Steve & Joye Wees
Lawrence & Dinah Raful
Joel & Mary Rich
Selichot!...................................................Page 1
Our Shabbat Tables!.....................................Page 8
Rosh Hashanah Lunch!.........................Page 1
Rosh Hashanah Youth Invite!.....................Page 9
Shanghai!.................................................Page 2
Contributions!..............................................Page 10
We Share Your Joy!...............................Page 2
Book of Remembrance!.............................Page 10
Birthdays/Anniversaries!.....................Page 2
Family/Tot Shabbat!..................................Page 11
Hazzan’s Column!..........................Page 3 & 5
Cup of Coffee with God!............................Page 11
President’s Corner!...............................Page 4
Youth Group Programming!.....................Page 12
Home for the Holidays!.......................Page 4
Candle Lighting & Service Times!...........Page 12
BESTT Chaverim Program!.................Page 4
Detachable Calendar!.................................Page 13
In Memoriam!.........................................Page 4
High Holy Days Schedule!.........................Page 14
Operation Isaiah!...................................Page 5
Eadie’s Column/BESTT Calendar!...........Page 15
Sisterhood Scoop!.................................Page 6
Babies, Bigger Kids & Bagels!...................Page 15
Yad Squad!...............................................Page 6
Merit Scholarship Meeting!.......................Page 15
Rosh Hashanah Invitation!..................Page 7
End of Summer Festival!...........................Page 16
RH Youth Services & Babysitting!.....Page 8
Beth El Gift Shop!.......................................Page 16
The High Holy Days: Blending Communal & Personal Prayer
By Hazzan Michael Krausman
As we approach
the High Holy
Days we are
mindful of the
power of
Jewish Prayer.
The pathos of
Kol Nidre, the heart-pounding
litany of the public confessional, the
drama of Unitane Tokef depicting
us as sheep passing before an
omnipotent Shepherd, the singing
of Avinu Malkeinu and other
traditional melodies – all of these
experiences galvanize us as a
prayer community and reinforce
our connection to our communal
and personal history.
However, our tradition places great
value on individual prayer as well.
Perhaps this is the reason why we
often recite salient parts of the
service, such as the Amidah (an
established collection of blessings
that forms the core of every Jewish
service) both individually and
communally; each recitation with
its own nuances. So, too, the
structure of our worship services
allows for the insertion of personal
prayers, such as those for healing,
within the framework of the formal
liturgy. Each of us is encouraged to
add individual supplications or
prayers that come from the heart.
Interestingly, many of these
personal supplications became
codified throughout the ages and
have actually made their way into
the prayer book. The latter is the
origin of much of the poignant
poetry which embellishes the core
framework of our liturgy.
One of these gems that I find so
compelling, especially as we draw
near to the High Holy Days, is found
as part of the weekday liturgy in a
collection of petitions and
supplications know as Tachanun.
With the exception of particularly
sad or joyous occasions, Tachanun
immediately follows the weekday
morning and afternoon Amidah.
Interestingly, portions of the
prayers that comprise Tachanun
can be found in the Selichot
(penitential) prayers recited in a
special evening service that
introduces the High Holy Days and
again throughout Yom Kippur. The
poem, upon which I wish to focus,
was composed by the great Ninth
Century sage Rav Amram Gaon.
Rav Amram was the leader of the
great Babylonian Talmudic
Academy of Sura, and is credited
with being the creator of the first
known Siddur (prayer book). When
I read this prayer it touches me in a
deep way because it strikes me that
Rav Amram has encapsulated all
that we could wish for, all that we
need, all that we dare ask for as we
are about to encounter the High
Holy Days.
“May it be Your will, Adonai our God
and God of our ancestors, that You
grant us a good heart and a generous
(continued on page 5)
Gary Javitch, President
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Thank you
Beth El Synagogue
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Beth El Synagogue, Omaha, NE.
