Happy Holidays - Kings Charter
Happy Holidays - Kings Charter
[email protected] http//www.kingscharter.net Volume 20, Issue 12 December 2008 Happy Holidays Holiday Gala Board Briefs Co-Chairs Sherin Ferguson 550-3573 Kathy Barber 550-1223 Once again the Holiday Gala will be held at The Manor House on Saturday, December 6 from 7:30Midnight. Start out the holiday season by joining your friends and neighbors at the Kings Charter Gala. Reconnect with old friends and meet new ones. The menu will include fresh fruit, veggies and dips, hot seafood mousse, and raspberry brie. The hot hors`doeuvres will be scallops wrapped in bacon, potato skins stuffed with cheddar cheese, bacon and sour cream. There will be a chef’s station with petite crab cakes, bourbon glazed flank steak and smoked roast turkey on petite croissants or soft rolls. There will also be a Caesar salad station with chicken, shrimp, grilled steak and toppings. For dessert there will be hot coffee, cookies, cream puff bars along with a chocolate fountain. There will also be strawberries, pretzels, marshmallow, cherry cookies and wafers for dipping. Your ticket price includes food, open bar and music. The DJ will be Ron Gilder with Choice Entertainment. The dress code is holiday semi-formal. Catering by Jill will provide the food. Board Actions from November 6, 2008 Approved all committee charters, committee chairs and committee members for 2009. Reviewed four proposals for grounds contract for 2009-2011. Accepted Tuckahoe Landscaping proposal. Authorized Design Management to begin the rewrite of the Architectural Standards. Authorized the purchase and installation of two signs stating “Common area for use and enjoyment by Kings Charter owners and guests only.” One sign is to be installed at each lake. Approved a homeowner a one year extension to keep their dock through December 31, 2009. Clubhouse Reservations Beginning, January 1, 2009 the Clubhouse hours will be as follows: Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM If you have reserved the Clubhouse for a private event, please remember that it is your responsibility to pick up the key to the Great Room during Clubhouse hours (your key FOB will not gain you access to the great room). If your event begins before the Clubhouse is open, please remember to pick up your key the day prior to the event. (See Reservations on page 3) The Kings Review December 2008 EVENTS BOARD 2009 Community Directory · Board of Directors meeting Thursday, December 4, at 7:00 PM. · ACC meeting Tuesday, December 9, at 7:00 PM. · Leaf pickup on Saturday, December 13 beginning at 7:00 AM. Remaining leaves will be picked up on Monday, December 15. · Clubhouse closed on Wednesday, December 24 and Thursday, December 25 in observance of the Christmas holiday. We are making plans now for the 2009 Community Directory. If you own a business, or work for a company and you would like to advertise in the directory, please bring your camera ready art work to the Clubhouse. The Clubhouse staff will be collecting the art work for the printer. H anover H ome TERRI L. MACKEY Services Cathe Shuber Locally owned business for 5 years Taking care of Customers like Family Home Cleaning isn ’t just a luxury anymore, it ’s a necessity. 9291 Laurel Grove Rd. Suite 205 Mechanicsville, VA 23116 Phone: 804 -559-4353 Fax: 804 -559-4355 Cell: 370 -9334 [email protected] CARING FOR THE COMMUNITY WE LIVE IN Work, school functions, or shopping leaves very little free time . How nice would it be to come home to a freshly cleaned house. We offer one time, weekly, bibi- weekly and monthly services. We use the same trustworthy team each week in your house to assure that personal touch. touch. *** Ask about job opportunities *** We also can refer you to other trusted local companies such as: Home Remodeling, Auto Repair, Window Washing / Power Washing, Tree Services, Lawn Care or we can help you find other services you may need. Give the Gift of Time Home Cleaning Gift Certificates make a great gift for that special someone. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Licensed * * Bonded * OFF OFF * Insured * First Cleaning For Referrals Free Estimates $20.00 $10.00 Call 516 -6615 Resulting In New Business The Board Of Directors And The Clubhouse Staff Wish The Community A Safe And Happy Holiday Season When Visiting Family And Friends. The Clubhouse Will Be Closed on Wednesday, December 24 And Thursday, December 25 In Observance Of The Holiday. New Homes/Renovations Landscape Lighting Emergency Service Calls No Job Too Big Or Too Small PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OFFICE: (804) 276-2800 FAX: (804) 276-7342 W. G. SPEEKS, INC. HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING LIC. #2701-01246A “Your Residential Electrical Specialists” Michael Light 10711 PAULBROOK DRIVE MIDLOTHIAN, VA 23112 Page 2 2519 Pump Road Richmond, VA 23233 Office (804) 241-2793 thelightconnection@ cocmast.net The Kings Review December 2008 Protect Your Home From Holiday Burglaries Please be aware that the holiday season provides tempting opportunities for criminals to burglarize your home. The Sheriff’s Office recommends: All outside doors should be made of solid wood or metal. Inspect your doors for good fit, check wooden doors for any cracks and install a wide-angle door viewer. All exterior doors need to be well-lit on the outside. Select strong, reliable locks for your home. Always lock your doors when leaving. No matter how short or long the trips, lock all deadbolt locks. Windows and glass doors need special care to make sure they are locked. Check the manufacturer’s special instructions for securing windows and sliding glass doors. Use your lights effectively on the outside and inside your home. Set your lights on timers so they will come on and go off at different times. This could include your TV for more noise. Talk to a trusted neighbor if you are leaving for any number of days. You may want to tell them where you can be contacted. Do not display gifts where they can be seen from the outside. When strangers come to your door, be cautious. Criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts. Reservations from page 1 The fee for reserving the Clubhouse is $50 for three (3) hours or less and $75 for more than three (3) hours. Our Clubhouse facility is a great asset to the community. P r e se n te d b y T h e A tle e A r ts T e a m C h r istm a s E ve 4 :0 0 , 6 :0 0 o r 8 :0 0 P M New Clubhouse Hours Effective 2009 Effective January 1, 2009, the Clubhouse will close at 8:00 PM Monday through Thursday instead of 8:30 PM. Friday’s will remain 9:00 AM-6:00 PM. On Saturday and Sunday, the Clubhouse will close at 5:00 PM. F ree C oncert S e a ts a r e L im ite d T ic k e ts A va ila b le in A d va n c e C h ild ca r e p r o vid edfo r In fa n ts – P r esch o o l A tl e e C o m m u n i ty C h u r c h 7 1 7 1 V e rd i L a n e M e c h a n ic s v i ll e , V A 2 3 1 1 6 (8 0 4 ) 7 3 0 -3 6 7 6 Page 3 The Kings Review Ask Dr. Bird December 2008 Marine Corps Toys For Tots Holiday Open House Atlee Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 804-550-1222 www.atleedentistry.com Q. During the holiday season, what can I do to make sure my children do not get any cavities from all the candy around the house? A. There is no need to feel you must completely deny your kids treats during the holidays. To help prevent decay a couple of things may help. It is much better for the candy to be eaten in one sitting rather than eating a little throughout the day. After eating candy, the child should brush their teeth immediately. If brushing is impossible, they should rinse their mouth out with water. This will help rinse some of the sugar out and lower the acidity level in the mouth. To help needy kids in our area this holiday season we are holding a Toys for Tots Holiday Open House on Sunday, December 7 from 1:00-4:00 PM in our home - 10296 Perrins Mill Lane. We are collecting new, unwrapped toys to be distributed as Christmas gifts to needy children all over the Richmond area. If your holiday schedule allows, please stop by our home for some eggnog and yummy treats and drop off a toy. We will be collecting toys until December 12. If you are unable to come to the Open House, please stop by our house any evening until December 16 and we will get the toys to those in charge. See you on December 7. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]. Mi Jalisco MEXICAN FAMILY RESTAURANT Adoption And Pet Care In the United States, there is an overpopulation of homeless pets. There are simply too many companion animals and not enough homes. But you can help. One way to start putting an end to pet overpopulation is to adopt your next pet from your local shelter or breed rescue group. By doing so you immediately give a home to an animal that did not have one, and you reduce the overall number of homeless pets out there. Go to the internet and key in rescue dogs and more about the adoption process. You will discover the advantages of adopting rather than buying an animal, and determine what type of pet is right for you. Once you find your new best friend, further explore the pages for information on behavior and training, ideal pet care, animal welfare issues, and how to keep your new pet safe. The Hanover Humane Society number is 7980806. BARK, 449-2275, is another local organization that deals with pet adoptions. Page 4 The Best Food And Friendly Service Kings Charter Village Shopping Center 9523-B Kings Charter Drive 550-4744 The Kings Review December 2008 Christmas Tree Ornament Staff will be decorating the Clubhouse the first week of December. If you are new to the neighborhood and have not donated an ornament for the Clubhouse tree, bring it during that time. Please put your name on the ornament and the year you moved into Kings Charter. Tennis News YMCA Y-Guides 2009 Christmas Tree Removal Service Mark your calendar for Saturday , January 3rd Chesapeake Tribe of the Patrick Henry YMCA Y -Guides Program will offer its annual tree removal service Pickup time is: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Please fasten your Donation of $7.00 (in a zip lock bag) to your tree, and place it at the curb and we will do the rest. Make checks payable to the YMCA Chesapeake Tribe Please call Craig Boggess, at 550-9451 if you have any questions, and thank you for your support. 9555 Kings Charter Dr. Suite E Ashland, VA 23005 50% off registration Phone: 804-550-0463 10% off 1st month [email protected] Email: [email protected] The Kings Charter Boys Bantam and Intermediate teams recently finished a successful Fall Season of match play in the Richmond Junior Suburban Tennis League. Many thanks to Mary Jane Spagnolo for coordinating both teams. Congratulations to the Girls Tennis Team at Chickahominy Middle School who finished #1 in Hanover and beat the top middle school in Richmond. Members of the team who live in Kings Charter include Maria Spiro, Greer Guncheon, Marissa St. George, Bailey Hall, Katharine Leitch, Madeline Wills, Emily Wills, Jessica Fairly, and Anna Maimone. The Fall Advanced Junior Development Program began the first week of November with 56 (elementary, middle school and high school) juniors. The Advanced Program is comprised of three levels, Intermediate, Advanced Development and Advanced Tournament Training. A Junior Tennis Party was held Friday, November 14. A junior tennis ladder is in the works so that juniors can participate in matchplay on an ongoing basis. On Monday evenings, the Adult “Stroke of the Week” clinic has become a hit for many diehard tennis players. The clinic will continue through the winter months as long as the weather permits. Do you need a Gift Certificate for Tennis Lessons? Buy a special Gift Certificate for that special someone – Package of 3 (1/2 hour) lessons for $50 (reg. $66) A special meeting on “The ABC’s of Junior Tennis – How To Get A Junior Ranking” will be held for parents on Saturday, January 18 at 10:00 a.m. in the Clubhouse. For more information, contact Brian Wills at [email protected] or 550-0151. Page 5 The Kings Review December 2008 DECEMBER 2008 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 Thursday Friday 4 5 Saturday 6 December 1 Mom’s Morning Out 9:30am Holiday Gala 7:30pm-Midnight Board Mtg. 7:00pm 7 8 9 10 11 12 Mom’s Morning Out 9:30am 13 Leaf Pickup 7:00am ACC Mtg. 7:00pm 14 15 16 18 19 20 26 27 2 3 9 10 17 Mom’s Morning Out 9:30am Newsletter Deadline 1 22 23 24 25 Clubhouse Closed Merry Christmas Clubhouse Closed January 1, 2009 28 29 30 31 ACC Deadline Happy New Year Clubhouse closes at 1:00pm 4 5 6 7 Clubhouse Closed 8 Mom’s Morning Out 9:30am Board Mtg. 7:00pm All locations are at the Clubhouse unless otherwise stated. Page 6 The Kings Review December 2008 Kings Charter Commercial Owner or Tenant Articles & Advertising * The primary purpose of the Kings Review is to communicate Association news and information to the membership. The secondary pur pose is to enable members to convey their family -oriented goods and services to each other. Advertising is available to Association member s in good standing, according to their membership, and on