Positioning statement HistoRY
Positioning statement HistoRY
w w w. n e c k y k a y a k s . c o m P o s i t i o n i n g S tat e m e n t Fo r t h e a v i d u s e r w h o s p e n d s a l o t o f t i m e o n t h e w a t e r w h o e x p e c t s a n d d e m a n d s s u p e r i o r p e r f o r m a n c e a n d q u a l i t y. Necky delivers against these expectations via innovative d e s i g n a n d h i g h - e n d p l a s t i c a n d c o m p o s i t e t e c h n o l o g y. H ISTO R Y In the mid-1970s, Necky introduced our first kayak. The aim w a s t o c r e a t e a s t a b l e , r o o m y, c o m f o r t a b l e v e s s e l t h a t t h e a v e r a g e p a d d l e r c o u l d t a k e o u t o n t h e o c e a n . We d i d s o by adapting a high-volume whitewater design, adding more length and width and a larger cockpit. It was the first of many competitive fiberglass kayaks we would make in the 1970s. By the 1980s we had added composite touring kayaks and also introduced the first polymer model. Less expensive than fiberglass designs, it advantage of being virtually indestructible. also had the Necky became a leader in high per formance touring kayaks and Nor th American kayak design. The 1990s saw a Necky-led revolution in whitewater kayaking, launched by our introduction of a flat planing hull with ver y hard chines, which allowed for maximum responsiveness in extreme environments. To d a y, t h e i n n o v a t i o n s a r e s t i l l c o m i n g . S e a t s t h a t p r o v i d e maximum control without sacrificing comfort. Advanced m a t e r i a l s t h a t a r e s i g n i f i c a n t l y s t r o n g e r, s t i f f e r a n d l i g h t e r than anything else on the market. Whitewater hulls reinforced with a patented recoil system that gives extreme paddlers maximum “pop” from waves. Necky continues to advance the ar t of kayaking. Design PhilosophY OVERVIEW Why we do what we do, and how that sets us apart With computer and CNC technology we are seeing a lot of new product coming to market. Some companies design entire families of boats on the computer, and the model is simply shrunk or enlarged to offer various editions. While this is an effective way to get kayaks to market, it can never substitute for testing and fine tuning. We utilize computer design as well, but we also fine tune designs by hand. This becomes the difference in how our boats paddle. No design program can account for the various sea states, wind, paddler influence etc. This is where the blend of technology and experience yields a better paddling kayak. You can’t put what Spike and his design team knows into a design program! This process is true even in auto body design. Shapers use clay to fine tune a computer design which then gets digitized and re-cut. We like to apply design tools where they make sense, and enhance those with the irreplaceable human touch. We are becoming unique in this regard! Perhaps most consumers won’t know the difference if they never paddle the kayak. On the water is where it comes together! Paddle a Manitou, or Looksha Series kayak and then paddle a similar sized kayak. Pay attention to the quieter glide of our hulls and equal to superior performance on edge. This is the difference that comes from experienced and hand tuning. It is also why our Chathams are so neutral in wind compared to many of the competitor’s designs. Listed below are some additional characteristics that set Necky apart in outfitting and construction. HATCHES A sea touring kayak has to have hatches that won’t fail! Competitors tried to save money by molding their hatch rims as part of the boat, and covering them with a rubber cover. This has been a problem for them, and continues to be, as it’s very difficult to maintain consistency with rotational molding. Shrink rates can vary with color and even among same colored boats. The hatch cover is either too tight to easily install, or it’s loose and prone to implosion or popping off during rescues, or rough water paddling. We offer two approaches, both of which are expedition and outfitter approved over decades! We use either a neoprene gasket backed up by a strapped down hard cover, or Valley® hatches. The neoprene gasket easily accommodates minor shape differences, and when secured with the strapped down cover becomes fail proof. They will not come off in surf or rescue drills, and will provide years of protection. Neoprene gaskets are easily upgraded every few years for maximum water proofness. The other guys will point to convenience of entry, but challenge the customer to mess with their hatch! There have been some in stores that I could not secure! Our Cross Lock™ buckle has made our hatch easier, but we’ll never compromise the integrity of our boats with lousy hatches, so yeah, customers have to attach a neoprene gasket……just like a spray skirt. Valley Canoe Products hatches adorn our Chatham series as well as the composite Eliza. Regarded as the finest expedition hatches in the world, these hatches are totally water proof, implosion proof, and easy to access. These should get a coat of 303 Protectant every few months for UV protection and that’s all that’s needed. On our composite boats the Valley hatch rims are bonded with Methacrylate adhesive for a watertight bond. On poly models the hatch rim is bolted in place with a butyl tape, which when properly installed offers a completely dry seal. This can be easily resealed every few years as part of a maintenance program. COCKPIT OUTFITTING Simplicity, durability, and function are what’s required in a sea touring kayak. The boats have to be easy to get in and out of, yet offer enough contact for control. Our approach is targeted toward the kayaks use. For recreational kayaks we have our highly adjustable, comfortable Extrasport seat. It does everything the competitor’s does and more. The seat pan can be adjusted, as well as the height of the backrest which also pivots as it is adjusted fore and aft, unlike the competitor’s. Also, our injection molded foam is tough and will not absorb water like the Lycra® covers of competitors seats. Our touring models have a marine grade alloy cradle that becomes a protective skeleton and provides a platform for the foam seat, which can be adjusted a bit fore and aft. The cradle makes an excellent mounting surface for aftermarket, or custom hip pads, or even a custom foam seat. Our back bands are of excellent quality, but they can easily be replaced with other brands. Our boats have two types of thigh braces. Our touring brace can be pivoted, as well as adjusted fore and aft. This is offers a greater fit than simple fore and aft bracing, and is a simple, clean system. More aggressive whitewater thigh hooks can be easily installed. Our Comfort Fit™ thigh braces offer a large contact area and three positions of adjustment fore and aft. These injection foam braces are stiffened by an inner nylon frame. Additional foam can be very easily glued to theses with contact cement for those so inclined. These seating and thigh brace approaches are simple and very tough, along with being comfortable. They won’t let a customer down far from home, and that is paramount at Necky! We’re easier to customize and more comfortable for most people than the British boats with formed seat pans, and we’re more durable and “real world functional” than competitive outfitting. No fabrics to tear, fade with UV, get sand infiltrated, freeze in SE Alaska, or are impractical to glue foam to. There is nothing that will break during rescues or day in day out outfitter or expedition use. Most advanced paddlers fine-tune their outfitting. We recognize this and have designed a system that allows them to do so easily. Design PhilosophY OVERVIEW RUDDERS AND SKEGS The argument over which is best is disingenuous, as both are excellent tools. For touring kayaks where distance and efficient forward paddling rule, a rudder is an outstanding tool that beginners to experts can use to help any boat track better. The slight added drag is hugely paid back in focused forward propulsion. Racers know the value of rudders, as do beginners in a breeze, or expedition paddlers cranking out miles. Skegs are another excellent tool that help a paddler “trim” their kayak for tracking balance in wind and swell. They are