A 4C 02-1034
Home for the
High Holy Days
Are you new to Omaha and want to be
with other Beth El families to celebrate the
new year? We want to make sure you have
a place to share holiday meals, lunch on
Rosh Hashanah 10/3 and break the fast on
Yom Kippur 10/12. On the second day of
Rosh Hashanah, we invite you to join us for
a special holiday lunch edition of Our
Shabbat Tables at Beth El. All new
congregants who have joined Beth El after
May 1, 2016, may participate in this
session of Our Shabbat Tables free of charge.
If you’d like to participate as a host family,
or if you’d like us to match you with
another Beth El family, contact Margie at
[email protected].
Kibbutz Chaverim
SUP Boarding Program
President’s Corner
By Jim Zipursky,
President of the Board of Trustees
Beth El Synagogue: Rooted in Tradition. Embracing
Change. Perhaps you noticed we have adopted
this as the new “tag line” for our Congregation.
Change has been constant at Beth El and will be a
consistent and familiar theme in the future.
Change is difficult for all of us to accept. We get familiar and secure in
our routines. For many of us, change is uncomfortable or, even worse,
frightening. Resistance to change is very natural…but when you reflect
upon the evolution of our Beth El Congregation since it was founded in
1929, you realize Beth El has always welcomed and embraced change.
Back when my grandparents and parents joined Beth El, women were
not counted in the minyan, children younger than 13 were not welcome
in the sanctuary for services, Talmud Torah students were expected to
attend school three days/week and Junior Congregation on Shabbat,
and programming outside of services was limited to monthly lunches
with the Rabbi and Men’s Club and Sisterhood activities.
Today, we are a fully egalitarian congregation, we gladly welcome
children of any age in our services, we happily allow non-Jewish family
members to be buried in our cemetery, our children are in BESTT two
days weekly and hardly a day of the year goes by without at least one
Beth El program offered either inside our building or in the community.
Despite our ever-changing world, at Beth El, we still have minyan twice
daily (you are always welcome to join us for daily minyan), Kabbalat
Sunday, September 11, 12:15 pm
Services every Friday, Shabbat Services every Saturday, and Havdalah
on Saturday evening (again, you are always welcome to join us for any/
Join us after BESTT for a fun afternoon at
all of these services). We will have services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Lake Zorinsky. Volunteer drivers wanted. Kippur, we will build our Sukkah and shake the Lulav and smell the
Pick up at the lake at 3:30 pm. Cost: $10
Etrog, and we will light our candles and eat latkes on Chanukah.
per person, lunch included. Don’t forget
your swimsuits! Space is limited, RSVP at However, because Beth El has always embraced change, you will see some
changes in our services and our programs. Rabbi, Hazzan and the Religious
Life Committee have been working on some amazing and wonderful
enhancements/improvements to your Rosh Hashanah Day 1 experience.
In Memoriam
Our community-wide, End of Summer Festival is like nothing we have
Beth El extends profound
ever done before. Led by Rabbi and our Social Action Committee, we
sympathy to the families of:
continue to step-up our participation in community involvement programs.
Jane Patricia Batt
Susan Clare Larkin
Phyllis Peterson
Dr. David K. Scheer
Phyllis M. Schwartz
Marc R. Sherman
May their memory
always be for a blessing.
All of our changes, improvements and enhancements are made for you,
our Beth El members. While the Beth El of 5776 may not be my Zede’s
Beth El, I know he would be very comfortable here.
Perhaps Benjamin Franklin best sums up our Beth El mission to change:
“When you are finished changing, you are finished.”
Beth El Synagogue: Rooted in Tradition. Embracing Change.
Jim Zipursky
(Hazzan’s article continued from page 3)
spirit, humility and modesty, and good
companions. May Your name not be
profaned through us. May we not
become a source of gossip or derision.
May our future not end in failure, nor
our hopes languish in despair. May we
not be dependent upon the gifts of
others, for such gifts are meager and
the embarrassment they cause is
great. Grant us a share in Your Torah
with all who do Your will. Save us from
all harsh decrees; with Your abundant
love help Your messiah and Your
people. Avinu Malkenu, [our parent
and monarch] turn us not away from
You empty-handed. Answer our
prayers, not for our sake, but to honor
Your name by Your love and Your
faithfulness. Be gracious to a people
who declare that You are One,
affirming twice each day, with love:
‘Hear O Israel: Adonai is our God,
Adonai alone’.”
