The Coton Malgache - Canadian Coton De Tulear Club
The Coton Malgache - Canadian Coton De Tulear Club
e h c a g l a M n o t o C The The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 December 2010 President’s Message Regretfully, we do not have a President’s Message for this issue. Karen Black has recently resigned as President of the Canadian Coton de Tulear Club for personal reasons. We are currently without a president, but the nominating committee is busy seeking nominations for the position of president. As soon as the slate of nominations is complete, elections will be held to elect a new CCTC Board for a two year term from 2011—2013. The postponed Annual General Meeting , originally scheduled for November, will be rescheduled by the new Board. The new Board and club members will have some challenges and goals for the new year. One important task is to clarify our status as a breed club within the Canadian Kennel Club. Also, the CCTC’s bylaws need to be updated, as does the club’s website. We look forward to a successful year in 2011 with increased participation by members. Current Board members would like to see increased regular communication with members via a monthly email update. If you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the operation of the CCTC, please forward them to Marie-France Prayal and/or Joanne Mouryas (see last page for contact information.) On behalf of the CCTC Board and myself, I wish everyone HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. Sincerely, Chris Wasylishyn, Newsletter Editor A membership renewal form is included at the end of the newsletter. I hope everyone will take a few minutes to complete and send in your membership renewal as early as possible in the new year. January 31, 2011 is the deadline for renewals. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their contributions to the newsletter this past year. It’s been wonderful to receive all your great articles and photographs. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the newsletter, please let me know. Payzac Devi all ready for Christmas Inside this issue: Page 2 2010 National Specialty Page 7 Pumpkins & Little Devils Page 8 October at White Pearl Cotons Page 10 Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of BC Show (photos) Page 11 Papa Look What I Won! Page 12 Bam Bam Kazaam Goes to Manhattan Page 13 Fun in the Snow Page 15 Photo Gallery Page 18 CCTC—About Us The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Page 2 Coton de Tulear National Specialty Windsor, Nova Scotia, October 16, 2010 Submitted by Marie-France Prayal During the shows organized by the Canine Federation of Canada in Windsor, Nova Scotia on October 16 and 17 2010, the CCTC held its annual specialty for 2010. Group Photo: From left to right, back row: ___, Allison (junior handler), Marie-France Prayal, Judge Mr. Dr Guido Vandoni, Lorna Christie, & Kim (junior handler) Front Row: Louise Smith and her husband Jerry. Of 13 Cotons registered, on Saturday afternoon there were 11 Cotons ready to go in the ring with their owners and handlers. There were 6 males and 5 females: - 3 in the elementary class - 2 in the puppy class - 4 in the junior class - 1 in the intermediate class - 1 in the open class Page 3 The Coton Malgache Volume10 Issue4 Mr. Dr. Guido Vandoni, an FCI judge from Italy, had the pleasure of judging our Cotons. Here are the results: - Best Elementary puppy: Riverport’s French Magician – Breeder: Corinna Yannoulopoulos – Owners: MarieFrance Prayal and Louise Simard - Best Puppy (class): Farah du Domaine de Polana – Breeder and owner: Marie-France Prayal - Best Junior: Jewela of the Swift Coton – Breeder: Christian Decolvenare-Tibbe; Owners: Lorna and Richard Christie -Winner male: Dream du Domaine de Polana – Breeder and owner: Marie-France Prayal - Best of Breed and Speciality: Dream du Domaine de Polana -Best Puppy for the Speciality: Farah du Domaine de Polana ABOVE: Lorna Christie with Best Junior Puppy, Jewela of the Swift Coton. AT LEFT: Marie-France Prayal with Dream du Domaine de Polana Best of Breed & Best of Specialty Page 4 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue National Coton Specialty 2010 (Cont’d) For this specialty, we received very nice donations. Lorna Christie did an excellent work to find prices and to organize all the gifts. We would like to thank: * Gifts-In-Kind, Chilliwack, British Columbia * Timberholme/Tim Lawson, White Rock, British Columbia * PetKind, White Rock, British Columbia * Lorna Christie, White Rock, British Columbia * Diane Benaroch, Abbotsford, British Columbia * Sonya Paterson, Langley, British Columbia * Marie-France Prayal Dr. Vandoni was very much appreciated by all the participants. He was impressed by the quality of our Cotons. All the participants enjoyed to be together, it was a great Specialty and also a great weekend! BELOW: Linda Brookes RIGHT: Jerry Page 5 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue ABOVE: Linda Brookes, Richard Christie, John MacDonald (show secretary) & Jerry BELOW: Lynne MacLellan, Steward Lary Brown & Jerry LEFT: Lorna Christie with Judge Dr. Guido ABOVE: Lynne McLellan, Dr. Guido & Marie-France Prayal Page 6 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 BELOW: Junior Handler Allison gets a snuggle from a Coton puppy More Photographs from the Coton de Tulear Specialty 2010 ABOVE: Junior Handler Kim Marling. LEFT: Lorna Christie with Junior Handler Kim Marling. Page 7 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Coton Tourists at the National Specialty Here we have Jewela and Kintana outside “Frenchy’s” in Kentville, Nova Scotia. Not trip to Nova Scotia is complete without a visit to Frenchy’s - even the Cotons were there! For anyone who has not had the pleasure of visiting Frenchy’s, they are consignment stores across the Maritimes and are very popular with Maritimers and visitors alike. Payzac George… ...