000 RGG-King-....jpg - The Church of Haile Selassie I


000 RGG-King-....jpg - The Church of Haile Selassie I
Volume I, Issue 4
July 2005
IRASCOM Journal ®
The Official Journal of the InIversal Ras Tafari Community
Thoughts and ideas explored in the IRASCOM Journal are that of the writer and not necessarily the
position of the Journal or IRASCOM Cooperative International.
Chairman’s Message .............................................................02
Editorial Perspective ..............................................................03
Youth Editorial ........................................................................19
Brothers’ And Sisters’ Keepers..............................................15
Elders Of Rastafari.................................................................04
His Imperial Majesty’s Utterances..........................................20
Timeline Ethiopia....................................................................13
Voices From The Belly Of The Beast....................................16
World News............................................................................05
Whispers Of The Spirit
Poets Corner ..........................................................................08
Scripture Of The Month ..........................................................12
Words Of Wisdom..................................................................07
Home And Family
Bredren Reasoning ................................................................17
Health, Food and Nutrition .....................................................09
Family Life ..............................................................................11
Sistren Reasoning ..................................................................18
Rastafari Reasoning...............................................................10
Rastafari World Wide
Guyana.................................................................................. 07
Florida.................................................................................... 12
New York............................................................................... 13
Our Contributors
Brother Aaron King-Naphtali ................................................ USA
Ras Andrews ......................................................................... Ghana
Sister April ............................................................................ USA
Empress Denise ................................................................... USA
Ras Evan ............................................................................... USA
Brother Filip ........................................................................... Croatia
Elder Mama FiYah................................................................. Jamaica
Sister Janae........................................................................... USA
Ras Haile Mikael.................................................................... Guyana
Empress I-dra Iyah ............................................................... USA
Ras Israel Berhane Mariam Smith ........................................ Bahamas
Empress Jehonen ................................................................. USA
Lij Marques Benjamin ........................................................... Canada
Ras Miles Jacob Marley ........................................................ USA
Brother Osib .......................................................................... Croatia
Reggaemania .........................................................................14
The materials contained within are protected by copyright © 2005.
If you would like to duplicate any items within please contact us at any of the addresses located on the back cover for permission.
I Greet One and Ones in the Precious Atonement of Haile Selassie, JAH RASTAFARI!
Ones would think that it gets easier with each new issue that is produced, but we at IRASCOM INT’L are finding that it only
becomes more challenging each time around. We continuously find ourselves looking for new material, fresh topics and creative innovations
striving not to produce what other Rasta newsletters are producing. Also what we find challenging is that each issue of the IRASCOM
Journal is special, personal and unique to us that when the time arrives to produce the next issue, we find ourselves trying to raise the
standards a little higher than has been previously set. Outwitting oneself is the greatest test for us at the Journal Committee of IRASCOM
because we will forever be constructively critical of our works and contributions, presenting nothing but the best for our avid and loyal
readers and for this InI would like to say THANK YOU for challenging us at the Journal Committee to go above and beyond in our
presentation of articles, stories and literature all complied into the IRASCOM Journal.
Coming out of the 1st Rastafari Summit in Hispanic America, hosted by Ras Sela and the Panama RasTafari Alliance, IRASCOM
was met with both good and bad fates. While we at IRASCOM INTERNATIONAL are most appreciative for the overwhelming love and
support we have received from those in attendance, especially the Ancients in the persons of Ras Irie Irons and Bongo Shephan of the
Ancient Order of the NyahBingi, whose enthusiasm for the IRASCOM’s “Rasta Government Proposal” seemed most genuine and authentic.
Two Ancients who brought nothing but motivation to the IRASCOM team to continue in its works, just these Ancients shared reaction to the
IRASCOM presentation was sufficient to keep IRASCOM afloat. Bongo Shephan can be quote as saying that “It’s been long overdue!”
Unfortunately with every triumph, defeat is often near. The Panama Summit not only propelled IRASCOM to the forefront of organizing an
effective Rasta Government, it also illuminated IRASCOM making it easier for jealous “who is who” in the Rasta Movement to prey on us as
their victims. Other proponents of Rasta Government sought not to support IRASCOM, but to discredit IRASCOM, as if there was some
“competition” amongst us. Iman couldn’t believe that these were fellow RASTAS attempting to destroy JAH works through us.
The fallout from these deceitful, self- praising Rastas decided that when they couldn’t find anything wrong with IRASCOM and its
administration, that they then hunted its administrators. Iman personally have been called egotistical, arrogant, stuck-up, followed by a slew
of obscenities that I dare not repeat to defile the pages of this Journal. This lead to InI offering my resignation to the Interim Steering
Committee who unanimously reject InI letter of resignation. I have no intention to “give-up” or “abandon” the vision, however InI dare not to
stand in the way of has the potential to become the most effective and efficient voice for Rastafari worldwide. InI would like to take this time
personally thank the membership of IRASCOM and the Interim Steering Committee of IRASCOM who stood with InI through these times.
Some members of the ISC also offered their resignation in support of InI. Iman am proud to announce that we have since weathered the
storm, and through JAH’s Grace our ship remains fully intact with all original ISC members returning to the board. Ras Ashkar –Assistant CoChair of IRASCOM and Director of the IAC will be writing a “Conflict Resolution Report” concerning the recent developments that will be
made available to all members of IRASCOM. In addition, IRASCOM will not be writing or releasing a Report from the Panama Summit, as
such a report is highly anticipated by certain “competing Rastas” who are ready to pounce and seize upon what would have been an honest
report reflecting the high AND low points of the summit.
InI want to close by saying a special thank you to the many who continuously support IRASCOM, but most importantly a special
thank you to those “competing Rastas” for what you have intended for bad, JAH RASTAFARI has turned into good. JAH has given to
IRASCOM beauty for InI ashes and thanks to your manipulative and deceitful ways, you have only increased tenfold the membership,
support and resources of IRASCOM. Rastas are crawling out from everywhere wanting to take part in this “Zion Bound Train.” We have
survived your attacks and we at IRASCOM stand stronger and firmer than ever, thus we are able to bring ot you, this July issue of the
IRASCOM Journal. For truly this is a special month, the month that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah manifested himself pon the earth in flesh in
the person of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie, so let InI give thanks for HIM earthlight.
RasTafarI Love,
Berhane Mariam
Blessed Greetings Dear Readers,
First I must apologize for the delay in publishing this issue of the IRASCOM Journal. It was to no fault but mine that it has had such a
late publish date. The other day I was blessfully reminded by Brother Israel Berhane that the Rasta strong in their faith will be constantly
challenged and always feel uncomfortable in our daily lives, because this is not where we belong. I give thanks for the wonderful staff the
Journal has and know we are blessed to have them here writing for us. Giving us strength to press on when we only have strength to hold up
our heads and open our eyes. Giving us a sense of community, letting us know we are not alone. We have many brothers and sisters that fight
the same fight and go through the same trials and tribulations. We take comfort in each other’s spirit and love.
This month we celebrate the blessed event of His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I’s earthlight. We can only hope that we do justice to
HIM’s teachings and works each month, but especially this, the month of his birth.
As I compose this message to you I am listening to Culture’s ‘Two Sevens Clash’ and I recall an interview that Steve Serpiente, my
interviewing partner, and I did with Joseph Hill in late October 2001. Steve asked about the inspiration of Two Sevens Clash and that some
hailed Joseph as a prophet and I wanted to share his response.
Brother Joseph said, “See there are two answers which provide themselves for this [inaudible] question. One, the people made a
wrong interpretation of the music. Two, I was not being asked a question about the real meaning, at present or in the same era, because all the
media had their conclusion locked, infrared, on one thing, which is the expectation of civil war.
Now, out of my corner, if the rich meeting the poor, talking to them, bring into being a non-segragative nation globally. Then, I don’t
think from the corner of love, love itself would be asking too much of people to give. So, with in that same term then brings me on to say, each
human has nine passages, seven are in their heads. Is that true? So, if both eyes are not looking at each other, focusing what is truthfulness,
honesty, shamelessness to proclaim what is right on a democratic level, then they won’t see what’s the meaning of two sevens clash.”
I learned a great deal about Rastafari during that interview. I encourage each of us to have both eyes looking at each other, to focus
on the truthfulness, honestly, shamelessness to proclaim what is right on a democratic level. Each of us must take the teachings of HIM and
study them; we provide a section each month for the utterances of His Imperial Majesty, learn and live by these teachings for they are our rock,
our foundation. We must honor our namesake, Ras Tafari, by following his teachings and in our dealings with each other we must ask
ourselves if we would speak to HIM in the manner we are speaking to another. If the answer is no, then we must correct ourselves.
In honor of His Majesty ’s earthlight some of the Journal’s staff has shared what this day means to them. I give thanks to Ras Marley
for that suggestion! You will find their inspirations at the end of their articles. My favorite response was from Brother Osib who said that the
day means so much to him it would be impossible to compress it into five lines. Blessed Brother Osib, give thanks.
This month’s Elders of Rastafari section features Mama FiYah, of the Nyahbinghi Order of Jamaica. She shares with us the power
Rastafari has over lightening, thunder and earthquake. Brother Osib, from Croatia, reminds us that Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right in the
Words Of Wisdom section. Brother Israel Berhane discusses why the declaration of “I’m officially a man,” by one of his brethren stunned him
into silence, but for a brief moment, in the Bredren Reasonings section. The newest addition to our staff is Sister Janae. She contributed to two
sections this month, in the Sistren Reasoning section she shows us how our names can give us power and help define our roles. She also
discusses the human trinity of Body, Mind and Spirit in the Health, Food and Nutrition section. This month is part one of that series - The Body.
Empress Idra-Iyah and the Empresses of Haile Sisters International MSN Web Group discuss disciplining children in the Family Life & Rasta
Parenting section. Timeline Ethiopia section Ras Mikael teaches us about the prophesy of His Majesty’s birth. There is so much more, open the
pages and lose yourself in Rastafari!
As always, I want to remind you that this Journal is for you; your words, your voice, your culture. Take a moment to respond to any of
the articles or the sections if something you’ve read enlightened you, gave you strength or food for thought. You can contact the Journal at any
one of the addresses on the back cover or you can contact me directly at the email listed below.
Do you Rasta duty by making copies of the Journal and sharing them with our Idren that don’t have Internet access. Start forwarding
the Journal to everyone in your email address book. Stop forwarding jokes that everyone has already seen ten times. Put your network to good
use and get the message out about Rastafari and the Journal.
Fall Dow Seven, Get Up Eight!