a first -come, first-served basis. Commercial members may insert display ads on a first -come, first -served basis and of business card size. Ads must be camera -ready as determined by staff. * KCOA does not take responsibility for information submitted nor does it promote any particular business or service. Classified Ads Any Association member may advertise goods or services available for sale. Each such entry may be up to three columnar lines. For Sale: Ethan Allen rocker/recliner -$80, 72” light beige sofa in EC -$450, area rugs- 8’ x 11’ & 9’ x 14’ beige w/blue border. Call 550 -3707. For Sale: Little Tikes 3 ft tall Barbie dollhouse. Excellent condition, some furniture -$75 Call Laura 559 -1175. For Sale: Roller Hockey equipment. Buy like equipment -mission skates, CCM & JOFA hockey helmets, girdles, elbow/knee pads & Koho stick. Mark Holmes, 901-1743. For Sale: New Select pet crate, 36”L x 25”H x 23”W - $85. Call 550 -0422. AtleeBiz.com is a FREE online directory of businesses serving the Atlee area. List your business or find a local merchant by going to AtleeBiz.com! Babysitting: Scarlett Bavin, 12 YO, very responsible & Red Cross certified. Call 804 -368-7499. Babysitting: 17 YO female senior available to baby sit. Red Cross certified, w/CPR and first -aid. Call Dillon McGhee at 730 -7622. Blisswear Holiday Open House: Wissie & Blair will be showing their fabulous handcrafted jewelry Saturday, Dec. 6, 11 ~ 3pm, Sunday, Dec. 7 1~4pm at 9190 Clearstream Terrace. For more info. [email protected] Childcare: KC mom has a full time childcare opening for ages birth to 4 years. Call Jeannie at 550 -0788. Childcare: Would you like to be able to shop, run errands or take a trip for the weekend? Retired Grandmother will care for your children in your home, weekends & after 5pm weekdays. Call Barbara at 417 -7766. Custom Framing For Less: Mat & frame samples brought to you. Free price estimates. Jody Hedstrom, 402-3189. Great Gifts: Shop online at www.ConfettiStationery.com for great gift giving ideas. We have lots of new products & an improved site! Earn discounts by hosting an online stationery party! Hedstrom Tile & Paint: Licensed, insured, w/references & free estimates. 804-874-3054. Mary Kay offers products everyone will love. From the latest looks to advanced skin care. Ask about our exciting product lines today! Trish Eads, Independent Beauty Consultant, www.marykay.com/peads. 550 -1331. Moon Bounce Rentals: KC residents enjoy $50 off rentals. See www.PlayroomFun.com or call 690-0948. Movie Magic: Turn your photos into a DVD for all to enjoy, w/music & text. Great for weddings/anniversaries/birthdays/demo available. I do it all for you. Call Becca Schieber, 550-2022 or [email protected] Painting: Interior, murals with excellent references & great prices. Call Carl Schieber at 550 -2022 or [email protected]. Pet Sitting: Allison Frasca, very exp. & great w/animals. Call 564 -3870 or 550-1809 & 730-2502. Email at [email protected]. Stork Rentals: KC residents enjoy 1/2 price rentals. See www.VaStorks.com, or call 690-0948. Wanted: Used 4 Wheeler (Battery Powered) for 5 yr old for Xmas, used dresser (now) 550-0151 Beth. Wanted: Ping pong table. Call Amy, 550 -1432. Your Personal Designer: Paint consultation a specialty. It’s not too late to get your house ready for those holiday gatherings -window treatments, area rugs, dining table, etc. Call Barbara Tomorowitz, 740 -3124 or 550-4762. Your Personal Painter: Interior specialist making the inside of your home more beautiful. Neat, clean & professional. Special rates for KC residents. Call David Johnson, 550 -1478. 9533 Kings Charter Drive Ashland, Virginia 23005 Phone: (804) 550-0434 Fax: (804) 550-0435 Hours: Monday-Saturday 10AM-7PM 9555 Kings Charter Dr. Suite G Ashland, VA 23005 (804) 550-1233 Jason Taylor Owner 9555 Kings Charter Drive, Suite M Ashland, VA 23005 Phone 804-550-3601 Fax 804-550-3603 Delivery Available Page 7 The Kings Review December 2008 DURON Community Watch Chairperson Needed The former Community Chairperson, Rita Wright has resigned, and we are looking for someone to replace her. Rita has been a wonderful volunteer and has worked very hard to make National Night Out an event that residents look forward to attending. She is stepping aside and this will give another resident the opportunity to bring their ideas to the committee. The overall responsibilities