Summer 2011 - Central Minnesota Koinonia


Summer 2011 - Central Minnesota Koinonia
Central MN Newsletter
"Amen, Amen I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat;
but if it dies, it produces much fruit." John 12:24
_________________________________________________________________________Summer 2011
Reflection Corner____________________
“…And still you do not know me?”
In Matthew, Chapter 25, Jesus tells the parable of the sheep and the goats. After separating them into
two groups, the king says to the first group: “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you
gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison
and you visited me.
Then the righteous will answer him and say, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty
and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we
see you ill or in prison, and visit you?' And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you
did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.'” Did you know….
The wealthiest 1% of our population own more than 90% of us combined.
The wealthiest 10% of our population own more than ¾ of the nation’s wealth.
Many of us may know that there is a large and growing wealth gap between a tiny fringe of super-rich
Americans and most of the rest of us. But how many realize that this gap robs all of us? And that doesn’t mean
just financially. Such enormous wealth concentrated in the hands of the elite few is cracking the democratic
foundation of our nation. It is long past time to ring the alarm bells. Why? Because an extreme concentration of
wealth translates into political power, which is helping to shape our government’s actions and laws. The elite
few can afford armies of lobbyists and legal expertise, and they can funnel enormous amounts of money into
elections. This helps a small minority keep and grow their power and wealth – even though millions of people
struggle and suffer at the economic margins.
Wealth is, in itself, not bad. But when the disparities grow as huge as they are now, we have a problem –
a problem that affects society at all levels. In response, we are called by our faith to be justice-seekers – to help
ensure that the basic human needs of all people are met and that our government truly serves the common good.
As Christians, we MUST be involved in working for justice by making sure that our leaders are doing what they
can to care for the needs of the poor and vulnerable in our society. The rich can take care of themselves. The
poor need our help.
Blessings, and have a great summer!
Fr. Bob Pierson OSB
CMK #184 September 17-19, 2010 Lord of the Dance
Linda Scepurek, Little Falls
Jeff Aschnewitz, Fergus Falls
Diane Aschewitz, Fergus Falls
Janna Williams, Harris
Grant Bramhall, Milaca
Sam Everslage, Freeport
Diane Filipek, Milaca
Sandy Altman, East Bethel
CMSK #9 October 2010 Summergeme
Wendy Aguilar, Mpls.
Rafael Celaya, Willmar
Ciro Snachez, Richfield
Matilde Mendoza, Melrose
Hilda Logez, Mpls.
Giampiero Conti, Cold Spring
Margarita Rosas, Mpls.
Maria Elba Arias, Waite Park
Sindy Argueta, St. Cloud
Adelaido Raya, Melrose
Stephanie Mejia, Waite Park
Blanca Espinoza, Mpls.
Jovanna Maldonado, Waite Park
Leoplodo Chavez, Pelican Rapids
Baldomero Barragan, Melrose
Jose Valencia, Willmar
Ruperto Flores
Coming from a Koinonnia full of potential leaders in CMSK # 8, # 9 gave us a great look at how broken the
world is. God allowed us to see, experience, and be part of the healing power of the Eucharist in KOINONIA
#9. People from all walks of life came searching to be sumerged in the cleansing and healing waters of life that
can only come from our Lord Jesus. As our theme song stated "Sumergeme en el Rios de tu Espiritu" (Sumerge
me Lord in the River of your Holy Spirit). The candidates opened their hearts and souls to that Healing Power.
Thank you Lord for loving us so unconditionally. Jonathan Walz
CMK #185 November 12-14, 2010 And the Father Will Dance
Frank Dorsey, Buffalo
Kim Bunke, Stewart
Ruth Wochnick, St. Joseph
Faye Diederich, Pierz
Fran Meierhofer, Kimball
Lori Buckentin, Green Isle
Cathy Paquin, Somerset, WI
Michael Hoffman, Little Falls
Jim Steigauf, Andover
Lisa Thomas, Litchfield
Betty Kampa Miller, St. Cloud
CMK185 was a wonderful weekend. Fr Ernie Martello was a great leader of a very
spirit-filled weekend. Our theme song, “And the Father will Dance” and all the music that weekend was filled
with excitement and enthusiasm as we had a wonderful leader in Pat Coffee. We had a wonderful Wheat Team
as well with spiritual uplifting and great food. We hope all that were part of CMK 185 will always know how
God touched our lives and all those around us.