especially nice for coastal play paddling where rock gardening and surf landings are common. Being under stern they are protected, and rarely are pulled free of the water in big conditions. Our rudder is made from marine grade aluminum alloy and is a very robust unit. The blade housing extends lower than most for added support, and the rudder can be totally field serviced. The design eliminates cord derailment, and in fact the rudder can be re-strung with parachute cord should ever the need arise. We also offer two sensitivity settings on the rudder control arms to suit paddler taste. Our skeg has to be the toughest in the industry! With thousands out there now, we have had ZERO kinks! Our competitors use either a stainless braided cable, or a rope / bungee system. Cables are weak in compression, so any sudden impact to a deployed skeg can result in a kinked cable. This can be very difficult or impossible to repair in the field. Rope / bungee skegs are easily maintained, but more difficult to fine tune on the water. The bungee eases with time, and needs regular adjusting. For this reason most boats are now equipped with cable systems that micro adjust well….. until kinked. We chose to use Super-Elastic 508 NiTi (Nitinol) wire rather than cable. Nitinol, a blend of Nickel and Titanium, was first developed by the Navy, and has subsequently been heavily utilized in the medical industry, especially in Cardiology. It is the wire that is used in angioplasty because it can weave through the arteries without kinking! It is also virtually corrosion free in salt water. We use .118 wire which is superbly strong. Our competition may want to make an issue of our wire routing, which, by nature of the wire, has to be a bit more direct than a cable routing. Yeah, you have to pack around the wire a bit, but it’s easily pulled aside, and by utilizing smaller stuff sacks etc., the boats are very easily loaded. The advantage is a bomber system that won’t let you down! Can they report no kinks?? Our wire has been successfully retrofitted into Valley, NDK, and Impex boats with slight routing adjustments. Our skeg blade is injection molded and foiled for efficiency. Unlike some systems that require the blade to deploy vertically, our hull and skeg designs are balanced, so less skeg does more! Our skegs, when fully deployed will result in lee helming (turning down wind). Typically only slight deployment is required to trim for weather cocking (turning up wind). Our skeg slot is wider than some competitors and that is NOT by accident. Extensive testing revealed this to jam with rocks FAR LESS than tighter clearances. Drag is minimal, and our skegs rarely jam. Even if they do, our Necky wire allows the paddler to pull back firmly on the deployment handle to free the blade without fear of kinking. DECK LAYOUT Necky understands the needs of the touring and expedition paddler, and our decks reflect that, literally with reflective deck perimeter lines on all but base Manitous. Bungee layout accommodates charts, and spare paddles easily and there are plenty of grab-able lines, etc. on all models for rescue work. Confluence goes crazy with deck bungee’s and some beginners like that. We focus on having enough deck rigging without being silly and adding weight and excess fittings. More is not better! Our hulls are sleek, and so are our decks! SPEED Ah, the focus of many beginners. Mike Neckar used to say that beginners focus on how fast a kayak is, and experts focus on how it handles. A detailed discussion about speed, different types of drag, and overall hull efficiency is in your design manifesto from R&D. Perhaps the most misunderstood aspect of kayak design in our industry. To this day many misinformed consumers and even dealers assume that a longer kayak is faster. It is true that given the same hull cross-section, a longer version of said hull “can be pushed faster”. The part that is forgotten is that it takes energy / power to propel that hull to its potential. Not only must a paddler posses that level of power, but they will actually work slightly harder in the longer hull at touring speeds. Add some wind and a lumpy sea, and the smaller, less powerful paddler is struggling. When we say “touring speeds” we are talking on average of 4 knots or less. At these speeds, the drag profiles of most touring kayaks are quite similar. The longer hulls become more advantageous above these speeds for the fit, go fast types. Typically, however, these longer hulls pay a price in maneuverability, and can become a handful in wind. The shorter hulls are actually more efficient and easier to control for most sea touring customers. Necky focuses on balancing favorable design / hydrodynamic variables to create kayaks that are very efficient at all-round touring. Our hulls are sleek, and posses a nice balance of glide and maneuverability for their intended use, be that recreational, or coastal touring. The Elizas are a perfect example of this design philosophy. They are optimized to provide efficient, seemingly effortless cruising, while still being stable and highly playful. Interestingly people intuitively “get it” with paddles, yet get duped with long held industry dogma that to go fast you have to be in an 18 ft. kayak! Few would hand a petite paddler a big power faced paddle because people understand that that big blade will wear the small paddler out. The smaller paddle “nets” a faster, happier paddler. Same with boats – start with the engine, and match the craft to it. By doing so, you help that paddler be the fastest, most efficient paddler they can be. Design PhilosophY OVERVIEW ADVANCED COMPOSITE MATERIAL The Eliza, Manitou 13 and Manitou 14 boats are constructed with a full soric core with light glass layers on each side. Soric is a polyester core material that has a honeycomb appearance. They are gel-coated and constructed with vinyl-ester resin. By combing a thinner glass lay-up with this full soric layer we achieve a superbly stiff boat of moderate weight. The result is a very robust economical kayak that will last for years with care. Bulkheads are glass, and the seam is a flush overlapped, bonded, internally taped seam that is smooth and strong. All adhesives are urethane based, strong and flexible. These are excellent value composite kayaks that provide stiffness far beyond industry standards. This stiffness is what translates to a lively feel on the water. These boats do not shudder or oil-can in big seas, or flex when trying to catch a wave! The difference is noticeable and the feel is crisp and responsive, not dull and flexy. Add to this the durability of fiberglass construction, and you have an exceptional value performance kayak. These kayaks offer a customer thinking about a plastic or thermoformed ABS kayak an affordable option that is, as stated above, far stiffer and more responsive on the water while providing years of service not attainable with an ABS or polyethylene product. This equates to higher value and performance for the savvy consumer. Remember, quality glass construction can last a lifetime, is easily repairable, will not become brittle in cold weather, or have glue bonded seams that deteriorate with time (ABS thermoformed), and will not deform in heat or during transportation or storage (polyethylene). The Looksha 17, Chatham’s 16, 17, 18, Looksha IV, Elaho, Nootka, Amaruk, and upcoming models come in either fiberglass/epoxy or carbon fiber/fiberglass/epoxy lay-ups with selective soric coring. Soric is a polyester core material that adds exceptional stiffness and impact resistance. It is the honeycomb material visible in the lay-up. By using soric selectively we add stiffness where needed. This combined with a multi-layered laminate with epoxy (post-cured) resin creates the strongest production kayaks in the world! Fiberglass models are a proprietary glass, epoxy lay-up with selective soric coring. These are incredibly strong, stiff, expedition durable lay-ups that are post cured in an autoclave several times. These kayaks are engineered for the most extreme conditions and years of reliable service. Their strength goes way beyond industry standards! Repeated impact tests at the factory that would destroy most kayaks yielded only gel-coat scratches to these laminates. Carbon