65 No. 10 - Central Cass Homepage
65 No. 10 - Central Cass Homepage
Squirrels’ Chatter The Central Cass High School Class Volume: 65 No. 10 of 2016 Squirrels’ Chatter Page 2 Robert Michael Allard Parents: Steve and Crystal Allard Matthew William Buchholz Nicknames: Buch, Grandpa Parents: Bill and Sonia Buchholz School Activities: FFA, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend NDSCS for Farm Management Will Miss: Seeing everyone Ellie Sue Anderson Nicknames: Elle, Ellie Bell Parents: Ryan and Sally Anderson School Activities: National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, Cross Country, Band, Squirrels’ Chatter, Cass County Youth Commission Post High School Plans: College to major in Pre-Vet Will Miss: Friends, chicken pasta bake on a bun Biggest Fear: The dark Pet Peeve: People invading my personal space Most People Don’t Know: I don’t own a pair of heels Best Memory: Homecoming week 2015, EVERY music festival Kade James Christensen Parents: Jon and Kristi Christensen Post High School Plans: None Biggest Fear: Becoming normal Pet Peeves: Preppy people, brothers Most People Don’t Know: I’m a published writer Best Memory: Meeting my girlfriend Grady Terryl Bresnahan Nickname: GB3 Parents: Pat and Michelle Bresnahan School Activities: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Big Brother/Big Sister Post High School Plans: Attend college Will Miss: Sports Biggest Fear: Not being able to have my own kids, going bald Pet Peeve: People who talk badly about people behind their back Matthew William Dawson Nickname: Dawson Parents: Bill and Julie Dawson School Activities: Science Olympiad, Band, One Act and Musical Tech Crew, Cross Country Post High School Plans: Attend college at NDSU Will Miss: The great friends I’ve made here Biggest Fears: Heights, spiders Pet Peeve: Ignorance Most People Don’t Know: I am 1/17 Native American Best Memory: Northwest Honor Band senior year Squirrels’ Chatter William Scott Dittmer Jr. Nicknames: Junior, Ditty, Billy the Kid Parents: William and Sue Dittmer School Activities: Big Brother Big Sister, Archery Post High School Plans: Farming with my dad, North Dakota Army National Guard Biggest Fear: I fear nothing Pet Peeves: Rumors, English class Most People Don’t Know: I co-own a safari company in Africa Jacob Herbert Dooley Nicknames: J-Dools, Jakers, Herby Parents: Joe and Kari Dooley School Activities: JETs, Track and Field, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend UND for English Lit Will Miss: Student/teacher friendship Biggest Fear: Not being good enough Pet Peeve: Anyone that chews gum Most People Don’t Know: I used to believe I was a mermaid Best Memory: Mrs. Young killing Kappel’s raven Page 3 Debrah Nyanke Doboyou Dillin James Dooley Nicknames: DD, Deb, Debbie, D-Rock, Deborah, Dee Parents: Thomas and Margretta Doboyou School Activities: Track and Field, JETs Post High School Plans: Attend college to become a pediatrician Will Miss: Lunch ladies Biggest Fear: SNAKES! Pet Peeve: Moody people - STOP killing my vibe Most People Don’t Know: I’m better Best Memory: When Aubri took her tray to her locker Nickname: Dill Parents: Steve and Tammi Dooley School Activities: Football, Baseball, Track, FFA Post High School Plans: Attend BSC for the lineman program Will Miss: Sports and coaches Biggest Fear: When Mom calls Pet Peeve: Drama Most People Don’t Know: Presly totaled two of my cars Cason Paul Dunker Allison Claire Eberhardt Nickname: Cason Derulo Parents: Scott and Becky Dunker School Activities: Cross Country, Track, Band, Jazz Band, Musical, Spanish Club, Science Olympiad, Generations Connecting, FFA Post High School Plans: Attend UND and major in an Aviation Degree and minor in Spanish Will Miss: Friends Biggest Fear: Bloody hospitals Pet Peeve: Squeaky pencils Most People Don’t Know: I drink coffee everyday Best Memory: Drives with Buch Nicknames: Al, Alli, AlliCat, Al Pal Parents: Joe and Joan Eberhardt School Activities: Big Brother Big Sister, Science Olympiad, JETs, Boys Basketball Stat, Golf, Volleyball Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU and major in Family and Consumer Science Will Miss: Being sassy to Mr. Saunders Pet Peeves: Immaturity, people who take unnecessary pictures of you Most People Don’t Know: I regret