Unfortunately, we did not have a mini-reunion as the weather did not cooperate. The roads were very icy and so
with great regret we had to cancel the mini-reunion. However, we did get in contact with most of you that day
and shared a little of our forth days. We have since seen many of you at other Koinonias and are grateful for the
connection we had at CMK185. God Bless. Ron & Karen Leither, Lay Directors
CMK #186 January 21-23, 2011 Companions on the Journey
Gary Diederich, Pierz
John Schmidt, Savage
Denny Floersch, Battle Lake
Roger Baas, Long Prairie
Lindsey Schmidt, Rice
Dee Lehner, Albert Lea
Kathy Oelschlager, Minneapolis
Terri Jo Cadwallader, Long Prairie
Gene Ingebritson, Staples
CMK #186 was an amazing, Spirit-led weekend. We were blessed to serve wonderful
candidates and work with an awesome team. As the Spiritual Director, Fr. Ernie Martello is a
very gentle, thoughtful man who gave down-to-earth homilies. There several married couples
who served on the team, including Greg and Darlene Brand, who did a great job leading music
for the first time. During the weekend, we learned to journey together. Even in the dead of
winter, the love that was experienced on the weekend lit up the room and warmed our hearts.
It was a great experience for us as first-time Lay Directors. Thank you! Jeff and Rebecca Maciej
CMSK #10 February 2011 Mi Padre Me Ama
Braulio Pedroza, Pelican Rapids
Ana Zuniga, Willmar
Natalia Caldera Ornelas, Little Falls
Mario Alvardo, Perham
Victor Torres, St. Cloud
Carlos Perez Hernandez Pelican Rapids
Manrrique Leyva, St. Cloud
Jesus Prieto, Long Prairie
Ana Leyva, St. Cloud
Trinidad Gonzalez, Long Prairie
Celia I. Aguilar, Minneapolis
Cynthia Salazar, Brooklyn Center
Pilar Perez, Pelican Rapids
Graciela Franco, Pelican Rapids
Aurora Cisneros Lemus, Long Prairie
Maria Carrillo, Long Prairie
Jairo Rodriguez Torres, Waite Park
Miriam Montanez, Long Prairie
Alberto Rodriguez Acevedo, Minneapolis Marisela Torres, Anoka
Yuan Cruz, St. Cloud
Alex Garcia, Waite Park
Blanca Guajardo, Perham
Erika Abrahamson, Waite Park
Maria del Refugio Valencia, Willmar
America Guadalupe Rodriguez, Waite Park
Hermila Ornelas, Willmar
Estela Ramirez Raya, Long Prairie
Maria Orozco, Long Prairie
Susana Franco, Pelican Rapids
Rosa Howard Diaz, Spring Lake Park
Patricia Hidalgo, Melrose
Elena Torres, St. Cloud
Ismael Hidalgo, Melrose
Faviola Rodriguez, West St. Paul
Susana Benitez, Coon Rapids
Hilda Lopez Casales, Anoka
Lidia O Huerta, Isanti
Marta Chavez, Pelican Rapids
Martrha Flores, Minneapolis
Saul Chavez, Pelican Rapids
Teresa Rosario Moctezuma, Minneapolis
Deysi Moreno, Pelican Rapids
Maria Vega, Minneapolis
Maria Berta Garcia, Melrose
Margarita Cervantes, Long Prairie
Ivan Franco, Pelican Rapids
Monica Galvan, Long Prairie
David Barragan, Pelican Rapids
Margarita Galvan, Long Prairie
Imelda Chavez, Pelican Rapids
Maricela Gallarzo, Fridley
Servando Guitierrez, St. Cloud
Reyna Aguilar, Hilltop
Maria Elena Gutierrez, St. Cloud
Lidia Mancilla, Indio, CA
Maria Salgado, Sauk Centre
Elizabeth Chavez, Pelican Rapids
Arturo Salgado, Sauk Centre
Yesenia Escobar, Pelican Rapids
Eloy Franco, Pelican Rapids
Carolina Rivera, Long Prairie
Gabina Rodrizuez de Marales, Crystal
Maria Trinadad Santacruz Guzman, Little Falls
Juan Carlos Castillo Gonzales, Pelican Rapids
Gil Carrillo, Melrose
Maria Guadalupe Villagomez, Pelican Rapids
CMSK #10 marked the 10th anniversary. We were exited about it, expecting a good number
and a good number in deed came 67 to be exact. As the Director of a retreat I have never work
with such a focused group. They came looking for Love, they came to experience it, they