models are a mix of glass and carbon fiber which yields an incredibly strong, impact resistant lay-up (matrix). The addition of Carbon to the already incredibly strong glass lay-up adds visual appeal and even more strength! ADVANCED COMPOSITE Construction specifics: • Seam: Our new seam is not only the strongest possible, but flush and perfect. It is an offset overlapped seam that is bonded with Sikaforce (a two part urethane adhesive of exceptional strength). This seam is then glass taped and epoxied inside AND outside to net a flush perfect seam of incredible integrity. Compare this seam to ANY other manufacturer in the industry! • End Tubes: A common leak area on many brands, we addressed this with a shaped urethane foam block that is glassed and epoxied in to the ends of the hull. Sikaforce is placed on the top of the glassed in plug as the deck and hull are joined. The result is a completely isolated chamber which is then drilled and a tube is epoxied into each end. The result is NO leaks and no end pour to crack over time and pull away from the skin / matrix. • Bulkheads: These have been re-fit to tight tolerances and now have larger flanges. The flanges are taped and epoxied, and the other side of the bulkhead gets a fillet of sikaforce around its entire profile. This means superior strength, no print-through to deck or hull, and NO leaks. • Hatch Rings: These are bonded with Sikaforce and a secondary fillet of Sikaflex (black pliable adhesive) is applied around the outside edge to ensure years of water-proof service. You will never have a bond failure or leak with this approach! Hatch compartments are air tight tested at the factory; a standard far beyond the norm! • Cockpit Coaming: Total circumference bond with Sikaforce. No cracking or popping and no leaks along the bond area. A secondary Sikaflex bead is applied under the coaming along the deck to ring joint for a smooth, sealed bond. In addition the rear of the cockpit has a drop down flange for securing back band hardware without any holes through the cockpit coaming. • Chatham Deck Fittings: Due to the extreme nature of paddling these craft endure we glass tape / resin over all deck fitting hardware on the underside of the deck. This ensures years of waterproof service. Fasteners can be removed and re-installed easily. Larger boat models have replaceable O-rings in an effort to keep weight down. This is a proven approach as well. • Strength: These kayaks are incredibly strong. Go ahead and stand on the deck! Stiff, strong, water tight (air tested at the factory), easily repairable, with industry leading attention to detail make these lifetime kayaks. We choose to keep our lay-up’s material specifics proprietary as we have some amazing technology at work. KEY BRAND FEATURES RUDDER WITH FOOT PEDALS When deployed you use the foot pedals to guide the kayak to the right or the left. A rudder is used for keeping your boat on track, especially when weather conditions change. It can help make your journey safer and more enjoyable. Necky’s rudder is robust - made from high grade marine aluminum alloy. It resists cord derailing/jamming, has two sensitivity settings, is field serviceable and can be re-strung with parachute cord. RETRACTABLE SKEG Our retractable skeg allows you to adjust the trim of your kayak. Unlike the rudder, a skeg is not operated by foot pedals so it does not help you to turn like a rudder will. However when deployed even a few inches, it can be advantageous in high wind conditions and strong currents. Your Necky skeg incorporates our own Necky Wire™. This is a highly durable and kink-resistant wire common to the medical industry. It is unaffected by salt water and does not stiffen over time. As well, it’s highly unlikely that Necky Wire™ will ever kink. In testing we’ve experienced no failures, even when the skeg was repeatedly slammed against logs or hard rocks jammed inside the skeg box. Our injection molded blade is foil shaped for efficiency. Our slot opening jams far less than tighter openings. This has been confirmed by extensive testing. NECKY TOURING SEAT WITH BACK BAND EXTRASPORT ® SEATING SYSTEM Made of durable molded foam, this seat pad is designed to reduce pressure on your sciatic nerve. This helps prevent most paddlers’ feet and legs from falling asleep when paddling longer distances, by improving blood flow around the gluteus maximus. In addition the seat pad does not retain water. The touring and whitewater seat pads also feature a back band with a forward adjustment system to provide ample lumbar support, movement and comfort for most body types. The seat is attached to a marine aluminum alloy cradle that offers protection in rock gardens and affords infinite customizing options. Hip pads are easily attached, as are various back bands. All this adds up to an outfitting system that maximizes contact with the boat which translates the paddlers energy directly to the kayak. The most comfortable seat on the market, the Extrasport seat uses a shape-molded EVA foam ultraplush seat pad and backrest up to 4” thick. Its ‘progressive cushioning effect’ makes the seat soft at first, then becoming more supportive for all-day paddling. The backrest is adjustable fore and aft, up and down and has an automatic lumbar angle adjustment. The angle of the seat pan is also adjustable. All of these adjustments are conveniently located so you can adjust it once, or as you go. A lower profile performance back band, as found on our outfitter boats, can be easily installed in place of the pedestal/ recreational backrest. Adjustable Thigh Braces Comfort Fit™ Thigh Braces Standard on many of our sea touring and whitewater kayaks, these thigh braces can be adjusted to provide optimal fit and control. With forward and pivotal adjustability, a superb custom fit is easily and quickly accomplished! Our new Comfort Fit foam thigh braces are designed to provide the ultimate comfort while paddling. Durable yet lightweight, these thigh braces can also be adjusted to provide a snug fit for almost any leg length. They feature a far bigger contact area than our competitors, so adjustments for various paddlers are less often required. This also means better contact with the boat. KEY BRAND FEATURES Neo Hatch™ Cross Lock™ Hatch These hatches are standard on many of our recreational day touring and touring models. The Neo Hatch is an expedition, outfitter and extreme-use proven design that will endure every stress placed on a kayak hatch without fail. The neo gasket covers the hatch opening and is backed up by a hard cover that is strapped in place. This type of redundancy results in a dry hatch that will not pop off in rough conditions. Necky will not compromise durability and sea worthiness for convenience. This is critical for safety! The Cross Lock is a unique strapping and hatch system used on some of our models. The “X” pattern is achieved with four straps and one quick release buckle. The low anchor points of the straps allow for excellent pressure that is evenly distributed around the hatch cover. Simple, secure, and easy to use in conjunction with the Neo Hatch to improve convenience. Valley ® Hatch For our Chatham series and Eliza composite kayaks we choose to use the popular Valley hatches. These hatches are the first choice for extreme expedition use. They are waterproof, expedition proven, and easy to access. These hatches fit Greenland/British style decks well and are highly regarded in these markets. CHATHAM™ SERIES CHATHAM SERIES MODEL LIST Chatham 16 Composite Chatham 17 Composite Chatham 18 Composite Inspired by traditional Greenland designs, as are many of the British kayaks, the Chathams are low profile rough water craft. They are superb performers in outer coastal conditions where high wind and rough seas prevail. These boats are expedition capable with Valley® hatches, comfortable, easy customizable outfitting, and incredibly strong and stiff lay-ups. KEY FEATURES OF THE CHATHAM SERIES PERFORMANCE • Greenland inspired design that excels in rough water/high wind • Outstanding rough water performance and handling • Outstanding neutrality in wind reduces weather-cocking • Hard chined/soft edged hulls for stability and handling on edge • Excellent chine to rocker profile balance offers