of the chairperson is to solicit owner participation in a Community Watch Program. Please call the Clubhouse, 550-2507 if you are interested in chairing this worthwhile committee. PAINTS & WALLCOVERINGS *NOW OPEN TO SERVICE YOU* ●Quality interior and exterior paints ●Full selection of tools, brushes & ladders 9555 Kings Charter Drive, Suite A (804) 550-5789 ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Present this ad at the store and receive $5 off on your next purchase of Duron paint. Store employee use allowance code 920 KC Committees Are Run By Volunteers OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT VALERIE L. BOWMAN, M.D., F.A.A.P. KIDS & CO. PEDIATRIC HEALTHCARE, INC. 9547 KINGS CHARTER DRIVE ASHLAND, VAL 23005 TELEPHONE: (804) 550-9700 FAX: (904) 550-0104 Play Baseball Or Softball This Spring! Online Registration begins January 5, 2009 Register online at www.atleelittleleague.com for a discounted price. Register in person on January 10 and January 31. Times and locations are the same for both dates. Registration is from 9:00 AM-Noon at Cool Spring Baptist Church. For more information see our web site or contact John Swierczewski, Player Agent, at 283-2654 or Marty Wilson at 363-1369. Challenger Baseball is being offered in the Spring of 2009. This is a program for mentally and physically challenged youth. See Challenger Information on the web site or contact Steve Van-Huss at svanhuss@ bbprintnet.com, 730-1827 or Steve Vehorn at [email protected], 550-2465. Architectural Control Committee · Mark Sprowl · 730-9170 This committee is required by the governing documents for enforcement of architectural standards and is intrinsic and critical to the preservation of property values. Budget Committee · Teresa Earles · 550-2309 Work with the Treasurer and Managing Agent to prepare and then review the budget for the Association. Community Watch Committee · VACANT Solicit owner participation in a community Crime Watch Program. Grounds Committee · Rob Roszkowski · 368-0061 Responsible for ensuring that the Association’s grounds contractor operates within the terms specified in the grounds contract, assisting in the development of specifications for grounds related contracts for bidding purposes, and suggesting ways to improve Kings Charter common areas. Wetlands Committee · Fred Clifford · 550-3617 Promote sound use of land surrounding the lakes and wetlands and the cleanliness of the bodies of water. Nominating Committee · David Johnson · 550-1478 Nominate as many people as are interested in running for vacant Board of Director positions. Recreation Committee · Steve Butler · 559-2347 Plan, coordinate and carry out events of a physical exercise or sport nature. Social Committee · Sharon Peffer · 746-7750 Plan, coordinate, and carry out activities and events of a social or recreational nature for all members. Swim Team Committee · Bonnijean Boggess · 5505491 Plan, coordinate and carry out activities and events related to the swim team. Web Site Committee · Steve Butler · 559-2347 Design and maintain an internet web site in support of the spirit and activities of the community. Get Involved!!! Volunteer! Page 8 The Kings Review December 2008 Social Committee Update Wrapping Up 2008 Wine Tasting In February ‘09 Sharon Peffer, Social Committee Chair Adam Raderer Personal Banker/Banking Officer Atlee Branch 9665 Sliding Hill Road Ashland, VA 23005 phone (804) 550-2300 fax (804) 550-3202 MEMBER UNION BANKSHARES CORPORATION [email protected] www.unionbankandtrust.com Karen Kalita Owner/President [email protected] 9555 Kings Charter Dr. Suite I Ashland, VA 23005 Ph: 804-550-PUMP (7867) The Social Committee is closing out the 2008 calendar of fun and successful events with the fabulous Holiday Gala on December 6th. Many thanks to Sherin Ferguson and Kathy Barber for planning this special night and I look forward to seeing many of you there. As we wrap up 2008, I wanted to share some summary statistics about the events your Social Committee has sponsored this year. Actually, the term “Social Committee” is a bit misleading, in that we do not have a standing group of individuals who plan every event. Rather, we have Event Coordinators for each event, and those folks recruit others to help them. This year, 13 individuals served in a coordinator role, planning and executing 11 different events. Over 1,000 KC residents of all ages