Maritime domain awareness with commercially
Maritime domain awareness with commercially
This article was downloaded by: [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] On: 14 January 2015, At: 01:34 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Remote Sensing Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Maritime domain awareness with commercially accessible electro-optical sensors in space a b N.P. Bannister & D.L. Neyland a Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK b Systems Engineering Directorate, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02139-3563, USA Published online: 09 Jan 2015. Click for updates To cite this article: N.P. Bannister & D.L. Neyland (2015) Maritime domain awareness with commercially accessible electro-optical sensors in space, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36:1, 211-243, DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2014.990647 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 Conditions of access and use can be found at International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2015 Vol. 36, No. 1, 211–243, Maritime domain awareness with commercially accessible electro-optical sensors in space Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 N.P. Bannister a * and D.L. Neylandb a Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, UK; bSystems Engineering Directorate, The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., Cambridge, MA 02139-3563, USA (Received 30 May 2014; accepted 14 October 2014) Comprehensive maritime domain awareness includes detection, tracking, and identification of vessels, and we describe work concerned with the detection and tracking elements of this problem. Millions of maritime vessels operate without the means for their positions to be independently tracked, presenting a problem for safety and security of life at sea. To date, visible wavelength imaging from space has been of limited use for vessel detection and tracking due to poor area coverage provided by individual satellites. This situation is now changing. We present a survey of currently operating spacecraft carrying electro-optical imagers offering adequate imaging resolution and commercial data availability. We model the coverage provided by 54 satellites and 85 sensors over a target area to assess the value of these assets for space-based maritime domain awareness. The results show that useful levels of coverage can now be obtained through the collective observations of existing spacecraft, although on-board resources will limit the amount of imagery that can be acquired. The launch of large numbers of high-resolution imaging nanosatellites produced by private companies will improve this coverage, and the increasing capability of small satellite platforms offers the possibility of a dedicated Electro-Optical Space-Based Maritime Domain Awareness constellation that can realise the full benefit of the concept. We propose a cooperative approach, based on cloud computing and crowdsourcing philosophies, to the operation of the ground segment and the sharing and analysis of image data, to create an effective constellation of satellites and associated data handling infrastructure that can be used to enhance maritime security, and improve the safety of lives at sea. 1. Introduction The International Maritime Organization (IMO) Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) convention requires automatic identification systems (AISs) to be fitted on all ships of 300 tonnes gross or above engaged on international voyages, cargo ships in excess of 500 tonnes on any route, and passenger ships of any size built after 2002. AIS transponders are very high frequency systems, which transmit information including vessel identity, position, course, and speed. The signal can be transmitted from ship to a base station on land or via a relay using transponders on other vessels as repeaters until a shore-based station is reached. Space-based AIS reception is possible, with exactEarth and ORBCOMM being the two principal operators of satellite-based AIS services. Re et al. (2012) consider approaches to assessing the system performance of a satellite-AIS constellation, while Thomas (2011) states that eight AIS-equipped commercial satellites were currently on orbit at the time of that publication. This number will certainly increase, with *Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] © 2015 Taylor & Francis Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 212 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland ORBCOMM preparing to launch 18 AIS-equipped satellites on a SpaceX Falcon-9 vehicle, and exactEarth planning to add another satellite to its current five spacecraft constellation in 2014. However, AIS is not a perfect solution to maritime domain awareness. Carson-Jackson (2012) identifies satellite availability and service levels, data packet conflicts in spacecraft telemetry, and the need for new data access protocols as issues currently affecting the usefulness of the technique. Furthermore, whether the AIS receiver is in space, on the ground, or at sea, the signal from a vessel can be turned off or configured to generate deliberately incorrect information (Donati and Fineren 2012). And while tens of thousands of ships are required to carry AIS, this is a small fraction of the total number of vessels at sea; Lundquist (2010) suggests that there are in excess of 21 million recreational and fishing vessels in the USA alone, which are not required to carry AIS. The majority are responsibly operated, but without good tracking information, many are left vulnerable in the event of encountering difficulties offshore, while even small boats are capable of delivering powerful weapons, drugs, or dangerous individuals. Thus, AIS alone cannot achieve comprehensive maritime domain awareness. Spacecraft equipped with synthetic aperture radar (SAR) can also detect vessels and wakes, and considerable work on this topic appears in the literature (see, e.g. Suchandt, Runge, and Steinbrecher (2010). Advantages of SAR include the wide area coverage that can be obtained when in scanning SAR (SCANSAR) mode and insensitivity to weather. However, amongst its current limitations are its limited use for non-metallic vessels, the highly restricted and controlled access to data imposed by some satellite operators, and the relatively small number of spacecraft equipped with SAR, compared to the number of optical imaging satellites currently in service. And for power efficiency reasons, most SAR satellites operate in a dawn–dusk orbit, which limits the times of day at which coverage can be obtained. It is unlikely that one approach can provide a complete solution to maritime awareness. Several studies have considered fusing data from sources including optical imagers, SAR, and other ground and airborne systems to provide comprehensive maritime awareness (Detsis et al. 2012; Greidanus and Kourti 2006). The role of optical satellites has been considered by authors including Bruno et al. (2010) and Ross, Arifin, and Brodsky (2011). Several challenges are faced when attempting to obtain reliable knowledge of maritime vessel movements by optical means. Chief among these is weather: if widespread cloud obscures a region of interest, little can be done other than to switch to alternative monitoring approaches such as SAR. Coverage has also been identified as a problem. In their work on counter-piracy measures in the Gulf of Aden, Posada et al. (2011) analyse the capabilities of a combined approach to maritime awareness using satellite AIS, SAR, and long-range identification and tracking (LRIT, which requires vessels to report, manually, their position four times each day). The authors note that vessels under 20 m in length were undetected because they do not need to report AIS/LRIT data and do not appear in SAR images. Posada et al. did not consider high-resolution imaging satellites (which could be used to detect small vessels) for wide-area surveillance because of the limited coverage they provide. But the number of high-resolution imaging satellites is increasing, and we show that these systems can now make a significant contribution to maritime domain awareness, with consequent benefits to maritime security and the safety of life at sea. The objective of the work described in this article was to identify currently operating spacecraft and sensors that are relevant to the problem (hereafter referred to as Electro-Optical Space-Based Maritime Domain Awareness, EO-SBMDA) and to assess the temporal and spatial coverage of International Journal of Remote Sensing 213 maritime environments that might be achieved through the coordinated use of these assets when viewed as an effective ‘constellation’ of independently operated spacecraft. 2. Identifying spacecraft and sensor assets Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 2.1. Selection criteria 2.1.1. Imaging performance The principal imaging performance requirement for EO-SBMDA is the ability to detect a vessel in an image. While angular resolution is useful in predicting optical performance, quantifying the amount of detail contained in an image is more complex. The National Imagery Interpretability Scale (NIIRS) quantifies information content in an image by reference to specific examples (Irvine and Fishell 1997). Originating in the intelligence and defence community, NIIRS’s heritage is reflected in the level descriptions. For example, Level 1 images should allow the detection of a medium-sized port facility, or distinguishing between taxiways and runways at a large airfield, while Level 9 should allow differentiation of cross-slot from single-slot heads on aircraft panel fasteners. Civil, radar, infrared (IR), and multispectral (MS) NIIRS criteria have since been formulated and are also summarized by Irvine. NIIRS is applied to images post facto, but a NIIRS value can be predicted using the General Image Quality Equation (GIQE; Leachtenauer et al. (1997). This regression-based model relates image quality to fundamental instrument attributes, including ground sample distance (GSD: the distance between adjacent pixel centres projected onto the target), modulation transfer function (a measure of the instruments’ ability to retain contrast as a function of the spatial frequency of the signal), and signal-to-noise ratio, as well as post-processing effects. However, this approach presents two problems for the current study: (1) detailed information on instrument design, optical characteristics, and processing pipeline are required for each sensor before a GIQE-derived