superb handling • Foiled skeg blade with kink-free Necky Wire™ and injection molded control handle for trouble free operation year after year • Advanced Composite is the most advanced composite lay-up in its class SAFETY • Three bulkheads composite bonded and sealed in Advanced Composite models for floatation/minimal flooding • Valley® oval hatches fore and aft provides best protection in industry • Valley® day hatch • Recessed compass mount at a location that reduces sea sickness • Perimeter reflective deck lines for safety and rescue • Deck bungee cords for chart storage/safety • Self rescue strap aft of cockpit aids in paddle float re-entry • Inserted recessed snag resistant deck fittings - durable and don’t snag during rescues COMFORT • Tough aluminum alloy powder-coated seat cradle for protection and customizability of outfitting - most easily customized in industry • Necky touring seat with back band. Non-moisture absorbing contoured foam seat (easily removable) won’t freeze solid and won’t tear. Forward adjustable back band for easy on the water fine tuning • Adjustable thigh braces fore and aft as well as pivoting for super custom fit in minutes • Injection molded comfort grip handles with anatomic rubber grips • Tough Yakima™ aluminum track foot braces for secure footing and easy adjustment CHATHAM™ SERIES USER DESCRIPTION: This is a customer who is either an intermediate to advanced paddler, or will become one. Typically they are interested in skill development and paddle for the joy of paddling. Often they are involved in programs such as the BCU, or ACA, and are instructors or guides. They range from ocean play boaters to expeditioners. Q: Aren’t the well known NDK, Valley, and P&H boats superior because they were designed by good British paddlers/personalities? These are excellent products designed by ver y cool people who have done a lot for sea kayaking. What few know is that the lead designer of the Chathams, Spike Gladwin, grew up in England and in fact paddled for England ’s National team. He also coached the Canadian Olympic Slalom Team, and is a world renowned paddler and designer who’s medaled in the Sur f Kayak Worlds! The Chathams are as Brit as the Brit boats! Q: Aren’t the heavier British kayaks more expedition tough? O u r i n f u s e d , c o r e d l a y - u p s a r e s u p e r i o r. T h e r e i s c u r r e n t l y n o c o m p a r i s o n . We c h o s e t o i n v e s t h e a v i l y i n t e c h n o l o g y t h a t w o u l d p r o d u c e a l i g h t e r, s t r o n g e r, s t i f f e r a n d m o r e d u r a b l e b o a t. T h e c o m p e t i t i o n i s h e a d e d o u r w a y, n o t t h e o t h e r w a y a r o u n d ! We r a i s e d t h e b a r i n a h u g e w a y. Q: Some say the Chatham 16 is slow. Is this true? It is the slowest of the Chathams, but still an efficient 4.5 knot cruiser. The CH 16 is an outer coastal, rough sea specific design. There is a huge difference in what ’s “ fast ” or efficient when the water gets big. The ver y attributes that make a rough sea coastal boat excel in those conditions, will make it less efficient for A to B flat water paddling, but superior in the rough. It ’s important to choose the right kayak. For milder to rough water all round capability the CH 17 and 18 offer a great balance. Q: Why use Valley ® hatches? Aren’t they a competitor? Valley ® hatches are highly regarded hatches in the Greenland/British market. They work ver y well on these deck designs. We have an excellent relationship with Valley and they put our logo on the hatches for us! Some of our competitors choose to save money (Valley ’s are pricey) and use inferior hatches. These in some cases can pop off during rescues and rough water play. That is not an option for us. Just as with Yakima foot braces, we’ll use the best accessories available to our excellent designs. COMPETITORS TO THE CHATHAM SERIES • • • • • Va l l e y C a n o e b o a t s – A q u a n a u t ( C H 1 7 - 1 8 ) , Av o c e t ( C H 1 6 ) N i g e l D e n i s Ka y a k s – R o m a n y ( C H 1 6 ) E x p l o r e r ( C H – 1 8 ) P&H – Capella 163 (CH 16), Bahiya (CH 17) W i l d e r n e s s S y s t e m s – Te m p e s t s e r i e s – T 1 7 0 ( C H 1 7 ) , T 1 6 5 ( C H 1 7 ) T 1 8 5 ( C H 1 8 ) I m p e x – C u r r i t u k ( C H - 1 6 ) Fo r c e s e r i e s ( C H 1 7 – 1 8 ) WHAT DIFFERENTIATES THE CHATHAM SERIES 1. Chatham 16 equals or bests any boat (within this class) out there for all round coastal rock gardening and surf performance. 2. Far more durable skeg than any competitor world wide. 3. Better balance of tracking and handling than most in this class. 4. Superior hatches to the Wilderness Systems products. 5. Advanced Composite construction blows the competition away with lighter, tougher, more sophisticated infused lay-ups. Their lightest models are heavier than our standard. (They weigh boats without hatch covers) CHATHAM 16™ composite Our composite Chatham 16 carries all the same full-chined hull features as our plastic version, offering great maneuverability, stability and rough water performance. Nearly 15% lighter, the Chatham 16 composite version is much easier and efficient for putting in miles. It features a retractable skeg, three Valley® hatches with bulkheads, the Necky touring seat with back band and adjustable thigh braces. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Fishing/Photography 16' 5" Width 22" 5m Day Tripping Carbon Model Pictured 55.8 cm Weight (FG/CARBON) 51 lbs / 46 lbs Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Length 23.1 kg / 20.8 kg Cockpit 30.75" x 14.25" 78.1 x 36.2 cm Bow & Stern Hatch 16" x 9" 40.6 x 22.9 cm Day Hatch 7.5" 19.1 cm Storage Capacity 8778 cu in 143.8 L COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL CARBON HULL MANGO DECK & HATCHES MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf key 0 10 FEATURES NAVY SEAM NAVY SEAM OYSTER HULL OYSTER HULL CARBON DECK & HATCHES SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES CHATHAM 16 ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS OR CARBON • Outstanding maneuverability on edge • Necky touring seat with back band • Whitewater fit for advanced paddling and retention of the boat in big • Bow, day and stern Valley® hatches with bulkheads • Superb coastal, rough sea, high wind, surf performance • Very neutral in high wind – resists weather cocking wipeouts/surf • High volume bow resists plunging in big seas/surf. • Adjustable thigh braces • Favorite rock gardening boat • Reflective safety perimeter line • Efficient in rough seas • Retractable skeg with kink-free • Max hull cross-section aft of hips blends benefits of symmetrical and Swede Necky Wire™ forms, and offers superb maneuverability on edge, even in rough water • Excellent inside and outside leaned turning FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Can these infused Chathams really equal the heavier British kayaks renowned for toughness? Y E S. P l e a s e c h e c k o ut Sea Kayaker Magazine video! www.seakayakermag.com/advertisers/Kayak-Source/Necky/Composite_Test.htm Q: Isn’t the Chatham 16 slow? N o ! I n b i g s e a s i t o ut distances so called faster boats. This is due to its s p e c i f i c d e s i g n i n t e nt. It is not a flat water kayak! Q: Can I fit more than one weekends wor th of gear into the boat? A b s o l u t e l y ! C a r e f u l expedition packing has seen the Chatham 16 on t w o -w e e k t r i p s ! COMPETITORS • Valley Avocet composite • Wilderness Systems Tempest 165 composite • NDK Romany WHAT SETS US APART 1. Superior composite technology 2. Best maneuverability 3. Outstanding surf performance in a sea kayak 4. Better hatches than Wilderness Systems Tempest 5. Superior skeg with kink-free Necky Wire™ CHATHAM 17™ composite Significantly lighter than the polymer model, the composite Chatham 17 offers effortless touring in a Greenland-style hull. Its shape – including a full chine that offers great stability for such a sleek beam – is designed to minimize windage, while providing maneuverability, stability and unequaled performance in rough conditions. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Fishing/Photography 17' 5" 5.3 m Width 21.5" 54.6 cm Weight (FG/CARBON) 52 lbs / 47 lbs Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Length Day Tripping Fiberglass Model Pictured 23.6 kg / 21.3 kg Cockpit 32" x 16" 81.3 x 40.6 cm Bow & Stern Hatch 16" x 9" 40.6 x 22.9 cm Day Hatch 7.5" 19.1 cm Storage Capacity 10164 cu in 166.6 L COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf key 0 10 FEATURES YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES CARBON DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL CARBON HULL MANGO DECK & HATCHES MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES NAVY SEAM NAVY SEAM OYSTER HULL OYSTER HULL SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES CHATHAM 17 ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS OR CARBON • Necky touring seat with back band • Bow, day and stern Valley hatches ® with bulkheads • Longer LWL (length at water line) than the 16. • Excellent tracking/glide. • More efficient A to B touring boat in smooth to rough conditions than most Brit/Greenland designs. • Hard chined/soft edged hull blends to a fine entry and exit. • Retains excellent maneuverability in spite of great tracking. • Adjustable thigh braces • Larger fit cockpit for efficient rotation, leg movement. • Reflective safety perimeter line • Very neutral in wind with a low overall wind profile. • Retractable skeg with kink-free • Favorite for distance paddlers and Greenland rollers. Necky Wire™ • Graceful lines. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Why would I choose a Chatham 17 over a Chatham 16? I f y o u r p a d d l i n g i n volves covering more distance and var ying seas from c a l m t o r o u g h, t h e 17 offers a better balance of speed/playfulness. COMPETITORS • Wilderness Systems Tempest 170 Composite • NKD Explorer • Valley Aquanaut Q: The Chatham 17 seams faster than the 16 - is this due to length? Lo n g e r - n a r r o w e r, better glide, less playful. Q: Why is the Chatham 17 so popular with Greenland Rollers? Lo w d e c k p r o f i l e makes rolling a breeze as does the excellent fit. Q: What advantage does the Chatham 17 have over a boat like the Tempest 170? I t i s a l o w e r v o l u m e, faster, sleeker boat that is more neutral in wind and p l a y f u l. WHAT SETS US APART 1. Lower volume - more efficient than Explorer 2. Excellent blend of glide/playfulness/stability 3. Superior skeg system with kink-free Necky Wire™ 4. Superior construction CHATHAM 18™ composite Our longest single touring kayak, designed to get you where you’re going as efficiently as possible. Whether serving duty on a crossing or paralleling the coast, it combines speed and sea worthiness with surprising stability for its 20 inch beam. While slightly less maneuverable than her shorter siblings, it offers a foot more length for only a pound more. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Fishing/Photography 17' 9" Width 20" 5.4 m Day Tripping Fiberglass Model Pictured 50.8 cm Weight (FG/CARBON) 53 lbs / 48 lbs Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Length 24 kg / 21.7 kg Cockpit 31.25" x 16" 79.4 x 40.6 cm Bow & Stern Hatch 16" x 9" 40.6 x 22.9 cm Day Hatch 7.5" 19.1 cm Storage Capacity 9933 cu in 162.8 L COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf key 0 10 FEATURES YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES CARBON DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL CARBON HULL MANGO DECK & HATCHES MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES NAVY SEAM NAVY SEAM OYSTER HULL OYSTER HULL SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES CHATHAM 18 ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS OR CARBON • Necky touring seat with back band • Bow, day and stern Valley hatches ® • Very, very efficient hull in rough seas over long distances • Industry unique blend of stability and handling in a narrow/reduced-drag hull • Large cockpit for wider range of fit and fast paddling rotation, hip freedom, and leg action • Very neutral in wind with bulkheads • Adjustable thigh braces • Reflective safety perimeter line • Retractable skeg with kink-free Necky Wire™ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Why the larger cockpit on this narrow boat? T h e C h a t h a m 1 8 i s a unique kayak that appeals to experienced d i s t a n c e p a d d l e r s who employ leg action/hip rotation in their stroke. The e x t r a c o c k p i t r o o m allows for leg pumping, along with good contact for r o u g h s e a p a d d l i n g. It is a favorite of ex-Olympian paddlers turned sea ka y a ke r s f o r t h i s r e ason along with excellent rough sea capability. Q: How does the Chatham 18 compare with Wilderness Systems Tempest 180 PRO? T h e C h a t h a m 1 8 i s much sleeker, faster, and more playful, yet we also f i t a b i g p a d d l e r. We give a big paddler a better pe r forming kayak o p t i o n. COMPETITORS • NDK Explorer • Valley Aquanaut and Nordkapp • Wilderness Systems Tempest 180 PRO WHAT SETS US APART 1. Superior construction 2. Superior skeg system with kink-free Necky Wire™ 3. Cockpit designed for ergonomic performance paddling ELIZA™ SERIES MODEL LIST Eliza Composite Designed specifically to fit and perform for smaller women paddlers up to 150 lbs. These boats are ergonomically designed around a woman’s hip and leg physiology, and overall body proportion. The hulls are very playful, yet track well for a smaller paddler. These are not just low volume versions of a popular hull! They are designed from the start to be exceptional balances of glide, maneuverability and reduced drag from frictional resistance and wind. KEY FEATURES OF THE ELIZA SERIES PERFORMANCE • Designed specifically for small to medium women paddlers • Outstanding blend of stability, glide, and maneuverability creates a hull that is efficient at touring speeds • Moderate V-hull combined with hard chine provides very responsive mild edging and superb turn ability on strong edging • Excellent neutrality in wind • Excellent rough sea capability • Light weight Advanced Composite • Deck design allows for spirited, advanced paddling clearance all round • Low aft deck for sculling, rolling, surf ability, bracing • Tough aluminum powder coated seat frame • Skeg with kink-free Necky Wire™ • 1% of gross sales of the Eliza donated to the Breast Cancer Fund SAFETY • Low strap anchor points for security • Inserted recessed non-snagging deck fittings • Perimeter reflective deck lines for safety and rescue • Deck bungee cords for chart storage/safety • Paddle storage bungee • Cross Lock™ hatches with neoprene gaskets, hard covers and bulkheads on poly model • Valley® oval hatches fore and aft with bulkheads on composite model COMFORT • Ergonomically designed cockpit designed with the help of a woman physician and paddler. Provides enhanced hip/thigh fit and ease of spray deck installation and removal • Comfort Fit™ adjustable thigh braces • Non-water absorbing ergonomic foam seat pad. • Injection molded comfort grip handles with anatomic foam padding ELIZA™ SERIES USER DESCRIPTION: The poly Eliza is rudder equipped and appeals to beginner to advanced paddlers who prefer a rudder. These are women who are adventurers who will cover distance. They also enjoy rough water padding. The Eliza Advanced Composite is narrower and equipped with our skeg (with kink-free Necky Wire™), Valley hatches, and appeals to the same type of paddler as our Chatham series boats. This custo mer is looking for a stiff, lightweight per formance kayak, and typically likes rock gardens, high wind, rough sea touring, instructing, guiding, and pursuing certifications. Q: What’s the difference between a hull specific to smaller paddlers versus a typical low volume version of a successful hull? Many manufacturers cheat by simply lowering a deck on a popular model without changing the design displacement of the hull. This makes for a tighter fit, but does not change how said hull works for a given weight. Many women are not heavy enough to adequately displace (sink) a hull, and as a result per formance is compromised. T he Eliza ’s are designed from scratch to work for women. Q: Can a guy paddle an Eliza? Ironically the Eliza’s are ver y popular with advanced male paddlers looking for a l o w v o l u m e, h i g h p e r f o r m i n g b o a t w i t h a s n u g f i t. Ke e p i n m i n d , h o w e v e r t h a t t h e h u l l p e r f o r m s a t w e i g h t s u p t o 1 6 0 l b s. p l u s g e a r. La r g e r p a d d l e r s m a y b e a b l e to squeeze into the Eliza, but handling will be compromised due to excessive d i s p l a c e m e n t. Q: Why is there no day hatch on the Elizas? Weight was the primar y factor next to comfort with the many women we consulted with. As such any non-essential-to-per formance-and-comfort features were dropped. This saves up to 4 lbs. per boat! Beside s, these are smaller kayaks and we didn’t want to clutter the decks. Q: Why a rudder in poly and a skeg in composite? While ver y similar in hull concept, we wanted to offer an option. Data showed us that the typical poly customer would pr efer a rudder and slightly wider hull, whereas the composite customer was more likely a coastal play boater, rough sea paddler who wanted a skeg, and bomber Valley hatches. COMPETITORS TO THE ELIZA SERIES Eliza Composite’s competitors • Impex – Mystic • N i g e l D e n n i s Ka y a k s – R o m a n y LV • P & H – Ve l a , C a p e l l a 1 6 3 WHAT DIFFERENTIATES THE ELIZA SERIES 1. 