Issa Kelly
Managing Editor
[email protected]
HIM’s Earthlight
I give thanks each and every day for the blessed event of the birth of my guiding light and teacher of JAH’s works, the prophet His Imperial
Majesty Haile Selassie I. Years ago I questioned HIM’s divinity and it was revealed that there are people alive today that can testify to his works
and I could not believe and yet I could believe the works from two thousand years ago. It was then that I realized the true divinity of my King, His
Imperial Majesty. The most precious of these utterances is HIM’s speech at his palace gardens on Morgan Heritage’s ‘More Teachings’ release.
I can hear HIM speaking! JAH knows it is a true blessing.
~ Issa Kelly
Matriarch Mama Fiyah of The NyahBinghi Order
Lightening, Thunder and Earthquake
By: Ras Israel Berhane Mariam Smith
It’s not often enough that we give thanks to JAH for the
Mamas and Matriarchs of the Rastafari Movement, and we at the
IRASCOM Journal hope to demonstrate both Patriarchs and
Matriarchs in the faith. One such Elder that InI have been blessed
to learn from is Mama Fiyah. I first met Mama Fiyah during the 1st
Diaspora Rastafari Summit in Hispanic America, hosted by Ras
Sela and the Panama Rastafari Alliance. Mama Fiyah was apart of
the Jamaican Delegation of Elders & Incients traveling to Panama
City, Panama to attend the Summit. It didn’t take to long to learn
why she got the name “Mama Fiyah”.
A wombman who stands firm and strong, taking no
nonsense and always demanding excellence and perfection and
assuring, without any apologies to anyone, that any done in the
name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I & Empress
Menen, is done in decency and in order. A bit
intimidating at first ones may find Mama Fiyah,
but what a joy it was to sit down with Mama
Fiyah and listen to her teachings on
Lightening, Thunder & Earthquake. The
reasons I sought to question Mama Fiyah on
these topics was because of a NyahBinghi
Chant we sung during the African Liberation
Day NyahBinghi Service in Panama. InI
Noticed Mama Fiyah, showing with an
exuberance of energy when InI chanted and
she shouted “LIGHTENING, THUNDER &
EARTHQUAKE” and InI knew that this chat
had special meaning to Mama Fiyah. InI was
grateful when Mama Fiyah agreed to sit down
with InI and give some teachings and
reasonings on the importance of “Lightening,
Thunder & Earthquake” to the Rastafari
Movement. It was Mama Fiyah who led the
chants and praises shouting “Lightening!
Lightening!” during the Binghi Service held in
honor of African Liberation Day where we were
greeted by thunders.
The words to the chant:
Wa Go Home A Yard
Wonder why the Whiteboy dem no go wey,
For we wah go home a yard (rep)
Rastafari a go burn dem out, Burn dem out
Burn dem out a Ithiopia Land.
I say go way Babylonian (rep)
Babylonian you must get a great shook of lightening
Babylonian you must get a great shook of thunder
Babylonian you must get a great shook a earthquake
On a this fine day
Mama Fiyah Explains:
“These are InI weapons, Lightening, Thunder &
Earthquake yuh now, when we call Lightening, Thunder &
Earthquake, we calling pon INI weapons, cause Rastafari we don’t
pick up no knife and gun and ting. Rastafari rules the Lightening,
the Thunder and the Earthquake and we, as HIM children, use the
weapons that are ruled by the Father. InI done site Jah work nuff
times and InI know HIM controls the Lightening, Thunder &
Earthquake. HIM prove it to me. Mi a memba on time, I was a
lickle youth den and one man come say “yuh duty bare foot rasta
gat” and him use to bother I every time I [he] see I, say all kinda
hurtful things to InI as a lickle gal. So one day him riding him
bicycle come fi chase InI and when him get near InI mi shout out at
him “EARTHQUAKE” and the ground shake
under him feet. The man pick up him bike and
put it pon top a he head and start running and
from dat day InI know these InI weapons.”
InI sat there reasoning with Mama
Fiyah, and other rasta wombman and youth
dem gathered around the Empress feet as
she shared with InI her troddings and
teachings as a Rasta wombman from her
youth. Soon we were joined by Priest Bailey
of the EABIC (Ethiopian African Black
International Congress) who reminded Mama
Fiyah of a Binghi Chant and Mama Fiyah
broke out into song singing: “We’re Marching
to Zion” and “Holy Mount Zion” while sitting
outside under the Panama Moonlight. Mama
Fiyah (also knows as Dawta Darling) begun to
share again:
“My first Experience of Rasta, from
when I came to Rasta, from mi a lickle youth,
but the first time that I have my full
knowledge, my father take me to a binghigroundation day – bull bay and 8 miles inna bull bay and when I go
there I was standing and I was observing everyone and I was
watching and I was chanting and I see a bredren come just
chanting and moving through and through and then he just come
and step right in before me and when him see that I was frightened
him just say (mama fiyah singing as she shares the memory)
“Rock NyahBinghi, Rock NyahBinghi, Rock NyahBinghi” and me a
just start Rock and Rock and dance, me a just start rock and every
time I reach me know say me a turn up and Rock NyahBinghi and
that bredren is one a my [elders], he a patriarch. Him living inna
Ethiopia right now, him and him empress, two people that’s a
perfect example unto InI and right now them living inna Ethiopia,
and that bredren use to chant EVERYDAY, him have a chant what
him a love, (and Mama Fiyah begins to sing again) “I want go home
a Ithiopia Land, I want go home a Ithiopia Land, I want go a home
Ithiopia Land, Ohhhhh, Hail Jah Rastafari
The True Image of Rastafari
By: Ras Israel Berhane Mariam Smith
Coming out of
the 1st Rastafari Summit
in Hispanic America, held
in Panama, organ-ized
by Ras Sela and his
Rastafari Alliance; whom
IRASCOM would like to
congrat-ulate on a job
well done.
A positive
image of Rastafari has
been implanted on the
minds of many in Latin
America, no longer are we simply viewed as the gun-carrying,
ganja-smoking, original gangsta rascals. Our true message of
LOVE is being capture by media. Give thanks! ¯
The Tsunami In Landlocked
By: Issa Kelly
The affects of the Tsunami that hit parts of Asia and
Eastern Africa in 2004 are evident when you see the pictures.
People from around the world stepped up when their own
governments were failing in their responsibility. Millions of dollars
from individuals flowed into the area for repairs and relief.
Niger suffers from its own landlocked tsunami, famine.
On May 28th, 2005 the Prime Minster of Niger, Hama Amadou, told
his parliament that 3.6 million people were in need of assistance.
The UN made an appeal to all member nations, the previous week,
for 16.2 million dollars to assist Niger in what it called “the Silent
In 2004 Niger, one of the poorest countries in the world,
was hit by a swarm of locust that nearly annihilated their crops.
These crops were already stunted by the early end of the rainy
season. Niger’s population
farmers and with this
double whammy they have
not been able to feed their
There are nearly
800, 000 children under the
age of five that are in
Courtesy - © IRIN/ G. Cranston
desperate need of food and
150,000 of those children
already suffer from severe malnutrition.
The government of Niger has already supplied some
42,000 tons of cereals to the population in the greatest need. The
demand for food is more then the current aid can cover.
To date the member countries of the UN have given only
11% or 1.76 million dollars of the requested assistance. This
leaves an unbelievable gap that will leave children dead and the
parents severely malnourished.
What can you do about it? Donate to the World Food
Program (www.wfp.org). The World Food Program is over $1
million short of its funding needs in Niger.
If you live in the United States write, e- mail or call your
Congressperson or Senator. Especially if you are a constituent of
any of the following members of the committee on International
Relations, subcommittee on Africa: Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) - chair
of the subcommittee, Houghton (R-NY), Tancredo (R-CO), Flake
(R-AZ), Green (R-WI), Donald Payne (D-NJ) - the ranking minority
leader. Write your representative: http://www.house.gov/writerep/.
You’ll need your full zip code with the four-digit suffix. You can
find it here http://zip4.usps.com). Please pass this information on
every little bit does help, especially when $20 can buy 100kg of
I know when we look at global issues it seems so
overwhelming, there are so many places that need assistance, but
with just $20US you could help save someone’s life. ¯
Fire at The Holy Trinity
Ethiopian Orthodox Church
in Ohio
By Ras Israel Berhane Mariam Smith and
Sista Zionz (Sister Lisa)
InI am sharing with ones a story brought to InI by Sista
Zionz (IRASCOM Accountant). The Holy Trinity Ethiopian Orthodox
Church on Camden Avenue, in Columbus Ohio was burned down
to the ground Monday night (June, 2005). Investigators believed
that a candle or spotlight on the church altar was cause of the fire
that Sista Zionz said it destroyed about 95% of the building, along
with all of the items and church relics inside.
The fire took
a few hours for firemen
to put it out and then
came that sad moment
members go to see the
damage first hand.
Selassie is who also
apart of the IRASCOM
family and well known
to many of us in the Rasta Community is also a member of this
church and invited Sista Zionz to attend the church last week
where she was able to see first hand the damage that was done. It
was then that the Rastas and members of the church expressed to
her their desire to rebuild. The church has been apart of the east
side of Columbus community for over 10 years now and the loss is
felt by the entire community.
This church was home to over 300 plus families, it was
their familiar home, an island of community in an often confusing,
new country that helped members to adjust to their new lives in the
USA. Rev Haregewoyn described how the church members did
everything together; their relationship went beyond just
worshipping together. Even in the charred building, a few precious
remnants survived including a beloved picture of Mary and holy
tablets kept in a secluded part of the church were taken away by
police for safe-keeping.
part is that
the church
had no insurance and
so it is now
our time as
to show our
love and support to the church of His Majesty, Emperor Haile
Selassie. A fund has been set up at Fifth Third bank for the Holy
Trinity Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Priests are asking the
community for donations. Donations should be made out to "The
Ethiopian Trinity Church Reconstruction Fund" and mailed to
The Ethiopian Trinity Church, P.O. Box 13585, Whitehall, Ohio
43213 if one and ones want more information one and ones can
call Rev. Musie Haregewoyn @ 614-204-8025, Mr. Kahassai @
614-425-5340 or Sista Zionz
@ 614-353-6194, or
[email protected] or [email protected]. We at the
IRASCOM journal come forward to ask Rastas worldwide, without
consideration of mansion – this is our community, to put forward
monetary donations to the church. ¯
President Commits $3.2M Towards
Rastafari Summit
President Bharrat Jagdeo has responded to a request by
the Guyana Rastafari Council Foundation (GRCF) for a grant
towards hosting the 10th Caribbean Rastafari Organization summit.
At a recent meeting at the Office of the President, the
Head of State committed $3.2 million and free air time on National
Communications Network (NCN) TV for a live telethon which is
projected to generate another $3 million.
This sum is inclusive of $200,000 from the Ministry of
Tourism, Industry and Commerce. The telethon is tentatively fixed
for June 26.