May we all be blessed with the
actualization of all of our sincere
individual and communal prayers in
the year to come.
On behalf of Laurel, Zev and Zach,
best wishes to all of the members of
our Beth El family and their dear
ones for a Shana Tova U’Mituka – a
good, sweet New Year!
Hazzan Michael Krausman
Operation Isaiah
Sharing Food and Clothing with Those in Need
Each Yom Kippur, it has become a tradition at Beth El to heed Isaiah’s message to feed the hungry:
This is my chosen fast...
Share your bread with the hungry.
Take the homeless into your home.
Clothe the naked when you see him,
Do not turn away from people in need.
(Isaiah 58:6-7)
Again this year, we will be collecting non-perishable food and gently-used clothing to be distributed to the needy
during the entire month of Elul. Bins will be in the community court beginning on Sunday, September 4 up to and
including the evening of Kol Nidre services on Tuesday, October 11.
Consider this alternative...
Make a cash donation to the Omaha Food Bank by filling in the online form on our website or calling the office. You
will be performing a double mitzvah this High Holy Season.
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B 4C 02-1034
We Thank Our Yad Squad
The following members read Torah/
Haftarah in July:
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Alan Shulewitz
• Ben Shapiro
• Sally Zipursky
• Steve Riekes
• Sharon Brodkey
• Haftarah - Helen Epstein
• Michael Gerson
• Alan Potash
• Ben Shapiro
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Gary Nachman
• Haftarah - Yonatan Feldstern
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Alan Shulewitz
• Ben Shapiro
• Heather Kelln
• Haftarah - Ben Shapiro
• Glen Fineman
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Zach Stein
• Steve Riekes
• Hannah Stein
• Haftarah - Hannah Stein
• Yonatan Feldstern
• Janie Murow
• Jim Fried
• Ben Shapiro
• Haftarah - Nancy Rips
By Linda Fischer
Sisterhood President
Hello again!
This summer flew
by so quickly, but it was filled with
sunshine and lots of productive
activities. It's hard to believe the
New Year is just around the corner. This is the time to review the past
year and see all that we have
accomplished, where we can
improve, and plan ahead for another
year of being the best we can be. We need ushers for the High Holy
Days. Let Margie Gutnik or me
know if you would like to volunteer.
Each year at Beth El we make calls
to our congregants to wish them a
Happy New Year. Thank you to
Nancy Skid and her committee, Helen
Epstein and Alice Kosowsky for
organizing this project, and our
thanks to all of our volunteer callers. I would like to remind all of the women
of Beth El that you are automatically
members of Sisterhood - dues are
no longer collected. We have so
many ongoing opportunities to be
involved in Sisterhood. Our Rosh Hodesh programs are
wide-ranging and often of specific
interest to women. If you would like
to be on the committee to help
brainstorm ideas or plan these
programs, let me or Margie know.
If books are your thing, we invite
you to participate in our Book Club.
They meet every other month and
enjoy reading books and noshing on
yummy snacks. Contact Darlene
Golbitz at [email protected]
if you are interested.
Sisterhood Shabbat is set for
January. We will need volunteers to
lead the service and bakers to make
the delicious kugels for the luncheon. There are two exciting new projects
we are planning for the fall: - The Crop Walk to End Hunger will
be Sunday, October 9, at 2:00 pm. So get your sneakers ready to go. I
will be the contact person for this
event and will send out information
soon. This is a great way to encourage
our kids to help others in need.
- A Strudel Bake-Off will take place
in November, details to come in the
October KOL and by email.
Please let me know if you have any
ideas for new programs or events that
will interest you.