2. 3. Designed by women, including a female physician to fit a woman’s physique. Stable, predictable, efficient glide hull matched to the typical proven output of smaller paddlers. 1% gross sales are donated to the Breast Cancer Fund ELIZA™ COMPOSITE Women spoke and we listened. “We want a kayak that is easy to load onto a car and carry down to the beach.” Our Eliza Advanced Composite is one of the lightest, most high performance kayaks designed just for women. Specially engineered for female paddlers, the composite is slightly narrower than our poly version, with an ergonomic fit contoured for a woman’s proportions. Its shallow V hull balances tracking and maneuverability – remaining stable for beginners and letting more advanced paddlers maneuver it on edge. Bottom line? You’ll go farther faster with less effort, both on and off the water. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Fishing/Photography 15' 3" Width 21" 53.3 cm Weight 47 lbs 21.3 kg Cockpit 28.25" x 15" 72.4 x 38.1 cm Bow & Stern Hatch 16" x 9" 40.6 x 22.9 cm Storage Capacity 8316 cu in Day Tripping Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfullness key 0 Length Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf 10 FEATURES 4.7 m 136.2 L COLORS YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES FUCHSIA DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM GRAY SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL IVORY HULL MANGO DECK & HATCHES MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES NAVY SEAM NAVY SEAM OYSTER HULL OYSTER HULL SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES ELIZA ADVANCED COMPOSITE • Narrower, lower drag hull • Necky touring seat with back band • Very efficient kayak at touring speeds up to 4.5 knots • Molded-in composite thigh braces • Ultra sleek profile that’s balanced in wind • Valley® oval bow and stern hatches • Very light weight. Incorporates all the attributes of composite construction with bulkheads • Extremely stiff and lively on the water • Yakima™ aluminum foot braces for secure footing • Excellent coastal touring kayak for small to medium sized women paddlers from athletic beginners to advanced experts • Reflective safety perimeter line • Retractable foil skeg with kink-free Necky Wire™ Necky Kayaks is proud to promote women’s healthy, active lifestyles. One percent of the Eliza’s gross sales is donated to the Breast Cancer Fund. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q:Are the composites durable? T h e y a r e s t i f f e r a n d stronger than most sea-touring kayaks on the market. T h e i r g l a s s, c o r e d construction is extremely tough. The weight savings are h u g e — y o u c a n c a r r y rather than drag your boat! Q:What attributes were designed specifically for women? T h e h u l l s w e r e d e s i gned to maximize efficiency and minimize drag at s p e e d s u p t o 4 k n o ts while maintaining stability, glide and maneuverability. Q:Isn’t the Eliza going to be slower than a 17’ boat? Wo m e n a r e u s u a l l y advised to buy a longer, faster boat, but most smaller, l o w e r p o w e r p a d d l ers will in fact go “ faster ” in a boa t designed around t h e i r p o w e r o u t p u t. Longer boats of similar beam typically require more e n e r g y t o p r o p e l. COMPETITORS • Impex – Mystic • Nigel Dennis Kayaks – Romany LV • P&H – Vela, Capella 163 WHAT SETS US APART 1. Superior strength to weight that is upward of 10 lbs. lighter! 2. Specific cockpit ergonomics for women 3. Equal to better rough water handling with exceptional efficiency LOOKSHA™ SERIES LOOKSHA SERIES MODEL LIST Looksha IV Composite Looksha 17 Composite Elaho Composite These are very capable sea touring kayaks with excellent tracking and overall handling characteristics. They are popular with multi-day sea kayakers, expeditioners, outdoor programs, and tour companies. They are equipped with performance fitting cockpits, safety rigging, and a durable trouble free rudder. These models are long time favorites in the San Juan Islands, Inside Passage, Coastal Maine and Nova Scotia where the ability to carry lots of gear, handle rough water and cover miles effectively are highly valued. KEY FEATURES OF THE LOOKSHA SERIES PERFORMANCE • Multi-edged/hard chined hulls have a traditional look and offer excellent tracking and glide • Great edge control with smooth transition between primary and secondary stability • Buoyant bow with very fine entry • Performance ergonomic fit allows access for larger paddlers without compromising control-demanding contact • Deck shape fore and aft allows for great paddling ergonomics/clearance • Large Cross Lock™ storage hatches, with neoprene gaskets and hard covers for security on all Looksha models. Elaho has single strap hatch hold downs and flush mount hatch covers over neoprene gaskets • Low hatch strap anchor points for added security • Retractable rudder with adjustable foot pedals • Great glide and efficiency SAFETY • Inserted recessed no snag deck fittings • Two bonded and sealed bulkheads on Looksha models. Elaho has three bonded and sealed bulkheads • Perimeter reflective deck lines for safety and rescue • Deck bungee, with paddle storage fore and aft COMFORT • Adjustable thigh braces for comfort and handling • Necky touring seat with back band • Easy adjust foot braces • Injection molded comfort grip carry handles with anatomic rubber padding LOOKSHA™ SERIES USER DESCRIPTION: This is a customer who likes to travel long distances over water in a variety of sea conditions. They kayak camp regularly, and paddle a lot. Touring and seeing new areas is what drives them more than playing in rock gardens etc. They tend to be skilled outdoors people who become proficient in their chosen activities. They enjoy backpacking, ski touring etc. These are the folks who paddle to Alaska or enjoy extended tours, camping, and island hopping. Q: Do the hard edges of the hull contribute to its excellent handling? Lots has been said about these cool edges. What makes your boat so efficient and playful is its overall hull shape. The edges enhance the overall chine shape in a cool, traditional style. Q: Can I learn advanced skills in my Looksha? T h e s e b o a t s w i l l t a k e y o u a s f a r a s y o u w a n t t o g o. O u t f i t t i n g o n a n y N e c k y c a n b e e a s i l y c u s t o m i z e d , a n d m a n y p e o p l e h a v e d o n e w o r l d c l a s s a d v e n t u r e s i n Lo o k s h a s. Q: Why has Necky stayed with the neoprene gasketed, hard covered hatches when the competition has convenient rubber covers? Necky has always been about durable function. Many of our competitors save money by sticking a soft rubber hatch cover over a molded in hatch coaming. The problem is poly boats are all slightly unique and that coaming dimension is ver y hard to standardize in the roto-molding process. Thus, the soft rubber covers are either super hard to install, or loose. They are prone to popping off. We chose to stay the course with a proven, redundant, super safe, durable hatch. It ’s not OK to have a hatch pop on the outside of Vancouver Island ! Our neoprene gasketed, hard covered hatches are extreme environment (arctic) proven and expedition proven world wide. Their large openings are easy to pack and their simple function is a breeze to operate with cold hands. COMPETITORS TO THE LOOKSHA SERIES • • • • C u r r e n t D e s i g n s – S t o r m , S q u a l l , S o l s t i c e G T, G T T i t a n W i l d e r n e s s S y s t e m s – Ts u n a m i 1 4 0 , 1 7 0 Pe r c e p t i o n - C a r o l i n a 1 4 . 