quitting basketball and softball Best Memory: State Golf 2014: Flooding the sink in our hotel because we filled waterballoons and golfed them across the hall to the other room Squirrels’ Chatter Page 4 Christina Marie Erb Miriah Kane Forness Brett Roger Grommesh Nicknames: Nina, Tina, Zero Parents: Galen and Carolyn Erb School Activities: Band, Science Olympiad, Big Brother Big Sister, Jazz Band, Musical, One Act, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend University of Mary, major in Biology for Pre-Optometry Will Miss: Ellie-bellie-booski Bear, the squad Biggest Fear: Grasshoppers Pet Peeves: People who whistle when I whistle, people Most People Don’t Know: My left eye is two colors, I can lick my elbow Best Memory: Giulia and Malin, Stuba-jam sessions, music competitions, irritating Ellie Nickname: Ri Parents: Morgan and Kim Forness School Activities: Cross Country, Volleyball, Basketball, Track, PaY, Science Olympiad, Big Brother Big Sister, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend college and major in Biology Will Miss: High school sports Biggest Fear: Not measuring up to expectations Pet Peeve: When the waiter doesn’t bring the bread/breadsticks to your table right away Most People Don’t Know: I had a pet chinchilla Best Memory: Time spent with friends Nickname: Bretty Wap Parents: Jeff and DeAnn Grommesh School Activities: JETs, Big Brother Big Sister, Yearbook Staff, Track Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU Will Miss: Mama bear Biggest Fear: Death’s icy grip Pet Peeve: Mr. Saunders giving an hour long lecture Most People Don’t Know: I can beat Harrison Koetz in wrestling Sydney Jo Grommesh Chandler Brian Hersch Brittany Marie Hiltner Nickname: Syd Parents: Glenn and Melissa Grommesh School Activities: Basketball, Volleyball, Track and Field, Pep Club, Yearbook Staff, National Honor Society, Student Council President, JETs, Big Brother Big Sister Post High School Plans: Attend Concordia College for Elementary Education with an endorsement in English/Communication Arts Education Pet Peeve: Being told you can’t do something Most People Don’t Know: I’m not a natural blonde Best Memory: Getting third at state track in the 4x1 with my two sisters, Gabby and Kylie Nicknames: Chan, Binks, Babybinks Parents: Brian and Julie Hersch School Activities: Football, Baseball, Track, Wrestling, Big Brother Big Sister, JETs Post High School Plans: Attend Dakota Wesleyan University Biggest Fear: Snakes and spiders Pet Peeve: Smacking your lips when you eat Parents: William and Tammy Hiltner School Activities: Choir, Swing Choir, Musical, One Act Post High School Plans: College Will Miss: Friends, teachers, musical events Biggest Fear: Being alone/abandoned Most People Don’t Know: I’ve sang in more languages than I can count Best Memory: Any memory with musical rehearsal! :) Squirrels’ Chatter Kylee Ann Jochim Page 5 Jon Alan Jones Jacob Allen Kensok Nickname: Ky Parents: John and Michel Jochim School Activities: Track, DECA, National Honor Society, Pep Club, JETs Post High School Plans: Attend M State for Dental Hygiene Will Miss: Seeing my pals everyday, sports Biggest Fear: Not being good enough Pet Peeve: People who chew with their mouths open Most People Don’t Know: I have a tattoo Nicknames: Skippy Jon Jones, The Mexican Parents: Juan and Corinthia Jones School Activities: Track, One Act Post High School Plans: Undecided Will Miss: Hanging out with friends every morning Biggest Fear: Rollercoasters Pet Peeve: People who don’t use blinkers Best Memory: My summer working at a boy scout camp Parent: Richard Kensok Post High School Plans: Become a network security specialist Will Miss: Summer vacation Biggest Fear: Stupid people en masse Pet Peeve: Stupid people Most People Don’t Know: I fix computers Dillon Anthony Knudson Autumn Grace Koetz Harrison Roger Koetz Nicknames: “Dillon,” Cookie, Trucker Hips, Cook, Tazer Parents: Tony and Kristi Knudson School Activities: Football, Wrestling, DECA Post High School Plans: Attend VCSU to play football Biggest Fear: Heights, bees Pet Peeve: Losing in 2K to Schmuck Most People Don’t Know: My real name Best Memory: The creek Nickname: Arnold Parents: Kevin and Kim Koetz School Activities: Tutor, Spanish Club, Swing Choir, National Honor Society, Boys Basketball