The money will be used to assist in expenditure costs for the
conference estimated at $6.2 million.
President Jagdeo promised the GRCF to visit their
headquarters to ascertain what assistance could be granted for the
rehabilitation of the office severely damaged by the floods earlier
this year.
In addition, the President has also promised to meet NonGovernmental Organisations to discuss issues and concerns
affecting the advancement of the Rastafari group in Guyana. The
meeting was attended by the President of the Guyana Rastafari
Council Ras Simeon, Secretary Sister Tekla, Treasurer Sister Isis,
Conference Chairman Ras Abdalla, PRO Ras Richard Taylor and
Youth Arm representative Lester Paul, as well as Permanent
Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Kenneth Jordan. ¯
Observation & Suggestions from the
Rastafari Hispanic Summit
By: Ras Sela
Observation & Suggestions from the Rastafari Hispanic Summit
Hail H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen I,
children that participated in the 1st Hispanic Rastafari SummitPanama, May 2005. And those ones that were not able to trod.
“To those who contribute willingly, who in sweat and toil work for
the good of the nation, with little thought of self? To them will much
be given, even to governing of the land”… H.I.M. on Responsibility
It is within Rastafari honor that I share few moments that
I observed that highlighted the historic development of the 1st
Rastafari Hispanic Summit. Has the gap been cemented between
InI extended families in the Anglo and Spanish phones and racial
barriers were demolished amongst the ones present.
It is now obvious that the task to pave the road for the
unification of the brethrens and sisters in Africa and Brazil and the
world is a must. Delegates from the Hispanic and English regions
should make all necessary attempts to establish links with Africa
and Brazil. InI must take this task up before the next global
Rastafari reasoning. Remember the largest descendants of
Africans, outside of Africa reside in Brazil. This I highlight because
it was the concern of many delegates and it was not mentioned in
any of the workshops.
Another important matter that must I mention is the
presentation of Member of Parliament of Jamaica, Honorable Mike
Henry on reparations on May 24. MP Mike Henry articulated the
necessity of Rastafari as a collective to take a civic stand on the
reparations issues in Jamaica. He mentioned that he will be
advocating for reparations and debt relief in Parliament in Jamaica.
Fourteen days after the summit, the World Bank freed 18 of the
poorest countries of their foreign debt. The product of poverty is
oppression (slavery) and now is the time for InI to take a stand as a
global organization to advocate for reparation for all Africans.
The question is; what will the two major Rastafari houses in
Jamaica plan to do with this proposal?
And so ones and ones move on to the workshop on
Rastafari spirituality on May 25. Much was reasoned on the
Divinity of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and Prince Emmanuel.
At the end of the day all houses and mansions of Rastafari were
giving thanks and praises to Emperor Haile Selassie I at the
Tabernacle in Veracruz, Panama and the world over. Few
Rastafarians did not participate in the All African Liberation Day
praises, which was due to the early reasoning.
InI must not follow western ways of religious doctrines. If
InI look at the situation of religions today, InI will find that everyone
stems from a major source and ramification exist among all.
However, they all function well under Christianity, Islam, Judaism
and Buddhism, etc… I hope Rastafarians overstand InI livity is
African unity above it all. InI must keep the tradition of Africa alive
through the tabernacle, drums, chants, bible, herb, the Kebra
Negast, the teachings of H.I.M. and establish a solid economic
Two Wrongs Don’t Make Right
By: Brother Osib
Life can be very hard sometimes. We constantly get tempted and JAH watches the decisions we make. Some decisions are easy, but
sometimes it can be really hard to decide which path is the right one to choose. What’s even harder, after we decide which one is correct, to
actually take it.
What gives me the most problem is when I have to decide to make a “wrong” or to make a “right” choice. It’s not easy to live and watch
all those evil things that are going on around you. All the injustice, violence, poverty, corruption; seeing all those things gives me an almost
unstoppable desire to correct them. In that situation a person can get seduced and long for making evil things to correct other evil things. It’s not
just that choosing that path is easier, but also, we get a chance to satisfy some of our body desires and falling to body desires is a sin.
When I was younger, I found myself in a situation when I succumbed to the temptation and I used my anger to give me more strength
for gaining supremacy over a bit tougher opponent. Although I felt that he deserved what he got, it wasn’t my job to judge him and punish him. I
allowed the anger to spread inside me and it took control over me. So, to satisfy th e anger, which was a body desire, I attacked the person who
stood in front of me.
After that, I got that feeling which always comes when you satisfy your body desires, but that feeling didn’t last long and now, years
after, I’m sorry for what I did. My action was certainly wrong. JAH doesn’t want us to hate and to fight each other and that’s exactly what I did.
It’s hard to give love to those who hate you, but that’s what we have to do. That’s what JAH wants us to do. Everyone will get what he
has deserved, but JAH is the one who will decide on that, not us. Two wrongs can’t make right. If we use the weapons of evildoers, we become
one of them.
We should act like the real soldiers of JAH army and use love to fight against evil. ¯
know, Selah” and him always say “open up the gates and make we
repatriate, open up the gates and make we repatriate, open up the
gates and make we repatriate, open up the gates and make we
repatriate, ohhhhhh Hail Jah Rastafari know, Selah” and “We Hail
Selassie I Our God and King” by ya see dat chant and dat bredren
when I really see how everyday from I was a youth him just love
that chant and him always chant it and I see him get heart desire.
Him say him must go home Ithiopia land and I see him really trod
home, das the day it was trodding home how ever man dem do it.
The way InI feel it come like ya see dat bredren and dat sistren
there, dem are the mother and the father for each a us for when InI
go home. You see the words of His Majesty it is real, it is not
something where one, anyone a doubt how dem feel for we [are]
about Hail Rastafari and be Rasta. This woman “Mama Fiyah”
[pointing to herself]) have no doubt inna it. Everyday with Rastafari
fi InI say and the day before because I prove Rastafari in so many
ways, I prove HIM is so many ways, I prove HIM in so many ways, I
want to sing and shout and I want to tell the whole wide world
everyday bout Rastafari and what he has done for I because I go
through it, I go through it, [shaking her head, remembering the
struggles] I go through it. I go through, all grief comes beset I, but
dem couldn’t come take we and hold we down, yea man. I go
through losing 10 children, 10 years straight, 10 children I lose and
all everything with doctor and nurse and everybody come and
gather over I, I never give up pon Rastafari and Rastafari help I,
make I come up with the 11th one (child) 8 years old now. When I
be up – be up in age and everyone say dat can’t happen and dat
not possible, His Majesty use I as a living instrument and prove dat
to the world. As I love one a da time when the I dem have
something, don’t leave and don’t get my pictures cause I love fi
come tell my young sistren about Haile Selassie I and the
confidence that I have in HIM because I prove him, I know him, I no
guess I naw belief, but I KNOW Him and Empress Menen and who
dem is to I and who is to each I , to everyone a InI who is I bredda
and sista, who is dem children. I know everything with dem to fear
InI; I have no doubt in HIM.
Yea, righteous weapon it is a come from His Majesty the
almighty himself, His Majesty himself no man cant stop dat, no man
can’t pollute dat, I see lightning and thunder flash already and I see
badman put down dem gun and run, I see lightning and thunder
flash already and police haffi take out him gun out him waist and
him is a license killer, license murder and him take it up outta him
waist and put down dat and run. So InI have confidence inna
Rastafari and we love lightning and thunder, because we know say
dat come fi destroy the wicked, yea! Ya call fi JAH and HIM gone
do it, ya call lightning and HIM give ya lightning, if ya say thunder
and HIM give ya thunder, through the word sound we are lifted and
we sacrifice I live unto him because. Sacrifice InI life unto HIM is
just fi live in HIM way and deal with truth and righteousness,
equality and justice and das it, King Selassie I way is a pure way
man.” ¯
Kitty, Georgetown Guyana
Rub-A-Dub and Ital-Q
Come rock to the sounds of Reggae
From Oldies to Contemporaries
SSaappooddiillllaa’’ss BBaarr aanndd NNiigghhtt CClluubb
Public Road, Kitty, Georgetown, Guyana
September 10th , 2005
By: Empress Jehonen
Destroy IT
No matter how high Rastaman live up,
Babylon try destroy it
No matter how high Babylon build up
Selassie destroy it
Let me tell you something bout my Emporer
The Lion of Judah, the conqueror
Selassie I, the conquestor
Ras Tafari, the Hola Preacher
Learn the call of a Lion’s roar
Make yourself an enforcerer
The devil is a torturer
A rapist and molester
Wicked deceitful transgressor
InI am a destroyer
Living in a world of pain and terror
Babylo n burn, a scorcher ya
Chant with me, fire fire
Fire fire, fire fire
Chant with me fire fire
Fire, fire, fire, fire
My Blessed Idren, no more we a wait
Let us not procrastinate
Too long have we contemplate
We must destroy what a devil create
Open your door to Zion gate
Confusion we shall dissipate
Dissection owe only complicate
Temples of JAH, communicate
No longer shall we segregate
Selassie I, our magistrate
Hola HERB we consecrate
Abolish all the racial hate
Ithiopia, the mother state
When you call upon JAH it never too late
Life in Zion, I anticipate
Forever loving Jah is InI fate
Now it’s time for the Iditation
To Selassie I place your confession
InI see no complication
The time has come for the destruction
Harlots and whores practice seduction
Empress and Queen trod through to Zion
When Harlot and Queen have altercation
Always haffi righteous conclusion
Let there be no interpretation
Almighty JAH is a LIVING MAN
InI love my light complexion
But BLACKNESS is where all begin and end from
Enough is enough of this racial tension
Selassie’s words are the constitution
Rastaman has the heart of LION
Ras Tafari is the true sensation
No matter how high Rastaman live up
Babylon try destroy him
No matter how high Babylon build up
Selassie destroy it
Living in a world of pain and horror
Babylon burn a scorcher ya
Chant with me, fire fire
Chant with me now
Fire fire
Fire fire, fire fire
Fire fire, fire fire
Spiritual Breath
Many are called, but the chosen are few.
Our hearts, full of JAH, inspire anew.
Fear not the shadow of death.
Nothing may kill the spiritual breath.
Life is eternal, nothing living may die.
The body is a temple, one which may bleed and cry.
The soul is a river, and eternally flows.
I AM THAT I AM, free from fatal blows.
The Father, the Son, the HOLA SPIRIT within,
The Mother, the daughter, divine feminie;
All things he encompasses the Most High JAH.
Taste the water of Life from our Father, ABBA.
This Day
On this day, as any other, the sun rises and will set.
On this day, as any other, my lungs expand to accept breath.
On this day, as any other, I sit and meditate.