5 , 1 6 , E c l i p s e S e a w a r d Ka y a k s - v a r i o u s m o d e l s WHAT DIFFERENTIATES THE LOOKSHA SERIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Superior combination of stability and tracking/glide. Excellent balance of roominess and control in the cockpits. Superior hatch design offers far greater security. More durable rudder. LOOKSHA IV™ composite The Looksha IV is a design that has been through the test of time. A favorite of many who have paddled the Inside Passage, this kayak combines responsiveness and maneuverability with the volume needed for extended expeditions. It’s at home in big swell or surf, and anywhere else where performance is at a premium. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Fishing/Photography 17' 5.2 m Width 22" 55.9 cm Weight (FG/CARBON) 53 lbs / 48 lbs Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Length Day Tripping Fiberglass Model Pictured 24 kg / 21.7 kg Cockpit 29.5" x 16" 74.9 x 40.6 cm Bow Hatch 12" x 9" 40.6 x 22.9 cm Stern Hatch 15" x 10.5" 38.1 x 26.7 cm Storage Capacity 10395 cu in 170.3 L COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES CARBON DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL CARBON HULL MANGO DECK & HATCHES MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES NAVY SEAM NAVY SEAM OYSTER HULL OYSTER HULL Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf key 0 10 FEATURES SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES LOOKSHA IV ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS OR CARBON • Very efficient touring kayak over distance in all seas • Necky touring seat with back band • Plenty of capacity for longer trips • Adjustable thigh braces • Performance fit cockpit • Neoprene gasket and hard cover • This is a long time favorite hull among guides, instructors and experienced bow and stern hatches with bulkheads • Great glide • Excellent maneuverability touring/expedition paddlers • Reflective safety perimeter line • Rudder system with adjustable foot pedals FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Why is the Looksha IV such a popular kayak for Necky? T h e r e a s o n i s s i m p ly great all-around touring capability in a sleek, e f f i c i e n t ka y a k w i t h great maneuverability, glide and gear carr ying c a p a c i t y. Q: Can I do extended trips in the Looksha IV? W i t h c a r e f u l p a c k i ng, YES. It offers adequate capacity in a nimble, fun p a d d l i n g b o a t. Q: What makes the Looksha IV glide along so effor tlessly? I t ’ s a h u l l t h a t c o mbines great tracking and lower dr ag at cruising s p e e d s. COMPETITORS • Current Designs Solstice GT and Oracle GTS • Seaward Luna and Cosma WHAT SETS US APART 1. Proven hull with a better balance of glide and maneuverability than most ruddered kayaks 2. Superior resin infused composite 3. Low wind profile makes the Looksha IV a high wind performer LOOKSHA 17 composite ™ \ The Looksha 17 composite is a sporty touring kayak designed to cover some distance. Featuring the Extrasport seat pad with back band, composite thigh braces and a rudder system, it’s designed to get you where you’re going as efficiently as possible. One of our most popular designs, its stability and high volume allows paddlers to bring the kitchen sink without compromising performance, making it perfect for camping and longer paddling trips. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Potential Speed Storage Capacity Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Length 17' 6" Width 23.75" Weight 54 lbs Cockpit 33" x 17” Bow & Stern Hatch 16.5" x 10" Storage Capacity Fishing/Photography Turnability Playfulness key 0 Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf RED DECK & HATCHES CARBON DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL CARBON HULL MANGO DECK & HATCHES MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES NAVY SEAM NAVY SEAM OYSTER HULL OYSTER HULL SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES LOOKSHA 17 ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS OR CARBON • This is a very stable, straight tracking, touring craft • Necky touring seat with back band • Still playful on edge for such a big kayak • Neoprene gasket and hard cover bow • Expeditions - guides love this boat! and stern Cross Lock™ hatches with bulkheads 196.9 L YELLOW DECK & HATCHES 10 FEATURES 41.9 x 25.4 cm COLORS General Touring Paddler Weight 24.4 kg 83.8 x 43.2 cm 12021 cu in Day Tripping Cockpit Size 5.3 m 60.3 cm • Large storage capacity • Excellent rough water characteristics • Lightweight, tough composite construction • Composite thigh braces • Reflective safety perimeter line • Rudder system with adjustable foot pedals • Dealer margin 40% FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: What makes the composite Looksha 17 better than other large capacity kayaks? T h i s b o a t p a d d l e s like a smaller nimble kayak, not a barge. It ’s a great w o r k h o r s e. COMPETITORS • Current Designs Solstice GT and GT Titan • Seaward Vision WHAT SETS US APART 1. More playful for a big boat 2. Excellent paddling ergonomics with low fore-deck 3. Balanced in wind 4. Excellent, durable construction ELAHO™ composite The Elaho is a low profile touring playboat. Extremely smooth edge to edge, the Elaho responds beautifully to lean turns and edging. The snug fit of the cockpit, positive thigh braces and new Necky touring seat, promote excellent boat control. The low stern deck makes lying back for rolls very comfortable. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Fishing/Photography Day Tripping Length 16' 4.5" Width 22.5" 5m Fiberglass Model Pictured 57.2 cm Weight (FG/CARBON) 53 lbs / 48 lbs 24 kg / 21.7 kg Cockpit 31" x 15" 78.7 x 38.1 cm Bow Hatch 11.5" x 7.5" 29.2 x 19.1 cm Stern Hatch 13" x 9" Day Hatch 7.5" 19.1 cm Storage Capacity 10164 cu in 166.6 L 33 x 22.9 cm COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness MANGO & HATCHES DECKDECK & HATCHES CARBON & HATCHES DECKDECK & HATCHES WHITE HULL HULL OYSTER HULL SEAM HULL CARBON HULL SEAM BLACK SEAM Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf key 0 YELLOW DECK & HATCHES 10 FEATURES BLACK SEAM DARK EGGPLANT SEAM MEDIUM BLUE DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES OYSTER HULL WHITE HULL DARK NAVY SEAM BLACK SEAM SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES ELAHO ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS OR CARBON • Snug fit cockpit with low rear deck for spirited paddling/rolling/surfing etc. • Necky touring seat with back band • Necky high volume bow • Valley day hatch with bulkhead • Outstanding weekend tourer for those who enjoy some rough water play on ® • Bow and stern hatches with flush mount hatch covers over neoprene gaskets and bulkheads • Good maneuverability on edge • Also provides good tracking the way! • Efficient touring hull over distance • Adjustable thigh braces • Reflective deck rigging • Rudder with adjustable foot braces FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Why does the Elaho have such a low, snug cockpit? We w a n t t o o f f e r a per formance fit in a ruddered touring kayak. There i s n o r e a s o n a r u d dered boat can’t be a per formance tourer! This is the s a m e a p p r o a c h w e took with the Chatham 16. Q: How does the Elaho differ from the Looksha IV? I t ’ s a s i m i l a r h u l l b ut slightly more directionally stable (straighter t r a c k i n g ) . I t h a s a snugger cockpit with lower rear deck and a day h a t c h. Q: Why does the Elaho have flush hatches? T h i s ka y a k h a s b e e n with Necky for some time now d ue to its popularity. L i ke t h e E s k i a, i t s h ares the flush deck hatches designed by Mike Neckar f o r a s l e e k l o o k a n d reduced water deflection (splas hing). COMPETITORS • Current Designs Kitsilano and Solstice GT • Seaward Luna and Cosma WHAT SETS US APART 1. Superior