I'd like to end by saying how blessed
I feel to be part of such an active,
dedicated, Jewish community. I came
from a huge Jewish community, yet
never have I felt more close to my
faith then at this time in my life. I am so thankful for all of the
wonderful activities here at Beth El
and throughout our community. Thank you Beth El, for planning the
Tot Shabbat at the JCC. What a
great idea to get families together in
a different setting. The welcome
back breakfast for BESTT is always
such a friendly way to get our kids
back into the swing of Sunday School. I'd like to thank Caryn Scheer and her
committee for planning the
spectacular End of Summer Festival. These events bring us all together
as a community. Thank you all for
your dedication to Beth El. I wish all
of you a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous
New Year. Best Regards, Linda J. Fischer
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Ray Ostronic, President
Phone: 402-330-3511
Fax: 402-758-8934
Beth El Synagogue, Omaha, NE.
C 4C 02-1034
Youth Services & Babysitting During Rosh Hashanah
We are pleased to offer a variety of youth activities for all ages
Tot Services: Our popular tot services for children in Pre-K and younger will be led by Miss Patty on the first day of
Rosh Hashanah, Monday, October 3, 10:30 -11:30 am. Miss Patty will also lead Rosh Hashanah Story Time on the
second day of Rosh Hashanah, Tuesday, October 4, 10:00 – 11:00 am. These programs are free of charge. All
children must be accompanied by an adult.
Grades K-2: New this year, youth activities for our older children will be split into two groups, grades K-2 and grades
3-7. Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Services for grades K-2 will be led by Morah Shira from 10:00 – 11:00 am, followed by
Youth Fun Hour from 11 am – 12:00 pm. The kids will join the main sanctuary at 12:00 pm. Rosh Hashanah Day 2: Chofesh from 9:00 – 10:00 am, followed by Rosh Hashanah Story Time from 10:00 – 11:00 am. The group will join
the kids in grades 3-7 for Jr. Congregation from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, after which everyone will join the main sanctuary.
Grades 3-7: Rosh Hashanah Day 1: Rosh Hashanah Youth Fun Hour from 10:00 – 11:00 am., followed by Jr.
Congregation from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm. The kids will join the main sanctuary at 12:00 pm. Rosh Hashanah Day 2:
Chofesh from 10:00 – 11:00 am, followed by Jr. Congregation from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, after which everyone will
join the main sanctuary.
Babysitting: Babysitting will be available for children from three months to five years old during all Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur services. Advanced registration is required; cost is $4 per child for each day, with a maximum charge
of $25 per family for those who register by September 18; after that date late fees will apply. Register online at
For children of all ages, please let us know if your child has any dietary restrictions by September 18.
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D 4C 02-1034
Contributions to Named Endowment & Synagogue Funds
This Kol lists contributions received by August 10. Donations received after that date will be listed in the October edition.
Contributions to Named
Endowment Funds
1st Benjamin & Anna Wiesman Family
Chapel Endowment Fund
Birthday of: Lloyd Roitstein • Retirement
of: Larry DeBruin
21st Century Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich, Elizabeth Wees
Drazen Family Summer Experience
Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Sam & Ann Epstein Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Howard Krantz
Willis Epstein Endowment Fund
Birthday of: Ronald Epstein
Barbara & Dean Frankel
Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Phyllis Peterson
Alan S. Kulakofsky Endowment Fund