And on this day, like every other, I let JAH Spirit help I create.
For not the first time in I trod,
My heart is overflowed,
And the presence of Iration flows about in mine abode.
On this day as any other, my heart it beats the ancient drums,
The blood within I physical flows freely about mine bones.
No vexation on this morning, no stress no strain, no fuss.
Not one thing in an earthly kingdom could cause the I and eyes
to lust.
Body, Mind & Spirit – Part One: Body
By: Sister Janae
As this is the month of His Imperial Majesty’s Earthlight, we
should renew our efforts to connect with the Divine within ourselves,
for this is what the lineage of HIM represents; the union of flesh and
spirit. From Solomon to Yahoshua (Christ) to HIM, their life’s mission
was to teach the world about the sacredness and divinity that
permeates all of creation, including wo/man. The body, mind and
spirit are the trinity that comprises the human being. In order for us
to live a long, joyful, healthy life and to ascend spiritually, we make
sure that each one of these elements are properly cared for and
balanced. This is because they are related to one another, and
therefore, an imbalance in one can result in disharmony within the
others, leading to dis-ease and blockages in our spiritual ascension.
Spiritual elevation is all about raising your vibration by allowing your
will to be one with the Divine Will. Paul, servant of the Most High, in
his letter to the Romans states, “. . . I urge you, brothers, in view if
God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices , holy and
pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not
conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be
able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good pleasing
and perfect will.” [Romans 12:1-2] During the next few issues, I will
discuss each of these in depth, how they relate to one’s overall
spiritual progress and offer some advice of what can be done to aid
in balancing these elements.
When one decides to trod this spiritual path, one of the first
aims must be to cleanse and maintain a healthy physical body, for
within us, lies the temple of the Most High. Yahoshua states, “The
kingdom of God does not come with careful observation, nor
will people say ‘Here it is’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom
of God is within you,” [Luke 17:20] If then, within each of us lies
the temple of the Most High, it only makes sense that we purify
ourselves in order to overstand and receive the guidance and
blessings of Yahweh. Besides the environmental, mental and
emotional impurities (which will be discussed in a later issue) that
lead to blockages in the body, there are two primary physical factors
that cause dis-ease; bad eating habits and lack of exercise.
Just like people, different foods contain different energies,
therefore we must choose foods that are good for us and will elevate
us just as we choose our companions. Meat and dairy products,
black tea, coffee, alcohol, and “white” refined foods like sugar, flour,
rice and pastas are all acidic. Too much acid (acidosis) is toxic and
causes many of the dis-eases that people struggle with today,
including heartburn, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure,
heart dis-ease, osteoporosis, gall stones, kidney stones and cancer.
These are called degenerative illnesses because they destroy the
body and this is why: as one ages and approaches death, acid
naturally accumulates in the body in order to break it down in
preparation for its return to the earth. So when one allows excessive
amounts of acidic foods into the body, this process is greatly
accelerated. It is not necessary to dismiss all acidic foods from your
diet, because some healthy foods are also acidic like wheat, oats,
some nuts and legumes and a number of berries. Most sources
state that about 25-30 percent of ones diet should be acidic and the
remaining 75-80 percent, alkaline. Alkaline foods include most
vegetables, fruits, and herbs, which are most beneficial when eaten
raw or lightly steamed. Some symptoms of acidosis are fatigue and
low energy, constipation, frequent migraines, nervousness, thin nails
that split and break easily, allergies, conjunctivitis and very dry skin.
Beware of canned foods and processed foods, for though
they may look fresh, they lack the “life” found in fresh foods. Those
substances (vitamins, minerals and LIFE) that the Most High
intended for us to receive from plants for the growth and
maintenance of our bodies are lost during refining, processing,
storing, and cooking. Enzymes that aid in digestion and help detoxify
the body are also lost during these processes. So eat fresh organic
food whenever possible. Do more light steaming of your vegetables
without adding salt, butter, margarine or just eat them raw. Learn to
enjoy what is natural. By doing this, you will become more in tune
with the Divine.
Exercise is very important because it helps to eliminate
acidic wastes through sweating and allowing the lungs to function
more efficiently. Exercise also builds and maintain bone mass,
reduces the risks of complications from acidosis, relieves stress,
strengthens the heart and slows the aging process. The flow of life
depends on the balance between movement and rest. When there is
too much of either, blockages occur and the body slowly deteriorates,
resulting in dis-ease.
Detoxification is a means of stimulating those organs (skin,
lungs, liver, bowels/colon, and kidneys) that remove and excrete
toxins (including acidic wastes) and allowing the body time to cleanse
itself. The following is a list of just a few herbs and methods that will
help these organs:
Liver: red beets, liverwort, blessed thistle, angelica, chamomile,
cayenne pepper and golden rod
Kidneys: parsley, dandelion, marshmallow, ginger, goldenseal, and
uva ursi
Lungs: comfrey, mullein, slippery elm, and senega
Bowels/Colon: Maintain a high fiber diet.
Skin: Bathe daily using natural soaps (commercial soaps contain
toxins), wear clothing made with natural fibers like cotton (synthetic
fibers do not absorb toxins and allow the skin to breathe), use natural
lotions and oils (olive and coconut oils are very beneficial to the skin).
Most herbal teas can be made by adding 1 teaspoon of
dried herbs or 3 teaspoons of fresh herbs and steeping them in 1 cup
of boiled, hot water. Add more herbs for a stronger effect. Fasting is
also very helpful in purifying the body, mind and spirit.
The best times to fast are during the full and new moons,
for anything done to cleanse ourselves during these periods is
enhanced significantly. Find the foods, combination of herbs and
methods that are right for you by informing yourself and listening to
your body and heart. Everyone is different and what works for one
may not work for another. Dis-ease tells us that we are trodding the
wrong path and must look deep within to restore order and balance.
We are Spiritual Beings. Jah “created man in his own image, in
the image of God he created him; Male and Female he created
them.” [Genesis 1:27] Our purpose is to praise the Most High by
utilizing what has been given to us the to best of our ability and BE
the Queens and Kings that we are . . . this is our birthright. Illness is
one way that The Most High lets us know that we are not functioning
at our highest potential. But if we listen, we can be shown how to
rise to our true glory.
If you want more information, here are a few sources that
have helped me in the past and consulted while writing this article:
www.healthrecipes.com, www.essence-of-life.com, and Back To
Eden by Jethro Kloss. ¯
See, Do, Believe, Live
Livicated to Danka Kržic
By: Brother Filip
Today, more than ever, there are so many evil forces in
this world, this Babylon we are trying to live in. The Negativty is
taking over, filling almost every hole and crack. People are falling
to the Dark side, whether they want to or not. It is taking over, it
forces people to hate each other, to tell lies and to kill. The worse
part of the Negativaty is there is no scale that is measuring deeds
from 1 to 10.
I see people dying every day, death slowly taking over.
For each one of them, my brother Mind and my sister Soul are
crying. They will never stop crying, as long there is Negativity in the
Why do I live if there is nothing but pain and misery on
every step I make? Why do I go out with hope, every morning?
Why do I study? Why do I bother, afterall?
I will try to answer these questions. If you take a look on
the Mother Earth, from space, you will see a beautiful shapes,
colours, you will see beautiful Earth´s appearance. You will see a
smile on one side, something strange on the other, but you won´t
pay too much attention to that, her smile will be too gorgeous. You
will perhaps see the wonderfullness, you will feel empathy and at
the end, you will give in to the feeling to look closer.
If you do that, you will see infinite concrete monsters and
filthy gases which are killing our good Spirits, our brothers and
sisters. You will see, after a while, the disappearance of the Blue
and Green colours. Imagine something blue, like the Ocean.
Imagine something green, like a Meadow. Talk to yourself for a
while, give yourself time and peace. Imagine it. Now, imagine that
these colours disappear. Imagine the Grey (which is by itself is a
beautifull colour) smoke that covers the Green and the Blue.
Imagine that the filth covers the pure White. Now, take out one
cigarette. Smoke untill you finish it, always holding it in one hand.
When you finish, smell the air. Smell your hand. Does it smell good
to you?. If it does smell good to you now imagine someone blowing
the filthy smoke in a child´s face, because that is what is happening
to the earth and it's people. Can´t you see you are being blinded?
We must be careful of our actions. A small child sees now, but that
same small child learns from you and could be hurt my your lack of
Take a good look at the Earth from your window. What
can you see? Can you see anything except gigantic buildings,
neverending highways, street filth? Take a close look and ask
yourself some questions like: What´s this life for? Is there any
reason to live? When there will soon be nothing but filth outside?
When I look at the World from my window, the one in my
heart. I see a totally different world full of joy and happiness. I see
love and peace. I see prosperity in our souls and minds, not in our
hands. I see our hair growing freely. I try to fight against the
physical World. Too many people see the world with their eyes and
hands, not with their mind and soul.
I try to fight with happiness against the ones that hate
me. With smile against tears caused by the Negativity. With my
eyes wide open to embrace people who need some positive
vibrations. I fight standing in the World I believe in, against the
physical World.
If I see all this, all this bad things which the Negativity is
doing to Mother Earth, if I see all the evil people, why do I continue
to live and fight in my own way against everything I find negative?
Because there is something. There are many things worth living
for. I am only affraid that everything good is disappearing from the
face of Earth. But there are some people that touch me in my
World and give me hope.
There are some individuals on this Mother Earth, some
that have passed to another plane who are worth to being
remembered. There are some 'small individuals' which you never
heared of, which I have never heared of. I want people, good and
bad, to hear my words about them. I want people to know that,
even there is so few wonderful souls left on this world, I want them
to know that there is at least one of them near each one of us.
There are individuals who make me believe life is worth living for,
some people who give me the strength to get higher, to live out
through the day. We should learn from them, we should follow
them and hold their hands, because it will make us higher.
Many of these individuals are just too strong, too great,
happy, and only thing the Negativity can do to win is to physically
erase them from this plane, this earth. They get killed by the Hand
of Evil, they get sick by the Evil Breath of Babylon.
They only disappear phisically from the face of Earth.
Individuals I am writing about, they never die. They keep on living
in our hearts, souls and minds. In a world which doesn´t know evil
and which is forever. Time doesn´t matter where they live.
That is why we should keep on going on our roads, no
matter how hard and impassable it may seem. Without turning left
or right, we are carrying each one of them with us and if we
continue to follow them on our road we will exist forever. Each one
of us has his own road. Somethimes that road leads us away from
everything else. But somethimes our road crosses the another and
that is friendship. Love.
Maybe they will start walking together, maybe they will
separate somewhere in future. But if we keep following our roads,
we will exist in a world, nonmaterialistic, happy, independent and a
smiling world, where soul, mind and heart is whealth, where
Babylon is behind a school desk, learning from us. After all, we all
once had a same heart.