attended these events. We managed a budget of over $20,000 in expenses and collected about $8,000 in income from ticket sales. More than 100 residents and one very enthusiastic Girl Scout troop volunteered to help with Social Committee events this year; several people helped at multiple events. To all those who helped in any way over this past year, I offer a huge “thanks!” To anyone who wants to help in any way in 2009, I offer a warm “welcome!” We will be publishing our full 2009 Calendar of Events in the January newsletter, but please “save the date” for the first event, the Wine Tasting , which will be held on Saturday, February 21st at the Clubhouse. Linda Wilkinson is coordinating this popular event, so please contact her at 730-7251 or [email protected] if you are interested in helping. As always, I welcome your comments and suggestions, so please feel free to contact me at 746- Lock Your Cars And House Doors The Hanover Sheriff’s Office cannot urge us enough to lock the doors to our homes and automobiles. Make sure the first floor windows are down and locked. Turn on the exterior lighting of your home and leave them on all night. Page 9 The Kings Review December 2008 The Kings Review Produced by Kings Charter Owners Association, Inc. c/o Community Group 4222 Cox Road Suite #110 Glen Allen, Virginia 23060 Join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 9:30 AM Meeting at Chickahominy Middle School 9450 Atlee Station Road Phone: 804-814-7433 Pastor: Clint Dowda Email: [email protected] Website: www.gcpres.org Member Services Please note that any assessment payment coupons mailed will be forwarded to the Innsbrook office. The address is as follows: Community Group, Inc. Post Office Box 27898 Newark, NJ 07101 804-270-1800 FAX 346-8640 [email protected] Member Services, Questions-Ext. 401 Resale Packages-Ext. 159 Managing Agent, Kris VanBenschoten Ext. 157 Account Associate, Carol White-Ext. 106 Clubhouse Email Address: [email protected] Published Monthly Deadline Date: 15th of each month Association members are invited to submit photos or articles of general interest to the Clubhouse. The Association reserves the right to accept, reject, or condense articles. Board of Directors President - Chris Pellegrino Vice President - David Johnson Treasurer - Teresa Earles Secretary—Doug Johnson Director - Rudy Burgess Managing Agent Kris VanBenschoten (804) 270-1800 Ext. 157 · FAX 346-8640 The Association takes no responsibility for the quality of items or services advertised in the classified section. Clubhouse Telephone (804) 550 -2507 FAX (804) 550-9079 Kitchen Telephone (804) 550-3640 Clubhouse Hours M-Th 9:00 A.M. - 8:30 P.M. Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sat. 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Sun. 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. Remember: If you sell your house, you must let the Managing Agent know! If you did not receive your Governing Documents during the closing process, please call the Managing Agent. Good Food, Good Service, Good Clean Restaurant Dine in or Dine out Open 7 days a week Lunch 11:30am - 2:30pm Dinner 4:30pm - 9:00pm Saturday dinner ONLY www.thaigourmetkitchen.com 550-0055 ACC Applications 9555 Kings Charter Dr. Suite F Ashland, VA 23005 The last day of the month is the last day to submit Architectural Control Committee applications. The committee meets on the second Tuesday of the following month to review submitted applications. If you are applying for a change, all affected residents surrounding your property must sign the application. If you are building an addition to your home or adding a shed, deck, playset, fence, or landscaping, it would be best if you attend the meeting, in the event the committee has any questions. The Clubhouse staff only collects the applications, makes copies for the committee members, and delivers them to their homes. If you have any questions, please call the Clubhouse, 550-2507. P.O. Box 6727 9555-K Kings Charter Drive Ashland, VA 23005 James Doye Service Manager Page 10 Phone (804) 550-4881 Fax (804) 550-4889 [email protected] The Kings Review December 2008 Holiday Decorating MARIO’S Architectural Control Committee (ACC) The ACC will be selecting homes between Monday, December 1 and Tuesday, December 9 for the “Most Original”, “Most Creative”, and the “Most Festive”. The ACC will select the winners at their