NIIRS rating can be calculated; and (2) while NIIRS describes image detail in qualitative terms, a preliminary assessment of EO-SBMDA performance requires a quantitative figure of merit that can be applied to each detection opportunity. Therefore, while NIIRS and GIQE have important roles to play in determining and expressing image quality, they are not implemented in this study. An estimate of the image detail expected from an instrument can be obtained from its instantaneous field of view (IFOV): the size of the ‘patch’ on the ground covered by a single image pixel, below which no detail can be resolved. GSD is closely related, expressing the distance between adjacent IFOV centres on the ground. If there are no gaps between pixels on a sensor, then IFOV = GSD; gaps between pixels lead to IFOV < GSD, in which case GSD is the limiting figure of merit. In many cases, we found that GSD, IFOV, and resolution were used synonymously in the databases from which our EO-SBMDA asset catalogue was constructed. We restrict our consideration to GSD in the remainder of this work. To illustrate the relationship between GSD and detection capability, a test image was generated using an image of HMS Protector (A173) taken from an aircraft (Royal Navy 2011). The vessel has an overall length of ~89 m and a beam of ~18 m, but the image can be scaled and resampled to approximate the detail expected for a range of vessel sizes and imager GSD values, viewed against a realistic background. There are ~580 pixels along the centreline from the bow to the rearmost structure of the helipad in the source image, which we assume was taken directly over the centre of the deck. The source image Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 214 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland therefore has a scale of 89/580 = 0.15 m per pixel, corresponding to a GSD of 15 cm, 2.7 times smaller than the finest GSD in the asset list (41 cm for GeoEye-1). Figure 1 shows simulated observations of three different sized vessels at five GSD values created from this image. In the case of the 15 m GSD image of the 21 m vessel, and the 6.5 m GSD image of the 10 m vessel, the detection is effectively a single pixel (since the vessel has a diagonal orientation with respect to the image axes). In calm seas and stable observation conditions, where the background may be uniform over a large area, it may be possible to infer the presence of an object based on such poorly sampled observations, but detector noise will complicate identification and the confidence in a single pixel result will be low. However, the wake left by a vessel can be significantly larger than the vessel itself. Optical detection of ship wakes from space has been considered in detail by several authors (e.g. Corbane et al. 2010), and wakes provide a useful feature from which to infer the presence of a smaller vessel. Additionally, information from MS bands can be useful for vessel detection, as discussed briefly in Section 2.4. On the basis of these arguments, we set the upper Figure 1. Simulated observations of three vessels of different sizes as they would appear when imaged at five GSDs. The images have been resampled and rescaled to represent an 89 m vessel (HMS Protector), a 21 m vessel, and a 10 m vessel as observed at 0.41, 3.0, 6.5, 15.0, and 50.0 m GSD. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 215 GSD limit for inclusion in the study to 400 m, slightly smaller than the length of the largest vessel in operation, currently the 458.5 m Seawise Giant (Spyrou 2011). Three caveats are highlighted in this approach. First, it neglects atmospheric effects that will degrade image quality. Second, sea conditions, vessel shape, colour, and illumination geometry will affect an observation. And third, the arguments presented here are qualitative, based on visual inspection of Figure 1. More detailed consideration of environmental conditions, vessel types, and image processing algorithms would be required to quantify the ability of a particular instrument to detect a given vessel under specific conditions, while avoiding false alarms created by the presence of, for example, clouds and small islands. Detailed work in this area has been conducted by, for example, Yang et al. (2014) who discuss automated ship detection in satellite imagery using novel approaches including sea surface analysis and consideration of vessel length to width ratio. The type of satellite orbit can have important implications for automated recovery techniques: for example, satellites in repeat ground track orbits (e.g. Aorpimai and Palmer 2007), which are resonant with Earth’s rotation, pass over the same location on Earth at regular intervals, allowing the application of difference detection methods to identify features of interest in an image. These techniques are of relevance to any future EOSBMDA system. However, the aims of the current study are to establish basic coverage and revisit times for a set of EO-SBMDA capable space assets, and our results suggest that a detection is possible if GSD < l/3, where l is the vessel length. This is consistent with Corbane, Marre, and Petit (2008), who describe automated analysis of SPOT-5 HRG panchromatic (PAN) images for detection of small ships, and find that the 5 m GSD observations can be used to detect vessels above 14 m in length. Finally, it is important to note that the current work is concerned with vessel detection. The ability to identify a vessel, or distinguish between vessels in, for example, a busy shipping lane, requires more detail. From Figure 1, l/GSD ~ 14 appears to provide sufficient information to identify variations in shading in different parts of the vessel (6.5 m GSD in the case of the 89 m vessel), while l/GSD > 30 is required to distinguish between specific structures on board. Although such performance levels are very demanding to meet, particularly for small vessels, new technologies in imager design offer answers to this challenge. For example, by adopting two-dimensional imaging sensors with high frame rate capability in place of the more traditional line-scanning sensors commonly found in earlier imager designs, the imagers and associated ‘super resolution’ processing methods used by Skybox Imaging (2014) combine multiple images of a target into a single, higher-resolution frame that can result in very-high-resolution data products, improving the probability of vessel detection and identification. See Park, Park, and Kang (2003) for an overview of this technique. 2.1.2. Data availability A further requirement for inclusion in the EO-SBMDA constellation is commercial data availability. An asset does not need to be commercially owned and operated, as long as the data it generates can, in principle, be accessed ‘for fee or free’. Hence, the assets identified in this work include a mix of commercial and agency-owned spacecraft. Resources, including listings in the Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS) Handbook (see Section 2.2.2) and vendors of satellite imagery, including MapMart (2014), and websites of satellite operators and agencies, are used to determine whether access to data is tightly constrained or open. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 216 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland While data may be commercially accessible, there will, in most cases, be a lower limit on the length of time between acquisition of an image by the spacecraft and the availability of the image to the EO-SBMDA system. This data latency is typically dominated by the period of time that elapses between the image being acquired and the next opportunity to downlink the image to the ground. The use of satellite relays, such as the European Data Relay System (Agnew, Renouard, and Hegyi 2012) currently under development, will relax this restriction for those satellites fitted with compatible communications systems, such as the Sentinel-2 spacecraft, which will form part of ESA’s Copernicus Earth Observation Programme (see Section 7). Political factors can also introduce significant latency into the system. For example, US Presidential Decision Directive 23 introduced the principle of ‘shutter control’ in 1994. Shutter control allows government agencies to restrict the areas of Earth where commercial systems can acquire data, or impose a delay in the release of data, when national security concerns are deemed to require it (Jakhu 2010). Other nations reserve similar rights, and although the US shutter control restriction has never been implemented in practice, such measures remain an issue for commercial EO satellite operators. 2.1.3. Operational status Only spacecraft that were in current operation at the time of the study are included. Satellites whose missions have ended are not considered nor are those still in commissioning or due for imminent launch. 2.2. Search methodology and sources A considerable amount of information exists on Earth-orbiting satellites currently in operation; these data are contained in a variety of publications and online catalogues. Several information sources have been used in this study to achieve as comprehensive and accurate an asset list as possible. The search and inclusion procedures for this preliminary phase are described in the following. 2.2.1. OSCAR The Observing Systems Capability Analysis and Review Tool (OSCAR) (World Meteorological Organization 2014) is an online database of Earth Observation satellites and instrumentation, produced and maintained by the World Meteorological Organization. The system is restricted to spacecraft with an Earth Observation agenda but includes engineering/technology demonstration satellites carrying Earth Observation instrumentation. OSCAR’s catalogue includes instruments providing spatial resolutions from less than 1 m up to a few tens of metres and was used to generate the initial EO-SBMDA asset list. Most of the data on GSD and field of view parameters incorporated into the EO-SBMDA model are taken from this resource. 2.2.2. CEOS earth observation handbook The CEOS coordinates civil space-borne observations of the Earth and includes space agencies and national/international organisations as its members. The CEOS, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA), produces a handbook and an accompanying online database (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites 2014) of EO assets, which International Journal of Remote Sensing 217 includes information on the availability of data from specific instruments. Where access information is available for an instrument, the access level is indicated by a descriptor set to Open Access, Constrained, or Very Constrained. For the purposes of this preliminary study, instruments offering Open Access or Constrained data access are included. Instruments with Very Constrained access are eliminated unless evidence can be found from other sources that data can be obtained publicly for free or fee. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 2.2.3. eoPortal The origins of eoPortal (2014) are the Information on Earth Observation system, INFEO, a European Commission programme to develop a suite of information access services tailored for the Earth Observation community (Mills, Kjeldsen, and Shipp 1998). The resource includes a directory of satellites and provides more detailed information than typically available in OSCAR or the CEOS Handbook on the design of spacecraft and instrumentation, along with details of project history, spacecraft operations, and data products. The eoPortal entry for a mission was used where more detailed information on sensor orientation or operating characteristics was required. 2.3. The SBMDA asset list There are currently ~1170 active satellites orbiting the Earth (Union of Concerned Scientists 2014). From this list, 165 spacecraft were identified as having an Earth science, Earth observation, or engineering/technology demonstration role that included imaging payloads, excluding those explicitly listed as military satellites. The payload of each of these satellites was examined for high-resolution imaging instrumentation generating accessible data; at this stage, 111 spacecraft were rejected for reasons including the absence of imaging systems (e.g. the four COSMO-SkyMed satellites are Earth Science satellites but carry SAR instruments only), highly restricted data availability (e.g. KOMPSAT-3 and the YAOGAN series of satellites), or inadequate optical resolution (such as IMS-1 and GOES-15). Table 1 summarizes the 54 spacecraft that remained after this selection process and that are therefore potentially relevant to the commercial SBMDA concept. 2.4. EO sensors Table 2 summarizes the 85 high-resolution optical imagers carried by the spacecraft identified in Table 1. The grey section lists, with justification, notable exclusions from the model. All sensors operate in the visible range of the spectrum, often with several bandpasses defined. The resolution of an instrument is dependent on wavelength, and Table 2 follows the convention adopted in OSCAR by distinguishing between resolution in the PAN and MS channels where defined. If several modes with differing optical performance characteristics are available in an instrument, the ‘best’ (smallest) GSD is adopted. Figure 2 shows a histogram of sensor GSD illustrating that a significant fraction of the sensors offer performance at the higher-resolution end of the GSD range. Detailed information on the wavelength-dependent resolution of instruments is available in the works cited in this article. In addition, many instruments include IR channels, and it has been shown (e.g. Wu et al. 2009) that the contrast between ships and the ocean surface in daytime imaging is better at near-IR wavelengths, offering the possibility of enhanced detection probability. IR techniques may also have a role in night time monitoring, with Satellite name SPOT 4 LANDSAT 7 IKONOS 2 EOS-TERRA EO-1 EROS A1 QUICKBIRD 2 PROBA-1 SPOT 5 EOS-AQUA IRS-P6 FORMOSAT-2 IRS-P5 BEIJING 1 TOPSAT EROS B CALIPSO RESURS-DK 1 ARIRANG 2 CARTOSAT-2 SAUDISAT-3 WORLDVIEW-1 CARTOSAT-2A IMS-1 FENGYUN-3A RAPIDEYE 2 RAPIDEYE 5 RAPIDEYE 1 RAPIDEYE 3 RAPIDEYE 4 HUANJING 1A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1998-017A 1999-020A 1999-051A 1999-068A 2000-075A 2000-079A 2001-047A 2001-049B 2002-021A 2002-022A 2003-046A 2004-018A 2005-017A 2005-043A 2005-043B 2006-014A 2006-016B 2006-021A 2006-031A 2007-001B 2007-012B 2007-041A 2008-021A 2008-021D 2008-026A 2008-040A 2008-040B 2008-040C 2008-040D 2008-040E 2008-041A Designation FR US US US US ISRA US ESA FR US IND PRC IND PRC UK ISRA US CIS SKOR IND SAUD US IND IND PRC GER GER GER GER GER PRC Country 824 703 680 703 691 542 441 654 826 704 823 892 619 702 704 517 703 570 698 637 677 493 644 637 835 638 643 647 639 639 665 Apogee (km) Satellites in the model listed in order of launch date, with basic orbital parameters. No. Table 1. 821 702 678 701 676 525 439 542 824 701 817 890 618 681 681 506 702 565 675 634 655 491 622 617 820 621 616 613 620 620 627 Perigee (km) Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 101.3 98.8 98.3 98.8 98.4 95.3 93.4 96.7 101.4 98.8 101.3 102.8 97.1 98.6 98.6 94.8 98.8 96.0 98.5 97.4 98.1 94.5 97.4 97.3 101.5 97.3 97.3 97.3 97.3 97.3 97.6 Period (min) 98.5 98.2 98.1 98.2 98.0 97.6 97.2 97.5 98.6 98.2 98.8 98.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.4 98.2 69.9 98.2 98.0 97.8 97.3 97.9 97.8 98.6 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.8 Incl. (°) 218 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland HUANJING 1B GEOEYE 1 THEOS DEIMOS-1 DUBAISAT 1 UK-DMC 2 METEOR-M 1 OCEANSAT 2 WORLDVIEW-2 ALSAT 2A FENGYUN-3B RESOURCESAT-2 X-SAT SAC-D NIGERIASAT-2 NIGERIASAT-X RASAT PLEIADES 1A ARIRANG 3 SPOT 6 PLEIADES 1B GKTRK-2 LANDSAT 8 2008-041B 2008-042A 2008-049A 2009-041A 2009-041B 2009-041C 2009-049A 2009-051A 2009-055A 2010-035D 2010-059A 2011-015A 2011-015C 2011-024A 2011-044B 2011-044C 2011-044D 2011-076F 2012-025B 2012-047A 2012-068A 2012-073A 2013-008A PRC US THAI SPN UAE UK CIS IND US ALG PRC IND STCT ARGN NIG NIG TURK FR SKOR FR FR TURK USA 671 685 826 663 678 662 820 724 767 673 829 822 822 655 705 699 697 699 696 699 699 689 704 621 673 825 660 663 660 818 722 766 671 826 818 802 653 690 672 666 697 679 697 697 669 702 97.6 98.3 101.4 98.0 98.2 98.0 101.3 99.2 100.2 98.2 101.5 101.3 101.1 97.8 98.7 98.5 98.4 98.7 98.5 98.7 98.7 98.7 98.8 97.8 98.1 98.8 98.0 98.0 98.0 98.6 98.2 98.5 98.1 98.8 98.7 98.7 98.0 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 98.2 90.2 98.2 Notes: Note that the final column provides the orbital inclination of the spacecraft. No Two-Line Element set was identified for Pleiades 1B, so we adopt orbit specification inferred from eoPortal, based on modified Pleiades-1A orbit. ALG, Algeria; ARGN, Argentina; CIS, Commonwealth of Independent States [of former Soviet Republics]; ESA, European Space Agency; FR, France; GER, Germany; IND, India; ISRA, Israel; NIG, Nigeria; PRC, People’s Republic of China; SAUD, Saudi Arabia; SKOR, South Korea; SPN, Spain; STCT, Singapore/Taiwan; THAI, Thailand; TURK, Turkey; UAE, United Arab Emirates; UK, United Kingdom; USA, United States of America. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 219 220 Table 2. results. N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland High-resolution optical instruments currently in operation, based on OSCAR search Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 Acronym Mission(s) GSD (m) ALI ASTER EO-1 EOS-Terra 10 (PAN), 30 (MS) 15–90 (channeldependent) AWiFS BGIS-2000 CHRIS ResourceSat-1 & -2 QuickBird-2 PROBA-1 CMT DMAC EOS-C ETM+ Geoton-1 GIS HiRI HRG HRS Beijing-1 DubaiSat-1 GšktŸrk-2 LandSat-7 Resurs-DK GeoEye-1 Pleiades-1A & 1B SPOT-5, SaudiSat 3 SPOT-5 HRVIR HSC HSI Hyperion IRIS (X-Sat) IRMSS KMSS SPOT-4 SAC-D Huan Jing-1A EO-1 X-Sat Huan Jing-1B Meteor-M N1 LISS-3 MISR MODIS MRI MS ResourceSat-1 ResourceSat-2 ResourceSat-1 ResourceSat-2 Feng Yun 3A Feng Yun 3B EOS-Terra EOS-Aqua NigeriaSat-2 THEOS 56 0.6 (PAN), 2.4 (MS) 18–36 (reduced/full spectral res.) 4 2.5 (PAN), 5 (MS) 2.5 (PAN), 10–20 (MS) 15 (PAN), 30 (MS) 1 (PAN), 2–3 (MS) 0.41 (PAN), 1.64 (MS) 0.7 (PAN), 2.8 (MS) 5 (PAN), 10–20 (MS) 10 cross-track, 5 alongtrack 20 (MS), 10 (PAN) 250–300 100 30 12 150–300 60–120 (wavelengthdependent) 23.5 MSC Mx-T NAOMI NAOMI NIRST OCM OIS OLI OSA PAN KOMPSAT-2 IMS-1 AlSat-2 SPOT-6 SAC-D OceanSat-2 RASAT LandSat-8 IKONOS CartoSat-1 LISS-4 MERSI-1 Notes OSCAR reports ASTER short-wave channels ceased functioning in 2008 Error in OSCAR (quotes resolution of 23.5 km) 5.8 250 250 250 32 15 1 (PAN), 4 (MS) 36 2.5 (PAN), 10 (MS) 2 (PAN), 8 (MS) 350 360 × 236 7.5 (PAN), 15 (MS) 15 (PAN), 30 (MS) 0.8 (PAN), 3.3 (MS) 2.5 Constrained access but some evidence of commercial intent Constrained access but some evidence of commercial intent. OSCAR 2.5 km resolution incorrect (Continued ) International Journal of Remote Sensing Table 2. (Continued ). Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 Acronym Mission(s) GSD (m) PAN CartoSat-2, -2A & -2B 1 PAN PIC PIC-2 RALCam-1 THEOS EROS-A EROS-B REIS RSI SLIM6 RapidEye 1 to 5 FORMOSAT-2 Beijing-1, Deimos-1, NigeriaSat-X, UKDMC-2 LandSat-8 NigeriaSat-2 CALIPSO WorldView-2 WorldView-1 HuanJing-1A & -1B TIRS VHRI WFC WV110 WV60 WVC 221 2 1.9 0.7 2.8 (PAN), 5.6 (MS) Notes Very constrained access but some evidence of commercial intent CEOS constrained access Imaging operations suspended since 17 August 2010 due to low demand (OSCAR) 6.5 2 (PAN), 8 (MS) 32 (Beijing-1) 22 (others) 120 2.5 (PAN), 5 (MS) 125 0.46 (PAN), 1.84 (MS) 0.5 30 Notes: The mission(s) on which each instrument flies is/are indicated. Where spatial resolution depends on the imaging channel used, PAN indicates the panchromatic channel, MS indicates the multispectral channels. Figure 2. Distribution of sensor GSD performance in the constellation. clear benefits to the EO-SBMDA concept. However, the ability to detect vessels at night in the IR is a complex issue beyond the scope of the current article, and we restrict our consideration of IR operation to the relaxation of the daylight-only condition for observations in some results presented in Section 5.3. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 222 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland Figure 3. Sensor GSD versus cross-track swath width, showing the general trend of smaller fields at higher resolution. A consequence of the requirement for high spatial resolution imagery is that the fields of view of the selected sensors are relatively small. Figure 3 shows the relationship between GSD and cross-track swath width (in kilometres on the surface of the Earth) for sensors in the model, illustrating the general trend for higher-resolution systems to have smaller fields of view due to the design demands placed on optics and focal plane sensors. A selection of sensors are identified in Figure 3, including the highest-resolution sensor, GIS on GeoEye (0.41 m GSD, 14.4 km cross-track width), and the sensor with widest swath width (MERSI on FengYun 3A, 250 m GSD, ~ 2900 km cross-track width). Thus, a trade-off exists between resolution and footprint. While high spatial resolution is required to detect a vessel, large fields of view are required to maximise the probability of a vessel being captured at a given time and location. For practical EO-SBMDA, a constellation of high-resolution sensors is therefore required to generate a usefully large total footprint. 