Disciplining Children
By: Empress I-dra Iyah
Spanking. That word is enough to start a revolution in
home discipline these days. One can ask ten wombmen what they
think about it and get ten different reactions. Some of us were
spanked as children, some of us were abused, some of us were
allowed to run amok like a ‘leggo beast’, and still others were content
to sit quietly in a corner, amusing ourselves for the duration of our
Since I am personally dealing with a discipline crisis, I
decided to take the topic to some Sistren who I felt could shed some
light on the subject, offer me advice, support me in my indecision and
site certain verses from the Hola Bible to help explain why they feel
the way they do. I enjoyed this discussion and this is what I learned.
“Now my opinion on what to do is to talk to her and find out
what is really bothering her, but that has to come tactfully cause kid
know when you’re up to something. You gotta find your niche,
playing games, eating out, shopping, videos... whatever gets her
chatty and in the mood to reason... and unno ask the kind of ‘kid’
questions to find out if that's it or if it's something else... it could be
that she is just going through that whole stage of "I'm a grown up and
I know everything and yeah, whatever to you...shove off my boat.” If
that's it, pop that backside into place. (I know not every sistren will
agree, but to me the biggest problem in Amerikka is that we don’t
spank anymore) Bible teaches us if we spare the rod, we spoil the
child. Used in wisdom, the rod is a very good thing.” This Sistren
makes it clear that communication is very important before InI resort
to disciplinary tactics. She suggests reasoning with the Youth first, to
get at the source of the misbehavior.
“...INI sight the difficulties in raising a youth, though INI son
only four, INI still find that the boy never hit until he was hit, by a next
youth. INI reasoned though recently about the differences in raising a
one daughter and a one son. INI son at times backtalks, but mostly
INI sight it very difficult to raise a one daughter the girls filled with
some supreme inergy that puts them at odds with their mothers. INI
found a card for I mother's earthday recently that I wish I overstood
when I was young and bringing her all kinds of trouble: ‘Daughter I
am in my Mother's house, but Mistress (Empress) I am in my own.’
Many Sistren will reason that raising a Prince is different
than raising a Princess. InI must do our best to recognize and
raspect the differences between Male and Female energies. I thank
this Sistren for bringing a poignant quote to our table, too. “...InI had
to temper discipline with love always and occasional ‘licks’ but, I
would warn them and when I spank dem Ia made sure dat dem knew
WHY them got the licks. Yah haff to talk to your yuth and be as
consistent as possible. If what dem say is rude yah must let dem
know it’s rude and why...And Love dem cuz they grow so fast and life
is so short. Share scriptures, culture, reasoning (yah would be
surprise what they know) share ya time and most of all share as
much of YOU [as] ya can.”
“I strongly agree with the sistren, consistency is crucial. I
did want to comment on the spanking thing though, I do give them
the belt when, as the saying goes, ‘they can’t hear then them have to
feel.’ I don't think its necessarily violence when its done in discipline
and not anger. I agree with [the Sistren earlier], the problem in
Amerikkka is that they do not spank their children and the youths are
out of control.
I was reasoning with an older sister visiting from Jamaica
and she was saying how she had observed how our youths here
don't know their place as youths, like doing as they are told and
being humble and obedient and reverent of their elders. I would
rather my child fear the belt than do something that can get her into
irreparable trouble. In the meantime I am trying to instill in them the
fear of JAH. His judgment is nothing like a little spanking on the butt.
It’s more like the ground will open up and swallow one up. That
SERIOUS is His judgement. I read to them a one verse in Proverbs, I
don't remember which, but it was saying how the eagle will pluck out
the eye of one who does not obey their parents, again its that
serious!! For Rasta youths it is important for them to know what is
expected of them, what scripture says is deemed a ‘good’ son or
“I do agree with spanking. An mi like that ‘they can’t hear
so dem haff to feel’ I might use that again. When a child is
spanked, it [is] never to be done with anger. An always talk to dem
youth so dem overs wha it was exactly they did wrong an why.
Some seh mi explain too much to dem, but I know they will soak in
wha JAH want dem to hear an learn. I tink it helps dem to make
better decisions in their trod.”
Not all the Empresses who participated in this discussion
were pro-spanking. Here are a few rasponses that advocate the
non-violent approach to raising and disciplining a Youth. “When
my children were small I was fairly strict. I believe that the time to
learn respect and right and wrong is while they are young. Now, I
can't imagine hitting my children, or young adults. The time for that
is past. So while I acknowledge that violence sometimes teaches
violence, I have seen times when a spanking was warranted. They
always received an explanation, often I even asked them if they
knew why the got spanked. Sometimes kids can confuse the
spanking with the anger rather than the action.”
My suggestion is to try to find other of rms of discipline
that will work - be they time outs, taking a toy or privilege away,
sending her to her room, etc. Each child is different and more than
anything, as caretakers we must have patience for them. At the
same time, I think every child can be disciplined to act properly, so
long as one is able to find the manner which works best with each
child's personality.”
This next Empress brings the RastafarI livity into the
reasoning and makes a very good point. “Also, site the Order, ‘a
Nyabinghi woman is non-violent and non-abusive.’ This is easier
said than done though huh sis? Especially when fighting the ills
that Babylon face one with (hectic schedule, too many tasks, etc.)”
Reviewing this catalog of motherly wisdom, it is easy to
recognize the consistent message and that is, “communicate with
your Youth and use spanking only as a last resort.” Give thanks to
JAH for life and for this unique opportunity to learn from our
HIM’s Earthlight
As a former atheist, the Light of RastafarI pulled me back from a
very dark place. Although I sited that Light just a few years ago, I
know that it was lit on the 23rd of July, 1892. The birth of a very
special child marked the fulfillment of so many prophecies, it was
hard for me to ignore - even when my analytical mind told me such
things were impossible. Now I See and Know... and I Give Thanks
every day time for this blessing. To be near to JAH again is the
warmest Light imaginable."
Empress Idra I-yah
Revelations 5:1-10
And I saw in the right hand of him who was seated on the throne a scroll written within and on the back, sealed with seven seals; 2 and I saw a
strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?" 3 And no one in heaven or on earth or under
the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it, 4 and I wept much that no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it. 5 Then
one of the elders said to me, "Weep not; lo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and
its seven seals." 6 And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders, I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been
slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth; 7 and he went and took the scroll from
the right hand of him who was seated on the throne. 8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty - four elders fell
down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints; 9 and they sang a new
song, saying, "Worthy art thou to take the scroll and to open its seals, for thou wast slain and by thy blood didst ransom men for God from every
tribe and tongue and people and nation, 10 and hast made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on earth."
Your Participation
As each of us sit down for our mediations the Bible speaks to us differently. We encourage you to join the scripture reasoning. You can
contact us several ways.
Post: InIversal RasTafarI Community C/O Jamaica Office - #2 Terra Cotta Close Kingston 8, Jamaica, W.I
Email: [email protected]
Contact your local IRASCOM Ambassador; their contact information is located on the back cover.
June’s Scripture
Romans 14:1-14
As for the man who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not for disputes over opinions. 2 One believes he may eat anything, while the weak man
eats only vegetables. 3 Let not him who eats despise him who abstains, and let not him who abstains pass judgment on him who eats; for God
has welcomed him. 4 Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be
upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand. 5 One man esteems one day as better than another, while another man esteems all days alike.
Let every one be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. He also who eats, eats in honor of
the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while he who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7 None of us lives to
himself, and none of us dies to himself. 8 If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we
die, we are the Lord's. 9 For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. 10 Why do you pass
judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God; 11 for it is written,
"As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God." 12 So each of us shall give account of himself to
God. 13 Then let us no more pass judgment on one another, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.
14 I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but it is unclean for any one who thinks it unclean.
Haile Selassie I, The Promised King
By: Ras Haile Mikael
Haile Selassie I was born on the 16th Hamle 1884(23 rd
July 1892) in Ejarsa Goro, a small city annexed to Harar, the
province of renegades. It is legend that years, in fact centuries,
before Haile Selassie I was born astrologers and wise men,
including Bible scholars were foretelling the birth of a child who
would be responsible for the salvation of Ethiopia and the
establishment of the rule of Igziabeher on earth. Owing to this, it
was one of the rare times that science and religion had combined
to herald an historic event.
Scientifically, Sabeans (anglicized as stargazers) detected in 1399 the
transitioning towards each other of two
zodiacal bodies viz Neptune and Pluto,
relating that the bodies would eclipse in
493 years that would happen in 1892.
When eclipsed, these two bodies would
mysteriously influence the constellation
Leo, the sign under which the Promised
child was born.
Bible Scholars in an esoteric manner calculated the numerological
hints provided by the Metshaf Kidus (Ethiopian Bible) to
substantiate their prognostication. According to these scholars, the
Metshaf Kidus implied that 7 times after the fall of Jerusalem, the
Almighty shall reign in the Kingdom of men.
“Besewoch mengist ley indiseletin…isketawek dires…sebat
zemenatin yalfibhal.” Book of Daniel
But to many the birth of Haile Selassie I still had more
political than religious and other significance. Haile Selassie I to
these was born as the political savior of Ethiopia and was
instrumental in its survival in the modern world. His birth had taken
on more than just a religious, millenarian connotation. This youth
would be responsible for charting a course for the political,
economic and social development of the modern world.
When Haile Selassie I was born, Ethiopia was ruled by
Menelik 11, who along with Ras Makonin and Empress Taitu and
Gobezayehu defeated the Italians at Adwa in 1888 (1896). The
Battle of Adwa was a result of the incomprehension of the treaty of
Wuchale and an expression of European expansionist vision. The
shamed defeat of the Italians left no doubt in the minds of
Ethiopians that these marauding elements would return to
complete their unfinished business of civilizing a savage people
(this was the pretext used by Italy when it was planning the 1936
aggression). But when they do return, Ethiopia as always, will
produce one with the political genius & and the diplomatic
maneuverability to stem their tide. This was the hope of all
Ethiopians aquainted with Italy’s need to colonise Ethiopia). Apart
from this hope expressed by a crosss-section of Ethiopians, still
others were foreseeing the emergence of a new wave of
Ethiopians both rulers and civilians who would be responsible for a
unified Ethiopia and by extension, a unified Africa. As is traditrional
in Ethiopia, the Emperor would be father of this Unification process.
Emperor Tewodros, the protagonist of Mordern Ethiopianism had
had expressed that a line of Ethiopian rulers
would continue his tradition. Tewodros reigned
from 1855-1886 and was instrumental in
bringing about the eventual end to feudalism in
Ethiopia, the use of Amharic as the vernacular
tongue and in opening diplomatic relation with
the rest of the world, all of which was furthered
and completed by Haile Selassie I.