“Little Devil.” What a perfect costume for mischievous Cotons! The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Page 8 THE MONTH OF OCTOBER AT: ‘WHITE PEARL COTONS’ By: Lorna Christie – White Rock, B.C. The month of October saw an ‘excitement’ at White Pearl Cotons which one has to experience to truly appreciate. I shall try to share this with all of you with the hope that you too could ‘catch the excitement’ and enjoy our journey. October 6th saw me pack 3 large suitcase – carrying all the gifts for the Coton National Specialty in Windsor, Nova Scotia plus all the ‘travel needs’ for our 2 Cotons de Tulear: Kintana and Jewela, as we were to be in Nova Scotia for 2 weeks, attending 2 dog shows: Truro and Windsor. This was aside from the 2 crates for our Cotons and the 4th bag with all their grooming supplies, etc.!! Both Richard and I were down to one medium size suitcase between the 2 of us – we all know that it is a dog’s world, after all, right?! So, off we went on the ‘red eye’ flight to Nova Scotia. After dog grooming the day after we arrived, we were on the road and what royal respite for us and our 2 Cotons as we stayed at a beautiful Bed and Breakfast in Truro for 2 nights when we went for the Cobequid Club Dog Show where we had our first experience showing on ‘red earth’ … now I know what Marie-France Prayal had talked about – not funny trying to keep their white paws and hair clean. Thanks to the wonderful hospitality of the East Coast dog breeders, whom we had met the previous year in Windsor, they had even brought us a grooming table knowing we were travelling from B.C. and would be without one. Thank you gracious Maritimers – your love and graciousness were wonderful and sincerely appreciated. Back on the road again and we were in Dartmouth to celebrate Thanksgiving with Mum and Dad Christie and the family … 2 days later we were on the road again and off to Kentville where we stayed with Richard’s sister/husband as it was close to Windsor. We went on the Wednesday to help with the preparations for the Coton National Specialty/CFC Show the following weekend. This is an experience both Richard and I will never forget. We spent most of the day driving Larry Brown around as he had numerous Dog Show-related errands to run … what fun we had – Larry, we miss you! All those jokes and laughter and teasing … how can we live without it?! And after a full day we were at Domaine de Polana to sort the gifts for the specialty – Marie-France and I did this in a very organized and efficient manner while the 2 men were busy providing vocal entertainment for us whilst they were preparing dinner. Oh! I almost forgot to mention that Larry almost caused a fire in the oven as he forgot to take out the remnants of what was an apple crumble … and I had just prepared some apple crisp which went back into that oven!! Great food Larry – thanks! We had a lovely dinner and great time together, discussing various aspects of the upcoming weekends Dog Show and Richard possibly helping as a Judges’ Steward too … now that did not seem too difficult for him, he thought, as he has been a Baseball Umpire for MANY years and also done lots of supervision and field-rating of umpires, etc. – little did he know what he was in for. Back to the groomers the Friday before the show (not mentioning the $ cost) and there we were, bright and early, for 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. After the first show Richard was accosted to assist the Judges so that meant sourcing out a very able and capable junior handler to help me with one of our Cotons. It was so great to have all the Coton owners/breeders in one area where we groomed and helped one another – what camaraderie and support … again, that warm Maritime hospitality and graciousness – Thank you! There were 11 Cotons de Tulear in total – GREAT what an increase from the previous year! Saturday saw me scrambling to pack all the gifts for the Coton Specialty for both dogs and handlers, judge, etc. – this was wonderful as it truly was a great show – a wonderful way to celebrate this elegant and royal breed, especially at the Coton National Specialty. It was an awesome experience for all of us: humans and canines. Yes! we CAN experience the camaraderie that I enjoyed at the Luxembourg Show in March - we can do it in Canada too! Of course, there always seems to be a divine appointment in regards to Cotons in our lives … a week after we arrived dear Marie-France came to us with the pedigree of a 2+ month old beautiful female Coton puppy she thought may be of interest to us (?!) … needless