3. The STK EO-SBMDA model 3.1. Satellite inclusion The EO-SBMDA model was constructed in Systems Tool Kit (STK) v.10, produced by Analytical Graphics Inc. STK includes a database of orbital parameters for Earth orbiting spacecraft, updated on a regular basis. For many spacecraft with EO sensors, it includes information on field of view, field of regard (FOR), and pointing direction. In this study, fields of regard (the range of angles within which an instrument can be pointed) were ignored, and each imager was assumed to have a pointing direction fixed in the centre of that FOR. This reflects an underlying assumption in the study, which is that the mode of operation is passive – no targeted observations are assumed, and sensors are pointed towards nadir. Note, however, that while assuming nadir-only operation is convenient in simplifying the model and the concept of operations, in practice it is possible that agile International Journal of Remote Sensing 223 Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 satellites with imagers of sufficiently high resolution could be operated to point the sensor towards the horizon, exploiting the curvature of the Earth to enhance the area coverage rate while still meeting the resolution criteria. Where available, the STK FOV definitions were used in the model after crosschecking dimensions and orientation with data in OSCAR and eoPortal. GSD performance data were incorporated in postprocessing of STK outputs using codes written in IDL. 3.2. Maritime area The fields of view of some of the highest-resolution imagers are narrow (tens of kilometres). Thus, it was necessary to model satellite coverage on the Earth’s surface using relatively fine-resolution logging, and this was achieved by dividing the surface of the Earth into cells of area 3 km × 3 km. At any instant in time, an entire cell was regarded as observed if an imager field of view contained any part of that cell. Modelling large numbers of instrument fields on this scale for the entire planet places significant demands on computational power, and instead, a ‘test area’ of ocean was defined within which to characterise performance. This region was defined with the assistance of the New Zealand Defence Technology Agency and is located inside the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone (NZEEZ), bounded by the coordinates [27° S, 169° E], [27° S, 179° E], [35° S, 169° E], [35° S, 179° E], which has dimensions of approximately 926 × 926 km. Due to the high-inclination orbits of all but one of the spacecraft in the constellation, the ground tracks converge towards higher northern and southern latitudes and are at their most widely spaced (on the dayside) at a latitude of approximately 8° S. Hence, the coverage results presented in this study are representative of those that would be obtained for points within latitudes 27° S and 35° S and between 19° N and 27° N. Zones poleward of these regions will enjoy progressively improved coverage, while points on a line of latitude ~8° S will see the lowest coverage. However, the reduction is expected to vary with the cosine of latitude, and so even along this parallel, the density of coverage is expected to be ~90% of the level determined in the test zone. 3.3. Maritime vessels The primary objective of the study was to understand the nature of coverage as a function of position within the test area. However, to estimate performance in tracking specific targets, nine maritime vessels were included in the STK scenario. Vessels were identified using records published by Ports of Auckland Limited (Ports of Auckland Limited 2014), and their tracks were obtained from AIS histories available online ( 2014). The tracks were time-shifted so that all nine vessels appeared inside the test area within the same 2-week period covered by the scenario, though their tracks were unchanged. The vessels were British Security, Celebrity Solstice, Laust Maersk, Lica Maersk, Morning Miracle, Ocean Village, Oosterdam, Sea Princess, and Sun Princess. A 10th vessel was included on a manually constructed track leaving Opua NZ, bound for Newcastle, Australia. The significance of this vessel is discussed in Section 5.3.2. 4. Constellation properties Table 1 shows that all of the spacecraft are in low earth orbit (LEO, 400–900 km altitude). This is a selection effect imposed by the imaging resolution requirements described Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 224 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland earlier. Such performance can be achieved from higher orbits using large, diffractionlimited optics. For example, the 2.4 m-diameter Hubble Space Telescope mirror has an angular resolution of ≈0.50 arcseconds, which, neglecting the effects of the Earth’s atmosphere, is sufficient to resolve features of order 10 m from Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO). However, such large optics are typically found only in large observatoryclass science missions and military surveillance satellites (Norris 2011), while the majority of satellites tasked with commercial and scientific Earth observation roles are considerably smaller. To resolve a 10 m feature from LEO (e.g. 700 km altitude) requires an angular resolution of ~3 arcseconds – achievable at visible wavelengths using a mirror with a diameter of a few centimetres. This is one reason for the preferential use of LEO for highspatial-resolution-imaging spacecraft. Such orbits also allow whole-Earth imaging over a period of a few days, at the cost of image cadence (revisit time). In contrast, imaging spacecraft in GEO observe the same region of the Earth continuously and must be repositioned if the target is not within the FOR. Figure 4 shows the spacecraft ground tracks; all but one of the satellites are in Sunsynchronous orbits (the exception being RESURS-DK-1), and the clustering of tracks illustrates that the majority of spacecraft are found in orbits with similar ascending node (Ω) or equivalently, equator crossing times – the local time at which the spacecraft crosses the Earth’s equator from south to north. Crossings are typically selected for mid-morning to ensure optimum lighting conditions. Crossing times around local noon are rarely used, since the lack of shadows cast by objects makes the task of discerning features and establishing the height of an object more difficult, and also because the amount of convection cloud increases as the day progresses, leading to poorer viewing conditions. The histogram in Figure 5 is based on a simulation covering approximately 2 weeks of Figure 4. Ground tracks of the satellites, reflecting the distribution at 18:00:00 UTC on 1 August 2013. The symbols represent the instantaneous location of each satellite, and the ground track for the following 97 min is shown (approximating the typical orbital period as given in Table 1). Areas of the globe in darkness are shown by the shaded region on the right side of the map. The plot illustrates the significant clustering of assets, found around similar mid-morning and mid-evening local times. Satellite names removed to improve clarity. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 225 Figure 5. Frequency distribution of spacecraft local solar times evaluated over a 2-week period from 1 to 16 March 2013, at 5-min resolution, for all spacecraft in the draft asset catalogue. The bars show the percentage of total mission elapsed time (summed over all the spacecraft) spent at a given LST and illustrate the clustering of assets around 10:30–11:00 and 22:30–23:00. mission elapsed time from 1 to 16 March 2013. The local solar time of the sub-satellite point was recorded at 5-min intervals, and the results show that the most common local solar time for an observation on the day-lit side of the planet is 10:30 and (consequently) 22:30 on the night side. The bias towards morning observations is understood to be due to the increasing convection present in the atmosphere over land later in the day when the ground has had time to warm under the Sun; this increases atmospheric turbulence and degrades image quality. 5. Preliminary results 5.1. 9 Day all-sensor coverage estimation The first model run covered 9 days of mission elapsed time from 00:00:00 UT on 1 August – 23:59:59 UT on 9 August 2013. All sensors in Table 2 were considered, and only observations made while the Sun was above the horizon for a given point in the test area were considered viable. Figure 6 shows results from this calculation, which illustrate that all points in the test area are observed on between ~90 and 140 separate occasions, with total exposure times ranging between ~800 and ~1350 s. 5.2. One-day coverage estimation Two further model runs were conducted, reflecting coverage obtained on 3 August 2013. In the first instance (all sensors included), total exposure times and number of accesses were found to be approximately 11% of the values obtained in the 9-day model, as expected given the relatively short period orbits of the EO-SBMDA satellites. Plots of the all-sensor 1-day coverage results look similar to re-scaled versions of the 9-day maps in Figure 6 and are not reproduced here. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 226 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland Figure 6. Results from the 9-day coverage calculation. (a) Total coverage (the amount of time spent viewing a given spot within the shaded test area) in seconds over the 9-day period; the minimum, average, and maximum times are 860, 1036, and 1213 s, respectively. (b) The total number of accesses (separate observations) within the time period. All locations are accessed: the minimum number of accesses is 99, the mean is 119, and the maximum is 138. The region north of Auckland is visible as the grey outline at the bottom of these plots, and values on the horizontal/ vertical axes represent longitude and latitude, respectively. Note that a + symbol in the legend denotes ‘in excess of the maximum quantified value’. In the second 1-day model, only sensors with GSD ≤ 30 m were considered; the total observation time and number of accesses for points in the test area are shown in Figure 7. Figure 8 summarizes the gaps between observations and the consequent response time. In calculating the time elapsed between the end of one observation and the start of the next, the maximum gap always corresponds to night-time when we assume no observations take place. This gap is found to be in the range ~14.7 to ~19.5 hours, consistent with the spread in equator crossing times for the main group of satellites as shown in Figure 4. This obvious result illustrates the importance of extending EO-SBMDA operations into IR Figure 7. Results from the 1-day coverage calculation including sensors with GSD < 30 m. (a) Total coverage time (seconds) spent viewing a given spot within the test area over the 24-hour period; all areas are covered, with minimum, mean, and maximum observation times of 3, 31, and 70 s, respectively. (b) The total number of accesses (separate observations) within the time period. Hundred percent of the area is observed at this GSD level, with the number of accesses ranging between 1 and 10. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 227 Figure 8. (a) The maximum inter-observation gap (in seconds) during a single period of daylight, for sensors with GSD ≤ 30 m. Note that the minimum gap (0 s) indicates that only a single observation was made and therefore the gap is effectively undefined. The mean and maximum gap durations are 3104 and 37680 s, respectively. (b) The average response time for sensors with GSD ≤ 30 m (in seconds) in a single period of daylight. This figure expresses the average time between an observation being requested and the next opportunity to image a particular location in the test area. The minimum, mean, and maximum average response times are 4145, 7883, and 37,680 s respectively. Note that 37,680 s corresponds to the total daylight period in the simulation, and hence the 0.02% of the test zone, which is unobserved in this period, shows this value for both gap length and response time. for night-time vessel tracking if possible. However, it is also useful to consider the maximum inter-observation gap within a single daylight phase of operation, and this is shown in Figure 8 (left), indicating gaps of between ~0.5 and ~2.7 hours (note that a gap of 0 s indicates that only a single observation was made in that region, and hence, the gap period is undefined). Also shown is the response time of the system, which is the timeaveraged gap between observations in the 1-day period (considering daylight hours only), divided by 2. This parameter can be interpreted as the average time elapsed between the observation of a point being requested and the observation being made. When all sensors are included, the average response time is ~1 hour, and the maximum response time is ~3 hours. Restricting consideration to sensors with GSD ≤ 30 m increases the average response time to ~2.2 hours (Figure 8, right) and the maximum response time to ~6 hours. 5.3. Vessel contacts 5.3.1. General results The tracks of the nine named vessels while inside the test area are shown in Figure 9, with black dots indicating points where the vessel was in the field of view of a sensor during daylight hours. Table 3 provides more detailed information on the number of fixes obtained for each vessel, along with the average distance travelled, and the average time, between fixes. Although a detailed consideration of night-time IR observations is outside the scope of this article, the results obtained when the daylight requirement is relaxed are shown in parentheses. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 228 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland Figure 9. Tracks of the nine vessels modelled using historical AIS data within the entire extent of the test area, presented in cylindrical equal area projection. The vessels depicted are (a) British Security; (b) Celebrity Solstice; (c) Laust Maersk; (d) Lica Maersk; (e) Morning Miracle; (f) Ocean Village; (g) Oosterdam; (h) Sea Princess; (i) Sun Princess. Black circles indicate points where the vessel was within the field of view of a sensor, during daylight hours. Note that the single contact for Morning Miracle occurred on the boundary of the test area and is not visible on the plot. Refer to Table 3 for details of the spatial and temporal distribution of fixes in each case. 5.3.2. Ship 10 Ship 10 was an attempt to consider a case similar to that of the Niña, a 21 m-long US schooner which left Opua on the North Island of New Zealand on 29 May 2013 bound for Newcastle, Australia – a journey of approximately 2400 km. The estimated duration of the voyage was 10 days, but she was reported overdue on 12 June 2013; last contact with the vessel was on 4 June when she was approximately 600 km WNW of Cape Regina, in 8 m seas. The official search ended in early July 2013 without success, after overflying an area of 1.9 million square kilometres. The hunt then continued with a crowdsourcing campaign in which satellite imagery provided by DigitalGlobe (2013) and posted on the TomNod website was searched by volunteers for signs of the vessel or her crew. This approach has been used in several recent ‘crisis mapping’ campaigns and is likely to see increasing use in future (Meier 2012). But in the case of Niña, although a feature resembling an inflatable lifeboat was identified in an image acquired on 3 August 2013, the extended search was ultimately unsuccessful. Niña carried only manually activated emergency beacons, and all seven lives on board are now presumed lost (Flannery 2013). British Security 891.5 km 110.0 hours Morning Miracle 115.8 km 6.7 hours Celebrity Solstice 538.9 km 28.2 hours Ocean Village 1645.3 km 141.8 hours 9 2 2 1 1 71 24 21 13 7 12 6 4 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 14 9 4 1 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 Sun Princess 525.9 km 17.3 hours 9 2 2 1 1 152 55 46 30 11 25 8 6 3 1 9 2 1 1 1 98 32 21 11 2 All Number of contacts Day GSD 137.8 286.0 286.0 0.0 0.0 173.0 273.8 273.8 271.6 283.0 565.4 5.5 8.9 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 199.3 65.0 67.8 77.6 0.0 Day 137.8 286.0 286.0 0.0 0.0 173.0 366.2 366.2 366.2 631.3 205.6 232.2 232.2 238.2 0.0 22.7 27.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 187.8 278.9 278.9 290.9 72.1 All Max gap (km) 58.4 263.0 263.0 525.9 525.9 23.2 68.6 78.3 126.6 235.0 44.9 89.8 134.7 269.4 538.9 115.8 115.8 115.8 115.8 115.8 17.8 63.7 99.1 222.9 891.5 Day 58.4 263.0 263.0 525.9 525.9 10.8 29.9 35.8 54.8 149.6 21.6 67.4 89.8 179.6 538.9 12.9 57.9 115.8 115.8 115.8 9.1 27.9 42.5 81.0 445.8 All Distance between contacts (km) 1.9 8.7 8.7 17.3 17.3 2.0 5.9 6.8 10.9 20.3 2.4 4.7 7.1 14.1 28.2 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 2.2 7.9 12.2 27.5 110.0 Day (Continued ) 1.9 8.7 8.7 17.3 17.3 0.9 2.6 3.1 4.7 12.9 1.1 3.5 4.7 9.4 28.2 0.7 3.4 6.7 6.7 6.7 1.1 3.4 5.2 10.0 55.0 All Time between contacts (hours) Summary of results for tracking of the nine vessels included in the model using historical AIS data, over 9 days, as a function of sensor GSD. Distance and time in zone Vessel Table 3. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 229 33 11 9 6 2 9 2 1 1 1 26 9 7 4 2 14 6 6 4 2 532.8 44.6 44.6 0.0 0.0 138.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.5 64.7 102.9 1.0 0.0 153.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Day 273.1 387.9 502.9 516.5 873.6 138.8 70.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.0 92.0 102.9 262.6 264.3 153.0 75.7 75.7 44.3 72.2 All Max gap (km) 126.5 696.0 696.0 1392.0 1392.0 156.2 468.7 468.7 468.7 468.7 29.5 83.5 125.3 250.6 501.2 132.3 529.1 529.1 529.1 529.1 Day 42.2 126.5 154.7 232.0 696.0 52.1 234.3 468.7 468.7 468.7 19.3 55.7 71.6 125.3 250.6 37.8 88.2 88.2 132.3 264.6 All Distance between contacts (km) 3.9 21.5 21.5 43.0 43.0 5.2 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 1.4 4.0 5.9 11.9 23.7 4.1 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 Day 1.3 3.9 4.8 7.2 21.5 1.7 7.8 15.6 15.6 15.6 0.9 2.6 3.4 5.9 11.9 1.2 2.7 2.7 4.1 8.1 All Time between contacts (hours) Notes: For each vessel and GSD, the total number of contacts is listed, along with the maximum gap between contacts, and the average separation between contacts in km and hours. ‘Day’ columns indicate performance based on daytime-only operation, while columns headed ‘All’ give values assuming that night time IR operation is included. The total distance travelled and the time spent within the test zone are given under the vessel name. Laust Maersk 529.1 km 16.3 hours Oosterdam 501.2 km 23.7 hours Lica Maersk 468.7 km 15.6 hours 11 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 17 6 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 400 200 50 25 7 All Number of contacts Sea Princess 1392.0 km 43.0 hours GSD Day (Continued ). Distance and time in zone Vessel Table 3. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 230 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 231 Although the last reported position of the Niña is outside the test area, the question of how often a vessel of this size might have been observed with the EO-SBMDA constellation is relevant, particularly given the very large search area that had to be covered because of uncertainty in the last location of the vessel. Insufficient detail is known about the movements of Niña on her final voyage to reproduce her track, and so Ship 10 was simply configured to leave Opua for Newcastle at 12:00 UTC on August 1st 2013, rounding the north tip of the North Island and heading due west towards Newcastle at 4 knots, the last reported speed of the vessel. The results of the analysis are shown in Figure 10. Each panel shows the track of the vessel within the test area; filled circles indicate points where the vessel would have been in the field of view of a sensor with GSD performance at or better than the level indicated. These plots illustrate the number of contacts that could be made (assuming clear sky conditions, during daylight hours) with vessels covering a range of sizes, and span 4 days of observation. The maximum distance between contacts is summarised in the top right Figure 10. The track of Ship 10 inside the test area, presented in cylindrical equal area projection. The panels represent observations made at GSD values better than the indicated value ((a) GSD equal to or better than 400 m (GSD ≤ 400 m); (b) GSD ≤ 200 m; (c) GSD ≤ 100 m; (d) GSD ≤ 50 m; (e) GSD ≤ 25 m; (f) GSD ≤ 7 m). Circles represent daytime observations of the vessel along its track using sensors offering GSD in the indicated range. The maximum distance between observations (contacts) is indicated assuming daytime-only operations and also allowing for night-time IR observations (value in parentheses). In the specific case of the Niña (a 21 m vessel), the GSD ≤ 7 m plot is most relevant. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 232 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland Figure 11. (a) Number of accesses in the test area during daylight hours on 2 August 2013 (local time), restricted to sensors with GSD ≤ 7 m. Forty-nine percent of the test area is observed in this period. The number of accesses on 3, 4, and 5 August are shown in panels b, c, and d, when 42%, 32%, and 43% of the area was observed, respectively. The histogram scaling is the same on all four plots. corner of each plot, and the performance if night-time IR observations were possible is shown in parentheses (night-time observations are not represented as points on the tracks). We address the statistical effects of cloud cover in this case, briefly, in Section 6.1. Based on the discussion in Section 2.1.1, it is assumed that a 21 m vessel like Niña would require sensors with GSD ≤ 7 m for detection, and hence, two contacts could have been made during this 4 day period, separated by 537 km with no additional night-time contacts even if IR capability was available. Figure 11 shows the number of accesses for each point in the test area for sensors with GSD ≤ 7 m during daylight hours only, on 2 August (main panel) and in the 3 days following. Approximately 50% of the area is imaged at least once during this period. 6. Discussion The ‘constellation’ of 54 spacecraft produces complete coverage of the test area, with 80 or more separate observations of each point taking place in a 9-day period (Figure 6). Figure 2 shows that 19 sensors offer GSD > 200 m. As described in Section 2.1.1, GSD ≤ 152 m is required to detect the largest ship currently in service assuming three pixels are required for a detection, but sensors with GSD up to 400 m have been considered for exceptional circumstances in which lighting and sea surface conditions might permit single-pixel detection of a large vessel, or several pixels covering a vessel wake, to be useful. Lower angular resolution is typically accompanied by wider fields of view, so sensors with larger GSD make a significant contribution to coverage extent and frequency. Nevertheless, Figure 7 shows that even when restricted to sensors with GSD ≤ 30 m, Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 233 approximately 95% of the area receives at least one visit per day during daylight hours, and the majority of the area is visited four or more times each day. For sensors with GSD ≤ 7 m, no more than 50% of the test area is observed daily, during daylight hours over the period considered, and since many spacecraft have similar orbital inclination and equator crossing times, distinct stripes of coverage and gaps emerge. Due to the Sun-synchronous behaviour of all but one spacecraft, the coverage pattern moves westward by approximately 2100 km over the average orbital period (98.5 min) at mid-latitudes, compared to the test area dimensions of approximately 926 km × 926 km, so each sensor passes over the area no more than once per day. But because there are not integer numbers of orbital periods in a solar day, and since there is a range of periods within the constellation, significant changes are observed in the pattern from day to day (Figure 11). The speed of maritime traffic is insignificant compared to the breadth of the pattern and the rate at which it advances so that even for small vessels the probability of a fix being obtained per unit time is relatively insensitive to vessel speed. However, speed is relevant in determining the search radius necessary to locate a target between fixes. As expected, longer periods spent inside the test area tend to result in more contacts; the four least observed targets (Morning Miracle, Lica Maersk, Laust Maersk, and Sun Princess) spend the shortest times in the target area (between 6.7 and 17.3 hours), while Ocean Village and British Security, the most observed, were inside the area for 141.8 and 110.0 hours respectively. Without IR observations, time of day is also significant: Sea Princess has the same number of daytime fixes as Sun Princess despite spending ~2.5 times longer in the test area, because much of that time was at night. 6.1. Detection frequency The purpose of including test vessels in the model was to explore the likelihood of detecting targets exhibiting realistic behaviour with an observation system that has a complex and varying footprint. Table 3 shows that over the 9-day simulation period, every vessel was observed at least once at GSD ≤ 7 m. But this result is an underestimate of the constellation’s detection capability, because vessels were included on realistic tracks which extended beyond the test area, and most spent the majority of the 9-day period outside of that area, where no observations were logged. This is accounted for in column 6 of Table 3, which gives the period between observations inside the test area (which, in the case of a single fix, is the same as the total time spent in the area). As a function of GSD, the average periods are 10.1 hours (GSD ≤ 200 m), 11.2 hours (GSD ≤ 50 m), 18 hours (GSD ≤ 25 m), and 31 hours (GSD ≤ 17 m), although uncertainty in these values is high given the limited number of targets considered. Note that these gaps are longer than the maximum gap and average response times plotted in Figure 8, because they depend on the probability of observing a specific point at a specific time (i.e. the time at which the vessel arrives at the point), while Figure 8 reflects the probability of observing a point at any time. Large vessels are visible to the majority of sensors and are therefore likely to be detected at least one to two times per day as reflected in Table 3. Smaller vessels are visible only to the highest-resolution sensors, so unvisited areas appear for these targets in daily coverage plots such as those in Figure 11. Despite these gaps, the results suggest that even when restricted to GSD ≤ 17 m observations, a given vessel will be detected every 1–4 days. Although far from comprehensive, this coverage may still be significant: approximately 3 days separate the two high-resolution observations of Ship 10, compared to the 8 days which elapsed between the last known position of the Niña and reporting her overdue. The availability of Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 234 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland EO-SBMDA imagery may have enabled a more precisely focused search area to be defined, although whether this would have resulted in locating the crew is impossible to determine. It is important to note, however, that the satellite imagery provided to volunteer searchers via TomNod was acquired approximately 1 month after the vessel was reported missing and was obtained through the efforts of DigitalGlobe who undertook a campaign of targeted imagery over 500,000 km2 of ocean at this time. The power of the proposed EO-SBMDA system is that it is passive and operates continuously; images over water are taken and stored for some finite time, so that in the case of Niña, all images of the area between the North Island and Newcastle, Australia, taken at the time of the voyage using instruments with the required GSD could be retrieved and analysed manually and/or using the automated techniques described by, for example, Corbane, Marre, and Petit (2008); Corbane et al. (2010) and Yang et al. (2014). Cloud-free conditions are critical for imaging, and an objection may be raised that the EO-SBMDA concept is rendered inoperative at precisely those times when vessels are at maximum risk. However, while the probability of capturing a vessel during these critical hours is consequently low, the availability of a position fix from the constellation in the hours or days prior to an incident is still of potential significance in reducing the uncertainty in location and constraining any search area. Using the case of Niña as an example, weather history indicates that there were 116 hours of ‘bright sunshine’ over Auckland in June 2013 (National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd. 2013). The average length of day (sunrise–sunset) for Auckland in June is approximately 9 hours 45 min, suggesting that a line of sight from a spacecraft to the ground was available for ~40% of the time. 6.2. Detection avoidance The intent of a vessel is significant when evaluating the effectiveness of the EO-SBMDA constellation. Although the coverage pattern is complex and time-varying, its general form is predictable using publicly available data. If the operator of a vessel wishes to evade detection, then modelling can be used to plot a route, which minimizes the probability of detection by placing the vessel in an observation gap during each satellite overpass. This is most easily accomplished for small vessels. But the detailed coverage pattern is difficult to predict with sufficient precision to guarantee non-detection, because unlike the current work which assumes fixed instrument pointing, in reality instruments can be pointed within a finite FOR, which modifies the footprint, and detailed a priori pointing information is not generally available to the public. Another more practical approach to detection avoidance would be to bring a vessel to a standstill around 10:30 local time when the majority of the assets pass overhead. This tactic would minimise production of a wake, and so reduce the signature that might be exploited to assist in detecting smaller vessels. 6.3. Resource demands The proposed approach exploits assets that are already in service. In many cases, these spacecraft do not undertake image acquisition over oceans, since revenue is typically earned by generating imagery of targets on land. But even though the systems may be untasked over oceans, extending imaging operations to cover maritime regions introduces costs and penalties in power, data storage and telemetry requirements. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 235 Imager power requirements vary significantly depending on factors including focal plane technology, size, and cooling requirements but are typically between a few to a few hundred watts. Spacecraft power budgets take into account subsystem power consumption and duty cycles, which, in a power-limited design, are dictated by factors including the characteristics of the power supply. For example, the REIS imager on RapidEye has a power consumption of 93 W (Jena Spaceborne 2012), but the spacecraft solar arrays provide ~100 W in sunlight (Tyc et al. 2005), and based on the expected eclipse duration, the orbit-averaged power is likely to be of order ~60 W. Continuous imager operation is therefore not feasible. On-board data storage, processing, and downlink availability also limit the area that can be captured per orbit. In the case of RapidEye, each satellite has sufficient storage to capture a 1500 km-long swath per orbit (Jung-Rothenhäusler, Weichelt, and Pach 2007), and the system of five satellites is designed to capture a total of 4 million km2 per day (Schulten et al. 2009). Downlink and storage requirements are significant. To estimate the data volume generated in the NZEEZ test case, the first and last contact times during each pass over the test zone are logged, for all sensors, over the simulation period. The resulting swath length is estimated by multiplying the duration of observation by the satellite’s ground speed (estimated using the data for orbital period in Table 1 – the average speed is found to be ~6.8 km s−1). The swath width is obtained from the STK model using the geographical limits of the footprint boundary and agrees with the product of angular field of view multiplied by altitude (Figure 3). The area of the swath is then calculated and divided by the square of the sensor GSD value to obtain the number of pixels in the image. Finally, the data volume for the swath is obtained by multiplying the number of pixels by the assumed bit depth of the image. The total data storage requirement for the constellation is the sum of these swath data volumes, for every access and every sensor. This approach assumes that no cropping is performed, so that even in the case of a single pixel falling within the test zone, the complete swath including all pixels outside the test area is stored. This approach can be verified using RapidEye as an example, since detailed data product specifications are published online (BlackBridge 2013). The REIS sensor has a footprint with a cross-track dimension of approximately 77 km, an along-track unit of length 25 km, and a GSD of 6.5 m as adopted elsewhere in this work. Hence there are (77 × 25) km2/(6.5 × 6.5) m2 = 53,472,222 pixels in a 77 km × 25 km image. A single 77 km × 25 km image at the quoted 16 bit depth therefore has a size of ~102 MB. BlackBridge (2013) (Table 3) quotes a single frame file size of 462 MB for five wavebands, while the preceding estimate is based on a single waveband. Hence, the file size for a single band, based on the published specification, is 462/5 = 92.4 MB or 91% of the value estimated here. Since our estimation ignores potential size reduction due to lossless compression or reduced image resolution at different wavelengths, it is broadly consistent with the published values. For the purposes of this study, we have assumed a 16-bit depth for the raw data produced by all sensors, with observations in a single waveband. For the 9-day simulation period, the average raw data volume generated per sensor per pass was 7 × 1010 bits, with minimum and maximum values of 1.3 × 107 and 1.3 × 1012 bits, respectively, where higher volumes are typically associated with smaller GSD sensors. The total volume of raw data generated over the simulation period is 3.9 TB, equivalent to approximately 90 complete images of the test zone at 6 m GSD and 16-bit depth. This is broadly consistent with the number of accesses recorded (Figure 6, right). However, we note that on-board data compression techniques (e.g. Yu, Vladimirova, and Sweeting 2009) can be used to Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 236 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland reduce the volume of data transmitted, in some cases reducing the final bit depth to 10 or 11 bits. In the case of compression to 10 bit depth, the total volume of data generated over the period of the simulation would be 2.4 TB. In practice, the application of error correction codes will increase this volume, and so the volume of transmitted data is likely to lie between these limiting cases. The daily raw (16 bit) and compressed (10 bit) data volumes generated by the constellation, excluding error correction overhead, are shown in Figure 12. Resources are therefore a significant consideration in the implementation of any EOSBMDA system and pose a particular challenge when using existing spacecraft that were not designed with this role in their performance requirements. Assessing the resource capacity of each spacecraft in Table 1 is beyond the scope of the current work, but the example of RapidEye demonstrates that implementation of an EO-SBMDA system is not simply a case of keeping imagers active while over water. Nevertheless, a practical system based on existing assets may still be possible by, for example, prioritizing the most resource-limited imagers to regions such as sea lanes (the most commonly used routes), conservation zones and protected fisheries, waters around security-critical coastlines, or specific events such as maritime races. The issue of downlink and data storage/processing capacity is critical. The diverse set of spacecraft identified in this work use a wide variety of nationally and privately operated ground stations. A practical EO-SBMDA system presents two fundamental challenges to that model: (1) a significant increase in the volume of data to be transmitted to ground and (2) the requirement for efficient sharing and processing of data from all of the assets. The Figure 12. Daily data volumes for the simulation (in units of bits). Dark grey bars indicate the volume based on raw 16-bit data, and light grey bars represent the volume following on-board processing, which is assumed to reduce the data to 10-bit depth. Error correction overheads are not considered. Note that the simulation covers 9 × 24 hour periods, and so days 1 and 10 cover less than 24 hours. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 237 test zone accounts for only ~0.2% of the area of the world’s oceans, so that the volume of data generated by a whole-ocean EO-SBMDA system using the current assets is likely to be several hundred terabytes per day before compression and other efficiency-improving measures are accounted for. Widespread cooperation between ground stations is required if the EO-SBMDA concept is to operate on this basis, and prioritization of monitoring areas is likely to be necessary to limit the amount of data transmitted. The concept of a federated network of ground stations is considered by Spangelo, Boone, and Cutler (2010) in the context of the communication demands arising from the increasing number of small-satellite missions in flight or under development, and the work considers the role that might be played by the significant numbers of smaller stations owned by universities in such a scheme. Just as ‘crowdsourcing’ approaches have been applied to the issue of image data analysis, a similar approach using distributed but cooperative stations may have an important part to play in the implementation of the EO-SBMDA concept. The detailed ground segment architecture for EO-SBMDA will be considered in future studies but is likely to include a combination of large numbers of small ground stations, with system coordination provided by one or more large ground installations that will also host the EO-SBMDA data centre. The design of the space segment must also be considered in this respect; for example, the implementation of efficient on-board processing may enable a reduction in the volume of data to be transmitted, while the availability of efficient inter-satellite links may permit, e.g., selective omission of an area that has been imaged within a predetermined time to avoid excessive duplication of data, or relaying of high priority data from spacecraft with no direct line of sight to a ground station. 7. The future: nanosatellites, dedicated systems, and the search for MH 370 This study has shown that useful levels of maritime coverage may be possible using current, commercially accessible EO imaging spacecraft, but that there are aspects of the effective constellation which are not ideal for this purpose. The clustering of spacecraft around mid-morning equator crossing times (Figure 5) reflects the primary mission requirements of most of the spacecraft, where imagery showing good surface relief at times of maximum atmospheric clarity is of prime importance, but results in large coverage gaps in the afternoon and early morning. Further, the power- and data-handling demands introduced by extending imaging operations into the wider maritime domain are nontrivial, limiting the ability of some, if not all, of the currently available assets to image large areas of water. The usefulness of high-resolution EO imagery for maritime domain awareness is evidenced by the references cited in the current work. Studies have been conducted into the design of a constellation of satellites that are purpose-designed to provide responsive imaging; for example Krueger et al. (2009) consider the design of a constellation of between 4 and 16 spacecraft for this purpose. However, the ultimate goal of the EOSBMDA concept described here is to provide an image history for the maritime domain, rather than to provide imagery in response to an alert. Thus, in the case of, for example, the loss of Niña, observations of the vessel taken shortly before she encountered difficulties could be identified and retrieved from the image bank to direct the search, rather than tasking spacecraft with searches for the vessel or debris after the event only when she was reported overdue. With the increasing capability of small satellite platforms, a dedicated EO-SBMDA constellation providing this capability may be feasible. The high-resolution imaging satellites of the RapidEye constellation, for example, are based on the Surrey Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 238 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL) 150 platform (Stoll et al. 2012; Baker, Davies, and Boland 2008), which has a maximum payload mass of 50 kg and dimensions of approximately 0.9 m × 0.8 m × 0.7 m, while NigeriaSAT2 is based on the SSTL-300 platform, which offers 150 kg payload mass but still occupies a volume less than 0.8 m3. So dedicated EO-SBMDA satellites need not be large, bespoke spacecraft but can instead be based on smaller, off-the-shelf systems. Evening Star, a British satellite-based imaging system currently under study, is designed to exploit the increasing capabilities of constellations of these small satellites to provide timely observation on a global basis, for applications including maritime security (Eves, Personal Communication, 2014). Recent developments in the nanosatellite sector are also relevant. Private companies including Skybox Imaging (Skybox Imaging 