Sahle Selassie, the great Shoan
Noble, in naming Sahle Mariam, Menelik 2nd, was prophesying
that a king would reign who would reconstruct the Ethiopian Empire
originally constructed by Menelik 1st, son of Solomon and Queen of
Sheba. This work, however, was fulfilled by HIM Haile Selassie I.
Even Empress Taitu was inspired to Build Addis Abeba (New
Flower) to become the capital city of this great King. ¯
Bear Mountain, NY – USA
All Summer Long
Zion Weekend Retreats
Contact: Dashawey 718/882-2079
Website: www.ZIONTROD.com
All-Inclusive: Transportation, Meals, Lodging, Crafts and
Activities, Sabbath Services
Activities Include: African Drumming, Morning Worship, Nightly
Open Reasonings.
Through the summer there will be different focuses such as
Silence & Meditation, Natural Healthy Living & Eating, Art &
Crafts, Drum Making.
Cost: $65 single - $95 Family of 4
The Start of the Summer Reggae Season in the United States
By: Sister April
All pictures in this article © 2005 ThatReggaeWoman
Greetings in the name of The Most High from whom ALL blessings
Since Reggae season is well underway, I thought I would review
some of the shows I have been blessed to see so far.
“Are you blessed?” Ras Bumpa
asked us and blessed we were to see him
as well as others in the Mt Nebo Record
family who were on the Talking Roots II
Tour at the Grey Eagle in Asheville, May
13th, 2005. After a slow start due to I- 95
traffic, the Bambu Station Band took the
stage to back the numerous performers
present that evening. Some were old
friends, some new. No one disappointed,
while a few offered us some pleasant
IJAH Menelik
surprises. All the performers that evening
were in top form and the night started with
IJAH Menelik, a chanter from Montserrat
now based in the DC area. His set was
excellent, full of loving Fiyah. I love this
man’s voice. He’s a chanter who can really
sing. His new CD “Utopia” proves that as
well. I would highly recommend it. I’ve
been playing it a lot since I picked it up at
the show.
Next came Black Culture,
another excellent performer, from Virginia.
Black Culture
His beautiful song “Haile I Selassie I” is one
of my favorites on the Talking
Roots II (TRII) CD. A nononsense performer bringing
forth his message, but definitely
reaching the faithful that Friday.
Ras Bumpa from St
Thomas,currently residing in the
Ras Bumpa
Atlanta area, came next. He is
chanter with charisma and Fiyah.
The audience always moves in close when
he takes the stage. Ras Bumpa has a
strong spiritual presence. I love the way
Ras B lends support to the other artists of
the tour while they perform. He is a
generous, gracious man.
We were also blessed to hear Iba
as well. This JAH Lion has a distinct
beautiful voice and powerful spiritual vibe. I
have seen Iba on a few occasions and he is
always a favorite with me and with the audience.
One of the surprises of the evening, had to be Lady
Passion. She had everyone under her spell. What a voice! She, of
course, performed her “Never Change My Mind” from the TRII CD.
I spoke with her later in the evening and found her to be very
humble and down to earth. She seemed very pleased with the
reaction and acceptance that came from the audience. Everyone
seemed to love her.
The last performers of the evening
were Bambu Station. Jalani’s beautiful vocals
lifted us up. They previewed some new
material from their upcoming CD “Bird’s I
View” much to our delight. This band never
fails to amaze me. They play back up for all
the other performers and never falter even
after 4 hours straight. Big UP to all Bambu
Station... Andy (drums), Warren (bass),
Lady Passion
Jamal (keys), Tuff Lion (guitar – more about
him later) and Jalani. They are the backbone of this tour and the
The big surprise of the evening was Tuff Lion. He has
remarked that he doesn’t consider himself
a singer, but man, he was a singer at this
show. The audience was loving him.His
excellent performance started off with his
beautiful song “Good Works.” In the past,
when I have seen him sing, he has been
very low key and reserved. Tonight he was
pure Fiyah. Everyone in the place was with
him. Beautiful.
The show ended with everyone
onstage. Unfortunately, though I thought I
Tuff Lion
would remember the last song, it has slipped
my mind. But what hasn’t slipped my mind or my spirit was another
beautiful show by the Mt Nebo family.
For more information, please go to www.mtneborecords.com
May 25, 2005 – The Orange Peel, Asheville, NC – Morgan
A Wednesday night is probably not the best night for
Reggae in Asheville. The audience was surprisingly small for the
first family of Reggae. Unfortunately, Una is not on this tour. Peter
later told me that she was taking a break to spend some time with
her children after hard work on their new CD “Full Circle,” now
available. I think the combination of a weeknight and Una’s
absence brought down the normally strong spiritual vibe at a
Morgan Heritage show. They played songs from the new CD and
some old standbys. Although the show was not bad, in my opinion,
it was not up to what I have heard before from Morgan Heritage. As
usual, they did come out to meet with fans after the show, which is
SoulJahs Inna Captivity
By: Ras Miles Jacob Marley
“Remember Those Who Are Prisoners, As Though You Were In Prison”
Hebrew 13:3
Blessings in the name of The Most High Jah Rastafari.......Selassie
I The First.
Welcome to Vol. 4 of IRASCOM Journal. In this issue I
would like to share with all an article which appeared in I home
town news paper ‘The Daytona Beach News Journal’ and also in
‘USA Today,’ some people may have already read this, but I would
like to share this so ht at one’s can sight how when one’s are
unified things can and will happen. To use a verse from one of
Burning Spear’s songs, “Calling Rastafari.......Sons and Daughters
of His Majesty”
The Daytona Beach News Journal - Wednesday June 1, 2005
“Court says prisons must accommodate religion”
Associated Press.....Washington
The Supreme Court sided with a Witch, a Satanist and a
radical separatist Tuesday, upholding a federal law requiring state
prisons to accommodate the religious affiliations of inmates. The
three Ohio prisoners sued under the 2000 federal law, claiming
they were denied access to religious literature and ceremonial
items and denied time to worship. The law says states that receive
federal money must accommodate prisoner’s religious beliefs, with
such things as special haircuts or meals, unless the warden can
show that the government has a compelling reason not to.
The court’s unanimous ruling addressed a narrow issue:
whether the law as written is an unconstitutional government
promotion of religion. It is not, justices decided, leaving the door
open to future legal challenges on other grounds.
“Religion plays a vital role in rehabilitation,” said Dereck
Gaubatz, director of litigation for The Becket Fund for Religious
Liberty, a religious law ilberty law firm that represents inmates.
Many states have contested the law on grounds that inmate
request could make it harder to manage prisons, and the court
appeared concerned as well. The law “does not elevate
accommodation of religious observances over an institution’s need
to maintain order and safety,” Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said
from the bench in announcing the decision. Ginsburg said judges
who handle inmate cases should give deference to prison
administrators. “I think this was a net win for the prisons,” said
Marci Hamilton, a church-state scholar at Cardoza School of Law.
Douglas Cole, Ohio solicitor, said that the ruling could inspire more
inmate demands. “However,” he said, “we’re encouraged that the
court recognized that these inmates religious practices can pose
significant safety concerns for prison administrators.” Tuesday’s
decision overturns a ruling by the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit
Court or Appeals, which has struck down part of the law, the
Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, on grounds it
violated the separation of church and state. Ohio will likely continue
its challenge to the law, Cole said. Elizabeth Cooke, a clinical law
professor at Ohio State University who represented inmates in the
court case, said they will press ahead with accommodation
request, including a five point star for the witch, called Wiccan, and
hammer and charms for prisoners who are members of Asatru and
worship old Norse deities. “Inmates who practice non- mainstream
religions have suffered,” Cooke said [end of article].
I personally feel the importance of this article, even
through there is no mention of Rastafari, it clearly opens up the
doors for InI struggle. This has been, as stated before by I, a large
struggle with in the state prisons, as far as allowing one’s to have a
spiritual service on their day of worship. One of the reasons for this
is because, as policy states, there must have a representative from
the outside to conduct services. Bu, it also states that if one cannot
be provided, then security personnel must be provided and present
at time of service. ¯
So let the struggle continue.......Again
“Calling Rastafari...Sons and Daughters of His Majesty”
Be InI Brothers and Sisters Keepers
Jah Bless,
Ras Miles Jacob Marley
Adopt A SoulJah
Ras Rodney Wing
F.C.I. Miami
P.O. Box 77900
Miami, Florida 33177
HIM’s Earthlight
July 23,1892 represents for I the sprouting of the seed of the
Solomonic Line. It is the first revelation for InI. It is the first
formation of InI Roots. How ironic for I when I went to the Post
office to obtain a P.O. Box for I Prison Ministry this was the number
they gave I, 1892. It also reminds I to Fear Jah, for if ones look at it
from a numerology standpoint it equals out to a huge day of
tragedy. It is a day of redemption. So Seek Jah, Know Jah, Praise
Jah and Love Jah......Rastafari
a blessing. They cheerfully answered questions and posed for
pictures. Peter explained to me about Una and the family seemed
delighted someone asked about her. Peter said they would be back
in the fall. I felt he overstood about this show. They kindly posed for
a picture for me and then were off. I’m still glad I went and will
definitely be back for the fall show. Not all Reggae shows can be
astounding. Sometimes the vibes just aren’t there. No shame, no
blame...JAH will.
For more info: www.morganheritagemusic.com
June 6, 2005 – The Orange Peel, Asheville, NC – Midnite
Controversy seems to swirl around Midnite. Some people
think they should never change, some people say they need to
change, some people don’t like their new changes, seems you just
can’t win sometimes. I will say this, after seriously thinking of
skipping this show, I am so grateful I changed my mind at the last
Know Thyself
Ras Ryjah “Muata” Daley
Love and Raspect in Ivery Aspect, It is with great pleasure that I extend Iself to InI Sistren and Brethren,
who JAH has Blessed to read I thoughts. As I sit here and reflect on the past 13 years spent in the belly
of the beast, I have to Itinually give much Thanks and Praises to The Most High JAH Rastafari, for it is
only thru H.I.M. that I have been redeemed. Growing up in the heart of Kingston, Jamaica as a youth,
Rasta livity was looked down upon by the masses, because of their ignorance, of self and knowledge of
InI great and infinite past. JAH Rastafari, through the teachings of H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and
the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, has brought I into the knowledge of self and life’s purpose. InI
Brethren and Sistren, every experience that InI go through in life will help mold and discover the best in
thyself. Knowledge of self is the greatest knowledge of all, so InI must seek it, find it, and use it to break
the chains of psychological and spiritual enslavement. JAH Rastafari is InI light and salvation, for it is in
H.I.M. I find the strength to fight the beast day by day.