came to live in love and in community. It was a difficult weekend, Wheat went to bed @ 1 or
2 in the morning the first night to get up again @ 5 AM the next day. We had to take some people from the
Wheat team to help us in the Conference Room. We could see the Holy Spirit hard at work if you stopped and
look closely. The one thing that struck the great majority of the candidates was the sense of humility and how
personal we made the retreat. They all agreed that they all felt how attentive we were with them, therefore that
feeling of truly being part of a Community. Thank you Lord for showing us the way. Jonathan Walz
CMK #187 March 18-20 Prayer of St. Francis
Chris Heitz, Monticello
Jess Dietl, St. Cloud
Michael Denzer, Belle Plaine
Meghan Plotz, Clements
Jared Spolar, Princeton
Dawn Vant Hof, Milaca
Irene Zens, Glenwood
Claudette Moran, Little Falls
Judy Killian, St. Cloud
Audrey Magedanz, Richmond
Stacey Watje, Clements
Wayne Gotvald, Hillman
Alan Gotvald, Hillman
Curt Mitchell, Woodville, WI
Maristelle Binsfeld, St. Cloud
Jackie Higgins, Rice
Brooke Richards, Hillman
Jim Nowak, Silver Lake
Maureen Schaefer, Melrose
Deacon Matthew Crane, St. Paul
Paula Bauman, Oakdale
CMK #187 was extra special because we had Fr. David Maciej as our Spiritual Director and Deacon Matthew
Crane as a first time candidate. He did such a nice job helping with the masses, and we hope he will come back
to serve once he is ordained in June. Our candidates had a wonderful weekend discovering God’s deep love.
Our unofficial theme developed into the love of mothers, fathers, sons or daughters on the weekend together.
Thanks again to the wonderful Wheaties who did a fantastic job praying and taking care of us. The food was
awesome! We all became better instruments of God’s love, light, peace, and joy. We pray that everyone will
continue to come to Koinonia weekends and keep the family growing. Shari and Rita
CMK #188 May 13-15, 2011 Lord, You Have Come to the Sea Shore
Peggy Eiden, Cologne
Joanne Engnell Princeton
Ron and Edna Goracke, Alexandria
Dorothy Merten, Waite Park
Corey Abrahamson, St. Cloud
Danita Traut, St. Stephen
Edith Gerads, St. Stephen
Darcy Cowing Frank, Battle Lake
We were blessed with the spiritual leadership of Father Tony Kroll, a team that worked together like gears in a clock, the
powerful prayers of our Wheat Team and best of all the many candidates of the weekend. With the prayers, hard work of
all, and believe it or not, our theme song with half of it in Spanish, we truly became a community and encountered Christ.
We are grateful to all who served and participated in the weekend and became a part of our lives. We look forward to
serving our Lord together again soon. Renee Lofgren and Anita Goth
Koinonia Prayer Network
Do you need prayers? Do you want to serve the Koinonia community, but have
difficulty finding the time? The Koinonia Prayer Network may be just what you are
looking for! The primary purpose of the prayer network of Central Minnesota Koinonia is
to get special and urgent prayer requests to the entire Koinonia community as quickly as
possible. In other words, you can be available to pray for the requests of others, and/or
you can have others praying for your requests.
If you are interested in sending prayer requests or in joining the group receiving prayer requests, please
e-mail Brother Dan Stang at [email protected]
Because we would like this prayer network to be a source of support and not gossip, we require that
people maintain confidentiality. One way to help maintain confidentiality is that any names listed in your prayer
request be limited to first names only.