Birth of: Eli Joseph Taraday and Nathan
Samuel Taraday • In Memory of: Seth Rich
Milton Marcus Instrumental Music
Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Henry Goldstein, Seth
Rich, Raimond Tomps • Yahrzeit of:
Milton Marcus
Ruth & David Platt Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Bertha Shyken
Harry Ratner Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Philip Ratner
Selwyn Roffman Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Evelyn Ratner
Jerold I. Rosen Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Sonya Baker
Stephen R. Skid Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Isaac H. & Ruth S. Friedman
Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Arnold Stern Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Raimond Tomps • Yahrzeit
of: Naomi Cohn
Freeda & Abe Gendler Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Howard Krantz, Seth Rich
Phineas & Sadie Wintroub
Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Sadie Wintroub
General Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Ann Goldstein Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Jessica Goldstein Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich • Yahrzeit of:
Harold Goldstein
Linda H. Lynn Kahn Endowment Fund
Yahrzeit of: Roland Kahn, Sarah Kahn,
Stewart Kahn
Marcel & Ilse Kahn
Endowment Fund
Birthday of: Myrna Siegler • In Memory
of: Howard Krantz, Seth Rich
Jerome & Rosalyn Zeffren and Andrea
Zeffren-Alter Endowment Fund
In Memory of: Sam Fried, Seth Rich,
Esther Wax, Elizabeth Wees
Contributions to Named
Synagogue Funds
Beth El Scholars’ Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Building Fund
In Memory of: Sam Fried, Seth Rich
Yahrzeit of: Leo Taub
Caring Committee Fund
Marriage of: Joe & Natalie Wees
General Fund
In Memory of: Howard Krantz, Seth
Rich, Robert Rosenman, Elizabeth Wees
Yahrzeit of: Ben Blatt, Michael Cohen,
Tauba Feidman, Walter Feidman, Abe
Fellman, Betty Fellman, Yenta
Kirshenbaum, Sidney Klopper, Hasha
Kustanovich, Joseph Lerner, Mara Levit,
Moses Litvin, Ann Newman, Rita Novak,
Arthur Stein
Mitzvah Meals Fund
Yahrzeit of: Harry Steinhorn
Music Fund
In Memory of: Esther Wax • Yahrzeit of:
Max Kushner, Ann Newman, Shirley
Schaffer, Morris Silverbrand
Programming Fund
In Memory of: Susan Larkin, Elizabeth
Wees • Marriage of: Joe & Natalie Wees
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In Memory of: Howard Krantz, Seth
Rich, David Scheer, Elizabeth Wees
Yahrzeit of: William Ashley, Denise
Digate, Meyer Kirshenbaum, Ilene Klein,
Stanley Passer, Louis Remer, Sadye Remer
Seth Rich Memorial Camp
Scholarship Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich • Yahrzeit of:
Caryl Greenberg
Tree of Life Fund
Anniversary of: Harvey & Marilyn
USY Fund
In Memory of: Seth Rich
Youth Education Fund
Anniversary of: Donald & Marlene
Dandy • Birthday of: Stewart Tully • In
Memory of: Elizabeth Wees • Recovery
of: Gady Tene, Marilyn Tipp • Yahrzeit
of: Herman Barron, Dina Bloom, Cantor
Gerald DeBruin, Yenta Kirshenbaum,
David Manvitz
Book of Remembrance - Forms Due September 19
Each year we publish the Book of Remembrance for Yizkor. Included in the book will be prayers to be said when
visiting the cemetery, and the names of loved ones who have died. For the names of your loved ones to be included,
return the form you received in the mail, complete the online form or contact Cait in the office by September 19.
Have a Cup of Coffee with God
Saturday, September 17, 9:30 am
Join Rabbi Abraham and Hazzan Krausman for another session of this innovative learning service. The
coffeepot will be on and the sweets will be plentiful. Grab a nosh, fill your cup and satisfy your appetite
for knowledge and spiritual growth, as we daven and learn together.
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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com
Beth El Synagogue, Omaha, NE.