Much love and Raspect,
Ras Muata
Note from Ras Marley: I have come to know Ras Muata, for the past 3 years where I have seen him
grow more and more in knowledge and wisdom. He is a true Garveyite and has always put the needs of
the Rastafarian CommUNITY in F.C.C. Coleman, FL first, before his own. It has been a long hard
struggle for Ras Muata, but he always maintains his composure and dignity. I will forever have raspect
and love for him and am humbled and proud to have come in contact with him. Truly I am honored and
proud to call Ras Muata, My Brother....Jah Bless
Ras Ryjah “Muata” Daley
F.C.C. Medium
P.O. Box 1032
Coleman, Florida 33521
minute. I personally think Midnite is THE premier Roots Reggae
band, period. Vaughn is brilliant and he was obviously enjoying the
vibe from the audience. He shook hands with audience members; I
suspect some were friends in town for the show. I heard people say
they had come from Charlotte, Winston Salem, Greenville and
Raleigh for the show. It was not a sell out, but it was a very good
crowd especially for a weeknight. Vaughn mentioned to a few of us
later after the show that “the livity was still here” and he was so
right. They did new songs, they did old song and they were
wonderful. This new band was amazing, high energy and large
talent by all. I have never seen Vaughn so obviously enjoying
himself and when Vaughn is happy, everybody is happy. The
crowd was singing along, trancing, hugging, dancing. Pure
niceness! I found my own little isolated spot by the side of the
stage to do my dancing. To me, the new band lifted them up even
higher. I know some folks are not pleased with the change of lineup, but I personally think it has helped them. They seem to have
more energy, more fire. I don’t speculate on why, I just listen. I
have seen Midnite many times over the past few years and to me
this was the 2nd best Midnite show I’ve seen. I will say this; this
show was pure Roots, nothing else unlike other reports I have
heard. After the show, Vaughn and Ron chatted with fans and
posed for pictures, really nice vibe. Vaughn came outside to chat
and said to some friends and me and he said that many of the
youth in the Virgin Islands were now playing instruments and
singing. This seemed to delight him.
This show was a blessing to me because I have heard such
negativity around Midnite lately that I was not going to go. This was
a lesson to me about listening to others. Listen to others, but see
for yourself. The show was pure magic.
Vaughn Benjamin (vocals)
Ron Benjamin (keys and vocals)
Ryan Wilson (bass)
Jerry Simon (guitar)
Christian Molinna-Curet (drums)
For more information: www.midniteband.com
HIM’s Earthlight
First and foremost, it is a day of celebration; a time for thanks and
praises but also a time of reflection for me. A time to look back and
see where I am faltering on the path; a time to see if I can
strengthen my light and a time for prayer. I pray for the message of
Rastafari to be heard and increase throughout the world and I pray
for my own personal guidance in furthering this message. Selah.
Blessed Love... April
“I’m Officially A Man”
By: Ras Israel Berhane Mariam Smith
Earlier this light, a bredren came to InI ecstatic with what
he termed “good news.” Knowing that the bredren had been out of
work and diligently seeking a job, InI wrongly assumed that he had
found gainful employment and that was his good news. His good
news, “your lil bro (as he affectionately calls himself) is now
officially a man” he said. InI knew there was no need to query his
statement because he would soon enlighten InI and thus he said “I
had my first piece last night.” Silence begot InI as I had expected
news about him getting back into school, him sorting out his
relationship with his parents or him finding suitable employment,
none of which he said to InI. However, pure disgust hit me when
the bredren said “Your lil bro is officially a Man.”
It didn’t take him long to realize his mistake and the
damage was already done, being the responsible big brother that I
am, a good lecture was in order and InI saw the seriousness of his
crime and the need to correct his
Babylonian ways of thinking, but then I
realized that his school of though was
no different from that of black- men
Rastafarian men. When did we start
attributing “Manhood” to sexual
InI pondered this thought for
moment and tired to atleast map or
GPS the exact point in history where
the confusion would have been made. I
still have no certain answer, but InI am
sure that it came from the destruction
of our African Family Systems during
the years of slavery and brutality.
During that time is when fathers
stopped teaching their sons how to be men rather than horny,
testosterone driven, chemically imbalanced men. InI was then
reminded of that witty cliché often used on men, when we are
asked “What head are you thinking with, the one in your pants or
the one on your neck?”. Thinking about that cliché now, the first
time I heard it was when my earthly father said what he “thought”
was a compliment to me for honoring His Majesty’s example to
have InI youths in wedlock, and my father said “its good to see
your not thinking with that head inside your pants.”
I thought to Iself, maybe InI am onto something here and
InI found Iself examining two traditions of “officially becoming a
man.” The first was African Traditions and cultural practices. What
were they? What happened to them? Did they involve sexual
intercourse as a ‘transporting vehicle to manhood’? InI am sure
that we are all likely to be more familiar with the Barmitzvah Jewish
tradition when a boy reaches the age of maturity and is transported
to manhood. When a Jewish male child reaches the age of maturity
(13 years and one day for boys) that child becomes responsible for
himself under Jewish law; at this point a boy is said to become Bar
Mitzvah (son of the commandment). If we take a minute to exam
the ceremony that is comprised of singing, prayers and the
traditional reading from the torah, it is clear that sexual intercourse
was not a criteria for becoming a official man. But let’s not focus
on the Jewish traditions.
What about the African Traditions? Africans have
wisdom of the sacred and a sense of mystery; there is high
veneration for sacred places, persons and objects; sacred times
are celebrated and one such sacred time is the “becoming a man”
traditions that often involve ancestral mediation, bodily purification
and often life threatening undertakings or challenges that must be
completed. Such rites of passage, initiations and consecrations are
widespread through Mama Africa (even to this day), but we’ve
seemed to have left that part of our culture out of the African
Diaspora. InI am in no way promoting what may seem inhumane,
painfully and dangerous initiations. InI am advocating for a more
African centered school of thought,
more closely related to traditional and
spiritual practices of rites of passage
to first destroy and then reverse this
plague that beset our young bredrens
of what it means to “officially be a
InI sure we have all seen
the National Geographic Programs of
young African boys having their
bodies “mutilated”, pierced and diced
with razor markings. InI sure we are
familiar with the stories of having to
travel great distances, climbing
mountains, hunting wild beasts or
fetching the unthinkable. Or perhaps
we know of the tribes that separate
the young men into huts where they are purified, bathed, schooled
and then circumcised at such a late stage in the lives, all in the
name of MANHOOD! Not any of them involved sexual intercourse
as a qualification of manhood.
The second school of thought that InI start to follow, is
the biblical construct of manhood and it would only be redundant to
bombard you with scriptures upon scriptures of traditions,
teachings and practices of birthrights, rites of passages, and
initiations into manhood. None involved sexual intercourse as a
qualification of manhood.
InI think that I have gotten my point across! Fathers, lets
be better fathers, and young lions and princes, overs that the I’s
represent Royalty of a royal bloodline. Our wombman are to be
loved and cherished, not instruments or tools for us to achieve
Babylon’s misconception of what represents manhood. INI would
also like to take this opportunity to lobby our elders and Incients of
Rastafari to implement African traditions of rites of passage of
manhood for InI young lions who are coming forward. We must
start somewhere, so let’s start here and NOW! Nothing that
requires blood or is too painful, okay?¯
What’s In A Name?
How Biblical Names Reveal The Power And Role Of Women
By: Sister Janae
Greetings my Sistren! We all know that names contain
anointed him with perfume. Not only did they administer and tend
powerful vibrations and draw certain energies to those who carry
to the needs of the disciples and masses, they also helped spread
them. In light of this, it is important to overstand how names can
the message of the New Covenant. Mary (Miriam, Mariam, Maria
symbolize different qualities and help us to better intuit the
and Marie) means bitter, bitter waters, or myrrh. Throughout the
messages in the Bible. There are debates here and there about
ages, myrrh as been used to heal, purify, bless, and bring forth
whether the Bible should be taken literally or symbolically. Why not
peace. Mystically speaking, it is a very potent herb of feminine
both? In this portion of the Journal, I will discuss the names of a
energy and can be used with Frankincense, which has a masculine
few important women in the Bible and how these names reveal
vibration. Bitter is not only an emotion but a taste, used to describe
their earthly and spiritual roles.
some of the most powerful healing substances on Earth, thus
After establishing the lasting covenant between the
showing us that All Women Are Healers. The Trinity of Mary shows
Almighty and the seed of Abraham and Sarai,
us the completeness and holiness of
his wife, the Most High says to Abraham, “As
Womanhood. The presence of Virgin Mary,
for Sarai, your wife, you will no longer call her
Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany is a
Sarai; her name will be Sarah. I will bless her
testament to the powerful roles females play
and will surely give you a son by her. I will
when we are One with our purpose.
bless her so that she will be the mother of
Lastly and most importantly is the
nations; kings of peoples will come from her.”
sacred and original name of the Most High,
[Genesis 17:15-16] Sarai means contentious
Yahweh, also symbolized by the letters YHWH
or clashing, which symbolizes the imbalance
or sometimes JHVH (Jehovah). In short, these
that exists when we are not aligned with the
letters represent the fourfold principle of the
Divine. Notice that due her old age, she did
Almighty called the tetragrammaton. Here are
not believe that a child could be conceived
the meanings underlying these letters:
through her. She was ignorant of the power of
Y- yode or yod, the father or masculine aspect
JAH. Sarah means princess or nobel woman
H- he or hay, the mother or feminine aspect
revealing not only her social position, but a
W- waw, the son or child
higher state of consciousness after discovering
H – he or Hay, the mother of feminine aspect
the infinite potential of the Most High. Like
(this is repeated to represent the unity of Y,H
Virgin Mary, she did not bring forth a child
and W which is form or the Earth pricnciple)
through Flesh, but through Spirit. The lesson that she teaches us
From this we can see that the essence of Woman is firmly
can be overstood through her seed, Isaac, meaning laughter or joy;
integrated in all of Creation. Our Crown was established before the
for then she could rejoice through the knowledge that JAH was with
dawning of time. Womanhood is a Divine and Majestic position.
her. This is the bliss of knowing our rightful place as Daughters of
We must learn to love who we are and not be afraid to seize our
the Most High.
spiritual inheritance.