Stat, JETs, Yearbook Staff Post High School Plans: Attend Concordia College for Spanish Education Will Miss: Chicken Monday Biggest Fear: Ketchup Pet Peeves: Slackers, arrogance, unorganized people Most People Don’t Know: I have a twin Best Memory: When Jack Morris fell out of his desk and broke Mrs. Kapaun’s book shelf Nickname: Harry Parents: Kevin and Kim Koetz School Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Track, Cross Country, Science Olympiad, JETs, DECA, FCA, National Honor Society, Big Brother Big Sister, Student Council Post High School Plans: College at VCSU to double major in Health and PE education and minor in coaching Will Miss: High school sports, many teachers Biggest Fear: Being average Pet Peeve: Freshmen Most People Don’t Know: I can’t actually dunk Best Memory: High school sports Squirrels’ Chatter Page 6 Riley Dean Kollman Michael David Kuklok Lovety Jenebah Kwelweeh Nickname: Rocket Parents: John and Stacie Kollman School Activities: Football, FFA, JETs, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend MSUM for Computer Science Will Miss: Football coaches, seeing friends everyday Biggest Fear: Spiders Pet Peeve: When people breathe really loud Most People Don’t Know: That I have a Twitter with 2,000+ followers Best Memory: When Hunter ordered raspberry milk at McDonald’s during Wolf Ridge Nicknames: Mikedog, BigMike, Doug, Dirty Mike Parents: Mark and Artha Kuklok School Activities: Musical, Band, Choir, Honor Band and Choir Post High School Plans: College Will Miss: Seeing friends a lot Biggest Fear: Bugs Pet Peeve: People who complain about every single little thing every day Most People Don’t Know: A lot about me Best Memory: I have too many to choose from Nickname: Love Parent: Christine Kwelweeh School Activities: JETs, Big Brother Big Sister, Track and Field Post High School Plans: Attend BSC for Physical Therapy and Business Will Miss: Giving Mr. Norman sass Biggest Fear: Heights Jonathan Mark Larson Hope Mackenzie Levos David William Loegering Parents: Todd and Kathy Radermacher School Activity: Baseball Post High School Plans: NDSCS Most People Don’t Know: I’ve never broken a bone Nickname: Hopie Parents: Tom and Brenda Levos School Activities: Football Cheerleader, PaY, Big Brother Big Sister, JETs Post High School Plans: Go to college at University of Jamestown for Elementary Education Will Miss: Friends Biggest Fear: Heights, death, snakes Most People Don’t Know: I was in preschool for three years Best Memory: Post Prom 2015 Parents: Ronda and Steve Loegering School Activities: Musical, Band, One Act, Jazz Band, Speech, Archery, Trap Shooting Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU Pet Peeve: When the microwave timer isn’t cleared Squirrels’ Chatter Jack Raymond Morris Nickname: White Python Parents: Brad and Kristie Morris School Activities: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, PaY, National Honor Society, Science Olympiad, Band, Jazz Band, Choir, Big Brother Big Sister Post High School Plans: UND Will Miss: Having it made Biggest Fear: Living an average life Pet Peeve: People that don’t pick up their feet when they walk Most People Don’t Know: I actually have a soul Best Memory: Beating Valley City two times, all the other sports memories Abby Lynn Reitan Parents: Tim and Sandy Reitan School Activities: Destination Imagination, Choir, Swing Choir, Musical Post High School Plans: Go to MSUM for something in Art Will Miss: Friends, teachers, free school Biggest Fear: Sharp objects Most People Don’t Know: My right hand’s ring finger is oddly shaped Best Memory: South Pacific and Back to the 80s and all the funny times during practice Page 7 Joshua Joseph Nelson Nicknames: Josh, J-nels Parents: Joe and Julie Nelson Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU Biggest Fear: Snakes Aubri Nicole Renfrew Nickname: Audri Parents: Jason and Jennifer Renfrew School Activities: Cross Country, Track, Big Brother Big Sister, National Honor Society, JETs, Choir, Science Olympiad Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU for Engineering Will Miss: Seasoned mac Biggest Fear: Moths, ferris wheels Pet Peeve: People who don’t use their blinkers Most People Don’t Know: I can’t blow up a balloon Best Memory: The Rube Goldberg machine Kyle Allan