Scholarships and Donations
We, the Board of Directors, would like to thank each and every one of you who were able to donate to the first
annual Koinonia Fundraiser. Also, to those of you who prayed for it’s success. It was very successful and a total
of $4,023. $1,315 was raised and donated towards the Ray & Cele Silver Scholarship Fund (this fund is for
Hispanic and English Koinonia Scholarships for those in need). Another $2,453 was donated towards the
General Fund. There was also another $255 donated towards the Spanish Koinonia Fund. We hope you feel
confident that we will be very careful with the dollars you entrusted with us to keep Central Minnesota
Koinonia financially healthy. Following are two testimonials from Scholarship recipients:
Sandy: When I first heard of the CMK retreat program, I was curious about going and learning what it was
all about. However, there were two major problems. First, my disability made getting away difficult and
second, I did not know if I would be accepted for who I am. I was excited about Koinonia, but put it in the back
of my mind until my sister asked me if I wanted to attend in September for CMK #184. I was nervous and
excited but agreed to attend. My friend Greg – and what a friend he is – told me about it as we drove up from
Minneapolis for the weekend. When we arrived I was so surprised because the two things I mentioned – my
disability and desire to be accepted for who I am – were no problem at all. The weekend was full of surprises,
love, new special friends, and was beyond expectation. I was able to attend the weekend in part due to the
scholarship money available and am grateful for the help. I would recommend the weekend to anyone! God
Joanne: This year my world began to crash around me financially, emotionally, and physically. We made our
rent payments, but the landlord quit making the mortgage payments and as a result all her properties, including
this one, went into foreclosure. There are four generations amounting to 8 people. This winter, my 12 year old
grandson was diagnosed with Chrome’s disease and my 19 year old granddaughter went from
“pre-schizophrenic” condition to full blown Schizophrenia. During this time our little Dominick was taken to
the ER with +105 fever. My grandson came home for a two week visit from Afghanistan then went back. With
all this going on my stress level was off the charts. I knew I needed a break, but I didn’t have the money to pay
for the weekend. In come Mary Lou and LeRoy with a scholarship. I came home recharged and while a lot did
not change at home, I seem to be more at peace. God bless all of you for a wonderful weekend.
Other donations include: new vinyl banners for each day of the weekend, a banner of Christ, a banner for our
large wooden frame for the team and candidate photo, and a banner for candidates to see which door to enter for
registration. All the banners were designed by Kristi Floersch and donated by her and her husband, E.B., from
Battle Lake.
Thanks for sharing your time, talent and financial gift that can be enjoyed by many. We will again be sending
out a request letter later this year so that we don’t need to raise the cost of a retreat weekend and that we will not
have to turn a candidate away from making a Koinonia Retreat because of financial difficulties. We hope you
feel good about the decision you made to support the Koinonia Retreat Program. We truly thank you for your
generous gifts. Mary Lou and LeRoy Raden and the CMK Board
Death Announcements
Mark Coleman, husband of Amy Coleman
In two years the term will be up for LeRoy and Mary Lou Raden as Area Coordinators. Think about this and let
them or another Board Member know if you are interested in finding out what the position entails. Please pray
that we have someone come forward especially from the St. Cloud Diocese.
We really count on your to invite family, friends and co-workers to come and experience a Koinoina Retreat.
We appreciate your evangelizing efforts. Check out our website Our new email address
is [email protected]. Please change the email on your application before you give them out. Thanks!
Contact Mary Lou or LeRoy Raden at (320)293-2080 if you would want a paper copy of the Krier rather than
the email copy. The Krier is also available at
For people who are using GPS’s to get to the TEC Center, the best address to use is for Holy Family Church.
The address is 18777 Riverwood Drive, Little Falls, Minnesota.
CMK #189 September 16-18, 2011
CMSK #11 Spanish, October 7-9, 2011
CMK #190 November 11-13, 2011
CMK # 191 January 27-29, 2012
CMSK #12 Spanish, March 2-4, 2012
CMK #192 March 16-18, 2012
CMK #193 May 4-6, 2012
CMK # 194 September 14-16, 2012
CMSK # 13 Spanish October 2012
CMK #195 November 9-11, 2012