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bedsin Karst and karstificationin gypsiferous Svalbard Mathiesondalen,CentralSpitsbergen, O , S A L V I G S E N .O , L A U R I T Z E N A N D J , M A N G E R U D S a l v i g s e n . O . . L a u r i t z e n , O . & M a n g e r u d . J . 1 9 8 3 : K a r s t a n d k a r s t i f i c a t i o ni n g y p s i f e r o u sb e d s i n Mathiesondalcn, Central Spitsbergen. Svalbard. Polar Research / n.s., 83_88. Oslo. Rcccnt karst forms in gypsiferous bcds are reportcd from Mathicsondalen in Ccntral Spitsbergen. whcrc sevcral sinkholcs (dolines) and swallow holes have been formed aftcr the deposition of Holocene raiscd beach scdiments The bedrock of the area is mostl-vintcrbedded gypsunl/anhydrite and dolomites of the Carhonifcrou. fbbadalcn Formalion. Otto Saluigsen and Ornulf Lquritzen, Norsk Polarinstitutt, Rolfstangueien 12, 1330 Oslo Lufthaun; Jan Mangerutl, Geologisk Institutt, Aud. B, LiniDersiteteti Bergen, 50ll Bergen, Norwav. June 1982 (reuised Nouember 1982). Introduction In the area around Mathiesondalen in Btnsow Land east of Billefjorden (Fig. 1). Carboniferous and Permian beds dip gently to the south. The outer part of the valley is covered by Holocene raised beach sediments in the form of terraces and beach ridges (Feyling-Hanssen1955; Lauritzen & Salvigsenin press). The valley floor itself is occupied by a braided river system, and small tributary streams have eroded gullies in the unconsolidated sediments. The underlying rocks are mostly interbedded evaporites and dolomites of the Ebbadalen Formation (Cutbill & Challinor 1965),a formation describedin detail by Holliday & Cutbill (1972) and Johannessen (1980). The gypsiferous beds in the outer part of Mathiesondalen are downfaulted along local lineaments connectedwith the Billefjorden Fault Zone (Harland et al. 1974) causing almost flat iying evaporites to form the bedrock of the outer part of the valley and on the sides of the mountains further east. The post-depositional tectonic activity has caused prominent cracks and fissuresin the bedrock, thus allowing the percolation of surface water. The geomorphological significanceof rock solution in limestone/dolomite areas in Spitsbergen has been discussedby Corbel (1957, 1960) and Helld6n (1974). Orvin (1944) described springs in connection with the iimestone area near Hornsund in the southern part of Spitsbergen.Elsewhere karst forms ate most frequent and best developed in limestone and dolomite, partly becausethese rocks are more abundant than other sotuble rock types (Sweeting 1968). Here we describe karst phenomena in gypsum/anhydrite beds in an area at the mouth of Mathiesondalen. Observations Large. closeddepressionsand other karst features o c c u r i n t h e r a i s e db e a c h e si n t h e o u t e r p a r t o f Mathiesondalen.They have a superficialsimilarity to kettles formed by melting of buried ice. However, several of the depressionscontain a drainage into underlying gypsiferousbeds. They L O C A T T O NM A P j'" s L .ra " t"rn 1 T o "oorn f Fig. 1. Location map. 83 84 O. Saluigsen,@. Lauritzen & J. Mangerud can therefore generallybe characterizedas sinkholes (dolines) with associatedforms. Six such depressions(Locs. 1-6, Fig. 2) are described, including apparent fossil sinkholes and presentday activesinkholes.Theseare: (1) The highestlying depression,about70 metres abovesealevel, is a lake on the beachterraceon the south side of the valley, near the talus. This appearsto be a fossil sinkhole.The total diameter is about 100 metres, and surplus of water is drained by a surfacestream.In late summer-time the pond usuallyhas no visible drainage.Here, the bedrockis not exposed. Fig. 2. Vertical air photograph of the Mathiesondalenarea. Kapp Ekholm in the foreground. The nmbers refer to the karst depressionsdescribedin the text aslocalities1 to 6. Photo: Norsk Polarinstitutt 561 2959 (23 August L961). (2) A small circular sinkhole pond is found on the terracenorth of the river bed (Fig. 3). The height of the terrace is about 35 metresabovesea level, and the sinkholeis probably a fossil one. The pond has no visible outlets, and the water depth varies throughout the year. Bedrock was not exposed. (3) The lowestlying depressionis locatedin the Fig. 3. Localily 2. The small sinkhole pond without any surfaceoutlet. Figure in foreground as scale. Karstifi.cationin gypsifurousbeds, Sualbard 85 river fan systemof Kapp Ekholm about 6 metres above sea level. A small stream flows into the pond, and the outlet is near the inlet. No difference between inflow and outflow could be seen. The walls of the depressionshow evidence of fresh slidesin unconsolidatedmaterial. Bedrock was not exposed. through it and disappearsinto a swallow hole in a highly jointed and collapsed gypsiferouswall (Fig. a) at a level of about 4 metres below the pond level. The cave probably has a connection to the lake previouslymentioned(locality 4). This underground outlet has also been observed by Balchin (1941). (4) A lake near the southern edge of the delta plain is remarkable. It has a length of about 300 metres and seemsto have a considerabledepth. The lake is about 6 metres above sea level, and the southern side has fresh slidesin terrace sand and gravel. In late July the outlet of the lake was a rapid flowing stream,which wasdifficult to cross in rubber boots. Obvious sourcesof water were not apparent and there were no streamsrunning into the lake. We concludethat the lake must be fed by subterranean tributaries, arising partly from the sinkholes and swallow holes observed in depressionsat localities 5 and 6. (6) A jointed and collapsedbedrock in locality 5 continues to the end of a short blind valley which branches out from the main river plain (Figs. 5 & 6). Water from the main