Peterson Nickname: KP Parents: Keith and Katina Peterson School Activities: Football, Track, FFA, JETs Post High School Plans: BSC to become an Electrical Lineworker Will Miss: Coaches Biggest Fear: Not succeeding in something Pet Peeve: Not having clean car windows Most People Don’t Know: I can rebuild a snowmobile Best Memory: Beating Valley City for semifinals in football Devin Kenneth Roesler Nickname: Big-D Parents: Darin and Lisa Roesler School Activities: Football, Wrestling, Track, DECA, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend MSUM for Physical Therapy and play football Will Miss: Coaches, friends Biggest Fear: Spiders, Travis Lemar, girls, trying new food Pet Peeves: People who chew with their mouth open, talking with a mouth full of food Most People Don’t Know: I love shoes! Best Memory: Playing football in the playoffs Squirrels’ Chatter Page 8 Presly Todd Sadek Sydnie Lee Saewert Hunter Evan Sall Nicknames: Bonedry, Elvis Parents: Todd and Tina Sadek School Activities: FFA, Science Olympiad Post High School Plans: Attend NDSCS for Diesel Technology Will Miss: Friends, my farm Biggest Fear: Death Pet Peeves: Stupid drivers, more than one person talking to me at the same time, wrong grammar usage Most People Don’t Know: I am a good mechanic and can fix just about everything Best Memory: Taking first place with my race truck in Cooperstown, ND Nicknames: Syd, Squidnie, Shorty Parents: Scott and Penny Saewert School Activities: Golf, Science Olympiad, Boys Basketball Stat, JETs, Tutor, Big Brother Big Sister, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU to major in some type of agriculture Will Miss: Friday Night Lights Biggest Fear: The dark Pet Peeve: When people slam their lockers shut Best Memory: State golf 2014 Nicknames: Gronk, Evan, Drago, Hunty Parents: Duane Sall, Caryn Weber School Activities: Football, JETs Post High School Plans: Attend MSUM for Business Management, play football Will Miss: Coaches Biggest Fear: Crashing my car Pet Peeve: When people drive with their brights on Most People Don’t Know: How to pronounce my last name Best Memory: Getting an interception, but ending up five yards short of a touchdown Ian Vincent Mehmel Saum Jason Clark Sayler Christian Tyler Schmuck Nicknames: Heisman, Lan, Harvard Parent: Paula Mehmel School Activities: Football, Basketball, Track, Baseball, Band, Choir, Jazz Band, Swing Choir, PaY, Big Brother Big Sister, Science Olympiad, One Act, Musical, National Honor Society, Variety Show, Speech, Squirrels’ Chatter, Student Council, Cass County Youth Commission, FCA Post High School Plans: Attend Harvard University to study Sociology, eventually become a NBA Commissioner Will Miss: Home-cooked meals, game night, my bros Pet Peeve: Insincerity Best Memory: Heisman weekend, beating Valley City Parent: Mary Sayler School Activity: Wrestling Post High School Plans: Military Most People Don’t Know: I don’t know most people Best Memory: Graduating early Nicknames: Schmuck, Toph, Topher Parents: Tim and Shay Schmuck School Activities: DECA, National Honor Society, Football, Baseball, Big Brother Big Sister, Sophomore Class President ;) Post High School Plans: Go to VCSU to play football and major in Physical Education and Health Will Miss: Seeing everyone everyday Biggest Fear: Tearing my ACL Pet Peeve: People telling me I’m wrong when I’m not Most People Don’t Know: I’m gon’ get got Best Memory: All of my high school Squirrels’ Chatter Abigail Kendra Kassian-Sommerfeld Nicknames: Abs, Abie Parents: Lyle and Jannell Sommerfeld School Activities: Basketball, Volleyball Stat, Baseball Stat, National Honor Society, JETs, Big Brother Big Sister Post High School Plans: Attend NDSU for Nursing Will Miss: Seeing everyone Pet Peeve: When people chew with their mouth open Most People Don’t Know: I don’t have any full-blooded siblings Best Memory: There are too many to have a favorite Page 9 Dominic Richard Spooner Nicknames: Dom, Spoon, D, Spaghetti, Spoonious Maximus, Spoonasaurus Rex, Spoonopotamus, Spamboni, D-Spoons, Burrito, Spzooner, Domino, Spoon Dog, Spumoni, Spooner, SPfollowed by anything Parents: Paul and Pam Spooner School Activities: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track and Field, Big Brother Big Sister, National Honor Society, Variety