to say after some checking and double-checking the ‘cheque’ was written and home we came with: FATIANA du Domaine de Polana – born August 5th, 2010. FATIANA meaning: ‘love’ or ‘loved one’. Definitely, this one was not planned for, however, there she was, part of our family and joining Kintana and Jewela in beautiful B.C. at White Pearl Cotons. Only God knew The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Page 9 that enroute to Nova Scotia and whilst at Richard’s parents’ home, we had been discussing names for a female Coton … and we had already decided on the name ‘Fatiana’ … and only He knew that we would indeed be coming back home with a female Coton with that name! We returned to Vancouver late afternoon on October 20th and, barely having time to unpack, I was working on preparations for the Travel The World Dog Show in Abbotsford (also called Tradex Dog Show) – this has been Canada’s largest annual Dog Show. With other Coton owners we were busy packing gifts for the dogs, judge, etc. October 27th saw our 2 Cotons back to the groomers ‘again’ and off to the Tradex Centre we went to get the grooming booth and Coton Information Booth set-up. Wow! all the hard work and effort was truly worth it … everything looked great. The Tradex Dog Show had 7 Cotons registered – up from 2 the previous year when Kintana du Domaine de Polana won BOB and went into the Group on Saturday and was on TV 3 times in December, 2009 – we have a DVD of the Show as part of his portfolio! The Coton Booster was done in true Coton regality and we even had Bev Kohler of Sugar Bay Cotons come with her male: Clousseau and young male puppy: Beringer (whose father is the 2010 World Coton Champion: Rio Bravo). Chris Wasylishyn was busy being the official photographer – thanks Chris! To attend a 4 day/5 ring Dog Show is very tiring: 5 rings because the Group V Dog Club held a Specialty Show for our Group. It was really neat because each of the 7 Cotons won over each other at some point during the 4 day show – this was great for all of them and their owners too – the Cotons taught us what a Dog Show is all about – not winning or losing but: ‘how you play the game’ as they say. The Coton de Tulear was one sought-after breed by the end of the Dog Show and all Coton de Tulear owners/breeders should know that this breed will definitely see an increase in popularity in the coming months and years – great for a rare breed in Canada and the U.S.A. too. BELOW: Judge Espen Engh of Norway with Lorna Christie and her Cotons at Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of BC Show Page 10 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 So, what can we say about the month of October at White Pearl Cotons? It truly was a month of great adventure and excitement from the East to the West Coast of Canada and the addition of yet another ‘pearl’ to the 2 we already had. More later on what ‘Life at White Pearl Cotons is like with 3 Cotons de Tulear’ … until then – live, love and laugh lots – ‘… laughter is therapy for the soul…’. and, have a very blessed Christmas and our sincerest best wishes for 2011! ABOVE: Participants in the Coton Booster at the Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of BC 2010 Show Left-Right: Vega (Diane Benaroch's Coton with handler; Sugar Bay Anything Goes Clouseau (Bred, owned, and handled by Bev Kohler; Esprit de Tulear Spirit Bear (Cody ) with owner Sonya Paterson; Jewela with owner Lorna Christie. BELOW: The Coton information booth at the show. Page 11 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Papa Look What I Won ! By Richard Christie Little Georgia Emily looked so cute in her princess dress and her silver tiara. She stood waiting nervously while the much older junior handlers were in the ring. She looked up at me once again, and with pleading eyes said “I don’t want to go Papa”. I held her hand and reassured her that it was going to be lots of fun. All she would have to do is walk around once with Kintana and look pretty. She picked up the lead once again and practiced folding it in her hand like I had shown her. Finally her number was called, and off she went with the other two waifs. The judge was so good with them. She took time to talk with each of them individually, asking their names and the names of their dogs. Then she had them walk around the ring once. I was holding my breath that Georgia wouldn’t do anything wrong, and when her trip around was finished I felt a great sense of relief. She had been tentative at first, but Kintana behaved well and led her with a sense of purpose. Then, to my great surprise, the judge had them walk up and down individually, and then once around again together. Now I was really nervous. I wasn’t expecting this. But by now Georgia was really into it. She was holding the lead at waist length with her arm outstretched, and she was encouraging Kintana. “Come Kintana” she would say. And there was a big smile on her face as she waved to her Mom and Dad and younger brother Joshua Aaron in the crowd. She looked like a little angel. At the end the judge presented her and the other two participants each with a plaque, a rosette and a gift. Her eyes were as big as saucers, and her smile beamed from ear to ear. Now she didn’t want