2014) and Planet Labs (Planet Labs Inc 2014), both in the USA, are now operating significant numbers of commercial, highresolution imaging nanosatellites that promise substantial improvements in the performance of the EO-SBMDA constellation (see, e.g. Kumagai 2014). In February 2014, Planet Labs began launching the first of a fleet of over 100, 3-unit CubeSats from the International Space Station (ISS), each carrying a high-resolution (GSD ~ 4.4 m) imaging system (Marshall and Boshuizen 2013). This set of assets, known collectively as Flock-1, will be spaced out along an orbit sharing the 51° inclination of the ISS and is thus not Sun-synchronous. To date, Planet Labs has received $65 million in funding to build and deploy its constellations of CubeSat imagers, while Skybox was purchased by Google for $500 million, evidencing substantial financial interest in increasing the availability of commercial electro-optic imagery from space (Morring 2014). As noted earlier, highresolution imagers offer narrow fields of view; nevertheless, the addition of such a large number of high-resolution imagers into non-Sun Synchronous orbits can be expected to reduce the mid-morning–afternoon coverage gap for equatorial and mid-latitudes, as well as increasing the coverage possible within the main band of assets identified in this work. The low cost of these systems compared to conventional large platforms offers the possibility of developing and deploying a satellite constellation with resources tailored to the EO-SBMDA system at a small fraction of the cost of more traditional designs. At the opposite end of the spectrum of platform size, the Canadian company UrtheCast installed two high-resolution cameras (THEIA, with 6.2 m GSD, and IRIS, with GSD better than 1 m) on the ISS on 27 January 2014 (UrtheCast Corp 2014; Kumagai 2014). Flying imagers on a platform as large as ISS removes some of the resource limitations present in smaller spacecraft, as described in Section 6.3. UrtheCast plan to use the constant ground link available on the ISS to provide near real-time imagery and high-resolution video over land and sea, with the 100% duty cycle (i.e. all day, every day) that EO-SBMDA requires for maximum efficacy. While the inclination of the ISS limits the resolution in imagery of very high northern and southern latitudes due to large slant-ranges, the ground track covers some of the world’s busiest shipping lanes and sensitive marine conservation areas, and this approach has the potential to make a major contribution to an EO-SBMDA system. ESA’s Sentinel-2 mission currently under development could also provide a very significant contribution to EO-SBMDA. Sentinel-2 consists of two 1.2 ton polar-orbiting satellites in Sun-synchronous orbits at 786 km altitude with 10:30 equator crossing times, sharing the same orbit but spaced ~180 apart. Each spacecraft will offer imagery at up to 10 m GSD, and the mission will ‘systematically acquire observations over land and coastal areas from – 56 to 84 latitude including islands larger than 100 km2, EU islands, all other islands less than 20 km from the coastline, the whole Mediterranean Sea, all inland water bodies and all closed seas’ (Drusch et al. 2012, 26). This capability, Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 239 combined with low data latency (<2 hours), will make Sentinel-2 an addition of major importance to any future EO-SBMDA system. Funding for the collection and processing of EO-SBMDA data may ultimately derive from a myriad of unrelated sources and channels: government, quasi-government, nongovernmental, commercial, and not-for-profit and private investors. The aggregation of resources may be serendipitous, as by-products from research proposals under programmes such as the European Union’s Horizon 2020, specifically within the call for proposals under EARTH OBSERVATION-2015-LEIT SPACE: bringing EO applications to the market (EO-1-2015) and Technology developments for competitive imaging from space (EO-3-2015) (European Commission 2014). In addition, funding might be secured under the IMO’s Technical Cooperation Fund, Multi-Donor Trust Funds, and Bi-lateral agreements (International Maritime Organisation 2014). Finally, while the scope of this research did not include the disappearance, on 8 March 2014, of Malaysian Flight MH 370, we contend that if a collaborative EO-SBMDA constellation had been in place, imagery could have been collected and analysed in a timely fashion, potentially reducing the 7.68 million km2 search area (Johnson and Lu 2014). With the level of coverage currently available, the probability of capturing the aircraft in flight is extremely low. However, as the response time analysis earlier has shown, the probability of a given area being observed within a few hours of an impact is very high, offering the possibility of imaging debris fields on the ocean surface before significant dispersal takes place. Imagery acquired by the Japanese MTSAT-1R spacecraft on 8 March 2014 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 2014) (visible imaging channel GSD 1.0 km) shows significant areas of clear sky or partial cloud to the west of Australia, around the area where flight data recorder-like pings were detected by the search vessels Ocean Shield and Hai Xun in April 2014. The availability of images covering potential flight paths, or the ping locations, at the time of the disappearance, may have been of significant assistance in the search for the aircraft. 8. Conclusions We have described the potential of a system to provide space-based maritime domain awareness using commercially accessible data from high-resolution imaging spacecraft. Our analysis indicates that the combined observations of high-resolution imaging sensors carried on 54 commercially accessible spacecraft currently in service are capable of providing one or more position fixes every day, for large vessels (length ≥ 100 m), and our assumptions on the resolution required to detect vessels are found to be consistent with the results of practical observations detailed in the literature (Corbane, Marre, and Petit 2008). It is found that the combined observations of the sensors in the constellation provide sufficient coverage to yield one detection of a smaller (~20 m) vessel every 1–4 days, the reduced coverage being a consequence of the smaller fields of view of higher-resolution imagers. Although coverage is currently insufficient to provide comprehensive tracking of small vessels, consideration of the case of the 21 m-long schooner Niña suggests that the existing constellation could play an important role in reducing the area covered when searching for vessels in difficulty. The concept relies on spacecraft operators extending the duty cycle of imaging activities to cover ocean data collection, either globally or over areas of specific interest such as shipping lanes and the exclusive economic zones in national waters, and this is likely to limit the amount of coverage that can be provided by existing spacecraft to higher priority regions rather than the global approach, which is the ultimate goal of the Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 240 N.P. Bannister and D.L. Neyland concept. However, the new generation of small satellite and nanosatellite platforms offers an opportunity to implement a dedicated EO-SBMDA system with resources adequate to meet these demands, and studies into this approach are currently in progress. To provide adequate downlink opportunities, a cooperative approach is likely to be required between large numbers of ground stations including small installations owned by private organisations and universities, introducing a crowd-sourced approach to the operation of the system. However, a small number of large ground station facilities may provide a substantial fraction of the total downlink capacity and perform a coordinating role for the system. The model we propose is one in which image data are stored at the major coordinating ground station facilities, to be retrieved for automated analysis when the need to locate or track a vessel is identified; analytical processes applicable to such a system have been described by several authors (Corbane et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2014), and may be implemented on site at the coordinating facilities, or through a cloudcomputing approach using an automated image analysis pipeline, with the option of manual inspection (as implemented by, e.g., the TomNod website) as a second line of investigation. The EO-SBMDA concept requires new levels of cooperation to be implemented between international satellite operators and ground segment providers. But the benefits of adopting this approach, and of implementing the crowd-sourcing approach to spacecraft operations for the first time, the opportunity exists to use high-resolution optical imaging from space as a highly effective method of improving the safety and security of life at sea. Acknowledgements We appreciate the guidance and support given to us in the execution of this project by Dr Charles, J. Holland, Associate Director, ONR Global. We are also grateful to Dr Brian Young, Dr Sally Garrett, and Dr John Kay (New Zealand Defence Technology Agency), for their valuable inputs that have contributed to this work, including definition of the test area and assistance in obtaining vessel track data used in the models and subsequent analysis, and to Dr Stuart Eves (Airbus Defence & Space) for useful discussions during the course of the project. We thank DMC International Imaging Ltd and particularly Kim Wilson and Dave Hodgson for their interest in and support for this work. Finally, we thank the referees for their comments and suggestions, which have led to significant improvements in the manuscript. Funding This research project was suggested by the US Office of Naval Research (Global) and funded by ONRG through NICOP Research Grant N62909-13-1-N137. ORCID N.P. Bannister References Agnew, M., L. Renouard, and A. Hegyi. 2012. “EDRS – SpaceDataHighway: Near-Real-Time Data Relay Services for LEO Satellites and Haps.” 30th AIAA International Communications Satellite System Conference, ICSCC. Aorpimai, M., and P. L. Palmer. 2007. “Repeat-Ground Track Orbit Acquisition and Maintenance for Earth-Observation Satellites.” Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 30 (3): 654–659. doi:10.2514/1.23413. Downloaded by [University of Leicester], [Nigel Bannister] at 01:34 14 January 2015 International Journal of Remote Sensing 241 Baker, A. M., P. Davies, and L. 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