Show, Band, JETs, Science Olympiad Post High School Plans: Attend Concordia Will Miss: Joking around with teachers Most People Don’t Know: If you say something relatively close to my name, I’ll probably respond Best Memory: Senior year football Jared Sivert Steen Nickname: Jerry Parents: Sheldon and Renee Steen School Activity: Cross Country Post High School Plans: Live Will Miss: Jumping off of the bleachers and landing on the high jump mat Biggest Fear: Drowning Pet Peeve: People who double park Most People Don’t Know: I like to bake Best Memory: Bultema getting hit in the face with the kickball Class Motto Holly Roselyn Tweed Nickname: Tweedy Parents: Todd Tweed, Rick and Marie Koenig School Activities: Cheerleading, Wrestling Stat Post High School Plans: Attend UND, Ultimate career goal is to become a Pediatric Physician’s Assistant Will Miss: Shannon-Bananan-Hannah-Montana Biggest Fear: Bridges Pet Peeve: Complainers Most People Don’t Know: My favorite food is brussel sprouts Best Memory: The ALC Rasmussen/M State tour Nathan Michael Volk Nickname: Nate Parents: Rod and Dina Volk School Activities: Wrestling, Track, Baseball, Football, XC, PaY, FFA, Student Council, Science Olympiad, National Honor Society Post High School Plans: Play baseball and major in Business at Dakota Wesleyan University Will Miss: Teachers and coaches Biggest Fear: Snakes Pet Peeve: Wrestling practice Most People Don’t Know: I can’t touch my toes Best Memory: High school athletics Special times and special places, special friends together, the moments pass so quickly, but the memories last forever. -Author Unknown Colors Flower Black (Boys) White and Carnation Red (Girls) with red tips Congratulations Graduates! Squirrels’ Chatter Page 10 Advice for Living in the World to the Seniors, Goodbyes and Thank You’s “Thanks Central Cass for providing me with an environment in which I was able to touch the lives of so many.” By Mr. Rutz Formal education has been my whole life, first as a student and then as an educator for over 40 years. In that time I have seen a lot of “trendy” catch phrases that have been used to try to make the general public believe that there is some magic formula to providing a good education for the youth of our nation. The reality is that the formula is quite simple: 1. Take quality profession people who have a passion for education 2. Add enthusiastic and inquisitive children who want to learn to be the best they can be 3. Add parents who take an interest in their children’s lives and help them strive to do well Education is that simple. I have tried to mix those three ingredients and hope that the students have been able to appreciate the opportunities that have been presented to them at Central Cass. The following quote best sums up what I would like each students to understand: “My education is important to my future because it is the true line between living a full life with all my dreams at my fingertips, and living with a sense of insecurity and merely getting by.” Thanks, Central Cass, for providing me with an environment in which I was able to touch the lives of so many. North Dakota Trival Crossword “It has been a great 15 years to be a Squirrel and I don’t say goodbye, but see you down the road.” By Beth Kensok Middle school health and physical education teacher Tim Kraft reflects on his 15 years as being a teacher here at Central Cass. One benefit he has found by being a teacher is working with the students and it has been very enjoyable for him to see them grow from seventh graders to young men and women seniors. He has learned to never give up on any student, continue to learn along with the students and to treat others as you would like to be treated. He claims he will miss the students, their energy, enthusiasm and willing to do the right thing. He will miss the routine of the school day and sharing the excitement of the students. Across 2. The International Peace Garden is the boarder between ND and __. 6. ND is home to the quirkiest sport, __ __ racing. 7. What famous build in ND is 19 stories tall? 8. What collage in the state own’s the largest sheep research center? 12. North Dakota is the only state with a state-owned __. Down 1. Who is the ND actor that is in the 14. UND will forever be known as the __. North Dakota tourism commercials? 