meeting in December. The winners will each receive a $50 gift certificate. If you are driving throughout the neighborhood and see a home that you would like to nominate, please call the Clubhouse, 550-2507 and give staff the address. Italian Restaurant Pizza, Subs & More 550-0819 Kings Charter Village Shopping Center 9551 Kings Charter Drive Ashland, Virginia 23005 All Major Credit Cards Accepted Architectural Control Committee Guideline Note Making changes to your yard, or to the exterior of your home without prior written approval from the ACC may violate the Covenants governing Kings Charter. You may have to pay fines, pay to undo the changes you made, or both. Mark Dest 9555 Kings Charter Drive Suite B Ashland, VA 23005 Office: 804.550.0755 Cell: 804.200.2629 Fax: 866.887.8554 [email protected] www.reeltheatredesigns.com Absolute Security, Inc. ADT Authorized Dealer VADCJS Lic #11-3160 The First & Last Step to Printing Vandalism Report 9527 Kings Charter Dr. Ashland, Virginia 23005 Ph. 804.550.1607 Fax 804.550.1609 www.ashlandminutemanpress.com [email protected] The Sheriff’s Office has requested if vandalism occurs on your property, to please contact them immediately so they can take your report. These reports can lead to arrests. They are sometimes related to other acts of vandalism or crimes. Remove any valuables from your cars, lock your car doors, close your garage door and turn on the exterior lights of your home. If you see anyone doing damage to KCOA property or to an individual’s personal property, please call the Hanover Sheriff’s Office, 730 -6140. For Rent Reward Offered Related To Vandalism Individual Offices available at The Manor House in Kings Charter. Several approximately 250 square feet for $500 month each. Smaller office available for $300 month. Utilities included. Up to $500 will be awarded by KCOA to any person or persons providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of anybody responsible for crimes committed against Kings Charter Owners Association property. The amount of the reward will be determined by the Board of Directors of KCOA on a case-by-case basis, and will depend on the degree of damage caused by the perpetrators, the number of people involved in providing information and other factors. Call the Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, 730 -6140 or the Clubhouse, 550-2507 with any information . Please call Alan Shaia, 405-2641. Page 11 The Kings Review December 2008 FYI · Please walk your dogs on a leash and clean up after them. · No skateboards, roller blades or bicycles are permitted on the tennis courts or basketball court at any time. New Homeowners Apple Blossom Drive Jacqueline Droujinsky Charter Lake Drive Richard & Marie Healy Henderson Hall Road Robert Hickson & Delores Johnson Pecan Tree Court Robert Boswell Stephens Manor Drive John & Cary Reeves · · · · · · · · Manicure & Pedicure Men’s Back Wax Brazilian Waxing 60 min. Back Facial 30 min. Focus Hot Stone Massage 60 min. Facial 60 min. Massage 60 min. Body Polish Not to be combined with any other offer Packages must be booked and used by 1/31/09 Gratuities not included. Our other product lines include · Bare Escentuals · Dermalogica · Lolita painted glassware · Trailbeads jewelry · Chamilia jewelry 15th OF THE MONTH Leaf Pickup Christmas Pot Luck Lunch Monday, December 8 At the Clubhouse 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Bring a dish to share and a wrapped gift item of $10 or less for a gift exchange as we celebrate the season. Please see the enclosed flyer for more information regarding the leaf pickup collection for Kings Charter. Leaves are to be bagged, and are not to be placed at the curb until the evening before the announced date. If your leaves are not picked up on Saturday, they will be picked up on Monday. CUSTOM HOUSE CLEANING (804) 615-6426 Information about upcoming Bible studies in the New Year will be available. “The answer to your cleaning prayers” RSVP: Claire at 730-8818, by Friday, December 5 EVERYONE IS WELCOME! BRING A FRIEND! Page 12 House cleaning done the way it should be done, from top to bottom! All supplies and equipment provided. Work is 100% guaranteed! Licensed, Insured and Bonded • Member BBB • No Binding Contracts ONE-TIME / WEEKLY / BI-WEEKLY / MONTHLY / MOVE-IN / MOVE-OUT / FIRE, SMOKE OR SOOT DAMAGE
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