river in Mathiesondalenfeedsa shallow lake in the blind valley.The supplyof wateris highlyvariable,and in the summer of 1981it was small becausethe main river was on the opposite side of the river plain. In 1981the water level in the lake varied with the precipitation. Following healy rainfall the water level roseabout 25 cm, and shoremarks showedthe level to havebeen approximatelyone meter higher than normal (see Fig. 5). At this level the blind valley will be fllled with water, and surface drainage will start to the river plain of Mathiesondalen.This maximum level had probably beenreachedin the snowmeltingperiod. In (5) A small sinkhole pond is found about 32 metresabovesealevel, 300metreseastof the describedlake (localitv 4). A small stream flows Fig. 4. Locahty 5. The swallow hole with stream flowing from left into the base of the white, tilted gypsiferousbeds and disappearinginto the open fractures.Figure in the upper right corner as scale. 86 O. Saluigsen,@. Lauritzen & J. Mangerud Flg' 5' Locality 6' The lake of the blind valley. Photo taken towardssouthwest. The outlet into fractured gypsiferousbedsis seen on the oppositeshore of the lake (seealso Fig. 6). Note the shore marks of higher lake levels. Figure on shore as scale. late July a great part of the blind valley was a lacustrineplain coveredby fine sediment.The lake was drained by subterraneanoutlets in the blind valley. The bedrock is highly jointed and severalcollapsedtunnelscan be seen(Fig. 6). In many placesthe rock surfacehas small scalesolution features,and newly collapsedtunnelsalso showthat karst processes are still active. flowinginto cavesin the gypsum/anhydrite beds, the one at locality 6 being a 5_6 metre deep collapsedcave. It is thereforeobviousthat most (probablyall) of thesedescribeddepressions are real karst forms, here developedby the solution of gypsum,/anhydrite. Their slopes,however,are mouldedby thermokarsticprocesses in the over_ lying sediments. The sinkholesoccurin upliftedbeachsediments One small scale stream from the main river which subsideinto the depressions. Both the plain was also observed to disappear before it structures and the surface forms of the beach reachedthe pond. It disappearedin a 5 metre sedimentsare crosscutby sinkholes(seeFig. 2). wide and 2 metre high tunnel in unconsolidated We have no observations of fossil sinkhol,esor materialnear the edgeof the river plain. During cracksin the bedrock filled with till. Two main a time spanof two weeks,about 10 metresof the conclusions can be drawn from these tunnel collapsed,but this did not affect the out- observations: flow of the stream. No bedrock was seenin the tunnel. The subsurfacedrainage from this area (1) The sinkholesare mainly formed by collapse probablyendsin the lake heredescribedaslocal- of subsurfacecaves.Where the activepermafrost ity 4. reachesthe bedrock, downwardsolutionmav also have taken place. (2) The sinkholes are younger than the beach sedimentsin which they occur. The caves and At localities 5 and 6, water can be observed tunnels from which the sinkholes were formed Discussionand conclusion Karsffication in gypsiferousbeds, Sualbard Fig. 6. Locality 6. A collapsedgypsum cave near the subterranean outlet of the lake of the blind valley (see also Fig. 5). Fisure above cave as scale. 87 However, a crucial factor in this connection is that the subsurfaceconsistsof soluble evaporite mineralsin a highly jointed bedrock. Freeze-thaw action in bedrock cracks may allow water circulation in the rock and causesolution. Liest@l(1977\ has discussedthe flow of water m permafrost areasand shown that even narrow passagesare held open all the year round in connectionwith pingos and springs. The waterflow in Mathiesondalen,however,ceasesduring the autumn, and subsurfacewaterflow will be at a minimum until spring melting starts. Then percolation in the gypsiferousbedscan start, causing the developmentof karst forms. Gypsum or other evaporite rock fragmentsare hardly ever seen in the Quaternarysediments, except in the screeswhere they are very locally derived,and evenhere the processof disintegration seemsmore activeto the evaporitesthan to the interbeddedrocks,mostlydolomites.The rate of solutionof largegypsumblockshasbeenstudied elsewhere,e.g.from Permianbedsin England (James,Cooper & Holliday 1981),and factors like water flow velocity, temperature,etc. have beenconsidered.Here, however,we will not try to calculate the rate of solution or the time involved in the dissolutionprocessesbut will rather stressthe fact that these processesare active in high arctic areas where snow and ice cover the ground most of the year. Acknowledgementr. - We thank Dr. David L. Bruton for improving the English text, Carl E. Dons and Yngve M. Nilsen for assistance in the field, and Espen Kopperud for preparing the figures for the press. may be older, but they have collapsedafter the formationof the strandlines.The strandlineshave been formed more or less continuouslyfrom approximately11,000yearsB.P. until the present (Feyling-Hanssen L965), and thus all sinkholes are of Holocene age. The observed present activity in the sinkholes is also indicative of a young age. The Svalbardareais subjectto permafrost,and a normal model for groundwatercirculation cannot be used.The permafrostlayer normally acts as a very efficient barrier to groundwater percolation. In the describedarea the active layer has a maximum thickness of 2 metres; the describedsubsurfacedrainageis well below this, and thus in permanentlyfrozen ground. It is difficult to understandhow water can penetrate and keep an open passagethrough the frozen layer. References Balchin,W. G. V. 1941:The raisedfeaturesof Billefjorden and Sassenfjorden,West Spitsbergen.Geogr.J. 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