to leave the ring. The steward had to lead her toward my waiting arms. When she finally arrived she jumped up and down and said “Papa, look what I won”. She was so very happy. And I was so very proud. I asked her if she would like to do this again sometime, and perhaps start taking handling classes. She said “Of course Papa. I’m a big girl now”. Page 12 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 BAM BAM KAZAAM OF COTONNELLE GOES TO MANHATTAN Submitted by Valerie Ford In 2009 Kazaam went to Manhattan with his new owner, Lynn Baron of Renaissance Cotons to be featured in Animal Planet's Dogs 101. The following Spring 2010, Animal Planet went to Lynn's home in Connecticut to film Kazaam and all the rest of Lynn's beautiful dogs which I was delighted to recently meet in person. Animal Planet's mini documentary was very nicely done. They did a great job of presenting the Coton de Tulear to the world. I'm so proud of my beloved Kazaam and thank Lynn for doing such a wonderful job with him. You can watch the Dogs 101 video at Page 13 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Fun in the Snow! Diane Benaroch of Cotonfield Cotons Early snow in beautiful BC is a perfect occasion for Cotons to have a wonderful time. I much prefer snow to mud of on their white coats. We play hide and seek behind the trees; it is a perfect time to practice recalls. The word “come” becomes fun when they all try to reach my hand in unison for a small treat. Snow, fun & Cotons… 3 words that makes my world a happy one! The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Page 14 UKC Shows November 19-21, 2010 Brampton Congratulations to Payzac Princess Fiona and her little brother Payzac Pinchy on their wins at the UKC shows in Brampton during the weekend of November 19-21, 2010. Princess won 5 Best of Breed, and placed 3rd twice in Group and one 4th group placement. She also obtained her final two competition wins to become UKC Champion. She now has two Championships, one UKC and one Rare Breed. Congratulations also to her little brother Pinchy who won his class in 3 out of the 5 shows. At Left: Payzac Princess Fiona with Mama Joanne Mouryas Below: Princess: “Did I do good, Mama?” Pinchy: I won, I won! Pinchy and Chewy (2 borthers) Page 15 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Payzac Kiera Payzac Bella Below: Timothy Payzac George Page 16 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Fatiana du Domaine de Polana Newest member of Lorna & Richard Christie’s family Page 17 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 Left: Payzac Rocky Keano running like a deer... Payzac Pinchy & Chewie (two brothers) playing tug Page 18 The Coton Malgache Volume 10 Issue 4 About Us…. Denis Carriere founded the Coton Malgache Publication in 1994 so that breed fanciers might share their mutual interest. The club’s aim is to support, educate and advise owners, members and prospective owners about the Coton de Tulear. All members of the CCTC will abide by a code of ethics that will govern the breeding and prosperity of these lovely animals, protecting and preserving the qualities of the Coton de Tulear, and striving for its betterment. CCTC publishes the Coton Malgache quarterly in March, June, September and December. We encourage your submissions! Please do not hesitate to send photos of, and articles about your Cotons. Photos will be returned upon request if you include a S.A.S.E. Deadline for the March 2011 Coton Malgache is February 15, 2010. Advertising Rates Please send all submissions for the Coton Malgache to: Email: [email protected] Coton Malgache Colour B/W Subscriptions to the Coton Malgache are included with a CCTC membership. 1/4 page ……. $35 $20 1/2 page ……. $60 $40 Make your cheque or money order payable to CCTC. Fees for US and overseas subscribers are payable in US funds. Full page ….. $120 $80 Business card $15 $10 Ads may be submitted as camera ready or in draft. Draft text must be clearly typed. Photos should be clear and in sharp contrast to ensure quality reproduction. Cheques should be made payable to the CCTC. The opinions expressed in the Coton Malgache are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. The articles in the Coton Malgache belong to their authors and cannot be reproduced either in whole or in part in any form without written permission of the author. CCTC Executive Payment must be submitted before deadline. President: VACANT Advertising is available on our website. * Sponsor Advertising $25 per calendar year for a business card $45 per calendar year with a live link to a website * Breeder Directory Members Only Litter Announcements $15 per litter for 3 months $10 per ad for one older dog * Contact Marie-France Prayal [email protected] Tel. 902-757-0826 Vice-President - Joanne Mouryas Email: [email protected] Tel 416-282-9253 Treasurer & Secretary: Marie-France Prayal Email: [email protected] (902) 757-0826 Interim Ontario Director: Joanne Mouryas Email: [email protected] Tel. 416-282-9253 Interim Atlantic Director Marie-France Prayal—see above for contact info Quebec and Western Directors: VACANT Newsletter Editor & Membership Secretary: Chris Wasylishyn [email protected] 604-876-7106
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