E 4C 02-1034
Beth El Staff
Steven Abraham!.............................................Rabbi
[email protected]
Michael Krausman!......................................Hazzan
[email protected]
Allison Newfeld!....................Executive Director
[email protected]
Candle Lighting & Service Times
Friday Evening
Candle Lighting:
Service Schedule:
September 2!............7:35 pm
September 3!.........7:45 pm
September 9!............7:23 pm
Eadie Tsabari!........................................Director of
Congregational Learning
[email protected]
September 10!........7:30 pm
September 16!..........7:11 pm
September 17!........7:15 pm
Margie Gutnik!.........................Program Director
[email protected]
September 23!..........6:59 pm
September 24!........7:00 pm
Amy Dworin!......Director of Youth Engagement
[email protected]
September 30!..........6:47 pm
Ozzie Nogg!......................Publicity Coordinator
[email protected]
Michael Gerson!.................Minyan Coordinator
[email protected]
Melissa Massey!..................................Comptroller
[email protected]
Laura Bair!...................................Kitchen Manager
[email protected]
Melina Cohen!.......................Executive Assistant
[email protected]
Cait Leff!.........................................Office Manager
[email protected]
Jim Zipursky!...........................Beth El President
Adam Kutler!................................Vice President
Ari Riekes!.....................................Vice President
Robert Yaffe!................................Vice President
Jay Gordman!.........................................Treasurer
Caryn Scheer!........................................Secretary
Ari Kohen!...........................Religious Life Chair
Joel Rich!........................................Past President
Lisa Marcus!.....................................BESTT Chair
Weekday Services at 7:00 am and 5:30 pm
Sunday Services at 9:00 am and 5:30 pm
Youth Group Programming
• USY Board Meeting - Wednesday, September 7, 5:00 pm
• Kadima Board Meeting - Wednesday, September 7, 5:30 pm
• USY General Meeting - Wednesday, September 14, 5:00 pm
• Kibbutz Chaverim SUP Boarding Program at Zorinsky Lake
Sunday, September 11, 12:15 pm
• USY Slick Ball
Sunday, September 18, 12:30 pm
• USY Program, Details TBA
Wednesday, September 21, 5:00 pm
• Kadima Program, Details TBA
Sunday, September 25, 12:15 pm
• USY Lounge Night
Wednesday, September 28, 5:00 pm
Conventions - Save the Date
• USY Kinnus - November 24-27 in Kansas City
• USY International Convention - December 25-29 in Dallas
TBD!..................................Men’s Club President
• USY Winter Shabbaton - January 27-29 in St. Louis
Linda Fischer!...................Sisterhood President
• Kadima Kinnus - February 24-26 in Ogden, IA
• USY Spring Kallah - April 20-23 in Ogden, IA
9:30 am - Cup of Coffee
with God
10:00 am - Jr. Congregation
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
7:15 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
10:00 am - Shabbat’s Cool
(gr K-7)
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
7:00 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
8:15 pm - Selichot program
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
11:30 am - Nebraska AIDS
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
6:00 pm - Family/Tot
Shabbat Service & Dinner
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:00 pm - USY Meeting
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:15 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Spirit World
6:45 pm - Hebrew High
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:00 pm - USY Program
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:15 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Spirit World
6:45 pm - Hebrew High
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:00 pm - USY Lounge
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:15 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Spirit World
6:45 pm - Hebrew High
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
12:00 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Beth El
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:30 pm - BESTT
Committee Meeting
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
12:00 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Beth El
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:30 pm - Board of
Trustees Meeting
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
12:00 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Beth El
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
9:45 am - BESTT
10:00 am - Torah Study
10:30 am - Torah Tots
12:15 pm - Kibbutz
Chaverim SUP Boarding
5:30 pm - Minyan
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
9:45 am - BESTT
9:45 am - Babies, Bigger
Kids & Bagels
10:00 am - Torah Study
12:30 pm - Merit
Scholarship Meeting
12:30 pm - USY Slick Ball
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
9:45 am - BESTT
10:00 am - Torah Study
10:30 am - Torah Tots
12:15 pm - Kadima
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
11:00 am - End of Summer
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:00 am - Shacharit Service
10:00 am - Torah Study
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
10:00 am - Jr. Congregation
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
7:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
9:30 am - Shabbat Services
10:45 am - Mini Minyannaires
7:45 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
6:00 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
4:15 pm - BESTT
5:00 pm - USY Meeting
5:30 pm - Kadima Meeting
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
6:00 pm - Hebrew High
Dinner & Classes
6:15 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Spirit World
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
12:00 pm - Rabbi’s class at
Beth El
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
7:00 am - Shacharit Service
1:00 pm - Shanghai
5:30 pm - Mincha/Ma’ariv
September 2016
Welcome Back
By Eadie Tsabari,
Director of Congregational Learning
Bruchim HaBaim!
Welcome back to BESTT. We are so excited to
have everyone back in the synagogue and hope
to have an awesome school year. Everyone has grown so much over
the summer. I am especially excited to welcome all 13 of our new
kindergarten students and the new teachers who are joining our
staff. Make a point of introducing yourself to someone new in the
coming weeks.