The book of Ruth tells of a woman who remains steadfast
Throughout the ages, much of the ancient texts that are
in her resolve to live with and support Naomi, her mother-in-law,
the foundation of the Bible have been altered and hidden in order
after all the men in their household died. Ruth means friend or
to benefit those in power. As a result, we may never know the
friendship. She is love. When her Naomi tries to send her back to
stories of many of the women who contributed to Biblical history.
her people, Ruth states, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn
Yet, through what is known about some of them, we can still
back from you. Where you go I will go and where you stay I will
overstand the Fullness and Sacredness of Womanhood by
stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.
realizing their social and spiritual significance. ¯
Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord
deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything, but death
separates you and me.” [Ruth 1:16-18] Through many tribulations,
HIM’s Earthlight
she remained devoted to her mother-in-law. She expresses the
strength within every woman to trod such long, rough roads with
HIM is a Mystic; meaning that he is an initiate into the ways of the
steadfast devotion and love regardless of the numerous hardships
Almighty. Through his lineage, discipline, sincerity, commitment
we face. She also teaches us of the duties and responsibilities that
and love, HIM lives as the Son of Man/Son of God. He is an
we have to each other as sistren. In recent times, friendship is
example of Divine Love and Knowledge uniting the Flesh and
taken lightly, but in truth, it is a pledge of unconditional respect and
Spirit. We must emulate HIM. This is how we not only overstand,
support; an embodiment of Divine Love.
but also BECOME Daughters and Sons of the Most High. HIM’s
Though all of the powerful women in the Bible cannot be
Earth Light is a reminder of our true nature.
mentioned, I could not write this article without discussing the
~Sista Janae
name, Mary. Three Marys surround Christ, which include his Virgin
mother, his companion, Mary Magdalene and Mary of Bethany who
No Time To Waste
By: Lij Marques Benjamin
Morgan Heritage’s new CD “Full Circle” blessed I with the inspiration for this month. The words “Hail Up The Lion” rings true in InI
heart. Yes, the youth have no time to waste. Too often, I believe, the youth feel they cannot start the revolution of peace until they reach the
adulthood. We have to start now if InI are to achieve victory over Babylon.
The leaders of the world say that we are not responsible and we cannot be left to make a responsible decision as youths. If
we accept this judgment and do not strive to exceed it, we are no greater then the limitations placed upon InI. We, the youth, must achieve
unification first, as an example to the global village.
There is so much work to do and few shoulders to bear the load. To use an analogy, children can lay the foundation, build
the house, and live in it too. We are underestimated because the mistakes of the foolish are blamed on the group as a whole. For some, this is
a curse. I, on the other hand, take this as a gift. I am expected to make mistakes; therefore I am set free to work towards spreading JAH love
and inity, without concern or hesitation that restricts some from doing their woks.
The time is NOW to initiate change for better future, collectively. The youth are unseen, but we are not powerless by far. To
be straightforward, the president of a major corporation in a rich nation will not care how many children die for lack of life’s basic necessities.
That is so sad, but true. The world’s largest consumer group is the youth and it is this realization that may prove to be a catalyst for a new
I know that RasTafarI is a non- materialistic movement. However, any peaceful means available to InI should, in my humble
opinion, be used to accomplish the quest of the Most High:
"We must become members of a new race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to nations, but to our fellow
men within the human community."
Unification could occur ten or twenty years from now. By then, it could be too late. Mistakes are made every day, are we
going to sit around waiting for that one error. Because that is all it could take; just one second, one error, and we may never be united as one
people. There will be poor and rich; Jews, Christians, Rastas, and Muslims; there will be free and the subjugated. InI hope that the right
decision is made when the time comes. I don’t see the wisdom in postponing what could very well happen today and risk another day in
disunity. ¯
Therefore, Rastafari ceremonial activities are InI
unifying force centered on Emperor Haile Selassie I’s mission of
African Unity.
Rastafari demolished the racial barriers at the summit,
when men, women and children from the four corners of the Earth
pull together in harmony and toiled for Rastafari unification. Ones
and ones work as a team on social issues and agreed to continue
the works after the summit. Since the links are established which
will allow InI to trod to the Americas and in the future Africa. InI
must take advantage of these new avenues of opportunities for the
global progress of the Rastafari nation.
The workshop conducted by Ras Nathaniel of Chicago,
USA. Manifested the teachings H.I.M. on education has been
carried out by Rastafari children in these modern times.
The census documents that I viewed had mathematical
scientist, computer analysis, civil engineer, electro mechanical
engineer, agricultural specialist, lawyers, construction workers,
architects, economists, sociologists, professional musicians, arts &
crafts specialists, graphic art specialists, public relations
specialists, educators, administrators, plastic arts teacher, military
specialists, international marketing specialists, priests, refrigeration
specialist, solar energy specialist and many other career fields. InI
have the skills bank needed to build a nation with this small
segment of the nation. If InI conduct a global census, the skills
bank will reflect a great work force to build the nation.
Strategies have to be implemented to accomplish this
major task. I hope that ones who participated on the census
project take charge and implement it in their regions. If this is done
forward the census documents to Ras Nathaniel email:
[email protected].
The Rastafari family workshop created a great outcry for
the betterment of the first unit of the nation. It stresses that
interaction among man, woman and children must improve and
education should be not just for the children, but the whole family.
Moreover, it was reasoned that Rastafarians should follow the
example of the Emperor and Empress, whereas one should have
one wife. This example should be the standard for the Rastafari
family. However, InI will forward into the future and see the result
with the growth of the nation.
One high moment of the summit was the presentation of
the resurgence of the Black Star liner. The presenter of this
proposal was Maritime Captain, maritime educator and ship
restorer Jacques Valentin Ramos.
Email address:
[email protected] During the presentation he was assisted
by Etherbert Mapp, a maritime and commercial lawyer and a Pan
African. Email: [email protected]. The intent of this proposal
is to set up all necessary legal documentation of a maritime
company with the travel chart of the sea vessel(s) in and around
the Caribbean, Central, North, South America and Africa. The
objective of this maritime company is for the dream of Honorable
Marcus Mosiah Garvey back to Africa efforts be activated and to
institute trade and repatriation efforts among the African in the
Diaspora and Africa.
Also, a telephone conference was conducted between
members of the Pan African Commission of Barbados, several of
the summit delegates that included members of the Nyahbinghi
and Bobo Ashanti houses, the Hispanic & USA delegates and Pan
Africans of Panama. Ras Ikael Tafari, Director of the commission
The Golden Declaration
Our people of Ethiopia! Listen! Thanks be to Almighty God who is impartial to all. Who can break the
arms of the strong and who stands by the oppressed?
When Our long- time enemy, Italy, crossed Our border and occupied our country by aggressive
force, we fought to defend our country as much as we could and then went to Europe to solicit help while you,
patriots of Ethiopia, continued the struggle and waited for us fighting day and night in the forests and
mountains against the militarily superior brutal enemy, in taking advantage of your natural heroism as your
greatest weapon, never putting aside your swords, abandoning your flag or surrendering to alien rule.
As you now see, your five-year struggle has made it possible for you to witness the fruits of your
efforts and sacrifices. We have told you before that we have brought for you with us, the aid of Great Britain,
which promised us to completely dispel our enemy from our country and restore our independence. Our
happiness is boundless when we announce to you that we have returned to our beloved country, with God's
will, and to be present amidst our people whom we have been missing for some time. Our people of Ethiopia
you know how grim life is to people robbed of their government, independence and their motherland. The time
has now come when each and everyone of us should protect and serve our beloved country, Ethiopia, with
more zeal and vigor.
The Almighty God has been merciful to all of us. Therefore, we have given mercy to those of you who, willingly or unwillingly, betrayed
your country and your Emperor while here or abroad, and we urge you, wherever you may be, to raise your arms against the enemy who has
come, determined to destroy your race, confiscate your property and spoil your name. Now you must throw him out of Ethiopia. Italy is now in
great despair, pressured by Great Britain's air, sea and land forces and those Italian soldiers remaining in our country will not be beyond the
challenge of our reliable patriotic forces. We express our gratitude to the government and people of Great Britain, for all the world to hear, on
behalf of you and ourselves, for the warm, generous and cordial reception and welcome they accorded us during our most trying period. Long
live independent Ethiopia! Long live Great Britain!"
~ H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I
in mentioned was the main speaker on the proposal referencing
the Black Star liner. The outcome of the telephone conference was
to establish a committee to develop the legal documentation to set
up the maritime company and find the finance to purchase or lease
the first ship for the implementation of the maritime company. The
emails above and below: 1) Attorney Dr. Abdulkhabeer
Muhammad, [email protected], 2) Professor Geraldo
Maloney, Sociologist belongs to the key players that can be
contacted to install a committee for the proposal shown above. I
hope the keys players start the process and incorporate
Rastafarian and Pan African Organizations to implement this
maritime venture.
Other projects were presented on sustainable
development programs for the economic backbone of InI nation.
Such projects are organic agriculture presented by Negus Eric,
organic agricultural specialist and a Rastafari community project
presented by two young architects from the University of Panama
sustain by alternate solar energy. Another project was presented
by David Hinds (Steele Pulse) on Aid to Africa for the AIDS
program. The intent of Ras David Hind’s project is to organize fund
raising concert tours to fund to AIDS project. However, Ras David
Hinds wants the funds to be managed by Pan African
I left the Global Rastafari Government proposal last
because it is a very sensitive matter. However, it is a matter that
InI must consider in order to forward Rastafari future generations
into and beyond the future of InI livity. IRASCOM presented a well
thought out document that can be utilized to facilitate a global
Rastafari government. If the Rastafari houses and mansions
accept this proposal it can serve InI aims for the unification and to
establishment InI nation among the world organizations and
governments. The Hispanic delegates priority on their return home
will be to set up Rastafari NGOs and thereafter form a Hispanic
Rastafari confederation.
This document will be part of the summit’s final report
and it will be available to all houses and mansions of Rastafari.
During the summit the Hispanic and English delegates agreed to
work as a team to manifest this proposal with the assistance and
support of the Rastafari global collective.
Rastafari way of life as taken on dimensions that have
transcended all spiritual movements. Rastafari has become a
commercial industry globally. Business organizations in Asia,
America and Europe are producing and selling InI culture icons as
fashion. To protect InI way of life and preserve it as a life culture,
InI must be one unit to demand the legal rights from the
commercial giants of the world. A Rastafari Global Government is
a must!!!
I suggest that the nation develop an agenda for the next
global reasoning and that a election of officer for the Rastafari
Government be the focus. Also, that all houses and mansions
participate in the development of the agenda, select
representatives for the election process, acceptance of a Rastafari
Organizational Document and the selections of the reasoning
venue and the Headquarter for the Global Government.
Therefore, I Ras Sela humble servant of Ethiopia’s King
of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
H.I.M. Emperor Haile Selassie I and Empress Menen I give these
observations and suggestions for the ones views and I give full
support to the unification of InI nation unconditionally.
Ras Sela
InIversal RasTafarI Community
c/o Jamaica Office
#2 Terra Cotta Close
Kingston 8, Jamaica, W.I
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