3. What is the biggest tourist spot in 15. The wild prairie rose is what? 16. Jamestown is famous for The Worlds North Dakota? 4. Where was North Dakota’s Largest __. 19. It is illegal to go dancing in Fargo with a __ on. Woodstock? 5. What is the largest natural body of 20. The official state beverage is dairy __. 21. What is the states official water in the state? 9. In what town was a 50 foot tall oil tree? 22. Who was a baseball legend can pyramid built? 10. America gets most of their __ from from ND? North Dakota durum wheat. 11. What city in ND is the geographical center of North America? 1 3. North Dakota grows more __ than any other state? 17. Dakota is the Sioux word for what? 18. What happened in the state’s Bakken fields? 23. What is the smallest city in North Dakota? This summer, he and Barb Kraft will be moving back to the farm in Karlsruhe, where he grew up. His plans right now are to substitute teach at the nearby schools. He will always keep all options open for other opportunities. He has bought a few steers so he can pretend to be a rancher with his four-wheeler and dog. His wise words to teachers and students at Central Cass is to have a great attitude and great work ethic so it can take you a long ways. Don’t be afraid to take risks. Set-backs and stumbles are a part of life. It’s ok to try and fail because failure builds character, perseverance, determination and the will power to do better. “It has been a great 15 years to be a Squirrel and I don’t say goodbye, but see you down the road.” Squirrels’ Chatter Page 11 Graduate Word Search D S C H O O L W V S X M R G U F K H I P M U F I N M O E U B Y N O M E R E C O P W P C O I P R O C E S S I O N A S E A S Z C J A C X T N X R T C S L N D B E F M A Q W T U U O S H A E Z O L U O Q Y D J V E I W R W B F D E F L E Y S R Q O K J Y L A I X B N P E U E L N X Y H R A X N T R I I S H Y C S L G U C G S I D A W D C O L Z E N W O G M U S P T F A T A K J R H H F T R W H Y E E M S L Z O C Q S T P D G E W T V S T U R W R J J R W E D G T B B A G Circle the 15 words that are listed. Words appear straight across, up and down and diagonally. Think About This: What is the See Page 9 for answer to this riddle. color and the type of flower that the Class of 2016 chose? CAP CELEBRATE CEREMONY CLASS DIPLOMA FINISH GOWN GRADUATION PARTY PROCESSION SCHOOL STUDENTS STUDIES TEACHER Final Exams Schedule Day 1- Monday, May 16 • Period 1 • Period 2 • Period 3 • Period 4 • Period 5 • Period 6 • Period 7 • LUNCH • PERIOD 1 FINAL 8:45 -- 9:12 9:15 -- 9:42 9:45 -- 10:13 10:16 -- 10:44 10:47 -- 11:15 11:18 -- 11:46 11:49 -- 12:17 Cook’s Choice 1:00 -- END OF DAY Day 2- Tuesday, May 17 • PERIOD 2 FINAL • PERIOD 3 FINAL • LUNCH • PERIOD 4 FINAL 8:30 -- 10:00 10:00 -- LUNCH COOK’S CHOICE 1:00 -- END OF DAY Day 3- Wednesday, May 18 • PERIOD 5 FINAL 8:30 -- 10:00 • PERIOD 6 FINAL 10:00 -- LUNCH • LUNCH PICNIC DAY • PERIOD 7 FINAL 1:00 -- END OF DAY • Graduation Practice begins promptly at 2:30! • All Classes will give a final. Format is flexible, but rigor is expected. • Students must remain in the classroom during the first hour of the testing session. • The final test will count according to new guidelines as 20% of the 2nd semester grade. • Senior Exemption- an A on semester grade or 1 absence or less and no classroom discipline concerns. • Attendance secratary will tally absences on Thursday, May 12th and send out the names of those seniors that are exempt. • Study Hall will have open campus - stude hall supervisors please be visible in the building. •Freshman and Sophomores must remain in the building for all periods but 7th period study hall. you may leave if you have a 7th hour study hall. •The Commons and the Media Center will be open for study areas - please help keep hallways quite. • Open Campus Lunch - All Grades. • Make-up Tests can be scheduled on Wednesday, May 18th after the 7th period exam. • Grades will be due on Thursday, May 19th before 12:00. • Faculty members are to contact students who are required to take the final and DID NOT take the final in order to allow for a make-up test. To see this edition in full color you can go onto the school’s website www.central-cass.k12.nd.us. Squirrels’ Chatter Page 12 O C U L T A A T R IO N G N C LA SS OF 2 S ! 6 01