performance fitting cockpit 2. Excellent glide and rough sea performance 3. Resin infused advanced composite lay up NECKY TANDEMS NECKY TANDEM MODEL LIST Amaruk Composite Nootka Plus Composite These are super stable expedition capable kayaks. The Amaruk is a perfect choice for outfitters, day touring, and shorter adventures. The Nootka Plus is the industry leading expedition double with outstanding capabilities in Advanced Composite construction. KEY FEATURES OF THE NECKY TANDEMS PERFORMANCE • Rudder with larger area blade for control • Double cockpits separate paddlers for total paddle stroke freedom • Ample deck bungee • Cockpits sized for rough water spray deck retention • The first choice for many adventure racers including Eco Challenge • Chosen for extended remote expeditions such as Bowermaster’s Aleutian Islands Expedition SAFETY • Three bonded and sealed foam bulkheads (Amaruk) • Four bonded and sealed composite bulkheads for superb safety (Nootka Plus) • Twin hold down hatch straps for added security • Stainless U-bolt for security/locking (Nootka Plus) COMFORT • Easy adjust foot braces • Injection molded comfort grip handles with anatomic rubber grips • Comfortable seating and roomy cockpits NECKY TANDEMS USER DESCRIPTION: Adventure racers, outdoor programs, outfitters and tour companies love the Amaruk for its favorable size, stability and ease of paddling, along with it s rough sea capability and safety. Serious expeditioners choose the Nootka Plus for its speed, seaworthiness, and huge storage capacity combined with the toughest lay-up in the industr y. Q: Is a double a better choice than two singles? They can be a great option where a team of two has ver y different strength levels. There can also be an added level of security and safety with newer paddlers. Q: Why would I choose the Amaruk over the Nootka Plus? The Amaruk is available in poly for cost conscious customers. It is also a great all around double that can handle anything you can. The Nootka Plus is a specialized double for long distance, fast, cargo hauling. Q: Are doubles slower? No! In fact they tend to be faster because two paddlers pushing one hull is a ver y favorable power to drag ratio. Q: What makes the Nootka Plus such a great outfitter and expedition double? Its favorable beam to length ration (skinny for its length) makes it a fast, efficient load hauling craft capable of ver y rough conditions. Chosen for extreme trips world-wide including Bowermaster ’s Aleutian Islands Expedition. The course speed record for the Yukon Challenge was set in a Nootka Plus. The Nootka Plus has huge cargo capac ity as well! NECKY TANDEM COMPETITORS Amaruk Composite competitors • Seaward – Gemini • S e d a – Ta n g o • Current Designs – Libra Nootka Plus Composite competitors • S e a w a r d Pa s s a t G 3 WHAT DIFFERENTIATES THE NECKY TANDEM SERIES 1. Ultra proven hulls on both Amaruk and Nootka Plus 2. High volume bows for dry ride and rough seat performance with soft-chined hulls for predictability in chaotic water 3. Superior composite construction AMARUK™ composite Just because our Amaruk tandem has soft chines, doesn’t mean your adventure has to be soft. Blending efficiency with user-friendliness and enough buoyancy to provide a dry ride in rough water, it’s perfect for everything from wilderness exploration to day touring. And at just over 19 feet, it’s more portable than many other composite tandems of its caliber. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Fishing/Photography Length 19' 2.5” Width 28.5" 5.8 m Weight 88 lbs Cockpits 31" x 16.5" 78.7 x 41.9 cm Bow Hatch 12" x 9" 40.6 x 22.9 cm Stern Hatch 15" x 10.5" 38.1 x 26.7 cm 72.4 cm 39.9 kg Day Tripping COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness key 0 YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf 10 FEATURES SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES AMARUK ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS • Over a foot longer water line and overall length than poly model • Thermoformed polyethylene seats • Finer bow entry with adjustable backrests and nylon covered foam seat pads • Composite bow and stern hatch covers over neoprene gaskets with bulkheads • Reflective safety perimeter line • Rudder system with adjustable foot pedals • Long water line (LWL) enables a shorter, lighter overall design vs. competitors • Soft chined hull minimizes drag and is very neutral in rough seas • Huge bow volume for safety and dry ride in rough seas • Aluminum hull stiffener • Cockpits sized for true rough water safety and spray deck retention • Proven design with over a decade of success in expedition and outfitter use, and adventure races (Primal Quest) • Compact and portable FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Why did Necky go to softer chine profiles on the doubles? D o u b l e s a r e d i f f e r ent than highly maneuverable singles. The softer c h i n e p r o f i l e s e q u ate to a ver y neutral, secure feel in big seas. Different n e e d s = d i f f e r e n t designs. Q: Why would I choose the composite version over the poly? T h e c o m p o s i t e A maruk offers more cargo capacity, additional speed/ e f f i c i e n c y a n d a l i ght, ultra tough, stiff construction. COMPETITORS • Seaward – Gemini • Seda – Tango • Current Designs – Libra WHAT SETS US APART 1. Dry, high volume bow on a proven design 2. Superior composite construction 3. Lightweight 4. Extremely stable and comfortable NOOTKA PLUS™ composite The Nootka Plus is our most serious tandem touring kayak. This composite tandem features extra flare above the waterline for stability and buoyancy. Take it out for as long as you want, with whatever you want, and enjoy streamlined efficiency all the way to camp and back home. The course record for the Yukon Challenge was set in a Nootka Plus. SPECS Sea Touring Performance Variables Tracking/Guide Storage Capacity Potential Speed Touring Speed Efficiency Overall Stability Fishing/Photography Day Tripping Length 22' 5" Width 27" 6.8 m Weight 99 lbs Cockpits 31" x 16.5" 78.7 x 41.9 cm Bow Hatch 12" x 9" 30.5 x 22.9 cm Center Hatch 13" x 13" Stern Hatch 14.5" x 10.5” 68.6 cm 44.9 kg 33 x 33 cm 36.8 x 26.7 cm COLORS Cockpit Size General Touring Paddler Weight Turnability Playfulness key 0 Coastal/Rough Seas High Wind/Surf YELLOW DECK & HATCHES RED DECK & HATCHES BLACK SEAM BLACK SEAM WHITE HULL WHITE HULL 10 SPECIFIC HANDLING ATTRIBUTES FEATURES NOOTKA PLUS ADVANCED COMPOSITE FIBERGLASS • Thermoformed polyethylene seats with adjustable backrests and nylon covered foam seat pads • Three large hatches with composite covers over neoprene gaskets and bulkheads • Reflective safety perimeter line • Rudder system with adjustable foot braces • Long, sleek, 22’ 5’’ hull provides a long waterline and favorable length to beam ratio for speed = one of the fastest tandems available • Soft chine hull with super buoyant flared bow excels in rough seas • Dry ride • Center bulkhead curved for foot clearance and maximum storage • Large capacity for expeditions and tour companies • Cockpits sized for rough water spray deck retention, yet ample room for entry and exit • Cockpits are far enough apart to eliminate paddle interference • Lightweight for a kayak this size FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: Why is Necky Advance Composite better in a big double like this? O u r r e s i n - i n f u s e d vacuum bagged, cored, construct ion means a lighter, s t r o n g e r, f a r s t i f f e r boat that flexes less in rough seas and is easier to c a r r y. I t w i l l t a ke more abuse over the long haul. Q: How much weight can this double handle? Co m b i n e d p a d d l e r and gear weights in excess of 500 lbs. are common! I t ’ s b e s t t o l o a d t h e heaviest gear in the center hatch. Q: Why is the Nootka Plus so fast? T h e b e a m t o l e n g th ratio (skinny for its length) makes this double have a h i g h e r p o t e n t i a l speed with minimal drag - two paddlers can really m a ke i t m o v e. Tw o average paddlers can cruise along easily! COMPETITORS • Seaward - Passat G3 WHAT SETS US APART 1. Advanced Composite lay-up offers superior strength and stiffness 2. Nootka Plus offers unmatched performance in rough seas 3. Expedition proven over and over