BESTT Calendar
September 2016
4 No BESTT - Labor Day Weekend
5 End of Summer Festival
11 am - 3 pm
7 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades 3-7
4:15 - 6:15 pm
Hebrew High Dinner & Classes - Grades 8-12
6:00 - 8:30 pm 10 Jr. Congregation - Grades 3-7
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Here we are again, at Elul and Tishri, the soul months of Judaism.
11 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades K-7
Whether we are awakened by the stirring tones of the shofar or the
9:45 am - 12:15 pm
insistent voices within ourselves, it’s time for us to nurture our
Kevah Program - Grade K
nefesh (soul) and open our souls to the possibilities of a new year.
10:00 - 10:45 am
This is arguably my absolute favorite time of the year. I cherish the
idea of the opportunity to start all over again. I get the chance to
Torah Tots - Ages 3-5
make amends with family and friends. I can make myself a better
10:30 am - 12:10 pm
person because I have taken the time, made the effort and hopefully
14 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades 3-7
made the changes I need to succeed.
4:15 - 6:15 pm
Over the next month, the month of Elul, we will talk to our students
Hebrew High School - Grades 8-12
about how to do teshuvah (repentance). Our children will come away
6:45 - 8:30 pm
with a deepened understanding of how they view their own actions
and how they want to improve. Please take a moment to fill out an
17 Jr. Congregation - Grades 3-7
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
“I’m sorry” note when you come into the school.
18 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades K-7
9:45 am - 12:15 pm
Eadie Tsabari
Babies, Bigger Kids & Bagels - Birth-PreK
9:45 - 10:30 am
Babies, Bigger Kids & Bagels
Sunday, September 18
9:45 - 10:30 am
Join us in the nursery for this popular parent/
child playgroup for children birth through
Pre-K. Adults enjoy coffee, a bagel and
conversation while their little ones play.
Merit Scholarship Meeting
Sunday, September 18
12:30 pm
High School students in grades 9-12 can participate in the Merit
Scholarship program to earn up to a total of $2,000 over the four
year period by participating in Hebrew High School and USY,
attending/leading services, providing service hours and leadership
to our younger students, and completing a special project. Attend
this meeting to learn more details about this outstanding program.
21 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades 3-7
4:15 - 6:15 pm
Hebrew High School - Grades 8-12
6:45 - 8:30 pm
24 Shabbat’s Cool - Grades K-7
10:00 am - 12:15 pm
25 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades k-7
9:45 am - 12:15 pm
Torah Tots - Ages 3-5
10:30 am - 12:10 pm
28 BESTT Hebrew School - Grades 3-7
4:15 - 6:15 pm
Hebrew High School - Grades 8-12
6:45 - 8:30 pm
30 Family/Tot Shabbat & Dinner
6:00 pm
Beth El Synagogue
14506 California St. Omaha, NE 68154
Beth El is a PROUD
member of USCJ
Beth El Thanks our Fabulous Festival Sponsors!
Platinum Sponsor: Morley, Charlotte, Jim, Sally, Aaron & Naomi Zipursky
Gold Sponsors: Rabbi Steven, Shira, Naama & Leor Abraham, Sandy & Amy Friedman, Jerry & Linda Gordman, Granulawn,
Ideal Pure Water, The Jewish Press, Marcus of Omaha Fine Photography, Allan & Janie Murow, Alan & Carol, Josh &
Michael Parsow, Marc & Caryn Scheer, Norm & Joodi Veitzer, Isaac & Susan Witkowski, Barry & Nora Zoob
Silver Sponsors: Bagel Bin, Donald & Diane Baum, Hanna DeBruin - CBS Home Real Estate, Gary & Lisa Epstein,
Richard & Joanie Jacobson, Kotok Family, Adam & Abigail Kutler, Steve & Patty Nogg, Joel & Mary Rich, Larry & Sherry
Shapiro, West Maple Dental Specialists - Pediatric Dentistry, Reinhart Food Service, Bob & Rita Yaffe
The Beth El Judaica Shop
Gift Certificates Available
Judaica Shop Hours: Sundays 10:00 am - 12:15 pm (when BESTT is in session)
Other times by appointment only, please call the office